Science believes that we can talk about the existence of a phenomenon only if factual evidence is found for it. But there are many things that have not yet found scientific confirmation or that have very dubious evidence, but a significant part of people continue to believe in them. Here are the most famous ones.

It is widely believed among us that we will certainly be rewarded for our actions sooner or later. Someone is guided by the proverb "what you sow, and you reap", someone more like to call it karma. Whatever it was, but people believe that our today's actions clearly show what will happen next. Now you tear off the wings of butterflies, and tomorrow you will be hit by a drunken reckless driver in a car. Today you take care of old people and teach children to do good, and in a month you win the TV lottery. The theory of karma has no logical justification, but we still believe that by doing good today, in the future we will reap the fruits of our soulfulness.

What will the stars say?

Those born under the sign of Cancer are whiny and touchy. Aries and Leo are brave, courageous and sometimes despotic. None of these claims have a scientific basis, but we still find confirmation of these words in everyday life. Who knows, whether Cancer, Aries and representatives of other signs of the Zodiac themselves are adjusting to the prevailing stereotypes. Either astrologers really know how to "read by the stars." Whatever it was, but with the reading of horoscopes for the coming day, the day of millions of people begins. People have long trusted the stars when making important decisions. We believe that our birthday determines our future life. But you don't need to pull your hair out if the horoscope promises you troubles, troubles and misfortunes. There are so many blank spots in astrology.

Those who have suffered clinical death sometimes claim that they saw a certain tunnel with a light spot at the end. Moreover, a similar picture is observed in many of those who have had to deal with respiratory arrest and heartbeat. But the opinions of doctors debunk all the mystical justifications for this vision. According to experts, the feeling that a person is falling or flying through a tunnel towards the light is due to the fact that when breathing stops, the work of the vestibular analyzer is disrupted, which transmits data about the spatial position of a person to the brain. It happens that the victims of clinical death claim to have gone to heaven or hell. Science explains these visions by ischemia of the frontal cortex of the brain, which causes hallucinations. But there is another aspect because of which people believe in an afterlife. The so-called mediums, healers, and prophets claim to be able to talk to the souls of the dead. Those who have not been able to come to terms with the death of loved ones fall for this bait. Many during sessions of spiritualism (invoking the souls of the dead) hear some kind of groans, sounds supposedly made by the dead, some even see ghosts. But where is the likelihood that this is not an easy strong desire to see a dear person at least once, crossed with the tricks of charlatans?

There are situations in our life that we cannot find an obvious way out of. What to do at this or that moment in life? Not finding an answer to this question, we trust a kind of "sixth sense", which is commonly called intuition. The researchers have not found a logical explanation for this phenomenon, but it makes no sense to deny it. After all, we all rely on intuition. It is generally accepted that if we nevertheless trusted our sixth sense, then now all our actions are no longer in our hands - from now on everything is ruled by something more powerful and higher. The right to decide is transferred to intuition when we do not know whether it is possible to believe a person, walk a certain road, or hastily turn 180 degrees and return to something.

The most restless of us often mistake the slightest fluctuation of light in a dark room for ghosts, a breath of wind in a room where there can be no draft, etc. All this can be found quite logical justification, but the theme of the existence of ghosts and restless spirits has been familiar to us since childhood ... Those who at one time accepted the idea that the lost souls of the dead roam among us, fanatically set to work. Therefore, today, if you wish, you can find a lot of companies engaged in capturing ghosts or inspecting office dwellings to identify ghosts. Impressionable persons see ghosts everywhere and everywhere, and only observation by a qualified psychotherapist will help here. But it's not worth cutting off the theory that ghosts do occur in the bud. After all, it is known that nothing happens just like that - and the story of the existence of ghosts also has its own soil.

In the most difficult situations in life, before an important event or in times of despair, we rely on God's help. Turning to the Almighty in our prayers, we have no doubt that he hears our soundless words, sees tears and will certainly ease our suffering. Belief in divine power for many reaches incredible proportions, because the existence of God has not been proven by science. God is omnipresent, believers believe. He does not just follow our actions, but he also sees our thoughts, especially vicious ones, for which he can certainly punish. There is no clear evidence of God's help, and there was no, everything that is attributed to the Lord, you can find a completely "worldly" justification. But do not forget that faith in God's help is also a powerful phenomenon that unites people, gives them moral, and hence physical strength for any actions and deeds.

Each of us, regardless of where and when he was born, sooner or later finds his own object of belief. At the genetic level, humanity is prescribed to believe in higher powers and hope for their help in difficult times. This is religion, and each nation has its own. Religious texts teach us the basics of a particular denomination. In Christian culture, the Bible is the collection of such texts. It is believed that such books show humanity the path to follow in order to meet God sooner or later. Reading biblical traditions, people do not doubt the authenticity of these stories, they believe that the people described in the pages of the Bible really existed. Moreover, there is not a single scientific evidence that the truth is stated in the biblical pages. But the codes of morality set out in the holy book are considered among believers to be an immutable truth.

Sharp fangs, pale skin, blood for breakfast, lunch and dinner ... And all this is about vampires - mythical creatures that dig into the neck of their victims to get enough blood. Vampire imagery is ubiquitous in modern culture. Cartoons for kids, ominous horror films about cruel bloodsuckers, romantic films about the love of a man and a vampire ... However, science confirms vampirism these days only in the environment of plants and animals. Therefore, a vampire is, rather, a nasty, but healing swamp leech, flowering mistletoe, bats and several other representatives of flora and fauna that seek to suck life-giving liquid from their fellows. So meeting a vampire isn't that hard. If you really want to feel like a heroine of the "Twilight" saga, you just need to ask a doctor to prescribe heirudotherapy - leech therapy.

Baby Nessie

Many of us have heard of the famous Loch Ness monster. Animals like this very Nessie, who supposedly lives in British waters, are called cryptids. Their existence has not been proven by science, but today there are many adherents of the fact that the monster does exist. As well as supporters of the fact that there is Bigfoot. It is worth noting that for the first time they started talking about the existence of Nessie back in the 6th century AD. e. And the photo of the terrifying inhabitant of Loch Ness was taken in 1993. It has not been proven at this time whether the picture actually depicts Nessie. But the inhabitants of the vicinities of the ill-fated lake do not even doubt that a real monster is located in their neighborhood. Many believe that it is a sin for the inhabitants of the shores of Loch Ness not to believe in the existence of a monster. The legend about him literally feeds the Scots - every year hundreds of tourists visit the ominous lands to personally see the famous mysterious lake.

Veteran moviegoers undoubtedly believe in the existence of aliens. Films with the participation of space aliens often brighten up our leisure, so it is not difficult to imagine that somewhere out there, on Mars, or in another galaxy, there are evil and kind humanoids, huge green three-eyed creatures or completely humanoid creatures. Researchers regularly put forward various theories regarding the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Someone denies the existence of creatures thinking like humans in space. And some, on the contrary, are sure that we are completely alone in this world. At the same time, the press often throws information to us that in different parts of our planet people saw either a UFO flight, or aliens themselves, or other signs indicating that other planets also have thinking forms of life.

Many people believe in these facts, their use can be seen even on the screen. But they have nothing to do with science. It's time to deal with popular scientific stereotypes and find out how things really are.

Rings of Saturn

In fact, Saturn has no solid rings. Their semblance is formed by foggy bands consisting of dust and ice particles of different sizes. Some are microscopic and some are a meter long.

Aggregate states of matter

Contrary to what is taught in school, science distinguishes four, not three states of aggregation of matter. They are solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

Sealing meat

The idea that roasting meat before roasting it keeps it juicy is unscientific culinary fiction. This approach only creates a crust, which, on the contrary, can reduce the amount of liquid in the meat.

Core of the earth

For some reason, many people think that there is red-hot lava in the center of the Earth. In fact, the planet's core is a dense sphere of nickel and iron. The diameter of the sphere is over a thousand kilometers.

Killer whales and dolphins

Surprisingly, the sinister killer whales are the closest relatives of cute dolphins. Other whales are genetically less similar to dolphins.

Direction of gravity

Many could only experience gravity as a force pulling things down. In fact, it is directed not only downward - it acts in all planes and directions.

Flavor enhancer

Monosodium glutamate, which is used to enhance flavor, is completely safe. It is he who is often accused of the so-called "Chinese restaurant syndrome", which is described by symptoms like neck numbness and general lethargy. In fact, overeating rather than eating a flavor enhancer causes these sensations.

Cookies expiry date

In the cartoon about the Wall-E robot, Twinkie cookies were shown, which supposedly have no expiration date. In fact, cookies have a shelf life of about one and a half months.

The brightness of the North Star

The sailors did not use the Pole Star because it is the brightest - it is the only one that does not move in the night sky. In fact, the North Star is a system of three stars, but, despite this, it is not even included in the ten brightest stars in the night sky.

Fly life

Contrary to popular belief, house flies don't live only 24 hours. If you decide to just wait for the death of an insect and not chase after it, get ready to wait a long time - ordinary flies live for a month.

Dog age

A dog's life year is not equal to a human's seven years. The dog grows rapidly during the first few years, and then everything depends on the breed. For some, one year equals a person's fourteen years.


Not all tequilas need to have a worm at the bottom of the bottle. Only a few varieties of mezcal, a liquor made from agave, contain worms - usually a marketing gimmick or signaling poor quality. Worms are moth larvae, they indicate the contamination of raw materials.


Most mufflers do not make the sound of a shot look more like a whisper, but only reduce its force several times, which reduces the stress on the shooter's hearing or makes it difficult to determine his location. However, there are some designs of weapons, silencers and cartridges that can reduce the sound of a shot to the level of a weak air rifle, but most likely you will not see them in the movies.

Coin killing

If you drop a coin from a high-rise building, you cannot kill anyone. It will fall at a speed of about one hundred kilometers per hour, which is not fast enough to cause damage.

Black hole color

In fact, a black hole is not black at all. This perception of color is due to the fact that such an object does not emit light. Black holes can be spotted by gravity pulling other stars.

Tyrannosaurus paws

Many believe that the front legs of the Tyrannosaurus rex were quite useless. In fact, scientists believe that male dinosaurs clung to females during mating with their help.

Temperature on Mercury

Mercury is located close to the sun, but is not the hottest planet in the system. The average temperature on the surface of Venus is much higher, which is why it ranks first on the list of the hottest.

Einstein's estimates

For some reason, many believe that Albert Einstein did poorly at school and even failed his math exam. In fact, he was a very capable student.

Walking sleepwalkers

In fact, it is possible to wake up a sleepwalker, although many are afraid to do so. This is much safer than allowing a person to wander - uncontrolled walking can result in injury.

Head in the sand

Ostriches do not hide their heads in the sand for fear. They don't bury their heads in the sand at all. The frightened ostrich will simply fall to the ground and pretend to be dead.

Fire in space

Contrary to science fiction films, there can be no flame in space. For combustion, oxygen is needed, which is not available in outer space.

The disappearance of blondes

Blondes or redheads do not disappear, genes cannot disappear - only become recessive. But even then they will be passed down from generation to generation.

Tires and zippers

Rubber tires do not protect you from lightning. It's all about the metal frame of the machine, which conducts current directly into the ground.

Gluten harm

If you don't have celiac disease, gluten won't hurt you. Don't be afraid to eat white bread - studies have shown that there is no problem with gluten in the diet.

Explosion of the sun

When a star's life cycle ends, it doesn't explode. The sun will begin to expand and engulf the Earth in the process.

Sunflower movements

It is believed that sunflowers turn towards the sun throughout the day. In fact, this does not happen - only the buds move behind the sun, and the final position of the bud determines how the flower will be positioned.

Hay spiders and venom

Hay spiders can bite humans, but the amount of venom in their glands can only cause a slight burning sensation.

Mac computers and viruses

Mac computers are not at all immune to all viruses, as some believe. They are as vulnerable as everyone else.

Truth serum

The truth serum does not at all deprive a person of the ability to lie, it simply has an effect similar to intoxication, making lying more difficult.

Tourette's syndrome

Patients with Tourette's syndrome rarely shout curses, in fact, the disease is associated with involuntary movements and sudden sounds. Shouting curses is called coprolalia.

Vitamin C

Don't assume that you can consume unlimited amounts of vitamin C. If you exceed the dose of two thousand milligrams a day, you may encounter problems such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, headache, arrhythmias and other problems.


Radiation is often associated with a nuclear reaction and is considered extremely dangerous. In fact, light is also radiation, like microwaves that heat food. Only waves with high energy levels are dangerous.

Seasons of the year

Different seasons are not related to the position of the planet in Solar system... This is the result of the tilted axis of rotation.

Alcohol and brain cells

Alcohol does not destroy brain cells. Only prolonged alcoholism can lead to this. If you drink occasionally, your brain is not in danger, even if you feel a hangover.

Crunching fingers

Cracking your knuckles is safe - this habit does not lead to arthritis. She just annoys others.

Even in ancient times, people have always believed in the afterlife and the rebirth of the soul. But as a result of the development of society, various religions began to appear, which in their own way interpreted the topic of the immortality of the soul, without denying the very fact of this phenomenon. Over time, the question arose of providing visual evidence of human reincarnation and interpreting it scientifically. At first it was difficult to do this, there was a lack of relevant evidence, but as time went on, they began to appear. Interest in this topic was shown by various scientists, as well as doctors, and each from their point of view explained the existence of the transmigration of the human soul.

For example, one of the famous psychiatrists was very interested in the issue of reincarnation and in his research mainly relied on the stories of children who talked about their previous life, gave examples of some events that happened to them. Among a large number of such stories, special interest was shown in those cases when it was possible to double-check the place of residence described by the child, the people with whom he lived. We also analyzed physical defects or birthmarks in children with injuries of those people who they might have been in their past life.

Evidence of the existence of the soul was also found, and even after a person's heart stops, it does not die. One of the creators of this theory was an anesthesiologist, who assured that with the onset of death, the information stored in the brain does not disappear, but spreads in an invisible haze throughout the universe. His research is based on the stories of people who have experienced clinical death. They talk about the white corridor, about the light and how the soul leaves the body. The soul consists of quantum substances that leave the nervous system and go out into the universe.

Scientists in the field of physics did not stand aside and also tried to understand the issue of the immortality of the soul. The experiment was based on the existence of parallel worlds. They argued that everything that happens at some point between these worlds and death does not exist as such, it is simply a transition to another world, but not the end of a person's life. People are used to thinking that every life has an end, while associating themselves only with the physical body. However, everything perceived around is a product of the work of our consciousness. And many people perceive death as an illusion created by consciousness. Human life can be compared to a perennial flower that returns every time to decorate the multiverse with its flowering.

The queen of all sciences - mathematics, who proved the fact of the existence of life after death, did not stand aside. One of the scientists came up with a formula proving this phenomenon. The formula considers life and information over time. In the process of proving this formula, a constant number, a constant, was obtained, which means that life still exists after death.

In recent years, it was scientists of various sciences that began to pay special attention to the study of the question of the immortality of the soul and the existence of life after death. And even if mathematics came to such a conclusion and brought out the corresponding formula as proof of this fact, then it really is, and physical death is not the end point in the life of the human soul. The reincarnation of the soul from a mythological and religious concept turns into a scientifically proven fact.

Memory is further evidence of the existence of reincarnation. There are three main types of memory:

Deja vu, when a person learns something new, without colliding with him even once. For example, a person has visited a certain place for the first time, but this place seems familiar to him. However, the frequent manifestation of déjà vu in people is interpreted as a mental disorder and must be evaluated by an appropriate specialist.

Genetic memory enables a person to recall deeper memories. Moreover, they appear "in flashes" and, most importantly, unexpectedly for the person himself. Such memory allows you to find out information about the life of distant human ancestors. Scientists believe that experience accumulates deep in the human brain and is passed down from generation to generation. In order to "awaken" the genetic memory in a person, it is enough to put him into a state of hypnosis.

Memories of past life events or reincarnation, when a person recalls some events from other lives. The main difference from genetic memory is that a person remembers the lives of different people who had one soul belonging to him. According to Eastern teachings, the human soul is able to survive from 5 to 50 reincarnations. A person begins to recall past lives unexpectedly for himself and others, often preceded by various head injuries and mental illnesses, as well as when entering a trance state.

Scientists studying reincarnation and studying this phenomenon from a scientific point of view have come to staggering conclusions. It turns out that everything that happens to a person in his past lives, as a rule, leaves its imprint on his life, fate, health and principles of behavior in different situations. The clearest and most understandable example is fear. Every person experiences it, but why exactly it arises is difficult to say. According to scientists, fear is explained by the fact that in a past life a person could suffer from what he fears so much in his present life.

To believe or not in the existence of life after death, a parallel world and the transmigration of souls is the business of every person. Our whole life begins with birth and ends with death, and this is always the case. What matters is how a person perceives death: as the end or as the beginning of a new life. It is impossible to change people's consciousness and view of this phenomenon overnight, because they believe in the same theory for thousands of years without actually delving into its essence, because this is generally accepted in the society in which they live.

The materialization of thoughts is a proven fact, and you yourself will soon see for yourself.

For several years now, people who have fulfilled their desires have been sharing their experiences and practices in their books and at live performances. But not only mentors and experienced teachers talk about the power of thought. Since the past centuries, scientists and professors have been interested in what the materialization of thoughts is.

Important! These are not just dreams come true after visualization, they are scientifically proven efficiency of thought power.

How and why does the materialization of thoughts and desires work? The answer in this video

You will see scientific experiments and research carried out by scientists from different countries and in different years.

Scientists study the power of thought

For example, did you know that in Russia one of the first to use the power of thought for medicinal purposes was the famous Russian doctor Yakov Botkin? In 1877, he put the experience on himself - he got rid of pain in the legs and increased fatigue, which he suffered after suffering from typhus.

In 1890, the famous neurologist Vladimir Bekhterev was carried away. The scientist investigated cases of "miraculous" recovery of seriously ill patients who were treated by illiterate healers and healers.

Representatives of the Moscow State University Lomonosov, they developed a technology that allows literally to read the thoughts of people who have lost their speech function. The principle is based on the reading of electronic signals from the brain and their subsequent decoding. True, while it is possible to "read" not in whole phrases, but only in letters.

And in Japan they have developed a program that "understands" and reads simple numbers and some words from the human brain. This device is a helmet with built-in electrodes that is worn over a person's head. It reads images directly from the human brain. This is due to the recognition of the brain electroencephalogram.

The program sees numbers, but simple ones from 0 to 9. And in most cases the program can recognize simple words.

Read the article and you will see evidence that the materialization of thoughts is real. Scientists like Alexander Graham Bell, athletes and others will tell us these stories.

Indisputable Proof # 1: Thoughts Move Shapes on a Computer Screen

Finnish scientists have developed a technology with which it was possible to move objects on the monitor screen with one effort of thought.

The development belongs to the staff of the University of Jyväskylä.

According to them, the technology involves the use of a special sensor that is attached to a person's head. It collects electrical impulses from the brain. Further, the computer recognizes where exactly the signal came to it, and sets the direction given to it to move the object on the monitor.

During this process, both the computer and the person learn to work together using the created program,

- ITAR-TASS quotes the words of the researcher Jarno Mikkonen.

The participant of the experiment, student Yani Ikyaheimonen, admitted that he had to strain a lot to move the square on the screen. The mental effort involved was almost like a physical one, he said. Jani doubted the success of the venture, so when the cursor, albeit slightly, but moved on the screen, it caused him a storm of positive emotions.

After the experiment, he said:

I thought things like materializing thoughts only happened in movies.

Indisputable Proof # 2: The Power of Thought as a Computer

According to The Guardian correspondent Michael Fitzpatrick, Italian doctors at the Fondazione Santa Lucia Research Hospital in Rome have succeeded in creating a working experimental model of a device that allows people with disabilities to control household items with their minds.

With the help of this technical hand, attached to the head by diodes and receiving signals from the brain, disabled people can turn off and on the lights in the house, answer phone calls, etc. Concentrated on the subject of interest, "waves" will be interpreted by a special computer into certain actions.

Since the thought process in humans is similar at the wave level, the device works equally well for everyone. Now the computer “guesses” thoughts in 85% of cases - this is an unprecedentedly high rate.

According to scientists, in a few years the device will be widely used among disabled people, as well as, possibly, among lazy people.

Indisputable proof # 3: materializing thoughts in sports

Experiments carried out by Swiss scientists have shown that thought has physical strength. The study was conducted in a group of athletes who, due to injuries, were forced to spend long hours without moving.

Scientists recommended that the subjects work on certain muscle groups with the power of thought to maintain their shape. Then the researchers evaluated the effectiveness of the exercises: muscle strength increased by almost 35%, and tone persisted for 3 months after the cessation of mental exercises. Such training was called idiomotor.

It turned out that this method is also suitable for golfers. Only in their thoughts they should imagine not a defeated enemy, but ... just holes of a larger size than they really are. And there will be a victory for such golfers. So says sports psychologist Professor Jessica Witt of Purdue University in Indiana.

We conducted a study that showed that players more accurately guided the ball into the hole on the field if they mentally increased its diameter - explained Professor Witt ..

Before the test, the scientists asked the volunteers to draw a life-size hole on paper. And it turned out: those that downplayed the size, then, as a rule, did not fall into the real hole. Those who exaggerated got hit much more often.

Just imagine that the hole is only 10 percent wider to get the ball straight on target. - says the researcher.

Then, on the field, the subjects drove the balls into two holes of different diameters. Moreover, an image of a large circle was superimposed on a small hole using a projector. And the big one, on the contrary, was “disguised” as a small one. Optical illusions brought amazing results: the wider the circle was "drawn" around the hole - even the smallest one - the more accurately and more often they hit it.

But in order to learn how to push the holes with the power of thought, you need to be very confident in your abilities and know the taste of victory, - Jessica Witt is sure.

Other observations, already of football and basketball players, confirmed the professor's assumption. Players imbued with fighting spirit and courage are able to expand both the football goal and the basketball hoop.

But when an athlete makes one mistake after another, he loses faith in himself and begins to perceive space in a different way: his goal limits are narrowed, and it becomes much more difficult to score the ball. The more unsuccessful attempts a player has made, the less and further the goal will seem to him. Naturally, with such distortions of spatial perception, the next attacks will most likely fail. And the footballer will shoot past again.

Indisputable Proof # 4: Healing and Raising by Hypnotic Suggestion

In 1911, Vladimir Bekhterev read his report "Suggestion and Education" at the 1st International Pedagogical Congress in Brussels.
In his report, he talked about cases when doctors were able to cure the diseases of children using hypnotic suggestion. Here are some of them:

  • Cure in a 14.5-year-old hereditarily burdened girl of masturbation, which began at the age of 4, and at the same time persistent nail biting
  • A cure for the tendency to steal in an 11-year-old boy.
  • A 12-year-old boy was relieved of the obsessive fear of his grandmother's death
  • Curing a 9-year-old girl by hypnotic suggestion from involuntary urinary incontinence
  • Even one mentally retarded boy, who, due to insufficient attention, could not learn to read or count, thanks to the systematic hypnotic suggestions made by doctors, after two months could learn to read and at the same time could manage with the four rules of arithmetic.

Indisputable Proof # 5: Materializing the Thought of Youth

But the British scientists said that the power of thought and in reality is capable of much - and even rejuvenate a person!

The scientists of foggy Albion based their statements on their research. In this study, volunteer participants - elderly men who have crossed the seventy-year line of life - were asked to change their way of thinking. They were asked to think and act as if each of them had suddenly "thrown off" twenty years.

The volunteers faithfully followed the recommendations of the scientists, changing the way of thinking, the daily routine and their usual activities. And, not even a week had passed, as the researchers noted the first changes in the body of the volunteers - moreover, these changes were physiological, easily amenable to elementary checks, which scientists subjected older men to.

In the course of tests and analyzes, it turned out that all volunteers who began to think and act like younger men had improved vision and hearing, their joints became more agile and flexible, and their coordination of movements improved. Moreover, these changes were by no means short-term; they were "entrenched" among those volunteers who, even after the end of the study, continued to think and act like young people.

So is thought really the main means of fighting aging? And so that the body does not "wear out", it is necessary not only to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, but, above all, to think and act as in youth? British scientists argue that, apparently, this is so. And those who wish can check that such materialization of thoughts works in practice.

Indisputable Proof # 6: The Surgeon's Secret

This story was told by a woman named Irina Grigorieva from Mytishchi in one of the published magazines:

About ten years ago I was diagnosed with cholelithiasis, they said that there was no serious danger, but it would be better to urgently go for an operation to remove stones, I agreed. They put me on the operating table, injected with anesthesia.

After that I don't remember anything. But she was discharged from the hospital as healthy. And now, after several years, I met my surgeon V.V., who told me a terrible secret. It turns out that when my abdominal cavity was opened, they discovered I had a massive malignant liver tumor with metastases. The process was so extensive that the surgeons decided that the operation was useless!

In such cases, removal of the tumor can only hasten the tragic outcome. So the surgeons just stitched up the incision. And when the sad news was reported to my relatives, they unanimously asked not to tell me the true cause of the disease. But the time was meted out by the doctors: exactly two months.

And now, five years later, I went to this hospital for some trivial reason and met V.V. He almost got his eyes on his forehead. He asked me to undergo a comprehensive clinical examination - no diseases. But after his revelations, I already confessed my secret. When they told me about cholelithiasis, I did not believe - I thought (and it turned out to be so!) That I had cancer.

I was just dying of fear.

But V.V. so reassured me, explaining that these were just stones. And after the "operation" I made a promise to myself that I would never get sick again in my life. Every day I sat in front of the mirror and repeated for several minutes: “You are so happy that you live in the world! And you will never, never get sick again! " Then I was under V.V.'s supervision for some time, but the terrible illness never returned to me.

The most important thing in the story told is that the woman deliberately strove for recovery.

- commented on the miraculous healing Candidate of Psychological Sciences Georgy Pavlov.

Her mind urged her body to accept a new reality in which there is no place for disease, and the body agreed. She worked hard to make the materialization of her thoughts of recovery a reality. And just this, in some still incomprehensible way, revealed in her the new abilities of the organism, and as a result something happened that seemed impossible.

Indisputable proof number 7: materialization of thoughts and manhood

This experiment was conducted by Jim Pifer, a talented hypnotherapist from Los Angeles. He sat the volunteers in soft reclining chairs. He turned on pleasant music and quickly brought the men into a relaxed state.

Without exposing them to hypnotic influence, the doctor asked them to close their eyes and mentally imagine that they are in a large sex shop, where dildos of different sizes and shapes are on the counter. Volunteers need to choose the product they like the most.

Then the doctor gave another command, remotely related to the case: to imagine the process of penetration of a sperm into an egg, go there with him and find a special gene of a DNA molecule that determines the size of manhood.

After virtual fertilization, men mentally, imagining scissors, removed all current genes from their reproductive organs. And they "pasted" new, improved ones - those that carried the program for the development of the desired "wealth" chosen in the sex shop. The work of thought did not end after the biotechnological operation. At the command of the hypnotist, the volunteers imagined how an embryo with outstanding male dignity develops. "Heard" how doctors praise him.

Then the subjects mentally went through puberty, saw how their organs grow, become longer and thicker. Enjoyed the enthusiastic exclamations of peers in the locker rooms and women. And we got used to the new sizes.

After four sessions, Pifer taught the men to self-hypnosis for ten minutes daily. As a result, according to the reports, volunteers have built up an average of 3 to 5 centimeters per year. The record for a particularly impressionable guy is 10 centimeters.

Indisputable Proof # 8: Breast Augmentation with the Power of Thought

And here is what scientists say about it.

Experiments to enlarge the female bust were conducted by a hypnotherapist from Florida, Michael Stivers. 19 women participated. For the first six weeks, they were taught how to imagine a warm, damp towel on their chest, an electric lamp to add warmth and stimulate volume.

After the women were able to mentally warm up the breast tissue, the doctor asked to focus on the heartbeat - to try to increase it in order to induce additional blood flow to the cells that produce material to increase the size of the bust. At home, the women continued to do these exercises.

To enhance the visualization effect, the women did various exercises to relax and enter a spontaneous hypnotic trance.
For example, they practiced rapid breathing in the lotus position.

As a result, by the end of week twelve, 74 percent of women had gone to the store to buy larger bras.

The rest did not have enough perseverance and faith in an unusual method ... - and, by the way, it happens often, so I created a unique Master-class on the fulfillment of wishes.

On average, the stubborn thinkers have grown from 5 to 10 centimeters in girth!

Richard Willard, M.D. of the Institute for Behavioral Manners and Psychiatry, comments:

The experience clearly shows that through hypnosis and imagination it is possible to influence a particular organ in the human body. Which can lead to an increase in its size.

Indisputable Proof # 9: Thought-Driven Blood Flow

At the end of the 18th century, Professor Elmer Gates from Washington proved that if, by lowering his hand into a container of water, whose volume had been previously accurately measured, he thought hard about the blood flowing to the limb, he was able to make some of the water flow over the edge of the container.

He was able to measure the amount of excess blood that he sent with the power of thought into his hand due to the volume of the poured water. Of course, not everyone is capable of such control of their body on the first try (or even with a hundredth), but there is evidence that the mind can be taught to control most of the physical processes.

It is known that when we concentrate our thoughts on one of the body parts, the blood vessels there expand and the blood flow to that organ or body part increases. In other words, blood follows our thought.

Professor Alexander Graham Bell said that during long horseback riding trips in Halifax in cold weather, he always warmed his feet, concentrating his thoughts on them, so that after a short time, his legs just started to glow. He used the materialization of thoughts to accelerate blood circulation so often that the scientist even stopped making efforts to this.

Indisputable proof number 10: the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda told about how Ufimka defeated cancer thanks to the power of thought

The disease in 27-year-old Alina Gabitova was discovered early - the woman herself went to mammologists for examination. The fact is that her mother died of breast cancer three years ago, and Alina was very afraid to repeat her fate.

The results of the study confirmed the worst fears - the woman was diagnosed with breast cancer of the second stage.

- Mom could not defeat this disease, and then it seemed to me that this was my death sentence, - Alina recalls. - But I have no right to die - my child is small, my daughter was only a year and two months old then. And I decided to survive at all costs ...

Alina did not want to go to the operation - with mastopathy, she often has to remove the breast completely.

Friends advised Alina to contact specialists from the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Bashkir State University - they say, they use non-standard methods of treating serious diseases.

We believe that cancer is to some extent also psychosomatics,

- says the senior teacher of the department Alexander Arbuzov.

That is, a disease caused, among other things, by psychological problems, which means that in order to cure it, you need to use the reserves of our brain.

When we say that all diseases are from the nerves, we mean - "all diseases are from the hypothalamus", this is the part of the brain that is responsible for the production of mental energy.

The essence of the methodology of Ufa psychologists is to activate the functional reserves of the body. That is, to put it simply, they "program" the patient's brain to recover.

This is done using self-regulation sessions, which take place like this: patients lie down, relax and imagine that their brain is producing communicator proteins. These are the cells that are involved in determining which part of the body needs help and control the immune system.

Alina took up these exercises intensively - sometimes she gave this lesson five to six hours a day!

At the same time, she did not refuse chemotherapy either - she had two sessions. And the tumor began to disappear very quickly! The malignant formation was discovered in March. Back in May, when Alina started her studies, it was 13.3 millimeters in diameter, and a month later it decreased to 5.6. Now the metastases have disappeared.

True, there was an enlarged lymph node, which still worries doctors. So Alina does not stop treatment.

Alina is recovering very quickly. Still, the power of self-hypnosis is an effective thing, but the cure still happened thanks to complex treatment. Psychological work and medications also played a role.

1. Cats don't care about people

Incredible, but true: cats distinguish people by their voices, but prefer to ignore even the voices of the owner. Cat owners have known about this throughout the long (about 10 thousand years) history of cat domestication, but this fact was experimentally confirmed only in 2013. Japanese scientists played recordings of human voices to twenty cats; cats reacted differently to familiar and unfamiliar voices, but showed little interest in either one or the other.

2. Someone who does homework learns better

Who would have thought: repeating the material and practicing the skills learned in the classroom, in their free time, helps to learn new knowledge. To prevent schoolchildren and students from saying that no one scientifically proved the benefits of homework, two economists from East Carolina University in the United States took - and proved it using the example of students who studied microeconomics. Those of the students who did their homework received higher grades (mostly fours) and were less likely to fail exams.

3. Walking in high heels is painful and harmful

If she says "This is a very comfortable heel," she is lying. Maybe she doesn't hurt as much as in other shoes, and much more comfortable than she will be after two hours of walking, but barefoot or in sneakers would be much more comfortable. If a woman wears shoes with heels in 2018, it means that she is either obliged by a dress code (royal wedding / film awards / ballroom dancing), or she is driven by vanity, prejudices or ideas about beauty and femininity, which are not always relevant in the 21st century. Scientists at the Institute for the Study of Aging in Boston proved the obvious almost a decade ago, in 2009, by comparing complaints of men and women about pain in the feet. It turned out that such pain is the cause of 20% of all visits to a therapist in American adults, and almost all patients who come with such complaints are women who often wear high-heeled shoes, large and small.

4. Pigs love to wallow in the mud

The love of pigs for puddles, clean and dirty, is a well-known fact, but its reasons have been little studied. It is clear that wet mud helps the pigs cool the body - this is especially beneficial in the absence of sweat glands. In 2011, a Dutch zoologist published a study describing the behavior of the closest "relatives" of pigs - hippos and moose. Observing these animals, the scientist came to the conclusion that pigs love mud and puddles not because they do not have sweat glands. Quite the opposite: they did not develop sweat glands because of the pigs' love of liquid mud, which replaced the usual cooling methods for other mammals.

5. Men look at beautiful women

We all guessed anyway, and researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln armed themselves with eye tracking equipment and proved: yes, when men meet an unfamiliar woman, the first thing they do is look not at the face, but at the chest, waist and hips, and they look more closely than a woman bigger chest and the difference between waist and hips. By the way, the title of the article can be translated as "Look into my eyes!" (My eyes are up here).

6. People get fat by eating more than necessary

Not a lack of physical activity (although this is also a big problem), not illness, but systematic overeating is the cause of 99% of obesity. Scientists announced this with confidence in 2009 at a conference of the International Society for Obesity Research. Since the 70s, every American has gained an average of 8 kilos, and it is not the availability of transport and the low popularity of sports that are to blame for this. Nationally and globally, the only factor is the excess energy consumed from food.

7. Nobody likes meetings

After analyzing the diaries of 37 employees of large companies, the scientists concluded that meetings suck. They turn even the most motivated employees into disgruntled grumblers. These activities do not benefit anyone, but they all take up time that could have been spent on ... well, work.

8. Everyone wants their partner to be sexually attractive.

When asked about what is most important to them in a romantic relationship, people are sometimes disingenuous - perhaps without realizing it themselves. Some, for example, argue that they don't care about their partner's appearance. Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed a test to test whether these people are as indifferent to the external data of potential partners, as they claim. It turned out that even for those men and women who, in their own words, were looking for mutual understanding, support and community of interests in romantic relationships, sexual attractiveness is very important - no less than for those who spoke about it directly.

9. Alcohol consumed before going to the bar increases the total amount consumed

If, before heading to a bar or for a birthday / wedding / corporate party, you drink a glass / glass / shot "for warm-up", do not expect that you will end up drinking less. The first dose of alcohol will only relax you and speed up the process of drinking the next. Without self-control, you will drink at the bar as much as you would if you had not taken it on your chest before leaving the house, and the "boost" dose will add to the total amount drunk. What's more, by starting ahead of time, you increase your risk of drinking more than planned and having unprotected sex. All of this is more reminiscent of worldly wisdom from older colleagues and relatives, but in fact this is the result of a study, Swiss scientists found out in 2012.

10. Internet - the space of procrastination

Work work work. Oh, animals react funny to fade trick! Even a cockatoo. Pew Research has taken a scientific approach to online procrastination; experts have calculated that 53% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 go online at least once a day solely to do nonsense.
