The rectangular coordinate system on the plane is given by two mutually perpendicular lines. Straight lines are called coordinate axes (or coordinate axes). The point of intersection of these lines is called the origin and is denoted by the letter O.

Usually one of the lines is horizontal, the other is vertical. The horizontal line is designated as the x (or Ox) axis and is called the abscissa axis, the vertical one is the y (Oy) axis, is called the y-axis. The entire coordinate system is denoted by xOy.

Point O divides each of the axes into two semi-axes, one of which is considered positive (it is denoted by an arrow), the other is considered negative.

Each point F of the plane is assigned a pair of numbers (x;y) — its coordinates.

The x-coordinate is called the abscissa. It is equal to Ox taken with the corresponding sign.

The y coordinate is called the ordinate and is equal to the distance from the point F to the Oy axis (with the corresponding sign).

Axle distances are usually (but not always) measured in the same unit of length.

Points to the right of the y-axis have positive abscissas. For points that lie to the left of the y-axis, the abscissas are negative. For any point lying on the Oy-axis, its x-coordinate is equal to zero.

Points with a positive ordinate lie above the x-axis, those with a negative ordinate lie below. If a point lies on the x-axis, its y-coordinate is zero.

The coordinate axes divide the plane into four parts, which are called coordinate quarters (or coordinate angles or quadrants).

1 coordinate quarter located in the upper right corner of the xOy coordinate plane. Both coordinates of the points located in the I quarter are positive.

The transition from one quarter to another is carried out counterclockwise.

2nd quarter located in the upper left corner. Points lying in the second quarter have a negative abscissa and a positive ordinate.

3rd quarter lies in the lower left quadrant of the xOy plane. Both coordinates of the points belonging to the III coordinate angle are negative.

4th coordinate quarter is the lower right corner of the coordinate plane. Any point from the IV quarter has a positive first coordinate and a negative second one.

An example of the location of points in a rectangular coordinate system:

Mathematics is a rather complex science. Studying it, one has not only to solve examples and problems, but also to work with various figures, and even planes. One of the most used in mathematics is the coordinate system on the plane. Children have been taught how to work with it correctly for more than one year. Therefore, it is important to know what it is and how to work with it correctly.

Let's figure out what this system is, what actions you can perform with it, and also find out its main characteristics and features.

Concept definition

A coordinate plane is a plane on which a particular coordinate system is defined. Such a plane is defined by two straight lines intersecting at a right angle. The point of intersection of these lines is the origin of coordinates. Each point on the coordinate plane is given by a pair of numbers, which are called coordinates.

In a school mathematics course, students have to work quite closely with a coordinate system - build figures and points on it, determine which plane a particular coordinate belongs to, and also determine the coordinates of a point and write or name them. Therefore, let's talk in more detail about all the features of the coordinates. But first, let's touch on the history of creation, and then we'll talk about how to work on the coordinate plane.

History reference

Ideas about creating a coordinate system were in the days of Ptolemy. Even then, astronomers and mathematicians were thinking about how to learn how to set the position of a point on a plane. Unfortunately, at that time there was no coordinate system known to us, and scientists had to use other systems.

Initially, they set points by specifying latitude and longitude. For a long time it was one of the most used ways of mapping this or that information. But in 1637, Rene Descartes created his own coordinate system, later named after "Cartesian".

Already at the end of the XVII century. the concept of "coordinate plane" has become widely used in the world of mathematics. Despite the fact that several centuries have passed since the creation of this system, it is still widely used in mathematics and even in life.

Coordinate plane examples

Before talking about the theory, we will give some illustrative examples of the coordinate plane so that you can imagine it. The coordinate system is primarily used in chess. On the board, each square has its own coordinates - one letter coordinate, the second - digital. With its help, you can determine the position of a particular piece on the board.

The second most striking example is the beloved game "Battleship". Remember how, when playing, you name a coordinate, for example, B3, thus indicating exactly where you are aiming. At the same time, when placing the ships, you set points on the coordinate plane.

This coordinate system is widely used not only in mathematics, logic games, but also in military affairs, astronomy, physics and many other sciences.

Coordinate axes

As already mentioned, two axes are distinguished in the coordinate system. Let's talk a little about them, as they are of considerable importance.

The first axis - abscissa - is horizontal. It is denoted as ( Ox). The second axis is the ordinate, which passes vertically through the reference point and is denoted as ( Oy). It is these two axes that form the coordinate system, dividing the plane into four quarters. The origin is located at the intersection point of these two axes and takes on the value 0 . Only if the plane is formed by two axes that intersect perpendicularly and have a reference point, is it a coordinate plane.

Also note that each of the axes has its own direction. Usually, when constructing a coordinate system, it is customary to indicate the direction of the axis in the form of an arrow. In addition, when constructing the coordinate plane, each of the axes is signed.


Now let's say a few words about such a concept as quarters of the coordinate plane. The plane is divided by two axes into four quarters. Each of them has its own number, while the numbering of the planes is counterclockwise.

Each of the quarters has its own characteristics. So, in the first quarter, the abscissa and the ordinate are positive, in the second quarter, the abscissa is negative, the ordinate is positive, in the third, both the abscissa and the ordinate are negative, in the fourth, the abscissa is positive, and the ordinate is negative.

By remembering these features, you can easily determine which quarter a particular point belongs to. In addition, this information may be useful to you if you have to do calculations using the Cartesian system.

Working with the coordinate plane

When we figured out the concept of a plane and talked about its quarters, we can move on to such a problem as working with this system, and also talk about how to put points, coordinates of figures on it. On the coordinate plane, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

First of all, the system itself is built, all important designations are applied to it. Then there is work directly with points or figures. In this case, even when constructing figures, points are first applied to the plane, and then the figures are already drawn.

Rules for constructing a plane

If you decide to start marking shapes and points on paper, you will need a coordinate plane. The coordinates of the points are plotted on it. In order to build a coordinate plane, you only need a ruler and a pen or pencil. First, the horizontal abscissa is drawn, then the vertical - ordinate. It is important to remember that the axes intersect at right angles.

The next obligatory item is marking. Units-segments are marked and signed on each of the axes in both directions. This is done so that you can then work with the plane with maximum convenience.

Marking a point

Now let's talk about how to plot the coordinates of points on the coordinate plane. This is the basics you need to know to successfully place a variety of shapes on the plane, and even mark equations.

When constructing points, one should remember how their coordinates are correctly recorded. So, usually setting a point, two numbers are written in brackets. The first digit indicates the coordinate of the point along the abscissa axis, the second - along the ordinate axis.

The point should be built in this way. Mark on axis first Ox given point, then mark a point on the axis Oy. Next, draw imaginary lines from these designations and find the place of their intersection - this will be the given point.

All you have to do is mark it and sign it. As you can see, everything is quite simple and does not require special skills.

Placing a Shape

Now let's move on to such a question as the construction of figures on the coordinate plane. In order to build any figure on the coordinate plane, you should know how to place points on it. If you know how to do this, then placing a figure on a plane is not so difficult.

First of all, you will need the coordinates of the points of the figure. It is on them that we will apply the ones you have chosen to our coordinate system. Let's consider drawing a rectangle, triangle and circle.

Let's start with a rectangle. Applying it is pretty easy. First, four points are applied to the plane, indicating the corners of the rectangle. Then all points are sequentially connected to each other.

Drawing a triangle is no different. The only thing is that it has three corners, which means that three points are applied to the plane, denoting its vertices.

Regarding the circle, here you should know the coordinates of two points. The first point is the center of the circle, the second is the point denoting its radius. These two points are plotted on a plane. Then a compass is taken, the distance between two points is measured. The point of the compass is placed at a point denoting the center, and a circle is described.

As you can see, there is also nothing complicated here, the main thing is that there is always a ruler and a compass at hand.

Now you know how to plot shape coordinates. On the coordinate plane, this is not so difficult to do, as it might seem at first glance.


So, we have considered with you one of the most interesting and basic concepts for mathematics that every student has to deal with.

We have found out that the coordinate plane is the plane formed by the intersection of two axes. With its help, you can set the coordinates of points, put shapes on it. The plane is divided into quarters, each of which has its own characteristics.

The main skill that should be developed when working with the coordinate plane is the ability to correctly plot given points on it. To do this, you should know the correct location of the axes, the features of the quarters, as well as the rules by which the coordinates of the points are set.

We hope that the information presented by us was accessible and understandable, and was also useful for you and helped to better understand this topic.

  • Two mutually perpendicular coordinate lines intersecting at the point O - the origin, form rectangular coordinate system, also called the Cartesian coordinate system.
  • The plane on which the coordinate system is chosen is called coordinate plane. The coordinate lines are called coordinate axes. Horizontal - the abscissa axis (Ox), vertical - the ordinate axis (Oy).
  • The coordinate axes divide the coordinate plane into four parts - quarters. The serial numbers of the quarters are usually counted counterclockwise.
  • Any point in the coordinate plane is given by its coordinates - abscissa and ordinate. For instance, A(3; 4). They read: point A with coordinates 3 and 4. Here 3 is the abscissa, 4 is the ordinate.

I. Construction of point A(3; 4).

Abscissa 3 shows that from the origin - point O must be postponed to the right 3 single segment, and then set aside up 4 single segment and put a point.

This is the point A(3; 4).

Construction of point B (-2; 5).

Set aside from zero to the left 2 single cut and then up 5 single cuts.

We put an end V.

Usually taken as a single segment 1 cage.

II. Construct points in the xOy coordinate plane:



F(6:4);K(4; 0)

III. Determine the coordinates of the constructed points: A, B, C, D, F, K.

A(-4; 3);IN 20);

C(3; 4);D(6;5);


An ordered system of two or three intersecting axes perpendicular to each other with a common origin (origin) and a common unit of length is called rectangular Cartesian coordinate system .

General Cartesian coordinate system (affine coordinate system) may also include not necessarily perpendicular axes. In honor of the French mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1662), such a coordinate system is named in which a common unit of length is counted on all axes and the axes are straight.

Rectangular Cartesian coordinate system on the plane has two axes rectangular Cartesian coordinate system in space - three axes. Each point on a plane or in space is determined by an ordered set of coordinates - numbers in accordance with the unit length of the coordinate system.

Note that, as follows from the definition, there is a Cartesian coordinate system on a straight line, that is, in one dimension. The introduction of Cartesian coordinates on a straight line is one of the ways in which any point on a straight line is assigned a well-defined real number, that is, a coordinate.

The method of coordinates, which arose in the works of René Descartes, marked a revolutionary restructuring of all mathematics. It became possible to interpret algebraic equations (or inequalities) in the form of geometric images (graphs) and, conversely, to look for a solution to geometric problems using analytical formulas, systems of equations. Yes, inequality z < 3 геометрически означает полупространство, лежащее ниже плоскости, параллельной координатной плоскости xOy and located above this plane by 3 units.

With the help of the Cartesian coordinate system, the belonging of a point to a given curve corresponds to the fact that the numbers x and y satisfy some equation. So, the coordinates of a point of a circle centered at a given point ( a; b) satisfy the equation (x - a)² + ( y - b)² = R² .

Rectangular Cartesian coordinate system on the plane

Two perpendicular axes on a plane with a common origin and the same scale unit form Cartesian coordinate system on the plane . One of these axes is called the axis Ox, or x-axis , the other - the axis Oy, or y-axis . These axes are also called coordinate axes. Denote by Mx and My respectively the projection of an arbitrary point M on axle Ox and Oy. How to get projections? Pass through the dot M Ox. This line intersects the axis Ox at the point Mx. Pass through the dot M straight line perpendicular to the axis Oy. This line intersects the axis Oy at the point My. This is shown in the figure below.

x and y points M we will call respectively the magnitudes of the directed segments OMx and OMy. The values ​​of these directional segments are calculated respectively as x = x0 - 0 and y = y0 - 0 . Cartesian coordinates x and y points M abscissa and ordinate . The fact that the dot M has coordinates x and y, is denoted as follows: M(x, y) .

The coordinate axes divide the plane into four quadrant , whose numbering is shown in the figure below. It also indicates the arrangement of signs for the coordinates of points, depending on their location in one or another quadrant.

In addition to Cartesian rectangular coordinates in the plane, the polar coordinate system is also often considered. About the method of transition from one coordinate system to another - in the lesson polar coordinate system .

Rectangular Cartesian coordinate system in space

Cartesian coordinates in space are introduced in complete analogy with Cartesian coordinates on a plane.

Three mutually perpendicular axes in space (coordinate axes) with a common origin O and the same scale unit form Cartesian rectangular coordinate system in space .

One of these axes is called the axis Ox, or x-axis , the other - the axis Oy, or y-axis , third - axis Oz, or applicate axis . Let Mx, My Mz- projections of an arbitrary point M spaces on the axis Ox , Oy and Oz respectively.

Pass through the dot M OxOx at the point Mx. Pass through the dot M plane perpendicular to the axis Oy. This plane intersects the axis Oy at the point My. Pass through the dot M plane perpendicular to the axis Oz. This plane intersects the axis Oz at the point Mz.

Cartesian rectangular coordinates x , y and z points M we will call respectively the magnitudes of the directed segments OMx, OMy and OMz. The values ​​of these directional segments are calculated respectively as x = x0 - 0 , y = y0 - 0 and z = z0 - 0 .

Cartesian coordinates x , y and z points M are named accordingly abscissa , ordinate and applique .

Taken in pairs, the coordinate axes are located in the coordinate planes xOy , yOz and zOx .

Problems about points in the Cartesian coordinate system

Example 1

A(2; -3) ;

B(3; -1) ;

C(-5; 1) .

Find the coordinates of the projections of these points on the x-axis.

Solution. As follows from the theoretical part of this lesson, the projection of a point onto the x-axis is located on the x-axis itself, that is, the axis Ox, and therefore has an abscissa equal to the abscissa of the point itself, and an ordinate (coordinate on the axis Oy, which the x-axis intersects at point 0), equal to zero. So we get the following coordinates of these points on the x-axis:




Example 2 Points are given in the Cartesian coordinate system on the plane

A(-3; 2) ;

B(-5; 1) ;

C(3; -2) .

Find the coordinates of the projections of these points on the y-axis.

Solution. As follows from the theoretical part of this lesson, the projection of a point onto the y-axis is located on the y-axis itself, that is, the axis Oy, and therefore has an ordinate equal to the ordinate of the point itself, and an abscissa (the coordinate on the axis Ox, which the y-axis intersects at point 0), equal to zero. So we get the following coordinates of these points on the y-axis:

Ay(0; 2);

By (0; 1);


Example 3 Points are given in the Cartesian coordinate system on the plane

A(2; 3) ;

B(-3; 2) ;

C(-1; -1) .

Ox .

Ox Ox Ox, will have the same abscissa as the given point, and the ordinate equal in absolute value to the ordinate of the given point, and opposite in sign to it. So we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to these points about the axis Ox :

A"(2; -3) ;

B"(-3; -2) ;

C"(-1; 1) .

Solve problems on the Cartesian coordinate system yourself, and then look at the solutions

Example 4 Determine in which quadrants (quarters, figure with quadrants - at the end of the paragraph "Rectangular Cartesian coordinate system on the plane") the point can be located M(x; y) , if

1) xy > 0 ;

2) xy < 0 ;

3) xy = 0 ;

4) x + y = 0 ;

5) x + y > 0 ;

6) x + y < 0 ;

7) xy > 0 ;

8) xy < 0 .

Example 5 Points are given in the Cartesian coordinate system on the plane

A(-2; 5) ;

B(3; -5) ;

C(a; b) .

Find the coordinates of points symmetrical to these points about the axis Oy .

We continue to solve problems together

Example 6 Points are given in the Cartesian coordinate system on the plane

A(-1; 2) ;

B(3; -1) ;

C(-2; -2) .

Find the coordinates of points symmetrical to these points about the axis Oy .

Solution. Rotate 180 degrees around the axis Oy directed line segment from an axis Oy up to this point. In the figure, where the quadrants of the plane are indicated, we see that the point symmetrical to the given one with respect to the axis Oy, will have the same ordinate as the given point, and an abscissa equal in absolute value to the abscissa of the given point, and opposite in sign to it. So we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to these points about the axis Oy :

A"(1; 2) ;

B"(-3; -1) ;

C"(2; -2) .

Example 7 Points are given in the Cartesian coordinate system on the plane

A(3; 3) ;

B(2; -4) ;

C(-2; 1) .

Find the coordinates of points that are symmetrical to these points with respect to the origin.

Solution. We rotate 180 degrees around the origin of the directed segment going from the origin to the given point. In the figure, where the quadrants of the plane are indicated, we see that a point symmetrical to a given one with respect to the origin of coordinates will have an abscissa and an ordinate equal in absolute value to the abscissa and ordinate of the given point, but opposite in sign to them. So we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to these points with respect to the origin:

A"(-3; -3) ;

B"(-2; 4) ;

C(2; -1) .

Example 8

A(4; 3; 5) ;

B(-3; 2; 1) ;

C(2; -3; 0) .

Find the coordinates of the projections of these points:

1) on a plane Oxy ;

2) to the plane Oxz ;

3) to the plane Oyz ;

4) on the abscissa axis;

5) on the y-axis;

6) on the applique axis.

1) Projection of a point onto a plane Oxy located on this plane itself, and therefore has an abscissa and ordinate equal to the abscissa and ordinate of the given point, and an applicate equal to zero. So we get the following coordinates of the projections of these points on Oxy :


Bxy (-3; 2; 0);


2) Projection of a point onto a plane Oxz located on this plane itself, and therefore has an abscissa and applicate equal to the abscissa and applicate of the given point, and an ordinate equal to zero. So we get the following coordinates of the projections of these points on Oxz :

Axz (4; 0; 5);

Bxz (-3; 0; 1);


3) Projection of a point onto a plane Oyz located on this plane itself, and therefore has an ordinate and an applicate equal to the ordinate and applicate of a given point, and an abscissa equal to zero. So we get the following coordinates of the projections of these points on Oyz :

Ayz (0; 3; 5);

Byz (0; 2; 1);


4) As follows from the theoretical part of this lesson, the projection of a point onto the x-axis is located on the x-axis itself, that is, the axis Ox, and therefore has an abscissa equal to the abscissa of the point itself, and the ordinate and applicate of the projection are equal to zero (since the ordinate and applicate axes intersect the abscissa at point 0). We get the following coordinates of the projections of these points on the x-axis:




5) The projection of a point on the y-axis is located on the y-axis itself, that is, the axis Oy, and therefore has an ordinate equal to the ordinate of the point itself, and the abscissa and applicate of the projection are equal to zero (since the abscissa and applicate axes intersect the ordinate axis at point 0). We get the following coordinates of the projections of these points on the y-axis:




6) The projection of a point on the applicate axis is located on the applicate axis itself, that is, the axis Oz, and therefore has an applicate equal to the applicate of the point itself, and the abscissa and ordinate of the projection are equal to zero (since the abscissa and ordinate axes intersect the applicate axis at point 0). We get the following coordinates of the projections of these points on the applicate axis:

Az(0; 0; 5);


Cz(0; 0; 0).

Example 9 Points are given in the Cartesian coordinate system in space

A(2; 3; 1) ;

B(5; -3; 2) ;

C(-3; 2; -1) .

Find the coordinates of points that are symmetrical to these points with respect to:

1) plane Oxy ;

2) plane Oxz ;

3) plane Oyz ;

4) abscissa axis;

5) y-axis;

6) applique axis;

7) the origin of coordinates.

1) "Advance" the point on the other side of the axis Oxy Oxy, will have an abscissa and an ordinate equal to the abscissa and ordinate of the given point, and an applicate equal in magnitude to the applicate of the given point, but opposite in sign to it. So, we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to the data with respect to the plane Oxy :

A"(2; 3; -1) ;

B"(5; -3; -2) ;

C"(-3; 2; 1) .

2) "Advance" the point on the other side of the axis Oxz for the same distance. According to the figure displaying the coordinate space, we see that the point symmetrical to the given one with respect to the axis Oxz, will have an abscissa and applicate equal to the abscissa and applicate of the given point, and an ordinate equal in magnitude to the ordinate of the given point, but opposite in sign to it. So, we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to the data with respect to the plane Oxz :

A"(2; -3; 1) ;

B"(5; 3; 2) ;

C"(-3; -2; -1) .

3) "Advance" the point on the other side of the axis Oyz for the same distance. According to the figure displaying the coordinate space, we see that the point symmetrical to the given one with respect to the axis Oyz, will have an ordinate and an applicate equal to the ordinate and an applicate of the given point, and an abscissa equal in magnitude to the abscissa of the given point, but opposite in sign to it. So, we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to the data with respect to the plane Oyz :

A"(-2; 3; 1) ;

B"(-5; -3; 2) ;

C"(3; 2; -1) .

By analogy with symmetric points on the plane and points in space symmetric to data with respect to planes, we note that in the case of symmetry about some axis of the Cartesian coordinate system in space, the coordinate on the axis about which the symmetry is set will retain its sign, and the coordinates on the other two axes will be the same in absolute value as the coordinates of the given point, but opposite in sign.

4) The abscissa will retain its sign, while the ordinate and applicate will change signs. So, we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to the data about the x-axis:

A"(2; -3; -1) ;

B"(5; 3; -2) ;

C"(-3; -2; 1) .

5) The ordinate will retain its sign, while the abscissa and applicate will change signs. So, we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to the data about the y-axis:

A"(-2; 3; -1) ;

B"(-5; -3; -2) ;

C"(3; 2; 1) .

6) The applicate will retain its sign, and the abscissa and ordinate will change signs. So, we get the following coordinates of points symmetrical to the data about the applicate axis:

A"(-2; -3; 1) ;

B"(-5; 3; 2) ;

C"(3; -2; -1) .

7) By analogy with symmetry in the case of points on a plane, in the case of symmetry about the origin of coordinates, all coordinates of a point symmetrical to a given one will be equal in absolute value to the coordinates of a given point, but opposite in sign to them. So, we get the following coordinates of points that are symmetrical to the data with respect to the origin.

Let given equation with two variables F(x; y). You have already learned how to solve such equations analytically. The set of solutions of such equations can also be represented in the form of a graph.

The graph of the equation F(x; y) is the set of points of the coordinate plane xOy whose coordinates satisfy the equation.

To plot a two-variable equation, first express the y variable in terms of the x variable in the equation.

Surely you already know how to build various graphs of equations with two variables: ax + b \u003d c is a straight line, yx \u003d k is a hyperbola, (x - a) 2 + (y - b) 2 \u003d R 2 is a circle whose radius is R, and the center is at the point O(a; b).

Example 1

Plot the equation x 2 - 9y 2 = 0.


Let us factorize the left side of the equation.

(x - 3y)(x+ 3y) = 0, i.e. y = x/3 or y = -x/3.

Answer: figure 1.

A special place is occupied by the assignment of figures on the plane by equations containing the sign of the absolute value, which we will dwell on in detail. Consider the stages of plotting equations of the form |y| = f(x) and |y| = |f(x)|.

The first equation is equivalent to the system

(f(x) ≥ 0,
(y = f(x) or y = -f(x).

That is, its graph consists of graphs of two functions: y = f(x) and y = -f(x), where f(x) ≥ 0.

To plot the graph of the second equation, graphs of two functions are plotted: y = f(x) and y = -f(x).

Example 2

Plot the equation |y| = 2 + x.


The given equation is equivalent to the system

(x + 2 ≥ 0,
(y = x + 2 or y = -x - 2.

We build a set of points.

Answer: figure 2.

Example 3

Plot the equation |y – x| = 1.


If y ≥ x, then y = x + 1, if y ≤ x, then y = x - 1.

Answer: figure 3.

When constructing graphs of equations containing a variable under the module sign, it is convenient and rational to use area method, based on splitting the coordinate plane into parts in which each submodule expression retains its sign.

Example 4

Plot the equation x + |x| + y + |y| = 2.


In this example, the sign of each submodule expression depends on the coordinate quadrant.

1) In the first coordinate quarter x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0. After expanding the module, the given equation will look like:

2x + 2y = 2, and after simplification x + y = 1.

2) In the second quarter, where x< 0, а y ≥ 0, уравнение будет иметь вид: 0 + 2y = 2 или y = 1.

3) In the third quarter x< 0, y < 0 будем иметь: x – x + y – y = 2. Перепишем этот результат в виде уравнения 0 · x + 0 · y = 2.

4) In the fourth quarter, for x ≥ 0 and y< 0 получим, что x = 1.

We will plot this equation in quarters.

Answer: figure 4.

Example 5

Draw a set of points whose coordinates satisfy the equality |x – 1| + |y – 1| = 1.


The zeros of the submodule expressions x = 1 and y = 1 split the coordinate plane into four regions. Let's break down the modules by region. Let's put it in the form of a table.

Submodule expression sign
The resulting equation after expanding the module
I x ≥ 1 and y ≥ 1 x + y = 3
II x< 1 и y ≥ 1 -x+y=1
III x< 1 и y < 1 x + y = 1
IV x ≥ 1 and y< 1 x – y = 1

Answer: figure 5.

On the coordinate plane, figures can be specified and inequalities.

Inequality graph with two variables is the set of all points of the coordinate plane whose coordinates are solutions of this inequality.

Consider algorithm for constructing a model for solving an inequality with two variables:

  1. Write down the equation corresponding to the inequality.
  2. Plot the equation from step 1.
  3. Choose an arbitrary point in one of the half-planes. Check if the coordinates of the selected point satisfy the given inequality.
  4. Draw graphically the set of all solutions of the inequality.

Consider, first of all, the inequality ax + bx + c > 0. The equation ax + bx + c = 0 defines a straight line dividing the plane into two half-planes. In each of them, the function f(x) = ax + bx + c is sign-preserving. To determine this sign, it is enough to take any point belonging to the half-plane and calculate the value of the function at this point. If the sign of the function coincides with the sign of the inequality, then this half-plane will be the solution of the inequality.

Consider examples of graphical solutions to the most common inequalities with two variables.

1) ax + bx + c ≥ 0. Figure 6.

2) |x| ≤ a, a > 0. Figure 7.

3) x 2 + y 2 ≤ a, a > 0. Figure 8.

4) y ≥ x2. Figure 9

5) xy ≤ 1. Figure 10.

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