Which requires knowledge regarding the main attractions of various countries, regarding the names of capitals or the characteristics of the industrial, social and cultural base. Such a task will not seem simple to a student at all, because from a geography course he knows that there are 194 countries in the world, moreover, due to certain geopolitical factors, their number may increase.

If you are interested countries of the world, crossword with answers you can solve it without difficulty, but if you want to complete a really difficult task, then be sure to find an online geographical test on the network. The essence of this test is as follows: you need to indicate a certain geographical object on the map (it can be the capital of the state, any other city, landmark, island, mountain, lake, waterfall, and so on). In total, the test is divided into 12 levels of difficulty.

1. State - capital Minsk. (Belarus)

2. State - with a very long name of the capital. (Thailand)

3. The flag of the country is the logo of a well-known company that produced penknives. (Switzerland)

4. Two countries that were previously part of one state. State name. (Czechoslovakia)

5. The country where the ghost town of San Shi is located. (Taiwan)

6. State-island. (Iceland)

7. The country is the capital of Kabul. (Afghanistan)

8. The state in which the longest bridge in Europe is located. (Portugal)

9. What is the capital of the country that is famous for its Browning hunting rifles. (Brussels)

10. State with Brussels as its capital. (Belgium)

11. A state that is part of the Commonwealth under the rule of Great Britain. This country is the birthplace of the kangaroo. (Australia)

12. Country located between the rivers Brahmaputra and Ganges. (Bangladesh)

13. A country whose capital bears a female name. (Bulgaria)

14. In this country, the theocratic monarchy has been preserved, and the form of territorial structure is unitary. In the middle of the country is the Cathedral of St. Peter. (Vatican)

15. The largest cities in this country are Ljubljana and Maribor. (Slovenia)

16. The capital of the state Vienna. (Austria)

It is interesting to learn about such geographical facts that can be included in geography crossword "Countries of the world", for example, there are 192 full-fledged states on the world map, these are those that are members of the UN, as well as the Vatican - a state that is officially recognized, but not a member of the UN, but how the United Nations was formed and when it happened, you can also read on our website. Some states are not recognized by all countries, for example, Abkhazia, Kosovo, South Ossetia, Palestine (there are seven in total).

And if you, then you definitely need to dwell on such a geographical fact, there is such an independent state of Somaliland, which is not recognized by any country in the world.

Geography crossword

European countries

1. Country, located in Western Asia, but about 3 percent of its area is located in Europe. The most popular resort place of Russians.

2. Country on the Balkan Peninsula and nearby islands. Known for the existence of ancient civilizations.

3. big state of Western Europe. From the north it is washed by the Baltic and North Seas. The capital is Berlin.

4. Eastern European country landlocked. Formerly part of the USSR, then a CIS country.

5. A country located on the Padana Plain, the Apennine Peninsula, the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. The empire that existed on its territory 5 thousand years BC is the cradle of world culture.

6. The largest country in Western Europe. The words Napoleon, the Eiffel Tower, the revolution, the Seine, the Louvre are associated with it.

7. Country in southwestern Europe. It is also known for holding bullfights - bullfights.

8. Country of Central-Eastern Europe. From the north it is washed by the Baltic Sea. The capital is Warsaw.

9. Country in northern Europe. From the southwest it is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea. It borders on Russia.

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Among the tasks with the parameters included in the profile USE in mathematics, one can single out a special class of tasks that are almost impossible to solve with standard school methods. Often, the functions on the left and right sides of the equation have a fundamentally different nature, which does not allow the use of an analytical approach. And the complex form of these expressions makes plotting problematic. The way out in this situation can be a minimax method for solving problems with parameters, which relies on the use of monotonicity and boundedness of functions.

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