Lecture No. 15. Personality (part 1)

The concept of personality has been the subject of consideration of many branches of human science: philosophy, ethics, law, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry, etc. But until now, all these sciences have not agreed on a common opinion and have not given a single, generally accepted definition of what is personality.

This concept appeared in philosophy already at the end of the ancient period. Then it was denoted by the word "persona" (from the Latin persona - "mask, mask"). This term arose as an addition to the concept of "individual". The concept of an individual implied the natural, innate data of a person. But after all, one cannot reduce the idea of ​​a person only to his biological properties. Man is a much more complex system. He, at least, is still the subject and object of relations with other people, he learns, he changes depending on the social environment, the situation of development, etc. All this was already clear to the ancient philosophers, therefore all qualities that are not related to natural, they called personal (in the modern sense - personal).

The closest to psychology are the concepts of personality in philosophy and sociology. In modern philosophy, personality is considered primarily in the ethical aspect. It is interpreted by philosophers as a kind of center, which is the unity of the content of the inner world of a person with the totality of his actions aimed at other personalities.

In sociology, a person is considered as a subject of social relations, as a unit that forms the basis of society. This approach is close to social psychology. General psychology, on the other hand, considers the personality much broader, not only as the subject and object of social actions. The combination of various aspects considered by general psychology makes it possible to speak of a person as a subject of the transformation of the world on the basis of his knowledge, experience and attitude towards him. Thus, if you still try to make a single idea, then the concept of personality implies a specific person who is the bearer of consciousness, a social being, the subject of active reflection and transformation of the world and at the same time an object that itself is transformed under the influence of the surrounding world.

Psychology was formed later than philosophy, sociology and other sciences, which formed an opinion about the concept of personality. Therefore, to a certain extent, she accepted the ideas about personality that have developed in these sciences. However, having its own specific approach to the subject, psychology also gives its own definition.

In the broadest sense, psychology represents a person's personality as an integrity, an interpenetrating set of biogenic, psychogenic and sociogenic factors. In the future, psychology further differentiated the significance of these factors in human development, and the concepts of "individual", "personality" proper (and as a particular aspect of the personality - the subject of activity), "individuality" were singled out (these concepts will be discussed in more detail in the next lecture) .

Personality has a dynamic functional structure. This structure includes a very large number of elements called personality traits. For the convenience of studying personality, psychologists have identified a number of substructures. This is a conditional division, since in reality all these substructures are interpenetrating and interdependent. However, they can still be considered relatively independent entities. Traditionally, there are four substructures.

First substructure closest to the notion of an individual. It includes temperament, age and sex differences, i.e., differences of a predominantly biological nature. This personality substructure is the object of study mainly in psychophysiology (a field of interdisciplinary research at the intersection of psychology and neurophysiology) and differential psychology. The personality traits included in this substructure depend much more on the physiological and even morphological features of the brain than on social influences on a person. Therefore, this substructure can be called biologically conditioned. The biological basis of personality is the nervous system, endocrine system, metabolic processes, anatomical features, processes of maturation and development of the organism.

As far as general psychology is concerned, temperament comes into its field of vision from this substructure first of all. This is a set of human features that characterize the dynamic and emotional aspects of his behavior, communication, and activity. A person’s reactions to the world around him depend on temperament - to other people, life circumstances, a specific situation, etc. Temperament, being an innate property, is the basis for the formation of such an individual trait as character.

Since ancient times, there have been attempts to distinguish types of temperament according to various criteria: the predominance of one or another element in a person, one or another liquid (humoral theory), dependence on the physical structure of the body (Kretschmer's theory). Modern psychology is dominated by an approach based on IP Pavlov's theory of the influence of the nervous system on the dynamic features of human behavior. According to this doctrine, the central nervous system is characterized by three properties: strength, balance and mobility of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Thus, temperament in the modern sense is such human properties that have the following features:

  • 1) determine the features of the dynamics of the course of individual mental processes;
  • 2) regulate the dynamics of mental activity in general;
  • 3) are determined by the general type of the nervous system;
  • 4) are relatively stable and permanent. Currently, it is customary to distinguish four main types of temperament:
  • 1) strong, balanced, mobile - sanguine;
  • 2) strong, balanced, inactive - phlegmatic;
  • 3) strong, unbalanced - choleric;
  • 4) weak, unbalanced - melancholic.

Sanguine people are energetic, lively, sociable, emotionally labile, easily adapting to a new situation, easily switching from one type of activity to another.

Phlegmatic people are calm, unhurried, persistent in work, diligent in their work. It's hard to get them out of your mind. They have difficulty switching to other activities. At the same time, they react calmly to a change in the situation, adapt easily.

Cholerics are unbalanced, impulsive, prone to sudden mood swings for the slightest reason, they are quick-tempered, aggressive, and have poor control over their emotions. At the same time, they can be very proactive and decisive. As a rule, they are maximalists.

Melancholic people are sensitive, easily vulnerable, prone to a low emotional background, depressed mood, and deep feelings. Often there are timid, suspicious, unsure of themselves. It is difficult to adapt to new circumstances.

This is the characteristic of the four types of temperament. However, this division is very conditional. In its pure form, these types of temperament are rare. Tests that determine the type of temperament usually show the percentage of all four types, which allows you to identify the predominance of any of them. If a person does not have a clearly predominant type (more than 50%), then this means that his nervous system has the ability to adapt to the current situation of development, and his temperament, accordingly, may change depending on the circumstances.

In no case should it be assumed that temperaments are "good" or "bad". Each temperament has a set of certain characteristic features, some of which are more successful, others less so. If a person sets himself the goal of successfully forming as a person, he must know his strengths and weaknesses. He should not fight with his temperament, but strive to develop successful traits and smooth out those qualities of temperament that prevent him from optimally adapting to life, communication, and activity.

So, some pros and cons of the listed temperaments. Sanguine people are characterized by optimism, a tendency to see mostly attractive aspects of life, easy adaptability to changes in external conditions, mobility, sociability, activity, and high efficiency. Their disadvantages include the fact that these people are not very deep in the perception and analysis of human behavior, and in addition, they quickly become boring and lethargic in the absence of external impressions. Sanguine people easily converge with new people, therefore they have an extensive circle of acquaintances, but at the same time, as a rule, they do not differ in constancy in communication and affection.

The main advantages of phlegmatic natures are calmness, slowness, poise, patience, endurance, and a tendency to constant attachments. Their weak sides are conservatism, inertness (sometimes outright laziness), low emotionality.

Cholerics are characterized by such positive traits as great vitality, high emotionality, impetuosity. There are also properties that they need to try to restrain: this is increased excitability, lack of self-control, a tendency to quickly get involved in some business and just as quickly cool off to it.

Melancholics are characterized by a high ability for empathy (sympathy, empathy, a subtle understanding of the emotions of another person, both joyful and sad), a rich inner world and subtle intuition. But their life can be complicated by such qualities as shyness, anxiety, self-doubt, passivity, distrust of people.

Second substructure is a combination of features of individual mental processes or mental functions as forms of reflection. Usually it is called the substructure of reflection forms. This is a biosocial system - the social is already present in it, but there are more biological factors. It includes individual manifestations of memory, perception, sensations, thinking, depending both on innate factors and on training, development, and improvement of these qualities.

Third substructure personality can be briefly called a substructure of experience. It is the life and professional experience of the individual, that is, the general culture of the person and his professional preparedness. This substructure is already a socio-biological system, that is, there is more social in it than biological. It includes skills and abilities, knowledge, habits.

Skills are called automated components of conscious activity. They make it possible to act automatically, but at the same time purposefully and under the control of consciousness. Skills are acquired through prolonged practice. They can be motor, sensory, mental and volitional. According to the degree of assimilation, skills are divided into formed or not, simple and complex, long and short, scattered and complex, standard and flexible. Skills can be both acquired and lost - in the event that they have not been used for a long time. For example, if a guitarist has not picked up a guitar for several years, then his fingers will “forget” how to find the right frets and play chords on their own. This is called skill deautomatization.

Knowledge is a system of concepts acquired by a person in the course of personal experience. They are formed on the basis of conditioned reflexes and represent a system of temporary connections, in the formation of which the analytical and synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex plays a leading role. In the acquisition of knowledge, the active functioning of the processes of thinking and memory plays a leading role. Knowledge is evaluated not only and not so much by quantitative characteristics (volume, erudition), but by qualitative parameters: breadth, depth, sequence of acquisition and strength of assimilation. The knowledge system is also subject to the requirements of flexibility and openness of new information (the ability to incorporate new knowledge into an existing system). It is these two qualities that allow creative thinking to develop, preventing the development of patterns. The strength of the assimilation of knowledge depends on the interest in it, as well as on the volume and quality of teaching knowledge.

Skills - the ability of a person, based on existing skills and knowledge, to carry out professional or other activities efficiently and productively in changing conditions (for example, for a programmer, this is an opportunity to do his work on a new generation of technology, use updated versions of programming languages, etc.). The formation of skills goes through a number of stages, the first of which is the stage of "trial and error", and the final, highest - the stage of a high level of skill in this type of activity with a confident, purposeful and creative use of developed and motivated skills.

Habits - actions, the implementation of which, under certain conditions, becomes a necessity for a person, turns into a stable need. Unfortunately, habits can be not only useful, but also inappropriate, harmful, and even threatening the health and safety of the person himself or those around him.

Fourth substructure is a combination of such personality traits as orientation, personality relationships and its moral qualities. This substructure is formed in the process of education. Thus, it can be considered socially conditioned. Most of the leading psychologists distinguish in this substructure mainly orientation and consider it the leading component of the structure of the personality as a whole, its system-forming quality. Orientation is understood as a system of stable motives, dominant needs, interests, inclinations, beliefs, self-esteem, ideals, worldview, i.e., properties that determine the behavior of an individual in changing external circumstances.

Orientation affects not only other components of the personality structure (for example, those traits of temperament that a person would like to change), but also a number of other human properties. This includes mental states - the possibility of overcoming negative states with the help of predominant positive motivation. It is also possible to influence cognitive, emotional, volitional mental processes. For example, if a person has a high motivation in relation to the development of thinking processes, then this will affect his cognitive sphere no less than innate abilities.

In the orientation of the individual, the ideology of society as a whole and those communities (families, schools, universities) that a person represents is most fully manifested. Orientation is manifested in various areas of human activity, so we can talk about the specifics of different types of orientation, for example, cognitive and professional (as a rule, people show either humanitarian or technical inclinations to a greater extent), ethical, political and even family (a person “for a family or "for friends"). Orientation has a number of basic characteristics: intensity, level of maturity, effectiveness, breadth, stability.

Differences between people exist on each of the four described substructures. This is a difference in temperament, character, in the course of mental processes, in abilities, skills, beliefs, interests, the level of development of self-consciousness.

It should also be noted that between the substructures of the personality there are direct and inverse relationships. So, for example, purposefulness, the level of spiritual development affect the acquisition of life and professional experience, and vice versa - personal experience affects the development of a person, his value system, motivation. Temperament also influences the formation and preservation of a system of knowledge and skills, which, in turn, create conditions for correcting the properties of temperament in the direction of favoring further replenishment and improving the quality of this system. Thus, personality is a holistic structure, all elements of which are closely interconnected.

Topic 12. Person:

individual, personality, personality

An individual is born

become a personality

uphold individuality.

Man in psychology.

So who is this MAN?

The first thing that can be noted when describing the human phenomenon is the diversity of its properties. Man is a multilateral, multidimensional, complexly organized being.

Man is a generic concept that indicates the relation of a being to the highest degree of development of living nature - to the human race. The concept of "man" affirms the genetic predetermination of the development of actually human features and qualities.

So that, Human - this is a socio-biological being, embodying the highest stage in the evolution of life and being the subject of socio-historical activity and communication.

The concept of ``man'' is used as an extremely general concept to characterize the universal qualities and abilities inherent in all people.

Using this concept, psychologists emphasize that a person is a biological and social being at the same time, which, with its vital activity, influences the environment.

The main characteristics of a person:

The special structure of the body;

Ability to work;

The presence of consciousness.

In practice, human psychology is studied in several aspects (see Scheme 1).

Scheme 1. The study of man in psychology

1. Man as an individual reflects the biological essence. All of us, like all living things, are part of nature. In this aspect, they consider what is given to a person by nature, which makes him belong to the human race, the human body, its structure and how it affects the psyche are studied.

2. At the same time, Human- it's always active being. Even when we sleep, a separate part of our consciousness does not sleep, continues to digest the information received during the day. Yes, and a person is always engaged in some kind of activity, communicates with other people, thinks, shows mental activity (cognitive activity),

3. The third aspect of the study human due to the fact that the child is not born in isolation, but immediately enters the society, which immediately begins to make demands on him. Starting from the fact that the child is given a name, and from childhood they are taught: you can do this, but you can’t, from birth the child perceives social roles (son, daughter, kindergarten pupil, schoolchild, etc.), etc. This all applies to man as a person - a social being.

4. And all of the above adds up to a unique individuality everyone human. Every person is unique. Each of you is unique.

But how do these concepts relate: man, individual, personality, individuality?

Individual and personality.

û What do you think personality is?

û Can any person be called a person?

What does the word "personality" mean? What meaning do we put into it? This word has its own history. Originally, the Latin word "persona" (personality) meant a mask worn by an actor. The same meaning had the word "mask" among the buffoons. In ancient Rome, persons were citizens who were responsible before the law.

In modern science, the concept of "personality" is one of the most important categories. It is not purely psychological and is studied by history, philosophy, economics, pedagogy and other sciences. In this regard, the question arises about the features of the approach to personality in psychology.

An important task of psychological science is the discovery of psychological properties that characterize the individual and personality.

Of course, you never asked yourself how the individual differs from the personality, since this topic is unlikely to have worried you in the slightest. However, the older you get, the more serious your attitude to the world ... or maybe you just overheard a dispute about who can be called a person and who is not? Be that as it may, the question has been raised, which means that you need to find out the answer.

Man is already born as a man. The structure of the body of a born baby allows him to master upright posture in the future, the structure of the brain - to develop intelligence, the structure of the hand provides the prospect of using tools, etc. In all these possibilities, the baby differs from the cub of the animal. This confirms the fact that the baby belongs to the human race.

It is safe to say that you are an individual. So are your parents, and teachers, and that tall guy from next door, and the beautiful girl from the top floor ... However, a baby in a stroller is also an individual, so there is nothing much to be proud of: it is a privilege of a person from birth to be not an individual, like animals , but an individual, and in order to fall into this category, you just need to have arms, legs, a head and everything that a person has (think for yourself).

The concept of “individual” expresses the generic affiliation of a person, that is, any person is an individual.

Individual (from lat. indivisible) - this is a single representative of the human race (of the species Homo sapiens), a specific carrier of individually peculiar, primarily biologically determined traits. The concept of an individual contains an indication of the similarity of a person to all other people, of his commonality with the human race (musculoskeletal structure, which provides the possibility of upright walking, mastering speech, a nervous system with a certain structure of the brain, etc.). And at the same time, the concept of “individual” also indicates that this is a single creature, different from others (individual signs are different in people - body structure, hair color, features of the nervous system, etc.).

The main characteristics of the individual:


Age and phase of life;

Sexual dimorphism (male, female);

Individually typical:

Constitutional properties (features of human anatomy, body structure);

Neurodynamic properties (type of nervous system, properties of the brain, etc.);

Color of eyes, hair, etc.;

Biological needs (for food, safety, etc.);



The highest integration of individual individual properties of a person is represented in temperament and psychological inclinations.

As we found out, individuality is associated primarily with natural formations, with the human body, its structure. This is what is laid down in a person in utero. In general, natural, bodily properties constitute the prerequisite and conditions for the development of its internal, mental qualities inherent in man. For example, a certain structure of the larynx and ligaments is responsible for the fact that a person can speak, and someone can sing beautifully.

From individual to individual.

û Answer, is the newborn person a person? Is it possible to talk about the personality of an animal?

Although it is pleasant to be an individual (after all, not an individual, right? - already good), but not particularly honorable: you have to somehow stand out from the general mass of your kind, but how to do it? And what will be the result? But this is just the key question! An individual, that is, a person who does not want to do everything the way others do, thinks, feels and acts in his own way, is not afraid to have his own point of view, gradually turns ... into personality! That is, a person is an individual, but an individual may not be a person - a sad picture, by the way.

One day Crybaby, Mischievous, Tikhonya and Bespectacled thought - what, in fact, distinguishes them from the crowd of their kind? In the end, there are a lot of schoolchildren like them, some of them even look like these four. But they are special, aren't they? “Perhaps I know what the matter is,” said the Ochkarik firmly. - You, Crybaby, are a very vulnerable girl, you know how to empathize with others, that's good. You, Mischievous, are a master of all kinds of inventions, and this is wonderful. Tikhonya is a very conscientious girl, she copes with any work only in this way. Well, and I ... - The bespectacled man hesitated, - I'm very smart ... and just try not to agree with this !!!

û Think about what makes you stand out from the crowd of your own kind?

Being born as an individual, a person acquires a special social quality, he becomes a personality. The philosophical definition of personality was given by K. Marx. He defined the essence of man as a set of social relations. To understand what a person is, it is possible only through the study of real social ties and relationships in which a person enters. The social nature of an individual always has a specific historical content. It is from the concrete socio-historical relations of man that it is necessary to derive not only the general conditions of development, but also the historically concrete essence of the individual. The specificity of the social conditions of life and the way of human activity determines the characteristics of his individual qualities and properties.

û If you give a description of the personality of a person in ancient times, in middle times in Western Europe, in modern years in North America, Africa and Russia, will these characteristics be the same? What will be their specificity?

Personal characteristics are not given to a person from birth. All people adopt certain mental traits, attitudes, customs and feelings in the society in which they live.

A person as a person is a carrier of historically developed and socially significant qualities, forms of behavior, and activities. Personal qualities are always significant for other people. For example, kindness is a quality of a person, because it is always directed towards other people, and therefore towards society as a whole.

To the question of what a personality is, psychologists answer differently, and in the variety of their answers, and partly in the divergence of opinions on this matter, the complexity of the very phenomenon of personality is manifested.

Personality is considered as the result of the development of the individual, the embodiment of proper human qualities. This is the social essence of man.

Often the concept of personality is divided into two categories: 1 ) personality is a human individual as a subject of social relations and conscious activity; 2) personality is a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society or community.

A personality can be called a specific person who is a carrier of consciousness, capable of knowing, experiencing, transforming the world around him and building certain relationships with this world and with the world of other personalities.

The concept of “personality” implies that an individual has special qualities that he can form only in the course of communication with other people. This is a set of developed habits and preferences, mental attitude and tone, sociocultural experience and acquired knowledge, a set of psychophysical traits and characteristics of a person, his archetype, which determine everyday behavior and connection with society and nature. Personality is also observed as manifestations of "behavioral masks" developed for different situations and social groups of interaction.

The main characteristics of the personality:

Orientation (inclinations, desires, interests, inclinations, ideals, worldviews, beliefs, as well as will).

Experience (knowledge, skills, abilities and habits).

Individual features of individual mental processes: memory, emotions, sensations, thinking, perception, feelings, will.

- Temperament.



Motivation and values.

Social needs (in acceptance of a person, etc.).

Social status and roles.

Conscious goals.

Personal properties of a person - the life path of a person, his social biography. A person as a representative of society, who freely and responsibly determines his position among others.

Many scientists (and others) believe that a person is a person to the extent that he is significant to other people, to the extent that he is able to give himself to other people, to leave his mark on them.

û In this context, is it possible to speak about the PERSONALITY of the criminal?

Why is an individual worse than an individual?

Yes, nothing worse. He's just one of many. He cannot be identified. Here, remember the tale of the Frog Princess. At the beginning of the tale, the three brothers are three individuals, one practically does not differ from the other: all three follow the order of their father and shoot arrows from bows, all three bring young wives to the house, try to please their father, and so on. But at the end of the tale, we no longer confuse Ivan Tsarevich with anyone, he appeared before us in full growth. And what about his brothers? They have remained undiscovered for us: which of them married a merchant's daughter, and which a noble's - it is not clear. And not interesting, to be honest.

In general, the individual does not arouse in the reader the desire to learn more about him, while the personality attracts attention. The situation is exactly the same in life - if you do not stand out among those around you, if you are not interested in anything and you do not have your own opinion and your own, original view of the world, then who needs you? Who wants to waste their time on you? Think about it!

Speaking of a person as a person, we single out the integrity of a person, his ability to take a certain, only inherent place in society, in the world of other people, the ability to manage himself, his behavior and his development, to influence other people.

Personality and individuality.

Along with the concept of "personality", the concept of "individuality" is often used. How do these two concepts differ from one another? What is a person's individuality?

û Without looking further into the text, can you answer how you understand the individuality of a person?

The personality of each person is endowed only with its inherent combination of features and characteristics that form its individuality. In this way, individuality is a combination of psychological characteristics of a person that determine his uniqueness, originality, difference from other people . Individuality is manifested in certain traits of character, temperament, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes, in abilities, in an individual style of activity.

Individuality is the originality of a person as an individual and personality. Individuality is manifested in appearance, physique, expressive movements, in the lines of orientation of character, temperament, in the characteristics of needs and abilities, cognitive, volitional and emotional processes, mental states, life experience.

We often use the concept of "individuality" when we talk about a person's personality. However, it should be remembered that this concept does not reflect the integrity of the individual, but only emphasizes the specific features of a person that distinguish him from other people.

The prerequisite for the formation of human individuality is, first of all, the environment where he grows up, the associations he accumulated in childhood, upbringing, the structure of the family and the treatment of the child. Important are the innate characteristics of a person, and his own activity in the formation of his originality. There is an opinion that an individual is born, a person becomes, and individuality is defended ()

The ratio of individuality and personality is determined by the fact that these are two ways of being a person, two of his different definitions. The discrepancy between these concepts is manifested, in particular, in the fact that there are two different processes of the formation of personality and individuality.

The formation of personality is the process of socialization of a person, which consists in the development of social essence by him. This development is always carried out in the concrete historical circumstances of a person's life. The formation of personality is connected with the acceptance by the individual of social functions and roles developed in society, social norms and rules of behavior, with the formation of skills to build relationships with other people. A formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of an object. Individualization is the process of self-determination and isolation of the individual, its isolation from the community, the design of its separateness, uniqueness and uniqueness. A person who has become an individual is an original person who has actively and creatively manifested himself in life.

In the concepts of "personality" and "individuality" various sides, different dimensions of the essence of man are fixed. The essence of this difference is well expressed in the language. With the word "personality" such epithets as "strong", "energetic", "independent" are usually used, thereby emphasizing its activity essence in the eyes of others. Individuality is said to be "bright", "unique", "creative", referring to the qualities of an independent entity.


Do you want to be called "strong personality", "bright personality"? So what's the deal?

Self-made, or work on yourself, self-constructor, decide for yourself how you want to call the process of forging a personality and individuality out of yourself. It is not easy, but a person can cope with any difficulty if he wants, of course. But the main thing for you is to understand what personality and individuality are, having disassembled these complex structures into separate blocks.

As we found out, a personality is considered as the embodiment in a particular person of social qualities that are acquired in the process of activity and communication with other individuals. You are not born a person, you become a person and this process takes many years.

Personal development is a relatively slow process, and it takes a long time before a person reaches full maturity. In order for an individual to become a person, it takes, of course, not only time. He must always be in the human society enter into some kind of relationship with him. It is this connection "man - society" that forms, first of all, a person. And already in the first year of life in a child it is easy to notice the need for communication with adults. However, many cases are known when children were completely deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, and the results of this turned out to be truly tragic.

In the middle of the XVIII century. A two-month-old baby named Ivan Antonovich was proclaimed Russian emperor. His reign did not last long and ended before the emperor uttered the first word. The courtiers, who overthrew Ivan Antonovich from the throne, imprisoned him and kept him there for many years. No one ever spoke to the prisoner, he was all alone. In the end, solitary confinement greatly affected his mental abilities: he could not speak and gave the impression of a complete idiot. By age, he was already an adult, but, of course, it is impossible to speak of him as a person. Also, children abducted and fed by animals did not become personalities.

Under normal conditions, a person very early enters into relationships with the people around him, with the team, with society, and these relationships are constantly changing, developing, becoming more versatile from day to day.

Personality formation also determines activity and its features. It is in activity that the necessary unity of behavior is formed, the connection between the relations that have developed between a person and the outside world is strengthened.

The goals that a person sets for himself are also important. More precisely, personality development directs the purpose of life. These are very familiar words, but think again about their meaning. Maybe the purpose of life is simply the desire to, let's say, become a professional in some industry or just make some kind of attempt. By what a person's main life goals are, one can judge his personality. There has never been a case where the striving for a petty, personal goal forged a great personality.

So, a personality, developing under the influence of the social environment, having unique individual characteristics, constitutes a unity of a higher order. At a certain stage of its development, a person comes into contact with higher layers of human culture - ideals and spiritual values. And then the absorption and internal processing of these values ​​leads to the formation of the spiritual core of the personality, its moral self-awareness. The process that forms this "center" of the personality is never completed.

Exercise. Let's understand the terms.

Which of the following traits of a person characterize him as an individual? How is the personality? How is the personality? Explain your answer.

Accuracy, slowness, sociable, good motor; coordination, willpower, quick wit, daydreaming, brightness of manifestation of traits, laziness, pride, determination, adaptive capabilities, mathematical abilities, temperament, stubbornness, reactivity, excitability, expressive facial expressions, literary talent, orientation, myopia, strength of the nervous system.

Was it always easy to attribute a characteristic to one or another concept? What caused you the most trouble? How would you explain your difficulties?

û Can you call yourself an individual? If yes, how does it manifest itself?

New concepts: individual, personality, personality.

Verification questions.

1. Define the concepts of "man", "individual", "personality", "individuality".

2. How do the concepts of "man" and "individual" relate? Prove that a person as an individual is similar to all other people and at the same time different from them.

3. How are the historical conditions in which a person lives and the formation of a personality out of him?

4. Select those factors that are necessary for the transformation of an individual into a person.

5. What kind of people can be called a person with a capital letter today? Are you such a person?

6. How do the concepts of personality and individuality relate?

7. Can you call yourself an individual? Justify your answer.

8. Draw and describe your idea of ​​the connection between the concepts "person", "individual", "personality", "individuality".

9. Choose the correct answer

9.1 The sign that distinguishes a person from an animal is:

a) manifestation of activity, b) goal-setting, c) adaptation to the environment, d) interaction with the outside world.

9.2. What attribute characterizes a person as a person?

a) an active life position, b) physical and mental health, c) belonging in the form of homo sapiens, d) features of appearance.

10. Are Mowgli children personalities? Justify your answer.

11. Express your opinion on the statement: "The individual is born, the person becomes, the individual is defended."

Verification tasks.

Literature and sources

1. Human horns. – M.: Vlados, 2001.

2. etc. Psychology. – M.: Academy, 1999.

3. My first psychology textbook. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2011.

4. Gretsov psychology for girls. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

5. Dyachenko dictionary-reference book. - Mn.: Harvest, M.: AST, 2001.

6. Nemov: In 3 books. - M .: Vlados, 2000. - Book. one.

7. http:///obh/00066.htm

8. http:///obh/00150.htm

9. http:///difpsi/fxiepe. htm

10. http://cito-web. yspu. org/link1/method/met121/node3.html

11. http://www. *****/for-students/cards/general-psychology/.html

12. http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C

13. http://www. *****/?Article=142

14. http:///psiforum/4--/

Diagnosis of personality traits

Questionnaire of formal-dynamic properties of individuality by V. Rusalov online

Under this link, it is proposed to pass a serious psychological test by V. Rusalov to identify the formal-dynamic properties of individuality. The questionnaire contains 150 questions. The online form allows you to quickly go through the procedure and immediately (without registration and SMS) find out the results.

If you decide to take this questionnaire, and do not understand some of the terms in the conclusions, write to the teacher and he will explain what the results of the test mean.

It's interesting to know

Personal self-knowledge exercises

Exercise 1. "Attributes of personality"

Each participant is invited to acquire personal symbols! He must come up with, invent for himself three symbolic attributes: a pseudonym, a personal distinguishing sign and a motto. The personal identification mark should be drawn on a piece of paper. It should be simple and symbolic. The motto requires brevity and figurativeness. An example is given: a pseudonym - "Uncle Vasya", a distinctive sign - a shovel, a motto - "I dig deep".

At the end of the work, everyone shows each other their drawings, discusses them and tries to give each of the participants a description. In addition, the participants must evaluate how well each person chose the symbolic attributes. Based on a five-point system, each is given an assessment on the totality of his chosen pseudonym, name sign and motto. To do this, everyone passes their leaflets around in a circle and everyone takes turns putting marks on them. Further, the total score is calculated and it is established who was the best able to express himself in such a “symbolic form”.

Exercise 2

Everyone is interested in "knowing what impression he makes on others, what associations he evokes in them, what is perceived as significant, and what is not noticed at all. Everyone is invited to take part in the joint creative process of creating an artistic image of your classmate. Those who want to become an object of creativity go into the middle the circle that the rest form. Each participant, after thinking, says what image is born in him when looking at a classmate. Next, the leader suggests saying what picture could be added to the created image: what people can surround him, what interior or landscape made up the background pictures. What times all this reminds of (for example, the image of a “volunteer” may give you the idea of ​​​​a mermaid swimming in the water element and surrounded by sea creatures. Or maybe a lone wanderer walking through the desert knows where.). In conclusion, everyone exchanges impressions about how the game went.

Exercise 3: Personalization Tools

As already mentioned, a real person is capable of producing profound changes in others. But this is not given to her immediately. The first step is the ability to win the attention of others.

All participants are asked to complete one simple task. By any means, excluding physical impacts and catastrophes of "local significance", they should try to attract the attention of others. Everyone must act at the same time.

Then schoolchildren determine who succeeded and at what expense. In conclusion, it is calculated who attracted the attention of the largest number of participants in the game.

Exercise 4. "Qualities we value"

Entering her interaction with others, we usually find that we like them or dislike them. As a rule, we associate this assessment with the internal qualities of people. Let's try to determine what qualities in people we appreciate and accept. Each participant takes a piece of paper, outlines in
group of a person who in many ways impresses him. Next, he writes down five qualities that he especially likes in this person. Then everyone reads the “characteristic” compiled by him, and together they try to determine to whom it refers. The presenter, summing up, announces who of those present was recognized the fastest, and, therefore, who was among the most popular personalities.

In today's society, people still can not accurately determine what is a person's personality; what kind of person is the personality; who is a person and who is not...

It got to the point that an incorrect definition of the concept of “personality” was revealed in the school textbook, showing that not every person can be a person, thereby, as it were, belittling, belittling and discrediting some people, especially children and people with disabilities.

What is a person's personality really

WHAT IS PERSONALITY- find out from a quote taken from the Big Psychological Dictionary of B.G. Meshcheryakova and V.P. Zinchenko: these authors give a more understandable and adequate definition of such a broad concept as human personality.

Personality(English personality; from lat. persona - actor's mask; role, position; face, personality). In the social sciences, personality is considered as a special quality of a person acquired by him in the socio-cultural environment in the process of joint activity and communication.

In humanistic philosophical and psychological concepts personality- this is a person as a value for the sake of which the development of society is carried out (see I. Kant). With all the variety of approaches to understanding the personality, the following aspects of this problem are traditionally distinguished:

  1. the versatility of the phenomenology of personality, reflecting the objectively existing diversity of manifestations of man in the evolution of nature, the history of society and his own life;
  2. interdisciplinary status of the personality problem, which is in the field of study of social and natural sciences;
  3. the dependence of the understanding of personality on the image of a person, explicitly or covertly existing in culture and science at a certain stage of their development;
  4. the discrepancy between the manifestations of the individual, personality and individuality, studied within the relatively independent of each other biogenetic, sociogenetic and personogenetic directions of modern human knowledge;
  5. dilution of a research setting that orients a specialist to understanding the development of a personality in nature and society, and a practical setting aimed at shaping or correcting a personality in accordance with the goals set by society or set by a specific person who turned to a specialist.

Representatives in the spotlight biogenetic orientation are the problems of human development as an individual with certain anthropogenetic properties (inclinations, temperament, biological age, gender, body type, neurodynamic properties of the nervous system, organic urges, drives, needs, etc.), which go through various stages of maturation as the phylogenetic species programs in ontogeny.

The maturation of the individual is based on the adaptive processes of the body, which are studied by differential and age-related psychophysiology, psychogenetics, neuropsychology, gerontology, psychoendocrinology and sexology.

Representatives of different trends sociogenetic orientations study the processes of human socialization, the development of social norms and roles, the acquisition of social attitudes and value orientations, the formation of the social and national character of a person as a typical member of a particular community.

The problems of socialization, or, in a broad sense, the social adaptation of a person, are developed mainly in sociology and social psychology, ethnopsychology, and the history of psychology.

In the spotlight personogenetic orientation are the problems of activity, self-awareness and creativity of the individual, the formation of the human self, the struggle of motives, the education of individual character and abilities, self-realization and personal choice, the incessant search for the meaning of life.

The study of all these manifestations of personality is carried out by the general psychology of personality; different aspects of these problems are covered in psychoanalysis, individual psychology, analytical and humanistic psychology.

In the isolation of the biogenetic, sociogenetic and personogenetic directions, a metaphysical scheme of the determination of personality development is manifested under the influence of 2 factors: environment and heredity.

Within the framework of the cultural-historical system-activity approach, a fundamentally different scheme for determining the development of the individual is being developed. In this scheme, the properties of a person as an individual are considered as “impersonal” prerequisites for the development of a personality, which in the course of a life path can receive personal development.

The sociocultural environment is a source that feeds the development of the individual, and not a "factor" that directly determines behavior. Being a condition for the implementation of human activity, it carries those social norms, values, roles, ceremonies, tools, systems of signs that an individual encounters. The true foundations and driving force behind the development of the individual are joint activities and communication, through which the movement of the individual in the world of people, its familiarization with culture is carried out.

The relationship between the individual as a product of anthropogenesis, the person who has mastered the socio-historical experience, and the individual who transforms the world, can be conveyed by the formula: “The individual is born. They become a person. Individuality is upheld".

Within the framework of the system-activity approach, a personality is considered as a relatively stable set of mental properties, as a result of the inclusion of an individual in the space of interindividual relations. An individual in his development experiences a socially conditioned need to be a person and discovers the ability to become a person, realized in a socially significant activity. This determines human development as a person.

The abilities and functions that are formed in the course of development reproduce historically formed human qualities in the personality. The mastery of reality in the child is carried out in his activity with the help of adults.

The activity of the child is always mediated by adults, directed by them (in accordance with their ideas about proper upbringing and pedagogical skills). Based on what the child already possesses, adults organize his activities to master new aspects of reality and new forms of behavior.

Personal development is carried out in activities controlled by a system of motives. The activity-mediated type of relationship that a person develops with the most reference group (or person) is a determining factor in development.

In general terms, personality development can be represented as a process and a result of a person entering a new socio-cultural environment. If an individual enters a relatively stable social community, he, under favorable circumstances, passes 3 phases of its formation in it as a person:

  • 1st phase - adaptation- involves the assimilation of existing values ​​and norms and the mastery of the appropriate means and forms of activity and thereby, to some extent, the assimilation of the individual to other members of this community.
  • 2nd phase - individualization- is generated by the growing contradictions between the need to "be like everyone else" and the desire of the individual for maximum personalization.
  • 3rd phase - integration- is determined by the contradiction between the desire of the individual to be ideally represented by his own characteristics and differences in community and the need for community to accept, approve and cultivate only those of his features that contribute to its development and thereby the development of himself as a person.
    If the contradiction is not eliminated, disintegration occurs and, as a result, either the isolation of the individual, or its displacement from the community, or degradation with a return to earlier stages of its development.

When an individual fails to overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period, he develops the qualities of conformity, dependence, timidity, and uncertainty.

If at the 2nd phase of development an individual, presenting personal properties characterizing his personality to the reference group for him, does not meet mutual understanding, then this can contribute to the formation of negativism, aggressiveness, suspicion, deceit.

With the successful completion of the integration phase in a highly developed group, an individual develops humanity, trust, justice, exactingness towards himself, self-confidence, etc., etc. Due to the fact that the situation of adaptation, individualization, integration with sequential or parallel entry is repeatedly reproduced in different groups, the corresponding personality neoplasms are fixed, a stable personality structure is formed.

A particularly significant period in the age development of personality is adolescence(boyhood) and early youth, when a developing personality begins to single out himself as an object of self-knowledge and self-education.

Initially assessing others, a person uses the experience of such assessments, developing self-esteem, which becomes the basis of self-education. But the need for self-knowledge (primarily in the awareness of one's moral and psychological qualities) cannot be identified with going into the world of inner experiences.

The growth of self-awareness, associated with the formation of such personality traits as will and moral feelings, contributes to the emergence of strong beliefs and ideals. The need for self-awareness and self-education is generated, first of all, by the fact that a person must be aware of his capabilities and needs in the face of future changes in his life, in his social status.

If there is a significant discrepancy between the level of a person's needs and his capabilities, acute affective experiences arise.

In the development of self-awareness in adolescence, a significant role is played by the judgments of other people, and above all, the assessment of parents, teachers and peers. This makes serious demands on the pedagogical tact of parents and teachers, requires an individual approach to each developing personality.

Conducted in the Russian Federation since the mid-1980s. work on updating the education system involves the development of the personality of a child, adolescent, youth, democratization and humanization of the educational process in all types of educational institutions.

Thus, there is a change in the goal of education and training, which is not the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities, but free development of the human personality. Knowledge, skills and abilities retain their exceptional importance, but not as a goal, but as a means to achieve the goal.

Under these conditions, the task of forming a basic culture of the individual comes to the fore, which would make it possible to eliminate the contradictions between technical and humanitarian culture in the structure of the individual, overcome the alienation of a person from politics and ensure his active inclusion in the new socio-economic conditions of society.

The implementation of these tasks involves the formation of a culture self-determination of personality understanding of the inherent value of human life, its individuality and originality. (A. G. Asmolov, A. V. Petrovsky.)

Editor's note: The almost generally accepted translation of the word personality as personality (and vice versa) is not quite adequate. Personality is more of an individuality. In Peter's time, a doll was called a person.

Personality is selfhood, selfness or self, which is close to the Russian word "self". A more accurate equivalent of the word "Person" in English. lang. does not exist.

The inaccuracy of the translation is far from harmless, because readers get the impression or belief that the personality is subject to testing, manipulation, formation, etc.

From the outside, a personality formed becomes the cash of the one who formed it.

Personality is not a product of the collective, adaptation to it or integration into it, but the basis of the collective, any human community that is not a crowd, herd, flock or pack. The community is strong by the diversity of the personality that constitutes it.

A synonym for personality is its freedom, along with a sense of guilt and responsibility. In this sense, the individual is above the state, the nation, it is not inclined to conformism, although it is not alien to compromise.

In the Russian philosophical tradition, a person is a miracle and a myth (A.F. Losev); “Personality, understood in the sense of a pure personality, is for each I only an ideal - the limit of aspirations and self-construction ...

It is impossible to give the concept of personality... it is incomprehensible, goes beyond the limits of any concept, transcendent to any concept. One can only create a symbol of the fundamental characteristic of a person...

As for the content, it cannot be rational, but only directly experienced in the experience of self-creation, in the active self-construction of the personality, in the identity of spiritual self-knowledge ”(Florensky P.A.).

MM Bakhtin continues Florensky's thought: when we are dealing with the cognition of a person, we must generally go beyond the limits of subject-object relations, as the subject and object are considered in epistemology. This should be taken into account by psychologists who use strange phrases: “personal subjectivity”, “psychological subject”.

Regarding the latter, G. G. Shpet frankly taunted: “A psychological subject without a residence permit and without a physiological organism is simply a native of a world unknown to us ... if we take him for a real one, he will certainly draw in an even greater miracle - a psychological predicate! Today, philosophically and psychologically suspicious subjects and their shadows are increasingly wandering through the pages of psychological literature. An unscrupulous subject, a soulless subject - this, most likely, is not quite normal, but familiar. And a sincere, conscientious, spiritualized subject is funny and sad. Subjects can represent, including all sorts of abominations, and personality - personify.

It is no coincidence that Losev associated the origin of the word personality with a face, and not with a mask, a persona, a mask. Personality, as a miracle, as a myth, as uniqueness, does not need extensive disclosure. Bakhtin reasonably noted that a person can reveal himself in a gesture, in a word, in an act (and maybe drown).

A. A. Ukhtomsky was undoubtedly right when he said that personality is a functional organ of individuality, its state. It should be added personality is a state of mind and spirit, not an honorary life title.

After all, she can lose face, distort her face, drop her human dignity, which is taken by force. Ukhtomsky was echoed by N. A. Bernstein, saying that personality is the supreme synthesis of behavior. Supreme!

Integration, fusion, harmony of the external and internal are achieved in the personality. And where there is harmony, science, including psychology, falls silent.

So personality is a mysterious excess of individuality, its freedom, which cannot be calculated, predicted. The personality is visible immediately and entirely, and thus differs from the individual, whose properties are subject to disclosure, testing, study and evaluation.

There is a personality an object of surprise, admiration, envy, hatred; the subject of an unbiased, disinterested, understanding insight and artistic portrayal. But not the subject of practical interest, formation, manipulation.

This does not mean that it is contraindicated for psychologists to think about personality. But to reflect, and not to define or reduce it to the hierarchy of motives, the totality of its needs, creativity, the intersection of activities, affects, meanings, the subject, the individual, etc., etc.

Here are examples of useful reflections on the personality of A. S. Arseniev: Personality is a reliable person, whose words and deeds do not diverge from each other, who freely decides what to do and is responsible for the results of his actions.

Personality is, of course, an infinite being, breathing bodily and spiritually. The personality is characterized by awareness of the conflict between morality and morality and the primacy of the latter. The author insists on the value, and not the monetary and market measurement of personality.

T. M. Buyakas highlights other features: Personality is a person who embarked on the path of self-determination, overcoming the need to seek support in external support. A person acquires the ability to fully rely on himself, make an independent choice, take his position, be open and ready for any new turns in his life path.

A person ceases to depend on external assessments, trusts himself, finds internal support in himself. She is free. No description of a person can be exhaustive.


1. Personality

1.1. The concepts of personality, person, individual, individuality

and their ratio

Today, psychology interprets personality as a socio-psychological entity, which is formed due to a person's life in society. A person as a social being acquires new 9 personal qualities when he enters into relationships with other people and these relationships become "forming" his personality. At the time of birth, an individual does not yet have these acquired (personal) qualities.

Since personality is most often defined as a person in the totality of his social, acquired qualities, this means that personal characteristics do not include such features of a person that are naturally conditioned and do not depend on his life in society. Personal qualities do not include the psychological qualities of a person that characterize his cognitive processes or individual style of activity, with the exception of those that are manifested in relations with people in society. The concept of "personality" usually includes such properties that are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a person, determining his features and actions that are significant for people.

By definition, R.S. Nemov, a person is a person taken in the system of his psychological characteristics, which are socially conditioned, manifested in social connections and relations by nature, are stable and determine the moral actions of a person that are essential for himself and those around him.

Along with the concept of “personality”, the terms “person”, “individual”, “individuality” are used. Essentially, these concepts are intertwined.

Man is a generic concept that indicates the relation of a being to the highest degree of development of living nature - to the human race. The concept of "man" affirms the genetic predetermination of the development of actually human features and qualities.

An individual is a single representative of the species "homo sapiens". As individuals, people differ from each other not only in morphological features (such as height, bodily constitution and eye color), but also in psychological properties (abilities, temperament, emotionality).

Individuality is the unity of the unique personal properties of a particular person. This is the originality of his psychophysiological structure (type of temperament, physical and mental characteristics, intellect, worldview, life experience).

The ratio of individuality and personality is determined by the fact that these are two ways of being a person, two of his different definitions. The discrepancy between these concepts is manifested, in particular, in the fact that there are two different processes of the formation of personality and individuality.

The formation of a personality is a process of socialization of a person, which consists in the development of a generic, social essence. This development is always carried out in the concrete historical circumstances of a person's life. The formation of personality is connected with the acceptance by the individual of social functions and roles developed in society, social norms and rules of behavior, with the formation of skills to build relationships with other people. A formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of an object. Individualization is the process of self-determination and isolation of the individual, its isolation from the community, the design of its separateness, uniqueness and uniqueness. A person who has become an individual is an original person who has actively and creatively manifested himself in life.

In the concepts of “personality” and “individuality”, various aspects, different dimensions of the spiritual essence of a person are fixed. The essence of this difference is well expressed in the language. With the word "personality" such epithets as "strong", "energetic", "independent" are usually used, thereby emphasizing its active representation in the eyes of others. Individuality is said to be “bright”, “unique”, “creative”, referring to the qualities of an independent entity.

Mutual influence of the individual and the collective on each other

The positive impact of community on the individual. The positive influence of the group on the formation and development of the personality is as follows: 1. In the group, the individual meets people who are for him the main source of spiritual culture. 2...

George Kelly: Cognitive Theory

Kelly never offered a precise definition of the term "personality". However, he discussed this concept in one article, stating...

The study of personality by predisposition to conflict

It may seem strange, but here it is appropriate to give one important advice - treat with sympathy for people whose typical features are described below. Conflict, which has become a property of personality, is difficult to overcome by rational self-control...

Personal characteristics of adolescents who are fond of computer games

Personality is the basic category and subject of study of personality psychology. Personality psychology is concerned with individual differences. Although all people are similar, personality psychologists are especially interested in...

Personality Disorders

Both hysterical and stage personality disorders have different characters in men and women. Consider the features of these disorders, as well as common for each of the two sexes ...

Personality Disorders

Blacker and Tupin (1977) summarized the characteristics of male patients with hysterical and stage personality disorders. When describing pathologies of character, they are ranked according to severity under the general heading "hysterical structures" ...

Fundamentals of psychoanalysis

In the early 20s. 20th century Z. Freud in general terms completed the development of a structural theory of personality, the most important components of which were a new understanding of the personality, its structure and mechanisms of activity. Z...

Psychological characteristics of persons with suicidal behavior

Among suicides, two categories are distinguished: these are people with a low level of socialization and people with a fairly high level of socialization. Persons with a low level of socialization are characterized by socio-psychological maladjustment ...

Psychology of Personality

1.1. The concepts of personality, man, individual, individuality and their relationship Today, psychology interprets personality as a socio-psychological entity that is formed due to a person's life in society ...

Psychology of creativity

Quite a few researchers argue that there are no special abilities for creativity - but there is a creative person with certain character traits and motivation. Myasishchev agrees with them, saying ...

Comparative analysis of the understanding of personality from the standpoint of Freudianism and behaviorism

"The most amazing thing that nature has created is the personality of a person" Goethe When asked what a personality is, sociologists and psychologists answer in different ways, and in the variety of their answers ...


Personality and temperament are interconnected in such a way that temperament acts as a common basis for many other personal properties, primarily character. He, however...


Sigmund Freud's personality theory

Freud believed that the psyche consists of three layers - the conscious (“Super-I”), the preconscious (“I”) and the unconscious (“It”), in which the main structures of the personality are located ...

Types of higher nervous activity and temperament

Personality and temperament are interconnected in such a way that temperament acts as a common basis for many other personal properties, primarily character. He, however...

In psychology, there are many definitions of personality, which take into account the following restrictions: 1) personality is more often defined as a person in the totality of his social, acquired qualities; 2) personal features do not include such features of a person that are genotypically or physiologically determined, do not depend in any way on life in society; 3) does not include the psychological qualities of a person that characterize his cognitive processes or individual style of activity, with the exception of those that are manifested in relations with people, in society; 4) include such properties that are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a person, determining his actions that are significant for people.

In this way, personality- this is a person taken in the system of such psychological characteristics that are socially conditioned, manifested in social connections and relationships by nature, are stable, determine the moral actions of a person, which is essential for himself and those around him (R.S. Nemov).

Along with the concepts of "man" and "personality", the terms "individual" and "individuality" are used in science. Their difference from the concept of "personality" is as follows:

§ the concept of " Human"includes the totality of all human qualities inherent in people, regardless of whether they are present or absent in this particular person;

§ the concept of " individual»characterizes a particular person and additionally includes such psychological and biological properties that, along with personal ones, are also inherent in him; the concept also includes qualities that distinguish a given person from other people and properties common to him and many other people;

§ the concept of " individuality» the narrowest in content, includes only such a combination of individual and personal qualities that distinguishes this person from other people.

V personality structure distinguish four components:

2. The capabilities of the individual and includes the system of abilities that ensures the success of the activity.

3. The nature or style of human behavior in a social environment.

4. The control system, which is usually denoted by the concept of "I" is a figurative self-consciousness of the individual, it carries out self-regulation: strengthening or weakening of activity, self-control and correction of actions and deeds, planning of life and activity.

The structure of personality also includes mental processes and states.

mental processes provide a link between the individual and reality. Through them, personality traits are formed. Mental properties provide a certain qualitative and quantitative level of mental activity and behavior, typical for an individual. Mental processes and properties depend on the state of mental activity of the individual. Mental condition is understood as a stable level of mental activity, which manifests itself in increased or decreased activity of the individual.

In psychology, there are many different approaches and personality theories. The most famous foreign theories include: type theory (V.G. Sheldon), trait theory (G. Allport, R. Cattell), social learning theory (A. Bandura), psychodynamic and psychoanalytic theories (Freud, Jung, Adler, Fromm etc.) situtianism, interactionism, etc.

In domestic psychology, the theoretical works of L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozhovich, A.N. Leontiev and others.

Tasks for independent work on the topic "Psychology of Personality":

Exercise 1. Analyze the following formulations of the concepts of "personality":

Ø A personality is a set of those relatively stable properties and inclinations of an individual that distinguish him from others (I. Sarnoff).

Ø Personality is a combination of all relatively stable individual differences that can be measured (D. Byrne).

Ø A person is already a person if he is able to overcome his immediate impulses for the sake of something else, in other words, he is capable of mediated behavior. This opportunity is given to a person by such a hierarchy of motives for his actions and behavior, in which motives with the sign “should” occupy higher positions than motives with the sign “want” (L.I. Bozhovich).

Ø Personality is a "knot" in the network of mutual relations. This "knot" holds relations together and at the same time gives them the opportunity to develop in a certain direction (O.V. Ilyenkov).

Ø Personality is a special quality that an individual acquires in the system of social relations on the basis of activity, communication and cognition (A.N. Leontiev).

Sample analysis plan:

§ The general provisions in these formulations are ....

§ In my opinion, the essence of the concept of "personality" is most fully and accurately reflected by the wording (why) ...

§ For me, personality is...

Task 2. Indicate the correct correlation of concepts.

№ 1 № 2 № 3

Task 3. There are four components in the personality structure. What component are you talking about? "Pushkin's poetic talent dominated, although he showed himself both as a historian and as a talented draftsman."

Task 4. Fill in the table by answering the question: what are the similarities and differences between mental processes, properties and states?

Task 5.* Complete the "Risk Appetiteness Study" test. Record your results and thoughts in your notebook.

Task 6.* Complete the test "Motivation for success" (T. Ehlers). Record your results and thoughts in your notebook.

Task 7.* Complete the test "Motivation to avoid failure" (T. Ehlers). Record your results and thoughts in your notebook.

Task 8.* Complete the Personality Self-Assessment Test. Record your results and thoughts in your notebook.

Task 9. Study the topic on your own: "Modern theories of personality" Based on the theoretical knowledge gained, characterize one of the theories according to the following plan: 1. Author 2. Type of theory 3. Main idea.

Task 10. Study on your own the topic: "Formation and development of personality" and answer the following questions:

§ Is a person born or made into a person?

§ What theory represents the process of personality development through the formation of ways of interpersonal relationships between people?

§ What significant contribution did Erickson make to the theory of personal development?

Task 11. Fill in the table by determining the stage of your personal development according to E. Erickson.

Task 12. Answer the question: why, in your opinion, did the teenager run away from home? Justify your answer based on one of the theories of personality development.

Situation: A mother picks up her teenage son from the juvenile inspectorate, who has not been home for two days, wandering. At the same time, she complains to the police officer.

And what, you ask, did he need? What is missing? Father works hard from morning to evening, earns decently, so that this blockhead does not know a lack of anything. I work for one and a half rates, all I know is that from home - to work - home. Everything for Petenka, everything for him. Petenka wanted a tape recorder - they bought a tape recorder, some special jacket there - and they bought it. Whatever you ask, we buy everything! And he ... Sometimes you don’t really see him at home - at work you jump so much that you would rather sleep off. Everything is to him, but no gratitude from him! He also shames his parents - he runs away from home!

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