Slide 2

Lesson plan:

Warm-up – “Brainstorming”. Let's remember the content. Theory of literature. We will retell any episode. We will answer your questions. Let's look at and relate the illustrations to the text. Let us characterize the artistic means of expression used by the author. We work in groups. Let’s compile a small dictionary of “Siberian” dialectisms and local words. Question. What is the main idea of ​​this story.

Slide 3

2).Theory of literature.

Fabula is a sequential depiction of events in a work of fiction based on the plot. An episode is a fragment of a work of fiction that is relatively complete.

Slide 4

4).We will answer the questions:

“For a long time, my grandmother reviled Levontiikha, Levontii himself, beat herself on the thighs with her hands, spat, and I sat down by the window and looked longingly at the neighboring house...” - What caused this state of the narrator? The Levontief eagles threw dishes at each other, floundered, began to fight once or twice, cried and teased. On the way, they dropped into someone’s garden and, since nothing was ripe there yet, they piled on onions, ate until they salivated green, and threw away the half-eaten ones...” - Write down the verbs from this passage. How do they characterize these guys?

Slide 5

4. Pay attention to how the writer calls Levontie’s children: “Levontie’s kids”, “Levontiev eagles”, “Levontiev brothers”, “Levontieve horde”, people - What can you say about the author’s attitude towards children? How did it change and why? 5. Why, out of the whole story, did the narrator especially remember “that marvelous horse with a pink mane”? What makes this gift so special to him? 6. Has there been deception in your life? Was it possible that you were not punished for this? Why?

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

6).Artistic means of expression.

“It (the house) stood by itself, in the open space, and nothing prevented it from looking at the white light through the somehow glazed windows - no fence, no gate...” - What artistic device did the author use, what role does it play? “- I, Petrovna, love space! – and moved his hand around himself. - Fine! Like the sea! Nothing depresses the eyes!” - Who do these words belong to, how do they characterize him, what do we know about him from the text? Name an artistic medium.

Slide 10


What do a boot, a weather vane, a windbreak and a tree have in common? Do not know? Then read an excerpt from N. Matveeva’s poem: Tell me, why do we need a barrel organ? And she’s completely hoarse, and she’s hoarse. It grinds like a cart, creaks like a windbreak, like a weather vane, like a boot, like a tree with a hollow. All these words serve as comparisons and characterize one property of the barrel organ. Which?

Slide 11

And here is how N. Matveeva speaks about boarding the train: Everyone entered the carriages, Like a river With a proud look enters the banks. I rushed into the carriage, as one rushes into the fire, as one rushes to attack the enemy. How does everyone get in? How can you characterize the hero's behavior?

Slide 1. Topic: A lesson in moral kindness based on the story by V.P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"

Lesson objectives:

1. Didactic:

    acquaintance with the artistic world of V. P. Astafiev

    analysis of the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane”


    improve students' dialogic and monologue speech

    expand and enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren

    improve skills in working with text

3. Educational:

    raise an attentive reader

    cultivate a sense of kindness and the desire to remain human in all situations


    improve the ability to objectively evaluate oneself and a friend.

During the classes.

Slide 2 - what can you tell about the author of the work? Many works are autobiographical. What is an autobiography?The story “The Horse with a Pink Mane” reveals a kind and bright world of folk life, seen through children's eyes, showing a lively and observant child's character.

Our task today is to analyze the content of the story and find out what lessons it carries.

Slide 3. Let's look at the title of the work. Why is the work called that?

Slide 4. Do you think there are truly horses with pink manes? (Yes)

Slide 5,6,7. Guys, why is the gingerbread in the shape of a horse?

( The choice of gingerbread shape is not accidental. The horse is a symbol of rural, peasant life. At that time, a horse was a breadwinner for a peasant: it is a means of transportation, a plowman, a carrier of goods, and the main character of peasant holidays, and a friend - the peasant looks after a horse like a person, communicates like a friend.)

Why do we give us the color pink? (color of childhood, purity, naivety, innocence, joy)

Slide 8. What is the keyword in the title? (gingerbread)

Let's make an associative series for the word gingerbread. (Students on separate sheets of paper)

Life lessons



Let's read the description of the gingerbread in the text.

Slide 9. What is the basis of the story?

Why did the boy go to the forest? (earn gingerbread with his own labor)

Who did the boy go to the forest with?

Slide 10. Let's name the verbs with which the author describes the trip for strawberries. (entries in notebooks) how did the Levontiev children behave?

Slide 11. What dishes did the Levontiev children take with them? What does the description of the dishes say? (mismanagement)

What did Vitya use to pick strawberries? (neat little thing)

Slide 12. We must determine the names of some words for ourselves. Vocabulary work.




- What families are the children from?

Who are their parents?

It is no coincidence that we started talking about the families of the boys. You agree with me that a person’s life and destiny are largely determined by upbringing.
- How you were raised as a child, what you paid attention to, what you were taught, that’s how you go through life. Growing up, a person can already engage in self-education, but at a young age the educational environment is represented by WHAT? Family.

Slide 13. How was Vitya raised? How was Levontius raised in the family? (discussion: quotes.)

Slide 14. Dispute.

If there is a crime, then there is a punishment.

What is punishment? (discussion with parents)

What could be the punishment?

Slide 15.Did the boy's conscience awaken, shame for what he had done?

- How does grandma reinforce the moral awakening of CONSCIENCE? (gives Gingerbread).

- What did this Gingerbread become for the hero of the story? (a symbol of conscience). WHAT IS CONSCIENCE? (children's answers)

Slide 16. Did the boy’s dream come true?

Slide 17.So, after all, what is the Horse with a Pink Mane in this story? (A toy? A treat? A symbol?)

Teacher's word .Yes, this story is about childhood - a wonderful time of learning about the world, the first encounters with life, the time when you were impossibly happy and hopelessly alone. There is an expression: “We all come from childhood.” It emphasizes that childhood is very important in the development of character, in the formation of ideas about the world and people. This time is warmed by the love and care of loved ones, their endless patience and kindness, and therefore is remembered as a happy time in the life of any person. What if it happened during harsh, hungry years? But even then it was beautiful, that’s why I remember it.

Questionnaires for parents.

Please answer the questions. Mark what you need with the √ icon.

1. You assess your relationship with your son (daughter) as:

a) prosperous

b) disadvantaged

c) find it difficult to answer

2. What problems do you face in raising your growing son (daughter)?

3. Do you often come into conflict with your child?

a) yes b) no c) difficult to answer

4. Why do you have conflicts with your child?


5. Can you apologize to your son (daughter) if you feel that you were wrong?

a) Yes b) no c) I find it difficult to answer

    What kind of help in solving family problems would you like to receive from specialists at an educational institution?

Information about _____________________________________________

Individual consultation (from whom) ___________________________

Something else (what exactly) ______________________________________________________________________

    In your opinion, what problems does your son (daughter) face?


b) find it difficult to answer _____________________________________________

c) he (she) has no problems _________________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation.

Dear parents!

Please underline the option or options for the selected answers with a pen. Thank you for your cooperation.


1. Do you know your child well?

- Not good
- Badly
2. How much attention do you pay to raising your child?

All day long
- 5-6 hours a day
- 1-2 hours a day
3. Do you often praise your child for his successes?
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never

4. How do you encourage your child?

Rejoice with him in his successes
- Try to organize leisure time together
- Just praise
- Buy expensive things, gifts, give money
5. How do you punish your child?

You show with all your appearance that you are upset, don’t talk to him
- You scold him, shout at him, sometimes even call him names
- You are not allowed to watch TV, play on the computer, etc.
- Punish with labor
- You are not allowed to go for walks or chat with friends
- Use physical force (slap on the head, and sometimes a belt)

Grandmother to grandson: “I’ll take my berries to the city, I’ll sell yours too and buy you a gingerbread horse.”

Grandmother never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table, otherwise it will be bad.”

Grandmother kept money - a “reserve” for a rainy day.”

Grandmother reproached Levontius for being idle, listing the work that he had to do in the house and around the house.”

Grandmother to her grandson trying to break into Levontius’s house: “There’s no point in peeking out. There is no point in eating these proletarians, they themselves have a louse on their lasso in their pockets.”

A horse with a pink mane galloped along the scraped kitchen table, as if across a vast land with arable fields, meadows and roads. “Take it, take it, what are you looking at?”

When you give Levontievsky Sanka or Tanka a bite, you need to hold with your fingers the place where you are supposed to bite.”

Some kind of restlessness, a fever, or something, gripped not only the Levontiev house, but also all the neighbors on payday.”

The greedy aunt Vasenya managed to shortchange herself by a ruble, or even three rubles, when she repaid the debt.”

Their house stood by itself, in the open air, looking out at the white light through its poorly glazed windows. In the spring, the family picked up the ground around the house a little, erected a fence from poles, twigs, and old boards. But in winter, all this disappeared into the womb of the stove, splayed out in the middle of the hut.” “Uncle Levontius was smoking on a log that represented a porch.”

Uncle Levonty walked around in pants with one button, and his shirt had no buttons at all.”

They climbed into someone’s garden, piled up some onions, ate until they salivated green, and threw away the half-eaten ones.”

They tore the fish to pieces because it looked ugly. They shot stones at flying birds and hit a swift.

Sanka teaches deception: “You push herbs into the bowl, and berries on top - and you’re done.”

A Lesson in Moral Kindness

based on the story by V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"

-Admit what you did

-Hasten to do good

A Lesson in Moral Kindness

based on the story by V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"

- Don't be influenced by others, you might do something bad

-Admit what you did

-Repentance brings relief

-Hasten to do good

-We must always be merciful

-Love your neighbor as yourself



V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"




open lesson on moral kindness based on the story
V.P. Astafieva

"Horse with a pink mane"


1. If we punish a child because of our own impatience or bad mood, attacks of anger, then we improve our well-being a little, but from an educational point of view, our behavior not only diverges from the goal, but also causes harm. The child suffers for a minute, maybe cries, asks for forgiveness, but this does not fit into his concept of justice, and he does not feel the necessary feeling of guilt, there is no relief, and no lesson for the future.

2. If a child is punished for any mistake and nothing else, the child will not learn correct behavior. In addition, he will be afraid of the one who punishes and strive to deceive him in order to avoid punishment.

3. Reward and punishment are the main educational means. This means that with their help we achieve a certain educational goal. The purpose of punishment, therefore, is not to drown the sinner, but to save and pull him out! The way to do this is forgiveness.

4. Forgiveness is not a reward, but a release from the tension of guilt, expected or already received punishment. This is essentially reconciliation. Like any liberation, forgiveness gives rise to good feelings towards the liberator.

Combined lesson with integration into history. The folder contains a lesson flow chart and presentation.

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Subject, class

Literature, 6th grade


Duzhnova Elena Alekseevna

Lesson topic

Life lessons in the story by V.P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane".

Lesson type

Combined with history integration

Lesson Objectives

1. Didactic:

    acquaintance with the artistic world of V. P. Astafiev

    analysis of the story “The Horse with a Pink Mane”

2. Developmental:

    improve students' dialogic and monologue speech

    expand and enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren

    improve skills in working with text

3. Educational:

    instill in students a sense of responsibility for their actions

    cultivate a sense of kindness, the desire to remain human in all situations

4. Communication:

    improve the ability to work in groups

Planned results

Subject : to deepen the understanding of the ideological concept of the story, to develop the ability to analyze a literary work, to understand the author’s position and one’s attitude towards it, to characterize the characters.

Metasubject : develop the skills of meaningful reading and analysis, the ability to structure knowledge and present it in different ways, improve dialogic and monologue speech, contribute to the formation of the foundations of communicative reflection, effective cooperation with mutual control and provision of necessary assistance.

Personal: create conditions in the lesson for motivating sustainable cognitive interest in achieving the set goal, the need for self-expression and self-realization; to cultivate in students such moral values ​​as kindness, conscientiousness, the ability to admit their mistakes, and evaluate their actions.



Interactive whiteboard (screen), computer, multimedia projector, clothes for staging.

Visual demonstration material

Presentation on the lesson topic made by the teacher. Task cards.

Basic Concepts

Horse, pink, gingerbread, deception, symbol

Organizational structure of the lesson

Teacher activities



Developed skills

1. Mobilizing stage.


Inclusion in activities.

Formulating the topic of the lesson.

Teacher's opening speech.

SLIDE 1 Read the poem.

Don't look for excuses for yourself
I don’t hope that everything will work out,
if you bring suffering to others,
everything will be returned to you in full!
A thief loses what he steals
and a traitor knows betrayal,
lies are prepared for deceivers,
you will wait for your circumstances...
fate will be given according to merit,
everything will fall into place one day,
You do not believe? but sad stupidity -
This is also a lesson from life.


What do you think the expression “ life lesson" ?

What do you think we will talk about in our lesson today? SLIDE 2

They think about answers to the questions posed, express their own versions of the interpretation of concepts, and work with an explanatory dictionary. They are trying to formulate the topic of the lesson.

P: understand the cognitive task.

R: plan (in collaboration with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions and operations.

TO: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

2. Motivation for educational activities.

Updating knowledge.

Goal setting.


Repetition of the studied material, posing a problematic question.

Guys, please remind me what event is the basis of the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane”? SLIDE 3

Have you ever been deceived? What feelings did you experience?

Why then does Astafiev give his story such a poetic title, “The Horse with a Pink Mane”? Surely it was possible to suggest another name, for example, “Deception”?

Let's listen to our hero, try to understand the feelings he experiences while holding this fairytale horse in his hands. SLIDE 4

What does the epithet “pink” mean in the name? SLIDE 5

Is the shape of the gingerbread “horse” random? SLIDE 6

- What did Gingerbread symbolize for the hero of the story?

Listen to the teacher and answer questions. Formulate the goals and objectives of educational activities in dialogue with the teacher.

Read an excerpt from the text expressively. Work with dictionaries.

They draw conclusions.

P: perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form; To solve educational problems, they carry out operations of analysis, comparison, classification, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

R: determine the goals and objectives of the lesson.

TO: listen, ask questions, formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view.

3. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.


Training in characterization and text analysis.

An excursion into history. (Annex 1) SLIDES 7, 8

Minakova Alena and Shchekoldina Darina We have prepared a historical background about gingerbread.

Let's listen to them.

Gingerbread cookies for Shrovetide SLIDE 9

Conversation. SLIDE 10

- How do you imagine the main character of the story – Vitya?? (Protecting your drawings)

- Which qualities of Vitya do you like and which ones do you not?

- What character traits do you have as a hero?

Two talk about gingerbread, the rest listen to the speeches and answer the speakers’ questions. They tell how they imagine the main character based on their own drawings.

Formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view.

In collaboration with the teacher and classmates, they draw conclusions.

L: have a desire to be aware of their difficulties and strive to overcome them; demonstrate the ability to self-assess their actions and actions.

P: extract the necessary information, put forward hypotheses and their justification.

TO: express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, listen to the opinions of classmates.

4. Primary consolidation.


Practicing text analysis techniques.

Work in groups. (Appendix 2) SLIDE 11

1st group:

1. Title the passage.

Group 2: Re-read the episode from the words “Quietly trudged…” to the words “about everything, about everything.”

1.Title the passage.


Group 3 (3 people): Everyone receives a card with a description of the story character they need to portray. The class tries to guess the hero.

They work in groups.

They introduce the results of the group’s work, listen and discuss the answers of their comrades.

L: realize their capabilities in learning; are able to adequately reason about the reasons for their success or failure in learning, linking success with hard work.

P: extract the necessary information from the teacher’s explanations they listened to, the statements of classmates, and systematize their own knowledge.

R: plan the necessary actions, work according to plan. Monitoring the work done, evaluation.

TO: construct small monologue statements, carry out joint activities in pairs and work groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

5. Control of assimilation.


Correlation of assigned tasks with achieved results.

Lesson summary SLIDE 13

Now proverbs and sayings will appear on the slide. Let's use them to list what life lessons Astafiev's story carries?

- Explain the final words of the story: “How many years have passed since then! How many events have passed! And I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.”SLIDE 14

They compose and deliver monologues, listen to their classmates, and evaluate them. Answer questions.

L: understand the importance of knowledge for a person.

P: acquire the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life.

TO: formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view.

6. Reflection.



Students’ awareness of their educational activities, self-assessment of the results of their own and the entire class’s activities.

SLIDE 15Reflection.

SLIDE 16Homework.

Evaluate their work in class. Students speak in a circle in one sentence, choosing the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board.

Write down homework.

L : formation of communicative competence in communicating with peers.

R : analyze existing and plan future educational results; evaluate your activities, arguing the reasons for achieving or not achieving the planned result.

TO: construct short monologues.


Sweet tradition - gingerbread

The most favorite and oldest delicacy in Rus' is gingerbread. They played the role of toys, gifts, symbols, having the wonderful property of not becoming stale for a long time and retaining their taste. A wide variety of spices are added to the dough for them, hence the name. To this day, there are the famous Tula, Vyazma, Rzhev, Arkhangelsk gingerbread cookies and traditions associated with them.

The popularity of the Tula gingerbread was so great that fairy tales were told about it and even in ancient epics they mentioned printed gingerbread, which the heroes used to eat overseas wines.

It is impossible to say when and who made the first gingerbread. But the manufacturing process was long and creative. Gingerbread boards and gingerbread molds that have survived to this day tell us this. They were cut strictly from birch or pear, about 30 years old, and dried for 5 to 20 years at natural temperatures so that the sun's rays did not fall on them. And only then did the masters carve drawings on them.
There are many folk traditions and rituals associated with gingerbread. Gingerbread cookies were given as gifts for name days and played at the fair. Gingerbread also occupied an important place in etiquette: at the end of the feast, special gingerbread cookies were presented to the guests, thereby making it clear that it was time and honor to go home. At a wedding, gingerbread played the role of a dish on which guests put money, giving it to the newlyweds. There were special “honorary” gingerbreads that were given as a sign of respect.
Unfortunately, in today's variety of delicacies, gingerbread does not occupy such a place of honor, but it can be a worthy gift. It can be given not only to children, but also to adults as a sign of respect and love for any occasion. And if gingerbread cookies are also baked in your house, then you are continuing the original Russian tradition!


1st group: Re-read the episode from the words “Soon brothers...” to the words “Okay.” Complete the tasks.

Soon the brothers somehow quietly made peace, stopped calling each other names and decided to go down to the Fokinskaya River and splash around.
I also wanted to go to the river, I would also like to splash around, but I did not dare to leave the ridge because I had not yet filled the vessel full.
- Grandma Petrovna was scared! Oh you! - Sanka grimaced and called me a nasty word. He knew a lot of such words. I also knew, I learned to say them from the Levontiev guys, but I was afraid, maybe embarrassed to use obscenity and timidly declared:
- But my grandmother will buy me a gingerbread horse!
- Maybe a mare? - Sanka grinned, spat at his feet and immediately realized something; - Tell me better - you’re afraid of her and you’re also greedy!
- I?
- You!
- Greedy?
- Greedy!
- Do you want me to eat all the berries? - I said this and immediately repented, I realized that I had fallen for the bait. Scratched, with bumps on his head from fights and various other reasons, with pimples on his arms and legs, with red, bloody eyes, Sanka was more harmful and angrier than all the Levontiev boys.
- Weak! - he said.
- I'm weak! - I swaggered, looking sideways into the tuesok. There were berries already above the middle. - Am I weak?! - I repeated in a fading voice and, so as not to give up, not to be afraid, not to disgrace myself, I decisively shook the berries onto the grass: - Here! Eat with me!
The Levontiev horde fell, the berries instantly disappeared. I only got a few tiny, bent berries with greenery. It's a pity for the berries. Sad. There is longing in the heart - it anticipates a meeting with grandmother, a report and a reckoning. But I assumed despair, gave up on everything - now it doesn’t matter. I rushed along with the Levontiev children down the mountain, to the river, and boasted:
- I’ll steal grandma’s kalach!
The guys encouraged me to act, they say, and bring more than one roll, grab a shaneg or a pie - nothing will be superfluous.
- OK!

1. Title the passage.




3. Draw a conclusion based on the topic of the lesson: what quality should a person have if he finds himself in a situation of temptation or provocation?


Group 2: Re-read the episode from the words “Quietly trudged…” to the words “about everything, about everything”

I quietly trudged after the Levontiev boys out of the forest. They ran ahead of me in a crowd, pushing a ladle without a handle along the road. The ladle clanked, bounced on the stones, and the remains of the enamel bounced off it.
- You know what? - After talking with the brothers, Sanka returned to me. - You push the herbs into the bowl, add berries on top - and you're done! Oh, my child! - Sanka began to accurately imitate my grandmother. - I helped you, orphan, I helped you. And the demon Sanka winked at me and rushed further, down the ridge, home.
And I stayed.
The voices of the children under the ridge, behind the vegetable gardens, died down, it became eerie. True, you can hear the village here, but still there is a taiga, a cave not far away, in it there is a housewife and a brownie, and snakes are swarming with them. I sighed, sighed, almost cried, but I had to listen to the forest, the grass, and whether the brownies were creeping out of the cave. There's no time to whine here. Keep your ears open here. I tore up a handful of grass and looked around. I stuffed the tuesk tightly with grass, on a bull so that I could see the house closer to the light, I collected several handfuls of berries, laid them on the grass - it turned out to be strawberries even with a shock.
- You are my child! - my grandmother began to cry when I, frozen with fear, handed her the vessel. - God help you, God help you! I’ll buy you a gingerbread, the biggest one. And I won’t pour your berries into mine, I’ll take them right away in this little bag...
It relieved a little.
I thought that now my grandmother would discover my fraud, give me what I was due, and was already prepared for punishment for the crime I had committed. But it worked out. Everything worked out fine. Grandmother took the tuesok to the basement, praised me again, gave me something to eat, and I thought that I had nothing to be afraid of yet and life was not so bad.
I ate, went outside to play, and there I felt the urge to tell Sanka about everything.
- And I’ll tell Petrovna! And I'll tell you!..
- No need, Sanka!
- Bring the roll, then I won’t tell you.
I secretly snuck into the pantry, took the kalach out of the chest and brought it to Sanka, under my shirt. Then he brought another, then another, until Sanka got drunk.
“I fooled my grandmother. Kalachi stole! What will happen? - I was tormented at night, tossing and turning on the bed. Sleep did not take me, the “Andelsky” peace did not descend on my life, on my Varna soul, although my grandmother, having made the sign of the cross at night, wished me not just any, but the most “Andelsky”, quiet sleep.
- Why are you messing around there? - Grandma asked hoarsely from the darkness. - Probably wandered in the river again? Are your legs hurting again?
“No,” I responded. - I had a dream...
- Sleep with God! Sleep, don't be afraid. Life is worse than dreams, father...
“What if you get out of bed, crawl under the blanket with your grandmother and tell everything?”
I listened. The labored breathing of an old man could be heard from below. It's a pity to wake up, grandma is tired. She has to get up early. No, it’s better that I don’t sleep until the morning, I’ll watch over my grandmother, I’ll tell her about everything: about the little girls, and about the housewife and the brownie, and about the rolls, and about everything, about everything...

1. Title the passage. _________________________________________________________________

2. Find words that convey the boy's inner state. Evaluate the hero's feelings.



3. Draw a conclusion based on the topic of the lesson: what quality should a person who feels remorse have?


1. Levontius

On payday we had a complete holiday! There was so much on the table! I ordered my children to make room at the table for the neighbor’s orphan boy, because with his mother we injected badogi until she, the unfortunate one, drowned in the river. She was a warm-hearted woman: she would always make me hang out if I came. The boy also felt sorry for him, and together we all often burst into roars, and such kindness overwhelmed us that everything fell out and fell out on the table, everyone vying with each other to treat him. And late in the evening, having drunk a fair amount, I began to reflect on the eternal question: “What is life?” And sometimes I also liked to sing the song of sea wanderers, heard on voyages:

Sailed along the Akiyan
Sailor from Africa
Little licker
He brought it in a box...

2. Sanka

All of us, young and old, armed with birch bark tueski half torn for kindling, we went for strawberries. On the way, they threw dishes at each other, floundered, began to fight twice, cried, teased, until they came to the forest. At first, the berries were collected quietly and diligently, but then the elder saw that someone was eating strawberries instead of pouring them into a can. I got into a fight with the elder; Rolling on the ground, we crushed all the strawberries. On the river I caught a nasty-looking fish with my hands, compared it to a disgrace, and we tore the pika to pieces on the shore for its ugly appearance. We also ran into the mouth of a cold cave where evil spirits lived. I ran the furthest!

3. Grandmother

I had just laid out the berries for sale when a cultured lady in a hat came up to me and said: “I’ll buy these berries from you.” “Please,” I tell her, “I beg your mercy. The poor orphan was picking berries.” I threw the tuesok into her bag, and instead of berries, grass fell out. I felt ashamed and scared, because they would consider me a liar! I began to apologize to the lady, and people had already gathered around, everyone was laughing at me. At least they sank into the ground in shame! I had to give her other berries.”

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Don’t look for excuses for yourself, don’t hope that everything will work out, if you bring suffering to others, everything will come back to you in full! A thief loses what is stolen, and a traitor experiences betrayal, lies are destined for deceivers, you will wait for your circumstances... according to your deserts, fate will be given, everything will fall into place one day, don’t you believe? but sad stupidity is also a lesson from life.


Life lessons in the story by V.P. Astafieva "A horse with a pink mane."

Combined literature lesson with integration into history. 6th grade.

Developed by teacher of Russian language and literature Duzhnova E.A.

“Gingerbread horse! This is the dream of all village kids. He is white, white, this horse. And his mane is pink, his tail is pink, his eyes are pink, his hooves are also pink. Grandmother never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table, otherwise it will be bad. But gingerbread is a completely different matter. You can stick the gingerbread under your shirt, run around and hear the horse kicking its hooves on its bare belly. Cold with horror - lost, - grab your shirt and be convinced with happiness - here he is, here is the horse-fire! With such a horse, I immediately appreciate how much attention! The Levontief guys fawn over you this way and that, and let you hit the first one in the siskin, and shoot with a slingshot, so that only they are then allowed to bite off the horse or lick it. When you give Levontyev’s Sanka or Tanka a bite, you must hold with your fingers the place where you are supposed to bite, and hold it tightly, otherwise Tanka or Sanka will bite so hard that the horse’s tail and mane will remain.”

PINK, -th, -oe; -s; pinker.

1. The colors of unripe watermelon pulp, apple blossoms, white with a reddish tint. Pink dawn. Rosy cheeks(rosy).

2. trans. Same as rainbow . Pink dreams.

3.Look through rose-colored glasses to whom (what) present everything in a pleasant way, look at everything cheerfully, without noticing the bad.

4. Seeing in pink light whom (what) same as through rose-colored glasses

look .

Pink adj.

1.ratio with noun rose I 1., 2., associated with him

2. transfer. One that contains only joyful, pleasant; unclouded by anything.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Sweet tradition - gingerbread

Vyazemsky gingerbread

Rzhev gingerbread

Antique gingerbread mold

Tula gingerbread

Sweet tradition - gingerbread

Accelerating gingerbread

The main character of the story

Artist Evgeny Meshkov. EKSMO Publishing House, 2012

Group work

1st group: Re-read the episode from the words “Soon the brothers somehow quietly made peace…” to the words “Okay.” Complete the tasks.

1. Title the passage.

2. Find words that convey the boy’s internal state. Evaluate the hero's feelings.

3. Draw a conclusion based on the topic of the lesson: what quality should a person have if he finds himself in a situation of temptation or provocation?

Group 2: Re-read the episode from the words “I quietly trudged…” to the words “about everything, about everything.” Complete the tasks.

1.Title the passage.

2. Find words that convey the boy’s internal state. Evaluate the hero's feelings.

3. Draw a conclusion based on the topic of the lesson: what quality should a person who feels remorse have?

Group work

Group 3 (3 people): Everyone receives a card with a description of the story character they need to portray.




A child is like a chest: what you put in it, you will get out later.

A person is reflected in his actions.

Mercy is a gift from God, which, when used correctly, makes us as like God himself as possible...



When you have your own head on your shoulders, someone else’s is no guide to it.

No matter how long the rope twists, it will end.

A good deed is remembered for centuries.

Without repentance there is no forgiveness.

“How many years have passed since then! How many events have passed! But I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane”?


  • today I found out...
  • it was interesting…
  • it was difficult…
  • I realized that...
  • Now I can…
  • I wanted…
  • I thought about...
  • I was able...
  • I will try…
  • I was surprised...
  • I felt that...


Option 1. Draw a portrait of your grandmother, trying to convey the features of her character in the drawing.

Option 2. Draw a portrait of Sanka, trying to convey the features of his character in the drawing.

Write captions for the drawings using quotes from the text.

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Slide captions:

1 Lessons of kindness in the story by Viktor Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”

1. What is the name of the hero’s grandmother? a) Mikhailov; b) Nikolaevna; c) Petrovna. 2.What is the name of the main character? a) Sanka, b) Grishka, c) Mishka. 2. What did all the village boys dream about? a) about horse gingerbread; b) about a toy horse; c) about a real horse. 3. Why did the grandmother promise to buy the hero of the story gingerbread? a) cleaning the house; b) work in the garden; c) berries collected in the forest. 4. What was the name of the object that the guys took into the forest? a) basket; b) bucket; c) tuesok 5. What caused the quarrel between the Levontiev children in the forest? a) because of the berries they ate; b) because of the hero of the story; c) just like that. 6. What did Sanka advise the hero of the story to do to prevent him from getting hurt by his grandmother? a) don’t go home at all; b) tell everything honestly to your grandmother; c) put herbs in the container, and cover with berries on top. 7. What did his best friend ask the main character to blackmail? a) kalach; b) bun; c) shanga. 3

4 “I had not yet realized the enormity of the loss that had befallen me. If this happened now, I would crawl from the Urals to Siberia to close my grandmother’s eyes and give her my last bow. And lives in the heart of wine. Oppressive, quiet, eternal. Guilty before my grandmother, I’m trying to resurrect her in my memory, tell other people about her, so that they can find her in their grandparents, in loved ones and loved ones, and her life would be limitless and eternal, like human kindness itself is eternal - yes This work is from the evil one. I don’t have words that could convey all my love for my grandmother, that would justify me to her. I know grandma would forgive me. She always forgave me everything. But she's not there. And there never will be. And there is no one to forgive...”

5 At what time and where do the events of the story take place? Name the signs of that time, as well as the place of action. From whose perspective is the story told? What can you tell about the hero of the story? 3.Why did the boy really want someone to buy him a gingerbread horse? Reply with text.

6 “Gingerbread horse! This is the dream of all village kids. He is white, white, this horse. And his mane is pink, his tail is pink, his hooves are also pink. Grandmother never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table, otherwise it will be bad. But gingerbread is a completely different matter. You can stick the gingerbread under your shirt, run around and hear the horse kicking its hooves on its bare belly. Cold with horror - lost, - grab your shirt and be convinced with happiness - here he is, here is the horse-fire! With such a horse, you will immediately appreciate how much attention! The Levontiev guys are fawning over you this way and that. And they let the first one hit the siskin and shoot it with a slingshot, so that only they are then allowed to bite off the horse or lick it. When you give Levontyev’s Sanka or Tanka a bite, you must hold with your fingers the place where you are supposed to bite, and hold it tightly, otherwise Tanka or Sanka will bite so hard that the horse’s tail and mane will remain.”

7 Why did the hero of the story like to visit the family of his neighbor, Uncle Levontius? Why did the boy go to the forest? Why was this plan not destined to come true, because at first everything went well?

9 The task of each group is to find in the text a corresponding episode, an important quote to retell.

10 Why did grandmother Katerina Petrovna tell everyone she met that morning about her grandson’s offense? Why, already knowing about the deception, does the grandmother still buy her grandson a gingerbread horse - a horse with a pink mane?

11 toy treat symbol

12 Write a mini-essay: How do I understand the meaning of the title of the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane”

13 Homework: Learn by heart the description of a summer day.


Presentation for the story by V.P. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”

Moral problems of the story.


  • People like Astafiev are called the conscience of the nation.
  • He was a very honest, sensitive person, irreconcilable with lies and evil.
  • The heroes of his books are ordinary people and the nature of Siberia.

  • People lived very meagerly, often lacking the most necessary things - food. It was a very difficult time. The country was devastated and tired of war.
  • The basic necessities were lacking.
  • “A horse with a pink mane,” such a romantic, fairy-tale image, turns out to be just a “carrot horse.”

It was a very difficult time. The country was devastated and tired of war. People lived very meagerly, often lacking the most necessary things - food, clothing, what we were accustomed to as a matter of course. “A horse with a pink mane,” such a romantic, fairy-tale image, turns out to be just a “carrot horse.” We learn about this in the very first lines of the story.

The main character of the story, a seven-year-old boy Vitya, encounters a lot of good and bad in his life; from his mistakes he tries to understand how he should live so as not to be tormented by remorse. In how he came to such an understanding of life,

2. Main character

  • From whose perspective is the story told?
  • What kind of family does the hero grow up in?
  • Why is “carrot with a horse” such a desirable dream?
  • (The narration is told in the first person. This is the writer’s recollection of his own childhood. The events of the story seem to be seen through a child’s eyes.)
  • (The little boy, the hero of the story, is an orphan. His mother drowned, nothing is known about his father. The boy grew up without parents, apparently from an early age, because he remembers his mother only when a drunk neighbor begins to feel sorry for him: “Mother Do you even remember?" He lives with his grandmother, his grandfather comes from the "borrow" from time to time. For the boy, the arrival of his grandfather is a joy. The grandmother is strict, raising her grandson through work. "Gingerbread horse" still needs to be earned: picking strawberries for sales.

Why is “carrot with a horse” such a desirable dream?

  • Children are not spoiled by delicious food; they do not always eat their fill . The neighborhood kids are always hungry. The hero’s grandmother “never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table, otherwise it will be bad.”
  • The gingerbread looks fabulously beautiful . “He’s white, white, this horse. And his mane is pink, his tail is pink, his eyes are pink, his hooves are also pink.”
  • A gingerbread and a delicacy, a pleasure that you want to stretch out, and a toy. “You can tuck a gingerbread under your shirt, run around and hear the horse kicking its hooves on its bare belly. Cold with horror - lost! - grab your shirt and with happiness make sure that he is here, the horse-fire!..”

3. Moral problems of the story

  • Moral issues are associated with the internal spiritual qualities that guide a person, with certain rules of behavior, these are problems from the point of view of their humanity, humaneness.
  • Fiction

of all times and peoples

raises questions


honor and virtue.

  • The main theme of many of Astafiev’s stories is

the theme of growing up, the formation of a person’s personality .

  • The writer showed how a minor incident can affect a person’s whole life, change him, and experience a feeling of remorse.

Why, many years later, after many events, the author writes:

“But I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that wonderful a horse with a pink mane..."?

  • How are the hero and Sanka contrasted in the berry picking episode?
  • How did the hero become dependent on Sanka?

Is it only fear of his grandmother that torments the hero? How does he change as he thinks?

  • The deception was not easy for the boy; he understands that he committed a “crime.” His conscience is tormenting him.
  • “I fooled my grandmother. Kalachi stole. What will happen?
  • “What if I wake her up and tell her everything?”
  • “And why did I do this? Why did you listen to the Levontievskys? How good it was to live! Walk, run and don't think about anything. And now?"


The grandmother bought a “horse carrot” for her grandson who deceived her, because she believed in him and understood that he would repent of his “atrocities.” Mercy, kindness and forgiveness did what the most severe punishment would not do.

D. z. Write a short essay “What did this story make me think about?”
