• We pass the polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Questions on a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Polygraph issues in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for employees
  • How to get a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without problems?
  • Polygraph results of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • The polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not pass what to do?

We pass the polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Every year, thousands of volunteers seek employment at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Work in this department is prestigious and, in addition, the state guarantees the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

This job is for real men and it is not sugar. Many quit because they cannot withstand heavy workloads and irregular working hours.

Getting a job here is not easy. An employee of the department must have not only good health, a clean biography, but also a high level of reliability and honesty.

Due to these requirements, the passage of a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for all employees (future and current) has become mandatory. The purpose of the checks is to improve the quality of the staff, to identify possible negative personality traits that are not compatible with work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

All these are the results of the conducted in 2009-2011. reforms aimed at cleaning up the staff, increasing the efficiency of the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, fighting corruption and improving the image of law enforcement agencies.

Questions on a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The choice of the "" method was not accidental. This technique was developed in the laboratory of a related department - in the KGB, it is successfully used all over the world and allows you to learn a lot about the test person through the study of traces in his memory. When such traces are stimulated, the body's responses arise reflexively, and due to this natural mechanism, the tested person has no chances to hide information. An experienced polygraph examiner always recognizes lies, attempts to distort the information given out, attempts to resist verification. The purpose of conducting inspections of current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is to identify personality traits that are not compatible with work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for the optimal solution of personnel issues.

Polygraph issues in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for employees

For obvious reasons, it is possible to get acquainted only with approximate questions asked on a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

The test taker has the right to refuse to answer the questions, but this fact may affect the final results.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs denied access to candidates with a criminal record, brought to court, and those whose relatives have a criminal record or are serving time in prison. Small administrative penalties for candidates may not become an obstacle.

At the first stage of testing, the polygraph examiner receives samples of the psychophysiological reactions of the tested body in states when he is telling the truth and when he is lying. For this, specially formulated simple questions will be asked and the test taker must give an affirmative answer to them. For example. Is your name Larisa? - "Yes". You're a man? - "Yes". Subsequently, the responses of the tested body to other questions are compared with the samples.

During the survey, different questions are asked. For obvious reasons, only approximate questions asked on a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be published:

Polygraph questions during admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs are asked repeatedly, chaotically, in order to eliminate possible errors in answering basic questions.

How to get a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without problems?

The chance of successfully passing a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be higher if:

  • you will come slept and rested;
  • you will not experiment with taking all kinds of sedatives, coffee, etc .;

There is no need to be afraid of the examination, such reactions of the body can negatively affect the results. Use the pre-test conversation with the polygraph examiner to clarify to yourself all the questions you do not understand, the moments of the procedure, and try to tune in to testing as a conversation with your old, good friend. Don't try to cheat your friend -

Polygraph results of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

After 3 working days after the completion of testing, the polygraph examiner will analyze the received polygrams and make his conclusion with an assessment of the reliability of the test taker's answers to the questions asked. The opinion is passed on to the personnel department and taken into account when making a decision on hiring. In case of revealing information about the involvement of the tested person in illegal actions, it is transferred to the head of the relevant department and an additional check is carried out on it in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The final conclusions are given in two forms:

If the result is negative, the applicant is denied the application.

For working employees, a negative result cannot serve as a basis for dismissal, but it can stop a career and give rise to an investigation (in case of suspicion of corruption, etc.).

The obtained research materials are classified documents (official use documents) and are stored in the archives:

  • for applicants - 5 years;
  • for working employees - 25 years;

The polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not pass what to do?

If negative test results are obtained and the conclusion naturally arising from them: "Not recommended", what to do?

According to the rules of professional selection and the validity period of the conclusion of the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can try to retake the test after 6 months (not earlier). In case of a positive retake test result, you will be hired.



Right now you can:

  • get free consultation on issues of interest;
  • leave an application for research / examination;

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Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed, increasingly demand from applicants the appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways .., banks, including Sberbank .., as well as in large corporations.

Hiring tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, and for lawyers, and even for sales consultants ...

On this page of the psychoanalytic site website you will be able to take psychological tests for free and online, which are used when applying for work in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.

However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job. each employer can use his testing, depending on the necessary personal, mental, emotional, moral and business qualities of the applicant for a specific position or profession, in a specific enterprise or institution.
(Large corporations use SHL, Talent Q, Ontardent, Exect tests)

What psychological tests do job seekers pass when applying for a job?

Examples of basic psychological tests used when recruiting in various departments, organizations and enterprises, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies ..., Banks (Sberbank), trade ..., testing for the positions of a manager, chief accountant, police officer, firefighter, rescuer, salesperson (sales assistant), lawyer ... etc. (career choice test)

Psychological tests

General psychological tests when applying for a job are not used as often as specialized ones for certain professions.
However, the results of tests for the speed of nervous processes (temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers.

  • Character test - (software version)
  • Temperament test - (software option)
  • Attention test (switching attention)

Verbal tests

The verbal test when applying for a job is the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession where verbal (speech) abilities of the applicant are needed.

Math tests

Some corporations use math tests when hiring to determine the analytical skills of the applicant.

  • Math test (with answers)
Numerical tests

For some positions, such as accountant, employers use numerical tests when hiring.

  • SHL test

Logic tests

Logic tests when applying for a job provide information to the employer about the applicant's ability to find the right solutions in unfamiliar situations.
Logical thinking test

Emotional tests

Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of certification - tests upon hiring and subsequent re-certification - applicants and existing employees in positions where you need to work with people, in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade ...)

Personality tests

The main, a widely used personality test for hiring is the SMIL (Standardized Multivariate Personality Research Method) test - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MMPI) and its abbreviated version of the MMPI Mini-Mult

Intelligent tests

The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of the applicant is often the most important test indicator when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are needed.

  • Online CAT test (short indicative questionnaire to determine general mental abilities - sometimes used in the CPD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
  • (with software processing of results)

  • Test for genius (aka the test for the reaction "Red Square" - sometimes used in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Creative tests

Many modern organizations require creative, creative people who sometimes have to have organizational and even entrepreneurial skills, so creative tests are also used when hiring.

pashaadm2 24-11-2013 10:51

When applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a psychologist is required.

She asks the question:

"Why do you want to serve in the police?

Then he says draw some pictures ("I", "Holiday"). I don't remember the rest, it was in 2011.

Then he conducts a color test, or rather puts cards with flowers in front of you and says: "Choose the color that is most pleasant to you now."

I (pashaadm2) did not go through a psychologist, and therefore, did not get to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although a salesman from one gun store told me: "You cannot be a nutcase, you have a hunting rifle in your hands." + passed the test for trauma. And I know for sure that I am fit for service in the FSB. To the psychologist's question, I answered: "To have a stable job and so that my relatives can safely go to the store." On the pictures he painted: "A man at the computer" and "A man with flowers." I don’t remember how the color test answered, because I think it was stupid, I don’t associate life with flowers, so I answered according to the principle of choosing. If she asked what color is your favorite I would say "green", but she did not ask. Then he said that I love children and do not feel discomfort in the company.

I would be very grateful for any information on this topic, more precisely, how the psychologist passed, and most importantly how they drew and answered.
Maybe someone has the very same 500 questions from a psychologist for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (they were previously in the commercial version of Consultant +) and / or a list of pictures to draw? Or maybe the correct order of color test for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
If that, you can send it to the mail [email protected]

cop 24-11-2013 14:51

The psychological test MMPI (there is a questionnaire in the internet) adapted from the American analogue. There are about 400 statements to which the subject must answer, whether this statement is true or not in relation to himself. You can deceive him, but it is very difficult, you need to know "the whole kitchen" from the inside. There, after all, there is a "scale of lies", a "correction scale" - if you exceeded them, you did not pass the test. The first and second scales have a number of their own questions in the questionnaire, scattered throughout the test. I'm not talking about the scales that directly determine your psychological portrait. To remember everything as it is necessary to answer "correctly" is very difficult. Everything is intertwined there. Everything is in the internet in more detail.
One of my acquaintances, when passing a medical examination in the army, memorized "Rabkin's Table" (a test for color sensation, to determine color blindness) - these are multi-colored circles, against which you need to indicate the correct drawing, or numbers. He managed to conduct a doctor, but the optometrist is not a psychiatrist))
Color cards-Luscher's color test, is known all over the world and it was also passed. It is advisable to choose first "warm", "calm" colors, then gradually to cold ones.
They also took an IQ test, and then, if everything is fine, then a conversation with a psychiatrist.
For example, a psycho asked me, what to do with speculation in the country, to plant speculators? (It was in the late 80s), I answered, to fill the store shelves with goods.
In general, at the PFL (CPD) it is better to be indifferent than with a "burning gaze".
If you say that you have come to serve and protect! - there will be questions, if you say - a career and living space are needed - they will say fit without any questions. Of course, I'm exaggerating, but the tests are a relative thing. They just haven't come up with anything better. coupled with the conversation of a professional psychiatrist, they give a more or less correct personal, psychological portrait of the subject.

shooter001 24-11-2013 18:43

I don’t remember about the questions and drawings, it was a long time ago.
And with color cards, everything is simple. Green is the color of calm, red is the color of aggression.
I put the green first, and then spread it out along the spectrum.
After the 500-question test, they asked me to come back in a couple of days and retake them.
Rewrote. Found it fit.
1997 ...

ded2008 24-11-2013 20:24

When interviewing a candidate, many recruiting professionals go beyond standard questions. What if HR uses psychological tests when hiring? How to respond to them and behave correctly? The Land of Soviets will tell you about this.

Psychological tests for employment are oral and written. Written tests are usually used early on when there are multiple candidates for a position and help guide the initial screening out. Written tests can be divided into the following types:
intelligence tests (for example, Eysenck's test)
personality tests
qualification tests
simplest tests
Intellectual tests for hiring serve to determine the general level of intelligence of the candidate, his ability to think logically and contain numerical, spatial and verbal tasks. Sometimes such tests are compiled with reference to a specific profession or line of activity.

Personality tests for hiring are usually supportive, there are no right or wrong answers. Certain personal qualities of a candidate may be important for a specific type of activity, although they are not the main selection criterion. If you wish, you can discern the background of this or that question and answer "as it should", but in the process of working in a team, a lie will most likely be revealed.

Job qualification tests help assess the level of professional knowledge and skills of a candidate. The proficiency test can be used to determine, for example, the level of PC proficiency or knowledge foreign languages... Many companies develop their own qualification tests, taking into account their specifics of work.

The simplest hiring tests are used to test candidates for low positions and combine an intelligence test and a proficiency test. The tasks in them are usually simple, the skills of perception and processing of information, the ability to perform the simplest operations are tested.

The most common oral psychological tests for employment include the Luscher color test, case studies (situational tasks), and stress interviews.

Luscher's color test is pretty simple. The candidate is asked to choose from a certain set of colors in order: from the most to the least pleasant. The choice is made twice with an interval of three minutes. The Luscher test determines the general mood of the candidate, the desired goals and means of emotional behavior. Based on the selected colors, it is possible to determine the potential performance of the candidate, as evidenced by the priority selection of red, yellow and green colors. However, Luscher's test cannot be interpreted unambiguously, so its results are supported by other tests.

Cases, or situational tasks, help determine the degree of "stereotyped" thinking of the candidate, analytical skills and his ability to creatively approach the solution of assigned tasks. Usually, situational tasks are offered to candidates for important positions of responsibility, for which the ability to quickly make an effective decision in any situation is required. These hiring tests are complex and difficult to be prepared for.

A stressful job interview allows you to determine how a potential employee will behave in a particular stressful situation. They will try to embarrass the candidate, infuriate him or force him to do something for which he may not be ready. The main signs of a stressful interview are high-pitched communication, a large number of unrelated questions that are asked at a fast pace, conversation on the go, interference during the interview, presence in the office strangers, questions about the personal life of the applicant.

How to pass the test when applying for a job? When it comes to proficiency tests and intelligence tests, it makes sense to look for sample tests on the Internet and practice on them. Then a job test like this won't catch you off guard. Personality tests are a little trickier. Many of them contain so-called cross-questions that help to expose the applicant's lies. These questions are in different parts of the test, they are formulated in different ways, but they have the same essence. If the candidate answered them in different ways, then he was insincere.

When testing verbally, answer quickly and without thinking too much. Don't try to gloss over reality too much, but also don't be crystal-clear in revealing your flaws. If the proposed position requires creativity and a non-standard approach, then witty answers to unexpected questions can be a plus for you. Do not worry and do not try to find difficult answers to basic questions: more often than not, the answer lies on the surface.

You should not refuse testing, if you do it, then most likely you will not be hired. Before starting to fill out the test, be sure to read the rules for filling out the questionnaire, carefully read the questions, delving into their essence.

And remember that psychological tests are important when applying for a job, but a good employer will not draw conclusions about you based solely on test results. Therefore, when passing the test, you should not "cheat" yourself, just be truthful, natural and do not look for a catch where there is none.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 10:12

quote: It is advisable to choose first "warm", "calm" colors, then gradually to cold.

Please describe in color sequence, I understand what it will be approximately.
quote: I put the green first, and then spread it out along the spectrum.

Please describe in an approximate color sequence.

If you don't want to post here, send it to the mail [email protected]
I, unfortunately, a person completely devoid of imagination, but I have an abundance of creative approach to work.

cop 25-11-2013 11:33

Yes, the Luscher test when applying for a job is not the main one, it does not give characteristics of the personality type at all, it rather characterizes your inner mood for a given, specific time.
The main test is a questionnaire. Then the intelligence test is the "Progressive test of Rowena", and the apotheosis of psychodiagnostics is a conversation with a psychiatrist. He, on the basis of all the passed tests and conversations with the subject, makes a decision.
For example, he may ask why you answered the test question this way, and not otherwise? -You must justify.
In general, verbosity is not recommended with psychiatrists. A short answer to the case, a minimum of emotions. If you start to defend your point of view, becoming more and more carried away by your innocence, then consider that the opinion of the psychiatrist (and it is the main one in the decision of the commission) will be like this: the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not for you.
In general, you could pass all the tests for "five points!" (If such an assessment is acceptable) and according to them, you are an "unshakable rock", and the psychiatrist, in personal communication, could see something in you that gave him reason not to miss, and that's all the thing is.

cop 25-11-2013 11:59

and by the way; in one of the topics you created in this section, you zealously deleted completely innocent posts of people, mind you, practically no one does this, because we need to, especially since they are easy to read even when deleted.
This, after all, also characterizes your personality type. It means there is a certain nervousness and a lack of perception of someone else's opinion, an inability to openly enter into a dialogue with an opponent - it is easier to wipe out - no person - no problems.
Our forum will be cleaner than any medical board))

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:35

quote: This also characterizes your personality type.

I already wrote that I do not want to discuss phrases, for example: "Do cops sell drugs?" This is my own business. Not registered users also come here, for example, who make requests to Yandex. I think they shouldn't read what's in deleted messages.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:47

quote: Will you try another destination group?

Maybe for the same, maybe for a higher, one word where the vacancy will be. But I think not higher than the second. Shooter001 thanks a lot. Feels like you are legally very literate.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:56

I will delete Shooter001's answer. I don't want unregistered users to read.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 13:40

quote: In general, at the PFL (CPD) it is better to be indifferent than with a "burning gaze".

Once, when I received a medical certificate for a weapon, everything went through, and they asked me: "What kind of weapon are you?" I said hunting smoothbore. Then I was asked: "Do you need gas?" After that I went home stunned. Once again, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but with a creative approach to work. This is necessary for the system administrator to work. For example, when a computer with Smeta.ru breaks down, you cannot save an old program with estimates without a creative approach.

cop 25-11-2013 17:31

quote: I don't want unregistered users to read.

By the way, there is no secret here.
Now, even on hadroid and ayos for iPhones, there are a fair amount of these tests with a description of the characteristics of the personality type. I counted about 6 of Luscher's color tests there.
I’m already silent about the Internet, already in its wilds of this good in bulk. By the way, this is also why many experienced psychiatrists-specialists improvise during a conversation with a subject. For example, during a conversation, a doctor may suddenly ask what date or day of the week it is. alcoholics are always asked this)), if you think about the answer, then you are poorly guided in time space. And they have a lot of such "baubles" in stock.
I remember I went through the next, annual medical examination and was not yet married, I was then 23 years old. So even this alarmed the psychiatrist, they say it’s time, but so suspicious. However, I reassured him, saying that female attention and affection is enough for me without a stamp in passport.
During the conversation, the doctor may ask you to show your palms - if they are wet, then it is also not comme il faut. He may ask you provocative questions such as "how often do you masturbate" and look at the reddening of your cheeks, well, in general, they really have a lot of tricks.
One doctor told me that when he interrogated riot policemen for the officer rank, many of them are generally "unbreakable", that is, a person's lability is at zero. But the psychiatrist understands that this fighter needs to knock down the door, and does not bother him, what's the point? he is perfect for this, why does he need superintelligence?

ded2008 25-11-2013 18:11

quote: why does he need superintelligence?

when admitted to various services, the medical commission is slightly different. Psychiatrist's test is usually not passed by those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another, they just need a justified refusal. especially nothing is revealed there. there are no such good specialists. the maximum that the psychiatrist can reveal is the correspondence of your psychotype to the place where you are going to serve or the correspondence to the service in the police as a whole. some of the questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way you will be caught in a lie. I was redirected a couple of times to pass the commission again because the psychiatrist said that I was a pathological liar. I was like answering the questions that I don't take bribes and turn the traffic light only to green. In general, to pass the test, you must answer truthfully without bothering. lie only on acute questions, pass as many tests as possible. all the same you will not have time. mathematical and complex tests you can skip. it makes sense not to answer these questions, but to show the doctor that you do not bother with trifles but can continue to work in stressful situations.

shooter001 25-11-2013 18:41

Maybe for the same, maybe for a higher, one word where the vacancy will be. But I think not higher than the second. Shooter001 thanks a lot. Feels like you are legally very literate.

Yes, not at all.
It's not about legal literacy.
Cop and ded2008 will be cooler than me in literacy.
You must try to build your behavior in relation to the position for which you are going. I don’t think that, say in the inspection of the PDN or in the crime. the laboratory needs choleric people. Or, say, phlegmatic riot police.

Yes, and more. If you have not passed the first group of assignment, you can go through the second / third / fourth (although if you were turned up by a psychiatrist, then it is already difficult to guarantee anything). If the unit commander is interested in you, he will take you. Regardless of what position you will then work. I myself went through OVVK in the third, and worked in a position for which the first is needed. This did not bother anyone, including the doctors from the 1st polyclinic.

cop 25-11-2013 18:57

quote: some of the questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way you will be caught in a lie ... there I was like answering questions that I don't take bribes and turn the traffic light only to green.

This is the famous MMPI test (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire). This questionnaire was translated and adapted for us by some famous Russian psychiatrist, almost Bekhterev (I will not pretend to say). You can read about it in the internet in sufficient detail.
There, just the calculation of your answers is built on charts and scales. If some scale is exceeded, or vice versa, has too little value, then you have some deviations from the norm. In this case, the scale of "lies" was exceeded. Here is more details:
It is this test that is used to this day when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

cop 25-11-2013 19:27

quote: the psychiatrist test is usually not passed by those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another, they just need a justified refusal.

And this is also correct. For example, in the late 80s (and most likely earlier) there was an unspoken instruction to weed out people from the fraternal Soviet republics of the Caucasian direction to work in the PPSM in Moscow and St. Petersburg, i.e. not all of them, of course, but the limit was - this is Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and so on. Those who passed the Afghani were also undesirable for recruitment, even if the applicant's mental parameters were satisfactory.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 22:15

quote: Yes, and more. If you have not passed the first group of destinations, you can go through the second / third / fourth

I did not go through the fourth assignment group, I went to the Computer Center of the IC under the Department of Internal Affairs. The head of the department personally brought me to a psychologist and said that I was taking him. Unfortunately, the psychologist resisted. They don't like my brother IT at all. The truth may have resisted due to the fact that a higher-standing organization had an eye on me.

shooter001 25-11-2013 22:57

quote: Originally posted by pashaadm2:
I did not pass the fourth destination group

This is the worst option.
If they did not pass the 4th, then the higher ones will not be allowed to pass.
I don’t know how long they have kept the applicant cards ...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 10:19

quote: I don’t know how long they have kept the applicant cards ...

On old passports, near the fold on the first page, a mark was made with a pen. Like - he tried to get through. I had two such birds, both times passed. I don’t know which group, like the second (UR), the first is riot police and traffic police then.
Now they don't do that, so it's possible that everything is stored somewhere.
According to reviews of a friend from the staff, now very many do not pass the polygraph. They fall mostly on the question - have you ever used drugs.
quote: The truth may have resisted due to the fact that a higher-standing organization had an eye on me.

I didn't understand what the psychologist from the PFL had to do with it. What's the difference to her?

ded2008 26-11-2013 15:01

quote: They fall mostly on the question - have you ever used drugs.

reason to sue the Ministry of Internal Affairs. no one really has yet taken it up for some reason. firstly, passing a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary. secondly, the testimony of a polygraph is not evidence and therefore cannot serve as a challenge for hiring. thirdly, the use of narcotic substances is an administrative offense in the same way as crossing a street at a red light. that is, the situation when you violated traffic rules and you were not hired because of this will be similar.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 16:58

quote: firstly, passing a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary.

No problems. Hiring a police officer is also not a mandatory procedure. If you don't want to, don't go.
But I would not want those who "use" to go to the police.
Checking urine for traces of drugs, I would generally make a mandatory procedure.

shooter001 26-11-2013 17:09

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

But I would not want those who "use" to go to the police

They do not use it before the service, they will start it on time. Business ...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:27

quote: in time will begin. Business ...

This is what I meant - certainly during the service. That is - regularly ALL the time of service.

ZY I knew the opera, I went to the seven. Just for being hooked. More precisely, they put him on a hook for free, but during withdrawal periods, in an attempt to get money, he got busy there.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:30

quote: Checking urine for traces of drugs, I would generally make a mandatory procedure.

well, it can be done once a quarter. and the polygraph is bullshit. after smoking weed like traces of use in the body can be found within a month.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:32

and the wives and children of employees will piss into the jar. nevertheless cunning indeed.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:44

quote: and the wives and children of employees will piss into the jar. nevertheless cunning indeed.

Firstly, the police ALREADY have tests. Irregular, but there is.
Secondly, you can provide ways, for example, to write right there. Well, turning away. You can't drag a jar of someone else's urine with you all the time. You take a shift or on duty, during the shift, if you please, pour into a jar.

Squeezing a gerych on a search is usually not difficult. Well, it happens sometimes for operating expenses.
The main thing is not to use it yourself. Knowing that they will come and check at any moment, you can somehow resist.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 18:21

quote: More precisely - they hooked him up for free,

On the street I was offered to try weed, I refused. A weak person needs this, but I'm not the case. I will try to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the second time about getting a job. I don’t lose anything. Moreover, 2.5 years have already passed.

The most annoying thing is that the psychologist's test is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

ded2008 26-11-2013 19:27

quote: The most annoying thing is that the psychologist's test is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

i told you. that's the whole point. do not let the person think to answer on the machine. the correctness of mathematical answers is not at all the main thing.
Well, so that you can clearly see this example: the policeman does not have to think about which hand to hit the bully, right or left, the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls. I'll tell you a secret that you still won't have time to complete all the tests. God forbid if you pass two-thirds.
the test reveals personal qualities. the ability to build an associative array, the ability to think non-linearly, the quality of mental development, literacy. sometimes a person's handwriting will tell more than the answers themselves. no one will rate you for mistakes.
by the way, here's an example. the chekists needed an interpreter from some gibberish Asian language, such as drug traffickers were going to detain and they could not talk to them. hired a freelance translator to work as a full-time translator. that 4th grade education, belly like my TV and physical training like a 70-year-old grandfather. walks now ksiva fsbeshnaya waving. the right person. so if you are interested in the service, then they will agree with a psychologist for a box of sweets.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 19:57

quote: the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls.

In another topic you wrote about a similar "Let him sit."
quote: walks now ksiva fsbesh waving

A friend of mine who served in the FSB says that she should not be shown to anyone. Someone on the forum said that you hand it over every day when you leave the service.
quote: a psychologist will agree on a box of chocolates.

In the FSB, yes, but I want to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think, after the idiot by the name of Evsyukov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs carefully looks at the selection. An acquaintance of mine served in the Computer Center of the IC OUVD. He speaks very well.

cop 26-11-2013 21:33

cop 26-11-2013 22:06

quote: MMPI (auto) Average estimated time normal 60 - 80 minutes
Ravena option is designed for 25 minutes

Yes, many years have passed since then, I won't argue.
quote: Luscher's test for 8 cards DOES NOT WORK on the Russian population. Spit that diagnostician in the face who will show it to you.

Well, I didn't know anything about it and it apparently saved the psychiatrist))

You are offered to take an online reaction test "Red Square", this or similar tests are used in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to diagnose candidates for police service.

The test "Red square", in addition to the speed of reaction, acts as a test for genius, because taking this online test requires not only your reaction but also a high level of intelligence.

In the CPD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, other tests and methods of psychodiagnostics are used: Polygraph, SMIL 566 questions, CAT test of 50 questions, associative thinking testing (proverbs and sayings are used), and also this (or similar) test for reaction and genius online - Red Square.

How to pass the test for reaction and genius Red Square online

To pass the online reaction test, you need to move the mouse over the red square, and when you are ready, press and hold the left mouse button, move the red square so as not to collide with the blue shapes and touch the borders of the large square.

Ideally, you must hold on for at least 18 seconds to pass the genius and reaction speed test. You will see your time for passing the test in the simulator window.

Such or similar tests for reaction and a test for genius, like the "Red Square", are passed by military pilots. In particular, in the United States, pilots hold the red square for more than 2 minutes, while their IQ (intelligence quotient) is not lower than 140

So, take the online test for reaction and genius "Red Square"
This testing can be used as a simulator to improve your reflexes and genius.

(testing is best done on a computer using a mouse, because touch screens are slower to respond to touching the Red Square, which will not adequately pass the test for your reaction speed and genius).

Move the mouse cursor over the red square and start testing

If the testing program does not open, enable Flash Player in the browser settings

Online psychologist consultation (appointment)

Correct answers to the SMIL test

CAT test (short orientation test) 50 questions with correct answers
