Today we have a journey to the Destiny Matrix method. Together we will discover the matrix and know ourselves step by step. The material in this article will be of interest both to beginners who are just getting acquainted and in search of themselves, and to "oldies" who have been in the subject for a long time.

We will start with the key concept introduced in ours at the end of 2016 - the Mirror Matrix.

Mirror matrix

An essential element of deep understanding of the Matrix of Destiny method and the difference from other schools is the Mirror Matrix.

"Why do you have your birth number on the right, and the energy of your birth year on the left?" - this is a frequently asked question from those who studied this method on third-party resources.

The answer is: The Matrix is ​​our reflection.

If we look in the mirror and do some action, then this action is repeated and displayed in the mirror. The matrix is ​​a mirror of ourselves, and in order for it to become mirrored on a piece of paper, we make the right side male and the left female.

Accordingly, the right hand is responsible for the father, the left for the mother. When we display the same on the matrix, then the number of birth falls on the right side, the number of the year on the left.

Further movement along the matrix goes clockwise - this is development, and the development of energies occurs counterclockwise, already the expansion of energy. Thus, a complete system is obtained.

Working with the looking glass matrix (printed version of the matrix), when the birth number is written on the left side, is more complicated. Today we will see this clearly, when working with volume, this part fades into the shadow. And instead of growth and development, a person himself goes into the shadows. A straight square (foundation) begins to press through it.

In addition, many people in the looking glass begin to work immediately with a diagonal square, not understanding the difference between the squares - for them it is just a figure on paper. But at the energy level, this difference is incredibly huge!

As a result, the disadvantages of energies manifest themselves in life situations stronger and brighter: discord in the family, at work, financial and health losses - many provocations and negativity are immediately turned on.

Destiny Matrix Method interesting in that as soon as you open your energies, as soon as you make the first calculations, prescribe energies, they immediately turn on for you. This is a living method, not a monument, as soon as you open and get acquainted with your energies, at the same moment they come to life in you.

For a more detailed understanding of the meaning of date of birth numbers and the method itself, I recorded a free video course. You can access it here at this link:

As soon as you open some kind of energy and start working with it, immediately, in the near future, they begin to turn on provocations showing and revealing these energies to you. And you either notice these provocations, or succumb to them - this is the passage of this or that energy, this or that program.

By the way, the energies of the current day also act in the same way.

EXAMPLE: Today is the 11th, for example, you could be very active today, redo a lot of things, or waste your energy, do a lot, but to no avail. Or maybe you didn't want to do anything today, you felt a state of laziness. Either someone tried to push you, to impose something, or you imposed something on someone. This is the inclusion of 11 energies.

There is a whole topic - a personal horoscope in the matrix. But that's another story ... Let's go back to the Mirror Matrix.

Reversal in relation to the vertical line - Spirit Line

Imagine, we take a vertical line, in the picture it is a line with energies of 7 and 5, and we unfold the matrix relative to it. The energies from the left side of the printed matrix are transferred to the right side. This is how the Mirror Matrix is ​​formed.

And it turns out that you are already working with a mirror matrix, and not standing behind a mirror. Your energies begin to unwind in the correct sequence - development in a clockwise direction, and the expansion of the energies themselves counterclockwise.

Today our goal is to introduce you to yourself with the help of an amazing of the Matrix of Destiny method.

Remember, first we strengthen and harmonize the lower and upper crosses, because the energies can be negative, the squares lie unevenly on top of each other, the matrix can be half buried in the ground, it can be twisted into a tube, the chakras do not work.

On the right, you write your birth number.

This is the figure (energy) of the personality trait. What kind of person? How does he show himself in society?

If you want to know the description of 22 energies, you can download from this link:

At the top we write the month of birth, there are only 12 of them.

This position is responsible for the Sahasrara chakra and speaks of your connection with Spiritual Teachers. More precisely, your connection goes through this energy. Also, this energy is responsible for the downward flow of monetary energy. But we are already going through this on the course.

On the left, we calculate the energy of the year of birth, for this we add up one by one all four digits of the year of birth: 1983 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 21.

21 is less than 22, so it is recorded that way. If you get a number greater than 22, then by adding, calculate the energy and write it down. This position is responsible for the karma of the present - recurring events in your life. The file with the description of energies, which you downloaded earlier, will tell you what these events are. in step 1.

Add up the three obtained vertices - day, month, year of birth and calculate the energy of the fourth lower peak, write it down.

People often ask: “Where to find your destination? How many purposes do I have? "

There are six destinations in total - planetary, generic, social ... while deepening and discovering new knowledge, we came to the conclusion that one purpose for a person, is in the center of the matrix. But below is the energy Soul goals.

The lower energy is also the obstacles that a person goes through, and the experience that a person gains after passing these obstacles.

Forty years is also a given lower position in the matrix of fate, when it can be very painful, and, either sinking to the bottom, a person starts rethinking the values ​​of his life and he goes up, or ...

What happens at the lowest point of the Matrix of Destiny?

Each person passes this point in the region of 40 years. The vertical diagonal is turned on - a manifested Spiritual core, through which there is a connection with the VS (Higher Forces), and when a person does not move along the path of his Spiritual growth, his destiny, then energy provocations begin.

Thus, the Sun tries to give clues to a person, first through certain events, in order to sharpen his attention.

When a person does not hear prompts ( this may be due to the closedness of the Soul Center (the center of the matrix), when attitudes from parents, schools, imposed by society, personal, interfere with hearing impulses, the call of your Soul), then the situation begins to worsen - loss of money, real estate, relationships, work, deterioration of health.

Plus, since the bottom of the matrix is in the world of matter, then all these events take place in the material plane. This is not something Spiritual, for example, a crisis of faith, and events hit the most material points, the main elements of which are finance, self-realization, health, relationships.

The matrix is ​​not an abstract system, many of you have encountered psychics when, upon coming to them, they said to you: “Oh, you are sausage. Let's remember what you did then ... ".

I believe that someday, after a certain number of years, this system will be so famous and accessible that people will easily interact and work with it, find answers to questions and get around many mistakes.

Instead of looking for something or going to someone, a simple layout using the Matrix of Destiny method will tell you important and key information about a person.

For a more complete portrait and solving certain problems, there are many other tools. There is a Name Matrix, when, according to two combined matrices: the Matrix of the Surname, First Name and Patronymic (Full Name) and the Matrix of Birth, energies are collected like beads, which gives a deeper understanding of the portrait of a person.

There is the Subconscious Matrix. There are provocateurs and helpers, each energy has its own root and flower. This is already the depth that we study in our

But, even with the initial knowledge, a lot is already becoming clear in life.

As soon as you realize the energy that is here and bring it into a positive, it becomes your experience - you have fulfilled your purpose of this level, and as soon as you pass it further you move to the center of the Soul, this is what we do in the "Matrix Reboot".

Your next goal is The Purpose of the Soul. That is, first, you fulfill the destination at the level of yourself, as a person, of manifestation of yourself in this world, and then you fulfill the destination of your Soul - this is the program of the center of the Matrix.

Calculating a straight square

To find the vertices of a straight square, the principle of adding adjacent energies works.

Take the received energy of the number of birth and add it with the energy of the month of birth and get the energy of the upper right vertex of the right square - this is the energy of the Father's Family.

We calculate the upper left vertex of the straight square in the same way, adding up the neighboring energies. Add the energy of the month and the energy of the year of birth, the received energy is the energy of the Mother's Kin.

In exactly the same way we find the lower vertices of the straight square.
Add up the energy of the year and the energy of destination, convert the resulting amount if the result is more than 22 and write it down.

Add the energy of the birth number and the energy of the lower energy of destination, transform the result obtained if the sum is more than 22 and write the energy of the lower right vertex into the matrix.

After you have counted all the vertices of the Matrix, take and write down all eight energies in a row. Look at the energies, write down the qualities of these energies. In the next step, you can find and record your vibration series.

What it is? How to calculate and write it down. There are simple numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and there are composite numbers, these are numbers greater than 9. If you have more than nine energies in the matrix, then by the addition method you reduce them to one number : 10-1, 11 - 2, 12 - 3, 13 - 4, 14 - 5, etc. Are the root energies.

EXAMPLE: If you look at my matrix, then three threes are striking, besides there are 12-3 and 21-3. The key energy of my matrix is ​​3. For my vibrational row, the three is the root energy for the entire row.

Vibration row is a hint that lets you see how many identical roots are in your row. If the triple goes into negative, then, accordingly, the entire matrix begins to slide into negative.

Negative three is greed, a desire to control everything, being caught up in the material, living life in the past or in the future, and not in the present. A person does not live the way he would like, either in dreams, or in past grievances, leads, etc.

In the next article, you will find out.

Our life with you consists of many details that can be more or less harmoniously combined in our living space. AND perceived some of these details we carefully arrange as we see fit. The unconscious remains unknown and beyond our control.... With the help of the Life Matrices, we can clarify for ourselves what is in that part of our being, which is often called subconscious.

It is about this part that will be discussed in my book. It is very important for us to know what we need to pay attention to, where to look for the reasons for our failures, illnesses and conflicts with others. Sometimes these reasons lie on the surface. But it often happens that they are very deeply hidden from our understanding and we cannot find them without knowing exactly where to look.

If you want to realize yourself, to achieve what you want as quickly as possible, I am ready to help you. You will be able to save your strength and not get bogged down in the search. Because it is important not only to know how to fulfill this or that desire. It is also very important to know why do we want this, because our desires do not arise by themselves.

It's not just that we find ourselves in this or that situation - everything has its own reasons. We know about this from the law of causation (karmic law): each effect (situation) has its own cause (origin)... This means that any life circumstance originates in one of our actions, when we choose how to act - one way or another. And any of our actions in the future will have some consequences.

Likewise, our desires are conditioned by what we have achieved in the present, what we lack today and what we still have to do. All of them are directed towards the future.

We shape our future with our current desires. And this connection exists as long as our desires live in us and guide our actions. And our actions, which is quite logical, lead us to this or that situation.

However, not all situations, not all consequences can be assessed by us as expected and desired. This means that not all of our actions are conscious of us and somewhere we, as they say, do not get to the point. There is something that prompts us to do things that lead to undesirable consequences.

We will learn to fulfill desires, wish correctly and avoid problems with the help of Four Matrices of Life... This topic would lie in the field of pure metaphysics if we could not practically apply knowledge about the Matrices. But we can, and therefore we will practice.

The Life Matrix Model allows us change the current situation for the better and achieve the desired faster and without tragic consequences. The fact is that each Matrix has its own special qualities and its own special energy. The energies of the Matrices allow us to live the way we live, giving each moment of our life its own special quality - we experience sometimes joy and sometimes sadness. But they also help us change our life the way we want it, and change it for the better.

I will dwell in great detail on each Matrix and the properties of its energy. From my own experience, I was convinced that this knowledge helps in any situation, from the most simple, everyday, and ending with events in which many people are involved.

This knowledge is effectively applied in business, management, building harmonious interpersonal relationships. The energies of the Life Matrices help to get rid of addiction, heal diseases and achieve success in business. These would be general words, if not for the many specific, real cases when the Matrices helped.

Knowing how the Matrices manifest themselves in certain cases, we can accurately determine them based on our situation. This means that we can develop a plan of action, painted down to the smallest detail.

Because it's the little things that matter. Minor life situations, petty quarrels, resentments, emotional outbursts or momentary weaknesses can ruin your whole life.

However, a person seeks, as far as possible, to direct events in a positive direction. When this succeeds, we feel a surge of strength and become more energetic. If we achieve our goal and get even more than we expected, then we consider it a victory. For the very opportunity to be in the winner's place, many are willing to endure some inconvenience. For example, moving up the career ladder, the subordinate endures the rudeness of the boss.

I have developed special programs and conduct trainings and seminars on the Matrix of Life, in which many people have already participated, and they are satisfied with their results. They received the necessary knowledge, which formed the basis of this book, and applied it in practice. Sometimes even small efforts are rewarded with big successes, and we succeed in making what we want. This is a real miracle that delights me myself!

That only is the case with a woman who managed to avoid a difficult operation. She had problems with her breast (a cancerous tumor that needed to be removed), but no one could guarantee the success of the operation.

And then she applied the knowledge about the Matrices of Life, using the energy of one of them in order to activate the corresponding processes in her body. This is what led her to healing. The energy of this Matrix also influenced its environment, changing people's attitude towards it for the better. As a result of such work, the operation was no longer necessary, because the doctor noted only residual effects. And this after two weeks of work!

Our health is influenced not only by physiological processes, but also by the events taking place in our environment, our thoughts and mood. By our behavior, we can change the reactions of the environment, and we can change our mood by changing the way of thinking.

The main thing is that the changes take place in the right way, and our task is to set the parameters for these changes. And this can be done knowing the features of the manifestations of the energies of the Life Matrices in the real world.

Of course, our life consists not only of worries about our health. In each case, we choose what is most relevant to us. One of our listeners, for example, had a business problem. Negotiations with partners were very difficult and almost fruitless. It seemed that they were reaching a dead end. It was the words of our listener about the impasse that helped to solve the problem. Because a "dead end" has its own characteristics and energy. And the man managed to correct the situation in such a way as to get out of the impasse and make a decision that was beneficial to him.

If you observe carefully some people, you will notice that someone does not need to strain, strive and fight in order to get what they want. I remember how, as a child, some of my friends received gifts for their birthday that they wanted to receive. And other children - what their parents wanted to buy them. Then for me what was happening was a mystery.

But even now I notice how adults live in exactly the same way: someone gets what they want, and someone is forced to accept absolutely unnecessary gifts from life. You can put up with this and give up on everything - and this will be the end of hope. But often people decide to achieve what they want, to look for ways to achieve their goals. Such people can be offered to study the laws of the energies of the Matrices of Life. Thanks to this knowledge, they receive not only hope, but also very real resources that help them achieve what they want, even if it seems impossible.

Life Matrices can be imagined as the seasons when we experience weather events such as rain, frost, heat, drought or flood. Each season brings its own hardships, difficulties and worries, but it can also please with favorable conditions in which it is good to rest, implement your plans, engage in hobbies, and just enjoy the good weather.

Knowing the forecast, we can prepare in advance: stock up on warm clothes if it is cold and rainy, or, conversely, do not take too much with us and go boldly light if it is warm and sunny. In a similar way, taking into account the peculiarities of the Matrices, we can accurately diagnose any situation that has developed and prevent the negative consequences of the development of events, accelerate the manifestation of positive moments.

We find ourselves in the Matrix most often not of our own free will. When we are born in this world, its laws act on us, just as the weather is determined by the laws of nature. These laws govern both the material part of the world, and the energy, and its other components, which we will talk about later. Matrices are stages in our life, and we must go a certain way in order to get rid of, for example, those feelings that are unpleasant to us.

Let's look at a simple example that will illustrate the effect of the energies of the Matrices on you personally. Imagine that you are walking down the street. Suddenly it started to rain. You do not have an umbrella because you did not know the forecast. And then, a hundred meters away from you, you notice a shelter. What are your options for action?

1. You trudge to the shelter, getting wet through, or stumble and, twisting your leg, are no longer able to reach it, so lie in the rain and wait for help. And what, it happens!

2. You quickly rush for cover and hardly get wet.

3. Someone suddenly comes up to you, covers you with an umbrella and escorts you to the entrance. And then you meet again, go to a cafe, fall in love, get married, etc.

If you have chosen some option for yourself, recognized yourself in these examples, you can assume that you have already passed a small test. Because the energies of the Matrix that prevail in your life influence your behavior in simple situations. Even the most banal things at first glance are based on this or that energy.

The first example indicates the predominance of the energy of the Second Matrix. The second example is the Third Matrix. The third example is the First Matrix, and the fourth corresponds to the Fourth Matrix.

Knowing the general patterns of the Matrix manifestations, we can predict the actions of everyone who finds themselves in a certain situation. It is enough to make a diagnosis based on the Life Matrix model, and we will be able to learn in detail about the nature of the behavior and emotional reactions of people attributed to it.

Life Matrices are more complex, deeper and broader than any example from our life. But in every example, every situation, we are faced with the manifestation of the energies of the Life Matrices.

Every life situation can be quickly resolved, despite the apparent complexity. But it can also get very confused, thanks to our ignorance and unwillingness to delve into the essence of the issue, the essence of the problem.

The knowledge and experience that I am trying to convey to you through this book will help you understand the simplest things that for many people have become more complicated than quantum mechanics. I will confirm all theoretical positions with examples from practice that have a real life basis. In this regard, I want to emphasize once again: for those who have already learned to use the knowledge about the Matrices of Life, the events taking place in their lives have become more transparent, and the people around them - more understandable.

By comprehending this science, we can save our strength for a positive life. Success, which is achieved both without unnecessary adrenaline and without stagnation, increase our energy potential, because the strength is no longer wasted. All our desires become achievable, relationships - easy, and communication - pleasant, if we economically spend our inner resources, our mental strength, our life energy. We will move in this direction with the help of the Life Matrices.

A bit of theory

There is knowledge that was generated by life itself and appeared at the time of the creation of the Universe. They have been tested for centuries. I mean knowledge about Life Matrices... If the ancient sages decided to pass them on to us, despite the fact that at that time they were secret, they would say something like the following:

Life on Earth is subject to the law of balance of the four Life Matrices;

These are the Matrix of Bliss and Peace, Matrix of Patience and Accumulation, Matrix of Struggle and Incarnation, Matrix of Success and Victory;

No one can escape the influence of the Matrices;

The matrices are transformed into one another in a strict sequence;

Violation of the sequence leads to distortions in the development of the situation, as a result of which disasters occur, both personal and global;

Each of the four Matrices must be worked out enough to be reborn into the next;

Whoever broke the Matrix sequence rule would have to go all the way first;

Matrices cannot be controlled, for they control the flow of life;

For the Matrices there is no concept of time, but only the concept of learned experience;

Following the rules of the four Matrices leads to success;

Anything that contradicts the four Matrix rules disappears;

A person will be born again in the Matrix that he could not work through in his previous life.

On my own behalf, I want to add that the Matrices have various kinds of energy that we need in order to live, enjoy life, maintain and restore health, start relationships, achieve success, enjoy the fruits of our labor, etc.

All people on our planet are immersed in the Matrix of Life. The matrices, as it were, permeate our reality in each of its manifestations. Each of us throughout his life and at any moment is in any of the Matrices, which is one of the Four Matrices of Life.

Life Matrices are a set of conditions and patterns that shape the life and worldview of a person, his character and the entire spectrum of his life situations. These are also the stages of a person's psychological maturation.

Each of the Life Matrices is a certain stage in the formation of events, the development of situations, life cycles. The matrices govern everything that happens to us: our health, the way we think, the level of well-being, relationships, the presence or absence of happiness. And we get what is in our prevailing Matrix at any given time.

Character predestination events according to the Matrix of Life model indicates that each person at any stage of his life finds himself in the Matrix that corresponds to his accumulated experience and the degree of its elaboration.

Matrix sophistication is determined by how well a person has learned to use the energy of the prevailing Matrix. The unworked Matrix will create difficulties for a person in life.

The matrix is ​​worked out to the extent that a person has mastered it and has the ability to adequately interact with its energies.

For example, a person finds himself in a situation that involves a quick decision and immediate adequate action - a fire. Here the energy of the Third Matrix should normally manifest itself. But not everyone will immediately rush through the fire, even to save their own lives. People sometimes are lost in critical situations: something seems to jam in their brains, and the will to act and even to live is blocked. In this case, the person falls into a stupor.

Thus, the energy of the unworked Second Matrix is ​​at work. It makes a person forget even about the instinct of self-preservation.

Unfortunately, most people assess this situation from the point of view of the characteristics of the victim's character: they say, he is cowardly or weak. But now you understand that this is a simplified assessment that only superficially explains a person's behavior in difficult situations. There is another, more correct explanation for inappropriate actions - a person is influenced by the energy of the Matrix that he has not worked through.

However, for those around them, the deep processes taking place in the human soul largely remain unnoticed and misunderstood. Yes, we ourselves often find it difficult to understand what is happening in our subconscious. We should learn to be more attentive to ourselves in order to understand which Matrix prevails in our life at the moment and to what extent it is worked out, and also to find out which Matrix energy we lack.

The lack of energy of a certain Matrix does not allow a person to act correctly at the right moment, achieve a goal or enjoy success. In particular, the lack of energy of the Third Matrix did not allow the hero of our example to save his life in a fire. In a critical situation, when we need to show will or even heroism, which are fed by the energy of the Third Matrix, we can be stopped by an overabundance of the Second's energy. Simply put, fear will stop our activity.

There are many such examples in life. Sometimes what is difficult to notice about yourself just catches your eye in the lives of other people. You only need to observe and analyze, and this will not be difficult for you when you read this book to the end.

But back to our Four Matrices. Each of them can be in an active or passive state. Each Matrix contains the energy that we need in a given situation. Lack or overabundance of the energy of any Matrix leads to illness, depression, setbacks, quarrels, misunderstanding between people and even premature death. For the same reasons, we often get not what we want, what we dream about.

If you learn to balance the energies of the Matrices of Life, then you can easily change the current situation for the better, and then health will be in order, and the boss is kind, and the wife is happy, and you will receive your salary on time.

When we cross the road at a red light, we risk hearing the sentry's whistle - thereby he indicates to us that we have violated the law. Everything here is extremely simple and straightforward. But the laws of the universe are not that simple. To understand the full depth of their penetration into everyday life, you need to consider them on the basis of our usual actions and everyday situations, and not universal abstractions. This is what we will do throughout the book, talking about the Laws of the Four Matrices. That is, the whole book will be devoted to our life with you and those situations that often torment us, as well as those that delight and leave pleasant memories.

The world of energies of the Four Matrices of Life

Energy of the First Matrix - Matrix of Bliss and Peace- we need it in order to give ourselves pleasure, to receive gifts, to rest in every sense of the word: both in soul and in body. With this energy we can experience pleasure life. But for this we need to have a lot of such energy. because pleasure- the highest degree of pleasure: sensual, emotional and mental.

The energy of the Second Matrix - - we need in order to courageously endure adversity, wait for better times, accumulate wealth, grow wiser and gain experience, endure pain and calmly fall asleep under the peaceful snoring of her husband, not paying attention to unpleasant little things. We need a lot of strength to resist temptations and resist bad habits, which this energy pushes us into. Habits drive our behavior from the subconscious. In order to recognize harmful impulses, we must focus on this process, which requires an expenditure of energy. Or we have to block all unconscious impulses, which is also an energy-consuming procedure.

Energy of the Third Matrix - Struggle and Incarnation Matrices- we need to set goals and strive for them, get out of difficult situations, look for a better life and see the light at the end of the tunnel, break free from the clutches of disease and death. And also to find the strength in oneself, when it would seem that they are already gone, to ask questions and look for answers, to have an interest in new things and believe in a bright future.

With this energy, we can maintain the chosen direction. In order not to collapse on the way to the goal, we need a lot of such energy. After all, we do not always have to move along the trodden path. We can find ourselves in difficult situations and meet various obstacles on the way, overcoming which is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of energy from the Third Matrix.

Energy of the Fourth Matrix - Matrix of Success and Victory- we need it in order to still achieve our goals, to achieve the result... This energy allows us rejoice their victories and gain positive. With its help, we subconsciously feel that everything will be fine and life is worth our efforts. We know how to arrange for ourselves and others celebration, to feel at their best, to recover from illnesses and to marry after divorces.

To feel like a winner always, to be focused on winning, you need a lot of such energy.

The energies of the Matrices are constantly replacing each other, and our life is filled with the energy of one or another Matrix. It all depends on which Matrix dominates at the present moment in time, and on what situation we are in. For example, if our main Matrix is Matrix of Bliss and Peace, and the situation assumes the presence of energy Patience and Accumulation Matrices, then we need to turn to our Second Matrix and feed on its energy.

This means that we will have to change situation and go to the next level - the level of the Second Matrix. This is not always pleasant, and often people refuse to do it deliberately, because then they will have to endure something.

Some categories of our fellow citizens still manage to stay in the First Matrix. Although at the same time the energy of the First Matrix will remain predominant and bliss and peace will be available to them, the situation in this case will freeze. For the general development of a person, this choice - to remain in the First Matrix - is unfavorable, and I call it getting stuck in the Matrix.

Getting stuck in the Matrix is ​​akin to walking in circles, when the study of one Matrix fails, which brings a person back to the same situations and problems.

Outside help is often indispensable here.

Let me give you an example of getting stuck in the Matrix, which negatively affected a person's life. In one family, the husband drank when it was necessary to make some choice, to take responsibility. As soon as the question arose about the need to solve some problem, the husband got drunk and was satisfied with life, but he was no longer able to solve anything: the drink returned him to the First Matrix, to the level of complete inaction. Thus, he avoided any stress, and all the worries were always borne by other family members.

It seems that this man is good, but how can he develop if he does not decide anything? He behaves like a small child, for whom his mother will do everything, but in fact he is an adult, and those around him will someday get tired of carrying his load, and he will finally be left alone with his problems. Then he will have to make a choice - to learn to make decisions or to finally get drunk. And if he still cannot get out of the First Matrix, then he will practically have no choice. Such a life can hardly be called full.

For a full and conscious life, we must be able to interact with the energies of all Matrices.

The replacement of Life Matrices with each other is a natural process in our development.

The First Matrix is ​​replaced by the Second, the Second - the Third and the Third - the Fourth.

A feature of this cycle is that after the Fourth Matrix we need to return to the First, because there we can fully rest from our labors. This can and should be done, unless we stuck in the First Matrix our life did not turn into a continuous rest. Then our experience is not accumulated, efforts are not wasted, and the euphoria of victory is not available to us. This means that we have nothing to rest from.

The sequence of transition from Matrix to Matrix is ​​determined by the laws of the Universe. And we are unable to change the vector set by the cosmic Force. But our knowledge helps us to follow these laws, and we go through life, reaching new heights of success. Unless we got stuck in any of the Matrices and stopped in solving pressing issues.

How Matrix energies manifest in our lives

To begin with, I think the definition of the phrase "Matrix energies" should be given.

The energies of the Matrices are the force that guides a person and the situation in which he finds himself.

The energy of any one Matrix will always prevail among others, which affects the turns of fate and the choice made by a person.

Each specific situation in our life has its own energy. At the same time, each situation is influenced by one of the Matrices. And we feel this influence on a daily and hourly basis. For simple and understandable cases, we have a certain set of so-called stamps of perception and behavior. That is, we can heat water and make tea for ourselves, without specifically addressing the energies of the Life Matrices.

It is more difficult for us when we need energy, which we lack. For example, when we need to wait, be patient, but we have no strength. And we are impatient, we are fussing, and this negatively affects the results in our affairs.

I have watched drivers show incontinence at traffic lights many times. When a red light is on, some try to guess when it will change to green. At the same time, they nervously press the gas pedal. And it has happened many times that such impatience led to accidents where it could have been avoided by simply following the rules.

This does not mean that a person has no patience at all. The energies of the Matrices are always available to us, but for each of us to a different degree. I associate the availability of a certain energy with elaboration of the corresponding Matrix.

The Matrix has been worked out, let me remind you, just to the extent that a person has learned to use its energy. This is especially true for the prevailing Matrix.

An unworked Matrix will create difficulties for a person in life, everything will be difficult and difficult for him. And although these difficulties may seem far-fetched to another, an individual with an unworked Matrix will skid in solving the simplest issues. Any, even the most insignificant, they will seem to him the most difficult, sometimes impossible tasks.

I often meet with paradoxes when I hear the stories of participants in my trainings and seminars on Life Matrices... One of them, a man, works as a minor boss in a firm. Only a few people are subordinate to him. Difficulties appeared immediately after the appointment. Workers, men and women alike, are accustomed to flexible working hours. At the same time, the volume of work gradually increased, as is often the case in developing enterprises.

The man turned to me with a problem: they did not want to obey him, scandals constantly flared up at work due to the fact that people refused to fulfill their direct responsibilities. And the boss was primarily responsible for the failure to do the job. But his subordinates ignored many of his demands.

Why would it be easier to refer to the job description and put pressure on workers, threatening with one kind or another sanctions, up to and including dismissal. This is elementary, and it was obvious to me. But in order to show leadership qualities, to be persistent in their requirements, the boss needs to have the energy of the Third Matrix. And following instructions and being patient hammering rules requires the energy of the Second Matrix. And with that, and with the other energy, the man had problems.

The paradox for me was that the subordinates openly ignored the boss, and he dutifully endured all the antics (this suggests that his Second Matrix was not worked out), receiving by hat from superiors. And all I needed was for my client to feel like a boss. Which is what I advised him.

Through the prism of the Matrices of Life, the solution to the problem was complicated by the fact that it was necessary to activate the energies of two Matrices at once.

The solution was to find a source of that energy, which my client did not have in sufficient quantity. She was with a superior boss. And we applied the following tactics: every time, as soon as a conflict was brewing, the man called his superior boss to his place, who had less patience, but he was a born leader. And every time he was called to the place for a trifle, he was very angry and literally metal lightning.

Soon, it was enough for lazy workers to threaten their superior to get them to work. And it cheered up and added confidence to the man who turned to me. Soon, he himself was in charge of his section as befits a boss. Now he had enough energy to command people within the framework of the instructions.

The energies of the Matrices are dissolved in everyday events, and this complicates the task of diagnosing the situation. But if we want to learn how to manage events, direct them along the path of development we need directly to the designated goal, then we should train. It's funny that for this we need both the energy of the Third Matrix in order to set a goal and strive towards it, and the energy of the Second Matrix in order to patiently perform exercises and gain experience of working with energies.

To work with the energies of the Matrices, we need their energy. This is not a vicious circle, but the natural course of life. To live, for example, we need to breathe, and to breathe, we must live. We are born already with certain skills, and there is a lot of air around us, so there are no problems with breathing. So it is with the energies of the Matrices. We have some experience with them and we are surrounded by their energies. A little patience, a little practice, a little more optimism and understanding of our prospects - and we will make a serious breakthrough towards the realization of our most cherished desires. It's very exciting!

Here are some responses from participants in my seminars where people really benefit from conscious interaction with the energies of the Life Matrices.

Irina: “This course was very effective for me. I discovered a very easy to use and at the same time effective way to change myself and change my life. Now I know exactly how and by what means to reach my goal and get satisfaction from the result. "

Zalina“If we talk about events, the most important thing that happened during the two days of the training was that I found a job (or rather, she found me herself!) After two months of inactivity. I think that all this happened because my inner state changed. In general, I am very glad! For myself, I realized: even if it’s very bad and I don’t want to do anything, the main thing is to start acting, trust the Universe - and your dream will find you by itself. It's amazing how easy it is to live if you know how to enjoy life. Many thanks!"

Ellis: “I really liked the course, which happens infrequently. I learned to feel the First Matrix in my life, to accept the Second with gratitude, I became convinced of the correctness of my positions in the Third and Fourth. This course gave me inspiration, I felt a surge of strength. Thank you!"

Madina: “Wonderful, lively and dynamic course. For myself, I revealed a new vision of some old problems. I saw myself in all Four Matrices. I understood why I am stuck in some and, what is important, where I should move now. "

How The Matrices Program Our Lives

I want to remind you that the lack of awareness in our life leads to the fact that we more easily succumb to external influences and more willingly dancing to someone else's tune. And first of all it concerns our Matrices. Each of us has all the Four Matrices worked out in different ways, and therefore we are not alike and live differently. But in life there are many coincidences when different people behave almost the same.

Simple explanation: all people are essentially the same. Correct explanation: different people can coincide

At the same time, different people may behave differently in the same situations. Simple explanation: all people are different. Correct explanation: even people who look similar to each other can differ the degree of elaboration of certain Matrices.

An important point, especially for those who like to rely on other people in difficult situations. The behavioral reactions of people in stressful and emergency situations can be completely unexpected and not correspond to the prevailing impression of them. That is, when you need help, you may not get it from the person you hope for. And he, in fact, will not be to blame for this.

I argue this without proceeding from the principles of public morality and the idea of ​​forgiveness. My point of view was formed after realizing the influence of the energies of the Life Matrices on all levels of our being. Our thinking, our habits, our desires and way of life obey the laws of the Matrices. And we can notice and understand this in order to help ourselves to work through each of them as quickly as possible.

But often, even knowing the peculiarities of the manifestation of the energy of the Matrices, we can succumb to some temptation, for example, to start drinking alcohol, break off on a loved one or act hesitantly at an important moment. And this happens under the influence of the energy of the Matrices. It is the Matrices that program our behavior and our lives.

We can try to resist programming. But in this case, the question arises: maybe this resistance is also programmed by the Matrices? If we do not sort everything out on the shelves, we will be completely confused.

So let's first talk about what is program.

A program is a certain sequence of actions, set in order to achieve a specific result.

And you and I follow the programs that are defined for us by our Matrices. It should be noted that we can think about our programs in two directions. These directions are defined by concepts such as good Matrix and bad Matrix.

Good Matrix- this is a well-developed Matrix, which makes it possible to use your energy in time and effectively in the right situation, which eliminates unnecessary problems in life. A good Matrix programs our actions in a positive way. We can talk about a person “He has good such and such a Matrix ”, if we notice that his actions, his behavior are in harmony with the outside world.

For example, a driver humbly waits for a green traffic light, and his car does not take off, as in Formula 1 races, but smoothly starts and drives in the right direction. And we can state that this driver has a good Second Matrix, therefore he patiently and consistently follows the rules of the road.

Bad Matrix- this is an unworked Matrix that brings many difficulties into our life due to the incorrect or untimely use of its energy in each specific situation. At the same time, the whole life can be ruined by endless problems. The Bad Matrix programs our actions in a negative way. We can talk about a person “He has bad such and such a Matrix ”, if we notice that his actions, his behavior are not harmonious.

Examples bad Matrix there are many in everyday life. This and the beggars with their bad First Matrix, and pedestrians crossing the street at a red light, with their bad Second Matrix, and students at school who do not see the point in studying and do not have a goal, do not want to achieve success with their bad Third Matrix.

The main program for us is to work through all the Matrices and reach a new level of life, a new level of consciousness. And we can go through full cycles by working through our Matrices. The new level will not be available to us if we do not cope with the previous ones.

The transition to the next Matrix means that the stage at which the energy of the previous one prevailed is over and the time for mastering the next Matrix comes.

The most important thing to know about the Matrices is that no one can avoid going through them all.

And even if someone manages to slip through one of them in a certain cycle of life, then in the next one he will still have to return to this Matrix and go through it, but this will be twice as difficult. because bad The matrix will become more worse.

If we talk about programs within each individual Matrix, then good matrices program our behavior so that the events taking place in our life develop in accordance with the hierarchy prevailing in the Universe, so that with each stage the energy level increases. In this case, more and more pleasure and more and more success become available to us.

Our bad matrices on the contrary, they program us for destructive behavior when we harm ourselves and others. There is also a positive aspect in this - by our inharmonious manifestations, we can guess that we are not all right with the energy of the Matrices. But more often than not, we are stuffing ourselves with bumps, trying to realize our desires, without having enough energy for this.

The most correct way to change negative Matrix programs is to work them out. We may feel or notice that our behavior is inharmonious, that we are hurting ourselves. But, while working on the Matrices, we prevent the negative consequences of programs bad matrices.

For example, impatience creates many problems. But by remaining conscious, noticing your impatience, you can restrain yourself from rash actions. Although it will be very difficult with the unfinished Second Matrix, it is still possible. And a little excruciating wait every day is enough to train your Second Matrix. Some negative programs will fade quickly.

Examples of negative programs from life can be taken without leaving home, just by watching the news on TV. Here are some of them:

The desire for self-destruction through addiction to drugs;

"Beautiful" life through theft, robbery and violence;

Unwillingness to work and, as a result, life at the very bottom of society;

Mental abnormalities due to the loss of meaning in life;

Excessive physical and emotional stress, and all because of the desire to climb the career ladder as soon as possible;

The desire to achieve victory at any cost pushes people to reckless, destructive actions, for example, athletes use doping that destroys the body;

Failure to follow traffic rules, which creates chaos and threatens the lives of many people;

Inability to earn enough money and, as a result, terrible debts;

Excessive patience, leading to severe chronic diseases;

The desire to feel an adrenaline rush, due to which people find themselves in life-threatening situations and may even die;

The inability to make independent decisions, which leads to complete dependence on someone else's will and someone else's opinion, and much more.

Of course, our task is to erase all negative programs. It is impossible to do this on a mass scale, because each person must decide for himself whether to work through his Matrices or not. I believe that each of us has a choice, regardless of the dominant Matrix. Indeed, in any case, the rest of the Matrices are also represented in our potential. I will try to do everything so that after reading the book, readers have individual methods of working out their own Matrices.

How is it that we attract certain situations

The reality is that everything in our life depends on ourselves, but only if we follow the laws of the Four Matrices. To do this, of course, you need to know these laws and how to work out the Matrices, how to determine which Matrix prevails in this particular situation, and in general in our life.

In each case of diagnostics, we will see a certain picture. We will receive not only a diagnosis, but also a recipe, using which you can change your life for the better. You just need to properly understand the matrix features, the features of each Matrix and what should be done with everything.

And here it should be remembered that the best is not what we want, but what will allow us to follow the laws of the Matrices of Life. Or even like this: the best desire is that which does not contradict the laws of the Matrices of Life. Yes, these laws are sometimes harsh, but they regulate all life processes and direct them in the right direction. We all want success! And we all have the potential to achieve this success.

As long as we have unprocessed Matrices, we need to be prepared for the fact that we also have the potential to fail over and over again. Each of us has ever faced the fact that we find ourselves in an unexpected or unpleasant situation for ourselves. And some people in their lives only do that attract to yourself in trouble.

From mouth to mouth, stories are passed about those people who seem to be lucky in everything. They seem to attract good luck, wealth and useful connections. At the same time, the person himself can practically do nothing specifically for this. They say about such people that they have good karma, or in our case - good matrix.

Karma in Hinduism defines the connection between cause and effect... In Russian culture, this is reflected in the proverb: "What goes around comes around". And you and I will refer to the laws that bear the name karmic due to the fact that they determine what consequences our certain actions will have.

Karmic laws are a hidden mechanism of the Universe that determines the sequence of passing through the stages of life.

Each step is influenced by the Matrices of Life and is obligatory for all living beings to pass. If a person has not mastered some Matrix during his lifetime, he will return to the same situation again and again in order to work it out. This confirms the theory of multiple lives.

The plurality of lives and the predetermination of events - this topic has been of interest to people since ancient times. And we will not ignore it, because you and I are interested in one interesting question: why is someone born active and lucky, and someone from childhood looks squishy and he has been unlucky all his life in everything?

Here, of course, the energies of the Life Matrices are involved. The combination of the energies of the Matrices creates a special field of attraction for the corresponding situations in which people find themselves. Having understood the principle of this interaction, we can predict what situation a person will attract in the next moment of his life.

For example, an overly slow person finds himself in situations that shake him, they seem to try to revive him, start and speed up its movement so that it goes to a higher level. A too hasty person often finds himself in situations that are aimed at curbing his ardor a little, slowing down a little. And he, as it were, attracts obstacles to himself, forgetting to draw up some necessary document, without making an important call, etc.

A girl who attended our seminars told the story of her friend's life. The girlfriend is a classic representative of the Second Matrix, in which negative manifestations prevail. Everything in life is hard for her. She works a lot, but does not receive a promotion, she went to live abroad in the hope of getting rich, but in two years she could not even get a residence permit.

Traveling and accidentally ending up in the border zone, she was detained for violating the visa regime and was almost expelled from the country. Returning, she got into a car accident: another car crashed into her car, which was not insured. When she came to visit one of her friends, she was bitten by a quiet little dog that had never bitten anyone before. However, this girl does not change anything in life, and troubles continue to pour on her, as if from a cornucopia.

It so happens that inveterate lazy people find themselves at a slot machine and they get a jackpot. They find wallets with money (and, of course, do not look for the owner), they are given expensive gifts, although they themselves have never given anything to anyone. It seemed terribly unfair to me before.

Now this riddle has been solved with the help of the Life Matrices. After all, it is their energy that determines which situations will attract a person under their influence. And more often than not lucky in life for those people who have the energy of the First Matrix in sufficient quantities. But do not rush to envy them - they have their own difficulties. (For details, see the chapter on The Matrix of Bliss and Peace.)

The combinations of the energies of the Matrices for each person are not accidental. They are compiled by the person himself, even if he did nothing for this. That is, inaction in situations where it is necessary to make active efforts also shape the events that will happen to us in the future. It is not for nothing that the Criminal Code spelled out responsibility, including for inaction when nothing interferes with action.

But in the case of the energies of the Matrices, we may be hindered by their insufficient concentration. Well, where can I get patience, forgive me, if my Second Matrix is ​​on its way. The energy of the Third Matrix can help here: in order to set a goal and achieve a specific result, I need to learn patience and endurance. This will allow me to control my behavior, and, even if it is very difficult for me, I will be able to endure, survive what is happening without losing heart.

Knowledge of the Matrices opens up new opportunities for us to improve our lives. We can now pay attention to those features of our behavior that previously seemed to us normal and harmless. Now I have the opportunity to access a resource that was not of interest to me before, because I did not know how to use it. And I can now tell you how to compensate for the lack of energy of one Matrix with the energy of another. But we'll talk about this a little later.

It is important to remember that we are shaping our future, in which we will have to deal with what is happening now. After all, nothing in life passes without a trace, everything has its own meaning. And if now we do not notice that our actions, our thoughts somehow influence us, then in the future this may become too obvious for us.

Accordingly, our present is also a reflection of what we have done in the past. And this applies not only to the life that we remember as ours. After all, being born into a family of complete alcoholics or drug addicts, a child, enduring torment, pays for something. But what did the unfortunate kid manage to do in this life ?! Having started working on the Matrix, we soon realize that this is not a punishment. A person born into such a family has a chance to work through all the Matrices more successfully. In addition, there is an exploration of the features of each Matrix ahead of us. And then we will find out what we can fix right now in order to make our life happy, our wallet full, and our desires fulfilled. After all, each of us has the opportunity to correct our situation with the energies of the Matrices of Life, so that the cycle of incarnation and their elaboration was consciously completed. And we could be sure that in the next life we ​​will not step on the same rake.

Even if I have not convinced you that we live not the first and not the last time, all the same, your soul will become calmer if you realize that the energy in the Matrices circulates along a full trajectory and does not give you unnecessary problems. However, this realization will require us to pay a little attention to our Matrices. And what and how to do, you will learn in the future from my practical recommendations.

Now let's continue in order.

Life scenarios based on the nature of the energies of the Matrices

The combination of the energies of the worked out and unworked Matrices creates the conditions for life events to develop according to an individual scenario. This means that every person's life has some degree of predestination. We cannot predict exactly what will happen to an individual. But the general picture of life is quite capable of imagining, and even with a certain degree of detail.

For example, using Matrices, one can explain why a person cannot achieve success in some business, why he is sick, or why he has no chance of success at all. But you can also suggest the way that will lead a person out of this situation, talk about what will help change events for the better and finally achieve what he wants.

Usually, people don't lump together everything that happens in their lives. But you and I have a good opportunity to look from the outside at the life of other people using the Life Matrix model. This clearly shows how the worked out Matrices create a positive picture of life, and the unprocessed ones - a negative one.

Here are two real life scenarios based on one dominant Matrix.

Scenario one, negative

A young woman, quite pretty, a mother of two children, almost never worked anywhere, but someone always helped her: relatives, ex-husband, rare boyfriends ... Once she met a middle-aged man who had his own small business. They began to live together and considered themselves a family. He opened a beauty salon, and she began to work there as an administrator. Salary did not interest her, because the man fully provided all her needs and indulged in whims.

For a while, the woman enjoyed the sweet life, especially not overworking and not burdening herself with thoughts about her future. The present suited her completely. And now, two years later, the man was fed up with her company and, having sold his business, left the city, leaving the woman some means. She was fired from the salon because she had no value as an employee and was no longer the owner's wife.

The woman was left alone with two children, but, as before, she was not going to work for a salary. There was a constant lack of money, so she began to deny herself cosmetics, clothes and medicines. Then, as luck would have it, she fell on her left hand, and it was swollen from a severe bruise. This woman was not going to go to hospitals and spend money on medications, so soon the hand began to lose sensitivity and was partially paralyzed. But the woman was given a disability pension, and this saved her from starvation.

She constantly insisted that she needed money and that all her debts would soon be returned to her. Although all her friends knew that she did not lend money to anyone. Over time, the poor man sank lower and lower, health deteriorated, teeth from coffee and cigarettes turned black ... In the end, she became like a bum. She was no longer recognized by her old friends, because she was used to getting everything for free, for free, so to speak. Her only breadwinners were her daughters, who had grown up by that time.

It is known that this woman has become like an old toothless wrinkled witch, although she is no more years old than her former friends - only under forty. She almost never leaves the house, she got herself some kind of mongrel - she probably picked it up on the street - and there is a very unpleasant smell in her apartment.

This whole story might have seemed deliberate to me if I had not personally met this person. And now I know how normal people turn into lowered dirty tramps and homeless people. This is a classic example of the negative consequences of being stuck in the First Matrix, when consciousness functions at a consuming, almost animal level.

Scenario two, positive

One girl was a sweet, quiet child. She could play with dolls for hours without bothering anyone. The dresses of her dolls were always neatly ironed and lay on their shelves for years. And the girl wore her own dresses very carefully, so her mother gave old clothes to the children of her friends, and they thought that she gave them new clothes.

When the girl grew up, she went to college and studied diligently. She was not a crammer and knew just enough to get the required score. Gradually, she earned a reputation as a good student, and she was automatically given credits. Even at the institute, the girl began to save a little money, without spending money on cosmetics and perfumes.

Gifts were not given to her, but sometimes she allowed herself something fashionable from clothes, of which, by the way, she did not have much. True, she took great care of all her dresses and wore them for a long time. After graduation, she was recommended to a good company in her specialty. A few years later, the young woman was promoted in position and salary. She already had enough money on her account to take out a loan for an apartment.

She met a young man, but was in no hurry to get married. Young people met for several years on the same days in the same place. During this time, the girl paid off the loan and became the head of the department. Then she still married her fiancé and they bought a car. Then they built a dacha and gave birth to a child.

Over time, the family changed their old apartment to a more spacious one. After that, they decided to have another child. In the summer, they constantly disappear in the country, diligently grow all kinds of vegetables and make preparations for the winter. I heard that the couple are planning to update their car as well. External crises do not interfere with their measured life, because they know how not only to endure adversity, but also managed to save up something for rainy day. Many of the acquaintances are jealous of their constancy, while not understanding how one can live without passions and violent emotions, intrigues and risky plans.

And this is a classic example of a good Second Matrix, on the basis of which such life scenarios unfold. They reflect that ideal of the man in the street, which all wise rulers dream of seeing in their country.

On the plurality of lives

I know that not everyone will want to agree with these statements. Because many are unhappy with the life situation in which they allegedly found themselves unwillingly... If everything is different for you, then you are more fortunate than others.

The most common opinion about the circumstances of our appearance in this world is very vague. It boils down to the fact that this is a coincidence, a set of accidents, coincidence of circumstances, and the like. It is more convenient for us to attribute the fact that one person is born talented, lucky or rich, and the other is a mediocrity, cripple and beggar. Because if we search patterns in these events, we will be able to come to meaningful and not very convenient conclusions for ourselves.

Namely: there is some definite pattern that stipulates future life even before our birth. And our luck, our talents, our happiness and wealth are already waiting for us in earthly life. Such a view refers us to our distant ancestors who believed in multiplicity of lives and predestination future events.

These beliefs arose as a result of centuries of observation of how events form and unfold in the material world. Even the ancient sages understood that not everything can be explained by the language of matter. Accordingly, there were hypotheses about the existence of the intangible world. And the repetition and unpredictability of what was happening gave rise to belief in the existence of a Force that directs the course of life according to a certain pattern.

All this could be attributed to archaisms and primitive thinking of the ancients, if modern science could find explanations for absolutely all phenomena in our world. But we know that this is not the case. Science is like a jigsaw puzzle of knowledge. And how many brilliant theories have already been debunked ?! Many of them, by the way, far-fetched to events that occur regardless of the existence of this kind of explanation.

It is strange to hear sometimes from scientists who are constantly looking for explanations of everything that is happening, such formulations as “one person was lucky”, or “it happened due to a coincidence of circumstances ...”, or “he accidentally discovered ...”, etc. If if there were so many accidents in the world, it would look like some kind of jumble of events and objects.

I am very glad that in fact this is not the case and our world develops naturally and with certain knowledge it is quite predictable. Understanding these patterns, we can manage our life and cause in it those situations and events that are desirable for us.

Life Matrices are the objective conditions for the emergence and realization of our desires. The character of each person and his environment are formed, depending on how much energy is in each of his matrices. Life goals and obstacles on the way also depend on which matrix dominates in each of us. In any matrix, we find both positive and negative qualities: both pleasant and useful, as well as harmful and unpleasant. None of the Life Matrices can be ignored: a lack of energy will immediately affect our well-being, relationships, and living standards.

How matrices program our lives

I want to remind you that the lack of awareness in our life leads to the fact that we more easily succumb to external influences and more willingly dance to someone else's tune. And first of all it concerns our matrices. Each of us has all four matrices worked out in different ways and, therefore, we are not alike and live differently. But in life there are many coincidences when different people behave in a similar way.

Simple explanation: all people are essentially the same. Correct explanation: different people may have the same degree of elaboration of certain matrices.

At the same time, different people may behave differently in the same situations. Simple explanation: all people are different. Correct explanation: even people who look similar to each other may differ in the degree of elaboration of certain matrices.

An important point, especially for those who like to rely on other people in difficult situations. The behavioral reactions of people in stressful and emergency situations can be completely unexpected and not correspond to the prevailing impression of them. That is, when you need help, you may not get it from the person you hope for. And he, in fact, will not be to blame for this.

I am not saying this in the context of public morality and the principle of forgiveness. My point of view is formed by understanding the influence of the energies of the Life Matrices on all levels of our being. Our thinking, our habits, our desires and way of life obey the laws of matrices. And we can notice and realize this in order to help ourselves to work through each of the matrices as quickly as possible.

But often, even knowing the peculiarities of the manifestation of the energy of the matrices, we can succumb to some temptation, for example, alcohol, to attack a loved one or to show indecision at an important moment. And this happens under the influence of the energy of the matrices. These matrices program our behavior and our lives.

We can try to resist this programming. But, in this case, the question arises: maybe this resistance is also programmed with matrices? If we do not sort everything out on the shelves, we will get confused in these reflections.
First, about what a program is.

A program is a certain sequence of actions, set in order to achieve a specific result.

And you and I follow the programs that are defined for us by our matrices. It should be noted that we can think about our programs in two directions. Directions are defined by concepts such as good matrix and bad matrix.

A good matrix is ​​a well-developed matrix that makes it possible to use your energy in time and efficiently in the right situation. This eliminates unnecessary problems in life. A good matrix programs our actions in a positive way. We can say about a person “he has such and such a good matrix” if we notice that his actions, his behavior are in harmony with external conditions.

For example, a driver humbly waits for a green traffic light and his car does not take off, as in Formula 1 races, but smoothly starts and drives in his direction. And we can state that this driver has a good second matrix. And he patiently and consistently follows the rules of the road.

A bad matrix is ​​an unworked matrix, which brings a lot of difficulties into our life due to the incorrect or untimely application of its energy in a particular situation. In this case, the whole life can be ruined by a continuous stream of problems. A bad matrix programs our actions in a negative way. We can say about a person “he has such and such a bad matrix” if we notice that his actions, his behavior are not harmonious.

There are many examples of a bad matrix in everyday life. These are beggars with their bad first matrix, and pedestrians crossing the street at a red light with their bad second matrix, and poor students in school who do not see the point in studying and have no goal to achieve success in their studies with their bad third matrix.

The main program for us is to work through all the matrices and reach a new level of life, a new level of consciousness. And we can go through the full cycle by working through our matrices. The new level will not be available to us if we cannot cope with the previous level.

The transition to the next matrix means that the stage of the predominance of the energy of the previous matrix is ​​over, and the stage of mastering the next matrix begins.

The most important thing to know about matrices is that no one can avoid going through all matrices.

And, even if someone manages to slip through one of them on one cycle of life, then on the next he will still have to return to the matrix and go through it, but this will be twice as difficult. Because a bad matrix will get worse.
If we talk about programs within each individual matrix, then good matrices program our behavior so that our situations develop along the matrix hierarchy, so that the energy level rises. In this case, more and more pleasure and more and more success become available to us.

Our bad matrices, on the contrary, program us for destructive behavior when we harm ourselves and those around us. This has a positive aspect - by our inharmonious manifestations, we can guess that we are not all right with the energy of the matrices. But more often than not, we are stuffing ourselves with bumps, trying to fulfill our desires, without having enough energy necessary for this.

The most correct way to change negative matrix programs is to work out the matrices. We may feel, or notice, that our behavior is inharmonious, that we are hurting ourselves. But by working on matrices, we prevent the negative consequences of bad matrix programs.

For example, impatience creates many problems. But by remaining conscious, noticing your impatience, you can restrain yourself from rash actions. Although it will be very difficult with an unfinished second matrix, it is still possible. And a little excruciating wait every day is enough to train your second matrix. Some negative programs will fade quickly.

Examples of negative programs from life can be taken without leaving home, just watching the news on TV.

Here are some of them:
- the desire for self-destruction through addiction to drugs;
- "beautiful" life through theft, robbery and violence;
- sinking to the bottom of society due to unwillingness to work;
- mental deviations due to the loss of meaning in life;
- excessive physical and emotional stress for career growth;
- victory at any cost, when athletes use doping that destroys the body;
- refusal to follow the rules of the road, which creates chaos on the roads;
- the inability to earn enough money, which leads a person to a debt trap;
- excessive patience, leading to severe chronic diseases;
- an addiction to adrenaline, leading people to life-threatening situations and death;
- the inability to make independent decisions, which leads to complete dependence on someone else's power and someone else's opinion
and much more.

Of course, our task is to erase negative programs. It is impossible to do this on some massive scale, each person must decide for himself whether to work through his matrices or not. I believe that each of us has a choice, regardless of the dominant matrix. Indeed, in any case, the rest of the matrices are also represented in the potential of each of the people. I will try to do everything so that each reader, after reading the book, has his own individual method of working out his matrices.

How is it that we attract certain situations

The reality is that everything in our life depends on us, but only if we follow the laws of the four matrices. For this, of course, you need to know these laws, you need to know how to work out the matrices, how to determine which matrix prevails now in the situation and in general in our life.

In each case of diagnosing a specific situation, we get our picture. And this picture will already contain not only the diagnosis, but also the prescription. You just need to understand well the matrix features, the features of each matrix and what should be done with this to change the situation for the better.

And here it should be remembered that the best is not what we want, but what will allow us to follow the Laws of the Matrices of Life. Or even so: the best desire is that which does not contradict the Laws of the Matrices of Life. Yes, the laws are sometimes harsh, but they regulate and direct life in the right direction. We all want success! And we all have the potential to achieve this success.

As long as we have unworked matrices, we need to be prepared for the fact that we also have the potential to fail. Each of us has ever faced the fact that we find ourselves in an unexpected or unpleasant situation for ourselves. And some people in their lives do nothing but attract trouble to themselves.

From mouth to mouth, stories are passed about those people who seem to be lucky in everything. They seem to attract good luck, wealth and the right people. At the same time, the person himself can practically do nothing specifically for this. Such people are said to have good karma, or in our case, a good matrix.

Karma in Hinduism defines the relationship between cause and effect. In Russian culture, this was reflected in the expression that you sow is what you reap. And you and I will refer to laws that are called karmic because they determine what consequences our certain actions will have.

Karmic Laws are a hidden mechanism of the Universe that determines the sequence of passing through the stages of Life.

Each step is described by the Matrix of Life and is required for every living being to pass. If a person has not mastered some matrix during his lifetime, he will return again and again to the same situation in order to work it out. This confirms the theory of multiple lives.

The multiplicity of lives and the predetermination of events is an ancient theme. And we will not ignore it, because you and I are occupied with one interesting question: why one person is born active in life and lucky in business, while another looks like a squishy child from childhood and has no luck in everything all his life.

Here, of course, the energies of the Life Matrices are involved. The combination of matrix energies creates a special field of attraction for the corresponding situations in which people find themselves. Having understood the principle of this attraction, we can predict what situation a person will attract in the next moment of his life.

For example, an overly slow person finds himself in situations that shake him up, trying to revive, turn on and accelerate his movement to a higher level. A too hasty person often finds himself in situations that are aimed at curbing his ardor a little, slowing down a little. And he, as it were, attracts obstacles, forgetting to draw up some necessary document, without making an important call, etc.
The girl who attended our seminars told the story of her friend's life. A friend is a classic representative of the second matrix with a predominance of negative manifestations. Everything in life is hard for her. She works a lot, but does not get a promotion, she went to live abroad, hoping to get rich, but in two years she could not get a residence permit.

Accidentally finding herself in the border zone, while traveling, she fell under the article and was almost kicked out of the country. Returning, she got into a car accident - another car crashed into her car, which was not insured. When she came to visit one of her friends, she was bitten by a quiet little dog that had never bitten anyone before. However, this girl does not change anything in life. And unpleasant stories with her continue.

It so happens that inveterate lazy people find themselves at the slot machine at the moment when the jackpot hits there. They find wallets with money (and of course they do not look for the owner), they are given expensive gifts, although they themselves have never given anything to anyone. It used to be a mystery to me.

Now this riddle has been solved with the help of the Life Matrices. After all, it is their energy that determines which situations will be attracted by the person who possesses them. And most often those people who have the energy of the first matrix in sufficient quantities are lucky in life. But do not rush to envy them, they have their own difficulties. You will find the details of their lives in the chapter on the Matrix of Bliss and Peace.

The combinations of matrix energies for each person are not accidental. They are compiled by the person himself, even if he did nothing for this. That is, inaction in situations where it is necessary to make active efforts also shape our future events. It is not for nothing that the Criminal Code specifies responsibility, including for inaction when nothing interferes with action.

But in the case of the energies of the matrices, we may be hindered by their insufficient concentration. Well, where can I get patience, forgive me if my second matrix is ​​barely breathing. The energy of the third matrix can help here in order to set a goal to achieve a specific result - to learn patience and endurance. This will allow me to control my behavior, and even if it is very difficult for me, I will be able to endure, survive it without losing heart.

Knowledge about the Matrices of Life opens up new opportunities for us to improve our lives. We can now pay attention to those features of our behavior that previously seemed to us normal and harmless. Now I can turn to a resource that was not of interest to me before, because I did not know how to use it. And now I can tell you how to compensate for the lack of energy of one matrix with the energy of another matrix. We will talk about this a little later.

It is important to remember that we are shaping our future, in which we will have to deal with what is happening now. After all, nothing in life is wasted, everything has its own meaning. And, if now we do not notice that our actions, our thoughts somehow influence us, then in the future this may become too obvious for us.

Accordingly, our present is also a reflection of what we have done in the past. And this applies not only to the life that we remember as ours. After all, being born into a family of complete alcoholics or drug addicts, a child pays for something with his torment, but what did he manage to do in this life? From the perspective of working out the matrices, it becomes clear to us that this is not a punishment, but a chance for their more successful development. In addition, there is a study of the features of each matrix ahead of us. And then we will find out what we can fix right now in order to make our life happy, our wishes come true, and our wallet full. After all, each of us has the opportunity to correct our situation with the energies of the Matrices of Life, so that the cycle of incarnation, the elaboration of the matrices, is consciously completed. And we could be sure that in the next life we ​​will not step on the same rake.

Even if I have not convinced you that we are not living for the first or last time, you will still feel calmer in your soul because the energy in the matrices circulates along a full trajectory and does not give you unnecessary problems. Achieving this will require a little bit of OWN attention to our matrices. And what and how to do you will learn from my practical recommendations in the process of presenting our topic.
But let's continue in order.

Life scenarios based on the nature of the energies of the matrices

The combination of the energies of worked out and unworked matrices create conditions for life events to develop according to an individual scenario. This means that every person's life has some degree of predestination. We cannot predict exactly what will happen to a person. But we can quite imagine the general picture of life. And even with some degree of detail.

For example, using matrices, you can explain why a person cannot achieve success in some business, why he is sick, or why he has no chance of achieving anything in life at all. But you can also suggest the way that will lead a person out of this situation, something that will help change events for the better and give a chance to his life.

Usually, people do not add up to a big picture of everything that happens in their life. But you and I have a good opportunity to look from the outside at the life of other people using the Life Matrix model. This clearly shows how worked out matrices create a positive picture of life, and unworked matrices create a negative one.

Here are a couple of real life scenarios based on one dominant matrix.

Scenario one, negative

A young woman, quite pretty, a mother of two children, did not work anywhere much, but she was always helped by someone - relatives, ex-husband, rare boyfriends. One day she met a middle-aged man who had his own small business. They began to live together and considered themselves a family. He opened a beauty salon, and she began to work there as an administrator. She was not interested in salary, because her man fully provided all her needs and whims.

For a while, the woman enjoyed the sweet life without burdening herself with the development of her intellect, and did not burden herself with thoughts about her future. Her present was completely fine with her. After a couple of years, the man was fed up with her company and, having sold his business, left the city, leaving the woman some means. She was fired from the salon because she had no value as an employee and was no longer the owner's wife.

The woman was left alone with two children, but, as before, she was not going to burden herself with work for the sake of a salary. There was a constant lack of money, so she began to deny herself cosmetics, clothes and medicines. As luck would have it, she accidentally fell on her left arm and it was swollen from a severe bruise. This woman was not going to go to hospitals and spend money on medications, so soon the hand began to lose sensitivity and was partially paralyzed. But the woman was given a disability pension, and this saved her from starvation.

She constantly insisted that she needed money and that all her debts would soon be returned to her. Although all her friends knew that she did not lend money to anyone. Over time, the poor man sank lower and lower, health deteriorated, teeth from coffee and cigarettes turned black, and she looked like a bum. She was no longer recognized by her old friends, because she was used to getting everything for free, for free, so to speak. And the only breadwinners were the daughters, who had grown up by that time.

It is known that this woman has already become like an old witch without teeth and all wrinkled, although she is no more years old than her former friends. And they are only forty. She almost never leaves the house, got herself some kind of mongrel, probably picked it up on the street and there is a very unpleasant smell in her apartment.

This whole story would seem to me to be a fiction if I did not know that this is a real story of a living person. And now I know how normal people turn into lowered dirty tramps and homeless people. This is a classic example of the negative consequences of being stuck in the first matrix. When consciousness functions at a consumer, almost animal level.

Scenario two, positive

One girl was a sweet, quiet child. She could play with dolls for hours without bothering anyone. The dresses of her dolls were always neatly ironed and lay on their shelves for years. And the girl wore her dresses very carefully, so her mother gave old clothes to the children of her friends, and they thought that the clothes had just come from the store.

When the girl grew up, she went to college and studied diligently. She was not a crammer, but she remembered just enough to get the required score. Gradually, she earned a reputation as a good student and she was automatically given credits. Even at the institute, the girl began to save a little money, without spending money on cosmetics and perfumes.

No gifts were given to her, but sometimes she allowed herself something fashionable from clothes. She had few clothes, but she wore them long and carefully. That allowed her to regularly save what her parents gave her for life. After graduation, she was recommended to a good company in her specialty. A few years later, the young woman was promoted in position and salary. She already had enough money on her account to take out a loan for an apartment.
She met a young man, but was in no hurry to get married. The young people met for several years on the same days in the same place. During this time, the girl paid off the loan and became the head of the department. She and her fiancé got married and bought a car. Then they built a dacha and had a child.

Over time, the family changed their apartment to a more spacious one. And they decided to have another child. In the summer, they constantly disappear in the country, diligently grow all kinds of vegetables and make preparations for the winter. I heard that the couple are planning to upgrade their car. External crises do not interfere with their measured life, because they know how not only to endure adversity, but also managed to save up something for a rainy day. Many of their acquaintances are jealous of their constancy, while not understanding how it is possible to live like this, without passions and violent emotions, intrigues and risky plans.

And this is an example of the classic good second matrix on the basis of which such life scenarios unfold. They reflect that ideal of the man in the street, which all wise rulers dream of seeing in their country.

How Matrix energies manifest in our lives

To begin with, I think the definition of the phrase "Matrix energies" should be given.

The energies of the Matrices are the force that guides a person and the situation in which he finds himself.

The energy of any one Matrix will always prevail among others, which affects the turns of fate and the choice made by a person.

Each specific situation in our life has its own energy. At the same time, each situation is influenced by one of the Matrices. And we feel this influence on a daily and hourly basis. For simple and understandable cases, we have a certain set of so-called stamps of perception and behavior. That is, we can heat water and make tea for ourselves, without specifically addressing the energies of the Life Matrices.

It is more difficult for us when we need energy, which we lack. For example, when we need to wait, be patient, but we have no strength. And we are impatient, we are fussing, and this negatively affects the results in our affairs.

I have watched drivers show incontinence at traffic lights many times. When a red light is on, some try to guess when it will change to green. At the same time, they nervously press the gas pedal. And it has happened many times that such impatience led to accidents where it could have been avoided by simply following the rules.

This does not mean that a person has no patience at all. The energies of the Matrices are always available to us, but for each of us to a different degree. I associate the availability of a certain energy with elaboration of the corresponding Matrix.

The Matrix has been worked out, let me remind you, just to the extent that a person has learned to use its energy. This is especially true for the prevailing Matrix.

An unworked Matrix will create difficulties for a person in life, everything will be difficult and difficult for him. And although these difficulties may seem far-fetched to another, an individual with an unworked Matrix will skid in solving the simplest issues. Any, even the most insignificant, they will seem to him the most difficult, sometimes impossible tasks.

I often meet with paradoxes when I hear the stories of participants in my trainings and seminars on Life Matrices... One of them, a man, works as a minor boss in a firm. Only a few people are subordinate to him. Difficulties appeared immediately after the appointment. Workers, men and women alike, are accustomed to flexible working hours. At the same time, the volume of work gradually increased, as is often the case in developing enterprises.

The man turned to me with a problem: they did not want to obey him, scandals constantly flared up at work due to the fact that people refused to fulfill their direct responsibilities. And the boss was primarily responsible for the failure to do the job. But his subordinates ignored many of his demands.

Why would it be easier to refer to the job description and put pressure on workers, threatening with one kind or another sanctions, up to and including dismissal. This is elementary, and it was obvious to me. But in order to show leadership qualities, to be persistent in their requirements, the boss needs to have the energy of the Third Matrix. And following instructions and being patient hammering rules requires the energy of the Second Matrix. And with that, and with the other energy, the man had problems.

The paradox for me was that the subordinates openly ignored the boss, and he dutifully endured all the antics (this suggests that his Second Matrix was not worked out), receiving by hat from superiors. And all I needed was for my client to feel like a boss. Which is what I advised him.

Through the prism of the Matrices of Life, the solution to the problem was complicated by the fact that it was necessary to activate the energies of two Matrices at once.

The solution was to find a source of that energy, which my client did not have in sufficient quantity. She was with a superior boss. And we applied the following tactics: every time, as soon as a conflict was brewing, the man called his superior boss to his place, who had less patience, but he was a born leader. And every time he was called to the place for a trifle, he was very angry and literally metal lightning.

Soon, it was enough for lazy workers to threaten their superior to get them to work. And it cheered up and added confidence to the man who turned to me. Soon, he himself was in charge of his section as befits a boss. Now he had enough energy to command people within the framework of the instructions.

The energies of the Matrices are dissolved in everyday events, and this complicates the task of diagnosing the situation. But if we want to learn how to manage events, direct them along the path of development we need directly to the designated goal, then we should train. It's funny that for this we need both the energy of the Third Matrix in order to set a goal and strive towards it, and the energy of the Second Matrix in order to patiently perform exercises and gain experience of working with energies.

To work with the energies of the Matrices, we need their energy. This is not a vicious circle, but the natural course of life. To live, for example, we need to breathe, and to breathe, we must live. We are born already with certain skills, and there is a lot of air around us, so there are no problems with breathing. So it is with the energies of the Matrices. We have some experience with them and we are surrounded by their energies. A little patience, a little practice, a little more optimism and understanding of our prospects - and we will make a serious breakthrough towards the realization of our most cherished desires. It's very exciting!

Here are some responses from participants in my seminars where people really benefit from conscious interaction with the energies of the Life Matrices.

Irina: “This course was very effective for me. I discovered a very easy to use and at the same time effective way to change myself and change my life. Now I know exactly how and by what means to reach my goal and get satisfaction from the result. "

Zalina“If we talk about events, the most important thing that happened during the two days of the training was that I found a job (or rather, she found me herself!) After two months of inactivity. I think that all this happened because my inner state changed. In general, I am very glad! For myself, I realized: even if it’s very bad and I don’t want to do anything, the main thing is to start acting, trust the Universe - and your dream will find you by itself. It's amazing how easy it is to live if you know how to enjoy life. Many thanks!"

Ellis: “I really liked the course, which happens infrequently. I learned to feel the First Matrix in my life, to accept the Second with gratitude, I became convinced of the correctness of my positions in the Third and Fourth. This course gave me inspiration, I felt a surge of strength. Thank you!"

Madina: “Wonderful, lively and dynamic course. For myself, I revealed a new vision of some old problems. I saw myself in all Four Matrices. I understood why I am stuck in some and, what is important, where I should move now. "

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10 - Superlife - The life of our life But the consciousness of Brahman is not only the Mind of our mind, the Speech of our speech, the Feeling of our feelings; it is also the Life of our life. In other words, it is the supreme and universal energy of existence, in relation to which our material life and

Recently, many people have begun to notice that something is happening on our planet and the time has come for a change. Only you yourself can decide how you want to live on. Once you decide, you must accept responsibility for that decision. We are manipulated by instilling fear in us through the media. And yet, many people begin to wake up, become aware and begin to live differently.

Many actions of people are not a consequence of their own conscious conclusions and desires, for the most part, people obey the laws of the Matrix. Since childhood, people have been in her networks, we are literally “Children of the Matrix”. The main principle of the Matrix is ​​that people do different things, which are part of the game and act according to a pre-programmed principle. The essence of the principle is that the chain of actions and actions supposedly necessary for a person should increase in mathematical progression.

VIRTUAL NIGHTMARE x / f (the idea is deeper than in the Matrix.)

The biggest incentive and engine in this chain is money. A person wants to constantly spend and accumulate them, and the stronger a person's desire to have as much money as possible, the more the principles of the Matrix act on him. Money is the so-called knowledgeable, Babylonian magic. After all, only money can buy all the benefits of civilization. However, a person does not understand that his life does not depend on the amount of money. This is one of the most important and basic tricks of the Matrix and, of course, a tool for managing people. It is difficult for a person to understand that, being drawn into the magic of money, they begin to control it themselves.

A person enters the Matrix from the very moment of conception, and a person simply has no other choice, he does not know anything else but the Matrix. Its principle works flawlessly, since a person, having acted once as he had to act since birth, becomes a part of the Matrix. A person becomes a slave to the Matrix for life. He is manipulated in many ways. Money and the media are the main stimulators of escape from reality. Specially designed technical innovations are also such stimulants and a means of control, people get hooked when they are constantly waiting for the invention of a new technical novelty. The very subtle part of the Matrix is ​​built on the principle of invisible control through invisible "operators" of consciousness that control our instincts and emotions. The Matrix uses levers of pressure on us, through the qualities that are inherent in every person - these are Ego, Morality and Emotions.

One of the basic principles of the Matrix is overload of a person with an endless stream of information.

Much of the information humans perceive serves as an anchor that does not allow the person to catch the essence.

To prevent the possibility of the emergence of their own elite groups in the mass of the governed, it must be completely deprived of its silence. This is how a phenomenon emerged in the modern West, which is called "the democracy of noise." Such a sound (and noise) design of the surrounding space has been created that the average person practically does not have sufficient intervals of silence to concentrate and think out a coherent thought to the end. This is an important condition for his defenselessness against the manipulation of consciousness. The elite, on the other hand, value silence very highly and have the economic ability to organize their lives outside the "noise democracy."

A person cannot even realize whether it is good or bad for him to live in this Matrix, since he does not know what freedom from the Matrix is ​​and how one can live differently.

It is impossible for someone who was born in captivity and lived his whole life in it to realize and feel the taste of true freedom.

Who runs the Matrix? This is a philosophical question. It is more important to understand that the Matrix is ​​a prison for growing souls who have incarnated on the Planet, but The overseers are part of it too.... They fulfill the plan of the Architect!

The most important task of the Matrix is ​​to manage people, society should be large, faceless, controlled by the masses.

Their separate world was created for people and they figured out what they should do in this world of theirs, so that they have an incentive to life and the lack of time and opportunity to figure everything out.

Invented values ​​and activities invented by someone take away from a person almost all of his time, and as a result, it is much more important for a person to put on a suit and go to work than to stop and understand why he is doing it. And this process, once started, cannot be stopped until the person clearly realizes that he is in the Matrix and lives with his eyes closed, one might say, he is sleeping.

The difference between the Matrix and reality is in complete freedom of choice and in the awareness of this freedom. The world outside the Matrix is ​​completely different, the way you would like to see it. You just need to take a step and get out of the Matrix to see it with your own eyes.
