Instruction: You are asked to answer 7 questions. Each question has three possible answers. Choose the one that suits you best.

1. Imagine an argument starts on public transport

in raised tones. You:

a) avoid interfering;

b) you can take the side of the victim or the one who is right;

c) always intervene and defend your point of view.

2. At a meeting (meeting, etc.) do you criticize management for mistakes?

b) yes, but depending on your personal attitude towards him;

c) always criticize for mistakes not only the authorities, but also

those who protect him.

3. Do you like to argue with your colleagues, friends?

a) only if they are not touchy and these disputes do not spoil your


b) yes, but only on fundamental, important issues;

c) you argue with everyone and for any reason.

4. At home, an undersalted dish was served for dinner. Your actions:

a) do not notice such a trifle;

b) silently take the salt shaker;

c) do not refrain from commenting and, perhaps, defiantly refuse food.

5. On the street, in transport, you stepped on your foot. Your reaction:

a) look at the offender with indignation;

b) dryly make a remark;

c) express yourself without being embarrassed in expressions.

6. Someone close bought a thing that you did not like. You:

a) shut up

b) limit yourself to a brief tactful comment;

c) create a scandal over a waste of money.

7. Bad luck in the lottery. How do you perceive it?

a) try to be indifferent, but in your heart give yourself a word never to participate in it again;

b) do not hide your annoyance, but treat what happened with humor, promise to take revenge;

c) a ticket without a win will ruin your mood for a long time.

Results processing

"b" - 2 points;

"c" - 0 points.

Calculate your points. If you typed:

from 20 to 28 points - you are tactful, do not like conflicts, avoid critical situations. When you have to enter into an argument, then you take into account how this will affect your position or friendly relations. You strive to be pleasant to others;

from 10 to 18 points- they say about you that you are a conflicting person, but in fact you are in conflict only when there is no other way out, and all means have been exhausted. You persistently defend your opinion, regardless of how it will affect your position, while not going beyond the correctness. For all this you are respected;

8 or less points - you are looking for a reason for disputes, most of which are unnecessary, petty. Love to criticize, but only when it benefits you. You tend to impose your opinion, even if you are not sure that you are right.

Test number 11 Strategy of behavior in conflict

Instruction: You are offered 15 statements. Rate each test item as follows:

"I do not agree at all" - 1 point;

"disagree" - 2 points;

“rather agree” - 3 points;

"I agree" - 4 points;

“Totally agree” - 5 points.

1. I am a man of principle and never change my position.

2. It is difficult for me to defend my position, even if I know for sure that I am right.

3. I spend a lot of time looking for common ground.

5. I respond to the proposal of others, but I myself am not inclined to take the initiative.

6. I emerge victorious from any conflict.

7. I avoid stressful situations even though it can make a difference.

get injured.

8. I reconsider my point of view, feeling in the course of the discussion that I was wrong.

9. I devote a lot of time to the problems of others and often forget about myself.

10. I easily agree to give in if the other does the same.

11. I continue the argument until the interlocutor is forced to accept my point of view.

12. I achieve effective results when I work under the guidance of a more experienced partner.

13. I take the initiative to reconcile the parties with pleasure.

14. If it makes another happy, I give him the opportunity

stand on your own.

15. Often I agree to the very first condition that leads to the settlement of a problem in a relationship.

Results processing

Next to the numbers indicating the approval number, put the appropriate score and calculate their sum.

Behavior strategy

No. of statements

Sum of points






The strategy of behavior in a conflict situation is considered expressed if the sum of points exceeds 10.

Choose one answer for each question.

1. An argument broke out in public transport. What are you doing?

a - do not interfere;

b - you can intervene by taking the side of the victim;

V- I always interfere.

2. At meetings and conferences, do you criticize management for mistakes?

a - no;

b - depending on the personal attitude towards him;

in - always.

3. Your supervisor lays out his work plan, which seems unsuccessful to you. Will you offer your plan?

a - if others support you, then yes;

b - of course;

V- No.

4. Do you like to argue with your colleagues, friends?

A- only with those who are not offended;

b- yes, but only on matters of principle;

V- yes, with everyone and for any reason.

5. Someone is trying to get ahead of you in line for a scholarship or salary.

A- believing that you are worse than him, you are trying to bypass the queue;

b- you are indignant, but to yourself;

V-- express your displeasure openly.

6. Imagine that your colleague's innovation proposal is being considered, which has a bold idea, but there are also errors. You know that your opinion will be decisive. How will you do it?

a - speak about the pros and cons of this proposal;b - tell me about the advantages of the proposal and advise you to give itthe opportunity to test the idea;V- you will only criticize.

7. Imagine: your mother-in-law (or mother-in-law) constantly tells you about the need to save money, about your extravagance, and now and then she buys expensive things. She wants to know your opinion on the latest purchase. What will you tell her?

a - that you approve of the purchase;

b- that this thing is tasteless;

c - quarrel with her over the purchase.

8. You met teenagers who use foul language and smoke. How will you react?

A- don't interfere;

b- make a remark to them;

V- if it happens in a public place, you will report their.

9. In a restaurant or shop, you notice that you are cheated. How will you do it?

A- do not tip the waiter, but demand change from the sellerchu, even little things;

b - ask him to count again; V- make a scandal.

10. You are in a holiday home. The administration is engaged in extraneous matters, not fulfilling its functional duties. Does this anger you?

A- yes, but you don't speak out;

b- complain about her

c - take out your dissatisfaction on junior staff.

11. You argue with your younger brother or teenage sister and make sure they are right. Do you admit your mistake?

a - yes;

b- No;


Price of answers: "a" - 4 points, "b" - 2 points, "c" - 0 points.


Up to 14 points.

You are looking for an argument, most of which is just petty. Love to criticize only when it benefits you. Think about whether an inferiority complex is hiding behind your behavior?

15-29 points.

You are said to be a conflicted person. You persistently defend your opinion, regardless of how it will affect your personal and work relationships.

30-44 points.

You are tactful, easily avoid conflict situations, strive to be pleasant for others, but when they need help, they do not always dare to provide it. Maybe you only require everything from others.


The ability to restrain oneself is a valuable quality, but not everyone possesses it. Do you know how to control yourself and not enter into open conflicts? This test will help you figure it out.

1. A scandal begins in transport. How will you react to it?

a) you will not take part in it for anything - 3 points;

b) intervening, you will protect the victim - 2 points;

c) take an active part in it - 1 point.

2. Will you criticize your superiors at a general meeting?

a) no - 3 points;

b) depending on the circumstances - 2 points;

c) you will criticize - 1 point.

3. You see that the boss does not know how to manage his position at all. He gives no one the right job. How will you react to the situation?

a) propose changes if you are supported - 2 points;

b) take matters into your own hands - 1 point;

c) afraid to lose your job - 3 points.

4. How often do you argue with each other?

a) only when you are not offended and relations do not deteriorate - 2 points;

b) argue only on important issues - 3 points;

c) argue not only with them, but also with other people - 1 point.

5. Will you let a person through who is trying to get to the counter without queuing?

a) try to follow him - 1 point;

b) you will be indignant, but not out loud - 3 points;

c) express your indignation openly - 2 points.

6. Your friend is a terrible loser, soon he is going to commit another not entirely smart act. How will you stop it?

a) try to dissuade him - 2 points;

b) you will feed him with illusions, saying that he will do just fine - 3 points;

c) express everything you think about him - 1 point.

7. On your way home you meet a group of smoking teenagers. How will you react to them?

a) keep silent - 3 points;

b) scold them - 1 point;

c) make a comment - 2 points.

8. At the store, you notice that you have been charged more money than you should. How will you react?

a) never go to this store again - 3 points;

c) make a big scandal - 1 point.

9. At the resort, the administrator in your hotel does not fulfill his duties at all. How will you do it?

a) you will be silent, because your indignation will not give anything - 3 points;

b) complain about him to the authorities - 1 point;

c) take out your dissatisfaction on the maid - 2 points.

10. In a dispute with your husband (wife), you understand that he (a) is right (a). What will you do?

a) you do not admit the mistake - 1 point;

b) admit that they were wrong - 3 points;

c) decide that if you confess, you will look stupid - 2 points.

Calculate the number of points scored.

You have 30 to 25 points. You can be called a very tactful and absolutely non-conflict person. You prefer to resolve all conflict situations through negotiations. You can be called a pleasant person for others who is always ready to help if needed. It is very important for you not to lose respect in the eyes of friends and family.

You have from 24 to 19 points. You can be called a moderately conflicted person, because if you see that somewhere you have been treated unfairly, then you will definitely speak out about this. Even if your career is at stake, you will not be silent and will defend your point of view to the end. For this you are respected by others.

You have 18 to 13 points. You cannot live in peace. If you are not argued or scandalized, you yourself find a reason for this, what is even worse, you are able to easily make a scandal from scratch. As a rule, in this way you release the accumulated energy. You are very critical and constantly dissatisfied with something. Maybe it makes sense for you to direct your energy in a positive, creative direction.

You have 12 points or less. You have destructive energy. The slightest criticism in your direction or an inadvertently spoken word threatens the person who said it with big troubles. You are able to "incinerate" your opponent with one glance. It remains only to guess what you are capable of. Many people are afraid of you, and those who know about your character try to stay away from you and once again not to catch your eye. At this rate, you may lose those friends you still have left!

Test "Are you a conflict personality?"

Instruction:For each question, choose one answer that best fits your behavior.


1 . In public transport, a dispute began in raised tones. What is your reaction?

a) do not participate;

b) I speak briefly in defense of the side that I consider right;

c) I actively intervene, than "causing fire on myself."

2 . Do you speak at meetings (class hours) with criticism?

a) no;

b) only if I have compelling circumstances for this;

c) I criticize for any reason.

3. Do you often argue with your friends?

a) only if these people are not touchy;

b) only on matters of principle;

c) disputes are my element.

4. At home, for dinner, they served an undersalted dish. What is your reaction?

a) I will not raise a fuss over trifles;

b) silently take the salt shaker;

c) I will not refrain from remarks.

5 . If you stepped on your foot on the street, in transport:

a) look at the offender with indignation;

b) I will dryly make a remark;

c) I will express myself without embarrassment in expressions.

6 . If someone close to you bought a thing that you did not like:

a) keep silent

b) I will limit myself to a short tactful remark;

c) make a scandal.

7 . Bad luck in the lottery. How do you react to this?

a) I will try to seem indifferent, but I will give myself a word never again

participate in it;

b) I will not hide my annoyance, but I will treat what happened with humor, promising to take


c) losing will spoil the mood for a long time.


Calculate your total points.

From 20-28 points.You are tactful and peaceful, avoid conflicts and disputes, avoid critical situations at work and at home. Maybe that's why they sometimes call you an opportunist.

From 10-18 points.You are known to be a conflict person. But in fact, you conflict only when there is no other way out and all means have been exhausted. At the same time, do not go beyond the correctness, firmly defend your opinion. All this earns respect for you.

Up to 8 points.Conflicts and disputes are your element. Love to criticize others, but do not take criticism in your address. Your rudeness and intemperance repels people. It is difficult for you both at work and at home. Try to overcome your character.

The test is taken from the book "Collection of psychological tests" / Compiled by: L.A. Bogatova, V.V. Gerasimova, L.A. Kudryashova, I.A. Radchuk.-Kazan: KNPO VTI, 2007.

TEST "Standard - non-standard teacher".

Exercise:The personal and business qualities that the teacher meets in his students are indicated. Mark with a "+" sign those qualities that you like in students, and with a "-" sign what you do not like in them:

1. Disciplined.


3. Unevenly successful.

4. Breaking out of the general pace.

5. Erudite.

6. Strange in behavior, incomprehensible.

7. Able to support a common cause.

8.Stable successful.

9. Busy with your own business.

10. Fast, "on the fly" grasping.

11. Not able to communicate, conflict.

12. Jumping out at the lesson with incomprehensible remarks.

13. Pleasant in communication.

14. Sometimes slow-witted, sometimes he cannot understand the obvious.

15. Clearly, expressing your thoughts clearly for you.

16. Not always willing to obey the majority or official leadership

Which plus or minus signs do you have more - on even numbers or odd ones? If there are more “odd pluses”, we congratulate you: you are a COMPLETELY NON-STANDARD TEACHER.


Pedagogical justice


1. In the class, you appoint the head boy:

a) a student who is friends with teachers

b) a student who studies well

c) a student with good leadership qualities

2. Most in the class you praise:

A) those who are friends with the teacher, tell them everything

B) those who study well, who have high results

C) who tries very hard, regardless of the result of efforts

3. In open lessons, you will entrust the most responsible:

a) one who studies well, who will learn

b) work extra with losers so that they can also prove themselves

c) one whose parents want their children to perform

4. Glass was broken in the classroom while you were away.

a) you will talk to the class asset face-to-face with everyone, they will tell everything in friendship with the teacher

b) talk to those whom you personally suspect

c) encourage them to confess themselves, tell an instructive story and promise not to punish the guilty

5. There is a student in the class with whom you are in conflict and cannot tolerate him. You:

a) get rid of him until he moves to another class (school)

b) apply strict measures and correct its qualities, re-educate

6. In the teacher's room they tell a funny incident with another teacher.

a) you laugh with everyone

b) make a remark to teachers about the inadmissibility of ridicule

c) keep silent, you won’t laugh, try to change the subject

7. Parents think you give your pets higher marks:

a) you do not react, let them think what they want

b) at the parent meeting you will try to argue all the grades

c) invite that parent to watch one of the lessons


A - 0 points

B - 1 point

B - 3 points

0 to 6- You need the help of a psychologist. You do not understand your pedagogical mistakes. Children "tolerate" you, sometimes they are afraid

7 to 12- You are not always fair in the process of education and upbringing. You can compensate for some of your mistakes by understanding children, their motivations.

13 to 16- You are an example for many teachers of our time, but you need to improve, because. The world is changing every day and you need to keep up with modern times. Try not to rush to act and then your actions will be more fair in relation to children

17 to 21– You perfectly feel all situations. You have a well developed sense of justice. Just try not to teach other teachers, let them “grow up” on your silent example.

TestAre you stressed?

was developed by a psychologist at the University of Boston Medical Center. You need to answer the questions based on how often these statements are true for you. You should answer all the points, even if this statement does not apply to you at all.

1. You eat at least one hot meal a day.

2. You sleep 7-8 hours at least four times a week.

3. You constantly feel the love of others and give your love in return.

4. Within 50 kilometers you have at least one person you can rely on.

5. You work out to a sweat at least twice a week.

6. You smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day.

7. You consume no more than five glasses of alcoholic beverages per week.

8. Your weight matches your height.

9. Your income fully meets your basic needs.

10. Your faith supports you.

11. You regularly engage in club or social activities.

12. You have many friends and acquaintances.

13. You have one or two friends that you completely trust.

14. You are healthy.

15. You can be open about your feelings when you are angry or worried about something.

16. You regularly discuss your household problems with the people you live with.

17. You do something just for fun at least once a week.

18. You can organize your time efficiently.

19. You consume no more than three cups of coffee, tea or other caffeinated beverages per day.

20. You have some time for yourself during each day.

The following answers are offered with the corresponding number of points:

almost always - 1;

- often - 2;

- sometimes - 3;

almost never - 4;

- never - 5.

Now add up the results of your answers and subtract 20 points from the resulting number.

If you have typed less than 10 pointsthen you can be pleased if you also answered honestly - you have excellent resistance to stressful situations and the effects of stress on the body, you have nothing to worry about.

If your final numberexceeded 30 points, stressful situations have a considerable impact on your life and you do not resist them very much.

If you have typed over 50 pointsYou should seriously think about your life - is it not time to change it. You are very vulnerable to stress.

Take another look at the test statements. If your answer to any statement received 3 points or more, try to change your behavior in accordance with this point and your vulnerability to stress will decrease. For example, if your score for item 19 is a 4, try drinking at least one cup of coffee less than usual per day.

Start taking a closer look at yourself now, not when it's too late.

This book is a unique collection of tests that will help you determine how easy you fit into a team, whether you can build relationships with your colleagues and management, and how wise you are as a leader. Thanks to our book, you can finally objectively evaluate yourself and identify both positive and negative character traits. Well, then improve successfully.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Work relationship. Psychological tests for all occasions (V. I. Umnov, 2013) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Are you a conflict person?

Choose the one that best suits you from the options provided.

1. Imagine that an argument starts in public transport or in the market. You:

a) do not interfere;

b) intervene and take the side of the one who, in your opinion, is right;

c) you will never pass by and you will scandal to the bitter end.

2. When you attend any meeting, you:

a) never climb with suggestions and criticism;

b) sometimes speak on any occasion;

c) constantly criticize and speak out.

3. Your boss comes up with some kind of reform or work plan that seems completely worthless and mediocre to you. You:

a) offer your plan only if you are sure that others will support you;

b) you will push your plan with all your might, defending your opinion;

c) you will never come up with proposals, remembering that the initiative is punishable.

4. Do you like to argue, discuss:

a) only with close friends;

b) in general, no, but if the issue is important and serious, then why not;

c) love this business, argue with everyone and for any reason.

5. You are standing in line, and someone annoyingly climbs ahead of you, you:

a) repel the impudent one and crawl ahead of him;

b) get angry, but do not show it;

c) you rush at him almost with your fists.

6. If the fate of someone's plan depends on your opinion, and at the same time the fate of the employee who proposed this plan, you:

a) try to speak as objectively as possible about the project, point out both the advantages and disadvantages;

b) mark only the merits, hinting that it would be nice to improve something;

c) criticize with might and main, so that next time it would be disrespectful.

7. Your spouse (husband) constantly saws you for excessive wastefulness, and in the meantime he (a) spends the money you earn, and not on the most necessary things. And besides, he is brazenly interested in your opinion regarding purchases. You:

a) rejoice with him (her);

b) as far as possible, criticize the purchase;

c) do not get tired of making a fuss about it.

8. A boy of about ten shoots a cigarette from you. You:

a) give, they say, "let their parents worry about them";

b) preach something like “shame on you, you must be a pioneer”;

c) if there were more people, they would definitely shout and quarrel.

9. The seller shortchanged you, you:

a) you angrily take away the bag with groceries and, slamming the door, leave, muttering under your breath something like “what the hell, not a store!”;

b) insist that he count the amount again;

c) here you will turn around, yell and wave your fists to your heart's content.

10. Administrator (hotels, holiday homes), instead of doing his job, is engaged in extraneous matters, you:

a) you will be silent, all the same, your claims are unlikely to change anything;

b) start complaining about him wherever possible, you must take revenge;

c) take it out on the cleaners and waitresses.

11. You argue with a child and in the end you understand that he is right. You:

a) you will insist on your opinion to the end;

b) admit that you were wrong;

For each “a” answer, give yourself 4 points.

For the answer "b" - by 2 points.

For the answer "in" - 0 points.

Now add up your points.

If you get 30 to 40 points, it means you are more or less a tactful person. Conflicts are negative, whenever possible, try to avoid them. Know how to find a compromise. But still, when your friends or colleagues need your help, expressed in criticism, you can not always provide it. Don't you think it's worth being a little more direct?

If you have between 15 and 29 points, then you are a rather conflicted person. But nevertheless, in the team you are still respected. Sometimes you express your opinion without taking into account the fact that it may offend or offend someone.

If you scored between 10 and 14 points, then you are a terrible debater and an extremely conflicted person. Do not feed you bread, let me argue and scandal! You constantly argue with someone, and every time you try to impose your opinion, regardless of whether you are right. You are even flattered that you are called a brawler to your face. You should probably think about whether you have an inferiority complex.

And now that you have figured out how much you like to argue and quarrel, you can proceed to the next stage of soul-searching - to find out how easily and quickly you can get used to a new environment and a new company. After all, every employee was once new at his workplace, there was a time when he just came to get a job and got used to an unfamiliar team.

And if you are just about to start looking for a job, then you just need to take the following test to find out how easily you can adapt to a new team.
