Pushkin first published the historical story “The Captain's Daughter” in 1836. According to researchers, the work is at the intersection of romanticism and realism. The genre is not precisely defined - some consider “The Captain’s Daughter” to be a story, others – a full-fledged novel.

The action of the work takes place during the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev and is based on real events. The story is written in the form of memoirs of the main character Pyotr Andreich Grinev - his diary entries. The work is named after Grinev’s beloved Marya Mironova, the captain’s daughter.

Main characters

Petr Andreich Grinev- the main character of the story, a nobleman, an officer, on whose behalf the story is told.

Marya Ivanovna Mironova- daughter of captain Mironov; “a girl of about eighteen, chubby, ruddy.”

Emelyan Pugachev- the leader of the peasant uprising, “about forty, average height, thin and broad-shouldered,” with a black beard.

Arkhip Savelich- an old man who was Grinev’s teacher from an early age.

Other characters

Andrey Petrovich Grinev- father of Pyotr Andreich, retired prime minister.

Ivan Ivanovich Zurin- an officer whom Grinev met in a tavern in Simbirsk.

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin- an officer whom Grinev met in the Belogorsk fortress; joined Pugachev's rebels, testified against Grinev.

Mironov Ivan Kuzmich- captain, Marya’s father, commandant in the Belogorsk fortress.

Chapter 1. Sergeant of the Guard

The father of the main character, Andrei Petrovich Grinev, retired as prime minister, began to live in his Simbirsk village, and married the daughter of a local nobleman. From the age of five, Petya was sent to be raised by the eager Savelich. When the main character turned 16 years old, his father, instead of sending him to St. Petersburg to the Semenovsky regiment (as previously planned), assigned him to serve in Orenburg. Savelich was sent along with the young man.

On the way to Orenburg, in a tavern in Simbirsk, Grinev met the captain of the hussar regiment, Zurin. He taught the young man to play billiards and offered to play for money. After drinking the punch, Grinev got excited and lost a hundred rubles. The distressed Savelich had to repay the debt.

Chapter 2. Counselor

On the way, Grinev dozed off and had a dream in which he saw something prophetic. Peter dreamed that he came to say goodbye to his dying father, but in bed he saw “a man with a black beard.” The mother called the man Grinev’s “planted father” and told him to kiss his hand so that he would bless him. Peter refused. Then the man jumped up, grabbed an ax and started killing everyone. The scary man affectionately called: “Don’t be afraid, come under my blessing.” At that moment Grinev woke up: they arrived at the inn. In gratitude for his help, Grinev gave the counselor his sheepskin coat.

In Orenburg, Grinev was immediately sent to the Belogorsk fortress, to the team of Captain Mironov.

Chapter 3. Fortress

“The Belogorsk fortress was located forty miles from Orenburg.” On the very first day, Grinev met the commandant and his wife. The next day, Pyotr Andreich met officer Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. He was sent here “for murder” - he “stabbed a lieutenant” during a duel. Shvabrin constantly made fun of the commandant’s family. Pyotr Andreich really liked Mironov’s daughter Marya, but Shvabrin described her as “a complete fool.”

Chapter 4. Duel

Over time, Grinev found in Marya a “prudent and sensitive girl.” Pyotr Andreich began to write poetry and once read one of his works dedicated to Marya and Shvabrin. He criticized the verse and said that the girl would prefer “a pair of earrings” instead of “tender poems.” Grinev called Shvabrin a scoundrel and he challenged Pyotr Andreich to a duel. The first time they failed to get along - they were noticed and taken to the commandant. In the evening, Grinev learned that Shvabrin had wooed Marya last year and was refused.

The next day, Grinev and Shvabrin fought again. During the duel, Pyotr Andreich was called out by Savelich who ran up. Grinev looked back, and the enemy struck him “in the chest below the right shoulder.”

Chapter 5. Love

All the time while Grinev was recovering, Marya looked after him. Pyotr Andreich invited the girl to become his wife, she agreed.

Grinev wrote to his father that he was going to get married. However, Andrei Petrovich replied that he would not give consent to the marriage and would even arrange for his son to be transferred “somewhere far away.” Having learned about the answer from Grinev’s parents, Marya was very upset, but she did not want to get married without their consent (particularly because the girl was without a dowry). From then on she began to avoid Pyotr Andreich.

Chapter 6. Pugachevism

News arrived that “Don Cossack and schismatic Emelyan Pugachev” had escaped from the guard, gathered a “villainous gang” and “caused outrage in the Yaik villages.” It soon became known that the rebels were going to march on the Belogoro fortress. Preparations have begun.

Chapter 7. Attack

Grinev did not sleep all night. Many armed people gathered at the fortress. Pugachev himself rode between them on a white horse. The rebels broke into the fortress, the commandant was wounded in the head, and Grinev was captured.

The crowd shouted “that the sovereign was waiting for the prisoners in the square and was taking the oath.” Mironov and Lieutenant Ivan Ignatyich refused to take the oath and were hanged. Grinev faced the same fate, but Savelich at the last moment threw himself at Pugachev’s feet and asked to release Pyotr Andreich. Shvabrin joined the rebels. Marya's mother was killed.

Chapter 8. Uninvited Guest

Marya hid the priest, calling her her niece. Savelich told Grinev that Pugachev was the same man to whom Pyotr Andreich gave the sheepskin coat.

Pugachev summoned Grinev to his place. Peter Andreich admitted that he would not be able to serve him, since he was a “natural nobleman” and “sworn allegiance to the empress”: “My head is in your power: if you let me go, thank you; if you execute, God will be your judge; but I told you the truth.” The sincerity of Pyotr Andreich struck Pugachev, and he let him go “on all four sides.”

Chapter 9. Separation

In the morning, Pugachev told Grinev to go to Orenburg and tell the governor and all the generals to expect him in a week. The leader of the uprising appointed Shvabrin as the new commander in the fortress.

Chapter 10. Siege of the city

A few days later news came that Pugachev was moving towards Orenburg. Grinev was given a letter from Marya Ivanovna. The girl wrote that Shvabrin was forcing her to marry him and was treating her very cruelly, so she asked Grinev for help.

Chapter 11. Rebel settlement

Having received no support from the general, Grinev went to the Belogorsk fortress. On the way, they and Savelich were captured by Pugachev’s people. Grinev told the leader of the rebels that he was going to the Belogorsk fortress, because there Shvabrin was offending an orphan girl - Grinev’s fiancée. In the morning, Pugachev, together with Grinev and his people, went to the fortress.

Chapter 12. Orphan

Shvabrin said that Marya is his wife. But upon entering the girl’s room, Grinev and Pugachev saw that she was pale, thin, and the only food in front of her was “a jug of water covered with a slice of bread.” Shvabrin reported that the girl was Mironov’s daughter, but Pugachev still let Grinev go with his lover.

Chapter 13. Arrest

Approaching the town, Grinev and Marya were stopped by guards. Pyotr Andreich went to the major and recognized him as Zurin. Grinev, after talking with Zurin, decided to send Marya to her parents in the village, while he himself remained to serve in the detachment.

At the end of February, Zurin's detachment set out on a campaign. After Pugachev was defeated, he again gathered a gang and went to Moscow, causing chaos. “Gangs of robbers were committing crimes everywhere.” “God forbid we see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!”

Finally Pugachev was caught. Grinev got ready to visit his parents, but a document arrived about his arrest in the Pugachev case.

Chapter 14. Court

Grinev arrived in Kazan by order and was put in prison. During the interrogation, Pyotr Andreich, not wanting to involve Marya, kept silent about why he was leaving Orenburg. Grinev’s accuser, Shvabrin, argued that Pyotr Andreich was Pugachev’s spy.

Marya Ivanovna was received by Grinev’s parents “with sincere cordiality.” The news of the arrest of Pyotr Andreich shocked everyone - he was threatened with lifelong exile to Siberia. To save her lover, Marya went to St. Petersburg and stopped in Tsarskoe Selo. During her morning walk, she got into conversation with an unfamiliar lady, told her her story and that she had come to ask the Empress for Grinev’s pardon.

On the same day, the Empress's carriage was sent for Marya. The Empress turned out to be the same lady with whom the girl had spoken in the morning. The Empress pardoned Grinev and promised to help her with her dowry.

According to no longer Grinev, but the author, at the end of 1774 Pyotr Andreich was released. “He was present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him.” Soon Grinev married Marya. “The manuscript of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev was delivered to us from one of his grandchildren.”


In the historical story “The Captain's Daughter” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, both the main and secondary characters deserve attention. The most controversial figure in the work is Emelyan Pugachev. The cruel, bloodthirsty leader of the rebels is portrayed by the author as a person not devoid of positive, somewhat romanticized qualities. Pugachev appreciates Grinev’s kindness and sincerity and helps his lovers.

The characters that contrast with each other are Grinev and Shvabrin. Pyotr Andreich remains true to his ideas to the last, even when his life depended on it. Shvabrin easily changes his mind, joins the rebels, and becomes a traitor.

Test on the story

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Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 14429.

In this article we will describe the work of A.S. A chapter-by-chapter retelling of this short novel, published in 1836, is offered to your attention.

1. Sergeant of the Guard

The first chapter begins with the biography of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. The father of this hero served, after which he retired. There were 9 children in the Grinev family, but eight of them died in infancy, and Peter was left alone. His father registered him even before his birth as Pyotr Andreevich and was on vacation until he came of age. Uncle Savelich serves as the boy's teacher. He supervises the development of Russian literacy by the Petrushas.

After some time, the Frenchman Beaupre was discharged to Peter. He taught him German, French, and various sciences. But Beaupre did not raise the child, but only drank and walked. The boy's father soon discovered this and drove the teacher away. At the age of 17, Peter was sent to serve, but not to the place where he had hoped to go. He goes to Orenburg instead of St. Petersburg. This decision determined the future fate of Peter, the hero of the work "The Captain's Daughter."

Chapter 1 describes the parting words of a father to his son. He tells him that it is necessary to take care of honor from a young age. Petya, having arrived in Simbirsk, meets Zurin, the captain, in a tavern, who taught him to play billiards, and also got him drunk and won 100 rubles from him. It was as if Grinev had broken free for the first time. He behaves like a boy. Zurin demands the allotted winnings in the morning. Pyotr Andreevich, in order to show his character, forces Savelich, who protests this, to give out money. After which, feeling pangs of conscience, Grinev leaves Simbirsk. This is how Chapter 1 ends in the work “The Captain’s Daughter”. Let us describe further events that happened to Pyotr Andreevich.

2. Counselor

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin tells us about the further fate of this hero of the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 2 of the novel is called "Counselor". In it we meet Pugachev for the first time.

On the way, Grinev asks Savelich to forgive him for his stupid behavior. Suddenly a snowstorm begins on the road, Peter and his servant lose their way. They meet a man who offers to take them to the inn. Grinev, riding in a cab, has a dream.

Grinev's dream is an important episode of the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 2 describes it in detail. In it, Peter arrives at his estate and discovers that his father is dying. He approaches him to take the last blessing, but instead of his father he sees an unknown man with a black beard. Grinev is surprised, but his mother convinces him that this is his imprisoned father. A black-bearded man jumps up waving an ax, dead bodies fill the entire room. At the same time, the man smiles at Pyotr Andreevich and also offers him a blessing.

Grinev, already standing, examines his guide and notices that he is the same man from the dream. He is a forty-year-old man of average height, thin and broad-shouldered. There is already a noticeable streak of gray in his black beard. The man’s eyes are alive, and one can feel the sharpness and subtlety of his mind in them. The counselor's face has a rather pleasant expression. It's picaresque. His hair is cut into a circle, and this man is dressed in Tatar trousers and an old Armenian coat.

The counselor talks with the owner in “allegorical language.” Pyotr Andreevich thanks his companion, gives him a hare sheepskin coat, and pours a glass of wine.

An old friend of Grinev’s father, Andrei Karlovich R., sends Peter from Orenburg to serve in the Belogorsk fortress located 40 miles from the city. This is where the novel "The Captain's Daughter" continues. The chapter-by-chapter retelling of further events occurring in it is as follows.

3. Fortress

This fortress resembles a village. Vasilisa Egorovna, a reasonable and kind woman, the wife of the commandant, is in charge of everything here. The next morning Grinev meets Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, a young officer. This man is short, extremely ugly, dark-skinned, very lively. He is one of the main characters in the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 3 is the place in the novel where this character first appears to the reader.

Because of the duel, Shvabrin was transferred to this fortress. He tells Pyotr Andreevich about life here, about the commandant’s family, while speaking unflatteringly about his daughter, Masha Mironova. You will find a detailed description of this conversation in the work “The Captain's Daughter” (Chapter 3). The commandant invites Grinev and Shvabrin to a family dinner. On the way, Peter sees a “training” going on: a platoon of disabled people is led by Ivan Kuzmich Mironov. He is wearing a “Chinese robe” and a cap.

4. Duel

Chapter 4 occupies an important place in the composition of the work "The Captain's Daughter". It says the following.

Grinev really likes the commandant's family. Pyotr Andreevich becomes an officer. He communicates with Shvabrin, but this communication brings the hero less and less pleasure. Grinev especially does not like Alexei Ivanovich’s caustic remarks about Masha. Peter writes mediocre poems and dedicates them to this girl. Shvabrin speaks sharply about them, while insulting Masha. Grinev accuses him of lying, Alexey Ivanovich challenges Peter to a duel. Vasilisa Egorovna, having learned about this, orders the arrest of the duelists. Broadsword, the yard girl, deprives them of their swords. After some time, Pyotr Andreevich learns that Shvabrin was wooing Masha, but was refused by the girl. He understands now why Alexey Ivanovich slandered Masha. A duel is scheduled again, in which Pyotr Andreevich is wounded.

5. Love

Masha and Savelich are caring for the wounded man. Pyotr Grinev proposes to a girl. He sends a letter to his parents asking for blessings. Shvabrin visits Pyotr Andreevich and admits his guilt before him. Grinev’s father does not give him a blessing, he already knows about the duel that took place, and it was not Savelich who told him about it. Pyotr Andreevich believes that Alexey Ivanovich did this. The captain's daughter does not want to get married without her parents' consent. Chapter 5 tells about this decision of hers. We will not describe in detail the conversation between Peter and Masha. Let's just say that the captain's daughter decided to avoid Grinev in the future. The chapter-by-chapter retelling continues with the following events. Pyotr Andreevich stops visiting the Mironovs and loses heart.

6. Pugachevshchina

The commandant receives a notification that a bandit gang led by Emelyan Pugachev is operating in the surrounding area. attacks fortresses. Pugachev soon reached the Belogorsk fortress. He calls on the commandant to surrender. Ivan Kuzmich decides to expel his daughter from the fortress. The girl says goodbye to Grinev. However, her mother refuses to leave.

7. Attack

The attack on the fortress continues with the work "The Captain's Daughter". The chapter-by-chapter retelling of further events is as follows. At night, the Cossacks leave the fortress. They go over to the side of Emelyan Pugachev. The gang attacks him. Mironov, with a few defenders, is trying to defend himself, but the forces of the two sides are unequal. The person who has captured the fortress organizes a so-called trial. The commandant, as well as his comrades, are executed on the gallows. When it’s Grinev’s turn, Savelich begs Emelyan, throwing himself at his feet, to spare Pyotr Andreevich, and offers him a ransom. Pugachev agrees. Residents of the city and soldiers swear an oath to Emelyan. They kill Vasilisa Yegorovna, bringing her naked onto the porch, as well as her husband. Pyotr Andreevich leaves the fortress.

8. Uninvited Guest

Grinev is very worried about how the captain’s daughter lives in the Belogorsk fortress.

The chapter-by-chapter content of further events in the novel describes the subsequent fate of this heroine. A girl is hiding near the priest, who tells Pyotr Andreevich that Shvabrin is on Pugachev’s side. Grinev learns from Savelich that Pugachev is accompanying them on the road to Orenburg. Emelyan calls Grinev to come to him, he comes. Pyotr Andreevich draws attention to the fact that everyone behaves like comrades with each other in Pugachev’s camp, and does not show preference to the leader.

Everyone boasts, expresses doubts, challenges Pugachev. His people sing a song about the gallows. Emelyan's guests leave. Grinev tells him in private that he does not consider him a king. He replies that good luck will be for the daring, because Grishka Otrepiev once ruled. Emelyan releases Pyotr Andreevich to Orenburg despite the fact that he promises to fight against him.

9. Separation

Emelyan gives Peter the order to tell the governor of this city that the Pugachevites will soon arrive there. Pugachev, leaving, leaves Shvabrin as commandant. Savelich writes a list of Pyotr Andreevich’s plundered goods and sends it to Emelyan, but he, in a “fit of generosity,” does not punish the daring Savelich. He even gives Grinev a fur coat from his shoulder and gives him a horse. Meanwhile, Masha is sick in the fortress.

10. Siege of the city

Peter goes to Orenburg, to see Andrei Karlovich, the general. Military people are absent from the military council. There are only officials here. It is more prudent, in their opinion, to remain behind a reliable stone wall than to try their luck in an open field. Officials offer to put a high price on Pugachev’s head and bribe Emelyan’s people. A police officer from the fortress brings a letter from Masha to Pyotr Andreevich. She reports that Shvabrin is forcing her to become his wife. Grinev asks the general to help, to provide him with people in order to clear the fortress. However, he refuses.

11. Rebel settlement

Grinev and Savelich rush to help the girl. Pugachev's people stop them on the way and lead them to the leader. He interrogates Pyotr Andreevich about his intentions in the presence of his confidants. Pugachev's people are a hunched, frail old man with a blue ribbon worn over his shoulder over a gray overcoat, as well as a tall, portly and broad-shouldered man of about forty-five. Grinev tells Emelyan that he came to save an orphan from Shvabrin’s claims. The Pugachevists propose to simply solve the problem with both Grinev and Shvabrin - hang them both. However, Pugachev clearly likes Peter, and he promises to marry him to a girl. Pyotr Andreevich goes to the fortress in the morning in Pugachev’s tent. He, in a confidential conversation, tells him that he would like to go to Moscow, but his comrades are robbers and thieves who will betray the leader at the first failure, saving their own necks. Emelyan tells a Kalmyk fairy tale about a raven and an eagle. The raven lived for 300 years, but at the same time pecked carrion. But the eagle chose to starve rather than eat the carrion. It’s better to drink living blood one day, Emelyan believes.

12. Orphan

Pugachev learns in the fortress that the girl is being bullied by the new commandant. Shvabrin starves her. Emelyan frees Masha and wants to marry her right away with Grinev. When Shvabrin says that this is Mironov’s daughter, Emelyan Pugachev decides to let Grinev and Masha go.

13. Arrest

On the way out of the fortress, soldiers take Grinev under arrest. They mistake Pyotr Andreevich for a Pugachevo man and take him to the boss. It turns out to be Zurin, who advises Pyotr Andreevich to send Savelich and Masha to their parents, and for Grinev himself to continue the battle. He follows this advice. Pugachev’s army was defeated, but he himself was not caught; he managed to gather new troops in Siberia. Emelyan is being pursued. Zurin is ordered to take Grinev under arrest and send him under guard to Kazan, putting him under investigation in the Pugachev case.

14. Court

Pyotr Andreevich is suspected of serving Pugachev. Shvabrin played an important role in this. Peter is sentenced to exile in Siberia. Masha lives with Peter's parents. They became very attached to her. The girl goes to St. Petersburg, to Tsarskoe Selo. Here she meets the empress in the garden and asks to have mercy on Peter. He talks about how he ended up with Pugachev because of her, the captain’s daughter. Briefly chapter by chapter, the novel we described ends as follows. Grinev is released. He is present at the execution of Emelyan, who nods his head, recognizing him.

The genre of historical novel is the work "The Captain's Daughter". The chapter-by-chapter retelling does not describe all the events; we have mentioned only the main ones. Pushkin's novel is very interesting. After reading the original work "The Captain's Daughter" chapter by chapter, you will understand the psychology of the characters, and also learn some details that we have omitted.

The story "The Captain's Daughter", a retelling of which is offered in this article, was written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1836. It tells about the Pugachev uprising. The author, when creating the work, was based on the events that actually happened in 1773-1775, when the Yaik Cossacks, led by Emelyan Pugachev, who pretended to be Tsar Peter Fedorovich, began taking villains, thieves and escaped convicts as servants. Maria Mironova and Pyotr Grinev - however, their destinies truly reflected the sad time of the civil war.

Chapter 1 Sergeant of the Guard

The story "The Captain's Daughter", a retelling of which you are reading, begins with Pyotr Grinev's story about his life. He was the only child who managed to survive out of 9 children of a poor noblewoman and a retired major; he lived in a noble family with average income. The old servant was actually the young master's tutor. Peter received a poor education, since his father hired a Frenchman, the hairdresser Beaupre, as a tutor. This man led an immoral, dissolute lifestyle. For his debauchery and drunkenness, he was eventually kicked out of the estate. And Petrusha, a 17-year-old boy, his father decided to send him to serve in Orenburg through old connections. He sent him there instead of St. Petersburg, where they were supposed to take the young man into the guard. To look after his son, he assigned Savelich, an old servant, to him. Petrusha was very upset, because instead of capital partying, a joyless existence awaited him in this wilderness. Alexander Sergeevich writes about these events in the story “The Captain's Daughter” (Chapter 1).

The retelling of the work continues. During one of the stops along the way, the young master meets Zurin, a rake-captain, because of whom he became addicted to playing billiards under the pretext of studying. Soon Zurin invites the hero to play for money, and in the end Peter loses 100 rubles - a significant amount for those times. Savelich, who was entrusted with keeping the master’s “treasury,” protests that Pyotr Grinev pay the debt, but the master insists on it. Savelich had to submit and give the money.

Chapter 2 Counselor

We continue to describe the events of the story "The Captain's Daughter". The retelling of the second chapter is as follows. Peter eventually begins to feel ashamed of this loss and promises the servant not to gamble for money anymore. A long journey awaits them, and Savelich forgives his master. But they again get into trouble because of Peter's indiscretion. Despite the approaching storm, Grinev ordered the coachman to continue the journey, and they got lost and almost froze. However, luck was on the side of the heroes - they suddenly met a stranger. He helped the travelers get to

We continue our retelling of chapter 2 of "The Captain's Daughter". Grinev recalls that he, tired after this unsuccessful trip, had a dream in a wagon, which he called prophetic: he saw his mother, who said that Peter’s father was dying, and his house. After that, Grinev saw a man with a beard in his father’s bed, whom he did not know. The mother told the hero that this man was her named husband. Peter refuses to accept the stranger's "father's" blessing, and then he grabs an ax, corpses appear everywhere. However, he does not touch Grinev.

Now they are already approaching the inn, which resembles a thieves' den. A stranger, frozen in only an overcoat, asks Petrusha for wine, and he treats him. An incomprehensible conversation begins between the owner of the house and the man in the thieves' language. Peter does not understand its meaning, but what he heard seems very strange to the hero. Grinev, leaving the shelter, thanked his guide, again to Savelich’s displeasure, by giving him a sheepskin coat. The stranger bowed in response, saying that he would not forget this mercy forever.

When the hero finally gets to Orenburg, one of his father’s colleagues, having read a letter with a request to keep the young man, sends him to serve in the Belogorsk fortress - an even more remote place. This upsets Peter, who had long dreamed of a guards uniform.

Chapter 3 Fortress

Chapter 3 of the story "The Captain's Daughter", a retelling of which is offered to your attention, begins with the following events. We meet the commandant of the fortress. Ivan Kuzmich Mironov was its owner, but in fact everything was managed by the boss’s wife, Vasilisa Egorovna. Peter immediately liked these sincere and simple people. The already middle-aged couple had a young daughter, Masha, but her acquaintance with the main character had not yet taken place. In what turned out to be an ordinary fortress village, a young man meets a lieutenant named Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin. He was sent here from the guard for participating in a duel that ended in the death of his opponent. This hero often made sarcastic remarks about Masha, the captain's daughter, making her look like a fool, and generally had the habit of speaking unflatteringly about people. After Grinev himself met the girl, he expresses doubt about the lieutenant’s remark. Let's continue our retelling. "The Captain's Daughter", chapter 4, is presented below in a brief summary.

Chapter 4 Duel

Benevolent and kind by nature, Grinev began to communicate more and more closely with the commandant’s family, and gradually moved away from Shvabrin. Masha did not have a dowry, but she turned out to be a lovely girl. Peter did not like Shvabrin's caustic remarks. In the evenings, inspired by thoughts of this girl, he began to write poetry to her and read them to Alexei Ivanovich. But he only ridiculed him, beginning to further humiliate the girl’s dignity, saying that she would come at night to anyone who gave her earrings.

In the end, the friends quarreled violently, and a duel had to take place. Vasilisa Egorovna found out about the duel, but the heroes pretended that they had made peace, and they themselves decided to postpone the duel until the next day. In the morning, as soon as they drew their swords, 5 disabled people and Ivan Ignatich led them to Vasilisa Yegorovna under escort. Having properly reprimanded the duelists, she released them. Alarmed by the news of this duel, Masha in the evening told Pyotr Grinev about Alexei Shvabrin’s failed matchmaking with her. Then Grinev understood the motives for this man’s behavior. The duel still took place. Peter turned out to be a serious opponent for Alexei Ivanovich. However, Savelich suddenly appeared at the duel, and, having hesitated, Peter was wounded.

Chapter 5 Love

The retelling of the story "The Captain's Daughter" continues, we have already reached chapter 5. Masha was leaving the wounded Peter. The duel brought them closer, and they fell in love with each other. Grinev, wanting to marry a girl, writes a letter to his parents, but does not receive a blessing. The father's refusal does not change the hero's intentions, but Masha does not agree to get married secretly. The lovers move away from each other for a while.

Chapter 6 Pugachevshchina

We bring to your attention a retelling of chapter 6 (“The Captain’s Daughter”). There is a commotion in the fortress. Mironov receives orders to prepare for an attack by robbers and rebels. Calling himself Peter III, he escaped from custody and is now terrorizing the local population. He is approaching Belogorsk. There are not enough people to defend the fortress. Mironov sends his wife and daughter to Orenburg, where it is more reliable. The wife decides not to leave her husband, and Masha says goodbye to Grinev, but she is no longer able to leave.

Chapter 7 Massacre

Pugachev offers to surrender, but the commandant does not agree to this and opens fire. The battle ends with the transfer of the fortress into the hands of Pugachev.

Emelyan decides to carry out reprisals against those who refused to obey him. He executes Mironov and Ivan Ignatich. Grinev decides to die, but not to swear allegiance to this man. But the servant Savelich throws himself at the ataman’s feet, and he decides to have mercy on Peter. The Cossacks drag Vasilisa Yegorovna out of the house and kill her.

Chapter 8 Uninvited guest

The retelling of the story "The Captain's Daughter" does not end here. Grinev understands that Masha will also be executed if they find out that she is here. In addition, Shvabrin took the side of the rebels. The girl is hiding in the priest's house. In the evening, Peter had a friendly conversation with Pugachev. He remembered the good and in return granted the young man freedom.

Chapter 9 Parting

Pugachev ordered Peter to go to Orenburg in order to report his attack in a week. The young man leaves Belogorsk. Shvabrin becomes commandant and remains in the fortress.

Chapter 10 Siege of the city

Upon arrival in Orenburg, Grinev reported on what was happening in the council. At the council, everyone except the main character voted not for attack, but for defense.

The siege began, and with it need and hunger. Peter secretly corresponds with Masha, and in one of the letters she tells the hero that Shvabrin is holding her captive and wants to marry her. Grinev reports this to the general and asks soldiers to save the girl, but he refuses. Then Peter alone decides to save his beloved.

Chapter 11 Rebel settlement

On the way, Grinev ends up with Pugachev’s people, and he is sent for interrogation. Peter tells Pugachev about everything, and he decides to have mercy on him.

They travel to the fortress together and have a conversation along the way. Peter persuades the troublemaker to surrender, but Emelyan knows that it is too late.

Chapter 12 Orphan

Pugachev learns from Shvabrin that Masha is the daughter of the former commandant. At first he is angry, but this time Peter manages to gain Emelyan’s favor.

Chapter 13 Arrest

Pugachev releases the lovers, and they go home to their parents. On the way they meet Zurin, the former head of the outpost. He persuades the young man to stay in the service. Peter himself understands that duty is calling him. He sends Savelich and Masha to their parents.

In battles, Pugachev begins to suffer defeat. But he himself could not be caught. Zurin and his squad are sent to suppress a new rebellion. Then news comes that Pugachev has been captured.

Chapter 14 Court

We continue our brief retelling. Pushkin ("The Captain's Daughter") further narrates the following events. Grinev is arrested as a traitor, following a denunciation from Shvabrin. The Empress pardoned him, taking into account his father's merits, but sentenced the hero to lifelong exile. Masha decides to go to St. Petersburg to ask the Empress for her beloved.

By chance, a girl meets her on a walk in the garden and talks about her grief, not knowing who her interlocutor is. After this conversation, Maria Mironova was invited to the palace, where she saw Catherine II. She pardoned Grinev. Pugachev was executed. The lovers reunited and continued the Grinev family.

Only a brief retelling of the chapters has been offered to your attention. It does not cover all the events and does not fully reveal the psychology of the characters, therefore, to form a more detailed idea of ​​this work, we recommend turning to the original.

Pyotr Grinev lived in the Simbirsk village. He was taught everything by the stirrup Savilich, who was granted him the title of uncle. But Peter was also assigned a Frenchman, Beaupre, who was supposed to teach him. However, Beaupre was soon kicked out because he drank and molested women.

Peter himself was assigned to the Semenovsky regiment from birth, but at the age of 17, his father sent him to Orenburg instead of St. Petersburg to serve as an ordinary soldier.

Savelich was sent with him. And before leaving, his father told him the proverb “take care of your dress when it’s new, and your honor when you’re young.”

They arrived in Simbirsk. Savelich went shopping, and Peter stayed in the tavern. Then he went to the billiard room and met Zurin there. After drinking well, they began to play billiards for money. By the end of the day it turned out that Peter had lost 100 rubles. The next day, Savelich was dumbfounded that Peter managed to owe a hundred, but he gave the money. Immediately after this they left the inn.

On the way, Peter made peace with Savelich. Then the driver warned them not to go further, the wind was starting to blow. But this did not frighten Peter, and they set off across the steppe. A few hours later they were covered by a strong snowstorm and they got lost. Suddenly Peter saw a black spot and ordered to go to him. It turned out to be a man. He pointed to the right and said it smelled like smoke from there. That's where we went.

Peter had a dream that he was at home and his mother was meeting him. She says that her father is sick and she needs to go and say goodbye to him. Peter comes in and sees a bearded man in bed, to whom he must bow. But Petrusha refuses, and then the man takes out an ax and tries to hit Peter. The room fills with corpses, and Petrusha suddenly wakes up.

They came across a house. After spending the night, Petrusha ordered Savelich to give the conductor a hare sheepskin coat as gratitude. Savelich resisted at first, but still brought the sheepskin coat and gave it away.

The next day they arrived in Orenburg and Peter took his father’s letter to the old general. He read the letter and sent Peter to the Belogorsk fortress to serve under the command of Captain Mironov.

The Belogorsk fortress could not even be called a fortress. A stockade and a cannon are the whole defense. Peter ordered to be taken to the commander of the fortress. But I didn’t find him at home. Only his wife was there, who told him about Alexey Shvabrin, who was sent here for killing a lieutenant in a duel.

Waking up the next day, Peter wanted to go to the commander, but Shvabrin, with whom he became friends, showed up. Then the disabled man came and invited them to the captain for dinner. Shvabrin went with Peter. Approaching the house, they saw the captain commanding a detachment of cripples and disabled people, training them.

At dinner, Peter saw the captain's daughter, Masha. He also learned that the captain and his wife had been living here for a long time, and that the only cannon had not been fired for two years because Masha was afraid of shooting.

They lived peacefully in the fortress and soon Peter began to like this life. He became friends with the captain and his family. There was almost no work. Therefore, Peter began to read a lot and even write poetry. He wrote a poem to Masha and read it to Shvabrin. But instead of praise, I heard only ridicule. A duel was scheduled. Peter asked Ignatyich, a disabled man, to be his second.

The next day they were at seven for the stacks. Peter and Alexey were preparing to fight, but then Ignatyich appeared with the disabled people and took them to the captain. There they were scolded and sent home on dry rations.

Peter snuck into the captain's house and talked to Masha. He found out that Alexei was wooing her, but she refused him. Then it became clear why he spoke so poorly of her. The next day, Shvabrin came to Peter and called him to the vacant lot to fight. Thanks to Beaupre's fencing lessons, Peter was able to fight calmly. But suddenly he heard his name and turned around. At that moment he felt a prick in his chest and fell unconscious.

Peter woke up on the 5th day and saw Masha Mironova in front of him. She was with him all this time. He was recovering quickly. Peter proposed to Masha, to which she agreed with one condition: that Petrusha’s parents approve of the marriage. Peter sent the letter. After some time, the father’s answer came. He strictly forbade Peter to marry and scolded him for his duel. Petrusha thought that it was Savelich who reported everything to his father and scolded the servant. But it turned out that Savelich was devoted to Peter like no other. Maria, having learned about her parents’ refusal, also opposed the marriage. Peter moved away from everyone at home. He just went to work. But suddenly one event happened.

A document stating that rebels have appeared, led by Pugachev. An order was received to prepare for an attack by the rioters. They cleaned the old cannon and began to prepare the weapon. They sent a scout to a neighboring village to find out what happened. But upon his return, he himself was put under arrest.

They immediately caught a Bashkir who was delivering leaflets. The council decided to torture him, but nothing happened, because... The Bashkir did not have a tongue, ears or nose. Then they decided to prepare for battle, and send Masha away to Orenburg for safety.

In the morning Ignatyich came and said that they had seen rioters nearby. Peter asked if Masha had time to leave? But it was too late, the fortress was surrounded on all sides. Everyone gathered on the rampart, in front of the gate. Several horsemen rode up to the fortress and told them to surrender. Why they were shot at. The fortress was attacked. The army was shot from a cannon. They hit the center and the rioters stopped, but rushed with renewed vigor. The defenders went on the attack. But they were confused. The fortress fell.

The rebels began the trial of the vanquished. The captain, who refused to go over to the enemy’s side, was hanged along with Ignatyich. It was Peter's turn. Suddenly they heard the voice of Savelich, who begged Pugachev to have mercy on Petrusha. Peter was untied and released. The people began to swear allegiance to the new king. In one hut they found the captain's wife and a young Cossack killed her with a saber.

Peter went to look for Masha. It turned out that she was with the priest. Petrusha was scared, because Pugachev was there too. He quietly called the priest and asked what was wrong with Masha. She said that she was lying on the stove and was sick. But Pugachev did not touch her. Then Peter went home. Savelich was waiting for him near the house. He said that Pugachev was the guide to whom Peter gave a hare sheepskin coat.

After standing on the street for a while, one Cossack called out to Peter and said that Pugachev was calling him. When Peter arrived, he saw about 10 people at the table with Pugachev. They all drank and sang songs. After everyone had left, a face-to-face conversation began. Pugachev asked whether Peter would go into his service and whether he believed that he was a real king? To which he replied that he did not believe him and would not go to service. Struck by such sincerity, Pugachev released Peter on all four sides. Peter came home, ate and went to bed, hoping for the next day.

Pugachev went out onto the porch, in front of which everyone in the fortress had gathered. He started throwing coins around, and there was a fight. Then he jumped on his horse and was about to ride off, but Savelich approached him with a piece of paper. It turned out that this was a list of things that the rioters stole from Grinev. Pugachev threw the piece of paper in Savelich’s face and left.

The traitor Shvabrin remained in charge of the fortress. And Peter, having visited the sick Masha, decided to quickly go to Orenburg to warn everyone. Suddenly a Cossack galloped up to them with a horse and a sheepskin coat. Pugachev sent them. Savelich grumbled and they drove off.

Peter, approaching Orenburg, saw that they began to fortify it. He immediately went to the general of the fortress, to whom he told everything. He invited him to tea and a military council in the evening. At the council, only the general and Petrusha were among the military, the rest were simply officials. On it they decided what to do: defensively or offensively. Peter proposed attacking the Pugachev army. The officials insisted on acting in an attractive manner. But the general decided to stay outside the walls of the fortress and wait.

The long siege of Orenburg began. Pugachevo's army has increased 10 times since the capture of the Belogorsk fortress. The siege was long and boring. And in one of the forays, Peter met a Cossack from the Belogorsk fortress. He gave him a letter from Masha. It said that Shvabrin was forcibly trying to marry her, and she asked Peter to help her.

Peter went immediately to the general and asked him to give him a company of soldiers. But the general refused, saying that it was unreasonable. Then Peter decided to take a different action.

Peter got ready and galloped to the Belogorsk fortress, and Savelich tagged along with him. Peter was on a horse, and Savelich had a nag. Peter galloped through the patrol, fighting off the men, but Savelich was captured, then Peter rushed to rescue him, but he was also caught. The men took them to Pugachev.

He immediately recognized Grinev and asked why he had visited him. Peter did not answer; by order of Pugachev, everyone left, except for two people: an old man with a blue ribbon and a red-haired man without a nose. They turned out to be Pugachev's advisers. Peter directly said that he was going to the fortress to save the girl from Shvabrin. But the advisers doubted the veracity of his words and said that Peter was an enemy spy. But Pugachev did not believe them, and they all sat down to dinner together. Afterwards, Peter was taken to the official hut, where Savelich was already there.

The next day, Pugachev, together with Grinev and Savelich, went to the Belogorodskaya fortress. Along the way, Pugachev told a fairy tale about a raven who lived for three hundred years and ate carrion, and an eagle who lived for thirty-three years and ate fresh blood.

Shvabrin met them at the fortress and was surprised that Peter was with Pugachev. Pugachev ordered to take him to the girl whom Alexey kept locked up. He tried to make excuses, but ultimately they found Masha and freed her. She was pale and half dead from hunger. Pugachev wanted to marry her to Peter, but Petrusha asked him to simply let them go free. To which Pugachev agreed.

Peter began to like Pugachev. He wanted to snatch him from this bandit environment and save him from punishment, but he could not. Masha said goodbye to her parents, to the fortress, to her friends, and they left this fortress forever.

They drove quickly, because they had a pass signed by Pugachev, but they were stopped by a detachment of hussars, subordinate to the empress. The detachment was commanded by Zurin. The same Zurin to whom Peter lost 100 rubles in billiards. Peter explained to him what and how. To which he advised Peter to send Masha to her parents in the village, while he himself stayed and fought against the enemy. That's what Petrusha did.

When Masha left, Peter began to zealously fight the rebels, who fled at the sight of one army. They soon learned that Pugachev was defeated near Orenburg, but he again gathered an army and took Kazan and Simbirsk. A detachment with Peter was sent to search for Pugachev. Soon news came that Emelyan had been captured and would soon be executed. Peter was sad that Emelya was being executed.

He was glad to meet Masha soon, but on the day of departure he was arrested by order of higher authorities, who learned about his affairs with Pugachev.

Peter was put in prison and interrogated. They asked him why he was the only one left alive, although all the other officers of the fortress were killed. Peter told the whole truth. But when he was asked about Pugachev’s behavior at the Belogorsk fortress, Peter remained silent, afraid to mention Masha Mironova. The judges, who were already on Peter's side, did not like this very much. Then they called in Peter, who accused him of treason. It turned out to be Shvabrin. He was thin and sick. He talked about how Pugachev traveled with Peter to the fortresses, and added a lot of lies about Peter. Then Petrusha was put under arrest and was not summoned again.

Masha was received well at home. Peter's parents liked her for her kindness and purity. When the father learned about Peter’s arrest, he was outraged that an officer from a noble family was accused of helping a rebel.

Masha was going to St. Petersburg to somehow help Peter. She was able to get into the garden in which the empress was walking and there she met, as she thought, one of Elizabeth’s servants. She told her about Pyotr Grinev and said that he did not betray the empress. The next day Masha was called to the palace. She met the Empress, who turned out to be the lady walking in the garden. Elizabeth wrote a letter to Father Grinev and ordered Peter to be released.

It is also said that Peter was released and is now living in some province near some landowner in good health. This is where the story ends.

Updated: 2018-01-15

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In this article we will describe the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". A chapter-by-chapter retelling of this short novel, published in 1836, is offered to your attention.

1. Sergeant of the Guard

The first chapter begins with the biography of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. The father of this hero served, after which he retired. There were 9 children in the Grinev family, but eight of them died in infancy, and Peter was left alone. His father enrolled him even before his birth in the Semenovsky regiment. Pyotr Andreevich was on vacation until he came of age. Uncle Savelich serves as the boy's teacher. He supervises the development of Russian literacy by the Petrushas.

After some time, the Frenchman Beaupre was discharged to Peter. He taught him German, French, and various sciences. But Beaupre did not raise the child, but only drank and walked. The boy's father soon discovered this and drove the teacher away. At the age of 17, Peter was sent to serve, but not to the place where he had hoped to go. He goes to Orenburg instead of St. Petersburg. This decision determined the future fate of Peter, the hero of the work "The Captain's Daughter."

Chapter 1 describes the parting words of a father to his son. He tells him that it is necessary to take care of honor from a young age. Petya, having arrived in Simbirsk, meets Zurin, the captain, in a tavern, who taught him to play billiards, and also got him drunk and won 100 rubles from him. It was as if Grinev had broken free for the first time. He behaves like a boy. Zurin demands the allotted winnings in the morning. Pyotr Andreevich, in order to show his character, forces Savelich, who protests this, to give out money. After which, feeling pangs of conscience, Grinev leaves Simbirsk. This is how Chapter 1 ends in the work “The Captain’s Daughter”. Let us describe further events that happened to Pyotr Andreevich.

2. Counselor

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin tells us about the further fate of this hero of the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 2 of the novel is called "Counselor". In it we meet Pugachev for the first time.

On the way, Grinev asks Savelich to forgive him for his stupid behavior. Suddenly a snowstorm begins on the road, Peter and his servant lose their way. They meet a man who offers to take them to the inn. Grinev, riding in a cab, has a dream.

Grinev's dream is an important episode of the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 2 describes it in detail. In it, Peter arrives at his estate and discovers that his father is dying. He approaches him to take the last blessing, but instead of his father he sees an unknown man with a black beard. Grinev is surprised, but his mother convinces him that this is his imprisoned father. A black-bearded man jumps up waving an ax, dead bodies fill the entire room. At the same time, the man smiles at Pyotr Andreevich and also offers him a blessing.

Grinev, already at the inn, examines his guide and notices that he is the same man from the dream. He is a forty-year-old man of average height, thin and broad-shouldered. There is already a noticeable streak of gray in his black beard. The man’s eyes are alive, and one can feel the sharpness and subtlety of his mind in them. The counselor's face has a rather pleasant expression. It's picaresque. His hair is cut into a circle, and this man is dressed in Tatar trousers and an old Armenian coat.

The counselor talks with the owner in “allegorical language.” Pyotr Andreevich thanks his companion, gives him a hare sheepskin coat, and pours a glass of wine.

An old friend of Grinev’s father, Andrei Karlovich R., sends Peter from Orenburg to serve in the Belogorsk fortress located 40 miles from the city. This is where the novel "The Captain's Daughter" continues. The chapter-by-chapter retelling of further events occurring in it is as follows.

3. Fortress

This fortress resembles a village. Vasilisa Egorovna, a reasonable and kind woman, the wife of the commandant, is in charge of everything here. The next morning Grinev meets Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, a young officer. This man is short, extremely ugly, dark-skinned, very lively. He is one of the main characters in the work "The Captain's Daughter". Chapter 3 is the place in the novel where this character first appears to the reader.

Because of the duel, Shvabrin was transferred to this fortress. He tells Pyotr Andreevich about life here, about the commandant’s family, while speaking unflatteringly about his daughter, Masha Mironova. You will find a detailed description of this conversation in the work “The Captain's Daughter” (Chapter 3). The commandant invites Grinev and Shvabrin to a family dinner. On the way, Peter sees a “training” going on: a platoon of disabled people is led by Ivan Kuzmich Mironov. He is wearing a “Chinese robe” and a cap.

4. Duel

Chapter 4 occupies an important place in the composition of the work "The Captain's Daughter". It says the following.

Grinev really likes the commandant's family. Pyotr Andreevich becomes an officer. He communicates with Shvabrin, but this communication brings the hero less and less pleasure. Grinev especially does not like Alexei Ivanovich’s caustic remarks about Masha. Peter writes mediocre poems and dedicates them to this girl. Shvabrin speaks sharply about them, while insulting Masha. Grinev accuses him of lying, Alexey Ivanovich challenges Peter to a duel. Vasilisa Egorovna, having learned about this, orders the arrest of the duelists. Broadsword, the yard girl, deprives them of their swords. After some time, Pyotr Andreevich learns that Shvabrin was wooing Masha, but was refused by the girl. He understands now why Alexey Ivanovich slandered Masha. A duel is scheduled again, in which Pyotr Andreevich is wounded.

5. Love

Masha and Savelich are caring for the wounded man. Pyotr Grinev proposes to a girl. He sends a letter to his parents asking for blessings. Shvabrin visits Pyotr Andreevich and admits his guilt before him. Grinev’s father does not give him a blessing, he already knows about the duel that took place, and it was not Savelich who told him about it. Pyotr Andreevich believes that Alexey Ivanovich did this. The captain's daughter does not want to get married without her parents' consent. Chapter 5 tells about this decision of hers. We will not describe in detail the conversation between Peter and Masha. Let's just say that the captain's daughter decided to avoid Grinev in the future. The chapter-by-chapter retelling continues with the following events. Pyotr Andreevich stops visiting the Mironovs and loses heart.

6. Pugachevshchina

The commandant receives a notification that a bandit gang led by Emelyan Pugachev is operating in the surrounding area. This gang attacks fortresses. Pugachev soon reached the Belogorsk fortress. He calls on the commandant to surrender. Ivan Kuzmich decides to expel his daughter from the fortress. The girl says goodbye to Grinev. However, her mother refuses to leave.

7. Attack

The attack on the fortress continues with the work "The Captain's Daughter". The chapter-by-chapter retelling of further events is as follows. At night, the Cossacks leave the fortress. They go over to the side of Emelyan Pugachev. The gang attacks him. Mironov, with a few defenders, is trying to defend himself, but the forces of the two sides are unequal. Emelyan Pugachev, who captured the fortress, organizes a so-called trial. The commandant, as well as his comrades, are executed on the gallows. When it’s Grinev’s turn, Savelich begs Emelyan, throwing himself at his feet, to spare Pyotr Andreevich, and offers him a ransom. Pugachev agrees. Residents of the city and soldiers swear an oath to Emelyan. They kill Vasilisa Yegorovna, bringing her naked onto the porch, as well as her husband. Pyotr Andreevich leaves the fortress.

8. Uninvited Guest

Grinev is very worried about how the captain’s daughter lives in the Belogorsk fortress.

The chapter-by-chapter content of further events in the novel describes the subsequent fate of this heroine. A girl is hiding near the priest, who tells Pyotr Andreevich that Shvabrin is on Pugachev’s side. Grinev learns from Savelich that Pugachev is accompanying them on the road to Orenburg. Emelyan calls Grinev to come to him, he comes. Pyotr Andreevich draws attention to the fact that everyone behaves like comrades with each other in Pugachev’s camp, and does not show preference to the leader.

Everyone boasts, expresses doubts, challenges Pugachev. His people sing a song about the gallows. Emelyan's guests leave. Grinev tells him in private that he does not consider him a king. He replies that good luck will be for the daring, because Grishka Otrepiev once ruled. Emelyan releases Pyotr Andreevich to Orenburg despite the fact that he promises to fight against him.

9. Separation

Emelyan gives Peter the order to tell the governor of this city that the Pugachevites will soon arrive there. Pugachev, leaving the Belogorsk fortress, leaves Shvabrin as commandant. Savelich writes a list of Pyotr Andreevich’s plundered goods and sends it to Emelyan, but he does not pay attention to him in a “fit of generosity” and does not punish the impudent Savelich. He even gives Grinev a fur coat from his shoulder and gives him a horse. Meanwhile, Masha is sick in the fortress.

10. Siege of the city

Peter goes to Orenburg, to see Andrei Karlovich, the general. Military people are absent from the military council. There are only officials here. It is more prudent, in their opinion, to remain behind a reliable stone wall than to try their luck in an open field. Officials offer to put a high price on Pugachev’s head and bribe Emelyan’s people. A police officer from the fortress brings a letter from Masha to Pyotr Andreevich. She reports that Shvabrin is forcing her to become his wife. Grinev asks the general to help, to provide him with people in order to clear the fortress. However, he refuses.

11. Rebel settlement

Grinev and Savelich rush to help the girl. Pugachev's people stop them on the way and lead them to the leader. He interrogates Pyotr Andreevich about his intentions in the presence of his confidants. Pugachev's people are a hunched, frail old man with a blue ribbon worn over his shoulder over a gray overcoat, as well as a tall, portly and broad-shouldered man of about forty-five. Grinev tells Emelyan that he came to save an orphan from Shvabrin’s claims. The Pugachevists propose to simply solve the problem with both Grinev and Shvabrin - hang them both. However, Pugachev clearly likes Peter, and he promises to marry him to a girl. Pyotr Andreevich goes to the fortress in the morning in Pugachev’s tent. He, in a confidential conversation, tells him that he would like to go to Moscow, but his comrades are robbers and thieves who will betray the leader at the first failure, saving their own necks. Emelyan tells a Kalmyk fairy tale about a raven and an eagle. The raven lived for 300 years, but at the same time pecked carrion. But the eagle chose to starve rather than eat the carrion. It’s better to drink living blood one day, Emelyan believes.

12. Orphan

Pugachev learns in the fortress that the girl is being bullied by the new commandant. Shvabrin starves her. Emelyan frees Masha and wants to marry her right away with Grinev. When Shvabrin says that this is Mironov’s daughter, Emelyan Pugachev decides to let Grinev and Masha go.

13. Arrest

On the way out of the fortress, soldiers take Grinev under arrest. They mistake Pyotr Andreevich for a Pugachevo man and take him to the boss. It turns out to be Zurin, who advises Pyotr Andreevich to send Savelich and Masha to their parents, and for Grinev himself to continue the battle. He follows this advice. Pugachev’s army was defeated, but he himself was not caught; he managed to gather new troops in Siberia. Emelyan is being pursued. Zurin is ordered to take Grinev under arrest and send him under guard to Kazan, putting him under investigation in the Pugachev case.

14. Court

Pyotr Andreevich is suspected of serving Pugachev. Shvabrin played an important role in this. Peter is sentenced to exile in Siberia. Masha lives with Peter's parents. They became very attached to her. The girl goes to St. Petersburg, to Tsarskoe Selo. Here she meets the empress in the garden and asks to have mercy on Peter. He talks about how he ended up with Pugachev because of her, the captain’s daughter. Briefly chapter by chapter, the novel we described ends as follows. Grinev is released. He is present at the execution of Emelyan, who nods his head, recognizing him.

The genre of historical novel is the work "The Captain's Daughter". The chapter-by-chapter retelling does not describe all the events; we have mentioned only the main ones. Pushkin's novel is very interesting. After reading the original work "The Captain's Daughter" chapter by chapter, you will understand the psychology of the characters, and also learn some details that we have omitted.
