© Il., Bastrykin V.V., 2017

© Il., Bordyug S. I. and Trepenok N. A., 2017

© Il., Bulay E. V., 2017

© Il., Nikolaev Yu. F., 2017

© Il., Pavlova K.A., 2017

© Il., Slepkov A.G., 2017

© Il., Sokolov G.V., 2017

© Il., Ustinova E.V., 2017

© LLC Publishing House "Rodnichok", 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

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There was a boy, his name was Philip.

Once all the guys have gone to school. Philip took his hat and wanted to go too. But his mother said to him:

- Where are you going, Filipok?

- To school.

- You are still small, don't go, - and his mother left him at home.

The guys went to school. Father left for the forest in the morning, mother left for day job... Remained in the hut Filipok and grandmother on the stove. Filipka became bored alone, grandmother fell asleep, and he began to look for a hat. I didn't find my own, took the old one, my father's and went to school.

The school was outside the village by the church. When Philip walked through his settlement, the dogs did not touch him, they knew him. But when he went out to other people's yards, Zhuchka jumped out, barked, and behind Zhuchka - the big dog Volchok. Filipok rushed to run, the dogs followed him. Filipok began to scream, stumbled and fell.

A man came out, drove the dogs away and said:

- Where are you, shooter, alone running?

Filipok said nothing, picked up the floors and started running at full speed.

He ran to the school. There is no one on the porch, and the voices of the children can be heard at school. Fear found on Filipka: "What will drive me away as a teacher?" And he began to think what to do. Go back - again the dog will jam, go to school - the teacher is afraid.

A woman with a bucket walked past the school and said:

- Everyone is studying, but what are you standing here?

Filipok and went to school. In the senets, he took off his cap and opened the door. The whole school was full of children. Everyone shouted their own, and the teacher in a red scarf walked in the middle.

- What are you? He shouted at Filipka.

Filipok grabbed his cap and said nothing.

- Who are you?

Filipok was silent.

- Or are you dumb?

Filipok was so scared that he could not speak.

- Well, go home if you don’t want to talk.

And Filipok would be glad to have something to say, but his throat was dry with fear. He looked at the teacher and began to cry. Then the teacher felt sorry for him. He stroked his head and asked the guys who this boy was.

- This is Filipok, Kostyushkin's brother, he has been asking to go to school for a long time, but his mother does not let him in, and he stealthily came to school.

- Well, sit on the bench next to your brother, and I'll ask your mother to let you go to school.

The teacher began to show Filipok the letters, but Filipok already knew them and could read a little.

- Come on, add your name.

Filipok said:

- Hwe-i-hvi, le-i-li, pe-ok-pok.

They all laughed.

- Well done, - said the teacher. - Who taught you to read?

Filipok dared and said:

- Kosciushka. I'm bad, I immediately understood everything. What a clever passion I am!

The teacher laughed and said:

- Do you know the prayers?

Filipok said:

“I know,” and began to speak to the Mother of God; but every word was not spoken like that.

The teacher stopped him and said:

- You wait to boast, but study.

Since then Filipok started going to school with the children.


Two people on the street found a book together and began to argue about whom to take it.

The third walked past and asked:

- So why do you need a book? You argue anyway, how two bald ones fought for a comb, and there was nothing to scratch ourselves.

Lazy daughter

Mother and daughter took out a bucket of water and wanted to carry it into the hut.

The daughter said:

- It's hard to carry, let me salt a little water.

Mother said:

- You yourself will drink at home, and if you merge, you will have to go another time.

The daughter said:

- I won't drink at home, but here I will get drunk all day.

Old grandfather and granddaughter

My grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, his mouth flowed back. The son and daughter-in-law stopped seating him at the table, and gave him dinner at the stove.

They took him to dinner once in a cup. He wanted to move her, but dropped and broke. The daughter-in-law began scolding the old man for spoiling everything in the house with them and beating the cups, and said that now she would give him lunch in the tub. The old man only sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their little son is playing with boards on the floor - he is working on something. The father asked:

- What are you doing, Misha?

And Misha says:

- This is me, father, doing the pelvis. When you and your mother are old enough to feed you from this pelvis.

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they had so offended the old man; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.


Mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after dinner.

They were on a plate. Vanya never ate plums and smelled them all the time. And he liked them very much. I really wanted to eat. He kept walking past the sinks. When no one was in the upper room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it.

Before dinner, the mother counted the plums and sees that one is missing. She told her father.

At lunch, the father says:

- And what, children, has anyone eaten one plum?

Everybody said:

Vanya blushed like a cancer and said too:

- No, I didn't eat.

Then the father said:

- What any of you ate is not good; but that's not the problem. The trouble is that there are seeds in the plums, and if someone does not know how to eat them and swallows a bone, then he will die in a day. I'm afraid of that.

Vanya turned pale and said:

- No, I threw the bone out the window.

And everyone laughed, and Vanya began to cry.

Jacob's dog

One guard had a wife and two children - a boy and a girl. The boy was seven years old and the girl was five years old. They had a shaggy dog \u200b\u200bwith a white muzzle and large eyes.

Once the guard went to the forest and told his wife not to let the children out of the house, because the wolves walked around the house all night and rushed at the dog.

The wife said:

- Children, do not go to the forest, - and she sat down to work.

When his mother sat down to work, the boy said to his sister:

- Let's go to the forest, I saw an apple tree yesterday, and apples ripened on it.

The girl said:

- Let's go to.

And they ran into the forest.

When the mother finished working, she called the children, but they were not there. She went out onto the porch and began to click them. There were no children.

The husband came home and asked:

- Where are children?

The wife said she didn't know.

Then the guard ran to look for the children.

Suddenly he heard a dog squealing. He ran there and saw that the children were sitting under the bush and crying, and the wolf grappled with the dog and gnawed at it. The guard grabbed an ax and killed the wolf. Then he took the children in his arms and ran home with them.

When they got home, the mother locked the door and they sat down to dinner.

Suddenly they heard a dog squealing at the door. They went outside and wanted to let the dog into the house, but the dog was covered in blood and could not walk.

The children brought her water and bread. But she did not want to drink or eat and only licked their hands. Then she lay down on her side and stopped screaming. The children thought the dog was asleep; and she died.


There were brother and sister - Vasya and Katya; and they had a cat. In the spring, the cat disappeared. The children looked for her everywhere, but could not find it. Once they played near the barn and heard something meowing in thin voices overhead. Vasya climbed the stairs under the roof of the barn. And Katya stood below and kept asking:

- Found? Found?

But Vasya did not answer her. Finally Vasya shouted to her:

- Found! Our cat ... And she has kittens; so wonderful; come here soon.

Katya ran home, got milk and brought it to the cat.

There were five kittens. When they grew up a little and began to crawl out from under the corner, where they hatched, the children chose one kitten, gray with white paws, and brought it into the house. The mother distributed all the other kittens, and left this to the children. The children fed him, played with him and put him to bed with them.

Once the children went to play on the road and took a kitten with them.

The wind stirred the straw along the road, and the kitten played with the straw, and the children rejoiced at him. Then they found sorrel near the road, went to collect it and forgot about the kitten. Suddenly they heard someone shouting loudly: "Back, back!" - and saw that the hunter was galloping, and in front of him two dogs saw a kitten and wanted to grab it. And the stupid kitten, instead of running, sat down on the ground, hunched his back and looked at the dogs.

Katya was frightened by the dogs, screamed and ran away from them. And Vasya, with all the spirit, set off to the kitten and at the same time with the dogs ran up to him. The dogs wanted to grab the kitten, but Vasya fell on his stomach on the kitten and closed him from the dogs.

The hunter jumped up and drove the dogs away; and Vasya brought the kitten home and no longer took it with him to the field.

How auntie talked about how she learned to sew

When I was six years old, I asked my mother to let me sew.

She said:

- You are still small, you will only prick your fingers.

And I kept pestering. Mother took a red rag from the chest and gave it to me; then I put a red thread into the needle and showed me how to hold it. I began to sew, but I could not make even stitches: one stitch came out large, and the other fell to the very edge and broke through. Then I pricked my finger and wanted not to cry, but my mother asked me:

- What are you?

I could not resist and cried. Then my mother told me to go play.

When I went to bed, I kept dreaming of stitches; I kept thinking about how I could learn to sew as soon as possible, and it seemed to me so difficult that I would never learn.

And now I have grown up big and do not remember how I learned to sew; and when I teach my little girl to sew, I wonder how she cannot hold a needle.

Girl and mushrooms

Two girls were walking home with mushrooms.

They had to cross the railroad.

They thought that a machine far away, climbed onto the embankment and went over the rails.

Suddenly a car rustled. The older girl ran back, and the younger one ran across the road.

The older girl shouted to her sister:

- Don't go back!

But the car was so close and made such a loud noise that the younger girl could not hear; she thought she was being told to run back. She ran back across the rails, stumbled, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled with great force.

The older girl shouted:

- Throw the mushrooms!

And the little girl thought she was being told to pick mushrooms and crawled along the road.

The driver could not hold the cars. She whistled with all her might and ran into the girl.

The older girl screamed and cried. Everyone passing by looked from the windows of the carriages, and the conductor ran to the end of the train to see what had happened to the girl.

When the train passed, everyone saw that the girl lay between the rails, head downward and did not move.

Then, when the train had already driven far away, the girl raised her head, jumped to her knees, picked up mushrooms and ran to her sister.

How the boy talked about how he was not taken to the city

Father is going to the city, and I tell him:

- Dad, take me with you.

And he says:

- You will freeze there; where are you ...

I turned around, cried and went into the closet. I cried and cried and fell asleep.

And I see in a dream, as if there is a small path from our village to the chapel, and I see - Dad is walking along this path. I caught up with him, and we went with him to the city. I walk and see - the stove is burning in front. I say: "Dad, is this a city?" And he says: "He is the most." Then we got to the stove, and I see - they are baking rolls there. I say, "Buy me a roll." He bought and gave it to me.

Then I woke up, got up, put on my shoes, took my mittens and went out into the street. On the street, the guys ride ice floes and on skids. I began to skate with them and skated until I was cold.

As soon as I returned and climbed onto the stove, I hear - Dad returned from the city. I was delighted, jumped up and say:

- Dad, what - bought me a roll?

He says:

- I bought it, - and gave me a roll.

I jumped from the stove to the bench and began to dance with joy.

Little bird

Seryozha was a birthday boy, and they gave him many different gifts: tops, horses, and pictures. But Uncle Seryozha presented a net to catch birds most of all. The grid is made in such a way that a plate is attached to the frame and the grid is folded back. Put the seed on a board and put it out in the yard. A bird will fly in, sit on the board, the board will turn up, and the net will slam shut itself. Seryozha was delighted and ran to show the net to his mother.

Mother says:

- The toy is not good. What do you need birds for? Why are you going to torture them!

- I'll put them in cages. They will sing and I will feed them.

Seryozha took out the seed, poured it on a board and put the net in the garden. And he stood still, waiting for the birds to fly. But the birds were afraid of him and did not fly to the net. Seryozha went to dinner and left the net. I looked after dinner, the net snapped shut and a bird was beating under the net. Seryozha was delighted, caught the bird and carried it home.

- Mum! Look, I caught the bird, it’s probably a nightingale! .. And how his heart beats!

Mother said:

- It's a siskin. Look, don't torture him, but rather let him go.

- No, I will feed and drink him.

Seryozha put a siskin in a cage and for two days he poured seed on him, and put water, and cleaned the cage. On the third day, he forgot about the siskin and did not change his water. His mother says to him:

- You see, you forgot about your bird, better let it go.

“No, I won’t forget, I’ll put the water on and clean the cage.

Seryozha thrust his hand into the cage, began to clean, and the siskin got scared, beating against the cage. Seryozha cleaned out the cage and went to fetch water. The mother saw that he had forgotten to close the cage, and shouted to him:

- Seryozha, close the cage, otherwise your bird will fly out and be killed!

Before she could say, the siskin found the door, was delighted, spread its wings and flew through the upper room to the window. Yes, I did not see the glass, hit the glass and fell on the windowsill.

Seryozha came running, took the bird, carried it to the cage. Chizhik was still alive; but he lay on his chest, spreading his wings, and breathing heavily. Seryozha looked, looked and began to cry.

- Mum! What should I do now?

- Now you can't do anything.

Seryozha did not leave the cage all day and kept looking at the siskin, but the siskin still lay on his chest and was breathing heavily and quickly. When Seryozha went to bed, the siskin was still alive. Seryozha could not sleep for a long time. Every time, as he closed his eyes, he imagined a siskin, how he lies and breathes. In the morning, when Seryozha approached the cage, he saw that the siskin was already lying on its back, clenched its legs and became ossified.

Since then, Seryozha has never caught birds.

How the boy talked about how a thunderstorm caught him in the forest

When I was little, I was sent to the forest for mushrooms. I reached the forest, picked up some mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it started to rain and thundered. I got scared and sat down under a large oak tree. Lightning flashed, so bright that my eyes hurt, and I closed my eyes. Above my head something crackled and thundered; then something hit me in the head. I fell down and lay there until the rain stopped. When I woke up, trees were dripping all over the forest, birds were singing and the sun was playing. A large oak tree broke and smoke was coming out of the stump. Lay around me scraps from oak. My dress was all wet and sticky to my body; there was a bump on my head and it hurt a little. I found my hat, took the mushrooms and ran home.

No one was at home, I took out bread from the table and climbed onto the stove. When I woke up, I saw from the stove that they had fried my mushrooms, put them on the table and were already hungry. I shouted:

- What are you eating without me?

They speak:

- Why are you sleeping? Go quickly, eat.


In the harvest the men and women went to work. Only the old and the little ones remained in the village. The grandmother and three grandchildren remained in one hut. The grandmother lit the stove and went to rest. Flies landed on it and bit it. She covered her head with a towel and fell asleep.

One of the granddaughters, Masha (she was three years old), opened the stove, scooped up the coals into a shard and went into the passage. And in the entryway lay sheaves. The women prepared these sheaves for hooked.

Masha brought in coals, put them under the sheaves and began to blow. When the straw began to catch fire, she was delighted, went into the hut and brought her brother Kiryushka by the hand (he was a year and a half and he had just learned to walk), and said:

- Look, Kilyuska, what kind of stove I blew up.

The sheaves were already burning and cracking. When the canopy was covered with smoke, Masha got scared and ran back to the hut. Kiryushka fell on the threshold, broke his nose and began to cry; Masha dragged him into the hut, and they both hid under the bench. Grandma heard nothing and slept.

The eldest boy Vanya (he was eight years old) was on the street. When he saw that smoke was pouring out of the passage, he ran through the door, slipped through the smoke into the hut and began to wake up his grandmother; but the grandmother was dazed to sleep and forgot about the children, jumped out and ran through the courtyards after the people.

Masha, meanwhile, was sitting under the bench and was silent; only the little boy screamed because he hurt his nose. Vanya heard his cry, looked under the bench and shouted to Masha:

- Run, you will burn!

Masha ran into the passage, but it was impossible to get through from the smoke and fire. She came back. Then Vanya raised the window and told her to climb. When she got through, Vanya grabbed his brother and dragged him. But the boy was hard and not given to his brother. He cried and pushed Vanya. Vanya fell two times, while he dragged him to the window, the door to the hut was already on fire. Vanya put the boy's head out the window and wanted to push it through; but the boy (he was very frightened) grabbed his hands and did not let them go. Then Vanya shouted to Masha:

- Get him by the head! - and he pushed from behind. And so they dragged him out the window onto the street and jumped out themselves.


The widow Marya lived with her mother and six children. They lived in poverty. But with the last money they bought a brown cow so that there was milk for the children. The older children fed Burenushka in the field and gave her slops at home. Once the mother left the yard, and the older boy Misha climbed onto the shelf for bread, dropped the glass and broke it. Misha was afraid that his mother would scold him, picked up the large glasses from the glass, carried them out into the yard and buried them in the manure, and picked up the small glasses and threw them into the pelvis. Mother missed a glass, began to ask, but Misha did not say; and so it remained.

The next day, after lunch, her mother went to give Burenushka slop from the pelvis, she saw that Burenushka is boring and does not eat food. They began to treat the cow, called the grandmother. Grandma said:

- The cow will not live, we must kill her for meat.

They called the peasant and began to beat the cow. The children heard Burenushka roaring in the yard. Everyone gathered on the stove and began to cry.

When Burenushka was killed, skinned and cut into pieces, glass was found in her throat. And they learned that she died from the fact that she got glass in the slops.

When Misha found out this, he began to cry bitterly and confessed to his mother about the glass. The mother said nothing and cried herself. She said:

- We killed our Burenushka, now there is nothing to buy. How will small children live without milk?

Misha began to cry even more heavily and did not get off the stove when they ate jelly from a cow's head. Every day in a dream he saw how Uncle Vasily carried by his horns the dead, brown head of Burenushka with open eyes and a red neck.

Since then, the children have not had milk. Only on holidays there was milk when Marya asked the neighbors for a pot.

It happened that the lady of that village needed a nanny for her child. The old woman says to her daughter:

- Let me go, I'll go to the nanny, and maybe God will help you manage the children alone. And I, God willing, deserve a year for a cow.

And so they did. The old woman went to the lady. And Marya became even harder with the children. And the children lived without milk for a whole year: one jelly and jail ate and became thin and pale.

A year passed, the old woman came home and brought twenty rubles.

- Well, daughter! - is talking. - Now let's buy a cow.

Marya was delighted, all the children were delighted. Marya and the old woman gathered at the market to buy a cow. The neighbor was asked to stay with the children, and the neighbor, Uncle Zakhar, was asked to go with them, to choose a cow. We prayed to God and went to the city.

The children had lunch and went outside to see if a cow was being led. The children began to judge whether the cow would be brown or black. They began to say how they would feed her. They waited, waited all day. Behind a mile went to meet the cow, it was getting dark, came back. Suddenly they see: grandmother is riding in a cart down the street, and a motley cow is walking by the rear wheel, tied by the horns, and mother is walking behind, urging on with twigs. Children ran up and looked at the cow. We collected bread, herbs, and began to feed.

Mother went to the hut, undressed and went out into the yard with a towel and a milk pan. She sat down under the cow, wiped the udder. Lord bless! - began to milk the cow; and the children sat in a circle and watched as the milk spurted from the udder into the edge of the milk pan and whistled from under the mother's fingers. Mother fed half of the milk box, carried it to the cellar and poured a pot for the children for dinner.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a little over twenty years old when he began teaching peasant children to read and write on his estate. He continued his work at the Yasnaya Polyana school with interruptions until the end of his life; he worked on the compilation of educational books for a long time and with enthusiasm. In 1872, the "ABC" was published - a book set containing the alphabet itself, texts for the original Russian and Church Slavonic reading, arithmetic and a teacher's manual. Three years later, Tolstoy published The New Alphabet. When teaching, he used proverbs, sayings, riddles. He composed many “proverbial stories”: in each of them the proverb developed into a short plot with morality. “New alphabet” was supplemented by “Russian books for reading” - several hundred works: there were stories, retellings of folk tales and classical fables, natural history descriptions and reasoning.

Tolstoy strove for an extremely simple and precise language. But it is difficult for a modern child to understand even the simplest texts about the old peasant life.

So what is it? Leo Tolstoy's works for children become a literary monument and leave Russian children's reading, the basis of which they have been for a whole century?

There is no shortage of modern editions. Publishers try to make books interesting and understandable to today's children.

1. Tolstoy, L. N. Stories for children / Leo Tolstoy; [foreword V. Tolstoy; comp. Yu. Kublanovsky]; drawings by Natalia Paren-Chelpanova. - [Yasnaya Polyana]: Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate "Yasnaya Polyana", 2012. - 47 p. : ill.

Children's stories of Leo Tolstoy illustrated by the Russian artist in exile Natalia Paren-Chelpanova, translated into french were published in Paris by the publishing house Gallimard in 1936. In the Yasnaya Polyana booklet they are, of course, printed in Russian. There are both stories, usually included in modern collections and indisputable in children's reading ("Fire Dogs", "Kitten", "Filipok"), and rare, even amazing. For example, the fable "The Owl and the Hare" - how an arrogant young owl wanted to catch a huge hare, grabbed his back with one paw, the other into a tree, and that "Rushed and tore an owl"... Read on?

What is true is true: Tolstoy's literary means are strong; impressions after reading will remain deep.

Natalia Paren's illustrations brought the texts closer to the little readers of her time: the heroes of the stories are drawn as if they were the artist's contemporaries. There are French inscriptions: for example, "Pinson" on the grave of a sparrow (to the story "How the aunt talked about how she had a tame sparrow - Zhivchik").

2. Tolstoy, L. N. Three bears / Leo Tolstoy; artist Yuri Vasnetsov. - Moscow: Melik-Pashaev, 2013 .-- 17 p. : ill.

In the same year 1936, Yuri Vasnetsov illustrated an English fairy tale retold in Russian by Leo Tolstoy. Initially, the illustrations were black and white, but here is a later colorful version. The fabulous bears of Y. Vasnetsov, although Mikhail Ivanovich and Mishutka are in vests, and Nastasya Petrovna with a lace umbrella, are quite scary. The child understands why “one girl” was so scared of them; but she managed to escape!

Color correction of illustrations was made for the new edition. You can see the first edition, as well as reprints that differ from one another, in the National Electronic Children's Library (books are copyrighted, registration is required to view).

3. Tolstoy, LN Lipunyushka: stories and fairy tales / Leo Tolstoy; illustrations by A.F. Pakhomov. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2011 .-- 47 p. : ill. - (Library of the younger student).

Many adults have preserved in their memory Leo Tolstoy's "ABC" with illustrations by Alexei Fyodorovich Pakhomov. The artist knew the peasant way of life very well (he himself was born in a pre-revolutionary village). He painted peasants with great sympathy, children - sentimentally, but always with a firm, confident hand.

Petersburg "Amphora" more than once published in small collections stories from "ABC" by L. N. Tolstoy with illustrations by A. F. Pakhomov. This book contains several stories from which peasant children learned to read. Then the fairy tales - "How a man divided geese" (about a cunning man) and "Lipunyushka" (about a resourceful son that "Hatched in cotton").

4. Tolstoy, LN About animals and birds / LN Tolstoy; artist Andrey Brey. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Rech, 2015 .-- 19 p. : ill. - (Mom's favorite book).

Stories "Eagle", "Sparrow and Swallows", "How Wolves Teach Their Children", "What Mice Are For", "Elephant", "Ostrich", "Swans". Tolstoy is not at all sentimental. The animals in his stories are predators and prey. But, of course, morality must be read in an elementary story; not every story is straightforward.

Here is "Swans" - a true poem in prose.

It must be said about the artist that he painted animals expressively; among his teachers was V.A.Vatagin. "Stories about Animals" with illustrations by Andrei Andreevich Brey, published by "Detgiz" in 1945, digitized and available in the National Electronic Children's Library (registration is also required to view).

5. Tolstoy, L. N. Kostochka: stories for children / Leo Tolstoy; drawings by Vladimir Galdyaev. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Rech, 2015 .-- 79 p. : ill.

The book contains mainly the most often published and read children's stories by L. N. Tolstoy: "Fire", "Fire dogs", "Filipok", "Kitten" ...

"The bone" is also a well-known story, but few are ready to agree with the radical educational method shown in it.

The content of the book and the layout are the same as in the collection "Stories and Were", published in 1977. More texts and drawings by Vladimir Galdyaev were in Leo Tolstoy's Book for Children, published by the Moskovsky Rabochy publishing house in the same 1977 (publications, of course, were being prepared for the 150th anniversary of the writer). The severity of the drawing and the character of the characters correspond well to Tolstoy's literary style.

6. Tolstoy, L. N. Children: stories / L. Tolstoy; drawings by P. Repkin. - Moscow: Nigma, 2015 .-- 16 p. : ill.

Four stories: "The Lion and the Dog", "Elephant", "Eagle", "Kitten". They are illustrated by Petr Repkin, graphic artist and animator. It is interesting that the lion, eagle, elephant and its little owner depicted by the artist obviously resemble the characters of the cartoon "Mowgli", the production designer of which was Repkin (together with A. Vinokurov). This cannot harm either Kipling or Tolstoy, but it does suggest the differences and similarities in the views and talents of the two great writers.

7. Tolstoy, LN Lev and the dog: true story / LN Tolstoy; drawings by G.A.V. Traugot. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2014 .-- 23 p. : ill.

On the flyleaf there is a drawing depicting Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in London in 1861 and, as it were, confirming that this story is a reality. The story itself is given in the form of captions to illustrations.

First line: "Wild animals were shown in London ..." An ancient colorful, almost fabulous Western European city, townspeople and townspeople, curly-haired children - everything in a manner that has long been characteristic of the artists “G. A. V. Traugot ". The meat thrown into the lion's cage does not look naturalistic (like Repkin's). The lion, yearning for the dead dog (Tolstoy honestly writes that she "died"), is drawn very expressively.

More details about the book "Biblioguide" told.

8. Tolstoy, L. N. Filipok / L. N. Tolstoy; artist Gennady Spirin. - Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2012 .--: ill. - (Masterpieces of book illustration).

Filipok from Novaya Azbuka is one of the most famous stories by Leo Tolstoy and all Russian children's literature. The figurative meaning of the word "textbook" here coincides with the direct one.

The RIPOL Classic Publishing House has already republished the book with illustrations by Gennady Spirin several times and included it in the gift “New Year's collection”. Such "Filipok" was previously published on english language (see on the artist's website: http://gennadyspirin.com/books/). In the drawings of Gennady Konstantinovich, there is a lot of affection for the old peasant life and winter Russian nature.

It is noteworthy that in "Novaya Azbuka" behind this story (at the end of which Filipok “Began to speak to the Mother of God; but every word was not spoken like that ") followed by "Slavic letters", "Slavic words with titles" and prayers.

9. Tolstoy, L. N. My first Russian book for reading / Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. - Moscow: White City,. - 79 p. : ill. - (Russian books for reading).

White City undertook a complete publication of Russian Books for Reading. The second, third and fourth books were published in the same way. There are no abbreviations here. Stories, fairy tales, were, fables, descriptions and reasoning were given in the order in which Lev Nikolaevich arranged them. There are no comments on the texts. Illustrations are used instead of verbal explanations. Basically, these are reproductions of paintings, famous and not so famous. For example, to the description of "Sea" - "The Ninth Wave" by Ivan Aivazovsky. To the reasoning "Why is there wind?" - "Children Running from the Thunderstorm" by Konstantin Makovsky. To the story "Fire" - "Fire in the Village" by Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky. For the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" - landscapes by Lev Lagorio and Mikhail Lermontov.

The range of ages and interests of the readers of this book can be very wide.

10. Tolstoy, L. N. More: description / Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy; artist Mikhail Bychkov. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2014 .-- p. : ill. - (Good and eternal).

Of these books, this one seems to be the most belonging to our time. Artist Mikhail Bychkov says: "A few lines of Leo Tolstoy gave me an excellent opportunity to draw the sea"... On large-format spreads, the artist depicted the southern and northern seas, calm and stormy, day and night. To the short text of Tolstoy, he made a drawn supplement about all kinds of sea vessels.

The work fascinated Mikhail Bychkov, and he illustrated three stories from Tolstoy's "Alphabet", combining them with a fictional round-the-world trip on a sailing warship. In the story "Leap" such a journey is mentioned. The story "Shark" begins with the words: "Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa." The story "Fire Dogs" takes place in London - and the artist painted a Russian corvette under the St. Andrew's flag against the background of the construction of the Tower Bridge (built from 1886 to 1894; The ABC was compiled earlier, but in the same era, especially if you look from our time) ...

The book "Were" was published by the Rech publishing house in 2015. In the spring of 2016, the Leo Tolstoy State Museum on Prechistenka hosted an exhibition of illustrations by Mikhail Bychkov for these two children's books.

“The sea is wide and deep; there is no end in sight to the sea. In the sea the sun rises and in the sea sets. Nobody got the bottom of the sea and does not know. When there is no wind, the sea is blue and smooth; when the wind blows, the sea will shake and become uneven ... "

"Sea. Description"

“… Water from the sea rises in fog; the fog rises higher and clouds are formed out of the fog. The clouds are driven by the wind and carried along the ground. From the clouds, water falls to the ground. From the ground it flows into swamps and streams. From streams flows into rivers; from rivers to sea. From the sea again the water rises into clouds, and the clouds spread over the land ... "

“Where does the water from the sea go? Reasoning "

Leo Tolstoy's stories from ABC and Russian Books for Reading are laconic, even lapidary. In many ways, archaic, in today's opinion. But what is essential in them is this: a now rare, non-playful, serious attitude to the word, a simple but not simplified attitude to everything around.

Svetlana Malaya

Short stories by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, composed by him specifically for teaching children to read, are widely used in educational literature. The texts have interesting content.

The only catch is that some words will be incomprehensible to modern children. They must be explained. And even better - to sit next to, listen to the reading and ask questions about the read, explaining the incomprehensible.

Short stories for children

Dog and shadow

Bug carried the bone across the bridge. Look, her shadow is in the water. It came to the Bug's mind that there was not a shadow in the water, but a Bug and a bone. She and put your bone in to take that. She didn't take it, but went to the bottom of her own.

Nastina doll

Nastya had a doll. Nastya called the doll her daughter. Mom gave Nastya everything she needed for the doll. The doll had skirts, scarves, stockings, even combs, brushes, beads.

Children and hedgehog

Children found a hedgehog on the grass.
- Take him, Vasya, in your arms.
- It hurts me.
- Well, put your hat on the ground, and I'll jump into the hat.
The hat was small, and the children left, but the hedgehog was not taken.


Petya and Misha had a horse. There was a dispute between them: whose horse. They began to tear each other's horse.
- Give it to me, my horse.
- No, you give me, the horse is not yours, but mine.
Mother came, took the horse, and the horse was no one.

Varya and siskin

Varya had a siskin. Chizh lived in a cage and never sang.
Varya came to the chih.
- "It's time for you, siskin, to sing."
- "Let me go free, I will sing all day long."

Lion, bear and fox

The lion and the bear got meat and began to fight for it. The bear did not want to give in, and the lion did not give in. They fought for so long that they both weakened and lay down. The fox saw their meat, picked it up and ran away.

Old man and apple trees

The old man was planting apple trees. He was told: “Why do you need apple trees? Wait a long time from these apple trees, and you will not eat apples from them. " The old man said: "I will not eat, others will eat, they will say thank you to me."

Two rats

Two rats found an egg. They wanted to share it and eat, but they saw - a crow was flying and wanted to take an egg.
The rats began to think how to steal an egg from a crow.
Carry? - you can't grab; roll? - you can break it.
And the rats decided this: one lay on its back, grabbed the egg with its paws, and the other carried it on its tail, and, like on a sled, pulled the egg under the floor.

Woman and hen (true story)

One hen carried a testicle every day. The hostess thought that if you give more feed, the chicken will be twice as fast. And so she did. But the chicken got fat and stopped rushing altogether.


Spring came, water flowed. The children took planks, made a boat, and let the boat go through the water. The boat swam, and the children ran after her, shouted and saw nothing ahead of them, and fell into a puddle.


Sasha was a coward. There was thunder and thunder. Sasha climbed into the closet. It was dark and stuffy for him there. Sasha could not hear whether the storm had passed. Sit down, Sasha, always in the closet, because you are a coward.

Lion and mouse (Fable)

The lion was asleep. A mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her go; she said: "If you let me in, and I will do you good." The lion laughed that the mouse promised him good things, and let her go.
Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard a lion's roar, came running, gnawed at the rope and said: "Do you remember, you laughed, did not think that I could do good to you, but now you see, sometimes good comes from a mouse."

Wolf and old woman

The hungry wolf was looking for prey. At the edge of the village I heard a boy crying in the hut, and the old woman said:
- You will not stop crying, I will give you to the wolf.
The wolf did not go further and began to wait for the boy to be given to him.
Now the night has come, he waits and hears everything - the old woman again says:
- Don't cry, child, I won't give you to the wolf. Only come wolf, we will kill him.
The wolf thought: “Apparently, here they say one thing, but they do another,” and walked away from the village.

Dog, lioness and puppy

In one zoo, a dog raised a young lioness for a long time. The lioness grew up, but always obeyed the dog. And when the dog once had a small puppy, the lioness helped the dog every day. She usually looked after the puppy, taught him. If the puppy ran away, the lioness always found him and carried him to the place.

Wolf and dog

A thin wolf walked near the village and met a fat dog. The wolf asked the dog:
- Tell me, dog, where do you get food from?
The dog said:
- People give us.
- Is it true that you serve people a difficult service?
- No, our service is not difficult. Our business is to guard the yard at night.
- So only for this you are so fed? - said the wolf. - I would go to your service now, otherwise it is difficult for us, wolves, to get food.
“Well, go,” said the dog. - The owner will feed you the same way.
The wolf was glad and went to serve people with the dog. The wolf has already begun to enter the gate, he sees that the dog's hair has not been worn out. He said:
- And what have you got, dog? From what?
- Yes, - said the dog.
- Why so?
- Yes, so from the chain. During the day, I sit on a chain. So with a chain and rubbed a little wool on the neck.
“Well, goodbye, dog,” said the wolf. - I will not go to serve people. Let me not be so fat, but in the wild.

Rozka had puppies in the yard in the hay.
The rose is gone.
The children came and took the puppy and carried it to the stove.
The rose came, did not find the puppy and howled.
Then I found the puppy and howled near the stove.
The children took the puppy off and gave it to Rozka.
And Rozka carried the puppy into place in her mouth.

The bird has built its nest in the bush. The children found the nest and took it to the ground.
- Look, Vasya, three birds!
The next morning the children came, and the nest was already empty. It was a pity.

Source "Reader for the little ones" M. 1987

Lion and dog

In London, wild animals were shown and for viewing they took money or dogs and cats to feed wild animals.

One man wanted to look at the animals: he grabbed a dog on the street and brought it to the menagerie. They let him look, and they took the dog and threw it into the cage to the lion to eat.

The dog tucked its tail between its legs and pressed itself into the corner of the cage. The lion went up to her and sniffed her.

The little dog lay on its back, raised its paws and began to wave its tail.

The lion touched her with his paw and turned her over.

The dog jumped up and stood in front of the lion on its hind legs.

The lion looked at the dog, turned his head from side to side and did not touch it.

When the owner threw the meat to the lion, the lion tore off a piece and left it to the dog.

In the evening, when the lion went to bed, the dog lay down beside him and put its head on his paw.

Since then, the dog lived in the same cage with the lion, the lion did not touch it, ate food, slept with it, and sometimes played with it.

Once the master came to the menagerie and recognized his dog; he said that the dog was his own and asked the owner of the menagerie to give it to him. The owner wanted to give it away, but as soon as they began to call the dog to take it from the cage, the lion bristled and growled.

So the lion and the dog lived for a whole year in the same cage.

A year later, the dog fell ill and died. The lion stopped eating, and smelled everything, licked the dog and touched it with his paw.

When he realized that she was dead, he suddenly jumped up, bristled, began to lash himself with his tail on the sides, rushed to the wall of the cage and began to gnaw at the bolts and the floor.

All day he fought, tossed about in the cage and roared, then lay down beside the dead dog and fell silent. The owner wanted to take away the dead dog, but the lion would not let anyone near it.

The owner thought that the lion would forget his grief if he was given another dog, and let a live dog into his cage; but the lion at once tore it to pieces. Then he hugged the dead dog with his paws and lay there for five days.

On the sixth day, the lion died.


There were brother and sister - Vasya and Katya; and they had a cat. In the spring, the cat disappeared. The children looked for her everywhere, but could not find it.

Once they were playing near the barn and heard someone meowing in thin voices overhead. Vasya climbed the stairs under the roof of the barn. And Katya stood and kept asking:

- Found? Found?

But Vasya did not answer her. Finally Vasya shouted to her:

- Found! Our cat ... and she has kittens; so wonderful; come here soon.

Katya ran home, got milk and brought it to the cat.

There were five kittens. When they grew up a little and began to crawl out from under the corner, where they hatched, the children chose one kitten, gray with white paws, and brought it into the house. The mother distributed all the other kittens, and left this to the children. The children fed him, played with him and put him to bed with them.

Once the children went to play on the road and took a kitten with them.

The wind stirred the straw along the road, and the kitten played with the straw, and the children rejoiced at him. Then they found sorrel near the road, went to collect it and forgot about the kitten.

Suddenly they heard someone shouting loudly: "Back, back!" - and saw that the hunter was galloping, and in front of him two dogs saw a kitten and wanted to grab it. And the stupid kitten, instead of running, sat down on the ground, hunched his back and looked at the dogs.

Katya was frightened by the dogs, screamed and ran away from them. And Vasya, with all his heart, set off to the kitten and at the same time with the dogs ran up to him.

The dogs wanted to grab the kitten, but Vasya fell on his stomach on the kitten and closed him from the dogs.

The hunter jumped up and drove the dogs away, and Vasya brought the kitten home and no longer took it with him to the field.


Forest hares feed on tree bark at night, field hares - on winter crops and grass, bean animals - on grain in the threshing floor. During the night, hares make a deep, visible trail in the snow. Hunters before hares are people, dogs, wolves, foxes, crows, and eagles. If the hare walked simply and straight, then in the morning it would be found on the trail and caught; but the hare is cowardly, and cowardice saves him.

The hare walks at night through the fields and forests without fear and makes straight tracks; but as soon as morning comes, his enemies wake up: the hare begins to hear now the barking of dogs, now the screeching of sledges, now the voices of peasants, now the cracking of a wolf through the forest and begins to rush from side to side in fear. It will gallop forward, get scared of something - and run back on its trail. If he hears something else, he will jump to the side with full swing and gallop away from the previous track. Again something knocks - again the hare will turn back and again jump to the side. When it becomes light, he will lie down.

In the morning, the hunters begin to disassemble the hare's trail, get confused by double tracks and distant jumps and are surprised at the hare's cunning. And the hare did not even think to be cunning. He is only afraid of everything.


I had a face. Her name was Bulka. She was all black, only the tips of her front paws were white.

In all faces, the lower jaw is longer than the upper one and the upper teeth extend beyond the lower ones; but Bulka's lower jaw protruded so much forward that a finger could be placed between the lower and upper teeth. Bulka's face is wide; eyes are large, black and shiny; and the teeth and fangs were white always sticking out. He looked like a black man. Bulka was meek and did not bite, but he was very strong and tenacious. When he used to cling to something, he would grit his teeth and hang like a rag, and he, like a tick, cannot be torn off in any way.

Once he was allowed to attack a bear, and he grabbed the bear's ear and hung like a leech. The bear beat him with his paws, pressed him to himself, threw him from side to side, but could not tear him off and fell on his head to crush Bulka; but Bulka held on to it until then, until it was poured with cold water.

I took him as a puppy and fed him myself. When I went to serve in the Caucasus, I didn’t want to take him and left him on the sly, and ordered him to be locked up. At the first station, I was about to get into the other checkpoint, when I suddenly saw that something black and shiny was rolling along the road. It was Bulka in his brass collar. He flew at full speed to the station. He rushed to me, licked my hand and stretched out in the shadows under the cart. His tongue protruded over a whole palm. He then pulled it back, swallowing saliva, then again thrust it out on the whole palm. He was in a hurry, could not keep up to breathe, his sides were jumping. He turned from side to side and tapped his tail on the ground.

I found out later that after me he broke through the frame and jumped out of the window and straight ahead, following my trail, galloped along the road and rode about twenty miles in the heat.

How wolves teach their children

I was walking along the road and heard a scream behind me. The shepherd boy shouted. He ran across the field and pointed at someone.

I looked and saw two wolves running across the field: one seasoned, the other young. The young man carried a slaughtered lamb on his back, and held his leg with his teeth. The hardened wolf ran behind.

When I saw the wolves, I ran after them with the shepherd, and we began to shout. Men with dogs came running to our cry.

As soon as the old wolf saw the dogs and the people, he ran to the young one, snatched the lamb from him, threw it on his back, and both wolves ran faster and disappeared from sight.

Then the boy began to tell how it was: a large wolf jumped out of the ravine, grabbed the lamb, killed it and carried it.

A wolf cub ran out to meet him and rushed to the lamb. The old one gave the young wolf to carry the lamb, and he himself ran lightly beside him.

Only when trouble came did the old one leave the teaching and took the lamb himself.

Information sheet:

Leo Tolstoy's wonderful lovely fairy tales make an indelible impression on children. Little readers and listeners make unusual discoveries for themselves about wildlife, which are given to them in a fabulous form. At the same time, they are interesting to read and easy to understand. For better perception, some of the previously written author's tales were later released in processing.

Who is Leo Tolstoy?

He was a famous writer of his time and remains so to this day. He had an excellent education, he knew foreign languages, was fond of classical music. He traveled a lot in Europe, served in the Caucasus.

His books have always been published in large editions. Great novels and novellas, short stories and fables - the list of publications amazes with the richness of the author's literary talent. He wrote about love, war, heroism and patriotism. He personally participated in military battles. I saw a lot of grief and complete self-denial of soldiers and officers. He often spoke with bitterness not only about the material, but also about the spiritual poverty of the peasantry. And quite unexpected against the background of his epic and social works were wonderful creations for children.

Why did you start writing for children?

Count Tolstoy did a lot of charity work. On his estate, he opened a school for peasants for free. The desire to write for children arose when the first few poor children came to school. To open them the world, simple language to teach what is now called natural science, Tolstoy and began to write fairy tales.

Why do people love a writer these days?

It turned out so well that even now, children of a completely different generation are happy to perceive the works of the count of the 19th century, learn love and kindness to the world around them and animals. As in all literature, in fairy tales Leo Tolstoy was also talented and loved by his readers.
