EXPLOSIVES (a. Explosives, blasting agents; n. Sprengstoffe; f. Explosifs; and. Explosivos) are chemical compounds or mixtures of substances capable, under certain conditions, of extremely fast (explosive) self-propagating chemical transformation with the release of heat and the formation of gaseous products.

Explosives can be substances or mixtures of any state of aggregation. The so-called condensed explosives, which are characterized by a high volumetric concentration of thermal energy. Unlike conventional fuels, which require a gaseous supply from outside for their combustion, such explosives release heat as a result of intramolecular decomposition processes or reactions of interaction between the components of the mixture, products of their decomposition or gasification. The specific nature of the release of thermal energy and its transformation into the kinetic energy of the explosion products and the energy of the shock wave determines the main field of application of explosives as a means of crushing and destroying solid media (mainly) and structures and moving the crushed mass (see).

Depending on the nature of the external influence, chemical transformations of explosives occur: when heated below the autoignition (flash) temperature - relatively slow thermal decomposition; during ignition - combustion with the movement of the reaction zone (flame) through the substance at a constant speed of the order of 0.1-10 cm / s; under shock-wave action - detonation of explosives.

Classification of explosives... There are several signs of the classification of explosives: according to the main forms of transformation, purpose and chemical composition. Depending on the nature of the transformation under operating conditions, explosives are subdivided into propellants (or) and. The former are used in the combustion mode, for example, in firearms and rocket engines, the latter - in the mode, for example, in ammunition and on. High explosives used in industry are called. Usually, only high explosives are classified as actual explosives. Chemically, the listed classes can be completed with the same compounds and substances, but processed in different ways or taken when mixed in different proportions.

By their susceptibility to external influences, blasting explosives are divided into primary and secondary. The primary ones include explosives that can explode in a small mass when ignited (a rapid transition from combustion to detonation). They are also significantly more sensitive to mechanical stress than secondary ones. The detonation of secondary explosives is most easily caused (initiated) by a shock-wave effect, and the pressure in the initiating shock wave should be on the order of several thousand or tens of thousands of MPa. In practice, this is done with the help of small masses of primary explosives placed in, in which detonation is excited by a beam of fire and is transmitted by contact to the secondary explosive. Therefore, primary explosives are also called. Other types of external influences (ignition, spark, impact, friction) lead to detonation of secondary explosives only in special and difficult-to-control conditions. For this reason, the wide and purposeful use of high explosives in detonation mode in civil and military explosive technology began only after the invention of the detonator cap as a means of initiating detonation in secondary explosives.

By chemical composition, explosives are subdivided into individual compounds and explosive mixtures. In the former, chemical transformations during an explosion occur in the form of a monomolecular decomposition reaction. End products are stable gaseous compounds such as oxide and dioxide, water vapor.

In explosive mixtures, the transformation process consists of two stages: the decomposition or gasification of the mixture components and the interaction of the decomposition products (gasification) with each other or with particles of non-decomposable substances (for example, metals). The most common secondary individual explosives are nitrogen-containing aromatic, aliphatic heterocyclic organic compounds, including nitro compounds (,), nitroamines (,), nitroesters (,). Among inorganic compounds, ammonium nitrate, for example, has weak explosive properties.

The variety of explosive mixtures can be reduced to two main types: consisting of oxidants and combustible, and a mixture in which the combination of components determines the operational or technological qualities of the mixture. Oxidizer-fuel mixtures are designed to release a significant portion of the thermal energy during an explosion as a result of secondary oxidation reactions. Both explosive and non-explosive compounds can be used as components of these mixtures. Oxidants, as a rule, release free oxygen during decomposition, which is necessary for the oxidation (with the release of heat) of combustible substances or products of their decomposition (gasification). In some mixtures (for example, metal powders contained as fuel), substances that emit not oxygen, but oxygen-containing compounds (water vapor, carbon dioxide) can also be used as oxidants. These gases react with metals to produce heat. An example of such a mixture is.

Various natural and synthetic organic substances are used as fuels, which, when exploded, emit incomplete oxidation products (carbon monoxide) or flammable gases (,) and solid substances (soot). The most common type of blasting explosive mixtures of the first type are explosives containing ammonium nitrate as an oxidizing agent. Depending on the type of fuel, they, in turn, are subdivided into, ammotols and ammonals. Less common are chlorate and perchlorate explosives, which include potassium chlorate and ammonium perchlorate as oxidants, oxyliquites - mixtures of liquid oxygen with a porous organic absorber, mixtures based on other liquid oxidants. Explosive mixtures of the second type include mixtures of individual explosives, such as dynamites; mixtures of TNT with RDX or PETN (pentolite), the most suitable for manufacturing.

In a mixture of both types, in addition to the specified components, depending on the purpose of the explosives, other substances can also be introduced to give the explosive any operational properties, for example, increasing the susceptibility to initiation means, or, conversely, reducing the sensitivity to external influences; hydrophobic additives - to make the explosive water resistant; plasticizers, flame-retardant salts - for imparting safety properties (see Safety explosives). The main operational characteristics of explosives (detonation and energy characteristics and physical and chemical properties of explosives) depend on the formulation of explosives and manufacturing technology.

The detonation characteristic of explosives includes detonation ability and detonation pulse susceptibility. The reliability and reliability of the explosion depend on them. For each explosive at a given density there is such a critical charge diameter at which detonation propagates steadily along the entire length of the charge. A measure of the susceptibility of explosives to a detonation pulse is the critical pressure of the initiating wave and the time of its action, i.e. value of the minimum initiating impulse. It is often expressed in terms of the mass of some initiating explosive or secondary explosive with known detonation parameters. Detonation is excited not only by contact detonation of the initiating charge. It can also be transmitted through inert media. This is of great importance for multi-cartridge assemblies with inert material bridges between them. Therefore, for cartridge explosives, the rate of transmission of detonation over a distance through various media (usually air) is checked.

Energy characteristics of explosives. The ability of explosives to produce mechanical work during an explosion is determined by the amount of energy released in the form of heat during explosive transformation. Numerically, this value is equal to the difference between the heat of formation of explosion products and the heat of formation (enthalpy) of the explosive itself. Therefore, the coefficient of conversion of thermal energy into work in metal-containing and safety explosives that form solid products (metal oxides, flame-suppressing salts) with a high heat capacity during explosion is lower than that of explosives that form only gaseous products. For the ability of explosives to local crushing or blasting action of an explosion, see Art. ...

Changes in the properties of explosives can occur as a result of physicochemical processes, the influence of temperature, humidity, under the influence of unstable impurities in the composition of explosives, etc. either should not change, or their change occurs within the established tolerance.

The main safety indicator in handling explosives is their sensitivity to mechanical and thermal effects. It is usually evaluated experimentally in laboratory conditions using special techniques. In connection with the massive introduction of mechanized methods for moving large masses of bulk explosives, they are required to have minimum electrification and low sensitivity to static electricity.

Historical reference... The first of the explosives was black (black) gunpowder invented in China (7th century). It has been known in Europe since the 13th century. From the 14th century. gunpowder was used as a propellant in firearms. In the 17th century. (for the first time in one of the mines in Slovakia) gunpowder was used in blasting operations in mining, as well as for equipping artillery grenades (explosive cores). The explosive transformation of black powder was initiated by ignition in the explosive combustion mode. In 1884, the French engineer P. Viel proposed smokeless powder. In the 18-19 centuries. a number of chemical compounds with explosive properties were synthesized, including picric acid, pyroxylin, nitroglycerin, TNT, etc., however, their use as blasting detonating explosives became possible only after the discovery by the Russian engineer D.I. Andrievsky (1865) and Swedish inventor A. Nobel (1867) explosive fuse (detonator cap). Prior to that, in Russia, at the suggestion of N.N.Zinin and V.F.Petrushevsky (1854), nitroglycerin was used in detonations instead of black powder in an explosive combustion mode. The very explosive mercury was obtained at the end of the 17th century. and again by the English chemist E. Howard in 1799, but the ability to detonate it was not then known. After the discovery of the phenomenon of detonation, high explosives were widely used in mining and military affairs. Among industrial explosives, initially under the patents of A. Nobel, gurdinamites were most widespread, then plastic dynamites, powdered nitroglycerin mixed explosives. Ammonium nitrate explosives were patented as early as 1867 by I. Norbin and I. Olsen (Sweden), but their practical use as industrial explosives and for filling ammunition began only during the First World War of 1914-18. Safer and more economical than dynamites, in the 30s of the 20th century, they began to be used on a large scale in industry.

After the Great Patriotic War 1941-45 ammonium nitrate explosives, initially predominantly in the form of fine ammonites, became the dominant industrial explosives in the CCCP. In other countries, the process of mass replacement of dynamites with ammonium nitrate explosives began somewhat later, from about the mid-50s. Since the 70s. the main types of industrial explosives are granular and water-containing ammonium nitrate explosives of the simplest composition that do not contain nitro compounds or other individual explosives, as well as mixtures containing nitro compounds. Finely dispersed ammonium nitrate explosives have retained their importance mainly for the manufacture of militant cartridges, as well as for some special types of blasting operations. Individual explosives, especially TNT, are widely used for the manufacture of detonator bombs, as well as for long-term loading of water-flooded wells, in pure form () and in highly water-resistant explosive mixtures, granular and suspension (water-containing). For deep use and.

Since gunpowder was invented, the world race for the most powerful explosive has not stopped. This is still relevant today, despite the emergence of nuclear weapons.

1 RDX is an explosive drug

Back in 1899, for the treatment of inflammation in the urinary tract, the German chemist Hans Genning patented the drug hexogen, an analogue of the well-known urotropin. But soon doctors lost interest in him due to side intoxication. Only thirty years later it turned out that RDX turned out to be a powerful explosive, moreover, more destructive than TNT. A kilogram of RDX explosives will produce the same destruction as 1.25 kilograms of TNT.

Pyrotechnic specialists mainly characterize explosives as high-explosive and high-explosive. In the first case, one speaks of the volume of gas released during the explosion. Like, the larger it is, the more powerful the explosiveness. Brisance, in turn, depends on the rate of formation of gases and shows how explosives can crush surrounding materials.

An explosion of 10 grams of RDX releases 480 cubic centimeters of gas, while TNT releases 285 cubic centimeters. In other words, RDX is 1.7 times more powerful than TNT in terms of explosiveness and 1.26 times more dynamic in terms of brisance.

However, the media most often uses a certain average indicator. For example, the atomic charge "Malysh", dropped on August 6, 1945, on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, is estimated at 13-18 kilotons in TNT equivalent. Meanwhile, this does not characterize the power of the explosion, but speaks of how much TNT is needed to release the same amount of heat as during the indicated nuclear bombardment.

In 1942, the American chemist Bachmann, while conducting experiments with hexogen, accidentally discovered a new substance, HMX, in the form of an impurity. He offered his find to the military, but they refused. Meanwhile, several years later, after it was possible to stabilize the properties of this chemical compound, the Pentagon nevertheless became interested in HMX. True, it was not widely used in its pure form for military purposes, most often in a molding mixture with TNT. This explosive is called "oktolom". It turned out to be 15% more powerful than RDX. As for its effectiveness, it is believed that one kilogram of HMX will produce the same amount of destruction as four kilograms of TNT.

However, in those years, the production of HMX was 10 times more expensive than the manufacture of RDX, which held back its release in the Soviet Union. Our generals calculated that it is better to produce six shells with RDX than one shell with octol. That is why the bombing of an ammunition depot in Vietnamese Cui Ngon in April 1969 cost the Americans so dearly. Then a Pentagon spokesman said that because of the sabotage of the partisans, the damage amounted to $ 123 million, or about $ 0.5 billion in current prices.

In the 80s of the last century, after Soviet chemists, including E.Yu. Orlov, developed an effective and inexpensive technology for the synthesis of HMX, and we began to produce it in large volumes.

3 Astrolite - good, but smells bad

In the early 60s of the last century, the American company EXCOA presented a new explosive based on hydrazine, claiming that it was 20 times more powerful than TNT. The Pentagon generals who arrived for testing were knocked down by the eerie smell of an abandoned public toilet. However, they were ready to tolerate it. However, a series of tests with aerial bombs fueled with A 1-5 astrolite showed that the explosives were only twice as powerful as TNT.

After Pentagon officials rejected this bomb, engineers from EXCOA proposed a new version of this explosive already under the ASTRA-PAK brand, and for digging trenches using a directed explosion. In a commercial, a soldier poured a thin trickle over the ground and then detonated liquid from a hiding place. And the human-sized trench was ready. On its own initiative, EXCOA produced 1000 sets of such explosives and sent them to the Vietnamese front.

In reality, it all ended sadly and anecdotally. The resulting trenches exuded such a disgusting smell that American soldiers tried to leave them at any cost, regardless of orders and danger to life. Those who stayed fainted. The unused kits were sent back to the EXCOA office at their own expense.

4 Explosives that kill their own

Along with RDX and HMX, the hard-to-pronounce tetranitropentaerythritol, which is more often called ten, is considered a classic of explosives. However, due to its high sensitivity, it has not received widespread use. The fact is that for military purposes it is not so much explosives that are more destructive than others that are important, but those that do not explode from any touch, that is, with low sensitivity.

The Americans are especially picky about this issue. It was they who developed the NATO standard STANAG 4439 for the sensitivity of explosives that can be used for military purposes. True, this happened after a series of serious incidents, including: the explosion of a warehouse at the American Bien Ho Air Force base in Vietnam, which cost the lives of 33 technicians; the crash aboard the aircraft carrier Forrestal, which damaged 60 aircraft; detonation in the storage of aircraft missiles on board the aircraft carrier "Oriskani" (1966), also with numerous casualties.

5 Chinese destroyer

In the 80s of the last century, the substance tricyclic urea was synthesized. It is believed that the first to receive these explosives were the Chinese. Tests have shown the enormous destructive power of "urea" - one kilogram of it replaced twenty-two kilograms of TNT.

Experts agree with these conclusions, since the "Chinese destroyer" has the highest density of all known explosives, and at the same time has the highest oxygen coefficient. That is, during the explosion, one hundred percent of the material is burned. By the way, for TNT it is 0.74.

In reality, tricyclic urea is not suitable for military operations, primarily due to its poor hydrolytic stability. The very next day, with standard storage, it turns into mucus. However, the Chinese managed to get another "urea" - dinitromourea, which, although worse in explosiveness than the "destroyer", but also belongs to one of the most powerful explosives. Today it is produced by the Americans at their three pilot plants.

6 Pyromaniac Dream - CL-20

Explosives CL-20 today are positioned as one of the most powerful. In particular, the media, including Russian ones, claim that one kg of CL-20 causes destruction, which requires 20 kg of TNT.

Interestingly, the Pentagon allocated money for the development of the СL-20 only after the American press reported that such explosives had already been made in the USSR. In particular, one of the reports on this topic was titled as follows: "Perhaps this substance was developed by Russians at the Zelinsky Institute."

In reality, the Americans considered another explosive first obtained in the USSR as a promising explosive, namely diaminoazoxyfurazan. Along with its high power, significantly superior to HMX, it has a low sensitivity. The only thing that hinders its widespread use is the lack of industrial technologies.

Each new generation is trying to surpass the previous generations in what is called filling for hellish cars and other, in other words - in search of a powerful explosive. It would seem that the era of explosives in the form of gunpowder is gradually disappearing into, but the search for new explosives does not stop. The less the mass of the explosive and the greater its destructive power, the better it appears to military specialists. Robotics dictate to intensify the search for such an explosive, as well as the use of small rockets and bombs of large destructive power on UAVs.

Naturally, a substance ideal from a military point of view is unlikely to ever be discovered at all, but recent developments suggest that something close to such a concept can still be obtained. Proximity to perfection here means stable storage, high damaging power, small volume and easy transportation. It should not be forgotten that the price of such an explosive must also be acceptable, otherwise the creation of weapons based on it may simply devastate the military budget of a country.

For a long time, developments have been going around the use of chemical formulas of substances such as trinitrotoluene, pentrite, hexogen and a number of others. However, "explosive" science can rarely offer the full extent of novelties.
That is why the appearance of such a substance as hexanthyrohexaazaisowurtzitane (the name - you break your tongue) can be considered a real breakthrough in its field. In order not to break the tongue, scientists decided to give this substance a more digestible name - CL-20.
This substance was first obtained about 26 years ago - in the distant 1986 in the US state of California. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the energy density in this substance is still maximum in comparison with other substances. The high energy density of CL-20 and low competition in its production lead to the fact that the cost of such explosives today is simply astronomical. One kilogram of CL-20 costs about $ 1,300. Naturally, this price does not allow the use of an explosive agent on an industrial scale. However, experts believe that the price of this explosive may drop significantly soon, as there are options for the alternative synthesis of hexanthyrohexaazaisowurtzitane.

If we compare hexanthyrohexaazaisowurtzitane with the currently most effective explosive used for military purposes (HMX), the cost of the latter is about $ 100 per kg. However, it is hexanthyrohexaazaisowurtzitane that is more effective. The detonation velocity of the CL-20 is 9660 m / s, which is 560 m / s more than that of HMX. The density of CL-20 is also higher than that of the same HMX, which means that hexanthyrohexaazaisowurtzitane should be all right with the prospects too.

UAVs are considered one of the possible areas of application of the CL-20 today. However, there is a problem here because the CL-20 is very sensitive to mechanical stress. Even the usual shaking, which may well occur with a UAV in the air, is capable of detonating a substance. To avoid an explosion of the drone itself, experts suggested using the CL-20 in integration with a plastic component that will reduce the level of mechanical stress. But as soon as such experiments were carried out, it turned out that hexanthyrohexaazaisowurtzitane (formula C6H6N12O12) greatly loses its "lethal" properties.

It turns out that the prospects for this substance are huge, but for two and a half decades no one has managed to reasonably dispose of it. But experiments continue today. American Adam Matzger is working to improve the CL-20, trying to change the shape of this matter.

Matzger decided to use crystallization from a common solution to obtain molecular crystals of a substance. As a result, they came up with an option when 2 molecules of CL-20 have 1 molecule of HMX. The detonation velocity of this mixture is between the velocities of the two specified substances separately, but the new substance is much more stable than CL-20 itself and more effective than HMX.

What is the most effective explosive in the world? ..


The complexity and diversity of chemistry and technology of explosives, political and military contradictions in the world, the desire to classify any information in this area have led to unstable and varied formulations of terms.

Industrial application

Explosives are widely used in industry for the production of various blasting operations. The annual consumption of explosives in countries with developed industrial production, even in peacetime, amounts to hundreds of thousands of tons. In wartime, the consumption of explosives increases sharply. So, during the 1st World War in the belligerent countries, it amounted to about 5 million tons, and in the 2nd World War it exceeded 10 million tons. The annual use of explosives in the United States in the 1990s was about 2 million tons.

  • throwing
    Propelling explosives (gunpowder and rocket fuel) serve as sources of energy for throwing bodies (shells, mines, bullets, etc.) or the movement of rockets. Their distinctive feature is the ability to explosively transform in the form of rapid combustion, but without detonation.
  • pyrotechnic
    Pyrotechnic compositions are used to obtain pyrotechnic effects (light, smoke, incendiary, sound, etc.). The main type of explosive transformations of pyrotechnic compositions is combustion.

Propelling explosives (gunpowder) are mainly used as propelling charges for various types of weapons and are intended to give a projectile (torpedo, bullet, etc.) a certain initial velocity. Their predominant type of chemical transformation is rapid combustion caused by a ray of fire from the ignition means. Gunpowder is divided into two groups:

a) smoky;

b) smokeless.

Representatives of the first group may be black powder, which is a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur and coal, for example, artillery and gunpowder, consisting of 75% potassium nitrate, 10% sulfur and 15% coal. The flash point of black powder is 290 - 310 ° C.

The second group includes pyroxylin, nitroglycerin, diglycol and other powders. The flash point of smokeless propellants is 180 - 210 ° C.

Pyrotechnic compositions (incendiary, lighting, signal and tracer) used to equip special ammunition are mechanical mixtures of oxidants and combustible substances. Under normal conditions of use, when they burn, they give a corresponding pyrotechnic effect (incendiary, lighting, etc.). Many of these compounds also have explosive properties and can detonate under certain conditions.

By the method of preparing charges

  • pressed
  • cast (explosive alloys)
  • patronized

By areas of application

  • military
  • industrial
  • for mining (mining, production of building materials, overburden)
    Industrial explosives for mining, according to the conditions of safe use, are divided into
  • non-safety
  • safety
  • for construction (dams, canals, pits, road cuts and embankments)
  • for seismic exploration
  • for the destruction of building structures
  • for material handling (explosion welding, explosion hardening, explosion cutting)
  • special purpose (for example, spacecraft undocking facilities)
  • antisocial use (terrorism, hooliganism), while low-quality substances and handicraft mixtures are often used.
  • experimental and experimental.

According to the degree of danger

There are various systems for classifying explosives according to the degree of hazard. The most famous are:

  • Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemical
  • Hazard classification in mining;

By itself, the energy of the explosive is small. An explosion of 1 kg of TNT releases 6-8 times less energy than the combustion of 1 kg of coal, but this energy is released during an explosion tens of millions of times faster than in conventional combustion processes. In addition, coal does not contain an oxidizing agent.

see also


  1. Soviet military encyclopedia. M., 1978.
  2. Pozdnyakov Z.G., Rossi B.D. Handbook of Industrial Explosives and Explosives. - M .: "Nedra", 1977. - 253 p.
  3. Fedoroff, Basil T. et al Enciclopedia of Explosives and Related Items, vol. 1-7. - Dover, New Jersey: Picatinny Arsenal, 1960-1975.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • New Wave (series)
  • Rucker, Rudy

See what "Explosives" is in other dictionaries:

    Explosives - (a. explosives, blasting agents; n. Sprengstoffe; f. explosifs; and. explosivos) chem. compounds or mixtures of substances, capable, under certain conditions, of an extremely fast (explosive) self-propagating chemical. transformation with the release of heat ... Geological encyclopedia

    EXPLOSIVES - (Explosive matter) substances that are capable of producing an explosion phenomenon due to their chemical transformation into gases or vapors. V.V. are divided into propelling powder, blasting, having a crushing effect and initiating for the ignition and detonation of others ... Marine Dictionary

    EXPLOSIVES - EXPLOSIVES, a substance that reacts quickly and sharply to certain conditions, with the release of heat, light, sound and shock waves. Chemical explosives are mostly compounds with a high content of ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Explosive substances have long become a part of human life. This article will tell you what they are, where they are applied and what are the rules for storing them.

A bit of history

From time immemorial, man has tried to create substances that, under a certain influence from the outside, caused an explosion. Naturally, this was not done for peaceful purposes. And one of the first widely known explosive substances was the legendary Greek fire, the recipe for which is still unknown. This was followed by the creation of gunpowder in China around the 7th century, which, on the contrary, was first used for entertainment purposes in pyrotechnics, and only then was adapted for military needs.

For several centuries, the opinion has been established that gunpowder is the only famous person explosive. Only at the end of the 18th century was the fulminate of silver discovered, which is well-known under the unusual name "explosive silver". Well, after this discovery picric acid, "explosive mercury", pyroxylin, nitroglycerin, TNT, hexogen and so on appeared.

Concept and classification

Expressed simple language, explosive substances are special substances or mixtures thereof that can explode under certain conditions. These conditions can include an increase in temperature or pressure, shock, shock, sounds of specific frequencies, as well as intense lighting or even light touch.

For example, acetylene is considered one of the most famous and widespread explosive substances. It is a colorless gas that is odorless and lighter than air. Acetylene used in production has a pungent odor that impurities give it. It is widely used in gas welding and metal cutting. Acetylene can explode at temperatures of 500 degrees Celsius or on prolonged contact with copper and silver on impact.

At the moment, a lot of explosive substances are known. They are classified according to many criteria: composition, physical condition, explosive properties, directions of application, degree of danger.

In the direction of application, explosives can be:

  • industrial (used in many industries, from mining to material processing);
  • experimental and experimental;
  • the military;
  • special purpose;
  • antisocial use (often this includes homemade mixtures and substances that are used for terrorist and hooligan purposes).

The degree of danger

Also, as an example, we can consider explosive substances according to their degree of danger. In the first place are hydrocarbon-based gases. These substances are prone to arbitrary detonation. These include chlorine, ammonia, freons, and so on. According to statistics, almost a third of accidents in which explosives are the main actors are associated with hydrocarbon-based gases.

This is followed by hydrogen, which under certain conditions (for example, a compound with air in a ratio of 2: 5) acquires the highest explosiveness. Well, the top three of the leaders in terms of the degree of danger are closed by a pair of liquids that are prone to ignition. First of all, these are vapors of fuel oil, diesel fuel and gasoline.

Explosives in military affairs

Explosives are widely used in military affairs. Explosions are of two types: combustion and detonation. Due to the fact that the gunpowder burns, when it explodes in a confined space, it does not destroy the sleeve, but the formation of gases and the bullet or projectile escaping from the barrel. TNT, RDX or ammonal detonate and create a blast wave, the pressure rises sharply. But in order for the detonation process to occur, an external influence is necessary, which can be:

  • mechanical (shock or friction);
  • thermal (flame);
  • chemical (reaction of an explosive with another substance);
  • detonation (there is an explosion of one explosive next to another).

Based on the last point, it becomes clear that two large classes of explosives can be distinguished: composite and individual. The former are mainly composed of two or more substances that are not chemically related. It happens that, individually, such components are not capable of detonation and can exhibit a similar property only when in contact with each other.

Also, in addition to the main components, the composition of the composite explosive may contain various impurities. Their purpose is also very broad: regulation of sensitivity or explosiveness, weakening of explosive characteristics or their enhancement. Since in recent years, global terrorism has been spreading more and more with the help of impurities, it has become possible to locate where the explosive was made and find it with the help of service dogs.

With individuals, everything is clear: sometimes they do not even need oxygen for a positive thermal yield.

High explosiveness and explosiveness

Usually, in order to understand the power and strength of an explosive, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bcharacteristics such as high explosiveness and explosiveness. The first means the ability to destroy surrounding objects. The higher the blasting rate (which, by the way, is measured in millimeters), the better the substance will be as a filling for an aerial bomb or projectile. High-blasting explosives will create a strong shock wave and give high velocity to the flying debris.

High explosiveness, on the other hand, refers to the ability to throw out surrounding materials. It is measured in cubic centimeters. Explosives with high explosiveness are often used when working with soil.

Safety when working with explosive substances

The list of injuries that a person can receive due to accidents associated with explosives is very, very extensive: thermal and chemical burns, contusion, nervous shock from impact, injuries from fragments of glass or metal utensils containing explosive substances, damage eardrum. Therefore, safety precautions when working with explosive substances have their own characteristics. For example, when working with them, you must have a protective screen made of thick organic glass or other durable material. Also, those who directly work with explosive substances should wear a protective mask or even a helmet, gloves and an apron made of durable material.

The storage of explosive substances also has its own characteristics. For example, their illegal storage has consequences in the form of liability, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Dust contamination of the stored explosives must be prevented. Containers with them must be tightly closed so that vapors do not enter the environment. An example would be toxic explosives, the vapors of which can cause both headaches and dizziness, and paralysis. Flammable explosive substances are stored in isolated warehouses with fireproof walls. Places where there are explosive chemical substancesmust be equipped with fire-fighting equipment.


So, explosives can be both a faithful helper to humans and an enemy if handled and stored improperly. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the safety rules as closely as possible, and also not to try to pretend to be a young pyrotechnic and tinker with any artisanal explosive substances.
