Hitler was absolutely confident of his victory over the USSR. He developed a plan for the development of the occupied territory in advance. This document was called Directive No. 32. Hitler believed that Germany's main problem was the lack of land to ensure an adequate level of prosperity. To solve this problem, some historians say, the Second World War was unleashed.

Territorial adjustments after the capture of the USSR

On the European part of the mainland, Hitler was going to dominate together with fascist Italy. Russia and the “outskirts” adjacent to it (the Baltic states, Belarus, the Caucasus, etc.) would completely belong to “Greater Germany”.

In a document dated March 1, 1941, Hitler clearly outlined plans for the territory from the Vistula to the Ural Mountains. First it had to be completely plundered. This mission was called the Oldenburg Plan and was entrusted to Goering. Then the territory of the USSR was planned to be divided into 4 inspectorates:

— Holstein (formerly Leningrad);
— Saxony (formerly Moscow);
— Baden (formerly Kyiv);
- Westphalia (renamed Baku).

Regarding other Soviet territories, Hitler had the following opinion:

Crimea: “Crimea must be cleared completely of its current population and settled exclusively by Germans. Northern Tavria should be annexed to it, which will also become part of the Reich.”

Part of Ukraine: “Galicia, which belonged to the former Austrian Empire, should become part of the Reich.”

Baltic: “All Baltic countries must be included in the Reich.”

Part of the Volga region: “The Volga region inhabited by the Germans will also be annexed to the Reich.”

Kola Peninsula: “We will retain the Kola Peninsula for the sake of the mines that are located there.”

The economic and administrative management of the inspectorates was entrusted to 12 bureaus and 23 commandant's offices. All food supplies of the occupied territories came under the control of Minister Bake. Hitler intended to feed the German army for the first years only with products that were raised by the captured peoples. The head of the Reich took the mass death of the Slavs from hunger for granted.

The management of the western territories was assigned to Himmler, the eastern - to Alfred Rosenberg, the ideologist of the National Socialist Party of Germany. Hitler himself was wary of the latter, considering it not entirely adequate. The East of Russia was to become the field for his abnormal experiments.

Hitler was going to put his most ardent supporters at the head of large cities. Ultimately, the territory of the USSR was to be divided into 7 separate states, which became “feudal appendages” of Germany. The Fuhrer dreamed of making them a paradise for the Germans.

What fate was in store for the local population?

Hitler intended to populate the captured lands with Germans. This made it possible to significantly increase the size of the German nation and make it much stronger. The Fuhrer declared that he was not “a lawyer for other nations.” The Nazi army had to win a place in the sun only for the prosperity of the Germans.

In future German colonies it was planned to build elite villages and cities with all amenities. Hitler intended to evict the indigenous population to the least fertile lands - beyond the Urals. It was planned to leave about 50 million indigenous inhabitants (Russians, Belarusians, etc.) on the territory of the German colonies. The Slavs in this “German paradise” were destined for the role of “service personnel”. They had to work in factories and farms for the benefit of Germany.

Economy and culture

Hitler intended to keep the local population at the lowest level of development so that they would not rebel. The enslaved Slavs did not have the right to assimilate with the “true Aryans”. The Germans had to live separately from them. They were supposed to be carefully protected from any attacks by the aborigines.

To keep slaves in complete obedience, they should not have been given knowledge. No teacher would have the right to come to a Russian, Ukrainian or Latvian and teach him to read and write. The more primitive the people, the closer in level of development they are to a herd, and the easier it is to manage them. This is what Hitler was counting on.

The enslaved people would receive only imported products and would be completely dependent on them. Slaves were not supposed to: study, serve in the army, receive treatment, go to theaters, or develop their culture and national identity. Hitler decided to leave only music for the entertainment of slaves, because it inspires work. Corruption should be encouraged among subject peoples. It corrupts, weakens the nation, and is easier to control.

“Never in the future,” said Hitler, “should the formation of a military power west of the Urals be allowed, even if we had to fight for 100 years to prevent it. All my successors must know that Germany's position is secure only insofar as there is no other military power west of the Urals. Our iron principle will henceforth forever be that no one other than Germans should bear arms. This is the main thing. Even if we find it necessary to call upon subject peoples to perform military service, we must refrain from doing so. Only Germans dare to bear arms and no one else: neither Slavs, nor Czechs, nor Cossacks, nor Ukrainians.”

Episode: "Tyranny"

1996 edition. The condition is good. R. E. Hertzstein's book "The Won That Hitler Won" immerses the viewer in a world of lies, hatred and intrigue. With the help of radio and cinema, newspapers and posters, the Reich Minister of Propaganda for a long time managed to deceive millions of ordinary Germans and introduce a misanthropic ideology into their consciousness. Using rare archival materials, the author examines life in Germany during the war years and expresses new, original views on the Nazi leadership. Many pages of this monumental study tell the story of the sinister figure of Joseph Goebbels, who put his talent and extraordinary abilities in the service of inhuman, base goals. General editing by G. Yu. Pernavsky.

Publisher: "Rusich" (1996)

Format: 84x108/32, 608 pages.

ISBN: 5-88590-223-2

Buy for 780 rubles on Ozone

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With Victor SUVOROV




Victor, it is traditionally believed that by attacking the USSR, Hitler made a mistake and Germany’s loss was programmed. But the discussion usually does not go beyond this. The question of whether Hitler had a real chance of winning the war with Stalin, as a rule, remains outside the brackets.

So, the question, or rather, questions - could Hitler defeat Stalin, in what case could this happen and what would it lead to?

Yes, Hitler could have won the war with Stalin, there is no doubt about it. To confirm this idea, I turn to the protocol of the interrogation of Lieutenant General Lukin in German captivity. Mikhail Fedorovich Lukin in 1941 commanded the 16th Army, which was advanced from Transbaikalia before the German attack. Then he heroically fought in the Shepetivka area, where the 16th Army was withdrawn. Then she was transferred to Belarus, she retreated to Smolensk. In the Smolensk encirclement, Lukin took command of all the encircled troops and held out there. If he had not held on, Moscow would have fallen very quickly. This delay near Smolensk at the end of the summer of 1941 gave Stalin the opportunity to gather his strength and catch his breath. That is, Lukin is a hero who saved Moscow and, possibly, the Soviet Union. And so he is captured. The Germans put him in the officer's hospital, where they amputated his leg. His leg was crushed and gangrene began.

And during the interrogation, Lukin tells the Germans: “Give the Russian peasant the land, and he’s yours.” This is said by the hero who saved Moscow.

This means that after collectivization, anyone who would free people from collective farms, who would remind the communists of all their crimes against the people, would be a liberator. The Nazis were greeted with flowers in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, in Ukraine - not only Western, in Belarus - not only Western. And in Kyiv too. There is evidence that on Khreshchatyk old people came out to meet the German columns with bread and salt.

In Victor Pravdyuk's recent film about the war, there are terrible shots: after the encirclement near Vyazma (this is after the Smolensk encirclement, the same front is dying again), our joyful captured soldiers are being driven away, and they are all in brand new greatcoats. That is, these are those who just arrived at the front, they didn’t get dirty in the trenches, they gave up straight away... The opportunity to win was enormous.

- Boris Bazhanov writes about this in his memoirs...

Yes, sure. I have memoirs of ordinary Vlasovites who came to the Germans and said: “Enroll me in the Wehrmacht.” But the Germans simply did not understand this, they said: “How are you going to fight against your people?”, and they answered: “Not against the people! Enroll me in the Wehrmacht, I will fight against the communists.”

- What would happen if Hitler announced the creation of a Russian anti-communist army?

The collapse of the Red Army would begin. They would surrender in large numbers, not wanting to fight. And everything would fall apart. The Germans would have reached the Volga, and all this power would have collapsed...

- Without this, by purely military means, were there any chances to win?

Probably not. It was a fatal political mistake - to fight against the Russian people, Ukrainians, Moldovans... The destruction of the people was going on, but the people did not want to be destroyed. After this, any military efforts were useless.

- What was the original mistake of German military planning?

The mistake of German military planning at the very beginning was that the forces of the Soviet Union were colossally underestimated. Plan Barbarossa is not a plan at all, it is a directive. This is a very strange document, a kind of declaration of intent, and nothing more.

In general, the plan is completely wild. There, for example, it is written that we will reach the Volga, and the last Soviet industrial centers in the Urals can be destroyed by long-range aviation. Which they don't have!

And in the Urals there are not the last centers. Beyond the Urals there is Altai, and Novosibirsk, and Komsomolsk-on-Amur (the most powerful aircraft plant in the world), and Omsk, and what not... From a military point of view, the Barbarossa plan is some kind of nonsense.

Even in strategic terms it is also doubtful. Three army groups are striking, and these three army groups are moving in DIVERGING directions! Army Group North advances to Leningrad, to the northeast, and withdraws from Army Group Center. A colossal gap is forming between them. And Army Group “South” rushes to the south, to Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, crosses the Dnieper, etc. Operating in divergent directions is a mistake for which even platoon commanders are beaten.

- That is, the Germans simply did not plan serious resistance?

Yes, this wild underestimation of the Red Army was recognized by Hitler at a meeting in Borisov, when he said that if he had known in advance that the Soviet Union had so many tanks, he would not have started the war. This was a terrible shock for the generals present. Without knowing it, he himself blurted out: “Brothers, I miscalculated.”

- Is this an Abwehr mistake?

Yes. Intelligence worked very poorly. But underestimation occurred not only at the intelligence level, but also at the level of political leadership. We are sitting in the imperial chancellery, we know that subhumans live there, and we do not spend a lot of money on obtaining information, because everything is already clear. If statesmen fully understood the danger, they themselves would pay more attention to intelligence.

Here, for example, is such a wild moment. T-34 tanks were first shown at the parade on May 1, 1941. It was the tank of the future, just by its form alone. German tanks looked like boxes made of boards with flat vertical surfaces in comparison. And then a tank appears with absolutely amazing shapes. For that time it was a futuristic tank. And this shape, and the length of the gun, and the width of the tracks - all this gave at least food for thought. But no one thought about this until the war began. But intelligence work is not just about watching the parade. Before appearing at the parade, tanks were developed, tested, then went into production, entered the army... This is a long chain of events that intelligence had to track.

Somewhere in Kharkov a colossal diesel engine plant with an aluminum cylinder block was built. This is incredibly important for intelligence. Tens of thousands of people work there, and for some reason the plant consumes a colossal amount of aluminum. Zaporozhye supplies aluminum there. What it is? Aviation production? No. There is another aircraft plant in Kharkov that builds the Su-2, it also eats aluminum. Is there another engine plant here...Aviation engines? No, not aviation ones. Which ones?

When intelligence gets to the bottom of such very simple things, it immediately forces them to build a chain. Who needs a powerful diesel engine with an aluminum cylinder block? For some new tanks... Yeah, let's look for new tanks.

Suppose Hitler strikes not with outstretched fingers, but with his fist. Let's assume he manages to take Moscow, which is not impossible in principle. What's next?

If the policy towards the population of the USSR had continued, nothing would have worked out for Hitler anyway.

- Was Hitler's plan to drive Stalin to the Urals?

No, not to the Urals. The plan provided for access to line A - A, Arkhangelsk - Astrakhan. Reach the Volga. And then - to bomb the entire remaining industry with strategic aviation, which Hitler did not have.

They were waiting for the Russian winter as salvation. They hoped that winter would begin and the fighting would stop. Hitler wrote to Mussolini that a certain number of divisions would have to be allocated to occupy Russia... Complete nonsense.

The capture of Moscow did not solve anything. And it was difficult to take it, although theoretically it was possible. But there was a reserve capital in Kuibyshev. And there was experience.

In 1918, the Germans threatened St. Petersburg, and the Bolsheviks fled to Moscow. No one would have ever thought that Moscow could be the capital. And the Bolsheviks built it there.

People do not live by symbols. Here a detachment stands behind you and shoots you in the back of the head, but where Comrade Stalin is at that moment - in Kuibyshev or somewhere else - few people care.

Among other things, if the Germans reached the Volga, then Baku’s oil would stop flowing up the Volga. And yet, in this case, another oil region - Kuibyshev, Kazan, Bashkiria - would be within the reach of tactical aviation. Then the USSR would have had a very bad time in terms of oil supplies. But the club of the people's war would rise. The war would become protracted, it would be like Afghanistan, Vietnam or Northern Ireland...

Suppose the Germans reached line A - A. They stood up. The Red Army - the fourth, fifth, sixth echelons, which had been put together by this time - is amassing behind this line. If Hitler changes Eastern policy, gives land to the peasants and stops terror, everything falls apart... And if not, then this does not solve anything?

Besides, America was behind us. I recently found some very interesting information. In April 1941, America began building a Studebaker production plant in Basra (Iraq). In my opinion, this is preparation for Lend-Lease.

So, the Germans reached the Volga, the war became protracted, and then supplies of American gasoline and cars began... Sooner or later, if America had intervened in the war, American bombing of cities would have begun and everything would have dragged on for years until 1948...

What would have happened if Hitler had won? This terrible question is often asked by historians, wanting to understand what the Soviet Union saved the whole world from by winning together with its allies in 1945. The answers to this question are truly scary.

German plans

From 1939 to 1942, several plans were developed that implied the surrender of the USSR in the war against Germany. First, the so-called “Barbarossa” plan appeared, then Alfred Rosenberg’s concept was made public. In 1942, Hitler's appetites grew, so German tasks were increased. If Hitler had won, the Ost plan provided for mass relocations and extermination, as well as the Germanization of entire groups of peoples. According to the ideologists of fascism, the Baltic peoples were most suitable for Germanization. To be more specific - Latvians. Other peoples were considered genetically closer to the Slavic ones.

What would the world be like if Hitler had won: map of the USSR

So, let's assume Hitler's victory over the USSR. Rosenberg's concept provided for the division of the USSR into 5 parts:

  1. Ostland. This governorate was to be based on the territory of the Baltic states and Belarus.
  2. Reichskommissariat Ukraine. In reality, such an administrative-territorial unit existed, but not within the same boundaries as Rosenberg assumed. The capital of this entity was located in Rivne, and it included Pravoberezhnaya and part of What would have happened if Hitler had won? It was planned to create a German-controlled state of Ukraine on the territory of Ukraine, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory and the Volga region.
  3. Muscovy. We were talking about the territory up to the Ural Mountains.
  4. Governorate of Caucasus. This administrative formation would include the Transcaucasian republics of the USSR, as well as the lands of the North Caucasus.
  5. Turkestan. It was planned to include in this governorate the regions of Russia that are located beyond the Urals.

We see a plan in which Ukraine would become a support after the division of the USSR, which would formally receive the status of an independent state.

Understanding what would have happened if Hitler had won, we must once again offer enormous praise to the Red Army and the entire Soviet people, who actually saved themselves and Europe from an incredible plague, from destruction.

Map of Europe in the event of the defeat of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War

So, what would happen to the borders of European states if Hitler had won? In this regard, historians see a very depressing picture. Hitler's allies (Italy, Romania, Hungary) most likely would have retained formal independence. Perhaps the territories of these countries could increase by annexing nearby lands. The Fuhrer's plans were to form a huge empire, which was constantly supposed to increase by annexing new lands. What countries could have become part of Germany if Hitler had defeated the USSR? First of all, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. We have already talked about plans for dividing the USSR above. In addition, do not forget that before the attack on the USSR, fascist troops managed to annex Scandinavia (except for Finland, which was also an ally of Hitler) and part of France. Germany's neighbor Austria was annexed by Hitler even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, so there is no need to talk about the fate of this country in a hypothetical sense.

The administrative-territorial structure of Germany would look like this. As a unitary state, Germany would be divided into governorates. These territories were to be governed by people appointed directly by Hitler. It is difficult to judge the size of governorates. It is safe to say that the old borders of states would be redrawn. For the policy of the Reich, it was important to mix peoples so that organized opposition to the enemy would not arise in a certain area.

The history of the creation of the Ost plan

Since the Barabarossa plan provided for the victory of the Nazis over the USSR even before the winter of 1941/1942, German generals and scientists already in mid-1941 began to think about the fate of the peoples of the conquered territories in the East. By the end of the summer of 1941, the plan had already been developed by the Main Directorate of Imperial Security. It was officially presented on May 28, 1942. By the way, this document was top secret. Representatives of the USSR and allies did not even manage to attach the original of this plan to the documents that appeared as evidence of the guilt of the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials.

The original document was found in German archives as recently as 2009. Before this, politicians and historians certainly knew about the existence of this plan, but no one could find it.

Migration of peoples: who could be resettled?

What would have happened if Hitler had won, in terms of maximizing the expansion of the area of ​​residence of the German nation (Aryan race)? To do this, it was necessary to resettle or physically destroy the peoples in the conquered eastern lands. What would have happened if Hitler had won, with the peoples of Poland and the USSR? Jews, Poles, Belarusians, Russians, and representatives of various national minorities were subject to resettlement or gradual extermination. The scale of resettlement was planned to be truly enormous.

Colonization of the lands of West Prussia

Let us note that Hitler had plans for colonization even before the attack on the USSR. In 1940, a plan was developed for the agricultural colonization of West Prussia and Wartheland. As of 1939, these lands were part of Poland. At the time of occupation, the population of the territory was 4 million people. Of these, 3.4 million are the main nation (Poles). Also, 560 thousand Jews lived here. The document did not clearly say what would have happened to representatives of these peoples if Hitler had won. Their fate was dictated by the usual logic of German behavior - slavery for a while, and then physical destruction. When planning relocation, the Germans made sure to indicate the location of the new group of people.

What else was Hitler planning to do? More than 4 million Germans were supposed to move here. The main focus of settlement was to concern rural areas (3 million people). It was planned to employ people in agriculture - to create 100,000 farm-type enterprises with an area of ​​29 hectares each.

Colonization of the USSR

What would have happened if Hitler had won World War II on the territory of the USSR? In a nutshell - huge displacement and genocide of the base nation. In 1942, two options for colonization were developed. The first was made public in May 1942. What ideas were expressed in this document? Colonization was supposed to cover an area of ​​364,231 square meters. kilometer. According to archival census data, about 25 million people lived on these lands. It was planned to create 36 strongholds (similar to administrative district centers). In addition, the project stated that 3 administrative districts would be created with centers in Leningrad, in the regions of Kherson and Bialystok. The type of colonization coincided with the plan for the colonization of West Prussia - they were going to develop agriculture on these lands. The difference is that it was planned to create larger farms, the area of ​​which could range from 40 to 100 hectares. But that is not all! It was planned to create large agricultural enterprises with an area of ​​at least 250 hectares of excellent fertile soil.

The second plan, released in September 1942, also called for the creation of agricultural settlements. The area planned for settlement was approximately 330,000 square meters. kilometers. Under this project, 360,100 farms were created.

The size of human migration according to the documents of the Ost plan

As we understand, there would have been a completely different victory if Hitler had won. Different sources say differently about the size of the resettlement that he wanted to carry out together with his fellow party members. The fact is that about 60 million people actually lived in the territories selected for agricultural colonization. In theory, most of them should have been taken to Western Siberia. But there is another opinion, according to which the Germans wanted to remove about 31 million inhabitants from their homes for years. Up to 20 million “Aryans” wanted to move to the “liberated” territories from Germany itself.


We hope that everyone understands perfectly well what would have happened if Hitler had won the war. I really want the mistakes of the past to never be repeated in the world.
