Each of us has the right to choose what he will do in life. This refers to intellectual and mental labor. Some people are good at exact sciences, such as mathematics or chemistry, from school, while others are attracted to creative activity. So, "golden hands" also need to be developed.

Each of us remembers the lessons of labor that were before. They differ significantly from modern ones. Then the time was different, and the equipment of labor offices was at a higher level. Someone has positive memories of labor lessons, and someone does not want to remember those times, believing that it is long gone. Agree that a lot depends on the teacher. It is good when the mentor in time considers a creative personality in his student and will help him and cheer for him. But it happens that the child needs to develop on his own, without anyone's help. Today, students have completely different hobbies, but this does not mean that there are no creative children among them who love to invent and craft.

The question arises: is there any benefit from labor lessons in schools? Is this item needed? Perhaps he no longer needs anyone? Many believe that in a few years this subject will no longer exist at all. Who needs to know how to hammer nails or use a planer? Most modern people believe that there are special services for this, which will do everything that is needed for money. And in the online store http://domisad.com.ua/ you can buy all the necessary tools that are needed for home, office, garden or small city apartment.

In most cases, labor lessons are read by unskilled craftsmen, so these hours should be given to study some other subjects. Workshops in schools are not in the best condition. There are no materials, no modern tools. Why then waste time on a subject that no one needs?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Undoubtedly, labor lessons bring many benefits. Children can take a break from more complex subjects that tire them mentally. Labor lessons give elementary skills that are sure to come in handy in life. And flaws can be found in everything, if you look well. Few parents are outraged by the lack of labor lessons at school. But everyone wants their child to develop comprehensively and forget that physical labor contributes to the mental development of a person.



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Technology lessons in Moscow schools are evolving. Homemade stools are being replaced by hand-made robots, and the usual aprons are giving way to fashionable dresses..

The discipline "labor" accompanies students almost all school life: from the first to the eighth-ninth grades. In elementary school, children sculpt from plasticine, make origami and applications. From the fifth grade, "labor" turns into "technology", which is aimed not so much at needlework as at mastering the advanced skills of modern life.

As a rule, in secondary school, boys and girls are trained separately: some are trained to become jacks of all trades, others to be exemplary housewives. But there are exceptions. Some schools teach technology as a whole class. For example, in school No. 1601, young representatives of the stronger sex learn to cook and embroider together with the beautiful half of the population.

There are also educational institutions where computer science teachers teach the boys how to work, considering the basics of programming to be the work of real guys. Regardless of the curriculum, such activities adapt children to real life, where the principle of "do it yourself" is still important.

Expert opinion

"It's not about what exactly they study in technology classes, but about what they do it for. A technology lesson is an experiment that we do with our own hands. Even a stool can be made with taste if you know that this is a useful skill."

Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Viktor Fertman

21st century technology: what has changed

Today, according to the requirements of the state educational standard, children in technology lessons should be taught to navigate modern medicine, the production and processing of various materials, mechanical engineering, food and service, as well as the information environment.

Recently a member of the Public Chamber of Russia to teach within the discipline of the foundations of agriculture.

At the same time, schools and teachers are free to choose the program. Viktor Fertman, deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education, explained to the site that now educational institutions are keeping pace with the times: at technology lessons, children study robotics and design, gain knowledge from the fields of physics, drawing and computer science. In some schools, children are taught to make devices for people with disabilities or cases for mobile phones.

The work of a student of school No. 1021. Photo courtesy of the author

"There is a curriculum, while teachers have a certain degree of creative freedom: you can add something from yourself ..

In recent years, schools have the opportunity to do project work, arrange presentations and open lessons. An interactive form of communication motivates students and makes classes even more interesting.

Expert opinion

“Before, children wrote essays, now at technology lessons, students can immerse themselves in the study of a particular topic more deeply. For example, if a student chose “knitting”, she will not just knit a scarf with knitting needles or crochet. To do the task thoroughly, the student will study the history of this species needlework and collect the necessary materials, after which he will demonstrate his work to the whole class during a presentation or speech"

Teachers began to be guided by a creative approach more often. Technology teacher at school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov told the site that their institution plans to purchase special kits for creating robots. According to the teacher, robotics is interesting for children of any age.

Now technology classes look like full-fledged workshops. At school No. 1021, they are equipped with multifunctional machines, including models that children from eight years old are allowed to access. On one such machine, you can perform many actions: sawing, drilling or doing the work of a turner.

Interesting and tasty: young housewives

Cooking, sewing and needlework are the three pillars of the technology program for girls. School No. 1415 will serve as a striking example of the creative education of young ladies.

There, schoolgirls cook hamburgers instead of a boring vinaigrette, learn how to make decorative elements for dishes and invent their own salad recipes. And during sewing classes, they arrange real fashion shows, dressing their classmates in stylish dresses made by themselves.

Expert opinion

"During technology lessons, it is very important to interest children, only then they will want to come to class. Once upon a time, at labor lessons, we simply drew an apron diagram. Today, children do not just draw sketches, but perform creative tasks. For example, make a paper mannequin and dress him in a custom-made suit. Such activities motivate the child."

Technology teacher of school No. 1415 Irina Smirnova

The lessons of technology are now aimed not only at teaching the work of a housewife. The girls also do hair projects, learn how to count calories correctly and master psychological tests. In addition, the school has a museum that contains tools and various household appliances from the 15th-17th centuries. For example, students can see how fabric was created many years ago.

By the way, projects made by schoolchildren are put up for various competitions. This year, at the technology lessons, the children made huge applications in the form of the coats of arms of the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, which they sewed onto dresses on a sewing machine. Their work won the regional competition. In the next academic year, the school plans to create a handmade panel on the theme "Streets of Moscow". The project is going to involve teachers of technology, geography and literature.

To the machine: a factory of real men

A handmade wooden box made at a technology lesson. Photo provided by the author.

In teaching young people, the opinions of teachers differ. Someone prefers information technology, and someone manual work. The processing of wood and metals is still included in the "technological set" of young gentlemen.

Technology teacher of school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov believes that work with hands ennobles a person and makes a real man out of a teenager. The teacher himself has the badge of "Excellence in military construction" and is not just a teacher of technology, but the first man in the history of school No. 1021 to take on class leadership.

Expert opinion

"Sometimes it just hurts me to look at how children can't tear themselves away from their phones and sit still. I just want to say, it would be better if they mastered some kind of craft or went in for sports. The main thing in technology lessons is to captivate children with something really When students realize the benefits of what they are doing, they strive for knowledge and want to make more and more."

Technology teacher of school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov

At labor lessons, children make decorative woodwork using the technique of carving, burning and coloring. Schoolchildren are also taught to work with plywood and paper. Many of the works of students of school No. 1021 won the inter-district competition of fine and decorative arts "Pantry of Crafts - 2016".

However, the boys' work is not only of aesthetic value. According to Smetov, his students know how to make a beautiful birdhouse, hammer or nut of their own production. While the fifth graders are mastering the machines, the older children are being told how to build a house.

Margarita Maslova

If for another ten years not a single school could do without a labor lesson, today many consider this subject to be “morally obsolete”. Is this true, and do modern schoolchildren need such classes?

So, according to their views on the existing education system, parents were divided into two groups. The first included those people who believe that labor lessons will not teach their children anything useful, so it is best to devote this study time to another activity, for example, a lesson in English, mathematics, computer science, or even economics. But another group of parents are sure that “you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty”, that is, such lessons are not only useful, but also informative for schoolchildren of all ages. That is, the child learns to work, to show his thinking and ingenuity, as well as to realize himself in another area of ​​life. To understand for yourself whether labor lessons are needed at school, it is worth remembering what girls and boys do at them.

As I remember from the school curriculum, girls in such classes sew a skirt and an apron, knit booties and socks, embroider with a cross and stitch, and also get acquainted with the basics of cooking. In addition, they prepare a sweet table with their own hands, and then invite classmates to a friendly tea party. In general, this is very interesting, but the main thing is that young ladies not only get a lot of positive things from the work done, but also comprehend new knowledge that will definitely be useful to them in their future life and motherhood.

As for the boys, they always find a fascinating activity, for example, working with wood, making crafts and souvenirs, the basics of carpentry and minor home repairs. Every boy surely remembers how he made an original flower vase from a tin can, a planter from old records and a real kitchen stool with his own hands.

There are a lot of impressions, but the main thing is that such a future man will be able to hammer at least a nail in his house, and this, as you know, is not so little. Having studied all these school memories, many parents come to the conclusion that labor lessons are still informative for every student, whether it be a boy or a girl. But, nevertheless, each person must choose for himself what he wants to do in the future - physical and intellectual activities, but just such lessons helped him set his life priorities and try himself in every business.

The most amazing thing is that today physical labor has given way to intellectual labor, and the once exciting lessons of labor have now been replaced by a new subject “technology”. This innovation focuses on introducing the child to the computer, as well as obtaining basic skills in work. Of course, we live in a world of scientific progress, but this is not a reason to forget about the past no less entertaining classes at school. In order to finally decide whether it is worth studying such a subject as “labor” at school, he recommends carefully studying all its advantages and disadvantages, and based on the information received, draw appropriate conclusions. Of course, few people care about the opinion of children in a school institution. However, this is a fundamentally wrong approach, because the child, being a full-fledged personality, can independently make his choice.

So, among the significant advantages, it is necessary to remember that work allows children to at least a little distract from the school curriculum and relax mentally, because, as you know, memorizing rules, solving examples and equations, as well as reading large texts simply exhaust the child’s psyche, requiring at least a short pause . In addition, work contributes to the development of fantasy, abstract thinking and memory, and also allows you to get your hand in a certain occupation and gain valuable life skills. This subject noticeably raises the spirit of collectivism and unites the class morally, because it is so interesting to work together and provide each other with overwhelming help.

Also, do not forget that such lessons are always noisy and fun, and this is not surprising, because each student simply offers numerous ideas, showing imagination and ingenuity. In addition, students develop a love and attachment to work, and this will certainly come in handy in life. Many attentive mothers notice that their child is a creative person who strives to make unique things with their own hands, and, as you know, labor lessons at school reveal such potential. Among the advantages, it is also worth highlighting the knowledge of something new, and such a unique experience allows the child to grow above himself, realizing himself in new areas of life. So it is simply impossible to overestimate the benefits of labor, although, again, not all parents think so.

As for the shortcomings of the so-called "labor education", it should not be denied - they really exist. Firstly, today there are no longer those qualified specialists who instilled in children a love for work. Now such teachers only turn children away from this subject, as a result of bad behavior and regular absenteeism, which entail satisfactory grades. Secondly, the program proposed by the teacher is not always interesting for children, especially if classes for girls and boys are combined and, due to the lack of proper premises, are held in the same class. Thirdly, the lack of equipment necessary for the lessons, and the theory is enough for children in other lessons. This is where all the disadvantages of labor end, however, the advantages of such activities are still much greater.

If we face the truth, then we can safely say that it is not economically profitable to conduct labor lessons. the fact is that all the equipment used, either due to the expiration of its service life, simply failed, or became obsolete for children living in the era of nanotechnology. As a rule, the school does not have sufficient funding to purchase new machines, devices and mini-workshops, so they have to save money, and replace the labor lesson with technology. Parents, as a rule, do not interfere with such innovations, since they are sincerely glad that their offspring has the opportunity to additionally engage in mental work, mastering the work with a computer.

Today, a huge number of schools have abandoned labor lessons, sincerely believing that such classes are just a waste of children's time and nothing more. There are many reasons for such a refusal, for example, in private schools this is an initiative of parents who want the emphasis in teaching their children to be placed precisely on mental development. As for educational schools, the meager budget itself dictates its own rules, because it is clear that the maintenance of machine tools, the cost of purchasing materials, and even the salary of a teacher are all those expenses that not every school can handle. Also, many directors are afraid that the inexperience of schoolchildren can lead to increased injuries, and such a reputation for any school is certainly useless.

There are not many parents who would try to return the labor development of children to schools, because this requires money and free premises. Of course, such questions are raised more than once at parent meetings, but the matter does not go beyond loud statements and eloquent slogans. Often the director passes the initiative into the hands of the parent committee, however, on a voluntary basis, it is also not possible to return work to the school. If earlier children were very upset because of the lack of such lessons, today it is a joy for them, because you can skip a lesson or do something more interesting.

One way or another, labor lessons in elementary school must be. Why? The fact is that physical activity trains fine motor skills of the fingers, and, as you know, it is these parts of the body that transmit signals to the brain, that is, by attending such lessons, the child develops and grows above himself. That is why many parents, sending their child to first grade, are keenly interested in whether the chosen school has labor lessons that are valuable for child development. If there are any, then there is no doubt that they will certainly interest the not yet spoiled schoolboy who is striving for new knowledge.

What valuable elementary school students get from the lessons of labor at school? Firstly, they solve developmental tasks that can train technical and visual-figurative thinking, independence, creativity, spatial imagination, memory, and even speech of a child. Secondly, there are didactic tasks that teach how to work with reference literature and the attached instructions for a particular product. Thirdly, educational tasks teach to be neat, thrifty and tidy, which in the future may also come in handy more than once. The solution of such tasks at each lesson forms a personality, so there will certainly be no harm from a labor lesson to a child.

Every parent must understand that the child must grow up comprehensively developed in order to be able to adapt in time in all life situations. This is not so little, because not always mom and dad will be there, and one day you still have to enter adulthood with all its surprises and surprises. However, one way or another, the choice is up to adults, because only they can decide which school to send their child to.

Labor lessons today are not available in every school, therefore, when determining your child in the first grade, you should ask the director if the school curriculum provides for labor education lessons.

(where, by some misunderstanding, there were no mixed circles of computer modeling) made me remember that in Russian schools the division of school labor lessons into women's and men's is still common. It seems to be well-established and unshakable: for girls - cutting and sewing, for boys - planing with a planer and cutting metal under the supervision of a harsh Trudovik. We find out where the lessons of labor came from, what harmful stereotypes they develop in children and how to finally bring them into line with modern life.

The teacher Uno Signeus came up with the idea to include manual labor in the school curriculum. In the early 1860s, “sloyd” (Swedish Slöjd - “crafts”) as a discipline appeared in Finnish schools, soon spread to Scandinavia, and from there migrated to many countries of the world. The idea of ​​a layer did not take root everywhere (in the USA it went out of fashion at the beginning of the 20th century), but in Russia it was highly appreciated and in 1895 manual labor was made a general educational subject. Sloyd included woodworking (which explains the Scandinavian obsession with furniture), knitting and embroidery - thus, for a century and a half, the lessons of labor and needlework have not fundamentally changed.

From the imperial system of education, manual labor moved to the Soviet one, where its division into male and female took shape finally in the mid-fifties: in 1943, during the war, separate education was returned to schools, in 1954, women's and men's classes were connected back, but for labor an exception was made. At the same time, eyewitnesses recall that, if desired, girls could work as a planer, and boys could embroider with a Bulgarian cross. School labor lessons were, among other things, also a preparation for entering a technical school: it was customary to treat blue-collar workers in the USSR with respect (at least at the level of ideology) and the stigma of “petushnikov” appeared much later.

In the early 90s, labor lessons were excluded from the compulsory program and they tried to modernize by introducing the educational field "technology", but not to say that the rebranding had an effect. Those who are officially called technology teachers, among the people, remained “Trudoviks”, and in most secondary schools they either did not come up with a distinct replacement for woodworking and home economics, or could not implement it due to lack of money. In the same way, by inertia, the gender division was preserved, starting from the fifth grade: for boys - carpentry and machine work, for girls - cooking, cutting and sewing.

From planer to robotics

Critics of labor lessons most often point out that in their current, Sloydian version, they are, firstly, boring, and secondly, useless. “I also sewed an apron and baked cookies for the boys, who at that time worked as a planer. These lessons looked and still look meaningless, because there is nothing more distant from life, - recalls Nastya Krasilnikova, a journalist and author of the telegram channels "daughter of a robber" and "your mother!". - This is a useless practice, because it is completely unclear whether anyone will need needlework and cooking. Not to mention wielding a planer. Therefore, the lessons of labor seem strange to me.

There are those who propose to return "work" to schools as a compulsory subject. These calls (voiced, for example, in the Public Chamber in 2015) can partly be attributed to nostalgia for the Soviet past (on thematic sites dedicated to the disappeared state, labor lessons are sung with special tenderness), partly to common concern that without the ability to drive a nail or screw in a light bulb a person in the modern world will not live.

“I remember how to myself, even when I was a girl, it seemed that spending time on cooking and, especially, embroidering an apron is very insulting. I was not interested in this - there was nothing to learn from these lessons, and even then I perceived it painfully ”

And if there is certainly nothing wrong with the development of physical skills in itself, then the set of skills offered and the existing division of labor into “female” and “male” in 2018 have long ceased to be relevant. “It's a shame for the children. I remember how, even when I was a girl, it seemed to me that spending time on cooking and, especially, embroidering an apron was very insulting. I was not interested in this - there was nothing to learn from these lessons, and even then I perceived it painfully. And even more so, I don’t want my child to participate in this, ”says Krasilnikova.

At the same time, according to Alexander Patlukh, co-founder of the Kruzhok educational project, technology lessons can be beneficial. “The modern world is saturated with information production. Lessons like these create a balance between the virtual and the material, the mental and the physical. This has a beneficial effect on the overall development of the child and adolescent. On the other hand, this issue could be closed by other means, for example, introducing more gamification into education with an emphasis on the balance of physical and mental activity.”

He is convinced that it is the need to re-equip schools that is hindering the modernization of “technology” as a subject today: “Both approaches mean innovations in schools - teachers need to be retrained, schools equipment needs to be changed. We will come to this, but visiting the regions, I am increasingly convinced that we will not come very soon.” One of the possible solutions - the organization of visiting lessons in institutions specially equipped for this - was proposed by the Moscow Department of Education. But this experiment has begun only recently, and it is clear that not all regions can afford it.

Lessons reinforce prejudice
about the “purpose” of genders. This may lead to problems in the future.
in relationships: the simple question “whose turn is it to cook?” may outgrow
into an irresolvable conflict

Another option: to completely transfer labor lessons to the field of additional education - that is, in fact, the same circles - as is done in the Japanese and American education systems, where school clubs and "bukatsu" compete among themselves for students, trying to interest them in their program. Thus, from an unpleasant obligation, labor lessons could turn into really attractive disciplines.

Basis of stereotypes

Actually, gender division in schools and elective circles does not begin and does not end. Divided into groups in pink and blue, children from an early age begin to learn harmful patterns as something unshakable and something that goes without saying. “Such a division unambiguously lays down stereotypes for the future,” Krasilnikova believes. - Take at least the toy market. Having studied it, I found out that on huge sites - store aggregators, all toys are divided into “toys for boys” and “toys for girls”. Moreover, on one of them, toys are divided into professions. The professions of the girls were a cook, a doctor, a teacher and a housewife, so they were offered a toy stove, a set of vegetables, a set of kitchen utensils, a set of toy cosmetics. For boys, there was a huge variety of who they could play, and for girls, everything is very specific. Girls are offered a lot of toy mops. That is, from the age of two or three you sweep the floor with a mop - “know your place!”.

Outdated labor lessons for the middle classes simply continue to reinforce prejudices about the “purpose” of gender, the foundation of which is laid in the preschool years. What in the future, according to psychologist Inna Pasechnik, can lead to problems in relationships and mutual misunderstanding: the simplest question “whose turn is it to cook?” can escalate into an unresolvable conflict.

Probably, a file and knitting needles at school will soon find a replacement. But no matter what school technology lessons turn into, dividing them into two streams by gender in any case seems like a wild atavism. “Any education, and especially public education, should provide unhindered access to any knowledge and skills, regardless of gender, nationality, etc. The same is written in our Constitution and the Law on Education,” recalls Patlukh. - Conventionally, the girl should have access to a planer, and the boy - to a needle and thread for embroidery, if there is such a desire. It is on these foundations that it is worth building communication within schools, parent and teacher communities, and also cultivating such views among children.” “Stereotypes about “male” and “female” professions are created not by the school subjects “labor” or “needlework” themselves, but by people who take part in the educational process.”

TASS, 15 November. The introduction of the new technology lesson concept proposed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Union of Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) will require equipping schools with new equipment and retraining teachers, according to experts interviewed by TASS.

The project was presented in early November on the sidelines of the WorldSkills Hi-Tech Championship in Yekaterinburg. It involves the modernization of teaching methods of the subject and the development of modern concepts by students. Experts note that a change in approaches will improve early career guidance due to the emergence of new directions, however, it is necessary to take a balanced approach to innovation, taking into account not only high technologies, but also traditional household skills, as well as national traditions of a number of regions.

Experiment in Moscow: lessons in technoparks

According to the concept, the new technology lesson will be aimed at implementing projects in scientific and technical creativity, Svetlana Chupsheva, director general of ASI, told TASS. “The technology lesson that we offer is exactly the skills that will be useful to a child in his professional or everyday life. It (the initiative - TASS note) has already been supported, methodological recommendations have been prepared and approved by the Ministry of Education, which will be broadcast in schools so that technology lessons are as effective as possible in terms of developing such skills in children,” she noted.

According to her, technology lessons have already been held in Moscow this year according to the new program. “It is important that they were held not inside educational institutions, but in a technopark. It was very interesting for the children to implement projects in five key areas for three months: industrial design, smart home environment, robotics, and drones. We hope that technology lessons will gradually be introduced in all schools,” Chupsheva said.

Elena Tikhonova, director of the Center for Physics and Mathematics Education at the Russian Textbook Corporation, told TASS that the corporation is ready to develop a new line of educational and methodological kits, taking into account current changes and the concept of technological education.

"A modern textbook on technology can be built on a modular basis. This will provide basic technological knowledge and, depending on the request of the region, the capabilities of the educational organization, the preferences of students to choose an additional module, for example, agrotechnological, robotics, service technologies. New textbooks must be introduced a greater number of different tasks of a developing nature, to acquaint with the development and implementation of various projects, it is necessary to acquaint students with constantly updated types of technologies," Tikhonova specified.

Not everyone is ready. Several experts noted at once that in order to introduce a new concept of teaching, schools will need to be additionally equipped with modern equipment. According to the head of the additional education department of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) Galina Pavlenko, classes should be built as the development of modern technologies, and one of the promising methods of conducting them will be a game or simulation.

"Schools in the Primorsky Territory in the vast majority are not ready to implement the new concept: they do not have the appropriate material base and a sufficient number of teachers ready to work in the conditions of the new concept. Training of labor teachers in universities in the Far East is not carried out at all. With a change in the approach to teaching it is necessary to ensure the training of personnel for the implementation of the new concept, on the basis of pedagogical universities. At the same time, universities need additional material and technical conditions for the training of technology teachers," she said.

The same opinion is shared by the head of the department of vocational education and science of the department of education and science of the Lipetsk region Natalya Yushkova. “Of course, schools do not have such equipment, because it is not provided for by the authorities, for example, high-level welding machines. But secondary vocational technical educational institutions can show their bases and offer to try to work on their equipment,” the agency’s interlocutor added.

According to Igor Vlasov, Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Education at the Kursk Institute of Education, the introduction of a new concept of teaching technology lessons in Kursk schools will cause certain difficulties, primarily due to a lack of staff and venues.

Regional experience

Some Russian regions are already independently organizing training in high-tech competencies as part of technology lessons. As Tatyana Vasilyeva, First Deputy Minister of Education of Karelia, told TASS, the republic has experience in the interaction of schools, colleges and enterprises in order to enable the student to master various skills and help them decide on their future profession.

"For example, students of school No. 39 of Petrozavodsk, as part of extracurricular activities, received theoretical knowledge at school, then in a college or technical school they practiced practical skills in the modules "Cooking", "Road and construction machine operator", "Welders" and others. After that, the guys visited enterprises where these skills can be applied, got acquainted with a potential place of work," she said.

New approaches to conducting lessons have been used for several years in gymnasium No. 19 in Kurgan. “For example, in the eighth grade, boys learn the basics of robotics as part of a technology lesson. With the help of parents and sponsors, we purchased equipment for these lessons. The course is taught by a young teacher who owns modern technologies. We are currently thinking about acquiring a 3D printer," director of the educational institution Elena Smirnova told TASS.

And in the Bryansk region, teachers are already being trained who are ready to teach modern technologies. “All the technology teachers we train to work at school are able to give students the knowledge of how to model a 3D product on a computer and make it on a 3D printer. They can also give children knowledge in the field of robotics, but so far such enclaves of progressive teaching of advanced disciplines are concentrated not in schools, but in children's technical centers,” the agency’s interlocutor noted.

Balanced Approach

In general, the experts agreed that the concept of teaching technology in a modern school needs to be improved. However, the issue of uniting boys and girls in technology classes, given the emphasis on high technology, caused a mixed reaction.

Grigory Kapranov, Deputy Director for Research at the FEFU School of Pedagogy, believes that schoolchildren need to be prepared for life in a high-tech world, while not forgetting the skills that are needed in everyday life, for example, in the household. “A straight-line change in the system of labor training to ignore the gender principle ... will do more harm than good,” he told TASS.

Abdurakhman Kaimov, Assistant Minister of Education of Chechnya, also believes that co-education of boys and girls in technology classes is not applicable to all regions. “From the point of view of the national mentality, there are moments in the republic that differ from other regions. This is my personal opinion, but co-education in technology in the Chechen Republic is not obligatory. There are things that are supposed to be done by a man or a woman, and these activities should not overlap, although the development of society presupposes the presence of common skills in some matters,” he said.

His position is shared by the head of the committee on education, culture and relations with religious organizations of the People's Assembly of Ingushetia, Maryam Amrieva. “I understand that there is a trend in world development and there is a blurring of lines between women and men. However, a girl should be brought up as a teacher of children and a keeper of the hearth, and boys should be brought up in the spirit of a defender of the hearth, the country and the people,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

At the same time, Kabardino-Balkaria is gradually moving to new standards for teaching labor lessons. “Our schools have already moved away from traditional labor lessons, where boys study separately from girls. We have robotics in many schools, not only boys, but also girls study there. As for teachers for such classes, in some schools they are specially retrained, in some they are recruiting new ones,” the regional Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Affairs told TASS.

In Dagestan, technology lessons are held in different formats. “The new standards for teaching technology lessons do not provide for division [by gender] as such. Now in Dagestan, technology is taught in different ways, since educational institutions themselves have the right to decide, in most schools there are combined lessons, somewhere else," Larisa Abramova, head of the general and vocational education department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan, told TASS.
