Educational-methodical complex in the Russian language, a team of authors under the guidance of Professor V.V. Babaytseva, includes programs designed for grades 5-9, providing the necessary (basic levels) of education; textbooks "Russian language: Theory" for grades 5-9 (authors VV Babaytseva, LD Chesnokova); collections of problems and exercises "Russian language: Practice" for grade 5 (edited by A.Yu. Kupalova), for grade 6 (edited by G.K. Lidman-Orlova), for 7kl. (edited by S.N. Pimenova), for grades 8-9 (edited by Yu.S. Pichugov); manual "Russian speech: speech development" for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (the author of these editions is Nikitina EI). This teaching material has been used in schools for over a quarter of a century and has enormous teaching potential.

Educational-methodical complex V.V. Babaytseva has a practical spelling and punctuation orientation, which is reflected in particular in the section of morphemics. However, despite this, the theoretical material in the educational and methodological complex of V.V. Babaytseva is presented in a fairly large volume.

All textbooks, teaching aids and also workbooks of the teaching materials, created under the scientific supervision of V.V. Babaytseva, fully comply with the new generation FGOS LLC. With the help of this teaching material, it is possible to prepare graduates of general education schools for passing the regular state exam in the Russian language.

The team of authors of this educational complex rightly asserts that the study of the Russian language must be combined with applied, as well as practical tasks. V.V. Babaytseva draws the following line: "There is a special science of language, which studies language as a natural phenomenon, continuously and regularly developing."

Following his own principle, V.V. Babaytseva consistently demonstrates the continuity and consistency of the development of the Russian language in the analyzed educational and methodological complex.

This teaching method is based on the system-structural principle. The central component of the educational complex under consideration is the textbook "Russian language: Theory". This textbook contains a systematized presentation of the theoretical materials of school courses intended for study in grades 5-9 of general education schools. The textbook gives a holistic understanding of the Russian language, its rules and laws, showing the system of the language, stable connections between sections of the entire course of the Russian language, as well as consistency in the presentation of theoretical information, significantly increasing their learning opportunities. At the same time, all key theoretical materials are accompanied in the analyzed textbook with sufficiently illustrative examples and figures that fully illustrate the previous theoretical material, while organically fitting into the structure of the presentation of the basic rules and explanatory texts. Such a presentation of theoretical material with appropriate visual examples greatly facilitates the understanding and memorization of new topics by students.

The teaching materials on the Russian language also contain portraits of the most prominent Russianists and linguistic methodologists, brief information about them, about their contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the Russian language. The increased attention of the authors of the teaching materials, created under the leadership of V.V. Babaytseva, to certain personalities of Russian scholars, significantly increases the interest of schoolchildren in the history of the development of the science of the Russian language, contributing to a real understanding of the facts that the methodology and dynamics of the development of the native language were studied at different periods of time by outstanding Russian scientists.

In addition, the teaching materials, created under the scientific supervision of V.V. Babaytseva, contains all the necessary explanations, the analysis of the content of which indicates that all spelling and punctuation rules are closely related to the unified theory of language. "At the same time, most of the spelling rules are based on theoretical information about the morphemic composition of words, while punctuation rules are based on the structures of sentences."

In the methodological toolkit of the textbook created under the scientific supervision of V.V. Babaytseva, provides for the differentiation of educational material according to the degree of increasing complexity with the use of highlighting the essence of the presented educational material with various graphics. In the textbook, the definitions of the concepts under study are highlighted in a special way, as well as those spelling and punctuation rules that students must firmly master, as well as the basic terms that students need to remember for their full preparation.

For example, when studying the topic "Temporary forms of the verb" in the 5th grade, students first study the theoretical material presented in the textbook created under the guidance of V.V. Babaytseva is very laconic.

There are three temporary forms in Russian, such as: present, past and future tense. At the same time, all the studied forms of the verb are included in the corresponding graphical diagram, where, through basic questions (for example, what does (they), what they will do, what they will do) and also typical examples, schoolchildren are taught in practice to accurately determine these or those forms of verbs used in native speech. The tense forms of the verb express the relation of actions to the moments of speech.

The forms of the present tense indicate that the actions completely coincide with the moments of speech utterances or are carried out constantly. Present tense verbs answer the following questions: What are we doing? What you are doing? What are they doing? What am I doing? What are you doing? What is he doing?

Later in the textbook created under the scientific supervision of V.V. Babaytseva, provides several illustrative examples.

For example: A train is rushing at full steam (what is it doing?), A locomotive is turning the wheels (what is it doing?). (B. Pasternak).

All forms of the past tense demonstrate that actions precede moments of speech.

In a textbook created under the guidance of V.V. Babaytseva, at the same time a visual diagram of all verb tense forms is provided (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Scheme in the textbook of V.V. Babaytseva "Russian language" for the 5th grade

Then the students consolidate the theoretical material, while completing the tasks proposed in the corresponding collection of tasks by V.V. Babaytseva both in Russian lessons and doing homework.

At the end of the textbooks of the peer-reviewed TMC, there are appendices that include various reference materials that should be used by schoolchildren during the entire study of the Russian language program in grades 5-9. This refers to the "Indexes of Learned Spelling Rules", "Indexes of Learned Punctuation Rules", which contain links to paragraphs that set out the corresponding spelling and punctuation rules. The Appendices also give the main types of analyzes with indications of the sequence and samples of analyzes of the corresponding examples of language material.

UMK edited by V.V. Babaytseva is convenient for schoolchildren: it provides a high level of continuity and prospects in teaching the Russian language, it is easy to organize repetition of the material covered by it. The textbook, created in the structure of this teaching material, is, in fact, a reference book that can be consulted at any time throughout the years of schooling, including for students of multiethnic classes, for which multiple repetition of information is necessary.

At the same time, the analyzed textbook has a significant drawback - the reference orientation of this teaching material, and the use of the textbook for five years "requires students to know the structure of textbooks, the ability to navigate in them, quickly find the necessary sections, while repeatedly referring to the previously covered paragraphs" ...

It is obvious that in the process of conducting Russian language lessons using the textbooks of the teaching materials of V. Babaytseva, various types of work are possible, including presentations, essays, both oral and written dictations, analysis of texts. Among the educational activities, in addition to acquaintance with the content of the new material of textbooks, the practical activities of students (independent performance of tasks and exercises), it is necessary to study both new and repetition of previously passed material. In writing, a preliminary drawing up of a plan is necessary; in the process of completing independent written assignments in the classroom, a preliminary analysis of the examples given for clarity in textbooks and, by analogy, the selection of their own examples is necessary. In addition, “in the textbooks on the Russian language by V.V. Babaytseva also contains tasks that require comparisons (on previously prepared questions) of the content of two or more paragraphs, or certain rules of spelling or punctuation. "

As practice shows, building classes according to the scheme proposed in this textbook is quite effective, since schoolchildren gradually master not only new educational material, but also constantly repeat the previously covered topics.

Collections of problems and exercises "Russian language: Practice" EMC edited by V.V. Babaytseva are designed to help schools organize effective work with concepts and rules, forming the ability to recognize, analyze, characterize certain phenomena of the language. Working with collections of tasks and exercises in the Russian language teaches students to independently select, design language materials in accordance with the topics studied, correctly - in accordance with the norms of Russian speech - and expediently - in accordance with the circumstances of speech - to use various language means in the speech practice of students.

So, for example, spelling, orthoepic, punctuation and other norms are considered in the textbooks of Vera Vasilievna Babaytseva on the basis of the corresponding rules that organically fit into the general theory of the Russian language.

The gradual and step-by-step formation of both correct and expressive speech is provided in the teaching materials, with appropriate tasks, among which there are both traditional and new types of educational tasks that arouse the constant interest of the students themselves in learning the language. In textbooks on the Russian language of the UMK V.V. Babaytseva much more often than in traditional forms of teaching the Russian language, it is proposed to regularly conduct morphemic analysis (that is, analysis of specific words given in the tasks by their composition). Also, very often, schoolchildren are required to complete tasks related to the allocation of grammatical (predicative) foundations of sentences, which in the future forms the functional literacy of students, while allowing them to successfully avoid a very significant number of both spelling and punctuation errors. Quite often, in the TMC under consideration, there are also special exercises for the development of spelling vigilance of schoolchildren. For example, the task: “Make up of the letters included in the words, nouns in the form of the nominative case, the singular. Who is bigger?" At the same time, in the textbook for the 5th grade in such tasks, instead of nouns, it is often required to compose other parts of speech.

In addition, traditional Russian textbooks regularly suggest dictation of words with unverifiable spellings. In textbooks on the Russian language in this teaching material, tasks of this kind have been significantly modernized: students are invited to read preliminarily dictionary words (lists of them are attached), try to remember their correct spelling. Then the students need to close the textbooks and only then write down the previously read words under dictation. That is, it is proposed in the teaching materials to carry out partially search tasks, as well as dictations from memory.

When creating the teaching materials, V.V. Babaytseva tried to take into account all the shortcomings of the mechanical memorization of the rule, so she tried to develop the spelling vigilance of schoolchildren with such exercises.

Compared with the previous teaching materials under the scientific editorship of N.M. Shansky, in the developed educational and methodological complex, the number of tasks was increased, which put students in front of the need to independently find answers to the questions: how exactly to apply the knowledge gained, for what purpose it is necessary to know certain linguistic concepts, why it is necessary to be able to perform certain exercises; what is known and what is fundamentally new in the material under consideration, in what way is it better to perform tasks in the Russian language.

So, for example, teaching fifth-graders to various types of speech activity is supported by the corresponding reminders for schoolchildren: "How do we prepare for expressive reading of texts", "How to draw up plans for texts", "How to prepare for presentation (retellings) close to the original texts", etc. Tasks for almost each of the texts are aimed at the interconnection of the phased mastery of all forms of speech activity: reading, listening, creating statements in oral and written forms. Increased attention to reading processes as one of the main forms of speech activity, therefore, a large number of tasks were focused on the ability to expressively read texts. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scientific supervisor of the CMK V.V. Babaytseva, the art of beautifully sounding words can help to master all the expressive means of Russian intonation, which contributes to the formation of the language culture of the personality of schoolchildren. EMC allows you to use various forms of retelling of texts to develop the ability to create personal written statements. At the same time, all the processes of designing future speech texts, which will become possible through exercises in composing texts for specific tasks, predetermined topics, as well as individual phrases and also words. In the teaching materials there are also tasks on the practical speech activity of students, for example, the preparation of several sentences on the following topics: rules of conduct during excursions, in the cinema, in the subway, and others.

With a developing system of training in the practical implementation of the teaching materials, created under the scientific editorship of V.V. Babaytseva, goals and objectives are set mainly at the end of the lesson (openness of goal-setting). In this case, the board field can be drawn up as follows: the left part - already studied information; the right part - observations acquired in the course of classes; the third part of the blackboard may contain information about what students should learn and master at the end of each lesson. At the same time, V.V. Babaytseva provides for "work with comparisons, finding similarities and differences in compared phenomena, with classifications, systematization, generalization of teaching materials on the Russian language, establishing cause-and-effect relationships (why? As a result of what?)".

The system of tasks and exercises in the TMC under consideration is designed to master the algorithms of orientation in the educational material, patterns of reasoning, methods of analyzing linguistic materials and using the studied phenomena of the Russian language in one's own speech practice, the development of one's own monologue speech, as well as various methods of independent control of knowledge.

Illustrative material is an effective means of developing monologue scientific speech. The proposed assignment says:

“Tell us everything you guys know and can about the word (or phrases, sentences).” So, stories about words can be presented according to a certain plan: 1) indicate the parts of speech; 2) mark possible syntactic functions; to reveal the lexical meaning of words, while noting possible synonyms and antonyms, to carry out a stylistic assessment of the analyzed words;

perform phonetic parsing of certain words; 5) carry out morphemic parsing; 6) indicate the appropriate spelling. At the same time, the students' answers can be supplemented with the etymology of words, etc.

Oral answers of students can be supplemented by classmates, assessed by them with appropriate argumentation of their own assessments (while the most reasoned assessments can be entered into an electronic journal).

Such types of tasks allow: 1) to generalize and systematize all the available knowledge of students; 2) teach independent reasoning (expressing their own points of view with the appropriate arguments, testifying to their truth);

to form an active oral monologue of scientific stylistics. Much attention in the collection of tasks and exercises is paid to the speech aspects of learning the Russian language. “Tasks provide for observations on the field of practical application of the studied linguistic phenomena, on their role in achieving accuracy and expressiveness of speech; creating special speech situations that determine certain selections of linguistic means ”.

So, for example, in the collection and workbooks of the educational-methodical complex, a large number of tasks are proposed, including phraseological units, as well as proverbs. At the same time, the group of authors recommends that teachers-language and literature teachers supplement the tasks with certain game actions. Teachers offer schoolchildren proverbs, for example: "You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty," "patience and work will grind everything." At the same time, schoolchildren can be invited to continue the lists of proverbs. At the same time, proverbs will not be counted if the students who voiced them are not able to explain the true meaning of the proverbs, as well as the possibilities of their application in their own practical speech. Several proverbs can be written down in notebooks. For recording, it is proposed to choose certain proverbs that both schoolchildren and teachers can write down, taking into account their meaning, the possibility of practical application in the speech of schoolchildren, as well as the saturation of spelling and the most significant punctograms. Moreover, V.V. Babaytseva strongly recommends that the teachers of the Russian language inform the students in advance about this educational game. It is necessary to warn schoolchildren in advance about holding such a lesson, for the purpose of their independent acquaintance with all collections of proverbs, as well as completing assignments that contain proverbs. The winners in the game are those students who orally uttered the most proverbs.

In the collection of tasks and exercises of the teaching materials of V.V. Babaytseva updated “the educational capabilities of our academic subject not only due to the informative side of the texts used as didactic materials (“ What do these texts teach? What are the main thoughts of the authors? ”), But also with the help of the educational capabilities of Russian speech. In addition, the textbook under consideration contains texts that draw special attention of students to the social significance of the ability to correctly perceive other people's statements and the ability to correctly, accurately, expressively use language techniques and skills in dialogical speech and writing. "

Such work, in our opinion, contributes to the development of all forms of speech development of schoolchildren (including dialogical and coherent monologue speech, as well as written speech).

The formation and improvement of spelling and punctuation skills is provided in the process of repetition of the passed. On the margins of the collection of tasks and exercises UMK V.V. Babaytseva highlighted words with unverifiable spellings.

For example: geologist, workers, imagine, imagine, festival, sense of smell, charm, tape recorder, territory, profession, specialty, team, balcony, sofa, sanatorium, 5th grade language driver, p. 57, task number 7].

yer, chords [Russian textbook

The material for analysis is highlighted with a digital index. The system of types of parsing adopted in the traditional system of teaching the Russian language is supplemented in V.V. Babaytseva lexical (No. 5), spelling (No. 6) and punctuation analysis (No. 7).

Let's clarify that the goals of phonetic analysis are to form correct pronunciation in accordance with the norms of the Russian language and the ability to hear sounds. The focus of the CMD under consideration is precisely morphemic analysis. "For practical purposes, all pupils of general education schools must master the instructional actions for the rapid (virtually instantaneous) selection of morphemes in words." Because of this, V.V. Babaytseva especially analyzes the concept of morpheme. The attention of students is focused on semantics - the meaning of suffixes and prefixes.

In the section "Morphemics" of V.V. Babaytseva emphasizes the following formative suffixes: 1) inflections (endings); 2) -l- (indicators of the form of the past tense); 3) -t-, -ti- (indicators of the infinitive form);

Ee- (indicators of forms of both simple and comparative degrees); 5) -te (endings of imperative moods of plurals).

In the textbook “Russian language. Theory "the exact definition of endings is given:" The end of a word is called its variable part, which serves to connect words and expresses the meanings of gender, number, case, person. " The suffix - t cannot be used to connect words in phrases such as: "wanted to leave", "desire to learn." In such phrases, dependent infinitives do not agree and are not controlled, but only "adjoin the main words, like adverbs and participles." This definition is not overloaded with an abundance of scientific terms and therefore is easily remembered by middle-level students.

The practical orientation of teaching the Russian language in the teaching materials of V.V. Babaytseva due to the increase in hours for the study of morphemics. It is not so much the assimilation and memorization of theoretical information that is important here, but the formation of a significant ability to distinguish morphemes and, on this basis, to form strong spelling skills in schoolchildren. Spelling analysis is closely related to the knowledge of morphemes, the author of the UMK rightly believes.

The book "Russian speech" UMK V.V. Babaytseva was created specifically for purposeful work in speech development lessons. The theoretical basis for this textbook is the system of speech concepts. Tasks and exercises cover all forms of speech activities:

speech perception (listening and reading),

reproduction of speech (oral retellings and written statements),

generation of speech (speaking and creating texts in writing).

Hearing, reading, retelling are carried out within the framework of V.V. Babaytseva in most Russian lessons. "However, each of these types of speech activity, and especially retelling, in the lessons of speech development has its own specifics: attention is focused not only on the content of the statements, but also on their linguistic characteristics."

For example, students concisely retell the text according to the recommended plan, first in a concise form, and then moving on to a full retelling, while observing both chain and parallel connections of sentences in the text.

Language analysis of texts is one of the important elements in preparing students for oral retelling and written presentation. The effectiveness of this work depends on the quality of the source text and its linguistic analysis. The manual "Russian speech" in the teaching materials of V.V. Babaytseva gives the teacher-literature teacher support in the selection of material and in the organization of work with it.

"Russian speech" involves a creative approach to use, the use of variable methods of forming and improving the speech of schoolchildren, taking into account the specific working conditions of the school, class, the level of knowledge of each student.

In order for the text to become a product of students' speech activity that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of OO, the teaching materials have tasks for creating texts based on the samples presented in the "Russian speech": a narration about the personal actions of students; a description of their life, domestic or wild animals; reasoning on specific teaching materials. For example, "What kind of thoughts and feelings do you experience when looking at this picture, listening to this piece of music?" These tasks allow you to form the ability to conduct a dialogue and clearly argue your point of view. Also in the textbook "Russian speech" there are tasks to determine the types of speech utterances and styles of speech. For example, “Identify the types of speech”; "Define Text Styles"; "Indicate the signs of a scientific and also journalistic style." In the textbook E.I. Nikitina has special memos for schoolchildren, including: "How to write an essay", "How to prepare oral statements", "How to write your own story", "How to write a description of a painting", "How to write an essay - interview", "How to write a screenplay based on the texts of a story or a story "," How to write a review of an essay "," How to work on book reviews "and others - allow schoolchildren not only to master the specifics of texts of various styles, types of speech, but also to constantly train in creating their own statements ... Tasks on the perception of texts are also important here. Mastering the processes of reading as speech types of activity, schoolchildren learn to read texts of different content and work with them in different ways, depending on the task itself, the speech situation, styles and types of speech.

"Russian speech" is the third component of the teaching materials, created under the scientific supervision of V.V. Babaytseva, fully ensures the formation of the communicative competence of students. The tasks and exercises in it are based on the basic speech concepts and rules of speech behavior, which fully contributes to the conscious improvement of both oral and written speech of schoolchildren, and to increase the practical skills of verbal communication.

The theoretical basis of the third part of the EMC is the system of speech concepts. For example, the text of V.V. Babaytseva is considered as a unit of both language and speech. And from this it follows that, as a unit of language, the text has typical schemes, according to which it is built depending on the specific goals and objectives of verbal communication: narration, description and reasoning. The textbook "Russian speech" contains educational material that introduces students to the formation of general concepts about texts and basic types of speech.

The teaching materials of Vera Vasilievna Babaytseva attracts attention by the organic combination of basic teaching aids. This teaching material shows a strict systemic approach in the presentation of both theoretical material and practical tasks. "The linear principle of the arrangement of the material contributes to a more integral, systemic assimilation, while allowing to successfully avoid excessive concentrism and lengthy study of the same topics that reduce the effect of novelty and weaken the motivation of schoolchildren's learning activity."

With this principle of constructing educational material, students of middle and senior school age learn new topics much better, constantly reinforcing their knowledge, completing practical tasks corresponding to the topics.

The textbook "Russian language: Theory" (5-9 grades) provides a systematic presentation of the theoretical material of the entire school course of the Russian language. The compactness of the presentation of theoretical information is accompanied by illustrated examples and figures. Thus, the principle of visual clarity is implemented in teaching the Russian language. The methodological apparatus of the textbook provides for the differentiation of all educational materials according to the degree of difficulty.

In the collection of problems and exercises “Russian language. Practice ”in grades 5-9, tasks provide the gradual mastery of all the necessary algorithms for orientation in texts, models of reasoning by schoolchildren, methods of analyzing linguistic material and using the studied theoretical information in speech communication are shown.

Tasks, practical, project tasks and exercises cover all types of speech activity: speech perception (listening and reading), speech reproduction (oral retelling and written presentation), speech generation (speaking and creating written texts).

The beginning of the 5th grade at V.V. Babaytseva is considered as a transitional stage from the initial stage of education 1 - 4 classes. (elementary practical foundations of the Russian language) to the middle stage of school education 5 - 9 classes. (systematic courses in the basics of science about the Russian language and also about the native speech) In the 5th grade, students begin to study the main course of the Russian language. Taking into account the provisions of the system-structural approach in the 5th grade when using the teaching materials of V.V. Babaytseva should be consistently studied sections such as “Phonetics. Graphic arts. Spelling"; "Morphemics and Spelling"; "Vocabulary" laid the foundation for the systematic study of grammar ("Nouns"). Directly the very convenient arrangement of educational materials contributes to a more integral, systematic assimilation of knowledge, allowing you to avoid routine when studying similar topics.

In morphology in grade 6, verbs, adjectives, numerals, adverbs, words of the category of state and pronouns are studied. In grade 7, participles and participles, official parts of speech and interjections are subject to study. “Such continuity in the study of parts of speech is justified from a methodological point of view: verbs - predicates usually act as grammatical and semantic bases of the sentences themselves, forming, together with the subjects, all the necessary grammatical bases. In fact, all modern authors of Russian language programs stand out as independent parts of speech - verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs. At the same time, the official parts of speech are also highlighted - pronouns, numerals, words of state, participles and gerunds. Allocation of participles and gerunds in special parts of speech in the teaching materials, created under the leadership of V.V. Babaytseva makes it possible to increase attention to their structure and role, as well as to the peculiarities of their functioning in Russian speech. This influences the formation of spelling and punctuation skills of the overwhelming majority of schoolchildren. "

This kind of continuity, in our opinion, ensures a constant repetition of the passed material with its gradual enrichment with each new stage of training.

In a special lexical and grammatical category when studying adverbs in the teaching materials of V.V. Babaytseva also highlighted the words of the category of state. This makes it possible to give students of general education schools the necessary ideas about the specifics of this group of words, which sharply differ from adverbs in the syntactic function of the predicate in an impersonal sentence.

“In grades 8-9 in the educational center V.V. Babaytseva focuses on syntax and punctuation. In syntax, much attention is paid to connections and relationships between words in a phrase and a sentence. In addition to the subordinate ones, the compositional phrases are also highlighted. Isolation of compositional phrases allows you to establish continuity in the study of syntax: the study of phrases in grades 5 and 8, homogeneous members of a sentence in grades 5 and 8, compound sentences and homogeneous subordinate clauses in grade 9 ".

The ability to ask a question to a dependent word in a subordinate phrase prepares for the study of sentence members and subordinate clauses. The ability to find constructive phrases in a sentence - to study homogeneous members of a sentence and complex sentences, first of all, complex ones. The study of subordinate and compositional phrases is focused on the development of students' speech. Let us consider in more detail what features of teaching students in the process of creating texts of different styles and types of speech in V.V. Babaytseva.

Firstly, the program provides for a system of work for language teachers and schoolchildren on the development of speech in integration with literature lessons and extracurricular reading (thus, teachers of the Russian language and literature may well provide the necessary parameters of correlation in topics, genres of works of art and student compositions, in work on the artistic means of the language, on certain types of retelling and presentation - close to the text, concise, selective, etc.).

Teaching various types of speech activity is supported by memos for students: "How to prepare for expressive reading of the text", "How to draw up a text plan", "How to prepare for presentation (retelling) close to the text", etc. Tasks for almost every text are aimed at interconnected mastery of all types of speech activity: reading, listening, creating statements in oral and written form. Increased attention to reading as one of the main types of speech activity, therefore, a large number of tasks are focused on the ability to expressively read the text. According to the author of the program V.V. Babaytseva, the art of the sounding word, helps to master the expressive possibilities of Russian intonation, which contributes to the formation of a linguistic personality. EMC allows you to use different types of retelling of texts to develop the ability to create your own written utterance. Designing the future of your own text is achieved with the help of exercises for composing texts according to these words, composing phrases and sentences on a specific topic (for example, drafting rules of conduct in a museum, in a theater, in transport, etc.).

In textbooks on the Russian language, for grades 5-9 of this teaching material, the types of tasks are presented, the implementation of which requires referring to the texts of fiction, for example: “From the works of A.S. Pushkin, write out 5 sentences with Old Slavicisms. What stylistic role do they play? ”; “Write out from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin 5 sentences with predicates, expressed verbs in the form of an imperative mood ", etc. Most of the texts refer to fragments from the works of Russian poets and writers: A.A. Blok, V.A. Zhukovsky, S.A. Yesenin, M. Yu. Lermontov, A.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev, A.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Feta, etc.

In addition, the texts are considered by the authors of the program as units of language and speech. This means that, as units of the Russian language, texts have typical schemes according to which they are built depending on the goals and tasks of speech communication: narration, description and reasoning.

In the textbook "Practice" for the 6th grade assignments are given such as: "Imagine yourself in the place of an artist (composer, scientist, museum visitors, etc.). What thoughts and feelings do you experience by looking at, listening? What and how will you tell your "sightseers" about this canvas? " They allow you to form the ability to express and argue your own position, opinion, express your own feelings, reflect on the issue under discussion in accordance with the selected type and style of text.

Tasks for determining the type and style of speech are related to the purpose of the statement and the artistic means of the analyzed text:

"Determine the type of speech"; "Determine the text style"; "Indicate the features of the scientific and journalistic style."

All this allows schoolchildren not only to master the specifics of texts of different styles, types of speech, but also to create their own, both oral and written messages.

In the collections of tasks "the role of various parts of speech in organizing the type of speech is consistently noted." For example, when studying verbs, students assess the stylistic meaning of the perfect form in narrative texts, and in descriptive texts, the imperfect form.

When studying adjectives, their importance in descriptive texts is emphasized. At the same time, not only “information is gradually accumulating about the parts of speech that connect the semantic parts of speech of the text into a single semantic whole”, but also there is an accumulation of linguistic means that can be used when creating texts of different types and styles. Tasks of the type "determine the type of speech" are supplemented by tasks that require correlating the type of speech and its linguistic design: “What words helped you to determine the type of speech? What part of speech they belong to. Why are these words called key words? ”; “What functions do nouns perform in the text?”; “Argument your answer based on the specific forms of the verb”; "How is the type of speech related to the specific forms of verbs?" and etc. .

An obligatory step in working on a coherent written statement is the analysis and correction of your own text. Teaching students to analyze and correct their own compositions (self-reflection) in the considered teaching materials of Vera Vasilievna Babaytseva is facilitated by a memo for students: "How to work on a draft of a presentation and composition." The Praktika textbooks offer assignments for editing student essays. For example, a 6th grade student wrote an essay on the topic: "True friendship", read and, having determined the type of presentation, edit it.

In the textbooks under consideration, there are such tasks that focus on the preparation of students in spelling and punctuation: writing from memory a text learned by heart, visual dictations (and other types of dictations, including self-dictations, reciprocal dictations), work on mistakes in dictations, essays, statements, spelling and punctuation analysis of texts (the ability to group spelling and punctuation marks), illustrating spelling and punctuation rules with examples from texts, explaining spelling and punctuation marks, drawing up sentence diagrams, etc.

“Editing drafts and checking your own texts for compliance with the topic, problem; analysis of communications; assessment of the integrity, unity, completeness, informativeness, consistency of the text of the essay - all this in the system allows students to develop the skills and abilities of self-reflection about the created text.

When working with their own and also other people's essays (as practical activities in a general education school show), students acquire the necessary skills and abilities for writing essays and self-assessment of their own products of speech activity.

Thus, work on the text, built on a similar principle, allows schoolchildren to gradually master the skills of drawing up coherent and stylistically correct written reasoning and essays.

In the process of improving the speech abilities necessary for correcting your own text, tasks are proposed that are focused on peer review and introspection.

Summarizing the above, we note that the work on the development of a coherent written speech of students according to the educational methodology "Russian language" V.V. Babaytseva relies primarily on the principles of stage-by-stage teaching of students to perceive the text; teaching various types of speech activity (reading, speaking, listening; creating a written statement or text); various types of informational and speech processing of the text in the process of preparing for writing an essay; teaching students to create texts in different styles and types of speech; teaching students to analyze and correct their own written statement (self-reflection).

EMC is designed for students with a high level of speech development. At the same time, while studying this complex, schoolchildren with an average, low and even high level of speech development with the constant help of a language teacher can master all the necessary types of speech activity.

Therefore, UMK V.V. Babaytseva, intended for grades 5-9 of a general education school, make it possible to most effectively combine the study of new educational material with a repetition of the previously studied patterns of the Russian language, thereby strengthening the speech orientation of the course. In turn, this EMC provides additional time for a detailed study of the service parts of speech.

The collection includes programs in the Russian language for basic and secondary (complete) schools, as well as programs in Russian literature and rhetoric. In addition, the book contains norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language.

Syntax and punctuation.
The concept of syntax and punctuation.
Sentence. The grammatical basis of the sentence. End of sentence intonation.
Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement. Non-exclamation and exclamation sentences.
Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence.
The main members of the proposal.

Dash between subject and predicate (when expressed by a noun in the nominative case).
Minor members of the proposal (definition, addition, circumstance).
Word combination. Submissive and compositional phrases. Phrases in a sentence.
Proposals with homogeneous members. A generalizing word before homogeneous members.
Punctuation marks in a sentence with homogeneous members (connected only by intonation, single unions and, a, but, as well as a repeated union and) and a generalizing word in front of homogeneous members.

Suggestions with appeals.
Punctuation marks in a sentence with an appeal.
Sentences with introductory words (indicating the speaker's confidence or uncertainty in relation to the speaker).
Punctuation marks in sentences with introductory words.
Difficult sentence.
Compound sentences.
Complicated sentences.
Complex non-union sentences.
A comma between parts of a complex sentence.
Sentences with direct speech (direct speech after the words of the author and before them).

Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech (in the above cases). Making a dialogue on a letter.
Skills and abilities:
to recognize and correctly intonate sentences of the studied varieties;
use declarative and interrogative sentences as points of the statement plan;
find the grammatical basis of a sentence (including cases of expressing a predicate by a noun in the nominative case and an adjective), as well as the grammatical basis of a one-part sentence (in the clearest cases);
distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from a complex sentence;
improve the text, eliminating unjustified repetition of the same words in the role of main or secondary members of the sentence (through the use of sentences with homogeneous members and complex sentences);
make parsing and punctuation for practical purposes;
apply learned punctuation rules when writing.

Free download the e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Russian language, grades 5-11, Work programs, Babaytseva V.V., 2008 -, fast and free download.
  • Working with the text in the lesson of the Russian language, A guide for teachers, grades 5-11, Alexandrova O.M., Dobrotina I.N., Gosteva Y.N., Vasilyevich I.P., Uskova I.V., 2019
  • Russian language, 120 texts for school presentation, grades 5-11, Voilova K.A., Ledeneva V.V., Tikhonova V.V., Shapovalova T.E., 2000


in Russian for grades 5-9

(advanced level)

Explanatory note

The working program is based on the program for general education institutions with in-depth study of the Russian language (the author of the program is V.V. Babaitseva). The program was published in the collection “Programs for educational institutions. Russian language. 5-9. 10-11 "

(Compiled by E.I. Kharitonova.)

General characteristics of the subject

Based on the Fundamental core of the content of general education and the Requirements for the results of basic general education presented inFederal state standard of general education of the second generation, the goals of learning Russian (native) language at school are:

Education and respect for the native language, a conscious attitude towards it as a cultural phenomenon; comprehension of the native language as the main means of acquiring knowledge in various spheres of human activity, the development of moral and ethical norms adopted in society; awareness of the aesthetic value of the native language;

Mastering the Russian language as a means of communication in everyday life of educational activities; development of readiness and ability for speech interaction and mutual understanding, the need for speech self-improvement; mastering the most important general educational skills and universal actions (the ability to formulate the goal of an activity, plan it, exercise speech self-control and self-correction; conduct bibliographic search, extract and transform the necessary information from linguistic dictionaries of various types and other sources, including the Internet and the media; carry out information processing of text and etc.);

Mastering knowledge about the structure of the language system and the laws of its functioning, stylistic resources and basic norms of the Russian literary language; development of the ability to recognize, analyze, compare, classify and evaluate linguistic facts; mastering on this basis the culture of oral and written speech, types of speech activity, the rules for using the language in different situations of communication, the norms of speech etiquette; enrichment of active and potential vocabulary; stock expansion; expansion of the volume of grammatical means used in speech; improving the ability to apply acquired knowledge, abilities and skills in the process of verbal communication in educational activities and everyday life.

the main objective teaching Russian inin-depth level is that the reproductive level - the assimilation of knowledge about the grammatical system of the Russian language, the mastery of its basic norms, the formation and development of the ability to use its inexhaustible riches - is combined with the intensive development of speech-thinking, intellectual and creative abilities - with a productive level.

The academic subject "Russian language" in a modern school has a cognitive and practical orientation, that is, it gives students knowledge about their native language and forms their language and speech skills.These are the special purposes of his teaching.... At the same time, the "Russian language" also fulfills general subject tasks.

The special goals of teaching the Russian language at school are the formation of the linguistic, communicative and linguistic competence of students:

Language competence (i.e., the awareness of schoolchildren in the system of their native language) is realized in the process of solving the following cognitivetasks:

1) the formation of students' scientific and linguistic worldview; equipping them with the basics of knowledge about their native language (its structure and functioning);

2) the development of the linguistic and aesthetic ideal (that is, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty in language and speech).

Communicative competence (i.e., the awareness of schoolchildren in the features of the functioning of their native language in oral and written forms) is implemented in the process of solving the following practicaltasks : 1) the formation of strong spelling and punctuation skills and abilities (within the program requirements);

2) mastering the norms of the Russian literary language and enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech;

3) teaching schoolchildren the ability to coherently express their thoughts in oral and written form.

As a result of teaching Russian, students should be free to use it in all social spheres of its application.

Linguistic competence - this is the knowledge of students about the science "Russian language" itself, its sections, the goals of scientific study of the language, elementary information about its methods, stages of development, about outstanding scientists who made discoveries in the study of the native language.

General subject tasks of work on the Russian language at school are:

1) education of students by means of this subject;

development of their logical thinking;

2) teaching schoolchildren the ability to independently replenish their knowledge of the Russian language;

3) the formation of general educational skills - working with a book, with reference literature, improving reading, speaking, listening skills, etc.

Place of the subject "Russian language" in the curriculum

In-depth study of the Russian language means some expansion of theoretical information. In-depth study of the Russian language is planned from grade 5 and is designed for the following number of hours:


In Week

In the academic year

5 cl.

6 h

204 h.

6 cl.

6 h

204 h.

7 cl.


270 h.

8 cl.

4 hours

136 h.

9 cl.

3 hours

102 hrs

Total: 816h.

With a slight increase (expansion) of the conceptual and terminological system, a genuine in-depth study of the Russian language is carried out, contributing to the formation of a persistent interest in history and the current state of language and speech.

The expansion of theoretical information is associated with the introduction into the program of such topics as "Paronyms", "Phraseology" (with phraseological units, proverbs and catchphrases), "The concept of etymology", "The role of language units in speech", etc.

Certain topics ("Lexicology" and especially "Phraseology" and "Etymology") are more fully disclosed when performing practical tasks, in assignment texts, in word-for-word, etc. Thus, the entire course is characterized by attention to phraseological units. Many syntactic topics are illustrated with proverbs that are included in the assignments. In addition, biblicalisms, Greek, Latin and European stable combinations are given with explanations on the pages of collections of assignments and workbooks (in interlinear).

Attention to phraseological units contributes to the enrichment of students' speech.

Some new theoretical information is organically combined with traditional concepts. The program includes questions related to the communicative aspect of Russian syntax: "informative" (semantic) center of the statement, "given" and "new". These concepts are correlated with the members of the sentence: "given" - with the subject, "new" - with the predicate, the reasons for the violation of such a ratio are noted. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe communicative division of a sentence (utterance) contributes to the formation of the expressiveness of the oral speech of students, explains the cases of the so-called copyright marks.

New concepts for the school are based on the well-known: "word order" and "logical stress", which are traditional for Russian language programs. Some expansion of topics is not the main thing in the in-depth study of the Russian language. The main thing is in the multidimensional linguo-methodological coverage of language units necessary for the development of oral and written speech of students.

Let us concretize this provision, especially focusing on the following areas.

I. Consistent coverage of the functions of linguistic units in speech organically links language learning with speech teaching. One should not declare the connection between language and speech, essentially breaking language and speech, but combine the study of linguistic units with their role in speech, teach schoolchildren to use them in speech.

The assimilation of the norms of the Russian literary language should not be isolated from the study of linguistic phenomena for which these norms exist.

The development of students' speech should be the goal of every Russian language lesson.

P. The past provides clues to the present and the future. Turning to the history of some linguistic phenomena is of great importance for understanding their current state, contributes to the effective formation of spelling skills. Even small information from the history of the Russian language arouses the interest of students in studying the historical past of the Russian language and the Russian people.

The Russian language is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bin the world with a complex and interesting development history.... Into an in-depth programincludes brief information from the history of the Russian sound system, morphemics and word formation, vocabulary and phraseology, questions of etymology, which should not only arouse students' interest in learning the Russian language, but also explain a lot to them in its current state, help to understand how the basic laws and rules, and exceptions to them. Why is it written after hissingand, and not s? Why did the root disappear in some words? Why can a root have multiple variants? Thanks to what the Russian language can "rise to a height inaccessible to any other language, and sink to simplicity, to the tangible sense of touch of the most incomprehensible person" (N. V. Gogol)?

The program includes topics that introduce students to the complex history of the Russian literary language. The stylistic resources of the Russian language, their diversity, the treasures of synonymy (lexical, morphemic, morphological, syntactic), the wealth of phraseology, including proverbs, sayings and catchphrases - all this and much more is explained in the history of the Russian language associated with the life of the people.

The stylistic aspect of linguistic units is consistently and purposefully illuminated, the sources of origin of some synonymous series are revealed (for example, native Russian words, borrowed words, phraseological units, etc.).

III. Everything in the real world is interconnected. The same is in the language. Mutual influence and interaction characterize both history and the modern system of the Russian language.

The interaction of linguistic units determines the phenomenon of transitivity in the grammatical structure, where there are many linguistic phenomena that do not fit into the strict framework of the classification. These are transient phenomena. They are characterized by syncretism of properties, that is, by combining the features of different classification headings, and indicate that language is not a dead, frozen system, but a phenomenon that is constantly evolving.

In syntax, the consequence of transitional phenomena are polysemous terms of a sentence, polysemous clauses, etc.

IV. The development of the linguistic flair of students is the teacher's concern at every lesson, with each assignment: which is better? What is more accurate? This is especially important when studying vocabulary and phraseology. A developed linguistic instinct helps to choose linguistic means depending on the purpose of the statement and the situation of communication, to appreciate the beauty of the Russian word, the expressiveness of phraseology, will save from the use of vulgar words and expressions, etc.

The basic theoretical information that determines the work on the development of coherent speech is studied already in grade 5 (the concept of text, types of text, its stylistic properties, keywords, etc.).

In the future, when studying theory, in the process of practical activity of students, knowledge about the structure of the text expands and deepens. (When studying, for example, morphology, the connection of parts of speech with types of text, etc., is consistently revealed.)

Genres and various types of work with text are introduced gradually, taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren and the nature of the linguistic material being studied.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results

mastering the subject "Russian language"

Personal results mastering by the graduates of the basic school of the program in the Russian language at an advanced level are:

  1. understanding of the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people, its role in the development of intellectual, creative abilities and moral and moral qualities of the individual;
  2. awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respectful attitude to the Russian language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture;

the ability to self-assess speech behavior; striving for speech self-improvement; understanding the meaning of the Russian language in the process of obtaining school education and self-education;

4) a sufficient volume of vocabulary and grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of communication; readiness for successful professional and social activities.Especially organically the subject "Russian language" is associated with literature and history.The patterns of the Russian language are illustrated by examples from Russian classical and modern literature. The functioning of language means in speech is represented not only by phrases and sentences, but also by texts of different styles and genres.

The central place in the school course of the Russian language is occupied by the literary language - the best part of the common language, its core, which is characterized by a system of norms. The system of norms is held by statics, and the dynamics of the language takes place in speech.

“I don’t like Russian speech without a grammatical error,” wrote A. Pushkin. Grammatical errors - deviations from literary norms - are evaluated by the masters of the artistic word. Expressive speech facts through literature occupy certain places in the language system: in grammars, dictionaries and reference books. The connection of the Russian language with the life of society, its history is obvious.Changes in the sound system of the language, the development of vocabulary and phraseology are explained in etymological reference books, in the presentation, albeit very briefly, of historical events, the interaction of the Russian people with other peoples, etc.

The originality of the Russian language, its exceptional potentialities in life subordinate the borrowed words and expressions to the Russian rules of functioning, often changing the sound and morphemic composition of the borrowings, thus losing their foreign appearance.

Metasubject results mastering by the graduates of the basic school of the program in the Russian language at an advanced level are:

1) possession of all types of speech activity:

a) receptive (listening and reading):

Perception and listening comprehension of texts of different styles and genres; possession of different types of hearing (informational, detailed, selective);

  • perception and understanding of written texts of different styles and genres; possession of different types of reading (viewing, introductory, analytical, search);
  • understanding the information of an oral and written message (the topic of the text and the communicative attitude of the author, the main idea and ways of expressing it);
  • the ability to independently search for information: the ability to extract information from various sources (educational literature, Internet, mass media); free use of dictionaries of different types;
  • selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to transform, store and transmit information obtained as a result of reading and listening;
  • comparison of speech utterances on different grounds (content, stylistic features, linguistic means);
  • the ability to reproduce oral and written text with varying degrees of convolution (concise / detailed; abstracts, plan, synopsis);

b) productive (speaking and writing):

  • defining the goals of the forthcoming speech activity, planning actions, evaluating the results achieved;
  • the ability to express one's attitude to reality and create oral and written texts of different styles and genres, taking into account the speech situation (addressee, communicative goal, communication conditions);
  • observance of basic linguistic norms (spelling, spelling, lexical, grammatical, punctuation) in the process of constructing a text in oral and written form;
  • possession of monologue and dialogical forms of speech;
  • compliance with the rules of speech etiquette in various communication situations;
  • implementation of speech self-control in various communication situations, including in everyday communication; determining the reasons for communication failures;
  • the ability to improve and edit your own texts;
  • the ability to speak in front of an audience with genres of educational and scientific speech (message, report, etc.);
  • participation in discussion forms of communication; possession of basic methods of argumentation.
  1. application of acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life;
  2. the use of the native language as a means of teaching, including at the supra-subject level;
  3. the use of the Russian language for effective communication with peers and adults in different communication situations, including when working together;
  4. possession of national and cultural norms of behavior in various situations of interpersonal and intercultural communication.

Subject resultsmastering by graduates of basic school programs in the Russian language at an advanced level are as follows:

by the end of grade 5, students will learn:

Recognize orthograms and punctograms in accordance with the learned rules;

Learn the independent and service parts of speech, know their main morphological features and syntactic role;

To distinguish and correctly intonate sentences that are different in terms of the purpose of the statement and in terms of emotional coloring;

Find the grammatical basis of the sentence (in the simplest cases);

Distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from a complex sentence;

Perform syntactic and punctuation analysis;

Hear and distinguish sounds, distinguish between sounds and letters;

In accordance with accepted norms, designate the sounds of speech in writing;

Use dictionaries;

Select synonyms and antonyms for a word in a sentence and phrase;

Reveal semantic and stylistic differences of synonyms in the context;

Perform (selectively) lexical parsing of a word;

Enrich speech with phraseological units and use them correctly;

Improve the text by eliminating unnecessary repetition of words;

Title the text, draw up a simple outline of the finished text;

Describe in detail and concisely the text such as narration, description, reasoning in oral and written form, while maintaining the style of speech;

Build a statement on your own.

By the end of grade 6, students will learn:

Distinguish independent parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, numeral, adverb, name of the state) according to a set of signs and reasonably prove the belonging of a word to one or another part of speech;

Find spelling in accordance with the learned rules;

Distinguish between lexical and functional homonyms, taking into account the meaning and syntactic function of the word;

Use linguistic means, eliminating the varied repetition of words in the text;

To make morphemic and morphological analysis of the studied parts of speech;

By the end of grade 7, students will learn:

Arguably prove the belonging of a word to one or another part of speech, constructing text-reasoning;

Perform morphemic and morphological analysis of all parts of speech;

Observe the literary norms for the use of various parts of speech in oral and written forms of speech;

Use morphological synonyms;

Replace participial and adverbial clauses with subordinate clauses and vice versa;

When constructing texts of different types, take into account the stylistic characteristics of words related to different parts of speech;

Build texts with a combination of different types of speech;

Use pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, particles to connect text fragments.

By the end of grade 8, students will learn to:

Pronounce sentences with the correct intonation, taking into account punctuation marks, find the semantic center of the sentence;

Correctly place and explain punctuation marks on the learned rules;

Find the grammatical basis for a simple sentence;

Distinguish between the main types of predicate;

Distinguish between the types of minor members of the proposal;

Identify ambiguous members of a sentence;

Use synonyms of agreed and inconsistent definitions;

Distinguish the types of one-piece sentences, use them correctly in speech;

Correctly build sentences with homogeneous members and isolated members;

Change sentences with homogeneous members, detached members, synonymous constructions;

Correctly intonate simple complicated sentences;

Analyze and build texts of all types, taking into account the artistic and expressive capabilities of the studied syntactic units;

Draw up thesis plans.

At the end of grade 9, students will learn:

Make diagrams of complex sentences of different types;

Distinguish semantic relationships between parts of complex sentences;

Put punctuation marks correctly;

Build sentence schemes of different types, especially complex ones;

Use complex sentences in speech, taking into account the synonymous meanings of different types;

Correlate the members of the sentence and the subordinate clauses; make syntactic analysis of complex sentences of different types;

Distinguish the stylistic coloring of communication means and use them correctly depending on the style of speech;

Build a coherent reasoned statement on a linguistic topic based on the material studied in Russian lessons;

Draw up business papers (application, receipt, characteristic, autobiography);

Write an essay on a literary topic based on the studied work;

Write an essay on a free topic in different genres and styles of speech;

Distinguish between colloquial speech, scientific, journalistic, official and business styles, the language of fiction;

Determine the topic, type and style of speech, analyze the structure and linguistic features of the text;

Recognize linguistic units, carry out various types of their analysis;

Observe the basic rules of spelling and punctuation in writing practice;

Observe the norms of Russian speech etiquette, it is appropriate to use paralinguistic (non-linguistic) means of communication;

Exercise speech self-control, evaluate your speech in terms of its correctness, find grammatical and speech errors, shortcomings, correct them, improve and edit your own texts.

The basic principles governingcontent

and building the program

1. The principle of consistency determines the selection, interpretation and organization of theoretical information. In this case, the system is considered as a set of language units interconnected by systemic relations. Systematization of theoretical information makes it easier for students to assimilate the structure and meaning of linguistic units.

2 ... The principle of isomorphism is closely related to the principle of consistency - the presence of common features in units of different levels of the language system. The implementation of this principle allows you to use the same methods and techniques.

when studying multi-level language units. So, the methods and techniques for studying the members of the sentence facilitate the study of the types of subordinate clauses.

The systematic presentation of theoretical information about the language determines the system of tasks that ensure the formation of practical skills.

3. The study of the language system is the basis for teaching speech, its improvement and development. This means the closest connection of work on the development of speech with the study of theory. Language exists in speech, speech is the implementation of a language system. Language cannot be studied outside of speech, speech cannot be studied without reliance on language. These general provisions determine the need for the integration of language and speech in school practice. Improving speech should be closely related to the study of a theory that reveals the system of language, its laws.

4. The structural and semantic direction - the basis of the school course of the Russian language - determines the multifaceted coverage of linguistic units, taking into account the form (structure), meaning (semantics) and function of language units. The triad - form, semantics and function - determines the nature of the construction of the program. The formal and semantic properties of linguistic units are consistently noted, since structural features create objective conditions for the classification and qualification of language and speech units, and meanings (linguistic and speech) correct and supplement structural-semantic indicators.

5. The functional approach requires taking into account the functions of language units when teaching speech. The functional approach to language learning has led to attention to the text. Comprehensive text analysis is considered not only as a teaching task, as an effective way to test students' knowledge, but also as the most important condition for the formation of the ability to construct texts of different types and genres. The analysis of texts of different types teaches students to be attentive to their structure, to syntactic constructions, to lexical and phraseological content, develops the linguistic flair of students, as it allows them to evaluate the stylistic characteristics of words and sentences.

6. The principle of historicism allows:

Connect the past with the present;

Show the connection between the history of the language and the history of society (for example, when studying phraseology, vocabulary, etc.);

Show the sources of vocabulary enrichment, the reasons for this phenomenon;

Find out the reasons for the richest Russian synonyms;

Explain many phonetic phenomena (the presence of fluent vowels, historical and positional alternations of sounds, spelling of words with shippers, etc.).

7. Attention to transitional phenomena arouses the interest of students in the study of the Russian language, as it forces them to reflect on the living linguistic processes that constantly occur in speech and often change the language system.

8. The principle of consistency necessitates the qualification of all speech facts, and not just individual typical phenomena snatched from the language / speech system. Taking into account systemic connections and relationships shows the presence in the language and, especially in speech, of transitional phenomena characteristic of all levels of the language system. Transitional phenomena that combine the properties of different classification units reflect the life of the language in speech, systemic connections and relations between linguistic units. An example of transitional phenomena can be functional homonyms - etymologically related words, often close in lexical meaning, but referring to different parts of speech:well - short neuter adjective,good is an adverb, good is the name of a state, good - particle, etc. Functional homonyms are united by the unity of sound composition (homokomplex), but clearly differ in syntactic function. Transitional phenomena are also numerous in the field of syntax: polysemous terms of a sentence, polysemous types of clauses, etc.

The outlined principles contribute to the development of students' thinking, their cognitive activity. The logical operations of analysis and synthesis in teaching practice are manifested in the observation of speech material, in the formation of the ability to produce different types of analysis, generalize conclusions, argue them. Many tasks in the collections ask educational and research questions, the answers to which develop not only thinking, but also speech.

The main body of theoretical information presented in this program is covered traditionally. Let us note some special interpretations of the concepts.

1. Parts of speech are highlighted based on four features. A new feature is a morphemic feature that complements the three traditional ones (general grammatical meaning, morphological categories, and syntactic functions).

Attention to the morphemic composition of a word is important when qualifying words related to significant parts of speech.

The morphemic principle of the classification of parts of speech correlates with the morphemic principle of spelling. Morphemic principles contribute to the effective formation of spelling skills, spelling vigilance of students.

2. When compiling a program, the isomorphism of the language system is taken into account - the presence of common properties in language units of different levels.

3. The classification of subordinate clauses in relation to the members of the sentence greatly facilitates the assimilation of the classification of complex sentences, which frees up time and creates theoretical conditions for exercises in synonymy that contribute to the development of students' speech, its enrichment.

4. Combinations of words with a compositional connection are considered as phrases along with subordinate phrases.

When studying morphology, it is advisable to study the verb immediately after the noun. This is due to both theoretical and methodological considerations.

Noun and verb - the main parts of speech. The noun and the verb form the grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence.

Such a change in the order of studying parts of speech is also justified from a methodological point of view. According to this program, the verb is studied not at the end of the school year, but at the most effective time - in the first half of the 6th grade, immediately after learning the noun. Also, constant attentionto the grammatical basis of the sentence allows you to study the rest of the speech on a syntactic basis. Continuous attention to grammar provides a deeper understanding of sentence structure.

After the verb in grade 6, parts of speech are studied that determine the signsubject (adjective), the number of objects and the order in their counting (numeral).

Then studiedadverb , defining a verb, and state names independent of other parts of speech (state words, state categories).

Pronoun (the beginning of grade 7) allows you to repeat all the nominal parts of speech: adjectives, numbers, adverbs and state names. The study of the categories of pronouns in comparison with other parts of speech makes it possible to remember all the nominal parts of speech. (State names as the youngest part of speech do not have specific pronouns, except for the pronoun (question)what is. The question is how? is common to adverbs and state names.)

In syntax in general, the order of the topics studied is traditional. We only note the following.

Methods for transmitting someone else's speech it is advisable to study after complex sentences, since in someone else's speech there can be both simple and complex sentences.

When studying complex sentences first, the structure of complex sentences with several clauses is considered, and then the types of clauses. This sequence of topics allows you to study the types of clauses not only on two-component sentences, but also on complex ones with several clauses.

Constant attention to the latter, undoubtedly, contributes to the development of students' speech, the ability to use complex sentences with several clauses.

The teaching material is divided into two concentrates:

introductory course (beginning of grade 5) and the main course (grades 5-9).

The theoretical information of the introductory course is given in the collection of assignments for grade 5. This information makes it possible to repeat what was learned in elementary school and to give some propaedeutic information necessary for the study of phonetics, morphology, word formation and lexicology.

The spelling and punctuation rules are presented in close connection with the presentation of the relevant theoretical information during grades 5-9.



Repetition and propaedeutics. Introduction.

The role of language in the life of society. Russian language as one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bin the world.

The concept of the stylistics and basic styles of the literary language.

Grammar (summary).

The concept of morphology and spelling.

Spelling. "Dangerous" places.

The main independent (significant) parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb, adverb, pronoun.

Service parts of speech: preposition, union, particle.


The concept of syntax.

Sentence. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement. Non-exclamation and exclamation sentences. Major and minor members of the proposal.

Word combination. Phrases in a sentence.

Sentences with homogeneous members, with addresses, with introductory words.

Difficult sentence. Compound, complex and union-free sentences.

Direct speech sentences. Dialogue and monologue. Text.

The general concept of the text and the main types of speech (narration, description, reasoning). Creation of texts according to the proposed samples. A story about your own actions. Description of the object, animal. Reasoning on educational material. Concise retelling of a literary text of a small volume. Drawing up a plan of some paragraphs of the textbook and retelling their content.



Russian language in the modern world. The concept of the literary language. Spelling, pronunciation, morphological, syntactic and stylistic norms. Spelling norms.

Oral and written forms of speech. The main sections of the science of language.

Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy. Speech sounds and letters. Alphabet. Vowels and consonants. Syllable. Word hyphenation rules. Stress. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Hard and soft consonants. Strong and weak position for vowels and consonants. Vowels after sibilants. Spellinge, oh, e after the hissing. Soft mark after sibilants. Meanings of lettersi, u, e, e.

Spelling information about the pronunciation of difficult words.

Analysis of texts. Determining the topic, highlighting keywords. Indication of means of communication. Determination of the type of speech and style (in simple cases).

Editing of small texts and sentences.

Drawing up phrases and sentences. Compilation of texts according to these words.

Culture of speech (pronunciation of words, correct formation of word forms, etc. Morphemics. Word formation. Spelling

The value of studying morphemics. Word stem and ending. Root of the word. Prefix and suffix. Historical changes in the composition of morphemes.

Word formation. Word-formation chains.

Alternation of sounds at the root of the word. Root variants as a consequence of historical transformations. Formation of new morphemes.

Spelling of roots and prefixes. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root. Spelling of roots with alternating vowelsa-o, e-i, spelling of roots with alternating combinations of sounds-growth --- grow - grow-; a (i) -im (in).Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes. Spelling prefixespri- and pre-.

Drawing up phrases, sentences, texts. Reasoning on educational material. Drawing up a narrative text according to these phrases. Continuation of the story in the form of a monologue and dialogue.

Lexicology. The concept of a word. The vocabulary wealth of the Russian language. Lexical meaning of the word. Unambiguous and ambiguous words. Direct and figurative meanings of the word. Words are common and limited in use. The use of dialectisms and professionalisms in fiction. Terms. Their international character. Synonyms. Synonymous series. Syntactic synonyms. Antonyms. The role of antonyms in the text. Homonyms. Paronyms. Errors when using paronyms in speech.

The concept of etymology. The origin of some words. The concept of folk etymology. Archaisms. Neologisms.

Borrowed words. Phonetic and morphemic changes in borrowed words in Russian. Borrowing assessment.

Old Slavicisms. Conditions for their appearance in Russian. Synonymous relations between Old Church Slavonicism and Rusism.

Spelling of full-voiced and incomplete-voiced combinations.

Phraseology. Phraseologisms. Phraseologisms of folklore origin. Proverbs and sayings. Winged words and expressions. Phraseologisms as an expressive means of language and speech. Folk character of proverbs and sayings. Phraseological units-synonyms, phraseological units-antonyms.

Compilation of texts, including phraseological units, proverbs, catchphrases. Selection of epigraphs-proverbs.

Compilation of word combinations, sentences and texts with synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, archaisms, neologisms.

Determination of the style of speech by the peculiarities of vocabulary and phraseology, the presence (absence) of artistic and visual means, the nature of the construction of sentences.

Genres: story, riddle, fairy tale (linguistic and modern), letter, announcement, instruction, simple plan, note-taking (grades 5 to 9), review of the TV show.



Sections of grammar. Morphology.

The concept of parts of speech. Significant and service parts of speech. The word and its forms. The morphemic composition of words as one of the clearest signs of parts of speech.

Significant parts of speech Noun

The concept of a noun. The role of nouns in speech (in the text). Spellingnot with nouns.

Common and proper nouns. Specificity of Russian proper names (three-term name of a person).

The concept of toponymy.

Animated and inanimate nouns. The role of personification in artistic speech.

The categories of nouns by meaning (concrete, material, abstract, collective). Features of their use in speech.

The number of nouns. Remains of the dual in modern language.

The gender of the noun. Fluctuations in the genus. Modern norms of some categories of nouns. Rethinking the genus as an artistic device.

Case of nouns. Methods for determining indirect cases of nouns: by question, by preposition.

Declension of nouns in singular and plural.

Spelling of case endings. Diversified nouns.

Immutable nouns. The norms of their use.

Word formation of nouns. Sources of replenishment of nouns using prefixes.

The transition of adjectives to nouns. The concept of functional homonyms.

Basic skills and abilities:

Identify nouns by a combination of four signs;

Know the basic word-formation suffixes of nouns and write them correctly;

Distinguish between functional homonyms (nouns and adjectives);

Determine the categories of nouns;

Build reasoning on grammatical topics.


The concept of the verb. The role of verbs in speech (in the text). Spellingnot with verbs.

Infinitive. Historical changes in the forms of the infinitive.

Reflexive verbs. The history of the formation of reflexive verbs. Usage rates-sya and -s. Spelling the forms of the verb-tsya and -tsya.

Types of the verb. The use of different types of verbs in the description and narration.

Composing texts of descriptive and narrative types of speech. Opposition of verbs in kind as a specific property of Slavic languages. Wealth of semantic meanings of species forms.

Transitive and intransitive verbs.

Deposition of the verb. Indicative. Verb tenses: present, past and future. The origin of the past tense form. Its specificity in modern Russian. Spelling of past tense forms. Verb stems: present stem, infinitive stem, past tense stem. The use of some forms of time in speech instead of others.

Conjugation of verbs. Spelling personal endings. Multiple conjugated verbs and their origin. Imperative mood. The use of forms of imperative mood in speech. Subjunctive mood. Impersonal verbs.

Word formation of verbs. Formation of verbs using prefixes and suffixes. Spelling of verb suffixes.

Editing sentences and texts with irregular verb forms.

Drawing up a plan for the content of paragraphs of the textbook and retelling them with a selection of their own illustrative examples.

Basic skills and abilities:

Identify verbs by a combination of four features;

Know the basic prefixes and suffixes of verbs and write them correctly;

Highlight grammatical foundations;

Distinguish verbs on-tsya and -tya, use them correctly in oral and written speech;

Distinguish types of speech (narration and description) by the type of verbs;

Correctly write personal endings of verbs;

Perform morphemic and morphological analysis of verbs;

Edit texts and compose them. Adjective

The concept of an adjective. The role of adjectives in speech. Spellingnot with adjectives.

The categories of adjectives by meaning. Full and short adjectives. Declination of adjectives. A history of possessive adjectives. Comparison of qualitative adjectives. Comparative education. Superlative education. Norms of using degrees of comparison.

Word formation of adjectives. Formation of adjectives using suffixes. Spelling of adjective suffixes. Formation of adjectives using prefixes. Formation of adjectives by adding words. Their spelling. The use of complex adjectives in speech.

Basic skills and abilities:

Define adjectives by a combination of four features;

Distinguish between the main adjective suffixes and write them correctly;

To master the categories of adjectives in meaning and form of degrees of comparison;

Correctly use adjectives in speech;

Make morphemic and morphological analysis of adjectives.


The concept of the numeral. The role of numerals in speech.

Digits of numerals by value. Cardinal numbers. Soft sign in numbers. Collective numerals. Fractional numbers. Ordinals. Drawing up sentences and texts with numbers. Formation of words of other parts of speech from numerals.

Declination of numbers of all categories. History of some numbers.

Basic skills and abilities:

Correctly use numerals in speech;

Decline numbers;

Perform morphemic and morphological analysis of numerals.


The concept of an adverb. Categories of adverbs by value. The use of adverbs in speech. Spellingnot with adverbs. Comparison of adverbs. Adverbs as one of the means of communication between parts of the text.

Word formation of adverbs. Features of the formation of adverbs. Formation of adverbs with prefixes and suffixes. Spelling of adverbs. The transition of nouns to adverbs. Functional homonyms:

i will come in the morning and early in the morning, blue in the distanceand see in the distance etc. Prophylaxis of adverbs that have a functional homonym - a noun with a preposition. The transition of adjectives to adverbs. Their spelling.

Basic skills and abilities:

Identify adverbs by a combination of four features;

Use adverbs of different categories in speech (in the text);

Distinguish between functional homonyms;

Perform morphemic and morphological analysis of adverbs.

State name

Understanding state names. The bits of state names by value. The role of state names in speech. Spellingnot with state names. Functional homonyms: short neuter adjectives, adverbs, state names. Composing texts using state names.

Basic skills and abilities:

Determine the names of the state by a combination of four signs;

Distinguish state names by value;

Determine the role of state names in speech;

Distinguish between functional homonyms.

Genres: review of the book, individual characteristics, description of the place, biography, rules, events from life.



The concept of a pronoun. The role of pronouns in speech.

Pronouns as one of the means of communication between parts of the text.

Pronouns and other parts of speech. Pronouns-nouns. Pronouns-adjectives. Pronouns-adverbs.

The categories of pronouns: personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, relative, indefinite, negative, definitive, demonstrative. Pronoun spelling. Orthoepic and syntactic norms for the use of pronouns in speech.

Basic skills and abilities:

Determine pronouns in relation to other parts of speech;

Use pronouns as a means of connecting parts of text and edit texts;

Observe the spelling and grammatical norms of the use of pronouns(how many ..., your own, yourself ...);

Perform morphemic and morphological analysis of pronouns, etc.


The concept of the sacrament. The signs of the verb and adjective in the participle. Real and Passive participles.

The role of participles in speech. Book stylistic coloring of participles.

Participial. Synonyms of participial and subordinate clauses.

Word formation of participles. Formation of real and passive participles. Declination of the participles. Their spelling. The transition of participles to other parts of speech.

Basic skills and abilities:

Define participles by a combination of four signs;

Correctly bow the participles, especially return ones;

Replace participial clauses with subordinate clauses and vice versa;

To produce morphemic and morphological analysis of participles, constructing text-reasoning.


The concept of the participle. The signs of the verb and adverb in gerunds. The role of participles in speech.

Participial turnover. Synonyms of adverbial expressions and subordinate clauses.

Word formation of gerunds. Comparison of the morphemic composition of participles and participles. The spelling of the gerunds.

Basic skills and abilities:

Determine gerunds by a combination of four signs;

Correctly use gerunds in speech;

Distinguish gerunds from participles by morphemic composition;

Build texts using gerunds;

To produce morphemic and morphological analysis of gerunds, constructing text-reasoning.

Service parts of speech

The concept of service parts of speech. The role of service parts of speech in a sentence and text.

Pretext. The concept of a preposition. Prepositions-antonyms. The use of prepositions with cases. The categories of prepositions by value. The categories of prepositions by origin: non-derivative and derivative prepositions. Business style prepositions. Spelling of prepositions.

Union. The concept of the union. Writing and subordinate unions. Spelling of unions. Functional homonyms:also (union) - the same (pronoun with particle),so that (union) - what would (pronoun with a particle), etc. Conjunctions as the most important means of connecting parts of the text.

Particle. Particle concept. Formative and derivational particles. Particle discharges by value. Spellingneither nor with different parts of speech (generalization).

Basic skills and abilities:

Correctly use the official parts of speech, given their role in the sentence and text;

Distinguish between formative and word-formative particles;

Distinguish between functional homonyms in writing(also - the same to - whateverand etc.).


The concept of interjections. Spelling of interjections. The role of interjections in speech.

Transition from one part of speech to another (generalization). Interaction of significant parts of speech. Interaction of service parts of speech.

Genres: interviews, business papers (memo, statement, receipt, power of attorney), comparative description, complex plan, quotation plan, report, note, abstract, review, humorous story.



The concept of syntax and punctuation. Types of communication between words and sentences (subordinate and compositional). Subordinate communication methods: coordination, management, adjoining.

The main types of word combinations: a) by the nature of the connection between words (compositional and subordinate); b) by the nature of the main word (vocal, nominal, adverbial).

Whole phrases.

Sentence. The concept of the proposal.

Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement. Types of proposals for emotional coloring. Registration of business papers. Rhetorical questions. Punctuation marks at the end of sentences. A simple sentence

The main types of proposals: two-part and one-part, uncommon and widespread. The semantic center of the proposal. "Given" and "new". Order of words in a sentence. Logical stress.

The main members of the proposal. Subject and ways of expressing it. Predicate and its main types: simple verb predicate, compound verb predicate, compound nominal predicate. Coordination of the predicate with the subject. Dash between subject and predicate.

Minor members of the proposal. Definition (agreed and inconsistent definitions, applications). Synonyms of agreed and inconsistent definitions. Direct and indirect addition. Circumstance. Discharges of circumstances. Separation of the circumstances of the assignment, comparative and adverbial turns.

Syntactic functions are infinitive.

Unambiguous and ambiguous members of the sentence.

One-piece sentences. The concept of one-part sentences.

Varieties of one-part sentences.

Definitely personal suggestions. Uncertain personal suggestions. Generalized personal suggestions. The role of verb sentences. Impersonal sentences. The role of impersonal sentences in speech: the expression of the state of a person, nature, environment, etc. Infinitive sentences. Nominative (nominative) sentences. Nominative representation. Punctuation marks for nominative representation. The role of nominative sentences in speech: an artistic description of the state of nature, the environment, etc.

The stylistic nature of one-piece sentences.

Complete and incomplete sentences.

Features of the structure of complete and incomplete sentences. Complete and incomplete two-part and one-part sentences. The stylistic character of incomplete sentences. Reasons for using incomplete sentences in speech.

Complicated sentence

Proposals with homogeneous members. Unions with homogeneous members. Punctuation marks. Generalizing words. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. The role of homogeneous members of the sentence in speech.

Offers with detached members.

The concept of isolation. General conditions for the isolation of definitions. Isolation of agreed definitions. The stylistic nature of participial turns. Isolation of inconsistent definitions. Separation of applications. Separation of add-ons. Isolation of single participles and participles. Isolation of circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions. Separation of specifying members of the proposal.

Stylistic characteristics of the isolated members of the sentence.

Synonyms of separate members of a sentence and subordinate clauses.

Separation of specifying members of the proposal. Punctuation marks in sentences with separate and qualifying members of the sentence.

Sentences with introductory and inserted words, phrases and sentences. Values \u200b\u200bof insertion and insertion components. Punctuation marks.

Suggestions with appeals. The meaning of references. Place of references in the proposal. Punctuation marks.

Sentence words

Features of words-sentences. The use of words-sentences in oral and written forms of speech. Punctuation marks. Principles of Russian spelling. Principles of spelling. Punctuation principles. Copyright marks.

Genres: review, portrait sketch, reportage, thesis plan, comparative description, diary entries, explanatory note.


Difficult sentence

The main types of complex sentences. Their synonyms.

Compound sentences. Punctuation marks.

Complicated sentences. The structure of complex sentences. Submissive unions and allied words. The role of index words in the subordination of sentences. Features of joining subordinate clauses to the main one. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.

Types of subordinate clauses: subject, predicate, attributive, additional, adverbial. Connecting subordinate clauses. Synonyms of simple and complex sentences, sentence members and subordinate clauses. Multiple clauses.

Complex non-union sentences. The meanings of complex non-union sentences. Punctuation marks. Synonymy of union and non-union proposals.

Complex multi-component sentences. Period.

Sentences with someone else's speech. Methods of transferring someone else's speech. Direct speech sentences. Suggestions with indirect speech. Improperly direct speech. Quotes and ways of citing.

Genres: travel essay, business writing, scientific reporting.

Taking into account that in different classes and educational institutions with in-depth study of the Russian language different number of hours are allocated for the subject "Russian language", the program indicates onlyapproximate distribution of hours by class and topic. With hourly planning, teachers themselves can take into account the individual characteristics of each class, redistribute individual topics and sections, group them into blocks, thereby freeing up time to study those course issues that were not sufficiently mastered. Some of the linguo-methodological ideas indicated in this program were discussed in the Russian language teaching laboratory at the Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP and implemented in the educational complex for secondary schools, the main component of which is the textbook “Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades ", authors VV Babaitseva and LD Chesnokova. The textbook is supplemented with textbooks "Practice" for each class and textbooks on the development of speech "Russian language. Russian speech ”, by EI Nikitina. The most significant difference between this complex is that the development of speech is highlighted in the textbook "Russian language. Russian speech ", and whenin-depth study of the Russian language the development of speech is closely related to the study of language. Speech development is one of the tasks of each lesson. In-depth study of the Russian language much more attention is paid to morphemics (the morphemic criterion for determining the part of speech belonging of words is highlighted; more tasks on the morphemic analysis of words, etc.); more attention is paid to synonyms (especially syntactic); more information is given from the history of the development of the Russian language, etc. The conceptual and terminological system is expanding (although not very significantly). There are other, less significant differences. The generality of linguo-methodological ideas, an approximately general distribution of the study of topics by class makes it easy to move from one complex to another, to use the materials of an in-depth complex when working on a complex for a general education school.

Approximate thematic planning


Number of hours

Types of student activities


Introductory reading. Selection of proverbs about the language. A monologue statement on a given topic according to the model. Reasoning on a given (linguistic) topic. Analysis of texts of different styles. Revealing stylistically colored words. Comparison of texts on one topic. The genre of the announcement. Question-based conversation.

Grammar. Morphology


Reasoning on a given (linguistic) topic. Formulation of the thesis, selection of arguments, formulation of conclusions. Drawing up questions to the text and answers to them.

Complex analysis of words. Selection of phraseological units, explanation of their meanings. Spelling and punctuation analysis of words and sentences.

Description and analysis of speech situations that illustrate the meaning of proverbs.

Compilation of text-descriptions and texts - reasoning. Analytical reading of paragraphs of the textbook, drawing up tables. Writing-narrative (a case from life). Essay describing the premises. Compilation of texts based on key words. Continuation of the text at the beginning



Composing sentences from phrases. Editing proposals. Finding the grammatical basis of the sentence. Classification of proposals. Titling of texts. The difference between the main and secondary members of the proposal.

Creation of texts according to the proposed samples. A story about your own actions. Description of the object, animal. Reasoning on educational material. Concise retelling of a literary text of a small volume. Presentation with elements of the composition. Drawing up a plan of some paragraphs of the textbook and retelling their content. Drawing up dialogues. Personal writing genre. Using etiquette formulas in letters. Genre of instruction.

Russian language in the modern world

Conversation about the value of the book, respect for it. Selection of proverbs about books. A selection of epithets that characterize the book. Drawing up a paragraph. Conversation on the theoretical material of the textbook. Drawing up a text based on a literary text-sample.

Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy.


Reasoning on educational material. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Phonetic analysis of words. Improving spelling skills. Explanation of the spelling choice.

Analysis of texts. Determining the topic, highlighting keywords. Indication of means of communication. Determination of the type and style of speech. Editing of small texts and sentences.

Drawing up phrases and sentences. Compilation of texts according to these words. Writing a linguistic tale "In the Land of Phonetics"

Morphemics. Word formation. Spelling.


Reasoning on educational material. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs.

Selection of cognate words. Compilation of riddles and charades. Parsing the word composition. Determination of the stylistic role of morphemes. Explanation of the spelling choice.

Compilation of phrases, sentences, texts according to these models. Compilation of texts based on key words, word combinations. Continuation of the story in the form of a monologue and dialogue. Description of the painting. Writing-reasoning about the word. Presentation with preliminary analysis of the text. A summary with elements of the composition.



Determination of the style of speech according to the peculiarities of vocabulary and phraseology, the presence (absence) of artistic and visual means, the nature of the construction of sentences and texts with synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, archaisms, neologisms.

Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs.

Complex analysis of words. Interpretation of the lexical meaning of words. Comparison of the meanings of words. Situational use of tropes. Editing sentences and texts. Observing the speech of others and your own.

Self-analysis of speech behavior.

Genres: story, riddle, fairy tale (linguistic and contemporary), TV show review.



Interpretation of the meaning of phraseological units. Comparison of the meanings of phraseological units. Selection of phraseological units for a specific speech situation. Compilation of texts, including phraseological units, proverbs, catchphrases. Selection of proverb epigraphs


Number of hours

Types of student activities

Repetition of Learned


Introductory reading (acquaintance with the collection of tasks).

Explanation of the spelling of words. Essay-reasoning about fellow countrymen. Selection of proverbs about friendship. Essay-reasoning about friendship. Conversation about the wealth of the Russian language. Selection of arguments. Drawing up a text-reasoning.

Grammar. Morphology.

Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Classification of parts of speech. Comprehensive text analysis.



Determination of the stylistic coloring of nouns.

A conversation about a small homeland and a family. An essay-discourse about the family, about the hometown (village). Compilation of texts with homographs, paronyms. Detailed description-description. Compilation of texts based on key words.



Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs.

Drawing up texts with perfect and imperfect verbs. Interchange of personal and impersonal verbs.

Composing texts of descriptive and narrative types of speech. Editing sentences and texts with irregular verb forms.

Composition on the picture. Composition-reasoning. Presentation with preliminary text analysis.





Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs.

Editing: Eliminate repetitions in speech. Drawing up description texts on a given topic. Selection of epithets for words. Compilation of the text by reference phrases. Description of the painting. Oral presentation. Writing-reasoning based on the semantic scheme of the sample text. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis.

Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs.

Drawing up sentences and texts with numbers. Declination of numbers in oral speech. Oral presentation. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis. Writing-narration.



Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs.

Compilation of narrative text and description text based on key words. Essay-miniature using adverbs. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis.

Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Compilation of texts with words of the category of state.

Review of the book read. Essay on a linguistic topic.

Systematization of the learned


Complex analysis of words. Selection of synonyms and antonyms for words. Determination of the type and style of speech. Drawing up a text based on key words. Description essay


Number of hours

Types of student activities



Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs.

The use of pronouns as a means of connecting parts of the text.

Comprehensive text analysis. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis. Interview genre.



Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and outline of the paragraph. Thesis plan. Retelling the text of a paragraph using an outline or outline. Selection of epithets-participles to words. Replacing a participle clause with a subordinate clause and vice versa. Editing proposals. Comprehensive analysis of texts. Compilation of texts based on key words and phrases. Compilation of humorous texts. Essay on a linguistic topic. Description composition using participles. Description of the painting. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis. Concise presentation.


Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Selection of synonyms for verbs and participles. Replacing an adverbial clause with a subordinate clause and vice versa.

Comprehensive text analysis. Drawing up a text-reasoning based on a statement. Writing texts using gerunds. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis.

Service parts of speech

Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds.

Comprehensive text analysis.


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and outline of the paragraph. Thesis plan. Retelling the text of a paragraph using an outline or outline. Drawing up a text based on key words. Conversation on a linguistic topic.

Use of prepositions in a business style of speech. Drawing up business papers (application, receipt, power of attorney). Writing-narration. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis.



Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and outline of the paragraph. Thesis plan. Retelling the text of a paragraph using an outline or outline. Comprehensive text analysis. Drawing up a text based on key words. Writing a journalistic text. Presentation with elements of the composition. An essay-reasoning on a philosophical topic.



Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and outline of the paragraph. Thesis plan. Retelling the text of a paragraph using an outline or outline. Drawing up a text based on key words. Composition-fantasy.

Compilation of the text for this beginning. Detailed presentation with preliminary text analysis. Essay in the genre of an article for a newspaper.


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a thesis plan. Drawing up a text based on key words.

Transition phenomena in morphology

Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and a supporting outline of the paragraph. Retelling the text of a paragraph using an outline or outline. Drawing up a text based on key words.

Systematization of the learned


Reasoning on a grammatical topic. Proof of the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech on four grounds. Comprehensive text analysis. Selection of proverbs. Drawing up a text-reasoning according to a proverb


Number of hours

Types of student activities


Conversation on a linguistic topic. Comprehensive text analysis


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Preparation for listening to information about a Russian scholar. Comprehensive text analysis. Compilation of phrases, sentences and texts from these words.


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drafting questions on the text of the paragraph. Selective text analysis.



Intonation of simple sentences. Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and outline of the paragraph. Extracts. Registration of business papers. Presentation with elements of the composition.

Simple sentence


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and outline of the paragraph. Extracts. Retelling the text of a paragraph using an outline or outline. Reasoning on educational material. Highlighting the grammatical foundations of the sentence.

Comprehensive text analysis. Determination of the stylistic coloring of different types of predicates. Drawing up a text based on key words. Essay-reflection on the statement. Drawing up a thesis plan. Writing a journalistic style. Composition based on plot pictures. Presentation according to the heard text.

One-piece sentences

Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a simple paragraph plan and a summary table for theoretical material. Reasoning on educational material. Determination of stylistic features of one-part sentences. Expression of the state of a person, nature, the environment with the help of impersonal sentences. Artistic description of the state of nature using nominative sentences.

Complete and incomplete sentences

Replacement of complete and incomplete sentences. Analysis of the dialogue.

Complicated sentence. Proposals with homogeneous members.


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and supporting paragraph outline. Drawing up proposals with homogeneous rows. Drawing up proposal schemes. Drawing up proposals for schemes. Presentation according to the text read.

Single member sentences


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and a supporting outline of the paragraph. Drawing up proposals with isolated members. Drawing up proposal schemes. Drawing up proposals for schemes. Presentation according to the text heard.

Offers with introductory and plug-in designs

Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and a supporting outline of the paragraph. Drafting sentences with introductory words. Drafting text with introductory words. An essay-reasoning on the text read.

Suggestions with appeals

Conversation on questions. Composition-letter

Sentence words

Analytical reading of a paragraph of a textbook. Description of etiquette speech situations. Conversation on etiquette. Editing of texts.

Principles of Russian spelling

Comprehensive text analysis. Reasoning on educational material. Preparation for a conference on a linguistic topic. Selection of additional material. Report as a speech genre. Participation in the conference lesson. Preparation of questions and answers to questions.


Number of hours

Types of student activities

Repetition of Learned

Reasoning on a linguistic topic. Comprehensive text analysis. Drawing up proposal schemes. Drawing up proposals for schemes.

Difficult sentence


Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and supporting paragraph outline. A reasoned statement on a linguistic topic. Drawing up proposal schemes. Drawing up proposals for schemes. Synonymous replacement of sentences of different types.

Comprehensive text analysis. Presentation according to the text read. Composition based on plot pictures. Intonation of the period.

Sentences with someone else's speech

Analytical reading of textbook paragraphs. Drawing up a plan and supporting paragraph outline. Drawing up proposal schemes. Drawing up proposals for schemes. Analysis of the dialogue. Presentation with grammar assignment.

A culture of speech

Preparation for a conference on a linguistic topic. Selection of additional material. Report as a speech genre. Participation in the conference lesson. Preparation of questions and answers to questions.

Presentation with elements of the composition. Editing text. Conversation about speech etiquette. Composition-reasoning.

Generalization of the studied. Preparing for GIA


Exam preparation. Execution of test tasks. Writing a concise summary. Writing an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic.

The program is implemented in the UMK:

Textbook “Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades "(by V.V. Babaitseva);

Russian language. Practice. Grade 5 / ed. A. Yu. Kupalova.

Russian language. Practice. Grade 6 / ed. G.K. Lidman-Orlova.

Russian language. Practice. Grade 7 / ed. S. N. Pimenova.

Russian language. Practice. Grade 8 / ed. Yu.S. Pichugova.

Russian language. Practice. Grade 9 / ed. Yu.S. Pichugova.

N and to and t and EI Russian language. Russian speech. Grade 5.

N and to and t and EI Russian language. Russian speech. 6th grade.

N and to and t and EI Russian language. Russian speech. 7th grade.

N and to and t and EI Russian language. Russian speech. 8th grade.

N and to and t and EI Russian language. Russian speech. Grade 9.

Collections of assignments for grades 5, 6-7, 8-9 (authors V.V.Baitseva, L.D.Bednarskaya, N.V. Drozd, O. A. Salnikova);

Workbooks for each class (authors V.V. Babaitseva, L.D.Bednarskaya, A.V. Glazkov, M.I.Sergienko, etc.).

In the collections there are many tasks related to the complex analysis of the text, with the formation of skills and abilities of constructing mini- and maxi-texts on various topics that correspond to the age characteristics of schoolchildren. Much attention is paid to the formation of spelling and punctuation skills.

Many tasks are focused on the formation of spelling vigilance. Observing the language of announcements, advertisements, and so on will contribute to the formation of students' linguistic flair.

Workbooks include tasks that do not require copying of texts, sentences and words.

As can be seen from the simple list of components of the educational complex, it bridges the gap between language learning and speech development.

Taking into account that in different classes and educational institutions with in-depth study of the Russian language, the subject of "Russian language" is allocated a different number of hours, the program indicates the distribution of hours only by grade, and not by topic. In hourly planning, teachers themselves can take into account the individual characteristics of each class, redistribute individual topics and sections, group them into blocks, thereby freeing up time to study those course issues that were not sufficiently mastered.

Some of the linguo-methodological ideas indicated in this program were discussed in the Russian language teaching laboratory at the Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP and implemented in the educational complex for secondary schools, the main component of which is the textbook “Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades ”, authors VV Babaitseva and LD Chesnokova. The textbook is supplemented with textbooks "Practice" for each class and textbooks on the development of speech "Russian language. Russian speech ", author EI Nikitina.

The most significant difference between this complex is that the development of speech is highlighted in the textbook “Russian language. Russian speech ", and with an in-depth study of the Russian language, the development of speech is closely related to the study of the language. Speech development is one of the objectives of each lesson.

In the in-depth study of the Russian language, much more attention is paid to morphemics (the morphemic criterion for determining the part of speech belonging to words is highlighted; more tasks on the morphemic analysis of words, etc.); more attention is paid to synonyms (especially syntactic); more information is given from the history of the development of the Russian language, etc. The conceptual and terminological system is expanding (although not very significantly).

There are other, less significant differences.

The generality of linguo-methodological ideas, an approximately general distribution of the study of topics by classes makes it easy to move from one complex to

another, to use the materials of the in-depth complex when working on the complex for a general education school.

The generality of the linguo-methodological concept is an undoubted advantage (not a disadvantage!) Of this program, since it allows you to maintain continuity in teaching the Russian language, enrich and develop methods and techniques that have been proven by practice.

Material and technical support of the Russian language cabinet

1. Computer (technical requirements: graphical operating system, CD read-write drive, audio and video inputs / outputs, Internet access capabilities);

2. Video projector

5. MFP

8. Screen on a tripod or mounted (minimum dimensions 1.25 @x 1.25).

9. Video player, DVD player (VCR).

10. TV (diagonal not less than 72 cm).

11. Audio center (with the ability to use audio CDRs

12. Tables and posters.

http: // www. phil - "Philological portal". - "The culture of writing" (norms of the modern Russian language; help for schoolchildren: testing, composition, presentation, dictation; consultations, answers to questions). - universal encyclopedia "Wikipedia". - universal encyclopedia "Krugosvet". - encyclopedia "Rubricon". - electronic dictionaries. - reference and information Internet portal "Russian language". - interactive tests on the Russian language, Russian spelling rules, poetic riddles, literary experiments. - Gramota.Ru. - "The World of the Russian Word (Dictionary of V. I. Dahl)". - electronic library "Babylon" (spelling dictionary, dictionary of foreign words, Brockhaus and Efron dictionary). - culture of speech. - site "Russian dictionaries" (electronic versions of Russian dictionaries: explanatory dictionaries, spelling dictionary, dictionaries of foreign words). - Russian language knowledge base (free Russian language reference service). - catalog of resources on the Russian language and literature.

List of educational and methodological teaching aids:

For teacher

1. Babaytseva VV Actual division of one-part sentences // Problems of studying one-part sentences. M., 2005.

2. Babaytseva VV Subordinate and compositional phrases // RYASH. 2006. No. 4.

3. Babaytseva VV Principles of Russian orthography // RYASH. 2009. No. 3.

4. Babaytseva VV Simple and complex phrases // RYASH. 2007. No. 4.

5. Babaytseva VV The system of one-part sentences in modern Russian. M., 2004.

6. Babaytseva VV The system of sentence members in modern Russian. M., 1988.

7. Babaytseva VV Secrets of spelling vigilance // Russian literature. 2000. No. 1.

8. Babaytseva V. V. Phenomena of transitivity in the grammar of the Russian language. M., 2000.

9. Babaytseva V.V., Bednarskaya L.D. Notes on punctuation // RYASH. 2008. No. 7.

10. Bednarskaya LD Teaching essay-reasoning in preparation for the exam in the Russian language // RYASh. 2009. No. 9-10.

11. Bednarskaya L. D. Syntax of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Eagle, 2008.

12. Gorbachevich KS Russian language: the Past. The present. Future. M., 1987.

13. Ippolitova N. A. Text in the system of teaching Russian at school. M., 1998.

14. Kovtunova I. Russian language: Word order and actual division of the sentence. M., 1976.

15. Kupalova A. Yu. Studying syntax and punctuation at school. M., 2002.

16. Lvov MR Fundamentals of the theory of speech. M., 2000.

17. Nikolina N. A. Philological analysis of the text. M., 2003. Pakhnova T. M. Preparing for oral and written exams in the Russian language. M., 1997.

18. Politova IN Transition in the system of subordinate word combinations in the modern Russian language. Kolomna, 2008.

19. Skoblikova ES Generalizing work on spelling. M., 2005.

20. Syrov I. A. Methods of implementing the category of connectivity in a literary text. M., 2005.

21. Syrov IA Functional-semantic classification of titles and their role in the organization of the text // Philological sciences. 2002. No. 3.

22. Uspensky MB In the world of paradoxes of the Russian language. M., 2006.

23. Khisamova G. G. Dialogue as a component of literary text. M., 2007.

24. Stein KE Principles of analysis of literary text. SPb .; Stavropol, 1993.

For students

26. Babaytseva V. V. Russian language. One-part sentences in the text. 10-11 grades: Elective course. M., 2008.

27. Bednarskaya LD Difficult questions of studying syntax: Elective course. M., 2009.

28. Granik G. G., Bondarenko S. M., Kontsevaya L. A. Secrets of spelling. M., 1994.

29. Granik GG et al. Speech, language and secrets of punctuation. M., 1995.

30. Drozdova OE Linguistics lessons for schoolchildren of grades 5-8. M., 2001.

31. Lvova S. I. "Let me invite you ...", or Speech etiquette. M., 2004.

32. Lvov S. I. Russian language in crosswords. M., 2002.

34. Panov MV Entertaining spelling. M., 1984.

35. Panov MV And yet it is good. A story about Russian spelling. M., 1964.

36. Pakhnova TM Collection of texts for preparation for state final certification. Grade 9. M., 2011.

37. Postnikova I. I. et al. This is a difficult simple sentence. M., 1985.

38. DE Rosenthal. And what is better to say? M., 1988. Skvortsov LI Ecology of the word, or Let's talk about the culture of Russian speech. M., 1996.Smelkova 3. S. Business man: culture of speech communication. M., 1997.

39. Solganik G. Ya. From word to text. M., 1993.

40.Shansky N.M. Linguistic detectives. M., 2002.

For students and parents

Dictionaries and reference books:

41. Zhukov A. V. School lexico-phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 2010.

42. Karpyuk G. V., Kharitonova E. I. School dictionary of the use of the letter ё in Russian. M., 2010.

43. Kvyatkovsky A. P. School poetry dictionary. M., 1998.

44. Krysin L. P. School dictionary of foreign words. M., 1997. (Any subsequent edition.)

45. Lvov V. V. School orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. M., 2004.

46. \u200b\u200bLvov M. R. School dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. M., 1998.

47. Ozhegov SI, Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1992. (Any subsequent edition.)

48. Reznichenko I. L. Dictionary of Russian stresses. M., 2008.

49. Rogozhnikova RP, Karskaya TS Dictionary of obsolete words of the Russian language: Based on the works of Russian writers of the 18th-20th centuries. M., 2005.

50. Skvortsov LI School dictionary for the culture of Russian speech. M., 2010.

51. Somov VP Dictionary of rare and forgotten words. M., 1996.

52. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language with the inclusion of information about the origin of words / otv. ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. M., 2008.

53. Chesnokova L. D., Chesnokov S. P. School Dictionary of the Structure and Changes of Russian Words. M., 2005.

54. Shansky N. M., Bobrova T. A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language: The origin of words. M., 2000.

55. Shipov Ya. A. Orthodox dictionary. M., 1998.

56. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist (Linguistics) / comp. M.V. Panov. M., 1984.

57. Encyclopedia for children. M., 1998. T. 10: Linguistics. Russian language.

Results of studying a subject

"Russian language"

The graduate will learn

Speech and verbal communication

Use different types of monologue (narration, description, reasoning; combination of different types of monologue) in various communication situations;

Use various types of dialogue in situations of formal and informal, interpersonal and intercultural communication;

Observe the norms of speech behavior in typical communication situations;

Evaluate samples of oral monologue and dialogical speech from the point of view of the correspondence of the situation of verbal communication, achievement of the communicative goals of verbal interaction, the appropriateness of the language means used;

Prevent communicative failures in the process of verbal communication.

Speech activity


various types of listening (with a complete understanding of the audio text, with an understanding of the main content, with selective extraction of information); transmit the content of the audio text in accordance with the given communicative task orally;

understand and formulate orally the topic, communicative task, main idea, the logic of presentation of educational and scientific, journalistic, official-business, artistic audio texts, recognize basic and additional information in them, comment on it orally


to understand the content of the read educational and scientific, journalistic (information and analytical, artistic and journalistic genres), literary texts and reproduce them orally in accordance with the communication situation, as well as in the form of a student presentation (detailed, selective, concise), in the form of a plan , abstracts (in oral and written form);

to use the practical skills of introductory, studying, viewing methods (types) of reading in accordance with the set communicative task;

transmit schematically presented information in the form of coherent text;

use techniques for working with a textbook, reference books and other information sources, including the media and Internet resources;

select and systematize material on a specific topic, analyze the selected information and interpret it in accordance with the set communicative task.


create oral monologue and dialogical statements (including evaluative ones) on topical socio-cultural, moral and ethical, everyday, educational topics (including linguistic ones, as well as topics related to the content of other studied educational subjects) of different communicative orientation in accordance with the goals and situation of communication (message, small report in the situation of educational and scientific communication, everyday story about an event, history, participation in a conversation, dispute);

discuss and clearly formulate goals, a plan for joint group learning activities, distribution of parts of work;

extract from various sources, systematize and analyze material on a specific topic and transmit it orally, taking into account the given conditions of communication;

observe the basic orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language in the practice of oral speech communication; stylistically correct to use vocabulary and phraseology, the rules of speech etiquette.


create written monologue statements of different communicative orientation, taking into account the goals and situation of communication (student essay on socio-cultural, moral and ethical, everyday and educational topics, story about an event, abstracts, unofficial letter, recall, receipt, power of attorney, statement);

to present the content of the listened or read text (in detail, concisely, selectively) in the form of a student's presentation, as well as theses, plan;

to observe in the practice of writing the basic lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language; stylistically correct use of vocabulary and phraseology.


The graduate will learn:

analyze and characterize texts of various types of speech, styles, genres in terms of semantic content and structure, as well as the requirements for the text as a speech work;

carry out information processing of the text, transferring its content in the form of a plan (simple, complex), theses, diagrams, tables, etc .;

create and edit your own texts of various types of speech, styles, genres, taking into account the requirements for the construction of a coherent text.

Functional varieties of the language

The graduate will learn:

possess practical skills to distinguish between conversational texts, scientific, journalistic, official-business, fiction texts (extra-linguistic features, linguistic features at the level of the use of lexical means, typical syntactic structures);

distinguish and analyze texts of different genres,

create oral and written statements of different styles, genres and types of speech;

evaluate other people's and own speech utterances of different functional orientation from the point of view of compliance with their communicative requirements and linguistic correctness;

correct speech defects, edit text;

to speak in front of an audience of peers with small information messages, a message and a short report on an educational and scientific topic.

General information about the language

The graduate will learn:

characterize the main social functions of the Russian language in Russia and the world, the place of the Russian language among the Slavic languages, the role of the Old Church Slavonic (Church Slavonic) language in the development of the Russian language;

determine the differences between the literary language and dialects, vernacular, professional varieties of language, jargon and characterize these differences;

evaluate the use of the main visual means of the language.

Phonetics and orthoepy. Graphic arts

The graduate will learn:

carry out phonetic analysis of the word;

observe the basic orthoepic rules of the modern Russian literary language;

to extract the necessary information from orthoepic dictionaries and reference books; use it in various activities.

Morphemics and word formation

The graduate will learn:

divide words into morphemes based on semantic, grammatical and derivational analysis of the word;

distinguish between the studied ways of word formation;

analyze and independently compose word-formation pairs and word-formation word chains;

apply knowledge and skills in morphemics and word formation in the practice of spelling, as well as in the grammatical and lexical analysis of words.

Lexicology and phraseology

The graduate will learn:

carry out lexical analysis of the word, characterizing the lexical meaning, the belonging of the word to a group of unambiguous or polysemous words, indicating the direct and figurative meaning of the word, the belonging of the word to active or passive vocabulary, and also indicating the scope of use and stylistic coloring of the word;

group words into thematic groups;

select synonyms, antonyms for words;

identify phraseological phrases;

comply with lexical norms in oral and written statements;

use lexical synonymy as a means of correcting unjustified repetition in speech and as a means of connecting sentences in a text;

use different types of lexical dictionaries (explanatory dictionary, dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological dictionary, etc.) and use the information received in various activities.


The graduate will learn:

identify independent (significant) parts of speech and their forms, service parts of speech;

analyze a word in terms of its belonging to one or another part of speech;

use the forms of words of various parts of speech in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language;

apply morphological knowledge and skills in the practice of spelling, in various types of analysis;

recognize the phenomena of grammatical homonymy that are essential for solving spelling and punctuation problems.


The graduate will learn:

to identify the basic units of syntax (phrase, sentence) and their types;

analyze various types of phrases and sentences from the point of view of structural and semantic organization, functional purpose;

use syntactic units in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language;

use a variety of synonymous syntactic constructions in their own speech practice;

apply syntactic knowledge and skills in the practice of spelling, in various types of analysis.

Spelling: spelling and punctuation

The graduate will learn:

observe spelling and punctuation norms in the writing process (within the scope of the course content);

explain the choice of writing orally (reasoning) and writing (using graphic symbols);

detect and correct spelling and punctuation errors;

extract the necessary information from spelling dictionaries and reference books; use it in the writing process.

Language and culture

The graduate will learn:

to identify units of language with a national-cultural component of meaning in works of oral folk art, in fiction and historical texts;

give examples that prove that learning a language allows you to better know the history and culture of a country;

it is appropriate to use the rules of Russian speech etiquette in educational activities and everyday life.


(Russian language work program)

1. Explanatory note

The work program for the Russian language for the basic school is based on the Fundamental core of the content of general education and the Requirements for the results of basic general education presented in the Federal State Standard of General Education.

Russian is the native language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation; means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of the peoples of Russia; the basis for the formation of civic identity and tolerance in a multicultural society.

Metasubject educational functions of the native language determine the universal, generalizing nature of the impact of the subject "Russian (native) language" on the formation of a child's personality in the process of his education at school. Russian (native) language is the basis for the development of thinking, imagination, intellectual and creative abilities of students; the basis of personal self-realization, the development of the ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of educational activities. The native language is a means of familiarizing with the spiritual wealth of Russian culture and literature, the main channel of socialization of the individual, familiarizing it with the cultural and historical experience of mankind. As a form of storage and assimilation of various knowledge, the Russian language is inextricably linked with all school subjects, affects the quality of their assimilation, and later on the quality of mastering professional skills. The ability to communicate, achieve success in the communication process, high social and professional activity are the characteristics of a personality that largely determine a person's achievements in almost all areas of life, contribute to his social adaptation to the changing conditions of the modern world. The native language is the basis for the formation of ethical norms of child behavior in different life situations, the development of the ability to give a reasoned assessment of actions from the standpoint of moral norms.

Objectivesstudying Russian (native) language in basic school are:

Fostering respect for the native language, a conscious attitude towards it as a cultural phenomenon; comprehension of the native language as the main means of communication, a means of acquiring knowledge in different spheres of human activity, a means of mastering moral and ethical norms adopted in society; awareness of the aesthetic value of the native language;

Mastering the Russian language as a means of communication in everyday life and educational activities; development of readiness and ability for speech interaction and mutual understanding, the need for speech self-improvement; mastering the most important general educational skills and universal educational actions (the ability to formulate the goals of activity, plan it, exercise speech self-control and self-correction; conduct bibliographic search, extract and transform the necessary information from linguistic dictionaries of various types and other sources, including the media and the Internet; carry out information processing of the text and etc.);

Mastering knowledge about the structure of the language system and the patterns of its functioning, about stylistic resources and basic norms of the Russian literary language; development of the ability to recognize, analyze, compare, classify and evaluate linguistic facts; mastering on this basis the culture of oral and written speech, types of speech activity, the rules for using the language in different situations of communication, the norms of speech etiquette; enrichment of active and potential vocabulary; expansion of the volume of grammatical means used in speech; improving the ability to apply acquired knowledge, abilities and skills in the process of verbal communication in educational activities and everyday life.

2. General characteristics of the subject

The content of the Russian (native) language course in basic school is due to the general focus of the educational process on achieving meta-subject and subject learning goals, which is possible on the basis of a competence-based approach, which ensures the formation and development of communicative, linguistic and linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competencies.

Communicative competence involves mastering the types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech, basic skills and abilities of using the language in vital areas and situations of communication for a given age. Communicative competence is manifested in the ability to determine the goals of communication, assess the speech situation, take into account the intentions and methods of communication of the partner, choose adequate communication strategies, and be ready for a meaningful change in one's own speech behavior.

Linguistic and linguistic (linguistic) competencies are formed on the basis of mastering the necessary knowledge about language as a sign system and a social phenomenon, its structure, development and functioning; mastering the basic norms of the Russian literary language; enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech; formation of the ability to analyze and evaluate linguistic phenomena and facts, the necessary knowledge about linguistics as a science, its main sections and basic concepts; the ability to use various types of linguistic dictionaries.

Cultural competence presupposes awareness of the native language as a form of expression of national culture, understanding of the relationship between the language and the history of the people, the national and cultural specifics of the Russian language, mastering the norms of Russian speech etiquette, the culture of interethnic communication; the ability to explain the meanings of words with a national and cultural component.

Strengthening the communicative-activity orientation of the Russian (native) language course, its focus on meta-subject learning outcomes are the most important conditions for the formation of functional literacy as a person's ability to adapt as quickly as possible in the external environment and actively function in it.

The main indicators of functional literacy, which has a meta-subject status, are: communicative universal educational actions (master all types of speech activity, build productive speech interaction with peers and adults; adequately perceive spoken and written speech; accurately, correctly, logically and expressively express one's point of view on the problem posed; observe in the process of communication the basic norms of oral and written speech and the rules of Russian speech etiquette, etc.); cognitive universal educational actions (formulate a problem, put forward arguments, build a logical chain of reasoning, find evidence confirming or refuting the thesis; carry out a bibliographic search, extract the necessary information from various sources; determine basic and secondary information, comprehend the purpose of reading, choosing the type of reading depending from a communicative goal; apply information retrieval methods, including with the help of computer means; process, systematize information and present it in different ways, etc.); regulatory universal educational actions (to set and adequately formulate the goal of the activity, plan the sequence of actions and, if necessary, change it; exercise self-control, self-assessment, self-correction, etc.). The main components of functional literacy are based on the types of speech activity and imply the purposeful development of students' speech-thinking abilities, primarily in the process of learning their native language at school.

The formation of functional literacy, the improvement of students' speech activity is based on knowledge about the structure of the Russian language and about the peculiarities of its use in different conditions of communication. The learning process should be focused not only on the formation of language analysis skills, the ability to classify linguistic phenomena and facts, but also on the education of speech culture, the formation of such vital skills as the use of different types of reading, information processing of texts, various forms of information retrieval and different methods. transferring it in accordance with the speech situation and the norms of the literary language and ethical standards of communication. Thus, teaching the Russian (native) language in basic school should ensure the general cultural level of a person who is able to continue his studies in various educational institutions: in the upper grades of secondary full school, in secondary specialized educational institutions.

Main content lines

The focus of the Russian (native) language course on the formation of communicative, linguistic and linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competencies is reflected in the structure of the sample program. It distinguishes three cross-cutting content lines that ensure the formation of these competencies:

The first content line is presented in the sample program by sections, the study of which is aimed at the conscious formation of verbal communication skills: “Speech and verbal communication”, “Speech activity”, “Text”, “Functional varieties of language”.

The second content line includes sections reflecting the structure of the language and the features of the functioning of language units: "General information about the language", "Phonetics and orthoepy", "Graphics", "Morphemics and word formation", "Lexicology and phraseology", "Morphology", "Syntax "," Culture of speech "," Spelling: spelling and punctuation. "

The third content line is presented in the sample program by the section "Language and Culture", the study of which will reveal the connection between the language and the history and culture of the people.

In the educational process, these content lines are inextricably interconnected and integrated. When studying each section of the course, students not only acquire the relevant knowledge and master the necessary skills and abilities, but also improve the types of speech activity, develop various communication skills, and also deepen the understanding of their native language as a national and cultural phenomenon. With this approach, the process of understanding the language system and the personal experience of using the language in certain communication situations are inextricably linked. That is why the sequence of sections of the course and the number of hours allocated for the study of each of them is approximate.

3. Place of the subject "Russian (native) language" in the curriculum

The curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation provides for the compulsory study of the Russian (native) language at the stage of basic general education in the amount of 735 hours. Including: in grade 5 - 175 hours, in grade 6 - 210 hours, in grade 7 - 140 hours, in 8th grade - 105 hours, in 9th grade - 105 hours.

4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject

Personal results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general educationshould reflect:

1) education of Russian civil identity: patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia; awareness of their ethnicity, knowledge of history, language, culture of their people, their land, the foundations of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and mankind; assimilation of humanistic, democratic and traditional values \u200b\u200bof the multinational Russian society; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland;

2) the formation of a responsible attitude to learning, the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition, conscious choice and construction of a further individual trajectory of education based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests, as well as based on the formation of a respectful attitude to work, the development of experience of participation in socially significant work;

3) the formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice, taking into account the social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual diversity of the modern world;

4) the formation of a conscious, respectful and benevolent attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, civic position, towards history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia and the peoples of the world; readiness and ability to conduct a dialogue with other people and achieve mutual understanding in it;

5) mastering social norms, rules of behavior, roles and forms of social life in groups and communities, including adults and social communities; participation in school self-government and public life within the age competences, taking into account regional, ethnocultural, social and economic characteristics;

6) the development of moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems on the basis of personal choice, the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude to one's own actions;

7) the formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, older and younger children, adults in the process of educational, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other activities;

8) shaping the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle; mastering the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations that threaten the life and health of people, the rules of conduct on transport and on the roads;

9) the formation of the foundations of an ecological culture corresponding to the modern level of ecological thinking, the development of the experience of ecologically oriented reflective and evaluative and practical activities in life situations;

10) awareness of the importance of the family in the life of a person and society, acceptance of the value of family life, respectful and caring attitude towards members of their family;

11) the development of aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, creative activities of an aesthetic nature.

Metasubject results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should reflect:

1) the ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, to set and formulate new tasks for oneself in learning and cognitive activity, to develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity;

2) the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive tasks;

3) the ability to correlate their actions with the planned results, to monitor their activities in the process of achieving the result, to determine the methods of action within the proposed conditions and requirements, to adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation;

4) the ability to assess the correctness of the educational task, its own capabilities to solve it;

5) possession of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making an informed choice in educational and cognitive activities;

6) the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish causal relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

7) the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive tasks;

8) semantic reading;

9) the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and consideration of interests; formulate, argue and defend their opinion;

10) the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech;

11) formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT competence);

12) the formation and development of ecological thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and vocational guidance.

Subject results of studying the subject area "Philology" should reflect: Russian language. Native language:

1) improving the types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking and writing), ensuring effective mastery of various academic subjects and interaction with people around them in situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication;

2) understanding the defining role of language in the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of an individual, in the process of education and self-education;

3) the use of the communicative and aesthetic capabilities of the Russian and native languages;

4) expansion and systematization of scientific knowledge about the language; awareness of the relationship between its levels and units; mastering the basic concepts of linguistics, basic units and grammatical categories of the language;

5) the formation of skills in conducting various types of analysis of a word (phonetic, morphemic, derivational, lexical, morphological), syntactic analysis of a phrase and a sentence, as well as multifaceted text analysis;

6) enrichment of the active and potential vocabulary, expansion of the volume of grammatical means used in speech for the free expression of thoughts and feelings, adequately to the situation and communication style;

7) mastering the basic stylistic resources of the vocabulary and phraseology of the language, the basic norms of the literary language (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation), the norms of speech etiquette; gaining experience in using them in speech practice when creating oral and written statements; striving for speech self-improvement;

8) formation of responsibility for language culture as a universal value.

5. Content of the subject


(118 hours)

Speech communication

The ability to communicate is an important part of human culture.

Types of verbal communication: non-mediated and mediated; oral and written; dialogical and monologic; their features.

Spheres of speech communication: everyday, socio-cultural, scientific (educational and scientific), socio-political, official business.

The situation of verbal communication and its main components: participants (addressee and addressee), circumstances of verbal communication, personal and impersonal, official and unofficial, prepared and spontaneous communication. Mastering the norms of speech behavior in typical communication situations.

Conditions of speech communication. The success of verbal communication as the achievement of the predicted result. Causes of communication failures and ways to overcome them.

Speech activity

Speech as an activity.

Types of speech activity: reading, listening (listening), speaking, writing. Features of each type of speech activity.

Reading.The culture of working with a book and other sources of information. Mastering different types of reading (introductory, studying, viewing), methods of working with a textbook and other information sources, including the media and Internet resources.

Listening (listening). Understanding of the communicative goals and motives of the speaker. Listening to the information of fictional, journalistic, educational and scientific, popular science texts (maximum volume - up to 350 words), their basic and additional information, establishing the semantic parts of the text, determining their connections.

Speaking.Producing oral monologic statements on socio-cultural, moral and ethical, social, educational and other topics. Participation in dialogues of various types.

Letter.Mastering the skills to adequately convey the content of a listened or read text in writing with a given degree of convolution (presentation is detailed, concise, selective; abstracts, synopses, annotations). Creation of your own written texts on topical socio-cultural, moral and ethical, social, everyday, educational and other topics based on the selection of the necessary information. Writing essays (including reviews and reviews) of various functional styles using different functional and semantic types of speech and their combinations.

Text as a product of speech activity

Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity, coherence of the text. Theme, communicative attitude, main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. Micro theme of the text.

Functional and semantic types of speech{!LANG-e6b64f314ae8c5cc714f3b1e8edeafce!}




Functional varieties of the language{!LANG-da447ba52063ea76f06ff3f991389167!}




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