(to the 75th anniversary of the birth of the artist - illustrator and writer).
Born September 27, 1943

Honored Artist of Russia Georgy Nikolaevich Yudin is a builder and actor, film artist and illustrator of children's books. And for those who love to read, he is also the author of fairy tales about the touching plasticine pig Pasha, about the "Main wonder of the world" - a man ("Sirin the bird and the rider on a white horse"), about the ancient Russian artist Yegoriy, who knows how to build houses, paint walls, sculpt toys from clay, about the hero Ilya Muromets, who lived in Russia in the XII century, and many wonderful epics telling about Christian Russia.

Georgy Yudin was born near Ashgabat in the Turkmen village of Kaakha in 1943. Kaakha means "ha-ha-ha" in translation. So cruel nomads laughed when they attacked a small village: cunning inhabitants met them with huge crooked mirrors. Seeing their own reflection in such a mirror, anyone will start laughing dupadu. And if a soldier laughs, what kind of warrior is he? After serving in the army, twenty years old, Georgy came to Moscow to enter the Polygraphic Institute. But I did not succeed in becoming a student at once, I had to go to the painters. Most of all he loved to paint the floors. And in the evening Georgy hurried home, to the builders' dormitory, where, putting an album on his knees, he drew until late at night. And finally, Georgy is a student of the graphic arts department of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, where future illustrators study. He goes to museums, listens to lectures, reads a lot, tries to paint with oil paints. Makes drawings for the first book in his life, ordered by the Turkmen publishing house. The books he illustrated after graduation are full of amazing fairytale incidents. These are the adventure novels by A. Belyaev "The Amphibian Man", F. Cooper "The Spy", the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky "The Black Hen". In total, G. Yudin has illustrated 130 books.

Looking at the drawings of G. Yudin, you notice how lively and agile the artist is able to draw his heroes. He was a production designer for several famous motion pictures. The mysterious silver "Nautilus" - a submarine from the novel by J. Verne "Captain Nemo" at the Odessa film studio was built according to the drawings of G. Yudin. The actors became friends with the artist. And if you watch the movie "Captain Nemo", then on the deck of the sailing ship "Comrade" in the uniform of an English sailor you can see the artist himself - a broad-shouldered red-haired bearded man. In the mid-70s, drawing fairy tales and poems by other writers, Yudin thought about his future book for five years. About how to make conversation about letters an exciting game. Thus was born "Bukvarenok" - a book that in 1989 received a silver medal in the German city of Leipzig.


"Only for girls and boys who cannot read!"

“It's all about letters. Fairy tales and amazing stories about the most interesting in the whole world ”- this is how the author himself wrote in the preface to his first book. Who has not tried to make out something familiar in the familiar outlines of different letters? Doesn't “M” look like a fast lightning and “B” like a mitten? In the letter "Ш" it is easy to see the sleepers. The artist G. Yudin composed a funny or sad tale about each letter of the alphabet. This is how the "Prikvarenok" appeared - an amazing book with the help of which any person 5-6 years old can learn to read. Probably, coming up with these fabulous stories, the artist recalled his life, in which - like each of us - merry mixed with very sad. "Prikvarenok" is both a textbook and a toy book. To teach by playing is its main purpose. In modern pedagogy, didactic play is recognized as one of the teaching methods. A child, picking up "Prikvarenok", immediately falls into a variety of interesting phenomena for him. The book is designed for the active participation of the child himself in mastering letters, in an exciting journey into the world of things. For 20 years, "Prikvarenok" has been reprinted fifteen times! And in 2001 our novice readers received one more gift - "Bukvarenkin School". The new addition to the "Bukvarenk", unusual in its methodology, will allow children to quickly and cheerfully learn not only to read, but also to write. The books unite common heroes - the mouse Mouse and the plush Misha.

The next wonderful textbook for a preschooler was the book "Zanimatika". This is the hilarious little sister of arithmetic. It will help children not only quickly memorize numbers and solve simple problems, but also give the first ideas about the theory of relativity, space and time, teach them to think creatively and find the right solutions, both in arithmetic and in life. Later, "Zanimatics for Kids", which came out, will help children from the age of three to get acquainted with the simplest mathematical concepts to solve small problems that the author G. Yudin depicted with the help of familiar toys, fairy-tale characters. Both of these manuals can be successfully used in the work of an elementary school teacher (1-2kl.) As an additional, entertaining material, in preparation for school in the senior troupe of a kindergarten. They can be recommended to parents for classes with 5-6 year old children. In the works of G. Yudin, a writer and artist, there is also a kind, cheerful fairy tale "The Green Pig". A naive (green) plasticine pig makes those around them look at themselves as a person capable of performing extraordinary, kind and pure deeds.

Creation of a “wise” manual for parents and children “The main wonder of the world” was a very serious work for G. Yudin. With respect, love, admiration, the book tells children about Man, about what a perfect creation of Nature it is. It is not only about how a person is arranged, where they have kidneys, liver, heart, it opens our eyes to ourselves, changes our attitude to ourselves, to our health, fosters a culture of feelings.

G. Yudin was not afraid to tackle such a difficult topic for children's literature: human psychophysiology. The task was not very simple: you need to know the interests of the child, the level of his concepts, to find the required language style. G. Yudin found the right tone of the conversation - respectful, open, with gentle humor, answers to the kids' questions are accessible and entertaining. This wonderful book about a person opens with the chapter "Where do children come from". Physicians and psychologists have established that for normal, not distorted spiritual development, a child needs to know how he grew inside his mother and what connects him with his father. His understanding of the role of mother and father prepares him for this future role. This is fundamentally important for a person's emotional and moral attitude to love. The presenter plays a special role in the book: dad. This is, as it were, a model of behavior for parents, with his explanations he gives them a clear example of how to talk with children about delicate, complex things and what exactly to say, taking into account the capabilities of a particular child. The book is written very correctly, with a sense of humor. Beautiful, “speaking” illustrations, diagrams for each chapter, made by the author and supplemented with pictures from art museums around the world, make the book more complete and convincing. This kind of allowance for children and their parents appeared here for the first time. This is a truly unique edition.

Recently, G.I. Yudin devoted himself entirely to the creation of books of spiritual and moral content. The author influences his reader as a born teacher, educator, as a poetically minded, believer in beauty and goodness, Christian holiness, prose writer and artist. He seeks to pass on this faith to children. One of the first books in this direction was The Bird SIRIN and the Rider on a White Horse. What is native history, what is a Russian person, what is gifted, what is he capable of? - the author of the story asks questions (1993). Yegoriy goes through orphanhood, mental and physical torment, blindness and miraculous healing, before becoming an icon painter. The reader experiences his spiritual path, learns how an artist is born, what the art of icons is, how churches are painted, why Egoriy chooses the image of George the Victorious for icon painting, which becomes a symbol of Ancient Russia. G. Yudin, like Yegoriy, is recognized by a part of his people, with its inherent traditions and culture. This book is an excellent addition to the lessons of the history of Russia in the 16th century.

The soul of any child, and especially one who lives today, is a fragile vessel. And it must be filled with light, kindness and love. The stories, parables and fairy tales included in the collection "The Saved Soul" will allow the little person to get to know Russian culture better, get closer to the traditions of their ancestors, become cleaner, kinder and, perhaps, find the grace-filled spark of God. This book requires some preparation and spiritual knowledge. It is very difficult to read about the miracles of the Mother of God, not knowing who She is, whence in Her endless mercy and love for everyone without exception: the poor and the rich, the sick and the healthy, the scoundrels and the righteous. Perhaps, after reading this book, readers will have a desire to learn more about the Mother of God, Her Son Jesus Christ, the holy apostles and elders, about their extraordinary spiritual exploits, about the miracles they performed both during life and after death.

Various sciences are studied at school. The completeness of knowledge will never be superfluous. Knowledge makes a person a person, and a person cannot do without a soul. However, without good deeds and spiritual food, the soul of a person, alas, is dead. This is the story of “30 years and three years” - about the epic hero of the Russian land Ilya Muromets. Many epics are known about the exploits of Ilya Muromets, but G. Yudin told us about his spiritual exploits, about how his illness and weakness were overcome. Ilya Muromets was not punished, but rewarded with his illness and (he was in prison for thirty years and three years), so that, after going through the tests of immobility, he would not be hardened, but matured spiritually, to become the defender of Russia.

In the book Unexpected Joy, unusual for our reader, G. Yudin talks about the subtle and sometimes inexplicable from the point of view of the human mind, the spiritual world, about the help of heavenly intercessors and angels to people in trouble. It is difficult to speak intelligibly about lofty concepts - this is a special gift. G. Yudin's book combines the necessary unity of the simplicity of speech and its spiritual sound. In addition, and more joy - the author of the text is also the author of the design of the drawings in the book. And, maybe, only G. Yudin himself knows when and what gift appeared in him earlier: an artist or a writer. The book "Unexpected Joy" is a special one for the author himself. It contains the fate of many, many people. Sometimes the action takes us back to the distant past, sometimes the heroes are our contemporaries, but they all enter our consciousness as really living in earthly or eternal life.

The book "The Murom Miracle" begins with surprise, with delight. Yudin accompanies his “flowery” speech, rich in epithets, with no less decorative images of all the Murom saints on a beautiful spread, reminiscent of a church wall painting! For the story he chooses four: Peter and Fevronia, Bishop Basil, and most importantly - Ilya Muromets, whose life and fate becomes a real discovery.

"The quiet angel flew by." This collection includes Orthodox fairy tales and legends, including those from the collection of the famous collector of Russian fairy tales A. Afanasyev, legends and traditions from the ancient Paterikon (collection of biographies of the Church Fathers), artistic stories and parables. This is an interesting and useful reading for a child of any age, because growing up, he will discover philosophical depths in the most simple plot. Superbly published, these books are a gift to everyone who touches them, this is an aesthetic pleasure, this is reading for the heart and mind.

Georgy Nikolaevich is an extraordinary person and artist. Acquaintance with his books is an unintended (highest!) Joy of touching sincere, genuine, talented art.

List of used literature.

1. Kudryavtseva. L. Artists of children's books. Legends of deep antiquity .. // Doshk. rev. - 2000. - No. 4. - P. 78-79.

2. Zvonareva L. Wrote and painted by Georgy Yudin // Koster.– 1960.– № 12.

3. Yudin. G. Murom saints and the cursed serpent. - Det. lit. –1993.– No. 8-9.– С 54.

4. Evseev. B. His unintended joy // Book. item - 1999.– №51.

Mathematics - zanatics

(Matinee for 1st grade students)

Participants: facilitator (teacher, librarian);

Equipment: G. Yudin's book "Zanimatika", M "Rosmen", 2000; cards with the texts of the horoscope of numbers, a table of objects of different geometric shapes;

Leading - Detachment! Attention! To le-in! (guys-numbers turn in different directions);

Leading - Oh oh oh! Nolik, you are an excellent student with us, tell everyone where left and right are.

Zero - The right hand is correct, we write with it, eat, hold a spoon, a racket. And the left one is an assistant, without her the right one simply would not cope.

Leading - Everyone understands? Left! Well done now! We begin to warm up for the mind. One, come here. Two, stand to the left of One. What number came out? And now on the right. Which one? What is more and how much? (Perform another 2-3 permutations with different numbers);

Leading - We all play. We name words that are opposite in meaning and add the name of the object, action;

For example: Many - (few birds), you can - (not allowed), right - (left), in front - (behind), below - (above), close - (far); small - (large), low - (high), narrow - (wide), short - (long). Light - (heavy), etc.

Leading - We held a game where you showed how you can think logically, and this skill is very important in mathematics, without it you cannot solve a single problem. And now, let's get acquainted with a very important concept in mathematics - the form of the subject. Ability to see and distinguish: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, cube, pyramid, cylinder, cone, ball.

(Tables from the book, pictures, surrounding objects can be used here). What It Looks Like Game.

Leading - Now let's play !. He calls numbers randomly, and children quickly come up with objects (five - daisies, three - bears, seven - kids, ten - fingers).

Leading - You have been familiar with numbers for a long time, you know that they mean the amount of something. And how did people even learn to count, who came up with the numbers? (Reads or tells a chapter from the book "History of Numbers").

Leading - Ancient scientists believed that numbers have a mysterious, magical meaning and affect a person and everything that he does. Let's try to find our main number. (Using the example of one of the children, they find his main number. They read his horoscope. For the rest, we need to prepare horoscopes of numbers and give each child the opportunity to find his main number, give a description of his number. See G. Yudin's book, Chapter II).

Leading - And now the competition for the best class mathematics:

1. There were nuts on the table. Two mice stand and think: if we take three nuts, then one will remain superfluous, and if four, one will not be enough. How many nuts were there?

2. Two friends agreed to get into the fourth car of the train, which had seven cars. One got into the fourth from the beginning of the train, and the other - from the end. Did your friends meet in the same carriage?

3. How many times do you have to cut a log to make four logs?

4. There is an oak in the field. There are three branches on the oak, and three apples on each branch. How many apples are there?

5. Each month of the year ends on the 30th or 31st. In which month is the number 28?

6. A father with two children rode bicycles. There were three bicycles and seven wheels. How can it be?

Leading - all the guys coped with the tasks. And logic, knowledge of form and numbers helped you. And, of course, the funny and clever book of G. N. Yudin "Zanimatika", which he invented himself, he himself and all the drawings for it drew.

Medvedeva T.A.,
librarian GBUK RO
“Rostov Regional Children's Library named after V.M. Velichkina "

G.N. Yudin


Dates of life: September 27, 1943
Place of birth: Kaakhka city (Turkmenistan)
Russian illustrator, author of books for children
Famous works: "Prikvarenok", "The main wonder of the world", "Zanimatika"

Georgy Yudin was born on September 27, 1943 in Turkmenistan (Kaakhka). The artist tells about the event of his childhood, which left an imprint on his entire future life: “In 1948, the terrible Ashgabat earthquake happened in Turkmenistan, when 130 thousand people died, including my father and sister. And only thanks to my mother, who covered me, a five-year-old boy, as if I was born a second time. "
Probably what happened helped Georgy Nikolaevich to realize especially clearly the exceptional value of the family and children.
After graduating from the railway technical school and serving in the army, where, in fact, he began to paint, the future artist studied at the Polygraphic Institute. Georgy Nikolayevich goes to museums, reads a lot, tries to paint with oil paints.
He illustrates his first book for a Turkmen publishing house. The books he illustrates after graduation are filled with adventures and fabulous incidents. These are "Amphibian Man" by Alexander Belyaev, "Spy" by Fenimore Cooper, the fairy tale "The Black Hen" by Anthony Pogorelsky. In total, Georgy Yudins decorated 130 books with illustrations. The artist knows how to paint his heroes alive and moving.
And Georgy Nikolayevich worked in cinema on the well-known films Red Diplomatic Couriers and Captain Nemo. The mysterious silver "Nautilus" - a submarine from the novel by Jules Verne "Captain Nemo" was built at the Odessa film studio according to the drawings of G. Yudin. The actors became friends with the artist. And if you watch the movie "Captain Nemo", then on the deck of the sailing ship "Comrade" in the uniform of an English sailor you can see the artist himself - a broad-shouldered red-haired bearded man.

And then Georgy Yudin became a writer, it was not by chance. “I was just a child's artist, but when my two daughters Anya and Dasha were born, the flour called“ Dad, read a fairy tale! ”And I, then a young artist, longingly thinking about the unfinished illustrations for my favorite fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky "The Black Hen", probably for the hundredth time began to retell these insatiable tormentors about Ivan Tsarevich with a frog, about a horned goat and about a mustache cat , about the red-haired girl Masha, who was dragged away by the gray wolves into a scary forest for not letting her dad draw books and earn money ...
“There are a lot of us,” I thought longingly of young parents who are forced by children to read fairy tales and are not allowed to work and rest. It was then that I wrote my first book, Prikvarenok, from which children can learn to read. "
"Prikvarenok" is an addicting letter-talking game. In 1989, the book received a silver medal in the German city of Leipzig.
In the preface to the book, the author wrote: “Everything about letters. Fairy tales and amazing stories about the most interesting in the whole world. " The artist G. Yudin composed a funny or sad tale about each letter of the alphabet. Doesn't “M” look like a fast lightning and “B” like a mitten? In the letter "Ш" it is easy to see the sleepers. "Prikvaryonok" is both a textbook and a toy book. To teach by playing is its main purpose. The book is designed for the active participation of the child himself in mastering letters, in an exciting journey into the world of things. For 20 years, "Prikvarenok" has been reprinted fifteen times! And in 2001 our novice readers received one more gift - "Bukvarenkin School". The new addition to the "Bukvarenk", unusual in its methodology, will allow children to quickly and cheerfully learn not only to read, but also to write. The books unite common characters - the mouse Mouse and the plush Misha.

Well, “Anya and Dasha were growing up and one day they came to me with a question unexpected for all parents:“ Dad, where do children come from? ”.
“There are too many of us,” I thought longingly of the poor parents who do not know how to answer this inquisitive children. I had to read a lot of scientific books on anatomy, biology, so that later all this knowledge could be transferred to children's language.
I was shocked by what I read. I wanted to run through the streets, wave my arms like a bird and shout: “People! Each of us is a miracle! " That's what I called the book: "The main wonder of the world."
Book by Georgy Yudin "The main wonder of the world" - a wise guide for children and parents. The book with respect and love tells children about Man, about what a perfect creation of Nature is. It is not only about how a person is arranged, it opens our eyes to ourselves, changes our attitude to ourselves, to our health, fosters a culture of feelings. This wonderful book about a person opens with the chapter "Where do children come from". Physicians and psychologists have established that for normal, not distorted spiritual development, a child needs to know how he grew inside his mother and what connects him with his father. His understanding of the role of mother and father prepares him for this future role. This is fundamentally important for a person's emotional and moral attitude to love. The presenter plays a special role in the book: dad. This is, as it were, a model of behavior for parents, with his explanations he gives them a clear example of how to talk with children about delicate, complex things and what exactly to say, taking into account the capabilities of a particular child. The book is written very correctly, with a sense of humor. Beautiful, “speaking” illustrations, diagrams for each chapter, made by the author and supplemented with pictures from art museums around the world, make the book more complete and convincing. This kind of allowance for children and their parents appeared here for the first time. This is a truly unique edition.

In the meantime, “Two more years have passed, and my children and others also needed to be taught arithmetic, but not tediously, as in school, but interesting and fun. Appeared "Zanimatika" where all the numbers were not boring squiggles, but living beings with their own amazing interesting life. " The book helps children not only quickly memorize numbers and solve simple problems, but gives the first ideas about the theory of relativity, space and time, teaches them to think creatively and find the right solutions not only in mathematics, but also in life.
And also in the work of Georgy Nikolaevich - a writer and artist, there is a kind, cheerful fairy tale "Green Piglet". A naive (green) plasticine pig makes those around them look at themselves as a person capable of performing extraordinary, kind and pure deeds.

Georgy Yudin writes: “My children grew up, and the themes of the books that I wrote and painted also grew up. Now I wanted to write not only fairy tales and poems, such as "The Green Pig" or "The Mustachioed Surprise", but books that would fill the child's soul with the spiritual light of faith, tell him about the mysterious, invisible God who created the whole world, about Guardian angel, protecting people from misfortune, about the miracles of the great saints: George the Victorious, Ilya Muromets, Sergius of Radonezh and many others, about their help to people ”.
Books of spiritual and moral content appear in the work of Georgy Nikolaevich. One of the first books was The Bird Sirin and the Rider on a White Horse. The author of the story asks questions: What is a native story? What is a Russian person, what is he gifted with, what is he capable of? The main character of the book, Egoriy, goes through mental and physical torment, blindness and miraculous healing and becomes an icon painter. Together with him, the reader learns how an artist is born, what the art of icons is, how churches are painted, why Egoriy chooses the image of George the Victorious for icon painting, which becomes a symbol of Ancient Russia. This book is an excellent addition to the lessons of the history of Russia in the 16th century.
The books of Georgy Yudin make us plunge into the ancient history of our country. Of course, all the works of Georgy Yudin are presented in a fabulous manner, but a large share of our knowledge of ancient Russia stems precisely from various fairy tales, legends, epics, and writings passed from mouth to mouth through tens of generations.

The versatile work of Georgy Yudin has been marked with many honorary titles and awards. He is an Honored Artist of Russia, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, vice-president of the Council for Children's Books of Russia, holder of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, laureate of the international children's book competition in Bratislava (BIB-83) "Golden Apple" for illustrations to the book by A. Nekrasov " The Adventures of Captain Vrungel ”, winner of the Silver Medal at the international book exhibition in Leipzig (1987)“ The Most Beautiful Book of the Year ”(for the book“ Prikvarenok ”). And in 1998, for the book "The Murom Miracle", the name of George Yudin was included in the Honorary List of Hans Christian Andersen.



"Do something serious
entertaining for a child -
that's the task of the original
training ".
K. D. Ushinsky

Textbook "Primer"

Theme:Capital letter M


  1. to develop reading skills, to familiarize with the spelling of proper names, surnames, geographical names, develop an interest in reading, enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren;
  2. develop logical thinking, attention, memory, perseverance, fine motor skills of the fingers;
  3. foster a sense of kindness, mercy, mutual assistance, love for the Motherland.

Equipment: illustrations (mouse Mouse, bear cub Misha, girls Marina, Mila, boys Mark, Maxim, Tommy the gnome with a cart, Murka the cat, Masha the goat, Marta the cow, "Red Square is the main square in Moscow"); dictionary words, portraits of poets Marshak, Mikhalkov, Mayakovsky, Moritz.

During the classes

I... Org. Moment

II... Reiteration

Working with the alphabet. Reading the alphabet. Repetition of vowel sounds. How do sounds differ from letters?

III... Lesson topic message

Today we are going to get acquainted with the capital letter M. Do you know who brought us this letter? Meet the mouse Mouse and the bear bear Misha. Who knows why the words Mouse and Misha are printed with a capital letter?

IV. Problem statement and solution situations

And look who is it? (images of a cow, goat, cat)

And they insist that they also brought a capital M. Is it possible? Explain. (The words "Marta the cow, Murka the cat, Masha the goat" appear under the pictures)

G. Yudin wrote the fairy tale "Poets" about Misha the bear and Mouse Mouse. Listen and think about who the poets are, what names you will hear in this tale.

“Mouse Mouse and bear cub Misha lay in the meadow and ate raspberries. Mouse and says:

Let's invent poems. Here's what I composed:

Every day and every hour
We keep repeating stubbornly
There is no one in the world
Our best ...

Raspberries! - Misha yelled.

And where is the "raspberry"! I wanted to say: "Better than our mother."

That's great too! And now I will compose ... And about what?

Well, at least about this fly agaric.

Don't eat white pasta
And eat red fly agarics.

What are you, what are you! - the little mouse was frightened. - Fly agarics cannot be eaten, you will go to the hospital. Here, listen to the verse about the doctor:

There is no doctor more important in the forest,
than a lively redhead ...

Aybolit! - yelled a bear cub.

Yes, not Aibolit, but an ant. Aibolit heals animals, and an ant heals the forest.

How do you know so much?

Whoever reads a lot knows a lot! - answered the mouse Mouse. "

Conversation .

What names have you met in this tale?

Who are poets?

Is Misha a good poet?

Who is the best in the world?

What mushrooms shouldn't be eaten?

Whom did the mouse call the doctor of the forest?

Speech development work .

Let's try to compose with you. Give me a word to rhyme.

Underground, in a closet
She lives in a mink
Gray baby.
Who is this? ...

He slept all winter in a fur coat,
Sucked a brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to roar.
This is a forest beast ...

Everyone in the forest is a talent
And the singer, and ...

What poets do you know? (portraits and surnames of Mikhalkov, Marshak, Mayakovsky, Moritz appear on the blackboard) The teacher pays attention to the spelling of the names of poets. Students read short passages of poems by poets.

Working with the tutorial.

Reading columns of words in the Primer.

Read the longest names. Explain.

Read names consisting of one syllable, two syllables. How to determine how many syllables are in a word?

Game (there are images of girls and boys on the board, random letters).

Make letters for girls and boys.

Phys. a minute

Working with the tutorial (continued)

Reading the words of the third column.

Guess it's an elastic thread made of metal or nylon, which is stretched on musical instruments. What is it? (string)

Where could you see the strings?

In the word "string" replace the vowel "U" with the vowel "A". Read the resulting word.

What is the name of the country in which you live?

Which city is considered the most important in our country? Do you want to visit Moscow? (a reproduction of Red Square and other photographs of Moscow appear on the blackboard)

Development of speech.

Make a sentence with the given words.

(On the board are the words "Capital", "Moscow", "Russia" and "big, Moscow, city, beautiful").

Improving reading skills.

Reading the text about Tommy the dwarf.

Conversation on the text.

What do we already know about this gnome?

Who wrote the poem about this dwarf?

Reading a poem by Yunna Moritz by heart.

Charging with a gnome.

Games with Tommy.

The gnome has letters in the cart, from which the guys must make names.

Pronounce the names lovingly.

The gnome tells old teasers.

And on Mitya's nose, the cats ate sausage.

Marinochka-donut went out into the street,
She sat down on a tree stump, ate a pie.

Summing up the lesson.

  1. What words are capitalized?
    Give the names that begin with the letter "M", come up with nicknames for animals: dog, cat, cow, goat - with the letter "M".
    Remember the names of children's poets that begin with the letter "M".
    Name the cities, rivers that begin with "M".
  2. Come up with sentences, the first word of which begins with the letter "M" (For example: Mama washed the frame.)

Now the name of Yudin has acquired the widest fame. “There are not so many names of cultural figures in Krasnoyarsk who are world famous: V. Surikov, G. Yudin, and today V. Astafyev, D. Hvorostovsky, perhaps that's all,” wrote the newspaper Vecherny Krasnoyarsk.

The assessment, to be sure, is not indisputable, although, in general, it is not particularly striking, especially since it was expressed during the days of the first Yudin readings, when even the highest words addressed to Yudin did not seem exaggerated.

But it was not always so. In the thirties, for just one relationship with Yudin, his descendants could fall under suspicion with all the consequences of a repressive nature. Subsequently, Yudin's sale of his library to America was presented as a crime. And then another grave accusation was brought against the Krasnoyarsk merchant - the people were drinking, because he owned a distillery.

And only one bright spot was discovered by Marxist historians in the biography of Gennady Vasilyevich Yudin - during his Siberian exile, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was studying in his library! And maybe thanks to this very circumstance, Yudin's dacha, the seat of a huge library, has survived to this day in a decent form.

The time of an unbiased attitude towards Yudin coincided with the approach of the 150th anniversary of his birth, and in a broader sense - with the return from oblivion of the names of many undeservedly forgotten writers, scientists, military leaders, and merchants.

The outer outline of Gennady Vasilyevich's life is well known. Born on February 28, 1840 into a merchant family in the Siberian city of Tara, whose roots he himself traced back to the beginning of the 17th century. In 1852, the Yudins moved to Minusinsk, where the head of the family, Vasily Sergeevich, was assigned to serve - in the drinking office of the Minusinsk district.

Young Gennady received a good education at home, studied foreign languages. He began his working life early - he followed in his father's footsteps, joining the service in 1858 in the office of drinking fees in the Minusinsk district. And in 1862 he opened his own wine trade in Balakhta.

A passion for books, collecting his own library has long overcome him. The range of his book interests is extremely wide, he ordered the most diverse publications - from "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov to "Guide to General and Forest Botany" by a certain Dutour. This widespread interest in Yudin's literature of various directions not only has not faded over the years, but has multiplied many times, being financially secure.

They say, touch the ins and outs of any hefty capital - and a crime will be revealed. At the heart of Yudin's wealth lay a lucky break, incredible luck. In the early 1870s, on a 100-ruble bond of an internal winning loan, he wins a huge amount - 200 thousand rubles!

Yudin is building a distillery in the vicinity of Balakhta, and is seriously engaged in gold mining. By this time, he was already married to the daughter of a local priest, Evgenia Nigritskaya. Children are born: boys, girls. In 1878, Yudin and his family moved to Krasnoyarsk, acquired real estate in the city. He is already really rich and can afford to buy any, the rarest and most expensive editions for the library.

However, Yudin did not like to waste money; when buying books, he mercilessly haggles, knocks down the price. He was not noticed in special charity. It seemed that he could have donated something from his book Mont Blanc to the city's libraries. But no, not a single book he donated can be found in public libraries in Krasnoyarsk! True, at his own expense he published a dozen books - his own genealogy, historical works of a number of authors. The most expensive - it cost 25 thousand rubles - was the publication of the catalog "Russian Books" by Vengerov (it remained unfinished, only the first three volumes were published).

Outside the city, on Mount Afontova, Yudin acquires a piece of land and builds a two-story building for a library on it. They write that the reason for this was the catastrophic fire of 1881, from which half of Krasnoyarsk burned out, but not only the fire, probably.

Yudin in Krasnoyarsk generally lived somehow on the outside. He did not take a noticeable part in the public affairs of the city, he avoided the Krasnoyarsk society, and, moreover, was listed as a merchant of Peterhof. In Krasnoyarsk at the time of Yudin, there were, by the way, rather significant private libraries - the journalist Skornyakov, the bookseller Komarov. But there is no information about any book-related communication with them Yudin, most likely this communication did not exist. They were very different book lovers: the notary Itsyn, for example, compiled a working legal library. Yudin, however, was interested in another idea - to fit the entire Universe on his bookshelves!

The plan, to be sure, is grandiose and refined: in the middle of the Siberian wilderness, thousands of miles from the capitals, above the great river and far from the bustle of the world (the city below) to build a wonderful house - the focus of all the knowledge of mankind! Here, over books, Yudin spent the happiest hours of his life. The library grew, absorbed whole carts of books, subscribed through Moscow and St. Petersburg antiquaries, replenished with pools of archival materials and manuscripts.

But like a bolt from the blue: 1898, Yudin advertises the sale of his library. A special condition of the sale is entirely and in one hand. She asks for money for much less than its true value. But there are no buyers. A year, two, years pass ... There are still no buyers for the library in Russia. Nicholas II, to whom Yudin turned, also refused to buy it “due to lack of funds”. And then the Americans appear on the scene in the person of A. Babin, a representative of the Washington Library of Congress.

After several years of negotiations in 1907, the Yudin library was sold to the US Library of Congress for 100,000 rubles.

That, in fact, is all - this is the external side of the sale of the library. The motives that prompted Yudin to part with his brainchild remain a mystery.
Those who wrote about this included the death of his two sons, and possible fires and unrest in the city, lack of funds, approaching old age ... And all this, of course, could contribute to making a decision.

In 1898, when it was adopted, Yudin turned 58 years old. Probably, by this time he thought more than once about the purpose of his gathering. Its enormous library is universal: hundreds and thousands of books make up sections in all branches of knowledge - from philosophy and history to medicine and agriculture. They write that Yudin knew every book in his library. But this does not mean at all that he read the entire library, or even had such an intention. Besides, to read all these volumes is not enough even a few lives. Among his sons, daughters (as well as distant descendants), passionate book lovers, book readers, and even more so their collectors were not. For whom then was the library created by Yudin? Not counting, in fact, on rare visiting historians, like Semevsky, or educated exiles like Ulyanov, who got access to it.

There were many rare editions in his library. But its feature still lay in its versatility.

Yudin carefully selected and subscribed to contemporary publications - works on various branches of knowledge, current periodicals - from "Midwife" (!) And "Railway Business" to "Questions of Philosophy" and "Historical Bulletin". And most of all, the Yudin library resembles a university one. Yes, there is a department of rare books in it, but it is not the main one, the main thing in it is books for self-education, books on which you can study sciences, write works.
Having decided to sell the library abroad, Yudin knew that what he had was in other major libraries in the country. And the truly unique are manuscripts, archives, he did not sell them to America (except for materials related to the activities of the Russian-American Company).

Of course, for Krasnoyarsk, the Yudin library would be a real treasure. But, alas, for Yudin, Krasnoyarsk still did not become the city to which he would like to donate a library. He was probably not convinced that Krasnoyarsk would be able to keep her in proper condition. Perhaps some instinct told him that his library would not be preserved in the city. This is already from the realm of guesses and assumptions, but if we assume that heavy thoughts of this kind visited Yudin, then you cannot call them otherwise than visionary!

Suffice it to recall what happened to his second library - the one that he collected after the sale of the first and which remained after his death in Krasnoyarsk.

Civil war - a Red Army unit is stationed at the Yudinskaya dacha. Soldiers twist hand-rolled sheets of manuscripts. Twenties - the library was nationalized and taken to the basement of one of the city's churches. Books go from hand to hand, disappear. Then they were divided among several libraries of the city. And even the most valuable thing that did not go overseas - manuscripts, archives were lost for Krasnoyarsk, and partly for Russia, as it turned out, too. At the beginning of the 1950s, the manuscripts were taken to Moscow, then they ended up in other cities of the country, incl. and those that today are near and far abroad ...

But what about Yudin's second library? Did those who called Yudin's sale of his library to America a crime know how the Bolsheviks sold the country's book treasures in the 1920s - 1930s?

The nationalized libraries of Russian tsars and nobles were sold out - incunabula, Peter's editions, tray copies, manuscripts and first editions, original decrees signed by sovereigns, unique photo albums, engravings ... For example, what was put up at an auction held in New York in 1934: “A collection of rare Russian books in Moroccan bindings from the time of publication. Illustrated books, books with autographs from the libraries of Maria Feodorovna, Catherine II, Alexander I, Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas I, Nicholas II, Grand Duchesses ... ".

And if only all this was sold for a lot of money! But no! As the historian testifies, “many books from the imperial libraries were bought for nothing - sometimes for 2 or 5 dollars”! .. That's when the crime was truly committed!

Vladimir Chagin

Georgy Nikolaevich Yudin - writer and artist. Honored Artist of Russia, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, vice-president of the Russian Children's Book Council.

Was born in Turkmenistan (Kaakhka city). The artist tells about the event of his childhood, which left an imprint on his entire future life:

“In 1948, the terrible Ashgabat earthquake happened in Turkmenistan, when 130 thousand people died, including my father and sister. And only thanks to my mother, who covered me, a five-year-old boy, I seemed to be born a second time ".

Probably what happened helped Georgy Nikolaevich to realize especially clearly the exceptional value of the family and children.

After graduating from the railway technical school and serving in the army, where, in fact, he began to paint, the future artist studied at the Polygraphic Institute. Then he worked in the cinema on the well-known films "Red Diplomatic Couriers" and "Captain Nemo".

“I was just a child's artist, when my two daughters, Anya and Dasha, were born, and the flour called:“ Dad, read a fairy tale! ”

I thought with longing about the unfinished illustrations for my favorite fairy tale "The Black Hen" by A. Pogorelsky.

It was then, 25 years ago, that I wrote my first book "Primer", from which children can learn to read themselves.

My children grew up, and the themes of the books that I wrote and painted also grew up. Now I wanted to compose not only fairy tales and poems, such as "The Green Pig" or "The Mustached Surprise", the cover of G. Yudin's book "Primer" Cover of the book by G. Yudin "The Green Pig", but books that would fill the soul of a child with spiritual the light of faith, they would tell him about the mysterious, invisible God who created the whole world, about the Guardian Angel who protects people from misfortune, about the miracles of the great saints: George the Victorious, Ilya Muromets, Sergius of Radonezh and many others, about their help to people. "

Georgy Yudin's versatile work has been marked with many awards. He is a Chevalier of the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, laureate of the international children's book competition in Bratislava (BIB-83) "Golden Apple" for illustrations to the book by A. Nekrasov "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel", winner of the Silver Medal at the international book exhibition in Leipzig (1987) " The most beautiful book of the year ”(for the book“ Prikvarenok ”). And in 1998, for the book "The Murom Miracle", the name of George Yudin was included in the Honorary List of Hans Christian Andersen.

Main works:

A. Nekrasov. Captain Vrungel's Adventures

A. Pogorelsky. Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants

G. Yudin. Prikvarenok

G. Yudin. Bukvaryonkina school

G. Yudin. Zanimatics

G. Yudin. Fun for kids

G. Yudin. Green pig

G. Yudin. Murom miracle

G. Yudin. The inextinguishable candle: St. Sergius of Radonezh

G. Yudin. The Humble Warrior: The Historical Tale of St. George the Victorious
