A doctor is a person to whom sooner or later everyone turns for help. But there is no certainty that there will be no ulterior motives in his actions. After all, he may pursue some of his goals, which the patient does not even know about. Is there a line between immorality and serving humanity, can cruel experiments be justified by the desire to save the lives of millions in the future?

There are doctors who uncontrollably experiment on convicts or mentally ill, which makes their actions both immoral and criminal.

John Charles Cutler, senior physician in the US government's Department of Health, was in charge of experimenting with syphilis patients in Guatemala. In 2005, it became known that prisoners, soldiers and patients with venereal diseases were deliberately involved in the experiment without their consent. Scientists were then studying the effect of penicillin in treating syphilis. As a result, more than 1,000 people were artificially infected and did not receive appropriate medical care. During the entire experiment, 83 people died, for which in 2010 the US government officially apologized to the country.

Aubrey Levin

Aubrey Levin

Under the leadership of Audrey Levine in the 1970s, the government Aversion Project was carried out in South Africa with the aim of treating homosexuals from their non-traditional orientation with questionable methods. Several hundred men and women were selected from the soldiers, who were diagnosed with homosexuality. Treatments have included electroshock, chemical castration, and violent orientation change. All these experiments were performed on people without their consent. Those who went through gender reassignment surgery returned to the army.

Marion Sims

Marion Sims

Marion Sims performed many procedures and experiments on women in the 19th century as he looked for ways to treat a vesicovaginal fistula. Despite his good intentions, he coerced the slaves into operations, without informing them of their real goals. The women were operated on several times without pain medication. The collected data turned out to be useful for medicine, but were condemned, as they were carried out by force.

Wendell Johnson

Wendell Johnson

Wendell Johnson was in charge of conducting the psychological experiments called How to Become a Monster, as they were very violent. With the help of an assistant, Mary Tudor, Wendell selected orphans from an orphanage in Ohio and subjected them to a series of experiments aimed at confirming the theory that stuttering is acquired through learning. One part of the children was subjected to constant criticism and humiliation. They were taught that they did not speak correctly and badly. As a result of the experiment, children acquired a number of mental and speech disorders for life.

Albert Kligman

Albert Kligman

Over the months from 1965 to 1966, Albert Kligman conducted a series of violent experiments on prisoners with the support of the US Armed Forces and several pharmaceutical companies. 75 subjects were injected with a dose of Agent Orange, a herbicide intended to be used for military purposes, to study its effects on humans. As a result of the experiment, people got chronic skin diseases and such manifestations as cysts, pustules and large ulcers on the body.

Oliver Wenger was responsible for the theoretical background and practical goals of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. For several years, African American men from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds were selected to participate in experiments. They were artificially infected with syphilis. The patients were promised free treatment, which turned out to be life-threatening toxic methods for them. The other part of the patients were not informed that they were infected with syphilis, so they continued to lead a normal life and infect others. As a result of the experiment, many patients died from complications of the disease and side effects of treatment.

The doctor, Herta Oberheuser, worked in the Ravensbrück concentration camp. She experimented with prisoners in the study of various interventions in the bone, muscle and nerve tissues of the human body. To this end, the doctor removed limbs and bones from the prisoners and implanted foreign bodies. All experiments were aimed at studying the process of regeneration of various tissues of the human body. The results of the experiments were to be used to treat soldiers. All prisoners were injured, and many died during operations without anesthesia and as a result of lethal injections.

Grigory Mayranovsky, a Russian biochemist and doctor, worked in the USSR to develop a super-poison, tasteless and odorless, which enemies could not identify. He set up experiments on the Gulag prisoners in the secret laboratory # 1. In addition to injections of poison, the subjects were exposed to mustard gas, ricin, while no one asked their consent to the experiments. It is not known how many prisoners died as a result, but the scientist managed to create the deadly poison C-2.

During the Cold War, both the US and the USSR conducted a lot of research on radiation to find out if it could kill. This was necessary to prevent the consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants. Scientist Evgeny Zenger has been experimenting with the treatment of cancer with a large dose of radiation for 10 years, selecting patients from among the defenseless. They led to insomnia, disorientation, anemia, and death.

During the Second World War, Sigmund Ruscher, together with Ernst Holzlochner, carried out experiments on the effects of a rapidly changing load on the human body. Details of the horrific experiments were made public at the Doctors' Court. Inmates from concentration camps were immersed in cold water for several hours, kept outside in frosty weather without clothes. After that, the frozen people were thrown into boiling water to defrost them.

There can be only hope for absolute openness and the absence of any secrecy in science. Only under these conditions can we hope that only those scientists who do not confuse human individuals with experimental animals will achieve success.

In the summer of 1990, as a member of the International Commission to Investigate the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg, I came to Vladimir to get acquainted with the filing cabinet of the infamous Vladimir Prison, formerly Prison No. 2 of the NKVD-NKGB-MGB. Wallenberg was a Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Budapest Jews in 1944 from extermination by the German Nazis. He was arrested by employees of SMERSH ("Death to Spies" - a special department in the army) at the beginning of 1945 and later disappeared without a trace in the Lubyanka. There is no real information about him since 1947.

In the late 1940s - early 1950s, Vladimirskaya Prison was a place of imprisonment for many convicted high-ranking Nazis who, after their release and return to Germany in 1954-1956, testified to the Swedish authorities about Wallenberg's stay in Moscow's Lubyanka and Lefortovo prisons. For many years, there were vague rumors about Wallenberg's possible stay in the Vladimir prison. The International Commission received the personal permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Vadim Bakatin to check this information on the prison file cabinet. A card was started for each arrested person. It registered a brief biographical data, corpus delicti, articles on which the arrested person was convicted, details of the movement in custody, etc. Before leaving for Vladimir, my colleagues at the Moscow Memorial advised to inquire about the cards of several well-known employees of the once all-powerful People's Commissar for Security Lavrenty Beria, who were sentenced after the death of Stalin and the fall of Beria not to death (like Beria), but to imprisonment ... This is how I first learned the name of Grigory Moiseevich Mairanovsky.

The International Commission did not find traces of Wallenberg's stay in the Vladimir prison, but the personality of Mairanovsky and his colleagues from the NKVD-MGB interested me. Mairanovsky's card contained the following: profession - pharmacologist; Senior Engineer of Laboratory No. 1 of the Department of the Ministry of State Security of the USSR; convicted on February 14, 1953 under Articles 193-17f and 179 for "abuse of office" and "illegal possession of potent substances." What was hidden behind these words? It was striking that the prisoner Mairanovsky was taken back to the Internal Prison of the MGB-KGB (the official name of Lubyanka) in 1953, 1956-1958, probably for interrogations. What was so special about this man?

In the archives of "Memorial" I got acquainted with several documents that shed light on the activities of Mairanovsky. Later, publications about Mairanovsky in the press followed, including those of my “memorial” colleagues. Additional information was made public by Colonel of Justice Vladimir Bobrenev, who had access to the investigative files of Mairanovsky and Beria. A clear picture gradually began to emerge: in the late 1930s and early 1950s, there was a laboratory within the NKVD-MGB that developed poisons that killed victims without identifiable traces, and also looked for drugs that could stimulate the "frankness" of the interrogated victims. All poisons and drugs have been tested on people - prisoners sentenced to death. The "doctor" and biochemist Mairanovsky supervised the experiments and conducted them. In the late 1940s, the "doctor" also acted as an executioner: he injected lethal doses of poisons to victims - real or imaginary political opponents of the Soviet regime, kidnapped by Pavel Sudoplatov's team (about him below) on the streets of different cities Soviet Union... Mairanovsky's "achievements" were also used by KGB agents abroad for political assassinations. Until recently, one of the most terrible Mairanovsky's poisons, ricin, was industrially produced in Russia as a chemical and biological weapon.

Death Laboratory - Camera
Brief background

For the first time, work on the use of poisons and drugs began to be carried out in the OGPU in 1926 at the direction of the People's Commissar for Security Vyacheslav Menzhinsky. The special laboratory was part of a secret group headed by the former SR-militant Yakov Serebryansky. The Yashin group was created to carry out terrorist acts abroad, was directly subordinate to the People's Commissar and existed until 1938.
The next People's Commissar, Genrikh Yagoda, was professionally interested in poisons: by education he was a pharmacist. Apparently, under Yagoda, a special laboratory consisted of two subdivisions: chemical and chemical-bacteriological. In 1936, by order of Stalin, Yagoda was removed from the post of People's Commissar for Security, arrested in March 1937, convicted during the trial of Nikolai Bukharin for organizing murders allegedly committed by doctors, and shot in 1938.

Under the new People's Commissar, Nikolai Yezhov, the methods of the Yashin group began to be used for “cleansing” even in the Lubyanka. On February 17, 1938, the head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD, Abram Slutsky, was found dead in the office of Mikhail Frinovsky, the deputy of the new people's commissar. Next to the body of Slutsky, who had slumped awkwardly from the chair, was an empty glass of tea. Frinovsky confidentially announced to the NKVD officers that the doctor had already established the cause of death: heart failure. Several officers who knew the symptoms of potassium cyanide poisoning noticed specific bluish spots on Slutsky's face.

Yezhov's short bloody reign ended at the end of 1938, when he was accused of "political insecurity", convicted and shot. Under the new People's Commissar, Lavrenty Beria, the secret laboratory was reorganized. Since 1938, it was included in the 4th special department of the NKVD, and since March 1939, it was headed by Mikhail Filimonov, a pharmacist by education, who had a candidate of medical sciences. From that moment on, Mairanovsky was enlisted as the head of the 7th department of the 2nd special department of the NKVD, one of the two laboratories of this special department. Sergey Muromtsev became the head of the second laboratory (more on him below). The special department was directly subordinate to the People's Commissar Lavrenty Beria and his deputy Vsevolod Merkulov. The “laboratory of death” existed until 1946, when it was incorporated into the Department of Operational Technology (OOT) and became Laboratory No. 1 of the OOT under the new Minister of State Security Viktor Abakumov.

Under the leadership of Mairanovsky

The first mention of a special laboratory in the MGB system, in which experiments on humans were carried out, appeared in the West in 1983 in a book by a former KGB officer, defector Pyotr Deryabin. He wrote: “From 1946 to 1953, within the structure of the Ministry of State Security in Moscow, there was a notorious laboratory called“ Kamera ”. It consisted of a medical director and several assistants. They conducted experiments on people - prisoners on death row - to determine the effectiveness of various poisons and injections, as well as hypnosis and drugs during interrogation. Only the Minister of State Security and four senior MGB officers had access to this laboratory. ”

Some details of the laboratory's work have become known only recently. Colonel Bobrenev, who had access to the investigative files of Mayranovsky and Beria, describes the "death laboratory" as follows:

“For the laboratory ... a large room was allocated on the first floor of a corner building in Varsanofievsky Lane. The room was divided into five cells, the doors of which with slightly enlarged peepholes opened into a spacious reception area. Here, during the experiments, someone from the laboratory staff was constantly on duty ...

... Almost daily prisoners sentenced to death were delivered to the laboratory. The procedure looked like a regular medical examination. The "doctor" kindly asked the "patient" about his health, gave advice and immediately offered the medicine ... "

According to eyewitnesses, "Mairanovsky brought to the laboratory decrepit and blooming people for health reasons, fat and thin ... Some died in three or four days, others suffered for a week."

The main goal of the laboratory was to find poisons that could not be identified at autopsy. First, Mayranovsky tried tasteless mustard gas derivatives. It seems that he began experimenting with these substances even earlier than his colleagues in Nazi Germany, where the first experiments with mustard gas were carried out on prisoners of Sachsenhausen in 1939. The results of Mayranovsky's experiments with mustard gas derivatives ended unsuccessfully: the poison was found in the corpses of the victims. It was easier for Mairanovsky's Nazi colleagues: the mustard gas derivative "Cyclone B" worked effectively in the death camps, and there was no need to hide its use.

It took Mairanovsky more than a year to “work” with ricin, a vegetable protein contained in castor bean seeds. Since different doses of ricin have been tried, it is anyone's guess how many victims died in these experiments. The action of each of the other poisons - digitoxin, thallium, colchicine - was tested on 10 "test subjects". The experimenters observed the torment of the victims who did not die immediately for 10-14 days, after which the "experimental" were killed.

In the end, a poison with the required properties was found - "K-2" (carbylaminecholine chloride). He killed the victim quickly and left no trace. According to the testimony of eyewitnesses, after taking "K-2" the "experimental" became "as if smaller in height, weakened, became quieter. And in 15 minutes he was dying. "

In 1942, Mairanovsky discovered that under the influence of certain doses of ricin, the "experimental" begins to speak extremely frankly. Mayranovsky received approval from the NKVD-NKGB leadership to work on a new topic - the "problem of frankness" during interrogations. It took two years for the experiments of Mayranovsky's laboratory to obtain "frank" and "truthful" testimony under the influence of medicines. Chloralscopolamine and phenaminebenzedrine have been tried without results. Interrogations with the use of medicines were carried out not only in the laboratory, but also in both prisons of Lubyanka, No. 1 and 2. One of the main employees of the laboratory (as well as assistant of the Department of Pharmacology at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute), Vladimir Naumov, openly considered these experiments to be profanity. However, it is known that after the war, in 1946, Soviet "advisers" from the MGB used drugs when interrogating political prisoners arrested in Eastern Europe. "

In addition to the poisons themselves, the method of introducing them into the victim's body was also a problem. First, poisons were mixed with food or water, given under the guise of "medicine" before and after meals, or injected. The introduction of poison through the skin was also tested - it was sprayed or moistened with a poisonous solution. Then came the ideas of a peg and a fountain pen. Much time and effort has gone into developing poisonous small bullets for these devices that effectively kill the victim. Again, one can only guess about the number of victims.

The chief of the 4th special department, Pavel Filimonov, was mainly involved in shooting poisonous bullets in the back of the heads of the victims. The bullets were light, with a cavity for poison, so the killings didn't always go smoothly. There were cases when a bullet got into the skin and the victim removed it, begging Filimonov not to shoot again. Filimonov fired a second time. According to Bobrenev's testimony, in 1953, during interrogations in the Beria case, Mairanovsky recalled a case when he himself shot a victim three times: according to the laboratory's rules, if the victim did not die from the poison contained in the first bullet, another poison should be tried on the same victim. In 1954, during interrogation, Academician of the VASKhNIL Sergei Muromtsev, who himself killed 15 prisoners (Bobrenev's data), claimed that he was amazed at Mairanovsky's sadistic attitude towards the victims.

Sometimes employees of other small departments of the MGB, who knew about the existence of a secret laboratory, came to "practice" shooting or experiments. One of them, according to Bobrenev, was Naum Eitingon, deputy and associate of the head of the DR (sabotage and terror) service of the MGB Pavel Sudoplatov *** (both organizers of the murder of Leon Trotsky). According to the memoirs of Sudoplatov, he and Eitingon were also in the heart, friendly relations with Mayranovsky ****.

After Mayranovsky was removed from the post of head in 1946, Laboratory No. 1 was divided into two, pharmacological and chemical. They were headed by the aforementioned V. Naumov and A. Grigorovich. The laboratories were transferred from the center of Moscow to a new building built in Kuchino. Apparently, work on poisons ended in 1949. In 1951, the question of the complete disbandment of these laboratories was discussed. It seems that at this time the leadership of the USSR gave preference to bacteriological methods of political assassinations: in 1946, the head of the Bacteriological group, Professor Sergei Muromtsev, was awarded Stalin Prize... In any case, in 1952, one of the most successful MGB agents operating abroad, Iosif Grigulevich, trained to use special equipment to kill the leader of Yugoslavia, Josip Tito, with the help of sprayed plague bacilli.

Who are the victims? How many are there?

The 1st Special (then the Accounting and Archive or "A") department of the NKVD-MGB was responsible for the supply of "experimental" to the laboratory of Mayranovsky. The head (1941-1953) of this department Arkady Gertsovsky and several other MGB officers (I. Balishansky, L. Bashtakov, Kalinin, Petrov, V. Podobedov) were involved in the selection for experiments among those sentenced to death in Butyrka prison, the commandant in Lubyanka prison General Vasily Blokhin and his special assistant P. Yakovlev. The selection and delivery of the "test subjects" to the laboratory took place in accordance with the instructions developed and signed by Petrov, Bashtakov, Blokhin, Mayranovsky and Shchegolev and authorized by Beria and Merkulov. Later this document was kept in Sudoplatov's personal safe.

It is difficult to indicate the total death toll during the experiments: different sources cite figures from 150 to 250. According to Colonel Bobrenev, some of the victims were criminals, but undoubtedly under the notorious Article 58 of the RSFSR Criminal Code. It is known that among the victims were German and Japanese prisoners of war, Polish citizens, Koreans, Chinese. Colonel Bobrenev points out that at least four German prisoners of war in 1944, and at the end of 1945, three more German citizens were provided for experiments. The last three were anti-fascist political émigrés who fled Nazi Germany; they died 15 seconds after the lethal injections. The bodies of two victims were cremated, the body of the third was brought to the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. N.V. Sklifosovsky. The postmortem examination revealed that the deceased had died of cardiac paralysis; Pathologists did not find traces of the poison. Japanese prisoners of war, officers and privates, as well as arrested Japanese diplomats were used in experiments on the "problem of candor."

To these victims must be added at least four more, who became the targets of political assassinations. In his address to the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party, Sudoplatov wrote: “Inside the country, during the second half of 1946 and in 1947, 4 operations were carried out:

1. At the direction of a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of Ukraine Khrushchev, according to the plan developed by the Ministry of State Security of the Ukrainian SSR and approved by Khrushchev, in the mountains. Mukachevo, Romzha, the head of the Greek Catholic Church, who actively resisted the annexation of Greek Catholics to Orthodoxy, was destroyed.

2. On Stalin's instructions, the Polish citizen Samet was destroyed in Ulyanovsk, who, while working in the USSR as an engineer, hunted owls. secret information about Soviet submarines, intending to leave the Soviet Union and transfer this information to the Americans.

3. In Saratov, a well-known enemy of the party, Shumsky, was destroyed, whose name - Shumkism - was the name of one of the trends among Ukrainian nationalists. Abakumov, giving the order for this operation, referred to the instructions of Stalin and Kaganovich.

4. In Moscow, on the instructions of Stalin and Molotov, an American citizen Oggins was killed, who, while serving a sentence in a camp during the war, contacted the US Embassy in the USSR, and the Americans repeatedly sent notes asking for his release and permission to leave for the United States ...

In accordance with the Regulations on the work of Special. The service, approved by the government, orders to carry out the listed operations were given by the then Minister of State Security of the USSR Abakumov. Eitingon and I are well aware that Abakumov, for all these operations, Special. Service of the Ministry of State Security of the USSR, reported to the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).

In his memoirs, Sudoplatov is even more outspoken and proudly describes these murders in detail. The team of Sudoplatov - Eitingon was engaged in the abduction of the victim, while the murder was the “work” of Mairanovsky. Since Archbishop Romzha was in the hospital after a car accident organized by the local leadership of the MGB, Mairanovsky supplied curare to the MGB nurse on duty near the archbishop. In Saratov, under the guise of a doctor, he personally injected curara poison to A. Shumsky who was lying in the hospital. The Polish citizen Samet, kidnapped on the street of Ulyanovsk, was interned since 1939, and died in the hands of Mairanovsky from curare injections. Isaac Oggins, an American communist and Comintern veteran, worked as an NKVD agent in China and other Far East countries in the mid-1930s. In 1938, he arrived in the USSR with a fake Czech passport and was immediately arrested by the NKVD. After the Second World War, his wife turned to the American Embassy in Moscow with a request to facilitate her husband's release and departure to the United States. Oggins was "released" with Eitingon's help and Mayranovsky's injection. Sudoplatov also mentions other cases when Eitingon (who spoke several languages \u200b\u200bfluently) invited foreigners to special apartments of the MGB in Moscow, where “doctor” Mairanovsky was waiting for them with an “examination”. Sudoplatov never tired of repeating that all this happened on the direct orders of the top leadership of the CPSU (b) and members of the government.

Executioner career

The autobiography, a copy of which is kept in the Memorial archives, helps to restore the stages of Mairanovsky's career.

Grigory Moiseevich Mairanovsky was born in 1899, a Jew, studied at Tiflis University and then at the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, from which he graduated in 1923. Since 1928, he was a post-graduate student, a scientific researcher and then a senior researcher at the V.I. A.N. Bach, and in 1933-1935 he headed the toxicological department of the same institute; in addition, in 1934 he was appointed deputy director of this institute. In 1935, Mairanovsky moved to the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (VIEM), where until 1937 he was in charge of a secret toxicological special laboratory. In 1938-1940 he was a senior researcher in the department of pathology for the therapy of OV (toxic substances) and at the same time began working in the NKVD system. From 1940 until the moment of his arrest (December 13, 1951), Mairanovsky devoted himself entirely to work in the “laboratory of death”.

Judging by this biography, by the beginning of the experiments on humans with the use of mustard gas derivatives in Laboratory No. 1, Mayranovsky was a professional in working with toxic substances. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Soviet leadership was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bchemical weapons and research on poisonous gases was carried out jointly with German experts on Soviet territory, near Samara. The head of the special school "Tomka" was the German specialist in chemical warfare Ludwig von Sicherer, and the first Soviet plant for the production of chemical weapons "Bersol" was built by German firms. In 1933, this collaboration ended, and, probably, Mairanovsky belonged to the generation of secret scientists who continued this work without German specialists.

In July 1940, at a closed meeting of the Scientific Council of VIEM, Mairanovsky defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences. The dissertation was titled "Biological activity of products of interaction of mustard gas with skin tissues during superficial applications." Opponents - A.D. Speransky, G.M. Frank, N.I. Gavrilov and B.N. Tarusov - gave positive feedback. It is curious that the object of research - skin (whose?) - was not mentioned in the dissertation and did not raise questions from opponents. Later, during interrogations after his arrest, Mairanovsky was more open. According to Colonel Bobrenev, Mayranovsky showed that he did not study the effect of mustard gas on the skin, but included in his thesis data on the action of mustard gas derivatives taken by the "experimental" in Laboratory No. 1 with food.

In 1964, in a letter addressed to the President of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician Nikolai Blokhin, Mairanovsky described the essence of his dissertation as follows: “The dissertation revealed some aspects of the mechanism of toxic effects on the body (pathophysiology and clinical picture of mustard gas). Based on the study of the mechanism of action of mustard gas, I have proposed rational methods of therapy for mustard gas lesions. The toxic effect of mustard gas (slowness of action, some "incubation" period and latent nature of the action), extensive and general damage to the body (such as "chain" reactions) from relatively small amounts of the damaging substance have much in common with the damaging effect on the body of malignant neoplasms. These principles can be applied to the treatment of some malignant neoplasms. "

When reading these lines of a "humanist doctor" thinking about the treatment of cancer, and knowing how the information about the "pathophysiology and the clinic of mustard gas" was obtained, I personally feel uneasy. After all, these are several years of "experiments", during which Mairanovsky and his collaborators watched through a peephole in the cell door at the torture of victims whom they poisoned with mustard gas compounds. It is curious that Academician Blokhin did not have such emotions and questions about how and on whom the data on the action of mustard gas were obtained. He highly appreciated the work of Mairanovsky.

There was a hitch with the approval of Mairanovsky's dissertation; the Plenum of the Higher Attestation Commission proposed to revise it. The dissertation was presented to the Higher Attestation Commission for the second time in 1943. It remains to be wondered what new data Mairanovsky included in it and how many victims these data cost their lives. It seems that this time too, the statement took place only with the active intervention of the VIEM director, Professor N.I. Grashchenkov and academician A.D. Speransky, as well as under the "pressure" of Deputy People's Commissar for Security Merkulov. These small difficulties did not prevent the VIEM Scientific Council at a meeting on October 2, 1943, to confer on Mairanovsky the title of professor of pathophysiology. It is noteworthy that the vote was not unanimous, but with one vote “against” and two “abstentions”.

After the end of the war, Mairanovsky and two other laboratory workers were sent to Germany to track down German poison experts who experimented on humans. Mairanovsky returned to Moscow convinced that the achievements of Nazi experts in this area were much lower than those of Soviet ones.

In 1946, Mairanovsky was removed from the post of head of the laboratory and, under the leadership of Sudoplatov and Eitingon, was actively involved in the activities of the DR Service as an assassin.

The Top Secret vulture is the world's most mysterious and little-studied bird. The most mysterious experiments of people, full of rumors, speculation and contradictions. But smoke without fire, as you know, does not exist ... At the dawn of the existence of the Soviet Union, experiments in the field of genetics and experiments on people began on an unprecedented scale. Attempts have been made to cross humans and monkeys. A blood transfusion was made to rejuvenate the body. Soviet scientists tried to create the superman that the future of the communist system needed. Ideologues believed that such people should live in the Soviet Union.

The late 1950s and early 1960s were a time of significant advances in scientific experimentation throughout the world and in the USSR. In those years, Soviet scientists began bold experiments on animals.

A number of pioneering studies were carried out at Moscow University and the Academy of Sciences. And already in 1950, the Russian scientist Vladimir Demikhov surprised the whole world when he transplanted a dog's head onto another dog. The two-headed dog lived for a month.

In the first period of the Cold War, all the forces of Soviet science were involved in the creation of perfect weapons. In 1958, a secret Soviet project to create a cyborg robot was launched.

The scientific consultant was V. Manuilov, Nobel Prize laureate. In the design of the robot, with the exception of the designers, doctors and engineers participated. For experiments to confirm safety in humans, mice, rats and dogs have been proposed.

The option of experimenting with monkeys was considered, but the choice fell on dogs, since they are more amenable to training and are more calm than monkeys.

Subsequently, this project was named "COLLY" and existed for almost 10 years. But by the decree of the Central Committee of January 4, 1969, the activities of the Collie project were terminated, the information became secret ... "

In 1991, all data on the project "COLLIE" were declassified ... In 1991, all information about the project "Kollie" became not secret.

This is what I wrote at the time"Daily Mail": "British scientists are concerned about the experiments that their colleagues are conducting on animals. During the experiments, the researchers transplant human tissue and genes to our smaller brothers, in particular monkeys. This, in turn, can lead to the dangerous humanization of animals: they will acquire a mind like ours. , and even be able to speak. "
Read completely: "target \u003d" _blank "\u003e http://top.rbc.ru/wildworld/22/07/2011/606904.shtml

The British Academy of Medical Scientists, also concerned about this issue, reported that the number of experiments in which human tissues or genes are transplanted into animals is constantly growing. So, in 2010. more than 1 million experiments were carried out, during which human DNA was transplanted into mice and fish. Scientists need these laboratory mutants to create new drugs for cancer, hepatitis, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and other ailments, as well as to understand the role of individual genes in the development of the body.
Moreover, individual experiments with animals should be banned altogether, says Bobrow. For example, transplantation of human stem cells into the brain of a primate should be banned, as this can lead to humanization of a monkey: its brain can become like a human, the animal can acquire the rudiments of intelligence or even speak. And while people may think that scientists were just inspired by the new science fiction movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes, in fact, the possibility of too intelligent primates should be considered seriously, says Professor Thomas Baldwin.

Read completely: http://top.rbc.ru/wildworld/22/07/2011/606904.shtml "target \u003d" _blank "\u003e http://top.rbc.ru/wildworld/22/07/2011/606904.shtml
EXPERIMENT "MILLER - Yuri" - the first, apart from the work of alchemists who tried to bring an artificial living thing in a test tube, a truly scientific experiment in this area, conducted in the 1950s by the American chemist student Stanley Miller. He suggested that life originated in the atmosphere of the ancient Earth due to the synthesis of complex molecules during lightning discharges. Stanley filled a large glass sphere with water, methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and began to pass electric discharges through this medium. Soon the "primal ocean" splashing at the bottom of the ball turned dark red from the emerging biomolecules and amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
The Miller-Urey experiment is considered one of the most important experiments in the study of the origin of life on Earth. The conclusions about the possibility of chemical evolution, made on the basis of this experiment, are criticized. According to critics, although the synthesis of essential organic substances has been clearly demonstrated, the far-reaching conclusion about the possibility of chemical evolution, drawn directly from this experience, is not fully justified.
- the alleged codename for a secret committee of scientists, military leaders and government officials, allegedly formed in 1947 by order of US President Harry S. Truman.

The committee's purported goals are to investigate UFO activities in the aftermath of the Roswell incident, the alleged wreck of an alien ship near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. Majestic 12 is an important part of the UFO conspiracy theory from the current government to hide information about UFOs. The FBI said the documents related to Majestic 12 were "completely bogus ...
EXPERIMENT "PHOENIX" - time travel studies that allegedly took place in the United States. In 1992, American engineer Al Bilek told reporters that at one time he was a participant in a unique experiment codenamed "Phoenix". Bilek was placed inside a magnetron (a device that creates a powerful electromagnetic field) and moved in time into the past ...

What is most surprising in the story of the "time traveler" is that before this experiment his name was not Al Bilek, but Edward Cameron. But after returning from the past, Cameron found that his surname was not familiar to anyone, disappeared from all lists and documents, changing to another. Yes, and friends claimed that from childhood they knew him as Bilek. No other facts confirming the existence of the Phoenix project (except for the story of Bilek himself) have been found.
EXPERIMENT "PHILADELPHIA" - one of the most interesting mysteries of the 20th century, which gave rise to many contradictory rumors. According to legend, in 1943 in Philadelphia, the US military allegedly tried to create a ship invisible to enemy radars. Using calculations made by Albert Einstein, special generators were installed on the destroyer Eldridge. But during the test, the unexpected happened - the ship, surrounded by a cocoon of a powerful electromagnetic field, disappeared not only from the radar screens, but literally evaporated in the truest sense of the word. After a while, the Eldridge materialized again, but in a completely different place and with a distraught crew on board. How reliable is this story?

For the first time, the Philadelphia experiment became widely known thanks to the astrophysicist Maurice Jessup, a scientist and writer from Iowa. In 1956, as a response to one of his books, which touched upon the problem of the unusual properties of space and time, he received a letter from a certain K. Allende, who reported that the military had already learned how to practically move objects "outside the usual space and time." The author of the letter served in 1943 on the ship "Andrew Fureset". On board this ship, which was part of the control group of the Philadelphia Experiment, Allende (as he himself claims) perfectly saw how the Eldridge melted into the greenish glow, heard the hum of the force field surrounding the destroyer ...
The most interesting thing in Allende's story is the description of the consequences of the experiment. Incredible things began to happen to people who returned "from nowhere": they seemed to fall out of the real course of time (the term "froze" was used). There have been cases of spontaneous combustion (term "ignited"). Once, two "frozen" people suddenly "ignited" and burned for eighteen days (?!), And the rescuers were unable to stop the burning of the bodies by any effort. Other oddities also occurred. One of the sailors "Eldridge", for example, disappeared forever, passing through the wall of his own apartment in front of his wife and child.
Jessup started investigating: rummaging through the archives, talking with the military and found a lot of evidence, which gave him the opportunity to express his opinion about the reality of these events as follows: “The experiment is very interesting, but terribly dangerous. It affects the people participating in it too much. experiment used magnetic generators, the so-called "demagnetizers", which operated at resonant frequencies and created a monstrous field around the ship. In practice, this gave a temporary withdrawal from our dimension and could mean a spatial breakthrough, if only it was possible to keep the process under control! " Perhaps Jessup learned too much, at least in 1959 he died under very mysterious circumstances - he was found in his own car, suffocated from exhaust gases.
The leadership of the US Navy disowned the Philadelphia experiment, stating that nothing like this happened in 1943. "But many researchers did not believe the government. They continued to search for Jessup and received some results. For example, documents were found confirming that from 1943 to 1944 Einstein served in the Department of the Navy in Washington, D.C. witnesses showed up, some of whom personally saw the disappearance of the Eldridge, others holding sheets of paper with calculations made by the hand of Einstein, who had a very characteristic handwriting. Even a newspaper clipping of those times was found. , which tells about the sailors who got off the ship and melted before the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Attempts to find out the truth about the Philadelphia Experiment continue to this day. And from time to time new interesting facts appear. Here are excerpts from a story by American electronic engineer Edom Skilling (recorded on tape): "In 1990, my friend Margaret Sandys, who lives in Palm Beach, Florida, invited my friends and I to visit Dr. Karl Leisler, her neighbor, to discuss some details of the Philadelphia experiment Karl Leisler, physicist, one of the scientists who worked on this project in 1943.
They wanted to make the warship invisible to radar. On board was installed a powerful electronic device such as a huge magnetron (magnetron - an ultrashort wave generator, classified during the Second World War). This device received energy from electrical machines installed on the ship, the power of which was sufficient to supply electricity to a small city. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "experiment was that a very strong electromagnetic field around the ship would serve as a screen for the radar beams. Karl Leisler was on the shore to observe and control the experiment."
When the magnetron started working, the ship disappeared. After a while, he reappeared, but all the sailors on board were dead. Moreover, some of their corpses turned into steel - the material from which the ship was made. During our conversation, Karl Leisler was very upset, it was clear that this old sick man still feels remorse and his guilt for the death of the sailors on board the Eldridge, Leisler and his colleagues in the experiment believe that they sent the ship at another time, while the vessel disintegrated into molecules, and when the reverse process occurred, then a partial replacement occurred organic molecules human bodies into metal atoms. "And here is another curious fact that came across the Russian researcher V. Adamenko: In the book of Mour and Berlitz, who were investigating the Philadelphia events, it is said that for many years after the incident the destroyer" Eldridge "was in the reserve of the US Navy , and then the ship was named "Lion" and sold to Greece. Meanwhile, Adamenko visited a Greek family in 1993, where he met a retired Greek admiral. It turned out that he was well aware of the Philadelphia experiment and the fate of the Eldridge, confirming that the destroyer is one of the ships of the Greek Navy, but is called not "Lion", as Mour and Berlitz write, but "Tiger".
The unequivocal truth about the Philadelphis experiment has never been established. Researchers of this mysterious story did not find the main thing - documents. The Eldridge's logs could explain a lot, but strangely they disappeared. At least, all inquiries to the government and the US military department received an official answer: "... It is not possible to find, and, therefore, put at your disposal." And the logs of the escort ship "Fureset" were completely destroyed on orders from above, although this contradicts all the existing rules.
EXPERIMENT "COMPUTER MOWGLI "- a unique project, allegedly carried out by American scientists." Computer Mowgli ", according to reports that appeared in the press, is a virtual personality created in a secret laboratory. The son of a man and a woman, this baby is not a human being.

... Pregnancy of 33-year-old Nadine M. was difficult. When the baby was born (the parents named him Sid in advance), the doctors concluded that he was doomed. For several days in the intensive care unit, it was possible to maintain life in a tiny body. Meanwhile, with the help of special equipment, a mental scan of his brain was carried out. The father and mother were not informed about this unusual procedure, as the scientists themselves estimated the chances of success as vanishingly small. But to the surprise of everyone, the electrical potentials of the neurons of Sid's brain recorded by the apparatus and transferred to the computer began to live there with their surreal (superreal?) Life.
The fact that the baby died physically, but the potentials of his brain were brought into the car and continue to develop there, was first reported only by Nadine. She took it calmly enough. To his father, since he literally raved about the future first child, for a whole month they showed Sid only on the computer screen, explaining this by the fact that the baby needed special conditions for survival. When he found out about the essence of what was happening, he was horrified at first and even tried to destroy Sid's brain development program. But soon, like Nadine, he began to regard "Computer Mowgli" as his real-life child.
Now the father and mother are actively involved in the project, taking care of Sid's "health" - they are installing more and more programs to protect against computer viruses, fearing that they may negatively affect the mental development of their baby. Researchers equipped the computer with multimedia and virtual reality systems, which make it possible not only to see Sid "three-dimensionally and in full size", but to hear his voice and even "take him in his arms" ...
The Scientific Observer magazine, which almost entirely devoted one of its issues to Sid's story, reported that the Computer Mowgli project was initially secret, but then a special commission of the US Congress decided to acquaint American taxpayers with some of the research results. The specific name of the research center that conducted the mental scan of the infant's brain is not given. But from some hints, one can understand that we are talking about one of the institutions of the US Department of Defense.
There was a message about "Computer Mowgli" and in the Russian press. The popular science almanac "It Can't Be", whose representative attended a computer conference in Las Vegas (USA), said that one of the participants in this project, a certain Steam Rowler, was present there. According to this specialist, scientists were able to scan only about 60 percent of the infant's neurons. But this turned out to be enough for the information entered into the computer to begin to develop itself. This story has not been without a criminal motive. An American prodigy, obsessed with computers, managed to "hack" the security program of the project through a computer network and copy several dozen files from it. This is how Sid's "unauthorized and rather flawed" brother appeared. Fortunately, the prodigy was "figured out" and the first attempt in the history of mankind to "electronic kidnapping" was thwarted.
Unfortunately, the main details of the project remain in the shadows: how was the scanning carried out in practice, how quickly and successfully is the copied intelligence developing, what is its real potential? Americans are in no hurry to share these secrets. And, very possibly, they have very serious reasons for this. The same Steam Rowler at a conference in Las Vegas was alarmed and vaguely hinted that the appearance of a virtual demon written off from a living person could have very serious and unpredictable consequences for our civilization.
EXPERIMENT "NAUTILUS" - research on the transmission of telepathic signals through a large layer of water. On July 25, 1959, a mysterious passenger boarded the American nuclear submarine Nautilus. The boat immediately left the port and sank into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean for sixteen days. During all this time, no one saw the nameless passenger - he never left the cabin. But twice a day he sent the captain sheets of paper with strange signs. It was a star, then a cross, then two wavy lines ... Captain Anderson put the sheets in an envelope impervious to light, put the date, hour and his signature. There was a frightening vulture on top; "Top secret. In case of danger of the submarine capture - destroy!" When the boat docked at the port of Creighton, the passenger was met by an escort who took him to the military airfield, and from there to Maryland. He was soon talking to Colonel William Bowers, director of the biological sciences division of the United States Air Force Research Administration. He pulled out an envelope from the safe that said Research Center, H. Friendship, Maryland. The mysterious passenger, whom Bowers called Lieutenant Jones, pulled out his bag marked "Nautilus." They laid out the sheets of paper side by side, in accordance with the dates. More than 70 percent of the characters in both envelopes coincided ...

This information was announced in the late 1950s by two French conspiracy theorists - Louis Povel and Jacques Bergier. Their article did not pass by the attention of the Soviet authorities protecting the country from a potential aggressor. On March 26, 1960, Minister of Defense Marshal of the USSR Malinovsky received a report from Colonel Engineer, Candidate of Sciences Poletaev:
“The American Armed Forces have adopted telepathy (the transmission of thoughts over a distance without the aid of technical means) as a means of communication with submarines on the move. Scientific research on telepathy has been going on for a long time, but since the end of 1957, large research organizations USA: Rand Corporation, Westinghouse, Bell Telephone Company and others. At the end of the work, an experiment was carried out - the transmission of information using telepathic communication from the base to the Nautilus submarine, which was submerged under polar ice at a distance of up to 2000 kilometers from the base. The experience was successful. "
There were refutations that the "Nautilus" was never used for such experiments, that during the described period it never went out to sea. Nevertheless, after this publication, similar experiments were repeatedly carried out in different countries, including the USSR (Experiment "Arctic Circle").

The minister, as expected, was keenly interested in such an amazing success of a potential adversary. Several secret meetings were held with the participation of Soviet parapsychologists. The possibility of opening works on the study of the phenomenon of telepathy in the military and military-medical aspects was discussed, but at that time they ended in nothing.
In the mid-1990s, reporters for the Chicago-based Zis Week interviewed Captain Anderson of the Nautilus in a series of interviews. His answer was categorical: “There were definitely no experiments in telepathy. The article by Povel and Bergier is entirely false. On July 25, 1960, the day the Nautilus went to sea, according to the authors, to conduct a telepathic communication session, the boat was in dry dock in Portsmouth. "
These statements were checked by journalists through their channels and turned out to be true.
According to the author of the book "Parapsychological War: Threat or Illusion" Martin Ebon stood behind the articles about "Nautilus". USSR State Security Committee! The aim of the "canard", according to the author's version, is quite original: to convince the Central Committee of the CPSU to give the go-ahead to start similar works in the Union. They say that the party leaders, brought up in the spirit of dogmatic materialism, experienced a prejudice against idealistic parapsychology. The only thing that could have prompted them to launch relevant research was information about successful developments abroad.
EXPERIMENT "POLAR CIRCLE - a global experiment on "distant transmission of mental images", conducted in June 1994 at the initiative of the Novosibirsk Institute of General Pathology and Human Ecology. This large-scale scientific event involved several thousand volunteers, researchers and psychic operators from twenty countries. Telepathic signals were transmitted from different continents, from special hypomagnetic chambers that isolate the Earth's magnetic field, from anomalous zones of the planet, such as the Perm Triangle and the Black Devil's cave in Khakassia ...

The results of the experiment, according to the Novosibirsk scientists, confirmed the reality of the existence of mental connections between people. The "Arctic Circle" is a logical continuation of research begun in the last century. Here is a brief chronology of scientific research in this area:

  • ... 1875. The famous chemist A. Butlerov, who also studied anomalous phenomena, put forward an electric induction hypothesis to explain the phenomenon of thought transmission at a distance.
  • ... 1886. The English researchers E.Gerney, F.Meyers and F.Podmore used the term "telepathy" to denote this phenomenon (for the first time).
  • ... 1887. Professor of philosophy, psychology and physiology of Lviv University Y. Okhorovich made a detailed substantiation of Butlerov's hypothesis.

Serious experiments in the field of telepathy were carried out in 19T9-1927 by Academician V. Bekhterev at the Leningrad Institute for the Study of the Brain. At this time, the same experiments were carried out by the famous engineer B. Kazhinsky. Remember the science fiction novel by A. Belyaev "The Lord of the World" (1929). The plot of this work is as follows: in the hands of immoral people there is an invention that makes it possible to read and write down people's thoughts, as well as transmit trouble-free mental orders with the help of special emitters. The book is completely built on the scientific ideas of Bernard Bernardovich Kazhinsky. To emphasize this, Belyaev even named the positive hero - Kachinsky, changing only one letter in the name of Kazhinsky ...
The results obtained by Bekhterev and Kazhinsky, judging by the available data, confirmed the existence of the phenomenon of thought transmission over a distance. In 1932, the Leningrad Institute of the Brain received a state task from the USSR People's Commissariat of Defense to intensify experimental research in the field of telepathy. Scientific supervision was entrusted to Professor L. Vasiliev.
The corresponding order was received by the Laboratory of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow), headed by Academician P. Lazorev. Professor S. Turlygin was the performer of the theme, ordered by the military and therefore classified as classified. The memories of these people have survived: "We have to admit that there really is a certain physical agent that establishes the interaction of two organisms with each other,"; stated Professor S. Turlygin. "Neither shielding nor distance worsened the results," Professor L. Vasiliev admitted.

  • ... In September 1958 (according to some publications), by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal R. Malinovsky, several closed meetings were held on the study of the phenomenon of telepathy. The head of the Main Military Medical Directorate, Professor L. Vasiliev, Professor P. Gulyaev and other specialists were present ...
  • ... 1960. At the Physiological Institute (Leningrad), a special laboratory has been organized to study telepathic phenomena.
  • ... 1965-1968. In Akademgorodok near Novosibirsk, at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, an extensive program of telepathic research on humans and animals has been carried out;

Closed research in parapsychology was conducted at the Moscow Institute of the Brain of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in other institutes and laboratories. Secret experiments were carried out with the active participation of the military using expensive equipment, up to the use of submarines.

  • ... 1969. By order of the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee P. Demichev, a special meeting of the commission was held to investigate the problem of parapsychological phenomena and the reasons for increasing public interest in them. Gathered all the color russian psychology - A. Luria, A. Lyuboevich, V. Zinchenko ... They were given the task of dispelling the myth of the existence of the parapsychological movement in the USSR. The results of the activities of this commission are reflected in the ninth issue of the journal "Questions of Psychology" for 1973. In spite of everything, it still says: "There is a phenomenon ..."

The existence of the phenomenon was also confirmed by the global experiment ("Arctic Circle") of Novosibirsk scientists. But telepathic phenomena are still perceived by the mass consciousness as a kind of fiction, a hoax. Probably because the true nature of this phenomenon has not yet found a clear explanation.

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Experiments classified as "Top Secret"

In fact, human experimentation during World War II was very productive.

The influence of hypothermia and pressure drops has been studied a lot - and on the basis of the accumulated data, by the way, significantly changed the design of life jackets, high-altitude suits, etc. Modern physiology is still largely based on these data; nevertheless, now their reliability is being questioned, since in those experiments there were many methodological flaws and, possibly, even falsification of the results.

And yet, here are, for example, excerpts from Jacques Delarue's book "The History of the Gestapo".

"On May 15, 1941, Ruscher wrote to Himmler:" I regretfully have to state that we did not carry out any experiments on human material due to their danger and the lack of volunteers. In this regard, I pose a question that seems to me very serious: is there a possibility of getting from you two or three professional criminals at our disposal? heights and cannot be replaced, as it was before, by monkeys, whose reactions can differ significantly from that of humans. "

“I personally saw through the observation window in the cell how one of the inmates inside the cell was exposed to a decreasing pressure. He suffered until his lungs exploded. In some experiments, people had such pressure in their heads that they left They ripped apart their faces with their fingernails, disfiguring themselves in a fit of insanity, punching the wall, pounding their head and screaming loudly to relieve the pressure on the eardrums.

Experiments on bringing the pressure to zero usually ended in the death of the test subjects. Moreover, the outcome was so inevitable that in many cases, being in a cell was more a painful method of execution than a form of experience.

This gruesome exploration continued until May 1942. About 200 prisoners passed through them; 80 died right in the low-pressure chamber, while others were more or less severely injured. Rascher then began a new series of tests, this time involving exposure to cold. "

"And Rasher himself was downright disdainful of his fellows. He once told physiologist Rain:" You consider yourself a physiologist, but your experience is limited to guinea pigs and mice. I can be said to be the only one who truly knows human physiology, since I conduct experiments on humans, not mice. "

"The prisoners were used in many other studies, including: testing new drugs; experiments related to nutrition and concentrated food in Oranienburg; the use of artificial hormones in Buchenwald; antigangrenous serum, hematological and serological experiments, testing of an ointment for the treatment of phosphorus burns, artificial induction of phlegmon, abscesses and blood poisoning at Dachau; testing of sulfamides, surgical experiments on bones, nerves and muscle tissue. "

there is a documentary in Russian about the 731 detachment - either ORT or RTR was filmed at one time. It should be noted that individual people, and not the nation as a whole, committed atrocities, but this did not prevent the majority of Japanese butchers from avoiding the tribunal; only 12 scapegoats were tried in Khabarovsk, who, after rewinding their time in the USSR, returned to their homeland. and those who did the basic stuffing became the leading experts and research scientists at the institutes at home after the end of the war. some "personalities" are still revered as heroes and they hold a memorial service every year with broadcasts on national television ...

Ethics scientific research was updated after the end of World War II. In 1947, the Nuremberg Code was developed and adopted, which protects the well-being of research participants to the present day. However, before, scientists did not disdain to conduct experiments on prisoners, slaves and even members of their own families, violating all human rights. This list contains the most shocking and unethical cases.

10. Stanford Prison Experiment

In 1971, a team of scientists at Stanford University, led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, conducted a study of human reactions to restriction of freedom in prison conditions. As part of the experiment, volunteers were to play the roles of guards and inmates in the basement of the psychology faculty building, equipped as a prison. Volunteers quickly got used to their duties, however, contrary to the forecasts of scientists, during the experiment, terrible and dangerous incidents began to occur. A third of the "guards" showed pronounced sadistic tendencies, while many "prisoners" were psychologically traumatized. Two of them had to be excluded from the experiment ahead of time. Zimbardo, concerned about the subjects' antisocial behavior, was forced to stop the study ahead of schedule.

9. Monstrous experiment

In 1939, a graduate student at the University of Iowa, Mary Tudor, under the guidance of psychologist Wendell Johnson, staged an equally shocking experience on the orphans of the Davenport orphanage. The experiment was devoted to the study of the effect of value judgments on children's fluency. The subjects were divided into two groups. During the training of one of them, Tudor gave positive marks and praised in every possible way. She subjected the speech of children from the second group to harsh criticism and ridicule. The experiment ended in failure, which is why it later got its name. Many healthy children did not recover from their trauma and suffered from speech problems throughout their lives. The University of Iowa did not publicly apologize for the Monstrous Experiment until 2001.

8. Project 4.1

The medical study, known as Project 4.1, was carried out by US scientists on Marshall Islanders who became victims of radioactive contamination after the explosion of the US Castle Bravo thermonuclear device in the spring of 1954. In the first 5 years after the disaster on Rongelap Atoll, the number of miscarriages and stillbirths doubled, and the surviving children developed developmental disorders. Over the next decade, many of them developed thyroid cancer. By 1974, a third had developed neoplasms. As experts later concluded, the purpose of the medical program to help local residents of the Marshall Islands was their use as guinea pigs in a "radioactive experiment."

7. MK-ULTRA project

The CIA's secret Mind manipulation program, MK-ULTRA, was launched in the 1950s. The essence of the project was to study the influence of various psychotropic substances on human consciousness. The participants in the experiment were doctors, the military, prisoners and other representatives of the US population. The subjects, as a rule, did not know that they were injected with drugs. One of the CIA's covert operations was dubbed "Midnight Climax". In several San Francisco brothels, male test subjects were selected, injected with LSD, and then filmed on video for study. The project lasted until at least the 1960s. In 1973, the CIA authorities destroyed most of the MK-ULTRA documents, causing significant difficulties in the subsequent investigation of the case by the US Congress.

6. Project "Aversia"

From the 70s to the 80s of the XX century, an experiment was conducted in the South African army aimed at changing the gender of soldiers with a non-traditional sexual orientation. In the course of the top-secret Operation Aversia, about 900 people were injured. The alleged homosexuals were calculated by army doctors with the assistance of priests. In a military psychiatric ward, subjects were subjected to hormone therapy and electroshock. If a soldier could not be "cured" in this way, they would face forced chemical castration or sex reassignment surgery. Aversion was run by psychiatrist Aubrey Levin. In the 90s, he immigrated to Canada, not wanting to face trial for the atrocities he had committed.

5. Experiments on humans in North Korea

North Korea has repeatedly been accused of researching prisoners who violate human rights, however, the country's government denies all charges, claiming that the state treats them humanely. However, one of the former prisoners told the shocking truth. A terrible, if not terrifying experience appeared before the eyes of the prisoner: 50 women, under the threat of reprisals against their families, were forced to eat poisoned cabbage leaves and died, suffering from bloody vomiting and rectal bleeding, accompanied by the screams of other victims of the experiment. There is eyewitness testimony about special laboratories equipped for experiments. Whole families became their targets. After a routine medical examination, the wards were sealed and filled with asphyxiant gas, and the "researchers" watched through the glass from above as parents tried to rescue their children by giving them artificial respiration for as long as they had strength.

4. Toxicological laboratory of the USSR special services

The top-secret scientific unit, also known as "Kamera", under the leadership of Colonel Mairanovsky was engaged in experiments in the field of toxic substances and poisons such as ricin, digitoxin and mustard gas. Experiments were carried out, as a rule, on prisoners sentenced to capital punishment. Poisons were served to the subjects under the guise of drugs along with food. The main goal of the scientists was to find an odorless and tasteless toxin that would not leave traces after the death of the victim. Ultimately, scientists managed to find the desired poison. According to eyewitness accounts, after taking C-2, subject became weaker, quiet, as if cringing and dying within 15 minutes.

3. Study of Tuskegee's syphilis

The infamous experiment began in 1932 in the Alabama city of Tuskegee. For 40 years, scientists literally refused to treat syphilis to patients in order to study all stages of the disease. The experience fell victim to 600 poor African American sharecroppers. The patients were not informed about their illness. Instead of being diagnosed, doctors told people they had "bad blood" and offered free food and treatment in exchange for participating in the program. During the experiment, 28 men died from syphilis, 100 from subsequent complications, 40 infected their wives, 19 children received a congenital disease.

2. "Unit 731"

Special forces of the Japanese armed forces under the leadership of Shiro Ishii were engaged in experiments in the field of chemical and biological weapons. In addition, they are responsible for the most horrific experiences on people that history only knows. The military doctors of the detachment opened up living subjects, amputated the limbs of the captives and sewed them to other parts of the body, deliberately infecting men and women with sexually transmitted diseases through rape in order to further study the consequences. The list of atrocities of "Detachment 731" is huge, but many of its employees have not been punished for their actions.

1. Nazi experiments on people

Medical experiments carried out by the Nazis during World War II took a huge number of lives. IN concentration camps scientists have performed the most sophisticated and inhuman experiments. At Auschwitz, Dr. Josef Mengele conducted research on over 1,500 pairs of twins. In the eyes of the test subjects, various chemical substancesto see if their color changed, and in an attempt to create Siamese twins, the subjects were stitched. Meanwhile, Luftwaffe officers were trying to find a way to treat hypothermia, forcing the prisoners to lie in icy water for several hours, and in the Ravensbrück camp, researchers deliberately inflicted wounds on prisoners and infected them with infections in order to test sulfonamides and other drugs.
