As a manuscript

Zhidkova Victoria Viktorovna

Specialty 19.00.07 - educational psychology

The work was carried out at Armavir State Pedagogical University

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Psychology

Professor Nedbaeva Svetlana Viktorovna

Official opponents: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Professor Podmova Lyudmila Stepanovna

Candidate of Psychological Sciences Associate Professor Blinkina Marina Viktorovna

Lead organization:

Stavropol State University

The defense will take place on June 19, 2006 at 16:00 at a meeting of the dissertation council K 212.104.02 at Kursk State University at the address: 305000 Kursk, st. Radishcheva, 33.

The dissertation can be found in the university library at the address: 305000 Kursk, st. Radishcheva, 33.

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council

Sukhikh N.A.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WORK Relevance of the research problem

Currently, higher educational institutions are a system designed to create conditions for the formation and development of the individual as a subject of work, knowledge and communication. In this regard, the role of the psychological service of the university is increasing, providing conditions for the development of the subjective potential of the individual, a more adequate awareness by the young person of the ways of his personal and professional development during the period of study at the university, to increase his own psychological stability in overcoming various difficulties. It is she who should act as a scientific, methodological and practical center that provides psychological support for the development of a student’s personality in the educational environment of a university. The presence and functioning of a university’s psychological service is one of the evidence of the high level of development of higher education in the country (B.B. Kossov, 2000).

The scientific prerequisites for the creation and development of the psychological service of the university were the scientific and practical research of foreign scientists (L. Adler, L. Anastasi, S. Verch, A. Binet, G. Witzlak,


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T.R. Kratokhnil, I. Shvantsar, G. Figdor, etc.) and domestic psychologists (B.G. Ananyeva, S.M. Glushakova, I.V. Dubrovina, Yu.M. Zabrodina, B.B. Kossova, V.A. Labunskaya, J.I.B. Menshikova, V.N. Myasishchev, N.N. Obozov, N.M. Peysakhov, K.K. Platonov, S.L. Rubinshtein, G.B. Skok, etc.).

Purpose of the study:

To study the development of the psychological service of a university in Russia and abroad and to determine the conditions for its effective activity in a pedagogical university as components of the educational environment aimed at psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of students.

Analysis of foreign and domestic literature on the research problem, study of the experience of psychological services in domestic universities allowed us to formulate a research hypothesis: the activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university will be effective if:

To characterize the current state, trends and prospects, priority areas for the developed psychological service of the university;

Summarize and present the experience of the psychological service of a pedagogical university aimed at implementing psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of future teachers (using the example of Armavir State Pedagogical University);

The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study are the ideas and principles of the systems approach (P.K. Anokhin, B.G. Ananyev, B.F. Lomov, S.L. Rubinstein); theories and concepts of personality personality (S.L. Rubinshtein, V.A. Petrovsky, V.I. Slobodchikov, V.P. Zinchenko); ideas of the personal development approach (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin); ideas of humanization of education (K. Rogers, G. Allport, A. Maslow, A.G. Asmolov, V.A. Petrovsky, V.G. Slobodchikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, E.H. Shiyanov, etc.).

Research methods. The study used theoretical (survey-analytical method) and empirical methods (observation and experiment, survey methods (interviewing, questionnaires); testing (methodology for studying the level of aspirations (Schwaulander); scale for measuring joy/depression (Wessman, Ricks); satisfaction scale life (SWLS) - Diener; repertoire method for diagnosing attitudes towards a significant environment; “Q-sorting” technique; methods for studying self-esteem by ranking personal qualities) and others.

The reliability of the research is ensured by the use of a complex of theoretical and empirical methods that are adequate to its subject, purpose and objectives; a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, confirmed by experimental work; representativeness of the sample size and statistical significance of the data obtained.

The research base was Armavir State Pedagogical University (AGTTU). The study covered 150

students (80 people - Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship, 70 - Faculty of Philology).

And the stage (2000-2001) is the stage of experimental testing of the put forward theoretical positions, generalization of the experience of the ASPU psychological service;

Scientific novelty of the research:

The main factors in the development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university are identified (the need of modern society for a spiritually mature, cultural and psychologically healthy personality of the teacher; the approval of a personal development paradigm; the introduction of innovative educational technologies and forms of training; the translation into domestic psychology of the experience of the foreign psychological service of the university; the presence of competent university practicing psychologists);

The research materials can be used to ensure integration and coordination of the activities of the psychological service with the main subjects of the educational environment of the pedagogical university;

1. The psychological service of a university at the present stage has its own specifics, due to a change in educational paradigms; transformation of the position in relation to the educational process (from a reactive position aimed at solving situational problems, to an active and proactive position aimed at modeling and building an educational environment focused on the student as a subject of the educational process and their development); the need to update personal resources, develop success, maintain health, as well as the characteristics of training (focus on personal development technologies, changes occurring in the teaching labor market) and students (focus on professional growth, motivation for achievements in personal, social and professional terms, etc.) .

The results of the study were presented at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Personality of the 21st Century: Theory and Practice” (Moscow - Armavir, 2000); South Russian psychological and pedagogical readings 2000-2006; interregional scientific and practical conferences (Stavropol, 2002, 2006; Moscow, 2005; Rostov-on-Don, 2005; Armavir 2000-2006); All-Russian seminar-meeting “Projects of regional models of practical psychology services in the Russian education system” (Rostov-on-Don, 2004); reflected in

media (//School psychologist, No. 25-26, 2004); discussed and received approval at meetings of the Department of Psychology of Armavir State Pedagogical University (1999-2006).

The results obtained during the research process were introduced into the educational process and activities of the psychological service of the Armavir State Pedagogical University, the Kuban branch of the Moscow Open Social University (Institute), the Armavir Social-Psychological Institute, as well as the services of practical educational psychology in Armavir.

There are 15 publications on the topic of research, including: educational and methodological manual “Psychological service of the university. Part 1. Regulatory, organizational and methodological materials" (Armavir, 2002); article “Psychological service of the university” (//Psychology at the university. No. 3. -M., 2003).

The introduction contains a statement of the scientific problem and discusses approaches to its solution, substantiates the relevance of the topic, shows the degree and nature of its development; the object, subject, purpose, objectives, research hypotheses will be determined; the methodological foundations and specific research methods are described, the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation are revealed; the provisions submitted for defense are set out.

The first chapter - “The current state and development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university” - provides an analysis of the current state, trends and prospects for the development of the psychological service of a university in Russia and abroad; existing models of activity of the psychological service of the university; the experience of organizing and operating psychological services of universities is analyzed and their specific features are identified; the author's conceptual model of the psychological service of a pedagogical university is proposed as a means of implementing the ideas of personal development education, and the experience of organizing the psychological service of a pedagogical university is described in detail.

The second chapter, “Formation of personal and professional success of students using the psychological service of a pedagogical university,” examines the organization and methods of research, presents the results of experimental work to test the effectiveness of the developed “Education and Career” program, and describes its methodological support.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized, the main theoretical and practical conclusions are formulated, confirming the hypothesis and provisions submitted for defense, and accompanying results are shown, confirming the need for further development of the problem.

In recent years, the psychological service of the university, formed in response to current social demands, has been developing dynamically, despite certain growth problems and the peculiarities of its formation in Russia. This is reflected in the works of both domestic and foreign psychologists.

The creation of psychological services at universities in the countries of the European continent is associated with the research of A. Adler, A. Anastasi, S. Verkh,

A. Binet, G. Witzlack, T.R. Kratohnil, I. Shvancsar, G. Figdor, etc. Psychological services of higher educational institutions in the United States are based on the ideas of providing psychological assistance through counseling, the theoretical and methodological foundations of which were the works of the founders of humanistic psychology A. Maslow, K. Rogers, G. Allport, etc. .

The problem of developing the psychological service of a university in Russia is reflected in the works of S.M. Glushakova, I.V. Dubrovina, E.A. Klimova, B.B. Kossova, V.A. Labunskaya, T.N. Martynova, S.B. Nedbaeva, N.H. Obozova, N.M. Peysakhova, N.S. Pryazhnikova, L.V. Dark,

B.A. Terekhina and others.

The functioning and development of psychological services in Russia is based on fundamental theoretical and methodological principles developed in Russian psychology on the development of the social nature of the human psyche (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky,

A.B. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyev, A.B. Petrovsky, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin and others), ideas and principles of the systems approach (B.G. Ananyev, B.F. Lomov, S.L. Rubinstein, G.K. Anokhin); theories of personality development (A.B. Petrovsky, A.N. Leontyev, B.S. Bratus); concepts of personality subjectivity (S.L. Rubinshtein, V.A. Petrovsky, V.I. Slobodchikov,

B.P. Zinchenko); ideas of the personal development approach (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin), the provisions of domestic teachers and psychologists on the essence of the professional activity of the future teacher (I.V. Vachkov, E.A. Klimov, Ya L. Kolominsky, A. K. Markova, N. S. Pryazhnikov, A. A. Rean, E. H. Shiyanov, A. I. Shcherbakov, etc.), ideas of humanization of vocational education within the framework of the personal development paradigm (A. G. Asmsshov, V. A. Petrovsky, I.S. Yakimanskaya, E.H. Shiyanov, etc.).

At the present stage, the psychological service of the university builds its work taking into account new socio-economic realities, modern trends in the development of higher education, regional characteristics, foreign and domestic experience in the functioning of psychological services of the university, as well as on the basis of its own research and development. Solving problems related to improving the activities of university psychological services is currently being carried out both at the level of specific educational institutions and at the level of the world community through the creation of various organizations, holding international conferences, etc.

Despite the fairly well-developed, functioning and described psychological service in educational institutions, the psychological service of the university still has a number of unresolved problems, including: the lack of a system for training, specialization and advanced training of psychologists for the university service; lack of scientific, methodological and information support for university psychologists, as well as the organizational and regulatory framework for activities (including the formulation of the main goals and objectives of the service, a clear definition of the rights and responsibilities of university psychologists, their functions, criteria for the effective functioning of the psychological service). The psychological service of the university is not fully equipped with standard, valid and reliable psychodiagnostic methods and correctional technologies.

The pessimistic tendency, associated primarily with disbelief in the possibilities and necessity of psychological services, cannot but cause concern in the public opinion of higher education in Russia.

The idea of ​​creating a psychological service in a pedagogical university is not only the most important value guideline for education in higher education, but also the subject of searching for scientifically based ways to help young people in the complex process of “entering” into the atmosphere of professional activity. Of particular importance are issues related to the disclosure of the mechanisms of the optimal relationship between the sides “I am as a person” and “I am as a professional”, the reasons for professional ups and downs, the characteristics of self-movement towards individuality in the professional sphere, the actualization of the student’s reserve capabilities in the educational process and scientific- research activities at the university. Analysis of the activities of the psychological services of the university required the identification of its principles, conditions and criteria for the effective activities of the psychological service of the pedagogical university

The fundamental principles of the activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university are: the principle of the unity of personality, consciousness and activity; development principle; personal principle; the principle of unity of theory, experiment and practice;

the principle of the subject, his activity and communication; principle of integrity, etc.

The conditions necessary for the effective functioning of the psychological service of a pedagogical university, contributing to the development of the student’s personality, the formation and formation of success in educational and professional activities, are: humanistic values; readiness to establish relationships and connections with various subjects of educational activities; taking into account regional characteristics, the social situation of the development of a modern student; using a system of psychological support for personality development as a core strategy.

The following criteria can be considered as criteria for the effective activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university: internal criteria (subjectivity, satisfaction with one’s own choice of professional development, activity) and external criteria (student achievements in the educational process, demand for the services of the psychological service, methodological and technological support for the activities of the psychological service; innovativeness ).

A specific characteristic of the activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university is the absence of strict determinism in work methods and creative character.

An analysis of the activities of psychological services of domestic universities (Kazan, Moscow, Rostov, Armavir, etc.) and foreign universities (USA, Germany, France, Poland, etc.) shows that, despite the undeniable usefulness and significance of the work they perform, they do not cover all tasks problems that a psychological service can solve, and this limits its potential capabilities. This is due to the fact that the content of the work of the psychological service depends on the gradual accumulation of experience gained in the course of expanding and generalizing the problems of the work performed. The process of accumulating this experience takes quite a long time and may turn out to be so unique that it will be difficult to transfer it to the conditions of another organization. The ambiguity of the approach to the functioning, goals and objectives of the activities that the psychological service of the university should solve has given rise to problems that are unresolved to this day.

In particular, most of the studies devoted to the activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university are related to the traditional system of university education, while the issues of its activities in the conditions of modernization of modern society and changes in the teaching labor market over the past 15 years remain insufficiently developed (diversification of education,

new educational technologies and forms of training, new "

teaching professions, etc.).

The blurring of socio-economic prospects for the development of society brings to the fore the issue of training not specialists of a narrow profile, but mobile individuals. In this regard, the problem of holistic implementation of psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of students requires its solution, and this can be provided by the psychological service of a pedagogical university.

The psychological service of a pedagogical university is a structural unit of the university that carries out its activities in accordance with the change in educational paradigms; transformation of the position in relation to the educational process (from a reactive position aimed at solving situational problems, to an active and proactive position aimed at modeling and building the educational environment); oriented development of personal and professional success of students.

At the present stage of development of society, the main goal of the psychological service is to promote the development and self-development of the individual, the disclosure of the student’s individuality, the development of their personal and professional success at the stage of study at the university, as well as the correction of various kinds of difficulties in the personal development and self-development of students through a system of psychological support.

The following tasks follow from the goals of the university psychological service: promoting social adaptation (increasing adaptive capabilities and socio-psychological maturity of the individual); development of students’ psychological readiness for self-realization in conditions of high demands on professionalism and professional mobility in the implementation of life prospects; developed needs for self-knowledge and self-development; development of abilities for self-government in educational and future professional activities; prevention and overcoming deviations in social and psychological health; development of a responsible attitude for the fullest realization of one’s personal potential, activity and initiative in the processes of building and implementing life and professional plans and intentions; promoting the full personal and professional development of students at every stage of their studies at the university; providing psychological assistance to subjects of the educational space in overcoming deviations in the intellectual, personal and professional development of students, in resolving conflict situations and contradictions in professional development; providing assistance in building an individual educational route for each student; implementation of achievements

g- psychology into the practice of the educational process at the university level

vertically and horizontally interacting organizational structures that carry out activities in solving various problems of personal and professional development, problems of training and education.

A question arises related to the construction of a model of the psychological service of a pedagogical university, which should form the basis of its activities, solve the main goals and objectives, and determine priority areas.

The basis for constructing a model of the psychological service of a pedagogical university aimed at the implementation of psychological support and the formation of personal and professional success of students at a pedagogical university was based on such principles as: the unity of personality, consciousness and activity; unity of experiment, theory and practice (Scheme 1).

By psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of an individual in the educational process of a university, we understand the creation of such psychological and pedagogical conditions that, in general and mainly, would determine the course of the psychological development of a student’s personality in situations of university interaction between the professional activities of the administration and the teaching staff of the university, educational structures work, psychological services, social partners.

The implementation of the presented model of functioning of the psychological service of the university, aimed at the implementation of psychological support for the formation of personal and professional success of students of the pedagogical university, is reflected in the many years of experience of the psychological service of the Armavir State Pedagogical University (head of the department, Doctor of Psychology, Professor S.B. Nedbaeva) . Elements of the activities of the psychological service at the ASPU began to be introduced long before its official creation (September 2001). The beginning of work on the creation of career guidance computer testing dates back to 1988. Psychodiagnostic testing was intended to determine the level of cognitive development of the applicant, which corresponded to the traditional education system.

Based on the test results, a professional interview was subsequently conducted to identify the degree of formation of the applicant’s motivation, his preferences in the field of professional orientation, erudition and some special qualities that take into account the specifics of the faculty.

Scheme 1. Model of activity of the psychological service at a pedagogical university

Conducting such testing provided assistance in choosing a future specialty by providing quantitative forecasts in the selected range of areas; predicted the success of future university studies; provided assistance to faculties in conducting vocational guidance work among schoolchildren in remote rural schools; provided services to the population of the city and surrounding areas to identify and clarify a fairly wide range of abilities and skills.

The structure of the activities of the psychological service provides for double subordination - along administrative and professional lines.

Administrative management is carried out by departments of the practical psychology service at the federal level and by the university administration.

Professional leadership is carried out by the university’s psychology department, which makes it possible to involve not only service specialists in the work, but also teachers of the psychology department and graduate students.

Due to the fact that there are still no uniform normative documents regulating the activities of psychological services of this type, we created the Regulations on Psychological Services (2002), which includes the following sections: general provisions; goals, main objectives and areas of activity; structure of psychological service; scientific and methodological support; rights and responsibilities of psychological service specialists; material and information base.

Integrity and consistency in work is ensured by the choice of a psychologist’s model of activity. An analysis of the activities of the psychological service of a university allows us to identify the main possible models of their activities: the model of scientific and methodological guidance of the educational process, the “ambulance” model, the “support” model, the “personal development” model. The choice of model is related to the professional position of specialists, the request and position of the administration. The work of service specialists is based on the model of “personal development” due to the fact that this model contributes to the implementation of a personal development approach in the field of higher professional education, therefore, the object of study of the psychological service of a university is the holistic educational process, as well as everything that what happens to the student in this process.

The activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university include practical-applied, research and propaganda aspects; the main directions are traditionally psychological diagnostics, psychological education,

psychological prevention, developmental and correctional work, psychological counseling.

Research is carried out at all stages of training, and at each stage of training they provide their own goals and objectives, which are defined within the framework of the program for the formation of personal and professional success and are aimed at providing full conditions for development, self-development and self-expression, self-education, self-realization, and self-determination of the individual. The results of such surveys are used by the service for joint analysis with teachers (at Faculty Councils, meetings of curators, etc.) of the effectiveness of the educational process and the development of the student’s personality. Using the data obtained during the initial psychodiagnostic examination, specialists from the psychological service, together with teachers of the Department of Psychology, speak at Faculty Councils, thereby ensuring modifications and adjustments in the content and technology of the educational process.

The results of the examination are also considered in classes in the discipline “Fundamentals of independent work: self-development and self-knowledge of the individual”, which contributes to a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of oneself as an individual and is reflected in a psychological passport, in which the student notes the development of his cognitive sphere throughout his studies at the university, personality traits that influence the development of personal and professional success.

The developmental activities of the psychological service are aimed at creating favorable conditions for personal development and the development of personal and professional success of university students, correctional activities are aimed at resolving problems related to learning, behavior or mental well-being in the process of formation and development of personality.

Experience has shown that the most effective forms and methods of work of the psychological service of a pedagogical university with students are: diagnostics of individual and professionally significant personality traits; professionally oriented courses; career guidance and business games; personal and professional training and consulting; continuous psychological, educational, industrial practice of students.

The psychological service of the university pays a lot of attention to improving the psychological competence of teachers, curators, and university staff in promoting the development of students’ personal and professional success, which is carried out through thematic seminars that discuss theoretical and practical issues of training teachers in the use of psychotechniques for developing students’ cognitive abilities in teaching different

disciplines, which ensures increased efficiency of the educational process as a whole.

In parallel with the seminars, methodological trainings are conducted for practical psychologists aimed at improving skills,

necessary in the profession, pedagogical councils are organized and held in secondary schools of the city on problems of interest to teaching staff.

The content of the work of psychological services with subjects of the educational process is determined primarily from the point of view of its value for the implementation of the personal development paradigm of education. In this regard, the task of forming an independent, responsible and socially mobile personality, capable of successful socialization in society and active adaptation in the labor market, becomes urgent.

The psychological service of a pedagogical university in modern educational conditions fulfills the mission of the center in providing a system of psychological support for the educational process and all its subjects, promoting the development of the need for success and self-realization as an individual.

All of the above determined the need to develop, operationalize and implement such technological strategies that would allow placing the student’s personality at the center of the educational process, transforming his objective position into a subjective one, forming a position in relation to his life activity, to everything that is valuable and significant for the individual, i.e. .e. personal development (accompanying) technologies. The main result of such technologies is not the mastery of knowledge, skills, and abilities, but the socialization, development and education of the individual. The implementation of technologies for all priority support technologies is achieved through the implementation of special programs. Programs of this type include the “Education and Career” program, developed and tested over five years.

As part of the implementation of this program, starting from the first year, a comprehensive study of students is provided - motivation, value orientations, professional-complex characteristics from course to course, aimed at creating the concept “I am a specialist”, predicting the stages of life and solving both existential and professional problems

In its implementation, the program provides for certain stages - adaptation, resource, projective, activity, identification (S.B. Nedbaeva, 2004, 2005, 2006), correlating with the passage of phases of the social situation of the development of modern students: adaptation - the assignment by an individual of new social norms;

individualization - identifying one’s professionally significant properties; integration - mutual influence of the individual and the new community. Each stage of education at a university has its own accompanying technologies. Thus, at the adaptation stage, support technologies are associated with the diagnosis of readiness for educational and cognitive activities, the orientation of the individual, assistance in adapting to new living conditions and mastering university teaching technologies; support in overcoming the difficulties of entering an independent life and establishing relationships with classmates and teachers; correction of professional self-determination, etc.; at the identification stage - psychological counseling, correction of personal and professional profiles, professional awareness, psychological support for graduates, etc.

When implementing accompanying technologies, special attention is paid to the introduction into the educational process of such activities as communication with students in small groups with the obligatory participation of first-year and senior students (“Leader’s School”, “Success Studio”), role-playing games with changing positions (business and informal group leader) and psychoregulatory trainings; classes on the culture of mental work and creative activity; practical participation in events commissioned by educational institutions, as well as in preparing students to perform creative tasks.

The main parameters (criteria) determining the potential for personal and professional success among students in the study were: studying the level of aspirations; study of personality self-esteem; studying satisfaction with life and social environment; the presence of an anxiety factor; study of personality orientation; degree adapted™ to the group in the field of interpersonal relations.

Based on the results of the conducted ascertaining experiment, we can note that at all stages of study at the university there is a group of students (“risk group”), for whom the crisis of professional development and personal and professional success remains unresolved, or is resolved with a significant expenditure of mental resources at later stages. stages of study at the university.

At the control stage of the experimental study, we carried out repeated measurements of success parameters using the same diagnostic tools (at the same faculties at the end of the program with 5th year students). As a result, we have identified positive dynamics of changes in personal formations that affect the development of personal and professional success, which is confirmed by statistical data.

Analysis of the results of the study and presentation of the experience of the psychological service in a pedagogical university allows us to formulate the main conclusions:

Organizing the activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university is a holistic process that corresponds to the economic characteristics of modern society and value orientations in the field of education.

The activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university take into account the social order, as well as value orientations in the field of education and, in this regard, are aimed at psychological support for the development of the student’s personal and professional success.

Analysis of experimental data has shown that throughout all stages of university study there remains a group of students (“risk group”) for whom the issue of professional development and personal and professional success remains unresolved or is resolved with a significant expenditure of mental resources at later stages of university study. which necessitates the implementation of psychological support through the implementation of a special personal development program “Education and Career”.

The positive dynamics of changes in personal formations that influence the development of personal and professional success are confirmed by statistical data.

The development of psychological services in pedagogical higher educational institutions is very promising from the point of view of the most important target areas: increasing the efficiency of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process, expanding the capabilities of the university in developing the life competencies of its students, increasing the efficiency of the functioning of psychological services of educational structures. The development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university can rely on a professional personnel base, including both its own teachers and highly qualified practitioners, as well as interested students. Psychological service in a pedagogical university is a promising direction for interaction and mutual enrichment of theory and practice, psychological assistance and support for the development of a professional teacher.

I. Educational and methodological works:

1. Nedbaeva S.V., Zhidkova V.V. Psychological service of the university. Part I. Legal, organizational and methodological materials. - Armavir: ed. ASPI, 2002. - 48 p. (3 pl.).

II. Scientific works:

2.Zhidkova, V.V. Psychological Service of the Pedagogical Institute / V.V. Zhidkova // Personal development in the educational systems of the South Russian region: Abstracts of reports of the VII annual meeting of the Southern Branch of the Russian Academy of Education and XIX regional psychological and pedagogical readings of the South of Russia. Part 1. - Rostov n/d: Publishing house RGPU, 2000. - P.52. (0.1 pl.)

3.Zhidkova, V.V. Tasks of the psychological service of the university / V.V. Zhidkova // Personality of the XXI century: theory and practice: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, - Armavir: ASPI-MOSU KF, 2001. - P.246. (0.3 pl.)

4. Zhidkova, V.V. Basic principles of university psychological service / V.V. Zhidkova // Theory and practice of educating students at a pedagogical university: Collection of theses. Vol. 2. - Armavir: ITs ASPI, 2001.-P. 58. (0.3 p.l.)

5.Zhidkova, V.V. Formation of the psychological service of the university / V.V. Zhidkova // Personal development as a strategy for the humanization of education: Materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference. -Stavropol: SevKavGTU, 2002. - P.364-365. (0.3 pl.)

6.Zhidkova, V.V. Psychological service of the university / S.V. Nedbaeva, V.V. Zhidkova // Psychology at the university. No. 3. - M., 2003. - P.49-63. (1 pl.)

7.Zhidkova, V.V. Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the emergence and formation of the psychological service of a university / V.V. Zhidkova // Current problems of education and ways to solve them in the joint activities of the State Pedagogical University and educational institutions: Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference. Vol. 3. - Armavir: RIC ASPU, 2004. - P. 52. (0.3 pl.)

8. Zhidkova, V.V. Main directions of psychological and pedagogical support in a pedagogical university / V.V. Zhidkova // Materials of the scientific-practical conference. - Armavir: RIC ASPU, 2004. - P. 109. (0.3 pl.)

9. Zhidkova, V.V. Psychological support as one of the areas of activity of the psychological service of the university / V.V. Zhidkova, A.A. Tersakova // Development of intra-university systems for ensuring the quality of education: Collection of conference materials. - Armavir, 2004.-P.201. (0.3 pl.)

10. Zhidkova, V.V. Main directions of activity of the psychological service of the Armavir State Pedagogical University / V.V. Zhidkova, A.A. Tersakova // Theoretical and methodological problems of training quality

specialists at the university: Materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference. Part II. -M.: MOSU, 2005. - P. 111. (0.4 pl.)

11. Zhidkova, V.V. Motivation for choosing a profession / V.V. Zhidkova, A.A. Tersakova // Materials of the scientific-practical conference. -Armavir: RIC ASPU, 2005. - P. 103. (0.1 pl.)

12. Zhidkova, V.V. Formation of professional success of students of a pedagogical university using psychological services / V.V. Zhidkova // Personality and being: a subjective approach. Psychological support of the individual in various spaces of his existence: Materials of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference - Krasnodar: Kuban State University, 2005. - P. 25-29. (0.4 pl.)

13. Zhidkova, V.V. Psychological service of a university abroad and in Russia: stages of formation / V.V. Zhidkova // The problem of modernization of pedagogical education and ways to solve them in the joint activities of universities and educational institutions: Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference. - Armavir: RIC ASPU, 2006. - P.79-82. (0.3 pl.)

N. Zhidkova, V.V. Activities of the psychological service within the framework of the “Education and Career” program aimed at developing the professional success of students at a pedagogical university / V.V. Zhidkova II Development of intra-university systems for ensuring the quality of education: Collection of materials from the All-Russian conference. - Armavir: RIC ASPU, 2006. - P.212-213. (0.3 pl.)

15. Zhidkova, V.V. Conditions for the implementation of psychological support by means of the psychological service of the university / V.V. Zhidkova // Personality of the XXI century: theories of practice: Collection of scientific works. -Stavropol: LLC “Bazis”, 2006. - P. 117-119. (0.3 pl.)

Zhidkova Victoria Viktorovna

Development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university

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Contents of the dissertation author of the scientific article: candidate of psychological sciences, Zhidkova, Victoria Viktorovna, 2006


CHAPTER 1. Current state and development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university

1.1. Current state and trends in the development of psychological services at universities abroad and in Russia

1.2. Model of activity of the psychological service of a pedagogical university

1.3. Organization and experience of the psychological service of the university (on the example of Armavir State Pedagogical University)

CHAPTER 2. Formation of personal and professional success of students using the psychological service of a pedagogical university

2.1. Analysis and study of the features of the formation and development of personal and professional success of students of a pedagogical university

2.2. Activities of the psychological service within the framework of the “Education and Career” program aimed at developing the personal and professional success of students at a pedagogical university

Introduction of the dissertation in psychology, on the topic "Development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university"

The training of professional specialists at the present stage is determined by the fundamental changes taking place in Russian education, the emergence of new values ​​associated with self-development, self-education and self-design of the individual.

Currently, higher educational institutions are a system designed to create conditions for the formation and development of the individual as a subject of work, knowledge and communication. In this regard, the role of the psychological service of the university is increasing, providing conditions for the development of the subjective potential of the individual, a more adequate awareness by the young person of the ways of his personal and professional development during the period of study at the university, to increase his own psychological stability in overcoming various difficulties. It is she who should act as a scientific, methodological and practical center that provides psychological support for the development of a student’s personality in the educational environment of a university. The presence and functioning of a university’s psychological service is one of the evidence of the high level of development of higher education in the country (B.B. Kossov, 2000).

The idea of ​​creating a psychological service in a pedagogical university is not only the most important value guideline for pedagogical education in higher education, but also the subject of searching for scientifically based ways to help young people in the complex process of “entering” into the atmosphere of professional activity.

The development of the individual as a subject of professional activity in the unity of objective and subjective factors is carried out in the aspect of comprehending the intricacies of professional skill and implementation in a professional environment. Of particular importance are issues related to the disclosure of the mechanisms of optimal interrelation between the parties I as a person and I as a professional, the causes of professional ups and downs, the characteristics of self-movement towards individuality in the professional sphere, the actualization of the student’s reserve capabilities in the educational process and research activities at the university. The blurring of socio-economic prospects for the development of society brings to the fore the issue of training not narrow-profile professionals, but mobile individuals with the potential for success. In this regard, the problem of holistic implementation of psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of students requires its solution, and this can be provided by the psychological service of a pedagogical university.

The scientific prerequisites for the creation and development of the psychological service of the university were the scientific and practical research of foreign scientists (JI. Adler, JL Anastasi, S. Verkh, A. Binet, G. Witzlak, T.R. Kratokhnil, I. Shvan-tsar, G. Figdor etc.) and domestic psychologists (B.G. Ananyeva, S.M. Glushakova, I.V. Dubrovina, Yu.M. Zabrodina, B.B. Kossov, V.A. Labunskaya, JI.B. Menshikova, V.N. Myasishchev, N.N. Obozov, N.M. Peysakhov, K.K. Platonov, C.JI. Rubinshtein, G.B. Skok, etc.).

Analysis and evaluation of what has been done in the practice of higher education in the formation and development of psychological services to date allows us to note the presence of a huge amount of primarily empirical material, original concepts, models, innovative projects of psychological services, but, unfortunately, there is still no single clear strategy functioning of the service in a higher educational institution, the specifics of the activities of the psychological service of a branch university are not reflected, the problem of personnel training has not been solved, the criteria for the effectiveness of activities have not been determined, etc. Identification and scientific justification of the conditions for the effective activity of the psychological service of a pedagogical university is a research problem.

Purpose of the study:

To study the development of the psychological service of a university in Russia and abroad and to determine the conditions for its effective activity in a pedagogical university as a component of the educational environment aimed at psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of students.

Object of study: activities of the psychological service of the university.

Subject of research: psychological and pedagogical conditions and factors of effectiveness of the psychological service of a pedagogical university.

Analysis of foreign and domestic literature on the research problem, study of the experience of psychological services in domestic universities made it possible to formulate a research hypothesis: the activities of the psychological service of a pedagogical university will be effective if:

It is a holistic process determined by value orientations in the field of education;

There is a readiness of the subjects of the educational process of the university to interact with the psychological service;

Psychological support is provided aimed at developing the personal and professional success of students.

To prove the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks were set:

Analyze scientific, psychological, pedagogical, and methodological literature on the development of psychological services at universities in Russia and abroad;

To characterize the current state, trends and prospects, priority directions for the development of the psychological service of the university;

To determine the place of the psychological service of the university in the preparation of professional teachers;

To develop a model of psychological service activities aimed at implementing the idea of ​​psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of students at a pedagogical university;

Summarize and present the experience of the psychological service of a pedagogical university aimed at implementing psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of future teachers (using the example of Armavir State Pedagogical University);

To develop and test the “Education and Career” program within the framework of the model of psychological service activities aimed at developing the personal and professional success of students.

The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study are the ideas and principles of the systems approach (P.K. Anokhin, B.G. Ananyev, B.F. Lomov, S.L. Rubinstein); theories and concepts of personality subjectivity (S.L. Rubinshtein, V.A. Petrovsky, V.I. Slobodchikov, V.P. Zinchenko); ideas of the personal development approach (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin); ideas of humanization of education (K. Rogers, G. Allport, A. Maslow, A.G. Asmolov, V.A. Petrovsky, V.G. Slobodchikov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, E.N. Shiyanov, etc.).

Research methods. The study used theoretical (review-analytical method) and empirical methods (observation and experiment, survey methods (interviewing, questionnaires); testing (methodology for studying the level of aspirations (Schwaulander); scale for measuring joy/depression (Wessman, Rix); satisfaction scale life (SWLS) - Diener; repertoire method for diagnosing attitudes towards a significant environment; “Q-sorting” technique; methods for studying self-esteem by ranking personal qualities) and others.

The reliability of the research is ensured by the use of a complex of theoretical and empirical methods that are adequate to its subject, purpose and objectives; a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, confirmed by experimental work; representativeness of the sample size and statistical significance of the data obtained.

The research base was Armavir State Pedagogical University (ASPU). The study involved 150 students (80 from the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship, 70 from the Faculty of Philology).

The research work was carried out from 1999 to 2006 in four interrelated stages:

Stage I (1999-2000) - stage of theoretical research of the problem, study of literary sources and organizational and methodological materials; selection of a block of methods for collecting empirical material;

Stage II (2000-2001) - the stage of experimental testing of the put forward theoretical positions, generalization of the experience of the ASPU psychological service;

Stage III (2001-2005) - the stage of development and testing in practice of the “Education and Career” program;

Stage IV (2005 -2006) - the stage of summarizing the research results, preparing the dissertation.

Scientific novelty of the research:

Specific forms of activity of psychological services of universities have been identified: structural division of the administration; laboratories of psychological problems at university psychology departments; a group of psychologists focused on promising research developments and implementation of practical forms of psychological assistance; the work of one professional psychologist who conducts mainly advisory activities);

The main factors in the development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university have been identified (the need of modern society for a spiritually mature, cultural and psychologically healthy personality of a teacher; the approval of a personal development paradigm; the introduction of innovative educational technologies and forms of training; the translation into domestic psychology of the experience of the foreign psychological service of the university; the availability competent university psychologists-practitioners);

The main conditions for the effective activity of the psychological service of a pedagogical university are determined (humanistic values; readiness to establish relationships and connections with various subjects of educational activity; taking into account regional characteristics, the social situation of the development of a modern student; using a system of psychological support for personal development as a core strategy).

The theoretical significance of the work is determined by the fact that it developed a model of psychological service activities aimed at implementing psychological support for the development of a student’s personal and professional success.

Practical significance of the study:

The generalized experience of the psychological service in a pedagogical university makes it possible to create conditions for optimal solutions to the problems of developing personal and professional success at different stages of university education;

Materials and research can be used to ensure integration and coordination of the activities of the psychological service with the main subjects of the educational environment of the pedagogical university;

The conducted research made it possible to formulate the following main provisions for defense:

1. The psychological service of a university at the present stage has its own specifics, due to a change in educational paradigms; transformation of the position in relation to the educational process (from a reactive position aimed at solving situational problems, to an active and proactive position aimed at modeling and building an educational environment focused on the student as a subject of the educational process and their development); the need to update personal resources, develop success, maintain health, as well as the peculiarities of training, focus on personal development technologies, changes occurring in the teaching labor market) and students (focus on professional growth, motivation for achievements in personal, social and professional terms, etc.).

2. The content of the activities of the psychological service, which has as a core strategy a system of psychological support with the main directions: systematic diagnosis and self-diagnosis, is most consistent with the current stage of functioning of the psychological service of a pedagogical university; developmental and correctional work; development and implementation of accompanying technologies at all stages of university education.

3. The model of activity of the psychological service of a pedagogical university includes target, content, instrumental and evaluative-effective components.

Testing and implementation of research results.

The results of the study were presented at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Personality of the 21st Century: Theory and Practice” (Moscow - Armavir, 2000); South Russian psychological and pedagogical readings 2000-2006; interregional scientific and practical conferences (Stavropol, 2002, 2006; Moscow, 2005; Rostov-on-Don, 2005; Armavir 2000-2006); All-Russian seminar-meeting “Projects of regional models of practical psychology services in the Russian education system” (Rostov-on-Don, 2004); reflected in the media (//School Psychologist, No. 25-26, 2004); were discussed and approved at meetings of the Department of Psychology of Armavir State Pedagogical University (1999-2006).

The results obtained during the research process were introduced into the educational process and activities of the psychological service of the Armavir State Pedagogical University, the Kuban branch of the Moscow Open Social University (Institute), the Armavir State University

Clinical Psychological Institute, as well as services for practical psychology of education in Armavir.

There are 15 publications on the research topic, including: educational and methodological manual “Psychological service of the university. Part 1. Regulatory, organizational and methodological materials" (Armavir, 2002); article “Psychological service of the university” (//Psychology at the university. No. 3. -M., 2003).

Structure and scope of the dissertation.

The dissertation research consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion, literature, including 141 titles. The volume of the dissertation without applications is 160 pages.

Conclusion of the dissertation scientific article on the topic "Educational psychology"

Conclusions on the second chapter.

The ascertaining experiment we conducted allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Among applicants entering the surveyed faculties of ASPU through the “Teacher” program, which allows us to identify the following personal parameters: pedagogical orientation, interest in learning, self-esteem, activity, strength of character and anxiety, we found that PT&P applicants have the following quantitative data: activity ( high level - 63%, average - 24%, low - 13%), interest in learning (high - 19%, average - 50%, low - 31%), pedagogical orientation (high - 15%, average - 25%, low - 60%), anxiety (high - 12%, average - 24%, low -64%), self-esteem (high - 60, average - 31%, low - 9%), strength of character (high - 60%, average - 31%, low - 9%). At the same time, the following indicators take place in the Faculty of Philology: activity (high - 68%, average - 19%, low - 13%), interest in learning (high - 40%, average - 51%, low - 9%), pedagogical orientation (high - 24%, average - 62%, low - 12%), anxiety (high - 18%, average - 32%, low - 61%), self-esteem (high - 40%, average - 51%, low - 9%), strength of character (high - 30%, medium - 38%, low - 32%). As can be seen from these indicators, PT&P students are characterized by a high level of activity, a fairly high level of self-esteem and strength of character, with low levels of anxiety and pedagogical orientation. At the same time, FF students, with high activity, are characterized by fairly high indicators in pedagogical orientation and interests in educational activities. As we saw earlier when analyzing the literature, indicators of high activity, self-esteem, and strength of character act as a guarantee (deposit) of professional success. This is clearly visible in FTiP, which is determined by gender specifics, technical and economic direction of future activities, etc. For FF, taking into account gender specifics, it is typical to focus on communicative contact in training and education of the younger generation, humanitarian orientation.

Conducting a survey of PT and FF students according to our accepted success parameters:

Studying the level of aspirations;

Study of personality self-esteem;

Study of life satisfaction and social environment;

The presence of an anxiety factor;

Study of personality orientation;

Study of academic performance.

We found that PT&P students have the following quantitative indicators: studying self-image and the degree of adaptation to the group (dependence - 15%, independence - 85%, sociability - 61%, unsociability - 39%, acceptance of struggle - 43%, avoidance of struggle - 57%); personality orientation (active work - 74%, health - 99%, interesting work - 69%, love - 100%, financially secure life - 100%, having good and loyal friends 100%, public recognition - 96%); self-esteem (very low - 0, low -0, below average - 23%, average - 39%, above average - 29%, high -7%); state of joy/depression (joy - 84%, depression - 16%); life satisfaction (absolute dissatisfaction - 1%, average - 12%, absolute satisfaction - 87%); level of aspirations (unrealistically inflated - 34%, high, but really typical -66%, low and not really inflated - 0). At the same time, FF students have the following indicators: studying self-image and the degree of adaptation to the group (dependence - 31%, independence - 69%, sociability - 65%, unsociability - 35%, acceptance of struggle - 30%, avoidance of struggle - 70 %); personality orientation (active work - 83%, health - 100%, interesting work - 93%, love - 100%, financially secure life - 100%, having good and loyal friends 100%, public recognition - 86%); self-esteem (very low - 0, low - 8%, below average - 19%, average - 37%, above average - 26%, high - 8%); state of joy/depression (joy - 79%, depression -21%); life satisfaction (absolute dissatisfaction - 3%, average - 17%, absolute satisfaction - 80%); level of aspirations (unrealistically inflated - 16%, high, but really typical -61%, low and not really inflated - 23%).

Based on the results of the ascertaining experiment, it can be noted that at all stages of study at a university there is a group of students (“risk group”), for whom the crisis of professional development and personal and professional success remains unresolved, or is resolved with a significant expenditure of mental resources and at later stages of study at the university.

Based on this, we believe that students, especially those at risk, during their studies at a university should have the opportunity to receive qualified psychological assistance and participate in the system of psychological support provided by the psychological service of the university.

Experimental work on the development of personal parameters that determine the potential for personal and professional success among students of a pedagogical university was carried out through the testing of the “Education and Career” program. As part of the implementation of this program, starting from the first year, a comprehensive study of students was provided - motivation, value orientations, professionally complex characteristics from course to course, aimed at creating the concept “I am a specialist”, predicting the stages of life and solving both existential and professional problems. In its implementation, the program provided for certain stages (adaptation, resource, projective, activity, identification), correlating with the passage of phases of the social situation of the development of modern students: adaptation - the assignment by an individual of new social norms; individualization - identifying one’s professionally significant properties; integration - mutual influence of the individual and the new community. Each stage of education at a university has its own accompanying technologies. Thus, at the adaptation stage, support technologies are associated with the diagnosis of readiness for educational and cognitive activities, the orientation of the individual, assistance in adapting to new living conditions, training in university educational technologies; support in overcoming difficulties; independent living and establishing relationships with classmates and teachers; correction of professional self-determination, etc., and at the identification stage - psychological counseling, correction of personal and professional profiles, professional awareness, psychological support for graduates, etc. When implementing accompanying technologies, special attention was paid to the introduction into the educational process of such activities as communication with students in small groups with the mandatory participation of first-year and senior students (“Leader’s School”, “Success Studio”), role-playing games with changing positions (business and informal group leader) and psychoregulatory trainings; classes on the culture of mental work and creative activity; practical participation in events commissioned by educational institutions, as well as preparing students to perform creative tasks.

Analysis of the results of the repeated application of diagnostic methods, the dynamics of personal parameters that determine the potential for personal and professional success among students of a pedagogical university, allowed us to judge at the final stage the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical work we carried out. The data obtained showed the presence of significant changes in the personal sphere of students. These changes, which have a direct impact on the development of personal and professional success of students at a pedagogical university, were manifested in positive changes in the level of aspirations towards the high, but really typical; personality self-esteem towards adequate; reduction of anxiety; increasing the degree of life satisfaction; change in attitude towards a significant environment, change in the degree adapted™ to the group in the sphere of interpersonal relationships; and, therefore, improving current performance. The results obtained indicate a decrease in negative emotional experiences, a change in the behavior strategies of students in problematic life situations, and shows the emergence in the subjects of a tendency towards self-knowledge and self-development, a constructive approach to assessing life events and a desire to develop professional success. The introduction of such a program into the educational process contributes to the personal and professional development of students, the formation of their professional consciousness, the preservation of psychological health, personal and career success.


By the beginning of the 21st century, the psychological service of the university was established as an actively expanding sphere of professional activity with certain norms and standards.

The problem of developing the psychological service of a university was solved ambiguously throughout the entire period of its formation.

The formation of psychological services in Russia went through a difficult, ambiguous period of development, which was associated not only with the problems of the formation of psychological science as a whole, but also with the historical, social, and political features of the development of the country as a whole. This is reflected in the works of S.M. Glushakova, I.V. Dubrovina, V.A. Labunskoy, V.A. Terekhina, T.N. Martynova, S.V. Nedbaeva, B.B. Kossova, N.M. Peisa-khova, E.A. Klimova, N.N. Obozova, N.S. Pryazhnikova and others. The functioning and development of psychological services in Russia is based on fundamental theoretical and methodological principles developed in domestic psychology about the development, social nature of the human psyche (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets , A.N. Leontiev, A.V., Petrovsky, S.L., Rubinstein, D.B., Elkonin, etc.), ideas and principles of the systems approach (B.G. Ananyeva, B.F. Lomova, S.L. Rubinshtein, T.K. Anokhin); concepts of personality subjectivity (S.L. Rubinshtein, V.A. Petrovsky, V.I. Slobodchikov, V.P. Zinchenko); ideas of the personal development approach (V.V. Davydova, D.B. Elkonina, P.Ya. Galperina). The provisions of domestic teachers and psychologists on the essence of the professional activity of the future teacher (I.V. Vachkov, E.A. Klimov, Ya.L. Kolominsky, A.K. Markova, N.S. Pryazhnikov, A.A. Rean, E. N. Shiyanov, A.I. Shcherbakov, etc.), ideas of humanization of vocational education within the framework of the personal development paradigm (A.G. Asmolov, V.A. Petrovsky, E.N. Shiyanov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc. .)

However, it should be noted that for many decades the importance of the psychological service of the university has been underestimated. This was due to the lack of a regulatory framework for activities, differentiation in training and scientific and methodological support for the work of university psychological service specialists, a unified psychological and pedagogical space, legal protection of professional activities, a unified understanding of the content of the work of such services, appropriate material, technical and methodological provision, a system of informing students about the services that psychologists can provide, as well as the presence of peculiarities of the mentality of the Russian people, the predominance of harmful stereotypes and completely incorrect ideas about psychology and psychologists, with underestimation or overestimation of the importance of the psychological service of the university in solving certain problems.

Currently, this type of psychological services is receiving comprehensive development and practical use.

The idea of ​​creating a psychological service in a pedagogical university is not only the most important value guideline for education in higher education, but also the subject of searching for scientifically based ways to help young people in the complex process of “entering” into the atmosphere of professional activity.

In a modern civilized society, a teacher is a figure that requires special attention, and where his place is taken by insufficiently professionally trained people, children suffer first of all, and the losses that arise here are usually irreparable. This requires society to create conditions such that teachers and educators include people who are most prepared intellectually and morally to work with children. At the present stage of development of society, training a teacher as a competent education specialist, capable of solving professional problems at various levels, involves the involvement of the student himself in solving problems in the educational process of the university. The development of the individual as a subject of professional activity in the unity of objective and subjective factors is carried out in the aspect of comprehending the intricacies of professionalism and implementation in a professional environment. Of particular importance are issues related to the disclosure of the mechanisms of optimal interrelation between the parties I as a person and I as a professional, the causes of professional ups and downs, the characteristics of self-movement towards individuality in the professional sphere, the actualization of the student’s reserve capabilities in the educational process and research activities at the university.

Modern approaches to higher education in Russia provide for the need to take into account the requirements of the global educational system. The blurring of socio-economic prospects for the development of society brings to the fore the issue of training not narrow-profile professionals, but mobile individuals with the potential for success. In this regard, the problem of holistic implementation of psychological support for the development of personal and professional success of students requires its solution, and this can be provided by the psychological service of a pedagogical university.

The development of psychological services in pedagogical higher educational institutions is very promising from the point of view of the most important target areas: increasing the efficiency of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process, expanding the capabilities of the university in developing the life competencies of its students. The development of the psychological service of a pedagogical university can rely on a professional personnel base, including both its own teachers and highly qualified practitioners, as well as interested students. Psychological service in a pedagogical university is a promising direction for interaction and mutual enrichment of the theory and practice of psychological assistance and support for the development of a professional teacher.

In general, the study fulfilled its goals and objectives. However, like any research, this work does not pretend to be an exhaustive solution to the problems presented in it and, naturally, needs further development of the chosen subject of research. Nako

F captured theoretical and practical material requires development and clarification.

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in the higher education system

Increasing the educational potential of higher educational institutions is a priority goal of state youth policy aimed at the successful socialization of young citizens, their active participation in the socio-economic, political and cultural life of society. The processes of formation of the post-industrial society of Russia - globalization, the creation and implementation of qualitatively new information technologies, the acceleration of the introduction of new scientific discoveries, the rapid updating of knowledge, the modernization of production and the associated emergence of new professions create the need for increased professional mobility, continuous education, a request for a second profession and additional forms of education. The system of higher professional education must be brought into line with new realities that require a restructuring of the educational process towards the formation of a specialist with a high readiness for professional self-development and self-improvement. The most important task is the formation of the civil Russian identity of student youth. The task of educating a spiritually-moral, creative, tolerant, with high intellectual potential, active citizenship, readiness for self-development and self-improvement, psychologically and physically healthy personality becomes a priority social request, and its solution requires continuity of efforts at all levels of education from school to university. Psychological service in higher education will help preserve and strengthen mental health, psychological well-being, improve the quality of life of both students and university teachers, ensure an increase in psychological culture and intergenerational tolerance, promote early detection of personal and social ill-being, the formation of family values ​​and the parental sphere among young people .

The goals of the psychological service at the university include:

Regarding vocational education:

Consulting on psychological problems related to the organizational development of the university (defining goals, objectives and development prospects), selection and improvement of human resources; planning, organizing and conducting PR campaigns;

Designing the optimal organization of the educational process and constructing the content of learning at the level of the educational space, educational subject and educational task;

Professional counseling for applicants and university students

on the problem of professional self-determination and building a professional career plan;

Psychological and pedagogical support for the professional development of students (individualization and differentiation of the educational process, taking into account the individual typological, personal characteristics of students; construction of individual educational trajectories; formation of universal educational activities that ensure a high level of self-organization and success of educational and professional activities of students; psychological and pedagogical correction of difficulties training; organization of “time management”, etc.);

Psychological support for the development of professional competence and career of university teachers;

Creation of a favorable socio-psychological and emotional climate for creative cooperation of all participants in the professional and educational process;

Regarding personal development:

Formation of civil Russian identity and patriotism of student youth;

Formation of a tolerant lifestyle in a multicultural society, cultural, ethnic and religious diversity;

Individual psychological counseling on issues of self-development, personal growth, overcoming crises and difficult life situations for students and university staff;

Increasing stress resistance and tolerance to frustration of students and employees, developing the ability to self-regulate, stress management;

Prevention of emotional burnout, personal and professional deformations;

Psychological education and increasing the level of psychological culture and competence of all participants in the educational process.

Regarding coping with crisis and difficult life situations:

Psychological assistance to students and employees in cases of emergencies (terrorist attacks, man-made disasters, natural disasters, fires, etc.);

Psychological correction of emotional disorders - overcoming anxiety, fears, phobic disorders; depressive and subdepressive states;

Psychological assistance in the adaptation of non-resident and foreign students to new living and learning conditions;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, psychological health and personal resilience, prevention of psychosomatic disorders, prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking;

Psychological assistance and psychological correction of personality destruction and deviant behavior (types of psychological addiction - Internet addiction, gaming addiction, emotional addiction, etc.; suicidal attitudes and behavior; aggressiveness; prevention of student involvement in extremist organizations and destructive religious sects, rehabilitation of participants in destructive activities cults);

Creation of hotlines to provide emergency psychological assistance;

Creation of “psychological relief” rooms and programs to overcome the negative consequences of stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Regarding family:

Family counseling on problems of marriage, marital and child-parent relationships;

Consulting on problems of mental development and education of children and adolescents.

To coordinate the activities of psychological services of universities, it is advisable to create a Federal Center. The objectives of the Center are to develop a unified methodology for monitoring studies of the mental and psychological health of young people, identify risk factors and create and implement preventive programs in order to prevent various types of risky behavior (consumption of psychoactive substances, involvement in antisocial and criminal activities, etc.), analysis of the dynamics of changes in different social groups and regions of the country to make scientifically based management decisions; creation of a system for advanced training of employees of psychological services of universities in the Russian Federation.

5. Theoretical and methodological foundations and principles of the activities of psychological services in education

The theoretical and methodological basis for the work of psychological services in education is cultural-activity psychology and the methodology of social construction of reality. The key position of cultural-activity psychology has become the recognition of the socio-historical nature of the human psyche and its development. The personal and cognitive development of a child is carried out in the form of appropriating socio-historical cultural experience in the active activity of the child in communication and cooperation with an adult. The principle of age-specific developmental tasks determines the target orientation and vector of development, the child’s sensitivity to certain types of influences, the content and nature of the age-related psychological abilities being formed. The age-related psychological approach (L.S. Vygotsky) determines the social situation of development (the system of relationships between the child and parents, teachers and peers), leading activities and basic age-related psychological developments as a subject of diagnosis and correction. The concept of the leading role of training for development determines the importance of the content, methods and means of training and orientation to the zone of proximal development as a condition for achieving the developmental effect of training. The developmental education paradigm justifies the need to design an education system that not only teaches the child knowledge and skills, but ensures the development of his fundamental human abilities and personal qualities, which assumes the active role of psychologists in improving the pedagogical practice of teaching and upbringing.

In the context of the rapid development of science and technology, strict regulation of the content and methods of education becomes impossible. The significance of increasing uncertainty for the individual of certain consequences of the development of society is that uncertainty itself acts as a source and resource of development. A critically important and paradoxical problem for educators is that the creative development of developmental education that prepares students for further learning and activity is necessary in future environments that are still unknown and unpredictable for them and in which teachers themselves may not be sufficiently competent. These circumstances justify the transition to constructivist education development strategies – purposeful design of the educational process through modeling possible types of activities and forms of cooperation among students. The principle of social construction acts as a target for the “image of the required future” (N.A. Bernstein) and the creation of conditions for its achievement. To do this, it is necessary to determine: the goals of education (the planned results of the personal and cognitive development of students), the content and technology of education that determine the ways and means of achieving them, the model of activity, cooperation and interaction of participants in the educational process, to provide for the diversity and variability of individual routes, taking into account age and individual characteristics students. The principle of social construction of childhood means a transition from ascertaining the spontaneity of the development of society to the purposeful design of social reality in all the diversity of its possible manifestations, the creation of the necessary conditions for development through modeling the activities and forms of cooperation of the child and anticipatory compensation for the social risks of childhood development. The basis of the social construction of childhood is the prediction of childhood development options under a certain combination of development conditions. The value-goal attitudes of society determine the direction and area of ​​social-normative development of childhood, coordinating traditions and innovations, the past, present and future of childhood. As part of the strategy of social construction, society determines the optimal characteristics of the social situation of development in the contexts of family, school, and peer groups; initiates the creation of new forms of communities and social practices to build connections and continuity between the world of adults and the world of children; designs and organizes the child’s activities, forms of mediation, cooperation and collaboration, creates conditions, initiates, directs the child’s communication and cooperation with peers.

The methodology of cultural-activity psychology determines the value-target settings of psychological services in education as a practical psychology of variable education:

A commitment to understanding and supporting the value of each child’s individual development;

A focus on designing the content of education, ensuring a competent choice of individual educational trajectories for each person

An attitude towards tolerance, ensuring social consolidation and free development of every person and social groups in a world of diversity. The implementation of these guidelines ensures positive socialization and individualization of each student and is possible only under the condition of unity with standardization as normativity implemented by the system of educational standards, and variability education. Standardization ensures continuity and sustainability of development, acting as a necessary condition readiness formation a new generation to solve a wide class of typical life problems; performs the function of knowledge management in conditions of social, economic, ethnic and psychological diversity and ensures the unity of the educational space. The variability of education opens up new opportunities for development and accumulation of resource potential through expanding opportunities for personal development when solving life problems in situations of increasing diversity, matching the motives, interests and individual characteristics of students and managing changes and innovations in a single educational space as a space of diversity.

Principles for organizing the activities of psychological services in education:

n The principle of priority and protection of the interests of the child;

n The principle of subjectivity and respect for the child’s personality regardless of age and level of development. The principle of subjectivity means that successful psychological assistance is impossible apart from the motivation, consciousness and will of the child himself and his involvement in preventive, correctional and developmental activities;

n Principle of age analysis psychological problems of a child or adolescent is based on an analysis of the social situation of development/system of relationships between the child and people around him, the characteristics of leading and other types of activity, as well as basic psychological abilities in the personal and cognitive spheres;

n The principle of "normativity" defines the content of the age stages of mental development as the basis for assessing the psychological status of the child and determining his problems and achievements. Age development norms set a kind of age standard within which the typology of individual development trajectories is located. Full use of development opportunities at each age is the prevention of the occurrence of deviations in subsequent development;

n The principle of an individual approach to a person of any age based on understanding and recognition of a person’s individuality as a value;

n The principle of systematic correctional, preventive and developmental tasks;

n The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction, which determines their relationship - the need to take into account diagnostic results to draw up a correction program and the need for diagnostic tracking of correction results;

n The principle of focusing correction on the causes of psychological problems and difficulties, not limited to simply overcoming symptoms;

n The principle of taking into account the individuality of the child, the uniqueness and uniqueness of his development path, which determines a strictly individual approach to the problems of each child and the inadmissibility of bias in assessments and mechanical transfer of forms and methods of psychological assistance;

n The principle of professional interaction and cooperation of a psychologist with all subjects of the educational space.

n The principle of actively involving the child’s immediate social environment

n The principle of continuity and multidisciplinary psychological support means the obligatory support of every child in need of psychological help and the coordinated work of a number of specialists;

n The principle of providing psychological assistance to all participants in the educational process - children and adolescents, teachers and administration, parents as authorized representatives of the rights and interests of the child.

Scientific and methodological support The development of psychological services in education involves solving the following tasks:

Organization and conduct of regular all-Russian population studies of the modern child in the Russian Federation, as the basis for standardizing psychological diagnostic methods and for assessing the individual psychological and age characteristics of schoolchildren in different periods of education;

Organizing and conducting longitudinal studies as a system for assessing both global and local systemic effects (for example, assessing the impact of certain educational technologies on the mental development of children; assessing the effectiveness of psychological correction methods), as well as exploring the characteristics of a child’s individual response to these factors;

Development and adaptation of psychological diagnostic methods, including for solving problems of comprehensive assessment of meta-subject (cognitive, regulatory and communicative competencies) and personal results of mastering the educational program;

Development and adaptation of new correctional and developmental programs of various directions;

Development and implementation of optimal models for organizing and providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and socio-pedagogical assistance at different levels (stages) of education: preschool education, primary school, basic school, high school, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education, higher education;

Improving the diagnostic activities of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC);

Development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of psychological services in the education system.


E. KOPOSOV, professor, rector V. BOBYLEV, professor, first vice-rector

V. KRUCHININ, professor, head of psychological service, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The psychological service at the university is called upon to solve the most important task of modern higher education - the formation of a socially mobile personality capable of effective activity in market conditions. It should act as a scientific, methodological and practical center that provides psychological support for the development of a student’s competitive personality in the educational environment of the university. The importance of the psychological service of a university should be assessed not only on the basis of the wide possibility of applying psychological knowledge in practice, but also from the position of obtaining new knowledge that contributes to the enrichment of psychological science.

In the process of functioning of the psychological service, solutions to theoretical and practical problems are integrated: on the one hand, the study and explanation of mental phenomena is carried out, on the other hand, personality development occurs, joint activities are optimized, etc.

The psychological service employees are leading teachers and staff of NNGASU. Nine out of thirteen people have academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science. These are highly qualified specialists in general, special, educational and developmental psychology, psychodiagnostics, conflictology and other branches of psychological science.

The main goal of the psychological service of the university is psychological support for the training and education of students.

Psychological service of the university: theory and practice

com on the principles of humanization of education.

In accordance with this, it must solve the following main tasks:

To create in students the need for training, for receiving high-quality professional education, for full spiritual development and self-affirmation (self-realization) of the individual;

Provide assistance to students in self-knowledge and in building an individual educational route;

Teach them to communicate effectively with other people and overcome life’s difficulties;

Develop a caring attitude towards your physical and mental health and the environment, etc.

Psychological support in the process of training and education of students at a university involves the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to their creative and professional development, the formation of a graduate’s personality capable of effective professional activity in conditions of market relations.

There are three stages in the implementation of psychological support at a university.

At the first stage - adaptation to educational activities - interests and inclinations for a particular professional activity are identified, the degree of formation of student motivation, the level of general development, the presence of special qualities, etc. In addition, assistance is provided

Modernization practice

in building an individual educational trajectory for each student.

The implementation of the second stage - specialization - involves the choice of specialization, self-realization, self-development and self-determination in educational and future professional activities.

At the third stage - professionalization - diagnostics of professionally significant qualities is carried out, assistance in the construction and implementation of personal and professional goals and prospects, development of a career growth program, development of the ability to self-government, self-regulation in educational and professional activities.

The following tasks and means are common to all stages of psychological support:

■ prevention and overcoming deviations in social and mental development;

■ prevention and resolution of conflicts;

■ formation of responsibility;

■ increasing educational and professional motivation;

■ correction and image formation, etc.

Forms and methods of working with students and university staff involve diagnostics of individual psychological characteristics, socio-psychological climate, individual and group psychological counseling, socio-psychological training (assertive behavior, personal growth, professional self-determination, socio-perceptual competence, etc. ).

The work of the psychological service is organized in the following six areas.

Psychological research. The objectives of this direction are determined by the need to conduct research on problems of psychology and pedagogy of higher education, social and pedagogical

psychology, organization of psychological services at universities and others.

Currently, it is extremely important to find ways, means and principles of the educational process that provide not only professional training in their field that meets modern requirements, but also the development of such personality qualities as initiative, independence and responsibility, a creative approach to business, flexibility of thinking, communication skills, the ability to constantly learn, the ability to develop one’s professional competence in market conditions, etc. Consequently, one of the most important research tasks of the psychological service is the development of psychodiagnostic tools for studying and developing the professional and personal qualities of students.

In addition, an urgent problem is the development of scientific and organizational foundations for consulting teaching staff and university management personnel, student selection, career guidance for applicants and students, etc.

In this regard, the leading topics of scientific research currently are:

Forming in students the skill of actively applying theoretical knowledge in practical activities;

Preparing graduates for independent professional activities;

Development of students' abilities for self-knowledge, self-development, self-actualization;

Studying the psychological characteristics of increasing the efficiency of self-organization of students' educational activities;

Analysis of the role of students’ independent work in increasing their cognitive activity;

Formation of emotional-volitional sphere (emotional stability) in students;

Development of sensorimotor culture among students;

Higher education in Russia No. 3, 2007

Creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the student group;

Studying the effectiveness of psychological influence on self-awareness (“I-concept”) of a student’s personality in the process of educational activities, etc.

Psychodiagnostics. Psychodiagnostics is aimed at in-depth psychological and pedagogical study of students (applicants) during their studies, identifying individual characteristics, determining the causes of problems in training, education and development. Psychodiagnostics can be carried out with individual students and with student groups.

Together with specialists of the relevant profile, employees of the psychological service carry out differentiated diagnostics of various deviations in psychological development (deviant behavior: alcoholism and substance abuse, drug addiction, sexual disorders).

Development and psychocorrection. This direction involves the active influence of the psychologist on the process of creating conditions for the optimal development of the student’s personality. In the process of psychocorrectional work, psychological service specialists develop plans and programs for developmental and psychocorrectional work, taking into account the data obtained during psychodiagnostics. They are individual, specific in nature and are implemented jointly with other employees of the university, dean’s office, department, etc. Psychocorrection is carried out in the process of individual and group work, including with the participation of parents and public organizations.

Psychological consultation. When implementing this type of activity, psychological service specialists:

■ advise representatives of the university administration, teachers, parents, etc.;

■ conduct individual and group consultations with students on various problems of learning, life and professional self-determination, relationships, and self-education;

■ take part as consultants in planning the educational process of the university, institutes, faculties, departments, etc.

Psychological prevention. Psychological prevention involves working to prevent unfavorable mental and personal development of students.

To this end, psychological service employees work to prevent psychological overload and neurotic (emotional) breakdowns in students associated with the conditions of their everyday and educational activities; contribute to the creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the student body; strive to optimize forms of communication in the “student-student” and “student-teacher” systems; organize consultations on the prevention of conflicts of various types: “society - university”; “administration office - university staff”; “student - teacher”; “student - student”, as well as “rector’s office - dean’s office”, “dean’s office - department”, etc.; advise teachers, other university employees, as well as parents on a wide range of professional and personal problems; carry out analysis of plans for educational work, activities, etc. from the point of view of their impact on the formation of students’ personality.

Psychological education. Every person needs psychological knowledge, especially those who are involved in management, education and training.

The forms of promotion of psychological knowledge at universities are very diverse:

Seminars to improve the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of teachers;

Modernization practice

Scientific and practical conferences;

Lectures and conversations with student activists;

Conversations based on the results of a psychodiagnostic examination in study groups;

Individual consultations for teachers, students and their parents;

Special courses in psychological management, conflict management, pedagogical and business communication;

Psycho-speech training, holding “Psychologist’s Day”, publishing special bulletins and newspapers.

S. REDLIKH, professor, rector L. ARTEMOVA, associate professor V. KRUCHININ, professor Kuzbass State Pedagogical Academy

In 2002, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education was approved. The new concept captures the personal orientation of the educational process, which should ensure conscious professional self-determination of the graduate and the vitally necessary maturity of the person completing his education at school.

In our opinion, profiling at the senior level of a comprehensive school is possible if the teacher is prepared to work in modern conditions. One of the real experiments in this direction will be discussed in this article.

Russian education in the last decade of the 20th century. was in a state of permanent reform. At the same time, the key link of any educational system is

The management of the activities of the psychological service of the university is carried out on the basis of the “Regulations on the psychological service of NNGASU” approved by the rector.

The psychological service for students, trainees, teachers and staff operates free of charge, but those who study or work at other universities can also contact it on a contractual basis.

The administration pays great attention to the activities of the psychological service and the creation of favorable conditions for its work, because it is convinced that the presence of such a service indicates the quality of the organization of the educational process at the university.

education - the problem of teaching staff - is only mentioned in the fundamental documents. Therefore, it was and is still being resolved within various groups of the professional teaching community, so to speak, independently.

Let us note that the education system, due to its universal nature, most directly responds to changes occurring in society. In this regard, the tasks of this system also change.

One of them is the creation of conditions for students to build individual trajectories of their learning, which will, in turn, ensure the formation of an educational and professional route for a high school student in conditions of profile differentiation.

Under the educational and professional route of a high school student, we

Status and prospects for staffing specialized education for students

The organization of psychological services in universities involves the development and filling with adequate content of the main strategic directions of state youth policy and reforms of the educational system at the regional level. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the content and structure of the system of psychological support for participants in the educational space by means of psychological services.

The content of the activities of the psychological service of a university should include several components: a mandatory component defined by regulatory documents for the psychological service of education, and some special components implemented taking into account regional conditions and the specifics of the university. The main areas of work of the service can be outlined as follows:

1. Work with potential applicants in order to ensure enrollment in the university and compliance of the personal potential of applicants with their professional choice.

These tasks are addressed by early professionally oriented diagnostics of schoolchildren, aimed at identifying general and special abilities; scientifically based selection into specialized classes supervised by the university, etc. Professional and personal diagnostics of applicants is of no small importance to ensure a reasonable choice of profession by the applicant, support of the targeted recruitment program, increasing the adequacy of the choice of profession by persons who have served in the Armed Forces, etc.

2. Supporting the processes of adaptation to university for first-year students (to prevent failure and underachievement, to optimize entry into a new environment, and, consequently, to preserve the student population).

Therefore, adaptation programs should be conducted: group adaptation training in groups of first-year students, socio-psychological training, psychological groups for personal development, etc.

In addition, psychodiagnostic monitoring is necessary: ​​diagnostics of the emotional and motivational status of first-year students to organize individual psychological support in the process of adaptation to university.

Also important is the methodological support of the organizers of educational work, which includes trainings for group supervisors, deputy deans for educational work, methodological psychological and pedagogical seminars, etc.

3. Crisis direction (realization of needs for individual psychological support of participants in the educational process). This direction can be implemented through individual psychological consultations for participants in the educational space who find themselves in difficult situations, experiencing various kinds of crises, and in need of professional psychological support

4. Methodological support for teaching staff (increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers) is another important area in the activities of the psychological service for supporting participants in the educational process at the university.

For these purposes, a system of advanced training and retraining courses should be organized, including lecture and practical blocks on educational psychology, developmental psychology of personality development, socio-psychological training in communication, confidence, conflict management, creativity, career guidance, etc.

In addition, the psychological service can provide assistance in the development of professiograms, diagnostic tools for identifying the general and professional abilities of applicants, and support the professional development of students.

Continuous support of professionally specialized programs can serve to ensure a reasonable determination for practical training and the distribution of university graduates.

The same direction involves the implementation of practical professional training for students of psychology departments through the organization of all types of practice, the implementation of research projects under the guidance of leading teachers of the department. This direction fully realizes all potential areas of professional development of psychology students.

The organization and structure of the psychological support service of a university is a complex issue that has not yet been clearly resolved. The experience of professional institutions of secondary and higher education is varied: along with laboratories organized at psychology departments and providing psychological support to students of their faculty or department, there are special centers within the structure of educational, methodological or educational departments. It is obvious that in the absence of special documents regulating this activity developed at the federal level, each educational institution determines the structure and organizes the activities of the psychological service depending on the substantive tasks of this service.

It is important to organize the psychological support service so that it can solve a wide range of problems. The service must be a structural unit of the university, operating on the basis of the university’s charter, orders and instructions of the rector.

The composition of the service is determined by the request of participants in the educational space, the volume of necessary substantive tasks, the organizational, material and technical resources of the university and its departments, as well as supporting organizations and departments. The staff of the psychological service should include at least the head of the service, full-time psychologists, a methodologist, an organizer, and a secretary.

The psychological service of the university must have at its disposal the necessary equipment for solving substantive problems, including: a classroom equipped with computers for group psychological diagnostics, rooms for individual consultations, rooms for group psychological work, and an office.

The need for such a serious approach to organizing the psychological service of a university is due to the fact that the current stage of development of psychological practice, focused on psychological support for the development of a person throughout his life, including during his professional training, occupies one of the main places in terms of relevance.

Increasing information loads and limited time resources for a significant part of students combining work and study; an increase in the number of students due to the expansion of paid services in the field of higher education; increasing requirements for the training of a modern specialist and the motivational unwillingness of students to appreciate their importance in their professional development, the spread among young people of negative phenomena caused by the development of a “consumer society” - this incomplete list of problems makes it necessary to create a system of psychological support at a university.

Issues of understanding the role of psychological support services at universities, the subject of their activities and the objects of application of the efforts of psychologists, methodological approaches and technological solutions are still debatable. If the organizational aspect of the activities of a psychological service is basically determined, then the scientific and methodological aspects of its activities are formed spontaneously and require coordination. The field of vocational education is heterogeneous and includes educational institutions of different levels and different professional profiles. It is important to take this into account when implementing support programs, since young people studying in these institutions belong to different age groups, therefore the means of psychological support should be focused both on the specifics of the professional field and on their age characteristics. Therefore, it is unlawful to transfer school technologies and methods of work of psychological services or borrowed from the developments of engineering psychology and occupational psychology.

There is a need for a conscious, systematic study of the problems associated with the organization of psychological support in this area, at the theoretical, methodological and technological levels.

A special approach in this sense is required by the psychological service of the university.

In order to build a support system in an educational institution, it is necessary to understand what processes we intend to support. The system of psychological support at a university should be built not only on the basis of the learning process, take into account not just the processes of adaptation to the university and preparation for future professional activity, but also be based on the characteristics of personality development in the transition period from adolescence to adulthood.

Therefore, it is necessary, on the one hand, to determine age-specific developmental tasks, on the other hand, to solve the problem of continuity of support for personality development, organized at the previous stages of personality support in the educational space, where the main direction of the psychologist’s activity, according to I.V. Dubrovina, is to ensure the mental and personal development of the student.

The psychological service is engaged in psychological support of the educational process at the university. By psychological service in modern conditions of development of our society we understand such a specially organized system of psychological support for education, which is the organizer of the process of personality development of the future professional and its ideologist.

The psychological service of the university is aimed at increasing the efficiency of fulfilling the tasks facing the university, optimizing the activities of all departments and individuals. The psychological service of a university is a system of scientifically based organizational activities to introduce the achievements of psychological science into the life of the university.

The activities of a university depend on the psychological climate in it, the activity, independence and responsibility of its employees, and the manager’s consideration of a person’s intellectual, emotional and volitional reserves. In this regard, objectively there are conditions that determine the need to involve psychology in improving the educational process and the entire university management system. It should be noted that each university should conduct research on the development of a student’s personality, professional selection, develop ways to prevent academic failure, take measures to speed up the adaptation of first-year students and develop graduates’ readiness for work. The psychological service can also consider and resolve psychological issues of teaching methods, computerization of education, etc. The competence of the psychological service may also include the development and implementation of methods of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the faculties and departments of the university into the system of training specialists.

The goal of the psychological service is to help students realize their potential in all spheres of life, including in professional activities, to realize themselves as the subject of their own life, its creator. In connection with this goal, the psychological service is called upon to solve the following tasks:

1. help the student realize his own responsibility for his life and the changes occurring in it;

2. develop motivation for professional activity, self-improvement and self-actualization;

3. develop self-regulation skills;

4. develop communicative competence;

5. provide psychological support and assistance in solving problems of students and employees;

6. contribute to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the scientific and teaching staff of the university and the student community.

7. provide assistance in students’ acquisition of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to obtain a profession, develop a career, and achieve success in life.

8. provide assistance to applicants and students in determining their capabilities based on abilities, inclinations, interests, and health status.

9. to promote psychological knowledge and the introduction of psychological achievements in the faculties and departments of the university.

10. assist teachers and parents in educating students, in developing in them the principles of mutual assistance, tolerance, mercy, responsibility and self-confidence, the ability for active social interaction without infringing on the rights and freedoms of another person.

11. analyze the socio-psychological situation at the university, identify the main problems and determine the causes of their occurrence, ways and means of resolving them.

12. conduct psychological, psychophysiological and socio-psychological research in student groups.

13. provide psychological counseling to the teaching staff, staff and students of the university.

14. provide assistance to elementary students in socio-psychological adaptation to educational activities.

15. develop and carry out psychological correction measures.

We assume that the implementation of the goals and objectives of the psychological service will ensure a multifaceted educational process, will lead to the smooth functioning of all structures of the university, and will contribute to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the student community and the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university.

Currently, there is a unique situation of coincidence of three necessary sources for the implementation of a psychological support project:

firstly, there is a state request to fill priority areas of social development with real, meaningful initiatives;

secondly, the need to improve the quality of support for educational and educational tasks in the educational space of the university has matured and been realized;

thirdly, there is a readiness of qualified specialists - practical psychologists working in the education system, including professional and higher education.

This readiness is supported by the experience of creating and operating psychological support services in school and preschool educational institutions. Analysis of the activities of practical psychologists only in the Chelyabinsk region allows us to judge the fairly high scientific and methodological potential of participants in psychological support in the educational space. The areas of activity indicated in the paragraph “Content of the activities of the psychological service of the university” are currently tested to one degree or another and are being implemented by specialists within the framework of educational programs of psychology faculties and specialized departments, including in the direction of “Developmental Psychology”, within the framework of educational and creative laboratories of universities and other educational institutions.

As for the scientific and methodological support for organizing a support system for the psychological service of a university, it is necessary to analyze existing programs and actively submit research topics related to the implementation of this area for grant competitions.

The main task of the psychological service at the university is to help students adapt to the new conditions of life and study at the university as quickly as possible; it is reasonable to overcome the psycho-emotional, intellectual and physical overloads that have arisen. The motivational sphere of personality is one of the most important factors determining the internal state and external behavior of a person. .The psychological service accompanies the educational process and therefore faces, first of all, the problems of clients directly related to the current situation of their personal development and activity.

Analysis of the content and quality of current problems with which students turn to psychological services allows not only to adjust the direction of other types of psychological support of the educational process, but also to study some phenomena of the student’s personal development. . As a result of the research, it was revealed that student age is characterized by the desire to achieve a high position in society, the choice of profession based on the acceptance and approval of this profession by others. The motivation for learning activities among students is quite strong. All aspects of human relationships are very important. Many of their actions are determined by the need for communication and the desire to maintain good relationships with others. In activities, for many students, it is not the process itself that is important, but the immediate result.

It was also revealed that among first-year students there is a predominance of motives for their own well-being, the desire for personal superiority, and prestige. One of the main goals and aspirations of first-year students is to establish strong relationships with others in a system of relationships, including relationships with teachers, classmates, friends, and family relationships.

At student age, there is a transformation of motivation, the entire system of value orientations, on the one hand, and intensive formation of special abilities, on the other.

Student age is characterized by the desire for social rapprochement, the search for the meaning of life, the construction of life plans, which are determined by objective conditions and value orientations of the individual. There is a clearly expressed desire for higher education and interesting work. The focus on good living conditions and material security is strengthened.

During the student period, students are generally focused on their future, and the whole present appears for them in this new direction of their personality. They form their own moral worldview, a moral “I”, which presupposes the presence of a stable system of beliefs, independent of external conditions and pressures from others. The effectiveness of the educational process at a university as a whole is directly related to how high the motivation of students to master their future profession is.

It should be noted that the activities of the psychological service are truly diverse. This includes trainings with academic groups, and conducting preventive classes, lectures and seminars on a healthy lifestyle, and individual psychological counseling, diagnostic work, volunteer activities and much more. Methods of psychological counseling at a university include advice; training or special training; interpretation of the situation, problem; clarification of a thought, position, fact or emotional state; exhortations, condemnation, expressions of sympathy; all types of non-directive communication; interviews, psychological testing, group discussions, etc. To a large extent, the range of problems solved by the psychological service of Western universities is close to what in our tradition is designated by the term “education.”

Trainings with academic groups. Particular attention is paid to first-year groups of all faculties. During the academic year they undergo social and psychological training. Main directions: acquaintance training, communication training, self-realization training, trust training, seminar on the prevention of various types of addictions. Trainings are also conducted with senior students, subject to order from the group or curator.

Trainings contribute to a more effective process of adaptation of first-year students to new learning conditions. Preventing major conflict situations among students within the group and with the university administration. Reduce the risk of various addictions in students.

Conducting preventive classes, lectures and seminars on healthy lifestyle.

Throughout the academic year, the psychological service conducts lectures on promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing socially negative life phenomena among students of all faculties of the university. Classes cover various topics related to human health.

The main goal is to form and stimulate motivation among students to lead a healthy lifestyle. The classes are designed to inform students about the negative impact of various means and products of human activity on human health (cosmetics, food, surfactants, cigarettes, etc.). It also talks about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, various styles of human behavior that have a positive or negative effect on human health. Lectures are being prepared with advice on how to properly and most effectively manage your own time and build a strategy for studying at a university.

I would like to note that the activities of the psychological service, the main goal of which is to optimize the learning process, sometimes become an activity to set new tasks and identify emerging problems that require a new, unconventional approach to resolve them.

Psychological research


Nabatnikova L. P.,

MSPU, Moscow

The article discusses the problems of psychological counseling, its position and role in the system of psychological services of the university. The systemically determined substantive aspects of student requests are revealed, and the possibilities for a student to acquire personally significant experience in solving psychological problems through psychological counseling are outlined.

Keywords: systematic approach, system, context of the social environment, psychological assistance, psychological request.


Nabatnikova L.P.,

MCPU, Moscow

The article describes the problems of psychological counseling, its position and a role in a system of a psychological service of a higher education. The system-conditioning substantial aspects of student’s inquiries are disclosed, the students’ possibilities in getting personal experience in a process of solving of psychological problems by means of psychological counseling are stated

Key words: systems approach, system, context of the social environment, the psychological support, psychological inquiry.

Psychological service of the university: formation and development

The systems approach proposes to study a person as an “element” of various systems in which he acquires and then expresses the properties inherent in these systems. The idea of ​​systematicity is present in the studies of V.I. Vernadsky, who defended the idea of ​​​​the need to move from a one-sided analysis of human properties to the study of the impacts of those systems in which his life is carried out. Particular importance is attached to the totality of social systemic qualities that are acquired as a result of life in society and its subsystems - family, ethnic communities, student groups, educational institutions. In the practice of psychological counseling, a systemic vision of a person opens the way to the use of adequate person-oriented technologies for providing psychological assistance.

Initially, the psychological assistance service in universities of the Russian Federation appeared in the late 70s of the last century in connection with the task of reducing the level of anxiety of students before the session. In the early 90s, the practice of individual psychological counseling emerged at universities. At Kemerovo University during the period 1992-1994, 280 1st and 2nd year students turned to a psychologist.

Based on the results of the activities of the psychological service of Kemerovo University, the conditions for its successful functioning are formulated: the need to create a unified conceptual model of the service’s activities, a unified regulatory framework; determining the role of the service in the educational system of the university; organization of a methodological center that directs, coordinates and controls the work of psychological services of the university. Support for the formation and development of a student’s personality is accepted as the main position in the activities of the service. In this regard, the position of the psychological service and its tasks are determined:

Organization of the activities of the psychological service, based on the personal development concept of education, as the most appropriate to the requirements and conditions for the effectiveness of higher education;

Creating conditions that provide psychological support for the development, self-development and self-realization of the student’s personality;

Creation of conditions conducive to optimizing the training of future specialists and citizens;

Expanding and complicating the tasks of the university psychological service.

Based on the assigned tasks, a pedagogical model of the activity of the psychological service is being developed, which includes: principles of organization and conditions of activity that ensure its effectiveness, components of the system of psychological and pedagogical support (goals, functions, stages, forms, methods, areas of activity, criteria) and their content filling.

The implementation of the psychological service model provided the following results:

Formation of an active position among university students in solving problems of personal formation and development;

Continuity and interdependence of the professional and personal potential of students at successive stages of continuous education (school, university, industrial adaptation), the organizing element of which is the university stage;

Integration of subjects of the educational environment of the university (psychologists, teachers, medical workers, etc.).

Issues of the organization and functioning of psychological services were specially developed at the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute (NETI) in the 90s. A version of the service was introduced that provided for the presence of a central group of psychologists focused on promising research and the selection of practical forms of psychological assistance, along with the introduction of psychologists into the dean's offices of two faculties. Faculty psychologists liaised between the main group and the faculty. Studying the specifics of the faculty, determining the scope of the necessary intervention by psychologists, informing and consulting the dean becomes the area of ​​competence of the faculty psychologist. The results showed the effectiveness of the proposed model of psychological assistance to students. Taking into account regional characteristics and the insufficient number of professional psychologists, the psychological service is specially developing and implementing a retraining program for teachers with a penchant and interest in practical psychology. Thus, temporary teams of teachers were organized in order to implement some of the tasks of the service and under its direct leadership, ensuring the quality of psychological assistance.

Adaptation of students to the learning conditions at a technical university as a direction of activity of the psychological service is developed on the basis of studying the properties of the nervous system, intellectual, emotional and volitional characteristics of 500 1st year students and 100 expelled students. The methodological basis of the study is the principle of systematicity, which asserts the need to consider a person as a complex multi-level system. In the process of research work, factors influencing the process of adaptation of students were identified: the strength of the nervous system, the level of development of imaginative thinking, the degree of emotional stability, the sociometric position in the student group. The unfavorable combination of these factors creates significant difficulties in the adaptation of students. Based on the research, forms of work aimed at improving adaptation mechanisms have been developed:

1. Psychodiagnostic examination of 1st year students under the program of studying the characteristics that have the greatest impact on the process of adaptation to the conditions of the university.

2. Individual psychological consultations for students experiencing difficulties in the adaptation process.

3. Group psychological consultations using socio-psychological training aimed at developing communication skills and increasing the cohesion of the student group.

4. Sociometric study of the structure of student groups to identify informal leaders and rejected group members.

5. Simulation of examination situations and autogenic training for students with a low level of emotional-volitional regulation.

6. Lectures on problems of personality psychology and psychology of student groups for university teachers and curators.

The effectiveness of the psychological service was confirmed by comparing quantitative indicators of students’ adaptation to university studies in control and experimental groups. A significant influence of the applied forms of psychological assistance on the results of educational and professional activities of students has been established.

A distinctive feature of the psychological service at NETI is its focus on the results of experimental research with the aim of further applying adequate forms of psychological assistance to students.

A successful project has been proposed, in which an integrated approach to organizing the psychological service of a university has been implemented. The psychological service has the following structure:

1. Coordination and structural department for general management and methodological support of the service. The objectives of the department are to provide methodological assistance and consultation to employees, teachers, and heads of university departments.

2.Lecture and propaganda department for the formation of psychological knowledge necessary for educational, pedagogical and scientific work.

3. Department of psychological support for educational activities, communicating with the departments of psychology and pedagogy and graduating departments of all faculties of the university in order to adapt students to educational and professional activities, predict academic performance and reduce student dropout, and improve student self-government.

4. Department of work with teachers and university staff. The objectives of the department are to provide psychological support for management decisions, increase the efficiency of educational work and increase the level of psychological competence of university teachers and staff.

5. The recreational department of the psychological service provides, together with the department of physical education and the student club, a set of rehabilitation measures aimed at optimizing the functional state of the body.

The psychological service of NETI in the 90s was formed and functions as a structural unit of the rector's office and its activities are guaranteed by a fixed status and powers, high professional qualifications of full-time psychologists, as well as clear coordination with other departments of the university.

The activities of psychological services in universities in the late 90s and at the beginning of this century are aimed at developing the motivation of university students to master knowledge and profession. This area of ​​service is being developed in particular at the Nevinnomyssk Institute of Economics, Management and Law, and by 2005. becomes a priority there.

Around the same time, there is a tendency to coordinate the actions of several universities to highlight the most pressing problem of students, which requires a comprehensive analysis and organization of psychological assistance. The project “Psychological service in universities” is created by universities. Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny and Chistopol in 2008. in order to prevent drug addiction among students and overcome social negative phenomena in the student environment.

Currently, psychological assistance is being recognized and developed in Russian universities. The goals of the psychological assistance service are gradually expanding; they are aimed at creating favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for studying at a university; strengthening student mental health; assistance in developing the personal potential of students, providing psychological support in difficult personal situations.

The work of the psychological assistance service is actively carried out in various forms at the University. A. I. Herzen in St. Petersburg. In-person and remote counseling, psychological training, relaxation health programs, and support for the adaptation of students (including foreign students) to the conditions of study at a university are widely used. In the process of face-to-face consultations, the main problems of students were identified; self-knowledge, communication difficulties, uncertainty and conflict, emotional instability, low self-esteem, loneliness, decision making. Psychological trainings are aimed at developing the student’s personality and have the following forms: communication training, self-regulation training, conflict resolution training, as well as adaptation training in intercultural communication. Consulting on issues of professional development and career growth is an independent area. The state of the socio-psychological climate is monitored at certain intervals through student surveys. It should be noted as a feature of the use of natural therapy and equipment during the implementation of relaxation programs. Thus, the university has identified directions and found forms of work for the psychological service in accordance with the goals of creating favorable socio-psychological conditions for studying at the university; strengthening the mental health of students; revealing the personal potential and self-realization of students; providing psychological assistance in conditions of life difficulties.

Moscow State University for the Humanities has useful experience in providing psychological support to all subjects of the educational process. M.A. Sholokhov in Moscow. The service was created for distance learning students with the purpose of psychological education, preventing maladjustment, identifying difficulties at all stages of education, and promoting the development of the student’s personality.

Universities are developing concepts for psychological services.

The Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking focuses the service’s activities on coordinating scientific and practical aspects to solve the problems of creating students’ motivation for professional activities, teaching success strategies, and developing students’ communicative competence.

Abroad, at universities in Belgium, work with disabled students and their parents is a priority area of ​​activity for the psychological assistance service. Individual counseling within a specific scientific paradigm is traditionally present in German universities, providing a positive connection between the individual and the outside world.

Structure of the psychological service of the university, functions and tasks

In the context of economic, political and sociocultural transformations, the most in demand is the readiness of young people to integrate into the life of society as a subject who has reached professional and personal maturity and readiness to overcome the social challenges that Russia will have to endure in the era of globalization. External factors reflecting difficult economic and political conditions must be understood, structured and accepted by the young person. Based on the subjective picture of the world, one’s behavior and activities are regulated. Active creative adaptation to the environment is an effective means of helping a young person master the content and take the form of professional training at a university, maintain stability in crisis situations, and cope with various stressful life circumstances.

In the current conditions, the relevance of the formation of a new paradigm and concept of providing psychological assistance acquires important practical significance.

At the university, supporting the professional career of students and the development of human resources as the potential of the national economy are of exceptional importance. Psychological support for education is implemented through modern knowledge-intensive development technologies for student support. Psychological support performs the function of responsible introduction of the student into the social institutions of society. At the same time, integration takes place in the educational space of the university along the lines of cultural, professional and personal development.

The psychological service is an integral part of the system of psychological support of education in Moscow as a condition for the formation and development of human resources in the capital region, increasing the psychological safety of citizens, psychological training of personnel for the education system and social sphere of the city.

The Regulations on the Psychological Support Service for Students of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, which has existed since 2009, served as the basis for organizing relevant activities on the basis of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations as a structural unit of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

All activities of the Service are aimed at providing high-quality and accessible psychological assistance to students in solving socio-psychological problems that arise during their learning process. The service is designed to ensure the prevention of mental health disorders and promote the development of the personality of students in the process of their upbringing, training and socialization.

The service combines the actions of specialists into a single system of individual dynamic support for the development of a student’s personality at all stages of his studies at the university. The activities of the Service are carried out by qualified psychologists who have the skills and motivation to work practically with students.

Psychological service is an integral education, in which E. S. Romanova identifies three aspects:

Scientific, focused on studying the patterns of mental development and personality formation in order to develop methods for the professional application of knowledge in practice;

Scientific and methodological, ensuring the processes of training and education through the participation of psychologists in the development of methodological materials;

The practical aspect aimed at working directly with clients of different ages and providing assistance in solving life problems.

The unity of the three aspects forms the subject of psychological service. In modern conditions, E. S. Romanova identifies two areas of activity of the psychological service - current and promising. The inextricable connection between the two directions is embodied in the task of providing assistance to all those in need.

The current direction is focused on solving problems that arise in the training and education of younger generations, in communication, and in the development of personality.

The promising direction is focused on the development of individuality and the formation of a person’s readiness to participate in public life and creative work. The task of forming moral values ​​comes to the fore, among which motivation for professional activity and family values ​​dominate.

The main activities of the Service include various types of psychological assistance.

Psychological assistance may include:

Psychological education (formation in students of the need for psychological knowledge in the interests of personal development and for solving professional problems);

Psychoprophylaxis (prevention of symptoms of maladjustment in students; psychodiagnostics (providing objective psychological information to a student based on a study of his cognitive processes or personal characteristics);

Psychological correction (overcoming or compensating for deviations in the student’s personal development);

Professional guidance (ensuring professional self-determination and motivational orientation of the student);

Psychological counseling (assisting a student in self-knowledge, achieving adequate self-esteem and adaptation in life conditions, forming a value-motivational sphere, overcoming crisis situations and achieving emotional stability, promoting personal growth and self-development, including individual and group consultations).

Among the various types of psychological assistance, psychological counseling is given one of the leading places.

Psychological counseling allows you to reveal individual capabilities of the individual, ensuring creative adaptation by finding and using an effective way to resolve difficult life situations.Psychological counseling is defined as a unique research phenomenon that allows us to reveal the deep patterns of a person’s inner life and the phenomena of his interpersonal communication.The subject of psychological counseling is the current and potential properties of the student’s mental reality, which contribute to finding new opportunities to solve problems that have arisen.

The main goal of counseling is to ensure the full mental and personal development of students in accordance with individual capabilities and characteristics.

During the consultation process the following tasks must be resolved:

1. Psychological assistance to students in difficult life situations.
2. Consultative, diagnostic, psychoprophylactic assistance in an educational institution.
3. Psychological support for the professional development of a student’s personality at a university, assistance in the adaptation of first-year students, the formation of a professional orientation of students in the learning process.
4. Assistance in the formation of responsibility, communication skills, psychological readiness to make personal and social choices.
5. Assistance in maintaining a favorable socio-psychological climate in the group and solving problems of interpersonal communication.

Higher professional education, in accordance with the social needs of the time, should provide for the individual’s competence in the profession, as well as in the field of moral and family values. During the counseling process, the student acquires the necessary life competencies. Psychological counseling is focused on the student’s need for emotional support, developing the ability to overcome difficulties, and respond to life phenomena adequately and effectively.

Psychological needs of students

The problem field of psychological counseling of students reflects the requests. A request is a client’s request or complaint, containing the formulation of difficulties, the resolution of which he expects from a psychologist. Students' requests constitute the content of the work of a psychologist-consultant.

Macro level, reflecting the state of the macrosocial environment, current educational tasks, assimilation of social experience.

Meso-level, reflecting the requirements for the profession, professional suitability and professional competence.

Micro-level, combining a group of factors; age characteristics of students, phenomena of friendship and love, family, marriage and family choice.


Conditionality of student requests by levels of the social environment

Technologies for psychological counseling activities are developed and selected based on an analysis of life difficulties, i.e. requests with which a student turns to a psychologist-consultant.

In the practice of working with students, the following queries are encountered:

1. Development of cognitive processes. Opportunities for developing memory and attention are of interest to 1st and 2nd year students.

2. Motives for educational and professional activities and education:

2.1. Uncertainty of professional prospects and career growth.

2.2. Lack of desire to complete homework in full is a symptom of laziness.

2.3. The motives for educational and professional activities are recognized, but do not become a really active factor. Relative success in classroom classes is not supported by independent work at home.

2.4. Level of achievements in educational and professional activities of junior year students. Discrepancy between diligent students’ own expectations and the teacher’s assessment. The category of diligent students, but not achieving the desired goal.

3. About help in self-development:

3.1. Development of communication skills.

3.2. Change in self-esteem.

4. About symptom relief.

4.1. Shyness and uncertainty.

4.2. Experiences in connection with the death of parents and loved ones.

4.3. Increased anxiety due to the health status of parents.

4.4. Suspiciousness.

4.4. Irritability.

5.1. The experience of the inability to fully meet the mother’s requirements during the implementation of the family’s economic and household functions.

5.2. Parental authoritarianism combined with distrust of their daughters’ practical skills and their competence in household matters. Statements by mothers that exaggerate the failure of their daughter’s actions to the point of denying personality.

5.3. Hypercontrol of parents (mothers who raise children in single-parent families) towards adult sons. Strict regulation of behavior, time, relationships.

5.4. Chronically unfavorable family environment. The indifferent attitude of parents towards the life and education of their growing children.

5.5. Inability of parents to empathize with children. In difficult situations, students do not turn to their parents for help, preferring the support of their sisters and brothers.

6. Marriage and family relations of students:

6.1. Instability of relationships in the dyad.

6.2. The breakdown of relationships in a dyad is an acutely experienced event that blocks the motives of educational activity and leads to academic failure.

6.3. Harmonization of relationships in a young family.

6.4. Difficulties living together with the parental family.

6.5. Insufficient readiness of young people for family life.

6.6. Psychological support for divorces (senior courses).

6.7. Discrepancy between life values ​​in the dyad.

6.8. Manipulation of personality in a dyad.

6.9. Jealousy towards a partner (mostly a peer) in a dyad when living together. The problem of fidelity and maintaining constancy in relationships is a fairly common occurrence in a dyad. At the same time, girls strive to limit the sphere of interests of their partners, their communication with friends, and use control, which ultimately destroys the fragile dyad.

6.10. Raising preschool children in a young family.

7. Structuring personal time.

The structure of student requests is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1

Requests from students for psychological counseling

Name of requests

% of total

Emotional-volitional sphere



Time management

Motives for educational activities


All technologies of psychological counseling are mediated by the joint activities of the student and the psychologist. The dialogical form of personality existence means that competencies are acquired only through interaction, in dialogue with other people. Hence, the dialogical nature of communication, joining the student, and a non-judgmental attitude towards him determine the style of interaction at all stages of providing psychological assistance.

Psychological counseling will allow: to form students' motivation for knowledge and creativity in educational and professional activities; overcome interpersonal conflicts in the family and in student groups; to form active adaptation strategies at university and in difficult life situations; ensure professional and personal self-realization; develop the ability to empathize with other people.

Psychological counseling allows you to organize university education as an environment for the growth of a person with competencies of a broad life order.

The long-term objectives of the psychological assistance service are as follows:

Coordinating the activities of the service with the requests of faculty teachers;

Development of a program for interaction with parents and their consultation;

Development of a program to assist students in preparing for an interview with a potential employer;

Creation of special adaptation programs of psychological support for 1st year students;

Creation of programs for the development of attention and memory in students for use in group counseling;

Organization of trainings for student group leaders aimed at developing leadership qualities;

Development of distance counseling, ensuring the involvement of students in counseling;

Participation in interuniversity conferences on the problem of organization and content of the activities of the psychological assistance service.


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