Free cultivators free farmers

in Russia, peasants freed from serfdom with the land by Decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. By the middle of the XIX century. 151 thousand male souls were released.


FREE GROWERS - in the Russian Empire (cm. RUSSIAN EMPIRE) former landlord peasants, freed from serfdom with the land on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. On the basis of the decree of Emperor Alexander I Pavlovich of February 20, 1803, the landowners received the right to free both individual peasants and entire villages with the obligatory allocation of land to them. Peasants had to pay a ransom to the landowners or perform duties in order to receive freedom and land. If these conditions were not met, the peasants could be returned to the landowner. The decree was not widely used. During the reign of Alexander I, 47 thousand males (about 0.5% of all serfs) were turned into free cultivators. The category of free cultivators also included courtyards and peasants who were personally set free if they acquired land. Legally, the free cultivators were close to the state peasants, to which they were included in 1848. By this time, 151,000 male souls had been freed from serfdom.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what "free plowmen" are in other dictionaries:

    Law Dictionary

    In Russia, the peasants freed from serfdom with land under the Decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. K ser. 19th century 151,000 male souls released… Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Peasants freed from serfdom with the land by Decree 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. By the middle of the 19th century. 151 thousand male souls were released. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

    - (or Free cultivators) category of the peasantry in Russia in the 19th century. History In official documents, former privately owned peasants, freed from serfdom on the basis of a decree of 20 ... Wikipedia

    See Free Growers... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    free cultivators- in Russia, peasants freed (with land) from serfdom under the Decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners ... Big Law Dictionary- 1) people free personally and from the state tax; the state protected their personal safety, but did not recognize any rights for them; “in the monuments of the Moscow state, the word “free” corresponded to the word “free” (13). 2) See ... ... Russian statehood in terms. IX - beginning of XX century


in Russia, peasants freed from serfdom with land by Decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. K ser. 19th century 151 thousand male souls were released.

Big encyclopedic dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is FREE GROWERS in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • FREE GROWERS in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
    - in Russia, peasants freed (with land) from serfdom by decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with ...
  • FREE GROWERS in the Big Law Dictionary:
    - in Russia, peasants freed (with land) from serfdom under the Decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with ...
    plowmen, one of the categories of dependent peasantry in Russia from 1803 to 1861. See Free plowmen ...
    in Russia, peasants freed from serfdom with land by Decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. K ser. …
  • FREE
    Free verses - the so-called verses in which rhyme and constant size are not observed; in the last respect they are similar in size...
  • FREE
    FREE GROWERS, in Russia, peasants freed from serfdom with the land by Decree 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. …
  • FREE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FREE STRENGTHERS (france tireurs), a type of irregular infantry in France in the 15th-19th centuries; led the partisans. action during Franco-Prussian. war. Name participants…
  • FREE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FREE CITIES German, originally (from the 13th - early 14th centuries) cities that were freed from the power of the feud. seigneurs and those who have achieved self-government. Gradually...
  • FREE in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    in "flax, in" flax, in "flax, in" flax, in "flax, ...
  • FREE CITIES in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    Free German cities - originally (from the 13th - early 14th centuries) cities that freed themselves from the power of the lord and achieved ...
  • FREE GROWERS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    see Free…
  • FREE GROWERS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    plowmen, free plowmen, in Russia in the 19th century. former landlord peasants, freed from serfdom on the basis of the decree of Emperor Alexander I ...
  • FREE GROWERS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a special category of free peasants, created in the reign of Alexander I. At the very accession to the throne, Alexander I discovered a desire to alleviate ...
  • FREE ARROWS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    so called at different times and in different states citizens who took up arms and formed separate detachments, and sometimes ...
  • FREE SERVANTS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    This was the name in ancient Russia of service people who enjoyed the right to leave, mostly the less noble and powerful of them; the best of…
  • FREE GROWERS in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    see "Free...
  • FREE GROWERS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    see "Free...
  • FREE GROWERS in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? a special category of free peasants, created in the reign of Alexander I. At the very accession to the throne, Alexander I discovered a desire ...
  • FREE GROWERS in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    see Free…
  • QUASI STATES in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - one of the types of subjects of international law. First of all, they include the so-called. "free cities". This term is…
    Shamil is the famous leader and unifier of the highlanders of Dagestan and Chechnya in their struggle with the Russians for independence. Born in the village...
  • RUSSIA, DIV. NORTH-EASTERN RUSSIA XIII - XV CENTURIES in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    The rolonization movement of the Slavs into the depths of the Finnish northeast, due to the properties of the country being colonized, progressed very slowly. Only by the XII century are noticed ...
  • ORLOVA-CHESMENSKY ANNA ALEKSEEVNA in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Orlova-Chesmenskaya, Countess Anna Alekseevna - maid of honor, daughter of Al. Gr. Orlov (1785 - 1848). After the death of her father, she remained the heiress of a multi-million dollar fortune. …
  • PHYSICAL EDUCATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    education, an organic part of general education; socio-pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, its ...
  • OBLIGED PEASANTS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    peasants, former serfs in Russia, who switched to contractual relations with landowners on the basis of a decree on April 2, 1842. Decree ...
  • PEASANTRY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from Russian "peasant", originally - a Christian, a person; in the modern sense - from the end of the 14th century), the most ancient and numerous of ...
  • COSSACKS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    military class in pre-revolutionary Russia in the 18th - early 20th centuries. In the 14th-17th centuries. - free people, free from tax and ...
  • GYMNASTICS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    [Greek gymnastike, from gymnazo - I train, I exercise (s)], a system of specially selected physical exercises, methodological techniques used to improve health, harmonic ...
  • YAROSLAVKA, S. TAMBOV GUB. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Kozlovsky district, in the 3rd century. from rail.-dor. station Dmitrievka, at rch. Yaroslavl; lives. St. 4000...
  • SHAMIL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    the famous leader and unifier of the highlanders of Dagestan and Chechnya in their struggle with the Russians for independence. Born in the village of Gimry around ...
  • CHERNAYA SLOBODA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    village of Tambov province, Shatsk district; adjoins the city of Shatsk. 3200 inhabitants, farmers and small ...
  • CENSORSHIP in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I is so called: 1) supervision of the press in order to prevent the spread of harmful with the current dominance in government spheres ...
  • TSARAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in Moldavian "farmers" or "villagers") - free cultivators in the Bessarabian province. As can be seen from the decree of the Moldavian ruler Constantine Mavrocordato, published in ...
  • FATEZH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    county town of Kursk province., in a high (792 ft.), open area, at the confluence of the rch. F. in Usozh (the Dnieper system), at 44 ...
  • URALSK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    the main city of the Ural region, the final station. Ryazan-Ural Railway. Founded, according to some sources, in 1613, according to others - in ...
  • TV LARGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    With. Tambov province., Usman region; lives. 3200, farmers. Women weave from wool yarn white and gray thin ...
  • TVER PROVINCE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I is usually assigned to the Moscow industrial region of European Russia, although it would be more correct to refer only the southern part to this region ...
  • TALITSKY CHEMLYK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    With. Tambov province., Usman district, with rch. Chemlyk (a tributary of the Bityug). Lives. about 5000, former state peasants, farmers. Weekly bazaar before…
  • TAVOLZHANKA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    With. Tambov province., Lipetsk district, at the river. Motyr. Lives. OK. 3800, former state. peasants, cultivators, partly carpenters, tailors, work for ...
  • SUWALA PROVINCE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I one of the 10 provinces of the Kingdom of Poland; established during the new division of the region in 1867. The composition of the S. province included ...
  • SESLAVINO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Old and New (Old and New Trosteny) - ss. Tambov province., Kozlovsky district; Old S. in 40 ver. from the county …
  • SEMYONOVKA TAMBOV. GUB., S., LIPETSK. U. in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    With. Tambov province., S., Lipetsk region, 17th century. from the county Zhit. 3582, cultivators, partly ...
  • RURAL PEOPLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I term of the Code of Laws, equivalent to the peasants (see). Before the abolition of serfdom, the following were distinguished: 1) free rural inhabitants, to which ...
  • FREE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    He is a free farmer. The law took him under his roof! G. Luchinsky. In 1813 a committee was set up to deal with special cases...
  • FREE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Free cultivators are a special category of free peasants, created during the reign of Alexander I. At the very accession to the throne, Alexander I discovered a desire ...
  • FREEDOM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    personality or, which is the same, civil freedom - a legal concept (and at the same time a legal institution), partly similar to a legal one ...
  • RUSSIA. ENLIGHTENMENT: PRINTING in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Typography, having spread in Western Europe, soon penetrated into the Slavic lands: the first Slavic book (the New Testament) was printed in Czech ...

FREE GROWERS FREE GROWERS - in Russia, peasants liberated (with land) from serfdom under the Decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners.

Big legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

See what "Free Plowmen" is in other dictionaries:

    In Russia, the peasants freed from serfdom with land under the Decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. K ser. 19th century 151,000 male souls released… Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Peasants freed from serfdom with the land by Decree 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. By the middle of the 19th century. 151 thousand male souls were released. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

    In Russia, peasants freed from serfdom with land by Decree 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. By the middle of the XIX century. 151 thousand male souls were released. * * * FREE GROWERS FREE GROWERS in… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (or Free cultivators) category of the peasantry in Russia in the 19th century. History In official documents, former privately owned peasants, freed from serfdom on the basis of a decree of 20 ... Wikipedia

    See Free Growers... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    free cultivators- in Russia, peasants freed (with land) from serfdom under the Decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners ... Big Law Dictionary

    FREE GROWERS- in Russia, peasants freed from serfdom with land under the Decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. The landowners were given the right to release the peasants into the wild with allotment of land to them. The decree did not have much ... ...

    Under serfdom, under serfdom, people from the military servicemen of a low rank were called, endowed as a reward for service not with an estate, but with a small plot of land, usually in one yard, without serfs. Personally, they were free, had ... ... Encyclopedia of Russian life of the XIX century

    FREE PEOPLE- 1) people free personally and from the state tax; the state protected their personal safety, but did not recognize any rights for them; “in the monuments of the Muscovite state, the word “free” corresponded to the word “free” (13). 2) See ... ... Russian statehood in terms. IX - beginning of XX century

In Russia, peasants freed from feudal dependence on land by decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. By the middle of the XIX century. 151 thousand male souls were released.

Watch value Free Farmers in other dictionaries

Free People- - in tsarist Russia, a special class of free people, who were not assigned to anyone and were not classified as c.-l. the guild or merchants of people who are obliged to pay a special capitation salary; arose........
Law Dictionary

Free Servants- - in Specific Russia of the XIII-XIV centuries. junior warriors who were not connected with the prince by compulsory service and, together with the boyars, enjoyed the right to refuse and leave (transfer to service) to another prince.
Law Dictionary

Free Farmers- - in Russia, peasants freed (with land) from serfdom under the Decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners.
Law Dictionary

Free Cities- German - originally (from the 13th - early 14th centuries) cities that freed themselves from the power of the feudal lord and achieved self-government. Gradually leveled with the imperial cities, ........

Free Arrows- (frantieres) - a type of irregular infantry in France in the 15-19th centuries; led guerrilla operations during the Franco-Prussian War. The name of the participants in the French Resistance Movement ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Free Farmers- in Russia, peasants freed from feudal dependence on land under the Decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners. K ser. 19th century 151 thousand male souls were released.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Free Growers- see Free cultivators.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Free Societies of Dagestan- rus. prerevolutionary the name of the village associations. communities semi-patriarchal-semi-feudal. type in Dagestan (Avars, Dargins and Lezgins), who retained attributable. independence from neighboring
Soviet historical encyclopedia

FREE GROWERS - in Russia, peasants liberated (with land) from serfdom under the Decree of 1803 on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landlords.

  • - Under serfdom, under serfdom, people from the military servicemen of a low rank were called, endowed as a reward for service not with an estate, but with a small plot of land, usually in one yard, without serfs ...

    Encyclopedia of Russian life of the XIX century

  • - cities in Germany in the 14th century, which freed themselves from the power of the lord and acquired almost all the rights of the state. authorities...

    Medieval world in terms, names and titles

  • - prisons. civilian employees of the colony who do not pass certification and do not have a military rank. Freemen are also called those who, not being employees of the colony, visit it officially on various matters ...

    Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

  • - see "Free Plowmen" ...

    Modern Encyclopedia

  • - see Free cultivators ...
  • - free cultivators, - former. private owner peasants freed from serfdom on the basis of a decree of February 20. 1803...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - see FREE GROWERS...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - harbors that are not subject to the general customs rules and free importation of goods without payment of duties is allowed ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - see Porto Franco...
  • - a special category of free peasants, created in the reign of Alexander I. At the very accession to the throne, Alexander I discovered a desire to alleviate the situation of serfs ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - German, originally cities, freed from the power of the lord and achieved full self-government ...
  • - one of the categories of dependent peasantry in Russia from 1803 to 1861. See Free cultivators ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - free cultivators, in Russia in the 19th century. former landlord peasants, freed from serfdom on the basis of the decree of Emperor Alexander I of February 20, 1803 ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - in Russia, peasants freed from serfdom with land by Decree of 1803, on the basis of a voluntary agreement with the landowners ...
  • - see Free cultivators ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

"FREE GROWERS" in books

Free slaves


Free slaves

From the book Insect Friends author Marikovsky Pavel Iustinovich

Free slaves Insects are free animals. But one of them a man made home. This butterfly is a silkworm. She has been patronized by man for so long that she is no longer able to live independently in nature. The caterpillar prepares silk fiber when, about to become


From the book Ermak author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

FREE COSSACKS The Mongol-Tatar invasion swept the Slavic settlements off the face of the earth in the steppe zone between the Dnieper and the Volga, on the Don and in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. But the paths deep into the steppes were not forgotten in Russia. As soon as the Golden Horde lost its former power and began to disintegrate, the Russian

Freemen and exiles

From the book How much does a person cost. The story of the experience in 12 notebooks and 6 volumes. author


From the book Loyalty to the Fatherland. Seeking a fight author Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich

FREE SPACES About ten kilometers from our Obrazheevka, the Desna flows, navigable in these parts. On the other, high bank, behind a bend in the river and a steep hillock, stands ancient Novgorod-Seversky. In the spring, the Desna and its tributary Ivotka overflow widely and flood the meadows. Per

X "Freemasons"

From the book From experiences in foreign lands. Memories and thoughts of a former emigrant author Aleksandrovsky Boris Nikolaevich

X "Freemasons" In the previous presentation, I repeatedly had to mention Masons and Masonic lodges. This world organization, semi-explicit, semi-secret, with ramifications in all countries of the world, quite naturally, did not pass by "Russian Paris", no matter how

Freemen and exiles

From the book How much does a person cost. Book three: Khokhrin's patrimony author Kersnovskaya Evfrosiniya Antonovna

Freemen and exiles I cannot say that I was unobservant. It's just that sometimes it's not enough to see to notice. Rather, understand what you see. And it is most difficult to suspect in others what one is incapable of. I was indignant when Elena Greku told me: - Very

free loaves

From the book Gone Beyond the Horizon author Kuznetsova Raisa Kharitonovna

Free bread Decided to leave the studio. I consulted with Vanya, did he seize on this “idea”? take a rest in the summer, and then accept the offer of A. S. Fedorov, editor-in-chief of the journal Science and Life, and go to the editorial office for the position of executive secretary of the editorial board.

"Free" and Fugitive

From the book Memories of the Russian Service author Keyserling Alfred

"Free" and Fugitive Things were different with the convicts, who were already enrolled in the "free team", and under the supervision of the soldiers, like those living in prison, were only at work. The so-called "free" prisoner had to appear in the morning and in the evening for roll call; at night and

"Free" societies

From the book Laws of Free Societies of Dagestan XVII-XIX centuries. author Khashaev H.-M.

"Free" societies "Free" societies in Dagestan were the associations of several rural communities and settlements into one union, headed by a large and strong rural society. The principle of formation of these unions was territorial - rural communities united,

Free Societies

From the book Daily Life of the Highlanders of the North Caucasus in the 19th century author Kaziev Shapi Magomedovich

Free Societies At the beginning of the 19th century in Dagestan, there were several dozen independent unions of rural communities, which in Russian documents were called republics for their democratic structure. The largest of them was Akusha-Dargo. Akushintsy refused

Odnodvortsy and free plowmen

From the book What is incomprehensible among the classics, or Encyclopedia of Russian life of the XIX century author Fedosyuk Yuri Alexandrovich

Odnodvortsy and free cultivators Odnodvortsy under serfdom were called people from military service people of low rank, endowed as a reward for service not with an estate, but with a small plot of land, usually in one yard, without serfs. Personally, they were free, had

free cultivators

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (C) author Brockhaus F. A.

Free ploughmen Free ploughmen are a special category of free peasants, created in the reign of Alexander I. Upon his accession to the throne, Alexander I showed a desire to alleviate the situation of serfs. The most important measure in this regard was

Free cultivators

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VO) of the author TSB

free cultivators

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SV) of the author TSB
