How often we are faced with the fact that we want to convey some idea to another person, but we do not find the right word! But it, this word, may exist, but not everyone knows about it. We decided to help you, dear reader, and compiled a list of the names of things and concepts, the knowledge of which you can show off at the first opportunity. So, let's begin.

Glabel- this is the designation of the area on the face of a person located between the eyebrows.

Vagitus. The cry of a newborn baby.

Chunking. Conscious or unconscious spitting of food.

Zarf. Wrap (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed to not get burned.

Snollygoster. A person guided by personal gain, and not official duties and universal principles.

Natiforma. Natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones, that resemble female forms.

columella. The space between the nostrils.

Rhinorrhea. Chronic runny nose.

punt. Bottom of a wine bottle

Jamais vu- a state opposite to deja vu, a sudden feeling that a well-known place or person seems completely unknown.

Misophonia. Uncontrollable rage at a person who eats or even breathes loudly while eating with you

Carcolepsy. A state in which a person immediately falls asleep as soon as the vehicle starts moving.

Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. When you see something for the first time and then you start seeing it everywhere

Collywooble. Rumbling in the stomach from hunger

trench coat. Leather loop on the belt that holds the loose end of the fastened belt

frisson. Chills while listening to music you like.

Rasket. Stripe (fold) on the inside of the wrist.

L'Esprit d'Escalier. A successful retort or a convincing argument comes to mind too late, when the argument is already over.

Textrovert. 1. Someone who is bolder in text messages than in a personal conversation. 2. Someone who tends to share his real feelings in SMS.

The words

It's never a bad idea to expand your vocabulary and learn a few new notations. Sometimes we do not even imagine that there is a special name for some process or phenomenon. We will tell you about such “interesting” words in this article.

1. Columella. It's on your face. Any thoughts? This is the name of the space between the nostrils of a person.

2. Natiform. This special word denotes natural formations (most often rocks, stones or trees), which in their outlines resemble the naked parts of the female body. This is exactly the word you can call a stone in the shape of a chest or priests.

3. Vagitus. We all went through this once ... This is the name of the cry of a newborn baby. What did you think?

4. Glabel. Everyone has this place, because, in fact, this word hides just the space between the eyebrows of a person.

5. Chunking. It turns out that there is a special designation for spitting food. Moreover, chunking is called both conscious and unconscious spitting food.

6. Zarf. This is the name of an accessory for a coffee cup - a scarf or wrapper that is worn on the outside of the coffee cup so that the person drinking coffee does not burn their fingers.

7. Giggly Wiggly. Did you think that the piece of paper sticking out of Hershey's candy didn't have a special name? Now you will know him.

8. Snolligoster. This word is often used in our time to refer to politicians. It refers to a person who in his activities is guided solely by personal interests, and not by the common good or job description.

9. Punt. This is the name of the bottom of a bottle of wine.

10. Rhinorrhea. Protracted, long-lasting runny nose.

11. River. This is the name of spaces that accidentally form an empty vertical column in the text.

12. Jamais vu. It is this word that denotes the phenomenon when a word begins to lose its meaning due to the fact that it has been repeated too many times. For example, "So he was his great-great-great-great-grandson." After such a phrase, family ties are already very difficult to imagine.

13. Misophonia. This is the name of the emerging feeling of rage due to the fact that the person sitting with you while eating at the same table champs loudly, makes some sounds, or even just breathes.

14. Callywooble. This sound is most likely familiar to all of us. When we are very hungry, we hear rumbling in the stomach. That's why they call him a collywooble.

15. Nerdle. When there is very little toothpaste left in the tube and it does not want to separate from the tube, then this very residue is called nerdl. Even for such trifles there are special designations.

16. Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. It manifests itself when you learned about something or saw something for the first time, and then you begin to notice it everywhere. This happens, for example, with clothes, new brands of cars and the like.

17. Frisson. This is a sensation of chills (goosebumps) that occurs in a person while listening to music that causes a storm of emotions.

18. Keeper. This is the name of a leather loop that is designed to hold the tip of a fastened belt.

19. L "Esprit d" Escalier. Such a phrase is called a certain moment of a quarrel, when the participant realizes that he is to blame, but it is too late to correct something, and the quarrel is irreversible.

20. Rocket. Take a look at the inside of your wrist. The fold-strip that you see is called the fold.

20 words you didn't know 1. Glabel. This is the space between the eyebrows. Now you're looking at Ryan Gosling's glabella. Congratulations;) 2. Vagitus...

20 words you didn't know

1. Glabel. This is the space between the eyebrows. Now you're looking at Ryan Gosling's glabella. Congratulations;)

2. Vagitus. The cry of a newborn baby.

3. Chunking. Conscious or unconscious spitting of food

4. Zarf. Wrap (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed to not get burned.

5. Giggly Wiggly. Paper protruding from the top of Hershey candy

6. Snallygoster. A person guided by personal gain, and not official duties and universal principles. Often used to refer to politicians.

7. Natiform. Natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones, that resemble female forms (butt or breasts)

8. Columella. The space between the nostrils.

9. Rhinorrhea. lingering runny nose

10. Punt. The bottom of a wine bottle.

11. Jamais vu. What happens when you say one word for so long that it loses its meaning. Example. “It was pose pose pose… the day before yesterday”

12. Misophonia. Uncontrollable rage at a person who eats loudly or even breathes while eating with you.

13. River. Spaces that randomly form a vertical empty column in text.

14. Nerdle. A very small piece of toothpaste that doesn't want to come off the tube.

15. Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. When you see something for the first time, and then you start noticing it everywhere. For example, a new car model.

16. Callywooble. Rumbling in the stomach from hunger

17. Keeper. Leather loop on the belt that holds the loose end of the buttoned belt.

18. Frisson. Chills while listening to music you like.

19. Rasket. Stripe (fold) on the inside of the wrist.

20. L'Esprit d'Escalier. That moment when, after a quarrel, you realize that you are wrong, but it's too late.

20 words you didn't know about

How often we are faced with the fact that we want to convey some idea to another person, but we do not find the right word! But it, this word, may exist, but not everyone knows about it. We decided to help you, dear reader, and compiled a list of the names of things and concepts, the knowledge of which you can show off at the first opportunity. So, let's begin.

Glabel is a designation of the area on the face of a person located between the eyebrows.

Vagitus. The cry of a newborn baby

Chunking. Conscious or unconscious spitting of food

Zarf. Wrap (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed to not get burned

Snolligoster. A person guided by personal gain, and not official duties and universal principles

Natiform. Natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones, that resemble female forms

Columella. Space between the nostrils

Rhinorrhea. lingering runny nose

Punt. Bottom of a wine bottle

Jamais vu. What happens when you say one word for so long that it loses its meaning. Example: “It was a pose, pose, pose…. day before yesterday"

Misophonia. Uncontrollable rage at a person who eats or even breathes loudly while eating with you

Carcolepsy. A state in which a person immediately falls asleep as soon as the vehicle starts moving.

Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. When you see something for the first time and then you start seeing it everywhere

Collywooble Rumbling in the stomach from hunger

Keeper. Leather loop on the belt that holds the loose end of the fastened belt

Frisson. Chills while listening to music you like

Rasket. Stripe (fold) on the inside of the wrist

L'Esprit d'Escalier. That moment when, after a fight, you realize you're wrong, but it's too late.

Nirdle. A very small piece of toothpaste that doesn't want to come off the tube

Textrovert. 1. Someone who is bolder in text messages than in a personal conversation. 2. Someone who tends to text their true feelings

a source

Astrology and physiognomy

Astrologers, or everyone who is interested in this science, know that a person is a reflection of the Cosmos, that is, the “Microcosm”, and all his body parts correspond with certain planets (Zodiac Signs). But you can also consider a certain, separately taken part of the body, which contains the influence of all the planets, regardless of what Sign of the Zodiac this part of the body is under. For example, when we first meet or communicate with a person, we first of all pay attention to the face, eyes, etc. Despite the fact that the head is under the Sign of Aries (in general terms), the head, the face and its individual parts are influenced by all the planets known to us and, first of all, the classical ones.

Knowing the influence of the planets on the external features of a person and the features of physiognomy, you probably will not consider yourself a physiognomist, but you will better understand people and over time, having studied these features, at a glance you will understand “who you are dealing with”, and you will also be able to to make sure with what, with what questions or problems you were asked for advice.

Physiognomy, like astrology, is one of the art forms, therefore, one should carefully and carefully approach the issue of “face reading”.

Figuratively, the face can be divided into three main parts:

  • The upper part - from the crown of the head to the eyebrows, which is influenced by Saturn and the higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto);
  • The middle zone is from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose, which is influenced by: Jupiter, Mars and the Sun. The middle zone governs the heyday of life from 35 to 50 years, as well as other periods, including age: from 1 to 7 years, from 8 to 14 years, from 80 to 83 and from 94 to 97 years. It is necessary to monitor changes in appearance (spots on the skin, scars, etc.) during these periods of life.
  • The lower part is from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin, which is influenced by: Venus, Mercury and the Moon. The lower zone governs the years 51 to 77, 78 to 81, 96 to 99 years. It is necessary to monitor changes in appearance (spots on the skin, scars, etc. in these years of life).

If a person has a well-developed upper zone, then he is likely to be resourceful, persistent, and also endowed with such qualities of character that will lead to success in life. Often people use the term "well developed", which means a good proportionality of the upper zone in relation to other parts of the face. The ideal forehead is wide and high. But if the forehead is too large or "shapeless", then this may indicate mental retardation. If the forehead is narrow and poorly formed, then this indicates the difficult nature of the person, and that he is subject to all sorts of misfortunes (up to the loss of his parents).

If the middle zone is well developed, it speaks of an enterprising spirit and a proud, arrogant personality. A small middle zone, especially with clenched, compressed features, is evidence of mediocrity. If the middle zone is long, and the upper and lower zones are slightly smaller and the same in size, this is an indication of the nobility of character. A short middle zone, that is, much shorter than the other two, is an indication of a relatively short life.

Of all the features that form the face of a person, five of the most important for the study of the face should be distinguished. These are: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. If any of the five most important features has the highest dignity in form and quality, then at least ten years of a happy life are guaranteed.

By strengthening the planets (there is a special technique for this, and the students of the Kiev Astrological Academy know about it), which control one or another part of the face, one can achieve “favor of fate”.

The upper part, namely the forehead, means consciousness, according to which a person perceives the thoughts of other people, which can be compared with a connection (fusion) with the source of a single consciousness. The influence of Saturn, which in Astrology is a pointer to the mother of the owner of the horoscope, speaks of a connection with parents.

Look at the middle of your interlocutor's forehead - it reflects the person's connection with parents (especially on the paternal side), as well as the fate and character inherited from the maternal side. Spots in this area indicate unloving parents and, probably, an anxious, restless childhood. The skin, like the lines of the hand, changes color and even its structure at different periods of life. From the spots on the skin, from its color in the middle part of the forehead, one can say the following: a dark stripe, stretching to the beginning of the bridge of the nose, predicts impending misfortune; the yellow-red tint without shine on the same part of the face speaks of the same; discoloration of the skin in this area, which persists for a long time, is a sign of failure and failure of all plans; bluish coloration in this area of ​​the face indicates unpleasant surprises. Often the skin changes its shade or characteristic spots appear during the Sade Sati period.

Forehead. It is on the forehead that the history of a person's life for a period of 15 to 30 years is inscribed. And the more wrinkles on the forehead, the more difficult and disturbing was the life of a person during this period. One should "dig into" the fixed stars that govern the fate of man. Most likely, they will indicate the problems in these years of life.

Wrinkles in the form of irregular lines - thin, short, wavy and scattered, characterize insufficient concentration, poor health and a helpless life. People with such forehead wrinkles are even capable of evil deeds. Even if such a person has risen to a high social level, his mind will still be marked with suspicion. And if these lines are very deep, then this is a clear indication of premature death.

Irregular lines, rough and distinct, scattered over the forehead, indicate the collapse of plans, sullenness and inability to complete the plans. Such people suffer greatly from domestic scandals and troubles.

A single horizontal line running through the middle of the forehead is a sign of a noble and beautiful life. Such a person will be successful in his endeavors already in his youth. But if such a line is located too close to the eyebrows, this is an indication of early misfortunes in life.

A forehead with two lines is often found in people who are successful and resourceful. A forehead with three horizontal lines indicates a high degree of artistry and literary talent. If three horizontal lines on the forehead intersect with one short perpendicular line, then this is a sign of nobility and a special favorable fate, long life and a high position associated with power.

Three long lines without breaks across the forehead, forming a large arc, indicate a person of great popularity who is respected and has a wide circle of friends. People of this type live a relatively calm life, without much hardship.

A single, deep, vertical line in the center of the forehead, as if dividing the face into two equal parts, is a bad omen. Such a line is called the "Hanging Needle" and poses a constant threat in the form of personal danger or a bad family life. Oddly enough, the Hanging Needle is often found in people with a high social position in government or industry.

A mole in the middle of the forehead indicates health problems of parents under the age of 22 (up to the loss of parents). Such a person will have to suffer disaster from fire at least once in his life.

The place that is defined as the “third eye” is related to the personal affairs of a person and the space between the middle of the forehead and the point between the eyebrows is called the “place of honors”. It is not surprising that this territory is ruled by Saturn with its “assistant” Uranus, since both planets make it possible to receive these very honors after forty years. A radiant, reddish-yellow hue in this area is an auspicious sign, a sign that a person will either get a good job or rather get a promotion. A dark or dull color in this area indicates that the person's position is at risk.

Since this is the place of Saturn, the highlighted part of the face in this gap speaks of the ability to contemplate, thanks to which the causes of events predetermined by God are revealed. Such people, as a rule, consider their own life as an integral part or destiny, which is essential for the fulfillment of the Divine plan.

The area between the eyebrows is related to the current affairs of a person, and also indicates future prospects. For a happy outcome of all kinds of events, this area must be smooth and complete, without defects. Black moles mean a lack of patience, and, consequently, repeated failures in business. Traces of scars or skin defects indicate trouble at the level of the government (officials). If the area between the eyebrows is sunken and dark, then this indicates a person of low intelligence. But if this area is full and radiant, then such a person is destined to arrange his life early and achieve brilliant success.

In addition, the area of ​​the eyebrows and the place between the eyebrows correlates with the analytical consciousness, according to which a person analyzes the world and understands the causes of the events taking place in the world as a Divine plan and, therefore, reacts less sharply to everyday troubles and even crisis periods of his life. The highlighted part of the face in this area will speak of a strong Saturn and, of course, the ability to wait, compromise, tolerance, a stable and purposeful personality. Among other things, eyebrows also reflect a person's attitude towards close relatives. From this follows a direct relationship between plucked eyebrows and relationships with relatives.

When looking into a person's eyes, be able to separate the controlled glitter of the eyes from the uncontrolled. A person with controlled brilliance can fix his motionless, penetrating and imperious gaze on you. He can make you feel at his mercy and create an almost hypnotic effect. Uncontrolled shine is often just as penetrating, but also fleeting and diffuse. Unruly brilliance lacks concentrated power. This type of brilliance occurs in people with a fickle character. They are inherently unreliable and often ruin their own careers and the lives of their own families, especially in their 35s and 50s. Such a person, due to his temperament, can be reckless, fanatical or adventurous.

Wrinkles extending from the outer corner of the eye in the form of a “Fish Tail” and reaching to the temple indicate a cunning character and a dexterous businessman. Such a person has a difficult relationship with a marriage partner and his marriage does not last long.

A mole under the inner corner of the eye is a warning about impending dangers with children.

A mole below the outer part of each eye indicates that the person will unwittingly become embroiled in the personal problems of another person or other people.

The site at the beginning of the bridge of the nose is called the "Place of the Stigma" and means a person's ability to achieve a high social position and social prosperity. First of all, look, is it wide or narrow? If the platform is wide, about 3 centimeters, this is considered a good sign; and if it is marked with deep vertical grooves, up to 4, this indicates a person of great vitality and great sensuality. If this is the face of a man, then in front of you is a person who has a strong will, independence and a desire for a career. Defects in the area between the eyebrows indicate that a person is unlikely to succeed in his plans and intentions. And in the case of a woman, this means that she is unlikely to find a suitable match for herself, no matter how persistently she strives for this.

Both men and women with smooth skin in the area between the eyebrows have a feminine nature. Such women are good housewives, and men have artistic talents.

If the area at the beginning of the bridge of the nose is well defined and even, as it were, slightly raised, has a bulge (especially on thin faces), this indicates the presence of outstanding mental abilities. Physiognomists call these bulges "bumps". "Bumps" can be near the temples. In any case, they are interpreted as an unmistakable sign of a change of fate; indicate the maturity of a person and his logical abilities. Therefore, they have a strong influence on success and failure in life. Most often they begin to appear at the age of 30 years.

You should carefully consider the color of the skin in the area at the beginning of the bridge of the nose: a dark color (blackish) will indicate gastric diseases; bluish - on the kidney; reddish - for heart disease. A black mole in this place means a chronic illness.

Moles on the back of the nose speak of heavy material losses or confusion in dealings with the opposite sex.

A mole on the nose, at eye level, portends a divorce and a chronic illness.

A mole on the tip of the nose means bankruptcy, or that a person is involved in a sexual scandal.

A mole above the upper lip for a man means the danger of early death, and for a woman - gynecological problems.

The entire middle part of the forehead is known as the Lucky Corridor. If the surface of this area is concave and uneven, then a person is unlikely to achieve his intended goal in life.

Ears. It is traditionally believed that the left ear determines the fate in childhood from 1 to 7 years and reflects the influence of the father. The right ear indicates the fate of 8 to 14 years and reflects the influence of the mother. A person with firm, well-shaped ears between the ages of 1 and 14 has a good childhood and a good start in life. If the ears are badly shaped or colored, they reflect a bad home environment and a difficult environment. If other signs are not favorable, then such a person will fail in life.

If the upper part of the ear is higher than the eyebrows, this is an indication of high intelligence; such a person may achieve fame or good financial success. If the upper part of the ears is at the level of the eyebrows, then the person will also have significant financial success, but not so outstanding. Ears, the upper part of which is below the level of the eyes, indicate a mediocre personality. And if there is also no rim on the top of the ear, then a person will have to wage a truly difficult struggle for existence.

The upper part of the ear below the level of the eyes is observed in patients with Down syndrome.

If a small ear has a defective rim, this is evidence of a treacherous personality. Unusually small ears in a person with a high forehead, strong eyebrows and domineering eyes indicate someone who cannot be trusted, a person prone to violence and often having a criminal nature.

Ears with a small mass indicate a lonely person. Soft ears with an inner rim turned outward indicate a lustful, voluptuous person, sexually promiscuous. Mars controls the ears, and in astrology it is also responsible for sexual energy. Yellow and bluish pallor of the ears has always been considered a sign of an unhealthy person. If the ears have a slightly darker color than the face, this indicates a negative character and fate.

A dark mole inside the auricle indicates painful litigation in the middle years of life; a red mole near the entrance to the inner ear is a sign of longevity.

The place above the bridge of the nose is called the "Foot of the Mountain" and determines the fate of a person in relation to marriage and family. If this place is marked with concavity and horizontal lines, this is a sign of family troubles, and since Saturn rules this territory, then problems in family life will be chronic. If the eyebrows creep over the eyes, and the back of the nose deviates to one side, then this indicates repeated disasters in a person’s life, ranging from serious illness, up to imprisonment and death in the middle of life.

The bridge of the nose is associated with the average years of life. A wrinkle in this area indicates a lack of luck. It turns out that this circumstance is quite easily corrected by facial massage in the region of the nose. A darkish color on the bridge of the nose, even if weak, will indicate a serious illness in the family. A mole in this place portends complications with the opposite sex.

The nose governs the years from 41 to 50 years, when the question of success or failure is mainly decided. Ideally, the nose should have a straight back, a well-rounded tip, and nicely shaped wings. The nose should not be excessively upturned, as this reduces the likelihood of success in all endeavors. There is a connection between the nose and the lower half of the brain. This development is slow. Therefore, a child whose brain is still developing has a plump and short nose. Some ladies should think about whether to do a “snub nose” through cosmetic surgery, since as a result of intervention in such a nose, others will perceive a person as a person with a “close-minded mind”.

There is also a connection between the nose and the spinal column, both of which are ruled by the Sun. An injured nose will always indicate back pain, lower back pain or back injury in the very near future. The nose is also connected to the lungs. Therefore, only those people who do not have problems with the respiratory system and lungs breathe through the nose. If a person constantly breathes through his mouth, then this indicates a serious illness in the future.

The tip of the nose reflects the active years in a person's life. This position should be fleshy, well rounded and look healthy. A good shape, but without a healthy color, means the collapse of hopes or failures; and acne or other defects indicate financial ruin or financial problems. Strengthen the Sun in your horoscope, it is it that affects the tip of the nose. As ancient thinkers believed, it is in the tip of the nose that the souls of philosophers are located, who seek to leave a memory of themselves in the thoughts of people.

Groove genus nose - up to the upper lip determines the likelihood of having offspring. If the groove is not straight and does not occupy a central position in relation to the upper lip, then the person will die without leaving offspring. Correction of this deficiency should be solved by strengthening Venus in the birth chart.

The width of the groove determines whether a person will be childless or, if he has children, how many. A straight groove, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, indicates that the person will have several children (many descendants). The rhomboidal groove - narrow at the top and bottom, and wide in the middle - indicates difficulties with children and, in many cases, a serious illness. A mole located on a groove means that a person may not have offspring.

If the groove is too short, this is an indication of an unrestrained, quick-tempered, selfish person who is inclined to command other people. The length of the groove determines longevity.

The ideal groove - wide, long and deep predicts well-being. If the groove is narrow and shallow, the person will face serious obstacles and his life will be full of need and financial problems. A full and flat groove means that a person is subject to misfortune. Aspects from negative planets to natal Venus will indicate probable misfortunes and problems.

Mouth - The general rule is this: the wider the opening of the mouth, the better the character of the person. But a large mouth that cannot be tightly closed betrays a careless and indecisive character. Such people often find themselves in the role of a victim (false accusations, sexual abuse, etc.), as this is the place of Mercury and Venus. People who were born into wealthy families and did not receive enough internal energy to fight for existence often have this type of mouth. A woman's large mouth shows that she has more ability for a career in the service than for domestic work. A person whose mouth looks like a deflated balloon and at the same time there are deep wrinkles on the outside of both lips, apparently, is not satisfied with his work and has criminal inclinations.

Two lines of the cheeks, running from the top of the wings of the nose to the sides of the chin and covering the corners of the mouth, control the fate of a person in the middle years of the fifth decade of his life, that is, approximately 53-56 years. These years can be critical. Venus and Mercury are the rulers of this part of the face. And if a person's life was unsuccessful before the age of 30-33 (the period of maturation of Venus and Mercury), then it will be much more difficult to turn failures into success in subsequent years.

A man should have these lines quite noticeable - by the age of 30. If these lines are expressed earlier, by the age of 20-25, then it is clear that the person matures early and is mature.

In women, these lines become pronounced at a later time. But as soon as they get into a competitive job, or take charge in a business, these lines appear.

Cheekbones and jaws that are level with the internal opening of the ear indicate the degree of authority that a person commands from other people, especially in the field of politics. In a person with a square face, the cheekbones are often strongly developed and protruding. This is an indication of the warlike spirit of man and the desire to change the conditions of his environment.

If the cheekbones are poorly shaped, located at different levels relative to each other, this serves as a warning of misfortune in middle age. The Sun and Mars govern the location of the cheekbones. The maturation period of Mars and the Sun is 40-45 years. Look in the natal chart for the negative aspects of these planets with other malefic planets or the Lunar Nodes and you can determine where to expect trouble.

The cheekbones are often underdeveloped. It speaks of a conservative person.

The point under the lower lip to the chin is determined mainly by coloration. If dark, then the person should avoid travel. Since this site is ruled by Mercury, see the position of Mercury in the birth chart. If he is in the Signs of Water, this is the danger of traveling on water, etc. If the color of the body under the lower lip is red, white, bluish and without shine, then the person will become a victim of foul play, financial fraud. This territory is the place of Mercury, and a protruding lower lip will tell you that you have a person whose desires contradict people, and the desire for glory will most likely be carried out contrary to the opinions of the people around him.

A mole in the middle, under the lower lip, speaks of the danger of poisoning.

The chin is directly related to work and treachery. If the tip of the chin is pointed, then this indicates endless work and poverty. If the chin is pointed and deviates to one side, this is an indication that the person will respond with betrayal to kindness. The brilliant reddish color of the chin predicts the next happy events, most likely within a month, since this part of the face is ruled by the Moon. Muddy red indicates misfortune associated with fire.

Sometimes there is a pronounced gap in the chin. This may be the result of bone structure or splitting of the skin. If the gap is the result of skin splitting, you see an indication of a cordial, tender, passionate nature. This is often found among writers, artists, musicians, inventors, among people of creative professions and whose work generates high emotions.

But if a “split chin” is the result of bone structure, not skin, and additionally an imperfect bridge of the nose or a defect in the iris of the eyes, then this all together can mean an unnatural death.

Heavy jaws, protruding from both sides of the lower part of the face and clearly visible when viewed from behind, indicate a rebel, a person of strong, uncontrollable passions. Such a person is able to repay nobility - betrayal. Politicians, revolutionaries, unprincipled businessmen usually have this type of jaw.

The pronounced jaw speaks of the soul of a person who has reached perfection, but was forced for some reason to break the vow, but keep striving for perfection. For several incarnations in a row, these people set serious goals for themselves and aspired to them. The fulfillment of obligations or goals requires volitional efforts, thanks to which a person performs volitional actions. And the Moon controls this - an indicator of the mother in the horoscope of birth. Several times in life, the Moon actively influences the fate of a person, and for the first time at the age of 4 years, when it begins to form under the influence of the mother, the will and the desire to realize one's goal through volitional efforts.

Regardless of the width of your chin, I wish you all the realization of your goals.

Live in harmony with the Cosmos - and everything will work out for you.

L. Lynchevskaya 07/15/2012.

How to grow long eyelashes at home

The dictionary of Ellochka the cannibal, the character of the immortal work of Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs", was 30 words, with which she could express almost any of her thoughts, but is this a worthy example to follow? Not at all. And although it is impossible to master all 500 thousand words that are in the Russian language, but, as they say, it is better to try and not succeed than not to try at all. Therefore, we present to you a small selection of what we often and not really encounter, but do not know the name.

(Total 31 photos)

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First, let's look at ourselves.

1. Glabel - area on the face between the eyebrows

2. Columella - the lower part of the nose, located between the nostrils

3. Filtrum - a vertical depression between the nasal septum and the upper lip

4. Lunula - a crescent at the base of the nail

5. Rasket - a strip (fold) on the inside of the wrist, (in the photo above the tattoo, by the way, the sign of infinity is called a lemniscate)

Our (and not our) sensations, actions, states.

6 Collywooble - Stomach growling from hunger

7. Frisson - chills while listening to music that you like

8. Chunking - consciously or unconsciously spitting food

9. Rhinorrhea - prolonged runny nose

10. Frapping is unpleasant to surprise

11. Ideolatry - self-adoration, self-worship, deification of oneself

12. Misophonia - uncontrollable rage at a person who eats loudly or even breathes while eating with you.

13. Amok - sudden violent mental disorder

14. Palinphrasia - pathologically frequent repetition of certain words or phrases in speech

15. Dysnia - a condition in which it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning

16. Paresthesia - a feeling of tingling, numbness and goosebumps in the limbs

17. Phosphenes - spots of light that you see when you close your eyes and press on them with your fingers

18. Antimony - chatter, empty talk

19. Textrovert - someone who finds it easier to talk about his feelings in a text message than live

Now let's take a look around us.

20. Petrikor - the smell of the earth after the rain

21. Zarf - a wrap (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed to not get burned

22. Punt - the bottom of a bottle of wine

23. Nerdle - a very small piece of toothpaste that does not want to separate from the tube

24. Ferrule - a metal part at the end of a pencil with an eraser27. Ideometer - an arrow on the map indicating your current position30. Defenestration - the act of throwing someone out of a window

31. And don't forget, reading determines verbal additivity (increases vocabulary)

How often we are faced with the fact that we want to convey some idea to another person, but we do not find the right word! But it, this word, may exist, but not everyone knows about it. We decided to help you, dear reader, and compiled a list of the names of things and concepts, the knowledge of which you can show off at the first opportunity. So, let's begin.

1. Glabel is the designation of the area on the face of a person located between the eyebrows

2. Vagitus. The cry of a newborn baby

3. Chunking. Conscious or unconscious spitting of food

4. Zarf. Wrap (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed to not get burned

5. Snolligoster. A person guided by personal gain, and not official duties and universal principles

6. Natiform. Natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones, that resemble female forms

7. Columella. Space between the nostrils

8. Rhinorrhea. lingering runny nose

9. Punt. Bottom of a wine bottle

10. Jamais vu. What happens when you say one word for so long that it loses its meaning. Example: “It was a pose, pose, pose…. day before yesterday"

11. Misophonia. Uncontrollable rage at a person who eats or even breathes loudly while eating with you

12. Carcolepsy. A state in which a person immediately falls asleep as soon as the vehicle starts moving.

13. Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. When you see something for the first time and then you start seeing it everywhere

14. Callywooble. Rumbling in the stomach from hunger

15. Keeper. Leather loop on the belt that holds the loose end of the fastened belt

16. Frisson. Chills while listening to music you like

17. Rasket. Stripe (fold) on the inside of the wrist

18. L'Esprit d'Escalier. That moment when, after a fight, you realize you're wrong, but it's too late.

19. Nerdle. A very small piece of toothpaste that doesn't want to come off the tube

20. Textrovert. 1. Someone who is bolder in text messages than in a personal conversation. 2. Someone who tends to text their true feelings

1. Glabel. This is the space between the eyebrows. Now you're looking at Ryan Gosling's glabella. Congratulations;) 2. Vagitus. The cry of a newborn baby.
3. Chunking. Conscious or unconscious spitting of food.
4. Zarf. Wrap (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed to not get burned.
5. Giggly Wiggly. A piece of paper protruding from the top of Hershey's candies.
6. Snallygoster. A person guided by personal gain, and not official duties and universal principles. Often used to refer to politicians.
7. Natiform. Natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones, that resemble female forms (butt or breasts)
8. Columella. The space between the nostrils.
9. Rhinorrhea. Chronic runny nose.
10. Punt. The bottom of a wine bottle.
11. Jamais vu. What happens when you say one word for so long that it loses its meaning. Example. "It was pose pose pose.... the day before yesterday"
12. Misophonia. Uncontrollable rage at a person who eats loudly or even breathes while eating with you.
13. River. Spaces that randomly form a vertical empty column in text.
14. Nerdle. A very small piece of toothpaste that doesn't want to come off the tube.
15. Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. When you see something for the first time, and then you start noticing it everywhere. For example, a new car model.
16. Callywooble. Rumbling in the stomach from hunger.
17. Keeper. Leather loop on the belt that holds the loose end of the buttoned belt.
18. Frisson. Chills while listening to music you like.
19. Rasket. Stripe (fold) on the inside of the wrist.
20. L "Esprit d" Escalier. That moment when, after a quarrel, you realize that you are wrong, but it's too late.
