Currently, Russia uses three approaches to teaching children with special educational needs:

- differentiated learning children with physical and mental developmental disorders in special (correctional) institutions of I-VIII types;

- integrated learning children in special classes (groups) in educational institutions;

- inclusive learningwhen children with special educational needs are taught in the classroom with regular children.

Children with disabilities include: disabled children; children diagnosed with mental retardation; children with hearing impairment, vision, speech underdevelopment; children with autism; children with combined developmental disabilities.



Children with special educational needs. Training

The introduction of children with disabilities into the human community is the main task of the entire system of correctional care, the ultimate goal of which is social integration aimed at including the child in the life of society. Educational integration, being part of social integration, is viewed as a process of upbringing and teaching children with disabilities together with ordinary ones.

Currently, Russia uses three approaches to teaching children with special educational needs:

- differentiated learning children with physical and mental developmental disorders in special (correctional) institutions of I-VIII types;

- integrated learning children in special classes (groups) in educational institutions;

- inclusive learningwhen children with special educational needs are taught in the classroom with regular children.

Children with disabilities include: disabled children; children diagnosed with mental retardation; children with hearing impairment, vision, speech underdevelopment; children with autism; children with combined developmental disabilities.

Integration is not new to Russian Federation problem. There are many children with developmental disabilities in kindergartens and schools in Russia. This category of children is extremely heterogeneous and “integrated” into the environment of normally developing peers for various reasons. It can be conditionally divided into four groups:

1. Children whose "integration" is due to the fact that no developmental disability has been identified.

2. Children whose parents, knowing about the special problems of the child, for various reasons want to teach him in a mass kindergarten or school.

3. Children who, as a result of long-term correctional work carried out by parents and specialists, are prepared for learning in the environment of normally developing peers, as a result of which specialists recommend integrated learning for them. In the future, such children, as a rule, receive only occasional correctional assistance, while the connection between the teacher-defectologist, psychologist and teachers of the kindergarten or school is carried out mainly through the parents.

4. Children who study in special preschool groups and classes in mass kindergartens and schools, whose education and upbringing is carried out taking into account deviations in their development, but special groups and classes often turn out to be isolated, isolated.

In the course of integrated education, children with disabilities may be provided with special conditions for education and upbringing in accordance with the needs of the child and the conclusions of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of students with disabilities, individual curricula are developed, including the training schedule for a given person, the workload, the timing of his mastering educational programs, his certification.

Inclusive (French inclusif - including, from Latin include - I conclude, include) or inclusive education is a term used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in general education (mass) schools.

Inclusive education is a learning and upbringing process in which all children, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual and other characteristics, are included in the general education system. They attend mainstream schools in their place of residence with their non-disabled peers, taking into account their special educational needs. In addition, they receive special support. The basis of inclusive education is an ideology that excludes any discrimination against children - equal treatment of all people is ensured, but special conditions are created for children with special educational needs.

The model of inclusive education is based on the following social approach - it is necessary to change not people with disabilities, but society and its attitude towards people with disabilities. Inclusion is recognized as a more developed, humane and effective system not only for children with disabilities, but also for healthy students. It gives everyone the right to education, regardless of the degree to which they meet the criteria of the school system. Through respect and acceptance of the individuality of each of them, personality is formed. At the same time, children are in a team, learn to interact with each other, build relationships, together with the teacher to creatively solve educational problems.

Principles of Inclusive Education

Inclusive education involves accepting students with disabilities like any other children in the class, including them in the same activities, involvement in collective forms of learning and group problem solving, using a strategy of collective participation - games, joint projects, laboratory, field research, etc. etc.

Inclusive education expands the personal capabilities of all children, helps to develop humanity, tolerance, and willingness to help peers.

What difficulties can the participants in the educational process face in introducing inclusive education?

In our society, unfortunately, people with disabilities are perceived as something alien. This attitude has been developing over the years, so it is almost impossible to change it in a short time.

Children with special educational needs are often considered unteachable.

Most teachers and principals of mainstream schools do not know enough about the problems of disability and are not ready to include children with disabilities in the classroom learning process.

Parents of children with disabilities do not know how to defend children's rights to education and fear the education system and social support.

Architectural inaccessibility of educational institutions.

It should be understood that inclusion is not only the physical presence of a child with disabilities in a general education school. This is a change in the school itself, school culture and the system of relations between participants in the educational process, close cooperation of teachers and specialists, the involvement of parents in working with a child.

Today, among teachers of mass schools, the problem of the lack of the necessary preparation for working with children with special educational needs is quite acute. There is a lack of professional competencies of teachers in working in an inclusive environment, the presence of psychological barriers and professional stereotypes.

A special role in the process of teaching children with disabilities is played by the relationship between teachers and parents. Parents know their child better, so the teacher can get valuable advice from them in solving a number of problems. Cooperation between teachers and parents will help to look at the situation from different angles, and, therefore, will allow adults to understand the individual characteristics of the child, identify his abilities and form the correct life guidelines.

Appendix # 1

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands

1. Children act with the pads of four fingers, which are set at the bases of the fingers of the back of the massaged hand, and with dotted back and forth movements, displacing the skin by about 1 cm, gradually move them to the wrist joint (dotted motion).

We will smooth out the folds with an iron,
Everything will be all right with us.
Let's iron all the panties
Hare, hedgehog and bear.

2. With the edge of the palm, children imitate sawing in all directions on the back of the hand (rectilinear movement). Hands and forearms are on the table, children are sitting.

Drank, drank, drank, drank!
The cold winter has come.
They gave us some firewood sooner,
We will heat the stove, we will warm everyone!
3. The base of the hand makes rotational movements towards the little finger.
We knead the dough, we knead the dough,
We will bake pies
And with cabbage and mushrooms.
- Give you some pies?
4. Move the knuckles of the fingers clenched into a fist and move up and down and from right to left along the palm of the massaged hand (rectilinear movement).
We help mom together,
Rub the beets with a grater,
We cook cabbage soup with mom,
- You look better!
The phalanges of the fingers clenched into a fist make a movement according to the principle of a gimbal on the palm of the massaged hand.
Dad takes a drill in his hands,
And she hums, sings,
Like a fidget mouse
In the wall gnaws a hole.

Appendix 2

Formation of social competence



Specific tasks for the period


Forms of activity

Indicators of achievement

Achievement assessment forms

Helping your child learn and follow school rules

Master the rules of conduct at school. Development of voluntary self-regulation



Knows how to raise his hand

Learned the teaching material given by the teacher

Formation of adequate behavior in an educational situation (in the classroom, outside school hours)

Be able to communicate with the teacher, peers, be able to wait and listen when another student answers

Teacher, psycho-logger

Educational, extracurricular

Ability to communicate with a teacher, peers

Positive feedback about the child by specialists, supervision of the child

Formation of socially acceptable behavior in a group of peers

Ability to start and end a conversation, listen, wait, conduct a dialogue, play group games. Ability to control your emotions and recognize the emotions of others

Teacher, psycho-logger

Educational, game

Peers directly address the child and include him in their circle. Adapted in a group of peers, behaves adequately

Interview and conversation with mom, child. Baby monitoring

Formation of independence

Ability to take instructions and follow established rules independently when performing simple tasks; decrease in adult assistance in performing more complex tasks. Ability to plan, control, evaluate the results of educational activities

Teacher, psycho-logger

Educational, game

Fewer mistakes when completing educational assignments. Ability to understand instructions for a task, draw up a program of action. Evaluate the result obtained when solving word problems with the help of an adult. Establish friendly contact with peers on their own

Assessment of educational, test assignments. The method of constructive observation of the child during educational, play activities

Formation of the ability to plan and control their activities

Formation of a mental plan of activity. The ability to understand instructions, to highlight and hold the goal of the activity to the end, to draw up an action program (using visual algorithms of activity, plans, the ability to check the result obtained (with the support of an adult and independently)

Teacher, psycho-logger


There is a finished product of activity

Positive grades, test assignments, observation of student activity

Special educational needs - these are the needs in the conditions necessary for the optimal realization of the cognitive, energy and emotional-volitional capabilities of a child with disabilities in the learning process.

There are several components of special educational needs:

1) Cognitive components - mastery of mental operations, the ability to capture and preserve perceived information, the volume of the vocabulary, knowledge and ideas about the world;

2) Energetic: mental activity and efficiency;

3) Emotional-volitional - the orientation of the child's activity, cognitive motivation, the ability to concentrate and retain attention.

It must be remembered that special educational needs are not uniform and constant; they manifest themselves to varying degrees for each type of disorder, - to varying degrees of its severity;

And in many respects, special educational needs determine the possible conditions for learning: in conditions of inclusive education, in groups of compensatory or combined orientation, in classes for children with disabilities; remotely, etc.

Note that “children with special educational needs” is not only a name for those who suffer from mental and physical disabilities, but also for those who do not. For example, when the need for special education arises under the influence of any socio-cultural factors.

OOP common to different categories of children.

The specialists highlight OOP, which are common for children, despite the difference in their problems. These include needs of this kind:

1) Education of children with special educational needs should begin as soon as violations in normal development have been identified. This will allow you not to waste time and achieve maximum results.

2) The use of specific means for the implementation of training.

3) The curriculum should include special sections that are not present in the standard school curriculum.

4) Differentiation and individualization of training.

5) The ability to maximize the educational process outside the institution. Extension of the study process after graduation. Providing opportunities for young people to go to university.

6) Participation of qualified specialists (doctors, psychologists, etc.) in teaching a child with problems, involving parents in the educational process.

Working with children with special educational needs aims to eliminate these common deficiencies through specific methods. For this, some changes are made to the standard general education subjects of the school curriculum. For example, the introduction of propaedeutic courses, that is, introductory, concise, making it easier for the child to understand. This method helps to restore missing segments of environmental knowledge. Additional subjects can be introduced to help improve general and fine motor skills: physiotherapy exercises, creative circles, modeling. In addition, various trainings can be conducted to help children with OOP to realize themselves as full-fledged members of society, increase self-esteem and gain confidence in themselves and their strengths.

Specific developmental deficiencies in children with OOP

Working with children with special educational needs, in addition to solving common problems, should also include solving issues that arise as a result of their specific disabilities. This is an important aspect of educational work. Specific disadvantages include those that are due to damage nervous system... For example, hearing and vision problems.

The teaching methodology for children with special educational needs takes these shortcomings into account when developing programs and plans. In the curriculum, specialists include specific subjects that are not included in the regular school system. Thus, children with vision problems are additionally taught to orientate in space, and in the presence of hearing impairments, they help to develop residual hearing. The curriculum for their training also includes lessons on the formation of oral speech.

The need for individual education of a child with OOP

For children with OOP, two forms of organization of education can be used: collective and individual. Their effectiveness depends on each individual case. Collective education takes place in special schools, where special conditions are created for such children. When communicating with peers, a child with developmental problems begins to actively develop and in some cases achieves greater results than some absolutely healthy children. At the same time, an individual form of education is necessary for a child in the following situations:

1) It is characterized by the presence of multiple developmental disorders. For example, in the case of severe mental retardation or when teaching children with simultaneous hearing and vision impairments.

2) When a child has specific developmental abnormalities.

3) Age features. Individual training at an early age gives good results.

4) When teaching a child at home.

However, in fact, individual education for children with OOP is extremely undesirable, as it leads to the formation of a closed and insecure personality. In the future, this entails problems in communication with peers and other people. With collective learning, most children develop communication skills. As a result, the formation of full-fledged members of society takes place.

"with disabilities"

General patterns of mental development of persons with disabilities

Special educational needs of children with disabilities are due to the patterns of impaired development:

  • difficulties in interacting with the environment, first of all, with the people around,
  • personality development disorders;
  • lower speed of reception and processing of sensory information;
  • less information captured and retained in memory;
  • shortcomings of verbal mediation (for example, difficulties in the formation of verbal generalizations and in the nomination of objects);
  • deficiencies in the development of voluntary movements (lag, slowness, coordination difficulties);
  • a slower pace of mental development in general;
  • increased fatigue, high exhaustion

Taking into account the special educational needs for children with disabilities, special educational conditions are created.

Special educational conditions and special educational needs: concept, structure, general characteristics

Special educational needs are the needs in the conditions necessary for the optimal realization of the cognitive, energetic and emotional-volitional capabilities of a child with disabilities in the learning process.

  • Cognitive (cognitive sphere) components are the mastery of mental operations, the possibilities of perception and memory (capturing and preserving the perceived information), active and passive vocabulary and accumulated knowledge and ideas about the world around.
  • Energy components - mental activity and performance.
  • Emotional-volitional sphere - the focus of the child's activity, his cognitive motivation, as well as the ability to focus and retain attention.

Special educational conditions, requirements for the content and pace of pedagogical work necessary for all children with disabilities:

  1. medical (medical and preventive) care;
  2. preparing children to master the school curriculum through propaedeutic activities (i.e., the formation of the necessary knowledge in them)
  3. the formation of their cognitive motivation and a positive attitude towards learning;
  4. slow pace of presenting new knowledge;
  5. a smaller amount of "portions" of the presented knowledge, as well as all instructions and statements of teachers, taking into account the fact that they have less volume of memorized information;
  6. the use of the most effective teaching methods (including enhancing visibility in its various forms, the inclusion of practical activities, the application of the problem approach at an accessible level);
  7. organizing activities in such a way as to avoid fatigue of children;
  8. maximum limitation of external stimulation in relation to the educational process;
  9. control of children's understanding of everything, especially verbal, educational material;
  10. the learning situation should be built taking into account the child's sensory capabilities, which means optimal illumination of the workplace, the presence of sound-amplifying equipment, etc.

Characteristics of the special educational needs of children with visual impairments

  • totally blind or children with total blindness
  • children with light perception
  • children with residual vision or with practical blindness
  • children with progressive diseases with narrowing of the field of vision (up to 10-15 °) with visual acuity up to 0.08.

In recent years, the category of children with visual impairments requiring special support, along with the blind and visually impaired, includes children with:

  • amblyopia (persistent decrease in visual acuity without an apparent anatomical reason);
  • myopia
  • hyperopia,
  • astigmatism (decrease in the refractive optical system of the eye);
  • strabismus (violation of friendly eye movement).
  • difficulties in determining the color, shape, size of objects,
  • the formation of fuzzy, incomplete or inadequate visual images,
  • the need for skills of various kinds of spatial orientation (on one's body, working surface, micro- and macrospace, etc.), development of eye-hand coordination, fine and gross motor skills,
  • low level of development of hand-eye coordination,
  • poor memorization of letters by students,
  • difficulties in distinguishing the configuration of letters, numbers and their elements that are similar in writing,
  • the need to develop writing and reading skills, including those based on Braille and using the appropriate technical means of writing, in the use of appropriate computer programs,
  • difficulties in the implementation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization),
  • the need for special development of cognitive and intellectual activity based on intact analyzers.
  • a special need to master a wide range of practical skills, which are formed spontaneously among sighted peers, based on visual perception
  • the need to form a whole range of social and communication skills, in the development of the emotional sphere in conditions of limited visual perception.
  • computer programs

Characteristics of the special educational needs of children with hearing impairment

Deaf children do not perceive speech at spoken volume and without special training, their oral speech does not develop. For deaf children, the use of a hearing aid or cochlear implant is a prerequisite for their development. However, even when using hearing aids or cochlear implants, they have difficulty understanding and understanding the speech of others.

Hearing impaired children have different degrees of hearing impairment - from minor difficulties in perceiving whispered speech to a sharp limitation of the ability to perceive speech at a spoken volume. Hearing impaired children can independently, at least to a minimum, accumulate vocabulary and master oral speech. The need for and the procedure for using hearing aids is determined by specialists (audiologist and deaf teacher). For the full development of hearing impaired children, as well as deaf children, special correctional and developmental classes with a deaf teacher are required.

The deaf and hard of hearing, depending on their capabilities, perceive the speech of others in three ways: by ear, visually, auditory-visual. The main way of perception of oral speech for children with hearing impairments is auditory-visual, when the child sees the face, cheeks, lips of the speaker and at the same time "hears" him with the help of hearing aids / cochlear implants

The deaf / hard of hearing do not always successfully perceive and understand the speech of the interlocutor for the following reasons:

  • external - features of the anatomical structure of the speaker's articulation organs (narrow or inactive lips when speaking, especially the bite, etc.), masking of the lips (mustache, beard, bright lipstick, etc.), the specificity of speech production (fuzzy, fast speech, etc.); the position of the speaker in relation to the deaf / hard of hearing child; the number of people included in the conversation; acoustic environment, etc .;
  • internal - the presence of unfamiliar words in the statements of the interlocutor; The child's “auditory capabilities” (malfunctioning of the hearing aid; incomplete “hearing”, large rooms (weak reflection of sounds from the walls)); temporary inattention (slight distraction, fatigue) and limited life and social experience of a child with hearing impairment (lack of awareness of the general context / topic of conversation and the impact of this on understanding the message), etc.

Students who are deaf / hard of hearing may have the following main characteristics speech development:

  • at the production level - pronunciation disorders; insufficient assimilation of the sound composition of the word, which manifests itself in errors in the pronunciation and spelling of words;
  • at the lexical level - limited vocabulary, inaccurate understanding and misuse of words, often associated with incomplete mastery of the contextual meaning;
  • at the grammatical level - the shortcomings of the grammatical structure of speech, especially in the assimilation and reproduction of speech (grammatical) structures;
  • at the syntactic level - difficulties in perceiving sentences with non-traditional / inverted word / word order and limited understanding of the text being read.

Among the most significant for the organization of the educational process about features are as follows:

  • reduced attention span, low rate of switching, less stability, difficulties in its distribution;
  • predominance of figurative memory over verbal, predominance of mechanical memorization over meaningful;
  • the prevalence of visual forms of thinking over conceptual ones, the dependence of the development of verbal-logical thinking on the degree of development of the student's speech;
  • misunderstanding and difficulties in differentiating the emotional manifestations of others, impoverishment of emotional manifestations;
  • the presence of a complex of negative states - self-doubt, fear, hypertrophied dependence on a close adult, overestimated self-esteem, aggression;
  • priority communication with the teacher and limiting interaction with classmates.

The main special educational needs of a child with hearing impairment include:

  • the need for training in auditory-visual perception of speech, in the use of various types of communication;
  • the need to develop and use auditory perception in various communication situations;
  • the need for the development of all sides of all sides and types of verbal speech (oral, written);
  • the need to form social competence

Characteristics of the special educational needs of children with musculoskeletal disorders

Psychologically and pedagogically, children with NODA can be divided into two categories that require different options for correctional and pedagogical work.

The first category (with a neurological nature of movement disorders) includes children in whom NODA is caused by organic damage to the motor parts of the central nervous system. The majority of children in this group are children with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) - 89% of the total number of children with NODA. It is this category of children that is most studied in clinical and psychological-pedagogical aspects and constitutes the overwhelming number in educational organizations. Since movement disorders in cerebral palsy are combined with deviations in the development of the cognitive, speech and personal spheres, along with psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy correction, the bulk of children in this category also need medical and social assistance. Under the conditions of a special educational organization, many children in this category give positive dynamics in development.

The second category (with an orthopedic nature of movement disorders) includes children with a predominantly non-neurological ODA lesion. Usually these children do not have pronounced intellectual disabilities. In some children, the general rate of mental development is somewhat slowed down and individual cortical functions, especially visual-spatial representations, may be partially impaired. Children of this category need psychological support against the background of systematic orthopedic treatment and adherence to a sparing individual motor regimen.

With all the variety of congenital and early acquired diseases and injuries of ODA, most of these children have similar problems. Leading in the clinical picture is a motor defect (delayed formation, impairment or loss of motor functions).

With a severe degree of movement disorders, the child does not master the skills of walking and manipulative activity. He cannot serve himself on his own.

With a moderate degree of movement disorders, children learn to walk, but they walk uncertainly, often with the help of special devices. They are not able to independently move around the city, travel by transport. Their self-service skills are not fully developed due to violations of manipulative functions.

With a mild degree of movement disorders, children walk independently, confidently both indoors and outside. They can use public transport on their own. They fully serve themselves, they have a fairly developed manipulative activity. However, children may have incorrect pathological postures and positions, gait disturbances, their movements are not dexterous enough, slowed down. Reduced muscle strength, there are deficiencies in the functionality of the hands and fingers (fine motor skills).

Cerebral palsy is a polyetiological neurological disease that occurs as a result of early organic damage to the central nervous system, which often leads to disability, arises under the influence of adverse factors affecting the prenatal period, at the time of childbirth or in the first year of life

The greatest importance in the occurrence of cerebral palsy is attached to the combination of brain damage in the prenatal period and at the time of childbirth.

Leading in the clinical picture of cerebral palsy are motor disorders, which are often combined with mental and speech disorders, dysfunctions of other analytical systems (vision, hearing, deep sensitivity), and seizures. Cerebral palsy is not a progressive disease. The severity of movement disorders varies in a wide range, where at one pole there are gross motor disorders, at the other - minimal. Mental and speech disorders have different degrees of severity, and a whole range of different combinations can be observed.

The structure of violations of cognitive activity in cerebral palsy has a number of specific features:

  • uneven, disharmonious nature of disorders of certain mental functions;
  • the severity of asthenic manifestations (increased fatigue, exhaustion of all neuropsychic processes);
  • reduced stock of knowledge and ideas about the world around.

Children with cerebral palsy do not know many of the phenomena of the surrounding objective world and the social sphere, and most often they have an idea only of what was in their practical experience. This is due to forced isolation, restrictions on contacts with peers and adults due to prolonged immobility or difficulties in movement; difficulties in cognition of the surrounding world in the process of object-practical activity associated with the manifestations of motor and sensory disorders.

  • About 25% of children have vision abnormalities
  • 20-25% of children experience hearing loss
  • With all forms of cerebral palsy, there is a deep delay and impairment in the development of the kinesthetic analyzer (tactile and musculo-articular feeling)
  • Lack of formation of higher cortical functions is an important link in cognitive impairment in cerebral palsy
  • For mental development with cerebral palsy, the severity of psychoorganic manifestations is characteristic - slowness, exhaustion of mental processes. Difficulties in switching to other types of activity, inadequate concentration of attention, slowness of perception, a decrease in the volume of mechanical memory are noted
  • A large number of children are characterized by low cognitive activity, which manifests itself in a decreased interest in tasks, poor concentration, slowness, and decreased switchability of mental processes.
  • According to the state of intelligence, children with cerebral palsy represent an extremely heterogeneous group: some have normal or close to normal intelligence, others have mental retardation, and some children have mental retardation of varying degrees.
  • The main impairment of cognitive activity is mental retardation associated with both early organic brain damage and living conditions. Delayed mental development in cerebral palsy is most often characterized by the favorable dynamics of the further mental development of children.
  • In children with mental retardation, mental disorders are more often of a total nature. The lack of higher forms of cognitive activity - abstract logical thinking and higher, primarily gnostic, functions comes to the fore.

Children with cerebral palsy have personality development disorders. Disorders of personality formation in cerebral palsy are associated with the action of many factors (biological, psychological, social).

In addition to the reaction to the awareness of their own inferiority, there is social deprivation and improper upbringing. There are three types of personality disorders in students with cerebral palsy:

  • personal immaturity;
  • asthenic manifestations;
  • pseudo-autistic manifestations.

In cerebral palsy, speech disorders take a significant place, the frequency of which is more than 85%.

  • With cerebral palsy, not only slows down, but also pathologically distorted the process of speech formation.
  • With cerebral palsy, there is a delay and violation of the formation of the lexical, grammatical and phonetic-phonemic aspects of speech.
  • In all children with cerebral palsy, as a result of dysfunction of the articulatory apparatus, the phonetic aspect of speech is underdeveloped, first of all, the pronunciation of sounds is persistently impaired.
  • With cerebral palsy, many children have violations of phonemic perception, which causes difficulties in sound analysis.
  • Dysarthria is a violation of the pronunciation side of speech due to a lack of innervation of the speech muscles.
  • The leading defects in dysarthria are violations of the sound-pronunciation side of speech and prosody (melodic-intonation and tempo-rhythmic characteristics of speech), violations of speech breathing, voice
  • There are violations of the tone of the articulatory muscles (tongue, lips, face, soft palate) by the type of spasticity, hypotension, dystonia; disorders of mobility of articulatory muscles, hypersalivation, violation of the act of eating (chewing, swallowing), synkenia, etc. Speech intelligibility in dysarthria is impaired, speech is blurred, indistinct.
  • With severe lesions of the central nervous system, some children with cerebral palsy have anarthria - complete or almost complete absence of speech in the presence of pronounced central speech-motor syndromes. Much less often, with lesions of the left hemisphere (with right-sided hemiparesis), alalia is observed - the absence or underdevelopment of speech due to organic damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex in the prenatal or early period of child development. Some children with cerebral palsy may stutter.
  • Nearly all children with cerebral palsy have difficulty learning reading and writing skills. Written language disorders - dyslexia and dysgraphia - usually combined with oral speech underdevelopment.
  • Most children with cerebral palsy have multilevel, variable specific combinations of disorders in the development of motor, mental and speech functions. Many children are characterized by uneven lag along all lines of development (motor, mental, speech), for the rest it is even.
  • All these developmental disorders complicate the education and social adaptation of children with cerebral palsy.

Opportunities for mastering academic education:

  • Some children (with "purely" orthopedic pathology and some children with infantile cerebral palsy) can master the program of a general education school.
  • A significant part of children with motor cerebral pathology with cerebral palsy (with cerebral palsy and some children with orthopedic pathology) need correctional pedagogical work and special educational conditions; they can successfully study in a special (correctional) school of the VI type.
  • Children with mild mental retardation are trained according to the program of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type.
  • For children with moderate mental retardation, it is possible to study according to an individual program in the conditions of a rehabilitation center of the education system or at home

Under special educational needschildren with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, we understand the totality of medical, psychological and pedagogical measures that take into account the peculiarities of the development of these children at different age stages and aimed at their adaptation to the educational space

Special educational needs in children with NODA are set by the specificity of motor disorders, the specificity of mental development disorders, and determine the special logic of building the educational process, are reflected in the structure and content of education:

  • the need for early detection of violations and the earliest possible beginning of comprehensive support for the development of the child, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development;
  • the need to regulate activities, taking into account medical recommendations (compliance with the orthopedic regime);
  • the need for a special organization of the educational environment, characterized by the availability of educational and educational activities;
  • the need to use special methods, techniques and means of teaching and upbringing (including specialized computer and assistive technologies), ensuring the implementation of "workarounds" of development, education and training;
  • the need to provide tutor services;
  • the need for targeted assistance to correct motor, speech and cognitive and social-personal disorders;
  • the need for individualization of the educational process, taking into account the structure of the disorder and the variability of manifestations;
  • need for maximum expansion educational space - going beyond the boundaries of the educational organization, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of children of this category.
  • These educational needs have features of manifestation at different age stages, depend on the severity of motor pathology or its complication by deficiencies in sensory, speech or cognitive activity.
  • At all stages of education of students with cerebral palsy, multidisciplinary interaction of all specialists carrying out psychological and pedagogical studies, participating in the design of an individual educational route, the development of an adapted educational program, their implementation and program adjustments as necessary, conducting an analysis of the effectiveness of training, should be ensured.

Characteristics of special educational needs of children
with mental retardation

Mental retardation (PDD) is a psychological and pedagogical definition for the most common deviations in psychophysical development among all children found in children. ZPR refers to the "borderline" form of dysontogenesis and is expressed in a slow rate of maturation of various mental functions. These children do not have specific impairments of hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system, severe speech impairments, and they are not mentally retarded.

For the mental sphere of a child with CRD, a combination of deficient functions with intact ones is typical.

Partial (partial) deficiency of higher mental functions can be accompanied by infantile personality traits and behavior of the child. At the same time, in some cases, the child's working capacity suffers, in other cases - arbitrariness in the organization of activity, thirdly - motivation for various types of cognitive activity.

Most of them have polymorphic clinical symptoms: immaturity of complex forms of behavior, purposeful activity against the background of rapid exhaustion, impaired performance, encephalopathic disorders.

Features of children with mental retardation, which must be taken into account in the educational process:

  • immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, infantilism, lack of coordination of emotional processes;
  • predominance of play motives, maladjustment of motives and interests;
  • low level of activity in all areas of mental activity;
  • limited stock of general information and ideas about the world around;
  • decreased performance;
  • increased exhaustion;
  • instability of attention;
  • limited vocabulary, especially active, slowing down of mastery grammatical structure speech, difficulties in mastering written speech;
  • disorders of regulation, programming and control of activity, low skill of self-control;
  • lower level of development of perception;
  • lag in the development of all forms of thinking;
  • insufficient productivity of arbitrary memory, predominance of mechanical memory over abstract logical memory, a decrease in the volume of short-term and long-term memory

Preschoolers with CRD need the satisfaction of special educational needs:

  • in prompting cognitive activity as a means of forming a stable cognitive motivation;
  • in expanding horizons, the formation of versatile concepts and ideas about the world around;
  • in the formation of general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, highlighting essential features and patterns, flexibility of thought processes);
  • in improving the prerequisites for intellectual activity (attention, visual, auditory, tactile perception, memory, etc.),
  • in the formation, development of purposeful activities, programming functions and control of their own activities;
  • in the development of the personal sphere: the development and strengthening of emotions, will, the development of skills of voluntary behavior, volitional regulation of their actions, independence and responsibility for their own actions;
  • in the development and development of means of communication, methods of constructive communication and interaction (with family members, with peers, with adults), in the formation of skills of socially approved behavior, the maximum expansion of social contacts;
  • in strengthening the regulatory function of the word, the formation of the ability for speech generalization, in particular, accompanied by speech of the actions performed;
  • in preserving, strengthening somatic and mental health, in maintaining efficiency, preventing exhaustion, psychophysical overload, emotional breakdowns.

Characteristics of special educational needs of children
with mental retardation

To persons with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded) include children, adolescents, adults with persistent, irreversible impairment of the predominantly cognitive sphere, arising from organic damage to the cerebral cortex, which has a diffuse (diffuse) character.

The specific feature of the defect with mental retardation, there is a violation of higher mental functions - reflection and regulation of behavior and activity, which is expressed in the deformation of cognitive processes, in which the emotional-volitional sphere, motor skills, and the personality as a whole suffer. All this leads to a violation of the social adaptation of mentally retarded people in society.

In physical development children lag behind normally developing peers. This is reflected in a lower height, weight, chest volume. Many of them have poor posture, lack of plasticity, emotional expressiveness of movements, which are poorly coordinated. Strength, speed and endurance in mentally retarded children are less developed than in normally developing children. Mentally retarded schoolchildren find it difficult to maintain a working position throughout the lesson, they quickly get tired. Children have reduced efficiency in the lesson.

Mentally retarded children often enter school with unformed self-care skills, which significantly complicates their school adaptation.

Attention mentally retarded children characterized by a number of features: difficulty in attracting, inability to long-term active concentration, instability, quick and easy distraction, absent-mindedness, low volume.

In class, such a child may seem like an attentive student, but at the same time he absolutely does not hear the teacher's explanations. In order to combat such a phenomenon (pseudo-attention), the educator during the explanation should ask questions that reveal whether the students are following his train of thought, or be asked to repeat what has just been said.

Perception in mentally retarded children it also has certain features, its speed is noticeably reduced: in order to learn an object, a phenomenon, they need much more time than normally developing peers. It is important to take this feature into account in the educational process: the teacher's speech should be slow so that students have time to understand it; spend more time looking at objects, paintings, illustrations.

  • the volume of perception is also reduced - the simultaneous perception of a group of objects. Such a narrowness of perception makes it difficult for students to master reading, work with multidigit numbers, etc.

Perception is undifferentiated: in the surrounding space, they are able to distinguish significantly fewer objects than normally developing peers, perceive them globally, often the form of objects is seen by them as simplified

Significantly violated spatial perception and orientation in space, which makes it difficult for them to master such academic subjects as mathematics, geography, history, etc.

Both voluntary and involuntary memorization suffer, and there are no significant differences between the productivity of voluntary and involuntary memorization.

They do not independently master the techniques of meaningful memorization, therefore, the task of their formation falls on the teacher. The children's ideas retained in their memory are much less distinct and dismembered than those of their normally developing peers.

Knowledge about similar objects and phenomena obtained in verbal form is very intensively forgotten. The images of similar objects are sharply compared to each other, and sometimes completely identified.

Most mentally retarded children have speech disorders, while all components of speech suffer: vocabulary, grammatical structure, sound pronunciation.

Violated thinking... Its main drawback is the weakness of generalizations. Often in generalization, signs that are outwardly similar in temporal and spatial stimuli are used - this is a generalization in situational proximity. Generalizations are very broad and not differentiated.

In order to form correct generalizations in them, it is necessary to slow down all unnecessary connections that "mask", make it difficult to recognize the general, and to maximally highlight the system of connections that underlies. It is especially difficult for preschoolers to change the principle of generalization once identified, for example, if the classification was carried out taking into account color, then it is difficult for students to switch to another classification - in form.

  • Inadequacy of thought processes - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison.
  • The thinking of mentally retarded children is characterized by inertia, stiffness.
  • Preschoolers with intellectual disabilities are not sufficiently critical of the results of their work, often do not notice obvious mistakes. They have no desire to check their work.
  • There is a violation of the ratio of goal and action, as a result of which the process of performing actions becomes formal, not designed to obtain really significant results. Often children substitute or simplify the goal, they are guided by their task. When completing assignments, students often find it difficult to switch from one action to another.
  • Such children are not critical of the results obtained in the process of activity (they do not correlate the results with the requirements of the problem in order to verify their correctness, they do not pay attention to the content and real significance of the results).

Emotional sphere mentally retarded preschoolers are characterized by immaturity and underdevelopment.

  • The emotions of children are not sufficiently differentiated: the experiences are primitive, polar (children experience pleasure or displeasure, and there are almost no differentiated, subtle shades of experience).
  • Reactions are often inadequate, disproportionate to the influences of the surrounding world in their dynamics. Some pupils have excessive strength and inertness of experiences that arise for insignificant reasons, stereotyped and inert emotional experiences, while others have excessive lightness, superficiality of experiences of serious life events, rapid transitions from one mood to another.

In mentally retarded people volitional processes are violated:

  • they are lacking in initiative, cannot independently manage their activities, subordinate it to a specific goal
  • direct, impulsive reactions to external impressions
  • rash actions and deeds, inability to resist the will of another person, increased suggestibility extremely aggravate their behavioral manifestations and are aggravated by age-related changes associated with the restructuring of the child's body, especially in adolescence.

Under unfavorable living conditions, they easily have difficulties in behavior, in the establishment of morally acceptable relations with others.

Special educational needs children with ID are due to the peculiarities of psychophysical development.

  • In teaching children with intellectual disabilities, the most important is ensuring accessibility content of educational material. Learning content should be adapted to suit the capabilities of these learners. So, the volume and depth of the studied material significantly decrease, the amount of time required to master the topic (section) increases, the pace of learning slows down. Preschoolers with intellectual disabilities are given a much less extensive system of knowledge and skills than normally developing peers; a number of concepts are not studied. At the same time, the knowledge, skills and abilities formed in pupils with intellectual disabilities should be quite sufficient to prepare them for an independent life in society and mastering a profession.
  • In teaching children of this category, are used specific methods and techniquesfacilitating the assimilation of educational material. For example, complex concepts are learned by dismembering and studying each component separately - the method of small portions. Complex actions are broken down into separate operations, and training is carried out step by step.
  • Widely used subject-practical activity, in the course of which students can learn elementary abstract concepts.
  • One of the important tasks of a teacher is to form systems of available knowledge, skills and abilities.Only in some cases can there be no strict systematization in the presentation of educational material.
  • Children with intellectual disabilities need constant control and specific assistance on the part of the teacher, in additional explanations and demonstration of methods and techniques of work, in a large number of training exercises during the assimilation of new material.
  • Important is instilling interest in learning, developing positive motivation... At the time of admission to school, attributive interests prevail in most children with intellectual disabilities, therefore, one of the important tasks of a teacher is the development of cognitive interests.
  • Purposeful teaching of preschoolers learning techniques.
  • The need for correction and development of mental processes, speech, fine and gross motor skills... This work should be carried out by specialists: a special teacher (oligophrenopedagogue), a special psychologist, a speech therapist, a specialist in exercise therapy.
  • Purposeful increase in the level of general and speech development by forming elementary ideas about the world around us, expanding horizons, enriching oral speech, learning to consistently express your thoughts, etc.
  • Formation of knowledge and skills, promoting social adaptation: the ability to use the services of enterprises of the service of everyday life, trade, communications, transport, medical assistance, skills to ensure the safety of life; skills in cooking, personal hygiene, family planning; self-service skills, housekeeping, orientation in the immediate environment
  • Assimilation of moral and ethical norms of behavior, mastering the skills of communication with other people.
  • Labor and vocational training... Labor training is seen as a powerful means of correcting the disorders in children with intellectual disabilities. It is the basis for the moral education of this category of children, as well as an important means of their social adaptation.
  • Creature psychologically comfortable environment for preschoolers with intellectual disabilities: the atmosphere of acceptance in the group, the situation of success in the classroom or other activity. It is important to think over the optimal organization of the pupils' work in order to avoid their overwork.

Characteristics of special educational needs of children
with severe speech impairment

Severe speech disorders (THP) -these are persistent specific deviations in the formation of the components of the speech system (lexical and grammatical structure of speech, phonemic processes, sound pronunciation, prosodic organization of the sound stream), noted in children with sound hearing and normal intelligence. Severe speech disorders include alalia (motor and sensory), severe dysarthria, rhinolalia and stuttering, childhood aphasia, etc.

Oral speech in children with severe forms of speech pathology is characterized by a strict limitation of the active vocabulary, persistent grammatical expressions, poorly formed skills of coherent speech, and severe impairments in general speech intelligibility.

Difficulties are noted in the formation of not only oral, but also written speech, and communication activities.

All this together creates unfavorable conditions for educational integration and socialization of the child's personality in society.

  • Optical-spatial gnosisis at a lower level of development and the degree of its disturbance depends on the insufficiency of other processes of perception, especially spatial representations.
  • However spatial disturbancesare characterized by a certain dynamism and a tendency towards compensation.
  • Developmental delays visual perception and visual object images in children with TNR, it manifests itself mainly in poverty and poor differentiation of visual images, inertia and fragility of visual traces, as well as in an insufficiently strong and adequate connection of the word with the visual representation of the object.
  • Attention of childrenwith THR is characterized by a lower level of indicators of voluntary attention, difficulties in planning their actions, in analyzing conditions, in finding various ways and means in solving problems. Low level arbitrary attentionin children with severe speech impairments, it leads to an unformed or significant disturbance in their structure of activity and a decrease in its rate in the process of educational work.
  • All kinds self-control over activities(anticipatory, current and subsequent) may not be sufficiently formed and have a slower pace of formation.
  • Volume visual memorystudents with THR practically does not differ from the norm.
  • Significantly reduced auditory memory, productivity of memorization, which are in direct proportion to the level of speech development.
  • Psychological and pedagogical classification includes two groups of speech disorders:
  • 1) violation of the means of communication: phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN) and general underdevelopment of speech (OHP);
  • 2) violation in the use of means of communication (stuttering and a combination of stuttering with general speech underdevelopment).
  • Reading and writing disordersare considered in the structure of OHR and FFN as their systemic, delayed consequences due to the lack of formation of phonemic and morphological generalizations.

Clinical and pedagogical classificationspeech disorders is based on intersystem interactions of speech disorders with a material substrate, on a set of psycho-linguistic and clinical (etiopathogenetic) criteria.

In the clinical and pedagogical classification, violations of oral and written speech are distinguished.

  • Speaking disorders are classified into two types:

1) phonation (external) design of the statement (dysphonia / aphonia /, bradilalia, tachilalia, stuttering, dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria),

2) structural and semantic (internal) design of the statement (alalia, aphasia).

  • Writing disorders are classified into two types: dyslexia and dysgraphia.

Tasks of special speech therapy assistance:

  • comparative analysis of the results of primary diagnostics (the level of speech development, individual manifestations of the structure of speech disorders, the starting intellectual and speech abilities of the child) and the dynamics of the development of speech processes;
  • dynamic monitoring of achievements in the development of academic knowledge, skills and abilities of students;
  • assessment of the formation of students' ideas about the world around them, life competencies, communication and speech skills, social activity.
  • Children with TNR need special training in the basics of language analysis and synthesis, phonemic processes and sound pronunciation, prosodic organization of the sound stream.
  • The need to develop reading and writing skills.
  • The need to develop skills in spatial orientation.
  • Students with TNR require a special individually differentiated approach to the formation of educational skills.

Characteristics of special educational needs of children
with autism spectrum disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)belong to a group of developmental disorders, which are characterized by wide deviations in social interactions and communication, as well as narrow interests and clearly repetitive behavior.

ASD includes a number of conditions and is one of the most widespread and described groups of mental development disorders in children in the world; an increase in the number of children with ASD is noted.

The term "ASD" is currently most often used in special literature (for example, 10-15 years ago in the special literature, the terms "early childhood autism", "autistic disorders", etc. were more often used), as most fully reflecting the high variability of possible disorders within the framework of childhood autism.

Autism spectrum disorders are caused by biological factors leading to the occurrence of cerebral dysfunctions and organic disorders (F. Appé, O. Bogdashina, etc.), while the causes of ASD are conventionally divided into groups:

  • exogenous (affecting the child during the prenatal period, during childbirth and early development);
  • genetically determined (both autosomal recessive and sex-linked).
  • difficulties in social interaction, which are manifested in a significant limitation of the possibility of forming communication with other people.
  • difficulty maintaining speech interaction(for example, participation in a conversation, even with a sufficient and high level of speech development). Some children strive for verbal communication, but this conversation is mainly related to the sphere of the child's superinterests.
  • Students with ASD tend to different level of speech development.Some children have good speech and high literacy. Other children use a short agrammatical phrase, speech stamps for communication.
  • A number of children are characterized by echolalia (as a repetition of what another person said directly behind him or delayed). Some children with ASD have mutism (15-20%).
  • In the speech development of children with ASD, experts note violations of prosody (the child speaks monotonously or scanned, does not use interrogative intonations, etc.); pragmatists (the correct use of speech, in particular the correct use of pronouns, verbs, etc.); semantics (conceptual side of speech).
  • The specific characteristics of children with ASD include "Hyperlexia"that is, quite early mastering of reading without a sufficient understanding of the meaning of the read ..
  • Typical for children with ASD asynchrony in mental developmentleads to the fact that one and the same child can demonstrate high abilities in mastering one academic discipline (for example, related to the child's superinterests), an average level of mastering another academic discipline and persistent failure in a third
  • Common difficulties are difficulty understanding literary texts, understanding the plot lines of the story, even with very high reading technique.

Thus, features of social, sensory, speech and cognitive developmentlead to the need to create special conditions that ensure the effectiveness of school education for children with autism spectrum disorders.

Special educational needs include:

  • the need for psychological and pedagogical support for a child with ASD in a preschool educational institution;
  • the need to develop an adapted educational program;
  • the need to implement a practice-oriented and social orientation in the training and education of preschoolers with ASD;
  • the need to organize and implement correctional and developmental classes (with a defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist, social teacher, etc.);
  • the need to use additional means to increase the effectiveness of teaching children with ASD;
  • the need to determine the most effective model for the implementation of educational practice;
  • the need to determine the forms and content of psychological and pedagogical support for the family;
  • the need for dosing the training load, taking into account the pace and performance;
  • the need for a particularly clear and ordered temporal-spatial structure of the educational environment that supports the child's learning activity;
  • the need for special development of forms of adequate educational behavior of the child, communication skills and interaction with the teacher.

If a blind or deaf child achieves the same in development,

as normal, children with a defect achieve this in a different way,

on a different path, by other means, and for teachers it is especially important to know

the originality of the path along which he must lead the child.

Precisely so that a handicapped child can achieve the same

as normal, very special means should be used.

L.S. Vygotsky

In modern conditions, the responsibility of those who create special educational conditions for children with special educational needs is significantly increasing.

Special educational conditions are special educational programs, methods of teaching and upbringing, textbooks and teaching aids, didactic materials, technical teaching aids for collective and individual use, the provision of assistant (assistant) services, group and individual correctional classes and other conditions, without which it is impossible or the development of educational programs by students with disabilities is difficult.

In our educational institution (DUO MBOU Secondary School No. 90) there are three groups of compensating orientation. The group of compensatory orientation "Firebird" is attended by children with disabilities: children with early childhood autism, motor pathology, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and children with deviating development of various origins. These children have complex organic disorders, which significantly complicates correctional work. The condition of these children impedes the development of the educational program of pre-school education without creating special conditions for education and training. Our task is to create conditions for the development of the emotional, social and intellectual potential of a child with developmental problems that open up opportunities for his positive socialization. Correctional and developmental work is carried out in a comprehensive manner by all specialists of the DUO.

Children with special educational needs require an individual correctional and developmental program. The structure of an individual program for a specific child includes:

- the results of a comprehensive diagnosis of child development;

- individual correctional and developmental route;

- characteristics of the dynamics of the child's mastering of the adapted program in educational areas.

The development of an individual correctional program for a child with disabilities begins with a medical-psychological-pedagogical council. The tasks of the Council are:

- to identify a child in need of special conditions for development at the request of parents (legal representatives), educators or at the conclusion of the city PMPK;

- to carry out in-depth diagnostics of the child's development by each specialist;

- highlight the main problem of the child and formulate recommendations for each specialist;

- collegially discuss the materials of the diagnostics performed and, based on the results, draw up individual route child development or give a referral to the city PMPK;

- to select methods and technologies for carrying out correctional and developmental measures;

- fill out an individual child development card;

- invite parents to the Consultation with specialists. Familiarize with the recommendations of the council and sign them;

- to assess the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work by all specialists of the Consilium.

The complexity of the implementation of correctional and developmental work is associated with the multilevel and different age categories of children with disabilities. For children with severe mental disorders, we carry out correctional work according to individual programs with an emphasis on socialization and the formation of practically oriented skills.

Forms of educational and correctional support: individual work, subgroup work, group direct educational activities, parent-child interaction at home with the advice of specialists.

In our work, we use various technologies and methodological techniques:

- to develop and correct motor functions, relieve mental and muscle tension, we carry out various types of gymnastics and exercises: articulatory and finger gymnastics, motor warm-ups and relaxation exercises, awakening gymnastics, "brain gymnastics", etc .;

- tests and exercises for interhemispheric interaction, based on the program of A.V. Semenovich and the level organization of the VPF of A.R. Luria;

- breathing and oculomotor exercises.

On Fridays (the end of the thematic week), all the pupils of the group are given complex lessons for the repetition and consolidation of the material of the lexical topic in an interesting and varied form of joint activity. The lesson is conducted by an educator, teacher-psychologist, teacher-defectologist or teacher-speech therapist.

These activities contribute to:

- consolidation of the passed material;

- expanding personal experience;

- the interaction of the entire group of pupils;

- development of partnerships between adults and children.

For the introduction of inclusion and successful socialization of children with disabilities, integrated classes are held together with children of general education groups: "Musical Lounge", joint holidays, theatricalization of fairy tales. Targeted excursions around the DUO are conducted, they become active participants in common holidays.

When working with parents, we use various forms of work:

- there is a parent club "Harmony", where we discussed the problems of children with RDA, "Anxious child", "Children with developmental delay", "Aggressive children";

- parents of children with disabilities take an active part in joint educational activities: "Making a folk toy", a master class with the parent Ugarina T.A. “Creation of painted scarves using the batik technique, participation in the New Year and March 8th holidays, preparation of mini-projects (once a month) and group exhibitions (for each lexical topic).

The developmental environment is one of the conditions for the development of the emotional, social and intellectual potential of a child with developmental problems, which opens up opportunities for his positive socialization. Parents are active participants in creating a developing environment in the group and on the walking area. All teachers of the correctional group "Firebird" work in the creative group "Correctional and developmental activities with preschoolers with disabilities", the purpose of which is to create conditions for improving professional skills in working with children with disabilities, professional communication and the development of creative activity teachers.
