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Man and nature in the story of V.P. Astafieva "Tsar-fish" Teacher of the Russian language and literature Levshina I.A.

Viktor Petrovich Astafyev (1924-2002) Viktor Astafyev was born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka (now the Krasnoyarsk Territory) in the family of Lidia Ilyinichna Potylitsina and Pyotr Pavlovich Astafyev. He was the third child in the family, but his two older sisters died in infancy. A few years after the birth of his son, Pyotr Astafyev ends up in prison with the wording "wrecking". During the next trip of Lydia to her husband, the boat in which, among others, she sailed, capsized. Lydia Potylitsina, having fallen into the water, caught her scythe on a floating boom and drowned. Her body was found only a few days later. Victor was then seven years old. After the death of his mother, Victor lived with her parents - Ekaterina Petrovna and Ilya Evgrafovich Potylitsin. Viktor Astafiev spoke about his childhood spent with his grandmother Katerina Petrovna and left bright memories in the writer’s soul in the first part of his autobiography “The Last Bow”.

The theme of nature and ecology The most important themes of Astafiev's work are military and rural. One of his first works was an essay written at school, later turned by the writer into the story Vasyutkino Lake. The first stories of the author were published in the magazine "Change". Most of the stories he wrote for children were included in the collection The Horse with the Pink Mane. But the most important work related to the theme of nature is "King-fish"

Monument to V.P. Astafyev in Krasnoyarsk. Sculptor Igor Linevich-Yavorsky

Summary Ignatich is the protagonist of the novel. This man is respected by fellow villagers for the fact that he is always happy to help with advice and deed, for his skill in catching fish, for his intelligence and sharpness. This is the most prosperous person in the village, he does everything “okay” and reasonably. Often he helps people, but there is no sincerity in his actions. The hero of the novel does not have good relations with his brother either. In the village Ignatich is known as the most successful and skilled fisherman. It is felt that he has an abundance of fishing flair, the experience of his ancestors and his own, acquired over the years. Ignatich often uses his skills to the detriment of nature and people, as he is engaged in poaching. Exterminating fish without counting, causing irreparable damage to the natural resources of the river, he is aware of the illegality and unseemliness of his actions, he is afraid of the “shame” that can befall him if the poacher is caught in the dark by a fish supervision boat. Forcing Ignatich to fish more than he needed, greed, greed at any cost. This played a fatal role for him when he met the king-fish. The fish looked like a "prehistoric lizard", "eyes without eyelids, without eyelashes, naked, looking with snake coldness, concealed something in themselves." Ignatich is struck by the size of the sturgeon, which grew up on the same “goats” and “twits”, he is surprised to call it “the mystery of nature.” From the very beginning, from the moment Ignatich saw the king fish, something “ominous” seemed to him in her, and later realized that "one cannot cope with such a monster." The desire to call for help from a brother with a mechanic was replaced by an all-consuming greed: “To share the sturgeon? .. There are two buckets of caviar in the sturgeon, if not more. Caviar for three too?!” Ignatich at that moment was even ashamed of his own feelings. But after a while, “greed he considered passion”, and the desire to catch the sturgeon turned out to be stronger than the voice of reason. In addition to the thirst for profit, there was another reason that forced Ignatich to measure his strength with a mysterious creature. This is a fishing prowess. “Ah, there was not! thought the protagonist of the novel. - Tsar-fish comes across once in a lifetime, and even then not “every Jacob”. Having cast aside doubts, "successfully, with all the fluff, Ignatich slammed the butt of the ax into the forehead of the king-fish ...". Soon, the unlucky fisherman found himself in the water, entangled in his own hooks with hooks that stuck into the bodies of Ignatich and the fish. “The king of the river and the king of all nature are in the same trap,” the author writes. Then the fisherman realized that the huge sturgeon "is not up to his hand." Yes, he knew this from the very beginning of their struggle, but "because of a sort of reptile, a man was forgotten in a man." Ignatich and the tsar-fish "married in one share." Both of them are waiting for death. A passionate desire to live makes a person tear off the hooks; in desperation, he even speaks to the sturgeon. “Well, what do you think! .. I’m waiting for my brother, and who are you?” - Ignatich prays. The lust for life pushes the hero, and even then, to overcome his own pride. He shouts: "Br-ate-elni-i-i-ik! .." Ignatich feels that he is dying. The fish "tightly and carefully pressed against him with a thick and tender belly." The hero of the short story experienced superstitious horror at this almost feminine tenderness of the cold fish. He understood: the sturgeon is clinging to him because death awaits them both. At this moment, a person begins to remember his childhood, youth, maturity. In addition to pleasant memories, thoughts come that his failures in life were associated with poaching. Ignatich begins to realize that brutal fishing will always be a heavy burden on his conscience. The hero of the novel also remembered the old grandfather, who instructed the young fishermen: “And if you, robyaty, have something for your soul, a grave sin, what a shame, barnacles - don’t get along with the king-fish, you will get codes - send it right away.” The grandfather's words make Astafiev's hero think about his past. What sin did Ignatitch commit? It turned out that a heavy fault lies on the conscience of the fisherman. Having outraged the feelings of the bride, he committed an offense that has no justification. Ignatich realized that this incident with the king-fish was a punishment for his bad deeds. Turning to God, Ignatich asks: “Lord! May you separate us! Let this creature go free! She doesn't suit me!" He asks for forgiveness from the girl whom he once offended: After that, the king-fish is freed from the hooks and swims away to its native element, carrying "dozens of deadly uds" in the body. Ignatich immediately feels better: the body - because the fish did not hang on it like a dead weight, the soul - because nature forgave him, gave him another chance to atone for all sins and start a new life.

Dictionary work What is the meaning of the words "MAN" "NATURE" "SOUL" SPIRITUAL "SPIRITUALITY" What is common between them? What does V. Astafiev say about poachers?

Conclusion: Man is a part of nature Man and nature are a single whole

Non-standard book The publication of the chapters of "King Fish" in periodicals went with such losses in the text that the author went to the hospital from grief and since then never returned to the story, did not restore or make new editions. Only many years later, having found in his archive the pages of the chapter “Norilsk people” that had turned yellow from time to time, he published it in 1990 under the title “There is not enough heart”. Fully "Tsar-fish" was published only in 1993.

What does V. Astafiev say about poachers? Why paid so much attention to them?

What is the meaning of showing the fate of this hero?

What can you say about the idea of ​​the work? Interfering with the life of nature, violating the ecology, a person commits a moral crime Harmony of relations can be preserved only thanks to the experience of previous generations

Student's message Features of the landscape in "Tsar Fish" They say there are places in the world, Where nature speaks to you, Where we become like children, The mind sleeps and the soul does not hurt. I want to visit this place, to sit in absolute silence, to understand myself. To be honest, Escape from reality into a fairy tale... In this fairy tale there is no evil, no violence, No deceit, death does not go there, There is no need to scream from impotence, To look at suffering and torment. I want everyone to have such a secret corner in their lives! So that he can "comb" his thoughts, To keep him and the shore.

Man Despite the fact that your age is short, You make it shorter, man, You destroy and do not think that you and your children will have to live in it. Think, please, about what the world in which we live has become like. “The world is big,” you answer. “What will happen if there is no beauty?” “There will not be fewer people in the world” Are you sure of your answer?


Project "Man and nature in the story

V. Astafiev "Tsar - fish".

Levshina Inna Alexandrovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU "LYCEUM № 1 pos. Lvovskiy»

Podolsk municipal district MO


Objective of the project : development of a lesson on the work of V.P. Astafiev.

Subject : Literature

Program : In Korovina, Enlightenment, 2008

Class : 11th grade

Textbook : "Literature", V.P. Zhuravlev, M., Enlightenment, 2010

Subject : "Man and nature in the story of V. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"".

Lesson type : combined, lesson-reflection.


contribute to the education of a negative position towards a predatory, consumerist attitude towards nature; the ability to link environmental problems with moral ones; develop independence of judgment; to form the skills of comparison of analysis; generalizations.


Educational: checking the level of knowledge on the material of the story, the ability to analyze the text and draw conclusions.

Educational : development of moral qualities, providing a situation of emotional experience.

Developing: to continue the formation of the development of students' speech by independently forming conclusions and generalizations; continue to develop discussion skills.

Equipment : portrait of V.P. Astafiev, illustrations for the story, computer.

Epigraph: "People obey the laws of nature, even when they act against them."

J. W. Goethe.

During the classes

Lesson stage



Teaching method

Teacher activity

Student activities

Means of education



1 min.

Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson

Report of the attendant on the absent

Actualization of students' knowledge

3 min.



Perception of the story


walkie-talkie Portrait of V.P. Astafieva,

slides 1-4

Working on new material

4 min.


goal setting

Understanding the content of the story "Tsar-fish"

Demonstration of illustrations for the book "King-fish",


Using Presentation Materials

Independent work

5 minutes.

Method of independent work with a dictionary

Assignment to students

Finding out the meaning of words on the topic of the lesson with a note in a notebook


V. Dahl,

slides 6-7

Checking homework

5 minutes.

Knowledge test method

Statement of a question aimed at clarifying the formation of the level of the reader's judgment

Sharing reading experience

Slide 8

Work with text

15 minutes.


Asking questions about the content of the text of the story

Story analysis

Slides 9-11

Consolidation of knowledge

5 minutes.


Statement of a question aimed at identifying the position of the author

Discussion of the ideological content

Slides 12-13

creative work

5 minutes.


Checking the creative task

Homework message


Slides 14-17


2 minutes.

Final word

Summing up the lesson, generalization

Slide 18

Plan - lesson summary

Literature in 11 "S-G" class.

Lesson topic: Man and nature in the story of V.P. Astafiev "King fish"

Target: contribute to the education of a negative position towards a predatory, consumerist attitude towards nature; to form the skills of comparison, analysis, communication. Ability to connect environmental problems with moral ones; develop independence of judgment.



Checking the level of knowledge on the material of the story, the ability to analyze the text and draw conclusions


Development of moral qualities:

Provide a situation of emotional experience.


Continue the formation of the development of students' speech by independently forming conclusions and generalizations.

Continue building discussion skills.

Lesson type: Lesson - reflection

Equipment: portrait of V.P. Astafiev, illustrations for the story, presentation.


People obey the laws of nature, even when they act against them.

I.V. Goethe.

During the classes.

I. Introductory speech of the teacher

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2002) passed away quite recently. People like him are called the conscience of the nation. Susceptibility and sensitivity to people, rage when meeting with evil, utmost honesty and the ability to see the world in a new way, tough demands on oneself and

Sentimentality is just some of the features of his extraordinary personality.

In “narration in the cycle of stories “Tsar Fish” (1976), the author speaks of the need for the urgency of “returning to nature” V.P. Astafiev is interested in the connection between man and nature in the moral and philosophical aspect. The attitude to nature acts as a test of the spiritual viability of the individual.

II. Work on the content of the story.

Remember the summary of the story "Tsar-fish"

The poacher Ignatich caught a huge sturgeon fish on the Yenisei, but when he tried to transfer it to the boat, he fell into the water and caught himself on the hooks of the trap. So the man was trapped along with his victim. Having exhausted himself, entangled in hooks from his own traps, connected by one fatal chain with the king-fish, as a result, the hero repented of his sins and refused to prey. At the end, the fish is released and leaves.

III. Vocabulary work.

Exercise : the meanings of the words "man", "nature", "soul", "spiritual", "spirituality"

Result : notebook entry:

"Man is a part of nature", man and nature are a single whole"

IV. Sharing reader experiences.

The book "Tsar-fish" turned out to be a disturber of literary tranquility, discussions began around it on the pages of magazines and newspapers.

"Tsar-fish" landed in the most painful place of the problem "Man and Nature"

What excited you when you read the book?

V. Analysis of the story "Tsar-fish"

What does V. Astafiev say about poachers?

Why paid so much attention to them?

(Poaching is a terrible evil. The author shows the poacher Ignatich. What has its own gold of human love, human dignity, but all this is suppressed by boundless predation, which has turned into a desire to snatch an extra piece).

What is the meaning of showing the fate of this hero?

(the meaning is that a person who does evil and finds an excuse for himself admits the existence of evil everywhere).

What is the main fault of Ignatich? (This is a desecration of the girl who loved him. It turns out that having started to do evil, it is almost impossible to stop. The killer of the Commander's daughter is the spiritual twin of Ignatich. Circles of cruelty spread widely and mercilessly).

(Astafiev condemns poaching as a multifaceted evil and terrible in its destructive power, and the writer is not only talking about the destruction of animate and inanimate nature outside of us, he speaks of a kind of suicide, about the destruction of nature inside a person, human nature).

What causes the openly hostile attitude of the author towards such people as Goga and poachers?

(This is spirituality. Spirituality is not in the sense of a lack of cultural interests, but in the sense of a refusal to recognize the moral laws that unite people and nature, the lack of responsibility for everything that is not “I”).

VI. Discussion of the ideological content.

(It is painful for Astafiev to watch how his countrymen violated the old commandment and decided on robbery brutal fishing. He does not judge the heroes, but cares about their spiritual healing, speaks from the standpoint of goodness, humanity, against the barbaric position).

What can you say about the idea of ​​the work?

(By interfering in the life of nature, grossly violating the ecological environment, a person commits a moral crime. Whoever is merciless to nature is merciless to all living things, and therefore to himself. In the symbolic picture of the combat between man and nature, there can be no victory on either side, since man and nature are “tied to one mortal end”)

The harmony of relations can be preserved only thanks to the spiritual and historical experience of previous generations. Astafiev's man does not triumph, proving his superiority, but begging the fish for salvation. One can agree that people act against the laws of nature, but obey the laws of nature.

VII. Student's message "Features of the landscape in the story" King Fish "

VIII. The result of the lesson. Teacher's word.

The world for V.P. Astafiev is the world of people and nature, which is in the eternal. An inseparable and contradictory unity, the violation of which threatens with degeneration and death. Great is his faith in the triumph of good, in the fact that each of us will be able to know himself as a person.

It is mainly devoted to military topics, but in this article we will turn to a work that describes the village way of life. The depiction of the harsh realities of life on the verge of censorship - that's what Astafiev has always distinguished. “King Fish” (a summary and analysis will be the main topics of the article) is the key story of the collection of the same name, therefore its consideration will help to understand the meaning of the whole work and the author’s intention.

About the book

Viktor Astafiev was no stranger to rural themes. "King-Fish" is a collection of stories, consisting of twelve works. The main theme of the entire collection is the unity of nature and man. In addition, there are philosophical, social, moral issues, special attention is paid to environmental issues.

Nature and man are inextricably linked, and in this connection there is their immortality: nothing disappears without a trace, Astafyev believes. "King-fish" (a brief summary will confirm this) is the central story of the entire collection, it concentrates the main thoughts of the author. Without reading and analyzing it, it is impossible to understand the full depth of the author's intention.

V. Astafiev, "Tsar Fish": a summary

The protagonist of the story is Ignatich. He works as a machine tool adjuster, likes to delve into technology and is passionate about fishing. This is a good person, ready to disinterestedly help even a stranger, but he is somewhat condescending towards others.

Ignatich was an unsurpassed fisherman. He had no equal in this matter, and therefore he never asked for anyone's help and coped on his own. And he also took all the booty for himself.


A good knowledge of human relationships is shown in his work by Astafiev ("King-Fish"). The summary tells about the most terrible envious of Ignatich - his younger brother, also an avid fisherman. Often he managed to push Ignatich to fishless places, but even there he managed to catch the best fish. The commander was angry with our hero and for the fact that he succeeded in everything, and every business went well with him.

One day the brothers met on the river. The younger began to threaten the older with a gun. The commander was furious, he hated and envied his brother. But Ignatich managed to get away from him. The village learned about this case, and the Commander had to go to apologize to his older brother.

king fish

Victor Astafiev begins to describe the usual fishing trip of his hero. "Tsar Fish" is a work of ecological orientation, so the author does not miss the opportunity to note that Ignatich is engaged in poaching. That is why the character is in constant tension, afraid of the appearance of fish supervision. Any boat passing by becomes a cause for panic.

Ignatich checks the pre-set traps. Many fish are found in them, among which the fisherman notices a very large one. It turned out to be a sturgeon, which is so tired of breaking out of the net that now it just pulls to the bottom. Ignatich looked closer, and something in the shape of a fish seemed to him primitive. Horror seizes the fisherman, he tries to cheer himself up with jokes and sticks new hooks into the prey.

Astafiev continues to develop the actions of the novel "Tsar Fish". The chapter-by-chapter content tells that Ignatich begins to be overcome by doubts. Inner instinct tells him - you alone can not cope with the fish, you need to call your brother. But the thought of having to share the booty immediately drives away other arguments.

Greed takes possession of Ignatich. He thinks that he himself is no better than the rest of the grabbers. But then he begins to cheer himself up, greed is perceived as excitement. Then the thought comes to his mind that a king-fish has been caught in his net. Such happiness falls only once in a lifetime, so you can’t miss it. Although my grandfather once said that if the king-fish comes across, it must be released. But Ignatitch cannot allow even the thought of it.

The fisherman tries to drag the fish into the boat, but falls overboard with it and gets tangled in the nets. Miraculously, he manages to swim out and grab onto the boat. Ignatich begins to pray for salvation, repenting that he dared to catch the king-fish.

The fisherman and his prey huddled together, entangled in the net, and weakened. Ignatich begins to think that their fates are intertwined with the king-fish, and inevitable death awaits them ahead.

Beast and Man

Astafiev's work "Tsar-fish" tells about the inseparable connection between man and nature. So, Ignatich begins to think that the fate of nature and people is the same.

Suddenly, the hero is imbued with hatred for the fish, begins to beat her, persuades her to come to terms with death. But all in vain, the fisherman only wears himself out. In a moment of despair, Ignatich calls his brother, but there is no one around except the fish.

It gets dark, the fisherman realizes that he is dying. It seems to him that the fish clings to him like a woman, and that the fish is a werewolf. Ignatich begins to recall his life. A childhood occupied with thoughts of fishing, not with studies or games... The death of Taika's niece... Grandfather with his advice that you shouldn't catch king fish if you have sins in your soul...

Ignatich ponders why he is so severely punished and understands that everything is because of Glashka. Once he was jealous of her, which greatly offended the bride. The girl never forgave him, and retribution overtook the fisherman now.

There is the sound of a boat engine. The slave comes to life, begins to beat and, having got out of the net, swims away. Ignatich also received freedom. And not only physically, but spiritually.

V. Astafiev, "Tsar-fish": analysis

The story "Tsar-fish" is both symbolic and dramatic. It depicts both the struggle and the unity of man with nature. The whole work is permeated with pathos, which is accusatory. The author condemns poaching, understanding it in the broadest sense - poaching not only in nature, but also in society. The desire to affirm moral ideals covers the entire narrative.

It is no coincidence that the hero and Astafiev himself constantly turn to the past. "Tsar-fish" (an analysis of the episodes confirms this) makes it clear that it is at the moment of closeness to death that the comprehension of Ignatich's life experience takes place. The formation of the character of the hero is directly dependent on social and economic factors. And even despite his natural kindness and courage, Ignatich is unable to resist them.

Thus, Astafiev emphasizes the enormous power of society, which has an impact not only on man, but also on nature as a whole.

October 27, 2015

This article examines one of the key short stories in the Tsar-Fish cycle. Astafiev, most of whose works are devoted to military themes, appears here in an unusual role as a village writer. Despite this, the author showed himself to be a true connoisseur of rural reality, human souls and the complexity of relationships.

About the book

The collection of short stories "Tsar-Fish" by Astafiev was published in 1976. The main theme of all the stories included in it was the description of the relationship between man and nature in the moral and philosophical aspect. That is, the attitude of the characters to nature acts as a means of identifying the personal vices and virtues of a person.

The collection includes twelve stories, one of which has the same name as the entire cycle - "The King-Fish". It is this work that is key to understanding the author's intention. It also contains all the themes and motifs found in other short stories in the collection.

Summary: Astafiev, "Tsar-fish"

The content begins with a description of the main character - Ignatich. He is known among his fellow villagers as a disinterested person who never refuses to help, smart and resourceful, and also as an unsurpassed master of fishing. Ignatich is the most prosperous village dweller; everything is reasonable and organized in his household. He is ready to help anyone and does not ask for anything, but there is no sincerity in his actions. So the relationship with the brother of the protagonist does not go well at all.

Best fisherman

Ignatich is the best fisherman in the village, he has no equal in this craft. He has an unprecedented fishing instinct, experience that was passed down to him from his ancestors, and knowledge gained over many years of practice.

Viktor Astafiev (“Tsar-fish” raises the complex issue of the relationship of the individual with nature and society) does not at all try to idealize his hero. The author openly says that Ignatich often used his skills and experience to the detriment of fellow villagers and nature, because he traded in poaching. He is well aware of the harm he causes to nature by destroying fish in unlimited quantities. The hero knows about the punishment that can befall him if he is caught by the fishery. Exorbitant greed and thirst for profit push him to such a dangerous crime. All the considerable good that Ignatich already has seems to him insufficient.

king fish

Astafiev's story "The Tsar-Fish" has a pronounced moral orientation, so the fatal meeting with nature, embodied in the Tsar-Fish, was inevitable for Ignatich.

Seeing a huge sturgeon, the main character was amazed at its unimaginable size. It's amazing that such a huge fish could grow up eating "vines" and "boats". However, not only these feelings visited Ignatich, something ominous seemed to him in the guise of a king-fish. He cannot defeat such a monster alone.

But the thought of calling his brother and the mechanic for help was immediately replaced by greed: he would have to share the sturgeon with his assistants. At that moment, the hero even felt ashamed of himself for his own feelings. But the shame did not last long. Ignatich decided to take it for excitement, drowning out the voice of reason. In addition, fishing pride woke up in him: such a fish comes across only once in a lifetime, and even then not for everyone, you can’t miss the chance to show your prowess.


Ignatich decides that today the tsar-fish will become his prey. Astafiev begins the description of the severe struggle of man with nature. His hero bravely rushes at the sturgeon, trying to stun him with the butt of an axe. But he himself falls into the water, where, together with his prey, he is entangled in nets, and the fish hooks dig into his body.

And only after that did Ignatich realize that he would not be able to defeat such a fish alone. Now the fisherman and his catch have one fate ahead - death. Trying to escape, the hero unsuccessfully strives to escape from the bonds, prays to the fish to let him go. The crown of despair is the overcoming of his own pride - Ignatich calls his brother for help. But only an echo is heard in response.

The main character realizes that he is dying. The fact that the fish is all the denser, like a woman, nestles against him, horrifies Ignatich. At the same time, the hero begins to remember his past. But few bright thoughts come to his mind. He thinks about how much trouble he has brought with his poaching. Ignatich recalls an undeservedly offended girl whom he once loved and wanted to marry her. He realizes how badly he lived his life and how many mistakes he made.

The hero understands that the meeting with the king-fish became for him retribution for the sins and atrocities committed. He is especially burdened by the way he acted with his bride Glasha, unreasonably jealous of her. And nothing of the perfect Ignatich has no justification.


Continues to describe the remorse of Ignatich Astafiev. The king-fish, the heroes from among the villagers and the brother become here the reasons for the main character to realize his bad deeds.

In a moment of despair, Ignatich cries out to God and begs to let “this creature” go free, recognizing that it is “not up to him” to catch the king fish. He asks for forgiveness from Glasha, repenting that he once offended her. After these words, the fish is freed from the fetters and swims away.

Ignatich feels lightness: bodily - because he got rid of the fish that pulled him to the bottom, spiritual - because his sins are forgiven. Now the hero has a chance to start life anew, without making past mistakes and without taking sin into his soul.

Such is the way of the spiritual rebirth of a person, as Astafyev decided to show him.

"King fish": analysis

The main theme of the story, as noted above, is the relationship of man with nature. But the writer is not limited to this, at the same time he raises another problem - the relationship of a person with society.

Ignatich's attitude towards his fellow villagers and close people is similar to the hero's attitude towards nature. Arrogance, neglect, condescension and awareness of one's own power - these are the feelings that the main character experiences when in contact with the outside world.

According to Astafiev's plan, a person must live in harmony with nature, be a part of it, otherwise the struggle with the elements will lead him to death. It was this idea that became the plot-forming in the work.

The writer, down to the smallest detail, prescribes the symbolic image of Ignatich, embodying the very king of nature, who is used to considering himself the ruler of the world. And in order to show all the illusory power of this pseudo-ruler, Astafiev depicts his meeting with the king-fish. However, it is noteworthy that not only the hero himself, but also his rival should die from this collision. The fates of Ignatich and the king-fish are closely intertwined. And the only way to survive for both is the release of the protagonist from the burden of mistakes and sins that lies on his soul. It is precisely those moral baseness that Ignatich committed in his life that become the cause of the possible death of himself and the king-fish.

With this story, Astafiev clearly illustrates the idea that nature is a sacred temple in which a person is not a master, but a caretaker and assistant. Only in this case, a person has the opportunity to exist in harmony with himself, society and the world around him as a whole. Otherwise, all his actions will lead to death.

The image of Ignatich

The greatest attention in the work was paid precisely to the image of Ignatich Astafiev ("Tsar-fish"). The main characters of the story are grouped around the central character, helping to reveal the features of his character. So, from the relationship with fellow villagers and brother, we learn about the vanity of Ignatich. And when the author talks about the motives that prompt the hero to fight the king-fish himself, another unpleasant feature of his character is revealed - greed.

As mentioned above, the image of Ignatich personifies the king of nature, who is used to feeling like the master of the world. However, this character cannot be considered only as a negative one. The hero also has positive traits. He is a good owner, able to manage his wealth wisely. In addition, Ignatich will always come to the aid of the needy, no matter what motives move him to this. And finally, to become an excellent fisherman, you need to make a lot of effort, not be lazy and strive for your goal.

Thus, Ignatich acts as a very ambiguous character, endowed with both positive and negative features. And the main mistake of this person is that he is not used to reckoning with others and appreciating them. Realizing his sins, Ignatich gets the right to start life anew.

Other characters

The rest of the images in the story "Tsar-fish" by Astafiev are intended only to shade the image of the protagonist. Only the king-fish itself, which acted as the primordial force, can be called noteworthy. No wonder the author compares it with a "prehistoric lizard."

In the story "Tsar-fish" the life story goes towards the artist.
The protagonist of the story "Tsar-Fish" Zinovy ​​​​Ignatich, a respected man in the village of Chush. He treats the Chushans condescendingly, with a certain degree of superiority, which he did not express, did not turn away from people, was attentive to everyone, came to the aid of anyone.
He managed everywhere and everywhere on his own, but he was a local native - a Siberian and nature itself is accustomed to respect society, to reckon with it, not to irritate it, but at the same time not to break your hat too much. Ignatich is very different from his fellow villagers in his accuracy and efficiency. His "duralumin" (motor boat) rushes along the river, nose up, clean, sparkling blue and white paint, the engine does not crackle, does not squeal, sings its song in a contented, ringing voice. And the owner is a match for his boat: tidied up, not smeared with fish slime, not smelling of fuel oil. Ignatich fished better than anyone and more than anyone, and no one envied him, except for the younger brother of the Commander, who all his life felt on the heels of his older brother, but was with a brain - a rotten pride, could not and did not want to hide hostility towards his brother, and They have long been strangers to each other. So much did Commander Ignatich hate that he raised his hand against his own brother, & nbsp and not just a hand - a gun!
The incident described in the story "Tsar-Fish" happened to Ignatich in the icy autumn season, when he went to the Yenisei and hung on samolov. Five times the fisherman swam and pulled the “cat” along the bottom of the river, he lost a lot of time, he froze to the very bones, but on the other hand, he just picked up and lifted the trap, he immediately felt: there was a large fish on it. By all the habits of the fish, by the heavy pressure into the darkness of the depths, a sturgeon was guessed on the trap, large, but already washed out. Ignatich saw him and was taken aback: there was something rare, primitive, not only in the enormous size of the fish, but also in the shape of its body, from soft, veinless, like a worm mustache, hanging under the evenly cut head below to the webbed, winged tail - on prehistoric lizard looked like a fish. From the water, from under the bony shell, small eyes with a yellow rim around the dark pupils were drilled into the man. These eyes, without eyelids, without eyelashes, naked, looking with a snake's coldness, concealed something in themselves. The fisherman understood that one could not cope with such a monster. It would be possible to wait until the younger brother showed up for the self-fishing, he would help, but then you would have to share the sturgeon, and Ignatich really did not want this. “Here it is, your rubbish and it came to light,” Ignatich thought of himself with contempt.
It is impossible to miss such a sturgeon, the Tsar-fish comes across once in a lifetime, and even then not to every yakov. Ignatich heard a lot of all sorts of things about the tsar-fish, he wanted to see and catch her God-given, fabulous, of course, but he was also shy. Grandfather used to say: “It’s better to let her go, imperceptibly so, inadvertently, as if to let go, cross herself and live on, think about her again, look for her.” But Ignatich decided to take sturgeon by the gills, you never know what people used to weave, all sorts of healers and the same grandfather. With great effort, the fisherman took the fish with a hook on the stop and almost rolled it into the boat, ready to hit the sturgeon's convex skull with a butt. But then the fish, which was in tetanus, turned sharply, hit the boat, and Ignatich was thrown into the icy water. He began to sink, someone dragged him into the depths, and the fish continued to beat, plant self-made baits in itself and in the catcher. Both fish and man weakened, bled. Why did their paths cross? The king of the rivers and the king of all nature are in the same trap. The same painful death guards them. The hour of the cross has struck, the time has come to account for sins. And the main sin of Ignatich is that he severely offended the girl with whom he was friends in his youth. And he didn’t ask for forgiveness from her, no matter how he begged or repented. His last words, which he could hoarse, without owning his mouth, were: “I'm sorry, Glasha!”. More Zinovy ​​Ignatich heard the noise of the Whirlwind engine. It was the brother who was approaching the samolovs. A wave from a passing boat rocked Ignatich's vessel, hit a fish on the iron, and she, rested, having accumulated strength, suddenly reared herself, sensing a wave. Hit. Jerk. The fish turned over on its stomach, churned its tail, and several hooks burst at once. The fish beat its tail again and again, until it took off from the trap, tearing its body to shreds. Furious, seriously wounded, but not tamed, she crashed somewhere already invisibility, a riot seized the freed, magical king-fish. “Go, fish, go! Live as long as you can. I won't tell anyone about you!" - said the catcher, and he felt better. The body - because the fish did not pull down, the soul - from some kind of liberation not yet comprehended by the mind.
After reading the story "King-fish", you understand that the natural world is fraught with the spirit of fair retribution. The suffering of the King-fish, wounded by a man, calls for him.
"King-fish" is written in an open, free, uninhibited manner, heartened by the artist's thought about the most personal and vital. Direct, honest, fearless conversation about topical, significant problems. Scientists argue about them. Designers think about them. Problems of a national scale: about the affirmation and improvement of reasonable connections between modern man and nature, about the measure and goals of our activity in the "conquest" of nature. Life itself poses these problems.
How can one make sure that, by transforming the earth, one can preserve and increase earthly wealth? Updating, saving and enriching the beauty of nature? How to avoid, prevent the sad consequences of an unreasonable encroachment on the natural laws of nature - the cradle of man? This problem is not only ecological, but also moral.
Awareness of its seriousness, according to Astafiev, is necessary for everyone in order not to trample, damage and burn nature and oneself with the fire of soullessness and deafness.
The writer claims: who is ruthless, cruel to nature, he is ruthless, cruel to man. Passionate protest causes the writer's soulless-consumer treatment of nature. The image of poaching grows to a strong living image in the story - the predatory behavior of a person in the taiga, on the river.
The main attention of the author is focused on people, their destinies, passions and concerns. There are many characters in the story. different. Good and evil, fair and treacherous, "workers of fish supervision" and "poachers". The writer does not judge them, even the most hardened, he cares about their spiritual healing.
The author speaks from the position of kindness, humanity. In every line he remains a poet of humanity. An extraordinary feeling of wholeness, interconnectedness of all life on earth, present and future, today and tomorrow, lives in it.


The main characters of the story in Astafiev's stories "Tsar-fish" are Man and Nature. The narrative is united by one hero - the image of the author - and one all-consuming idea - the idea of ​​the inseparability of man from nature.

The chapter "King-fish", which gave the name to the whole story, is symbolic: the single combat of man with the king-fish, with nature itself, ends dramatically. This depth of content determined the genre of the work, its composition, the choice of heroes, language, and polemical pathos. The genre of "narration in stories" allows the author to freely move from scenes, paintings, images to reflections and generalizations, to journalism. The work is permeated with journalistic pathos, subordinated to the task of exposing, condemning poaching in the broadest sense of the word, poaching in life, whether it concerns nature or society. The author seeks to proclaim and affirm the moral principles dear to him.

The work often uses the technique of either a chronological unfolding of the plot, or a violation of chronology. The appeal to the past tense is not so much an artistic device as the need to comprehend life experience. Reflecting on the history of the formation of the characters of Grokhotalo or Gertsev, the author comes to the conclusion: social and economic do not exist separately, independently. Everything is interdependent and subject to the objective laws of the development of nature and man. The very scene of the novel - the vast expanses of Siberia - requires from a person such outstanding qualities as courage, kindness.

The image of the author unites all the chapters of the work. This is an image of a sincere and open person who views the present through the prism of the past world war. Here is how he assesses the everyday, particular case - the ordinary robbery perpetrated by huckster hunters on the Sym river: makes a man! That's why I'm afraid when people loosen their belts in shooting, even at an animal, at a bird, and in passing, effortlessly, shed blood.

The writer is the lyrical hero of the work. The very first chapter opens with his declaration of love for his native land, for the Yenisei. Hours and nights spent by the fire on the river bank are called happy, because “at such moments you are left as if one on one with nature” and “you feel with secret joy: you can and should trust everything that is around! ..”

The landscape itself, regardless of the hero, does not seem to exist in the narrative, it is always like the open heart of a person, eagerly absorbing everything that the taiga, field, river, lake, sky gives him: “Fog has appeared on the river. He was picked up by currents of air, dragged over the water, tore at the foot of a tree, rolled into rolls, rolled over short stretches stained with round foam. The river, covered with fog, is transformed in his soul: “No, you can’t, perhaps, call the light, muslin swaying stripes fog. This is a relieved breath of greenery after a steamy day, liberation from oppressive stuffiness, calming with the coolness of all living things.

The chapter "Turukhan Lily" is publicistic. Pavel Yegorovich, an old Yenisei buoy maker, originally from the Urals, but brought to Siberia by an irresistible love for the "big water". He refers to those people who "they give everything of their own, right down to the soul, they always hear even a silent request for help." Little is said about him, but the main thing is that he is from that breed of people who "give more than they take." The thoughtless, barbaric attitude to nature causes bewilderment and protest in the hero: “There is no and never will be peace for the river! Knowing no peace himself, a man with rabid stubbornness seeks to subdue, lasso nature...” Longing for harmony in nature, longing for a harmonious person and in the author’s words: “Well, why, why should these inveterate thugs be taken red-handed, on the spot crimes? Give them the whole earth a crime scene!” Overwhelmed by indignation against poaching robbery in nature, the writer thinks: “So what am I looking for? Why am I suffering? Why? For what? I don't have an answer." The northern lily reconciles the author with the world, softens his soul, fills him with faith in the "incorruptibility of life", "never ceases to bloom" in his memory.

V. Astafiev depicts people from various strata of society: some in detail, others in a few strokes, such as, for example, an old migrant woman who could not forget her mournful journey along the Gloomy River for thirty years. The image of Nikolai Petrovich, the writer's brother, is exceptionally attractive. From an early age, as soon as his father was convicted, he became the breadwinner of a large family. An excellent fisherman and hunter, sympathetic, friendly, hospitable, he strives to help everyone, no matter how difficult it is himself. We meet him when he is already dying, defeated and crushed by overwork: “From the age of nine he dragged himself through the taiga with a gun, raised nets from the icy water ...” We see Nikolai Petrovich not only dying, but also hunting, in the family , in friendship with Akim, in the days when he, Arkhip and the Elder contracted to hunt fox in the taiga. The arctic fox did not go that winter, the hunt failed, we had to spend the winter in the taiga. In these difficult conditions, the Elder stood out from the three - with intelligence, inquisitiveness, and experience in taiga affairs. Charming Paramon Paramonovich. True, he “drinks hard”, and then “redeems his guilt before humanity” with repentance. But the soul of Paramon Paramonovich is open to goodness, it was he who noticed the desire of a lonely boy to get on his ship and took a paternal part in the fate of Akim.

In the chapter "Ear on Boganid" an artel of fishermen is depicted. It was an unusual artel: not settled and inconsistent in composition. Only the foreman did not change in it, about whom nothing significant was said, the product receiver, nicknamed "Kiryaga-tree", a radio operator, a cook (she is also a housekeeper, supply manager and fortune teller), midwife Afimya Mozglyakova. Kiryaga-tree was a sniper in the war, he was awarded a medal. But Kiryaga drank it once in a difficult moment and terribly punished himself for it. In the rest - the most beautiful person, a diligent owner of the artel business.

“Ukha on Boganid is a hymn to the collective beginnings of life. And the images of the heroes, all taken together, are a poem about kindness and humanity. Akim did not receive education, did not acquire great knowledge. This is the misfortune of many of the military generation. But he worked honestly and acquired various professions from an early age, because his childhood was not easy. Akim began to understand his mother early, sometimes he reproached her for her carelessness, but he loved her and thought of her with tenderness to himself. Mother died young. How Akim suffered when he drove up to his native, but already empty, deserted Boganida! And how he comprehended the word "peace" in his own way, which he remembered as drawn on his mother's scarf. Akim thinks, referring to the memory of the past: the world is “this is an artel, a brigade, the world is a mother who, even having fun, does not forget about the children ...” Akim takes care of the sick Paramon Paramonovich, becomes a moral support for Petrun at the right time.

The big scene of departure from the winter hut, when Akim hardly put Elya on her feet, and involuntary return is one of the best. In it, Akim made an inhumanly difficult heroic attempt to escape from the captivity of the winter taiga and almost froze.

In the chapter "Sleep in the White Mountains" the image of Goga Gertsev, the antipode of Akim, is remarkable. Gertsev did not harm the taiga, respected the laws, but neglected what is called the soul. Goga is an educated person, he knows how to do a lot, but he ruined his good inclinations. He is an individualist, he wants to take a lot from life, but he does not want to give anything away. He is internally empty, cynical. The author's irony and sarcasm accompany Gertsev everywhere - both in the clash with Akim over the Kiryaga-wood medal riveted by Gertsev on a lure, and in the scenes with the librarian Lyudochka, whose soul he trampled out of boredom, and in the story with Elya, and even there, where it is told how Gertsev died and what he became after death. Astafiev shows the pattern of such a terrible end to Goga, denounces egocentrism, individualism, and soullessness.

All poachers: Damka, Grokhotalo, Komandor, Ignatich - came from the ancient fishing village of Chush or were closely associated with it. The commander is knowledgeable, therefore more aggressive and dangerous. The complexity of his image is that at times he thinks about his soul, his daughter Taika-beauty loves to self-forgetfulness and is ready to do everything for her. However, the Commander poached professionally, since snatching more and wherever possible is the meaning of his life. Rumbled - a former Banderite, once did a dirty deed: he burned the Red Army soldiers and was taken with a weapon in his hands. The portrait of a humanoid animal with mental underdevelopment and moral emptiness is full of sarcasm.

There is much in common between Grokhotalo and Gertsev in the methods of depicting Grokhotalo. Somehow, wildly, Grokhotalo experienced his failure with a magnificent sturgeon, which was confiscated from him: scratched his chest and left ... "In this removal, Astafiev's "theory of retribution" for evil, for "poaching" in the broadest sense, rumbled into the darkness.

In the chapter "Tsar-Fish" the narration is in the third person and is interspersed with internal monologues of the protagonist of the story - Ignatich. He is also a poacher, but of the “highest class”, all the rest in front of him are small fry. Ignatich is a symbolic figure, he is the same king of nature who, in a collision with the king-fish, suffered a severe defeat. Physical and moral suffering is the retribution for a daring attempt to subdue, subdue or even destroy the king fish, the mother fish, which carries millions of eggs in itself. Man, the recognized king of nature, and the king-fish are connected by mother nature by a single and indissoluble chain, only they are at different ends of it.

In the story "Tsar Fish" Astafiev speaks of the need, the urgency of "returning to nature." Ecological issues become the subject of philosophical discussion about the biological and spiritual survival of people. The attitude to nature acts as a test of the spiritual viability of the individual.

Other writings on this work

"Tsar-fish" Astafiev Analysis of the story "Tsar-fish" Mastery of the image of nature in one of the works of Russian literature of the XX century. (V.P. Astafiev. "King-fish".) REVIEW OF THE WORK OF V. P. ASTAFYEV "KING-FISH" The role of artistic detail in one of the works of Russian literature of the XX century. (V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish")
