On March 17-18, 2018, the Debate Tournament was held at the Lyceum of BSUaccording to Karl Popper format. 16 teams took part in it, each of which consisted of three students of grades 8-11 of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums in Belarus, accompanied by a coach and a judge, as well as spectators. attended the event and is ready to talk about the tournament itself, the BSU debate club and the movement in general.

Debate is an intellectual game in which two teams reasonably defend their positions on a chosen topic. There are debate (or debating) clubs in all world-famous educational institutions, such as Oxford and Cambridge. Thousands of debate tournaments for schoolchildren and students are held annually in the world

Children from the Minsk Palace of Children and Youth, Gymnasium No. 7 of Minsk, Gymnasium No. 30 of Minsk, Gymnasium No. 3 of Minsk, Secondary School No. 210 of Minsk, Lyceum No. 2 of Minsk, took part in the Debate Tournament of the Lyceum of BSU, Gymnasium No. 1 in Baranovichi and the Lyceum of BSU.

The victory went to the team of the BSU Lyceum consisting of Stas Stankevich, Kostya Zaiko and Eva Petrushina. The top five speakers of the tournament included Eva Petrushina (Lyceum BSU), Lazarevich Alina (Lyceum BSU), Nastya Shirokovskaya (gymnasium No. 30 in Minsk), Babenko Nadezhda ( Gymnasium No. 30 in Minsk) and Stankevich Stas (Lyceum of BSU).

The team of winners with the director of the Lyceum of BSU Makar Aleksandrovich

The victory was given to us with difficulty! This is the result of a lot of training, well-coordinated work and a little luck. The intrigue as to who won remained until the very end. The most difficult thing was to play the topic about the Belarusian language, and the most interesting topic was about the procedure of living in the simulation.

Eva Petrushina, Lyceum BSU

The tournament included five qualifying rounds, a semi-final and a final. The theme of each round was announced immediately before the game, and the teams had 30 minutes to prepare for the round. Here are the topics selected by the organizers for the participants of the tournament:

This chamber will allow teachers to choose their own teaching methods;

This chamber will allow voluntary drug testing on criminals in exchange for reduced sentences;

This chamber will not support the Belarusian language;

This chamber will introduce a progressive taxation scale (a progressive taxation scale is a taxation system based on the principle of increasing tax rates depending on the growth of the level of taxable income of the taxpayer);

You are a young, promising, single university graduate. Your education and specialty allow you to find work both in large cities and regions. This chamber will choose to work in the regions;

This chamber believes that if a child is found to have exceptional abilities in any area, society has the right to impose a life path on him.

Agree or deny? The role of each team was determined by tossing a coin.

During the discussion of the topic of one of the rounds. Teamwork is more important than ever
Notes are allowed!

Many interesting thoughts were expressed during the tournament. For example, when discussing the possibility of testing medicines on criminals, the guys expressed the opinion that society should not consider prisoners as inferior people and make them suffer, creating conditions in which they need to make a choice to their own detriment. People who really want to go free and are in a state of passion can go for testing without finally realizing all the minuses. And if we talk about female prisoners, then such a step will lead to the spread of health problems in their offspring.

The most seemingly easy topic - about the Belarusian language - caused a storm of emotions among the participants of the tournament. In one of the audiences, it was considered very deeply. The guys expressed the opinion that private companies are increasingly promoting the Belarusian language in their projects and advertising, and they played the statement against the Belarusian language not as a rejection of it by the whole society, but as a cessation of its support by the state.

Many educational institutions already have their own debate clubs: Lyceum BSU, lyceum No. 2, Minsk Palace of Children and Youth, gymnasiums No. 7, 30, 11, 3, 56, secondary school No. 210 in Minsk, as well as schools and gymnasiums in Vitebsk, Grodno, Borisov, Baranovichi, Molodechno, Miory, Orsha.

Why are debates so popular? Debates develop critical thinking, analytical skills and logic, as well as raise the oratorical skills of debaters to a new level. Debate topics cover all areas of life, from politics and economics to culture and art.

Anna Lachkovskaya, debate coach

Every year Belarus hosts the International School Debating Championship, which brings together about 40-50 teams from the cities of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia (including Yakutia), Lithuania and Latvia. Also, seasonal Republican tournaments of various formats are held throughout the year.

Debators from Belarus perform with dignity and win prizes at international debate tournaments in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, and even Ireland. Also, Belarusian debaters have repeatedly qualified for the school championships of Europe and the World, where they competed with the strongest teams from around the world.

Do you have a desire to gather your team of debaters and take part in such tournaments? Contact the administration of the BSU Lyceum, they will tell you where to start!

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An alarm clock should become a symbol of Belarusian education: a little more, and the question of the start time of the school day in schools will be put to the republican referendum. But there are much more problems in the middle link of education. "Bolshoi" spoke with the director of the BSU Lyceum Makar Shnip about the variability of curricula, about Western experience, about pragmatic but infantile teenagers.

- What worries you about Belarusian secondary education?

It is difficult for me to keep my word for all education, after all, the Belarusian State University Lyceum is an institution of republican subordination: talented and gifted children from all over Belarus come here, experimental programs work here. We are a little out of line with general tendencies and trends, and I do not have enough experience in standard secondary education to have the courage to estimate the general temperature in the hospital. But from what I see, based on my experience, it makes no sense for us to sprinkle ashes on our heads. Usually we like to compare - with the previous system, the experience of other countries. And I would not say that we have lost all the best of the Soviet heritage, just as I would not agree with those who believe that our neighbors have gone ahead, and we are trailing behind.

- Was Belarus able to find its own approach to education or are we still the successors of the previous era?

I think that our authenticity has not yet been found - we are still in search of a national education system. The Soviet system remained the foundation - about the same set of subjects, many teachers of the old school, guided by the trends of that time, work. But programs in the same subjects are filled with new meaning, science is developing - all this needs to be adjusted.

What would I change? It seems to me that it would make sense to adopt international experience and modify the existing set of disciplines. Divide subjects for high school students into those necessary for compulsory study (needed for admission to a university) and additional ones - the student himself will have the right to check the box next to what he is interested in. For example, for classes with a natural profile of education, history, literature, social science can be separated into a block of social sciences or social sciences, just as for the humanities it is worth combining chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics into a natural science block. Thus, we will, firstly, reduce the workload of students in non-core subjects, giving them the opportunity to better prepare for entering the university, and secondly, we will provide an alternative: in the same block of social sciences, “mathematicians” or “physicists” can, for example, independently increase the number of hours they spend studying fiction at the expense of subjects they are less interested in.

Today's teenagers are quite infantile: the goal is mine, but the teacher will lead me to achieve it

I think that a set of subjects for compulsory and optional study is a promising option for the lyceum: we and some other educational institutions are trying to partially solve this problem right now. Plans for experimental activities are approved annually, and lyceums, schools and gymnasiums (about fifteen) participating in the experiment choose the direction they are interested in for testing new curricula. Of course, we are limited by a number of established rules, but we continue to lobby for variability in learning, which would certainly benefit students.

How do you like the idea of ​​the Finns until 2020 to cancel all standard school subjects and switch to a project format, when each phenomenon will be considered from an interdisciplinary perspective? Could such a project be implemented in Belarus and is it needed?

Any education system is tightly tied to the socio-economic model existing in the country. In our country today, getting a higher education is almost an obligatory criterion for entering a job, no matter what specialty you choose. Therefore, the senior classes of secondary school are mainly oriented towards entering universities. In this regard, project-based learning, the main purpose of which is to help you orient yourself in society, is not yet very suitable for us. Everything is aimed at obtaining a higher education, which is why the task of a secondary school is similar to the tasks in driving schools, where the main thing is to get a driver's license. And you will get real knowledge by stuffing bumps and breaking the bumper.

Do you agree with the opinion of a graduate of the Faculty of Radiophysics of Belarusian State University who left for additional education abroad, who believes that there is education in Belarus, but there is no use for it?

Many recognize an important problem of modern higher education (and not only in Belarus): specialists are being trained, but it is not known how much they will be in demand in 5–10 years. The applicant enters the first year of the university, and when he finishes his studies, there will be a dozen jobs in new specialties that will require specialists. It turns out that the education system must predict what will happen after a certain period of time, and, taking into account this forecast, order personnel for itself. This problem is difficult to solve alone, with the help of only regional educational structures: an integrated approach is needed, the implementation of which should also involve other structures. An exaggerated example: the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Customs Committee sees that new trends in the field of information security are emerging, promptly make a request for the training of the necessary specialists and prescribe the necessary set of requirements.

But it is difficult to predict all the nuances, so one of the tasks that we set at the Lyceum is to motivate students for self-study: this skill can play a key role in the future. The design and interdisciplinary methodologies mentioned above could help in this regard. For example, on the basis of variable subjects (for example, an analogue of the block of social sciences), teachers divide the class into 4–5 groups, determine tasks for a quarter or half a year, and then control their implementation. The guys themselves determine the roles in their teams: who is the leader, who is the manager, who is the designer, etc. The proposed form is good because the participants learn to independently extract information, analyze it, and make decisions. In the future, the skill of self-study will improve, and when, 5-7 years after graduation, a person comes for an interview, he will be able not only to brag about his diploma, but to take some kind of “task” and immediately complete it.

We must understand what is more important for us: to prepare the winners of the Olympiads or to create conditions for the child to go to school with pleasure every morning.

- And what is the new generation? Is it very different from the previous ones?

I periodically compare current lyceum students with my classmates, with graduates of the 2000s, and I notice a rather paradoxical thing. On the one hand, today's high school students are pragmatic: there is a specific goal that they themselves came up with or their parents designated for them, and this goal must be achieved. On the other hand, today's teenagers are rather infantile: my goal, but a teacher who will give me knowledge will lead me to achieve it; I am independent, but my mom and dad have to provide for me, etc. You have to answer for every step you take, but over time this responsibility becomes less and less. Previously, high school students were more independent in the learning process.

- What does cooperation with foreign educational institutions give the lyceum?

We collaborated with a Swedish school for quite a long time - from the second half of the 1990s to the early 2010s. Cooperation was more in the nature of cultural exchange and language practice. For various reasons, it was suspended, but we are trying to return to it. Starting next year, we are starting to cooperate with the Lyceum "Du Parc" in Lyon, with which we have signed an agreement. This lyceum is famous for its mathematical profile, and in general the French school of mathematics is very strong. It will be a good experience for us, the French also do not hide their goal: they would like our students to enter them after graduating from the lyceum, in particular, to study courses for higher education. At the same time, we would not like to lose well-trained guys; it is desirable that they enter Belarusian universities. Of course, we will look for a compromise, but even without this there is a barrier that prevents cooperation: most of our students study English, and in Lyon they study in French. We had the idea of ​​a separate admission to the lyceum based on the results of exams in French and mathematics, but we decided not to experiment yet, since this is a rather rare combination. Applicants, as a rule, have either strong French or mathematics - it makes no sense to stop in a half position.

In addition, every year 2–3 lyceum students studying German go to Germany for short-term studies, where they attend classes with German schoolchildren, get acquainted with the local specifics of secondary education, take part in extracurricular activities and “pump” their German. A Belarusian-Polish mathematical tournament is scheduled for January 2018 in Lublin, where we were invited by one of the local lyceums, famous for its victories in Polish Olympiads. Lyceum students are now intensively preparing, and teachers from the Belarusian and Polish sides are working on the tasks of the tournament.

Over the past few years, together with the Minsk Regional Lyceum, we have been hosting a delegation of Ukrainian schoolchildren. During these visits, a scientific and practical conference is held, during which schoolchildren share their first scientific research and successes.

- Is there intense competition within the country between lyceums, gymnasiums, individual schools?

Of course, we are competitors, although sometimes we are talking about cooperation. We hold joint conferences with the Minsk Regional Lyceum, in the period of preparation for the Olympiads, some district schools turn to us with a request to help their students. If the child has the opportunity to come to us on Saturday - please, we do not refuse anyone. We maintain rather warm relations with Lyceum No. 1 in Brest, mutually share experience with Brest colleagues in organizing specialized education.

But still, in most cases, educational institutions are jealous of each other’s successes, because one way or another ratings are compiled based on the results of the Central Television, the results of the final stage of the Olympiads, etc. On the one hand, this is not bad, because it encourages educational institutions to look for new methods and forms of work with children, on the other hand, this creates unnecessary excitement in pursuit of the number of the same Olympiads: we have three, we have seven, and we have ten. In this pursuit, the essence of our work is sometimes lost; we must understand what is more important for us: to prepare the winners of the Olympiads or to create conditions for the child to go to school with pleasure every morning, in anticipation of new interesting lessons and exciting communication. It would be ideal to combine these two tasks, but often the choice is made in favor of one of them.

When Belarus suddenly became an IT country, did the competition for admission to mathematics classes increase greatly?

The year before last, we decided to enroll in a class in the field of "computer science, mathematics, physics" and, as an experiment, introduced an entrance exam in computer science. In that introductory campaign, the biggest competition was for admission to this class - 9.2 people per place. Although I would not argue that modern children are only interested in specialties related to IT. Every year we have a consistently high competition (usually at least 8 people per place) in chemical and biological classes, which prepare mainly future medical students. At the same time, we are discussing the idea of ​​reformatting philological classes into humanitarian ones - as it was before. The competition there is still high, but the problem is that very few graduates of philological classes go further in this profile: most go to universities to major in economics, psychology, philosophy, journalism. Only a few remain in classical philology.

On July 12 Belarusian universities started accepting documents. And on the first day, admissions committees did not sit without work, and at some universities there were large redi.

“They don’t care where to enter - in a regular or the best university in the country”

This year, you can apply to most universities from July 12 to 17, that is, within six days. Last year, the reception lasted a week. Perhaps this can explain the queues of applicants at universities. The most impressive was at BSU.

Many young people who are said to have been born with a smartphone in their hands somehow did not know the application rules, although they were listed on the university website, or did not understand them. It was necessary to fill out the form and application electronically and print them out. Someone registered in the personal account of the applicant on the BSU website, but did not print out the application, someone did not even register. For such, instead of saving time, it was an additional waste.

However, the queue was such - for an hour or more, that the applicants had time to fill out the questionnaire from the phone. But the application had to be written by hand.

“We don’t accept documents without a written application, because it is kept in the file,” explained the receptionist. - I do not know why young people were not ready for this. I go to the BSU applicant's website and see that I need to create a personal account, but they don't see it. It feels like they don't care where to go - to an ordinary or the best university in the country.

BSU, in the eyes of many, really remains the best university in the country, where the best applicants enter. Graduate of Gymnasium No. 1 Borisov Alexey Kozhan scored 381 (out of 400) points, including 99 (out of 100) in English. I studied at school, independently and with a tutor. Enters the Faculty of International Relations.

An employee of the selection committee patiently explained to the young man that, despite his very good results, you still need to follow the competition, because last year for the specialty « International Law”, for which he applied, the passing score was 382.

“Follow the competition, you have the opportunity to change your specialty. If you want exactly this one, then if you don’t enter, focus on paid education, ”- said an employee of BSU.

Aleksey Kozhan says that he will not go for a paid one, he will be guided by the competition within the Belarusian State University: “I would like to get into international law. It is my dream to work in the field of international relations. It seems to me that this area of ​​​​activity is connected with the ability to travel.

A graduate of Lyceum No. 1 of Minsk Maria Tomashevich dreams of developing drugs and plans to study at the Faculty of Chemistry. The girl scored 342 points, passed chemistry with 82 points:

“I don’t go to pharmacy, I don’t want to work in a pharmacy. I think I'll find myself in drug development. I studied in the chemistry and biology class, at the lyceum we were oriented towards science. I like the atmosphere of BSU, I consider it the best university in the country.”

Natalya, the girl’s mother, really hopes that Maria will be realized in life: “She herself chose a specialty, purposefully prepared. I am raising my daughter alone, I did not have the opportunity to hire repeaters. My daughter went to evening courses at the Lyceum of Belarusian State University and prepared on her own. I am very pleased with her results."

In total, 2164 students are planned to be admitted to the daily budgetary form at BSU (in 2016, 2202 people were accepted).

Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the main thing is to put on shoulder straps

Those who enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have completely different dreams. Nikolai Suzko dialed from Mozyr "a few points" as he said, and applied to the faculty of militia. For example, the CT in social studies scored 40 points.

Last year, they passed to this faculty for the specialization "Administrative and Legal Activities" (training for the Ministry of Defense) with 132 points, and for the specialization "Operative and Investigative Activities" - with 186 (out of 400 possible).

Documents are submitted to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only after a thorough due diligence at the level of local departments of internal affairs and passing a medical commission, including psychological testing.

Nikolai Suzko said that he had no problems with the commission, the psychiatrist spoke with him for about five minutes: “He asked something insignificant, for example, about a foreign language that I studied. I remember filling out the questionnaire more, in which there were, it seems to me, a thousand questions. I remember this: "Could you butcher a chicken?" I could, of course. And who will kill her - my younger brother and I live with my mother. Here she or I kill when necessary, still a little brother. In general, questions, starting from about the 50th, were repeated, just the wording changed..

When asked why he chose a job in the police, the young man replied that he dreamed of it. The fact that they will have to follow any orders, and sometimes disperse citizens during peaceful protests, is not afraid: “I won’t do anything bad, everything is only according to the charter. However, I haven't read it yet...

Natalia Stepanova came with her son Akira from Gomel. The young man has 180 points, he applied for the specialization "Operative and Investigative Activities". Last year, they entered there, gaining 186 points.

The family is satisfied with the son's choice. For four years of study, he will receive a higher education, and he will not have to serve in the army: “Become a man. And the fact that the shares will have to be dispersed ... Firstly, we have a peaceful country. Secondly, this is how it should be, we don’t want a second Ukraine here.”

"Let them send"- the applicant from Svetlogorsk unequivocally answered the question whether he was afraid that he would be sent on a task such as dispersing people. The young man scored 260 points and applied for the specialization "Judicial-Prosecutor-Investigative Activities" of the Faculty of Investigation and Expertise, where last year the passing minimum was 188 points. Parents support the boy in choosing a profession.

There was no doubt about the choice of profession and the father of Minsk margaritas, who graduated from school this year, and comes with a baggage of 242 points. The girl has a chance to enter, but very small - last year for women in the specialty "Jurisprudence" (specialization "Criminal Executive Activities") the passing score was 309.

“If it does not pass, we will try to get at least someone in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main thing is to put on shoulder straps, in this structure everyone has growth. People don't go there to get paid. Margarita herself chose this specialty. From the age of four she wanted to punish people. Here in the Zavodskoy district, do you know what crime is? Just look at "Zone X", everything is visible there, the girl's father said.

This year, 310 people will be admitted to the police department, 112 for investigators and 90 for criminal executives. Women will enter a separate competition - in total, 15 places are reserved for them.

BSUIR: big ambitions and good prospects

Gold medalist, graduate of the physics and mathematics class of the 209th Minsk school Anastasia Shikovets I passed physics with 98 points (it was an easy exam, she says), mathematics - with 82 and the Belarusian language - with 91 points (I studied with my mother, a teacher), a certificate - 98, the total amount - 369.

Anastasia applied to BSUIR for the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks, the passing scores for which were 343-373 last year.

The girl is sure that in the IT field the level of opportunities does not depend on whether you wear a skirt or trousers: “Many girls show excellent results. I am optimistic about the future, I am sure that I will have a good specialty and a stable income.”

This has already been proven in practice. Alexander. He enters BSUIR in the evening department. He sees no problem in passing exams (two internal ones in his specialty). This year he received a diploma from the College of Electronics and is already working:

“Specialties in the field of IT will become more and more popular every year. Creative work that requires not only knowledge, but also imagination. And paid accordingly. I went to college for free, now I won't pay. We didn’t work so hard to get paid.”

This year, BSUIR will accept 1,260 applicants for the budget, of which 1,115 people for full-time uniforms + 80 people for the military faculty.

Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee of BSUIR Vasily Bondarik said: “Last year, there was such a situation: the more IT specialty, the higher the passing score. For example, they were in the top areas of the faculty of computer systems and networks (the passing score of 2016 for the budget for the specialty "informatics and programming technologies" was 373). The sphere of the gaming industry was popular at the Faculty of Information Technology and Management (the passing score in 2016 for the specialty "information systems and technologies (in the gaming industry)" - 360)".

Alexander added that, as his experience shows, one can make a career even without a higher education in the field of IT. First of all, it is not a diploma that is valued, but knowledge, skills and experience. However, a young man enters the university, “Firstly, because BSUIR provides a good base, and secondly, to be completely honest, you need to somehow avoid the army.”

Photo by Sergey Balai

Rehearsal testing is very popular among university applicants. On the RT, you can check your knowledge and see how the exam itself works, how much time is allotted for it and whether you can meet it.

Now the guys who dream of entering the Lyceum of BSU have the same opportunity. You can order rehearsal tests in the online store of the BSU Lyceum (shop.lyceum.by)

To enter the Lyceum of BSU, they need to pass two tests in subjects corresponding to the profile. For each, you can score a maximum of 100 points (200 points in total). Passing points are in the range between 100 and 150 points, depending on the chosen profile.

How to prepare for admission to the Lyceum of BSU

Today, these guys have a lot of opportunities to prepare: with with the help of allowances for admission to the lyceum, at preparatory courses for 9th graders (every year more than 700 applicants study here), , where a whole section is specially designed for applicants.

Who are the rehearsal entrance examinations for?

Any student in Belarus can pass the rehearsal test.

The rehearsal test (RI) for lyceum applicants is another opportunity for preparation.

Since we strive to ensure that any graduate of the basic school has the opportunity to test himself, rehearsal tests will be conducted online on the distance learning server. It is important for the children to know what awaits them at the entrance examinations.

Stages of rehearsal entrance examinations

Rehearsal tests will be held from Nov. 1 By April 30 and will be divided into three stages.

  • Stage 1: November 2019 - December 2019,
  • Stage 2: January 2020 - February 2020,
  • Stage 3: March 2020 - April 2020.

At each stage, there will be only assignments on topics that 9th graders have already studied. Accordingly, at the third stage, the test will correspond to the specification (the program for which the exam is compiled). And, if the applicant copes with it by more than 50 points (for each subject) - on his own, without looking at textbooks or the Internet, without consulting friends, parents or teachers, then he will have serious chances for admission on the test itself. The timing of the RI stages are recommended, i.e. after their expiration, the tasks will NOT disappear anywhere. Moreover, any test can be taken any number of times.

How to find out the results of rehearsal tests at the Lyceum of BSU

Rehearsal tests are online, so the applicant will receive the result immediately.

And along with the result, he will see both his mistakes and an explanation of how it was necessary to complete the task correctly. For example, in physics, a video with its solution and explanations from the teacher will be added to each task.

In addition, there is always the possibility enroll in courses for applicants on the distance learning server if the result is lower than desired.

Demo test cases

Applicants of the Lyceum of BSU can also get acquainted with the demo versions of the tests. The purpose of the demo version of the test is to enable any participant in the entrance examinations to the Lyceum of BSU to get an idea of ​​the structure of test options, types of tasks and their levels of complexity. When familiarizing yourself with the demo options, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in them do not cover all the elements of the content that will be tested at the entrance examinations at the Lyceum of BSU in 2020.

The implementation of the demonstration options will allow test takers to develop a strategy for preparing for admission to the Lyceum of BSU, systematize the studied material, prevent possible mistakes, as well as consolidate knowledge and effectively prepare for the entrance tests in 2020.
