Each graduate should determine his own destiny himself, and no outsider should influence his idea. This is a very important decision, and it must be clearly and correctly considered. It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons and then make your final choice in favor of one or another military or other institution. Small details and previously provided information are especially important, especially when deciding to become an officer or military personnel.

Military higher educational institutions of Russia

There are many positive aspects to officer service. That only is the chic and beautiful uniform of employees. It is also a good way to become an adult and self-sufficient person, for example, who went on a solo voyage and decided to become an important and strong person. How many adventures, excitement and romance are there in your work? That is precisely why a lot of young people want to go to study at Suvorov and higher military schools. But, in addition to such colorful descriptions, there is a dark side, which entails dangers and serious life changes.

The choice is yours

The list of Russian military schools is quite large, and it is difficult to choose one of them. Which do you prefer? The status of the position is high when you work in the Airborne Forces, Special Forces troops or the Marine Corps. Adventures in water or air strongly attract gambling and confident guys and girls. A good one will help to raise your position and stand on your own feet, especially since higher education in our country is free and "painless".

Good education, discipline, tolerance and collegiality are brought up from the very first theoretical lessons. The most basic criterion for all learning is knowledge. Each student, and especially a cadet, must study well and assimilate knowledge of various disciplines.

The main advantages of military education

In addition to all the above advantages, there are other positive aspects in such education:

  • A fairly high scholarship (the amount is about 16 thousand rubles). Not bad money, considering the fact that you are being taught, fed and given an overnight stay;
  • High-calorie food with a full diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a towel for each cadet for free;
  • In the future, a decent salary at the place of referral.

Today there is a fairly large list of Russian military schools. Among the available offers, you can find the option that will suit a young man in all respects ideally.

Schools to look out for

There are many military schools on the territory of Russia. They are located in big cities. The most prestigious and popular are:

  1. Kazan Suvorov Cadet School (Kazan).
  2. Nizhny Novgorod Military Engineering Command School.
  3. Novosibirsk Higher Military Cadet School.
  4. Frunze Naval School
  5. Engineering School of Military Communications named after G.K. Orzhonikidze (Ulyanovsk)
  6. Rocket School named after Hero Major General Lizyukov (Saratov).
  7. Chemical protection school named after Podvoisky (Tambov).

This is an incomplete list of all institutions where you can acquire certain military knowledge. After graduating from the military schools of Russia, the list of strengths in a person increases markedly. In addition, there is much more experience and practice. Any situation is not a hindrance, if you have in your luggage the knowledge gained at a military school. This is the entire list of military schools in Russia, which you need to immediately pay attention to.

Some nuances for admission

To enter military service, you must have a great desire to study and achieve the desired result. First, the necessary documents are collected according to a specific list. It is necessary to write down the dates of the exams, reach and only then wait for the result of admission.

Also, if you need to decide on the scope of military service. Your fate will directly depend on this. Air forces, marines, communications, special forces - and this is not a complete list of Russian military schools with various directions in specialties and training. According to his physical and moral preparation, each incoming cadet decides where it is best to go in order to become a man with a capital letter in the future. The Russian Federation is proud of these people, and they directly participate in the political life of the country. Do not be afraid to repay your debt to your homeland, and it will reward you.

Where to go?

If you have the desire and opportunity to reach the very top of military training, you can go to the military higher educational institutions of Russia. In such universities you will have the best training, practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The process of education itself will become unforgettable, as it is filled with adventures and various pleasant situations. Girls will be delighted with a young cadet in a beautiful and effective form. You can get such privileges and a huge store of knowledge in special universities, academies, higher military schools and institutes.

Prestigious universities

The most popular and demanded higher educational institutions are:

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk).
  • St. Petersburg Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute).
  • branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Khruleva (St. Petersburg).

Each educational institution has several departments with specialties. Depending on the class of training and opportunities, their number can range from 1 to 10. But absolutely in each one you can get the highest level of knowledge and experience that will become irreplaceable in future work. Working for such government agencies as the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB, you need not only to have a great store of knowledge, but also to have a desire to learn new things. Since laws are constantly changing, they need to be closely monitored and studied. Many aspects of work require strong nerves and patience of steel. So you need to take these details into account in the future, and even better when applying. Higher military schools - all of them produce excellent employees.

The best schools

There is a large selection of institutions in our country. Below is a list of Russian military schools:

  • Moscow Air Force School.
  • St. Petersburg military administration for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Moscow military department for the development of criminal organizations.
  • Novosibirsk Command School.

Military schools of Russia: list

He also has several higher educational institutions for the education and training of the military. To be precise, there are thirteen of them. The military schools of the FSB of Russia, the list of which is given below, are considered one of the best:

  • FSB Academy of Russia.
  • Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
  • Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg).
  • Institute of Federal Security (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Institute of Information Technologies.
  • Moscow Academy.
  • FSB Institute (Novgorod).
  • FSB Institute (Novosibirsk).
  • Moscow Frontier Institute (PI).
  • Golitsyn PI.
  • Kaliningrad PI.
  • Khabarovsk PI.

The higher military schools of Russia, the list of which is provided above, specialize in a high level of teaching and try to produce as many worthy candidates as possible.

Flight training

There is a good opportunity to undergo military flight training, a full course at a hospital. There are certain Russian military flight schools, a list of which can be found in the military press or directly in the universities themselves. In such institutions, you can get the rank of lieutenant of the Russian military aviation, and, if you wish, go further in your career and reach higher ranks. Military flight schools of Russia, list:

  1. Borisoglebsk Faculty of Assault and Frontline Bomber Aviation.
  2. Chelyabinsk branch of the Moscow Academy.

Suvorovites are a great start for a career

The most competent and achieving goals are graduates of the Suvorov schools. Here is the most thorough education, which makes it possible to achieve the post of general. The culturally tolerant military will carefully do all their work in the future. Suvorov military schools of Russia, the list is quite large, but a few should be noted:

  1. Moscow School.
  2. St. Petersburg School.
  3. Tver School.

To a military school after grade 11

There is an opportunity to enter the military schools of Russia after grade 11:

  • Academy of Artillery Troops (St. Petersburg)
  • Moscow Military Institute (combined arms).
  • Command and Engineering Military School (Tyumen).
  • Krasnodar military school.

In fact, there are a lot of such state institutions. Their list is more than one page.

Wherever you go to study and gain knowledge in the military sphere, the list of Russian military schools will help you make the right choice. This profession is in great demand in the country in the future for the defense and protection of its possessions. It's no secret that it is military people who are able to create the impossible. Moreover, there is much to turn around. Inaccessible water spaces, wide air atmosphere, various ground units and much more require constant replenishment of personnel and valuable workers. Higher educational schools, institutes with different profiles, as well as academies will help to obtain the necessary knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every successful military leader will be proud of his diploma and knowledge obtained in such institutions. The career ladder will not stand still. Thanks to all the skills and theory, any task will not be difficult.

Many young people go to work in different institutions, guided by thoughts of public service and decent earnings. But it is also worth noting that not all applicants have a desire to repay their debt to their homeland. Do not forget that any misconduct on the part of employees is punished much more severely than civilians. Therefore, you should control yourself and not succumb to impulses and nervous breakdowns. Many military personnel are subject to constant stress and quickly lose confidence. Stability of the nervous system and knowledge of the legal framework is an integral part of any employee.

In our turbulent times, parents are afraid to send their children to work or study at military academies. They choose other more relaxed professions, for example, a mechanic or an accountant. But is it worth it to be so afraid for their children, perhaps their vocation in life to serve their homeland and surrender themselves to it completely. Always consider the wishes of your household members, because they are part of your family. Do not be afraid to give your child to the service, because it is there that he will acquire those qualities that should be inherent in all men.

The military, police and other government officials are always under pressure and sometimes fail to assess the situation correctly. It is in such cases that a carefully studied charter helps, therefore, having entered an academy or institute, do not be lazy and study all the information provided. She will help you in difficult situations, and you will be able to distinguish yourself on the course with your knowledge.

City schools

in Russia exist on the basis of the Regulations, the highest approved on May 31, 1872. According to the legislator, these institutions - general education, designated "for the urban population, and mainly for the poor part of it." Their purpose is to deliver a complete general elementary education and give the information that can be most useful in practical life. They arose from the thought of gr. D. A. Tolstoy when he was the Minister of Public Education. According to N. Kh. Wessel, the minister was amazed at the small number of graduates from the gymnasium and the large number of students leaving the middle classes without completing the course. Wessel drew the minister's attention to the fact that the urban population cannot be limited to the education provided by primary schools (parish and district), which are too small in number and with too theoretical nature of the course. In order to distract boys from the lower grades of gymnasiums, who often enter there without hope of completing the course, special educational institutions with a course shorter and easier than the course of gymnasiums and real schools are needed. The need for such general educational institutions in Russia has been felt for a long time; on the part of the authorities of educational districts constantly renewed petitions based on statements made by G. societies and zemstvo assemblies. The draft regulations on G. schools were drawn up by N. Kh. Wessel; the Prussian system was taken as a model. Simultaneously with the regulation on G. schools, the regulation on teachers 'institutes was approved and it was decided to gradually transform the district schools into city schools "as teachers were prepared in the teachers' institutes." The transformation began in the second half of 1874, but is progressing slowly. According to the report of the Minister of Public Education in 1884, within 10 years, out of 402 uyezd schools that were to be transformed into city ones, only 184 were transformed.

G. schools are divided into one-, two-, three-, and four-year schools, but in special cases and upon special requests, five- and six-year G. schools can be established. In all these schools, despite the different number of classes, the course of study lasts six years; the division is based not so much on the volume of the course as on the number of teachers and the amount of money allocated for the maintenance of schools. In one-class city schools, students are divided into three departments and usually stay in each department for 2 years. In two-year G. schools, the course of the first grade lasts 4 years, and the students are divided into 2 consecutive departments; the course of the II class lasts 2 years. In three-year schools, the course of each class is two years. In 4-grade schools, the course of the first two grades lasts 2 years, and the third and fourth grades - one year each. The regulation of May 31, 1872 establishes classroom teaching system, that is, each full-time teacher is entrusted with teaching in the class assigned to him of all subjects (except for the law of God, singing and gymnastics). Such a system, which is a feature of G. schools, was established, according to the explanation of the ministry, not only "due to the lack of teachers and money", but also because "by this measure a greater concentration in teaching and moral influence on children is achieved." The inconveniences of this system were foreseen, however, already in 1872, when, when the Regulation was published, the opinion of the State Council provided the Ministry of Public Education "in those cases when it was deemed useful to appoint schools in Georgia instead of class teachers - subject teachers." A ministerial report for 1884 indicates that the replacement of the classroom system with a subject system and the increase in the staff of teachers at the expense of local funds was allowed in many places.

The curriculum for urban schools covers the following subjects: 1) the law of God; 2) reading and writing; 3) Russian language and Church Slavonic reading with translation into Russian; 4) arithmetic, 5) practical geometry; 6) geography and history of the fatherland with the necessary information from general history and geography; 7) information from natural history and physics; 8) sketching and drawing; 9) singing; 10) gymnastics. In addition to these subjects, students in G. schools, at the request of local societies and in the event that they allocate at least half of the funds necessary for this, can be taught crafts at out-of-class time; other subjects (additional) can also be taught, but with the permission of the Ministry of Public Education. In 1880, the minister of public education recognized it desirable to introduce a short course in popular medicine into the teaching of G. schools. Sunday readings with vague pictures for students can be arranged in G. schools with the permission of the pedagogical council of the school; the same readings for adults - only with the permission of the school district trustee. In one-class schools, the same subjects are taught as in two-, three- and four-year schools, only in a slightly smaller volume. The educational material in different departments and classes is arranged concentrically: in each department a more or less complete circle of information is given, which is gradually expanded and replenished in subsequent departments. With this arrangement of teaching, a person leaving school, before the end of the course, takes out of it a more or less complete and systematized circle of knowledge. As a feature of teaching in urban schools, one should also mention its clarity. In the course of district schools (according to the charter of December 8, 1828), natural science is absent, in urban, on the contrary, a certain place is allotted to it (3 lessons a week for 3 years).

Education in city schools is paid. The amount of payment is determined by the pedagogical council of the given school and varies, depending on local conditions, from 8 to 18 rubles per year. Children of all ranks and religions (at least 7 years old) are admitted to city schools. Admission to this or that class not due to any age limit. Those who successfully completed the course of the first four years of the G. school (10-13 years of age) can enter the first grade of gymnasiums and real schools without an exam. Those who have completed the full course of G. in schools during production in the first class rank are exempted from the test established for this. Those who have expressed a desire to be teachers of G. schools at the end of the course in a six-grade school can be left for appropriate training at a school until the age of 16 (at least 1 year), and then enter the first grade of a teacher's institute. Those who graduate from the course in G. schools and seek the title of teacher of a parish or elementary public school are subjected to only an abbreviated test. Those who have completed the course of G. schools are granted a privilege of the second category for military service (3 years in active service); those who left the third department of the school are ranked as IV category. Each school has as many full-time teachers as there are classes; one of the teachers (with the approval of the school district trustee) is appointed "head of the school"; teachers who are in charge of 3- and 4-grade G. schools are called inspectors. There is also the title of "teacher assistant". Teachers in a G. school can be persons who have completed a course in teacher training institutes or passed the corresponding exam. Law teachers, teachers and their assistants are registered in the civil service. At each school, an honorary superintendent is appointed, who is elected for 3 years either as an inspector of G. schools (if G. the school is supported by treasury funds), or zemstvo and societies (in G. schools, maintained at their expense). In either case, the caretaker is approved by the school district's trustee. In the list of educational institutions of the department of the Ministry of Public Education for 1890-91, there are 400 schools (by January 1, 1885, there were 321 of them throughout the empire). Among the 400 currently existing schools are 6 one-class, 124 two-class, 210 three-class, 65 four-class, 3 five-class, and 2 six-class schools. They are distributed throughout the empire as follows: 330 in European Russia, including St. Petersburg. educational district, 44, Moscow 86, Kazan 43, Orenburg 20, Kharkov 30, Odessa 31, Kiev 27, Vilensky 16, Warsaw 6, Derpt 27. Then the 31 G. school is located in the Caucasian educational district, 9 in the Turkestan region, 17 in West Siberian educational district, 6 in Vost. Siberia, 7 in the Amur region. Out of 400 schools, 177 are kept at the expense of the treasury, at the expense of the treasury and local funds - 166, exclusively at local funds - 57. Additional and vocational classes exist in very few schools. For example, in 1884 there were only 22 additional and 37 craft classes. The latest data from official statistics on the number of pupils and teachers in Georgia's schools and the cost of maintaining these schools date back to 1884. By January 1, 1885, there were 1,695 students in Georgia's schools, including teachers-inspectors and teachers-heads of schools 318 , teachers of the law 374, teachers and their assistants 983; 15 positions (3 teaching in law and 12 teaching) were not filled. The number of students in 1884 reached 38,919 (121 on average for each school). Finished the course 2234, and dropped out before the end of the course almost 4 times more (8097). The maintenance of all the G. schools cost 1,414,453 rubles. 57 kopecks, including from the state treasury 781 492 p. 80 k. (55.25%), from urban societies - 225,922 rubles. 26 k. (16.65%), tuition fees - 196443 rubles. 23 k. (13.2%) and from other sources (zemstvo sums, donations, etc.) - 210595 rubles. 28 kopecks (14.9%). Each school cost 4406 rubles, each student 36 rubles. 34 kopecks Wed Gorbunov, "Programs and statutes of G. schools of the Ministry of Public Education under the Regulations of May 31, 1872" (M., 1891); A. Balzaminov, "A reference book for inspectors and teachers, heads of city schools, according to the Regulations on May 31, 1872, and for regular inspectors of district schools" (St. Petersburg, 1886); KK Saint-Hilaire, "City Schools" (in the "Russian School", 1892, №№ 10 and 12); H. H. Wessel, "Urban Schools" (ibid., 1891, no. 10).

City schools according to the Regulation on May 26, 1869 in the province. In Kiev, Podolsk, and Volynsk, there are "two-year G. men's (on the rights of district) and women's schools, with preparatory classes and shifts at the latter for girls" on the basis of a special position for these only provinces (with the exception of the cities of Kiev, Rovno, Ostrog and Chigirin). The course lasts only two years; accepted, in these schools only children who can read, write and count (4 actions). Each male school has a preparatory class with a course equal to that of one-class public schools; in the preparatory class, children of both sexes are taught together or (where the need arises) shifts are opened for the separate education of girls. Education is free; but the school district trustee is provided with a fee if necessary. In 1890-91, according to the Regulations of May 26, 1869, there were only 85 schools, including in the Kiev province. 12, Volynskoy 10, Podolskaya 13. The maintenance of each school costs more than 4000 rubles.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb .: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what "City Schools" is in other dictionaries:

    In Russia, until 1917, advanced elementary schools with a 6-year term of study were created in 1872 to replace the district schools. Since 1912 they were transformed into higher primary schools ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    In Russia, advanced elementary schools with a 6-year term of study were created in 1872 to replace district schools. Since 1912, they were transformed into higher primary schools. * * * URBAN SCHOOLS URBAN SCHOOLS, in Russia until 1917, advanced primary schools with ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    City schools - advanced primary schools for children of the urban population; established (1872) according to the project of N.Kh. Wessel instead of district schools. The term of study was 6 years, the division into classes depended on the funds and the number of teachers. Children from families of all classes were accepted and ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Educational institutions of an advanced type for children of the petty urban bourgeoisie and employees, which first appeared in Western Europe in the 17th century. (see Burgers schools). In Russia, male G. at. were created by the regulation of May 31, 1872 on the basis of district schools ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    CITY SCHOOLS - 1) according to Regulation 1872 in Russia, increased early. schools for children of mountains. population (artisans, small employees and merchants). Established on May 31, 1872 to replace the district schools in order to distract the lower strata of the townspeople from the gymnasium. The Prussian was taken as a model ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    City schools - early. uch. head advanced. They opened under the Regulation of 1872 instead of y. uch uch. In G.U. acting cl. teaching system (all subjects in the class were taught by one teacher). G.U. were 1 6 cells. At U. in the main. 3 4 cl. with 6 years of study. They studied ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

    City schools - uch. institutions of promotion type for children of shallow mountains. the bourgeoisie in the 17th and 18th centuries. in Zap. Europe. In Russia, husband. G. U. were formed according to the regulations of May 31, 1872 on the basis of county schools. Tuition is paid, the size of the fee was determined by the inspector of the bunk. uch u in accordance with ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Hello, dear applicant. So nine years of school life, fun and carefree, sometimes difficult and tedious, flew by. Are you standing at a crossroads and cannot decide what to do next? Then you have come to the right place, and our article will certainly help you with choosing your future profession. We will tell you about the most popular schools and technical schools after the 9th grade in the city of Moscow.

In contact with

In the capital of Russia there are more than 200 specialized secondary educational institutions of various directions, so it is not surprising that applicants from all over Russia come to Moscow, because among the huge variety you can choose a specialization that suits your liking and affordable.

List of budgetary educational institutions after ninth grade

List of medical schools

If you feel like your calling in life is related to medicine, then the following list of medical colleges and schools in Moscow will be especially helpful to you.

  1. Dmitrov Medical School.
  2. Krasnogorsk Medical School.
  3. Clara Zetkin Medical College.
  4. Medical College at the Sechenov Moscow State Medical University.
  5. Medical College №1.
  6. Medical school №1.
  7. Meshchersky Medical School.
  8. Mytishchi Medical School.
  9. Orekhovo-Zuevskoe medical educational institution.
  10. Saint Demetrius School of Sisters of Mercy.

And this is not a complete list of educational institutions where you can get medical secondary special education.

Pedagogical educational institutions and colleges

If you are patient and responsible, love to teach and instruct your classmates and friends, you like to pore over books and textbooks from morning to night - your vocation is to be a teacher.

From this list of educational institutions, you will choose the one that suits you.

Educational institutions located at institutes

Almost all educational institutions have their own hostels with comfortable living conditions

General list of documents required for admission

Approach with all seriousness and responsibility when collecting and submitting the documents required for admission to an educational institution. Explore the site if available. Approximate list of documents:

  • Passport (if already issued), birth certificate and its photocopies in several copies;
  • The original certificate of secondary education and its copy;
  • a statement that you will be helped to draw up at the admissions office of the selected educational institution;
  • photographs as for a passport 3 * 4 cm (about 8 pcs.);
  • insurance policy;
  • medical certificate form No. 086u (can be obtained from your doctor at the clinic at the place of registration or residence);
  • the results of the final state certification.

Exams to be taken upon admission

You can find out the exact information about exams directly from the admissions committee or on the website of the educational institution. Most often these are standard exams in the Russian language and mathematics. Many institutions of secondary specialization offer to take preparatory courses with them and enter without exams.

Duration of training

Forms of training are:

  • full-time;
  • correspondence;
  • full-time and part-time.

And also daytime and evening. You can go to the budget (tuition is paid by the state) or to a paid department. It depends on your ability and academic success.

The length of study depends on the institution you choose and can vary from a few months to four years.

Wherever you go, dear friend, remember - study, study, and study again. After all, this is the only way to achieve success and ensure your financial well-being and prosperity. Develop and achieve goals, but first decide on your future profession. It is very important here not to be mistaken with the choice and to make an informed, conscious adult decision. Moreover, you need to make a difficult choice yourself, and not based on the arguments of parents and relatives about the prestige of a particular profession.

Strength and patience to you, dear applicant, as well as an irresistible craving for new knowledge!

To master some professions, it is not at all necessary to study at an institute - secondary vocational education is quite enough. Such an education will take you much less time and will not require large monetary costs, and the level obtained is quite enough to then find a job in the chosen specialty.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained at a college, technical school or vocational school. It should be noted that there are very few vocational technical schools left, now here you can get not only technical education, therefore, from vocational schools, schools have turned into PU.

In college, you can master the specialty of a technician, manager, lawyer, accountant and others. You can be admitted to college after graduating from 9 or 11 grades of school, after graduating from vocational school or receiving secondary vocational education. College education lasts 2-4 years, depending on the education received. When you go to college, you get student status, student ID, and credit. After graduation, you will be issued with a diploma of secondary specialized education in the chosen specialty, which gives you the right to enter a university or get a job, having taken the appropriate position.

It is noteworthy that the programs and courses of study at a college are only slightly simpler than at an institute, and to enter here is much easier and cheaper. In some colleges, training programs provide more complete knowledge than at an institute, and the learning process itself is structured in the same way as in a university - students listen to lectures, participate in seminars, take tests and exams. In addition, the discipline is stricter and the students have less freedom. Colleges are better suited to innovations in the education system and in the labor market, therefore, you have a chance to gain more practical skills and useful knowledge that will be useful directly at work.

In fact, a technical school is an analogue of a college, with the only difference that in a technical school you receive basic training, and in college you receive more advanced training.

In vocational schools you can get the specialty of a locksmith, assembler, hairdresser, electrician and others. These professions are in demand at any time. Vocational technical schools provide a basic level of knowledge, in some of them it is not at all difficult to enter after the 9th grade. Mainly those who do not like to study go there, especially since it is not required to pass entrance exams - it is enough to write an application. But there are also such PUs in which 2-3 people apply for one place, and you will have to pass an exam in order to pass the competitive selection. After graduating from college, you can go to work in your specialty, but you can hardly count on an increase - for this you will have to receive additional education.

On the 1st-2nd year at the vocational technical school, general education subjects are provided, on the 3rd course they teach the basics of your future profession. There is an opportunity to undergo an internship at the enterprise. Upon graduation from vocational school, you will receive a certificate of completed secondary education and a certificate of profession. This does not give you any benefits when entering a higher educational institution, however, if you have sufficient experience in your specialty or received a red diploma, the university will provide you with benefits.

Now, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of education in college, technical school and vocational school, you can decide on the choice of educational institution. It is never too late to engage in self-education and, having received secondary specialized education, you can always continue your studies at the university.

School is what kind of education?

School (vocational school) is what kind of education?

Do not confuse specialized secondary (technical school, college) and vocational (college) education. The school provides exactly professional skills, the ability to work with hands and a minimum of theoretical knowledge. College and technical school is still more a theoretical education with a certain practical training. So the school is a secondary vocational education, which gives mainly working professions and skills.

Previously, there were mainly GPTUs, which stands for the city vocational school

There were earlier in other years TU, SPTU, SpetsPTU.

There were earlier schools that had the status of a technical school or college. These are military schools and cultural and educational schools.

In the period of today's Russia, PU, \u200b\u200ba vocational school, where they give primary knowledge about the profession. This is primary vocational education and secondary school education

Technical schools or, as now, colleges or lyceums provide secondary specialized education. That is, they receive not a profession, but a specialty. You can work with one specialty in different professions

And one working profession, she is one

A school is a secondary and special education. And there you can enter on the basis of secondary school education, or incomplete secondary school education. And the time of study at the school will depend on this.

There are various schools, for example, a medical school, after which you can be a nurse, a paramedic, or a pedagogical school, you can be a teacher or educator.

Just do not confuse a school with a vocational school, where a narrow-profile direction, an example of a construction profession, a plasterer, a painter, a turner, an electrician and others. There is a vocational school where they train a seller for work.

Studying at a vocational school takes much less time than at a school.

Those who have crusts about graduating from school are considered with secondary special education, this is a college and vocational school, such people have a secondary education and a specialty in which they can already be hired. The usual specialties there are: cook, locksmith, pastry chef, painter-plasterer, welder, salesmen and weavers.

Children finish 9 classes and go to this institution for three years.

Graduation from college gives an ordinary secondary education with the acquisition of a certain profession, as a rule, this is a working profession. Recently, the number of schools is decreasing, because the majority of young people are striving to get a higher education. And for many years working specialties were not in demand, the factories were all in ruins.

A vocational school provides secondary specialized education, although it is valued lower than colleges-technical schools. Most schools now prefer to be called lyceums. And the professions taught in them are mainly workers: locksmith, mechanic, tram driver, etc.

This is a secondary specialized education. The school usually teaches blue-collar occupations and specialties.

You can go to school after grade 9 and after grade 11. After grade 11, they teach only 2-3 years, at the school they devote almost no time to general developmental disciplines, such as philosophy, political science, sociology, etc., and the emphasis is placed on working skills.

After college, you can enter a higher educational institution for free if you pass the competition.

School is not a specialized secondary education, but a secondary vocational education. The school teaches taaim specialties such as: Plasterer, painter, locksmith, bricklayer, cook, plumber, salesman. These educations are received at the school.

A person who has studied at a school receives a secondary specialized education. You can enter the school after the end of the nine grades of school. At the school, students receive working specialties, for example: salesman, locksmith, cook, plumber.

The vocational school (PTU) provides vocational education without status. True, if the name contains the word - Secondary, then it gives secondary education. The main task of the vocational school is to teach the working profession.

Usually everyone is confused that the school is a specialized secondary education, but in fact it is a secondary vocational education. In the school, they mainly teach some working specialties (plaster, locksmith and others).

What kind of education is a vocational school? Vocational school

Sooner or later, every high school student has a question about what to do with his life next. And getting a specialized education is directly related to this issue. Many are beginning to wonder: "What kind of education is vocational school?" Let's figure it out.

What kind of education is a vocational school?

The training received in vocational schools is classified as initial vocational. The program is designed in such a way that an important emphasis is placed on subjects from the general education course that are directly related to the chosen profession. Also, a lot of attention is paid to specialized subjects.

A step into the future or a sentence?

Historically, it so happened that in the countries of the post-Soviet space, the abbreviation PTU (meaning “vocational school”) has become synonymous with trouble, laziness and rudeness. There is an opinion that only incapable students are collected there. Ask people: "What kind of education is vocational school?" - and, most likely, you will hear in response that at the exit these institutions give only idlers and petty hooligans.

People's opinions

Others believe that the vocational school must be revived, otherwise there will soon be no man left who knows how to hammer in a nail or change the gasket in the tap. Efforts must be made to restore the prestige of these institutions. Many people point out that it is possible to get a specialty in a vocational school much faster than if you finish your studies for another 2 years at school, and then 5 years at a university. With regard to the lack of initiative teachers and students gouging - this may be true, but there are plenty of similar elements in universities. And, frankly, the quality of teaching in some vocational schools will give odds to individual universities.

What's the real picture

Unfortunately, at this time, the reality is that vocational school does attract a large percentage of adolescents who are not going to study. Many young people are very enthusiastic about the opportunity to study at vocational schools. Why then?

First, because? that anyone can enter there, and not just boring "cramps". After all, there are no entrance examinations in some schools because of the need to fill in the declared places. The vocational school is better than school - more fun. According to the stories of some, the discipline in pairs is not given enough attention, and some students even allow themselves to come to classes in a state of light alcoholic intoxication. It is quite easy to pass tests and exams for a bribe or even just for a bottle of alcohol. Such opinions, of course, are isolated and highly controversial. However, unfortunately, they are based on real facts. And after such chilling revelations, it's time to seriously worry about our future.

Yet reality is not as dark as it might seem. What kind of education a vocational school gives depends to a large extent on the student himself. Yes, you judge for yourself - is it worth making an idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of the school from the words of a student? For more than a decade, vocational schools have graduated and continue to graduate young specialists who have spent their studies with benefit and have really acquired the necessary professional skills.

Advantages of vocational schools

The main advantage of vocational schools is their narrow specialization. And this means that mountains of information will not be poured into a young man that is not at all useful to him in his chosen profession. If you had a chance to unlearn at a university, you yourself can estimate how much of the material learned there remained unclaimed, or even completely disappeared from memory as unnecessary. Knowledge, of course, is not to be carried behind the back, but the time spent will not return.

In addition, the structure of the vocational school itself is focused on ensuring that after graduation, the student is assigned to work. At the moment, there is no such practice in universities.

What are the specialties in vocational schools?

  • Car mechanic - checks the technical condition of vehicles, determines the need for repairs and carries them out.
  • Auto Electric - Serves any electronics in the car. Due to the rapid development of automatic systems in the construction of vehicles, this is a highly demanded specialty.
  • Accumulator - monitors the condition of batteries and accumulators. An irreplaceable person in large-scale industries.
  • Bondar is a specialist in barrel making.
  • Bulldozer operator is a bulldozer operator. Requires special clearance.
  • Designer-constructor - engaged in the design and direct manufacture of product prototypes.
  • Upholsterer - performs decoration work. In demand in the advertising business.
  • A sharpener is a necessary full-time employee in any enterprise where machines are used.
  • An engineer is a specialist in the design of various structures.
  • Cable Guy is a worker who makes or installs cables.
  • Crane operator - crane operator.
  • A roofer is a specialist who calculates and installs a roof on a building.
  • A blacksmith is a craftsman who works with metal. Often this work includes artistic forging and stamping.
  • A painter is a worker who paints rooms, structures or other items.
  • A machinist is a specialist who maintains and operates a machine (this can be a locomotive, compressor, turbine generator, etc.).
  • Metallurgist is a worker in the field of obtaining metal from ore.
  • Mechanic - a specialist who maintains and repairs all kinds of mechanisms.
  • Assembler - a worker who assembles and dismantles structures.
  • A carpenter is a specialist in woodworking.
  • Radio mechanic - a specialist in the repair of televisions, radios and electronic equipment.
  • A borer is a specialist in working with blank elements.
  • A straightener is a specialist in straightening body cladding parts.
  • Plumber - an employee who repairs and installs sanitary equipment.
  • A welder is a welding specialist.
  • A locksmith is a specialist in manual metalworking. Engaged in the assembly and disassembly of metal products.
  • A cabinet maker is a worker who produces high quality interior items (including furniture) from wood. As a rule, he uses valuable wood species for his work.
  • Turner is a specialist in turning, working with wood, metal, plastic, plexiglass, resin and other materials.
  • A milling machine operator is a milling machine operator. Treats the surfaces of parts by removing a layer of chips.
  • The seamstress is a worker in cutting and sewing clothes.
  • Grinder - A worker who abrasives a hard material.
  • Plasterer is a specialist in wall decoration.
  • An electrician is a specialist in wiring electricity. Carries out installation of systems and laying of electrical cables.

What you need for admission

To enter the city vocational school after the end of the 9th grade, you will need to pass entrance exams. In addition, the following package of documents will be required:

  1. Application addressed to the director of the school.
  2. Certificate of education.
  3. 6 photos 3x4 cm.
  4. Medical certificate.
  5. Vaccination certificate.
  6. Certificate of residence.
  7. Copy of birth certificate (or passport).
  8. A copy of the identification number.

How to get the most out of your learning

Even the best teacher in the world cannot teach a student anything unless he wants to learn. Therefore, first of all, you need to start with your attitude towards education.

Don't let others discourage you. And remember about the purpose of admission - the acquisition of practical skills that will help to support yourself. Consider the learning period as an investment in the future. Time is one of the most valuable resources that we all possess. Don't let it go down the drain.

How can this be achieved? Just try listening carefully. Try to get really interested in your chosen profession. After all, it is with this business that you decided to connect your life, at least for the next few years. Why deliberately turn these years into hard labor, if it is quite possible to get real pleasure from an interesting business?

What are the prospects after graduating from vocational school

A vocational school diploma will give you the opportunity to immediately get a job in your specialty. Often the director of the school is involved in ensuring the availability of job vacancies. You will have certain options already when you go through the obligatory industrial practice.

In addition, such an education (PTU) gives you the opportunity to continue your studies if you wish. And if you enroll in the same specialty, then, most likely, you will be provided with some benefits. This can be admission immediately to the second or third year of the university, or the opportunity to enter without entrance exams.

Modern terminology

What kind of education is a vocational school? In fact, this question has already become archaism. Because we no longer have official vocational schools. Today there are PU - vocational schools and VL - vocational lyceums. However, it will not soon disappear from our public consciousness such a familiar abbreviation - PTU.

Why is this education called special? On the basis of school knowledge, students study in depth one field of activity, and then they can get a job. As a rule, vocational school also prepares working specialties, contributing to the expansion of personnel in factories and industries.


In addition to these four education groups, there are many other entries that can be entered in the work book. Unfortunately, they no longer belong to the classical Russian system of education, but they still have a place to be. But our task is to consider the correct filling of the education column, leaving no space and time for rare exceptions.

Making a record of education (study)

How is education formalized in a work book? In order for this important document not to have to be redone or not to make corrections, you need to be careful about entering labor records.

That is why our main task is to tell you how education is entered into the work book.

So, how to make an entry in the work book about education? She must be clear and concise... It must be entered clear and neat handwriting, with the same paste as other data from the title page. The entry should be as clear as possible, because it is possible that the employer who accepts the employee for the next position will not be able to understand the proposal.

Information about education in the work book (sample):

A vocational school is an educational institution that prepares specialists for working specialties. It is not uncommon for a vocational school graduate to simply write a statement in order to go to study at a higher educational institution, and he is transferred to the second year of the institute.

Thus, we can conclude that vocational school cannot be called secondary education, because this level of knowledge is higher than that of children studying at school.

For a long time, vocational school students write in their labor books that they are the owners secondary specialized education and they are absolutely right. This is what their specialty is called.

How to make an entry in the work book about education after vocational school (sample):


The school is also an educational institution where ninth grade school graduates are admitted.

The school pays attention to only one specific subject in order to graduate ready-made workers.

Therefore, to the question "School is what kind of education for a work book?" you can answer that the school is also secondary specialized education, since it is believed that graduates have a higher level of knowledge than the same students.

Technical College

Technical educational institutions are a dream for young people who do not want to continue studying at school, but really want to work with their hands and earn money. Technical specialties are now in price, which is why many seek to get into them.

It should be noted that graduates of a technical school have every right to enter immediately the third year of a technical higher educational institution and continue their studies, becoming a specialist with a higher education in two years.


More recently, in our country, they began to switch to the Bologna education system, which caused a storm of indignation among leading professors and among many students.

Who are bachelors? What does the entry in the work book about bachelor's education mean?

In fact, these are specialists with an initial level of higher education... Due to misunderstanding and people's mistrust of such an education system, employers refuse to take bachelors for work, and students themselves do not understand where to apply their knowledge.

Now your main task is to find a job in your specialty.

Education record in the work book after graduation (sample):


It is often required to change the education record in the work book, a sample of which we give below. If a citizen received any education, but over the years received a higher level, for example, after graduating from college, he graduated from a higher educational institution, then it is necessary to change the entry on education in his work book on the basis that now this specialist has increased his level of knowledge.

How to make changes to the employment record of education? Record of past education neatly crossed out, and on the opposite side of the spread on a white sheet, a record of the change in education is made.

Information is written that higher education was obtained on the basis of diploma number such and such.

Also, do not forget that the date is put when an entry about the change in education was entered in the work book.

Record in the work book about the change in education (sample):

It is very important that the change in education is framed properly. It is about the accuracy, clarity of handwriting and the effort to avoid mistakes.

Surely, many HR employees are not the first time to put such records, but regardless of whether you are an experienced specialist or a beginner, you should still do everything possible to neat and correct fill out your work book, avoiding all sorts of mistakes.


Now you know all the rules that will help you make an entry in the work book about studies, understand how, if necessary fix her education, and also, in general, learn to determine what kind of education received from a graduate of a particular institution.
