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The real weapons are not kept in the arsenals of mindless war ministers, the real weapons are kept in my bank.

James Rothschild

Once Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the famous banker clan, said: “Let me manage the money of the state, and I don’t care who creates its laws, and the very laws of this state. This phrase, like no other, describes all the activities of the most famous family in the history of world business - the Rothschild family. For the third century, the Rothschilds continue to increase their capital. There have always been many secrets around the activities of this family. No one knew exactly what condition these people possessed. It was only known that they sponsored many European powers, among which was Russia.

Interestingly, often powerful monarchs throughout Europe found themselves in debt to the Rothschild family. Why are there monarchs - even the Pope himself, and this says a lot. Well, it's safe to say that the Rothschilds were the people who opened the way to the 20th century for the world, showing the true cult of business.


It is generally accepted that the ancestor of the Rothschild dynasty is Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was born in 1743 in Frankfurt. Young Mayer lived in the Jewish ghetto of the city, and although life there was kept at a completely acceptable level, he knew perfectly well that it would not work to get rich without breaking out of this place. His father, a prosperous pawnbroker, died while Mayer was still in school. After this loss, young Amschel leaves the educational institution and begins to spend every single day at work in order to somehow feed his family.

It should be noted that by that time Mayer was already sufficiently educated, as his parents dreamed that their son would become a rabbi. But, alas, Rothschild, although he did not deny religious values, and was generally a pious person, was not going to leave for the service. He wanted to give his life to another God - money.

Having inherited a usurious shop from his father, Mayer begins to work actively. The legend says that he found many valuable things sold in it right in the garbage, laundered them and sold them for quite a lot of money. Fortunately, at that time in the garbage dumps one could find not only precious coins and military supplies, but also quite old coats of arms, and so on, so on, so on.

Quickly enough, Mayer Amschel became known as a responsible usurer, whom the whole district began to respect. Slowly growing up, he began to engage in additional services, such as providing loans. In this case, he proved to be one of the best partners, as he had an impeccable reputation and accuracy. At the same time, many people remember him also for his phenomenal ability to work. Mayer worked 18 hours a day. Largely because he loved this business and was always not indifferent to money. But besides this, an important role was played by the fact that in those days there were not so many entertainments in the Jewish ghetto that a young man could occupy himself with. He just lived for work.

It should be noted that by the time Mayer Amschel was engaged in loans, he was already known as Rothschild. Now it may seem strange, but this is not the real name of the Amschel family. The phrase "rot Shield" flaunted on the door of their house in Frankfurt, where all the customers came. The phrase itself was located on the old family coat of arms of one of the German families who had not lived there for a long time. Be that as it may, but it is under this name that Mayer will become known to the whole world, and his children will be able to further strengthen the position of the family. But how could he get out of the ghetto?

At that time, this could only be done with big money, or big connections. Mayer gradually earned both. The key moment in the history of the family was the connection of its ancestor with Prince Wilhelm. By that time, the Rothschilds were already a fairly well-known family in Frankfurt, who had a fairly large collection of antiques. Moreover, the trade in antiques of the Rothschilds was all over the city. They sold especially well in taverns, which were often visited by foreign merchants. One day, Prince Wilhelm himself dropped in on Mayer. Mayer's collection attracted the attention of the young crowned lady so much that he decided to buy it out. Imagine his surprise when Mayer Anschel Rothschild gave him the entire collection of antiques. What to live on now?

Nathan Rothschild

After this generous act, the position of the Rothschilds only improved. Firstly, now they have become proudly referred to as a supplier of antiques for the royal court. Secondly, the favor of the ruler at that time meant a lot. It is likely that Wilhelm helped more than once on the path to the formation of the Rothschilds. At least until they became more powerful than the prince himself. Moreover, after such a gift, Mayer Rothschild became Wilhelm's personal banker, having at his disposal the entire fortune of the prince. But Rothschild would have been born an investor, and therefore simply could not help but use this amount in capital accumulation. After all, as you know, money makes other money.

Here it is immediately worth noting a rather important move: on the one hand, Mayer gives all his fortune to Wilhelm, but on the other, he gets full access and confidence in much larger capital. Not to your own, of course, but you can use it temporarily to accumulate personal funds, and then return it. Risky? Warren Buffett once said, "The only risk is where you don't fully understand anything." Apparently, Rothschild understood everything.

Interestingly, such prominent figures of that time as the Minister of Finance under Prince Wilhelm, Karl Friedrich Buderus, and a local tax collector soon began to cooperate with Rothschild. There are no specific details of cooperation between Rothschild and these people. One can only guess what the connection between these bigwigs of the financial activities of Frankfurt at that time is.

In addition, it is interesting how the bank of that time looked at the helm of which Rothschild himself stood. Of course, it had nothing to do with modern institutions. Usually it was a small shop selling antiques, which issued special receipts. Receipts were often issued right at the Rothschilds' house. Thanks to such a system, it was possible to instantly earn a good reputation. It is only important to be extremely honest. Or make everyone think that you are.

Children only increased the capital

Of course, the history of the Rothschild family is best known for the children of Mayer Amschel. He had only 5 sons: Amschel, Nathan, James, Solomon and Karl. All five became quite well-known figures of their time. There was no white sheep among the Rothschilds. This is despite the fact that each of them began his journey by no means a millionaire. The father divided the fortune between them so that each received an equal share, but at the same time it was not so much money. His children had to earn serious money on their own. Almost on my own.

Mayer's main mandate was the exhortation that the brothers should always work together to increase the welfare of the family as a whole. And so they did. Unlike most families in business, where the death of the founder ended in quite serious quarrels and disagreements, until the end of life, the Rothschilds always worked together. From different parts of Europe. The eldest son in the family, Amschel, remained to coordinate the actions of the family in Frankfurt, Nathan went to conquer Great Britain, James - France, Charles - Italy, and Solomon settled in Austria. It is believed that the most serious events in the history of the Rothschilds took place around the French and English houses of the family. This is only partly true, since all the actions of the Rothschilds have always been joint and without the support of other brothers, neither Nathan nor James would have succeeded.

The five sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild became one of the most influential groups of people in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. They were closely involved in the politics of those times, and, most importantly, they largely controlled this politics, banks, bishops and other power structures and personalities of that time.

Nathan Rothschild is perhaps one of the most famous, if not the most famous member of the family. Fate brought him to England after he wrecked a deal with one of the moneylenders from that country. He broke the exorbitant price by coming to Frankfurt, which did not suit the young Nathan. He decided that he would go to the UK himself and complete this and many other deals in this country. According to his calculations, it turned out that the deal would bring him two or even three times more money than if he cooperated with the Englishman. This already includes travel expenses.

Arriving in England, Nathan immediately felt at ease. The spirit of capitalism reigned here, coupled with the influence of the aristocracy. It was perhaps the last place in Europe where courteous relations with aristocrats were still maintained. Money ruled the ball here, and the ability to earn it could lift a person to heaven.

An interesting approach, thanks to which Nathan was able to organize work in England. He personally supplied the raw materials from which these products were already created to the factories where all sorts of interesting gizmos were produced. This scheme helped him save substantial funds. In addition, the young Rothschild quickly sold all the precious things that he inherited from his father. In addition to jewelry, he also sold IOUs, which sold out quite quickly in England.

Great philanthropist Edmund Rothschild

The sale of Rothschild jewels enteredin the world history of trade, not from the best side. That, however, did not prevent him from achieving his goal. Nathan pulled off a grand scam in England. He made an order from the best jewelers in London for them to process all his jewelry, putting on them the emblem of the Baroness of Geneva of Valois. In addition, he also promised that the baroness herself, arriving from Sweden, would be present at the sale of jewelry. Allegedly, she was hiding in this country from Napoleon Bonaparte.

Naturally, the role of the baroness was performed by a simple woman. But this did not prevent the jewels from dispersing in one evening for quite large sums. It was rumored that several fights were even started during the sale.

After this incident, Nathan had money that he could easily increase by issuing loans in the capital of Great Britain - London, where the famous Rothschild banking house was opened. Meanwhile, the influence of the Rothschild family was growing in other countries. Amschel from Frankfurt tried to coordinate the actions of the brothers, since he was the eldest among them, which means that the status obliged. In addition, James strengthened his position in France, despite the dislike of Napoleon. Solomon lived in Vienna, eventually becoming close to Prince Metternich, who was quite an influential figure in Europe at that time. Finally, Karl Rothschild worked in Italy, where he was in close contact with the Pope himself. At that time, the Rothschilds were in all economically important points in Europe. And in each of them they had well-established connections with the powers that be.

In addition, at this time the family was sponsoring the Russian tsars, the House of Habsburg, the Vatican, the King of Spain and many other influential people. True, the word "sponsoring" is not entirely appropriate in this context. Usually the Rothschilds gave out loans to monarchs, but sometimes they really gave them large sums of money free of charge. Probably to make connections.

Finally, at this time, the Rothschilds became the largest creditors in Europe for the barons and other representatives of the wealthy classes. All credits were issued against rather expensive land property. At the same time, the Rothschilds agreed to the slow payment of interest on loans, even for several decades. This, in addition to the fact that they traded loans on the stock exchange. Representatives of this family have always looked far into the future, building their empire.

In the 19th century, Amschel and Solomon Rothschild began to issue especially large loans in the form of a lottery, thereby only popularizing themselves among the public. So, one of these loans was the issuance of an amount of 37.5 million guilders. This type of loan was very popular in Austria. In general, if we talk about family affairs in Austria and Prussia, they have always been quite successful. So, the eldest of the brothers, Amschel, was not only a major banker, but also a secret adviser to the Duke of Hesse and the royal consul of Bavaria.

Meanwhile, Nathan Rothschild had overnight become one of the biggest lenders in London. In this city, the family had exactly three usury offices, where loans were issued. All this, of course, had a positive effect on the state of the Rothschilds, but the real success came to the family in the political arena. Napoleon continued his march across Europe, and therefore the allies needed money all the time to buy food, weapons and uniforms. This money was offered by the Rothschilds. Almost for free. But why? Why did such an influential family give away their money almost for free in support of the allies? The reason for this lies on the surface. Thus, the Rothschilds entered into the confidence of the monarchs of European countries. Then, they became the largest supplier of weapons, grain and uniforms for these countries during the war. Even though such Rothschild services sometimes cost twice as much as similar services from other people. The family itself did not lose anything on these transactions - and the loan at low interest returned to her quickly enough - with the first orders from the monarchs.

By the way, if you turn to history, you can see that the Rothschilds all the time carefully raised prices for the allies, until they became simply exorbitant. The end of the war was also the occasion for another financial success of the Rothschild family. In one of Napoleon's last battles at Waterloo, Nathan and James Rothschild were among the first to learn that the French emperor had suffered a crushing defeat. Both brothers went straight to the stock exchange - Nathan to London, and James to the stock exchange in the very center of France - in Paris. All investors that day were waiting for news from Waterloo. After all, they determined their further actions.

The Rothschilds took advantage of this. Everyone knew that Nathan was near Waterloo during the battle in order to be one of the first to know the outcome of this battle. Immediately after her, he went straight to London. Once on the exchange, Rothschild sat all day in the very corner, frowning all the time. Naturally, most investors took his behavior as signaling that England had lost the Battle of Waterloo. Investors began to feverishly sell all securities at a low price. And these papers were bought by sales agents of Nathan Rothschild, who by the end of the day became the owner of a fortune of 200 million pounds. James used a similar tactic in France, but be that as it may, it was Nathan who entered the Guinness Book of Records. He was recognized as the most brilliant financier in the history of mankind. Impressive, isn't it?

James Rothschild

It is worth putting in a word about the wonderful communication system of the Rothschild family. Of course, each brother was located as close as possible to influential people in his country, but this was not enough. The Rothschilds also had to organize such a system in which they could transfer important information to each other as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 19th century the Rothschilds had the largest network of agents throughout Europe. Later, it was transformed into a postal service, as a law was passed that postmen could cross the borders of European states free of charge. Many historians believe that this communication system was a key success in the family's activities throughout the world.

The golden generation of the Rothschilds was followed by no less worthy members of the family. They headed such large companies as Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Sons, Rothschild and Company, Edmond Bank and Paris-Orleans Holding. All the time, this family had a significant impact on the financial world. The Rothschild family was one of those who stood at the origins of the founding of the US Federal Reserve System, beyond the control of even the president himself. Rumor has it that they participated in the death of three American presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, who was an ardent opponent of the Fed.

Their influence was always felt, but at the same time they were constantly in the shadows. The Rothschilds are not public businessmen, trying to keep their activities secret. Today, almost nothing is known about them, with the exception of a few facts:

- the head of the clan is now Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, born in 1936. Nathaniel lives in London and is a baron.

- sister of Nathaniel Rothschild - Emma, ​​is a fairly well-known economist.

- At the moment, the Rothschilds conduct their main activities in England, Switzerland and France. Their combined fortune is estimated at 9 billion pounds. Although there is no confirmation of this fact.

Today, conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theorists have heard of several names of representatives of the most influential families in the world. As a rule, they are considered separately from each other as original phenomena of successful entrepreneurial clans. But, if we consider the fate of these families in the context of the ties that really exist between them, a very interesting picture opens up to our eyes.

The names of the first influential representatives of the richest families known today emerge after the most important events for the formation of the modern capitalist system. Namely, after the Dutch, English and American bourgeois revolutions, which laid the foundation of the capitalist world. These revolutions were made by financiers, merchants and bourgeois representatives of different social (and anti-social) strata, as well as representatives of different peoples. Their names are not mentioned in the media today. Their descendants today either have no influence on world politics and the economy, or are taken out of the philistine information field.

The first echelon of "conspiracy celebrities" appears at the end of the 18th century, simultaneously with the French bourgeois revolution.

The first financial echelon: Rothschilds, Schiffs and Warburgs

In the land of the long-victorious Protestantism in the middle of the 18th century in German Frankfurt am Main, a certain Ashkenazi changer (Jews who moved to Germany during the Roman Empire) Mayer Amschel Bauer (Bauer - a farmer, a peasant in German) was able to deftly intervene in the confidence of the Hessian Protestant aristocrat Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Genau on the basis of his passion for antiques. Became the official trade supplier of the Hessian house. He organized a usurious business (bank) and made a fortune. To be called Bauer was already undignified. He changed his surname to Rothschild (Mouth - red, Schild - shield). A red shield hung on the house where he lived in Frankfurt am Main.

Together with Mayer Amschel, the Schiff family lived in the same house. The descendants of which will sponsor the Russian revolutionary movement and establish the US Federal Reserve.

It is noteworthy that when Amschel Moses Bauer (Mayer Amschel's father) was 6 years old, grandfather Moses (Mosche) Meir KaZ Schiff, zum grünen Schild or Moses Mayer Schiff Grünen Schild (Green Shield), who was the son of Meir Isaac, died in the Schiff family KaZ Schiff, im roten Apfel (Red Apple).

Thus, we have connection number 1: Rothschilds and Schiffs

Mayer Amschel Rothschild not only created a successful financial business, but also spread it throughout Europe. At the head of the family financial enterprises in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples stood his sons. This happened at the height of the breakdown of the state structure of France, which was changing the aristocratic Catholic monarchy to a republic hostile to Christianity.

This demolition was organized and managed by members of the ultra-fashionable, but extremely dangerous Masonic societies that were very common in Europe at that time. Sometimes the situation got out of their control, but each time, one way or another, it inevitably returned back under tenacious Masonic control. This process was conducted from England, since the center of the international network was located there.

In 1782, the famous Masonic convention was held in the Wilhelmsbad recreation park in Hesse, which, among other things, is credited with coordinating plans for the future French revolution (which began in 1789). This recreational park was built between 1777-1785 by order of Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hesse-Genau, who was the nephew of King George III of England. Later, Friedrich will "light up" in the well-known quasi-Masonic society Tugendbund. A rather large then state of Friedrich was managed by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Bauer). It is highly unlikely that Mayer Amschel Rothschild did not take part in the Prince's Masonic affairs. As his financial manager, he should have at least been aware of the prince's financing of the Masons. It is also possible that the prince's passion for antiques, through which Mayer was able to get closer to the aristocrat, also had a Masonic orientation.

Mayer Amschel's close connection with the Freemasons is confirmed by the fact that his sons are recorded in the official lists of Masonic lodges. Moreover, many historians credit Mayer with the funding of Adam Weishaupt, founder of the notorious Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, who also attended the congress in Wilhelmsbad.

One way or another, Mayer's connection with the Masons is beyond doubt.

So, connection number 2: Rothschilds and Freemasons

Some publicists attribute to Mayer almost the role of the inspirer and chief director of the French bourgeois revolution. But this is extremely unlikely. The French Revolution was made according to the patterns of the Dutch and English revolutions, as well as immediately after the American Revolution, to which the then young upstart Mayer and his quite ordinary ancestors could not have anything to do with. In the revolution in France, the goal is clearly traced to establish a screen (constitutional) monarchy like the English one. According to a large number of direct and indirect indications, London was undoubtedly the brain and organizational center of the revolution in France. It is more likely that Mayer was involved in the process at some level of decision-making unknown to us. But he certainly wasn't on the upper levels. Too young even at that time was his financial and image capital. Therefore, the main customers of the first three European bourgeois revolutions, located in the upper levels of the hierarchy, are the subject of separate studies.

Let's turn to the third most important surname, which "pops up" along with the Rothschilds and Schiffs.

In 1480, a certain Anselmo Asher Levi Del Banco was discovered in Venice. He was a wealthy moneylender and the main Jewish community of Venice. He was a Sephardi, but apparently his ancestors did not move to Venice as a result of the Spanish persecution of the Jews, which raged from 1492 after the infamous Alhambra Edict, which launched the process of pan-European persecution. When these persecutions reached Venice, Anselmo gathered his family and moved to the German city of Warburg, whose name he took as a surname instead of the Italian nickname "Banco".

It is noteworthy that he was Levi, that is, a descendant of the Levites (servants of the Tabernacle of the meeting, and then the Temple). This means that Karl Marx, whose father was Mordechai (translated "the god Marduk lives!") Levi from an ancient rabbinic family, was actually a relative of the Warburgs. This may be of interest to those who investigate the question of the sources of financing of Karl Marx and why Marx was almost silent about the financial and commercial bourgeoisie, bringing down all his fiery anger on the manufacturing bourgeoisie.

The first coincidence in the fate of the Rothschilds and Warburgs is that the rise of these two families occurs simultaneously. The brothers Moses and Gerson Warburg opened the M.M. Bank in Hamburg. Warburg & Co in 1798, when a bloody anti-Christian revolutionary cauldron had been boiling in France for 9 years, and when, in the same 1798, Rothschild opened a representative office of his newfound banking business in London.

The great-grandson of Moses Warburg was Paul Warburg, who took part in the family banking business, and who in 1895 married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, founder of the Frankfurt and then American bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co, whose director was Jacob Schiff, who married another daughter of Solomon Loeb .

A little later, the family union was fixed. Paul Warburg's brother was another member of the family business, Felix Warburg, who married the daughter of Jacob Schiff.

We Have Connection #3: The Schiffs and the Warburgs

The importance of representatives of these families for the modern financial architecture of the world is difficult to overestimate. Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff are named among the founders of the Fed (Federal Reserve System) of the United States, although Jacob himself was not a participant in the secret meeting of bankers on Jekyll Island in 1910, where plans for the creation of the Fed were discussed. The idea of ​​the Fed's configuration is attributed to Paul. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was slyly passed by a minority of Congress and approved by pocket President Woodrow Wilson.

It appears that the Schiff-Warburg family conglomerate in the US was a front and executor for the more powerful international financial Rothschild clan. This connection is not advertised, but emerges in connection with other significant international historical processes.

For example, when the Russian government of Alexander III and later Nicholas II received intelligence that Russian revolutionaries were being financed by foreign bankers, a suitable agent (Arthur Rafalovich), a member of an Odessa banking family with ties to the Rothschild house, was found to negotiate. Having made contact with the French and then the English Rothschilds, the agent was redirected by them directly to Jacob Schiff. The Russian government also found a distant relative of Schiff (Grigory Vilenkin), who was able to personally communicate with Yakov, who admitted to financing Russian revolutionaries, but refused to negotiate on this matter. Russian agents tried to contact the Rothschilds again, but representatives of this family assured that nothing could be changed in this situation, hinting that the Romanovs were doomed.

Second financial tier: Morgans, Rockefellers

The second tier of the world's most influential financiers are the Morgans and the Rockefellers. It was in the possessions of John Morgan that a secret meeting of bankers took place on Jekyll Island. It was John Rockefeller's father-in-law, Nelson Aldrich, who lobbied for the Fedrezer Act in the US Parliament.

The ancestors of the Morgans and the Rockefellers were poor European colonists of America who were engaged in crafts and trade. The Morgans have risen over several generations, first in trade. Then, having accumulated enough money, they started a banking business. The Rockefellers' ancestors were also involved in trade. Representatives of this family have risen due to the fact that they got involved in oil at the very time when the oil economy appeared as a social phenomenon. They were carried up by a black oil wave, just as a stream of sudden wind in the forest picks up and carries away the unlucky spider with its cobweb.

In any case, the Morgans and Rockefellers owned younger capital than the Rothschilds and their associated Schiffs and Warburgs. Therefore, the former had to defend their right to life and integrate into the systems already created by the latter.

Another distinctive feature of young American financial capital was that their owners were descendants of Christians, although Protestants, while their older financial comrades were Jews. One way or another, the post-Christian upstarts had to play by "Jewish" rules. The Morgans gradually faded away financially. Their descendants honorably joined the American political and military establishment. And the Rockefellers also became more performers than an original subject. They were engaged in the promotion of globalism, the architect of which was apparently not they, but just their senior financial comrades and the forces behind them.

At the same time, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Morgans and Schiffs, apparently, were, if not on the same, then on neighboring levels of the hierarchy of the global world financial and political organization. They were performers. The Schiffs funded revolutionary organizations to destroy the Russian Empire, and the Morgans were linked to Hjalmar Schacht, through which Hitler was financed, and provided financial loans to Mussolini. That is, both of these names performed tasks of a similar level.

At the same time, there was a quite tangible connection between the first financial echelon and the second in this case. So, for example, with Hjalmar Schacht in Switzerland in 1939, Sigmund George Warburg, a relative of Paul Warburg, who was mentioned above, and, concurrently, an agent of the British intelligence MI-6, was in constant contact with Hitler regarding the financing of Hitler. George was a representative of another German branch that came from the Venice del Banco (Warburgs).

Thus, families are emerging that were at a lower organizational level and whose activities, apparently, were directed by representatives of families of older financial capitals.

The circle is closed. The Rothschilds, for whom London is one of the most important headquarters, are closely connected with the old Freemasons, the Schiffs and the Warburgs. The Warburgs are related to the Morgans. The Rockefellers are closely associated with globalism, which is the modern outward political expression of the old Masonic ideology.

At the same time, representatives of all the surnames described in this article, apparently, are performers. After all, they appeared on the scene already after the play of the bourgeoisization of the world and the beginning of globalization played its first few acts (revolutions in the Netherlands, England and America). And subsequent acts were played in the same style (French Revolution, Spring of Nations, Russian Revolution). But who then are the customers?

Billionaire David Rockefeller died on March 20 at the age of 102. The death of one of the most famous representatives of a long-term dynasty and the owner of a fortune of $ 3.3 billion once again reminded of the influence of clans in world politics and economics. So what is hidden behind the famous Rockefeller and Rothschild dynasties and what place do they occupy in the world now?

Semi-legal business

The beginning of the history of the famous Rockefeller clan was laid by the American charlatan doctor William Rockefeller. The man, who understood how direct selling worked, taught the art to his two sons, John and William. In 1870, the two heirs jointly opened the Ohio Corporation, destined to become the Standard Oil Company. She helped bring the first billionaire into the world. The new business of producing and selling oil was illegal. Due to the fact that, according to the laws of those times, a company could only work normally within one US state, the brothers had to resort to various tricks.

A staunch supporter of the idea of ​​large-scale multi-production production, John D. Rockefeller decided to start his own production of barrels when he found out what a luxurious house their supplier lived in. As a result, the price per container decreased by 2.5 times.

Standard Oil used clever tricks to expand its business into neighboring states. At first, the forms of covert takeover of other oil companies were not very intricate. In 1872 Bostwick & Co. acquired by paying the former owner in cash and shares of his own firm. Subsequently, a different scheme was used. The brothers bought the securities of competitors in the name of one of their partners.

In 1879, the Rockefellers found a more intricate way to cover up their actions. They took as a basis the scheme of boards of trustees (trusts), which were created to manage the finances of dependent persons. A kind of "board of trustees" of Standard Oil managed several dozen firms in different states, formally operating only within the state of Ohio. A convenient asset management model was soon adopted by competitors from other industries.

In 1878, the Rockefeller brothers actively interfered with the construction of the Riverside pipeline, bandits began to sabotage.

John Rockefeller in old age

During the conflict between the owners of the oil pipeline and the criminals, Standard Oil managed to build its own infrastructure and buy out the competitors' project. They could not prove the connection of the attacks with the Rockefellers. Nevertheless, in 1879, at the suggestion of the Association for the Protection of Employers, the two brothers had to give up preferential preferences on the railways. For each firm that enjoyed railway benefits, it was necessary to conduct a separate trial. Even in court with representatives of another oil company, Rockefeller claimed that he was in no way connected with the subsidiaries, as assumed, enterprises. By the early 1880s, the Standard Oil trust controlled 80% of all oil refining capacity and 90% of pipelines.

Dissolution of the empire

By 1890, the trust's net profit reached $19 billion, and John D. Rockefeller became the world's first dollar billionaire. In 1906, the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt used the Sherman Antitrust Act to dissolve the Standard Oil Trust. In 1911, the empire was divided into 34 companies, but in each of them the enterprising family retained a large block of shares. The Rockefeller family invested in expensive skyscrapers and universities. They founded the University of Chicago, built the Rockefeller Center in Manhattan. To date, one of the largest fragments of the empire - the Rockefeller Foundation. He manages about $3.5 billion. Another important building block is Rockefeller & Co. The wreckage of the oil empire was turned into BP, Chevron and Exxon-Mobil.

If in 1916 the fortune of the founder of the dynasty was estimated by modern standards at 30 billion dollars, then today the total fortune of the family is estimated at 10 billion. The richest member of the family - David Rockefeller - at some point was the director of a large bank Chase National Bank (currently JPMorgan Chase) and disposed of a fortune of $ 3 billion. He was offered positions in the American government, but each time he refused. In the early 1980s, he tried to help resolve the US hostage issue in Iran, his most famous public involvement in politics. Nevertheless, his brother Nelson held the second most important political office in the country, being vice president under Gerald Ford.
David's other brother, Winthrop Aldrich Rockefeller, was the Republican governor of Arkansas, and his son served as lieutenant governor until his death in 2006. Another distant relative of the deceased businessman became a US Senator from West Virginia.

Ties with Russia

An interesting fact in the biography of David Rockefeller is his repeated contacts with representatives of the Soviet and Russian leadership, prominent public and political figures. Back in 1964, he met with the head of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Nikita Khrushchev. With the Soviet leader, who was ousted two months after the meeting, the tycoon discussed the need to boost trade between the two countries. In 1973, after a successful meeting between Nixon and Brezhnev, Rockefeller met with Soviet Prime Minister Kosygin. According to official data, they discussed the possibility of the US Congress rejecting the Jackson-Vanik amendment. This normative act could seriously limit trade relations between the two countries. Ultimately, the business conversation led nowhere, and the amendment was adopted.
Rockefeller often met with the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1989, together with Henry Kissinger and some other eminent statesmen, he visited the USSR to discuss the country's integration into the world economy. In 1991, the meeting of foreign guests with the leader of the "evil empire" was repeated in the same format. Finally, on May 12, 1992, Gorbachev, who had already resigned from the presidency of the Soviet Union, personally visited New York. It is believed that he wanted financial assistance from a billionaire for his foundation. It was about 75 million dollars. Rockefeller last visited Moscow in 2003. Presenting the translation of his memoirs, he met with the capital's mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

Remaining capital

To date, the Rockefeller wealth is divided among hundreds of trusts and corporations, but it is difficult to accurately estimate their number and value due to the large number of heirs. According to some estimates, today in the world there are about 150 direct heirs of the successful co-owner brothers of Standard Oil. The history of the dispute between the Rockefeller family and the American oil company ExxonMobil (until recently it was headed by the current head of the US State Department Rex Tillerson) about the attitude to global warming is indicative.
The Rockefellers tried to convince the company's management to stop funding the naysayers and accept the reality of global warming. They met with management and even wrote an open letter. So, under it were the signatures of almost 100 direct heirs of the billionaire.

The business interests of the family are very extensive. So, the Rockefellers built the World Trade Center, which became a victim of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, regularly funded Harvard, Princeton, the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford, Yale, MIT and many other well-known universities. The family is also actively involved in the work of international organizations: the Bilderberg Club and the G-30, the World Economic Forum and the UN. In 2014, the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation announced its intention to stop investing in fossil fuels.

Bankers of the New Age

Another well-known family of billionaires began their activities much earlier on another continent, but the methods of doing business of the two great families are often very similar.

In Europe, by the second half of the 18th century, many banks already had centuries-old traditions, but the commission and interest on loans were high. They had no desire to get involved in risky operations. Therefore, talented entrepreneurs gradually began to appear on the continent. One of them was Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Born into the family of a Jewish money changer in 1744, the young man spent his childhood in the ghetto. After studying banking in Hannover at the age of 20, he returned home to Frankfurt am Main and decided to continue his father's work. The parent firm operated under a red shield sign. In German it was called "Rothschild". Thus, the family got its own surname.

Mayer began his rapid rise to the top by selling a batch of rare coins to General von Eschtorf from Hanover. With his help, Rothschild got acquainted with the entourage of the heir to the Hessian house, Prince Wilhelm. One of the richest families in Europe, which sold a well-drilled army to warring neighbors and lent money to foreign rulers for interest, entrusted the management of the Crown Prince's finances to the son of one of the tutors, Karl Buderus. It was with him that Rothschild began a close relationship - he really wanted to improve his financial situation. Already in 1769 Mayer received the title of court sales agent under the prince and began to earn family capital. He specialized in shadow operations and was allegedly even responsible for the safety of the black bookkeeping of the heir to the throne.

When Wilhelm became Landgrave in 1785, Rothschild suggested to the sovereign that he wisely dispose of the bills that England gave to the House of Hesse for the rent of the army. These securities were used to purchase English textiles, which were then resold in Germany for money. The financier kept part of the profit for himself. Mayer taught his five children everything he knew and included in all his shadow operations. In 1804, the Rothschilds became creditors to Denmark, which at that time was on the verge of bankruptcy. Wilhelm himself could not provide a loan at interest to a relative and took advantage of the help of an enterprising family. When in 1806 the House of Hesse was formally destroyed by Napoleon and annexed to the kingdom of Westphalia, the Rothschild family helped the ex-monarch to scroll through money on the London Stock Exchange and collect debts from numerous borrowers.

Ties with Russia

The family, which had grown rapidly and became rich in the 19th century, hid at the beginning of the 20th century. Many art objects and land holdings were donated to charity. Today, the interests of the Rothschilds are limited to the real estate market, financial services, agriculture, energy, wine production, mining and charity. The main business is still connected with the banking sector. Their main company's revenue in 2015 was 424 million pounds, with a net profit of 50 million. A significant role in the banking business is occupied by advisory services for mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions. The company occupies a particularly strong position in Western Europe, but is also active in Asia and America.
Among the competitors of the Rothschilds among investment banks can be attributed to the American JPMorgan Chase. When it was Chase Bank, David Rockefeller held the position of executive director of the organization. But even now, the financial structure is closely connected with the numerous trusts of a wealthy American family.

The Rothschilds own the Edmond de Rothschild Group. It is engaged not only in the provision of financial services, but also in agriculture, the luxury hotel business and yacht racing. The Rothschilds boast close ties to Russia. In 2010, Nathaniel Rothschild acquired Oleg Deripaska's stake in RUSAL. The media have repeatedly discussed his close relationship with Vladimir Potanin. In his company Norilsk Nickel, Rothschild even ran for the board of directors.

Alliance of dynasties

In 2012, the two dynasties agreed to form a strategic alliance. The issues of cooperation between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds have been discussed since 2010. Two years later, it became known that the Rothschild investment company RIT Capital Partners would become the owner of a 37 percent stake in Rockefeller Financial Services. This trust manages the assets of the family and other members of the financial community. The total amount of assets at its disposal is estimated at 34 billion dollars. At the same time, the Rothschild RIT manages "only" 3 billion. The purchase price of such a block of shares was estimated at 155 million US dollars.
The stake was previously held by French bank Societe Generale, which bought it in 2008 at its peak for half a billion dollars. Financial difficulties forced the organization to abandon this acquisition just a few years later. As the media wrote, there were several contenders for the shares, but David Rockefeller supported the Rothschild candidacy. Representatives of the two clans said shortly after the deal that the new form of partnership would help their families become closer than before.

In the 18th century Frankfurt am Main was one of the most economically developed German cities. Back in 1372, it received the status of an Imperial City, which made it directly subordinate to the Holy Roman Emperor. In 1585, merchants began to gather here to exchange monetary units, so appeared Frankfurt Stock Exchange. A the city itself Frankfurt am Main gradually became one of the most important European financial centers, where numerous bankers and money changers gathered, and large exchange transactions were carried out.

Amschel Moses Bauer was a money changer middle hand, who kept his office in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt under a red sign - Rote Schild. A worthy assistant father grew up Mayer Amschel Bauer (1744-1812). He not only helped his father in the office to do business, but also received a classical education for a Jew of that time in a rabbinical school. Mayer Amschel Bauer went on the recommendation of his father to train in Oppenheimer bank in Hannover, and when his father died in 1760, Mayer Amschel returned to Frankfurt and engaged in the exchange and sale of coins and medals. In the circle of lovers of antiques, he quickly gained fame as a very efficient specialist. In proportion to fame, the fortune also grew Mayer Amschel Bauer, whom everyone called Rothschild - after the name of the office.

In 1764 Mayer Amschel Rothschild , who by the age of 20 had already achieved great authority among the Frankfurt money changers, began to supply gold and coins to the court Prince of Hesse-Kassel house, which ruled the territories in the neighborhood of Frankfurt. In 1769, Wilhelm IX, who ruled Hesse, appointed Meyer Hoff Factor - the main supplier of the princely house. In fact, all the financial support of the princely house was in the hands of Mayer Rothschild. William IX . This gave Rothschild new, previously inaccessible levers of influence - already on political life.

Landgrave Wilhelm IX of Hesse was a very rich man compared to other German princes. main part he received income from trading in soldiers. Youths from peasant houses the landgrave, like many other German princes, sold soldiers to those rulers or to those countries where there was a "hot demand" for landsknechts. For many centuries, Germany traded its own people, and the Hessian princes were on the list of slave traders. one of the first places. In 1785 William IX very profitably sold to the English crown, which needed "cannon fodder" for the war with the North American colonies fighting for their independence, 17 thousand (!) German soldiers, and further increased his wealth.

The most serious blow to William IX was Napoleonic invasion of Germany. However, while the elector was in hiding, Mayer Rothschild, who managed his finances, was even able to increase the fortune of his patron. For example, he paid for the goods with money from the landgrave's account and received a large discount, avoiding risky operations to transport money to England and Frankfurt. The brilliant operation brought Rothschild a lot of money, and Mayer Rothschild was able to make money on the difference in the rates of the thaler, which William IX received, and the pound, which the British paid.

Upcoming Mayer Rothschild's associates were his five sons - Amschel, Solomon, Nathan, Kalman and James. It is to them, nicknamed " five fingers of one hand, it was necessary in the 19th century to strengthen the power of the developing financial empire of the Rothschilds.

Five arrows fastened with a ribbon are the coat of arms of the Rothschild clan, and the motto is "Concordia, Integritas, Industria" (Consent, Unity, Diligence). eldest son Amschel Mayer Rothschild led his father's business in Frankfurt am Main , Solomon Mayer Rothschild began to develop the Austrian branch in Vienna, Nathan Mayer Rothschild led London house Branch, Kalma Mr Mayer Rothschild - Neapolitan branch in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and James Mayer Rothschild - French division of the house. It is worth noting that in addition to sons, Mayer Rothschild also had five daughters, however, he was fundamental opposed to his capital falling into the hands of relatives in the female line. Endogamous marriages for a long time acted for the Rothschild clan as the main way to preserve wealth within the family. Endogamy (from other Greek ἔνδον - inside + γάμος - marriage) is the norm prescribing the conclusion marriage within a particular social or ethnic group. Endogamous a group in a tribal society was usually a tribe.

James Mayer Rothschild, head of French division of the house, proved to be the most successful among the brothers and after the death of Nathan, he took over the overall leadership of the financial empire of the Rothschilds. James Rothschild began to actively invest the finances of the Rothschild family in transport and industrial infrastructure, for example - in the construction of a railway network around Paris and in the north of France. Following financial success, the Rothschilds also came political influence.

They all got nobility in the countries where they lived, and this introduced them to the highest circles of Great Britain, France, Austria. In 1816, the Emperor of the Austrian Empire Franz II granted the Rothschilds a baronial title. Less successful was the Naples branch of the Rothschilds. Its crisis and closure were associated with numerous economic problems and the weakening of the positions of the Italian aristocracy, which had previously acted as the main debtors of the Naples branch of the Rothschild house, following the unification of Italy. Eventually, the Rothschild bank in Naples closed.

Despite the fact that the Rothschilds were active in continental Europe, their success was largely determined by the London branch. Relations with the British Empire played a major role in the growth of wealth and influence of the Rothschild clan. There is a fairly common version , outputting all activities of the Rothschilds from the projects of the British Empire to expand its influence in continental Europe and in the world generally.

The most important event for the growth of the financial power of the Rothschilds was Napoleonic Wars. It was at this time that the final formation connection between the Rothschilds and the British Empire. London instructed the Rothschilds to organize financial providing for the English army stationed in Europe. Nathan, who ran the House of London, and James, who controlled France, played a key role in transferring money. The British government owes the success of the brilliant operation of James Rothschild, who presented the transfer of money by the British side as a sign of weakness in London, so Napoleon and his advisers did not even pay due attention to this action. James and Nathan Rothschild managed to transfer money to Portugal hthrough France at war with Great Britain, the British side paid with this money for gold brought from India.

The British leadership realized that the Rothschilds could be trusted with the most risky operations. For example, after Napoleon was defeated and overthrown, London entrusted the Rothschilds with the transfer of 120 million pounds of French reparations from Paris to London, Berlin and Vienna. No European bank at that time had the financial capacity to carry out such a massive operation.

Rothschild money began to play an important role in European and world politics in the 19th century.Bank operations have acquired a planetary scale when the Rothschilds sponsored the government brazilian empire, which fell into financial dependence on the Rothschilds and remained in it until the cessation of the very existence of the empire.

With the money of the Rothschilds in the 1820s. funded the creation of an independent Greek state, which the British Empire from the very beginning tried to bring under its full control to ensure British influence in the Mediterranean. In 1832 The Rothschilds provided Greece loan under English, French and Russian guarantees.

Rothschild operations were invariably carried out in the interests of the British Empire. In fact, the Rothschilds have become the main figureheads British treasurers who financed those projects that were politically and economically beneficial to London. On the other hand, the existence of the Rothschild clan made it possible to cover up financial transactions and political interventions of the British crown. The Rothschilds have entered to the elite of the British aristocracy, due to his long and useful service to the British crown.

Unlike numerous nouveaux riches, american millionaires, For the fourth century, the Rothschilds have renounced ostentatious luxury and concealed the true size of their incomes. There are banks and companies controlled by the Rothschilds around the world, but at the same time, the representatives of the famous banking family themselves carefully hide the true extent of their empireinsistence of the British crown. Otherwise the role of Great Britain in managing the financial system of the modern world would be clarified , in numerous economic crises, political upheavals and armed conflicts.

In the 19th century, the Rothschilds turned to charity in an effort to ensure their positive image. in the eyes of the European, and then the world community. For example, James Mayer Rothschild in the middle of the 19th century began financial aid to Palestinian Jews, establishing a medical center in Jerusalem - Mayer Rothschild Hospital. He was also behind the creation fund for the widows of Palestine, built orphan and social homes for refugees .

It is worth paying attention to the difficult (externally) Rothschild relations with the Jewish national movement in the 20th century. Most of the Rothschilds tried to distance themselves as much as possible from Jewish problems and Zionist political organizations. Some of them believed that Zionism would lead to an increase in anti-Semitism in Europe and negatively affect the lives of Jewish communities. Lord Victor Rothschild opposed helping Jews affected by the Holocaust. It was in the power of the Rothschilds to organize the rescue of at least some of the European Jews, but they did not do this because positions of the British elite , whose interests until a certain time included strengthening of Nazi Germany, and its attack on the Soviet Union, and perhaps even the organization of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe.

Baron Edmond James de Rothschildled the first settlement of Jewish colonists in Palestine and contributed significant sums of money to redemption of land from the Ottoman Empire to accommodate Jewish settlers, these lands are now part of State of Israel. By the way, Edmond de Rothschild spent for these purposes over $50 million by purchasing over 500 square kilometers of land. The remains of Edmond de Rothschild, who died in 1934, were subsequently, in 1954, together with the remains of his wife, transported to Israel and buried there. Edmond de Rothschild was also a great connoisseur of art, a patron of the arts.

Following the revolution 1905, in the Russian Empire, Jewish pogroms began, helped their victims Nathan Rothschild - grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild. He singled out 10 thousand pounds , but listed them in such a way as to avoid possible accusations of financing the Russian revolutionary movement.
The restrained policy of the Rothschilds towards the Jewish movement is another evidence in favor of their relative lack of independence. The leading players of the House of Rothschild were afraid to be too independent in terms of supporting or protecting the Jews, as they followed in line with the policies of the British Empire.

Great Britain, still playing a colossal role both in politics and in the economy of the modern world, today it prefers to formally remain on the sidelines. As the main "ram" of Anglo-Saxon influence is used by the United States of America, some other states, as financial instruments, are empires similar to Rothschild's. However, this does not mean that London, which has played an important role in world politics for many centuries, suddenly decided to weaken its influence and voluntarily retreat to a secondary position. The British monarchy finally chose for itself the role of "shadow center".
British parliamentarianism is one way to disguise the true system of government of the British state. One would have to be very naive to believe that the high aristocracy of the British Empire, having enjoyed all the political and financial benefits for centuries, would allow the real levers of control to pass into the hands of elected politicians of unknown origin. Another thing is if these elected politicians are "screens" for the implementation of their own political course. The British elite has a similar position in the field of financial management. Instead of labour, imitating democracy are involved The Rothschilds allegedly created their own empire from scratch and act solely in their own financial interests.
Based on the materials of the article author: Ilya Polonsky

Today there is a lot of talk about the fact that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. A lot of materials have been written about this, even films are made from time to time. The authors position themselves as real experts in this matter. And what is left for the public, except to listen with an open mouth? Most likely, you need to figure it out first. This question concerns everyone. Especially if it turns out to be true. Let's try to delve into the topic.

How to deal with this statement

Surely you have already read a lot of materials that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. The theme is promoted, the authors love it. Each of them has their own position. Opinions range from complete denial to proof of the truth of this statement. Some pick up evidence that it is the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds who really rule the world. Their opponents are sure of the absurdity of such a thought. These are all disputes between specialists and those who labor alongside them. It is desirable for ordinary people to develop their attitude towards this issue. This is necessary so as not to go crazy from the injustice of the world order. Ask yourself, are you ready, like the fact that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world? If so, then bad.

This means that you have no chance to manage your own life. Think for yourself, because every time something happens, you will not blame yourself, but these “rulers”. They are to blame for the fact that "Vasya Pupkin" did not make a career for himself or married the wrong one. It seems that the approach is fundamentally wrong. Let these strange Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world, but what's in it for us? The fact is a priori unprovable. After all, none of them will tell you how things are in reality. And all investigations are speculation to some extent. This is how they should be treated when you figure out who they are, these Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

Many-sided "rulers"

Now let's analyze the evidence for the truth of the statement. We are called by all known names - the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers - trying to convince them that they are at the very top. I mean its financial component. You know, this idea is already deeply embedded in people's minds, it does not cause rejection, even attempts at critical reflection. We are sure that the one who has money is strong. He can buy the ruler of any country, not like an ordinary person. The idea, by the way, is controversial. The events of the present, in any case, should seem to push people to doubt about this postulate. But back to the topic. Some time ago, attempts were made to find "sources of money." Researchers have provided evidence that all the world's finances are ruled by only a few surnames. It is clear that the list was headed by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. But they do not aspire to the spotlights of publicity. The world is shown completely different people, claiming that they make decisions, own untold wealth, influence politics, and so on. However, public figures turn out to be quite dependent. Money and assets do not belong to them personally, but to other persons. These "secret owners" are pulling the strings of the public tycoons, forcing them to do what is right for them. All this is called "conspiracy theory". Its meaning is as follows: what is shown to humanity is not at all what it really is. All events, according to the adherents of the theory, have a secret meaning and a trigger mechanism. They are the eternal continuation of the confrontation between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. And Putin V.V., by the way, repeatedly spoke about this in passing. While credit must be given to the president, his remarks were not serious.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers: history

Surely you understand that it is impossible to create such a worldwide hype around non-existent people. Rather, with the use of modern technology, this is likely, but the brand would not last long. The deception would be exposed.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers (photo) do not belong to one-day butterflies.

These are very real people. They do not hide in castles, they live and work. Each of the clans has its own head, there were also founders. So, it is believed that Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded his own empire in 1744. Conspiracy theorists now call it the appropriate clan. This empire was banking. She was based in Europe. And now it is customary to consider this continent the patrimony of the Rothschilds. They work, as they say, with financial instruments.

The rival clan is believed to have been created by John Rockefeller, a native of the USA (1839). As you can see, this contender for world domination is much younger. The Rockefellers made their money from oil. And to this day, America is considered to be their patrimony, and oil assets are their sphere of activity. It should be noted that this division is very relative. Spheres of the economy free from the influence of clans simply do not exist. Their tentacles are launched into all more or less profitable areas. And really, why give money to strangers? Rockefellers and Rothschilds do not rule the world in order to share with someone. And with those who disagree, all sorts of unpleasant stories can happen. As a clear and understandable example, Bill Gates is now being cited.

young money

The history of the creator of Microsoft is considered one of the most striking and interesting. An ordinary (almost) person could become the richest on the planet! This is a positive example for all its inhabitants. Pure democracy. You have talent and energy - everything is allowed to you, you will reach the very heights. However, the "old money" looked at it disapprovingly. As a result, Bill Gates had to declare that the heirs of his fortune would get only crumbs. All funds will go to a special fund created for the "good of mankind." No one really knows the purpose of this financial education. And inquisitive conspiracy theorists are sure that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds simply took away the state from Gates. They do not need competitors in the management of the world.

This example is given to understand the level at which these clans operate. They are not interested in "small things". They direct not so much events as ideas, directions of their development. That is, for example, they are not interested in war as such, as well as the number of people killed in it. They think about how to redraw the borders in order to “chop off” resources under their influence. This is a value, and life and fate are a bargaining chip in their understanding. In any case, it is from this position that conspiracy theorists explain their behavior.

The battlefield is the whole world

Historian and conspiracy theorist Andrei Fursov in his speeches pays a lot of attention to the confrontation between clans. In his opinion, any significant event on the planet that has occurred over the past two centuries has not been without the influence of famous families. He attributes to them the organization of world wars and revolutions, the redrawing of European borders and the development of modern technologies. Probably very smart people these Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The history of the family, according to Fursov, suggests that the "rulers" are trained from the very beginning. They receive a completely different education. Their knowledge is more voluminous and deeper than that of the average inhabitant of the planet. Some even say that they know some secrets that allow them to influence a huge number of people. The scope of their interests is also global. They are passionate about planning and creating planetary events.

The October Revolution is often cited as an example. It is believed that the clans organized it in order to exclude Russia's influence on the world. She was getting too powerful. In general, Russia has been a welcome prey for the clans for several centuries. They want to get to the resources located on its territory. Although this prize keeps slipping out of their hands. However, they do not give up hope. In the meantime, they are dealing with other problems. Interestingly, in the current century, their activities are becoming more and more "public". Many experts talk about exactly how the Rothschilds and Rockefellers rule the world. A film explaining the state of things from the same point of view has been filmed and shown to everyone. By the way, the picture is intended to inspire the layman that without these "rulers" the world could collapse.

Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Russia

Naturally, we are interested in how the clans are trying to get into our country. Experts cover this issue each from their own bell tower. Many come to the conclusion that the rulers of Russia enter into an alliance with one or another of the clans. So, maneuvering between these financial heavyweights, they are trying to lead the country to development. One thing is clear: at present, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Putin understand that great changes will take place on our territory in this century. The only thing is they see them differently. World rulers like the disintegration of Russia into separate regions, which they can "chew". By the way, such a division almost happened in the nineties. Yes, and in the very federal structure of the country, "time bombs" are laid, as they say. As soon as Moscow gives up slack, centrifugal processes will begin. Conspiracy theorists even manage to see “enemy influence” in the law on the priority development of territories. Like, they want to chop off the Far East like that. The Rothschilds will allegedly invest money in it, and then take it away. It seems that these ideas are ordinary speculation, designed to tickle the nerves of the layman. However, one should not forget that Russia is the main prize for clans in the modern world.

Ukrainian crisis

It is clear that the civil war in this country was immediately recognized as one of the "battlefields" of the clans. This is explained by the fact that the Rothschilds are making efforts to create a single Eurasian space. They don't need competitors. It is clear that the Rockefellers were not taken into the project. The Rothschilds are trying to get away from the dollar, which is owned by competitors. To this end, they invest in the development of China. According to their plans, the yuan should become the world currency. And it will unite the continent into a single economic space

The Rockefellers decided to take advantage of the convenient geographical position of Ukraine. To set fire to this territory means not to allow the connection of Europe and Asia to take place. This is how the Rothschilds and Rockefellers solve their problems. Russia and Ukraine (2014) became hostages of their confrontation. What is scary is that people are not just killed because of money, millions are driven to hatred for their relatives and friends. After all, this conflict is created artificially. The peoples, which are, in fact, one family, are forced to fight with each other. Fortunately, not only the notorious "rulers of the world" Rothschilds and Rockefellers understand this (photo).

With modern information freedom, many people have already begun to understand what is happening. And the leadership of Russia not only opposes these disastrous plans, but also explains to its citizens the essence of the processes. Putin V.V. repeatedly stressed that they are trying to artificially drag us into the war. But Russia does not need this. Yes, and how to fight with the fraternal people, even if they are “sick” at the present time. No, you can follow the lead of the "world rulers" only with caution. They can be taken as temporary companions and removed as soon as the goals no longer coincide. While the Rockefellers are setting Ukraine on fire, the Rothschilds can be our allies. This war is also unprofitable and unnecessary for them. And then everyone has their own way. Powerful clans cannot have allies - the ideology is different. They don't recognize anyone as an equal. By the way, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Putin do not hide this. 2015 should be a turning point in this fight. Only the most important thing, as always, does not take place in the public space. It won't be long before the people know who won.

Why do they need Russia?

Some scholars argue that capitalism is an expanding system. It can exist only when there is "someone to eat." During the bipolar world, clans united in order to conquer countries, that is, to distribute their resources. But now the whole world lives according to capitalist principles. It turned out that the system cannot exist stably. It has nowhere to expand, it has swallowed up all space. Ahead is death. The clans thought about how to continue to rule further. After all, their power was built on the enmity of different ideologies.

They "won" by destroying the socialist world. And they don't know what to do next. It turns out that the main capitalists already own everything. Empires have reached their limits. Rob someone. And it seems there is no need to support billions of workers. What can they give "rulers"? Never mind. They need, as they say, a "golden billion". These are people who will engage in intellectual creativity. The rest for them is ballast, unnecessary material, freeloaders. But even this is not enough. Looking at our little “ball”, having at hand the latest research in the field of climatology, the world “masters” understand that the only stable corner in the coming centuries will be the European part of Russia. They want this territory. Moreover, it is very rich in natural goods and resources. It is for her that the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Putin are fighting. Mikhail Khazin, an economist, argues that any available means will be used to win. The war is being fought to the death. After all, the winner gets the most important thing - the future!

Are there any winners in this fight?

A war waged for centuries cannot fail to have some intermediate results. It is believed that the Rockefellers won two world wars against the Rothschilds. And it's true, because they were fought on the territory, which is the patrimony of the latter. There were huge losses both in the economy and in the population. But the United States, the “nest” of the Rockefellers, only benefited from world wars. Now, conspiracy theorists believe, the time has come for the Rothschilds to recoup. From this, their opponents set fire to conflicts in the Eurasian space. Their main task is to prevent peace on the continent from strengthening, to prevent the Rothschilds from getting out of dollar dependence.

Fortunately, while conflicts are skillfully stopped. Yes, people are dying, cities are being destroyed. But the scale of disasters is completely insufficient for the Rothschilds. Only a global war can save their dollar empire, drawing into its terrible mouth all the countries of Europe, and even better, Asia too. In this confrontation, the Rothschilds are allies of Russia and China. It should be noted that if in 2014 conflicts flared up around our country, then from the beginning of 2015 they began to be provoked almost all over the planet. So, near the borders of China, they began to shoot in Myanmar. And this is an attempt to destabilize the US economic rival. So approximately, according to conspiracy theorists, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds sort things out.

Documentary film about world rulers

Surely everyone has seen videos about clans and their influence on world processes. It is interesting here why they are removed. Why did the families that rule the world suddenly begin to "PR"? After all, few people will believe that such a movie is being shot without their consent, by “independent” journalists. If you believe in world domination, then there simply cannot be such. That is, purely hypothetically, of course, they exist. But who will give them money and technology so that the whole world knows about their work? It turns out that the families decided that it was time to show the "herd" who controls it. What is it for? Why did the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers decide to come out of the shadows? Not to recruit supporters. There are other methods for this. Understanding the purpose of this turn of events is very important. It can mean that the confrontation has reached a different level, or, conversely, the appearance of a completely different force in the big game. The latter, in such an uncomplicated way, seeks to “merge”, that is, to deprive the influence of both “world rulers”. This only seems unlikely at first glance. The fact is that, in fact, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are symbols of the past millennium. And life does not stand still, no matter how much the representatives of the clans would like it to be. Even the "golden calf" loses its power in the face of new ideas and technologies. It is likely that the clans, in the heat of battle, overlooked the opponent, now wrested from their weakening hands.
