What if what we want is actually achievable? What if the boundaries exist only in our head? One has only to go beyond the usual framework, and life will sparkle in a new way. There are no difficulties here, unless we invent them ourselves. The possibilities of a person are much wider than he imagines them. John Kehoe's book "The subconscious can do anything" will help you to touch your own.

about the author

John Kehoe was born in Toronto (Canada), later moved to live in Vancouver. Some time ago, this man led an ordinary life and was no different from hundreds of thousands of his peers. Nothing is known about this stage of his biography.

The history of John Kehoe as a famous and successful writer, master of public speaking, a person of active social position begins in 1978, when he began work on his book "The subconscious mind can do anything." The author, on his own experience, worked through all the material described in his work. This was preceded by a difficult stage in the life of the writer, which proved to him that the subconscious mind can do anything.

How was the book created?

Work on unlocking the powers of his own mind began in 1975, when John Kehoe decided to settle in the wooded part of the desert of British Columbia - a small province in the north of his country. He planned to use solitude to study the inner workings of the human mind. It took him three years.

Returning from his seclusion to the civilized world, Kehoe decided to use his experience 100%. He began to travel the world, gather full halls of people, give lectures, which has gained phenomenal success. His first books "The Power of the Mind in the 21st Century", "Money, Success and You", "The Practice of Happiness" quickly took the leading position on the bestseller lists in dozens of countries around the world and were translated into several languages. He created a simple and accessible program for the development of the power of his own mind, which he successfully taught people.

In 2005, on the basis of already more extensive experience, another book appears, which is being published by John Kehoe - "The subconscious mind can do anything."

Positive psychology

The book is easy to read. Complex things are explained in it for a wide range of readers in simple and accessible language. Practical exercises are described, which are also easy to reproduce. Such ease of presentation immediately sets you up for positive thinking - it turns out that changing your life is quite simple.

A positive attitude permeates the entire book from start to finish. The author makes it clear that a person himself builds boundaries, separating himself from the world around him, and forgets who he is. We are used to dividing everything into pairs: bad-good, black-white, subject-object, etc. And at the same time, we ourselves do not notice how this duality gives rise to internal conflicts, constant struggle in us. This is how people create problems for themselves and suffer from them. This is what John Kehoe says in his book "The Subconscious Mind Can Do Everything".

The testimonials of many people prove that understanding these mechanisms is inspiring and nullifies internal contradictions with oneself. Then the person begins to interact with the world in a positive way. And he responds in kind.

Control your thoughts

"By opening your thoughts, you open up new possibilities."

John Kehoe "The subconscious mind can do anything"

The author talks about the relationship between our thoughts and all manifestations of the material world. It is very important to control your thoughts. They don't have to be wandering and messy. Concentrated thoughts have great power when they take shape. And this happens sooner or later.

Thought is energy. First, the story of our success should be born in the head and only after that it should be realized in reality. You need to know specifically what you want to achieve, and mentally replay this script several times. After all, if the subconscious mind can do everything, then it is the force that can turn the whole world. The book provides detailed instructions on how to work with your thoughts and direct them in the right direction.

John Kehoe pays great attention to the visualization method. It is necessary to mentally imagine the desired events and circumstances of life. It does not take much time, it is enough to set aside 5-10 minutes for visualization. Imagine becoming successful just by fantasizing about your success!

What can the subconscious mind do?

According to John Kehoe, it is the subconscious that has always helped a person in everyday reality, guiding him. This mysterious and mystical part of our brain has tremendous power. She is able to control simple and complex physiological processes, to capture important events in our life.

The author equips the reader with the idea that the subconscious mind works through our sensations, premonitions, intuition and dreams. By trusting this mechanism, we are able to gain a solid inner reference point. In addition, it is in the subconscious that our way of thinking is "fixed". By changing it in a positive way, we improve the external circumstances of our life. This is exactly what John Kehoe's book "The Subconscious Mind Can Do" is aimed at.

It does not at all mean idleness and carelessness, like in children. Rather, it can be characterized as a state in which both success and failure are perceived as experiences. Realizing this, a person stops blaming fate for everything that happens to him, feeling sorry for himself and constantly complaining. Then life begins to play with completely different colors.

listen to your heart

In an interview, John Kehoe said that a person is able to move towards his destination based on his own feelings. After all, he subconsciously knows what is right and right. The rational mind, despite the fact that it is of great value, cannot lead a person to his destiny. He is only capable of introducing confusion into his life.

Therefore, you need to follow your passion, that is, for something that arouses genuine interest, kindles curiosity, whether it be music or cooking. This is the guiding thread that can lead to success.

Regular training is a real miracle!

"I would like you to remember that continuous practice is absolutely essential for continuous growth."

"The subconscious mind can do anything" (John Kehoe)

John Kehoe is a man who once decided to study the abilities of the human brain. He spent three years in isolation, and when he went out into the world again, he began to conduct seminars and share the knowledge he gained with the help of books. His books become bestsellers and are sold out all over the world. One of these popular books is "The subconscious mind can do anything!"

People are used to thinking that everything depends on some external factors, character traits or luck. But what if the embodiment of what we want largely depends on our subconscious mind? The author of this book believes that thoughts have energy, so it is important that they are clearly articulated, and not randomly wandering around in the head. The more clearly a person thinks, knows what he wants, sees a picture of what he wants, the more chances it will come true.

The book pays great attention to a positive attitude. It's important to focus on the positive. You need to stop complaining, blaming fate, remembering mistakes. If you constantly think about the bad, draw pictures of terrible events in fantasies, then this will not slow down to happen. And if you imagine your success, then it will definitely be. You need to think about what you want, not what you DO NOT want. The writer talks about the importance of visualization, that is, you need to take a few minutes a day to close your eyes and clearly imagine what you want to get. The brain will gradually rebuild itself and will strive to achieve what it wants.

The subconscious mind plays a huge role in a person's life. It can store in itself the most significant moments of life, it can affect the physical and emotional state, and therefore, on a person's activities. This book will teach you how to work with your subconscious, how to set yourself up to achieve a goal, and not to make mistakes and get negative experiences. This book will show that if you learn to understand how the subconscious mind works, and use it correctly, you can fulfill a lot of your desires!

On our website you can download the book "The subconscious mind can do anything!"

Current page: 1 (the book has 9 pages in total) [available passage for reading: 2 pages]

John Kehoe
The subconscious mind can do anything!

© 1997 John Kehoe

© Translation. LLC "Potpourri" 1998 (by Russian translation rights arranged with Zoetic Inc. and Popuri Publishers)

© Design. LLC "Potpourri", 2012

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John Kehoe

In 1975, John Kehoe went to live in the woods in order to study and comprehend the internal mechanisms of the human brain for three years far from civilization. Drawing on information from a wide variety of scientific and spiritual sources, as well as drawing on personal observation and experience, Kehoe developed his first simple and highly successful program for the development of brain power. In 1978, on the basis of the developed principles, he began teaching people, and by 1980 his lectures enjoyed tremendous success all over the world.

Kehoe has been teaching for the past twenty years. He currently lives with his wife on the Pacific Northwest coast, continuing to publish books and give lectures.

A word of gratitude

I am grateful to Joyce Hamilton for helping me write my oral lectures; under his leadership, this book came into being. I am also grateful to Rick and Jennifer Beairsto for their advice and assistance in publishing the book, to Soraya Othman, my business partner and friend, whose urge "the book must be done!" encouraged me to act, and finally to my wife Sylvia for her love, support and companionship. Thank you all.

John Kehoe


Managing the forces of the universe and actively working towards your goals is very tempting. My book will acquaint you with all the techniques you need to do this - you just have to use them in everyday life.

For twenty years, I have taught more than a hundred thousand people using this system with great pleasure. Now, with the appearance of the book, millions of people around the world will be able to get acquainted with it. If this is your first time holding this book in your hands - welcome! I am sure that my discoveries will help you in many ways, and personally I am very pleased to introduce you to the “The subconscious mind can do anything” system.

Chapter 1
A different view of reality

There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of.


You don't need to know the laws of physics or understand the essence of reality to use the power of the brain - you don't need to know how the carburetor or ignition system works to drive a car. Few people know about cars, but that doesn't stop most people from driving.

The same is the case with brain power - anyone can master the basics of this system and successfully apply it in practice in everyday life.

We'll start by examining the essence of reality and especially the startling discoveries made in science over the past twenty years that will help better understand how the brain creates its own reality. They explain why visualization or mental imaging is not just unnecessary daydreaming, but a creative process that helps a person control and direct energy flows that can glue things together, turn liquid into vapor, or cause seeds to swell and grow.

Having realized the essence of these energy flows, you will come to understand the essence of the brain and see that inspiration, prayer and intuition are not something supernatural, but obey laws that can be discovered and applied at the will of a person. Like everything known to man in the Universe, the forces of the brain are governed by laws that, if freed from scientific terminology and presented in an accessible form, everyone can understand.

Let me introduce you to the fascinating world of these discoveries.

Modern physics regards the Universe as an infinite indivisible network of dynamic activity. It not only lives and constantly changes - all its components influence each other. At the primary level, the Universe appears to be whole, indivisible, a kind of bottomless sea of ​​energy that permeates every object and every action - it is all one. In a word, today scientists confirm what mystics, clairvoyants and occultists have been talking about for millennia - we are not separate elements, but part of one gigantic whole.

When a blade of grass is plucked, the entire universe shudders.

Saying from the ancient Upanishads

Modern physics has changed our views on the material world. Today, no one claims that particles consist of some basic "substance": they are considered beams of energy. They can make sudden movements, the so-called "quantum leaps", in some cases acting as a whole, in others - as waves of pure energy.

Reality flows, nothing is constant, everything is part of a model in continuous motion. Even a rock is the result of a frenzied "dance" of energy. The Universe is alive and dynamic, and we ourselves, being in it and being a part of it, are alive and dynamic.


The theories behind the discovery of the holographic effect were first developed in 1947 by Denis Garbor, later awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery. A hologram is a phenomenon in which the "whole" is contained in each of its components. For example, a starfish has a certain holographic effect. If you cut off some part of it, it will grow back. Moreover, a new starfish can grow from the cut off part: its genetic code is embedded in each of the parts.

Several years ago, at an exhibition of holograms, I saw photographs taken with the use of the holographic effect. One of them showed a woman standing. Looking at the image on the right, you saw a different image: a woman was lighting a cigarette. Seen from the left, the photograph changed again: the woman was playfully thrusting her hip forward. If this photograph suddenly fell and shattered into many fragments, then each of them would not contain what you expect to see - a piece of a woman's shoe or dress, or part of her face, but a whole image of a woman. Looking at any of the fragments from different angles, you will again see how the image changes: the woman first lights a cigarette, then freezes in a seductive pose. Each shard contains a whole picture.

Now they come to the conclusion that reality is also a hologram in its essence and the work of the brain is also based on the holographic effect. Our thought processes have much in common with the lowest level of development of the Universe and consist of the same "substance". The brain is a hologram that reflects the holographic universe.

The authors of this unusual idea are two outstanding world thinkers - the physicist of the University of London David Bohm, a student of Einstein and one of the luminaries of the world of quantum physics, and the neurophysiologist of Stanford University Karl Pribram. By chance, they made their discoveries completely independently of each other, working in different fields of science. Bohm came to the conclusion about the holographic nature of the universe after several years of unsuccessful attempts to explain all the processes and phenomena of quantum physics using traditional theories. Pribram, studying the human brain, also became convinced of the inability of traditional theories to solve its many riddles. For both scientists, the holographic model suddenly filled with meaning and served as an answer to many previously insoluble questions. They published their findings in the early 70s. Their work found a lively response in the scientific community, but, unfortunately, never gained wide recognition outside of it. Some were skeptical about them (and what scientific theory escaped such a fate?), But many of the world's leading scientists joined the ranks of their supporters.

Cambridge scientist, 1973 Nobel Prize winner in physics Brian Josephson called Bohm and Pribram's theory "a breakthrough in understanding the essence of reality." This view is also shared by Dr. David Peet, a physicist at Queen's University of Canada and author of The Bridge Between Matter and the Brain, who claims that "our thought processes are much more closely related to the physical world than many assume."

In 1979, Robert J. Jahn, dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Princeton University, developed a program to study "the role of consciousness in revealing material reality." After conducting thousands of experiments, Jan and his assistants published their discoveries, finding that there is every reason to assert: the brain can directly influence and does affect material reality. In 1994, the world's leading scientists and educators gathered at Princeton University to discuss how this striking theory could be developed and put into practice in specific areas of science.

This discovery is really unusual, therefore attempts to apply its results in practice are inevitably associated with numerous doubts and hesitations.

The interaction of consciousness and the material world no longer seems to be something fantastic today: consciousness is energy in its subtlest and most dynamic form. It helps to understand why our fantasies, mental images, desires and fears influence real events, and explains how the brain-created image materializes.

Such discoveries concerning the essence of reality can become the driving force for our further improvement and growth. By realizing that he is part of an open and dynamic universe and that his brain plays a critical role in creating reality, a person will be able to develop a more active and creative approach to life. Now he does not need to stand on the sidelines, observing what is happening from the side - new discoveries make it possible to understand that there is no roadside and never was. Everything is based on mutual influence. Wherever we go and whatever we do, our thoughts create the surrounding reality.

Einstein once said: "The discovery of a new theory is like climbing a mountain, when a new and wider panorama opens up." This is exactly what happens to you when you read this book. Very soon, when you discover your true possibilities, your mental "ascent" will be rewarded.

Chapter 2

Think as if your every thought in huge fiery letters is written in the sky and is visible to everyone - this is how it is.

Book of Mirdad

By perceiving your thoughts as a reality that exists alongside what we call "material reality", you have come closer to understanding the unique relationship of these two phenomena.

We live simultaneously in two worlds, two realities: the inner reality of our thoughts, feelings and views and the outer reality, where people, places, things and events exist. Unable to separate these Inner and Outer worlds, we allow the visible Outer world to dominate our life, assigning to the Inner only the role of a “mirror” reflecting everything that happens to us. Our inner world is very sensitive, and only by reacting to external influences, we do not have the opportunity to realize what power we have. By cruel irony, a person begins to change the reality in which he exists, precisely on the day, hour and minute when he stops constantly reacting to it.

Inner consciousness is a powerful force that is felt in every aspect of your life. It, by the way, is the main and most important part of your being, and your successes and failures depend on it.

Everything in its essence is energy, and by thinking, you are operating with a huge amount of this energy in a fast, light and mobile form - in the form of thought. Thought constantly strives to find form, gravitates towards external manifestation, trying to find its expression. The desire and ability to materialize in the form of its physical equivalent are inherent in its nature. Ordinary human thoughts are like the sparks of a fire. With the essence and potential of a flame, they usually disappear quickly. Having existed for only a few seconds, they fly up and there instantly burn up.

A single thought does not have great power, but by repeating it many times, it can be concentrated and directed, and its power can be increased. The greater the number of repetitions, the more power and ability to express the thought acquires.

Weak and scattered thoughts are weak and scattered forces.

Strong and concentrated thoughts are strong and concentrated forces.

To understand this, imagine a magnifying glass through which the sun's rays pass. If you move it from side to side, then the energy of the sun's rays is dissipated and does not appear. However, by fixing the glass at a certain height, you will concentrate the same rays of the sun, and this scattered light will suddenly acquire the power to cause a fire.

The same thing happens with our thoughts. As you explore the power of the brain, you will learn to develop and focus your thoughts, thereby increasing their potential. At this stage, you need to make it clear to yourself that thoughts have their own power. Your deepest beliefs, fears, hopes, worries, views, desires and your every thought affect you, those around you and the world around you.

Many do not pay attention to their thoughts upon awakening, not noticing how the brain works, what it desires, what it fears, what it says to itself, and what it dismisses as unnecessary. We usually eat, work, communicate, worry, hope, make plans, make love, shop, play, paying little attention to how and what we think about.

Perhaps we would treat our mental processes with great attention if for each thought, depending on its nature, we had to receive or give a dollar. With thousands of thoughts popping up in our brains every day, this seems like a tempting proposition.

Imagine an accounting department keeping track of every thought and noting which one made us profit and which one made us lose. Everyone would control and direct their thoughts in the most meticulous way, enthusiastically generating income-generating and diligently avoiding incurring costs.

By the way, this is exactly what happens to us, only energy acts in the role of dollars - a huge accounting system operates. It is called the Universe, and not a single thought is left without attention on its part.

The inner world of a person is not a lifeless heap of bricks or stones. Your every thought is reflected in this system and affects it. Whether you like it or not, by thinking, you are constantly creating your own reality.

The first step to starting a new life is surprisingly simple: you just need to follow the flow of your thoughts and direct them accordingly.

Each person creates his own life, so take a critical look at your lifestyle. You insist that you strive for financial prosperity, but all the time you complain about the lack of money and high prices. You dwell on what you don’t have, you are frightened by incoming bills, you are anxious and painfully pondering how to cope with the situation. You strive for financial prosperity, but your consciousness is tuned to the lack of money and experience, and you will never achieve this prosperity.

Perhaps you need to find a new job, something interesting and promising, where you could realize your creative potential and, moreover, make good money. Constantly telling yourself that this kind of work simply does not exist, that you will never find it, you really will never get it.

Perhaps you want to be more sociable, relaxed, confident in yourself, but you constantly think how awkward you are and do not know how to support the company, reminding yourself again and again about your own problems and shortcomings. As a result, you are unlikely to be who you want to be. You may want to become strong, but if weakness is rooted in your consciousness, you will only console yourself with the hope that someday you will acquire the desired strength.

In a word, you cannot help the cause only by desires. There is no point in hoping that something will change. It is not enough just to work hard, even for twelve to fifteen hours a day.

In order to get moving, it is necessary - and this is a rather serious condition - to change your way of thinking.

It will be given to everyone who has,

and that which he has will be taken away from the poor.

Luke 19:26

When I first read this saying, it seemed very unfair to me. Is it right that the “have” will get even more, and the “have-not” will lose even the little that he has? At first glance, this seems completely wrong: it would be much fairer if the “have-not” received more, but the Scriptures say it differently. The Bible says that this is how the universe works. After much thought, I came to the conclusion that this dictum is full of deep meaning. Indeed, what could be fairer than giving each person the freedom to choose their own thoughts, from which the surrounding reality will be created? In the end, everyone is free to determine the quality of their own life.

Do you want to change circumstances? To do this, develop the necessary type of consciousness in yourself. A successful person always has a consciousness set for success. A wealthy person develops a consciousness tuned in to wealth, his thoughts are devoted to wealth, success and material well-being. This is his way of thinking.

“It’s good for him,” you say. - When succeeding, it is easy to think about success; It’s not difficult for a rich man to think about wealth, but for me it’s different. I am a loser; I'm poor. Life circumstances are pulling me down. "

WRONG! It is fundamentally wrong! It is not life circumstances and the current situation that interfere with you. The only thing that hinders you and prevents you from achieving success is your thoughts. With a little effort and practice, you will learn to control your thoughts and develop the desired type of consciousness. The surrounding reality can change only after you develop a new type of consciousness, but not before. The new consciousness must go ahead.

Have you already decided what you want out of life? Health? Then develop a health consciousness. Authorities? Develop a consciousness of power. Material well-being? Develop a wealth-oriented consciousness. Happiness? Develop a consciousness of happiness. Do you want to become more spiritual? Work on the consciousness of spirituality. Everything exists as a potential opportunity. All you need to do is provide the charge of the necessary energy, and then your goal will become a reality.

It is gratifying to know that regardless of life circumstances in the past and present, regardless of previous failures, your life will change if you energize your consciousness! This amazing opportunity is given to everyone, and each of us has the right to either use it or miss it. You don't need to have a lot of money or have any special talents for this. All you need is the determination to spend some time and make the necessary efforts to develop the appropriate type of consciousness. And that's it! The rest will happen automatically.

Your brain is like a garden that you can take care of, or you can run it. You are a gardener and you can grow your garden or leave it desolate. But know: you will have to reap the fruits of either your labor, or your own inaction!

It is the brain that creates the reality around you ... You can agree or disagree with this. You can become aware of this and make your brain work for you, or you can let things go by themselves, letting your brain work in such a way that you will constantly be haunted by failure. But the reality in which you live will always be created by your brain.

Chapter 3
Visualization, or mental representation

There are no thoughts in my brain, but it has the power to bring a whole range of concepts to life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What makes a person a winner? How are lucky people different from losers?

“It's all in my head,” says Arnold Schwarzenegger. A multi-millionaire, successful real estate tycoon, movie star, bodybuilder and five-time Mr. Universe title, Arnold has done it all. But this was not always the case. Arnold remembers a time when he had nothing but a firm belief that the brain is the key to the fulfillment of all his plans.

“As a very young boy, I mentally imagined myself the way I would like to be. In my thoughts, I never doubted that I would become just like that. The brain is truly unique. Even before I was awarded the first Mr. Universe title, I already imagined myself winning this tournament. The main prize was mine. I mentally won it so many times that I no longer doubted that it would be so. The same thing happened with my film career. I envisioned myself as a talented actor making a lot of money. I literally felt and tasted success. I just knew it was going to happen. "

Chris Poline was a member of the world famous West German freestyle team, which won the European Cup six times between 1976 and 1982.

“Part of our training was working with a psychologist to build brain power. After training on the slopes, we plunged into a state of meditation. The psychologist asked us to mentally walk every slope, every springboard and turn. During this mental training, we worked as hard as during the present one. Excellence in sports, as in any other activity, directly depends on the ability to create a clear mental image of their actions. "

Chris knows what she's talking about: She's not only the owner of six medals, but also the head of a successful business and sports consulting company that aims to educate people about how to succeed using these techniques.

Brian Edward, a cheerful man with a great sense of humor, is in the life insurance business. I met him during one of the lecture tours and we became good friends. Every night before going to bed, he mentally replays scenes of visits to be made the next day. He mentally draws a conversation with each client. He imagines that they are all friendly and willingly agree to insure their lives. Brian imagines a lucky day, during which he managed to get a lot of insurance contracts. He does this for ten minutes before going to bed and ten minutes in the morning after waking up. In total, it turns out twenty minutes every day. Brian Edwards sells more insurance policies in one day than many insurance agents in six months, and consistently ranks in the top one percent of his profession.

Three different people with different goals and life perspectives, but they all use the same technique to help build reality and actively influence it - the technique of visualization, or mental representation.

Visualization is a mental representation, playing, seeing oneself in a situation that has not yet happened. A person imagines himself doing or having what he strives for, and receiving what he wants.

Let's say you want to develop self-confidence. Using your imagination, you present yourself as a confident person. Mentally, you commit bold deeds and communicate freely with a wide variety of people. You imagine situations that usually give you trouble, and imagine that you act in them easily, naturally, and succeed. You might even imagine your friends and colleagues giving you compliments, congratulating you on your acquired self-confidence. You feel pride and satisfaction both from the fact that you have become a confident person and from the changes that have occurred as a result. You imagine what could and will happen to you, and live as if it is happening in reality.


Decide what you want to achieve: pass an exam, get a promotion, meet someone, make a lot of money, win squash.

Relax. Take a break from business for a few minutes and take a breath, resting your body and soul.

Visualize the desired reality for five to ten minutes.

Think more about what you are doing or gaining, rather than about what is more or less likely to happen. Live in your thoughts as if it is already happening to you. Create a small indoor video. Imagine yourself doing what you most want. On the one hand, you realize that in fact this is not happening to you yet and has not yet become a reality. But the mental pictures that we draw to ourselves, which we constantly think about, become a springboard for our goals, a form that is filled with energy. These paintings are a real force that will work for us.

When visualizing, endow yourself with whatever qualities you need. If your mental image requires talent, courage, determination, and perseverance, be sure to include them. Sometimes you will see clearly that you are achieving a desired goal, as if watching a movie. In other cases, you will be presented with only the most general picture of your goals. Both are good. You can alternate between accurate and fluent visualization, doing each for five minutes, or focus on one thing that you like best.

Accurate visualization. Create mentally accurate pictures and scenes of what you want to achieve. Follow the previously prepared script, mentally replaying it several times.

Free visualization. Allow images and thoughts to freely replace each other, without directing them, but only as long as as long as they show a positive way to achieve your goal.

Use both methods, keeping practice in mind. Many have difficulty in the early stages of rendering. Their brains cannot create and paint the desired scenes. Don't worry if the same happens to you. The picture does not have to be complete and complete. With regular visualization, you will soon be surprised to find that your brain is learning to generate mental pictures at will.

It should be noted that it is not enough to present something once or even twice. The results will appear if only the image is imprinted in the mind over and over again for weeks and even months until your goal is fulfilled. Do not try to evaluate the results after one or two visualization attempts.

If you suddenly have doubts - and they will definitely arise - just ignore them. Do not try to resist them and fight them, let them arise and disappear in your consciousness without hindrance. Continue to visualize and everything will fall into place.


Always present your goals as if all of this is happening to you right now. In your mind, make it a reality. Create detailed images. Enter the role and mentally play it.

Visualize your goal at least once a day, without missing a day. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Any thought that arises in your brain and takes root there will have an impact on your life.

I want to tell you about a well-known and documented experiment by psychologist Alan Richardson. The student basketball team was divided into three groups; in each of them, the performance of the players was determined and recorded. Players in the first group came to the gym every day to work out their serves. The basketball players of the second group did not train at all, and the representatives of the third group did very special training. They did not go to the gym, but remained in their rooms, mentally imagining the process of training. For half an hour a day, they saw themselves scoring goals and winning with a crushing score. They continued to mentally “train” every day. After a month, all three groups were tested again.

The first group (those who trained every day in the gym) improved their results by 24 percent. In the second group (those who did nothing) there was no improvement. And in the third group (players who trained mentally) the improvement was almost the same as in those who actually trained in the gym!

So, creative visualization has tremendous power, but there is nothing supernatural about it. It is based on the work of your internal mechanisms and energy, as well as the ability to creatively direct your inner resources.

When properly organized, imagination is one of the most dynamic human capacities. Start using this gift right now. Don't worry or think about the specifics of this phenomenon, just trust the process. Demand follows supply, so you get the right result at the right time. You can rest assured that you will find ways and means of achieving the goal: nature can always fulfill the requirement made to it.

Often times, people want to know the answers to all the questions before they take the first step. We want to anticipate and know in advance all the subtleties of what will happen. But this usually fails, and often events develop in the most unexpected ways.

Actress Carol Burnet was born in Los Angeles and raised by her grandmother. They barely made ends meet, living on welfare, and were so poor that her grandmother collected toilet paper in public toilets. Naturally, they did not have the money to send the talented girl to the university, which she passionately dreamed of. However, she knew that someday she would go there. “I didn't even think that I might not go to university. I imagined going to lectures, living on campus and studying subjects that interest me. I thought about it every day. Although I never had a chance to enroll, I never doubted for a second that I would be a student. "

How did she find the money?

“Once, when I was finishing school, I went to get the mail. Opening the mailbox, I found an envelope addressed to me. It had a stamp, but no postage stamp. It means that it was not sent by mail, but simply thrown into my mailbox. Opening the envelope, I found there an amount exactly equal to the contribution for the first year of study at the university. And no note of explanation. Only money. I still don’t know who sent them. ”


Of course, I am not saying that if you do visualization, you will definitely wait for a stranger who will hand you an envelope with the desired amount, as happened with Carol Burnet. But I promise: the circumstances will turn out in such a way that you will be able to realize your goals - you can count on it. Your thoughts are much stronger than you think, and each mental image is a real force that can affect your life.


I am grateful to Joyce Hamilton for helping me write my oral lectures; under his leadership, this book came into being. I am also grateful to Rick and Jennifer Beairsto for their advice and assistance in publishing the book, to Soraya Othman, my business partner and friend, whose urge "the book must be done!" encouraged me to act, and finally to my wife Sylvia for her love, support and companionship. Thank you all.

John Kehoe.


Managing the forces of the universe and actively working towards your goals is very tempting. My book will acquaint you with all the techniques you need to do this - you just have to use them in everyday life.

For twenty years, I have taught more than a hundred thousand people using this system with great pleasure. Now, with the appearance of the book, millions of people around the world will be able to get acquainted with it. If this is your first time holding this book in your hands - welcome! I am sure that my discoveries will help you in many ways, and personally I am very pleased to introduce you to the “The subconscious mind can do anything” system.

John Kehoe

A different look

There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of.

You don't need to know the laws of physics or understand the essence of reality to use the power of the brain - you don't need to know how the carburetor or ignition system works to drive a car. Few people know about cars, but that doesn't stop most people from driving. The same is the case with brain power - anyone can master the basics of this system and successfully apply it in practice in everyday life.

We'll start by examining the essence of reality and especially the startling discoveries made in science over the past twenty years that will help better understand how the brain creates its own reality. They explain why visualization or mental imaging is not just unnecessary daydreaming, but a creative process that helps a person control and direct energy flows that can glue things together, turn liquid into vapor, or cause seeds to swell and grow.

Having realized the essence of these energy flows, you will come to understand the essence of the brain and see that inspiration, prayer and intuition are not something supernatural, but obey laws that can be discovered and applied at the will of a person. Like everything known to man in the Universe, the forces of the brain are governed by laws that, if freed from scientific terminology and presented in an accessible form, everyone can understand.

Let me introduce you to the fascinating world of these discoveries.

Modern physics regards the Universe as an infinite indivisible network of dynamic activity. It not only lives and constantly changes - all its components influence each other. At the primary level, the Universe appears to be whole, indivisible, a kind of bottomless sea of ​​energy that permeates every object and every action - it is all one. In a word, today scientists confirm what mystics, clairvoyants and occultists have been talking about for millennia - we are not separate elements, but part of one gigantic whole.

"When a blade of grass is plucked, the whole universe shudders."

Modern physics has changed our views on the material world. Today, no one claims that particles consist of some basic "substance": they are considered beams of energy. They can make sudden movements, the so-called "quantum leaps", in some cases acting as a whole, in others - as waves of pure energy.

Kehoe John

The subconscious mind can do everything!


The subconscious mind can do everything!

Series "Live Smart"

Previous editions in Russian were published in 1999-2002.

The author of this book, in seclusion in the forests of the Canadian province of British Columbia, spent three years focused on the questions of the human brain. The ways to activate his unlimited resources, developed and combined by John Kehoe into a specific program, can change your life for the better, fill it with success and happiness. For a wide range of readers.

1975 John Kehoe went to live in the woods in order to study and comprehend the internal mechanisms of the human brain for three years far from civilization. Drawing on information from a wide variety of scientific and spiritual sources, as well as drawing on personal observation and experience, Kehoe developed his first simple and highly successful program for the development of brain power. In 1978, on the basis of the developed principles, he began teaching people, and by 1980 his lectures enjoyed tremendous success all over the world.

Kehoe has been teaching for the past twenty years. He currently lives with his wife on the Pacific Northwest coast, continuing to publish books and give lectures.


I am grateful to Joyce Hamilton for helping me write my oral lectures; under his leadership, this book came into being. I am also grateful to Rick and Jennifer Beairsto for their advice and assistance in getting the book published, to Soraya Othman, my business partner and friend whose urge "the book must be done!" encouraged me to act, and finally to my wife Sylvia for her love, support and companionship. Thank you all.

John Kehoe


Managing the forces of the universe and actively working towards your goals is very tempting. My book will acquaint you with all the techniques you need to do this - you just have to use them in everyday life.

For twenty years, I have taught more than a hundred thousand people using this system with great pleasure. Now, with the appearance of the book, millions of people around the world will be able to get acquainted with it. If this is your first time holding this book in your hands, welcome! I am sure that my discoveries will help you in many ways, and personally I am very pleased to introduce you to the "The subconscious mind can do anything" system.

John Kehoe


There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of.

You don't need to know the laws of physics or understand the essence of reality to use the power of the brain - you don't need to know how the carburetor or ignition system works to drive a car. Few people know about cars, but that doesn't stop most people from driving. The same is the case with brain power - anyone can master the basics of this system and successfully apply it in practice in everyday life.

We'll start by examining the essence of reality and especially the startling discoveries made in science over the past twenty years that will help better understand how the brain creates its own reality. They explain why visualization or mental imaging is not just unnecessary daydreaming, but a creative process that helps a person control and direct energy flows that can glue things together, turn liquid into vapor, or cause seeds to swell and grow.

Having realized the essence of these energy flows, you will come to understand the essence of the brain and see that inspiration, prayer and intuition are not something supernatural, but obey laws that can be discovered and applied at the will of a person. Like everything known to man in the Universe, the forces of the brain are governed by laws that, if freed from scientific terminology and presented in an accessible form, everyone can understand.

Let me introduce you to the fascinating world of these discoveries.

Modern physics regards the Universe as an infinite indivisible network of dynamic activity. She not only lives and constantly changes all its components influence each other. At the primary level, the Universe appears to be whole, indivisible, a kind of bottomless sea of ​​energy that permeates every object and every action - it is all one. In a word, today scientists confirm what mystics, clairvoyants and occultists have been talking about for millennia - we are not separate elements, but part of one gigantic whole.

"When a blade of grass is plucked, the whole Universe trembles," a saying from the ancient Upanishads.

Modern physics has changed our views on the material world. Today, no one claims that particles are composed of some basic "substance": they are considered beams of energy. They can make sudden movements, the so-called "quantum leaps", in some cases acting as a whole, in others - as waves of pure energy. Reality flows, nothing is constant, everything is part of a model in continuous motion. Even a rock is the result of a frenzied "dance" of energy. The Universe is alive and dynamic, and we ourselves, being in it and being a part of it, are alive and dynamic.


The theories behind the discovery of the holographic effect were first developed in 1947 by Denis Garbor, later awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery. A hologram is a phenomenon in which the "whole" is contained in each of its components. For example, a starfish has a certain holographic effect. If you cut off some part of it, it will grow back. Moreover, a new starfish can grow from the cut off part: its genetic code is embedded in each of the parts.

Several years ago, at an exhibition of holograms, I saw photographs taken with the use of the holographic effect. One of them showed a woman standing. Looking at the image on the right, you saw a different image: a woman was lighting a cigarette. Seen from the left, the photograph changed again: the woman was playfully thrusting her hip forward. If this photograph suddenly fell and shattered into many fragments, then each of them would not contain what you expect to see - a piece of a woman's shoe or dress, or part of her face, but a whole image of a woman. Looking at any of the fragments from different angles, you will again see how the image changes: the woman first lights a cigarette, then freezes in a seductive pose. Each shard contains a whole picture.

Now they come to the conclusion that reality is also a hologram in its essence and the work of the brain is also based on the holographic effect. Our thought processes have much in common with the lowest level of development of the Universe and consist of the same "substance". The brain is a hologram that reflects the holographic universe.

The authors of this unusual idea are two outstanding world thinkers - the physicist of the University of London David Bohm, a student of Einstein and one of the luminaries of the world of quantum physics, and the neurophysiologist of Stanford University Karl Pribram. By chance, they made their discoveries completely independently of each other, working in different fields of science. Bohm came to the conclusion about the holographic nature of the universe after several years of unsuccessful attempts to explain all the processes and phenomena of quantum physics using traditional theories. Pribram, studying the human brain, also became convinced of the inability of traditional theories to solve its many riddles. For both scientists, the holographic model suddenly filled with meaning and served as an answer to many previously insoluble questions. They published their findings in the early 70s. Their work found a lively response in the scientific community, but, unfortunately, never gained wide recognition outside of it. Some were skeptical about them (and what scientific theory escaped such a fate?), But many of the world's leading scientists joined the ranks of their supporters. Cambridge scientist, 1973 Nobel Prize winner in physics Brian Josephson called Bohm and Pribram's theory "a breakthrough in understanding the essence of reality." This view is also shared by Dr. David Peet, a physicist at Queen's University of Canada and author of The Bridge Between Matter and the Brain, who claims that "our thought processes are much more closely related to the physical world than many assume."
