I suppose that all Russian nationalists at least once heard from representatives of the Ukrainian right-wing movement all sorts of remarks pointing to the non-Slavic origin of Russians. As a rule, they state that the Russian nation is the result of a mixture of alien Eastern Slavs with the autochthonous Finno-Ugric population, into which the Mongol-Tatar invaders subsequently joined. The most radical pseudo-theorists take the bar higher and believe that the Slavs were not even a substrate at all “ Moxel people". One way or another, the canonical version of the Ukrainians goes something like this: “Muscovites are a cross between Moksha and the Horde baptized by the Bulgarians.” At the same time, of course, they call themselves the purest Slavs and heirs of Kievan Rus in the name, the lands and people of which have been encroached by the Mongoloid barbarians for centuries. I would like to add that these theories have also always been favorably viewed by the Poles, Belarusians and a number of other peoples who were also noted for their “ardent love” in relation to the Russians.

To begin with, to break these myths, let's turn to physical anthropology. As you know, any nation consists of sub-races (anthrotypes), which, depending on the proportions, form the average appearance of its representative. If we adhere to the Ukrainian view of the ethnogenesis of Russians, the phenotype of an average inhabitant of the Central and Northern part of Russia should be distinguished by an abundance of Mongoloid components, since the Finno-Ugric tribes of antiquity were traditionally representatives of the Ural and Lappoid races. The most ordinary Ukrainian, on the contrary, should be the standard of the Nordic Slav, a kind of Russian indistinguishable from a Western European. It is not difficult to guess that both statements are true exactly as much as the book of Mykola Galichanets "Ukrainian Nation" and other works sanctifying the great deeds of the proto-Ukrainians are true.

Even T. Huxley, K. Kuhn, G. Günther, F. Lenz noted the North European origin of Russians. If we apply the modern classification, the spectrum of Russian subraces will look something like this:

Nordid - in Russian it is expressed in a variety of eastern nordid and baltonordid.
- Kromanid - among the Russians are presented as Baltids and Western Baltids.
- Mediterranean - in Russia and in Eastern Europe in general, they are represented as pontides and northern pontides.
- Eastern Baltid - a type adopted from interaction with the Finno-Ugric peoples.

The first two subraces were also characteristic of the Vyatichi, Krivichi, Ilmen Slovenes (the main Slavic tribes from which Russians grew up) are distributed evenly throughout the European part of Russia, the Volga-Oka interfluve can be distinguished as an area of ​​\u200b\u200bhighest concentration. The third subrace included the Severyan tribe, which is also the base for a significant part of the Russians, the frequency decreases as you move from the South of Russia to the North, it is worth noting the depigmentation of the Russian Pontids in comparison with the same Ukrainian ones. The fourth type got into the Russian gene pool after the assimilation of some Finnish tribes in the North and East, it is worth saying that it is not at all predominant, although not uncommon in the Russian North and the Volga region. Thus, the Russians are represented by the Nordo-Cro-Manid foundation with a superstructure in the form of Mediterraneans and Eastern Baltids.

The anthropological composition of Ukrainians first of all confirms their originality and differentiation from Russians, contrary to the widespread theories about the “triune people”, but it is worth considering the specifics of their formation. Actually, Ukrainians can no doubt be called the population of the Kiev region, Galicia, Polissya. The population of Zaporozhye and the so-called "Novorossiya" consisted of Russian settlers (for example, we can single out workers from the Oryol Province who migrated in the 18-19 centuries). It is also impossible to ignore the fact that before the arrival of the Slavs, a great many peoples lived on the territory of present-day Ukraine, from the Pechenegs with the Khazars to the Ugrians with the Avars. If we summarize the studies of Ukrainian anthropologists F. Volkov, R. Endyk, we can conclude that the core of Ukrainians is the Dinaro-Alpine race. An interesting feature is the relatively large number of transitional types, which is probably associated with a large number of neighbors and contacts with them, respectively. Using the same typology, the following anthropological types of Ukrainians can be distinguished:

- Dinarid
- Alpinid (including the Asian variety)

- Gorid
- Carpathian
- Sub-nordid
- Norid

Dinarids are, in fact, a branch of the Mediterraneans that has changed under the climate, however, as an explanation for their many specific features, an assertion is sometimes made about the presence of the Near East Asian influence in them. Alpinids are basically the same Cro-Manids, but with a slight influence of the Mongoloids, the severity of which varies depending on the population. Gorid - arose after mixing the above Alpinids with the Baltids. The Carpathians are the result of the interaction of the already mixed Gorids with the Dinaric type.

Separately, I would like to say the two remaining types, because they are Nordoid. It just so happened, but as such, there is no such thing as a Nordic race among Ukrainians. There is a periphery of the Nordids - sub-Nordids and Norids (by the way, this periphery is not numerous either). The first appeared from a mixture of the Nordic and Alpine types, the second originate from the Nordids and the already known Dinarids. All other North European components are concentrated mainly in the Eastern and Central parts of the country.

As a result, the conclusion suggests itself that the conclusions of Ukrainian "superhumans" are diametrically opposed to reality.

Racial and ethnic composition of the population

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  • What is a race?
  • What races exist?
  • What is an ethnos?

You will learn

On the racial and ethnic composition of the population of the Earth, on the classification of countries according to ethnicity

What do you think

Is it possible to abandon the concept "race"?

Basic concepts of the lesson

  • Racial composition of the population
  • Ethnic composition of the population
  • Countries are multinational and single-national.

Racial composition

Race - a historically formed group of people who have similar, inherited external features.

Main races

Four races unite 70% of the world's population

mixed race

The process of forming mixed races is called miscegenation.

Ethnic composition of the world's population

Ethnos (people) - a historically formed group of people, united by a common territory of residence, traditions, customs, beliefs, language, self-consciousness and having common character traits (mentality);

mentality is a set of common psychological characteristics of a large group of people.

There are from 3 to 4 thousand peoples in the world!

The largest nations of the world

There are big and small nations

Language is a sign of ethnicity

Language is the most important link of culture

Today, the world's 7 billion people speak more than 3,000 languages, not counting dialects.

In the past, there were about 4,000 more languages ​​that are now forgotten.

There are separate languages ​​that are incomprehensible even to neighbors: Yukaghir, Nivkh, Ket, Basque, Japanese, etc.

The most common languages ​​of the world at the beginning of the XXI century


Number of speakers, million people


Samples of writing

Main areas, countries where the language is spoken


China, Malaysia, Taiwan



North and Central India

US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand

Spain, Latin America

Middle East, North Africa

Russia, CIS

Six languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French are the official or working languages ​​of the UN and other international organizations.

Single-national and multinational countries



The share of people of the same nationality is more than 90%


Bangladesh, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Japan.

Canada, Belgium, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Cambodia, China.

India, Indonesia, Spain, UK, Pakistan, Philippines, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, USA.

India is the most multiethnic country. The indigenous population is united in more than 500 ethnic groups.

The world is dominated by multinational countries.

The only region where one-national countries predominate is Europe. Although there are also multinational countries: Great Britain, Spain, Switzerland, etc.


1. There are four main races: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Australoid.

2. There are several thousand ethnic groups in the world, of which only 310 have more than 1 million people.

3. Languages ​​are combined into language groups and families. The largest language family is Indo-European.

4. English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French are the official or working languages ​​of the UN.


  • § 5, pp. 34 - 39
  • Task number 2 "From theory to practice" on page 40 in writing

- historically established groups of people, united by the similarity of external physical features (skin color, hairline, facial features, skull shape, body length, etc.). Anthropological features arose in antiquity during the settlement of people in the ecumene and their adaptation to various natural conditions. Racial characteristics are also influenced by socio-economic conditions. For example, as a result of progress in living standards over the past 30 years, average height has increased by 10 cm.

Unlike peoples, races do not represent a social unity. Many peoples are made up of people of different races (eg Cubans, Brazilians), and vice versa, representatives of many races are divided into numerous peoples. Thanks to active contacts between people, there is a constant mixing of races, more and more new mixed racial forms are being formed. There are no clear boundaries between races, and people have much more common racial properties than differences. Science has proven the biological and socio-cultural usefulness of all races and the inconsistency of the concepts of racism, which preaches the idea of ​​the "primordial" division of people into "higher" and "lower" races, of which only the first are supposedly the bearers of progress and civilization and are called upon to dominate the "lower" races. races incapable of self-development.

There are four large races in the world - Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid, whose representatives make up about 70% of the world's population (see table). Some scientists consider the Negroid and Australoid races as a single Negro-Australoid (or Equatorial) race, since populations close to Negroids are widely settled in some racial characteristics.

The racial composition of the world's population (according to S.I. Brook)

human races


big races :

    Caucasoid (Eurasian)

    Mongoloid (Asian-American)

    Negroid (African)

    Australoid (Oceanian)





Mixed and transitional forms:

    Between Caucasians and Mongoloids

    Between Caucasians and Negroids

    Between Mongoloids and Australoids




Other racial types and unknowns


30% of humanity are representatives of transitional and mixed racial forms. The first of them were formed in the distant past, in the contact zones of large races. An example of a transitional race is the Ethiopians, who in facial features and the structure of the skull almost do not differ from southern Caucasians, but in skin color and the nature of the hairline are very close to Negroids. Mixed racial forms are usually understood as populations of people that have developed as a result of mixed marriages between representatives of different races in modern times (16th - 18th centuries and later), when, after the Great geographical discoveries, Europeans began to spread to all parts of the world. Mixed racial forms are most widespread among residents. These are mainly mestizos - descendants from marriages between Indians and European settlers, and mulattos - descendants from marriages between Europeans and blacks brought to America by slave traders from Africa. For example, mestizos now predominate in and, there are many mulattoes in and in Cuba. There are also sambo groups - the result of mixing blacks with Indians.

Humanity is usually divided into four main races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid(Asian and American branches), Negroid and australoid. However, representatives of these races in the total population of the world make up only about 70%. The remaining 30% are representatives of mixed and intermediate racial groups: mestizos, mulattoes, sambos, etc. Intense racial mixing took place, for example, in America. The marriages of European settlers with the local Indian population led to the formation of mestizos; and the mixing of European settlers with Negroes brought from Africa to work on plantations led to the emergence of mulattoes. The proportion of mulattoes is especially high among the population of the islands of the Caribbean, in the east of Brazil, etc. The descendants of mixed marriages of Negroes with Indians currently represent the Sambo group. In some countries of Latin America, a significant proportion of the Indian population has still been preserved (especially in Paraguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, Peru, and Brazil).

Ethnic composition The world's population is more diverse than racial. Scientists distinguish 3-4 thousand peoples, nationalities and tribes in the modern world. The population in each of them ranges from several hundred (for example, Aleuts) to hundreds of millions of people (Chinese, Hindustanis, Russians, Japanese, etc.).

Such concepts as ethnos, nation, people, nationality, tribe are very close. According to one of the generally accepted definitions ethnos - a historically established community of people united by language, territory, economy, culture, traditions, national identity.

National (ethnic) criteria formed the basis for the division of mankind into states. But at the same time, no more than half of the states are single-national (ie, the main nation, nationality makes up over 90% of the population). These are Japan, China, Denmark, Sweden, etc. Other countries are multinational (for example, Russia, the USA, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc.). There are at least 150 ethnic communities in Indonesia, about 200 in Nigeria, and several hundred in India. Representatives of more than 100 nationalities live on the territory of Russia.

The classification of the peoples of the world is usually carried out on the basis of the principle of linguistic proximity - they are distinguished language families, uniting languages ​​similar in linguistic structure and origin, in which the population communicates.

The largest in number on our planet - Indo-European language family. It includes the following groups of languages: Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, etc.), Romance (French, Italians, Spaniards, Brazilians, Mexicans, etc.), Germanic (Germans, Dutch, Swedes, Norwegians, British, Americans, Anglo-Australians, etc.), Iranian (Persians, Tajiks, Afghans, Kurds), Indo-Aryan (Hindustani, Bengalis, Nepalese, etc.), as well as Celtic, Baltic, Albanian, Greek, Armenian and Nuristani.

Sino-Tibetan (Sino-Tibetan) language family - second in terms of population. It includes representatives of the population speaking the languages ​​of the Chinese and Tibeto-Burmese groups. Of the other language families, it should be noted: Afroasian, or Semitic-Hamitic family, which primarily includes the Arab peoples inhabiting Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries of Southwest Asia, as well as the countries of North Africa: Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, etc.; Altai(including groups: Turkic, Mongolian, etc.), Ural(including Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic groups), Niger-Kordofanian, Khoisan and saw-Saharan family(their languages ​​are spoken by the peoples of "black Africa" ​​living south of the Sahara), Austronesian family and etc.

To the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world include: Chinese, English, Hindi and Urdu, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Bengali, Japanese, etc.

"Working languages" of the UN considered: Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and French.

It should be noted that the "national question" is one of the most acute in many countries of the world. "Hot spots" of national (ethnic and religious) conflicts constantly arise on our planet. Just a few examples can be cited: this is the Middle East hotbed of tension (including the Arab-Israeli conflict); the struggle of the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland (Ulster); performance of the Basques in Spain; Turkish-Greek conflict in Cyprus; the situation in the republics of the former Yugoslavia; as well as conflicts on the territory of the CIS republics, etc. Many local and regional wars and conflicts, including those on ethnic grounds, take place in African states (Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Nigeria, South Africa, etc.) * All these conflicts lead to serious consequences, the deterioration of the economic situation in the states of the world and the social life of the population, and also cause large migration flows of the population from conflict zones (“refugees”), and even to the division of states (for example, in 2011 South Sudan separated from Sudan - formed new state).

Caucasian race - the largest anthropological group in terms of numbers (about 2/3 of the total population of the Earth), which has the rank of a large race. Currently, Caucasoids inhabit almost the entire inhabited land, but relatively recently (before the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries), Caucasoid groups occupied only the territory of Europe, North Africa, Southwest Asia, and North India. The Caucasoid race is distinguished by the following anthropological features: skin color - from light to swarthy shades; head hair - straight or wavy, soft, varying in color from light to dark; the color of the iris of the eyes - from light (including blue) to dark; strong and moderate development of tertiary hairline on the face and body; weak or moderate protrusion of the cheekbones; slight protrusion of the jaws; weak development of the fold of the upper eyelid; narrow, usually strongly protruding nose with a rather high nose bridge; thin or medium thickness lips; very variable head shape (from dolicho- to brachycephaly); body length ranges from high to low.

Northern European (Baltic) race - Caucasoid group, having the rank of a minor race. It occupies mainly the northern part of the European continent and is characterized by light skin pigmentation, a significant proportion of light brown and blond hair, gray and blue eyes.

Atlanto-Baltic(other names - northern, Nordic) race - a northern European group, which in some classifications has the rank of a minor race, in others - an anthropological type as part of a northern European minor race. Its distinctive anthropological features are the small value of the head index (dolicho- and mesokephaly), as well as the average and above average body length. Representatives of the Atlanto-Baltic race are the peoples of North-Western Europe (English, Scots, Irish, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Icelanders, Dutch, Estonians, North Germans, Russians of the north-western regions of Russia (Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov).

White Sea-Baltic race - a northern Caucasoid group, which in some classifications has the rank of a minor race, in others - an anthropological type as part of the northern European race. This is the most lightly pigmented group in the composition of Caucasians (especially with regard to hair). It differs from the Atlanto-Baltic race in higher values ​​of the head index (tendency to brachycephaly), weaker development of the tertiary hairline, smaller stature, shorter nose, which often has a concave back. The White Sea-Baltic race includes Lithuanians, Latvians, Finns, Karelians, Komi, Russians of the north-eastern regions of Russia (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, etc.), part of the Belarusians.

South European race - Caucasoid group, having the rank of a minor race and occupying a large area from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to India in the east. Southern Caucasians are generally characterized by swarthy skin, predominantly dark irises and dark wavy hair, and no upper eyelid crease. According to many other anthropological features, individual South European groups vary quite a lot, which serves as the basis for their division into several special races.

Indo-Mediterranean race - South Caucasian group, characterized by dolichocephaly, moderate development of tertiary hairline, straight narrow nose with a high nose bridge, wide open eyeball, medium and below average body length. As part of the Indo-Mediterranean race, several regional variants are distinguished: mediterranean, to which includes the peoples of Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (Spaniards, Basques, Portuguese, Italians, Greeks, Turks, Ukrainians, Jews, Arabs, Berbers), Pamir-Fergana(Tajiks, Uzbeks), Indo-Afghan (Afghans, Persians, Hindustanis, Bengalis).

Balkan-Caucasian race - South Caucasian group, characterized by the following features: brachycephaly, strong development of tertiary hairline (in some populations - world maximum), large nose with a convex back (there are lowered tip and base of the nose), average and above average body length. As part of the Balkan-Caucasian race, two anthropological types are distinguished: Dinaric (Adriatic), to which the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula belong (Albanians, Romanians, Croats, Serbs, Macedonians, Bulgarians), and Caucasian, whose representatives are the peoples of the Caucasus (Georgians, Svans, Kabardians, Adyghes, Chechens, peoples of Dagestan).

Central European race - an anthropological group that occupies an intermediate position between the northern and southern Caucasians and has the rank of a minor race in some classifications. Distinctive features of the Central Caucasoids are medium-intense pigmentation and brachycephaly. This race is often subdivided into several local types, including: middle European race(South Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, French, Walloons, Czechs, Slovaks, Western Ukrainians), alpine(Swiss, Romansh, Slovenes), Eastern European(central and southern Russians, some Ukrainians and Belarusians).

Negroid race - an anthropological group that has the rank of a great race, to which all populations south of the Tropic of Cancer in Africa belong. Negroids are characterized by the following racial features: intensely pigmented dark skin, the color of which varies from black to yellow-brown; dark hair and eyes (isolated cases of light-eyed blacks in Africa are described); black curly hair; little developed, flat, wide nose in wings; thick and swollen lips; strong protrusion of the jaws (prognathism); medium and weak tertiary hairline; significant variation in body length. (In Africa, the tallest people on our planet live - the Sharinil peoples, whose average height is 1.80 m, and the shortest - pygmy Negroids (1.42-1.45 m).

Negro race - a Negroid group that has the rank of a minor race and is characterized by all the main Negroid features listed above. Representatives of the Negro race are the majority of African peoples.

Negril (Central African) race - a negroid group, having the rank of a minor race, to which the populations of the aboriginal population of the equatorial forests of Africa belong - the pygmies. Negrilli are distinguished by a very small body length (men on average - 1.45 m, women - 1.37 m), a wider and protruding nose, a significant incision of the eyes so that the eyeball protrudes very much forward, a stronger development of tertiary hairline and narrower lips.

Bushman (South African, Khoisan) race - a Negroid group that has the rank of a minor race, and in some classifications even the rank of an independent large race called "capoid". It includes the Bushmen and Hottentots, who live in the desert and semi-desert regions of South Africa. It is assumed, however, that in ancient times the Bushmenoids were settled much more widely, including living north of the equator. Anthropological features of the race are peculiar: yellowish-brown skin color, underdeveloped tertiary hairline, smaller, compared to other Negroid groups, eye shape, sometimes the presence of epicanthus, flattened face, body length below average, steatopygia (fat deposition on the buttocks, especially in women) , early developing wrinkling of the skin, strong lumbar lordosis (bending of the spine, which is directed forward with a bulge).

Ethiopian race - Negroid group, having the rank of a transitional race. Localized in East Africa, in the Ethiopian Highlands, Eastern Sudan and the Horn of Africa (Somali, Amhara and other peoples). Ethiopians combine in their anthropological appearance the features of Negroids and Caucasians (brown skin tones, curly hair, dark hair and eyes, a straight nose with a high nose, a narrow face, medium-thick lips, rather tall).

Dravidian (Dravidoid, South Indian) race - an anthropological group genetically related to the Negroids and having the rank of a transitional race. Introduced in South India among the Dravidian peoples and combines the features of Negroids and Caucasians (brown skin, straight wavy hair, etc.).

australoid race- an anthropological group, which in some classifications has the rank of a large race, in others - a special branch as part of a single Negro-Australoid (Equatorial) large race. Austroloids include the indigenous population of Australia, Tasmania, Melanesia, and individual populations of Southeast Asia. Australoid groups are distinguished by a huge variety of combinations of racial characteristics, which is reflected in the selection of several Australoid small races.

Australian race - Australoid group, which forms the basis of the anthropological appearance of the Australian Aborigines. The features of the race are: brown skin; brown to black hair color (in some groups of Australians in Western Australia, children sometimes have very light, even blond hair that darkens with age; 20% of young women retain relative fairness); hair at the ends tends to "burn out"; wide and narrow wavy hair; highly pigmented irises; strong development of tertiary hairline on the face and moderate on the body; very wide nose in the wings with a low bridge of nose; a large slit in the eyes, but the eyeball is planted very deep; average lip thickness; prognathism; body length is average and above average; massive skull with strongly developed brow ridges and powerful jaws; short body with a well developed chest and long limbs.

Melanesian race - an Australoid group that has the rank of a minor race and is common in New Guinea and Melanesia (Papuans and Melanesians). It differs from the Australian race in the predominance of curly hair, shorter stature, and weaker development of the tertiary hairline. Among the Papuans, there is a certain tendency towards red hair, and a large, with a convex back and a lowered tip nose (nose with a “hook-like” bend) is especially characteristic. It resembles the nose of the Western Asian Caucasians, and therefore it is sometimes called "false Semitic".

Negritos race- Australoid group, having the rank of a minor race. Anthropologically, the Negritos (Aeta in the Philippines, Semangs and Senoi in the Malay Peninsula) resemble Melanesians, but are extremely short in stature.

Vedoid race - Australoid small race, represented on about. Sri Lanka (Veddas) and on the Hindustan Peninsula (peoples of Munda, Gonds). The Veddoids are close to the Australian race, but have small stature, poor development of the beard, superciliary arches, weak prognathism, and a moderately wide nose. It is assumed that “the ancient Veddoids were much more widespread - up to 30 degrees north latitude.

Polynesian race - an anthropological group that has the rank of mixed race and is genetically related to the Australoids. 0na forms the basis of the anthropological type of the Polynesians and is characterized by the following features; dark (sometimes yellowish and light) skin, dark wavy or straight hair, underdeveloped tertiary hair on the body, which on the face increases to medium values, a relatively wide nose, full lips. There are points of view about the Mongoloid or Caucasoid origin of the Polynesian race.

Ainu (Kuril) race forms the basis of the anthropological appearance of the Ainu on about. Hokkaido in Japan. In a number of classifications, it has the rank of a minor race, genetically related to the Australoid. Some researchers consider the Ainu race as transitional or even greater. Ainoids combine Australoid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid traits: reduced skin pigmentation (light skin), highly developed tertiary hairline (especially on the face - the world maximum), dark coarse wavy hair, a wide nose, a sloping forehead, a flattened and low face, presence of epicanthus, short body length.

Mongoloid race - an anthropological group that has the rank of a large race and occupies, first of all, the eastern half of Eurasia. The main anthropological features of the Mongoloids are: yellowish skin tone; dark (in some populations - blue-black) hair; hair is straight and coarse; flattened face with strongly protruding cheekbones; significant development of the fold of the upper eyelid and epicanthus; slightly protruding, rather narrow nose with a slight nose bridge; weak development of tertiary hairline on the face and its almost complete absence on the body; average body length. Mongoloids are usually divided into two large groups - continental and Pacific. The first is characterized by less intense pigmentation, greater skeletal mass, a wider face and thin lips.

Central Asian race - a continental Mongoloid group with the rank of a minor race (Mongols, Buryats, Kalmyks, Tuvans). It is distinguished by a maximum of "Mongoloid" in facial morphology (a very flattened face) and a minimum in pigmentation (the most lightly pigmented Mongoloid group.

North Asian race - a continental Mongoloid group with the rank of a minor race. In terms of their racial characteristics, the North Asian Mongoloids (Evenks, Evens, Nivkhs, Yukagirs, Tungus-Manchurian peoples of the Amur) are quite close to the Central Asians.

East Asian (Far Eastern) race - Pacific Mongoloid group, having the rank of a minor race. It includes the northern Chinese, Koreans, northern Tibetans, who are distinguished by a tall, but relatively narrow face and more intense pigmentation.

Arctic (Eskimo) race - a Mongoloid group occupying an intermediate position between the continental and Pacific Mongoloids and having the rank of a minor race. It forms the basis of the anthropological type of the peoples of the Arctic - the Eskimos, Aleuts, Chukchi, Koryaks, Itelmens, as well as some groups of North American Indians. The race is characterized by a high but very wide face, a narrow nose, a tendency to prognathism, a strong development of the skeleton and muscles with little subcutaneous fat deposition.

South Asian race - an anthropological group that has the rank of a transitional race: basically Mongoloid, but reveals many Australoid features. The features of the South Asian Mongoloids are: dark and olive skin tones, a low, not very flattened face, a relatively wide nose, thickened lips, a rare epicanthus, and sometimes wavy hair. The South Asian race includes the southern Chinese, the peoples of Indochina, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Many features of the South Asian race are also characteristic of the Japanese, who, however, also reveal in their appearance the features of the Far Eastern Mongoloids.

Ural race - an anthropological group genetically related to the Mongoloids and having the rank of mixed race. It is characterized by a combination of intermediate Mongoloid-Caucasoid features, such as: predominantly light skin color, moderately flattened low face, weakened tertiary hairline, rare epicanthus, straight nose (a concave shape of the back of the nose is often found), dark hair. The race is divided into two anthropological types: actually Uralic(Nenets, Selkups, Khanty, Mansi) and Subural(Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples of the Middle Volga region - Mordovians, Maris, Udmurts, Chuvashs, Bashkirs).

Laponoid race - an anthropological group, which in various classifications is assigned the rank of either a small race (genetically related to Caucasoids or Mongoloids), then a mixed race, or a large race. Laponoids are characterized by: light skin with an admixture of swarthy shades, dark straight (or broadly wavy) soft hair, the predominance of dark eyes, poorly developed tertiary hairline, a large head with a low face, a short and wide nose with a concave back profile in the wings, a large interorbital distance and deep-set eyes, small stature. The Laponoid race forms the basis of the anthropological appearance of the Saami (Lapps) in Fennoscandia. In general, this race is similar to the Urals (therefore, in a number of classifications they are combined into one Ural-laponoid race), but somewhat more Mongoloid.

South Siberian (Turanian) race - an anthropological group that has the rank of mixed race. Its origin is fairly accurately dated to the first centuries of the new era, when the process of mixing Mongoloid and Caucasoid groups was going on in the Eurasian steppes. Representatives of the race (Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Altaians, Nogais) are distinguished by swarthy and light skin color, dark pigmentation of hair and eyes, a straight nose with a nose of medium height, a pronounced short head, a wide and high face, straight coarse hair, and an average body length.

Americanoid (American) race - anthropological group that forms the basis of the physical type of the indigenous population of America. According to some anthropologists, it forms a special branch within the large Mongoloid (Asiatic-American) race, according to others, it is an independent race of the first order. In their origin, Americanoids are certainly connected with Asia. However, the differences between Americanoids and Asian Mongoloids are very significant: a large nose, sometimes with a convex back (“aquiline”), a slight flattening of the face, and a rare epicanthus. Some researchers believe that the Americanoids developed these anthropological features in isolation on the American continent after breaking away from the Asian Mongoloids. According to others, the Americanoids retained in their physical appearance the features of the ancient Mongoloids.

The modern distribution of the main human races across the continents and continents is as follows:

Europe: Northern Caucasians - 17% of the population; southern Caucasians - 32%; Central European race - more than 50%;

Asia: Southern Caucasians - 29%; continental and East Asian Mongoloids - 31%; South Asian Mongoloids - 30%; dravidoids - 9%; australoids - 0.5%;

Africa: Negroids - 54%; southern Europeans - 25%; mixed and transitional Negroid-Caucasoid groups - 20%;

America: Caucasians - 51%; mestizos - 23%; mulattoes -13%; Negroids - 7%; americanoids - 5.5%;

Australia and Oceania: Caucasians - 77%; australoids - 16.5%.

4. Human races and ethnic communities

The separation of races and ethnic groups is based on completely different features, which indicates the different nature of these communities. Even the most detailed anthropological classifications do not exceed one hundred or slightly more racial variants, while 1 as the number of ethnic groups is much larger. Several options for the ratio of ethnic and racial communities of people are possible.

1. Ethnic community coincides with racial community. On the globe there is a very small number of racial groups that are confined to only one specific ethnic community. These are, for example, the Ainu race and the Ainu (Japan), the Laponoid race and the Saami (Scandinavia). It is assumed that in ancient times the boundaries of ethnic and racial communities coincided much more often, since both of them were formed on the basis of the same territorial groups of humanity. Representatives of the same ethnic community belong to different racial groups. This situation is now especially characteristic of ethnic groups that have developed relatively recently. Among them, for example, are Brazilians, who represent a racially conglomerate of Caucasoid, Negroid, mixed Caucasoid-Negroid (mulattos), Caucasoid-Americanoid (mestizo) groups. Anthropologically heterogeneous are the Americans of the United States, which also include Caucasoid, mixed Caucasoid-Negroid (most African-Americans) and other racial groups.

A population group within an ethnic group that differs anthropologically from the rest of the representatives of this ethnic group is called etioris group. Examples of ethno-racial groups are African-Americans in the composition of Americans in the USA, Russian-Ustinians and Markovians in the composition of Russians, who are distinguished by pronounced Mongoloidity - the result of mixing with the indigenous peoples of Siberia. A large number of ethno-racial groups are found in the Latin American peoples (Ladinos, Creoles, mestizos, mulattos, sambo).

In the world there are peoples that are homogeneous at the level of large races, but heterogeneous in relation to the divisions of these races. Thus, for example, there are anthropologically different groups of Russians who, on the whole, belong to the Caucasoid major race: the population of the northern Russian regions belongs to the Northern European minor race, while the Russian population of the more southern regions belongs to the Central European minor race. The Northern Chinese are Eastern Mongoloids, and the population of Southern China is of the South Asian race, and so on.

The ancient peoples were much more racially homogeneous communities.

3. The same anthropological type (race) is represented among many ethnic groups. This is by far the most common situation in the world. Thus, the American Indians, consisting of several hundred different ethnic groups, anthropologically belong to a single Americanoid race; different peoples of Northern Europe (English, Finns, Swedes and others) are racially Northern Caucasians, etc.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is inappropriate for a researcher to look for patterns of coincidence or non-coincidence of ethnic and racial communities. It is more legitimate to be interested either in the belonging of an individual to a certain people and race, or in the anthropological characteristics of a particular ethnic group.

A few words about the correlation of racial and linguistic communities of people, the boundaries between which also do not coincide. For example, the languages ​​of the Turkic group are also common among the Mongoloids (Yakuts, Tuvans) and among the Caucasians (Turks, Azerbaijanis, etc.). Many speakers of Turkic languages ​​are racially mixed. Nevertheless, there is a certain correspondence between large linguistic divisions and anthropological communities of high taxonomic levels. For example, a huge number of Caucasians speak the languages ​​of the Indo-European and Afroasian families, and the bulk of the Mongoloids speak the languages ​​of the Sino-Tibetan family.
