Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov
(MGGU im. M. A. Sholokhova)
Year of foundation

Nechaev Vladimir Dmitrievich

Master's degree

Russia, Moscow

Legal address

Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov- one of the leading universities in Russia in the field of humanitarian technologies and applied humanitarian knowledge.

The university provides all levels of the educational ladder: pre-university training, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, doctoral studies.

On the basis of Moscow State University. M.A. Sholokhov opened the Volunteer Center for the training of volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Sochi - 2014.

The name of the university is associated with the name of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, an outstanding Russian writer who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1965.


Emblem of the university 1951-2006

Moscow State University for the Humanities M. A. Sholokhov was established as the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute in 1951 (MGZPI).

In 1987, the university opened full-time departments for Muscovites at the faculties of Russian Language and Literature, Physics and Mathematics, Preschool Education, and Primary School. In the early 1990s, the MGZPI demonstrated high mobility and receptivity to modern realities, due to which in 1992 the MGZPI was renamed the Moscow State Open Pedagogical Institute (MGOPI).

On January 10, 1995, the word "institute" in the name changes to the word "university" and the university receives a new name - Moscow State Open Pedagogical University (MGOPU).

On May 16, 2000, by a decree of the Moscow government, the university was named after the writer M.A. M. A. Sholokhova.

On October 19, 2006, the university became a humanitarian university and received a new name - Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov (MGGU named after M. A. Sholokhov).

The university is one of the largest scientific centers for the problems of pedagogical and humanitarian education. Currently, the University has eight dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses.

On a large scale, cooperation is carried out with scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Education. Moscow State University of Humanities is a co-founder of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (IANPE). Cooperation in the training of scientific personnel is expanding with the universities of the CIS, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Iraq, Finland, Poland, China and other countries..

MGGU im. M. A. Sholokhov is one of the leading educational institutions of Russia in the humanities. The educational space of the university has been significantly expanded, the training of specialists in various humanitarian specialties has been launched.

More than 30 thousand students study at the university in 30 specialties. Doctoral students are being trained in 7 specialties, and graduate students - in 41.

About 7 thousand students enter the university every year.

During the existence of the university, more than 80 thousand specialists have been trained.

The university includes 54 departments, 15 faculties with full-time, part-time and part-time education, postgraduate and doctoral studies, 18 branches.

The university has three interuniversity centers: (1) for the development of technologies for environmental and pedagogical education, (2) distance education, (3) the Sholokhov Center.

The university includes the Institute of Informatization of Education.

The university is equipped with first-class educational laboratories, libraries with Internet access.

The university has preparatory courses, a sports and health center and a sports club, a student theater and a folklore ensemble. .

The educational process is conducted by well-known professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, members of foreign academies, honored workers of science, culture, art and education of the Russian Federation. More than 80% of teachers conduct classes according to author's programs.

Among the most famous teachers are Naum Yakovlevich Vilenkin, Irina Sergeevna Sventsitskaya, Andrey Alexandrovich Verbitsky, Robert Semenovich Nemov, Galina Alekseevna Avanesova, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Rapatskaya.

Nikolai Viktorovich Baskov, Anastas Alekseevich Mikoyan work at the Faculty of Culture and Musical Art (at the Department of Vocal). The artistic director of the pop department is Valery Miladovich Syutkin.

MSGU students actively participate as volunteers at the Youth Delphic Games of Russia.


  • Institute of Law, Politics and Social Education
  • Ecology and natural sciences
  • Defectological
  • Design and visual arts
  • journalism
  • Foreign languages ​​and international communications
  • Historical
  • Culture and musical art
  • Pedagogical
  • Psychology and Human Resource Management
  • Exact sciences and innovative technologies
  • Philological


  • Since 2001, Moscow State University named after. M. A. Sholokhov is included in the list of the best pedagogical and linguistic universities in Russia (according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).
Year Place
2001 6 out of 74
2002 8-10 out of 73
2003 7-11 out of 77
2004 7-11 out of 78
2005 9-12 out of 73
2007 7-9 out of 74
2008 11-16 out of 74
  • In 2010, Moscow State University named after. M. A. Sholokhov took 88th place out of 380 in the list of the best universities in Russia in terms of average USE scores, with which applicants came, and was among the twenty-five best universities in Moscow in this indicator.
  • In 2011, Moscow State University for M. A. Sholokhova ranked 151 out of 359 in the list of the best universities in Russia in terms of average USE scores. The average score is 63.8.
  • In 2012, Moscow State University for M. A. Sholokhov took 118th place out of 359 in the list of the best universities in Russia in terms of average USE scores. The average score is 68.5.
  • On November 1, 2012, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation published the results of monitoring the activities of federal educational institutions of higher professional education. Based on the monitoring results of the Moscow State University for M.A. Sholokhov was included in the list of universities whose activities are recognized as effective. (Monitoring was carried out in relation to 502 state universities and 930 university branches on the following indicators: educational activities; research activities; international activities; financial and economic activities; infrastructure).

Educational buildings of Moscow State University for the Humanities in Moscow

  • st. Tashkentskaya, 18, building 4
  • st. 3rd Vladimirskaya, 7
  • st. Mikhailova, 12A


The university has 18 branches, where more than 15 thousand students study full-time and part-time.

Training of specialists is carried out in all specialties available at the university. Particular attention in the branches is paid to the quality preparation of students, the content of education. Departments have been created and are operating in most branches, which makes it possible to improve student learning and to engage in research work more thoroughly.

Most branches are located in buildings owned by the university. All branches have the Internet, e-mail, there are opportunities to receive educational information from Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to student self-government.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of M. A. Sholokhov, an Internet conference was held by the branches of the Moscow State Mining University "The feat is due to the dashing of a Cossack, and wealth - to his diligence." The conference was organized by the Stavropol branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. M. A. Sholokhova.

  • Anapa
  • Balabanovskiy branch of Moscow State University named after A.I. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Derbent branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Egorevsky
  • Yekaterinburg branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Zheleznovodsk branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Kalmyk
  • Likino-Dulevsky
  • Pokrovsky branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2001.
  • Rostov branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Stavropol
  • Sergiev Posad branch of the Moscow State University for the Humanities M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1999.
  • Sterlitamak branch of Moscow State University named after M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2000.
  • Stupino branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2009.
  • Tomsk branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Ufa branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1998.
  • Cheboksary branch of Moscow State University M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1999.
  • Shadrinsk branch of Moscow State University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 2000.
  • Yakutsk branch of Moscow State University named after. M. A. Sholokhov was founded in 1999.
  • Open University of Israel, (Tel Aviv, Israel)
  • Brest State University Pushkin, (Brest, Belarus)
  • Pridnestrovian State University named after Shevchenko, (Tiraspol, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic)
  • University. Konaev, (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan)
  • Oklahoma State University, (Oklahoma, USA)
  • Gdansk University, (Gdansk, Poland)
  • University of Western Sydney, (Sydney, Australia)

109004, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 73

Our university has a glorious history that goes back to the distant 50s of the last century. Since 2010, the university has been involved in the implementation of the largest project - targeted training of specialists from among the Cossacks. The total number of Cossacks studying at the university is more than two thousand people.

In 2012, Moscow State Textile University named after Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin joined the Moscow University of Design and Technology as a structural unit. A new joint history of two outstanding universities of the country began. To date, the united university has a wealth of experience, knowledge in the textile and light industry, scientific achievements, and most importantly, new ideas and projects that are sure to come true. In October 2016, MSUDT was renamed into RSU. A.N. Kosygina (Technology. Design. Art)

Today, the popularity of professional retraining programs is growing and increasing year by year. The very structure of the educational process is changing, the number of practical classes in relation to theory is increasing. There is a need for educational programs that allow you to combine study with full-time work. Today's students require knowledge that they can acquire faster than five or six years of study and put into practice immediately. All this is fully provided to you by the School of Computer Graphics and Design at the Moscow State University of Design and Technology.

MHSE is a multidisciplinary educational organization that has been providing services in the field of Additional, Additional Professional Education for more than 20 years. More than 70 thousand people have been trained at the Moscow Higher School of Economics. We know how to successfully run a business - come and we will teach you.

The Institute is the successor of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, founded in 1843, transformed in 1917 into Free Art Workshops, in 1920 - into the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops, in 1926 - into the Moscow Higher State Artistic and Technical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR , which, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of May 13, 1934, was transformed into the Moscow Institute of Fine Arts. By the Decree of the Committee for Higher School Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 9, 1939, it was renamed the Moscow State Art Institute, which, on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 5, 1947, the Moscow State Art Institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of the USSR Academy of Arts, since 1992 - under the jurisdiction of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov (MSGU named after Sholokhov) was founded in 1951 as a pedagogical institute with correspondence courses. Today it is a leader among Russian universities in the field of humanities technologies and applied humanities. About 15,000 students study at the university. The structure of MSGU includes 15 faculties and 9 branches in different Russian cities. Information about the university, its structure, activities, conditions of admission is in the public domain on the official website of Moscow State University for the Humanities.

MGGU im. Sholokhov official website - Main page

Navigating the MGGU website is quite simple. The top line in sblt bookmarks contains links to Faculties and Branches of the University.

Faculties and Branches

By selecting the faculty you are interested in from the drop-down list, you can go to its web resource, where you will learn about the news and history of the faculty, its departments, levels of education, the educational process, the life of students of the faculty, you will find a schedule for groups of all specialties and courses, specify the points, related to admission, you will find a map with the marked location of the faculty building.

Faculty of Journalism

On the main page of the site in the upper right corner there are three links: to the site map, to contacts and to the English version of the site. Below is the login button. Under the logo of the university is the main menu bar. In it, menu items represent sections of the site dedicated to information about the university, scientific and educational activities, student life and youth policy. The news section contains news from Moscow State University for the Humanities, announcements of events and programs, interviews, schedule of open days.

News - Announcements (filter - education)

The latest news is also displayed on the main page in the left column.

Learn about admission campaign of the current year can be in the section for applicants. It is presented on the main page by a large banner with several sub-items.


In the section of the selection committee of the Moscow State University of Humanities named after Sholokhov, you will find out the schedule of its work, find phone numbers and addresses. Information about the admission procedure, programs and schedule of entrance examinations, rating lists, enrollment orders - all this is published on the pages of this section.

Selection committee

Freshmen can also find useful information here, for example, on the issues of concluding tuition contracts on a paid basis, settling in hostels, etc.

Instruction for freshmen

On the main page, you can see announcements in various directions, on the right, in the form of small icons, there are links to photos and the channel.

Below is an excerpt from a recent interview with a higher education figure.

Interview on home page

In the section "Student life" in the auxiliary menu there is a link to Center for Career and Life Navigation. On this resource, students and graduates will receive employment assistance, as well as learn about trainings and other events.

Career and Life Navigation Center

The structure of the university, its history, leadership, current situation and development program are described in the section "Our university"

109004, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 73

Our university has a glorious history that goes back to the distant 50s of the last century. Since 2010, the university has been involved in the implementation of the largest project - targeted training of specialists from among the Cossacks. The total number of Cossacks studying at the university is more than two thousand people.

In 2012, Moscow State Textile University named after Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin joined the Moscow University of Design and Technology as a structural unit. A new joint history of two outstanding universities of the country began. To date, the united university has a wealth of experience, knowledge in the textile and light industry, scientific achievements, and most importantly, new ideas and projects that are sure to come true. In October 2016, MSUDT was renamed into RSU. A.N. Kosygina (Technology. Design. Art)

Today, the popularity of professional retraining programs is growing and increasing year by year. The very structure of the educational process is changing, the number of practical classes in relation to theory is increasing. There is a need for educational programs that allow you to combine study with full-time work. Today's students require knowledge that they can acquire faster than five or six years of study and put into practice immediately. All this is fully provided to you by the School of Computer Graphics and Design at the Moscow State University of Design and Technology.

MHSE is a multidisciplinary educational organization that has been providing services in the field of Additional, Additional Professional Education for more than 20 years. More than 70 thousand people have been trained at the Moscow Higher School of Economics. We know how to successfully run a business - come and we will teach you.

The Institute is the successor of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, founded in 1843, transformed in 1917 into Free Art Workshops, in 1920 - into the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops, in 1926 - into the Moscow Higher State Artistic and Technical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR , which, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of May 13, 1934, was transformed into the Moscow Institute of Fine Arts. By the Decree of the Committee for Higher School Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 9, 1939, it was renamed the Moscow State Art Institute, which, on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 5, 1947, the Moscow State Art Institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of the USSR Academy of Arts, since 1992 - under the jurisdiction of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Magistracy of Moscow State University named after M. A. Sholokhov. More than 4,000 master's programs of universities in the Russian Federation. Master's degree in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.

Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov is the leading Russian university in the field of applied humanitarian knowledge and humanitarian technologies. The university was founded in 1951. Over the entire history of its existence, the university has trained hundreds of thousands of professionals. There are branches of Sholokhov Moscow State University in 13 cities of Russia.


The master's program at Moscow State University named after M. A. Sholokhov trains professionals in 118 programs. At Moscow State University. MA Sholokhov has 30,000 students in 30 different specialties. Doctoral students are trained in 7 specialties, postgraduate studies work in 41 specialties. About 7,000 students enter the university every year. The Humanitarian University has 54 departments, 15 faculties, 18 branches.

There are three interuniversity centers at the university: environmental and pedagogical education, the Sholokhov center, and the center for distance education. As part of the Humanities University is the Institute of Information Education.

Teaching at the university is conducted by well-known doctors, professors, academicians and candidates of sciences, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and foreign academies. Classes at the university are conducted according to interesting modern author's programs.
