Good day. Today is our 15th class. It's time to remember some of the foundations, the foundation on which we are building our magnificent English palace.

English castle.

English castle, yes. The main thing is that it is not on the sand.

It is very important to understand the priority on which all this is strung. This is such a foundation. All other structures, the rest - they are already being built here. Therefore, we can endlessly expand some lexical and grammatical possibilities, but still we inevitably and invariably return to the basic structures - how the verb works.

And you made sure that when we try to speak, try to interact, to enter into a dialogue, then basically the problem, inhibition is turned on at the moment when we have to use something from very simple, very basic constructions. Therefore, I urge you once again not to neglect the basic structures that should work at an automatic level.

Today we will try to remember something, add something, summarize - all that we can say about ourselves. That is, who I am, where I live, what I love, what I don’t like, where I work, what are my plans. Now let's try to remember it.

If necessary, we will add all the words of which we will miss. So, in any order, in principle, you can start this. So, tell me about yourselves. Tell me - tell me about yourself, right? If we speak to one person - tell me about yourself... And in the plural - about you - about yourselves... Ok. Who will start? Who will start? Ok. Anya, would you like to start? Do you want to start?

Yes, my name is Anna. I'm 27 years old. I'm an actress. I live in Moscow. I work in the theater. I love my job. Job, not work? I love my job very much. I work in the theater and sometimes I work in cinema, but now the main direction of my work is concentrated on theaters work. I have a family. I have a very good home and very good people around me. The most important people in my life is my family.

My name is Anna. I am 27 years old. I'm an actress. I live in Moscow. I work in the theater. I love my job. I love it very much. I work in theater and sometimes in cinema. But now I am more focused on acting in the theater.

No, are. My family is…

My family is the most ... So ... Everyone understands.

You know what I mean.

You know what I mean, yes. I have a very nice daughter. She is very kind and light and she has very special clever heart and she is very open. I believe, when she will ...

Well, you get what I mean. I have a wonderful daughter. She is a very kind, light and open person. She has a sensitive heart. And I believe that when she ...

When she grows up.

-… when she grows up, she will be very kind light person. So, I have a mother, she helps me in my life every time in some practical ... I don't know how to say in Russian. In some more philosophy ...

... when she grows up, she will remain the same kind and easy person. I also have a mom. She helps me both when I need physical help and when I need moral support.

grow up - grow up

What pleasure can I have in seeing a girl grow up to eclipse me, and enjoy those pleasures that I am for ever debarred from?

Agnes Gray by Bronte, Anne

What a joy to watch like a girl grows upto outshine me and enjoy the pleasures that have been robbed of me forever?

Agnes Gray, Anne Bronte

Philosophical sense.

Philosophical sense. Sense is quality, right?

Sense is meaning.

Meaning. So. And she supports me on my life. So. And I have a husband. I love him and he loves me.

She supports me all my life. So, I have a husband. I love him and he loves me. And that's great.

It is so sweet!

It is very simple!

Sense is the meaning. When we say: - "In what sense?" - "In what sense?" And, conversely, when there is no point, nonsense is nonsense.

sense - meaning

nonsense - nonsense

Yeah. And you can ask questions, right?

Please. If you have questions, you can ask.

What kind of profession does your husband have?

What is your husband's profession?

He is a musician. He is main direction of musical job. He is a piano player academicals direction. He works like director or conductor. Not like conductor in direct meaning.

He is a musician. He is engaged in academic music. He's not only a performer.

In the direct sense.

In the direct sense, yes. But is a ideologist of orchestra, not like a conductor. So, he has a lot of very bright ideas in contemporary art and this ideas combine (And also, he is the ideologist of the orchestra. He has a lot of bright ideas about combining classical and contemporary music.)
Combines - Combine. His ideas combine.

His ideas combine contemporary art and spirit of the time with academically direction of the music. So.

Very interesting. So, you are very creative family. (Very interesting. You have a creative family.)

I think it’s enough.


Ok. Thank you. Very nice story. Who was to continue? (Thanks, very good story. Who wants to continue?)

Please go ahead, Oleg.

My name is Oleg Shishkin. I am a writer and playwright, and screenwriter. I was born in 1963 in Moscow. In 1980 I learn in theater school Boris Shukin. After the school I worked in the theater young spectator in Tbilisi city. After I worked is a writer, I make novel and articles, and play, and script. I have one son. He likes photography’s and cinema. I and my son very good friend. How do you say we? I forgot. (My name is Oleg Shishkin. I am a writer. I am also a playwright and screenwriter. I was born in 1963 in Moscow. In 1980 I began my studies at the Boris Shchukin Theater School ... Then I worked in the Theater of Young Spectators in Tbilisi. Then I began to write novels and articles and plays and scripts. I have a son.)

We go to the cinema and spend time together.

Ok. Very nice. Thank you. Any questions for Oleg.

What kind of profession your son want in the future? (What profession does your son want to choose?)

Where does he want to work? What profession does he want to have? (Where does he want to work? What profession does he want to get?)

May be yesterday, I said to you - my son have very nice idea. He likes director film and operator. He likes to be a camera man. But today he not sure. May be little business. (Yesterday I would have told you that he has a great plan. He likes the work of a film director or cameraman. But today he is no longer sure. Maybe he will go into business. Small business.)

Are you friend with him or father and son? (Are you friends with him, or just "father and son"?

We are friends with my son? I and my son where are a very big friends. Not problem. May be problem. How do you say "tastes"? (We're great friends.)

Taste in the cinema. My son likes shooter and action films. But I like film philosophy. Can I say so? (Maybe the only problem is taste. My son loves action movies, and I love philosophical pictures.)

Philosophic and psychical relax.

Psychological - psychological.

Action film is an action movie.

This word "taste" means taste. And together it means: "they don't argue about tastes."

Tastes differ. - Tastes could not be discussed.

Literally: tastes are different. This is a proverb. Tastes differ. Literally "tastes differ" corresponds to the Russian proverb: "There is no dispute about tastes."

Is this "S" readable? Tastes?

Oleg, does your son liked then you tell him teenager? When you call him teenager? (Oleg, does your son like it when you call him a teenager?)

Not. I am not speak with my son. Name teenager I don’t use. (No, I don’t tell him that.)

But he will see this problem? (But will he see this program?)

So what? (So \u200b\u200bwhat?)

So what - it means - "So what." That's how it is written.

I have a problem with the question: - Will there be? - Would she want to?

Will he want? - everything is clear. Will he want? Will he want to go? Will he want to be? Etc.

Do you like it?

Does he like? You can say: I don’t know if his son will want to do something. Ok. Volodya, what you like to speak about yourself, your plans, your family. Every you want to speak about. (Volodya, do you want to tell about yourself, about your plans, about your family?) Everything about which there is a desire to talk.

My name is Volodya. Vladimir and Voldemar.

My favorite name (I especially like this option).

And my friends call me that. So, I like music.

(And that's what my friends call me. Well, I love music.)

Classical music?

Oleg asked a tricky question.

When I was young - I liked classical music (I liked classical music as a child).

Do you like music today? (Do you like this music today?)

Today I likes different styles. Industrial noise, Minimalism.

May be only one. It's Bon Style. Through singing.

You are singing. Are you ...

I don’t ready now (I'm not quite ready for this kind of singing now).

Do you make your own music? (Do you write music yourself?) Make your own - do you make your own music?

Yes, I make my own music sometimes. But my wife not every time like then I do it is mean noise. (Yes, sometimes I compose, but my wife ... She's not crazy about it. There is a lot of noise.)

It's very noisy - very noisy. Then you do it at home - she doesn’t like it. (She doesn't like it when you do it at home?)

Yes, then I do it at home - she doesn’t like it. (Exactly)

What do you style your music? (What is your music?)

It’s look like “art of noise” (Something like “Art of Noise”)
Sounds like. When we say that something looks like - It sounds like, and when we say that something sounds like - It sounds like.

It sounds like art of noise, but "Art of Noise" - is name of real group, but my style

Can be called the art of noise.

You can call it the art of noise.

My music you can call art of noise, but it is stronger. (This is more powerful music.) I married to Nastya and very happy.

Anastasia. Because she to black like me (Because she is as black as me).

Because she to wears, she is in black (Because she wears black too). Being in black literally translates.

I like this color (I like this color). She does it for me.

You are mistaken. I do always for me. And how to say: - Whatever I do, I do only for myself?

What I do - I do for myself.

And how to say: - "Let's talk at home"?
Will talk about it at home.

How many child?

Two. Two my sons (I have two sons).

Do you want daughter? (Do you want a daughter?)

Yes, of course. (Yes of course)

When? (When?)

Right now (Right now)

You can choose with whom do you want a daughter, because now, right now I don’t (Then choose with whom you will have a daughter, because right now I don’t ...)

Ok, after, may be (Well, well, after ...)

to be right - to be right
to be wrong - to be wrong

Interesting. And how to say: - "How will it go"?

will see - we'll see, we'll see
We do not hurry. - We're not in a hurry.

No, we are not planning.

We make no plans - we don't make plans. Ok. Thank you. Nastya, will you continue? Continue? Tell us something about yourself.

We have two children (we have two children). Their names are Gordey and Orthey.

How old are they? (How old are they?)

The elder is six and six years (senior - six and six). Right - six and six months?

six and the half - six and a half

Six and the half.

And the younger.

And the younger is three and the half (And the youngest is three and a half). And we live in Moscow. My children like to travel. (We live in Moscow. My children love to travel.) And I want them to know English (And I really want them to know English).

To know English and that why I study English (That's why I study English).

When from brothers, from sons it is:

The elder - senior

The younger - junior

And my elder son likes painting and he ... How to sew?

How to say it simulates?

Design. He design clothes.

He design clothes for himself, for me, for dolls.

For his brother?

He need a sister.

May be. I thinking about it. I will thinking about it. And ... with all this - how to say?

with all that - with all that

But with all that he is the best pupil in karate school (But with all that, he is the best student in karate school). You could say that.

And we have very good coach, who always ... how to say - praises him?

to praise - to praise (to evaluate, literally)

Price - related to this?

Initially, yes. The root is common. Are your two sons are the friends, do they fight?

Are your sons friends or are they fighting?

Yes, they have no choice. They are friends.

They are friends. They have no other choice.

They are friends. And I think children in some families are not friends because they have this chance.

In some families, children are not friends because they are allowed.

Sometimes they are fighting.

This is nature, two boys.

Yes, but if I scold the one of them, the other comes to me and defense his brother and scold me.

to scold - scold

to defend - to defend

And I think, my elder son will be director because he always play with some dolls. (And I think my oldest son will be a director because he plays with dolls all the time) He plays different stories. He is favorite story is Romeo and Juliet. (Plays different plots with them ... His favorite story, for example, Romeo and Juliet) And he plays in it. Dino and mermaid.

He loves this story.

And Mermaid has nothing to do with Merver?

No, this is related to Mer - in French the sea, and maid - the virgin. The sea maiden. Ok. Thank you. Sasha, you want to tell us about yourself? (Sasha, do you want to tell us your story?)

Yes, I want. My name is Sasha. (My name is Sasha).

Nice to meet you.

And I. So I'm an alcoholic.

It is no problem.

That are you like to drink? (What do you like to drink?)

It's my problem. (It is my problem).

Yes. My fantasy finish about the place then I can drink.

Sasha, excuse me, say this is peoples about you, your story life, understand me? (Sasha, I'm sorry, but tell these people about yourself, your life story).

Your life story.

How did you come to such a life, tell me.

Yes, I ... A lot, Lord.

I work very much. (I work too much) I work in the theater, sometimes in cinema and I have program on TV (I work in the theater, sometimes I act in films, on television I have my own program ...) And some independent project about contemporary art, performance, international project with different artists. I haven’t time. And yesterday I think: how I can relax fast. I like travel, but it possible if you have time. (I don't have time, and yesterday I thought, "How can I relax?" I love to travel, but this is possible only when you have time.)
If you can time, you can travel.

And yesterday in the morning for some TV show I was try Zorb. (And yesterday morning I tried zorbong for one program) You know? Zorbing - it’s some extreme, it’s not extreme (zorbing is so extreme, no, not extreme ...)

Some kind of practice?

It's an extreme sport.

And after that I was happy and ...

So, you felt fresh? Fresh is fresh. One might say refresh is refresh.

And I think, maybe it's a good idea - spend your time with something extreme (And maybe it's not such a bad idea to spend time doing something extreme?) In this summer I was learned wakeboard (I also do wakeboard ).

Is it on the waves, or what?

When you ride a boat on a board.

So, tell us about this sport (Tell us about this sport). What kind of sport is it?

It's extreme sport. This is sport the better for man, not for woman. (This is an extreme sport. It is more suitable for men than women.) Because it’s very dangerous (because it’s very dangerous). You can fall in the water and you can break something (You can fall into the water, you can break something for yourself).

You can have trauma (You can be injured).

You right on the water and this is moment very dangerous then you go left and right (You rush on the water, and this moment is very dangerous when you take to the left or to the right). In the middle. Two waves are formed behind the boat.

There are two waves.

And when you want to go left, making left, you should jump over.

So jumping is jump, and jumping is jump over. Through the wave - Jump over a wave.

It is very dangerous, in this moment very often fall down. And in general, the point is that you can ride for a maximum of 15 minutes.

The maximum time is 15 minutes.

How do you say this is the perfect sport when you're short on time?

An ideal sport if you have a little time.

Ideal sport, when you have a little time.

Sasha, did you do it in Moscow? (Sasha, did you do this in Moscow?)

Yes, in Moscow. You can do it. (Yes, in Moscow it is possible). In Moscow we have some stations where you can do it. And I think now, It’s a good idea, when you haven’t time for relax, you can try something different extreme sports. (I think when you're short on time, you can do something extreme to relax.)

Some new experience.

Something new experience without alcohol, drugs and different shit. (New experiences without alcohol, drugs and other nonsense.)

Say, what you said before - it's joke about alcohol. Peoples not understand. (Well, admit to all of us that everything you said here about alcohol was a joke. Not everyone understands such humor.)

It's a joke, yes, I love extreme sports. (About alcohol ... it was a joke, I love extreme)

Healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle

Ok. Thank you and now we will ask. Dasha, what about you? Tell us something about yourself. Today you wearing polka dot dress, jacket. (And now we will ask Dasha to tell about herself, are you wearing a polka-dot dress today, or is it a jacket?)

Polka dot, yes. (polka dots, yeah)

So, tell us about yourself. May be about your plans or about present life situation. (Tell us about yourself, maybe about your plans, maybe about what is happening with you now).

I thought about what I can tell, I can’t understand what about me because. (I was thinking about what to say to me, but I myself do not understand anything about myself).
What plans do you have for the future?

Well, what are your plans for the future?

I thought about children when the guys are told about. And maybe it is my plans.

When the guys talked about their children, I thought that I also want children. Children. Maybe these are my plans for the future.

Maybe this is your plan. These is a very nice, very creative plan.

Great creative plan.

The best project in life.

I think this is the best project in my life.

We support you.

We support you.

And you have, everybody is support.

Because, I think about it too.

The main role in my life and in life all women and we will try their children.

I think this is my main role and ... All women.

The role of a mother.

Yes, and we need to try to do the best future for our child and they will have nothing bad. Now I have dog, it's my son.

And we must take care of a better future for our children and ... So that they are not pressured, that they are not tortured. But as long as I have a dog, my son.

That is his name?


My brother called me this name. Gavrik, Gavryusha.

It's my lovely name.

I really love this name.

Ok. Well, may be Mikhail will tell us about his life, his plans.

Good. Now, perhaps, Michael will tell us about his life, and about his plans.

Plans, big plans. Not big, but grandiose.

Grandiose. Ok, what is your big plan for the future?

And the nearest plan?

The nearest future is the near future.

The nearest future - new jewelry collection.

So, in the distant future - in the distant future?

short-term - short-term
long-term - long-term
the world fame - glory to the whole world

For long time - The world fame

So, your plan - to have the world fame. To be famous, famous, hence the word famous.

Will you forget us then you will be great famous? (When you become famous, will you forget us?)

So, when you a great and famous, don’t forget your friends. (When you become great and famous, do not forget us.)

Why so big plans? Why you don’t want to be the best men in the Moscow, in Russia? Why is famous in the world? (Why such big plans? Why don't you want to become the best person in Moscow?)

Why the whole world?

Interesting. Because this interesting.

It takes a lot of time. All your time you will work. And what about your sons? (What about your sons?)

You have son? (Do you have sons?)

I have two sons.

But no one wife?

No, how to say: "They have a different mom"?

Different mothers

Your sons lives with you? (Do your sons live with you?)

His sons live with his mothers

One son live in Peterburg, one son live in Moscow. (One son lives in St. Petersburg and the other in Moscow.)

How often do you see ... (How often do you see them?)


Mikhail, do you want to get married someone again? (Mikhail, do you want to marry again?)

And how to say: "This is included in the plans"?

Anya, you want it to ask?

I want to ask you, Mikhail. So, I think that the jeweler designer is a very rare profession. (I think jewelry designer is a very rare profession.)


Yes, hence the rarity. Is that the rare profession?

So, how did you decide to be a jeweler designer, when did you decided? How? (How did you decide to become a jeweler? Where did you study?)

After the crash.

After car accident a stopped the sport.

What sport did you practice? What sport did you play?

Ski jump. I was is a ski jumper.

It was your professional?

Yes. And how will the national team be?

Team. National team.

Nation team of USSR.

Some fatal situation is change your life. You get new capabilities. (The tragedy changed your life, but you have new opportunities.)

ski jumping - ski jumping

New start in life. Ok. Thank you. Now, Alice, that about you? What is your present situation, what is your plan for the future?

(Okay, thanks, now Alice, how about you? What's interesting going on in your life? What are your plans?)

My name is Alice. I am 25 years old. I work in State Tretyakov Gallery. It’s museum of Russian art, I work in PR.

(My name is Alisa, I am 25 years old, I work in the State Tretyakov Gallery. This is a museum of Russian art. I work in the PR department.)

So, you work in Public Relations Department of Tretyakov Gallery.

Yes, I work in Public Relations Department of Tretyakov Gallery.

So, what is your plan for the future? Do you want to continue this work?

I think in this moment, I want to continue this work and later ... (I think I want to continue doing what I am doing now).

Later you can change something (Will you change something later?)

Yes, I think. I don’t know. (I do not know)

You have some questions to Alice.

What do you like artist style today?

What direction in art do you like?

In contemporary art?

In contemporary art?

Contemporary, modern, may be old style, classic, traditional, antic style. (Not necessary).

to continue - continue

What art do you like?

Different art schools, I like renaissance and the impressionism, and modern art, Russian Avangard. May be I would like to history of architecture.

I like different directions. And the Renaissance, and impressionism and contemporary art.

Ok. More questions.

Alice, do you want the make yourself something arts?

Do you want to create works of art yourself?

Do you want to practical art?

In our university said: what people - who are not artist themselves, they have to study art. I don’t want to be an artist.

I don't want to be an artist.

I know so much about it.

I have a different destiny.

We can already say a lot about ourselves.

There is a feeling that there is not enough vocabulary.

I don't have such a feeling, because it is not possible and unrealistic to prepare for everything. Therefore, you just need to understand at what moment what missing words we may need and master them in order to include them in a certain context. Because just learning in thousands of words hardly makes any sense, especially since it is rarely kept in memory for a long time. Therefore, rather, we should focus on some basic set of words, which represents the same fireproof stock.

Often teachers, on the contrary, say that you need to learn, cram, turn into such a thing, into a warehouse of various foreign words, which of course will probably not be useful to you. Aren't you afraid of being accused of heresy?

Good day! I am glad to welcome you to the 15th lesson of the course "Polyglot: English in 16 hours".
In this lesson of an intellectual show, students of Dmitry Petrov will demonstrate their achievements in mastering English. Pay attention to studying the stories of each of the participants in the "Polyglot" program, if you do not have any questions regarding the translation and you understand well what the students said - then you have worked no worse than the participants in the show!

Overview of all Polyglot English lessons in 16 hours, learn with pleasure.

Remember that you can learn from mistakes, students of Dmitry Petrov, when telling about themselves, make quite common grammatical and syntactic mistakes typical for Russian speakers.

Mistake number one - lack of a fixed word order in sentences. Do not forget about this feature, if the Russian language will allow you to change the positions of the members of the sentence, this is absolutely not typical for the English language.

  • The circumstances of place and time can take a position both before the subject and after the addition. That is, they have two options for location in the proposal.

Mistake number two - incorrect conjugation of verbs. However, the verb conjugation table was not brought to automatism.

Watch the video of the fifteenth lesson

Stories from Lesson 15 of "Polyglot"

My name is Anna. I'm 27 years old. I'm an actress. I live in Moscow. I work in the theater. I love my job very much. I work in the theater and sometimes I work in the cinema. But now the main direction of my work is concentrated on theater work. I have a family. I have very good house. There are very good people around me. The most important people in my life are the members of my family. I have very nice daughter. She is a very kind, light and open person. She has a very sincere heart. And I believe, when she grows up, she will be a very kind and light person. I have a mother. She helps me in my life every time in some practical or philosophical sense. She supports me. I have a husband. I love him and he loves me. And it's nice. He is a musician. His main direction of musical job is piano music. He deals with academical music. He work like a director or conductor, not like conductor in direct sense, but as an ideologist of orchestra. He has a lot of bright ideas in contemporary art. And in these ideas combine contemporary art and the spirit of the time with the academical direction of the music.

My name is Oleg Shukin. I'm a writer, a play writer and a screen writer. I was born in 1963 in Moscow. In 1980 I learned in theater school "Boris Shukin". After the school, I worked in the theater "Young spectator" in city Tbilisi. I worked as a writer, I made the novels, the articles, the plays and the scripts. I have one son. He like to take photos and the cinema. My son and I are very good friends. We go to the cinema and we spend time together. Yesterday, may be, I said to you, my son had a very good idea - he likes such jobs as director film and cameraman, but today he is not sure. He wants to have a little business. My son and I are very big friends, the single problem is our tastes differ. My son likes action films, but I like philosophical and psychological films.

My name is Vladimir or Voldemar, my friends call me Voldemar. I like music. When I was young I liked classical music, today I like different styles. I make my own music sometimes, but my wife doesn’t like, when I make it, because it’s very noisy. When I do it in home, she doesn’t like it. It sounds like art of noise. My music you can call art of noise, but it's stronger. I married to Nastia and I’m very happy. I like black color. I have two sons. I want a daughter, but right now we make no plans.

Vladimir and I have two children - Godei and Orfei. The elder son is six and the half and the younger is three and the half. We live in Moscow. My children like to travel very much. I want them to know English and that’s why I study English. My elder son likes painting and he likes to sew. He design the clothes for himself, for me and for dolls, but with all that, he is the best pupil in the karate school. He has a very good coach, who always praises him. My sons are friends, because they have no other choice. I think that children in some families are not friends, because they have this chance. They fight sometimes, but it’s natural, they are boys. But when I scold one of them, the other one comes to me and defends his brother and scolds me. They love each other. I think my elder son will be director, because he always play with some dolls, he plays different stories, his favorite story is "Romeo and Juliette".

My name is Sasha. I work very much. I work in the theater, sometimes in the cinema. I have a program on TV. In addition, I have some independent projects. About contemporary art and performance. I have no time, and yesterday I thought: "how I can relax fast?"; I like to travel but it's possible if you have free time. Yesterday in the morning for one program, I tried zorbing. It's an extreme sport. I felt happy and fresh. I think it's a good idea to spend your time with extreme sport. In summer, I learned wakeboard. It's an extreme sport. It’s better for men, not for women, because it’s very dangerous. You can even fall under the water and you can break some part of the body, you can have trauma. You run on the water. And this is moment very dangerous, when you go left, then right. There two waves, and you should jump over the waves. And in this moment, you can fall. The maximal time is 15 minutes. It's an ideal sport, when you have little time.

I thought what I can tell about me. I can understand nothing about me. I thought about children, when the guys told about them. May be, this is my plan for the future. I think it’s the main role in my life (to be a mother) and in lives all women. We have to make the best future for our children and they will have no pressure, nothing bad.

But now I have a dog, it's my son.

I have the big plans. The nearest future I want to have jewelry collection, and in the distant future, my big plan is to have the world fame, I me to be famous.

I have two sons. They have different mothers. One son lives in Saint-Petersburg, one son lives in Moscow.

After the car accident, I left the big sport. I was a ski jumper, in the national team of USSR. I got a new start in my life.

My name is Alisa, I'm 25 years old. I work in the State Tretyakov Gallery. It’s museum of Russian Art. I work in PR-department of the Tretyakov Gallery. I think in this moment I want to continue this work, and later I can change something.

I like different art styles: Renaissance, Impressionism, Modern Art and Foreign Art.

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How to start meditation for beginners at home? Most beginners in meditation make this process very difficult. In fact, meditation is a very simple practice, but incredibly effective. People who start meditating change and grow very quickly. A core appears inside, a support that gives a feeling of confidence and calmness. Of course, this also has a positive effect on health and in all other areas of life.

A bonus awaits you at the end of this article: self-practice audio meditation!

This article is written based on frequently asked questions from newbies. Many people want to meditate every day to see how the mind works and how it gets in the way of our lives. But most people quit after a couple of attempts. But meditation really gives you calm confidence and strength to achieve what you want. It just takes more patience and persistence to form the habit of meditating every day. I analyzed what my readers are most concerned about and wrote these home meditation lessons for beginners. So let's go.

The Right Meditation for Beginners

If you are completely new to meditation and just want to learn how to meditate properly for beginners at home, then you do not need to follow the strict advice that was written for Buddhist monks. Just like you don't have to follow the training schedule of an Olympic alpine skiing champion if you just want to enjoy a ski resort occasionally on weekends.

Moreover, these tips can only harm you. It is unlikely that you will have the patience to sit for 3 months every day getting used to the lotus position with a straight back and not getting any result other than an internal struggle and damaged nerves.

Meditation can be practiced in anything, in any daily activity. The only thing that is needed for this is to keep your attention on what is happening at the moment, without leaving in thoughts about the past and the future.

If it seems to you that nothing interesting is happening at the moment, then observe your breathing or sensations in the body. Unlike thoughts, breath and body are always in the present moment.

Meditation Poses for Beginners

When I first started to get involved in meditation, I read several teaching books for beginners and several times encountered meditation in yoga classes. All teaching materials began with advice on how to sit properly and how to prepare the place for meditation.

Usually, everyone is taught to sit in a cross-legged position with their backs straight. This, of course, is very good if you have been doing yoga daily for 5 years before. But if you, like me at that time, do not have the flexibility of a gymnast, then in such a position there is nothing even to try to achieve peaceful states. Your back and joints will hurt very soon, if, of course, you can even sit in the lotus position.

This posture will only harm your meditation. For an unprepared person, holding the body still in the lotus position requires physical activity. And an increase in physical activity leads to an increase in mental activity, while in meditation, on the contrary, we strive to reduce the activity of the mind.

Therefore, I strongly advise you to postpone all questions related to body position while learning the state of meditation.

Meditation is a state of inner peace and quiet. The body should be relaxed, calm and motionless. In which posture you can be in a still, relaxed state for a long time, in that one and meditate.

This advice is often met with resistance and even resentment, especially from yoga instructors. They give dozens of reasons why it is important to sit in the lotus position with a straight back. But don't worry too much about it. If you seriously want to learn the art of meditation, you will still have a lot of time to practice the correct posture. But I am still sure that at least the first month you need to deal exclusively with the comprehension of internal states, discarding everything unnecessary. And then you can already think about improving your practice.

When the body is in comfort, the desired mental experience is easily achieved, especially if you know how to use the nature of the mind to your advantage.

Practice meditation for beginners

Summarizing all of the above, you can draw up a small instruction that will help beginners to meditate at home.

  • Position yourself as you like and where you are comfortable. As if you are going to watch TV or sit on your phone for half an hour.
  • Determine in advance how long you will meditate. You can set a timer with a soft and quiet signal.
  • Place your watch or phone next to it so that you can see how much time is left until the end of the meditation during meditation. Freely glance at your watch as many times as you like. Every time you think, "I wonder how long I have been meditating," satisfy your curiosity instead of fighting your desire.
  • Close your eyes and observe everything that happens inside you, without resisting anything and taking everything as it is. Everything that happens during meditation is what should happen. Just be aware that this is happening.
  • Then start observing the breath. To make it easier, at first concentrate your consciousness only on inhalation, and release control on exhalation. Repeat to yourself: “inhale - concentration, exhale - relaxation. Inhale - concentration, exhale - relaxation. "
  • Even if you concentrate the mind on one object, for example, on the breath, thoughts will continue to spin on the periphery of consciousness. This is normal. Mental relaxation and the state of meditation will still be achieved, thoughts will not interfere with this.
  • When attention is distracted and you forget, this is also a normal part of the meditation process and is not a mistake. Calmly return your attention to the breath and continue.
  • After finishing your meditation, sit still for a couple of minutes. Just tell yourself, "The meditation is over," and continue to sit, gradually returning to your normal state of consciousness.

On this, perhaps, everything. This easy approach to meditation is the best way to learn how to meditate at home. After you have learned to concentrate on the breath for at least 20 minutes and achieve deep mental relaxation as a result of such mental concentration, move on to more traditional methods of meditation.

Meditation lessons for beginners

Lesson 1 - Sit in meditation for 2 minutes every day

It seems ridiculously easy to only sit for 2 minutes. It seems to us that the heavier the action, the greater the benefit. Meditation can be compared to physical training. Oftentimes, in a fit of enthusiasm, we want to do as much as possible, squat a hundred times a day, and as a result, we are enough for two workouts. And what if you take your time and do 2 squats a day for the first week? Just to form a habit and then gradually increase the difficulty?

With meditation also. Start with 2 minutes a day for the first week. If all goes well, add another 2 minutes and meditate for 4 minutes for the second week.

At this rate, in the second month of practice, the duration of daily meditation will already be 10 minutes. And that's great! But start small.

Lesson 2. Make Meditation First Every Morning

It is easy to say, "I will meditate every day." And then forget about it.

Set a reminder on your phone for the time you get up. And place a note "meditation!" In a prominent place. Tie the meditation into an existing habit. For example, always practice after brushing your teeth. You will soon be uncomfortable if you do not sit down to meditate after brushing your teeth. So the habit has been formed.

Lesson 3 - Don't get bogged down in perfectionism

Don't get caught up in perfectionism. Most meditators are worried about where to sit, how to sit, which pillow to use ... This is all well and good, but it's more important to just start. Start by sitting on a chair or sofa, or in bed. If you are more comfortable on the floor, then just sit cross-legged. In any case, it’s only 2 minutes at the beginning, so just sit, not really wondering if you’re meditating correctly. Later, you will slowly improve your practice, but for now, just sit comfortably in a quiet place.

Lesson 4 - Observe how you feel

As you gradually get into the practice of meditation, simply scan how you are feeling. How does your body feel? Is your mind busy, tired, or preoccupied with problems?

Lesson 5 - Count the exhalations

Now that you are comfortable, start observing the breath. Concentrate on the inhalation as the air enters through the nose and into the lungs. Then observe the exhalation. At the end of the exhalation, count: times. And so on until 10, then start again from one.

Lesson 6 - Come back when distracted

Your mind will wander. The probability of this at the beginning is 100%. And this is completely normal. That's no problem at all. When you notice that you are distracted, calmly, with a soft smile, return your attention to the breath. And again, start counting from one. You may feel some frustration, but know that this is normal. This is practice and you will often be distracted for a while.

Lesson 7. Cultivate Self-Love

Distracted from meditation, we habitually can get angry with our thoughts, criticize ourselves. It is better to get away from this gradually. When you notice thoughts and feelings that arise during meditation, treat them kindly. Think of them as friends, not enemies. This is part of you, be friendly to yourself.

Lesson 8 - Don't Worry About Your Meditation Wrong

It will seem to you that you are doing something wrong. Don't worry, there is no perfect way to meditate. Meditation is always different for each person. Just be happy that you are doing it.

Lesson 9 - Don't Worry About Stopping Your Internal Dialogue

Many people think that meditation is stopping the internal dialogue and clearing the mind of all thoughts. This is not true. Sometimes this can happen, but that is not the purpose of meditation. If you have thoughts, that's okay. Everyone has them. Our mind is a thought factory, and we cannot just take and close it. Instead, just try to focus your attention, returning it to the meditation object whenever it starts to wander.

Lesson 10 - You can get distracted

When you have distracted thoughts and feelings, try to be with them for a while. Yes, I know that I said above that you need to return your attention to breathing. But after you've already practiced this for about a week, you can also try to just stay with the thoughts and feelings that arise. We tend to always try to avoid unpleasant feelings and thoughts such as worry, irritation, frustration. But it is surprisingly useful sometimes not to avoid them, but to stay and be with them for a while. Just be with those feelings and consider them with curiosity.

Lesson 11 - Know yourself

The practice of meditation is not just about concentration, its purpose is to learn how your mind works. What's going on inside? By observing the mind wandering, getting frustrated, avoiding difficult feelings, you can begin to understand yourself.

Lesson 12 - Make Friends with Yourself

When you begin to know yourself, do it without criticism. You meet your best friend. Smile and give yourself love.

Lesson 13 - Practice Body Scanning

When you have made some progress in concentrating on the breath, try another exercise. Take a careful full body scan. Concentrate on one part of the body, feel sensations in that part of the body, tension or relaxation. Move your attention all over your body, starting with your toes and slowly moving up to the crown of your head.

Lesson 14 - Concentrate on Light and Sound

Again, after practicing breathing for at least a week, you can move on to other objects to observe. For example, the light around you. Just sit with your eyes open, look at one point and pay attention to the light in the room you are in. On another day, just focus on the sounds around you.

Lesson 15 - You Can Meditate Anywhere

If you travel or work a lot, you can meditate anywhere, even in the office. In the park, on a trip, or while walking somewhere. Sitting meditation is a good practice to start. But gradually, awareness goes into everyday activities, and then simple walking can become meditation.

Lesson 16 - Use Audio Meditations

You can try meditating with audio instructions if it helps you. Many people find them to be very helpful.

Lesson 17 - Meditate with Friends

I love to meditate alone, but you can try it with friends, with your wife, or with your husband. Or simply commit to meditating with a friend every morning, testing each other, and supporting each other.

Lesson 18 - Find a Community

Better yet, find a community of people who meditate and join them. Or find an online group and chat with them, ask questions, get support, support others.

Lesson 19 - Don't Look at the Clock While Meditating

When the meditation time increases to at least 10 minutes, it is tempting to open your eyes and look at the clock while you practice. How much more is left? I decided for myself that it is better not to do this for two reasons. If there is still a lot of time left, you will feel frustrated and ruin your practice. And if there is not enough time left, then you will scold yourself for not holding back and interrupting the meditation just before the end.

Lesson 20 - Smile After Practice

When you have finished 2 minutes of meditation, smile. Thank yourself for taking the time to get to know yourself and befriend yourself. This is an amazing 2 minutes of your life.

Meditation is not always easy and pleasant. But this activity is really of great benefit. I am sure that these beginner meditation lessons will be useful to you, and the practice of meditation will firmly enter your life.

Ideal Experience Meditation for Self Practice

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Day 4: the perfect experience

Look for other audio meditations in other articles:

Day 4 - You are here!

Let's start lesson 15 of the course ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS.

We continue to learn English sounds and gain primary vocabulary. Specifically, in this lesson we will explore two interdental sounds that are quite common in the English language.

Sound [j]

The sound [j] is similar to Russian [th]. The consonant [j] occurs only in front of a vowel and sounds short.

An exercise... Listen and repeat:

Play exercise


[æm - jæm] _
[əʊk - jəʊk] _

Reading rules

y \u003d [j] before the vowel: yet, yard.

An exercise

Play exercise

yes - Yes
yard - yard
yellow ['Jeləʊ] - yellow

Interdental sound [θ]

There is no such sound in Russian. When pronounced, the teeth are exposed, the tip of the tongue is between the teeth and slightly protrudes beyond the line of the upper teeth, forming with them a narrow gap through which air passes. The consonant [θ] is a dull sound, i.e. pronounced without voice.

An exercise... Listen and repeat.

Play exercise

[θın] _
[θi: m] _

[θri:] _
[θred] _
[θraıv] _
[θrəʊ] _

Interdental sound [ð]

The sound [ð] is pronounced in the same way as [θ], only with the participation of the voice, ie is a voiced consonant.

An exercise... Listen and repeat.

Play exercise

[ðeı] _
[ðæt] _

[ðıs] _
[ði: z] _
[ðəʊz] _

Reading rules

1. th \u003d [ð] between vowels, as well as in any other position in prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns: bathe, this [ðıs].

2. th \u003d [θ] otherwise: thin.

An exercise... Listen and repeat. Memorize the words:

Play exercise

then - later
this [ðıs] - this, this, this
these [ði: z] - these
that - that, that, that
those [ðəʊz] - those
they - they
together - together

thin - thin
thick - thick (about objects)
three - three


The English sound is similar to the Russian [y], but pronounced more protractedly, the lips are not rounded so much and hardly protrude.

An exercise... Listen and repeat.

Play exercise

[ʧu: z] _

Letters: spelling and name

U u \u003d _
Q q \u003d _

Reading rules

1. u \u003d open after r, l: rule, blue.

2. u \u003d otherwise open: tune, music [`mju: zık], suit.

2. oo \u003d (except for the position before k): food.

3. qu \u003d before a vowel: quickly [`kwıklı].

An exercise... Listen and repeat.

Play exercise

you - you you
music [`mju: zık] - music
to - the particle, which is usually placed before the infinitive
