The digital world is closely intertwined with our daily life: we communicate for a long time, study, work, shop online. But if concern for offline security is perceived as something natural, then the rules of behavior on the Web are not followed by everyone.

First of all, one must clearly understand the scale of a possible tragedy. Many people are careless about Internet security, thinking: "Whoever needs my smartphone, I only have photos and a contact book there." So, here's what hackers can find out about you by gaining access to your phone or computer:

  • Photos, videos and other content (even if it is stored in the cloud).
  • Information about documents: passport, policy, tickets and more. This is especially true if you store digital copies of them in applications such as "VKarmane", Wallet, or even in the "Photos" folder.
  • Financial information, including your card CVV, account movements, recent payments.
  • Everything that happens in all your social networks (hacking of the VKontakte account, by the way, is one of the top most expensive hacker services) and mail, access to attachments in messages and confidential corporate and personal correspondence.
  • Geolocation, microphone and camera data.

Password - a find for a spy

A compromised or weak password is the second most popular hacking method (according to a study by Balabit Balabit: Top 10 Most Popular Hacking Methods). Nevertheless, from year to year, in the lists of the most popular passwords, we can see the classic qwerty, 12345 or even just password.

The opposite situation happens: a person comes up with a super-long and complex password and uses it in all his accounts: social networks, forums, online stores, personal bank accounts. Now, when each of us is registered in at least ten different online services, a single password becomes the key to a person's entire life and can greatly harm it.

Preventive measures:

  • Determine the complexity of the password based on which account it leads to. Obviously, the security of an Internet bank is more important than an account on an amateur forum.
  • A strong password is at least eight characters long and meets the following requirements: uppercase and lowercase letters (agRZhtj), special characters (!% @ # $? *), And numbers. There are 814 trillion (!) Brute-force combinations for a 14-character password. To check how long it will take for hackers to crack your password, visit
  • Do not use common words or personal information that is easily obtained from open sources: birthdays, pet names, company or university name, your nickname, and the like. For example password 19071089 , where 1989 - year of birth, and 0710 - date and month, not as reliable as it seems at first glance. You can write the title of your favorite song or a line from a poem in a different layout. For instance, TchaikovskySwan LakeXfqrjdcrbqKt, tlbyjtjpthj.
  • Protect critical services with one-time passwords. To do this, you can download the manager apps that generate them, such as KeePass and 1Password. Or use two-factor authentication, when each login to your account will need to be confirmed with a one-time SMS code.

Public networks

A wide public Wi-Fi network helps residents of large cities to reduce their mobile Internet costs. Nowadays, it's rare to find a place without a Free Wi-Fi badge. Public transport, parks, shops, cafes, beauty salons and other urban spaces have long provided their visitors with free internet. But even in your favorite trusted place, you can run into a hacker.

Preventive measures:

Applications: trust but verify

The recent hype surrounding a Chinese app that was accused of identity theft reiterated the importance of keeping track of apps downloaded to your smartphone. Consider seriously whether you are willing to risk your safety for the likes of a photo with the new filter.

By the way, even paid applications can spy on users: until the software code is open, it is quite problematic to understand what it does in reality. As for the data that may become available due to such programs, these are any actions and information that is on the device: telephone conversations, SMS or geolocation data.

Preventive measures:

  • Download apps only from official stores (App Store, Google Play) and brands you know.
  • Check information about the app, developer, user reviews, update history.
  • Before downloading, always study the list of services that the application requests access to, and check it for adequacy: an application for photo processing may need a camera, but an arcade toy is unlikely.

Phishing is a worm for especially gullible fish

Increasingly, attacks on a specific person are becoming a springboard for hackers to more valuable data - corporate information. The most effective and popular technique for deceiving gullible users is phishing (sending out fraudulent emails with links to false resources). To avoid becoming the main culprit of corporate information leakage and a candidate for dismissal for non-compliance with safety rules, keep track of what and how you do in the workplace.

Preventive measures:

  • Know and follow the privacy and security policy of the company you work for and what to do if it is violated. For example, who should be contacted for help in case of loss of password from mail or corporate system.
  • Lock your unused workspace with the hotkeys Ctrl + Alt + Del or Win + L for Windows.
  • Do not open email attachments from unknown addresses and suspicious content. Obvious signs of phishing are the impact on emotions ("Your account has been blocked, please confirm your details") and hidden hyperlinks or the sender's address. In order not to fall for the bait of an intruder, do not download suspicious attachments (a genuine and important document will never be named "Report" or Zayavka), check the appearance of the letter (logo, structure, spelling errors) and links (whether they are embedded in the text, to which site lead, suspicious link length).

Back to Prabhupada, issue 9, fall 2005

stay home

yare dekha, tare kaha "krsna" upadesa
amara agyaya guru hana tara "ei desha


Instruct everyone to follow the instructions of Lord Sri Krishna as stated in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way, become a spiritual master and try to free everyone who lives in this country.

A comment:

This is the exalted mission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Many people come and ask if they should leave family life to join the Society, but that is not our mission. A person can safely stay at home. […] The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to elevate human society to the perfect standard of living by following the method indicated in the advice of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to the brahman Kurma. That is, one should stay at home, chant the Hare Krsna mantra and preach the instructions of Krsna as they are stated in the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. […]

The philosophy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very well explained here. One who surrenders to Him and is ready to follow Him with all his heart and soul does not need to change his location. It is also not required to change your life status. You can remain a householder, medical practitioner, engineer, or anyone else. It does not matter. But one should follow the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and teach the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam to one's relatives and friends. One must learn humility and submission at home by following the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and thus life becomes spiritually successful. "
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya-lila 7.128, 7.130)

A fool can be a guru

“So any child can retell these words. Any fool can retell these words. And if you do that, Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that then you become guru simply by spreading these words. Amara ajnaya guru hana tara" ei desa. Even in your village, in your home, you can talk to your wife, your children. They will accept your words, "Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Then you will become a guru at home. "
(Srila Prabhupada Darshan, December 3, 1976)

A child can be a guru

"Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu ... Yare dekha tare kaha" krsna "-upadesa:" Become a guru. No qualifications required. Just repeat what Krishna says. "See how simple it is. Don't say any nonsense. Yare dekha tare kaha" krsna "- bass. Who cannot do that? Anyone can, even a child. (Laughs) The daughter of our Syamasundara. She is preached, “Do you know who Krsna is?” They replied, “No, we do not know ...” “This is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” This is preaching if you simply say, “Krsna is the Supreme Personality, the supreme controller. Just obey him. "So what is the difficulty? Anyone can preach. Chant Hare Krsna. Bas. Three words: Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, surrender to him and chant Hare Krsna. Your life will be successful. Is it very difficult to preach these three phrases? Hmm? Is there any difficulty? Even a child, Saraswati, she can preach. What to say about others? Adults, educated, advanced, they can present it more attractively, more convincingly, more philosophically. That's another point. But these three phrases: Krsna is the Supreme Lord, you are His servant, chant Hare Krsna, bass, preaching is perfect. This is a very simple thing and very important instruction. Anyone can become a guru simply by teaching these three phrases. "
(Srila Prabhupada Conversation, January 25, 1977)

No qualifications required

"But I have no qualifications. How can I become a guru?" No qualifications required. "And I can still become a guru?" Yes. "How?" Yare dekha tare kaha krsna-upadesa: "Whoever you meet, simply teach what Krsna has said. That's all. You become guru."
(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, May 21, 1976)

But don't accept disciples ...

All these and many other calls from Srila Prabhupada to "become a guru" repeat Lord Caitanya's order to "become a guru" given in the verse of the Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 7.128. And these calls to become a mere preaching guru, so little skill is required that even a child can do it, refer only to becoming an instructor, or siksa guru, as clearly stated in the commentary on this verse recited by Lord Caitanya:

"And it is better not to accept any disciples. One should purify oneself at home by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and preaching the principles indicated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way one can become a spiritual master and be freed from the contamination of material life. "
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya 7.130 commentary)

Therefore, Srila Prabhupada's chanting of Lord Caitanya's call to "become guru" is also a call NOT to accept ANY disciple, and we must obey that order.

Only Srila Prabhupada is initiating guru

"All GBC members should be instructing gurus. I am the initiating guru, and you should be instructing gurus, teaching what I teach and doing what I do."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, August 4, 1975)

"I am the spiritual master of this organization and all members of this society, they are supposed to be my disciples. They follow the rules and regulations that I ask them to follow, and they are initiated by me spiritually."
(Srila Prabhupada Radio Interview, 12 March 1968)

"Chanting Hare Krsna is our main business, it is real initiation. And since you are all following my instruction, you already have an initiating guru."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, August 19, 1968)

ISKCON Revival Movement Objectives

Since the physical departure of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada November 14, 1977 The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) - a great movement he personally founded in 1966 and which is the only hope for humanity - has undergone significant deterioration in terms of its spiritual purity. This was due to various deviations made by the leaders of the organization from the instructions and standards given by Srila Prabhupada, the main one of which was the removal of him from his position as the only diksa guru of ISKCON.

The ISKCON Revival Movement (IRM) aims to restore ISKCON to its former glory, purity and philosophical rigor, seeking to restore all the guidelines and standards given by Srila Prabhupada, starting with his restoration as ISKCON's sole authority and diksa guru. The position of the IRM is stated in " " - for order free a copy of the book in Russian, write to us at:.

Not so long ago, Alexey @Buduguru started an unusual relay race. Each of its members ... draws a different blogger!

I don’t know how quickly I would have learned about the relay if Alexey had not painted my own portrait at the start of the relay :) Oh, to say that I was flattered is to say nothing ... Thank you!

However, less than a few days later, a question from Alexey came to my service: "What does Buduguru need to do to truly become a guru? :)))" Actually, lately I have been thinking about this, frankly speaking, a difficult question ... Therefore, I will leave the answer here: what if someone (well, including me) will come in handy in the future.

Having studied various articles about directly about the guru and synonyms of this word in modern language, I realized this ...

On the one side, guru is an expert... Someone who knows his business well. Who, possessing professional knowledge, is open to new ideas and horizons. The one who proves his skill not with formal papers and certificates, but with his actions, work, teaching others. Someone who can analyze and give his authoritative opinion on any professional issue.

On the other hand, guru is the teacher... These people do not just keep their knowledge and skills as know-how. They multiply their wisdom by teaching others. In this, the gurus follow the principle “the more you give, the more you get” (with which I strongly agree :)). First, by giving knowledge, gurus do not lose it, right? But - as you know - voicing thoughts, ideas, knowledge helps a deeper understanding, revision of some obvious things. And secondly, by explaining something to his disciple and answering his questions, the guru gains invaluable experience. Because the questions of an ignorant person (seemingly naive!) Make you look differently at the subject or question, discover nuances and shades that are imperceptible for a “hard-core” professional.

For guru no advertising needed: new learners and those who need advice find them themselves. They themselves and their success in the professional field are spoken about on the sidelines and from the stage, they are invited to perform and even just to be present, because the guru is a kind of standard in their professional environment. And maybe I will now say something from the world of ideal things ... But true gurus try to stay out of politics (in every sense), undercover games and intrigues.

Well, in quality answering the question "How to become a guru": actually, you need to strive for all of the above. Develop your skills, gain experience; to study everything new and fresh; help those who have asked for help and who really need it; be sincere and open.

So I want to wish our Buduguru to gradually master this difficult status, and then change his nickname, but not to "uzheguru", but - for example - to a more abstract nickname (or even his own name!), because gurus are also different in that they do not boast that they are gurus ;)

Human psychology is changing very slowly, in most situations we act in the same way as cavemen hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, things are not as simple as they seem. Therefore, before creating a product, it is important to thoroughly study the mindset and logic of the customer's behavior.

And to make it easier for you to do this, business consultant Mitch Miller (Mitch Miller) review psychological tricks that can and should be used to increase sales.

We want to have what others have

The grass behind the fence is always greener, and what we have never completely suits us. This eternal inner dissatisfaction creates a vacuum, which, like a funnel, sucks in everything around.

Between who we really are and who we want to see ourselves, there is 500 meters of emptiness. To fill it, we buy more and more things, thinking that it will help. Every day we see expensive cars, mansions and other attributes of a beautiful life on TV, and we believe that having them is true happiness.

Marketers know these human weaknesses and successfully exploit them for their own purposes. So play on your mustache: if you prove to the client that other people are happier and more successful than him because they use your product, he will definitely make a purchase.

We want what others want

There are two ways of knowing the world: based on your own experience and based on the experience of other people.

It is not necessary to stick your hand into the fire, because you already know that there are burns from fire. It is unlikely that anyone would think to jump from the fortieth floor to make sure that after that they do not survive.

Other people's stories and common knowledge tell us what is good and what is bad. It is called "Social learning".

In order to progress, we need to take into account the experiences of those around us. If we decide to experience everything for ourselves, then evolution will pass by. Therefore, when we want what others want, the instinct of self-preservation speaks in us.

Now that you know this trick, let biology come to the aid of your marketing. And may social proof help you.

People are lazy and procrastinate forever.

And a little more about the instinct of self-preservation. Since energy reserves are not unlimited, we strive to save it. That's why from any problem situation we are trying to find the easiest way out.

Apply this idea to marketing. Just prove that your product or service can be improved or accomplished with less effort.

You will also have to accept the fact that people put off making a decision as long as they can. Even if they really want something, they will still delay the purchase to the last. A proven way to combat procrastination is by tight ad campaign deadlines. This will make the client collect their thoughts faster.

Selfishness spurs us on

We all think about ourselves first, whether marketers like it or not. That is why advertising like “look at what a cool product we have” does not work. This is not interesting to anyone. You better tell me how he solves consumer problems.

At heart we want to be ruled

I like the saying: "Most people walk around the world with an umbilical cord in hand and looking for where to connect it." ... This can also be explained by the phenomenon of social learning.

We transfer the reins of government to other people, because this eliminates the need to strain and think. We do not always have a clear idea of ​​who we are, what we believe in and what we value.

It is easy for people who can answer these questions to lead the crowd. Even if their beliefs are sheer nonsense.

Be 100% confident in your brand, express ideas convincingly, and then you will have every chance to lure customers over to your side.

People are stubborn

We often stand our ground to the last, even if in fact we are wrong. This feature of human behavior can become a tool in the hands of a marketer.

If the client is holy in something and you manage to prove to him that giving up your product or service is against their beliefs, he will have only one way out - to make a purchase.

Most people hate to be wrong

There is nothing surprising. You, too, probably do not like it when mistakes are pointed out to you. Therefore, if you need to work out a customer's objection or convince him to buy a product, in no case say the phrase "You are wrong."

Instead, agree to let the client understand - you are on the same wavelength with him... And then show a different perspective in the form of a "What if ...?" and let him come to the idea you are trying to instill.

In this case, the client will not feel any pressure from your side, and you, in the meantime, direct his thoughts in the right direction.

Emotions drive our purchases

When we go to a store, emotions push us to buy, because of which we then have to make excuses to logic for a long time.

But it's important to understand something here: if the customer is emotionally ready to purchase the product, you should also provide him with enough rational arguments to buy... The secret is that the client will not use them to clear his own conscience. He will need these arguments as a weapon against the objections of family and friends.

People hate making excuses on their own. If you do this work for them, the purchase is inevitable!

Most people get bored to death

They don't do anything interesting and just go with the flow their whole lives. But we always want to look cooler in the eyes of others, and you can safely use this idea for advertising purposes.

Offer people something that save them from routine, from which their blood will seethe and their eyes will light up. Wake them up at last!

How to train sexuality? Walking down the street, you saw a girl, imagine her naked. How exactly this woman would look naked. What boobs she has, how would she be in the uniform of an SS man, in the uniform of a nurse, or whatever she wants. If you felt the state of "you want her" - do not come up, move on. They saw another woman - the same thing. Try to train like this not only on beautiful girls, but not so much on scary ones, but on such, mediocre, not special ones. Try to induce a state of excitement towards her, towards this woman.

You can call it an "NLP technique" if you like. NLP is what works. Keep your techniques simple and only work for you. As you want in the context of "increasing sexuality" and imagine. Anyone who wants to be undressed and to push her "rolls" apart is presented naked with rolls. Anyone who wants to be in an SS uniform presents in an SS uniform. It doesn't matter how! The main thing is that it works for you!

The psyche is rather labile and manageable. Someone may not be able to do this right away. But as practice shows, after 3-4 such attempts, it starts to turn out automatically. And look how the behavior of girls changes when you just approach them, or you approach them in a state of sexual arousal, how differently they will behave. Look, compare. Either you fit simply, or you fit the same contextually, but at the same time entering this state of sexual arousal.

This state of excitement is the most important thing that all these "gurus" and womanizers have. It's just that these "megaguru" have this state by nature. They were already hypersexual by nature. Their physiology by nature requires constantly fucking, they constantly have a boner, etc. They can jerk off and still want to fuck. There are only a few such men, only 2-3%. If you want to be, well, not like them, but at least close to them, then this is achieved by training. This is the most important thing that a womanizer has! Most! The second most important thing is to get out of yourself.

They asked this question, is it possible to develop your sexuality? And then, they say, the woman wants, but I can no longer satisfy her. This is how sexuality increases! To eat Viagra is not an option. Viagra doesn’t increase sexuality, it just makes you hard.

Sexuality can be trained. So are the muscles. It's just that sexuality is trained over the head. Thoughts. The more you exercise, the better. When you train to such a state when you will automatically get up on any woman, then such troubles like “oh, she is not interesting to me as a person!” Will automatically disappear. Such enclosures automatically disappear! It's just that such pens are typical of most martyrs who want to fuck a maximum of 2 times a week. Being a womanizer is NOT their job really! But it can be trained! Those. if you really want to, you can train yourself to be a womanizer. If you are fired up with the idea of ​​becoming a womanizer, although physiologically it is unnatural for you, you can still change your physiology! The tool is there.

At first, there are even "kickbacks", depression. But then all this is developed and sexuality rises. Purely by the power of imagination! In the beginning there will be resistance from the body. But if you really decided to be a womanizer, mega cool fucked on the same level with Dimitri, with Leslie, with Barsik, with Alex Odessa, with everyone else, then train in this way, and sooner or later you will become. If you are still simultaneously pumping in other areas, then sooner rather than later.

These womanizers are NOT universal. Their trick is as follows. Such a person, he constantly walks, moves in space and spreads around himself these "vibes" of sexuality. He constantly shoots his eyes on the sides, he constantly has such a look "imposingly scanning" the space. They have such a relaxed, pleasant smile on their faces all the time. Those. with their gaze, the women around them seem to "caress". And calibrated. They constantly monitor these opposite signs. Well, it can be said like a walking locator, sonar. He constantly exudes these waves into space, ultrasonic, infrasonic, no matter what. And as soon as she caught the answer, a fleeting smile, something like that, the girl took up the phone, got embarrassed, or, on the contrary, made a "fucking slipper", different in different ways. As soon as it is led, it does not matter how, this allarm flag is already triggered, which is called the torpedo is aimed at the target.

Any system consists of several elements. The seduction system too. And it has its own elements to make it work. Here is, let's say "calibration". There are “rules of approach”. There is a "ringing". There is a “falling in love model”. There are many other seduction “technologies”. In fact, these are all elements of secondary and tertiary importance. The main, biggest and strongest element in this system is this element of sexual arousal. Wish! Motivation! How did it go with straight people in life? They didn't really learn anything! And why did they learn this "by itself"? Because they had a BIG DESIRE! They wanted! That is why the unconscious was constantly asked “I want, I want!”. The unconscious always fulfills the orders given by the mind and the body. Like this!

This element unites in itself all the other elements, and they, in turn, are already somehow connected to each other (not necessarily the way it is drawn).

Those. it is useless to calibrate the girl. It is useless to memorize the rules of approach. It's no use calling. It is useless to fall in love. If this basic element is missing!

All these "technologies", all these little articles that are written on sites, on forums, they are written by dudes who originally had this largest element. They DO NOT understand how it all works for them! They think that the main thing is all this tinsel. And they write it all. And this is read by ordinary guys who have a normal physiology. And accordingly, such a "cognitive-perceptual dissonance" is obtained. That the technology is kind of performing. They seem to be shooting with their eyes. Openers are kind of helpful. And it seems like a model of falling in love right here by the training manual has been memorized! And all the same, it doesn’t work! And there is a flurry of questions on the forum “I used this and that, why didn't it work? What have I done wrong?". He did it wrong, that there was no necessary state and there were no correct beliefs.

If you want women to be fooled by you, then the first principle is "do not jerk off", and the second, if you want to intensify this, even to the point that you leave the house after watching porn in this state. How is it sometimes advised on the forums? Jerk off before going out so that your overexcitement and "hungry eyes" are not visible. This is the worst advice you should never follow.

A “hungry” look arises in those people who just “jerked off”, as they say, and did everything else, and follow the technology, but make one fundamentally wrong trick. They have imposed goals. They "for someone" need to find a girl and seduce. This is when a person says to himself, "I have to seduce so much, so much today, in order to write a report, just to amuse my pride, to improve my self-esteem, that I am a normal guy, that women are being fooled by me." and all that jazz. Then this look appears, which women DO NOT like!

There are universities. Everyone knows that 95% of students visit them only for the sake of a crust, so that their parents do not get it, to cut them off from the army, etc. They have NO desire to learn. They “learn” only because it is “necessary” and “established in society”. They read all these lectures, practices, somehow pass the exams, but still nothing is put off in the head, because there is no most important thing - motivation! There is no desire to understand all this. That is why.

Also with women. All these approaches with acquaintances without motivation, radical motivation, without the desire to fuck with a woman, then it will be like in this joke

Two recruit guys are riding on a tank. Two tankers. Once the caterpillar of the tank burst. Well, they went out, they are fixing, the column has already left, they are still screwing and screwing up. Suddenly a voice from the sky: "Guys, do you want to fuck? !!". They think, fucking themselves, a year of service, of course we want !!! And then the tank's turret fell off!

Understand this fundamental point. Skill comes from motivation. Not skill motivation. Motivation first, skill second! Exactly so, and in no other way. Not skill first, motivation second. Because why do you need a skill if you have no motivation? Why would you be able to if you DO NOT need it? That is why the unconscious will not create a skill for you that you do not need. And it will NOT be possible to do this consciously, because in the struggle between consciousness and subconsciousness, the latter always wins. Elementary! And the trick is that when you do have motivation, the skill will appear almost automatically! The unconscious will arrange it so that the body is comfortable! Even if you don't read the pickup articles! Adopting the experience of some experienced people in this matter will simply speed up this process.

It's like in a situation when a person comes to a city from a village or from a small town to a big one. He needs to work a lot, rent an apartment, work so as not to starve to death. And in the end he can rise higher than the dude, who was originally fed by mom and dad, watered, nothing needs to be done, he lives in a relaxed rhythm. The visitor effect. It's the same with women. Motivation first, skill second!

Motivation! The motivation is to fuck, and it is with a woman, and not to write a report in LJ, not to povyyobytsya in front of other pickup artists, not to yell "ass". You don't need this!
