Read poems on this page "Shchi" Russian poet Ivan Turgenevwritten in 1878 year.

A widow woman died her only, twenty-year-old son, the first worker in the village.
The lady, the landowner of that very village, having learned about the woman's grief, went to visit her on the very day of the funeral.
She found her at home.
Standing in the middle of the hut, in front of the table, she, without haste, with an even movement of her right hand (the left hung with a whip) scooped up empty cabbage soup from the bottom of the smoky pot and swallowed spoon after spoon.
The woman's face grew thin and dark; her eyes were red and swollen ... but she held herself earnestly and erect, as in a church.
"Lord!" Thought the lady. "She can eat at such a moment ... What, however, they all have coarse feelings!"
And here the lady remembered how, having lost her nine-month-old daughter a few years ago, out of grief she refused to hire a beautiful dacha near St. Petersburg - and lived the whole summer in the city!
And the woman continued to sip the cabbage soup.
The lady could not bear it at last.
- Tatyana! - she said. - Have mercy! I am surprised! Didn't you love your son? How have you not lost your appetite? How can you eat this cabbage soup!
“My Vasya is dead,” the woman said quietly, and painful tears ran down her sunken cheeks again. “So my end came too: they took my head off alive. And the cabbage soup does not disappear: they are salted.
The lady just shrugged her shoulders and went out. She got salt cheaply.

I.S. Turgenev. Favorites. Classic library "Contemporary". Moscow: Sovremennik, 1979.

Other poems by Ivan Turgenev


Did it happen to you - in a dark grove, In the spring grass, young, Find a simple and modest flower? (You were alone - in a foreign country.) ...


Luxurious, magnificently lit hall; many gentlemen and ladies. All faces are animated, speeches are brisk ... There is a noisy conversation about a famous singer. She is called divine, immortal ... Oh, how well she let her last trill yesterday! And suddenly - as if by the mania of a magic wand - with ...

»Laborer and white-handed

... Why are you bothering us? What do you want? You are not ours ... Go away! I am yours, brothers! No matter how it is! Our! What invented! Look at my hands. See how dirty they are? And they carry manure and tar, - and your hands are white ...

"What am I going to think? ..

What will I think when I have to die, if I will only be able to think then? Will I think that I misused life, slept through it, dozed off, failed to taste its gifts? ...

" Whose fault?

She held out her tender, pale hand to me ... and I pushed her away with stern rudeness. Perplexity was expressed on a young, sweet face; young kind eyes look at me reproachfully; a young, pure soul does not understand me. ...

Museum of A.S. On November 10, Pushkin will open the doors of its branch, the Museum of I.S. Turgenev on Ostozhenka, where a large-scale restoration is now being completed. But there are still a few weeks before the writer's anniversary, but for now, on the RG website and the GodLiterature.RF portal, you can watch the video book "Asya" - the famous story of an unfulfilled love that has been read by the whole world - from TV presenter Vladimir Pozner to a Brazilian football player playing for the Ufa team ...

Daring projects have already become a tradition of RG and the A.S. Pushkin. Last year, in just a few months, we recorded a four-hour video book "Reading Onegin". Reading "Asi" is two and a half hours of Turgenev's words, more than 150 participating readers, several hundred videos sent.

Sergei Chonishvili is a member of two RG video books: Reading Onegin and Asya. Photo: "RG"

Anyone could participate in the project "Reading Turgenev". On the portal GodLiterature.RF excerpts from "Asi" were posted for public reading. The book includes about 30 "folk" videos, selected by the journalists of "RG" from almost 220 applications. All of Russia responded to the request to read Asya. The most active participants in the project were Krasnodar Region, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg. The videos came from the farthest corners of the country. Libraries often became the organizers of the readings. On the seashore in Anapa, a video was recorded at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok". Oleg Zinchenko, a reader of the St. Petersburg State Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired, also sent his video. He, like Regina Parpieva from Nizhny Novgorod, read Turgenev in Braille. Students of the Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin - foreigners studying Russian were also happy to record a few pieces of "Asi". Turgenev was read not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, France, Kazakhstan, Japan, Belgium. The Association of Russian Language Teachers Russia - Aquitaine (Bordeaux, France) and the Russian Department of the University of Mons (Belgium) pleased with their video messages. The geography of the project is almost the whole world.

500 people from all over the world have read Asya. Of these, 150 participants were included in the video book. More than two hours - the duration of the entire video book

As the director of the State Museum A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Bogatyrev, the video book will become another exhibit in the renovated Turgenev House-Museum: "This is our future exhibit, bright, brilliant, from the point of view of the participants who read Turgenev's work, this is a real inflorescence. This project has turned out and will live for a very long time."

House where Mumu lived

The exposition of the new Moscow house-museum is 90% complete. The monument to Ivan Turgenev is also ready - wrapped in white and waiting to be opened. "The personality of Turgenev in the museum is revealed in the context of his worlds - the world of childhood, Moscow, grandmother, - says the director of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin Yevgeny Bogatyrev. - We will tell you about our compatriot, who opened the great Russian literature to Europe and the world. Each of you will find something of its own in this cozy warm house with gray columns. "

The video book "Asya" will become an exhibit in the renovated Turgenev House-Museum

In the new house-museum of the writer, which will open on Ostozhenka, they will also tell about Turgenev the hunter. Photo: RIA News

In the house located at Ostozhenka, 37, from 1840 to 1850. lived Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva, the mother of Ivan Sergeevich. Ivan Sergeevich often visited his mother on Ostozhenka and described everything that happened in the house in his story "Mumu". So the prototypes of the characters in Turgenev's work were real persons who lived in the house of the "mistress" - Varvara Petrovna. After the October Revolution, the house was given over to communal apartments, which is why its interior layout suffered greatly. The house was resettled only in 1976, but a sports organization moved in there, and only in 2009 the mansion was transferred to the A.S. State Museum. Pushkin. Scientific restoration has been carried out in the new house-museum, which means that the interior of the house has been recreated as much as possible, and originals - things that belonged to Turgenev and his family - occupy a worthy place in its collection. Many have been in private collections abroad for a long time. The city and patrons helped to buy these things. And it took several years to create the entire collection.

Direct speech

Alexander Kibovsky, Head of the Moscow Department of Culture:

One of the most interesting aspects of the "Reading Turgenev" project for me is that all kinds of people participate in it. What amazes me in Turgenev is the amazing richness of phrases: they seem to be just letters, but they add up to a stunningly rich text. What Ivan Sergeevich wrote about is for all times. As Yuri Lyubimov said: "Only costumes change, but the soul and feelings remain." This is about Turgenev too. And many more generations will look into Turgenev's volume to get answers to their questions.

Evdokia Germanova, actress of the Moscow Theater of Oleg Tabakov:

I am very pleased that I "got accustomed" to this project. Mozart was once asked: "How do you write music, after all, there are only seven notes?" He replied that it was his strategy to take two notes and watch how they love each other. And Turgenev has the same thing. His feelings flow into thoughts, thoughts - into words. Turgenev is a subtle psychologist. If there were no Turgenev girls, then we would definitely have to invent them.

Igor Zolotovitsky, rector of the Moscow Art Theater School:

Russian literature is our pride, it is both import substitution and export substitution. If there is any opportunity to promote our Russian literature, then I am happy to undertake it. And on a special shelf I have Turgenev. And I was happy to read Asya. It is difficult to overestimate educational projects like the "Reading Turgenev" project.

What is Turgenev's poem "SHI" If you can send the whole story and got the best answer

Answer from Denis Borisov [guru]
May 1878
A widow woman died her only, twenty-year-old son, the first worker in the village.
The lady, the landowner of that very village, having learned about the woman's grief, went to visit her on the very day of the funeral.
She found her at home.
Standing in the middle of the hut, in front of the table, she, without haste, with an even movement of her right hand (the left hung with a whip) scooped up empty cabbage soup from the bottom of the smoky pot and swallowed spoon after spoon.
The woman's face grew thin and dark; her eyes were red and swollen ... but she held herself earnestly and erect, as in a church.
“Lord! - thought the lady. - She can eat at such a moment ... What, however, they all have rough feelings! "
And here the lady remembered how, having lost her nine-month-old daughter a few years ago, out of grief she refused to hire a beautiful dacha near St. Petersburg - and lived the whole summer in the city!
And the woman continued to sip the cabbage soup.
The lady could not bear it at last.
- Tatyana! she said. - Have mercy! I am surprised! Didn't you love your son? How have you not lost your appetite? How can you eat this cabbage soup!
“My Vasya is dead,” the woman said quietly, and painful tears again ran down her sunken cheeks. - So, mine came to an end: the head was removed from me alive. And the cabbage soup does not disappear: they are salted.
The lady just shrugged her shoulders and went out. She got salt cheaply.

Answer from Natasha Ivanova[guru]
Do you have a brother Seryozha (younger) by chance?))

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is Turgenev's poem "SHI" If you can send the whole story

A widow woman died her only twenty-year-old son, the first worker in the village.

The lady, the landowner of that very village, having learned about the woman's grief, went to visit her on the very day of the funeral.

She found her at home.

Standing in the middle of the hut, in front of the table, she, slowly, with an even movement of her right hand (the left hung with a whip) scooped empty cabbage soup from the bottom of the smoky pot and swallowed spoon after spoon.

The woman's face grew thin and dark; her eyes were red and swollen ... but she held herself earnestly and erect, as in a church.

“Lord! - thought the lady, - She can eat at such a moment ... What, however, they all have rough feelings!

And here the lady remembered how, having lost her nine-month-old daughter a few years ago, out of grief she refused to hire a beautiful dacha near Petersburg and lived the whole summer in the city!

And the woman continued to sip the cabbage soup.

The lady could not bear it at last.

Tatyana! she said. - Have mercy! I am surprised! Didn't you love your son? How have you not lost your appetite? How can you eat this cabbage soup!

My Vasya is dead, ”the woman said quietly, and painful tears again ran down her sunken cheeks. - So, mine came to an end: the head was removed from me alive. And the cabbage soup does not disappear: they are salted.

The lady just shrugged her shoulders and went out. She got salt cheaply.

Analysis of the prose poem "Shchi" by Turgenev

The work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Shchi" is one of the textbook examples of the entire cycle.

The poem was written in May 1878. The aging I. Turgenev finally decided to publish his studies, as he called them. At first he hesitated whether to put his name under them? Do the reader need such miniatures, are they clear? The publisher of Vestnik Evropy convinced him to publish the cycle. By genre - a poem in prose, a dramatic story. The lyrical hero is the author himself. In this poem, he is somewhat hidden behind the story itself. This miniature has a connection with the "Hunter's Notes" in mood, technique and theme. Only a widow woman (Tatiana) and her twenty-year-old son (Vasya) have names. The guy was "the first worker in the village." The lady-landowner of the village where Tatyana lived, went to her on the day of the funeral to express her sympathy. The widow stood in the middle of the hut and ate cabbage soup from a pot. The writer emphasizes that it is not that she did not sit at the table, but did not sit down at all. It wasn't food that interested her. The woman's hands are described: the left one hung with a lash. The cabbage soup was "empty", that is, only vegetables, no meat. Baba “behaved like in church”: by this comparison, the author makes it clear that even the mother has no time to grieve, and there is no one to share her pain with. Only she had a light in the window - her son. The lady marvels at the rudeness of her feelings (internal monologue). Inversion: the lady remembered. Further, the author ironically paints a picture of the grief of the landowner who lost her almost one-year-old daughter. He specifically emphasizes age. The hero mockingly reports: she refused to rent a dacha. Summer in the city! In the course of events, the direct speech of the guest sounds. "How have you not lost your appetite?" "Vasya died": the vernacular word increases the confusion and depression of the peasant woman. Epithets: sore tears, sunken cheeks. Metaphor: the head was removed from the living. And the cabbage soup, it turns out, is "salted". At the end of the 1870s, there was still an excise tax on salt, which is why its cost was up to a ruble per pood. Is it a lot or a little? Looking for someone. She "got it cheaply" for the lady, but every penny counts among the peasants. It should be noted that the mother is not only worried about herself, she does not need anything without Vasya. Not such a future she wanted him, not such an old age - for herself. She tries to endure grief with dignity. Well, the writer has given himself the right to compare and evaluate. However, the lady can only be blamed for the fact that she “went out” without in any way encouraging the sufferer.

The poem in prose is a farewell collection of thoughts and conclusions of I. Turgenev. Its publication began during the writers' lifetime, and ended many years after his death.
