The CRC is designed for self-control of students in grades 7-9 in the main sections of the computer science course (UMK Bosovoy L.L.), including the test for the demo version of the OGE-2016. The test questions use questions with one correct answer, with several correct answers, with the input of a numerical value and for establishing a match. The product is designed as web pages.

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"Methodological guide on the use of ESM"

Methodical guide for using the resource

"Test suite for self-control
on the course "Informatics" for grades 7-9 "

Chaichenkov S.V., teacher of informatics
MBOU Grushevskaya secondary school
Aksay district of Rostov region

The test form of monitoring the success of the educational process acquires actual importance in connection with the use of this form in the State Final Attestation and with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, in which the priority of the quality of the educational process is defined as one of the main priorities. To prepare students for this form of checking the level of learning, it is necessary to introduce this procedure into the system, in the constant monitoring of the results of educational activities. And not only in graduation classes, but also in other periods of the educational process.

In systematic preparation, it is better to use not blank technology, but computer testing, which not only optimizes control, but also contributes to the accumulation of results and their subsequent analysis. It can be used for the current, midterm and final examination of knowledge.

The purpose of creating this information resource is to provide students with the opportunity in a form convenient for them to check the level of mastering theoretical material and the ability to apply their knowledge to solve problems.

The product is intended for self-control of students in grades 7-9 in the main sections of the computer science course (the distribution of topics corresponds to the teaching materials of L.L. Bosova). The kit includes a test for the demo version of the control measuring materials OGE 2016.

Tests perform not only a controlling, but also a teaching function, since there is an opportunity to see incorrect answers and correct your decision after additional study of the material.

The product is made in the form of web pages, which allows you to use it on any computer, copy to students on flash drives, place it on a local network or on a website on the Internet.

After running the index .htm file, the main page will open with a menu for selecting tests.

Menu items are hyperlinks to their respective test pages. The tasks use questions with one correct answer, with several correct answers, with the input of a numerical value or a string, and to establish a match.

After answering ALL questions, you should click on the "Check answers" button. A window will appear with the results in percent and on a 5-point scale. Questions with incorrect answers will be highlighted in red.

Attention! If your browser is blocking scripts and ActivX controls, you must allow blocked content.

The tests were developed on the basis of assignments from textbooks and workbooks of the teaching materials of L.L. Bosova and materials from the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

When creating the tests, the NetTest program was used (by K. Polyakov).

Resources used: - Website of BINOM publishing house,
    author's workshop L.L. Bosova - Site of Polyakov K.Yu. NetTest program for computer testing of knowledge in the network. - Open bank of tasks of the OGE FIPI.

Nurakhmetova T.T. ., teacher of informatics, KSU "Zhalaulinskaya secondary school". INFORMATICS TESTS

Tests for assessing the quality of training of graduates of basic school in computer science

Nurakhmetova Torgyn Talgatovna


KG At " Zhalaulinskaya SS »

from. Ivanovka

Aktogay sky district

Pavlodar region

Explanatory note

6 variants of final tests for assessing the quality of training of graduates of basic school are presented. Each option contains 24 questions, with the help of which the teacher can check the quality of assimilation of the passed material. For each question, 4 possible answers are offered, from which you should choose the correct one. The questions are selected in such a way that it is possible to determine the quality of the preparation of students in all topics of the computer science course included in the mandatory minimum of the educational content. The number of questions in each option may vary. The main thing is that each variant of the final test fully covers all the theoretical and practical material of the course, included in the mandatory minimum content.

Test execution time: 30 min.

Evaluation criteria:

Number of correct answers

Less than 10

10 – 14

15 – 19

20 – 24

Tests are compiled on the basis of the "Mandatory minimum content of education in computer science"

Table of correspondence of question numbers to course topics


Controlled topics

1. Information and information processes

Concept of the development of IT and the formation of the information society

2. Presentation of information

Knowledge of units of measurement of the amount of information

Ability to determine the amount of information

Ability to write decimal numbers in the binary number system

3. Computer

Knowledge of basic computer devices and their functions

Knowledge of safety rules, technical operation, safety of information and its protection from viruses when working on a computer

Knowing what a file and filesystem is

4. Modeling and formalization

Understanding the modeling process and solving problems on a computer

5. Algorithms and Executors

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe algorithm, the executor, the executor's command system

Knowledge of basic algorithmic constructs

Ability to formally execute algorithms

Assignment and Variable in Programming

6. Information technology

Text and graphics processing technologies

Understanding the capabilities of text editors

Knowledge of the existence of various formats and encodings of text documents

Understanding the different types of graphics editors and their capabilities

Understanding the existence of various graphic file formats

Introduction to multimedia technology

Numerical information processing technology

Knowledge of the structure and capabilities of spreadsheets

Ability to solve problems in spreadsheets

Information storage, search and sorting technology

Knowledge of the structure and capabilities of databases

Ability to solve problems of searching and sorting records

Computer communications

Understanding the technical characteristics of modems and communication lines

Understanding of Internet Information Services

Understanding the basics of WWW technology


    The mass production of personal computers began ...

    1) in the 40s

    3) in the 80s

    2) in the 50s

    4) in the 90s

    The smallest unit of measure for the amount of information

    1) 1 baud

    3) 1 byte

    2) 1 bit

    4) 1 KB

    In the children's game "Guess the Number", the first participant thought of an integer in the range from 1 to 8. The second participant asks questions: "Is the guess number greater than _?" What is the maximum number of questions with the correct strategy (the interval of numbers in each question is halved) should the second participant ask in order to guess the number?

    1) 1

    3) 3

    2) 2

    4) 4

    How is the decimal number 5 written in binary notation?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on ...

1) display screen size
2) processor frequencies
3) supply voltage
4) quickness, keystrokes

    Which device can be harmful to human health?

    1) printer

    3) system unit

    2) monitor

    4) modem

    The file is ...

1) unit of information
2) program in RAM
3) text printed on a printer
4) program or data on disk

    The model is the replacement of the studied object by another object that reflects ...

1) all sides of a given object
2) some aspects of this object
3) essential aspects of this object
4) insignificant aspects of this object

    The algorithm is ...

1) the sequence of commands that the executor can execute
2) the system of commands of the performer
3) mathematical model
4) information model

2) branching
3) subroutine
4) linear

    Which sequence of commands will bring the turtle to its original location and position?

1) forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °) forward (1 cm), right (90 °);
2) forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm),
3) forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °)
4) forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °)

    What does the assignment operation change?

    1) variable value

    3) variable type

    2) variable name

    4) type of algorithm

    The minimum object used in a text editor is ...

1) word
2) screen point (pixel)
3) paragraph
4) character (familiarity)

    The number of different encodings of the letters of the Russian alphabet is ...

1) one
2) two (MS-DOS, Windows)
3) three (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh)
4) five (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, KOI-8, ISO)

    The tools in the graphical editor are ...

1) line, circle, rectangle

3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) color sets (palettes)

    The raster graphic file contains a black and white image (no grayscale) with a size of 100x 100 points. What is the information volume of this file?

    1) 10,000 bits

    3) 10 Kbytes

    2) 10,000 bytes

    4) 1000 bits

    The multimedia computer necessarily includes ...

1) projection panel

2) CD-ROM drive and sound card
3) modem
4) plotter

    A group of cells A1: OT is highlighted in the spreadsheets. How many cells are in this group?

    1) 6

    3) 4

    2) 5

    4) 3

1) 5







\u003d A1 * 2

\u003d A1 + B1

) 15

2) 10

4) 20

    The main element of the database is ...

1) field

3) table

2) form

4) recording

  1. What row will the Bulgaria record occupy after sorting in ascending order in the Area, thousand km 2 field?

1) 1




thousand km 2


thousand people

















) 3

2) 2

4) 4

    A modem transmitting information at a speed of 28 800 bps can transmit two pages of text (3600 bytes) within ...

    1) 1 second

    3) 1 hour

    2) 1 minute

    4) 1 day

    Which of the methods of connecting to the Internet provides the greatest opportunities for accessing information resources ...

1) remote access via dial-up telephone channel
2) permanent connection via fiber optic channel
3) permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel
4) terminal connection over a dial-up telephone channel

    Hypertext is ...

1) very large text
2) structured text, in which transitions can be made by selected labels
3) text typed on a computer
4) text that uses a large font


    The common property of Babbage's machine, modern computer and the human brain is the ability to process ...

1) numerical information
2) text information
3) sound information
4) graphic information

    What is 1 byte ?.

    1) 10 bits

    3) 8 bits

    2) 10 Kbytes

    4) 1 baud

    In the children's game "Guess the Number", the first participant thought of an integer in the range from 1 to 16. The second participant asks the questions: "Is the guess number greater than _?" What is the maximum number of questions with the correct strategy (the interval of numbers in each question is halved) should the second participant ask in order to guess the number?

    1) 2

    3) 4

    2) 3

    4) 5

    How is the decimal number 6 written in binary?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    When you turn off your computer, all information is erased ...

1) floppy disk
2) on CD-ROM
3) hard disk
4) in RAM

    In which direction from the monitor is the harmful radiation maximum?

1) from screen forward
2) from the screen back
3) from the screen down
4) from the screen up

    The filesystem is usually depicted as a tree, where branches are directories (folders) and leaves are files (documents). Which can be located directly in the root directory, i.e. on the "trunk" of a tree?

1) directories and files
2) only directories
3) only files
4) nothing

    The model contains information ...

1) as much as the modeled object
2) less than the modeled object
3) larger than the modeled object
4) contains no information.

    Which document is the algorithm?

1) safety regulations

2) instructions for receiving money from an ATM
3) lesson schedule
4) class list

  1. What type of algorithmic structure is shown in the block diagram?

1) cycle

2) branching

3) subroutine

4) linear

    What path will the performer Turtle take after executing the sequence of commands:forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °), forward (1 cm), right (90 °)?

    1) 0 cm

    3) 3 cm

    2) 2 cm

    4) 4 cm

    A variable in programming is considered fully set if it is known ...

    1) type, name

    3) type, value

    2) name, meaning

    4) type, name, value

    While editing the text changes ...

1) font size

2) paragraph parameters

4) page parameters.

    The number of standard encodings of letters of the Latin alphabet is ...

1) one

2) two (MS-DOS, Windows)

3) three (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh)

4) five (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, KOI-8, ISO)

    The palettes in the graphical editor are ...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) selection, copying, pasting
3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) color sets

    The raster graphic file contains a black and white image with 16 shades of gray, size 10x

    1) 100 bits

    3) 400bit

    2) 400 bytes

    4) 100 bytes

    The sound card with the possibility of 16-bit binary encoding allows you to play sound from ...

1) 8 levels of intensity
2) 16 levels of intensity
3) 256 levels of intensity
4) 65,536 intensity levels

    A group of cells A1: C2 is highlighted in the spreadsheets. How many cells are in this group?

    1) 6

    3) 4

    2) 5

    4) 3

    The result of calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 20

A1 / 2

A1 + B1

2) 15

4) 5

    The database is presented in tabular form. The record forms ...

1) field in the table

3) row in the table

2) field name

4) cell

  1. TO



    thousand km 2


    thousand people

















    Such records will be found after searching in the Area, thousand km field 2 with the condition> 100 ?

1) 1, 2

3) 3, 4

2) 2, 3

4) 1, 4

    A modem transmitting information at a rate of 28 800 bit / s can transmit in 1 s ...

1) two pages of text (3600 bytes)
2) drawing (36 KB)
3) audio file (360 KB)
4) video file (3.6 MB)

    Electronic mail (e-mail) allows you to send ...

1) messages only
2) only files
3) messages and attached files
4) video image

    HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)is an...

1) Internet server
2) a tool for creating web pages
3) a translator of the programming language


    The first computers were created ...

    1) in the 40s

    3) in the 70s

    2) in the 60s

    4) in the 80s

    What is 1 KB equal to?

    1) 1000 bits

    3) 1024 bits

    2) 1000 bytes

    4) 1024 bytes

    How much information does one digit of a hexadecimal number contain?

    1) 1 bit

    3) 1 byte

    2) 4 bits

    4) 16 bit

    How is decimal 7 written in binary?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    Which device has the fastest communication speed?

1) CD-ROM drive
2) hard drive
3) floppy drive

    In order to preserve information, floppy disks must be protected from ...

1) cold
2) pollution
3) magnetic fields

    The system diskette is required for ...

1) initial boot of the operating system
2) organize files
3) storing important files
4) "cure" the computer from viruses

    An informational model for organizing the educational process at school is ...

1) rules of behavior for students
2) class list
3) lesson schedule
4) a list of textbooks

    The processor executes the commands written:

1) in algorithmic language
2) in machine language (in binary code)
3) in natural language
4) in the form of a block diagram


    algchoice ( things A, B, X)

    arg A, B

    cut X


    if aA\u003e B

    then X: \u003d A

    otherwiseX: \u003d B


    What type of algorithm is written in algorithmic language?

1) cyclic

3) auxiliary

2) linear

4) branching

1) N! \u003d 9

3) N! \u003d 3

2) N! \u003d 6

4) N! \u003d 12

  1. What will be the value of the variable after performing the assignment operations:

X: \u003d 5
X: \u003d X + 1

1) 5

3) 1

2) 6

4) 10

    In a text editor, when setting page parameters, set ...

2) indent, spacing
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

    1) font size

    3) paragraph parameters

    2) file type

    4) page sizes

    Primitives in a graphical editor are called ...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser

4) color sets (palette)

    Bitmap graphic file contains a color image with a palette of 256 colors, size 10x 10 points. What is the information volume of this file?

    1) 800 bytes

    3) 8 Kbytes

    2) 400 bits

    4) 100 bytes

    24x CD-ROM Drive ...

1) has 24 different disc rotation speeds
2) has 24 times the rotation speed of the disk than the single speed
3) has 24 times slower disc rotation speed than single speed CD-ROM
4) only reads special 24-speed CD-ROMs

    In spreadsheets, you cannot delete ...

    1) column

    3) cell name

    2) string

    4) cell contents

  1. The result of calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 5







\u003d A1 * 2

\u003d SUM (A1: B1)

) 15

2) 10

4) 20

    The type of field (numeric, text, etc.) in the database is determined ...

1) field name
2) field width
3) the number of lines
4) data type

    What line will the Hungary record occupy after sorting in descending order in the Population, thousand people field?

1) 1



thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 2

4) 4

    The maximum data transfer rate over a high-quality dial-up telephone line can reach ...

    1) 56.6 kbps

    3) 1 Mbps

    2) 100 kbps

    4) 1 KB / s

    What is the name of the owner of this email address?

    1) ru

    3) user_name


    4) mtu-net

    Browsers (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer) are ...

1) Internet servers
2) antivirus programs
3) translators of the programming language
4) web viewer


    The development of global computer networks began in ...

    1) in the 60s.

    3) in the 80s

    2) in the 70s

    4) in the 90s

    What is 1 MB ...

    1) 1,000,000 bits

    3) 1024 Kbytes

    2) 1,000,000 bytes

    4) 1024 bytes

    How much information does one bit of a binary number contain?

    1) 1 byte

    3) 4 bits

    2) 3 bits

    4) 1 bit

    How is the decimal number 4 written in binary?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    Writing and reading information in floppy drives is carried out using ...

    1) magnetic head

    3) thermoelement

    2) laser

    4) touch sensor

    1) insert / remove a floppy disk

    3) restart the computer by pressing the RESET button

    2) disconnect / connect external devices

    4) restart the computer by pressing the CTRL -ALT -DEL keys

    Full path to file specified C: \\ DOC \\ PROBA.TXT... What is the full name of the file?

    1) C: \\ DOC \\ PROBA.TXT

    3) DOC \\ PROBA.TXT


    4) TXT

    The subject model is ...

    1) anatomical dummy

    3) drawing

    2) map

    4) diagram

    Which of the objects can be the executor of the algorithms?

    1) scissors

    3) printer

    2) map

    4) book

  1. AND

    algsum of squares ( intact S)

    cut S

    early nat n

    S: \u003d A

    for n from 1 before 3


    S: \u003d S + n * n



1) cyclic

3) auxiliary

2) branching

4) linear

    What is the trajectory of the turtle executor after executing the sequence of commands:forward (1 cm) right (90 0) forward (1 cm) right (90 0) forward (1 cm) right (90 0) forward (1 cm) right (90 0)

    A: \u003d 5
    B: \u003d 10
    X: \u003d A + B

    1) 5

    3) 15

    2) 10

    4) 20

    In a text editor, performing an operationCopying becomes possible after:

1) setting the cursor to a specific position
2) save the file
3) file printouts
4) highlighting a piece of text

    The process of converting a text file from MS-DOS encoding to Windows encoding changes ...

1) font size

2) paragraph formatting options
3) binary character encoding
4) page parameters

    The main operations possible in the graphical editor include ...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser
3) selection, copying, pasting
4) color sets (palette)

    The minimum object used in a vector graphics editor is ...

1) screen point (pixel)

3) color palette
4) familiarity (character)

    In order to preserve the information, the CD-ROM must be protected from ...

1) cold
2) pollution
3) magnetic fields
4) differences in atmospheric pressure

    The main element of spreadsheets is ...

    1) cell

    3) column

    2) string

    4) table

  1. The result of calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 5







\u003d A1 / 2

\u003d SUM (A1: B1)

) 15

2) 10

4) 20




    Activity area


    E. Rutherford

    Great Britain



    J. Alferov




    L. Landau

    the USSR



    I. Mechnikov




    M. Sholokhov

    the USSR


    How many records are in the submitted database?

1) 5

3) 3

2) 2

4) 4

  1. What records will be found after searching in the text boxCountry with the conditioncontainsRussia?

1) 1



Activity area

E. Rutherford

Great Britain


J. Alferov



L. Landau

the USSR


I. Mechnikov



M. Sholokhov

the USSR


2) 2,4

4) 2, 3

  1. The maximum speed of information transfer in a computer local network can reach ...

    1) 56.6 kbit / s

    3) 100 Mbps

    2) 100 kbps

    4) 100 KB / s

    Internet e-mail address is set: [email protected]
    What is the name of the computer that stores mail?

    1) ru

    3) user_name

    2) [email protected]


1) to any web page of any Internet server
2) to any web page within the given domain
3) to any web page of this server
4) within the given web page


    Which sequence reflects the true chronology:

1) mail, telegraph, telephone, television, radio, computer networks;

2) mail, radio, telegraph, telephone, television, computer networks;

3) mail, television, radio, telegraph, telephone, computer networks;

4) mail, radio, telephone, telegraph, television, computer networks;

    What is 1 KB ...

    1) 2 10 bytes

    3) 1000 bits

    2) 10 3 bytes

    4) 1000 bytes

    The amount of information required for binary encoding of 256 characters is ...

    1) 1 bit

    3) 1 KB

    2) 1 byte

    4) 1 baud

    How is the decimal number 3 written in binary?

    1) 00

    3) 01

    2) 10

    4) 11

    Which device has the slowest communication speed?

    1) CD-ROM drive

    3) floppy drive

    2) hard drive

    4) RAM chips

    Infection with computer viruses can occur during ...

    1) printing on a printer

    3) formatting the floppy

    2) working with files

    4) shutting down the computer

    Full path to file specifiedC: \\ DOC \\ PROBA.TXT... What is the name of the directory where the PROBA.TXT file is located?

    1) DOC

    3) C: \\ DOC \\ PROBA.TXT


    4) TXT

    The family tree of the family is ...

    1) tabular information model

    3) network information model

    2) hierarchical information model

    4) subject information model

    Which of the words is the command of the performer Turtle?

    1) linear

    3) algorithm

    2) program

    4) forward


    alg sum ( things A, B, S)

    arg A, B
    cut S
    S: \u003d A + B

    what type of algorithm is written in algorithmic language?

1) cyclic

3) auxiliary

2) branching

4) linear

1) 20

3) 5

2) 9

4) 4

  1. What will be the value of the variable X after performing the assignment operations:X: \u003d 5
    B: \u003d 10
    X: \u003d X + B

    1) 5

    3) 15

    2) 10

    4) 20

    In a text editor, the main parameters when setting parameters for a paragraph are:

1) typeface, size, style
2) indent, spacing
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

    What is the most common name extension for text files?

    1) ... exe

    3) .doc

    2) ... bmp

    4) ... com

    The minimum object in a raster graphics editor is ...

1) screen point (pixel)
2) an object (rectangle, circle, etc.)
3) color palette
4) familiarity (character)

    In the process of converting a raster graphic file, the number of colors decreased from 65536 to 256. How many times will the information size of the file decrease?

    1) 2

    3) 8

    2) 4

    4) 16

    The largest information volume will have a file containing ...

1) 1 page of text
2) black and white drawing 100x100
3) an audio clip with a duration of 1 min.
4) video clip, 1 min.

    In spreadsheets, a formula cannot include ...

    1) numbers

    3) text

    2) cell names

    4) signs of arithmetic operations

    The result of calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 50







\u003d A1 / 2

\u003d SUM (A1: B1) * A1

) 150

2) 100

4) 200




    thousand people


















    How many records are there in the database?

1) 4

3) 2

2) 3

4) 1

  1. What row will Greece occupy after sorting in ascending order in the fieldPopulation, thousand people ?

1) 4



thousand people














2) 3

4) 1

    The speed of information transfer over a backbone fiber-optic line is usually no less than ...

    1) 56.6 kbps

    3) 28.8 bit / s

    2) 100 kbps

    4) 1 Mbps

    Internet servers containing file archives allow ...

1) download the necessary files
2) receive email
3) participate in teleconferences
4) conduct video conferencing

    A computer connected to the Internet must have ...

1) IP address
2) web server
3) home web page
4) domain name


    The founder of domestic computing technology is ...

1) Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev,

2) Nikolay Ivanovich Lobachevsky,

3) Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov,

4) Pafnuti Lvovich Chebyshev.

    What is 1 GB ...

    1) 2 10 MB

    3) 1000 Mbps

    2) 10 3 MB

    4) 1,000,000 KB

    For binary coding of a color picture (256 colors) of size 10x 10 points required ....

    1) 100 bits

    3) 600 bits

    2) 100 bytes

    4) 800 bytes

    How is the decimal number 2 written in binary?

    1) 00

    3) 01

    2) 10

    4) 11

    The processor is processing information ...

    1) in decimal number system

    3) in the Basic language

    2) in binary

    4) in text form

    Computer viruses can be infected ...

    1) only programs

    3) programs and documents

    2) graphic files

    4) sound files

    Full path to file specifiedC: \\ DOC \\ PROBA.TXT ... What is the file extension that determines its appearance?

    1) C: \\ DOC \\ PROBA.TXT


    2) DOC \\ PROBA.TXT

    4) .TXT

    The informational (sign) model is ...

    1) anatomical dummy

    3) ship model

    2) building layout

    4) diagram

    The algorithm is ...

1) subject information model
2) static information model
3) dynamic information model
4) tabular information model

1) Cyclic
2) Forking
3) Auxiliary
4) Linear

    Using the algorithm written in algorithmic language, calculate the sum of squares of a sequence of natural numbers.

1) S \u003d 15


alg sum of squares ( intact S)

cut S
early nat n
S: \u003d 0
for nfrom 2 before 4
S: \u003d S + n * n

2) S \u003d 18

4) S \u003d 29

    The value of a boolean variable can be

    1) any number

    3) true or false

    2) any text

    4) table

    In a text editor, the main parameters when specifying a font are:

1) typeface, size, style
2) indent, spacing
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

    As the text is formatted, it changes ...

    1) font size

    3) a sequence of characters, words, paragraphs

    2) paragraph parameters

    4) page parameters

    Raster graphics editor is designed for ....

1) creating drawings
2) plotting
3) building diagrams
4) creating and editing drawings

    In the process of compressing raster graphic files using the JPEG algorithm, its information volume usually decreases in ..

    1) 2-3 times

    3) 100 times

    2) 10-15 times

    4) does not change

    The information capacity of standard CD-ROMs can reach ...

1) 650 MB 3) 1 GB
2) 1 MB 4) 650 kB

18. In spreadsheets, the cell name is formed ...

1) from the column name

3) from column name and row

2) from the string name

4) arbitrarily

    The result of calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 25







\u003d A1 * 2

\u003d SUM (A1: B1) * A1

) 75

2) 50

4) 100




    thousand people


















    How many text fields are there in the submitted database?

1) 1

3) 3

2) 2

4) 4

  1. What records will be found after searching in a numeric field Population, thousand people with the condition<20 ?

    1) 2

    3) 1,4

    2) 3

    4) 1 ,2,3

    A modem is ...

1) mail program
2) network protocol
3) internet server
4) technical device

    Internet e-mail address is set: [email protected] What is the top level domain name?

    1) ru

    3) user_name



    Web pages are formatted (extension) ...

1) .TXT
2) .HTM
3) .DOC
4) .EXE

Images of the covers of textbooks are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, clause 1 of part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

GDZ control and measuring materials (kim) in informatics Grade 9 Maslenikov Wako

  • You can prepare for the GIA in informatics by regularly working through several sections and topics of the educational material. As practice shows, the tasks submitted for the exam are standard. The format is changing (now - on a PC) and the block of theoretical questions. Systematic testing, self-examination of one's knowledge helps to master the latter qualitatively and competently. To implement such plans, you will need a good educational material and a resource book for it. Periodically assessing the dynamics, checking the accuracy of the answers received by GDZstudying the correct writing, ninth-graders approach the final test with sufficient knowledge.
  • Among the effective and understandable manuals - control and measuring materials (CMM) in informatics for grade 9, the author Maslenikova O. N. The tests offered in them are well systematized, suitable for almost any theoretical textbook on the discipline. The collection can be used for preparation in the classroom, at home, including for classes with a tutor, in circle work with high school students. The main thing is a systematic approach to checking knowledge, periodically monitoring their dynamics and returning to those topics that caused the greatest number of questions and difficulties during the previous control.

Test Mathematical foundations of computer science grade 9 contains 20 questions and is designed to test the learning outcomes of computer science in grade 9 on the relevant topic.

1. The set of signs with which numbers are written is called:
a) number system
b) numerals
c) the alphabet of the number system
d) the base of the number system

2. What is the result of adding two numbers written in Roman numerals: MSM + LXVIII?
a) 1168
b) 1968
c) 2168
d) 1153

3. The number 301011 can exist in numeral systems with bases:
a) 2 and 10
b) 4 and 3
c) 4 and 8
d) 2 and 4

4. The binary number 100110 in decimal notation is written as:
a) 36
b) 38
c) 37
d) 46

5. In the class 110010 there are 2% girls and 1010 2% boys. How many students are there in the class?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40

6. How many digits 1 are in binary representation of decimal number 15?
a) 1
b) 2
at 3
d) 4

7. What is the result of adding the numbers 110 2 and 12 8?
a) 6 10
b) 10 10
c) 10000 2
d) 17 8

8. A computer memory cell consists of homogeneous elements called:
a) codes
b) discharges
c) in numbers
d) coefficients

9. The number of bits occupied by a two-byte number is:
a) 8
b) 16
c) 32
d) 64

10. The sign bit of the cell for negative numbers is entered:
a) +
b) -
c) 0
d) 1

11. Real numbers are represented in the computer in:
a) natural form
b) expanded form
c) normal form with a normalized mantissa
d) the form of an ordinary fraction

12. Which sentence is not a statement?
a) No reason excuses impoliteness
b) Be sure to become an excellent student
c) Manuscripts do not burn
d) 10112 \u003d 1 2 3 + 0 2 2 + 1 2 1 + 1 2 0

13. Which statement is false?
a) Sign v a logical OR operation
b) Logical operation OR otherwise called logical addition
c) Disjunction is otherwise called logical addition
d) Sign v denotes a logical operation conjunction

14. For which of the indicated values \u200b\u200bof the number X is the statement true?
a) 1
b) 2
at 3
d) 4

15. For which symbolic expression is the statement true:
"NOT (first letter consonant) AND NOT (second letter vowel)"?

a) abcde
b) bcade
c) babas
d) cabab

16. Some segment of the Internet consists of 1000 sites. The search engine automatically compiled a table of keywords for sites in this segment. Here is a fragment of it:
scanner - 200
printer - 250
monitor - 450

How many sites will be found on request printer | scanner | monitorif upon request printer | scanner 450 sites were found, by request printer & monitor - 40, and on request scanner & monitor - 50?

a) 900
6) 540
c) 460
d) 810

17. What logical expression does the following truth table correspond to?
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

18. When the computer broke down, its owner said: "The RAM could not fail." The son of the owner of the computer assumed that the processor burned out, and the hard disk was working. The service technician who came in said that most likely everything was in order with the processor, and the RAM was faulty. As a result, it turned out that two of them said everything correctly, and the third - everything is wrong. What's broken?
a) RAM
b) processor
c) winchester
d) processor and RAM

19. At the intersection, there was a traffic accident involving a bus (A), a truck (D), a car (L) and a minibus (M). The witnesses of the incident gave the following testimony. The first witness believed that the bus was the first to enter the intersection, and the minibus was the second. Another witness believed that a passenger car was the last to leave the intersection, and a truck was the second. The third witness assured that the bus entered the intersection second, followed by a passenger car. As a result, it turned out that each of the witnesses was right in only one of their statements. In what order did the cars arrive at the intersection? In the answer options, the first letters of the names of the vehicles are listed in a row without spaces in the order of their entry to the intersection.
