“Synonyms for words” - Choose antonyms for the words: wide, hard, old, boring, useless, sloppy. Getting lost in three pines means not being able to figure out something simple.. Synonyms, antonyms and phraseological units. Vocabulary – 5th grade. Find synonyms for the word dance. Remember the word that means a device for sports activities.

“Antonyms and synonyms” - Vocabulary work. Soon. Slowly, quietly. Coming soon -. Fast. Get acquainted with. Trpso. The topic of the lesson is “Comparison of antonyms and synonyms.” Screams - (makes noise, calls, is silent) Laughs - (laughs, cries, is sad, laughs). (Vocabulary word). Pormsar. A minute of penmanship. Russian language lesson. 2nd grade. Bold, courageous, bravery, fearless.

“Dictionary of the Russian Language” - To envy - to be annoyed at someone else’s luck; suffer from someone else's health. (V.I. Dal.). CEMENT used RUBBER sparingly. All are friends, bear fruit, and having eaten the fruit end, everything is different! Purpose of work: Gregory the Theologian). Working with a dictionary in Russian language lessons. QUARTER INQUIRE CATALOG Agent. An old friend is better than two new ones.

“Dictionary” - Expand - spread out, spread out, split, bare teeth. Etymological dictionary. The spelling dictionary gives rules for spelling words. Referring to dictionaries is the easiest and most effective way. Orthographic dictionary. If you know the parts of a word, you will write them intelligently. Altyn is a three-kopeck coin.

“Dictionary of Emotions” - Festive. Affectionate Dreamy Light Transparent Thoughtful. Fabulous. Scary. Cheerful. Sad. Mischievous Joyful Funny Playful. Important Marching Victorious Fearless Decisive. Sad Complaining Dreary Offended. Magical Wary Anxious Restless Mysterious Wary.

“Synonyms 2nd grade” - The meanings of synonymous words do not always coincide. We found out that today is Monday. How are groups of words similar and different? Blow out, extinguish, turn off, extinguish, blow out, extinguish, turn off, extinguish. M. roses Guys, children, kids, children. The guys are building an ice slide. So that children know a lot. So that it is not boring, so that our speech becomes more expressive and brighter.

The game "Antonyms" will help children learn to correctly use words with opposite meanings in speech and understand the meaning of expressions with antonyms.

The game can be played by 2 to 6 children. There are several game options. Here is one of them:
The cards are divided into 2 piles, each of which should contain cards from 1 pair of antonyms.
The leader takes 1 pile for himself, cards from the second pile are distributed equally among all players. The presenter takes one card from his pile and names the antonym word shown on the card, showing the picture to the participants in the game.
The player who believes that this card matches one of his cards calls the word opposite in meaning to what the presenter read. If the player's opinion is correct, the presenter gives him the card. If the player's opinion is incorrect, players continue to search for a suitable card.
The winner is the one who is the first to match all his cards.

Olga Sazonova
Final speech therapy lesson “Rescuers of the country of Antonimov” for children 6–7 years old

MBDOU Kanifolninsky kindergarten "Berezka"

Open subgroup speech therapy session

Rescuers of the country Antonimov.

Prepared: Teacher- speech therapist Sazonova O. IN.

From work experience. By choosing words with opposite meanings, children I teach to consciously compare various objects and phenomena of the environment peace:temporary (day - night, morning - evening); spatial(far close); natural phenomena (dark - light); ratio by taste, weight, size (sour - sweet, heavy - light, wide - narrow. On classes various didactic games: "Say it the other way around", "Who is bigger"-children are divided into 2 teams and come up with as many opposite words as possible; "Finish the sentence"-this game teaches children select antonyms to adverbs and nouns; "Look around"- children are invited to look around and name tall and low, wide and narrow, short and long, large and small objects.

Target: to form students’ knowledge about words - antonyms and their lexical meanings

Tasks classes.


Clarify the concept of words - antonyms, as about words with opposite meanings;

teach how to select antonyms to words and find them in the text;

expand students' vocabulary;

introduce students to the use antonyms in proverbs.


develop the skill of determining the lexical meaning of a word;

develop students’ speech, enrich vocabulary children;

develop the ability to work with text;

develop intelligence, thinking, attention.


create positive motivation in students occupation by involving everyone in active activities;

cultivate the need to evaluate your own activities and the work of your comrades;

cultivate attention and kind attitude towards each other.

Equipment: computer, presentation to occupation, subject pictures on the topic « Antonyms» , ball,

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

– Your back is talking: "I'm young, straight"

– Your shoulders speak: “We turned around, straightened up”.

– Your face says: "I am in a good mood!"

- And we all talk together: "We're ready to go!"

2. Art. gymnastics.

Window (opens, closes)

Swing (up down)

Needle spatula (wide narrow)

What words did we say now? (Opposite, in reverse)

Do you want to know what they are called in Russian? To do this you need from syllables to make a word.

1. Game "Living Syllables". Speech therapist distributes cards to the children with the syllables TO WE AN NI and they will form a word - the name of our classes. (ANTONYMS)

That's right, enemy words, words with the opposite meaning are called words- antonyms. Let's compare a kitten and a tiger.

Speech therapist: How do we describe them?

Children: By size, by character, by strength, by place of residence

Two children perform exercise:

The tiger is big and the kitten is small.

The tiger is evil, but the kitten is kind.

The kitten is weak, but the tiger is strong.

The tiger is wild, and the kitten is domestic.

Speech therapist: What words are these, close or opposite in meaning? (opposite).

– Words with opposite meanings are called – ANTONYMS(repeat in chorus).

2. Subject message classes. (Slide 1)

Speech therapist: (Slide 2-3)- Now I will tell you what happened in Antonimov's country. U evil The wizard had a painting that was very dear to him. He never showed it to anyone. To the dwarven inhabitants countries, I’ve been wanting to look at this painting for a long time, and then one day they stole it. Everyone wanted to look first, they began to pull it and tore it into several pieces. The evil wizard got angry and punished the dwarves. He cast a spell Antonimov's country and all opposites disappeared from it. IN darkness has settled in the country, after the night the day did not come, only a cold wind blew all the time, from this the inhabitants began to get sick and did not recover, they were sad all the time and sang only sad songs. They began to walk around dirty and shaggy. In the gardens, the trees began to grow low and with crooked trunks. The fruits on the trees became sour and bitter.

Guys, we need it urgently save the country of Antonimov. To do this, you must complete all tasks and get one picture for it. From them you will need to assemble a picture and return it to the wizard. The evil wizard thinks you can't handle it. He prepared difficult trials.

Guys, look, there are stones here. I’ll pull one aside and see what’s underneath. A note…. “Take this magical thing. It contains parts of my painting. If you collect it, I will break the spell Antonimov's country

2. Exercise "Guess the riddles". (SLIDES 5-8)

Speech therapist: - let's complete the first task Evil Wizard

I - antonym for the word"heat" I'm in the river, in the thick shade, And in a bottle of lemonade, And my name is (cool).

Dressed in a snow coat.

I - antonym for the word"summer", Although I love frost myself,

Because I…. (winter).

I - antonym of noise, knocking, Without me you will suffer at night, I am for rest, for sleep, I am called.... (silence).

3. Exercise "Name antonyms» . (SLIDES 9-15)

Speech therapist: I'll tell you - "far", and you will answer - "close". I'll tell you - "high", and you will answer - "low".


Big small





4. Task "Answer the question" (SLIDE 16)

If a dry leaf is thrown into water, what will it be like?

If you wash dirty boots, they will...

When a patient recovers, he becomes...

What kind of milk does a black cow give?

5. Ball game "Find a Pair" (SLIDE 17)

Poor rich man

Giant Dwarf



6. Task "Fill out the table" (SLIDE 17) (Two children from the preparatory group complete the task)

Speech therapist: The evil sorcerer found out that the children in our kindergarten can read, but he didn’t believe it. Who can show off their skills? (Two children complete the task)

Children pick up antonyms for words:




7. Physical education minute. TO THE MUSIC

Guys, do you want to play and turn into boys and girls for a few minutes? antonyms? Then you must perform all movements in reverse.

Sat down - (stand up)

Hands down - (raised)

Hands up - (hands down)

Opened your eyes wide - (closed eyes wide)

Shut your mouth - (opened mouth)

Opened your mouth - (closed mouth)

Showed palms - (hid)

Stand on your heels - (stand on tiptoes)

7. Task "Agree on a word" (SLIDES 19-35)

Speech therapist: I will read poems to you, and you will choose the appropriate words.

The sad clown is crying loudly

And the cheerful clown is jumping,

Wants to accomplish a feat

-Wants to make you laugh by roaring

The old grandfather got angry:

You will live to be a hundred years old!”

The grandson replied: "Never! I will always be young!”

Petya drank ice tea

And now he lies sick

If I drank plum compote

If I were healthy like Stepan

A long sundress for Masha, so that she would be more beautiful than everyone else in the world.

And the short one is for Alyonka,

Her little sister.

Dasha spent a long time drawing

Birds in orange gouache,

But Dima intervened in the matter:

“Raven-black, dove-white!”

With the TV on

One hundred boys and one hundred girls.

But there will be no one

If you turn it off.

To a dirty car

The car's path was blocked:

“Green light here for the clean!

There is no way for the rest!”

A brave knight went out into the field,

He can fight anyone!

And the cowardly little bunny

It will scare the girl too!

Curious toddler

I studied the taste of products,

But of all of them I only remember

Sweet cake and hot pepper.

8. Game .

Speech therapist: Oh, guys, look, there’s a huge bag here. It was the sorcerer who stole the things of the gnomes Grumpy and Merry. We need to sort the gnomes' things, otherwise they will quarrel. Who will go to Grumpy, who to Cheerful?

Grumpy Veselchak

New pan old pan

Large glass small glass

Hot tea because cold tea is steaming

Deep plate shallow plate

Brown bread white bread

Sweet sugar hot pepper

Full sugar bowl empty sugar bowl

Clean spoon dirty spoon

8. Task "Finish the proverb" (SLIDES 36-38)

Speech therapist: Folk wisdom will defeat any witchcraft.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Know more, say less.

Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a stupid one.

11. Game "Magic picture".

Speech therapist: - Guys, you completed the tasks and for this you get one picture each. From these pictures you must assemble a picture. Children assemble a picture from pictures countries of Antonimov.

Look at the picture. This picture is magical, it kept the city from troubles. You glued it together and now summer will come in the city after winter, after rains there will be sunny days, evil people will become kind, sad people will become cheerful.

13. Bottom line. Speech therapist:

- Well done! You have completed all the tasks and assembled the picture. What do we see here?

IN it is not darkness that has settled in the country, and the sun. After night comes day. Not only a cold wind blows, but also a warm one. Residents stopped getting sick and recovered. They became not sad, but cheerful. They began to walk not dirty and shaggy, but clean and combed. In the gardens, trees began to grow not low, but tall, not with crooked trunks, but with straight ones. The fruits on the trees became not sour and bitter, but sweet and tasty.

Residents Countries of Antonyms thank you for your help and treat you with sweet apples.


"Guess the riddles"

"Name antonyms»

"Answer the question"

"Find a Pair"

"Fill out the table"

"Agree on a word"

“Find objects with opposite properties”.

"Finish the proverb"
