Logic problems are perhaps the most effective tool for developing logic and thinking in both children and adults.

Solving a logic problem involves a complex thought process. This is the sequential performance of certain logical actions, working with concepts, using various logical structures, building a chain of precise reasoning with correct intermediate and final conclusions.

Unlike most mathematical and other types of problems, when solving logical problems, the key is not finding the quantitative characteristics of an object, but determining and analyzing the relationships between all objects of the problem.

Take an integrated approach

Among the variety of logical problems, children often choose a couple of their favorite categories and immerse themselves in solving them. is that enough?

Surely most of us have taken logic level tests at least once. Most of them are made up of nothing but syllogisms or trick questions. We do not offer such tests because we know for sure that it is impossible to determine the level of development of logical thinking with the help of a dozen or two questions, even approximately. Just like developing non-standard thinking by solving only certain types of logical problems.

Classical logical, combinatorial and truth problems, patterns and mathematical puzzles, problems about figures in space and development, permutations and movement, weighing and pouring; solved from the end, using tables, segments, graphs or Euler circles - this is not the whole variety of logical problems, the solution of which activates all kinds of mental operations and develops creative, non-standard thinking.

Logic is a tasty treat for the mind

This is exactly what the students wrote on the board before the start of one of our logic circle classes. What is the beauty of logic problems?

  • they will be equally interesting to both children interested in mathematics and “humanities”;
  • many of them do not require knowledge of the school curriculum;
  • Even a preschooler without reading skills can solve them (for example, Sudoku, puzzles, puzzles with matches, “gears” and other problems in pictures).

Children love solving logic problems and riddles. They are interested! When I worked at school, I saw that the children coped with the program, mechanically memorizing how to solve certain standard problems.

And problems with stars immediately enlivened the class; both strong and weak students were included in the discussion process. At home, the children could and wanted to explain this task to their parents themselves. But even these problems with asterisks were located randomly on the pages of the textbook; no system was developed.

Bitno Galina Mikhailovna

LogicLike head teacher, highest category teacher

Only a systematic and integrated approach creates favorable preconditions for the formation of non-standard thinking. “Food for the mind” should also be balanced and varied. Try it yourself and invite your children to solve just such a selection of problems. This will help identify those links in logic that need to be worked on more diligently.

Try it yourself

In the online platform Logiclike, created to develop logic and mathematical abilities in children aged 5-12 years, the authors tried to implement everything that is often lacking in school curricula for both students and teachers. Systematicity, involvement, interactivity, visibility, motivation... But first of all, this is food for the mind, that same “yummy” that makes a child think, reason, test his strength, be creative and rejoice when he manages to find the right solution.

  • If you want to develop non-standard thinking and flexible logic in your child, give him a good exercise for the mind in the form of a variety of logical problems, for the solution of which you need to use different logical laws and solution methods (the end-to-end method, the tabular method, using graphs or Euler circles, etc.). d.)
  • Approach learning systematically: from theory to tasks, from simple to complex, from familiarization with new types of tasks to reflection.
  • Take into account the specifics of thinking in children of primary school age - use visual images and visual materials.
  • It is important not to impose a solution method on children, but to try to carry out the analysis in such a way that they themselves, through logical reasoning, find the correct answer.
  • Introduce game elements into the learning process, use the teaching capabilities of IT.
  • Logic classes, like sports training, require regularity and a gradual increase in the complexity of tasks.

Exercise with your child and have fun!

Good day, dear friends! Do you remember what grades you got in school? I remember. I don't have any C grades on my certificate. But during any year of study there were threes, twos and even stakes sometimes. So I’m thinking, who is Alexandra, my daughter, like? Excellent student, hanging on the honor board! Apparently the additional exercises we do with her are bearing fruit.

Lesson plan:

Exercise 1. Connecting the unconnected

A very interesting exercise! Useful not only for children, but also for adults. This exercise is used as a test during castings for radio presenters. Imagine, you come to a casting, and they say to you: “Come on, my friend, connect us a chicken with a pole.” In all seriousness, that's what they say!

This is precisely the point: you need to combine two completely unrelated concepts. Radio presenters need this in order to quickly and beautifully compose summaries to songs during live broadcasts, for easy transitions from one topic to another.

Well, it’s suitable for children to develop creative, imaginative, quick thinking.

So how do you connect a chicken with a pole? There are many options:

  1. The chicken walks around the pole.
  2. The chicken was blind, walked and crashed into a pole.
  3. The chicken was strong, it hit the post, and it fell.
  4. The pole fell right on the chicken.

Want to practice? Fine. Connect:

  • chamomile with milk;
  • headphones with jellyfish;
  • boots with the moon.

Exercise 2. Word breakers

If in the previous exercise we connected, then in this exercise we will break one long word into many short ones, consisting of letters of a large word. According to the rules, if a letter appears once in a long word, then it cannot be repeated twice in short words.

For example, the word "switch" is broken down into:

  • tulle;
  • key;
  • beak.

I don't see any more options, what about you?

You can break up any long words, for example, “holiday”, “picture”, “towel”, “polar explorer”.

Exercise 3. Puzzles

Solving puzzles helps you think outside the box and creatively. Teaches the child to analyze.

Puzzles may contain images, letters, numbers, commas, fractions, placed in very different orders. Let's try to solve some simple puzzles together.

  1. On the first one we see the syllable “BA” and “barrel”. Let's connect: BA + Barrel = Butterfly.
  2. On the second, the principle is the same: Ram + KA = Steering wheel.
  3. The third one is more difficult. A cancer is drawn, and next to it is “a = y”. This means that in the word cancer, the letter “a” needs to be replaced with the letter “u”, we get “hand”. To this we add one more “a”: hand + a = hand.
  4. The fourth rebus with a comma. Since the first letter is “A”, the guess word begins with it. Next we see “fist”, after the picture there is a comma, which means you need to subtract the last letter from the word “fist”. Let's get "kula". Now let's put it all together: A + kula = shark.
  5. The fifth rebus is difficult only at first glance. You need to remove the letter “i” from the word “saw”, and read the word “cat” backwards. As a result, we get: pla + tok = scarf.
  6. The sixth, completely letter puzzle. Everything is clear with the first and last letters, but what about the middle? We see the letter “o” drawn in the letter “t”, so let’s say “in t o”. We connect: A + WTO + P = AUTHOR.

Have you practiced? Now try to solve the puzzle yourself.

You can share your answers in the comments. You will find all sorts of puzzles in children's magazines and.

Exercise 4. Anagrams

Can an orange be turned into a spaniel and vice versa? "Easily!" - anagram lovers will answer. You don't even need a magic wand.

An anagram is a literary device that consists of rearranging the letters or sounds of a certain word (or phrase), resulting in another word or phrase.

Just as easily, a dream turns into a nose, a cat into a current, and a linden tree into a saw.

Well, shall we try? Let's do this:

  • the “coach” flew off to the stars;
  • the “word” grew on the head;
  • “lace” learned to fly;
  • "atlas" became edible;
  • the “pump” settled in the forest;
  • the “mote” became transparent;
  • the “roller” was placed on the table before dinner;
  • “Bun” learned to swim;
  • the “daisy” was spinning around the lantern on summer evenings;
  • The “park” could not survive without water.

Exercise 5. Logic problems

The more logic puzzles you solve, the stronger your thinking becomes. It’s not for nothing that they say that mathematics is gymnastics for the mind. Indeed, when solving some of them, you can really feel your brain moving.

Let's start with the simpler ones:

  1. Kolya and Vasya were solving problems. One boy solved at the blackboard, and the other at his desk. Where did Vasya solve problems if Kolya didn’t solve them at the blackboard?
  2. Three old grandmothers live in the same entrance, on the third, fifth and seventh floors. Who lives on what floor, if grandmother Nina lives above grandmother Valya, and grandmother Galya lives below grandmother Valya?
  3. Yura, Igor, Pasha and Artem finished in the top four at the running competition. Who took what place? It is known that Yura came running neither first nor fourth, Igor ran after the winner, and Pasha was not last.

And Sashulya brought the next three problems from the Mathematical Olympiad. These are problems for third grade.

“The gardener planted 8 seedlings. All but four of them grew into pear trees. All but two pear trees bear pears. Pears from all fruiting pear trees, except one, are tasteless. How many pear trees have tasty pears?”

“Vasya, Petya, Vanya wear ties of only one color: green, yellow and blue. Vasya said: “Petya doesn’t like yellow.” Petya said: “Vanya wears a blue tie.” Vanya said: “You are both deceiving.” Who prefers what color, if Vanya never lies?”

Now attention! A task of increased difficulty! “To the backfill,” as they say. I couldn't solve it. I suffered for a long time, and then I looked at the answers. She is also from the Olympics.

“The traveler needs to cross the desert. The transition lasts six days. The traveler and the porter who will accompany him can take with them a supply of water and food for one person for four days each. How many porters will the traveler need to realize his plan? Enter the smallest number."

If you still fall asleep on any problem, then contact me, I’ll help)

Exercise 6. Match puzzles

Matches are not a toy for children! A means for training thinking. For safety reasons, I suggest replacing matches with counting sticks.

These simple little sticks make very complex puzzles.

First, let's warm up:

  • fold two identical triangles from five sticks;
  • out of seven sticks, two identical squares;
  • remove three sticks to make three identical squares (see picture below).

Now it's more complicated:

Arrange three sticks so that the arrow flies in the opposite direction.

The fish also needs to be turned in the other direction, moving only three sticks.

After moving only three sticks, remove the strawberry from the glass.

Remove two sticks to create two equilateral triangles.

The answers can be found at the end of the article.

Exercise 7. Truth and lies

Now let's work as Sherlock Holmes! We will seek the truth and discover lies.

Show your child two pictures, on one of which depict a square and a triangle, and on the other a circle and a polygon.

And now offer cards with the following statements:

  • some figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no triangles on the card;
  • there are circles on the card;
  • some figures on the card are squares;
  • all the figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no polygons on the card;
  • There is not a single rectangle on the card.

The task is to determine whether these statements are false or true for each picture with shapes.

A similar exercise can be carried out not only with geometric shapes, but also with images of animals. For example, put a cat, a fox and a squirrel in the picture.

Statements can be as follows:

  • all these animals are predators;
  • there are pets in the picture;
  • all the animals in the picture can climb trees;
  • all animals have fur.

You can choose pictures and sayings for them yourself.

Exercise 8. Instructions

We are surrounded by a variety of objects. We use them. Sometimes we don’t pay any attention to the instructions that come with these items. And it also happens that there are simply no instructions for some very necessary items. Let's correct this misunderstanding! We'll write the instructions ourselves.

Let's take a comb for example. Yes, yes, an ordinary comb! This is what Alexandra and I did.

So, instructions for using the comb.

  1. A comb is a device made of plastic for making hair smooth and silky.
  2. A comb should be used for excessive shaggy and curly hair.
  3. To start combing, go to the comb and carefully take it in your hand.
  4. Stand in front of the mirror, smile, bring the comb to the roots of your hair.
  5. Now slowly move the comb down towards the ends of your hair.
  6. If there are obstacles in the form of knots on the way of the comb, then run the comb over them several times with gentle pressure, while you may cry out slightly.
  7. Each strand of hair must be processed with a comb.
  8. Combing can be considered complete when the comb does not encounter a single knot on its way.
  9. After finishing combing, you need to rinse the comb with water and place it in a specially designated place.
  10. If a tooth of a comb breaks off, you need to throw it in the trash.
  11. If all the teeth of the comb have broken off, send it after the tooth.

Try writing instructions for a saucepan, or slippers, or a glasses case. It will be interesting!

Exercise 9. Making up a story

Stories can be composed in different ways, for example, based on a picture or on a given topic. This will help, by the way. And I suggest you try to compose a story based on the words that must be present in this story.

As always, an example.

The words are given: Olga Nikolaevna, poodle, sparkles, turnip, salary, gray hair, castle, flood, maple, song.

This is what Sasha did.

Olga Nikolaevna was walking down the street. She was leading her poodle Artemon on a leash; the poodle was all shiny. Yesterday he broke the lock on the cabinet, got to the box of glitter and poured it all over himself. Artemon also chewed through the pipe in the bathroom and caused a real flood. When Olga Nikolaevna came home from work and saw all this, gray hair appeared in her hair. And now they were going for turnips, because turnips calm the nerves. But turnips were expensive, costing half their salary. Before entering the store, Olga Nikolaevna tied the poodle to a maple tree and, humming a song, went inside.

Now try it yourself! Here are three sets of words:

  1. Doctor, traffic light, headphones, lamp, mouse, magazine, frame, exam, janitor, paper clip.
  2. First-grader, summer, hare, button, gap, fire, Velcro, shore, plane, hand.
  3. Konstantin, jump, samovar, mirror, speed, sadness, step, ball, list, theater.

Exercise 10. Let's put things in order

We've already worked as detectives. Now I propose to work as police officers. The fact is that the words in well-known proverbs and sayings have violated the order. We will fight against order breakers. Try to arrange the words as they should be.

  1. Food, time comes, in, appetite.
  2. You will pull out, without, labor, from, a fish, a pond, without.
  3. Measure, one, ah, one, seven, cut, one.
  4. And, ride, sled, you love, carry, love.
  5. They are waiting, no, seven, for one.
  6. A word to the cat, and it’s nice and kind.
  7. A hundred, ah, rubles, have, no, have, friends, a hundred.
  8. Falls, no, apple trees, far, apple, from.
  9. Flowing, stone, not, water, lying, under.
  10. In autumn, they count the chickens.

I want to clarify. We don't do this on purpose. That is, there is no such thing that I say: “Come on, Alexandra, sit down at the table, let’s develop our thinking!” No. All this in between, if we go somewhere, we go, before bed instead of books. It’s very interesting to study, so you don’t have to force anyone.

Well, now the promised answers to the match puzzles!

Answers to puzzles

About two triangles made of five matches.

About two squares out of seven.

We get three squares.

We unfold the arrow (watch the color of the sticks).

Turn the fish.

And about two equilateral triangles.

I recently discovered this video on the Internet. It has completely different exercises. We tried, but so far it’s difficult. Well, let's practice. Take a look, maybe it will be useful to you too?

Go for it! Get busy! Grow together with your children. Try these golden exercises. Show off your results in the comments!

Thank you for your attention!

And I look forward to visiting you again! You are always welcome here!

Logic problems - These are tasks that are aimed at developing thinking, the ability to think, and grasp the connection between concepts. They teach children to find the relationship between cause and effect and predict the outcome.

The intellectual development of a preschool child is an important step in preparing for school. Thinking is a cognitive process, the approach to which is significantly different in adults and children. An adult has a set of ready-made knowledge, but a child learns everything for the first time, so everything is interesting and entertaining for him. In this unfamiliar world, the child still does not understand everything; he asks many questions, explores on his own, and draws his own conclusions. That is why the development of logical thinking in children plays an important role in preparing for school.

Development of logical thinking through tasks and riddles.

Logical thinking is thinking based on reasoning, combining different areas of knowledge in order to ultimately formulate an answer to the question posed in the problem. All types of logical thinking are closely related to speech. Logic games and tasks are of great importance in raising and teaching children. They are interesting to the child, draw him in and make him think.

Logic problems for children

In this article I want to offer logic problems with answers for children . These are easy logic problems, some of which are familiar to us from childhood. Try to find the answer to these riddles with your children. They are selected for children of older preschool age (5-7 years), because at this age the child is already good at reasoning and thinking.

How to find last year's snow?
Go outside immediately after the start of the new year.
What rocks are not in the sea?
How do day and night end?
With a soft sign
What will happen to a white scarf if it is dropped into the Black Sea?
It will become wet.
The magpie is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be?
Yes, the dog is sitting on its own tail, a magpie is flying nearby
How many nuts are there in an empty glass?
Not at all. The glass is empty.
What needs to be done to keep five guys in one boot?
Each of them take off a boot
What is 2+2*2?

In which month does chatty Svetochka talk the least?
In February - the shortest month
What is yours, but others use it more than you?
your name
What word always sounds wrong?
A person has one, a cow has two, a hawk has none. What is this?
Letter -O-
A man is sitting, but you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting?
On your knees
What sign should be placed between 4 and 5 so that the result is more than 4 and less than 5?
How to bring water in a sieve?
Freezing her.
Can a rooster call itself a bird?
No, because he can't speak.
What disease has no one on earth ever had?
Is it possible to predict the score of any match before it starts?
Yes, 0 - 0
What can you cook but can't eat?
What becomes a third larger when placed upside down?
Number 6
One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many corners does the table have now?

Which knot cannot be untied?
What is the cow in front and the bull behind?
Letter -O-
Which river is the scariest?

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?
Temperature, time
What are all the people on earth doing at the same time?
Getting older
Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible?
Both people played different games with other people.
How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?
You need to throw the egg more than three meters, then the first three meters it will fly intact.
The man was driving a large truck. The car's headlights were not on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?
It was a bright sunny day.
Where is the end of the world?
Where the shadow ends.
Man learned from spiders how to build suspension bridges, and from cats he learned the diaphragm in his camera and reflective road signs. What invention came about thanks to snakes?
What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far?
Poplar fluff.
What comb can you use to comb your head?
What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don't?
What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner?
Postage Stamp.
You are sitting on an airplane, in front of you is a horse, behind you is a car. Where are you at?
On the carousel
What notes can be used to measure distance?
What won't go into the biggest pot?
Its cover.
Russian mystery. A wooden river, a wooden boat, and wooden smoke flowing over the boat. What is this?
A satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and another in 100 minutes. How can this be?
One hour and forty minutes is equal to one hundred minutes.
Name at least three animals that Moses took into his ark?
Prophet Moses did not take animals into the ark; righteous Noah did this.

In one hand the boy carried one kilogram of iron, and in the other the same amount of fluff. Which was heavier to carry?
In 1711, a new unit of 9 people appeared in each regiment of the Russian army. What is this division?
Regimental orchestra.
There is a well-known story about a little boy who, having received a New Year's gift, asked his mother: “Please take off the lid. I want to pet the gift.” What kind of gift is this?
Which animals always sleep with their eyes open?
It is known that at one time, silkworm eggs were exported from China on pain of death. What animal was exported from Afghanistan in 1888 with the same risk?
Afghan Hound.
What insects have been domesticated by humans?
A problem invented by the learned monk and mathematician from Ireland Alcuin (735–804).
The peasant needs to transport a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river. But the boat is such that only a peasant can fit in it, and with him either one wolf, or one goat, or one cabbage. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat the goat, and if you leave a goat with cabbage, then the goat will eat the cabbage. How did the peasant transport his cargo?
Solution 1.: It is clear that we have to start with a goat. The peasant, having transported the goat, returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other bank, where he leaves it, but he also takes the goat and takes it back to the first bank. Here he leaves her and transports the cabbage to the wolf. Then, returning, he transports the goat, and the crossing ends safely.
Solution 2: First, the peasant again transports the goat. But the second one can take the cabbage, take it to the other bank, leave it there and return the goat to the first bank. Then transport the wolf to the other side, return for the goat and again take her to the other side.

In the old days in Rus', married women wore a headdress called kokoshnik, the name of which comes from the word “kokosh”, meaning animal. Which?
Chicken (remember what she says when she lays eggs?).
Why can't a porcupine drown?
Its needles are hollow.
To take a breath of air, dolphins are forced to surface every 15-30 minutes. Why don't they suffocate in their sleep?
They don't sleep at night.
83. Name the fifth largest country by area after Russia, China, Canada and the USA.
The man went to the market and bought a horse there for 50 rubles. But he soon noticed that the horse had become more expensive, and sold it for 60 rubles. Then he realized that he had nothing to ride on, and bought the same horse for 70 rubles. Then he thought about how not to get a scolding from his wife for such an expensive purchase, and sold it for 80 rubles. What did he earn as a result of manipulation?
Answer: -50+60-70+80=20
The only bird with ears?
The two approached the river at the same time. The boat on which you can cross can only support one person. And yet, without outside help, everyone crossed on this boat to the other side. How did they do it?
They sailed from different shores.
In Chinese, the combination of three characters for "tree" means the word "forest". What does the combination of two hieroglyphs “tree” mean?
Residents of Kansas are very fond of Russian nuts. What is it if it is known that we can find them in any market?
The Romans introduced a revolutionary innovation into the design of the fork - all subsequent models were just variations of the solution found. What kind of fork was there before this innovation?
Chinese martial artists said that fighting is for fools, but victory is for smart people. And what, in their opinion, is for the wise?
Name the language that is native to the largest number of people.
In Ancient Rus' they were called broken numbers. What are they called nowadays?
A brick weighs two kilograms and half a brick. How many kilograms does a brick weigh?
If half a brick weighs two kilograms, then a whole brick weighs four kilograms.
For some reason, these people, returning to their homeland, brought with them branches of exotic plants, for which they received their nickname. What kind of people are these?
Pilgrims, they brought palm leaves.
In terms of production volume, bananas occupy first place in the world, followed by citrus fruits. What fruits are on the third?
In the US state of Arizona, they began to protect the desert from thieves. They steal something without which the desert is threatened with desolation and devastation. What do thieves take from the desert?
Name the plant that has the largest fruits.
Neither fish nor fowl - what was this Russian proverb originally about?
In crayfish.
In Spain they are called Portuguese, in Prussia - Russians. What are they called in Russia?
What kind of utensils make it impossible to eat anything from?
From empty
Who do the Malays catch with a locked bumboo cage with a live pig inside?
Pythons, having eaten a pig, could no longer get out of the cage.
A hedgehog has 4 g, a dog has 100 g, a horse has 500 g, an elephant has 4-5 kg, and a human has 1.4 kg. What?
Brain mass.
In 1825, the streets of Philadelphia were cleared of trash by domestic animals. Which ones?
Grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren for the winter. In total, she knitted three scarves and six mittens. How many grandchildren does grandma have?
Three grandchildren
What dish was invented in the 17th century by Marco Aroni?
What does any astronaut lose during a flight?
As you know, all original Russian female (full) names end in either A or Z: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one female name that does not end in either A or Z. Name it.
The Gallic priests found a fail-safe way to quickly mobilize soldiers in the event of war. To do this, they sacrificed only one person. Which one?
The last one to arrive.
Once in the city of Nice they held a competition for the most enduring smoker. One of the participants set a record by smoking 60 cigarettes in a row. However, he did not receive the prize. Why?
He died.
Humans have thirteen pairs of ribs. Who has more than three hundred ribs?
At the snake.
Everyone knows that “you can’t wash dirty linen in public.” But what was supposed to be done with it if it couldn’t be taken out?
In what place did Russian men put on hats and mittens, regardless of the time of year?
In the bath.
How is smelt fish similar to birds?
She makes nests, laying eggs there.
Name an agricultural crop that is 90% burned and 10% wasted.

The Greeks used this to protect certain parts of their body. This was made from sandalwood bark. Name it.
The first greenhouses appeared in France. Why do you think?
For growing oranges (orange - orange).
The owner of the largest horn is the white rhinoceros (up to 158 cm). Which animal has the softest horns?
This is what football referees used before they used the whistle.
What is dirty when it is white and clean when it is green?
In practice, when moving along a curve, this ball makes 5,000 revolutions per minute, and when moving in a straight line, more than 20,000 revolutions per minute. Where is this ball located?
In a ballpoint pen.
The great Hippocrates was asked: “Is it true that genius is a disease?” “Certainly,” replied Hippocrates, “but very rare.” What other property of this disease did Hippocrates note with regret?
Not contagious.
What was the name of the city in England where, in 1873, the Indian game, popular to this day, was first demonstrated?
Where, judging by the name, did the ancient Slavs attach the case for hunting edged weapons?
On the foot. This is a scabbard.
The three painters had a brother, Ivan, but Ivan had no brothers. How could this be?
Ivan had three sisters.
The Italian flag is red, white and green. What cut berry helped the Italians choose these colors?

The article proposes ten tasks, when thinking about the solution of which, children and adolescents will use non-standard thinking, i.e., strive to find new approaches and unusual solutions to the situations proposed to them.


1. A man lives on the top floor of a very tall building. Every day he takes the elevator down to the first floor, leaves the building and goes to work. When returning from work, a person takes the elevator only halfway up the building, and walks the rest of the way. Although, when it rains, a person takes the elevator to his floor. Why does he do this?

2. A man and his son get into a car accident. The father dies on the spot, and the child is taken to the hospital. When he is placed on the operating table, the surgeon says: “I cannot operate on this boy, he is my son!” How can this be?

3. The man is dressed all in black: black shoes, socks, pants, coat, gloves and a ski mask. He walks along a remote street where all the lights are turned off. A black car comes towards him with its headlights off, but somehow stops in time. How did the driver see the person?

4. One day Polina celebrated her birthday. Two days later, her older twin brother, Ivan, celebrated his birthday. How could this happen?

5. Why are round manhole covers better than square ones?

6. A man went to a party and drank punch (a cocktail served in large bowls). He then immediately left the party. All other partygoers who drank the punch subsequently died from poisoning. Why didn't this man die?

7. A woman had two sons who were born at the same hour, on the same day of the same year. But they weren't twins. How could this be?

8. There are two plastic jugs (flasks) filled with water. How do you move water into a barrel without jugs or any dividers and determine which water is from which jug?

9. Can you name three days in a row without using the words “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday” and “Sunday”? (And names of days in any language).

10. This is an unusual text. I wonder how quickly you can figure out what's unusual about it. He looks normal and you might think there's nothing wrong with him. But the text is really okay! He's just unusual. Study it and find out what might be wonderful about it. If you think well, you can come to the answer.


1. This man is very, very short and can only reach half of the elevator buttons. But when it rains, a person takes an umbrella with him and uses it to press the button for his floor in the elevator.

2. His mother was a surgeon.

3. It happens during the day.

4. During the birth, the mother of the twins was sailing on a ship. The older twin, Ivan, was born first early on March 1st. The ship then crossed the time zone and Polina, the younger twin, was born on February 28th. Thus, the younger twin celebrates his birthday two days before his older brother.

5. The square manhole cover may turn over diagonally. The round lid cannot turn over. Therefore, for safety and practicality, all manhole covers should be round.

6. The poison got into the punch from the ice cubes that were floating in it. When the person drank the punch, the ice was completely frozen. Gradually it melted, poisoning the punch.

7. They were two of triplets (or quadruplets, etc.) This is a conundrum that puzzles many people. They try to come up with outlandish solutions using test tube babies or surrogate mothers. Why does the brain look for complex solutions when there is a much simpler one?..

Different types of puzzles for adults will help you develop your memory and intelligence - logic problems, complex, funny or tricky questions, and a variety of intellectual mathematical games.

Logic games and puzzles for adults

Solving various logic puzzles does not require a high level of education, starting to solve them is a useful activity for absolutely everyone.Various trick riddles for adults train non-standard thinking, which will help in everyday life to quickly find rational solutions in difficult everyday situations.

Riddles for adults

This type of task will allow you to immediately check the correctness of the solution you have found. What's good about these short riddles? Based on the answers, you can make a thematic selection for a specific holiday or feast to entertain guests. Depending on the lineup of guests, tricky riddles, tasks that will make your friends laugh, or math problems are good options.

With a catch

In tasks with a trick, the question itself often looks illogical at first glance, for example: what language is spoken silently? When the answer is announced, the person’s first reaction manifests itself as disagreement with it. At first glance, the question and the chosen answer are connected in an unusual way and with double implications. But after thinking a little, you can’t help but agree that such a daring decision is correct and very logical (answer: in sign language).


It's a pleasure to play solving funny riddles. While your guests are expressing possible answers to tricky questions, the whole company is guaranteed to be shaken by bursts of laughter.


In such riddles, you need to guess a given number, or calculate the result, relying less on arithmetic than on intelligence. The answer that seems obvious and seems to lie on the surface is often incorrect.

Mind games

Logic problems for adults are multi-step combinations for training thinking. To solve them correctly, you need to think through your actions several steps ahead. Such tasks are relatively difficult; they often come in the form of original pictures, where you need to rearrange or complete some elements.

Logic puzzles for adults

Logical problems often involve the use of available materials: matches, paper, pencils, etc. Solving such tasks is multi-step and requires building a strategy - for example, figuring out how to put matches together or connect dots in a certain way.
