About the fairy tale

Fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes"

The wisdom of the people is boundless, as is its creativity. Sometimes a whole world is hidden in a few lines of Russian folk tales, many semantic layers - and, for company, an interesting story.

Russian folk tale"Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoes", which adults and children can read below in large print convenient for everyone, is ridiculously short - half a page, or even less. It is interesting that for a household fairy tale, unlike a fairy tale or a story about animals, where there is always an element of a quest (heroes go somewhere, perform some tasks, get magic items, save beautiful girls, defeat monsters), this is not uncommon.

The beginning in the tale is indicated very briefly, almost nominally (simply because it should be according to the genre). The first sentence introduces the reader to the heroes of history: once upon a time there was Bubble, Straw and Lapot. And then it is said that one day they decided to go to the forest to chop wood. The conclusion immediately suggests itself that by such somewhat abstract characters the narrator meant real people, and, perhaps, was even familiar with the prototypes.

So, the heroes of the book went to the forest on an important matter - to cut wood to heat their homes (in the villages, traditional Russian stoves only worked on wood). On the way, the company encounters an obstacle - a river. She needs to get across somehow. Essentially a standard situation: starting any business, several partners discuss exactly how they will overcome difficulties, what features of them will help to successfully complete the work.

So the Bubble, Straw and Lapot began to think, to think, how to swim across the river. There was apparently no bridge nearby. Lapot - a simple, risky man with no special claims, but with a businesslike streak - suggested that Bubble transport them with Straw through a water barrier. The bubble refused - probably out of importance, and even pouted at the same time from resentment.

After the Bubble put forward a proposal: the Straw should stretch from one bank to another so that it can be crossed. The plan was, frankly, useless: the Straw is long, but fragile, it could not initially withstand the load. Strange why Straw herself didn't say a word against it. Probably, she decided to bear all the hardships, as most Russian women still do.

The heroes of the text decided on that. And in vain. The straw stretched from one bank to the other, Lapot walked along it - and broke it. As a result, both fell into the water. And the Bubble, instead of trying to help friends (or, at worst, partners, comrades), began to laugh. He laughed, laughed, but he overexerted himself so much that he took it and burst.

Read the Russian folk tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" for free online and without registration on our website.

Once upon a time there was Bubble, Straw and Lapot. Autumn came. It was cold in the house where they lived. Early one morning, Straw began to wake up her friends: “Hey, Bubble! Hey Lapot! Get up!” The bubble opened its eyes and asked: “What, is the porridge ready? Where is my big spoon? And Solominka says: “We have run out of firewood, there is nothing to cook porridge on. If you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove.”
And friends went to the forest to cut firewood. The bubble ahead is briskly striding. Bast shoes behind him roll over from side to side. The straw is the last, swinging on the go.
They walked, walked - suddenly a river. How to cross the river? The bubble says: “Let the Straw be drawn from coast to coast, and we will cross it.” - “No, no,” replies Solominka, “I know what can come of this: The bast shoe will go over me, I will break. The bast shoe will fall into the water, and the Bubble will start laughing, and it will burst.”
“Well, then let me transport you,” said Lapot. “I’m a healthy man, nothing will happen to me.”
When the friends got over to the other side, Lapot was so wet and cold that he began to sneeze and cough. I had to make a fire and hang Laptya to dry. While Straw was gathering firewood for the fire, Bubble fell asleep and Lapot nearly burned to death. It's good that Straw arrived in time.
Lapot warmed up, dried up. And they set to work with Solominka. By evening, they chopped a lot of firewood.
And the lazy Bubble cut one log, folded the woodpile, sat down under the birch tree to rest and fell asleep again. And as soon as he began to have a good dream about delicious porridge, he heard the voice of Straw: “Get up, lazybones! It's getting late, it's time to go home."
The return journey was not easy. The weather turned bad. Beginning to get dark. It is snowing. Hands and feet froze, it became difficult to drag firewood.
And the Bubble, although he worked a little and managed to sleep, goes and throws a piece of log out of his bundle, as if he were dropping it. He knows that Lapot will pick it up anyway.
And the Bubble became so light that the wind picked it up and carried it high, high, to the very tops of the trees.
The wind of the Bubble carried for a long time. Finally he caught on to a knot. The rope at the top of his head was untied. Air came out of the bubble. The unfortunate fell to the ground, sprawling like a pancake. And the Bubble would have died if the Straw had not arrived in time. She quickly inflated the Bubble, tied the string tightly on the top of his head, and he came to life again.
Bubble was lazy, but this time he took on all the firewood that his friends chopped up. He even asked for a saw with an axe. He walks, groans, cuddles to the ground. And Solominka asks him:
“Are you tired, Bubble? Let's help".
“No thanks,” Bubble replies, “I don’t want to fly anymore.”
Friends came to the river. And the river was covered with ice, and there was no need to swim across. Joyfully glided to his house. Only suddenly the thin ice cracked, and everyone was under water. But the light Bubble immediately emerged from the water, inflated with all his strength and pulled his friends out of the water.
The lumberjacks returned home late at night. Fired up the stove. The straw made porridge. Friends sat down at the table. And Straw says to Bubble: “Here is your big spoon! Eat for health!

Russian folk tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" read the text online:

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe. They went to the forest to cut wood. They have reached the river and do not know how to cross the river. Lapot says to the bubble:

- Bubble, let's swim across you!
- No, bast! Better let the straw be drawn from the shore, not the shore, we will cross it.

The straw stretched from shore to shore. The bast shoe went along the straw, and it broke.

The bast shoe fell into the water. And the bubble laughed, laughed, and burst.

What does the tale bubble straw and bast shoes teach?

This little fairy tale is very instructive and teaches children from childhood to understand the value of friendship. That in a difficult moment you always need to come to the aid of someone who needs it, to lend a shoulder to your comrade.

Here, everything happened quite the opposite - when the river blocked the path of Bubble, Solominka and Laptya, going into the forest to cut firewood, this first difficulty showed that they were not friendly and did not help each other.

If Lapot had transported Solominka and Bubble to the other side, then nothing would have happened to them. And this fairy tale ended quickly, because Lapot fell into the water, the good Straw broke, and the stupid Bubble burst.

This is what happens to those who do not value true friendship. Do real friends do this?

Well or-there were a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe; they went into the forest to cut wood, they reached the river, they did not know: how to cross the river? Lapot says to the bubble:

Bubble, let's swim across you!

No, bast shoe, it's better to let the straw stretch from shore to shore, and we will cross it.

The straw was drawn; the bast shoe went over it, and it broke. The bast shoe fell into the water, and the bubble laughed, laughed, and burst!

Summary of the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes"

Bubble, straw and bast shoes went into the forest for firewood. They needed to cross the river. We decided to get over the straw, but she could not stand it and broke.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes"

Before embarking on any business, you need to think carefully about all the actions. And you can’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, because it can turn out not in your favor.

Block of short questions

1. How should the bubble, straw and bast shoes cross the river?

2. Why does this tale have a sad end?

3. How can you characterize the heroes of a fairy tale?
