Nikolai Reimers was born on April 6, 1931 in Moscow. His father, Fedor Eduardovich Reimers, was a well-known plant physiologist. The scientific career of Nikolai Reimers was predetermined in part by the fact that he was brought up in the family of a prominent scientist, in part by the “elite genotype”, as historians characterize the Reimers family. The pedigree of the family goes back to the time of Peter the Great. The ancestors of the Reimers, among other "pundits from Germany, Holland and Sweden," the innovator tsar sent to Russia for its "Europeanization." However, the path of Nikolai himself in science turned out to be quite difficult. And the point is not only in the time in which he lived, but also in the "volcanic" nature of the scientist himself.

Immediately after graduation, Reimers entered Moscow State University, but he failed to graduate from the university. Almost at the same time, his father, deprived of his doctorate as a "Morganist-Mendelist", was forced to re-defend his dissertation. This event, complicated by the "Prolysenko climate" in the capital of the early 1950s, led the Reimers family to move to Irkutsk. From the second year, Nikolai studied at Irkutsk University. It was there that his scientific career began to be built.

Until the mid-1960s, the scientific research of Nikolai Reimers on the role of birds, small mammals and insects in the organization of ecosystems took place in the vast territories of Siberia and the Far East, including Sakhalin. The monographs Insectivores and Rodents of the Upper Lena and Birds and Mammals of the Southern Taiga of Central Siberia, as well as many articles, were the result.

In the 1960s, Reimers' area of ​​interest shifted towards the organization of the nature reserve. In 1966, having moved to the Moscow region, he became deputy director for science of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.

In 1968-1969, Reimers, already in Moscow, worked in the Main Directorate for Nature Protection, Reserves and Hunting of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. But the work of an official was not his path, and he returned to science again.

In 1988, he became the first chairman of the Ecological Union of the USSR, and since 1992, he headed the ecological faculty of the International Independent Ecological and Political University, created with his participation, becoming its first dean. By this time, Reimers' research had moved into the realm of theoretical ecology, eco-economic science, and human ecology. The scientist lectured a lot on these topics, popularizing science in the USSR that was young at that time.

The result of many years of scientific activity of Reimers was three main works: the dictionary-reference book "Nature Management", "Popular Biological Dictionary" and the monograph "Hopes for the survival of mankind. Conceptual Ecology".

In the last book "Ecology. Theory, Laws, Rules, Principles and Hypotheses” for the first time in Russian were systematized more than 200 environmental laws, rules and principles that made up Reimers’ Ecological Manifesto. Reimers alone tried to fill all the gaps in ecology and literally rushed from the problems of biological ecology to social. The scientific irrepressibility of the scientist undermined his health.

Nikolai Fedorovich Reimers died on July 14, 1993 after a long illness. Since 1993, scientific readings in memory of Nikolai Reimers have been held annually at MNEPU.

Nikolai Fedorovich Reimers - Soviet zoologist, ecologist, one of the main participants in the formation of the nature reserve in the USSR. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.


N. F. Reimers is the son of F. E. Reimers, a famous plant physiologist. In the early 1950s, due to the general situation in Soviet biological science, Reimers' father and his family were forced to move to Irkutsk, and Nikolai Fedorovich, after completing his first year at Moscow State University, had to move to the second year at Irkutsk University.

Until 1961, when Reimers returned to Moscow, he carried out long-term and extensive field scientific work on the vast territories from Sakhalin to Central Siberia on the role of birds, small mammals and insects in the organization of ecosystems. These works resulted in the monographs "Insectivores and rodents of the upper Lena" and "Birds and mammals of the southern taiga of Central Siberia", as well as many articles.

From the beginning of the 1960s, the area of ​​interest gradually began to shift towards the theory and practice of organizing the nature reserve. In 1966, he became deputy director for science of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve; in 1968-1969 he worked in the Main Directorate for Nature Protection, Reserves and Hunting, the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR.

From the problems of autecology and population ecology, Reimers subsequently proceeded to study the problems of theoretical ecology, ecological-economic science and human ecology. Actively propagandizes and popularizes science, nature conservation, nature conservation and rational use of natural resources, and gives lectures a lot.

As head of the laboratory and chief researcher, he worked at the CEMI RAS, then at the Institute of Market Problems. In 1988 he became the first chairman of the Ecological Union of the USSR. Since 1992 - one of the organizers and the first dean of the Faculty of Ecology of MNEPU.

For years, due to the general situation in Soviet biological science, Reimers' father and his family were forced to move to Irkutsk, and Nikolai Fedorovich, after completing his first year at Moscow State University, had to move to the second year at Irkutsk University.

Scientific legacy

As Dr. Biol. n., prof. B. M. Mirkin:

“This heritage is characterized by unevenness, which is associated with the volcanic scientific temperament and perpetual motion performance that Reimers possessed. He acutely felt the order of the time to develop the concept of the survival of mankind and felt the unpreparedness of the scientific community of Russians to fulfill this order, horrified by the bedlam created by amateurs who ran into ecology.
Reimers alone tried to fill all the gaps in ecology and literally rushed from the problems of biological ecology to social. It is clear that very often he relied on his talent for deductive thinking, and his insights were not supported by factual material. At the end of his life, he learned English, but still did not properly know foreign literature, which, of course, reduced the quality of his publications. Often his ecology was simply emotional.”

Main scientific works

The three main works, which summed up Reimers' many years of theoretical and practical research, were the reference dictionary "Nature Management" (1990), "Popular Biological Dictionary" (1991) and the monograph "Hopes for the survival of mankind. Conceptual Ecology” (1992; reprinted, 1994). In the last book, for the first time in Russian-language literature, he gave formulations and systematized more than 200 environmental laws, rules and principles.



  • N. F. Reimers, G. A. Voronov. Insectivores and rodents of the Upper Lena. - Irkutsk: Book publishing house, 1963. - 191 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Birds and mammals of the southern taiga of Central Siberia. - M.-L.: "Nauka", 1966. - 420 p.
  • N. F. Reimers, F. R. Shtilmark. Specially protected natural areas. - M.: "Thought", 1978. - 295 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. ABC of nature. Microencyclopedia of the biosphere. - M.: "Knowledge", 1980. - 208 p.
  • N. F. Reimers, A. V. Yablokov. Glossary of terms and concepts related to the protection of wildlife. - M.: "Nauka", 1982. - 145 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Basic biological concepts and terms. The book for the teacher. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1988. - 319 p. (Republished in Moldovan, 1989.)
  • N. F. Reimers. Nature management. Dictionary reference. - M.: "Thought", 1990. - 639 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Popular biological dictionary. Rep. ed. A. V. Yablokov. - M.: "Nauka", 1991. - 539 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Greening. Introduction to environmental issues. - M.: ROU Publishing House, 1992. - 121 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Protection of nature and the human environment. Dictionary reference. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1992. - 319 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Hope for the survival of mankind. Conceptual ecology. - M.: "Young Russia", 1992. - 365 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Greening. Introduction to environmental issues. - M.: ROU Publishing House, 1994. - 99 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Ecology. Theories, laws, rules, principles and hypotheses. - M.: "Young Russia", 1994. - 366 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Brief dictionary of biological terms. The book for the teacher. 2nd ed.- M.: "Enlightenment", 1995. - 367 p.


  • N. F. Reimers. Under the old cedars. Stories and fairy tales. - Novosibirsk: Book publishing house, 1958. - 41 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Big swing. Scientific and technological revolution and the biosphere. - M.: "Knowledge", 1973. - 95 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Energy, biosphere, man. - M.: Nauch. biol center. issled., 1981. - 19 p. (Preprint.)
  • N. F. Reimers, I. A. Rozdin, A. P. Lestrovoy. Solid wastes of chemical production and their processing. - M.: NIITEkhim, 1982. - 19 p.
  • N. F. Reimers, V. G. Kholostov. Hunter Dictionary. - M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1985. - 63 p.
  • N. F. Reimers, I. A. Rozdin, A. P. Lestrovoy. Waste as a source of energy. - M.: O-vo "Knowledge" of the RSFSR, 1986. - 47 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. The price of equilibrium (On agricultural ecology). - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987. - 64 p.
  • N. F. Reimers. Methodology of scientific (environmental-socio-economic) expertise of projects and economic undertakings (General principles). - M.: B. i., 1990. - 24 p.

Editorial work

  • Questions of regional phenology and biogeography. Rep. ed. N. F. Reimers. - Irkutsk: Book publishing house, 1960. - 63 p.
  • Seasonal and secular dynamics of the nature of Siberia. Rep. ed. N. F. Reimers and L. I. Malyshev. - Irkutsk: Book publishing house, 1963. - 121 p.
  • A. V. Yablokov, S. A. Ostroumov. Wildlife conservation: problems and prospects. Ed. N. F. Reimers. - M.: "Forest Industry", 1983. - 271 p.
  • G. S. Altunina. Ecology of water management. Brief encyclopedia. Ed. N. F. Reimers. - M.: B. i., 1994. - 226 p.


  • F. R. Shtilmark. From old cedars to the immortality of mankind. - M.: Publishing house of MNEPU, 2001. - 267 p. - ISBN 5-7383-0141-2.


  • B. M. Mirkin. The Phenomenon of Nikolai Reimers // Review of the book by F. R. Shtilmark "From old cedars to the immortality of mankind."
  • History of the Faculty of Ecology MNEPU. Faculty of Nikolai Fedorovich Reimers.
  • F. R. Shtilmark. N. F. Reimers as a believing ecologist (on the 70th anniversary of the scientist) // Humanitarian Ecological Journal, 2001, vol. III, no. 2.

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    Fedor Eduardovich [b. 12 (25) 7.1904, Yekaterinoslav, now Dnepropetrovsk], Soviet plant physiologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1962. He graduated from Odessa with. X. institute (1930). Professor (1959). In 1950, 61 heads ... ...

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    Reimers F. E.- REIMERS Fedor Eduardovich (1904–1988), plant physiologist, Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Tr. for growth and development. X. plants, increasing the germination of their seeds in Siberia ... Biographical Dictionary

    - (1904 88) Russian plant physiologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Works on the growth and development of agricultural plants, increasing the germination of their seeds in Siberia ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Reimers (Ivan Ivanovich Reimers, 1818 68) genre painter, medalist and sculptor. Already engaged in medal art, in 1824 he entered the pupils of the Imperial Academy of Arts and continued to study this art in it under ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    - [R. 12 (25) 7.1904, Yekaterinoslav, now Dnepropetrovsk], Soviet plant physiologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1962. He graduated from Odessa with. X. institute (1930). Professor (1959). In 1950‒61 head of a department in the East Siberian ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Reimers Fedor Eduardovich (July 25, 1904, Yekaterinoslav, now Dnepropetrovsk - August 12, 1988, Novosibirsk) - plant biologist, doctor of biological sciences, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, professor at Irkutsk State University, director of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry ( 1961–1976).

Biography of F.E. Reimers

Graduated from the Odessa Agricultural Institute (1930). In 1930–1936, he was the head of the experimental farm of the Novopoltava Agricultural Institute, deputy director of the Uman Technical School of Beet Sowing, a graduate student of the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing (Leningrad, 1930–1936). He worked at the Vegetable Research Institute of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR (Moscow), headed the laboratory of plant physiology (1936–1950). Actively participated in the creation of the department of cultivated plants of the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR.

Since 1949. In 1950–1961 – Head of the Department of Biology of the East Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1957 – Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences). In 1961–1976, he was director of the Biological Institute of the East Siberian Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1966, the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Simultaneously head of the laboratory of plant growth and development. Part-time professor of the Department of Microbiology of the Faculty of Biology and Soil of the Irkutsk State University (since 1963).

In 1955 he defended his doctoral dissertation, in 1959 he was approved as a professor.

From 1976 until the end of his life he worked in Novosibirsk. He was in charge of the laboratory of heterotrophic nutrition at the Novosibirsk Forest Department of the Institute of Forest and Wood of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1974), the Badge of Honor (1954), as well as medals.

Scientific and social activities of F.E. Reimers

He studied the growth and development of plants in connection with the problems of seed science in Siberia. He made a significant contribution to the study of the physiological foundations of low seed germination in the region and developed methods for its increase. Under his leadership, the features of the formation of the embryo of wheat seeds were studied and it was found that in the conditions of Eastern Siberia, physiologically defective wheat seeds are formed with an underdeveloped embryo and a disturbed ratio of reserve substances in the endosperm, which was the reason for their low field germination. It turned out that due to the specific reaction of plants to temperature conditions, synchronous growth and development of various organs of the embryo are disrupted already at the early stages of ontogenesis. Based on these works, conditions were found under which the formation of the embryo proceeds normally, and recommendations were developed for seed farms.

The idea put forward and substantiated by him of building a Siberian gene bank for long-term storage of seeds of cultivated plants and natural Siberian flora was approved and accepted by the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

He headed the Coordinating Regional Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences on plant physiology and biochemistry in the zone of Siberia and the Far East (1965–1977), a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals.

Chairman of the Irkutsk branch of the regional society for the protection of nature. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970) in the Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Chemistry of Physiologically Active Compounds (Biology). Member of the American Society of Plant Physiologists (1969).

F.E. Reimers

  1. Growing vegetables in greenhouses in Eastern Siberia. - Irkutsk, 1955.
  2. Growing seeds of vegetable and gourd crops in the conditions of Turkmenistan. - Ashgabat, 1943.
  3. Basic information about plant life. - Irkutsk, 1952.
  4. Germination of cereal seeds and temperature. - Novosibirsk, 1978. (co-author).
  5. plant in infancy. - Novosibirsk, 1983.
  6. Physiology of growth and development of onions. M.; L., 1959.
  7. Physiology of seeds of cultivated plants of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1974.


  1. Dubovtseva I.A. On a par with the century // Your countrymen. - Irkutsk, 1964.
  2. Irkutsk: Dictionary of Local Lore and History. Irkutsk, 2011.
  3. Science in Siberia. - 1984. - No. 28; 1988. - No. 34.
  4. Reimers Fedor Eduardovich // Russian Academy of Sciences. Siberian branch: Personal composition / comp. E.G. Vodichev and others - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2007. - S. 484–485.

Ecology. Reimers N.F.

M.: 1994. - 367 p.

Widely known and less common concepts of modern "big" ecology are considered - its theories, laws, rules, principles and hypotheses within the hierarchy of natural systems. Particular attention is paid to the socio-economic and other applied aspects of science, primarily its role in nature conservation and the rational use of natural resources. For scientific and practical workers in the field of nature conservation, ecologists, biologists, geographers.

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From the author.
Modern ecology: science or worldview?
The structure of the biosphere.
Subspheres and superspheres.
The horizontal structure of the biosphere and the hierarchy of ecosystems. System of systems.
Ecology theorems.
Preliminary remarks.
General system generalizations.
Addition of systems.
Internal development of systems.
Thermodynamics of systems.
Hierarchy of systems.
Relations "system - environment".
Physico-chemical and molecular-biological foundations of the existence of living things.
Ecological and organismal patterns.
Development of biosystems.
Laws of adaptation of biosystems.
Regularities of the organism-environment system.
General laws of functioning of the system organism - environment.
Particular regularities in the organism-environment system.
population laws.
Biogeographic patterns.
Range and distribution of species within it.
Change of individuals (populations) within the species range.
Regularities of distribution of communities.
Laws of functioning of biocenoses and communities.
Energy, matter flows, productivity and reliability of communities and biocenoses.
Structure and species composition of biocenoses and communities.
Biocenotic connections and management.
Ecosystem laws.
Structure and functioning of ecosystems.
Dynamics of ecosystems.
General patterns of organization of the ecosphere and biosphere of the Earth.
Patterns of evolution of the biosphere.
The laws of the system man - nature.
Laws of social ecology.
Sounds of nature management.
Principles of environmental protection, social psychology and human behavior.
Ecology theorems as a basis for environmental management.
Nature and economy.
Natural resources and limitations in their use.
Ecological balance and natural specially protected territories.
Environmental problems and public reaction to them.
General features of the modern ecological crisis and its awareness by society.
Problems of private ecologization.
dominant concepts.
Ecologization of science and knowledge.
Greening industry.
Ecologization of agriculture.
Ecologization of forestry and crafts.
Ecological problems of transport.
Ecologization of urban (municipal) economy.
Socio-ecological measures.
Ecologization of demographic policy.
General ecologization of nature management.
Socio-economic consequences of greening.
Ecological business and market.
Criteria for assessing environmental degradation in our country.
Ways out of the ecological crisis.
optimistic pessimism.
The system of human needs (ecological approach).
Features of the ecological approach to man.
Wednesday life.
Mankind and man as a big system.
Classification of human needs.
Some practical conclusions.
Conclusion: designs of the future.
General principles of ecopolitics.
Methodology of scientific (environmental-socio-economic) expertise of projects and economic undertakings (general principles).
Typical algorithm for organizing scientific (environmental-socio-economic) expertise of projects and economic undertakings.
Determination of the concepts of tension of the anthropogenic ecological situation.
environmental manifesto.
