Today we will talk about a very "slippery" from the point of view of modern history and science, but also an equally interesting topic. I raised such a question ihoraksjuta “Now let's go further, the so-called Tatar-Mongol yoke, I don't remember where I read it, but there was no yoke, these are all the consequences of the baptism of Rus, the bearer of the faith of Christ fought with those who did not want, well, as usual, with sword and blood, remember the cross hikes, can you tell us more about this period? "

Controversy over history of the invasion tatar-Mongol and the consequences of their invasion, the so-called yoke, do not disappear, probably will never disappear. Under the influence of numerous critics, including supporters of Gumilyov, new, interesting facts began to be woven into the traditional version of Russian history. mongol yokethat I would like to develop. As we all remember from the school history course, the point of view still prevails, which is as follows:

In the first half of the XIII century, Russia was subjected to the invasion of the Tatars, who came to Europe from Central Asia, in particular, China and Central Asia, which they had already captured by this time. Our historians of Russia know exactly the dates: 1223 - the Battle of Kalka, 1237 - the fall of Ryazan, in 1238 - the defeat of the combined forces of the Russian princes on the banks of the City River, in 1240 - the fall of Kiev. Tatar-Mongol troopsdestroyed individual squads of the princes of Kievan Rus and subjected it to a monstrous defeat. The military power of the Tatars was so irresistible that their domination continued for two and a half centuries - until the "Standing on the Ugra" in 1480, when the consequences of the yoke were finally completely eliminated, the end came.

For 250 years, that's how many years, Russia paid tribute to the Horde in money and blood. In 1380, for the first time since the invasion of Batu Khan, Russia gathered forces and gave battle to the Tatar Horde on the Kulikovo field, in which Dmitry Donskoy defeated Temnik Mamai, but this defeat did not happen to all Tatars - Mongols, this is, so to speak, a won battle in lost war. Although even the traditional version of Russian history says that there was practically no Tatar-Mongol in Mamai's army, only local nomads and mercenaries from the Don were Genoese. By the way, the participation of the Genoese suggests the participation of the Vatican in this matter. Today, in the well-known version of the history of Russia, they began to fit in, as it were, fresh data, but intended to add credibility and reliability to the already existing version. In particular, there are extensive discussions about the number of nomadic Tatar-Mongols, the specifics of their martial art and weapons.

Let's evaluate the versions that exist at the moment:

I propose to start with a very interesting fact. Such a nationality as Mongolo-Tatars does not exist, and did not exist at all. Mongols and Tatars The only thing that is similar is that they wandered across the Central Asian steppe, which, as we know, is large enough to accommodate any nomadic people, and at the same time give them the opportunity not to intersect on the same territory at all.

The Mongol tribes lived in the southern tip of the Asian steppe and often hunted for raids on China and its provinces, which is often confirmed by the history of China. Whereas other nomadic Türkic tribes, called Bulgars (Volga Bulgaria) from the Pokonese centuries in Russia, settled in the lower reaches of the Volga River. In those days in Europe they were called Tatars, or Tat'Ariev (the most powerful of the nomadic tribes, unbending and invincible). And the Tatars, the closest neighbors of the Mongols, lived in the northeastern part of modern Mongolia, mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Buir-Nor and up to the borders of China. There were 70 thousand families of them, which made up 6 tribes: Tatars-tutukulyut, Tatars-alchi, Tatars-chagan, Tatars-Kuin, Tatars-terat, Tatars-barkuy. The second parts of the names, apparently, are the self-names of these tribes. There is not a single word among them that would sound close to the Turkic language - they are more consonant with Mongolian names.

Two kindred peoples - Tatars and Mongols - for a long time waged a war with varying success for mutual extermination, while Genghis Khan did not seize power in all of Mongolia. The fate of the Tatars was a foregone conclusion. Since the Tatars were the murderers of Genghis Khan's father, they exterminated many tribes and clans close to him, constantly supported the tribes opposing him, “then Genghis Khan (Tei-mu-Chin) ordered to carry out a general beating of the Tatars and not to leave one alive to the limit determined by the law (Yasak); to kill women and small children, and cut the wombs of pregnant women, to completely destroy them. … ”.

That is why such a nation could not threaten the freedom of Russia. Moreover, many historians and cartographers of that time, especially Eastern European ones, “sinned” to name all indestructible (from the point of view of Europeans) and invincible peoples, Tat'Ariev or simply in Latin TatArie.
This can be easily traced from ancient maps, for example, Map of Russia 1594 in the Atlas of Gerhard Mercator, or Maps of Russia and TarTaria Ortelius.

One of the fundamental axioms of Russian historiography is the assertion that for almost 250 years the so-called "Monglo-Tatar yoke" existed on the lands inhabited by the ancestors of the modern East Slavic peoples - Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. Allegedly, in the 30s - 40s of the XIII century, the ancient Russian principalities were subjected to the Mongol-Tatar invasion under the leadership of the legendary Khan Batu.

The fact is that there are numerous historical facts that contradict the historical version of the "Mongol-Tatar yoke".

First of all, even the canonical version does not directly confirm the fact of the conquest of the northeastern Old Russian principalities by the Mongol-Tatar invaders - allegedly these principalities were in vassal dependence on the Golden Horde (a state formation that occupied a large territory in the southeast of Eastern Europe and Western Siberia, founded Mongolian prince Batu). They say that the army of Khan Batu made several bloody predatory raids on these very northeastern ancient Russian principalities, as a result of which our distant ancestors decided to go "arm in arm" of Batu and his Golden Horde.

However, historical information is known that the personal guard of Khan Batu consisted exclusively of Russian soldiers. A very strange circumstance for the lackeys-vassals of the great Mongol conquerors, especially for the people they had just conquered.

There is indirect evidence of the existence of Batu's letter to the legendary Russian prince Alexander Nevsky, in which the almighty khan of the Golden Horde asks the Russian prince to take his son into the upbringing and make him a real warrior and commander.

Some sources also claim that Tatar mothers in the Golden Horde frightened their disobedient children with the name of Alexander Nevsky.

Due to all these inconsistencies, the author of these lines in his book “2013. Memories of the Future "(" Olma-Press ") puts forward a completely different version of the events of the first half and middle of the XIII century on the territory of the European part of the future Russian Empire.

According to this version, when the Mongols, at the head of the nomadic tribes (later called the Tatars), came to the northeastern Russian principalities, they really entered into rather bloody military clashes with them. But only Batu Khan did not succeed in a crushing victory; most likely, the case ended in a kind of "combat draw". And then Batu offered the Russian princes an equal military alliance. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why his guards consisted of Russian knights, and with the name of Alexander Nevsky, Tatar mothers frightened their children.

All these terrible stories about the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" were composed much later, when the Moscow tsars had to create myths about their exclusivity and superiority over the conquered peoples (the same Tatars, for example).

Even in the modern school curriculum, this historical moment is briefly described as follows: “At the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan gathered a large army of nomadic peoples, and subjecting them to strict discipline, he decided to conquer the whole world. Having defeated China, he sent his army to Russia. In the winter of 1237, the Mongol-Tatars army invaded the territory of Russia, and after defeating the Russian army on the Kalka River, set off further, through Poland and the Czech Republic. As a result, having reached the shores of the Adriatic Sea, the army suddenly stops, and without completing its task turns back. From this period the So-called " Mongol-Tatar yoke"Over Russia.

But wait, they were going to conquer the whole world ... so why not move on? Historians replied that they were afraid of an attack from the back, defeated and plundered, but still strong Russia. But this is just ridiculous. Plundered state, will run to defend foreign cities and villages? Rather, they will rebuild their borders, and wait for the return of the enemy troops, in order to repulse fully armed.
But the oddities don't end there. For some unimaginable reason, during the reign of the House of Romanov, dozens of chronicles describing the events of the "times of the Horde" disappear. For example, “The Lay of the Death of the Russian Land”, historians, believe that this is a document from which everything was carefully removed, which would testify to the Yoke. They left only fragments telling about some kind of "misfortune" that befell Russia. But there is not a word about the "Mongol invasion".

There are many more oddities. In the story "About Evil Tatars" Khan from Golden Horde orders to execute the Russian Christian prince ... for refusing to worship the "pagan god of the Slavs!" And some of the annals contain amazing phrases, such as: “ Well, with God! " - said the khan and, crossing himself, galloped to the enemy.
So, what really happened?

At that time, the "new faith" was already flourishing in Europe, namely Faith in Christ... Catholicism was widespread everywhere, and ruled everything, from the way of life and order, to the state system and legislation. At that time, crusades against gentiles were still relevant, but along with military methods, "tactical tricks" were often used, akin to bribery of powerful persons and persuading them to their faith. And after gaining power through the purchased person, the conversion of all his "subordinates". It was precisely such a secret crusade that was then carried out to Russia. Through bribery and other promises, the ministers of the church were able to seize power over Kiev and surrounding areas. Just relatively recently, by the standards of history, the baptism of Russia took place, but history is silent about the civil war that arose on this basis immediately after the forced baptism. And the ancient Slavic chronicle describes this moment as follows:

« And Vorogi came from the Overseas, and they brought faith in alien gods. With fire and sword, they began to implant an alien faith to us, Sprinkle gold and silver on the Russian princes, bribe their will, and lead astray. They promised them an idle life, full of riches and happiness, and forgiveness of any sins, for their dashing deeds.

And then Ros broke up, into different States. The Russian clan retreated to the north to the Great Asgard, And they named their state after the names of the gods of their patrons, Tarkh Dazhdbog the Great and Tara, his Sister Light-wise. (They called it Great Tartaria). Leaving foreigners with princes bought in the principality of Kiev and its environs. Volga Bulgaria, too, did not bow before the enemies, and did not begin to accept their faith as hers.
But the principality of Kiev did not live in peace with TarTaria. They began to conquer the Russians with fire and sword of the earth and impose their alien faith. And then the army of war rose to the fierce battle. In order to keep their faith and win back their lands. Both old and young then went to Ratniki in order to restore order to the Russian Lands. "

So the war began, in which the Russian army, lands Great Aria (father of the Arias) defeated the enemy, and drove him from the lands of the primordial Slavic. It drove the alien army, with their fierce faith, from their stately lands.

By the way, the word Horde is translated by drop caps old Slavic alphabet, means Order. That is, the Golden Horde is not a separate state, it is a system. The "political" system of the Golden Order. Under which Princes reigned on the ground, planted with the approval of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Army, or in one word they called him KHAN (our defender).
So there was not more than two hundred years of oppression, but there was a time of peace and prosperity Great Aria or TarTaria... By the way, modern history also confirms this, but for some reason no one pays attention to it. But we will definitely reverse, and very intent:

The Mongol-Tatar yoke is a system of political and tributary dependence of the Russian principalities on the Mongol-Tatar khans (until the early 60s of the 13th century, the Mongol khans, after the khans of the Golden Horde) in the 13th-15th centuries. The establishment of the yoke became possible as a result of the Mongol invasion of Russia in 1237-1241 and took place for two decades after it, including in non-ruined lands. In North-Eastern Russia it lasted until 1480. (Wikipedia)

Battle of the Neva (July 15, 1240) - a battle on the Neva River between the Novgorod militia under the command of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich and the Swedish army. After the victory of the Novgorodians, Alexander Yaroslavich received the honorary nickname "Nevsky" for his skilful management of the campaign and bravery in battle. (Wikipedia)

It doesn't seem strange to you that the battle with the Swedes takes place right in the middle of the invasion " Mongolo-Tatar"To Russia? Blazing in fires and plundered " Mongols"Russia, is attacked by the Swedish army, which is safely drowning in the waters of the Neva, and at the same time the Swedish crusaders never encounter the Mongols. And the victors are strong Swedish army Do Rusichi lose to the Mongols? In my opinion, it's just Brad. Two huge armies at the same time are fighting on the same territory and never intersect. But if we turn to the ancient Slavic chronicle, then everything becomes clear.

Since 1237 Rat Great Tartary began to recapture their ancestral lands back, and when the war came to an end, the representatives of the church who were losing the lay asked for help, and the Swedish crusaders were sent into battle. Since it was not possible to take the country by bribery, then they will take it by force. Just in 1240, the army Horde (that is, the army of Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, one of the princes of the ancient Slavic family) faced in the battle with the army of the Crusaders, which had come to the rescue of its henchmen. Having won the battle on the Neva, Alexander received the title of Nevsky prince and remained to reign Novgorod, and the Horde's army went on to expel the foe from the Russian lands completely. So she persecuted "the church and the alien faith" until she reached the Adriatic Sea, thereby restoring her original ancient borders. And having reached them, the army turned around and again left not north. By setting 300 years of peace.

Again, this is confirmed by the so-called end of yoke « Battle of Kulikovo"Before which 2 knights participated in the match Peresvet and Chelubey... Two Russian knights, Andrey Peresvet (transcending the light) and Chelubey (beating with his forehead, Telling, narrating, asking) Information about which was cruelly cut out from the pages of history. It was Chelubey's loss that foreshadowed the victory of the army of Kievan Rus, rebuilt with the money of the same "Churchmen" who nevertheless penetrated from under the counter into Russia, albeit more than 150 years later. This is only later, when all of Russia plunges into the abyss of chaos, all sources confirming the events of the past will be burned. And after the Romanov family came to power, many documents will acquire the form we know.

By the way, it is not the first time that the Slavic army defends its lands, and expels the infidels from their territories. Another extremely interesting and confusing moment in History tells us about this.
Army of Alexander the Great, consisting of many professional warriors, was defeated by a small army of some nomads in the mountains north of India (Alexander's last campaign). And for some reason no one is surprised by the fact that a large trained army, which passed half the world and redrawn the world map, was so easily broken by the army of simple and uneducated nomads.
But everything becomes clear if you look at the maps of that time and just even think about who the nomads who came from the north (from India) could have been.This is exactly our territory, which originally belonged to the Slavs, and where to this day, the remains of civilization are found EtRusskov.

The Macedonian army was supplanted by the army Slavyan-Arievwho defended their territories. It was at that time that the Slavs "for the first time" went to the Adriatic Sea, and left a huge mark on the territories of Europe. Thus, we are not the first to conquer "half of the globe."

So how did it happen that even now we do not know our history? Everything is very simple. Trembling with fear and horror, the Europeans never ceased to be afraid of the Rusichi, even when their plans were crowned with success and they enslaved the Slavic peoples, they were still afraid that one day Russia would rise and shine again with its former strength.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded by Peter the Great. For 120 years of its existence, there were 33 academic historians at the historical department of the Academy. Of these, only three were Russian (including MV Lomonosov), the rest were Germans. It so happens that the history of Ancient Russia was written by the Germans, and many of them did not know not only ways of life and traditions, they did not even know the Russian language. This fact is well known to many historians, but they do not make any effort to carefully study the history that the Germans wrote and get to the bottom of the truth.
Lomonosov wrote a work on the history of Russia, and in this field he often had disputes with his German colleagues. After his death, the archives disappeared without a trace, but somehow his works on the history of Russia were published, but under the editorship of Miller. At the same time, it was Miller who oppressed Lomonosov in every possible way during his lifetime. Computer analysis confirmed that Lomonosov's works on the history of Russia published by Miller were falsifications. Little is left of Lomonosov's works.

This concept can be found on the website of Omsk State University:

We will formulate our concept, hypothesis immediately, without
preliminary preparation of the reader.

Let's pay attention to the following strange and very interesting
facts. However, their strangeness is based only on the generally accepted
chronology and instilled in us from childhood version of the ancient Russian
stories. It turns out that changing the chronology removes many oddities and

One of the highlights in the history of ancient Russia is this
called the Tatar-Mongol conquest by the Horde. Traditionally
it is believed that the Horde came from the East (China? Mongolia?),
captured many countries, conquered Russia, swept to the West and
even reached Egypt.

But if Russia was conquered in the XIII century with any
there was a side - or from the east, as modern
historians, or from the west, as Morozov believed, should have
remain information about clashes between the conquerors and
Cossacks who lived both on the western borders of Russia and in the lower reaches
Don and Volga. That is, exactly where they should have passed

Of course, in school courses in Russian history, we are
convince that the Cossack troops appeared only in the XVII century,
allegedly due to the fact that the slaves fled from the power of the landlords to
Don. However, it is known - although it is usually not mentioned in textbooks,
- that, for example, the Don Cossack state existed STILL
XVI century, had its own laws and history.

Moreover, it turns out that the beginning of the history of the Cossacks belongs
to the XII-XIII centuries. See, for example, the work of Sukhorukov<> in the DON magazine, 1989.

Thus,<>, - wherever it comes from, -
moving along the natural path of colonization and conquest,
would inevitably have to come into conflict with the Cossack
This is not noted.

What's the matter?

A natural hypothesis arises:
The Cossacks were part of the horde. This hypothesis was
not formulated by us. It is very convincingly justified,
for example, A. A. Gordeev in his<>.


One of our main hypotheses is that the Cossack
troops were not only part of the Horde - they were regular
troops of the Russian state. Thus, the Horde - IT WAS

According to our hypothesis, the modern terms VOISKO and WARRIOR,
- Church Slavonic in origin, - were not old Russian
terms. They came into constant use in Russia only with
XVII century. And the old Russian terminology was as follows: Horde,
Cossack, Khan.

Then the terminology changed. By the way, back in the 19th century in
Russian folk proverbs words<> and<> were
are interchangeable. This can be seen from the numerous examples given
in Dahl's dictionary. For example:<> etc.

There is still the famous city of Semikarakorum on the Don, and on
Kuban - the village of Khanskaya. Recall that Karakorum is considered
THE CAPITAL OF CHINGIZ KHAN. Moreover, as is well known, in those
places where archaeologists are still persistently looking for the Karakorum, no
For some reason there is no Karakorum.

Desperate, they hypothesized that<>... This monastery, which existed in the 19th century, was surrounded by
an earthen rampart only about one English mile long. Historians
believe that the famous capital Karakorum was entirely located on
the territory subsequently occupied by this monastery.

According to our hypothesis, the Horde is not a foreign entity,
captured Russia from the outside, but there is simply Eastern Russian regular
army, which was an integral part of the Old Russian
Our hypothesis is as follows.





UNRECognizability to distort the entire RUSSIAN HISTORY. SO PREVIOUS

Notorious<>familiar to us from Romanovsky
telling the story was just STATE TAX inside
Rus for the maintenance of the Cossack army - Horde. Famous<>, - every tenth person taken to the Horde is just
state MILITARY SET. Like a call to the army, but only
from childhood - and for life.

Further, the so-called<>in our opinion
were just punitive expeditions to those Russian regions
who, for some reason, refused to pay tribute \u003d
state filing. Then the regular troops were punished
civil rioters.

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and anyone can easily find them on the Internet. Omitting scientific research and substantiation, which have already been described quite widely, let us summarize the main facts that refute the big lie about the "Tatar-Mongol yoke".

1. Genghis Khan

Previously, in Russia, 2 people were responsible for managing the state: Prince and Khan... The prince was responsible for managing the state in peacetime. The khan or "military prince" took over the reins of control during the war, in peacetime he was responsible for the formation of the horde (army) and keeping it on alert.

Chinggis Khan is not a name, but the title of "military prince", which, in the modern world, is close to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Army. And there were several people who bore such a title. The most outstanding of them was Timur, it is about him that is usually talked about when they talk about Chinggis Khan.

In the surviving historical documents, this man is described as a tall warrior with blue eyes, very white skin, powerful reddish hair and a thick beard. Which clearly does not correspond to the signs of a representative of the Mongoloid race, but fully fits the description of the Slavic appearance (LN Gumilyov - "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe".).

In modern "Mongolia" there is not a single folk epic that would say that this country once conquered almost all of Eurasia in ancient times, just as there is nothing about the great conqueror Chinggis Khan ... (N.V. Levashov "Visible and invisible genocide ").

2. Mongolia

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks came to the nomads living in the Gobi Desert and told them that they were the descendants of the great Mongols, and their "compatriot" had created the Great Empire at one time, which they were very surprised and delighted with ... The word "Mogul" is of Greek origin and means "Great". This word the Greeks called our ancestors - the Slavs. It has nothing to do with the name of any people (NV Levashov "Visible and invisible genocide").

3. The composition of the army of "Tatar-Mongols"

70-80% of the army of "Tatar-Mongols" were Russians, the remaining 20-30% fell on other small peoples of Russia, in fact, as now. This fact is clearly confirmed by a fragment of the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh "Battle of Kulikovo". It clearly shows that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

4. What did the "Tatar-Mongols" look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Henry II the Pious, who was killed in the Legnica field. The inscription is as follows: "The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, who was killed in the battle with the Tatars at Lygnitz on April 9, 1241" As we can see, this "Tatar" has a completely Russian appearance, clothes and weapons. The next image shows “the khan's palace in the capital of the Mongol empire, Khanbalik” (it is believed that Khanbalik is supposedly Beijing). What is "Mongolian" and what is "Chinese"? Again, as in the case of the tomb of Henry II, before us are people of a clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, rifle caps, the same thick beards, the same characteristic saber blades called "Elman". The roof on the left is almost an exact copy of the roofs of old Russian towers ... (A. Bushkov, “Russia That Was Not”).

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic research, it turned out that Tatars and Russians have very similar genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russians and Tatars and the genetics of the Mongols are colossal: “The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost entirely European) and the Mongolian (almost entirely Central Asian) are really great - these are like two different worlds ...” (

6. Documents during the Tatar-Mongol yoke

During the period of the existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, not a single document in the Tatar or Mongolian language has survived. But on the other hand, there are many documents of this time in Russian.

7. Lack of objective evidence to support the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

At the moment, there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongol yoke. But then there are many forgeries designed to convince us of the existence of an invention called the "Tatar-Mongol yoke". Here is one such fake. This text is called "The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land" and in each publication is declared "an excerpt from a poetic work that has not come down to us in its entirety ... About the Tatar-Mongol invasion":

“Oh, the bright light and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are glorified for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, wonderful animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars and by many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, o Christian Orthodox Faith!..»

There is not even a hint of the "Tatar-Mongol yoke" in this text. But on the other hand, this "ancient" document contains the following line: "You are filled with everything, Russian land, about the Christian Orthodox faith!"

More opinions:

The plenipotentiary representative of Tatarstan in Moscow (1999 - 2010), Doctor of Political Sciences Nazif Mirikhanov spoke in the same spirit: “The term“ yoke ”appeared in general only in the 18th century,” he is sure. "Before that, the Slavs did not even suspect that they were living under oppression, under the yoke of certain conquerors."

“In fact, the Russian Empire, and then the Soviet Union, and now the Russian Federation are the heirs of the Golden Horde, that is, the Turkic empire created by Chinggis Khan, whom we need to rehabilitate, as has already been done in China,” continued Mirikhanov. And he concluded his reasoning with the following thesis: “The Tatars in their time frightened Europe so much that the rulers of Russia, who chose the European path of development, in every possible way dissociated themselves from the Horde predecessors. Today is the time to restore historical justice. "

Izmailov summed up the result:

“The historical period, which is usually called the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, was not a period of terror, ruin and slavery. Yes, Russian princes paid tribute to the rulers from Sarai and received labels from them for reigning, but this is the usual feudal rent. At the same time, the Church flourished in those centuries, and beautiful white-stone churches were built everywhere. Which was quite natural: scattered principalities could not afford such construction, but only a de facto confederation united under the rule of the Khan of the Golden Horde or Ulus Jochi, as it would be more correct to call our common state with the Tatars. "

Historian Lev Gumilyov, from the book "From Russia to Russia", 2008:
“Thus, for the tax that Alexander Nevsky undertook to pay to Sarai, Russia received a reliable strong army, which defended not only Novgorod and Pskov. Moreover, the Russian principalities, which accepted an alliance with the Horde, fully retained their ideological independence and political independence. This alone shows that Russia was not
a province of the Mongol ulus, but a country allied to the great khan, which paid some tax on the upkeep of the army, which it needed itself. " Nevsky. Nevskaya battle (part 1), Well, also check out and whether The original article is on the site InfoGlaz.rf The link to the article this copy was made from is

Since ancient times, numerous nomads, famous for their bravery and belligerence, roamed the endless expanses. They did not have a single command, they did not have a commander, under whose leadership they could become united and invincible. But at the beginning of the 13th century it appeared. He managed to unite most of the nomadic tribes under his command. Genghis Khan was not a well-known nomad, but ideas of world domination reigned in his soul. In order to realize them, he needed a well-trained army, ready to go even to the ends of the Earth. Therefore, he set about training his army. With all his might, Genghis Khan went to Central Asia, China and Transcaucasia. Not encountering serious resistance on his way, he enslaved them. Now in the thoughts of the ardent Mongol-Tatar commander there is the idea of \u200b\u200beliminating Russia, which has long been famous for its wealth and beauty, from the list of its enemies.

Mongol-Tatars in Russia

Taking a short respite from the previous battles and replenishing provisions, the Tatar horde headed for the Russian lands. The organization of the offensive was carefully thought out, provided for all the pros and cons that could arise in the course of its implementation. In 1223, the first armed clash of nomadic tribes with Russian warriors and Polovtsian soldiers took place. The battle took place on the Kalka River. Several military detachments under the command of the khan's commanders Jebe and Subeda fought for three days with a small army of Russian-Polovtsian soldiers. The Polovtsians were the first to take the blow, for which they immediately paid with their own lives. An equally strong blow fell on the main Russian forces. The outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion. The Tatars defeated the Russians.
Important! In this battle, more than nine Russian princes fell, among whom were Mstislav Stary, Mstislav Udatny, Mstislav Svyatoslavich.

Fig. 2. The only portrait of Genghis Khan

The death of Genghis Khan and the accession of Batu

During his next trip to the countries of Central Asia, Genghis Khan died. After the death of the leader, strife began between the sons, which caused a lack of autocracy. The grandson of Genghis Khan, Khan Batu, managed to reunite the power of the army. In 1237, he decides to go to North-Eastern Russia again. In the fall of 1237, the khan's military leader sent ambassadors to the Ryazan prince Yuri demanding tribute. Responding with a proud refusal, Yuri began to prepare for battle, hoping for help from the Vladimir prince, but he could not provide it. Meanwhile, having entered the battle with the vanguard of the Ryazan people, the Tatars defeated it, and already on December 16, 1237, the city was besieged. After a nine-day siege, the Mongols set in motion battering machines and broke into the city, where they staged a massacre. The heroic resistance of the Russian people did not stop there.Evpatiy Kolovrat appeared. He assembled a detachment of about 1,700 people from partisans and survivors.Operating behind enemy lines, he inflicted serious damage on the attackers. The Tatars, not understanding what was happening, thought that the Russians had risen from the dead. Having surrounded a handful of Russian knights, the Mongols killed them. Evpatiy Kolovrat himself fell. Many believe that this is fiction, but in fact they are facts, as the chronicle says.

Meeting of Mongol-Tatars and warriors on the Vladimir-Suzdal land - chronology of events

As soon as the nomads with the leader Batu entered the Vladimir-Suzdal land, Yuri II sent military regiments under the command of his son Vsevolod to meet them. Meeting near Kolomna, Batu defeated them.

Moscow and Vladimir

The next point on the way was Moscow. At that time, it was the capital city and was surrounded by high oak walls. The Tatars destroyed everything, Moscow was destroyed, and the way to Vladimir was opened. On February 3, 1238, the grand-ducal capital was besieged.Yuri Vsevolodovich decides to leave Vladimir and goes to the Sit River, where he begins to gather a new army. On February 7, the Basurmans enter the city. Members of the princely family and bishops, trying to hide in the church, fell victim to the fire.

Suzdal, Rostov and Veliky Novgorod

While some enemies besieged Vladimir, others ruined Suzdal. Having swept away Pereyaslavl and Rostov along the way, the invaders divided. One part went to the Sit River, where the battle later took place. Prince Yuri II was killed and his army defeated. The second part went to Novgorod and Torzhok. Meanwhile, the Novgorodians were preparing for a long defense.
Important! Approaching Veliky Novgorod, the Mongol-Tatar authorities make an unexpected decision to turn south, so as not to get bogged down in the spring thaw. It happened too unexpectedly. Only 100 miles saved the city from ruin.


Now the Chernigov lands have come under attack. Having met the city of Kozelsk on their way, the conquerors stayed near it for almost two months. After this time, the city was captured and nicknamed "evil".


The Polovtsian lands were next in line for the defeat. Having made devastating raids, the next year Batu returns to the northeast again, andin 1240 Kiev was captured... With this, the suffering of Russia temporarily stopped. Weakened by continuous fighting, Batu's troops fled to Volyn, Poland, Galicia, and Hungary. The main burden of ruin and cruelty fell on the Russian lot, but other countries received positions in life. The entire culture of Ancient Rus, all knowledge and discoveries have gone into oblivion for many years.

What caused the quick victory of the conquerors?

The victory of the Mongol-Tatars was not at all in the fact that they were good warriors and possessed excellent weapons, which had no equal. The point was that each of the princes of Kievan Rus wanted to curry favor and be a hero. And so it turned out, everyone became heroes, only posthumously. The main thing was to unite forces into one whole, and with this power to inflict a decisive blow on the Golden Horde (as the troops of the great khan were called). This did not happen, total control was established. Princes were appointed only in the Horde, the Baskaks controlled their actions. They still paid tribute. For the solution of global issues it was necessary to go to the khan. Such a life could not be called free.

Fig. 4. "Dmitry Donskoy at the Kulikovo field". O. Kiprensky. 1805 year

Dmitry Donskoy

But in 1359 Dmitry Ivanovich was born, who would later receive the nickname Donskoy. His father, Ivan Krasny, ruled his principality wisely. He did not climb on the rampage, he obediently did everything, regularly paid tribute to the Horde. But he soon died, and power passed to his son. However, before that, power belonged to his grandfather, Ivan Kalita, who received from the khan the right to collect tribute from all over Russia. Since childhood, Dmitry Donskoy could not watch how his father was running errands for the Horde Khan and fulfilling all his requirements, making numerous population censuses. The new prince revealed open disobedience to Batu, and, realizing what followed, began to gather an army. The Horde Khan, seeing that Dmitry Ivanovich was proud, decided to punish him, again plunging him into dependence. Hastily gathering a huge army, he set out on a campaign. At the same time, the Moscow prince managed to unite under his command the squads of almost all Russian princes.History says that there has never been such a force in Russia. The battle was to take place on the Kulikovo field. Before the battle, the Grand Duke turned to Sergius of Radonezh at the monastery. He blessed him and gave him to help two monks: Peresvet and Oslyabya.

Fig. 5. "Morning on the sandpiper field." A.P. Bubnov. 1943-1947 years

Battle of the Kulikovo field

Early in the morning September 8, 1380 two armies were lined up on either side of the vast field. Before the start of the battle, two warriors fought. Russian - Peresvet and khanskiy - Chelubey. Having dispersed on their horses, they pierced each other with spears and fell dead on the damp ground. This was the signal for the beginning of the battle. Dmitry Ivanovich, despite his age, was a fairly experienced strategist. He placed part of the army in the forest in such a way that the Horde could not see it, but so that if something happened they could change the course of the battle. Their task was to strictly follow the order. Not earlier, not later. This card was a trump card. And so it happened. In a fierce battle, the Tatars began to crush the Russian regiments one after another, but they held on firmly. Not expecting such a maneuver, the new Khan Mamai realized that he could not win, and rushed away from the battlefield. The fact of the appearance of fresh forces changed everything. Left without a leader, the Mongol-Tatars were at a loss and after Mamai rushed to run. Russian troops caught up with them and killed them. In this battle, the horde lost almost the entire army, while the Russians lost about 20 thousand people. The end of the battle marked that the main thing in the fight against the enemy is the cohesion of actions. “When we are one, we are strong” - said the prince after the battle.It is believed that it was Dmitry Donskoy who liberated the Russian lands from numerous enemy raids. The clashes between the Russian people and the Mongol conquerors will continue for another century, but now they will no longer bear the same consequences as before.

The overthrow of the Horde yoke

Soon Ivan Vasilyevich the Third took over the throne of Moscow. He, like Dmitry Ivanovich, completely refused to pay tribute and began to prepare for the last battle. In the fall of 1480 two troops stood on both banks of the Ugra River. Nobody dared to cross the river. There were attempts by the Mongols to swim across it, but to no avail. Only occasionally firing from guns towards the enemy, the confrontation ended. It is the standing on the Ugra River that is considered to be the point of liberation when Russia regained its independence and became independent. The rule of the Golden Horde, which lasted 2 centuries, was overthrown to the end, so this date became sacred for the Russian people. The lost skills and abilities gradually began to return, cities were revived and fields were sown. Life began to gain momentum. No matter how much grief befell the Russian people, they will always be able to regain their former happiness, they will go against the institutions, contrary to the system, but they will achieve their goal. We recommend watching an interesting video about the Tatar-Mongol yoke:

3 The emergence and development of the Old Russian state (IX - early XII century). The emergence of the Old Russian state is traditionally associated with the unification of the Priilmenye and Dnieper regions as a result of the campaign against Kiev by the Novgorod prince Oleg in 882. After killing Askold and Dir, who reigned in Kiev, Oleg began to rule on behalf of the young son of Prince Rurik, Igor. The formation of the state was the result of long and complex processes that took place in the vast expanses of the East European Plain in the second half of the 1st millennium AD. By the VII century. Eastern Slavic tribal unions settled on its expanses, the names and locations of which are known to historians from the ancient Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" by the Monk Nestor (XI century). These are glades (along the western bank of the Dnieper), Drevlyans (to the north-west of them), Ilmen Slovenes (along the shores of Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov River), Krivichi (in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, Volga and Western Dvina), Vyatichi (along the banks of the Oka), the northerners (along the Desna) and others. The northern neighbors of the eastern Slavs were the Finns, the western neighbors were the Balts, the southeastern neighbors were the Khazars. Trade routes were of great importance in their early history, one of which connected Scandinavia and Byzantium (the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" from the Gulf of Finland along the Neva, Ladoga Lake, Volkhov, Lake Ilmen to the Dnieper and the Black Sea), and the other connected the Volga regions with the Caspian Sea and Persia. Nestor cites the famous story about the vocation of the Varangian (Scandinavian) princes Rurik, Sineus and Truvor by the Ilmen Slovenes: "Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it: go to reign and rule over us." Rurik accepted the offer and in 862 he reigned in Novgorod (that is why the monument "Millennium of Russia" was erected in Novgorod in 1862). Many historians of the XVIII-XIX centuries. were inclined to understand these events as evidence that statehood was brought to Russia from outside and the Eastern Slavs could not create their own state on their own (Norman theory). Modern researchers recognize this theory as untenable. They pay attention to the following: - Nestor's story proves that the Eastern Slavs by the middle of the IX century. there were bodies that were the prototype of state institutions (a prince, a squad, a meeting of representatives of tribes - the future veche); - the Varangian origin of Rurik, as well as Oleg, Igor, Olga, Askold, Dir is indisputable, but the invitation of a foreigner as a ruler is an important indicator of the maturity of the prerequisites for the formation of a state. The tribal union is aware of its common interests and is trying to resolve the contradictions between individual tribes by the vocation of a prince standing above local differences. The Varangian princes, surrounded by a strong and efficient squad, led and completed the processes leading to the formation of the state; - large tribal super-unions, which included several unions of tribes, were formed among the Eastern Slavs already in the VIII-IX centuries. - around Novgorod and around Kiev; - external factors played an important role in the formation of the Ancient Tomsk state: threats emanating from the outside (Scandinavia, Khazar Kaganate) pushed to rally; - the Vikings, giving Russia a ruling dynasty, quickly assimilated, merged with the local Slavic population; - as for the name "Rus", its origin continues to cause controversy. Some historians associate it with Scandinavia, others find its roots in the East Slavic environment (from the Ros tribe, who lived along the Dnieper). Other opinions are expressed on this score. At the end of IX - beginning of XI century. The ancient Russian state was going through a period of formation. The formation of its territory and composition proceeded actively. Oleg (882-912) subjugated Kiev tribes of Drevlyans, Northerners and Radimichs, Igor (912-945) successfully fought with the streets, Svyatoslav (964-972) - with the Vyatichi. During the reign of Prince Vladimir (980-1015), the Volhynians and Croats were subordinated, the power over the Radimichs and Vyatichs was confirmed. In addition to the East Slavic tribes, the Finno-Ugric peoples (Chud, Merya, Muroma, etc.) were part of the Old Russian state. The degree of independence of the tribes from the Kiev princes was quite high. For a long time, only the payment of tribute was an indicator of the subordination of the Kiev authorities. Until 945, it was carried out in the form of a polyudya: the prince and his squad from November to April traveled around the subject territories and collected tribute. The murder in 945 by the Drevlyans of Prince Igor, who tried to collect a tribute that exceeded the traditional level for the second time, forced his wife, Princess Olga, to introduce lessons (the amount of the tribute) and establish graveyards (places where the tribute was to be delivered). This was the first example known to historians of how the princely power approves new norms that are binding on ancient Russian society. Important functions of the Old Russian state, which it began to perform from the moment of its inception, were also the protection of the territory from military raids (in the 9th - early 11th centuries, these were mainly the raids of the Khazars and Pechenegs) and the pursuit of an active foreign policy (campaigns against Byzantium in 907, 911, 944, 970, Russian-Byzantine treaties 911 and 944, defeat of the Khazar Kaganate in 964-965, etc.). The period of the formation of the Old Russian state ended with the reign of Prince Vladimir I the Saint, or Vladimir the Red Sun. Under him, Christianity was adopted from Byzantium (see ticket number 3), a system of defensive fortresses was created on the southern borders of Rus, and the so-called ladder system of transfer of power was finally formed. The order of inheritance was determined by the principle of seniority in the princely family. Vladimir, having occupied the Kiev throne, put his eldest sons in the largest Russian cities. The most important after the Kiev - Novgorod - reign was transferred to his eldest son. In the event of the death of the eldest son, his place was to be taken by the next in seniority, all the other princes moved to more important thrones. During the life of the Kiev prince, this system worked flawlessly. After his death, as a rule, a more or less long period of the struggle of his sons for the Kiev reign began. The heyday of the Old Russian state falls on the reign of Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054) and his sons. It includes the most ancient part of the Russian Truth - the first surviving monument of written law (the "Russian Law", information about which dates back to the reign of Oleg, has not survived either in the original or in the copies). Russkaya Pravda regulated relations in the princely economy - the patrimony. Its analysis allows historians to talk about the existing system of government: the Kiev prince, like the local princes, is surrounded by a squad, the top of which is called boyars and with which he confers on the most important issues (duma, permanent council under the prince). From the vigilantes, mayor are appointed to manage cities, voivods, tributaries (collectors of land taxes), mytniks (collectors of trade duties), tiuns (managers of princely estates), etc. Russkaya Pravda contains valuable information about ancient Russian society. It was based on the free rural and urban population (people). There were slaves (servants, serfs), farmers dependent on the prince (purchase, ryadovichi, smerds - historians do not have a single opinion about the situation of the latter). Yaroslav the Wise led an energetic dynastic policy, tying his sons and daughters by marriage with the ruling clans of Hungary, Poland, France, Germany, etc. Yaroslav died in 1054, before 1074. his sons managed to coordinate their actions. At the end of the XI - the beginning of the XII century. the power of the Kiev princes weakened, individual principalities acquired more and more independence, the rulers of which tried to negotiate with each other about interaction in the fight against the new - Polovtsian - threat. The tendencies towards fragmentation of a single state intensified as its individual regions grew rich and strengthened (for more details, see. ticket number 2). The last Kiev prince who managed to stop the collapse of the Old Russian state was Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125). After the death of the prince and the death of his son Mstislav the Great (1125-1132), the fragmentation of Russia became a fait accompli.

4 Mongol-Tatar yoke in brief

The Mongol-Tatar yoke is the period of the capture of Rus by the Mongol-Tatars in the 13-15 centuries. The Mongol-Tatar yoke lasted for 243 years.

The truth about the Mongol-Tatar yoke

The Russian princes at that time were in a state of enmity, therefore they could not give a worthy rebuff to the invaders. Despite the fact that the Cumans came to the rescue, the Tatar-Mongol army quickly seized the advantage.

The first direct clash between the troops took place on the Kalka river, May 31, 1223 and was quickly lost. Even then it became clear that our army would not be able to defeat the Tatar-Mongols, but the enemy's onslaught was held back for quite a long time.

In the winter of 1237, a deliberate invasion of the main troops of the Tatar-Mongols into the territory of Russia began. This time the enemy's army was commanded by the grandson of Genghis Khan - Batu. The nomadic army managed to move deep into the country quickly enough, plundering the principalities in turn and killing all who tried to resist on their way.

The main dates of the capture of Russia by the Tatar-Mongols

    1223 year. The Tatar-Mongols approached the border of Russia;

    Winter 1237. The beginning of a targeted invasion of Russia;

    1237 year. Ryazan and Kolomna are captured. The Ryazan principality fell;

    Autumn 1239. Chernigov is captured. The Chernigov principality fell;

    1240 year. Kiev is captured. The principality of Kiev fell;

    1241. Galicia-Volyn principality fell;

    1480. The overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

The reasons for the fall of Russia under the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatars

    the lack of a unified organization in the ranks of Russian soldiers;

    numerical superiority of the enemy;

    the weakness of the command of the Russian army;

    poorly organized mutual assistance on the part of scattered princes;

    underestimation of the forces and numbers of the enemy.

Features of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia

In Russia, the establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke began with new laws and orders.

Vladimir became the actual center of political life, it was from there that the Tatar-Mongol khan exercised his control.

The essence of the management of the Tatar-Mongol yoke was that the Khan handed over a label to reign at his own discretion and completely controlled all the territories of the country. This intensified the enmity between the princes.

Feudal fragmentation of territories was encouraged in every possible way, as this reduced the likelihood of a centralized revolt.

The population was regularly charged tribute, the "Horde exit". The collection of money was carried out by special officials - the Baskaks, who showed extreme cruelty and did not shy away from abductions and murders.

Consequences of the Mongol-Tatar conquest

The consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia were terrible.

    Many cities and villages were destroyed, people were killed;

    Agriculture, handicrafts and arts fell into decay;

    Feudal fragmentation increased significantly;

    The population has dropped significantly;

    Russia began to lag noticeably behind Europe in development.

End of the Mongol-Tatar yoke

Complete liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke occurred only in 1480, when the Grand Duke Ivan III refused to pay money to the horde and declared the independence of Russia.

Golden Horde is one of the saddest pages in russian history... Some time after the victory in battle of Kalka , the Mongols began to prepare a new invasion of the Russian lands, having studied the tactics and characteristics of the future enemy.

Golden Horde.

The Golden Horde (Ulus Dzhuni) was formed in 1224 as a result of the division Mongol Empire Genghis Khan between his sons to the west and east. The Golden Horde became the western part of the empire from 1224 to 1266. Under the new Khan, Mengu-Timur became virtually independent (although not formally) from the Mongol Empire.

Like many states of that era, in the 15th century it experienced feudal fragmentation and as a result (and there were a lot of enemies offended by the Mongols) by the 16th century it finally ceased to exist.

In the XIV century, Islam became the state religion of the Mongol Empire. It is noteworthy that in the controlled territories the Horde khans (including in Russia) did not particularly impose their religion. The concept of "Golden" was fixed in the Horde only in the 16th century because of the golden tents of its khans.

Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Tatar-Mongol yoke, just like mongol-Tatar yoke, - is not entirely true from the point of view of history. Genghis Khan considered the Tatars to be his main enemies, and destroyed most of them (almost all) of the tribes, while the rest submitted to the Mongol Empire. The number of Tatars in the Mongol troops was scanty, but due to the fact that the empire occupied all the former lands of the Tatars, the troops of Genghis Khan began to be called tatar-Mongol or mongol-Tatar conquerors. In reality, it was about mongol yoke.

So, the Mongol, or Horde, yoke is a system of political dependence of Ancient Rus on the Mongol empire, and a little later on the Golden Horde as a separate state. The complete elimination of the Mongol yoke took place only by the beginning of the 15th century, although the actual one was somewhat earlier.

Mongol invasion began after Genghis Khan's death Batu Khan (or khan Batu) in 1237. The main troops of the Mongols pulled together to the territories near present-day Voronezh, which had previously been under the control of the Volga Bulgars, until they were almost destroyed by the Mongols.

In 1237, the Golden Horde captured Ryazan and destroyed the entire Ryazan principality, including small villages and towns.

In January-March 1238, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky suffered the same fate. The last were taken Tver and Torzhok. There was a threat of taking the Novgorod principality, but after the capture of Torzhok on March 5, 1238, before reaching less than 100 km to Novgorod, the Mongols turned around and returned to the steppe.

Until the end of 38, the Mongols only made periodic raids, and in 1239 they moved to South Russia and on October 18, 1239 took Chernigov. Destroyed were Putivl (the scene of the "Lament of Yaroslavna"), Glukhov, Rylsk and other cities on the territory of the present Sumy, Kharkov and Belgorod regions.

This year Ogedei (the next ruler of the Mongol Empire after Genghis Khan) sent additional troops to Batu from Transcaucasia and in the fall of 1240 Batu Khan laid siege to Kiev, having previously plundered all the surrounding lands. Kiev, Volyn and Galician principalities at that time ruled Danila Galitsky, the son of Roman Mstislavovich, who at that moment was in Hungary, unsuccessfully trying to conclude an alliance with the king of Hungary. Perhaps later, the Hungarians regretted their refusal to Prince Danil, when the Batu Horde captured all of Poland and Hungary. Kiev was taken by the beginning of December 1240 after several weeks of siege. The Mongols began to control most of Russia, including even those areas (at the economic and political level) that they did not capture.

Kiev, Vladimir, Suzdal, Tver, Chernigov, Ryazan, Pereyaslavl and many other cities were completely or partially destroyed.

There was an economic and cultural decline in Russia - this explains the almost complete absence of chronicles of contemporaries, and as a result - a lack of information for modern historians.

For a while, the Mongols were distracted from Russia due to raids and invasions of Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian and other European lands.

In the late autumn of 1480, the Great Standing on the Ugra ended. It is believed that after this, the Mongol-Tatar yoke did not exist in Russia.


The conflict between the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III and the Khan of the Great Horde, Akhmat, arose, according to one version, due to non-payment of tribute. But a number of historians believe that Akhmat received a tribute, but went to Moscow because he did not wait for the personal presence of Ivan III, who was supposed to receive a label for the great reign. Thus, the prince did not recognize the authority and power of the khan.

Akhmat should have been especially offended by the fact that when he sent ambassadors to Moscow to ask for tribute and quitrent taxes for the past years, the Grand Duke again did not show due respect. The Kazan History even says: “The Grand Duke was not afraid ... taking the Basma, spat, broke, threw it to the ground and trampled under his feet.” Of course, such behavior of the Grand Duke is difficult to imagine, but the refusal to recognize Akhmat's power followed.

Khan's pride is confirmed in another episode. In the "Ugorshchina" Akhmat, who was not in the best strategic position, demanded that Ivan III himself come to the Horde headquarters and stand at the ruler's stirrup, waiting for a decision.


But Ivan Vasilyevich was concerned about his own family. The people disliked his wife. Panicked, the prince first of all rescues his wife: “Grand Duchess Sophia (a Roman woman, as the chroniclers put it), John sent with the treasury to Beloozero, giving instructions to go further to the sea and ocean if the khan crossed the Oka,” wrote the historian Sergei Soloviev. However, the people were not happy about her return from Beloozero: “The Grand Duchess Sophia ran from the Tatars to Beloozero, and no one drove.”

The brothers, Andrei Galitsky and Boris Volotsky, revolted, demanding to divide the inheritance of their deceased brother - Prince Yuri. Only when this conflict was settled, not without the help of his mother, Ivan III could continue to fight the Horde. In general, the "female participation" in standing on the Ugra is great. According to Tatishchev, it was Sophia who persuaded Ivan III to make a historic decision. The victory in the Standing is also attributed to the intercession of the Mother of God.

By the way, the amount of the required tribute was relatively low - 140,000 altyn. Khan Tokhtamysh a century before that collected from the Vladimir principality about almost 20 times more.

They did not save even when planning defense. Ivan Vasilyevich gave a decree to burn the posadi. The inhabitants were moved inside the fortress walls.

There is a version that the prince simply bought off the khan after the Standing: he paid one part of the money on the Ugra, the second after the retreat. Behind the Oka, Andrei Menshoy, brother of Ivan III, did not attack the Tatars, but gave a "way out."


The Grand Duke refused to take action. Subsequently, his descendants approved of his defensive position. But some contemporaries had a different opinion.

At the news of Akhmat's approach, he panicked. The people, according to the chronicle, accused the prince of putting everyone in danger with his indecision. Fearing attempts on his life, Ivan left for Krasnoe Seltso. His heir, Ivan Molodoy, was at that time with the army, ignoring the requests and letters of his father, demanding to leave the army.

The Grand Duke nevertheless left in the direction of the Ugra in early October, but did not reach the main forces. In the city of Kremenets, he waited for the brothers who had reconciled with him. And at that time there were battles on the Ugra.


Akhmat Khan's main ally, the great Lithuanian prince and Polish king Casimir IV, never came to help. The question arises: why?

Some write that the king was concerned about the attack of the Crimean khan Mepgli-Girey. Others point to internal strife in the land of Lithuania - the "conspiracy of princes." The "Russian elements", dissatisfied with the king, sought support from Moscow and wanted reunification with the Russian principalities. There is also an opinion that the king himself did not want conflicts with Russia. He was not afraid of the Crimean Khan: the ambassador had been holding talks in Lithuania since mid-October.

And the freezing Khan Akhmat, after waiting for frost, and not for reinforcements, wrote to Ivan III: “And now, if I have gone from the coast, because I have people without clothes, and horses without blankets. And the heart of winter is blown away for ninety days, and I will be on you again, but my water is muddy to drink ”.

Proud, but incautious Akhmat returned to the steppe with booty, ruining the lands of his former ally, and stayed for the winter at the mouth of the Donets. There the Siberian Khan Ivak, three months after the "Ugorshchina", personally killed the enemy in a dream. An ambassador was sent to Moscow to announce the death of the last ruler of the Great Horde. The historian Sergei Soloviev writes about it this way: “The last formidable khan of the Golden Horde for Moscow perished from one of the descendants of the Genghis Khanovs; he had sons, who were also destined to die from the Tatar arms. "

Probably, the descendants still remained: Anna Gorenko considered Akhmat to be her maternal ancestor and, becoming a poetess, took the pseudonym Akhmatova.


Historians argue about where Stoyanie was on the Ugra. The area under the Opakov settlement, the village of Gorodets, and the confluence of the Ugra with the Oka are also called. “To the mouth of the Ugra along its right,“ Lithuanian ”coast, there was a land road from Vyazma, along which Lithuanian aid was expected and which the Horde could use for maneuvers. Even in the middle of the 19th century. The Russian General Staff recommended this road for the movement of troops from Vyazma to Kaluga, ”writes the historian Vadim Kargalov.

The exact date of the arrival of Ahamat to the Ugra is also not known. Books and chronicles agree on one thing: it happened not earlier than the beginning of October. The Vladimir Chronicle, for example, is accurate up to one hour: "arriving at the Ugra in October on the 8th day, a week, at 1 o'clock." In the Vologda-Perm Chronicle it is written: “the tsar went away from Ugra on Thursday, the eve of Mikhailov's days” (November 7).
