THE FIRST UKRAINIAN FRONT - an operational-strategic-strategic engagement of Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War in the south-west on-right-ley in 1943-1945 ...

Ob-ra-zo-van October 20, 1943 pri-ka-zom Headquarters of Ver-hov-no-go Glav-no-ko-man-do-va-nia in re-zul-ta-te-pe -name-no-va-niya Vo-ro-nezh-sko-th front. Includes 13, 27, 38, 40, 47, 60th general, 3rd guards tank and 2nd airborne army; in the next at different times: 1st, 3rd and 5th guards, 6, 18, 21, 28, 31, 52 and 59th general sko-vye, 1st and 4th guards tank-vye, 1st, 2, 4 and 6th tank-vye and 8th air-force armies, 2 the army of Voy-ska Polish, and after the end of the military actions, the 4th, 7th and 9th Guards armies and the Romanian 1 th and 4th army.

Voy-ska of the First Ukrainian Front in the 1st half of no-yab-ry about the Ki-ev-ska operational operation of 1943: November 6 os-vo-bo-di -li Ki-ev and pro-moved to the west from the Dnieper to 150 km, and then to the re-zul-ta-te Ki-ev-skoi defensive opera-ra -tsii 1943 cut off the plan-ny germ. ko-man-do-va-niya ov-la-det Kiev-vom and li-k-vi-di-ro-vat the strategic parade ground of the Soviet troops (see Ki-ev-skie operations tion of 1943). In the next, there is-st-we-li Zhi-to-mir-sko-Ber-di-chev-operation of 1943-1944 and, pro-move-nuv-shis up to 200 km, deep-bo-ko oh-va-ti-li from se-ve-ra ger. group-pu armies "South" (commander - General-Field Marshal E. von Manstein) and created you-good conditions for the next step-by-step operations according to the thunder of the troops of the ver-mah-ta on the Right-in-the-shore-rezh-noy Uk-rai-no. In January-February 1944, the First Ukrainian Front, together with the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, with-la-mi of his le-in-wing-la, participated in the Kor-sun -Shev-chen-kov-skoi operation in 1944, in the re-zul-ta-those swarm was-lo ok-ru-same-but also destroyed-the-same-but over 10 di -via-ziy against-no-ka. At the same time, the army of the right wing of the First Ukrainian Front carried out the Rov-no-Lutsk operation in 1944 and for-nya-whether you -year-old field for striking the flank and rear of the German group of armies "South" from the north. The main forces of this group were-were-thunder-le-ny voy-ska-mi of the First Ukrainian Front in March-te-ap-re-le in vzaimo-action with the army-ska -mi of the 2nd Ukrainian Front.

Pro-ve-dya Pro-sku-rov-sko-Cher-no-vits-kuyu operation in 1944, the troops of the First Ukrainian Front went out to Kar-pa-tam and, vzay-mo-dei -stoya with the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, split the strategic front of the German troops into 2 parts. Le-tom in the ho-de Lviv-sko-San-do-mir-opera-tion of 1944 was-lo-no-se-but-in-the-ze of the German group of armies " Northern Uk-rai-na "(Colonel-General I. Gar-pe), os-vo-bo-z-de-nas from opposing western regions of Uk-rai-ny, south -eastern districts of Pol-shi and za-hwa-chen on the left bank of the Vis-la-san-do-mir-sky parade-darm. In the yan-va-re voy-ska-mi of the First Ukrainian Front pro-ve-de-na San-do-mir-sko-Si-lez-operation in 1945, os-vo-bo-zh- de-ny southern districts of Pol-shi, for-si-ro-va-on the Oder (Od-ra) river and pe-re-ne-se-ny military actions on the territory to-ryu of Germany. In feb-ra-le, in the re-zul-ta-te of the Nizh-not-si-lez-opera-tion of 1945, the troops of the front-that went to the river Neia-se, za-nya-li you-good-good-luck for the-start-n-le-niya on Berlin and oh-wa-you-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-n-y niyu to the top-not-si-lez-group-pi-rov-ke against-ni-ka. In the 2nd half of March si-la-mi le-vo-la-la-la-la-la-la-la of the First Ukrainian Front carried out-st-in-le-na Verkh-not-si-lez-operation 1945 year: ok-ru-same-na and unich-that-same-na op-peln-skaya, once-thunder-le-na ra-ti-bor-skaya group-pi-rov-ki pro-tiv-ni- ka. In April-May, the troops of the First Ukrainian Front took part in the Berlin operation in 1945, then in

Operation plan of the 1st Ukrainian Front

The general goal of the operation of the 1st Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Stepanovich Konev was to break through the German defenses on the Neisse River, defeat enemy groups in the Cottbus area and south of Berlin, followed by an offensive to the west and the Soviet troops entering the Belitz, Wittenberg and R. Elbe.

By the beginning of the operation, the 1st Ukrainian Front had deployed south of the 1st Belorussian Front in a 390 km wide section from Gross-Gastroze to Krnov. The main strike group of the front was located on the 48-kilometer stretch of Gross-Gastroze, Birkfer. Sector Birkfer, Rothenburg, 30 km away, was defended by two Polish divisions. The southern auxiliary strike group was located in the 13-kilometer section of Rothenburg, Penzikh. The Pentsikh, Krnov sector (about 300 km) was defended by divisions of the left flank of the 52nd Army, troops of the 21st and 59th armies. The 6th Army continued the siege of Breslavl. Already during the Berlin operation, the 31st Army was transferred to the left flank of the front.

Konev decided to deliver the main blow with the forces of three combined arms and two tank armies from the Triebel area in the direction of Spremberg, Belzig in order to defeat the German troops in the Cottbus area and south of Berlin and the front to reach the r. Elbe. The right wing of the front was to take part in the storming of Berlin. The main strike group consisted of the 3rd Guards Army of Vasily Gordov, the 13th Army of Nikolai Pukhov, the 5th Guards Army of Aleksey Zhadov, the 3rd Guards Tank Army of Pavel Rybalko and the 4th Guards Tank Army of Dmitry Lelyushenko. The 3rd Guards Army was reinforced by the 25th Panzer Corps, and the 5th Guards Army by the 4th Guards Tank Corps. In addition, in the second echelon of the front was the 28th Army of Alexander Lucinsky, which was supposed to build on the success in the main direction. On the second day of the operation, the main strike grouping of the front was to break through the enemy's defenses in the Forst-Muskau sector and reach the Spree River.

The commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Marshal I.S. Konev and the commander of the 4th Panzer Army D.D. Lelyushenko at the observation post during the breakthrough of the German defense on the Neisse River

From the line of the Spree River, it was planned to introduce tank armies into the breakthrough (in reality, they entered the battle on the first day of the operation). Rybalko's army received the task of advancing from the line south of Cottbus, and Lelyushenko's army from the area north of Spremberg. The mobile formations of the front were to decisively break away from the front and develop a rapid offensive to the northwest, in the general direction of Troienbritzen. Rybalko's Guards Army received the task on the 5th day of the offensive to reach the Trebbin, Troienbritzen, Luckenwalde area, on the 6th day - to capture Brandenburg. Part of the forces of the 3rd Guards Tank Army received the task of attacking Berlin from the south. Lelyushenko's Guards Army received the task on the 5th day of the operation to reach the Nimegk, Wittenberg area, and on the 6th day - to occupy Rathenov and Dessau with forward detachments.

To ensure the success of the main strike group from the south, an auxiliary strike was planned by the forces of the 2nd Army of the Polish Karol Sverchevsky Army, the Polish tank corps and the right wing of the 52nd Army of Konstantin Korteyev with the 7th Guards Mechanized Corps of Ivan Korchagin from the area west of Kolfurt in the general direction to Dresden. In addition, the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps of Viktor Baranov was planned to enter the 52nd Army's offensive zone. The cavalry was supposed to go into the rear of the enemy's Gorlitz-Dresden grouping. From the air, the offensive of the 1st Ukrainian Front was supported by the 2nd Air Army of Stepan Krasovsky.

Breaking through the Neissen line

April 16. On the night of April 16, 1945 in the Forst strip, Muskau, our troops conducted reconnaissance in force. A reinforced company was allocated from each division of the first echelon. At night, reconnaissance companies, reinforced by gunners and mortarmen, secretly forced the Neisse. However, their attempts to break into the enemy defenses met with strong, well-organized resistance. As a result, intelligence has established that the German forces are firmly in defensive positions.

In order to mask the direction of the main attack at dawn on April 16, a smoke screen was installed along the entire 390-kilometer front, which was occupied by Konev's armies. At 6 o'clock. 15 minutes. 40-minute artillery preparation began. From 7 o'clock. 05 minutes bomber aviation began the attack, from 8 o'clock. 30 min. and stormtroopers operated whole tea. In the meantime, the sappers have set up assault bridges and prepared the floating craft.

At 6 o'clock. 55 minutes reinforced battalions of the first echelon divisions began to force the Neisse. Escort guns were transported with advanced units. Since the bridges had not yet been erected, the guns were dragged to the other side with the help of ropes along the bottom of the river. After the advanced units captured the bridgeheads, the engineering troops built bridges over which the first echelons of the main forces of the strike group began to move. Within 50 minutes, the sappers built bridges on boats, after 2 hours - bridges for 30-ton cargo, and after 4-5 hours - bridges on rigid supports for cargo up to 60 tons. From 8 o'clock. 40 minutes, when the artillery fire was transferred deep into the German defense, the divisions of the first echelon went on the attack.

On the whole, combat operations in the offensive zone of the front's main strike grouping developed according to the plan. Troops of the 3rd Guards Army, with the support of the 6th Guards Tank Corps of General V.A.Mitrofanov and the 2nd Guards Assault Aviation Corps of General S.V. Slyusarev, crossed Neisse, broke through the enemy's main line of defense, took the strong points of Koine and Gross- Zshaksdorf. Especially fierce battles were fought for the main and most powerful stronghold of the Neissen defensive line - Forst. Before the assault, our aviation dealt a powerful blow to the fortress, from which the Forst garrison suffered serious losses. Then units of the 76th Rifle Corps captured the eastern and southern parts of the city, and started a battle for the center.

By the end of the day, the shock group of the Gordov Guards Army - the 120th and 21st Rifle Corps, the 25th Tank Corps, broke through the enemy's main line of defense, advancing 4-6 km. The right-flank 76th corps eliminated the German bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Neisse in the Forst area, and advanced 1-1.5 km.

The 13th Army, advancing in the center of the main strike group, with the support of the 7th and 10th Guards Tank Corps, achieved the greatest successes. From the air, the army was supported by the 1st Guards Assault Aviation Corps of General V.G. Ryazanov. Pukhov's army crossed Neisse along the entire front of the offensive, and all day fought heavy battles in a continuous forest. The forest was on fire, which worsened the conditions of the offensive. The 102nd Rifle Corps of General I.M. Puzikov, the 27th Rifle Corps of F.M. Cherokmanov, the 7th Guards Tank Corps of V.V. Novikov and the 10th Guards Tank Corps of E.E. Belov advanced 12 13 km, broke through the main line of enemy defense and captured a number of strong points. The forward units wedged into the second zone of the enemy's defense (Matilda line).

The 5th Guards Army, advancing on the left flank, also advanced successfully. The 32nd Guards Corps of General A.I. Rodimtsev achieved the greatest success, which, with the support of the 4th Guards Tank Corps Poluboyarov, broke through the enemy's main line of defense, advanced 8 kilometers and reached the second line of German defense. The 34th Guards Rifle Corps, with the support of ground attack aircraft, destroyed the German bridgehead on the right bank of the Neisse in the Muskau region and took this strong stronghold. By the end of the day, the 34th Guards Corps broke through the main line of defense and advanced 6 km. It should be noted that Zhadov's army faced great difficulties when crossing the Neisse. There were not enough ferry facilities, the left bank of the Neisse passed through a wooded and swampy area. Areas convenient for movement were mined by the Germans.

On the same day, the southern auxiliary grouping of the front launched an offensive. Polish troops crossed the Neisse River and broke through the enemy's main line of defense, advancing 1-6 km in different directions. The right-flank 73rd Rifle Corps of the 52nd Army, commanded by General S. S. Martirosyan, crossed the water barrier, broke through the main line of defense and advanced 10 km.

Thus, on the very first day of the offensive, the front's main strike grouping broke through the main line of German defense in the 26-kilometer Forst, Muskau sector, advanced up to 13 km, and in places wedged into the second defense line. True, the task set for the first day of the offensive, to break through the first and second lines of defense, was not fully completed. In the struggle for the second line of defense, the German command brought in the 21st Panzer Division, as well as a number of separate units and subunits, and our troops had to repel fierce enemy counterattacks.

Mobile units played an important role in breaking through the main line of defense. Already on the first day of the offensive, the forward brigades of the Guards tank armies, as well as the 25th and 4th Guards Tank Corps, were brought into action. Aviation rendered great help, making 3376 sorties in a day. German aviation did not show activity that day, having made 220 flights.

April 17. Our armies, part of their forces, continued their offensive at night. The 3rd Guards Army continued to storm Forst with part of its forces, while part of its forces advanced on Cottbus, the most important enemy defense center and the center of communications. The Germans put up stubborn resistance, repeatedly launched counter-attacks. The strongholds of Zimmersdorf and Zergen were taken. Gordov's army advanced up to 8 km.

Pukhov's 13th army broke the enemy's resistance on the second line of defense. Attempts by German troops to delay the Soviet offensive by counterattacks were unsuccessful. In the offensive zone of the 5th Guards Army, the German command on the second defense zone brought into battle part of the forces of the Führer's Guard armored division. However, our troops repelled German counterattacks and broke through the second line of defense in the Tzschernitz-Kromlau sector. Tank armies and corps, aviation continued to provide serious assistance to the infantry. True, the activity of our aviation has decreased - 1,779 sorties, and the German has increased - 400 sorties. Our pilots shot down 48 German aircraft.

Thus, on the second day of the offensive, the 1st Ukrainian Front achieved significant successes, on the 20-kilometer front the second line of enemy defense was broken through, in other directions our troops wedged into the second line of defense. The greatest success was achieved by the troops of the left wing of the 13th and right wing of the 5th guards armies, which advanced in the general direction of Spremberg. In two days of the offensive, Soviet troops advanced 18 km to the west here. However, it was not possible to force the river. Spree and break through the third line of defense, as ordered by the front command.

Konev, having received the consent of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Stalin, decided on the night of April 18 to force the Spree and then turn the tank armies of the 1st Ukrainian Front to Berlin. If the enemy can offer serious resistance on the Spree, they planned to bring up artillery to the river and conduct a powerful artillery preparation in the morning. The tank armies were supposed to develop a swift offensive on Berlin and Potsdam, bypassing cities and large settlements, turned into strong strongholds and not getting involved in protracted battles.

Our troops also successfully advanced on the Dresden sector. The 2nd Polish Army, in difficult wooded conditions, advanced 4-7 km and wedged into the enemy's second line of defense. The divisions of the 52nd Army, which also attacked in difficult conditions of wooded and swampy terrain, advanced 4-5 km and wedged 2-3 km into the enemy's second line of defense. Our troops had to repulse strong counterattacks by units of the 1st parachute-tank division "Hermann Goering", which the German command brought into the battle north of Görlitz. Konev ordered the commander of the 31st Army, General P.G. Shafranov, on the night of April 19, to begin the change of divisions of the 52nd Army in the Penzikh area. The liberated three divisions of the 52nd Army were planned to be transferred to the Dresden direction.

The German command, after attempts to contain the offensive of our troops with the help of the forces of the 21st Panzer Division and the Armored Führer's Guard Division, failed, tried to organize a stable defense on the third (rear) line of defense, which ran along the Spree River. Already in the second half of the day, the withdrawal of troops to the Spree River began. The German command, with the help of reserves, tried to organize a counterattack to close the gap between Cottbus and Spremberg. Among the reserves was the 10th Panzer Division Frundsberg. In addition, on April 18, the 2nd parachute motorized division "Hermann Goering" and the 344th infantry division began to be transferred to this direction. At the same time, the Germans tried to organize a counterattack against the left flank of the front shock group. For this, on April 17, a strike group began to be created in the Görlitz area. In addition to the 1st parachute tank division "Hermann Goering" on April 18, it included three infantry divisions and the corps group "Moser". By 23 April, another infantry division and the 20th Panzer Division had been transferred to the Görlitz area.

A column of Soviet T-34-85 tanks from the 9th Mechanized Corps of the 3rd Guards Tank Army with armored infantry awaiting a march.
In the foreground on the right is the SU-85M self-propelled artillery unit.

A barricade of special construction on the outskirts of Berlin. In the event of a breakthrough of Soviet tanks, the structures of their logs and earth in the upper part of the barricade, by detonating special charges, were tipped down and blocked the passage

April 18th. On this day, the fighting was particularly fierce. The Germans introduced new reserves into the battle and tried with all their might to detain our troops on the rear line of defense. Troops of the 3rd Guards Army completely took Forst and crossed the Fliss Canal. As a result, the army broke through the second enemy line of defense on the Fliss channel and reached the Spree river.

The 13th Army, supported by the 3rd Guards Tank Army, continued the offensive at night, pushing the enemy rearguards back to the Spree. In the afternoon, Pukhov's army repulsed several fierce enemy counterattacks. The Soviet command, having established that the Germans concentrated most of their forces and reserves in the Cottbus and Spremberg areas, decided to force the Spree and break through the third line of defense between these two strongholds. In the interval between Cottbus and Spremberg, the Germans had the weakest defense. Therefore, the main forces of Rybalko and Lelyushenko's tank armies were sent to the zone of the 13th Army. At the same time, Soviet aviation delivered powerful strikes against the positions of the third line of defense and the pulling-up German reserves.

At 13 o'clock. On April 18, the leading 56th Guards Tank Brigade of the 7th Guards Tank Corps crossed the Spree in the Brezinchen area. By evening, the main forces of the corps were already on the other side. In the afternoon, the front commander Konev personally went to this area, and decided to lead the 6th Guards Tank Corps through this crossing, which had been transferred from the Katlov, Zergen area. The second echelon of Rybalko's army, the 9th mechanized corps, was sent to the same area.

The 7th Guards Tank Corps, with the infantry of the 102nd Rifle Corps, wedged into the enemy's third line of defense by 4 km and by the end of the day advanced 12 km, reaching the Gross-Osnig-Döbburn line. The rapid offensive of our tankers, who quickly crossed the river and seized a bridgehead on the western bank of the Spree, did not allow the Germans to use the 344th Infantry Division, which they did not manage to bring to the third position. The troops of the 27th Rifle Corps and the 10th Guards Tank Corps achieved great success. They also crossed the Spree on the move in the Bilov area and broke through the enemy's third line of defense 5 km in depth. By the end of the day, our troops reached the Kline-Bukov, Gross-Bukov line, advancing 13 km in a day. The second echelon of Lelyushenko's tank army, the 5th Guards Mechanized Corps, was sent to the Bilov area.

Thus, the armies of Pukhov, Rybalko and Lelyushenko successfully crossed the large water line - the Spree and captured a bridgehead up to 10 km wide and 5 km deep. The prerequisites were created for the further development of the offensive and maneuver of mobile formations against Berlin. The swift actions of the engineering troops, which ensured the laying of bridges over the Spree, ensured the timely passage of the main forces of the front's strike group to the western bank of the river. By the end of April 18, the sappers had erected four bridges.

The 5th Guards Army of Zhadov with the 6th Guards Mechanized Corps took the Trebendorf stronghold and the northern part of Weiswasser on April 18. Developing the offensive in difficult conditions of continuous forest, Soviet troops reached the Spree and began a battle for a major enemy defense center - Spremberg. The troops of the center - the 34th Guards Rifle Corps crossed the Spree and Kleine Spree rivers, broke through the enemy's third line of defense.

On the Dresden direction, Polish troops, overcoming difficult terrain and numerous obstacles, took a major defense center of Niska during a stubborn battle. The 2nd Polish Army advanced 9 km and completed the breakthrough of the enemy's second line of defense. The 1st Polish Panzer Corps of General Kimbar advanced in the general direction of Bautzen and broke away from the infantry by 5 km. By the end of the day, Polish tankers took the city of Förstgen and fought for Ober und Nieder Elsa. On the same day, the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps of Baranov was introduced into the breakthrough, which broke away from the infantry by several kilometers. The right flank of the 52nd Army with the 7th Guards Mechanized Corps took Weissenberg and, without encountering much resistance, advanced 20 km in a day. The left-flank divisions of the 52nd Army fought heavy battles with the 1st Parachute Panzer Division "Hermann Goering" and enemy infantry all day. The Germans were able to push our troops by 3-4 km.

ISU-152 on the march. 1st Ukrainian Front, April 1945

Forcing the Spree by the troops of the 3rd Guards. tank army. Wooden poles marked the ford for tanks crossing the river

Tanks T-34-85 of the 1st Polish Tank Corps. April 1945


In three days of stubborn fighting, from April 16 to April 18, Konev's armies broke through the Neissen defensive line of the German army in the 35-kilometer Forst-Muskau sector and the 20-kilometer Steinbach-Penzich sector, and advanced 30 kilometers west in both directions. Soviet troops in the offensive area of \u200b\u200bthe front's main strike grouping broke through all three enemy lines of defense. The withdrawal of formations of the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Armies on the left bank of the Spree River in the offensive zones of the 13th and 5th Guards Armies allowed the command to develop an offensive to the west, to the Elbe and begin to carry out maneuvers towards the German capital.

The German 4th Panzer Army suffered a serious defeat and two strikes of the 1st Ukrainian Front (the main strike group and the auxiliary group) on Spremberg and Bautzen were dismembered into three separate parts: the Cottbus group, the troops defending in the Muskower Forst forest, and the Gorlitz grouping. Several German divisions, including the Brandenburg motorized division, were completely defeated.

The German command, trying to stop our troops in the second and third zones of defense, brought 11 divisions into the battle from the reserve of the 3rd Panzer Army, Army Group Center and the reserve of the main command, including 5 tank and 1 motorized (21st, 20 I Panzer Divisions, Panzer Division "Fuehrer's Guard", 10th SS Panzer Division "Frunsberg", 1st Parachute Panzer Division "Hermann Goering" and 2nd Parachute Motorized Division "Hermann Goering").

The massive use of artillery and tanks provided the infantry with favorable conditions for the offensive. The entire 30-kilometer strip of the Neissen defensive line was broken through by the efforts of the first echelon rifle corps with the support of the tank and mechanized corps of the first echelons of tank armies. The rifle corps of the second echelons of the combined arms armies were not brought into battle. The second echelons of the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Armies also remained unused. This ensured the swiftness of the further offensive and maneuver. As a result, the expediency of entering the first echelons of tank armies into battle from the first day of the operation was confirmed by the very course of events. The shock group of the front broke through three enemy lines of defense and repelled the counterattacks of 11 divisions of the enemy's reserve.

Engineering troops and aviation played an important role in the success of the operation. Soviet planes smashed enemy strongpoints and struck at German reserves. On April 18, the main efforts of the Soviet air army were aimed at destroying the main nodes of enemy resistance on the Spree River - Cottbus and Spremberg. In total, on April 16-18, the 2nd Air Army made more than 7,500 sorties and destroyed 155 German aircraft in air battles.

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, 47th, 60th armies, 3rd Guards Tank and the 2nd Air Army. Subsequently, it included1st, 3rd, 5th Guards, 6th, 18th, 21st, 28th, 31st, 52nd, 59th armies, 1st and 4th Guards , 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th tank armies, 8th Air Army and 2nd Army of the Polish Army.

On November 3-13, 1943, the front's troops carried out the Kiev strategic offensive operation, during which they liberated Kiev on November 6 and advanced westward from the Dnieper up to 150 km. Then on November 13 - December 22, 1943, they carried out the Kiev defensive operation, as a result of which they thwarted the plans of the German command to seize Kiev again and eliminate the strategic bridgehead of the Soviet troops.

Subsequently, on December 24, 1943 - January 14, 1944, the front troops carried out the Zhytomyr-Berdichev operation, moving forward almost 200 km, deeply covered the German Army Group South from the north and created favorable conditions for organizing offensive operations on the Right Bank Ukraine.

In the winter of 1944, the troops of the left flank of the front, in cooperation with the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, participated in the Korsun-Shevchenko operation (January 24 - February 17), as a result of which more than 10 enemy divisions were surrounded and destroyed. At the same time, the armies of the right flank carried out the Rovno-Lutsk operation (January 27 - February 11, 1944) and took an advantageous position to strike at the flank and rear of the German Army Group South from the north. The main forces of Army Group South were defeated in March-April by the troops of the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts.

Having carried out the Proskurov-Chernivtsi operation (March 4 - April 17, 1944), the troops of the front reached the Carpathians and in cooperation with the troops2nd Ukrainian Front cut the strategic front of the German troops into two parts.

In the summer of 1944, during the Lvov-Sandomierz strategic operation (July 13 - August 29), the German army group "Northern Ukraine" was defeated, the western regions of Ukraine, the southeastern regions of Poland were liberated from the enemy, and a large Sandomierz bridgehead was captured on the left bank of the Vistula ...

In the winter of 1945, the front's troops carried out the Sandomierz-Silesian operation (January 12 - February 3), during which the southern regions of Poland were liberated, the Oder was forced, and hostilities were transferred to German territory. In February, as a result of the Lower Silesian operation (February 8 - 24), the front's troops reached the Neisse River and took an advantageous position for an offensive on Berlin.

In the second half of March 1945, the troops of the left flank of the front carried out the Upper Silesian operation (March 15 - 31), surrounded and then destroyed the Oppeln and Ratibor groups of the enemy.

In April - May 1945, the front troops took part in the Berlin strategic operation (April 16 - May 8), and then in the Prague strategic operation (May 6 - 11), during which the defeat of the German armed forces was completed.

The front was disbanded on June 10, 1945 on the basis of the Supreme Command Headquarters directive No. 11096 of May 29, 1945; its field administration was reorganized into the administration of the Central Group of Forces.

July 6, 1944 as part of the front for participation in the Lvov-Sandomierz strategic operation were formed1st and 2nd horse-mechanized groups.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front took part in the following operations:

  • Strategic operations:
    • Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation 1945;
    • Vistula-Oder strategic offensive operation in 1945;
    • East Carpathian strategic offensive operation in 1944;
    • Dnieper-Carpathian strategic offensive operation of 1943-44;
    • Kiev strategic offensive operation in 1943;
    • Lvov-Sandomierz strategic offensive operation in 1944;
    • 1945 Prague Strategic Offensive Operation.
  • Frontline and army operations:
    • Bukrin offensive operation in 1943;
    • Upper Silesian offensive operation in 1945;
    • Dresden-Prague offensive operation in 1945;
    • Zhytomyr-Berdich offensive operation of 1943-44;
    • Carpathian-Duklinskaya offensive operation in 1944;
    • Carpathian-Uzhgorod offensive operation in 1944;
    • Kiev defensive operation in 1943;
    • Korsun-Shevchenko offensive operation in 1944;
    • 1945 Cottbus-Potsdam offensive;
    • Lvov offensive operation in 1944;
    • Lutezh offensive operation in 1943;
    • Lower Silesian offensive operation in 1945;
    • Operation to expand the bridgehead in the Sandomierz region in 1944;
    • Proskurov-Chernivtsi offensive operation in 1944;
    • Rivne-Lutsk offensive operation in 1944;
    • Sandomierz Offensive Operation of 1944;
    • The Sandomierz-Silesian offensive operation of 1945;
    • Stanislav offensive operation in 1944;
    • 1945 Sudeten Offensive Operation;
    • Shtremberg-Torgau offensive operation in 1945.

What is this - the statement of an ignoramus, by hook or by crook, who broke through to a high state post, an opportunist or ...

Of course the latter. Everyone remembers well the miracles from Mr. A. Deshchitsa, the Maidan minister. There is undoubtedly something in common in the images of these two artists of the light genre.
God is their judge, but not a teacher.

First Ukrainian Front.

The First Ukrainian Front was created on October 20, 1943 on the basis of the order of the Supreme Command Headquarters of October 16, 1943 by renaming the Voronezh Front. It consisted of 13, 27, 38, 40, 47, 60 combined arms armies, 3 guards tank army, 2 air army. Subsequently, the composition of the front changed several times.
The commanders of the troops: General of the Army Nikolai Fyodorovich Vatutin (October 1943 - March 1944), Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (March - May 1944), Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Stepanovich Konev (May 1944 - until the end of the war).

By January 1945, the First Ukrainian Front included:
- 3rd Guards Army;
- 5th Guards Army;
- 6th Army;
- 13th Army;
- 21st Army;
- 52nd Army;
- 59th Army;
- 60th Army;
- 3rd Guards Tank Army;
- 4th Tank Army;
- 2nd Air Army.

In order to create a powerful strike force in the main direction of the Soviet offensive, the First Ukrainian Front was reinforced with rifle, airborne, cavalry, artillery, armored, mechanized formations, units of the air force and engineering troops.

It should also be noted that on March 19, 1945, the 2nd Army of the Polish Army entered the First Ukrainian Front, whose soldiers took part in the Berlin and then the Prague operations.

In November 1943, during an offensive operation, the front forces liberated Kiev, and in the course of further defensive battles they managed to hold it. In December 1943 - January 1944, the front formations carried out a successful offensive in the Zhytomyr direction, covered the enemy's Army Group South from the north, and created conditions for the further development of the offensive on the territory of Right-Bank Ukraine. In the course of a large-scale offensive on the territory of Ukraine in January-April 1944, the front's troops, in cooperation with the formations of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, defeated German forces in the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky area, and then defeated the main forces of Army Group South. By the end of April, the front troops reached the Carpathians and, in cooperation with the 2nd Ukrainian Front, cut the enemy front into two parts. In the summer of 1944, in the course of successful offensive battles, the front formations defeated the troops of the Northern Ukraine Army Group, liberated the western regions of Ukraine, the southeastern regions of Poland, crossed the Vistula in the Sandomierz area and seized a bridgehead on its left bank. On August 6, 1944, the formations of the left wing of the front were transferred to the formation of the 4th Ukrainian Front. From the Sandomierz bridgehead in January 1945, the front's formations attacked the enemy in the direction of the Oder, forced it and transferred the hostilities to German territory. In February - March 1945, the front's troops liberated Lower and Upper Silesia, reached the Neisse River and took an advantageous position for an offensive on Berlin. In April - May 1945, the front formations took part in operations to capture Berlin and defeat the enemy grouping in Czechoslovakia.

Disbanded on June 10, 1945 in accordance with the directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters of May 29, 1945. The front command was reorganized into the command of the Central Group of Forces.
At the final stage of the Sandomierz-Silesian operation on January 27, 1945, Soviet troops under the command of Marshal I.S. Konev, namely the soldiers of Major General V.Ya. Petrenko, commander of the 107th division of the 60th Army, entered Auschwitz, in which at that moment there were about 7.6 thousand prisoners among the living.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp by Soviet troops, the Russian Defense Ministry for the first time published on its website unique documents of TsAMO during the Great Patriotic War, concerning, in particular, the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Some of them were previously in secret storage and were available only to a narrow circle of historians.

Materials revealing the course of military operations and the liberation of Polish territory in January 1945 contain combat reports from the command of formations and units of the 1st Ukrainian Front, including the combat log of the 472nd Rifle Regiment, political report of the head of the political department of the 100th Rifle Division, chief the political department of the 60th Army - direct participants in the liberation of prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration camp.

A report on the social and demographic characteristics of the 60th Army of the First Ukrainian Front was also published, containing information about the Red Army soldiers of more than 39 nationalities - russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Armenians, Ossetians, Georgians and many others.

Apparently, the scale of the operational-strategic formations of troops, their role in the liberation of Europe from the German fascist invaders during the Second World War simply does not fit into the heads of such bad boys from politics.

Finally, I would like to recall one more important fact from the history of World War II. In March 1944, the 1st Polish Army (more than 90 thousand people) was deployed, where not only Polish citizens, but also Soviet citizens were enrolled. Moreover, the backbone of the army was the First Polish Infantry Division. Tadeusz Kosciuszko, the formation of which began a year earlier in the Seletsky military camps near Ryazan.

The division received its baptism of fire near the village of Lenino in the Mogilev region on October 12, 1943, and ended the war as part of the 1st Polish Army in May 1945 at the walls of the defeated Reichstag.

Representatives of different countries and peoples rallied in one row, at the cost of incredible sacrifices they won the most cruel war in the history of mankind, gave us peace and freedom.

I would really not like the conquered to be divided, sold, repainted, altered, or, simply put, betrayed by these low-quality people.
