English for children, regardless of age, has long been a significant part of preschool education and a necessary subject for schoolchildren. Now almost all parents are thinking about it, and. Songs, riddles, rhymes, short videos, audio fairy tales surround the modern child from the earliest years. Poems and songs in English for children in an era of rapid development of modern technology may seem like an old-fashioned and unnecessary phenomenon. But this is only at first glance. Poems and songs develop the child's memory, imagination, hearing, expand vocabulary, and the elements of the song in English for children, they also help to understand certain grammatical constructions, introduce them to the culture, habits, traditions of the English and their families, which always adds color, originality and originality to the process of learning English.

Assignment for parents: Learn these poems and songs in English with the children and make illustrations for them together.

1. Johnny, Johny!

— Johnny, Johny!
Yes, Papa.
— Eating sugar?
— No, Papa.
— Telling lies?
— No, Papa.
— Open your mouth!
— Ha! Ha! Ha!

Translation into Russian "Johny, Johny!"
Johnny, Johnny!
— Yes, dad!
- Do you eat sugar?
- No, dad.
- Are you telling a lie?
- No, dad.
- Open your mouth!
— Ha-ha-ha!

2. Three wise men of Gotham

three wise men of Gotham,

They went to the sea in a bowl,

And if the bowl had been stronger

My song had been longer.

Translation into Russian "Three Wise Men".

Three wise men in one bowl

They set off across the sea in a thunderstorm.

Be stronger than the old basin,

My story would be longer.

Translation by S. Marshak

Words " Three wise men of Gotham" with the translation

wise wise
men men
Gotham [ʹgəutəm] Gotham (name of a fictitious city)

a man of Gotham, a wise man of Gotham - simpleton, fool

went to sea - set off on a journey by sea

a bowl


a song


3. Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?

Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?

I've been to London to look at the queen.

Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you do there?

I frightened a little mouse under the chair.

Translation into Russian "Visiting the Queen."

"Where were you today, pussycat?"

- The Queen of England.

What did you see at court?

- I saw a mouse on the carpet!

Translation by S. Marshak

Words " Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?" with the translation

pussy [‘pusɪ] pussy, kitty

Where have you been? - Where have you been?

I've been to London. - I've been to London.

queen queen queen (female monarch)

frighten [‘fraɪt(ə)n] to scare

a little mouse under the chair - a little mouse under the chair

4 Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
married on wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
This is the end
Of Solomon Grundy

By James Orchard Halliwell in 1842.

Translation into Russian "Solomon Grundy".
Monday, hard day

Monya was born

And on Tuesday, he, unfortunately,

He was baptized in the church.

On Wednesday, Monya took the bride

And led to the crown.

Their happiness did not last long

Since by Thursday

Our Monya fell down with a strong fever,

Was delirious.

By Friday it didn't get any easier.

After tempering his ardor, Monya uttered two words

And completely ... cooled down.

Monya died,

And on Saturday I already lay in a coffin,

Leaving all his relatives unhappy.

Sunday morning Monyu

Carried on the last journey -

Weeks have flown by

And never return a day.

Translation by L. Zhemchur

Words " Solomon Grundy" with the translation

born born

christen [‘krɪs(ə)n] to baptize, perform the rite of baptism

marry [‘mærɪ] to marry (on someone); to marry (smb.)

to be taken ill - get sick

to grow worse - worsen, get worse

die die

bury [‘berɪ] to bury

this is the end

Monday [‘mʌndeɪˌ ‘mʌndɪ] Mon Monday

Tuesday [‘t(j)uːzdɪ ], [‘ʧuː-]Tues., Tue. Tuesday

Wednesday [‘wenzdeɪ] Wednesday

Thursday [‘θɜːzdeɪ] Thursday

Friday [‘fraɪdeɪ], [-dɪ] F, Fri. Friday

Saturday [‘sætədeɪ] Saturday

Sunday [‘sʌndeɪ], [-dɪ] Sunday

5. Humpty Dumpty

"Humpty-Dumpty" contains a veiled description of a broken egg. It has been a great favorite among children for several hundred years.

Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Translation into Russian "SHALLTAY Dumpty".

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty collapsed in his sleep.
All royal cavalry
All the king's men
Can not
Can not
Humpty Dumpty,
Humpty Dumpty collect.

Translation by S. Marshak

Words "Humpty-Dumpty" with the translation

sat - sat

on a wall - on the wall

to have a fall - fall

All the king's horses - all royal horses

put together - collect

6. Two Legs Sat Upon Three Legs

Two Legs Sat Upon Three Legs is a popular riddle, which dates back at least as far as 1600.

Two legs sat upon three legs
With one leg in his paw;
In comes four legs
and runs away with one leg;
Up jumps two legs,
catches up three legs,
Throws it after four legs
And makes him bring back one leg.

"Two legs" refers to a man, "three legs" to a stool, "four legs" to a dog, and "one leg" to a joint of meat.

7. The Crooked Man

There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

Translation into Russian "There was a crooked man"

Once upon a time there was a crooked little man on the bridge.
He once walked a crooked verst.
And suddenly on the way between the stones of the pavement
Found a faded fifty kopeck piece.
He bought a crooked cat for fifty dollars,
And the cat found a mouse for him.
And so they lived together little by little,
Until the curve of their house collapsed.

Translation by S. Marshak

A man lived in the world
crooked legs,
And he walked for a century
On a twisted path.
And beyond the twisted river
In a crooked house
Living in summer and winter
Crooked mice.
And stood at the gate
crooked trees,
They walked without worries
Crooked wolves.
And they had one
crooked cat,
And she meowed
I'm sitting by the window.

Translation by K. Chukovsky

Poems by Korney Chukovsky "There lived a man, crooked legs" is a free translation of the English poem "There was a crooked man ...", which tells about the Scottish general Sir Alexander Leslie, thanks to whom Scotland gained political and religious freedom. Under Crooked stile (stile 1) a) steps for crossing the fence (fence, wall); stile b) A-shaped passage 2) turnstile) meant the border between Scotland and England. And living together in the same house And they all lived together in a little crooked house - reconciliation of old enemies - England and Scotland.

“There was a Crooked Man” originates from the English Stuart history of King Charles I. The “crooked man” is said to allude to Scottish General Sir Alexander Leslie, who signed a treaty that secured Scotland’s freedom. “The crooked stile” represents the border wedged between England and Scotland. The English and Scots agreement is represented within the line “They all lived together in a crooked little house.” The rhyme refers to the uneasy peace between the two countries.

8. A sailor went to sea

Sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what he could see see see

To see what he could see see see,
But all that he could see see see

Another sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see,
But all that she could see see see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea.

The sailors went to sea sea sea
To see what they could see see see
But all that they could see see see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea

Words " Sailor went to sea" with the translation.
sailor [‘seɪlə] sailor, sailor
see see
blue blue

9. Doctor Foster

Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
in a shower of rain;
he stepped in a puddle,
right up to his middle,
And never went there again.


Dr. Foster
Went to Gloucester.
It rained all day long.
He fell into a puddle
Wet even worse
And he never went there again.

Translation by S. Marshak

10 Robin the Bobbin

Robin the Bobbin, the big-bellied Ben,
He ate more meat than fourscore men;
He ate a cow, he ate a calf,
Heate a butcher and a half
He ate a church, he ate a steeple,
He ate a priest and all the people!
A cow and a calf
An ox and a half
a church and a steeple,
And all good people
And yet he complained that his stomach wasn't full.


Robbin Bobbin
On an empty stomach:
Ate a calf
Early in the morning
two lambs
And a ram
Ate a cow
And the counter
with the butcher
A hundred larks in a dough
And a horse and cart together,
Five churches and bell towers -
And still dissatisfied!

Translation by S. Marshak

11. The Old Woman in a Shoe

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn't know what to do;
She gave them some broth without any bread;
She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.


Once upon a time there was an old woman in a holey shoe.
And she had guys like minnows in the river!
She whipped them all, cooked jelly for them
And, having fed them jelly, she ordered them to go to bed.

Translation by S. Marshak

12. Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and Bess

Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy And Bess,
They all went together to seek a bird's nest;
They found a bird's nest with five eggs in,
They all took one, and left four in.

Elizabeth, Lizzy, Betsy and Bess
Spring with a basket
We went to the forest.
In a nest on a birch
Where there were no birds
They found five pinkish eggs.
All four of them
Got it in the testicle
And yet four
Left in place.


Though different
Names are here
(Elizabeth, Lizzy, Betsy and Bass)
But that's what it was called
The girl is alone.
She did go
With a basket in the forest.

Translation by S. Marshak

13. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are.
Like a diamond in the sky

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark,
Thanks for your tiny spark
He couldn't see which way to go
If you didn't twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep
And often through my curtains peep,
for you never shut your eyes,
Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveler in the dark.
Though I don't know what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
How I wonder what you are.

Translation into Russian "Twinkle, twinkle, little star".

You blink, night star!
Where are you, who are you - I do not know.
You are high above me
Like a diamond in the darkness of the night.

Only the sun will set
Darkness falls on the ground
You will appear shining.
So blink, night star!

The one who spends the night on the road.
I know I can't take my eyes off you.
He would get lost and disappear
If your light did not shine.

In the dark sky you do not sleep
You look out the window at me
You don't close your eyes,
It looks like you're waiting for the sun.

These clear rays
Shine a traveler in the night.
Who are you, where are you - I don't know
But blink, night star!

Lyrics from the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with translation

twinkle [‘twiŋkl] to shine, sparkle, twinkle, blink
little [‘litl]
I am
wonder [‘wʌndə]
what what
up [ʌp] from above
above [ə'bʌv] above, above
world world
so so
like like
diamond [‘daiəmənd] diamond
sky sky

14. Mother may I go and bathe?

Mother may I go and bathe?

Yes, my darling daughter

Hung your clothes on yonder tree,

But don't go near the water.


“Mom…can I go for a swim?”

Yes, baby, run...

Hang clothes on the bush

But do not go into the pond, no, no ...

Translation by L. Zhemchur

15. If you are a gentleman

If you are a gentleman,

As I suppose you to be,

You'll neither laugh nor smile

At the tickling your knee.

If you are a true gentleman,

Of which we have no doubt

Then you will not giggle,

If they tickle you.

Translation by V. Lunin

Poems and songs in English for children are a great way for adults to learn and improve English. Choose a short song and listen to it 5-6 times in a row, 8 is better). And in a minute you will sing it at ease, reinforcing new phrases, and the day will become happier and more pleasant.

As you know, foreign languages ​​are easiest to learn in childhood. The rhymes we have collected in English for children will be a good helper in this process.

And do not worry if you yourself are not friends with foreign words. You can read these verses with your baby without any problems.

Each verse in English is written with a translation. However, the translation is not exact, as they say word for word, but approximate. This is done to keep the rhyme.

In brackets it is written in Russian letters how to pronounce certain words correctly. Thanks to this, any adult, even if he himself does not know a foreign language, will be able to pronounce all the words more or less correctly without any problems.

By the way, my six-year-old nephew is delighted with teaching English on the computer. You can also try to work with children, this is a very good investment in the future of the child. Now without this it is difficult to get a good job in life) To register for the classes I am talking about, follow this link.

Poems can be found a little lower on this page. We also recommend looking at this topic:

Nowadays, children are taught foreign languages ​​from an early age. And many linguists consider such training to be effective, subject to the right approach to classes. Lessons for children must necessarily take place in the format of the game, which is facilitated by bright educational materials, funny songs, funny quizzes. One of the methods of early "study" is considered poetry in English for children, which helps to quickly memorize words and phrases.

The effectiveness of learning foreign poetry

Before engaging in any activity, you need to understand what benefits it brings. If we talk about the impact of poems with English words for children, then we can highlight several important functions. Among them:

  • Formation of interest in the language;
  • Memory development;
  • Easy and interesting vocabulary learning;
  • Practicing the correct pronunciation of words.

In addition, through reading poetry, an initial acquaintance with the grammatical construction of phrases occurs. It is clear that the rhyme will not replace the study of grammar rules, but due to a good example, the child will be able to independently begin to build similar phrases and expressions.

And of course, poems in English introduce children to poetry, instill a sense of the rhythm of the language and teach them to compose rhymes on their own. In a word, the usefulness of this method in teaching a foreign language is undeniable.

Let's get acquainted with the work of English poets and start learning rhymes in English with children.

English rhymes for kids 4-5 years old

This section presents short rhymes on various topics: poems about spring and colors; greeting, family description, humoresque, etc. These funny quatrains are easy to learn, so any kid will quickly remember them.

One, two, three


Moo, moo, moo...

I have some milk

For you and you.

Pig (Piglet)

Is nice, I think!

Seasons &Colors (Seasons and Colors)

autumn is yellow,

winter is white,

spring is green,

Summer is bright!

Christmas (Christmas)

One, two, three

It's a Christmas tree!

three, two, one,

Christmas is fun!

Family (Family)

This is brother

This is me, me, me

And my whole family.

goodnight(Kind nights)

good night mother

good night father

Kiss your little son.

good night sister

good night everyone.

Poems in English for preschool children

English poets and writers in poetic form present the main lexical sets for teaching preschoolers. As a rule, these are numbers, colors, names of animals, poems about the seasons and nature in English.

Numbers (Numbers)

Touch the floor!

seasons and weatherTime of the year And weather)

In the summer it is hot.

In the winter it is not.

In the spring there are flowers.

In the autumn there are showers.

Rain (Rain)

Rain on the green grass,

rain on the tree,

rain on the housetops,

my cat(My cat)

It is warm and fat.

It likes to play.

My dogMy dog)

My dog ​​can't talk

But he can bark!

And go to the park!

What is…? (What This…?)

The sky is blue!

The grass is green!

The round sun is yellow!

The pumpkin is orange!

Brown is the Earth and the ground!

The butterfly is red!

The flower is pink!

The eggplant is purple!

The snow that falls is white!

Black is the sky at night!

And about those verses with which students can improve their knowledge of the English language, you can read in the next article in this cycle.

Methodists single out the use of a poetic text as one of the effective methods of teaching a foreign language. Working on poems and rhymes allows you to solve a number of practical problems: work out pronunciation, learn and consolidate vocabulary, develop expressive reading skills, form grammatical skills, as well as elementary speaking / listening skills. Poems in English significantly enliven the course of the lesson, increase the activity of students, contribute to the development of their language and creative abilities, relieve fatigue and stress.

For the little ones

Poems in English for kids are a great way to instill a love of the language from early childhood. Learning English poems and rhymes, the child will unconsciously memorize foreign words and grammatical constructions. Tell poems, agreements and nursery rhymes when dressing a child, during games, while swimming, on a walk, on the way to kindergarten, etc.

Hey Mary!

How are you?

fine, thanks.

What about you?

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Fly, little bird, fly!

Fly into the blue sky!

One, two, three

You are free!

Rain on the green grass,

rain on the tree,

rain on the house top,

But not on me.

My cat is black

My cat is fat

I like my cat

It is my pat.

rain, rain

Rain, rain,

Go to Spain

fair weather

Come again.

The bear is white.

The bird is blue.

The dog is black.

The puppy is, too.

The cow says, "Moo, moo,

I have some milk for you."

two big apples

under a tree.

One is for you

And one's for me.

little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are.





my doll.




You all.

good night

good night mother

good night father

Kiss your little son.

good night sister

good night brother

good night everyone.

Also for children who are just starting to get acquainted with a foreign language, for students following an individual curriculum, or just for a fun learning English, you can offer poems based on a familiar language. There are only a few words or expressions in English in such verses. Such material is necessary in order to motivate ordinary children and educate special children, that is, children with special needs.

Rolled up from afar

four wheel car,

Siamese cat sits in it,

Putting a blanket under the ponytail.

Doll Catherine fell ill -

Dissolved aspirin.

The doctor ordered that every day

They gave her tea with honey.

The house is quiet and dark

Moon looks out my window.

Mother, turn off the moon

I won't sleep in the light.

Ten hares got into the tram

Enough space for everyone.

The controller entered the car:

"who without a ticket - get out!" ...

Thank you

I ate breakfast with gusto.

Yogurt, bun and biscuits.

Skimmed the foam off the milk with a spoon

And he said, “Thank you! Thank You!"


Be polite and don't forget

Saying goodbye: "Good-bye!"


Don't be lazy to be polite.

Every day at least once up to a hundred

If you ask, the word "please"

Please speak.


There lived a crocodile.

He was kind and very nice.

Lying alone in the morning

On green grass - green.

He was cheerful in the mornings:

Green grass and green himself.


In English dress - dress

Pink - pink.

In it, I decided, I think,

Best of all princesses.


They have no arms or legs.

At the wall clock, clock.

But when the clock starts

They walk, they walk, they walk...

The cat is not to blame.

It has always been white, white.

But I climbed into the pipe on the roof,

Black, black, came out of there.

Football in the yard.

We are chasing a ball, ball.

I made a pass to the corner

And the glass broke, glass.

cat and fish

Bipod, cat, lives in the pond,

fish, fish, - on land.

I won't say it yet

Don't listen to me.


The ball is prickly, not simple

I see thick grass.

At my feet curled up

Little hedgehog, hedgehog


Met in the tall grass

I am a grasshopper, grasshopper.

He played the violin

Little snail.


Call an ant for dinner

I wanted an anteater.

Didn't go to that dinner

Smart ant, ant.

Poems in the lesson

When learning a foreign language, even a small poem can be of great service: poetic texts contribute to faster mastering of vocabulary and grammar. Poems in the lesson serve as phonetic warm-ups, they are pronounced and memorized during physical education sessions. They allow you to improve pronunciation, entertain, are easy to remember, learn by heart, stir up children's interest in learning the language.

And keep the rule:

Always come in time to school

Keep track of time

And make it a rule:

Always arrive at school on time.

Let's go on a trip!

Let's pack our bag!

Take your trainers

Take your shoes.

Take your skirt and take your shirt.

Take your dress! Off we go!

Oh what a mess!

Let's go for a walk!

Let's pack our bag!

Take your sneakers

Take your shoes.

Take your skirt and take your shirt.

Take your dress! We're leaving already!

Oh what a mess!

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

The little finger on the right.

She sells sea shells at the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely sea shells.

So if she sells shells on the seashor,

I'm sure she sells seashor shells.

Monday for health

Tuesday for wealth

Wednesday the best day for all

Thursday for crosses

Friday for losses

Saturday not luck at all

See a pin and pick it up

All that day you will have luck

See a pin and let it lay

You'll have bad luck all that day

Open the window.

Touch the table.

touch the floor.

Open your books.

Open the window.

Touch the table.

touch the floor.

Open your books.

head and shoulder,

head and shoulder,

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Rhymes + drawings

In order for the teacher to control the students' understanding of English speech by ear, the degree of possession of their lexical and grammatical material, rhymes are supplemented with drawings. For example, a teacher or one of the students reads a rhyme, while the rest draw its content. Here are examples of such verses:

Draw the sun, a car, a house,

Draw a sea, a boat, a mouse,

Draw a tree, a girl, a boy.

In their hands they've got a toy.

A circle, dots, a mouth, a nose,

Two big ears, a neck, a rose.

Arms, two legs, a body, feet,

What's his name?

His name is Pete.

Draw a table, chairs, lamps,

On the table draw some stamps.

Draw two pictures on the wall

A vase with flowers and a ball.

Draw a stool and a TV set,

A carpet, an armchair and a bed.

The pen is white

The pencil is blue,

The pencil case is green and new.

The bag is black

The ruler is yellow,

The chalk is white

Our best school fellow.

The blackboard is brown

And the sharpener is grey,

The lamp is orange,

So bright like a day.

Felt-tip pens are purple and red,

They belong to boy called Ted.

What is on the table, Kate?

Some salt, a glass, a fork, a plate.

And what can you see there, Jack?

Spoons, a cup, and a toast rack.

I see knives, a coffee pot,

Napkins, saucers and a teapot.

Work with poems in the lesson

However, poetry can be used in the classroom for more than just a fun way to learn a language. Taking a small poem as a basis, you can do serious work, affecting not only phonetics, but also such aspects of the language as vocabulary and grammar.

Often, work with poetry is limited to only the most common methods: familiarization with new vocabulary, reading a poem by a teacher / students, memorizing.

In the meantime, there are exercises that could revitalize the work with a poetic text and allow students to develop and deepen their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, as well as activate their thinking and creative skills in an English lesson.

We present you several such examples with translation into Russian and with options for tasks for them.

  1. Change the Present Simple forms to the Past Simple ones;
  2. Change the underlined words to the synonyms from the list.

Are ringing loud and gay.

To the hills and forests they are bringing

Sweet melody today.

The bells of spring are ringing,

Are ringing far and wide.

Nice days they are bringing

To the people and the country side. (clamorous, jolly, pleasant, afar, everywhere, beautiful, village)

The bells of spring are ringing

They call loudly and cheerfully.

To the hills and forests they bring

Today sweet melody.

The bells of spring are ringing

They call everywhere.

Good days they bring

People and countryside.

The above verses are designed to work with students in grades 5-6. For high school students, more serious poetry can be used with exercises that include analysis and discussion of the poem.


Hello my beloved readers.

Do you know what was the first thing my daughter learned in English? It was poem for the night Every night before going to bed, she says goodbye to all her toys, and then, already climbing into bed, reads a poem where she says in rhyme "good night" to her parents and those toys with which she sleeps. Unbelievable, but it gives her great pleasure!

So I decided to help you with today by showing you the most interesting and useful way that I know. I have interesting rhymes for children in English for you.

Ready to learn how to teach them with maximum efficiency?

  • Look for poems with translation . These are those who study the language for several years in a row, do not need translation. They are already accustomed to thinking in foreign vocabulary. But your kids at the initial stage need to understand what they are learning. Therefore, look for poems with translations to make the learning process much easier.
  • Learn and teach correct pronunciation. Even if your baby does not have obvious problems with pronunciation, you still need to listen to how to pronounce words correctly. Pay close attention to what he says. There is no need for something wrong to be driven into his head, which then will have to be long and hard to get rid of. But he tried so hard and taught just like that!
  • Interest is above all. Like a prayer I repeat this every day: the child should be interested! Learn everything in a playful way. For example, if you are studying animal rhymes, then find pictures of the animals mentioned and have your child show them as they read. Or depicts an animal. Anything - if only it aroused his interest and sparkle in his eyes!
  • Never force. This paragraph is a continuation of the previous one, but still ... never force or torture your children. If the child does not like something - look for another method. He's naughty for a reason. I can tell you from my own experience of working with children: if you find the right approach and teaching method (and to them) - everyone will like English.

And now let's move closer to the topic - our poems! By the way, I give a literal translation, not a literary one, so that the correspondence of the translated words in Russian and English is clearer. The voice acting of each rhyme under it.

So, with the help of such a great method, it is very easy for children to memorize numbers. See for yourself:

One two,
I love you.
Three four,
Touch the floor.
Five six,
We mix and mix.
Seven eight,
This is cool.
Nine ten,
Let's play again!

To make it much more interesting to learn this verse, come up with a movement for each word: let the baby show numbers on his fingers, on the phrase "I love you"- shows a heart, etc.

Poems about the family will help you quickly master the vocabulary of relatives:

Good night mom
Good night dad
Kiss your little son.
Good night sister
Good night brother
Good night everybody!

It is very easy to learn the names of the seasons in this way. And if you combine vocabulary about autumn and words on the topic of color, then you can kill 2 birds with one stone!

Autumn is yellow
Winter is white
Spring is green
Summer is bright!

Autumn leaves fall down
I'm falling down, falling down
Autumn leaves fall down
Yellow, red, orange and brown!

No sunshine, lots of rain
No warm days, snow again!
No bugs, no bees
No leaves on the trees.
you must remember
It's November!

Time the training to the appropriate ones. For example, learn something about the New Year just before the holiday. Say that in order to receive a gift from Santa Claus on New Year's Eve, you will need to tell a rhyme. Believe me, you will not even notice how quickly your "child" will run to learn a rhyme.

On the topic of holidays, I have prepared for you poems about Christmas and New Year:

One two Three,
It's a Christmas tree!
Three two one,
Christmas is fun!

Time for fun
Let's go outside and play right now!

If your child loves to listen (and tell!) not only poems, but also much more, then this sound english course exactly for you! Based on the positive reviews of many caring mothers, I can safely recommend it to you too (the rhyme turned out :)). With it, your kids can easily memorize new words and at the same time will do it with pleasure.

Well, let's still digress from thematic verses and try something else.

I see green, I see yellow!.
I see this funny boy.
I see white, I see black.
I see this and this and that!
I see pink. I see brown.
I get up and sit down.
I see red, I see blue.
I see you, you and you.

To learn body parts, play a game using the following verse. Let the kid name the word and show what this word means on himself.

Touch your eyes
Touch your nose
Touch your mouth
Touch your socks
Touch your ears
Touch your hair
Touch your teeth
Sit on a chair...

Well, are you already burning with the desire to start working with your kids?
I really hope that this tutorial will help you speed up the learning process. And also I will be glad if you share the results and your experience in the comments.

And so that you don’t miss anything interesting, I created a subscription to English sweets. Thus, you will be able to keep abreast of the latest news from the world of learning this beautiful language.

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