Russian Toronto Editorial Office | 2019.10.22

Russian Toronto Editorial Office | 2018.07.25

Egor Trofimov | 2018.03.25

Canada returns to the top 10 world economies

Canada again entered the top ten largest economies in the world. This was facilitated by the development of the American economy, with which Canada has close ties, and where 75% of Canadian exports go. It is expected that in the coming years, Canada will be able to rise to 8th place, both thanks to its own growth, and the fact that the economies of Brazil and especially Italy will enter a prolonged recession.

At the same time, what distinguishes Canada from all other countries in the top ten is its small population, only 38 million people. This is significantly less than in Germany or France, not to mention countries such as the United States, China and India, which are also in the top ten. In fact, the population of Canada is significantly smaller not only among the countries that are leading in terms of gross product, but also among the countries that are lower in this indicator - for example, Russia with its 140 million (takes 11th place).
2020.01.05 | 200105152107

2019 federal election results

In Canada, the next federal parliamentary elections were held, on the basis of which the government will be formed. According to the election results, the Liberal Party of Canada won the majority of votes (157), therefore it remains in power for the next 4 years, and the leader of the party, Justin Trudeau, will continue to serve as prime minister (head of Canada). However, this time the liberals failed to gain an absolute majority, and now they can only form a minority government. This means that all their decisions must be approved by other parties.

The Conservative Party of Canada came second in terms of votes (121) and retained its status as the official opposition. The regional party of Quebec Bloc was the third in the number of votes collected, with 32 votes. Finally, the New Democratic Party came in fourth in terms of votes, with 24 votes. The Green Party got 3 votes.
2019.10.22 | 191022114050

Global Talent Stream pilot program has become permanent

In 2017, the Global Talent Stream pilot program was created to attract the most talented and highly qualified specialists to work in the high-tech industry in Canada. The program was experimental and designed for 2 years. During this time, she proved to be very successful and in April 2019 it was announced that she was being transferred from the status of a pilot program to the category of permanent ones. This step is quite logical, given Canada's status as one of the world's high-tech leaders. In particular, Toronto is on the list of the most important technology centers in the world, and is now well ahead of San Francisco, New York and Seattle in terms of employment growth in this sector in absolute terms.

Over the past two years, the Global Talent Stream program has been used by over a thousand Canadian companies, which have attracted from abroad more than four thousand highly qualified specialists in the field of innovative technologies. The condition for the participation of these companies in the Global Talent Stream program was that they committed to create about 40,000 jobs for Canadian citizens and permanent residents, provide about 10,000 paid internships for Canadian students, and also invest over $ 90 million in training programs and professional development for local workers.

However, given the high bar for the selection of foreign specialists and a number of serious requirements for Canadian employers, this program is of practical interest for a fairly limited circle of specialists in the field of information technology. However, this gives highly qualified professionals the opportunity to relocate to Canada. According to current statistics, the demand for this program from foreign specialists increased sharply as soon as it was declared permanent. At the same time, you need to understand that Global Talent Stream is not an immigration program. However, for those who are hired in Canada under this program, there are good opportunities to go through immigration and obtain permanent resident status in Canada in a fairly short time.
2019.05.25 | 190525113630

Updating immigration programs for caregivers

At the end of 2019, two new immigration programs for caregivers are due to come into force - people who are caring for children and people with disabilities. For new Home Child Care Provider programs ( home care) and Home Support Worker ( home care) a quota of 2,750 applications is allocated for each program, that is, a total of 5,500 applications per year. This quota is allocated to applicants only, family members go over the quota. In connection with the introduction of these programs, the previous programs that are currently operating (Caring for Children and Caring for People with High Medical Needs) will be closed. New programs are generally similar to those that are being closed. Applicants who receive approval from immigration authorities receive a work permit in Canada to care for children and people with disabilities. After two years of employment, they are able to apply for permanent resident status in Canada.

The peculiarity of the new programs is as follows. First, the procedure for transferring from one employer to another is facilitated, without losing the right to work. Secondly, and most importantly, after obtaining a work permit, the whole family is allowed to come to Canada - that is, together with an applicant who has acquired the right to work in Canada as a caregiver, his spouse and children can also go to Canada. At the same time, the spouse receives an open work permit in Canada. This is a major change, as under the current regulations, a person who travels to Canada to work as a caregiver cannot bring their family with them. And the fact that the spouse is given an open work permit is also a serious help and opens up additional opportunities for immigration, already through the application for immigration by the spouse. Finally, new programs legitimize caregiver status and formalize their ability to immigrate. In the current programs, this possibility was not spelled out, and many of those who worked or are working now as caregiver, after two years, face the problem that they cannot go through immigration, since there is no one suitable immigration program for them. The new programs have eliminated this gap, they clearly describe the procedure for passing immigration. Moreover, the provisions of the new programs will apply to all who come as a caregiver after 2014.
2019.03.10 | 190310215705

While the city lacks the charm of Montreal and Vancouver, Toronto, Canada still good at the expense of some nuances - wonderful art museums, wonderful Asian cuisine ... "Is that all?", you say?

Of course not. Although Toronto is known for its higher cost of living compared to most other Canadian cities, there are still many free or low-cost services to help make the city an affordable place to visit.

I present to your attention a large metropolis with friendly locals, funky bars and any other typical Canadian activity. Upon arrival here, I realized that there was no point in staying here for a couple of weeks, but you definitely need to stay for a couple of days.

How to get to Toronto

When choosing my "air route", I naturally began to look for direct flight from Moscow to Toronto... As a rule, search engines immediately give out a proper list of flights, if any. This time I came across a dozen news stories that the plane Aeroflotwho flew between Toronto and Moscow, has ceased to fulfill his duties. Whether it was about the sanctions, or not - I don't know.

Therefore, without thinking twice, I turned to the service for the sale of air tickets There I was told that Aeroflotdespite all the hardships from the western side, everyone also operates flights to but air tickets from Moscow can also be bought, taking into account transfers in Amsterdam, London, Warsaw and Lisbon. Nevertheless, I decided not to experiment, since I had so little time, and chose the direct flight to toronto.

By the way, what about prices for tickets from Moscow to Toronto, then the average cost of a document for a flight is about twenty thousand rubles. I advise you to immediately purchase a ticket in one direction, because in this case you will save at least ten thousand, which, in turn, you will definitely need in Canada.

Having already landed on flight from Moscow to Toronto, I happened to meet one rather interesting person who has been working in Canada for several years. It was he who told me about the main prices in Toronto.

Expenses in Toronto

Hostel prices range from $ 17 to $ 35, which, in general, does not look so expensive. Whereas prices for accommodation in budget hotels start from $ 70 for a single room, and from $ 90 for a double room. As a rule, in spring prices lose about twenty percent in price.

Average cost of food. If you are going to cook your own food on your own, then you will have to pay from 50 to 75 dollars a week for shopping in supermarkets. A lunch in a cafe, consisting of one dish and a drink, will cost you an average of $ 15-18, although in nicer restaurants, you will be asked for $ 25 for a similar order.

Fast food items such as sandwiches and hot dogs will cost you $ 5-7 per serving, although in some places you can buy a hot dog for three bucks.

With regards to the prices for transport in toronto, Canada famous for its fairly high ticket prices. Public transport fares are $ 3 for adults and $ 2 for students.

A one-day pass can be purchased for $ 11, while a one-week unlimited pass will cost $ 40 for adults and $ 30 for students. By the way, the transfer from the airport cost me $ 28, moreover, this is taking into account the 5 percent discount I received for buying a ticket on the Internet.

How to save money in Toronto

Take a tour of the free attractions. With a large number of free museums and exhibits in any part of the city, you can learn about the history of not only Toronto, but Canada as a whole, without spending any money. The local visitor center, by the way, provides a list of such attractions for free.

Purchase the City Pass. My plane neighbor told me about this. Called the $ 59 City Pass, the multi-pass ticket includes not only free public transport, but also access to some of the city's main attractions - the CN Tower, Casa Loma, Ontario Science Center and even the zoo. If you are interested in visiting these places, then keep in mind that City Pass will save you about 40 percent of the total cost.

Take a free guided tour. The Toronto Heritage tour is completely free from May to October of each year. In fact, it is a great way to learn about the history and attractions of the city, and there is no need to pre-order.

Toronto landmarks

Visit the CN Tower. This unique 1,800-foot tower located in downtown Toronto, is the main attribute of the urban skyline. You will have the opportunity to climb to the top of the tower, from where you will get a magnificent view of the city, visit at least a dozen brand stores and can dine at a very expensive restaurant (optional).

Visit to the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. Canadians only take two things seriously - hockey and hockey. Hockey for them is life. This place is considered a temple of history for their favorite sport, and also serves as a museum and hall of fame.

And by the way, in a very strong team, acting within NHL, and if you want to truly imbue the Canadians' faith in this game, go to the Maple Leafs home game.

Spend the day at the beach. The beaches around Lake Ontario are a great way to spend the day in the summer. You can stroll along the boardwalk, eat at one of the many restaurants along the waterfront, or rent a boat to explore the lake.

Take a stroll around Harborfront city center. The area is a great place to visit during the warm summer months. Free festivals and concerts are often held here.

Visit the Art Gallery of Ontario. Several thousand different exhibits from all fields of art are presented here. It is one of the largest museums in Canada and is free to visit on Wednesdays.

Walk the streets of St. Lawrence Market and stop by the local Gallery. This market has endless rows of stalls selling local specialties. To be honest, I've had free breakfast here a couple of times. More precisely, I just walked through several food rows and tasted from the heart.

Take a walk around Island Park. A walk in Island Park will allow you to fully enjoy the beach, play volleyball, and even swim in the shallow pool. Also nearby is the Gibraltar Lighthouse, which houses a small museum that tells its visitors about the history and myths of Ontario.

Visit the Royal Ontario Museum This museum contains thousands of artifacts, among which are samples of dinosaur remains, ancient household items, antique Canadian furniture, tools from medieval Europe, art deco paintings, and other interesting trinkets from the Ancient, Middle East, and the Pacific Islands. If anyone is interested, the largest totem in the world is also located here, which is more than 100 years old.

Visit the Ontario Science Center. There are many scientific exhibits available, including miniatures of rainforests, a tornado-like machine, a completely silent room, various testing machines, and more.

Visit Casa Loma. This place is the former estate of Sir Henry Mill Pellat, a local millionaire and desperate romantic. When visiting, you will be offered to walk through the four floors of a giant four-tiered castle, decorated in a medieval style.

Go rides in Wonderland. Wonderland is essentially the Canadian equivalent of Disneyland. Dozens of different cool rides, hundreds of trailers selling all sorts of goodies, cinemas, puppet theaters, concert venues and even a water park are available for anyone. On my own I will add that if you come here in the morning, you will not notice how it starts to get dark outside.

In general, while walking around the streets of Toronto, I felt a kind of kinship with this place. And then I realized what it was all about. There are a lot of our immigrants here. People come here in search of a better life, and many stay here forever.

Upon arrival home, I looked at what conditions are necessary for moving to Canada for permanent residence. Everything is very simple - knowledge of English, and at least two years of work in the specialty. But, in particular, engineers from all industries are required here.

You come, take a loan real estate, be it Toronto or any other region of Canada, and you start life. In general, everything is simple. But no matter how Russian quarters remind of the Motherland, houses are always better.

Question: What is the population of Toronto? Answer: Toronto, Canada (Administrative unit: Ontario) - last known population is ≈ 2 615 100 (year 2011). This was 7.58% of total Canada population. If the population growth rate remains the same as in the period 2006-2011 (+ 0.88% / yr), then the population of Toronto in 2020 will be: 2 828 990* .

Population in the past

Annual population change

+0.15 %/year
+0.38 %/year
-1.52 %/year
+9.65 %/year
+0.79 %/year
+0.17 %/year
+0.88 %/year


GPS coordinates: 43.7, -79.416
Local time in Toronto: 08:26 Sunday GMT-5.

Sources, Notes

1951c, 1961c, 1971c, 1981c, 1996c, 2001c, 2006c, 2011c. Legend: e-preliminary data, c-census, o-Others, ..
* Unofficial data on the number of the population.
** In some cases, changing boundaries may affect the comparability of population data. The data is provided in fact, without guarantees of accuracy, timeliness and completeness of information. Terms of Use .
... Statistics Canada In English, Français
... Canada: 20 Top Census Metropolitan Areas: Population from 1931. Demographia. 2001.
... Canada Year Book 1967. Statistics Canada. 2009.p184 +
... Historical population and migration statistical data - Statistics Canada (Archived)
... Annual Estimates of Population for Canada, Provinces and Territories, from July 1, 1971 to July 1, 2014 Economics and Statistics Branch (Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency)
... Population and dwelling counts, for Canada and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2011 and 2006 censuses Statistics Canada. January 13, 2014. Retrieved April 3, 2014.
City density map, generated by using data provided to us by website. Each circle represents a city with a population of over 5,000.

Some people mistakenly consider Toronto to be the capital of Canada. The mistake is quite admissible - in terms of population Toronto surpasses the capital, Ottawa, three times, being the largest city in the country. Not surprisingly, many people would like to know more about this amazing place.

City location and status

First, let's figure out where Toronto is. The city is located in Ontario - the most southern. Nearby there is a lake, also called Ontario, which many North American writers sung in their books. Despite the fact that the city is located at the same latitude as Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, the climate here is more severe. Toronto is surrounded by numerous lakes - in addition to Ontario, Michigan, Huron, Erie and others are located here. And the Atlantic Ocean is just a stone's throw away. Because of this, the humidity is quite high, there is a lot of precipitation. However, summer is still hot - the average July temperature is 22 degrees Celsius, but there are also hot days - up to 40 degrees. Winter is pretty harsh. In January, the average temperature is about -7 degrees, but it can get colder up to -33 - with high humidity it is very difficult to endure such frost.

The city, although not the capital of Canada, is the administrative center of the province. It is not surprising - it is not for nothing that it is called the country's economic engine. The modern city is one of the most influential cities in the country and even in the world. In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Toronto exceeds 630 square kilometers - a very considerable size.

Located in the time zone -5. Therefore, the time difference Moscow - Toronto is 8 hours. When people in Moscow are already returning from work, the working day is just beginning in this Canadian city.

History of the city

In the seventeenth century, when the city was not yet in sight, the name Toronto belonged to a vast area. It is believed that the term itself came from the language of the Mohawk tribe and means "the place where trees grow out of water."

At the end of the eighteenth century, the British bought this land from the French - about 1000 square kilometers - and founded a city here called York. But just twenty years later, in 1813, during the Anglo-American War, the city was almost completely destroyed. When it was rebuilt, they decided to rename it by the name of the area. This is how the future metropolis of Toronto appeared.

Toronto's population grew rather slowly, and it would hardly have become any significant, if not for the problems in Quebec. Some hotheads demanded that the province gain independence from Canada. It could have gone down to a real civil war, so many people fled from there to the nearest city - it turned out to be Toronto. A sharp jump in population combined with an increase in capital (many Quebec residents did not fled with empty pockets at all) allowed Toronto to break into the lead and gradually consolidate its success.

How many people live in Toronto?

As stated, by population Toronto is the largest city in Canada. According to the 2016 census, 2,731,571 people lived here. Quite a lot, considering that even the capital - Ottawa - can boast of only 934 thousand inhabitants.

The large population and relatively small area have led to the fact that the population density is very significant - there are 4,334 people per square kilometer.

Also, many people are interested in what language is spoken in Toronto. Mainly in English, although French is the main official language in Canada. But this is easy to explain - this area, as mentioned above, was bought from the French by the British. And it was settled precisely by immigrants from Foggy Albion. Therefore, there is nothing strange that most of the population speaks here in the language of their ancestors - English.

However, every year the proportion of residents who prefer English is rapidly declining. It's all about the complex ethnic composition. It is worth talking about this in more detail.

Ethnic composition

If we talk about the population of Toronto, then it is worth noting its heterogeneity. Back in the mid-1950s, the city was exclusively English - all migrants who arrived here had to speak it in order to deal with the locals.

But over the next half century, a lot has changed. For example, today one in ten Toronto residents is from India. About 8% of the population is Chinese. Almost 6% of Italians and Filipinos each. The largest Muslim community in Canada is also located here - about 425 thousand people - almost one-sixth!

Moreover, many migrants prefer to live on welfare, not intending to learn the language. In recent years, this has increasingly become the cause of serious conflicts between visitors and indigenous people.

Main attractions

Having learned where Toronto is located and how many people live here, many readers will be interested to read about the sights - there are enough of them here!

For example, CN Tower is a 553-meter-high television tower with a revolving restaurant and high-speed elevators in the upper part.

The Casa Loma mansion, built at the beginning of the 20th century in the neo-Gothic style, is very beautiful - a real castle in a modern city!

PATN is a real underground city. To save surface space, many skyscrapers have several underground floors, where restaurants, shops, even fountains and small parks are located. The buildings are connected underground by underground passages, the total length of which exceeds 30 kilometers. Any tourist will really be interested in visiting here.


This concludes the article. You have learned a lot about Canada's largest city. Now you know about the people of Toronto, the history of this city, and the most attractive tourist attractions.

Canada Provinces Ontario Region Golden Horseshoe County Toronto Foundation date Current status since March, 6 (1834-03-06 ) Mayor Rob Ford (Robert Bruce "Rob" Ford) Demography Population 2 615 060 people (2011) Density 4149.5 people / km² Ethno-burial Torontez -ka Official language (s) English Geography Square 630.21 km² Timezone -5 Telephone code 416 and 647 Geographic code 46112 Web site

Toronto was selected to host the June 2010 G20 Summit.

A nuclear power plant with eight nuclear reactors is located northeast of Toronto in the city of Pickering.


Toronto is one of the largest multicultural cities in the world. According to the 2006 Census, 47% of Toronto residents were born outside of Canada. 9.6% of the total number of immigrants living in the city are from India, 8.2% from China, 5.6% each from Italy and the Philippines, 1.3% from Russia, 1.2% from Ukraine.

Toronto is often called the city with the most diverse cultures - about half of the inhabitants immigrated from other countries. And now the city is the most popular center of attraction for immigrants in Canada. A distinctive feature of Toronto is the established tradition of supporting national cultures and customs of immigrant populations. Thus, unlike many other cities with a large number of immigrants, cultural assimilation is not very pronounced. At the same time, it is one of the safest megalopolises of the American continent, where all nations and cultures get along without conflict.


Downtown Toronto in 1919 View of the harbor and train station under construction.

Originally the name "Toronto" was borne at the end of the 17th century by an area without clear boundaries near the northern shore of Lake Ontario. It is not known exactly what this name stands for. According to the two most popular theories, it either originated from the Huron Indians as a "meeting place" or from the Mohawk language, in which "tkaronto" means "the place where trees grow out of water." In the 18th century, the Iroquois, Senecs and Mississauges lived in this area, who, however, did not have settled settlements, but moved around the great lakes. In 1788, the British bought about 1000 km² of land, and on July 29, 1793, Governor John Simcoe chose Toronto as the location for the capital of Upper Canada. After that, on the site of modern Toronto, the city of York developed, which appeared near the Toronto Islands and expanded inland. In 1834, the city was renamed Toronto and William Mackenzie became its mayor. The most important events in the history of the city - the uprisings of Upper Canada - occurred with his participation in Toronto in 1837.

Toronto grew slowly and by the end of the 19th century was still a small city, although even then there was an electric tram and transportation network, as well as a network of suburban railways, including an 80-kilometer line running along Yonge Street to Lake Simcoe. The city's own beaches, however, were not popular because of the garbage dumped into the lake, so residents preferred Simcoe's beaches. In the early twentieth century, Toronto was an industrial transportation hub with a policy open to immigration.

The growth of Toronto and its transformation into a metropolis is often associated with the loss of influence by another large city in Canada - Montreal. In connection with separatist sentiments in the province of Quebec in the 1970s, the outflow of the English-speaking population and business in Toronto began. This coincided with the resettlement of people from eastern Atlantic Canada and an increased influx of immigration from different parts of the world.

Unification of Toronto

Downtown Toronto view

Not so long ago, Toronto included districts North york, Scarborough and others. Previously, these were administratively separate cities, which, of course, looked like suburbs, however, as now, they had a full-fledged transport connection with the center. The unification of Toronto took place on January 1, 1998. Before that, there were 6 cities: Toronto, North York, East York, York, Scarborough and Etobicoke, each of which had its own city hall, its own fire departments and was in charge of garbage collection, repaired roads, etc. Metropolitan Toronto, which had its own council (advisers were members of the city councils of 6 constituent cities). Metropolitan Toronto kept the police, paid for transport and social services. Thanks to the merger, 6 city councils were abolished and a unified fire system was introduced throughout the city.


Toronto is located in a humid continental climate zone (Dfa - according to the Köppen climate classification). Toronto's climate is influenced by its geographical position (the city is located in the south of Canada) and the proximity of Lake Ontario; the climate of the region (province of Ontario) is significantly influenced by the Bay located north of the Hudson. Toronto's climate is characterized by warm, humid summers, prolonged moderately warm autumns and cold winters. Frequent fluctuations in temperature are possible day to day All seasons of the year are clearly defined. About 800 mm of precipitation falls annually.

Toronto climate
Indicator Jan. Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Absolute maximum, ° C 16,1 14,4 26,7 32,2 34,4 36,7 40,6 38,9 37,8 30,0 23,9 19,9 40,6
Average maximum, ° C −1,1 −0,2 4,6 11,3 18,5 23,5 26,4 25,3 20,7 13,8 7,4 1,8 12,7
Average temperature, ° C −4,2 −3,2 1,3 7,6 14,2 19,2 22,2 21,3 17,0 10,6 4,8 −0,9 9,2
Average minimum, ° C −7,3 −6,3 −2 3,8 9,9 14,8 17,9 17,3 13,2 7,3 2,2 −3,7 5,6
Absolute minimum, ° C −32,8 −31,7 −26,7 −15 −3,9 −2,2 3,9 4,4 −2,2 −8,9 −20,6 −30 −32,8
Precipitation rate, mm 61,2 50,5 66,1 69,6 73,3 71,5 67,5 79,6 83,4 64,7 75,7 71,0 834,0
Source: Environment Canada


Toronto's public transport services operated by TTC today include:

  • The Toronto Metro, consisting of four lines. Metro lines link the city center with densely populated outskirts such as North york and Scarborough... Line Bloor-danforth laid under the street Bloor street and slices the city from west to east. Line Yonge-University-Spadina goes in an arc, or rather, "the letter U", whose base is in the center of the city, namely at the station Union station (railway station), and its sleeves stretch to the north, and come to different extremities of the area North york... The third line is still small, but it also works. It was laid on the outskirts of the city under Sheppard street, in the future it is going to be extended to the east until Scarboroughwhere there will be an interchange with the Rapid Transit line Scarborough... This light rail line is the fourth and is an extension of the main metro line Bloor-danforth.
  • The network of tram routes covers the city center, as well as not very distant eastern and western outskirts. Some tram lines are parallel to metro lines Bloor and danforth... Tram routes are generally straightforward and very easy to navigate.
  • A ticket (token) of public transport gives the right to travel to the final point of the route, regardless of the number of changes and types of public transport - passengers can change from tram to metro, and then to a bus. It is only important when paying for a trip or entering the metro, take a transfer (a ticket confirming that you have already paid for travel by another type of transport).
  • Bus routes cover a fairly dense network of both Toronto itself (TTC routes) and its suburbs. Suburban routes are operated by independent bus companies and city tickets are not valid.
  • Toronto Pearson International Airport (Lester B. Pearson Airport)

Architecture and sights

Toronto has a rectangular street grid; until the middle of the 20th century, two-storey buildings prevailed. The central street of Toronto is Young Street ( Yonge Str.) It begins right at Lake Ontario and goes hundreds of kilometers north, far beyond Toronto. Within the city limits, this is the busiest and most beloved street by the townspeople. Wide sidewalks, countless restaurants and shops for miles create an abundance of pedestrians and people without cars, atypical for an American city.
Avenue Road is also one of the main streets of Toronto (one of its attractions is the Hare Krishna Temple). Among the many attractions in downtown Toronto are:

Culture and recreation

Toronto is a major international cultural center where many of the world's leading artists stay on their tours. There are many theaters and concert halls in Toronto. Also of interest is the indoor stadium with a unique retractable roof (Rogers Center, former Skydome), where the Toronto Argonauts and the Toronto Blue Jays play. Big concerts of pop stars are usually held in the indoor stadium - the home court of the basketball team Toronto Raptors and hockey Toronto maple leafs, entitled Air Canada Center... Twice a year, Toronto's Nathan Phillips Square hosts Canadian Fashion Week L'Oréal Fashion Week.

Opera and Ballet Theater opened Four Seasons Center, which is famous for its acoustics. Two troupes (Canadian Opera and National Ballet) take turns using the theater building. After the recent change of the management of the theater, according to the recognition of many, the quality of the productions has increased dramatically. Tickets are distributed mainly by subscription (subscription), and only tickets not sold by subscription go on sale. If some tickets remain unsold until the day of the performance, then they can be bought at the theater box office with a huge discount. In this case, the maximum number of tickets sold to one viewer is limited to two tickets.

Roy thomson hall

The concert hall Roy Thomson Hall is interesting both for its peculiar architecture and good acoustics ( Roy thomson hall), opened in 1982 and renovated in 2002. It hosts not only concerts of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, but also the main events of the Toronto Film Festival.

Toronto is also known for its wide selection of museums ( AGO - Art Gallery of Ontario, ROM - Royal Ontario Museum, etc.), unique parks and opportunities for outdoor recreation.

Toronto is home to the world's first IMAX cinema.

Due to pricing and taxation policies, Toronto has a lot of films produced by both Hollywood and Canadian producers.


  • University of Toronto ( University Of Toronto),
  • York University ( York university),
  • Seneca College,
  • Centennial College,
  • George Brown College,
  • Humber College,
  • Ryerson University,
  • College of Art and Design ( Ontario College of Art & Design),
  • other universities.


Power equipment manufacturing, oil refinery, nuclear energy, food industry. The city is the headquarters of the largest North American bakery company George Weston.

Notable natives and residents

  • Frank Bell is the sixth governor of Nevada (USA), the first foreign governor in the history of the state.
  • Elizabeth Brooks is an actress.
  • Joel Zimmerman is a DJ, music producer.
  • Dakota Goyo - Actor.
  • Jim Carrey - film actor, screenwriter, producer.
  • Gregory Colbert is a photographer and filmmaker.
  • Mary Pickford is a film actress and producer.
  • Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada.
  • Tom Edur is a former professional Canadian ice hockey player of Estonian descent.
  • David Cronenberg - film director, screenwriter.
  • Nina Dobrev is an actress, fashion model and gymnast.
  • Drake is a rapper, actor.
  • Copeland, Adam - American professional wrestler.
  • Ryan Gosling - Film actor, musician.

Sister cities

see also

  • Masonic Temple Toronto



  • City of Toronto Official city website
  • Toronto Views Photos Toronto
  • Pictures of Toronto. (Russian English)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

