When can we face psychological tests?

When we have a communication or ability test in our hands, we automatically classify it as a psychological test. And with enthusiasm we begin to answer the questions posed in it, hoping to learn something new about ourselves. In what situations do we face real psychological tests? The first option, and the most common, is in newspapers and magazines. The tests that are printed in them, as a rule, contain from 5 to 15-20 questions. They are often comic in nature - "Are you compatible with your cat?", "Lyricist or physicist?" etc. After the questions, there is a key to the test, according to which you yourself can find out your results. Typically, these are three categories of responses. You can read all three at once and figure out which of the results, in fact, suits me best. Laugh at the inconsistency and move on with peace of mind. What is the purpose of these tests? Entertainment, recreation - they are optional. Can we learn something fundamentally new? Most likely no.

The second option for facing psychological tests or questionnaires is a children's educational institution (nursery, kindergarten, school). Such tests differ somewhat in form and content, but in terms of volume they do not exceed 20-30 questions. Many questions contain a field for writing answers, space for one word or even several sentences. What is the purpose of such testing? If they do not complain about the child's behavior, the parents are not called to a psychologist or director, it means, most likely, the administration of the educational institution wants to get to know this child better, to understand his characteristics, the reasons for his behavior and actions.

The third option is the situation of counseling by a psychologist. Either the person himself asks for help in personal and family problems, or he is invited by a psychologist from a children's institution. In this case, the psychologist explains why he is conducting this or that test. More often than not, this is not one test, but several. These can be tests for intelligence (but do not confuse with the IQ test - this test is not adapted to the Russian mentality), tests for personality traits, tests characterizing emotional state and attachments, and tests for the characteristics of interaction in various groups, etc. This category of tests is very diverse in size (up to 300 questions) and external material - in addition to text on paper, it can be pictures, colored cards, even figures, etc. As a rule, it takes several days for the psychologist to process the results, so he makes a separate meeting to discuss the test results.

The fourth option is applying for a job or a number of educational institutions. The purpose of this test is to determine whether a person will be able to meet the loads and responsibilities of the specialty or not. Results are usually recognized by whether a person is hired or not. Test material - several questionnaires, some of which can contain up to 400 items.

The fifth option is testing as a result of a medical examination (this can be the consequences of trauma or a psychiatric illness). In this case, testing is carried out by a medical psychologist (clinical psychologist) or even a doctor. The tasks of this testing are to establish the degree of brain damage and develop a rehabilitation program for a person.

Features of the design of the "Oxford test of ability".

The most attractive word in the title is "Oxford". Those. does the test have to do with Oxford? Sounds tempting. Maybe Oxford is admitted to it? No, they don't. And the mentality of those who enter Oxford differs from the Russian mentality. So, according to the laws of science, this test, before being used in Russia, had to go through a standardization procedure, which implies a thorough translation, research on the work of the test: does it give some information about the abilities of a Russian person or not. The famous IQ test has not yet passed standardization in Russia.

This test is offered for free to get to know yourself better. In style, this message is reminiscent of a test in a magazine or newspaper. Only the size of the test is by no means journalistic - 200 questions, as in questionnaires at a psychologist's appointment or when applying for a job. But nowhere is it mentioned that this test is psychological or that it will be evaluated by a psychologist. Some "professional appraiser" is mentioned in the title. But there is no such specialty in this area. There are appraisers of cars or equipment, apartments, etc. Only this is not a profession. By profession, these people are engineers, locksmiths, painters. In addition, instructions are attached to each test, a key to the answers. Sometimes it is made in the form of a stencil, which is superimposed on the form with the answers: if there is a tick - you put 1, no - 0. Then these numbers are summed up according to the instructions, entered into certain columns of a special table. In a separate chapter, the options for interpreting the answers are noted. Almost like in magazine tests. Only there are more parameters. Thus, any person who can count can deal with the decoding of the test, and special professionalism is not required for this. Another thing is, what does the information received mean? About a magazine test, a person decides for himself: about him or not, similar to him or not. And with specialized scientific tests, it all depends on the goals for which the research was conducted. Depending on the goals of the study, the psychologist makes a conclusion about the test results.

The name of the test indicates that this is a "test of ability". What are abilities - are they some talents, opportunities? The authors reveal the meaning of this word in the following lines: "Find out how your ability to establish relationships depends on yourself. Find out which factors that affect you lead to stress and affect your health." And where is the ability when the ability is one? And this word is used in the meaning of "method", not "talent", "opportunity". And to find out "which factors that influence you, lead to stress and affect your health," is more traditional in a medical center.

The next significant difference from classical psychological tests is that a person passing this test is asked to specify his details in detail: name, surname, patronymic, address and even profession. In the questionnaires of sociological surveys, they may ask age and profession, since in this survey the opinion on a particular issue of a certain category of people is interested, but this is always anonymous. The psychologist conducts testing after an introductory conversation, in which he has already received information about his client. Therefore, the forms themselves with the answers to the tests are often encrypted so that the other person does not understand who they are talking about. This is one of the basic rules of a psychologist's work - preserving the client's confidentiality.

The main sign of a bad questionnaire and test is that no one knows who, no one knows why, asks us detailed questions about us and our life. Even in child care institutions, we are required to explain why detailed personal information is collected about our family. This does not mean that they explain everywhere, but we have the right to demand explanations and not fill out a questionnaire or test if something does not suit us.

Noteworthy is the capitalization of the word "honesty" in the following sentence: "The accuracy of the test depends on your honesty in answering the questions." A reliable psychological test always contains a scale of lies. The questions of this scale are scattered throughout the text, the answers to which are separately summarized, and this result is taken into account in the interpretation of the entire test. This is not because psychologists do not trust their clients. No one will open up completely to a stranger, we all want to look our best in the eyes of other people.

There are also comments on the design of the text - 200 questions are placed in 4 columns on two pages. It is difficult to perceive: you can lose a question, jump from question to question, miss the meaning and essence of the question. If it is important for authors to understand a person, then why not arrange the material more conveniently for perception, so that a person can carefully, clearly and honestly answer the question? And the small, unreadable font causes eye strain. This confuses a person, creates a feeling of anxiety, error, self-doubt. Especially if you add to this the content of some questions. For example:

vpr number 61 "Do you have the feeling that you are dreaming everything, that everything in life is unreal?"

vpr № 166 "Do you have dark forebodings or fearful thoughts in your physical reaction?"

In practical work, psychologists rarely use tests. To provide psychological assistance to a person, it is important to be heard, understood, he needs live participation, and not a leaflet with questions. Large questionnaires are needed for research, when applying for a job. In a situation where the problems of a particular person are not so important to the psychologist, how important are his characteristics, personality type, etc. In such studies, one questionnaire is rarely used: as a rule, there are several of them, so that you can compare the data, correct them, since the task of such testing is to obtain objective information.

This test claims to identify a person's practical problems: communication problems and deep problems such as factors affecting health and stress. But communication problems can be identified in a person during a personal conversation with a psychologist without using tests. The factors influencing health and stress cannot be determined by any tests without the cooperation and diagnosis of the doctor (s). Thus, it turns out that the task of this product is not to help a person, to improve his mood, as is done by journal tests, not to conduct a comprehensive study of personality traits, but something else. Which? Let's try to find out further.

Analysis of test questions by content.

It is known that rigid response frames (yes, no, not sure) form a limited number of answers and make it difficult to understand accurately if the question is ambiguous.

Remember Carlson's question addressed to Freken Bock: "Have you stopped drinking cognac in the morning? Speak quickly:" yes "or" no "!" No matter how you answer, there is only one conclusion - you are an alcoholic. Thus, by asking vague, ambiguous questions, the authors of any test will receive inaccurate, fuzzy portraits of people. For serious research, this is a failure, an illusion instead of reality. But for those who want to manipulate the results, it is very beneficial and convenient.

The preamble says that the test is to identify the ability to communicate. But most of the test is addressed to emotional manifestation in a communication situation and experienced emotions and states, and not to ways of building communication. Particular attention is paid to the feeling of anxiety - about 80 questions. There are about 30 questions about aggression and conflict. And about 30 questions are about dependence on someone else's opinion. In general, 130 questions (out of 200) are devoted to unpleasant and difficult emotions, experiences, states, situations in the test. Many questions are duplicated with minor changes:

wp # 21 "Do past failures still bother you?"

wp number 78 "Do you often think about failures in the past?"

vpr number 116 "Is it true that your minor failures rarely bother you?"

vpr number 165 "Is it true that you have little regret about past failures and adversities?" At the same time, there is not a single question about the peculiarities of a person's experience of luck and success.

Positive emotions and situations in the test were given 23 questions, while only one can be called completely positive. This is file number 27 "Do you often hum or whistle just for fun?" Although people are anxious even here, they may think that this is bad, since they ask about it in the test. The rest of the questions can rather be called conditionally positive:

wp # 10 "Are you interested in other people very much?"

vpr number 28 "Do your friends consider you a warm, sympathetic person?"

wp # 30 "Do you enjoy telling the latest gossip about your acquaintances?" The wording of the question deliberately condemns those who enjoy it.

vpr number 112 "Do you openly and sincerely admire the beauty of other people?"

Or the question itself about positive abilities refers to rare situations, for example: wp # 51 "Can you be a" ringleader "at a party?" Many people who are okay with communication cannot be the "ringleader" at a party.

At the end of the test, the questions inflame a gloomy mood from No. 194 to No. 199, all the questions are, in fact, about "how bad everything is":

vpr № 194 "If you lose something, does the thought occur to you that" someone must have stolen it or put it in the wrong place "?"

vpr № 195 "If you thought that someone is suspicious of you and your actions, would you clarify this issue with him instead of letting him figure it out?"

wp # 196 "Do you feel that your age is against you (that you are too young or too old)?"

vpr number 197 "Do you feel sad or depressed for no apparent reason?"

wp # 198 "Do you often grumble about the living conditions you have to face?"

vpr number 199 "Do you tend to hide your feelings?"

Therefore, to answer in the affirmative to inquiry number 200 "Do you think that you have many soulful friends?" after all this it is extremely difficult. I would even reformulate this question: "Do you still think that you have many soul mates ?!"

A number of questions of this test are formulated in an accusatory form, causing a person to feel guilt and anxiety. The text of the question contains an indirect moral assessment of the above actions. This is unacceptable for a psychological test and psychological counseling, since it forms an unambiguous answer and lowers the level of trust in the author of the test. For example: vpr number 124 "Do you often make gross tactless mistakes?"; vpr no. 157 "Do you consider the best sides of most people, but rarely speak disrespectfully about them?"; vpr number 70 "Is it true that you completely condemn a person because he is your rival or opponent on some issue of your relationship with him?" Even where it is impossible to clearly distinguish the accusation, the question is formulated in such a way that it contains some indication of the inferiority of the person. Compare: in the text of the questionnaire the question sounds like this (case study No. 84): "Is it true that you prefer to follow the wishes of others, instead of doing it your own way?" It is clear that the crux of the matter is whether a person can be influenced by another person or not. This question could be formulated as follows: "Do you often follow the wishes of other people?" Or vpr number 1 "Do you make rash remarks or accusations that you later regret?" could be formulated as follows: "Do you often regret your words and actions?" Again, the crux of the matter would not have changed, and the accusation had gone. This category includes about 30 questions in the test.

Some of the questions are flagrantly tactless and ambiguous: wp # 129 "Are you a supporter of the division of people by skin color and class?" How can or not be a supporter of a phenomenon that has existed throughout human history? It's like asking a person if he is a supporter of the division of day into day and night. Or is it collecting dirt on the lack of tolerance? In any case, this issue lies outside the scope of psychological counseling. And this is not the only question from the sphere of "social compromising evidence". Question No. 140 can be directly attributed to the two named categories of "accusations" and "social compromising materials": "When you vote, do you vote for one and the same party, instead of studying candidates and their election campaigns?" With such a formulation of questions, it is impossible to demand honest answers from a person! But it is easy to heighten feelings of guilt for being dishonest and / or doing bad things.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the test contains a number of questions oriented towards people inclined to the role of "rescuer". For example: vpr №146 "Do you strive to clean up someone else's house if there is a mess". Disorder is bad, the "rescuer" will say, I just have to help, because a person suffers so much from living in disorder. The "rescuer" simply does not admit the idea that someone can be responsible for the consequences of their actions.

"Rescuer" is one of the roles that a codependent person realizes in life. Who are codependents? These are people who are pathologically emotionally dependent on a loved one (spouse, parent, child). We are all emotionally dependent on loved ones, and that's okay. But only codependent people believe that they can and should control others, correct them, help, "save", make another person's happiness, they believe that they understand and feel their partner better than others, they always know what he wants. Such people most often become spouses of people addicted to psychoactive substances and / or become addicted to destructive cults. Those. the authors of the test are looking for their audience, and not trying to help a person understand himself.

It should also be noted that any test must be carried out in a certain style in terms of the content of the questions. It is also necessary for the accuracy of the interpretation of the results. If we read the magazine test, then wp # 121 will not embarrass us a little: "If the distance is not too great, would you still prefer to get there than to walk?" If we are at a doctor's or a medical psychologist's appointment # 97 "Are you sleeping well?" or wp # 122 "Do you ever get worried about the noise of the wind or the" settling house "?" just as little confused, because if we turned to them, we were worried about something. But the use of such questions within the framework of one test in combination with the quotes already cited above suggests that this test cannot in any way be passed within the framework of one genre, which means that it serves to juggle the answers. He cannot convey the diversity of human nature, the variety of ways to build communication. And the task of any test, even a magazine test, is to divide people into at least 3 categories according to some criterion. And simple, but high-quality tests of 5-6 questions cope with this. Tests of 200 questions divide people into at least 8 large categories, besides some subtleties and peculiarities.

And what about this questionnaire? Not every healthy, balanced, calm and confident person will continue to complete such a large test, faced with questions that accuse him, ambiguous, confusing and describing gloomy states. Who will be? There will be someone who has a vague sense that something is wrong in his life, or he knows that he has problems. A person who is looking for answers to his questions and solutions to his problems. It is only this temporary category of people that this questionnaire accurately classifies. Temporary, because any of us falls into this category under certain life circumstances. These are people who are acutely experiencing stress, people who have a predominantly anxious and suspicious emotional background, with a depressive mood and a tendency to codependency. Such people have low self-esteem, and it really may be difficult for them to communicate in this state, even with close relatives and friends. But their problems go deeper than simple communication problems. And the authors know this, which is why the text of the questionnaire contains topics so different in level: communication and factors affecting health and stress. Such people need psychological help and sometimes psychological rehabilitation, and instead, their fears and anxieties, feelings of guilt and feelings of inadequacy increase under the influence of this questionnaire. They, worrying about the result, call the indicated numbers and ... instead of being rehabilitated, they end up in a destructive cult. Where their psyche is inflicted even more, sometimes irreparable, damage. And the tendency to codependency is brought to a severe form of emotional dependence on the group.

Alina Vinogradova, psychologist

Notes (edit)

1. Abilities are individual personality traits that are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity. Abilities are not limited to the individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of some activity and are internal mental regulators that determine the possibility of their acquisition. http://ru.wikipedia.org

2. It is difficult to name the exact number here, since in some people the states described in the test may not be accompanied by feelings of anxiety, aggression, etc.

Definition 1

The Oxford Personality Analysis Test is a test in which you need to answer questions about yourself.

Test characteristic

This test is considered to be an effective method for studying personality parameters in a person. It is unique in its own way, covering various areas of the sphere of life. It is an extensive complex used by tools and techniques that help to deeply analyze mental processes, human subconsciousness and determine the real state. At the same time, find problems and determine the direction for getting out of them.

The famous American test in which you have to answer 200 questions. It was created by Scientologist Ron Hubbard. Hubbard is the founder of the Church of Scientology and has implemented this technique to attract new followers to his ranks.

Nowadays, this method is used when applying for a job or to determine the level of stress in a person. At the same time, the test gives most often negative results for almost everyone. On this occasion, there are conflicting and negative reviews of people who, having passed the test, learned a lot of unpleasant things about themselves.

Basic test concepts

By analyzing the available information related to the Oxford Test of Personality Analysis, fundamental postulates can be identified. This test shows various aspects of a person's character, his weaknesses and strengths.

The test is based on 10 main personality characteristics, such as:

Confidence level... Reflects a person's ability to concentrate, plan and organize their own actions, as well as the degree of self-control and response to the world around them.

Contentment with life... Reflects the degree of optimism and perception of various life situations related to the attitude towards oneself and towards the people around.

The degree of self-control... Reflects the ability to control your behavior, voice and thoughts.

Confidence level. Reflects the stability of life principles, values, as well as a person's confidence in their own knowledge.

Degree of initiative and activity.Demonstrates a willingness to take responsibility and do the necessary work.

Degree of conviction and determination. Reflects the level of perseverance, faith in one's own strengths and capabilities.

Level of responsibility and measure of objectivity... Reflects the ability to take responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions.

Effectiveness of assessing an ongoing event... Reflects a person's ability to consistently understand and substantiate real events, as well as the degree of a critical look at events and people around them.

Friendliness. Reflects a person's ability to find mutual understanding with people and to be considerate with others.

Sociability. Reflects the ability to find friendly understanding and openly express your worldview.

Practical application of the test

Practical application of this test to identify psychological problems such as problems of interaction with the outside world, depression and mental disorders.

Many questions are related to clarifying emotional manifestations during communication and experiencing unpleasant states.

About 80 questions are related to feelings of anxiety, about 30 questions are devoted to aggression and conflict. The questions are often repeated. There are 23 questions regarding positive emotions and pleasant situations.

One gets the impression that the questions in this text are formulated in an accusatory form, which causes guilt and anxiety. Many questions are assessed as tactless and meaningless.

The psychological analysis of the test questions reveals a lot of inconsistencies in them with standards and professional level.

The page contains a translation of the secret manual for conducting and decoding the 1955 Oxford Personality Test in the original. You can personally verify its directness and simplicity.

This test was created by Julia Lewis Salman in the mid-1950s and she called it the American Personality Analysis Test. Subsequently, Raymond Kemp finalized it and released it in 1969 under the name known in Russia: "OSA Test". The test was striking in its effectiveness, it, like an X-ray, revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the person being tested.

The amazing thing was that his results could not be faked - the "dishonest" answers were revealed by the algorithm. Therefore, a number of comrades were very interested in making this tool stop being effective. Since the late 1970s, it has been redesigned so much that it stopped working.

In the Free Zone, the original OCA test was reinstated. And, of course, your nearest independent Scientology organization will be happy to provide you with a real transcript of your schedule - exactly as the creators of the test, Julia and Raymond, did it.

Chapter 1: The Real Purpose of the Oxford Personality Test

The purpose of this test is to provide a reliable means of assessing various temperamental factors, the combination of which determines trends in an individual's behavior. The test is the result of years of research and the authors would like to thank the Hubbard Directing Center in Washington, DC, Phoenix, Camden, New Jersey, London, Johannesburg, and Melbourne for their resources.

This test, accompanied by a good knowledge of therapies such as Dianetics and the use of the Hubbard Attitude Chart and the Human Behavioral Tone Scale, will provide the fastest and most accurate assessment of any factor that may help the test taker cope with his or her problems or be of great benefit to that person.

The test was also approved by the Freud Foundation of America, which noted the emotional stability of the individual before and after Scientometric research, both in private and in group procedures. The most important syndromes present in an individual can be quickly identified by using the test as a guide to therapy.

The test results are divided into characteristics and their opposites, from the letter A to J, and the word "characteristic" in this test means a set of behaviors and tendencies, the degree of manifestation of which allows them to be measured and noticed.

The questions that serve to determine the different characteristics in the test are based on a wide range of the individual's responses to different life situations.

Chapter 2: The Actual Reliability of the Personality Test in Numbers

Reliability refers to the degree of accuracy of the test measurements. A common measure of test reliability is the ratio of two forms of the same test. The average of the coefficient, taken over the past three years using two different tests, similar in purpose, shows that the average value of the coefficient of the Oxford Personality Analysis is 96.

Another measure of the reliability of a test is the ratio of different characteristics in the same test. In fact, this is the ratio of different forms of short test, each of which is ten times shorter than the full test, while short tests, one might say, are issued simultaneously.

To correct the ratio between short tests, the Brown-Spinnen formula is usually used, which can be applied to obtain the ratio of two or more complete tests that are issued in the same circumstances. The average value of the coefficient for the adjusted coefficient is 92.

Thus, the use of weighted assessments allows us to identify a change in the personality factor for a given characteristic as a result of the presence of a change in the tests carried out before and after therapy, exceeding four weighted points.

Other Ways to Check the Reliability of a Test Method

Another measure of reliability, which is completely independent of the degree of heterogeneity of the group, is the possible error in the number of points (Beta factor). Potential point error refers to the average by which the actual number of points earned by an individual differs from the actual number of points.

While this form of test has a fatigue factor, the tester can quickly rectify the potential error by making sure that the test-taker or test-taker fully understands that the test can never be considered an exam, and that they can complete the form. spend as much time as they need.

Attempts to deliberately fail the test by giving high or low answers are usually not a serious factor affecting measurement accuracy. If the test-taker gives such answers, they are considered accurate, since they give the tester a definition of what the individual considers good or bad.

A second test could be done: ask a few people who know the test-taker well to answer the test questions about the test-taker. All one has to do to do this kind of cross-checking of an individual is to replace the word "you" in the test with his name.

Chapter 3: Using the resulting in-depth psychological portrait

There are various specific ways to use the test, including any of the following:

  1. Before and after Scientometric testing for clinical use, or for use by independent practitioners and consultants. The test can be used not only as a means of determining the actions to be taken, but also as a means of measuring the achievement of an individual as a result of therapy.

  1. As a tool for use in professional recruiting. For this area, there is a separate form of test that shows the level of reliability of a person in the Organization, and this test is called the Oxford Personality Analysis (Business Performance Analysis).
  2. Diagnostics of the fundamental factors and methods of rendering assistance to people with a problem of unhappy marriage, having a difficult childhood, involved in child crime, having problems communicating with parents or children, experiencing excessive depression, having an inferiority complex and other social difficulties that a human being may have.

Not obvious additional areas of application of the test

  1. The test can be used in schools to identify individuals in need of therapy or counseling, and as an aid to identify those aspects of the personality for which people most need help, i.e. to ascertain which characteristic is most preventing an individual from being well-off and having good relationships with others in life.

Testing can be done by both teachers and students. If the test taker is under the age of fourteen, the tester can read the questions out loud and rephrase them in such a way that they do not lose their meaning, and then mark the test taker's answers on the form.

  1. Providing assistance in the selection of a partner for marriage, consulting families and in case of difficulties in the courtship process. For example: an ideal marriage union cannot be considered one in which one of the spouses has very low scores on the characteristics of the test, has a low level of Responsibility, Uncommunicative, Passive and Absent.

If such a situation occurs in the person of the couple who is planning to enter into a marriage, then he is recommended to seek advice and therapy in a good Scientology Free Zone organization, which are located around the world.

Taking the test itself has a therapeutic effect, because even in the absence of therapy, the principle of giving answers to test questions forces the individual to look at his attitude towards life and find out what characteristic there is a deviation from the optimal attitude towards life.

Chapter 4: Algorithm for Accurate Calculation of OCA Test Scores

Review the Answer Sheet before you start calculating your test scores. Any wrong marks, incompletely erased marks, or unclear marks should be corrected.

If the answer to the same question has two opposite answers, erase both and mark the middle answer, since the double answer itself means that the answer should be in the middle (“maybe”). If the middle and one of the extreme answers are marked, erase the middle answer

If none of the answers in any question are checked, tick the middle column and check all other questions for this characteristic. If more than one answer for any characteristic is missing in the Answer Sheet, then, if possible, it is necessary to return the Response Sheet to the test taker to fill in the answers to the missed questions.

If more than 50% of the answers are marked in the middle column, then this test is not indicative. It only shows that this person does not have too much confidence in his attitude to life, or does not want or is not able to think through the questions to the end.

This in itself will be the main reason for deciding what action to take with the individual based on the test results.

Place the stencil on top of the Answer Sheet so that the questions are evenly spaced. Then, using the top of the sheet, add up all the scores above the existing marks and credit them to Attribute A. Then credit the scores to Attribute B. Enter the scores in the box in the upper right corner of the Answer Sheet. Repeat the operation to calculate the scores for each characteristic using the correct Answer Sheets.

When obtaining unweighted scores for each characteristic, select a percentage table according to the age and gender of the test taker. Find the weighted scores under the heading of each feature and then find their percentages. Percentages are indicated in the box in the upper right corner of the Reply sheet.

Plotting a graph

Then take a blank graph and draw a graph of the percentages by placing marks on parallel lines connecting the positive and negative values, and draw a colored line connecting those points.

You will see that the chart sheet is split into two levels with a zero percentage in the middle. Roughly speaking, any point in the negative range means the need to change this characteristic. The more of the graph is in the negative range, the more characteristics need to be changed.

A point below -75 indicates an urgent need for improvement. A point that is above zero is considered acceptable. A normal individual's stats are just above +30.

On the right side of the graph there will be numbers from 0 to 200. A mark of 100 indicates the usual acceptable standard of behavior. However, as therapy has improved, it has been found that with good counseling, an individual can raise their abilities and personality levels above what was once considered the norm.

Thus, it can be expected that in the near future there will be people whose effectiveness will be above the 100 mark. In fact, such a statement can already be demonstrated, and it has already been demonstrated over the past seven years in the Independent Scientology Organizations.

When plotting the graph, the right-hand scale should be used to find the average normal level of an individual. Thus, if five characteristics were at around 100, and the rest were on average at 90, we can say that such an individual is 95% effective. Of course, this information is intended for the practitioner and the business evaluator only, and is a quick guide.

Nuances of the schedule and testing

If the graph of an individual is below the 100 mark or the midpoint for most characteristics and at the same time has high rates for only one or two characteristics, then these two characteristics indicate the presence of the corresponding euphoric state and should be considered as syndromes. Careful examination of the individual's stability factor will reveal the presence of a critical factor.

For item D, check question 22. If the answer is "yes," circle the dot along characteristic E with a wavy line. Then check question 197, and if the answer is "yes," draw a wavy line around characteristic B.

The presence of two positive responses indicates that the degree of activity or depression is fluctuating and should be interpreted in this way. If the characteristic D is characterized by low rates, then these three factors form a syndrome that indicates an extremely unstable personality.

In the case of a series of tests, it is necessary to take a break of seven, and preferably ten days in order to ensure the accuracy of the answers. It is recommended that you use different colored pencils when charting for each test. It is suggested to use a blue pencil for the first graph, red for the second, green for the third and black for the fourth.

Very few therapies at the current level of effectiveness will require more than four tests. Plotting the graph on the same sheet thus provides another way to use the test - to test the effectiveness of the therapeutic method, as it can quickly assess whether the practitioner is making progress.

Weighted scores should always be used in the test, and an exception is possible if the test is used for preselection purposes, i.e. in recruiting, where large numbers of people can be tested and, based on responses that are unweighted, select individuals who can then be retested using the weighted scores and thus get the most out of the test results.

Chapter 5: Using Personality Profile Test Results

The assessor must decide whether or not to show the test taker his graph. Often, although the test-taker is naturally curious, it would be wrong to show him the result until he has received changes through therapy.

For example, it would be a bad idea to show the test taker his graph if the performance is low enough and the test taker is very Depressive and very Uncommunicative. In this case, showing him the graph would devalue him, even though he himself answered the test questions.

In general, low scores for characteristics I and J (Sensitivity and Sociability as opposed to Unresponsiveness and Uncommunicativeness) indicates that the individual is out of communication with people or with terminals in his environment.

It is best to first spend some time with such a person and enter into communication with him, and therapy should be based on the rule that the practitioner and such an individual should always be in communication.

NOTE: This test is designed as a guideline and anyone who is going to use it should be aware not to rely entirely on the schedule. The practitioner's ability to look, observe and evaluate the test-taker is of the utmost importance.

The authors recommend that all practitioners fully understand that the Hubbard Table of Attitudes and the Hubbard Table of Human Assessment are invaluable aids in addition to such necessary observation.

However, the test often identifies a characteristic that would need to be worked on and that would otherwise be overlooked. Practical application of the test will soon improve observation as to which therapy method will most quickly resolve a test taker's problem.

Chapter 6: Specific Application Techniques for the Oxford Personality Assessment Test

NOTE: Business performance analysis is another name for the OCA test.

Since, according to statistics, most companies are currently losing more than 48% of profits due to inefficiency of employees, it becomes imperative to identify through testing those employees who are in such poor condition that they cannot contribute to the survival of the company.

Despite the fact that this problem has been known and has existed for many years, the answer was only found through the emergence of group therapy and raising the level of the individual's effectiveness with the use of group therapy.

Thus, the test can be used in a special way - to identify employees who need counseling or group therapy. In group therapy, it is recommended that large numbers of staff conduct tests both before and after therapy in order to measure achievement on an overarching scale.

It is also advisable to identify those employees who are in such poor condition that group therapy will be contraindicated for them. The condition of such individuals can usually be improved over several individual sessions, and then admitted to group sessions.

Unweighted metrics may be used in a test to identify underperforming employees.

The OCA test was developed to evaluate the large-scale research conducted by Ron Hubbard. Since the late 1940s, he and a large number of his followers have done a tremendous job of creating the science of the human mind - Dianetki.

In the course of this scientific work, about half a million processes were developed and tested. Ron identified the most effective and simple auditing processes that helped the being free from the burden of the negative past and regain its lost abilities.

By the late 1970s, the work of creating a route to a more efficient, sane, and happier person had been successfully completed. And now all over the world there is an opportunity to receive quality auditing in independent Scientology organizations.

By far the best way to find out what "Tea" is is to take it and try it. You can do this by reading Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. This fascinating book not only reads in one breath, but is also a complete textbook. You can try auditing with your friend - read this book and work with each other!

The article will focus on the OCA test - the Oxford personality assessment test: where it can be passed, whether there are "correct" answers in it, and how to decipher the graph with the indicators of this test for the psychological state of a person. And of course, you can immediately in our organization to get a professional interpretation of the results.

For more than 60 years, this test has been successfully used to help people solve their personality problems and determine the optimal route for self-improvement. Thanks to accurate diagnostics (200 questions are used), many people continue to make significant progress.

Indeed, it is personal qualities that primarily determine the level of not only well-being, but also the happiness of a person as a whole. Therefore, at least to broaden our horizons, each of us must imagine what it is and be able to get such a service for very little money, or even free of charge.

What Does the OCA Test Really Show?

The graph reflects the study of a set of solutions that a person has come up with in order to solve problems in life.

An interesting point with solutions is that they work then, when applied to a problem they need to solve... If a person tries to apply to a problem for which it is not suitable for solving, that solution will become part of the problem.

For example, here you are playing basketball. Then you play hockey. And after that, maybe you decided to play beach volleyball. No problem. But what if you didn’t take off your basketball uniform before putting on your hockey guard, and then just put on your beach shorts on top of everything? See how much we carry with us and how this negatively affects the games we play?

The dentist is very good at discovering what can be corrected in the patient's mouth. Find the hollow and fix it. Find another hollow and fix it. Years later, this person begins to do a very good job of finding something wrong and fixing it.

But he doesn't notice that this “solution” drives his employees and his family members crazy because he applies it to them too. He has long ceased to pay attention to what is CORRECT in his employees, his wife and children.

This set of "solutions" shapes the personality. They represent the results of human trial and error, and they taught him to behave the way he behaves - these are the rules of his universe.

How can a person be helped by the opportunity to see himself from the outside?

In fact, it begins to act on the basis of the "stimulus-response" mechanism. The person becomes a push-button mechanism, and his environment begins to press his buttons. He lives his life within boundaries that he does not dare to violate, and beyond which lies what makes him flinch.

These flinches are nothing more than the remnants of an experience that he had, and which he does not want to have again. These are his "buttons".

After years of "learning" with his buttons, he finds himself in the middle of the comfort zone he created himself. He sacrificed his knowledge, intelligence and real ability in favor of a capsule with comfort.

The test allows you to see this capsule. This test also allows you to predict what actions a person needs to take to reverse the process and regain their true potential.

Test does not allow understand whether a person has the knowledge and experience necessary to perform a specific job. The graph does not reflect a person's favorite color or their concept of an ideal husband or wife. The schedule touches the very BASICS.

The test allows you to see how a person actually copes with the events of their life. It allows you to see if a person creates his life, or if life creates him. It shows you the "emotional imprint" and describes the person's comfort zone and how they deal with the challenge they have received from life.

Review of the graph with the results of the Oxford Personality Analysis Test

A lot can be said about this personality analysis test. But it's worth starting with the definition:

Word "Personality" (" Personality ") goes back to the Latin word persona: The character of the play; actor mask, human ("The Concise Oxford Dictionary").

The columns that we will look at when evaluating the test reflect the basic parameters of a person's conditions and the basic abilities that a person needs in order to act in a survival manner. Each of the columns will be described below.

These characteristics can be grouped as follows:



Reliability of the schedule






The first group has to do with Personality. It reflects Attention, Emotion and Balance. They all have to do with the person himself.

The Confidence characteristic reflects the duration of the schedule. Does a person trust his own decisions or does he jump from one decision to another like a frog on a hot plate?

The second group refers to the Environment - the universe surrounding the Personality, which is described by the first three characteristics. The characteristics of the second group indicate the level and nature of the competence with which the Personality manifests itself in the world.

The third group of characteristics reflects the way in which a person creates personal and relationships.

When we talk about individual characteristics, we often name them by the letters that appear next to the name of the corresponding characteristic. This corresponds to the sequence in which the characteristics are plotted on the graph. You can hear the evaluator say, "She had a very high D, a lower E, and a lovely H. She is the perfect candidate for this position!"

Each column reflects a specific main parameter. When we look at a combination of characteristics, we see the character of a person.

Please note that it is not enough to look at each column separately to properly evaluate the test: it is very important to consider them as a whole. The following are general concepts for each of the characteristics.

A - Attention; FOCUS: The ability to direct attention for a long (high A) or short (low A) period of time

B - Happiness; FOCUS ON WHAT ?: Solutions or Problems? Is this person goal-oriented?

C - Composure; BALANCE: Can this person maintain composure in a difficult situation? Is he confident in himself?


D - Confidence; CONFIDENCE: (Decisiveness or hesitation?)

Category 2: Environment, Activity, DO

E - Activity; ENERGY: Is he active or lazy?

F - Perseverance; INCIDENTAL POWER: Strength, intention.

G - Responsibility; BEING A CAUSE: Endurance or Vulnerability?

Category 3: Other People, Results, HAVE

H - Correctness of the assessment; CONFRONT: Independent thinking or the influence of other people?

I - Empathy; DISTANCE: Warmth or coolness in a relationship, the ability to listen or ignore.

J - Communication; SIGNIFICANT: Chatterbox or observer.

Psychotype test - reading the whole picture

The Personal Matrix Profile shows us the results of ten different tests on one graph, and looking solely at the values ​​of individual characteristics will invariably lead to misunderstandings of the entire graph.

Therefore, you should be careful when you show a person his graph - he invariably comes to the wrong conclusions. The true picture is visible from the combination of characteristic values.

As evaluators, we are not interested in the brushstrokes on a painting, but in the effect of the painting. When we want to improve a case or train a person to work in a specific area, we look at individual characteristics.

IN GENERAL, the higher the value of an individual characteristic, the greater the ability associated with this characteristic a person displays.

The lower the value of a characteristic on the scale, the more problem this characteristic becomes, and the greater the negative effect that such a characteristic has on the whole picture.

For example, a very high (+30) Grade Accuracy tells us about an excellent ability to be present and face what is happening face to face. A low H (-50) tells us that a person's opinion is influenced by other people, and he is constantly guided by the past when assessing what is right and what is not.

This, in turn, leads to the fact that this person is constantly re-creating his own past, because he constantly puts it in the present moment. Therefore, he suffers from fixed conditions for which there is no obvious solution.

Is it possible to improve the characteristics of a personality test

Individually, the ten columns can be considered as separate wheel spokes. Together they form a "matrix" that reflects predictable behaviors.

Personality can change. "Better" or "worse" are terms we will leave to the critics. We are interested in whether a person is capable of helping or is destructive in a particular context.

For example, a person shows an inability to stick to one decision. This is good for an actor or designer as they can change their minds quickly and are creative people. They can easily accept new ideas and are spontaneous.

Nevertheless, a person in a leadership position who constantly changes his mind can destroy a company in record time.

It is difficult to get along with a person who has a low Empathy value, but he can become an excellent debt collector.

It should always be remembered that any characteristic can be improved through training. Therefore, you do not need to think that the cards that you received at the beginning of the game will remain with you forever.

Very high schedule

Sometimes we come across graphs on which the values ​​of all characteristics are at the top. Such a graph is either an incredibly good or a terrible sign. There is NO "in the middle" here.

In order to understand whether this is a great schedule or a bad one, you need to look at how productive this person is. The evidence of performance - or lack thereof - will be evident. Performance will be either high or zero.

We call this terrible state "peace and quiet." A person is incapable of living in the real world and lives in a fantasy land, and also honestly believes in everything he says, despite the fact that none of it can be verified.

A person with such a "terrible" schedule can bring. He will not even know that he is the cause of them. This is an absolutely compulsive person who will fizzle out without receiving therapy and end up with a nervous breakdown.

It is sad, but such people do not seek help because their problems are “other people's problems”. These people with rose-colored glasses are unable to see for themselves how they behave.

You don't come across such graphs often, but it's better to know about them. When such people go through auditing programs, their schedules skyrocket.

When the best becomes the enemy of the good and why it happens

When we say that a characteristic is "compulsive," we mean that there is something that this person should do. Man does not have an analytical solution.

The compulsive characteristics are higher than the CONFIDENCE characteristic, if the Confidence value is +32 or higher. Thus, if Attention is at plus 80, then it is compulsive, if Confidence is at 60.

Compulsive characteristics are interesting in that they work without the person realizing it. In other words, they are indicators of “now I need to do this” behavior that worked for the person in the past, but is currently continuing at an unanalyzed level.

This model still "works" for humans, but at an automatic level. It may not work at all, but the person does not know about it and continues to automatically show compulsion.

A person who constantly talks and never listens is compulsive in this area and will never even think that people do not like starting a conversation with him. Compulsion is designed to solve a problem from his past, but he does not recognize that it creates problems for him in the present.

Another aspect of the compulsive characteristic is that it turns OFF like a bathroom faucet when the person reaches the limit of their tolerance level.

How You Can Really Improve Your Psychological Mental Test

For example, a person with compulsive C - Self-control - the very balance and presence exactly until he gets a nervous breakdown, which can last 30 seconds, ten minutes, or a year - depending on what marks are the other characteristics on his graph.

One of these people I knew broke off right in the middle of a meeting that was being held in the presence of four other people. This woman just fell apart emotionally, got up and left the room. Everyone was worried about this fact, but I saw her schedule and assured them that she would be back in a few minutes and look happy. And so it happened.

These people looked at me as if I were an Indian sage with a towel wrapped around my head, but I knew this would happen and used this event to sell them a recruiting program using the OCA Test.

Their recruitment problems were resolved. (We've also dealt with this lady's compulsive characterization, but that's another story!)

In terms of correction, when a person with a compulsive characteristic enters an effective personality auditing program, their previously compulsive characteristic will sink to their present level. It will be at a mark lower, but the person will feel more "connected" with this area and feel more relief.

The ceiling of analytical thinking in test results

The Confidence characteristic reflects the analytical thinking ceiling on the graph. A person will know about his behavior patterns below the Confidence mark on the graph, and he will not necessarily know about how he behaves according to the characteristics, the marks of which are above D (until he is indicated to this).

We are not very concerned when one or more of the characteristics are above the Confidence mark. Activity and Perseverance, for example, are often higher than the Confidence of travelers and test pilots. These people discover new lands as part of their activities and live outside their comfort zone.


And pass in our Scientology organization "LIGHTHOUSE" the OCA test - the Oxford personality assessment test and get a transcript of the graph with the indicators of this test for the psychological state of a person.

Of course, it is no secret at all that the OCA Test was originally designed to determine the most optimal auditing program. Thanks to this procedure, a person restores his original level of vitality and becomes really happy.

This technology for restoring human abilities was not accidentally published on the special date May 9, 1950. The book "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health" was published on the 5th anniversary of the Great Victory of our People over fascism.

The book contains a specific description of the auditing technology that you can independently apply with your partner. So don't forget to download this book - an amazing adventure awaits you!

Be happy! J

Have you ever had an outwardly attractive candidate come for an interview, correctly say the right things, behave confidently enough and you hire him ... During the trial period, he shows himself on the positive side and you enroll him in the state - he is different, suddenly, becomes inert, begins to make mistakes and so that he timely fulfills orders, his systematically have to adjust, nudge and remind him?

Then you know that the outer shell and the inner world of a person are not the same... Alas, most of us do not know how to read other people's thoughts and know what is going on in the minds of those who come for an interview. And many will be able to tolerate their laziness or some hidden manifestations during the trial period.

So, having stumbled several times on such candidates and experiencing a slight misunderstanding of why this is happening, you cease to trust people and already every such candidate raises doubts and suspicions in you. Isn't it? ... Maybe not. But for most of the personnel officers with whom we have to work, this leads to the fact that a normal adequate person comes to the interview, with whom the personnel officer begins to behave distrustfully, which causes suspicion in the candidate, and as a result, such a person himself already refuses to work in this company. Have you ever had this? ...

And what to do in such situations? Is there a way out? Yes there is! This is testing candidates.

We do not hide the fact that we use a test based on the Oxford Test “Personality Analysis”, which is actively used in the organizations of L. Ron Hubbard. But we use a secular commercial version of the test developed by the American company Mastertech Computer Products International, Inc. And since the Oxford test is widely known and popular in the world, we use its name so that people have more of the reality that we are talking about. Unlike the original, the commercial version contains exclusively questions related to the business qualities of the candidate being tested.

So, here's an example of three different tests:

Test 1:

Test 2:

Test 3:

The best is test No. 3. It was completed by a 42-year-old woman who we hired as head of human resources in a large climate company, where she successfully passed the probationary period of 6 months and still works there, maintaining good relations with us.

The most problematic is the person who completed test # 1. The person who completed test # 2 is also problematic, but his test is better than # 1.

And so, 3 people came, all dressed well, smiling, communicating in about the same way, etc., but at the end 2 of them are problematic and only 1 is quite productive.

If, when selecting candidates, you do not use testing as an additional tool for assessing the quality of people, then you will constantly come across those who will create problems for you more than help you.

There are no perfect people! But there are people who can help in achieving the set goals, and there are people who will take away some of the collective energy and greatly slow down it. What do you need? ...

Now we do not have a task to explain in detail the essence of each of the given graphs. If you are interested in this service, you can contact us and we will give you more reality about the testing technology we use.

And if you are interested in our service for testing your candidates or already working employees, then it is worth RUB 1,500 for one person.

If someone signs a contract with us for the "Human Resources" service, then, in addition to other services on personnel matters, it also includes testing of up to 30 candidates per month. Also testing service can be purchased in packages - 10,000 rubles. for 10 people.

Prices are indicated excluding VAT 18%... Payment is possible both according to the usual tax scheme and according to the simplified one.

As an additional, free bonus, together with the test "Personality analysis", we offer an additional test "Professional suitability", which you can learn more about by contacting us.
