Man is a very complex creature. We do this, and not otherwise, not because of instincts. Our motives are not always clear. To predict a person's behavior, you need to know his character, temperament and, of course, his personality characteristics. What is it? There is more than one definition of personality in psychology. This question is complex, which means that there are enough opinions. in social psychology, this is what many outstanding psychologists have worked and are working with. This is the social side of a person, it is exactly what makes him a part of society.

The concept of personality in psychology

As already mentioned, scientists provide a variety of answers to questions related to personality. There is often a strong divergence of opinion. Note, however, that all theories used today are scientifically sound.

The concept of personality in psychology is largely based on the fact that a person is nothing more than a collection of various kinds of acquired, as well as purely social qualities. At the same time, great emphasis is placed on the fact that personal qualities do not include those that have a direct connection with physiology, and are not associated with living in society.

Sometimes the concept of personality in psychology contains an indication that psychological ones also do not refer to personal qualities. Speech about mental, associated with cognitive processes,

The concept of personality in psychology is based on stable qualities that are formed only in society. That is, in the process of interaction and communication with other people. make it individual, unique, original.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that a person is a person considered in the system of mental characteristics that are socially conditioned, and can only manifest themselves in social relations and connections. Such characteristics must necessarily be stable.

The concept of personality in psychology has a close connection with such concepts as "individuality", "individual", however, let's say right away that it is by no means possible to identify them - there are enough differences.

If we consider a person as a set of absolutely all available qualities (both social and natural), then this will be an individual. We can say that the individual is a separately taken human individual.

Individuality is a rather narrow concept. It means that combination of unique characteristics of a person that make him different from other people.

What does a person's personality consist of? Of course, it has its own structure. Most often, psychologists include character, emotions, volitional qualities, temperament, motivation, abilities. The latter are nothing more than stable individual individuals. Often it is they who determine our success when trying to realize ourselves in certain types of activity.

Temperament (mainly) determines the speed of our reaction to certain phenomena of the surrounding world. How we act in certain situations largely depends on character. It often underlies choice, decision-making, and so on. Volitional qualities determine how a person moves towards his goals, how he is tuned in to certain achievements. Motivation and emotions are associated with motivation for action, and social attitudes are how a person perceives life itself and other people.

Finally, we note that only people have personality. No other living organisms possess it. We also note that a child who grew up outside of society (Mowgli children) is not a person.

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In psychological science, there are several concepts to designate a person: subject, individual, personality.

First, psychology always considers a person as subject(participant, performer) of the historical and social process as a whole, subjectconcrete activity, which is a source of knowledge and transformation of objective reality. At the same time, the activity itself acts as a form of human activity, allowing him to improve the world around him and himself.

Secondly, psychology views a person as an individualusually meaning by this that he:

  • is a kind of representative of other living things, which differs from animals in the specificity of the phylo- and ontogenetic development of a special species;
  • is a separate representative of the human community, having inherent only features of the psyche and behavior.

Both meanings of the concept are interrelated and describe a person as a peculiar being. The most general characteristics of an individual are: the integrity and originality of his psychophysiological organization; the sustainability of all his efforts in the process of interaction with the environment.

In everyday life, when they talk about a person's individuality, they mean his originality. Usually by word

"individuality" define any dominant feature of a particular person, which makes him different from those around him. Each person is individual, but the individuality of some is manifested very clearly, while others are hardly noticeable.

Third, psychological science considers a person as a person.The personality stands out, first of all, its social essence. Outside of society, outside of the social and professional group, a person cannot become a person, his human appearance will not be formed: i.e. nature creates man, and forms his society.

The personality of a person as a member of society is in the sphere of influence of various relations that develop primarily in the process of production and consumption of material goods.

The personality is also in the sphere of political relations. The psychology of the personality depends on whether she is free or oppressed, has political rights or not, can really elect or be elected, discuss issues of public life or be the executor of the will of the ruling class.

The personality is in the sphere of action of ideological relations. Ideology as a system of ideas about society has a huge impact on the individual, in many respects forms the content of her psychology, worldview, individual and social attitudes.

At the same time, the psychology of a person is also influenced by the relations of people in the group into which she belongs. In the process of interaction and communication, people mutually influence each other, as a result of which a community is formed in views, social attitudes and other types of attitudes towards society, work, people, and their own qualities. At the same time, in a group, a person gains a certain authority, occupies a certain position, plays certain roles.

Personality is not only an object of social relations, but also their subject, i.e. active link. Entering into relationships with people, individuals create history, but they do it not arbitrarily, but out of necessity, under the influence of objective social laws. However, historical necessity does not exclude either the identity of the individual or his responsibility for his behavior before society.

In this way, personality- this is a specific person who is a representative of a certain state, society

and a group (social, ethnic, religious, political, gender and age, etc.), aware of his attitude towards the people around him and social reality, included in all relations of the latter and engaged in a peculiar kind of activity and endowed with specific individual and socio-psychological characteristics.

Personal development is due to various factors. They usually include: the originality of the physiology of higher nervous activity, anatomical and physiological characteristics, the environment and society, socially useful activity. The effectiveness of a correct understanding of all individual and social actions and deeds of a person depends on how much we know them and take into account the specifics of their manifestation.

The peculiarity of the physiology of higher nervous activitypersonality is the specificity of the functioning of its nervous system, expressed in a wide variety of characteristics: the originality of the work of the entire nervous system, the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, the manifestation of temperament, emotions and feelings, behavior and actions, etc.

Anatomical and physiological featurespersonality - these are its characteristics that depend on the anatomical and physiological structure of the human body, which has a serious impact both on his psyche and behavior, and on the exposure of the latter to the effects of circumstances and other people. For example, a person's low vision and hearing naturally affect his actions and deeds and should be taken into account in the process of communication and interaction.

Anatomical and physiological features are based on makings,which are innate anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body that facilitate the development of abilities. Such, for example, a deposit as a mobile nervous system, leading to the development of many abilities in any kind of activity associated with the need to adequately respond to changing situations, quickly readjust to new actions, change the pace and rhythm of work, and establish relationships with other people. Therefore, this can be specifically manifested in the course of joint activities with them and, of course, should be taken into account.

The most important factors in the formation of personality are the environment and society. Outside of society, outside of the social and professional group, a person cannot become a person, his human appearance will not be formed: i.e. nature creates man, and forms his society.

Usually allocate natural and geographical environment,which has a great impact on personality development. It is known, for example, that people who grew up in the Far North are more self-possessed, more organized, they know how to value time and have the right attitude to what they are taught.

The natural characteristics of the individual are inherent in him from birth, including activity and emotionality. The activity of a person is expressed in the desire for various kinds of activity, self-expression, strength and speed of mental processes, motor reactions, i.e. acts as a social characteristic of human activity and can vary from great energy, impetuosity in movements, work and speech to lethargy behavior, passivity of mental activity, speech and gestures. Emotionality manifests itself in varying degrees of an individual's nervous excitability, the dynamics of his emotions and feelings that characterize his attitude to the world around him.

Macroenvironment,those. society in the aggregate of all its manifestations also has a great influence on the formation of personality. For example, a person who grew up in a totalitarian society, as a rule, is developed and brought up differently than a representative of a democratic state.

Microenvironment,those. group, micro-group, family, etc., is also an important determinant of personality formation. It is in the microenvironment that the most important moral and moral-psychological characteristics of a person are laid, which, on the one hand, must be taken into account, and, on the other hand, must be improved or transformed in the process of training and education.

Public benefit activities,those. work, communication withother people, in the conditions of which a person develops, educationand self-educationalso form his most important personal qualities.

The factors of personality formation and the characteristics of the actions and deeds of the individual in society make it possible to compose it

psychological characteristics,those. describe the entirety of its content and show the specifics of the mutual influence of its individual and social qualities, manifested in the process of communication, interaction and relationships with other people.

In this case, one should bear in mind the originality of the origin and development of the psychological characteristics of the individual, which are formed in the process of socialization. This is necessary because, on the one hand, there is a direct connection between the specificity of the formation of certain human qualities and their functioning in the social environment. * , on the other hand, there is also a certain correlation dependence of the personality's own socio-psychological qualities on the specifics of the functioning of his individual psychological characteristics **.

The psychological characteristic of a person as a description of the entire complex of characteristic features inherent in it has its own hierarchical internal structure, the main focus of which is focused on the allocation of its mental properties and sides and, on this basis, on the understanding of all its features, which have both individual and social origin.

The concept of personality in psychology.

Personality is one of the central themes of modern psychology, the concept of "personality" and "personal" has its own history and is commonly understood in different ways.

Personal features do not include the characteristics of a person, which are genotypically or physiologically determined, do not depend in any way on life in society. The psychological qualities of a person that characterize his cognitive processes or individual style of activity, with the exception of those that are manifested in relations to people, in society, are not considered personal. "Personal" features are social features, rather deep ones, speaking more about the direction of a person's life and characterizing a person as the author of his life.

Personality traits (personality traits, personality traits) are traits and characteristics of a person that describe his internal (or, more precisely, deep) features. Personality traits are what you need to know about the features of his behavior, communication and response to certain situations, not specifically now, but during long-term contacts with a person.

The concept of personality has three different understandings: the broadest, average and narrowest understanding.

Personality in the broadest sense is what internally distinguishes one person from another, a list of all its psychological properties, this is individuality. Such a concept of "personality" includes the characteristics of a person, which are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a person, determining his actions that are significant for people. Usually this is the direction of his aspirations, the uniqueness of experience, the development of abilities, characteristics of character and temperament - everything that is traditionally included in the structure of the personality. This is the peculiarity of the psychophysiological structure of a person: his type of temperament, physical and mental characteristics, intelligence, peculiarities of worldview, life experience and inclinations.

The self-absorbed, eternally sleepy melancholic pessimist differs, as a person, from the cheerful and sociable sanguine optimist.

With this understanding, both man and any animal have personality, because each animal has its own characteristic features. Naturally, with this understanding, each person is a person, to the extent that he has a psyche and is able to govern himself. With this approach, it is not customary to say that someone is more "personality", and someone is less.

Personality in the intermediate, middle sense is ϶ᴛᴏ a social subject, a social individual, a set of social and personal roles.

The definition of personality as a set of social and personal roles belongs to J. Mead. According to A. Adler, personality begins with social feeling. It is always difficult to be in society, but the one who solves this problem successfully is the person. James has this "social self", I am for others. Social I - ϶ᴛᴏ the subject of interaction and communication with other people. The subject of interaction and communication with other people in typical situations, at the level of social habits. The social subject is "Я" for Freud, "Adult" according to Bern.

Personality in the narrowest sense is a cultural subject, self. This is a person who builds and controls his own life, a person as a responsible subject of will.

45. The relationship between the concepts of "personality", "subject", "individual".

In psychology, in addition to the term "personality", there are similar concepts "individual" and "subject", which should be distinguished from each other (Table 20.1).

Table 20.1. The ratio of the concepts "individual", "subject", "personality" and "individuality"

The process of transition (transformation) of one form of personality development into the next stage naturally occurs as a person grows up, but the timing of these transformations differs based on the accompanying social conditions.

Man is born as an individual. After the formation of consciousness, a person becomes a subject, actively transforming the world.
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In the process of being included in the system of social relations, a personality is formed. It should be noted here that the onset of the next stage does not destroy the previous one: a person who has become a subject in connection with the formation of consciousness and speech does not cease to be an individual, but can be considered both as an individual and as a subject. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, each subsequent stage includes all the previous ones (fig. 20.3).

Figure: 20.3.The ratio of the concepts individual - subject - personality - individuality

The concept of personality in psychology. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The concept of personality in psychology." 2017, 2018.

  • - The concept of personality in psychology

    Topic 2. Personality and its potential in the management system Study questions: 1. The concept of personality in psychology. 2. Typology of personality in work. The concept of "personality" is multifaceted. The personality is an object of study in many sciences: philosophy, sociology, ....

  • - The concept of personality in psychology and approaches to its study

    In the process of development, the theory of personality in Russian psychology went through a number of stages. At the heart of each stage was the absolutization of the dominant theory: 1917-1936. - personality is understood as a profile of psychological functions; 1936-1950 - personality is understood as the experience of life and ....

  • - Topic 15. The concept of personality in psychology. Personality structure. Personality orientation.

    A person developing in society, carrying out joint activities with other people and communicating with them, gradually becomes a person - the subject of knowledge and active transformation of the world, society and himself. In psychology, there are many ... [read more].

  • We say about one person: “This is a person!”, But we cannot say so about another. This means that in our consciousness there is an ordinary understanding of what it is. But in science there is a specific definition of the concept of personality. This is the subject of research in many sciences that study man and society - history, philosophy, ethics, pedagogy. There is also the concept of personality in psychology - the doctrine of the human psyche. And any science can interpret it as a category, that is, as a whole complex of individual traits that change depending on the culture and time in the context of which this problem is considered.

    What is personality?

    The concept of personality in psychology is interpreted as follows: it is a stable set of habits, preferences that have been developed throughout life, the social and cultural experience of the individual, the knowledge he has acquired. Even a person's daily behavior can characterize him as a separate person. The individual always occupies his position in society, fulfills the role assigned to him. In psychology, it is understood as the social function of a person (for example, the role of a mother as a person is raising a child, the role of an entrepreneur is managing a company and making decisions, and so on).

    General psychology of personality

    General psychology is a vast branch of knowledge that links a wide variety of areas. The subject of her study is the general and universal laws of mental life. How does she characterize the concept of personality? In general psychology, this term is usually understood as a person as the totality of all his social manifestations, and he is considered exclusively in the context of social relations. It is this science that interprets personality in the broadest sense, studying the problem in all its aspects. She also considers the thought processes of a person, his character, temperament, motivations, abilities and other factors.

    Personality definition in psychological science

    The concept of personality in psychology is not clearly defined and stable. But in many psychological dictionaries respected by the scientific community, one can find a definition of it as a whole system of qualities of an individual, which is formed in the course of communication and joint activities of people.

    The concept of personality in psychology is the subject of serious scientific debate. The fact is that different directions in this science interpret the concept differently and focus on various key aspects. On the one hand, personality is any person who develops in society and interacts with others. In this sense, some areas of psychology include in the definition such subjective concepts as independence and responsibility.

    On the other hand, along with social characteristics, the individual also has biological needs and needs that are inherent in any living being. It turns out that the definition of the concept of "personality in psychology" should combine both biological and social principles in a person.

    There is a whole area that works on these problems and studies the basic concepts of personality psychology. Thanks to research, we can already talk about the existence of hundreds of concepts and theories with which you can study a person.

    What is personality? Basic concepts

    It is also worth considering the basic concepts in personality psychology:

    Personality structure

    Personality has many components. Let's briefly consider only the main ones:

    Personality in social psychology

    Social psychology is one of the basic branches of psychological knowledge. She has her own approach to the study of this problem, and the concept of personality is also not ignored. Social psychology is interested in it when it is included in the system of social relations. This science examines the features of the interaction between the individual and society. It turns out that in order to reveal the concept of personality in social psychology, it is necessary to study the real social connections and relations into which it enters.

    Personality in Russian psychology (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev)

    Our scholars regard personality as a product of history. Its development is primarily determined by the place it occupies in society. At the same time, joint activity and communication between people in the process of this activity is of particular importance.

    Traditionally, the concept of personality in Russian psychology includes all kinds of human qualities that have arisen as a result of life in society. Thus, in social psychology, a person is not so much an individual in itself as, first of all, a representative of human society, inextricably linked with him.

    The problem of personality in foreign psychology (Z. Freud, E. Fromm, K. Rogers)

    The concept of personality in foreign psychology is interpreted a little differently - it is no longer a product of social relations, but an independent phenomenon that arises by itself. Therefore, there is another interpretation of self-awareness and self-esteem of a person: the more he perceives himself separately from society, the more pronounced he can be aware of himself as a person. What follows from this? Western psychology understands personality as a subject prone to self-awareness, cognition and assessment of oneself.

    It is especially important to understand this issue for people who are constantly striving for self-improvement and are fond of various trainings. It is very difficult to develop self-esteem in oneself if there is no perception of oneself as an individual, and not just a human being. But even beginners who have recently begun to study the teachings and the concept of personality in social psychology will find this information useful.

    Personality in psychology, a person is called a carrier of consciousness. It is believed that a person is not born, but becomes in the process of being and work, when, communicating and interacting, a person compares himself with others, highlights his "I". The psychological properties (traits) of a person are fully and vividly revealed in activities, communication, relationships, and even in the external appearance of a person.

    Personalities are different - harmoniously developed and reactionary, progressive and one-sided, highly moral and mean, but at the same time, each personality is unique. Sometimes this property - uniqueness - is called individuality, as a manifestation of the individual.

    However, the concepts of individual, personality and individuality are not identical in content: each of them reveals a specific aspect of the individual being of a person. Personality can be understood only in a system of stable interpersonal relationships mediated by content, values, and the meaning of joint activities of each of the participants.

    The interpersonal connections that form the personality in the team, externally appear in the form of communication or the subject - the subjective relationship, along with the subject - the object relationship characteristic of objective activity.

    The personality of each person is endowed only with her inherent combination of features and characteristics that form her individuality - a combination of psychological characteristics of a person that make up his originality, his difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in character traits, temperament, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes, in abilities, and individual style of activity.

    The way of life as a socially - philosophical concept selects from the variety of qualities and properties inherent in a given personality, only socially stable, socially typical, characterizing the social content of her individuality, revealing a person, his style of behavior, needs, preferences, interests, tastes not on the part of his psychological features that distinguish him from other people, and on the part of those properties and traits of his personality, which are set by the very fact of his existence in a certain society. But if by individuality is meant not a peculiarity of a person's appearance or behavior, but a unique form of existence and a unique manifestation of the common in the life of an individual, then the individual is also social. Therefore, the lifestyle of a person acts as a deeply individualized relationship of the objective position of a person in society with his inner world, that is, it represents a kind of unity of the socially typified (unified) and individual (unique) in behavior, communication, thinking and everyday life of people.

    In other words, the worldview of a person acquires a socially practical and moral value, insofar as it has become a person's way of life.

    From a moral point of view, a sign of a person's personal development is his ability to act according to inner conviction in the most difficult everyday situations, not to shift responsibility to others, not to rely blindly on circumstances and not even just “reckon” with circumstances, but also to resist them, to intervene in the course events, showing their will, their character.

    The values \u200b\u200band role of the collective in the formation and education of the individual are great. The rule of education, formulated by the remarkable Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko: proceed from the recognition of the person being brought up. And this must be done in all seriousness, without denying the educated people the recognition of the possibility of their accomplishment of those deeds that the educator speaks of as high images of achieving exceptional results in the field of production, science and technology, literature and art.

    Let not all dreams come true and not all plans come true. Let not all the young people with whom the educator have dealings turn out to be gifted enough or be able to fully reveal their abilities. It is about something else. All of them will certainly be ennobled by the attitude to them as to the highest value, unique individuals who, with proper development, can show the world all the achievements of the creative spirit available to man. In the worst case, a creative person may not work, but a person will be formed who, at least, will not prevent others from becoming creative personalities.

    You will not become a person by copying someone else. You can only get miserable one-sidedness. The construction of one's own personality cannot be carried out according to some standard project. As a maximum, only general settings can be obtained here. We must always count on the maximum realization of human capabilities, never saying in advance: “This will not work for me,” - to fully test my inclinations.

    therefore development a person is the process of personality formation under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled social and natural factors. Development manifests itself as a progressive complication, deepening, expansion, as a transition from simple to complex, from ignorance to knowledge, from lower forms of life and activity to higher ones.

    Nature gave a lot to man, but gave birth to the weak. To make him strong, completely independent, you need to work hard. First of all, to ensure physical development. In turn, physical and physiological development underlies psychological development as spiritual development. The processes of human reflection of reality are constantly becoming more complicated and deepening: sensations, perceptions, memory, thinking, feelings, imagination, as well as more complex mental formations: needs, motives of activity, abilities, interests, value orientations. Human social development is a continuation of mental development. It consists in the gradual entry into his society - in social, ideological, economic, industrial, legal, professional and other relations, in the assimilation of their functions in these relations. Having mastered these relations and their functions in them, a person becomes a member of society. The crown is the spiritual development of a person. It means comprehension by him of his high mission in life, the emergence of responsibility before present and future generations, understanding of the complex nature of the universe and the desire for constant moral improvement. A measure of spiritual development can be the degree of a person's responsibility for his physical, physiological, mental and social development. Spiritual development is increasingly recognized as the core, the core of the formation of personality in a person.

    Humanity ensures the development of each of its representatives through education, passing on the experience of its own and previous generations.

    Upbringing - in a broad sense, it is a purposeful process of the formation of the intellect, physical and spiritual strength of the individual, preparing it for life, active participation in labor activity. Education in the narrow sense of the word is a systematic and purposeful influence of the educator on the educated in order to form their desired attitude towards people and phenomena of the world around them.

    Parents pass on to the newborn the experience of vertical walking, verbal communication, to the younger schoolchild - the experience of mathematical transformations, written communication, to adolescents and young men - the experience of various activities, etc. Throughout his life, a person assimilates some and someone's experience and only on its basis creates his own. Only by becoming the heir of the past does he become a full-fledged member of his society. In this sense, education is a culturally forming process. In the process of upbringing a person, his development takes place, the level of which then affects upbringing, changes, deepens it. Better upbringing accelerates the pace of development, which then again affects upbringing. Throughout a person's life, these phenomena mutually support each other.

    K. Marx and F. Engels paid great attention to the problems of upbringing and education of young people. They approached them from various but closely related sides - social, ideological, pedagogical, etc., assessing the role of education as the highest measure - the influence on the development of the individual, on the course of social progress.

    They considered upbringing as one of the most important means.

    In the aggregate of the thoughts of Marx and Engels about education, an integral dialectical-materialistic concept, which is based on the following provisions: education is conditioned by the prevailing social relations; has a historical and class character; has its own objective laws.

    By education, we mean three things:

    At first: mental education.

    Secondly: physical education.

    Thirdly: technical training.

    Marx and Engels paid great attention to ideological education, to familiarize young people with the history and traditions of the revolutionary struggle.

    By mental (intellectual) education, the founders of Marxism understood "mental education", which the younger generation should receive, first of all, at school. Marx and Engels called on young people to persistent, systematic study, to constant self-education, which is strongly dictated by life.

    Marx and Engels called the combination of upbringing with productive labor a necessary condition for the technical education of the younger generation.

    In the system of education of young people, the founders of Marxism assigned an important place to physical culture. Engels saw the great role of these studies in preparing young men for military service.

    No matter what "constituent parts" of education the founders of Marxism spoke about, their thought was in one way or another aimed at the most important problem - the all-round development of the individual. In the final analysis, each of these constituent parts and the entire process of education as a whole should serve its formation.

    It is possible to transfer experience, therefore, to educate through the media, in museums through art, through religion, in the management system through politics, ideology, directly in the family, in production through relations of production, etc. Among them, education stands out.

    Education - the process and result of assimilating a certain system of knowledge and ensuring, on this basis, an appropriate level of personality development. Education is obtained mainly in the process of teaching and upbringing in educational institutions under the guidance of teachers. Education literally means the creation of an image, a certain completeness of upbringing in accordance with a certain age level. Therefore, education is often interpreted as a result of a person's assimilation of the experience of generations in the form of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, relationships. Then they talk about an educated person. Education is a quality of a developed personality who has mastered the experience, with the help of which she becomes able to orient herself in the environment, adapt to it, protect and enrich her, acquire new knowledge about her and through this continuously improve herself, i.e. again, improve your education.

    A person is born without knowledge and skills, but through upbringing and education he receives all this in accordance with his age. At each age stage, development receives its own degree of formation, without exhausting itself. This is how the ideals, motives of actions, attitudes and other properties of a person are gradually formed.

    But the person himself is active from birth. Its role in upbringing and education is enormous, if not decisive. The fact is that a person is born with the ability to develop. He is not a vessel where the experience of mankind "merges". He himself is able to acquire this experience. Man himself created the external factors of his development.

    The main human factors are self-education, self-education, self-education.

    Self-education - this is the process of assimilation by a person of the experience of previous generations through internal mental factors that ensure development. Self-education is a process that is part of education and is also aimed at human development. Thanks to him, a person in any educational system preserves himself as an independent natural and social being, despite all the integration, i.e. its fusion with nature and society.

    Education, if it is not violence, without self-education is not possible. They should be viewed as two sides of the same process, or as mutually continuing processes.

    Carrying out self-education, a person can educate himself.

    Self-education is a system of internal self-organization to assimilate the experience of generations, aimed at their own development.

    Self-education is a powerful factor in fulfilling and enriching education organized by society.

    Self-study is an analogue of teaching.

    Self-study is a process of direct acquisition of the experience of generations by a person through his own aspirations and by himself chosen means.

    Here, a huge role is played by the inner spiritual world of a person, not only consciousness, but also the unconscious factor, intuition, the ability to learn not only from a teacher, but also from other people, friends, and nature. People say about such self-study: "learn from life." Self-study is based on the need for knowledge, on an innate cognitive instinct.

    The founders of Marxism deeply revealed such a complex problem as "man and circumstances."

    The character of each person is always composed of two elements: natural, rooted in the bodily organism of a person, and spiritual, developed in life, under the influence of upbringing and circumstances. But no matter how diverse the human types of educated peoples, due to the endless variety of types of generic, family and personal, nature always manages to highlight the nationality trait in an infinite number of characteristic features in a person's appearance.

    The trait of nationality is not only noticeable in itself, but is mixed with all other characteristic features of a person and gives each of them its own special shade.

    Social upbringing, which strengthens and develops nationality in a person, developing at the same time his mind and his self-consciousness, powerfully contributes to the development of national self-consciousness in general.

    If a person draws all his knowledge, sensations, etc. from the sensory world and the experience received from this world, but it is necessary, therefore, to arrange the world around him so that a person in it cognizes and assimilates truly human things, so that he knows himself as a person. If a person's character is created by circumstances, then it is necessary, therefore, to make the circumstances human.

    The teacher K.D. Ushinsky was deeply convinced that the upbringing of a free, independent and active human personality is a necessary condition for social development.


    A child will become a person - a social unit, a subject, a bearer of social and human activity only where and when he begins to perform this activity. At first with the help of an adult, and then without her.

    Personality also arises when an individual begins independently, as a subject, to carry out external activities according to norms and standards, given to him from the outside - that culture in the bosom of which he wakes up to human life, to human activity. As long as human activity is directed towards him, and he remains its object, the individuality, which he, of course, already possesses, is not yet a human individuality.

    Therefore, the personality is only where there is freedom. Genuine freedom, and not imaginary, freedom of the actual deployment of a person in real affairs, in relationships with other people, and not in conceit, not in the pleasure of feeling his imaginary originality.

    Do you want a person to become a person? Then put him from the very beginning - from childhood - into such a relationship with another person, within which he not only could, but also had to become a person.
