Morphological features of a word are either formal (types of declension of nouns and adjectives, types of conjugation of a verb) or formal semantic. Mandatory formal semantic features of the word and grammatical forms of the word are usually called morphological categories. The morphological category is understood as the unity of grammatical meaning and its grammatical formal indicators, manifested in all words and word forms of one or another part of speech.

Not every morphological feature can be classified as a category. For example, in the verb form read a number of morphological features are expressed, while the relation of the verb to the I conjugation is its purely formal morphological indicator; other features of this verb are formal semantic (categorical). For the verb under consideration, a number of morphological categories must be taken into account: aspect (imperfect), voice (real), mood (imperative), person (2nd) and number (plural).

Morphological features are constant (classification) or variable (inflectional).

For example, the form of a verb is its constant morphological feature (classification morphological category), since the verb does not change by type and in any of its forms belongs to the same form - perfect (say, said, say, said) or imperfect (speak, spoke, speak, spoke). The same are the signs of grammatical gender and animate/inanimate nouns.

Variable morphological features of a word (i.e., inflectional categories) have a completely different nature: different grammatical forms of one word can express different meanings of the same inflectional category. For example, mood is an inflectional category of a verb, since forms of the same verb can express the meanings of different moods: let's go, let's go, let's go. Inflectional categories of the verb are also tense, person, number. For nouns, the inflectional categories are case and number.

Parts of speech

Parts of speech- these are the main grammatical classes of words, which are established taking into account the morphological properties of words. These word classes are important not only for morphology, but also for lexicology and syntax.

Words belonging to one part of speech have common grammatical features: 1) the same generalized grammatical meaning, called part-of-speech (for example, for all nouns, the meaning of objectivity); 2) the same set of morphological categories (nouns are characterized by the categories of animateness / inanimateness, gender, number and case). In addition, words of the same part of speech have word-formation proximity and perform the same syntactic functions as part of a sentence.

In modern Russian, independent and service parts of speech, as well as interjections, are distinguished.

Independent parts of speech serve to designate objects, signs, processes and other phenomena of reality. Such words are usually independent members of the sentence, carry verbal stress. The following independent parts of speech are distinguished: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb.

Within the independent parts of speech, full-significant and non-full-significant words are contrasted. Fully significant words (nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, most adverbs) serve to name certain objects, phenomena, signs,

And incomplete words (these are pronouns and pronominal adverbs) only indicate objects, phenomena, signs, without naming them.

Another distinction is important within the framework of independent parts of speech: names (nouns, adjectives, numerals, as well as pronouns) as parts of speech that are declined (changed by cases) are opposed to the verb as a part of speech, which is characterized by conjugation (change by moods, tenses, persons) .

Service parts of speech (particles, conjunctions, prepositions) do not name the phenomena of reality, but denote the relationships that exist between these phenomena. They are not independent members of the sentence, usually do not have verbal stress.

Interjection (ah!, wow! etc.) are not included in the number of either independent or service parts of speech, they constitute a special grammatical category of words. Interjections express (but do not name) the feelings of the speaker.

Jill Morphological analysis of the word

Morphological analysis words (analysis by parts of speech) begins with the establishment of the initial (dictionary) form of the analyzed word.

1. Determine the part of speech to which the parsed word belongs.

2. Reveal the permanent morphological features of the word.

3. Give a description of the variable morphological features of the word (not everyone has them, but only the variable parts of speech).

4. Set the role of this word in the sentence.

When parsing, it should be borne in mind that grammatical homonymy is widespread in the language: the same word in different sentences can refer to different parts of speech, show different morphological properties; compare: The swan swims around, pecks the evil kite(P.) - the highlighted word is an adverb; Near the forest, as in a soft bed, you can sleep- peace and space(N.) - near is a suggestion; She wrote a letter to her father thanking

him for help- thanks to is a gerund, it is one of the forms of the verb thank; Thanks to father, my sisters and I know French, German and English(Ch.) - here thanks to is a suggestion.

Independent parts of speech Noun

noun an independent part of speech is called, expressing the part-of-speech grammatical meaning of objectivity and having morphological signs of animation / inanimateness, gender, number and case: book, dictionary, student, window, gate.

The grammatical meaning of objectivity differs from the lexical meaning of "subject" (expressed, for example, by the stems of nouns of the type house, stone) since many nouns, especially abstract ones, formed from verbs and adjectives (reading, blue) do not represent objects. However, any noun has the grammatical meaning of objectivity, which is revealed by asking the question who? or what?

The noun is one of the most important parts of speech; almost half of all Russian words belong to it. In a sentence, a noun plays the role of a subject, an object, a nominal part of a compound predicate, and is also used as a circumstance and an inconsistent definition.

So, let's start from the very beginning. Science studies the external and internal structure of living organisms or their groups (genera, species, orders). There are external and internal morphological features of living organisms. Internal morphology is a well-known anatomy. Morphology should also not be confused with physiology, which deals with the study of the functions of certain organs or systems of animals or plants.

Morphological features of the soil

There is a common classification of soils, also based on their morphological features. Do not be surprised, because each type of soil can be described based on its external features. In this case, scientists take as a basis such morphological features as the structure, thickness of the soil layer and its individual horizons, color, structure, composition, neoplasms, inclusions. And since the processes occurring in soils have a direct impact on all of the listed features, studying the morphology of the soil, you can learn a lot about its origin and history.

Noun is an independent part of speech that answers questions who? what? and denotes an object.
Syntactic function: in a sentence, it can be all members of the sentence.
Morphological features of a noun
Permanent morphological features:
animate or inanimate;
initial form- nominative singular form.
Proper nouns and common nouns
Proper nouns- these are the individual names of individual living beings and single objects to distinguish and distinguish them from others, homogeneous with them. The following proper nouns are capitalized:
surnames, first names, patronymics, pseudonyms, nicknames of people: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, Lesya Ukrainka;
animal names: Mukhtar, Burenka, Fluff;
geographical names: France, Berlin, Cosmonauts street, Baikal;
names of holidays, historical events: Victory Day, Great Patriotic War;
capitalized and enclosed in quotation marks:
names of newspapers, magazines, works of literature and art: "Evening Kharkov", "Behind the wheel", "Hero of our time";
the names of various goods: the Dnepr refrigerator, the Zhiguli car, the Compliment perfume;
names of plants, factories, cinemas, etc.: cinema "Ukraine".
Common nouns- this is the general name of all homogeneous objects and phenomena (written with a small letter): writer, country, city, newspaper, magazine, dog, cat.
Nouns, animate and inanimate
Animated nouns(answer the question who?) are the names of living beings (people, animals): student, foreigners, dog.
In animate nouns, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the genitive case:
V. p. pl. h. \u003d R. p. pl. h.

Inanimate nouns are the names of inanimate objects, plants, phenomena of reality: paper, wood, apricot.
For inanimate nouns, the accusative form is the same as the nominative form:
V. p. pl. h = Im. n. pl. h.
gender of nouns
1. Female (she).
With the end - and I: ground, line, room;
null-terminated: mother, joy, luxury.
2. Male (he).
Zero terminated: horse, knife, surf;
ending - and I: dad, uncle, boy.
3. Medium (it).
With the end - oh, uh: gold, building, field;
10 nouns in - me: flame, name, tribe, banner, burden, udder, time, seed, stirrup, flame.
4. No nouns that do not have a singular form have no gender: holidays, pants, scissors.
5. General.
Common animate nouns in -a(-I), which can name both male and female persons: touchy, orphan, sneak.
Determining the gender of indeclinable nouns
The gender of indeclinable nouns depends on their meaning.
names of masculine persons rentier, dandy);
name of the activity ( attaché, entertainer);
names of animals, birds cockatoo, chimpanzee, flamingo).
Feminine: names of female persons lady, frau, madam).
Neuter gender:
names of inanimate objects coat, popsicle, cafe);
exceptions: penalty(male. p.), coffee(male), avenue(female) kohlrabi(female);
the gender of geographical names, names of newspapers and magazines is determined by the common noun associated with them:
Tartu(city) - m. r., Mississippi(river) - f. R.
Gender of compound words define it like this:
for indeclinables: according to the main word of the abbreviation: KNU(university) - husband. R., SBU(service) - for women. R., CIA(management) - medium. R.;
in declined: by the nature of the stem and endings: university(male. p.), tuz(male. R.).
Number of nouns
1. Singular and plural have most nouns: tree - trees, audience - audiences, sister - sisters.
2. Only the singular number has such nouns:
own: Ukraine, Tsiolkovsky, Saturn;
real: gold, milk, oxygen;
abstract: anger, freshness, blueness;
names of actions and states: running, burning, approval;
collective: humanity, raw materials, foliage.
3. Only plural have:
names of composite and paired items: glasses, pants, gate;
names of materials, some real: perfume, ink, yeast;
names of periods of time, games, natural phenomena: day, hide and seek, twilight;
action names: chores, elections, negotiations;
some place names: Alps, Lubny, Sokolniki.
Cases of nouns
case- this is a form of a noun, which shows its different relation to other words in a phrase and sentence.
nominative ( who? what?): son, room, field.
Genitive ( whom? what?): son, rooms, fields
Dative ( to whom? what?):son, room, field
accusative ( whom? what?): son, room, field
Creative ( by whom? how?): son, room, field
Prepositional ( about whom? about what?): about the son, about the room, about the field
Declension of nouns
1st declension- nouns of feminine, masculine and common gender with the ending - and I.


2nd declension- masculine nouns with a zero ending; neuter nouns with ending -o, -e.
Masculine and neuter

Nouns ending in -й, -е

3rd declension- feminine nouns with zero ending (last letter - - b).
Indeclinable nouns
Indeclinable nouns do not change by case (the case is determined by the adjective). Indeclinable nouns include:
proper and common nouns of foreign origin in -o, -e, -u,yu, -i, -a: Oslo, Ai-Petri, line, avenue, marabou, coffee.
Slavic surnames on - oh-oh (-them), -ago(‑iago), -ovo: Kovalenko, White, Thin, Zhivago, Dubyago, Khitrovo.
Slavic surnames with a consonant related to females: report by Galina Davidovich, address of Elena Bilyk.
compound words: USA, traffic police, district.
Inflected nouns
Inflected nouns in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases they have an ending - and(as nouns of the 3rd declension), in the creative - -eat(as nouns of the 2nd declension).
10 nouns in - me(burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown) and nouns path.
Morphological parsing of a noun
1. Part of speech. General value (subject).
Initial form (I. p., singular)
2. Permanent morphological features:
own or common noun;
animate or inanimate;
Variable morphological features:
3. Syntactic role.
On a summer night, dawn converges with dawn.
1. (B) night- noun
(What?) night (designation object).
N. f. - night.
2. Post. - nav., inanimate, wives. river, 3rd slope; non-post. - in V. p., in units. h.
3. .
1. (C) dawn- noun
(With what?) Dawn (designation object).
N. f. - dawn.
2. Post. - nav., inanimate, wives. r., 1st slope; non-post. - T. p., units. h.
3. .

To begin with, let us recall that noun is an independent part
speech, which is also significant. This part of speech combines
words that are respectively:

1. most often in a sentence they act as a subject
or additions are rarely any other members of the sentence;

2. answer questions who? or what?; have a generalized meaning

3. are animate or inanimate, own or
common noun, have a permanent sign of gender and non-permanent signs
numbers and cases.

A noun is a part of speech whose main characteristic is
are the grammatical features of words. The noun is the only
a part of speech that can mean anything: an object (desk),
face (girl), animal (dog), sign (thickness), abstract concept
(honor), action (walking), attitude (equality). Merged from the dot
view of the meaning of these words by the fact that you can ask them the question who? or
what?; this, in fact, is their objectivity.

Concerning morphological trait, then it is with nouns
constant, namely, either masculine, or feminine, or neuter.

Male handsome th boy come
female handsome and I girl came
medium large oh tree grows

There is also such a morphological feature of a noun as
case, because this part of speech changes in cases, namely, it has
non-permanent morphological sign of number.

Recall that in Russian there are 6 cases.
It is nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental,
prepositional. More about them:

I.p. who is this? what?
P.p. no one? what?
D.p. glad to whom? what?
B.p. see who? what?
T.p. proud of who? how?
P.p. thinking about who? how?

The most important thing to remember is that a noun has four
morphological trait
, such as gender, number, case, declension.

We will talk about each of the signs in the following articles separately, in detail about each.

Publication date: 01/24/2012 17:38 UTC

  • All the rules of the Russian language in diagrams and tables, Matveev S.A., 2019
  • We write without errors, all the rules of the Russian language, 100% literacy in 20 minutes a day, Sycheva N., 2012

The following tutorials and books:

  • Full and short forms of adjectives. Declension and spelling of case forms of adjectives in Russian.

Do you know the difference between the words "paint", "red", "dyed", "paint"?

That's right, each of them represents its own part of speech. This is how homogeneous categories of words with common features are called in the language.

The significant parts of these words are studied by a science called morphology, and the role of words in sentences is syntax.

Morphological features make it possible to contrast nominal and verbal in Russian. The first include names

The morphological features of the verb are fundamentally different from the nominal parts of speech. First of all, the verb (run, jump, decide) denotes an action or state (sleep). Its permanent morphological features are:

The remaining features of the verb are inconstant.

There are other parts of speech in Russian. They have their own morphological features. For example, an adverb never changes, interjections can be derivative or non-derivative, etc.

All this is studied by a science called morphology.
