Pechora River School - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"GUMRF them. Admiral S.O. Makarov"

Topic: Days of military glory of Russia - memorable days of military glory of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Designed by:


Mityaev Igor Ivanovich


Day of military glory of Russia - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War May 9, 1945

For many years, Victory Day has been celebrated by all citizens of Russia and other countries of the former USSR without exception. Starting a conversation about Victory Day, one cannot fail to say how long the final push was before the end of hostilities. The offensive of the Soviet troops in the region of Poland and Prussia took place in January 1945.

Allied troops also did not stand still and were rapidly moving towards Berlin. According to many historians and analysts, the complete defeat of Germany was marked by Hitler's suicide on April 30, 1945. However, this did not stop the troops of Nazi Germany.

Only bloody battles for Berlin led to the final victory of the USSR and the allies, but at too high a cost. Hundreds of thousands were killed on both sides - and on May 2, the capital of Germany capitulated. This was followed by the surrender of Germany itself.

So, despite the fact that some military operations continued after May 9, 1945, this particular day is considered the day of the defeat of Nazi Germany. Why was this date chosen? Everything is simple. On May 9, 1945, the surrender of Germany was signed and all its troops were obliged to lay down their arms.

But in reality, not all military units of the Third Reich did just that. The reason for this was the unwillingness of some representatives of the German officers to end their service to the country in captivity. And yet - the banal lack of communication, which led to disinformation and subsequent casualties on both sides.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was marked by problems for the newly formed states. There were various conflicts on political grounds, the governments that were not yet fully created or staffed were not up to organizing public celebrations. Finally, in 1995, a full-fledged celebration of Victory Day resumed in Russia.

That year, two whole parades took place, one of which, on foot, was on Red Square, and the second, with armored vehicles, was held on Poklonnaya Hill. Another official part of the celebration was the obligatory evening fireworks and the laying of wreaths at monuments and memorials.

At the parade, the consolidated regiments of the fronts marched: Karelian, Leningrad, 1st Baltic, 3rd, 2nd and 1st Belorussian, 1st, 4th, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian, consolidated regiment Navy.

As part of the regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front, representatives of the Polish Army marched in a special column. The commanders of the fronts and armies marched ahead of the combined regiments of the fronts, the Heroes of the Soviet Union carried the banners of famous units and formations. The parade ended with a march of 200 standard-bearers, throwing the banners of the defeated German troops onto the platform at the foot of the Mausoleum.

May 9, 1995, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, the grand opening of the memorial complex of Victory in the Great Patriotic War took place.

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Periodization of the Great Patriotic War 1 period - June 22, 1941 - autumn 1942 - Germany attacked the USSR. Defeats of the Red Army in the first months of the war. The defeat of the Nazis near Moscow. The failure of the plans of the German "blitzkrieg". 2 period - autumn 1942 - 1943 - a radical turning point in the course of the war. Stalingrad and Kursk battles. The collapse of the offensive strategy of Germany and its satellites. 3 period - January 1944 - May 9, 1945 - the end of the Second World War. Liberation of Europe from invaders. Defeat of Nazi Germany. 4 period - August 8 - September 2, 1945 - The defeat and surrender of Japan. End of World War II.

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The results of the Great Patriotic War - the victory of the USSR and the defeat of Germany and its allies. - Preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the USSR. - The liberation of the peoples of Europe from the German occupation and the restoration of their statehood. - The eradication of fascism and Nazism as a state ideology and policy. - Accession to the USSR of new territories (East Prussia, the southern part of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands). - Increasing the international prestige of the USSR. - The USSR has the most powerful army in the world. - Huge human and material losses.

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Human losses during the Second World War (died on the battlefield, died of wounds, died in death camps)

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Reasons for the exorbitant losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The wide scale of hostilities on the Soviet-German front. Genocide policy of German fascism against prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied Soviet territories. The low combat capability of many units of the Red Army, the miscalculations of the Soviet command. The demands of the high command to carry out combat missions at any cost, without stopping at any sacrifice (the nature of Soviet totalitarianism).

Slide 8

Reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. - Huge mobilization opportunities of the Soviet society. - The unity of the front and home front workers. - The unity of the peoples of the USSR. - Patriotism of the Soviet people, mass heroism at the front and in the rear. - Commanding talent of Soviet military leaders. - Help allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. - Huge spaces and natural and climatic conditions unusual for the enemy.

Slide 9

Significance of the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. - The world-historical significance of the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War lies in the fact that: 1) the most bloody war in the history of mankind was completed; 2) the threat of establishing world domination by the states of the Hitlerite bloc was eliminated; 3) the peoples of Europe gained freedom and restored their statehood; 4) dictatorial fascist regimes were eliminated.

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RESULTS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1. Defeat of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and imperialist Japan - the invading states where totalitarian regimes were formed. Italy has lost its position in the Mediterranean; Germany, being occupied and divided into zones, ceased for a time to be an independent subject of international relations; Japan in the Far East and Asia lost the positions it had won over a number of decades. 2. The anti-Hitler coalition won - countries with different social systems, pursuing directly opposite goals, who managed to find ways for coordinated actions during the war years. 3. The USSR in the Second World War suffered the greatest losses and the greatest casualties. But by the end of the war, the USSR had enormous military power, and its international positions were strengthened and its authority grew. 4. The victory over fascism contributed to the rise of the national liberation struggle of the peoples of the colonial countries and their liberation from colonial dependence. 5. Europe, having gone through the war, overcame the traditional notion of the limited political role of the state and recognized the responsibility of the state for maintaining a high level of economic growth for the viability and security of the country.

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CONSEQUENCES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1. Huge casualties (60 million people). 12 million people lost touch with their homeland. 2. Economic ruin. 3. A huge moral shock as a result of crimes against humanity - mass extermination of civilians, mockery of prisoners, desecration of democratic principles and human rights.

"Lessons of the Great Patriotic War" - Kursk today. Weapon of victory. Kyiv today. IL-2. IN AND. Chuikov. T-34. Coat of arms of Kursk. I.S. Konev. G.K. Zhukov. Stalingrad today. "Ferdinand". Creators of great victories. Battle for Stalingrad. Counteroffensive of the Red Army near Stalingrad. Sergiev-Kazan Cathedral. "Katyusha". On the eve of the decisive battles. K.K. Rokossovsky.

"Participants of the Battle of Kursk" - Sonin Ivan Egorovich. Children. Historical meaning. Heroes of the Battle of Kursk. Stormy war years. Kuryans. Troops of the Central Front. Panther. Tigers. Tank battle. Now living rylyane. Troop leadership. Kursk defensive operation. Salute. Citadel. Lomakin Alexey Maksimovich. Soldier. Borovykh Andrey Egorovich.

"Battle of Stalingrad and Kursk" - Battle of Prokhorovka. The balance of power also gradually improved in favor of the Soviet troops. These figures include the dead, the wounded, the sick, and the missing. The first day. Great tank battle near Prokhorovka. The Soviet armies, having suffered heavy losses, retreated. A crisis of pro-fascist regimes began in Italy, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia.

"Results of the Great Patriotic War" - Manchurian operation. Losses of the Red Army. Potsdam conference. Conference of Heads of State. Tula. Brest Fortress. Rokossovsky K.K. General principles of policy. International Tribunal in Nuremberg. Reasons for victory. Japan's Unconditional Surrender Act. Results of the war. Soviet delegation. Moscow.

"Kursk Bulge" - The losses of the enemy were even greater. On the Orlovsky and Belgorod directions, the Red Army went on the offensive. A decision was made to exhaust the enemy with defensive battles, and then go on the offensive. Broken Panther. Battle of Kursk Before the Battle of Kursk. After stubborn, bloody battles, German troops advanced 10-12 km.

"The Battle of Kursk" - 1. Battle of Stalingrad. Russian history. In February, the liberation of Donbass began. Results of the second period of the war. Street fighting in Stalingrad. Stalingrad battle. Prove that the radical turning point in the course of the war took place in 1943? The defeat of the German troops near Stalingrad. Within a month, Kharkov, Orel, Belgorod were liberated.

Total in the topic 22 presentations

Class: 10

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson type- a lesson in learning new material.

Lesson Form- a combined lesson with computer support in the interactive learning system.

Teaching methods: methods of critical thinking, heuristic, partial search, reproductive, research, case-stage.

Forms of organization of educational activities: group, frontal, individual.

Intersubject communications Keywords: geography, local history, general history, informatics.

The purpose of the lesson- the formation of students' ideas about the main events of the final stage of the Great Patriotic War and World War II and the role of the USSR in this period.



  • To give an idea of ​​the military-political situation in Europe in 1944-1945;
  • To acquaint with the dates of the main historical events of the final period of the war: June-August 1944, February 1945, April-May 1945, May 8, 1945;
  • To acquaint with the concepts of “cauldron”, capitulation, “10 Stalinist blows”, denazification, demilitarization;
  • Determine the sources and reasons for the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War;
  • Find out the significance of the subjective reasons for the victory: the role of Stalin, the military leaders, the courage of the soldiers, the steadfastness of the home front workers.

Develop and develop students' skills and abilities:

  • Consciously organize and regulate educational activities;
  • Work with a historical map, with interactive resources (tasks, maps, diagrams, etc.);
  • Analyze and summarize facts; create a pivot table;
  • Build logical reasoning using the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;
  • Work with historical map and interactive map;
  • Perform logical operations of thinking (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, concretization) when working with historical documents, illustrative material, video material.


  • To develop a sense of patriotism, pride in the feat of the Soviet people;
  • To bring students to an understanding of the reasons for the victory of the Soviet people in World War II;
  • Be aware of your identity as citizens of the country; master the humanistic values ​​and traditions of society.

1. Organizational stage.

Mutual greeting of students and teacher; fixing absentees, checking the readiness of students for the lesson. The students are divided into 4 groups, their task at this stage is to fill out the self-assessment sheets to choose the leader of the group . Attachment 1.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Repetition.

Groups receive different tasks that contribute to the repetition of knowledge on the passed stages of the Great Patriotic War. Annex 2

  • Group 1 - the task of correlating dates and events.
  • Group 2 - to define terms.
  • Group 3 - work with battle maps.
  • Group 4 - work with sources (definition of a military operation or event).

After completing the task, each group shows their results. . All tasks are broadcast on the interactive whiteboard. The tasks were completed in the SmartNotebook program.

3. Motivational stage.

The method used as motivation case stage. The teacher reads a fragment from V. Bykov's "Alpine Ballad": a scene of a conversation between two captives - a Russian soldier and an Italian girl. This scene can be prepared in advance, then it will be presented by two students. Appendix 3

After getting acquainted with the “case story”, the teacher asks a series of questions to the students:

  • What feelings did this scene evoke in you?
  • Why does the girl not believe in Victory?
  • What does she hear in response from the Russian soldier?

Assignment for the lesson: to prove the phrase of the Soviet soldier that Russia will “crush” Hitler.

Teacher: We know that the USSR went on the offensive during the period of the “radical change”. However, Germany was still a strong and combat-ready country. Today we have to study the final stage of the Second World War. We have to study the main events of this period, to show the role of the USSR in the Victory over Germany. And only then will we be able to prove or disprove the words of the Soviet soldier.

The students were given the goal and objectives of the lesson - to characterize the main events of the final stage of the war, as well as to determine the price of the USSR Victory in World War II.

4. Learning new material.

Group work. Each group gets its own task. The content of the tasks corresponds to the main events of the final stage of the war. Students are offered to solve these questions in different forms and using different methods. Appendix 4

1 group: Analysis of the military-strategic situation and the defense capability of the USSR by the beginning of 1944. The group is invited to work with graphs and tables, on the basis of which they must draw conclusions.

2 group:"10 Stalinist blows". Students are offered a text with the listed military operations that are included in the history of the war as “10 Stalinist strikes”. The task of the group is to mark these operations on the map.

3rd group:"Crimean and Potsdam conferences". To solve this issue, students work with the text of textbooks and fill out a summary table where these conferences are compared.

4 group: "War with Japan". The students of this group are given the task to write the history of one medal. As an exhibit, he was offered the medal "For the Liberation of Japan" (from the school museum). Using the text from the textbook, they should briefly talk about the history of this medal.

Upon completion of tasks, each group presents their results. Assignments are broadcast on an interactive whiteboard. Students show their solutions and draw conclusions.

They appear in the following order:

  • 1 group talks about the readiness and state of the USSR at the final stage of the war.
  • 2 group marks on the interactive map “10 Stalinist strikes”.
  • 3 group talks about the decisions of the Crimean and Potsdam conferences.

During the consideration of this topic, attention is focused on the participation of countrymen in the operations of the final stage of the Great Patriotic War. For example, student presentation his research work“My great-grandfather fought for me to be born.” The student talks about his great-grandfather - a tanker who was a participant in the events of 1944-1945, and also took part in the liberation of Europe (Poland, Czechoslovakia). Students are shown a letter, photographs of the war years, a film about their great-grandfather is shown.

Based on the memoirs of the student's great-grandfather, students will learn about the main stages and battles during the liberation of Europe from the original source. The students realize that their families belong to the contribution to the Great cause of the Victory.

Watch the video "Berlin operation". ( )

Before watching the film, students are asked a problematic question: “Why is the Berlin operation considered one of the most difficult operations in the war?” Auxiliary questions for the film:

  • What fortifications protected Berlin from the Oder River?
  • What plans were there to capture Berlin?
  • Who was in charge of operations?
  • Who hoisted the banner on the Reichstag building?

Analysis of the historical source of the "Deed of Surrender of Germany" on the proposed issues:

  • Parties to the agreement;
  • date of cessation of hostilities;
  • Contract terms for Germany;
  • In what languages ​​was the Act drawn up?

Performance 4 groups. The guys tell the information they received about the medal “For the victory over Japan”. The material is taken from the textbook: the date of the war, a brief course of military battles, the results of the war, the signing of the Japanese Surrender Act, the end of World War II.

5. Generalization of the material covered.

The strategy “Frame” (or “Write an article”) is used. Students are given photographs of the war years (front and rear), portraits of military leaders and I.V. Stalin, newspaper clippings "Evening Moscow", a text about the results of the war, the sources and the price of the Victory (selected by the teacher). Annex 5 . Assignment for students: compose an article “The price of the great Victory”. To do this, they cut out the information they need, stick it on a piece of paper, and can sign their arguments and conclusions. Then they demonstrate their articles, justify the compiled options.

6. Reflection.

Each student receives “three stars” and writes inside it what he liked in the lesson, what he didn’t like, what interested him. Appendix 6

7. Self-esteem.

Students complete the Self-Assessment Sheets. Evaluate themselves, the leader of the group evaluates the participants.

8. Homework.

Differentiated homework:

  • Level 1 - paragraph 34
  • Level 2 - fill in the table in the Workbook to paragraph 34;
  • Level 3 – write an essay “Sources and price of the Great Victory”

List of used literature and Internet sources.

  1. Astvatsaturov, G.O. Modular-reductive learning in the lessons of history and social science, - Volgograd: publishing house "Teacher". - 2009. - 187 p.
  2. Danilov, A.A., Kosulina, L.G., M.Yu. Brandt, History of Russia. XX - beginning of the XXI centuries. Workbook. Grade 9 – M.: “Enlightenment”. - 2013. - 383 p.
  3. History. Grades 5-11: technology of the modern lesson / ed. V.V. Gukova and others. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 207 p.
  4. Russian history. Work programs. The subject line of A.A. Danilova, L.G. Kosulina. Grades 6-9: a guide for teachers. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 128 p.
  5. Polivanova K.N. Project activities of schoolchildren / K.N. Polivanova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 192 p.
  6. Modern pedagogical technologies of the basic school in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard / O.B. Dautova, E.V. Ivanshina, O.A. Ivashedkina, I.V. Mushtavinskaya. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2014. - 176 p.
  7. Stepanischev, A.T., Methods of teaching and studying history, - M .: “Vlados”. - 2002.
  8. Studenikin, M.T., Modern technologies of teaching history at school / M.T. Studenikin. – M.: VLADOS, 2007. 79 p.
  13. The Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) - History, Photos...
  14. Public electronic bank of documents "Feat of the people"
  15. “Storm of Berlin”)
  16. B2%20%D0%9C%D0%91%D0%9E%D0%A3%20%D0%A1%D0%9E%D0%A8%20%E2%84%9616%20%D0%B3.%D0 %9F%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE.mpg(A film prepared by a student about his great-grandfather who participated in the final stage of the war)

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Description of the slide:

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 - the war of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics against Nazi Germany and its European allies (Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia) that invaded Soviet territory. The most important component of the Second World War, which ended with the victory of the Red Army and the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Germany.

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Description of the slide:

The Great Patriotic War ended with a complete military-political, economic and ideological victory for the Soviet Union, predetermining the outcome of World War II as a whole. The main positive result of the war was the conquest of freedom. Defeat of Nazi Germany A barrier to world domination: The German-Italian-Japanese fascist-militarist bloc, striving for world domination, was the instigator of the war. He continuously expanded his aggression, and the main obstacle in the implementation of these plans was the Soviet Union. Hitler was in a hurry to put an end to the Soviet Union, therefore, even during the preparation of the attack and on December 17, 1940, he indicated: “In 1941 we must solve all continental European problems, since after 1942 the United States will be ready to enter the war.”

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Former US Secretary of State Edward Stettinius emphasized: “If the Soviet Union could not hold its front, the Germans would have the opportunity to capture Great Britain. They could also take over Africa, in which case they would be able to establish their foothold in Latin America.” Predictions for how long Russia would hold out were "between one and three months." Already on July 4, 1941, Hitler's statement is quoted: “I always try to put myself in the position of the enemy. In fact, he has already lost the war. In the event of the defeat of the Soviet Union, the occupied countries of Europe would be deprived of their last chance for liberation from the invaders.

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The defeat of fascist Germany was the result of the efforts of many countries, but the peoples of the Soviet Union made the main contribution to the victory. They paid the highest price for it. On January 1, 1941, the population of the USSR totaled 196.6 million people, and at the beginning of 1946 - 167 million. According to official data, the war claimed more than 27 million lives. This is 40 times more than the losses of Britain and 70 times more than the United States. The number of dead Soviet military personnel was huge - 14.7 million soldiers and commanders. The German armed forces lost 2.9 million on the Soviet-German front. The ratio is defined as approximately 5 to 1, not in favor of the Soviet Army. The strategic successes were based on millions of lives of soldiers and officers who achieved victory over the enemy. Their death for their homeland evokes a respectful feeling, but in the light of the figures cited, it is impossible not to point out the reasons for this situation.

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Most historians consider the main reason not so much the professional superiority of the German soldier as the incompetence of the High Command of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. The top leadership perceived the soldiers as "cannon fodder". In their opinion, the main purpose of a fighter is to die for the Motherland. The words "take without regard for losses" sounded the refrain of most orders given from above. The reason for the heavy losses was also the poor preparation of the replenishment, when untrained soldiers were sent into battle. Therefore, success at the front was achieved at the cost of a huge number of soldiers' lives, each of which had its own fate. Among the reasons for the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War are the following: the enormous mobilization capabilities of the USSR (population and resources); the heroism of the troops and home front workers; the ability of the social system to act in an extreme situation, concentrating all forces to achieve the goal; the rise of patriotism, vast spaces and unusual climatic conditions for the Germans, the help of the allies.

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Description of the slide:

The historical significance of the USSR in World War II lies in the fact that it played the role of the main military-political force that predetermined the victorious course of the war and protected the peoples of the world from enslavement. The peoples of the Soviet Union were able to thwart the German plans for a blitzkrieg in 1941 by stopping the victorious march of the Nazis across Europe. The counteroffensive near Moscow destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the Wehrmacht, contributing to the rise of the Resistance movement and strengthening the anti-Hitler coalition. The defeats inflicted on Germany at Stalingrad and Kursk became a radical turning point in the war, forcing the countries of the aggressive bloc to abandon their offensive strategy. The crossing of the Dnieper by the soldiers of the Red Army opened the way to the liberation of Europe. Having liberated Eastern Europe, the USSR returned statehood to the enslaved peoples, restoring historically fair borders.

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On the Soviet-German front, the main forces of the aggressor coalition - 607 divisions - were destroyed, while the Anglo-American troops defeated 176 enemy divisions. About 77% of all Wehrmacht losses in World War II were on the Eastern Front. The Soviet-German front was the longest of all the fronts of World War II. As a result of the war, a new alignment of forces has taken shape in international relations. Although the USSR suffered great material and human losses, it significantly strengthened its political positions in the world. By the end of the war, the Soviet Union had the world's largest land army and huge industrial potential. In addition, the economic and political power of the United States has increased. The rivalry between the two superstates became the leitmotif of international relations for the next 45 years.

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