The man, about 27 years old, European type, height approx. 180 cm, average build.

Headmedium height, oval.

Hairdark, straight, medium density and length, the hairline is M-shaped, hair is not combed.

Face oval, with medium features, medium fullness, convex profile. The forehead is of medium height and width, straight, deflected back.

Eyebrows arched, long, tapering to the temples, obliquely inward, closely spaced, high, of medium density.

Eyes almond-shaped, of medium length and opening, obliquely in position, blue-gray, with a moderately pronounced lower eyelid.

Nosemedium height (length), width, protrusion and depth of the bridge, with a sinuous contour of the nasal bridge, the base is horizontal.

Mouth medium length, the corners of the mouth are located horizontally, protruding into the profile of the lip, the contour of the lips closing is straight, the height of the upper lip is medium.

The chinoval profile, low height, medium width, protruding.

Auriclesmedium size, sloping back, general protrusion, rectangular shape, with separate attachment of the lobe to the cheek.

Hairlinemissing on the face.

Neck medium height and thickness, straight.

Special signs: no

Dressed up in a black T-shirt

Upon personal observation, the functional elements of the appearance are described.

Questions for self-control on topic 9:

1. The classification system of signs of a person's appearance,
2. Own elements and signs of a person's appearance.

3. Accompanying elements and signs of a person's appearance.

4.Special signs of a person's appearance.

5.Rules for describing appearance by method verbal portrait,
6. The concept and types of subjective portraits.

7. Use of verbal and subjective portraits in the search activities of the internal affairs bodies.

8. Regularities of changes in the external appearance of a person.

9. Sources of information about a person's appearance.

10 representations of the external appearance of a person used in forensics

Further reading on topic 9:

1.Alenin A.P., Dubyagin Yu.P., Kuznetsov A.A. The use of a verbal portrait in the search activities of the internal affairs bodies: an educational-practical guide. Omsk, 1996.

2. Reconstruction of the face from the skull in forensic science; Tutorial / Comp. B.A. Fedosyutkin et al., 1990.

3.Zinin A.M. The use of subjective portraits. M., 1996.

4.Criminalistic description of a person's appearance; Study guide / Under total. ed. V.M. Snetkov, 1993.

7.Toporkov A.A. Verbal portrait .; A practical guide. M.. 1999.

8 Tsvetkov P.P., Petrov V.P. Personal identification by photographs. L., 1996,

38-year road to school

Under reforms, changes -

Making distortions

They all went into businessmen -

But I'm not brave ..?

So not brave or, on the contrary, brave, selfless? There are many different opinions and interpretations of what a modern teacher should be like? I am convinced that the teacher, in whatever century he taught - he is modern! Otherwise it is impossible. Numerous school reforms, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, urgently require the improvement of the system of training and education of students. Generations of students are changing, the pace of life is accelerating - all this invariably entails the need to change the appearance of the teacher.

I have been going to school (since the age of seven) in the thirty-eighth year and I cannot imagine how I suddenly will not come to the temple of science on September 1 !? For me wcola is not a place where educational services are provided (I really dislike this modern phrase!). School is a storehouse of knowledge, where it influences the minds, souls and hearts of the younger generation.

“The vocation of a teacher is a high and noble vocation. But not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, should and cannot be otherwise, ”wrote LN Tolstoy in one of his pedagogical works. These words are for sureoreflect the reasons for choosingoi have a teaching profession. Even before studying at the university i nonil the pros and cons of teaching.

"Portrait ( fr.portrait, from Old French. portraire - “to reproduce something like a devil in a line” - an image or description of a person or a group of people that exist or existed in reality ”- the wording from Wikipedia is relevant for the beginning of a verbal portrait of a modern teacher. In the same place we read: “A portrait in literature is one of the means of artistic characterization, which consists in the fact that the writer reveals the typical character of his heroes and expresses his ideological attitude towards them through the depiction of the heroes' appearance: their figures, faces, clothes, movements, gestures and manners ".

Verbal portrait of a modern teacher (from my point of view, based on the definitions indicated above):

P - positive, punctual, constantly improving professionalism.

E is a natural associate.

D - kind, benevolent, disciplined, democratic.

A - neat, active, artistic authority.

G - brilliant, humane.

Oh - educated, open-minded, experienced, responsible, always charming!

G - competent, harmonious.

The modern teacher is active creative person, with a rich inner world and inexhaustible vital energy.


https: // ru. wikipedia. org / wiki / Portrait

a) A sample of a self-portrait using the example of material from the Internet:

He is shy and modest - as far as the acting profession allows. He is sober in his achievements. A serious artist with a subtle lyrical and comedic talent Andrei Kaikov comments on the most important thing.

Who am I?

“I am a person who likes life. And I like my different roles - actor, father, friend, son ... In each of them I manage to feel in my place and be in harmony with the situation. Accept what is. I like to communicate with other people and do not oppose myself to them. But at the same time, I am a rather secretive person and am not ready to discuss my personal problems with anyone. It is difficult even for my family to get something out of me. I took this quality from my father: he does not like to invade the lives of others, to interfere with someone, to impose. And this is also characteristic of me. I am hardworking, hot-tempered and responsible, but I don't think it came with age. It seems to me that I am not changing. Rather, I grow in breadth, like a tree: new branches appear, but the trunk, the core remain one. "

b) Words used to describe a person's character:

You can describe a person's character in the words: optimist, generous, open, practical, wise, sociable, hospitable, sociable, responsible, calm, caring, man of his word, inattentive, firm, reliable, logical, low-emotional, attentive, insightful, influential, sensitive, polite , witty, talkative, funny, proud, impulsive, tactful, arrogant, cocky, friendly, etc.

in) Take your own self-portrait.

Samples of work:

  • There is one boy living in my city. Hmm. No.
    There is one boy living in my house.
    One boy lives in my room - me.
    He (I) is a very interesting person.
    Graceful, cultured, slightly annoying, a little nutty.
    He was born in the distant past. Well, right 14 years ago.
    He graduated from an institution called "nothing."
    He is currently studying at the Mkhitar Sebastian educational complex.
    Earlier, he was educated at the school named after "Hakob Kojoyan".
    I heard rumors that a few months ago he started writing poetry.
    He writes badly, but I like his style.
    They say that his poems are very cruel, directed towards someone dear to him.
    They say he is in love, suffers from unrequited love.
    For some reason, I don't believe in these rumors.
    He is too lazy, when he enters the threshold, I myself saw him sit down in a chair and starts playing his stupid games !!!
    In the morning, I find it difficult to persuade him to wake up. He is often late for school. And not only to school, I can tell you.
    I followed him, and it turns out that he always and everywhere comes late.
    Here is such a person of my contemporary.
    But despite all his defects, despite everything bad about him, I love him very much.
    He's just darling.
  • Voskanyan Eric

C) work in pairs / groups:in a few minutes, based on several questions to each other, make a verbal portrait of your peer from Georgia / Armenia and present him. And the one whose portrait was made, says how accurately it was made and what was the mistake. When drawing up a portrait, pay attention to

  • Appearance
  • Actions.
  1. The next part of the lesson is conducted using the Perspective technology.

Four creative teams are being created. Each of the groups works in a specific role position: innovators, optimists, pessimists, experts.

  • Innovators present their personal self-education program;
  • Optimists highlight everything positive, positive in the presented program;
  • Pessimists pay attention to everything negative, ill-considered in the self-education program;
  • Experts summarize and analyze the information received, evaluate the work of each creative group, make additions.
  1. Individual work in laptops (blogs or e-notebooks):

The person I would like to be like ”

(Creation of a portrait of a modern young man.)

After some time, the works are read out and discussed, after which the teacher reads the text from the electronic manual "This is cool!"


Do parents always understand well their matured children? Let's try to figure out what interests modern teenagers, what they consider cool and what their parents do not always agree with.

So, nowadays among the youth:

It's cool to drink beer, but weak so as not to lose orientation.

It's cool to ride on the street in any weather - through puddles, snow; cool to ride on railings, benches and stairs. It's cool to just go fast and yell.

It's cool to ride in dirty clothes, in one piece of clothing, wearing a cap on your head backwards.

It's cool to wear shorts as much as possible, especially in winter, and in summer to wear a hat. Hats must be worn incredible, surprising everyone around.

It's cool to wear things upside down and backwards. You definitely need different socks, you can also use different laces. It's even cooler to wear, say, one sneaker and one flipper. You need to experiment as much as possible with your external

It's cool to wear a bunch of all sorts of hanging on the head, neck, arms, clothes, to have piercings in all places of the body. It's cool to have a tattoo.

It's cool to run down the street in ridiculous clothes, yell, jump. It's cool to stand up all the time, it's cool to behave outside the box.

Questions for conversation.

How do you feel about this behavior of young people? Do you like this style, this fashion? Could you dress like that?

Do you think your parents understand you well?

What disagreements do you have with your parents - about clothes, music? ..

Is it always necessary to agree with the opinion of the parents or the teenager is already able to make a choice in life himself?

Do you listen to your parents' advice? How do you feel about their opinion?

Are there always problems between parents and children?

Do you think you will understand your children well?

How old do you think children should live with their parents?

Should parents help adult children financially?

  1. Reading text about our contemporaries (musicians, writers, directors, just interesting people)
  • I will not name his name, since I do not know how it is written in Russian. In Armenian it is called Մհեր. He is my father's brother, which means my uncle, but since I cannot call him uncle, I will simply call him.

So that's it. He is smaller than his father in both height and age. Born and raised like his father in Vanadzor. The school was also there, but the university was already in Yerevan. But it is not important. And the fact that I don't understand his profession (If it's interesting, he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations).

He has a musical education. At the age of seven, he knew how to play the piano.

But then it turned out that he learned to play the guitar on his own. He says that in order to get the girls' attention, he started playing in the band Lav Eli. This group does not introduce itself into any genre of music, but they are called an alternative rock group. They started their careers in Vanadzor. But then they came to Yerevan, and here they fell in love. It turned out that two members of the group then left the country and began to live in the United States, one of the members returned to Vanadzor, and my father's brother stayed in Yerevan, got married and was born a dear man for me - his daughter. At the moment he has four children, but she remains the most dear to me.

I don't know where he learned to do magic tricks, but sometimes we ask him to show something. As a child, his tricks were the most amazing thing. We tried to stick a coin in our necks or eat them, but we couldn't.

Basic rules for describing appearance using the method of verbal portrait:

  • the description is carried out sequentially from top to bottom, from general to specific;
  • the description is carried out with maximum completeness and comprehensiveness;
  • when describing, a unified terminology is used (for example, elements of appearance in form are described using names geometric shapes);
  • a person's appearance (and its individual elements) are characterized by various criteria, such as shape, size, position, quantity, color, etc .;
  • the head of a person, as the most noticeable and memorable element, is described in full face and profile.

The order of describing features

I. Gender: male, female

II. Age

Determined by documents or approximately "in appearance", indicating the age "in appearance" in the presence of documentary data is necessary in cases when a person seems much younger or older than his years.

III. Nationality (type of person)

It is determined in the absence of documents confirming the nationality of a person, a comparative determination of the type of person is allowed (provided that it is clearly expressed). Distinguish between European, Caucasian, Central Asian, Mongolian type of face.

IV. Anatomical signs

1. Figure as a whole:

Height is determined by a three-member gradation for men: low (up to 165 cm), medium (up to 175 cm), high (175-190 cm)

For women, these dimensions are accordingly reduced by 5-10 cm. If anthropological means are available, absolute data are indicated in centimeters. Features: very low (up to 155 cm), very high (over 190 cm)

The physique is determined by the development of the musculoskeletal system and the degree of body fat. Distinguish between people with a weak, medium, stocky and athletic build. According to fatness, a person is characterized as thin, of normal constitution, full and obese.

2. Head as a whole:

a) size - small, medium, large;

b) position - vertical, inclined forward, to the right or left shoulder, thrown back.

3. Skull:

low, medium, high, round, pear-shaped, domed.

4. Back of the head:

beveled, protruding, vertical.

5. Hair:

a) by density - dense, medium, rare;

b) in length - short, medium, long;

c) shape - straight, wavy, curly, curly;

d) color - light blond, blond blond, dark blond, red, gray, gray, black;

e) hairline - arcuate, straight, angular, M-shaped, sinuous, with temporal bald patches;

f) the nature of the hairstyle - the haircut is low, high, combed back, left, right, forehead, parting, in the middle, left, right, braided into braids, bun;

g) bald patches: frontal, parietal, crown, longitudinal, general baldness, temporal bald patches, bald patches.

6. The face as a whole:

a) proportions - narrow, medium, wide;

b) in shape - oval, round, rectangular, square, triangular, trapezoidal;

c) contour in profile - straight, convex, concave;

d) in fullness - thin, thin, cf. completeness, complete;

e) facial skin - smooth, porous, flabby, wrinkled, clean, acne-prone, pimply, with pockmarks, with freckles, streaked, dry, oily white, dark-skinned, red, pink, yellow, pale, bluish, bloody, vascular;

f) wrinkles - frontal, glabellar, buccal, nasolabial, oral, tragus, and others (named after their location).

7. Forehead:

a) size in width - narrow, medium, wide;

b) in height - low, medium, high;

c) forehead contour - straight, convex, wavy.

8. Eyebrows:

a) in size - short, medium, long, narrow, medium, wide;

b) by density - thick, rare;

c) in shape - straight, arcuate, winding;

d) in position - low, high, horizontal, beveled inward, beveled outward, close, apart.

9. Eyes:

a) in size - small, medium, large;

b) in shape - slit-like, oval, round, triangular;

c) in color - dark brown, light brown, greenish, blue, light blue, dark blue, gray, yellow, black;

d) by position - horizontal, oblique, oblique

e) mutual position - close, apart.

10. Nose .:

a) in size - high, medium, low, narrow, wide;

b) the degree of protrusion - small, medium, large;

d) the size of the back of the nose - narrow, medium, wide;

e) the contour of the back - straight, concave, convex, straight wavy, concave wavy, convex wavy;

f) tip width - narrow, medium, wide;

g) the tip of the nose in shape - sharp, rounded, dull;

h) the base of the nose in position - raised, horizontal, lowered.

11. Mouth:

a) by size - small, medium, large;

b) the contour of the lip closing line - straight, wavy, broken;

c) the position of the corners of the mouth - lowered, horizontal, raised.

12. Lips:

a) in thickness - thin, medium, thick;

b) by protrusion - upper, lower, general and elongation;

c) color (tone) - bright, pale.

13. Teeth:

a) in size - small, medium, large;

b) by position - rare, frequent (distance between the teeth);

c) by the shape of the outer surface - flat, convex.

14. Chin:

a) in height - low, medium, high;

b) in width - narrow, medium, wide;

c) in shape - rectangular, triangular, rounded;

d) in position - beveled, protruding, vertical.

15. Ear:

a) in size - small, medium, large;

b) in shape - round, oval, rectangular, triangular;

c) by position - vertical, beveled;

d) protrusion - general, lower, upper, general fit;

e) curl size - short, medium, long, narrow, medium, wide;

f) antihelix in shape - flat, convex;

g) tragus in size - small, medium, large, along the contour - straight, convex, concave.

16. Neck:

short, medium, long, thick, thin.

17. Shoulders:

narrow, medium, wide, horizontal, raised, lowered.

18. Back:

narrow, medium, wide, concave, straight, convex.

19. Chest:

narrow, medium, sunken, protruding.

20. Hands:

short, medium, thin, medium, thick.

21. Legs:

a) in size - short, medium, long, thin, thick; b) in shape - straight, O-shaped, X-shaped.

V. Functional signs

1. Posture those. a person's habit of keeping his body. And therefore posture is: straight, hunched over, free, proud, downcast.

2. Gait: fast, slow, light, heavy, bouncing, shuffling, sea (waddling).

3. Gesticulation: hand movement to enhance speech expression. She can be energetic, lethargic, with one or both hands.

4. Facial expressions and gaze - these are characteristic movements of the muscles of the face.

When talking, some people may be motionless, while others, while talking, wrinkle their foreheads, frown, move or raise their eyebrows, squint their eyes, wink, bite their lips, curl their mouths, etc. Look: can be direct, open, calm, mocking, dull, gloomy, tired, strict, cheerful, surprised, contemptuous, attentive, suspicious, running, sideways, sideways, sideways.

6. Speech: slow, smooth, viscous, calm, agitated, abrupt, distinct, persistent, cultured, illiterate. Some of them use professional words, jargons, familiar expressions, proverbs when speaking. The presence of a local dialect, accent, speech deficiencies (lisp, nasal, burr, stuttering) are noted.

7. Manners and habits people are very diverse. They can be rubbing the hands, crunching the knuckles of the fingers, stroking the mustache, beard, hair on the head, shifting from foot to foot, etc. A typical habit is to keep your hands at the seams, in your pockets or over the side of your jacket, smoke a certain type of tobacco, etc.

Various skills must also be attributed to the group of habits - the ability to play musical instruments, sing, dance.

Examples of describing a person using the verbal portrait method


wanted by V.A. Sazonov, born in 1938

On suspicion of committing a grave crime, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Region of the mountains. In Kaliningrad, the previously repeatedly convicted citizen Vladimir Alexandrovich Sazonov, born in 1938, is wanted. His signs: in appearance 50 ... 55 years old, a European-type face, tall, strong constitution, short dark hair, rectangular head, low eyebrows, large protruding superciliary arches, there are temporal bald patches, deep frontal, superciliary and nasolabial wrinkles, eyes slit-like, obliquely external, protruding chin. He was dressed in a dark men's jacket with pinstripes, a dark shirt with light stripes.

When arresting, please inform the initiator by phone. 21-85-24, 21-99-79. Initiator: Petrov.


wanted by V.N. Roldugin, born in 1959

On suspicion of committing a grave crime, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Region of the mountains. In Kaliningrad, the previously repeatedly convicted citizen Vladimir Nikolaevich Roldugin, born in 1959, is wanted. His signs: he looks 20 ... 22 years old, a European-type face, of medium build, thin, short blond hair, an oval head, low long eyebrows, wears a dark mustache of medium length, protruding ears, a sloping chin, a sharp Adam's apple around his neck. He was dressed in a light checkered shirt, a dark-colored sweater with a turn-down collar, a narrow white stripe along the edge of the collar, a white zipper was sewn into the sweater.

Lesson objectives:

- introduction of children to the world art culture.


Get acquainted with the portrait of the artist Levitsky;

Learn to compose a descriptive story about your face, develop attentiveness, observation;

Learn to understand the combination of colors, their selection, the ratio of color and shadow in a portrait;

Evoke an emotional response, help to feel and understand the beauty depicted in the portrait.

Develop attention, speech, fine motor skills of the fingers.

  1. 1st level: draw without a diagram (on blank sheets of paper);
  2. level 1: draw according to the scheme (on sheets with ready-made face ovals), convey your image in the drawing.

Vocabulary work:self-portrait, gamma.

Supporting material:filmstrip "Levitsky's work" (fragment), reproductions of paintings by famous portrait painters, sheets of paper, paints, mirrors.

Course of the lesson

  1. Organizing time,

Breathing exercises.

  1. Introductory speech of the educator.

Guys, we came to the artist's studio. See how beautiful it is here. You, too, can become artists. But only that will succeed. Who is very observant, attentive and recognizes a friend by description.

  1. Game "Learn by description"

Task: recognize a friend by description.

The teacher, without naming the child's name, describes his appearance. Whoever guessed whom we are talking about becomes an artist and sits down in his place.

  1. Working with portraits.

The teacher reads a poem:

If you see that someone is looking at us from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak Or in a climbing robe,

Pilot or ballerina

Or Kolka, your neighbor,

The picture must be called ... (Portrait)

  • Now I will show you a portrait of a young girl. It was written by the famous artist Levitsky. This is a portrait of his daughter. (The teacher shows a fragment of the filmstrip - the girl's face, gives a description of the portrait).
  • I will tell you about this girl's face. She has a full oval face. The eyes are in the upper part of the face. The eyes are large, round, brown. Above the eyes in the form of an arc, wide black eyebrows. Below the eye-nose. The nose is straight, slightly large. The lips are thin, pink. The forehead is open, long black hair is combed back.
  • Guys, let's remember together the description of the girl I wrote.

a) What did I talk about at the beginning? (The answers of the children are about the face.)

b) Then? (About eyes, eyebrows.)

c) And at the end? (About the nose, about the lips, about the hair.)

  • The artist Levitsky looked at his daughter and painted her portrait. I described her face in words.
  • See what I have. (Mirror.)

My light, mirror, say Yes, report the whole truth.

I am the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?

  • Who talked like that to their mirror? (The princess from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes".)
  • Looking in the mirror, I will tell you about my face. (The teacher's story.)
  • Now you will be talking about your face. And for this you need a mirror.

Story plan

  1. What is the shape of the face: round, oval, triangular, square.
  2. Eyes: size, shape, color.
  3. Nose: large, small, long, straight, snub-nosed.
  4. Eyebrows: straight, arched, thick, sparse, wide, narrow.
  5. Lips: large, small, full, thin.
  6. What are the features on the face: scars, moles, freckles?
  7. Where are the ears? What are their largest?
  8. Hair: black, white, red, long, short, thick, sparse.
  1. Chatting with children.
  • Guys, look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Lena, what color are your eyes?
  • And you, Andryusha, can you see yourself in the mirror? What is your hair?

The teacher resembles a story outline.

  • Look at this outline, it will help you compose a verbal portrait.
  • Who wants to tell about their face? (Stories from two children.)
  1. Analysis of children's stories.
  • Guys, you carefully examined yourself in the mirror, talked about your face. Did you like yourself?
  • I suggest you draw your self-portrait. (The teacher explains the meaning of the word.)
  • Look, I painted my own portrait too.

Children draw their self-portraits. 1st level: draw without a diagram (on blank sheets of paper);

2nd level: draw according to the scheme (on sheets with ready-made face ovals), convey your image in the drawing.

This is followed by an exhibition of self-portraits in the group.


What new have you learned today?

What works of famous portrait painters do you remember?


"Fundamentals of aesthetic education" edited by N. A. Kushaev. Moscow. "Education" 1985

OV Davedenko "Aesthetics" Moscow "Ast-Press" 2001

V. G. Porudominskiy "Happy meetings" Moscow "Education" 1990
