Lev Abramovich Kassil

"Conduit and Shvambrania"

The main characters (live in Pokrovsk): (the story is told on behalf of the author - me), mother, father, Oska - younger brother, Annushka (maid), Marfusha (servant), cousin Mitya, zemsky, director (nickname - Fish Eye) , Tsap-Tsarapych, inspector, Athonite Recruit, Pharaoh, Joseph, Atlantis, Bindyug, Arkasha (the cook's son), Latin teacher - Cockroach or Long-necked, history teacher "e-mue", French teacher, Commissar Chubarkov, three aunts, military La -Bazri-De-Bazan (marquis), Kirikov -human toadstool (alchemist), Dina (cousin).


Oska and I lost our father’s chess queen, he put us in a corner. We came up with a new game: play the country - Shvambrania. Then the queen was found, but by that time my father had already cut out another, and we made the old queen the keeper of the Swambran secret, imprisoning her in the grotto, which we took from my mother. We played like this for several years. Our country was depicted on the map as a tooth, and there were oceans all around. Our Schwambrania waged wars with Balvonia and Caldonia. I was a king, and Oska was a postman who brought letters calling for war. Our country has always won. All residents of the country are sailors and watermen who walk on Breshka. The most important sailor is Jack, the sailors' companion, he is a polyglot.

We imagined our house in the form of a large steamship. Father (doctor) is the captain of the house. Dad is a good person, he always jokes, but when we got anything from him, mom (a pianist) served as a “silencer.” My father was often called to the hospital at night. We rode on a tarantay until our father threw us into a ditch. Oska loved to fish goldfish out of an aquarium and then bury them in a matchbox; I once brushed my cat’s teeth with my dad’s brush, and she scratched his hands. After that, my father bought us a little goat, which then tore off all the wallpaper, chewed up my father’s trousers, and for this they gave him back.

I read the book “Around Us” and learned from it how things are done. Oska knows a lot of words, but confuses them all. He once met a priest in the park, whom he mistook for a woman. And the priest told Oska about God (“Oh, I know, Christ is Risen is his last name...”). Annushka (the maid) took us to the church for the wedding, and we came up with the idea that Shvambrania is the kingdom of heaven, and the priest in our country was called Hematogen. We divided all the authorities into: liquid (parents), solid (the director of the gymnasium) and gaseous (the police and the zemstvo chief). Our cousin Mitya came to visit us for Christmas, who was expelled from the Saratov gymnasium for disrespectful comments about the Law of God. His sacred duty is to do nasty things to those in authority. A masquerade ball was being held at the Commercial Assembly, and we were also invited. Mitya wants to annoy the zemstvo. To do this, he decided to take Marfusha with him, whose costume was a large postal envelope with a fair supply of Marfusha stamps. Marfa took first place, for which she was given a gold watch. Zemsky became interested in her and wanted to find out who she was, but she was kidnapped. Afterwards, my father said that it was our maid, and the zemsky turned purple. Someone screwed a very large boat with a letter onto the porch of the zemstvo: whoever it suits will be the head of the zemstvo. He realized that it was Mitya, and he was reprimanded. I was accepted into the gymnasium (“They shaved me! They fooled me!”). We spent the summer before the gymnasium at the dacha. The day before classes, my head was shaved, and on the first day of school my buttons were ripped out. My mother and I went into the pastry shop and met the director there. We were not allowed to visit various entertainment establishments - we immediately ended up in conduit. Conduit is a book where all our tricks and fines were recorded. They also called it “The Pigeon Book” because we had greatcoats the same color as the doves. We were very afraid of the director (nickname: Fisheye). Tsap-Tsarapych kept an eye on us all the time so that we fulfilled the conduit’s requirements. But they loved the inspector. When we got fined, he kept us standing for an hour and then let us go home. Previously, in Pokrovsk there were wire handles instead of bells, but the doctor installed a bell with electric batteries in his apartment. A little later he appeared for everyone. In the shalman lived the Athonite Recruit, a jack of all trades who repaired calls for everyone. We often went to see him and discussed books. Once there was a fight in the People's Garden, and the director forbade walking there. All the high school students began to be indignant about this story, but Oska also found a way out: as a sign of protest, they cut off all calls in the city. The whole city signed up to join the Athos Recruit, but calls were still cut off. No one else appointed himself, except for the zemstvo chief, and assigned Pharaoh to him, but the bell was cut off again (the son of the zemstvo hid it in his hand). The bailiff ordered the Pharaoh to find the thieves (for 50 rubles). Pharaoh gives bribes, but Joseph remains silent. Pharaoh had a torn manifesto in his hands, which included the full name of the zemstvo son, and he reported everything to the director. The pharaoh came for Atlantis, Bindyug himself came to the director. All eight were expelled. Joseph came to the director and said that the entire gymnasium + the zemstvo’s son had been cutting off calls, and asked that we be accepted into the gymnasium again. Now the rules in the gymnasium have become stricter, the Latin teacher - Cockroach or Longneck - is especially diligent in giving us 1 and 2, the history teacher raises the guilty ones for the whole lesson, the French girl is offended all the time. Once I was fleeing from a janitor by running across the roofs and met a girl named Taisa. I initiated her into the secret of Schwambrania, and she revealed the secret to some boy. We play war with Oska, Klavdyusha (the cook’s daughter) is a prisoner. She received a letter from her son, which said that his hand had been cut off, we were very sorry for her. We do dirty tricks on the teacher: gunpowder explodes under his soles, gunpowder and pepper were added to the tobacco. The teacher went to complain to the director. We meet wounded soldiers, the spirit of the times permeates us, Oska wore a toilet ring in a hole with a portrait of Nicholas II. The girls' gymnasium and I were taken to the main town to show an example of a fight. The year 1916 ends. On December 31, my parents went to see friends to celebrate the New Year. My classmate Grishka came to visit me. He and I went outside and saw a horse in the harness of a rich man and decided to go for a ride. But the horse still couldn’t stop. Then Tsap-Tsarapych came out, and as luck would have it the horse stopped. He said that he would sign us up for conduit and leave us after the holidays for 4 hours without lunch. He asked if we were allowed to ride, to which we answered “yes”. He decided to find out, got on his horse, and it started chasing. At this time, the owner came out and saw that the horse had been stolen and called the police. After the holidays, Tsap-Tsarapych did not remember this incident. Oska made an important conclusion: The earth is round because the globe is round. D. Lyosha called and said that the revolution had overthrown the tsar, and asked him to convey this to his parents. I went out into the street, I wanted to shout to everyone about the revolution. Tsap-Tsarapych noticed me and signed me up as a conduit. At the gymnasium I told everyone this news. There was a portrait of the Tsar hanging in the classroom, and we stuck a burning cigarette into it. It turned out that Nicholas II smokes. We pass notes through the fence to the girls' gymnasium, they are also for freedom. Atlantis heard that the teachers want to overthrow the principal. The director did not come to the demonstration (he cited illness). The committee kicks out the director; in his haste, he forgets to put on his boots. The director went to seek help from the parent committee. The director came to the secretary (my father) and met with Oska. He calls it Black Eye. Parents are afraid of freedom for their children - they will dissolve. In the gymnasium, grades are abolished, instead: good, good, bad, bad, excellent. Arkasha (the cook's son) is smart, he began to study for free in my class. Arkasha is in love with Lyusya (the daughter of a rich chairman). But her mother is against it. He became haggard, began to study worse, then he heard that there were no more Barins, and wrote her a letter. The teacher snatched it, read it and ridiculed Arkasha in front of the class. And then Arkasha realized: the world is still divided into paid and free.


There were meetings and rallies everywhere, and I also wanted to take part in them. We gathered a circle of Boy Scouts and did good deeds. The end of the conduit came: we burned it along with the diaries on a fire near the gymnasium. We spent the summer of 1918 in the village of Kvasnikovka, smashing nettles and destroying toadstools, and found a huge fly agaric. During our absence, Breshka has changed; a rich man's liquor store was destroyed. Our gymnasium was combined with a girls' school. We went there ourselves and chose girls for our class. Newcomers from a higher elementary school also came to us, but we didn’t like them. The girls came up with a new game - staring contest. In the evenings they held dances and we made sure that the boys from class “B” did not dance with our girls. The gymnasium served tea with refined sugar, which was in short supply. I carried sugar home and put it as an emergency supply. I was a sugar distributor in the canteen. Bindyug suggested dividing the remaining sugar between two people. I refused, he tripped me and I hurt my forehead. Oska was taken to school, and I taught him how not to be beaten. The staring contest was forgotten, everyone was carried away by the French wrestling, including Oska. We have a new history teacher, “e-mue,” and we liked him. Our gymnasium began to wander throughout the city. We are catching up on algebra, the teacher stays with us after school, our parents are shocked. Our class invited class “B” to compete in algebra. We prepared for this day until 12 at night, but we could only walk until 11, the patrol picked us up. We said that we went to the pharmacy to get castor oil (“B” also got caught and “went to get iodine”). Champion -Bindyug, our class won. But it turned out that Bindyug was cheating, so fame and sugar were divided into two classes. The commissioner asks us to stay after class and draw posters about the rash. Even though we really wanted to eat, we stayed. After this, the commissioner fell ill, he had typhus, a temperature of 41. The commissioner was recovering, but was still weak. They moved him to an apartment, I brought him books. On his wall hung a poster of a Red Army soldier pointing his finger. I look at him, and he looks at me, as if we were playing a staring contest. I brought him my sugar for tea, but they also “tried” and brought it before me. Oska and I introduced mortality in Shvambrania. Oska said that on the street some soldier asked him about Shvambrania. I think that Oska believes in her true existence. At school he spoke about our country, they assured him that it does not exist, and the soldier asked not about Schwambrania, but about the headquarters. Three aunts came to us. One cannot pronounce “r”, the other cannot pronounce “l”. They decided to take charge of our upbringing. We moved to live in another house. Dad said that people are miserable slaves of things. Children, learn to despise things. We broke the dish, to which dad said that we are vandals and before we despise things, we must learn to take care of them and earn money. Mom was not at home, and at that time the piano was taken away. Mom is shocked: under the lid there was a valuable package with foreign scented soap, and we added Schwambran documents to it. I went with my mother to “rescue” the bundle. I played a polka and ditties for everyone, and my mother played the overture from “Prince Igor.” Everyone was delighted. The commissioner recovered and was settled next to us. Oska played “Tyapki-Tyapki” with him, then dad joined them. The military man La Bazri De Bazan, whom his aunts called the Marquis, moved into another room; the commission for combating desertion sat in the third room. A package of soap disappeared from us, dad called Chek, the package was found at the Marquis, and our maps of Schwambrania were also found, we were forced to tell the boss about our country, which caused him to burst into laughter. We moved again. Our aunts took us to the theater every day. Lunacharsky. Pokrovsk was captured by a craze for theater. Even children's studios opened, where we were also enrolled. Dad went to the front, and I remained the main man in the house. Hungry times have come. For a pound of meat a month, I give literacy and arithmetic lessons. We only eat sugar from my emergency supply on weekends. Mom exchanged the shell grotto for a quarter of kerosene. A period of decline began in Schwambrania. It was located in the Eel Palace. Oska and I explored the dead house and fell into the basement. Someone grabbed us. It was Kirikov - the toadstool man, he came up with the elixir there. Cousin Dina also came to live with us, we liked her, and she also pinched her aunts’ tails. Dina was hired as the head of the library. There we organized a literary circle. The Commissioner fell in love with our Dina. Dad got sick: he had a rash, Atlantis died. We are already bored with playing Shvambrania, so Oska and I went to the alchemist. It turned out that he was not making an elixir, but simple moonshine. Soon dad arrived, yellow with a long beard and lice. They want to close our library again, because... no firewood. We suggested dismantling Shvambrania (Eel's house) for firewood. This is how our country disappeared.

Pokrov was renamed the city of Engels. I was recently in Engels to congratulate Oska the father: his daughter was born. Oska still confuses words. We read to everyone about Shvambrania, remembering our childhood. Everything has changed in the city. Even in Schwambrania this did not happen.

Conduit and Oska were the sons of a doctor in Pokrovsk. They fantasize about their fictional country of Mop in the Pacific Ocean, which resembles the shape of a tooth. The conduit ruled the state, and Oska served as a postman, delivering letters calling for war. Schwambrania always won battles. Its population consisted of sailors and watermen, among whom Jack was the main one. Conduit imagined his house as a steamship, the captain of which was his father.

One day, their relative Mitya came to visit the boys and did various dirty tricks. He brought a maid to the masquerade, which caused the indignation of the zemstvo. Conduit entered the gymnasium, where a special book of fines was kept. For misbehavior, children were put in a corner for an hour and then sent home. Students were forbidden to appear in the People's Garden because of someone's fight. As a sign of protest, Oska and other students cut off all calls, for which some of them were expelled from the gymnasium.

The following year, the boys' gymnasium was combined with the girls' school. Conduit teaches Oska so that he will not be bullied at school in his first year. The algebra teacher gives extra lessons to the children, which surprises the parents, but the students like it, they even wanted to compete in mathematical knowledge with the “bashniks.” Once they were even arrested by a patrol when they were returning from the gymnasium at midnight, but they managed to get out by inventing a story about castor oil. The schoolchildren respected the commissar, and when he fell ill with typhus and became weak, they visited him and brought him sugar.

The Conduit family moved to a new house, and their mother’s piano, where her scented soap and Schwambrania’s documents were kept, was taken away. Conduit went with his mother to pick up his things. After some time, the family moved again, and they all began to regularly visit the theater together, because it became fashionable. When his father was taken to the front, Conduit supported his mother and brother through his teaching activities, for which he received a pound of meat every month. While exploring an abandoned house, the boys fell into the basement, where they found Kirikov, who told them that he was making a magic elixir, although in fact it was moonshine. A relative of Dina, with whom the commissioner fell in love, came to them and got a job in the library.

The boys got tired of playing Schwambrania, which at that time was built at Eel's house, and let it go for firewood. But Oska, even having matured and become a father, continues to remember the fictional country.

The story of Lev Kassil, a writer and teacher, is permeated with the sadness of the loss... of many talents. The fate of Kolya Dmitriev, a talented artist from his youth, is shown as an example. His parents, also artists, from the beginning of the war painted camouflage canvases to protect the capital, as well as banners that inspired people. And having even survived the war, Kolya goes to school, draws a wall newspaper, becomes a pioneer, studies... And now the art student dies while hunting by a stupid accident.

The main idea of ​​the story Early Sunrise

This is a story about the fate of a creative person, which can be broken by simple carelessness. How many talented, promising, kind and intelligent people died simply by accident, when they needed to take care of themselves for a higher goal.

Summary of Kassil Early sunrise read the text

From the first chapter, the reader meets the guys: Kolya, Katya, Zhenya... The main character Kolya is a gifted boy. He has a rich imagination, he comes up with games, tells stories very well, and when he speaks, he even illustrates. The boy draws on the ground with a stick, on the asphalt with chalk, in general, as needed, but he draws pictures to accompany his stories. Some admire his talents, others envy him.

All intrigues recede before the World War. Fortunately, Nikolai and his entire family are getting through these difficult years safely. On Victory Day, Father Kolya even begins to see clearly; he began to have vision problems during the war. Everything, it would seem, is wonderful, Kolya has his whole life in front of him.

And his talent leads him to an art school, where the student is highly valued by the teachers. After all, the student is not only gifted, but also hardworking and ambitious, in the good sense of the word. But one day they even give him a “C” because they don’t believe the authorship - the guy could only copy such beautiful paintings, spy on them from the Masters. But Nikolai does not despair, he looks for the unusual in the ordinary, and works on himself. Rumors have already spread throughout the city that a young and very talented artist has appeared - Dmitriev.

But on a hunt, where he ended up almost by accident - at the request of a friend, Nikolai dies. The elderly teacher keeps his drawings for many years, realizing that this young man would have become a great artist... if not for a tragic accident.

At the end, there is a fiery speech from the teacher, rejuvenated by the memories. It talks about the fact that a person’s fate should not depend on chance. And everything must be done to stop fatal wounds from threatening life. We need to take care of each other.

Indeed, the rise of talent turned out to be too early, even premature.

Picture or drawing Early sunrise

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The commander never saw Alexei Andreevich in person, but heard about him every day. A week ago, the soldiers, returning from reconnaissance, reported that a barefoot boy met them in the woods, took seven white stones, five black ones out of his pockets, then pulled out a rope tied with four knots, and finally shook out three pieces of wood. And, looking at the goods taken from his pockets, the unknown boy reported in a whisper that seven German mortars, five enemy tanks, four guns and three machine guns had been spotted on the other side of the river. To the question: “Where did he come from?” — the boy replied that Alexey Andreevich himself sent him.

He came to the scouts the next day and the third. And each time he rummaged in his pockets for a long time, pulling out multi-colored pebbles and slivers, counting the knots on the string and saying that Alexey Andreevich sent him. The boy did not say who Alexey Andreevich was, no matter how much he was questioned. “It’s wartime—there’s no point in talking too much,” he explained, “and Alexey Andreevich himself did not order anything to be said about it.” And the commander, daily receiving very important information in the forest, decided that Alexey Andreevich was some kind of brave partisan, a mighty hero with a thick mustache and a low voice. For some reason, this is exactly how Alexey Andreevich seemed to the commander.

One evening, when warmth came from the wide river and the water became completely smooth, as if frozen, the commander checked the guard posts and got ready to have dinner. But then he was informed that some guy had arrived at the outpost sentries and was asking to see the commander. The commander allowed the boy to pass through.

A few minutes later he saw in front of him a short boy of about thirteen or fourteen years old. There was nothing special about him. The boy seemed simple-minded and even a little slow-witted. He walked with a slightly unsteady gait, and his too-short trouser legs swung from side to side over his bare feet. But it seemed to the commander that the boy was only pretending to be such a simpleton. The commander sensed some kind of trick. And indeed, as soon as the boy saw the commander, he immediately stopped yawning around, pulled himself up, took four firm steps, froze, stretched out and said:

- May I report, comrade commander? Alexey Andreevich...

- You?! — the commander didn’t believe it.

- I'm the one. Head of the crossing.

- How? What is the manager? - the commander asked.

- Crossing! - came from behind the bush, and a boy of about nine poked his head through the foliage.

- And who are you? - asked the commander.

The boy crawled out of the bush, stretched out and, looking first at the commander, then at his senior comrade, diligently said:

- I am for special assignments.

The one who called himself Alexei Andreevich looked at him menacingly.

“For errands,” he corrected the baby, “it’s been said a hundred times!” And don't interfere while the elder is talking. Do I need to teach you all over again?

The commander hid his smile and looked at both of them carefully. Both the elder and the little one stood at attention in front of him.

“This is Valek, my guarantor,” explained the first, “and I am the head of the crossing.”

The little “guarantor” kept moving the toes of his bare, dusty feet, his heels neatly moved together, out of excitement.

- Manager? Crossing? — the commander was surprised.

- Yes sir.

-Where is your crossing?

“In a well-known place,” said the boy.

- What kind of crossing is this? - the commander got angry. “He’s turning my head here: crossing, crossing... but he doesn’t really explain anything.”

- Can I stand freely? - asked the boy.

- Yes, stand freely, stand as you want, just tell me clearly: what do you want from me?

The guys became “at ease.” At the same time, the little one carefully put his leg to the side and funny twisted his heel.

As Lev Kassil recalls, this story began on the day when he and his brother Oska were serving their sentence in the corner for the lost chess queen. The figures in the set were custom-made for my father, and he treasured them very much.

Country open in the pantry

In the dark corner of the closet the brothers felt as if they were in prison.
- Let's run away! - Oska’s little brother said hopefully. - Let's get down!
But Lelka’s older brother was suddenly struck by a bright thought.
- We won't run away anywhere! - he said. - Let's come up with a new game! This will be the land we have discovered: palaces, mountains, palm trees, sea. There will be our own state, which adults will not know about.

The new land required a beautiful name. Lelka and Osya were named Shvambrania, by association with Schwab’s book “Greek Myths”. The letter "M" was added for euphony.

Conduit and Schwambrania. Summary of the book

Schwambrania was captured on a homemade map by Oska himself. Its shape resembled a human tooth, which the young artist copied from a dentist’s advertisement.

The tooth symbolized the wise policy of the new state.
Schwambrania was a continent surrounded by "akian", waves and "sea". On the mainland there were cities, bays and mountains. Some words were misspelled, which was justified by the youth of the cartographer. There was also a blot, under it it was honestly written: “The island does not count - this was an accidental blot.”

At the bottom of the map was the island of Piligvinia, with its capital Overseas. For convenience, two inscriptions were inscribed on the “sea” for pilots of passing ships: “so with the flow” - “and so against.”
The map was striking in its symmetry. This was explained by the desire for justice, which the creators of the country dreamed of.

On the left is “morye” - on the right is “morye”, here is Argonsk, and there is Drandzonsk. You have a ruble, and I have 100 kopecks. It's called justice!

The war began like this: a postman (Oska) appeared from the front door to the Tsar (Lelka) and handed the Tsar a letter with a challenge from the enemies. The enemies lived on the other side of the “fences”, depicted on the map as semicircles. The battles took place on a rectangle marked with the word "war". On both sides of the “war” there were “captivities” where captured soldiers were imprisoned.

Breshka and Jack, sailors' companion

In parallel with the Swambran battle, Russia also entered the First World War. Schwambrania always emerged victorious from battles, just like Tsarist Russia, in school textbooks.

In Shvambrania, Oska and Lelka lived in Drandzonsk, on the top floor of a thousand-story building. And in their hometown of Pokrovsk, a street passed under their windows, popularly called Breshka.

In the evenings, boys and girls from nearby farms walked along it. The street was strewn with husks of sunflower seeds. Snatches of “refined” conversations could be heard from the street:
- Allow me to cling to you, young lady! What is your name? Masha, why Katyusha?
- Don’t worry... He’s so fast! - the rural beauty answered exquisitely, spitting out the husks of the seeds. - But by the way, come on, Toby, be cool!

... There were many cargo ships traveling along the Volga, which could not but affect Schwambrania. There, too, appeared a hero known as Jack, the sailors' companion. This happened in connection with a little book purchased at the market. It was an international dictionary for sailors.

Like a polyglot, Jack spoke freely: “Ken ah help yu?!” Donner wind, guten morgen, hello, man overboard, mama mia, how much will you take for saving the ship?

In this way he differed from the inhabitants of Breshka, who spit husks on the street, and could serve as a model of culture for the conscious Schwambrans.

First and third class cabins

Lev Kassil describes many funny moments in the book “Conduit and Schwambrania”. The summary does not allow you to fully immerse yourself in the life of the little characters, which sometimes resembled a ship.

Passenger cabins were conventionally divided into first and third class categories. The first class cabins were the living room, father's office and dining room. Third class cabins - cook's room and kitchen.

From the kitchen porthole there was a view of another world. In this world lived those whom adults called inappropriate acquaintances. Among them were: beggars, loaders, chimney sweeps, janitors, mechanics and firefighters. Maybe they were not bad people, but adults convinced our heroes that they were full of germs.

Naive Oska once asked a question to Levontiy Abramkin, a master of garbage disposal:
- Is it true that scarlet fever is crawling on you?
- What kind of scarlet fever? - Levontius was offended. - Ordinary lice. And scarlatinas - I never remember such animals...

Oska loved to take fish out of the aquarium and then arrange a funeral for them in matchboxes. One day he brushed the cat’s teeth, and she scratched him.

One day Oska met with a priest, whom he thought was a girl, and the priest entered into a religious conversation with him.

Oska was a great confused person and constantly confused: cannibals with the Balkans; St. Bernard with an artist of fiends with an erupting volcano.

Trips to the people

The father of the Schwambrans worked as a doctor. Sometimes, out of democratic motives, he ordered a carriage with a horse, put on a shirt, and sat on the beam as a coachman. If familiar ladies walked ahead, dad asked Lelka to ask them to give way. Lelka came up and said embarrassedly: “Aunts, that is, madams... dad asks you to move a little. Otherwise we’ll inadvertently crush you.”

“This “ride among the people” ended with dad one day throwing us all into a ditch. Since then, the trips have stopped” (Lev Kassil, “Conduit and Shvambrania”).

Russian Cinderella

One day the Schwambrans realized that something was wrong in life. The adults were the most important people on this earth, but not all of them. But only those who were wearing expensive fur coats and uniform caps. The rest were classified as unsuitable acquaintances and worked from dawn to dusk. The world was ruled by the main idea of ​​the book "Conduit and Schwambrania", a brief summary of which will tell you about the main positive and negative characters.

Cousin Mitya, expelled from the gymnasium, came to visit the Schwambranians. Mitya did not like officials and offered to annoy the zemstvo.

A masquerade ball was coming up, and the pretty maid Marfusha was prepared to play the role of a disturber of the zemstvo's peace of mind. They made a suit for her in the shape of an envelope. It was used for postage stamps that Marfusha had been collecting for many years.

At the ball, Marfusha captivated everyone with her beauty and received a prize: a gold watch. fell in love with the charming girl, but he was informed that Marfusha was a simple servant. Zemsky was put to shame.

At night, Mitya screwed a huge galosh to his porch with a note: “Whoever gets the galosh on his leg will be the zemstvo’s wife.”
Everything is like in the story about Cinderella...

Sisari and Conduit

Lelka was accepted into the gymnasium. The high school students were called Sisars because of the color of their overcoats. The Sisaris were free birds and did not want to obey the rules. On the very first day, Lelka, who went to a cafe with his mother, ended up in the Conduit (or Dove Book). This was the name of the magazine where the director of the gymnasium, nicknamed Fish Eye, entered fines. The cafe was considered an entertainment establishment, and high school students were not allowed to visit such places.

The school warden, nicknamed Tsap-Tsarapych, also made notes in the conduit. Getting into the magazine was easy; for unbuttoning his overcoat and appearing in the city after seven in the evening; for visiting the cinema or wearing an embroidered shirt.

Life at the gymnasium was fun. The Sizaris, mostly children of farmers, fought, smoked in the toilet and played dirty tricks on the teachers. They came up with clever devices for transmitting cheat sheets from neighboring classes. Young hooligans mooed, burned phosphorus to create a stink - all in order to disrupt the lesson.

The only person the schoolchildren liked was the tongue-in-cheek inspector Romashov, who educated the students with tedious suggestions. After his lectures, many lost the desire to misbehave, recalls the author of the work “Conduit and Schwambrania.”

The heroes of the book went through the everyday life of the old gymnasium. Among the most striking figures in the book, the Athonite Recruit stood out, the hero of the shalman, a man who repaired electric bells and adored literature.

Shalman, as the townspeople called it, was a refuge for the poor. He was located near the meat rows at the market. It includes the Chinese boy Chi Sun-cha, the sewer man Levontiy Abramkin, the German organ grinder Gershta, the thieves Krivopatrya and Shebarsha and the little Joseph Pukis. In the shalman they read books and the schoolchildren felt like adults, equals among equals...

Lev Kassil recalls this. “Conduit and Shvambrania” (the summary of the book cannot convey this fully) describes the life of the common people. This description will introduce young readers to a life that will be a real discovery for many.

Cockroach and Matryona

The director banned the festivities because of the fight in the People's Garden. The gymnasium students were outraged and, as a sign of protest, cut off the front door bells throughout the city. Athonite Recruit, who made good money from this, was very happy.

The police were looking for mysterious hooligans. Stepan Gavrya, nicknamed Atlantis, and Bindyug, who enjoyed authority because of his powerful fists, were caught. They, and with them six other Sisaris who participated in this matter, were expelled from the gymnasium. And only after the intervention of Joseph Pukis, the violators were reinstated.

I remember a teacher named Cockroach, or Longneck. He taught Latin and kept getting bad marks right and left. There was also a touchy French teacher, Matryona Martynovna. She did not annoy the schoolchildren much; the stern Sizars even loved her in their own way, but they still played her mercilessly and cruelly in class.

The echo of war reached Pokrovsk. The townspeople greeted the wounded returning from the front. The year 1917 was approaching. These historical events are narrated by L. Kassil (“Conduit and Schwambrania”). The main characters of the book are eyewitnesses of the Russian revolution.

On the thirty-first of December, Lelka and Oska’s parents went to their friends’ house to celebrate the New Year. A classmate came to Lelka and they went for a walk. Unfortunately, they came across a horse-drawn carriage of a local millionaire. The high school students decided to go for a ride. The horse, sensing strangers, carried the kidnappers through the deserted streets. The frightened schoolchildren could not stop him. As luck would have it, they met Tsap-Tsarapych.

Seeing the overseer, the horse stopped. Tsap-Tsarapych promised the Sizars to enroll them in the conduit and leave them without lunch. After that, he sat down on the vehicle to return the stolen cart to its owner. The animal, not seeing the difference between the kidnappers, began to gallop, and the owner of the cart, who came out of the house, called the police.

It is not known how Tsap-Tsarapych justified himself to the police, but he no longer remembered this incident.

Lost Atlantis

Suddenly Styopka Atlantis disappeared. As it turned out, he fled to the front. The former teachers were dispersed, and instead of the gymnasium, a Unified Labor School was created with the joint education of girls and boys.

A delegation of high school students went to the women's gymnasium to choose the most beautiful girls for the class. They were immediately given nicknames: Bamboo, Lula-Pill, Shaft and Blob. With the advent of girls in the gymnasium, they began to play staring contest. The game was to stare at your interlocutor for hours. Blinking was not allowed. There were cases when it came to fainting.

There was a revolution in Russia, the tsar abdicated the throne. Schwambrania, accordingly, also reacted with riots. After long and deep doubts, Jack, the Sailors' Companion, died. His last words were: “Farm la machine!” Stop di machine! He brought the same…” A golden anchor was placed on the hero’s grave, and instead of wreaths it was decorated with life preservers.

“Science can do many things,” says L. Kassil. This is the book “Conduit and Schwambrania”, the author of which knows how to talk funny and tragic about simple things.


Red Commissar Chubarkov was moved into the apartment. He taught Oska how to play hoe. Dad also became interested in the game. The players' hands were red from spanking.

Relatives came to visit and began raising Oska and Lelka and taking them to the theater.

A military man, La Bazri De Bazan, settled in one room, and the other room was occupied by the commission for combating deserters. Dad was taken to the front. The Marquis De Bazan, as his aunts called him, stole the soap hidden by his mother in the piano, but after the Cheka was called, the soap was found. And along with the soap, the missing maps of Schwambrania. The security officers, seeing the maps of the new state, laughed until they dropped.

The Schwambrans discovered the alchemist Kirikov in an abandoned house, brewing the elixir of life. Then it turned out that it was ordinary moonshine.

Dad returned from the front. He had typhus. He looked thin and yellow and had lice crawling across his beard.

Our heroes are tired of Dreamland. The harsh everyday life pushed aside the fictional state, in which, as Cassil claims, the conduit was never used. And Shvambrania, the readers’ reviews of which sound enthusiastically, will forever be remembered by those who read this book.

Eel's house, where Lelka and Oska played, was dismantled for firewood. Schwambrania ceased to exist.

L. Kassil wrote about these events. “Conduit and Schwambrania” - a story about unforgettable times - became the most famous book of his works.

The action takes place in the provincial town of Pokrovsk shortly before the revolution. At the center of the story is the family of a modest zemstvo doctor. The children, Lelya and Oska, invent an imaginary country, Shvambrania, with which they spend their entire childhood. The author talks fascinatingly, with gentle humor, about Lelya’s school years, his friends and provincial life in Tsarist Russia.

The main idea of ​​the book is to tell how a person, from early childhood, searches for his place in life, learns about the world around him and strives to fight injustice. And how dreams and fantasies help him in this, which brighten up a sometimes difficult life, color it with bright colors and awaken creativity.

Read the summary of Conduit and Schwambrania Kassil

The action of the story takes place in the small county town of Pokrovsk. The main characters, Lyolya and her younger brother Oska, grow up in an intelligent family of a doctor and a music teacher.

While serving their punishment in the corner for losing their father's chess piece, the children come up with a new game - the country of Schwambrania. Since then, Osya and Lelya have been playing it with enthusiasm, creating a detailed map and characters for the “Big Tooth Continent” and conducting large-scale battles. The keeper of the secret of Schwambrania becomes the chess queen, imprisoned in a grotto box.

On New Year's holidays, cousin Mitya comes to the family to see his relatives. The young man was recently expelled from the gymnasium for disrespect for the Law of God. On Christmastide, the Commercial Assembly of Pokrovsk organizes an annual masquerade ball, where the zemstvo authorities gather and Mitya, who wants to take revenge for his exclusion, comes up with an original move. He dresses the maid Marfusha in an unusual fancy dress - an anonymous letter, which uses the girl’s entire stamp collection. The zemstvo chief, intrigued by the appearance of a charming stranger, strives to unravel her secret, and upon learning the truth, he becomes furious.

The next year Lyolya enters the gymnasium, where its own rules reign. Pupils will face harsh drills and boring cramming. For any offense, schoolchildren are recorded in a special journal - conduit, after which they face inevitable punishment. The students are not allowed to visit the city’s entertainment venues, but when their last place to hang out, the People’s Garden, is taken away from them, they decide to take revenge.

At this time, the craze for electric doorbells is in full swing in Pokrovsk. The high school students conspire with Master Athonsky Rekrut, a regular at the thieves' shalman, and cut off calls throughout the city. The plot is discovered, but the schoolchildren manage to escape punishment, since everyone took part in the prank, including the children of the authorities. The confrontation between teachers and schoolchildren continues.

The First World War, and then the revolution, burst into the calm and measured life of a small town. Meetings and rallies are taking place everywhere, and the shops of the rich are being destroyed. The gymnasium where Lelya studies is being combined with a girls’ school and a higher elementary school. A typhus epidemic, famine and devastation begin in the city.

The family of Lyolya and Osya have to move to another house - they are being crowded in by moving in a military man. And then they are joined by relatives - three aunts and cousin Dina. The school is also forced to wander around the city in search of premises. The guys meet the commissar and, together with their class, try to study algebra by organizing mathematics competitions. Despite difficult times, everyone is interested in theater and puts on amateur performances.

Trying to escape from difficult reality, Lyolya and Osya continue to play Schwambrania in an old dilapidated house, but soon it is dismantled for firewood for a new library. This is how the childhood of the heroes ends and a new life begins.

Picture or drawing of Conduit and Schwambrania

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