Valentine Kara
Magic words-healers. Ancient formulas to pacify disease


Valentin Porfirovich Kara Magic words-healers. Ancient formulas to pacify disease

I express my deep gratitude to Lydia Vasilievna Kravtsova for her enormous personal contribution to the creation and publication of the book


Traditional medicine has its roots in ancient times. In ancient times, people believed that sores could not appear out of nowhere - someone was sending them. And they turned to sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, magicians, shamans, etc., since then there were no pills or all kinds of highly developed methods of treating diseases. But after all, a real healer, only by looking closely at a person, can immediately tell what he is sick with, moreover, he will make a diagnosis absolutely accurately, without resorting to computer diagnostics.
Just recently, in our country, it became possible to speak openly about the methods of traditional medicine and resort to the help of healers and healers. And there are so many of them at once that you are amazed!
But usually conspiracies were passed on by inheritance and mainly along the female line, for example, a mother to a daughter or granddaughter. The witch doctor could not die until he passed on his skill. Each witch doctor worked in his own way, but unlike sorcerers and witches, he did not resort to black magic and did not use his knowledge to harm a person. This has been the case in the past.
At present, a person can heal himself without resorting to the help of a healer or a healer, since you do not know for sure who you will run into - a truly knowledgeable or a charlatan. Most importantly, remember that after the ritual, one disease can recede immediately in a few days, and the other within three months. This is not magic: there is an interaction of energy forces aimed at healing, and from how strong your disease is, the recovery will take place so quickly. Some diseases are the result of damage directed at a person, first you need to remove it, and then start treatment - traditional or folk, this is at your request.
Before buying expensive medicines, I advise you to try to get rid of the disease in the way indicated in this book, there will be no harm, but what joy can happen when you feel relief and see a positive result!
Valentin Porfirovich Kara is a healer. The choice of this path was not accidental for him. But first - graduation from the Moscow Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Chisinau State University, where he received the degree of candidate of economic sciences, courses DEIR (further energy-informational development), the Higher School of the Medical Association (homeopath, phytotherapist, aromatherapist, sound therapist). Valentin Porfirovich is a master of sports in cycling and a champion of Moldova in bodybuilding. After reading all of the above, you probably asked the question: "Why, having such an education, engage in healing?"
While still in the army, Valentin Kara received a severe head injury, and military surgeons, realizing that they were powerless, themselves invited a local healer to his hospital, who actually pulled him out of the afterlife. After that, Valentine decided to become a healer and help people. He traveled a lot around the country, met with witch doctors, healers, shamans, lived with them and saw what miracles they performed helping people.
Treatment of Valentin Porfirovich has three directions: herbal medicine, conspiracies, a course of rehabilitation diagnostics. It all depends on the disease and its course.
The experience of many healers with whom Valentin Porfirovich met speaks for itself. Here are just a few examples:
Moscow, Russia - at the V.I.Dikul rehabilitation center (treatment of the musculoskeletal system);
Slavyansk, Ukraine - from the healer Kasyanov (chiropractor), who once cured the Olympic champion Valery Brumel;
Borisov, Belarus - from the healer Maria Zakharovna, who treats all types of diabetes;
Oloneshty, Moldova - from the healer Boris Gerasimovich, who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, alcoholism, drug addiction;
Tomsk, Russia - from the healer Stepan Lukich, who treats epilepsy, migraines, headaches, cancer;
Petrozavodsk, Russia - from the healer Anatoly Fedorovich, who treats cancer with mercuric chloride (currently, oncology is treated in the same way in one of the Odessa medical institutions);
Gomel, Belarus - at the healer Tamara Sergeevna, who treats dislocations, fractures, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, smoking habit;
Lutsk, Western Ukraine - at the healer Yuriy Kharchenko, who treats heart diseases, the consequences of burns, infertility;
Kazan, Russia - from the healer Nadezhda Petrovna Gerasimova, who treats women's diseases, heart diseases;
Tyumen, Russia - from the healer Gennady Timofeevich Lyubavin, who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood diseases;
Odessa, Ukraine - at the healer Mikhail Zorkin, who treats general diseases of the cardiovascular system, mental illness;
Chisinau, Moldova - from the healer Todika, who treats chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, gynecological and a number of others (they wrote about the Todica method in newspapers);
Rechitsa, Belarus, with the healer Lyubov Ivanovna, who treats joint diseases, women's diseases;
Chitcani, Moldova - at the witch doctor's grandfather Lukyan, who lived at the monastery and healed corruption and many diseases with conspiracies.
You can list it for a very long time. Many healers, who received their knowledge from their predecessors, eagerly told Valentin Porfirovich the secrets of healing, so that he would tell about them to those who still retained faith in folk wisdom. V.P. Kara's treasury contains over 37,000 recipes. Some have already been published. Now we offer you a book of treatment with conspiracies. I had a chance to try two methods of treatment of Valentin Kara. I cured chronic pancreatitis with a decoction of herbs, which I took for six months, and now nothing bothers me. And chronic thrombophlebitis - with the help of a conspiracy. After such a result, you will involuntarily believe in a miracle!
Preliminary advice. When working with a conspiracy, follow strictly the instructions. Here, for example, is a condition that is not mentioned in any book on this topic: when the sun sets over the horizon and begins to set, then the conspiracy should be read! It will work one hundred percent. Of course, there are also details of the conspiracy, for example, the phase of the moon must be taken into account, but sunset is a prerequisite for obtaining a result.
Be healthy!
Lydia Kravtsova


Read a conspiracy in the evening or morning dawn (especially effective and quick action - at the moment the sun appears on the horizon line or at the moment when the sun begins to set behind the horizon line).
Read the conspiracy in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening, but not earlier than three hours after eating.
Be sure to read with an open window or window, facing east.
Take a calm breath in and out first. Read in such a way that with the last word ("amen") you push the air out of you. If the plot is long, then breathe in and out and read the plot to the end.
Buy the candle that you light to read the plot at the church.
Before reading the conspiracy, light a candle, cross yourself three times in front of the icon, then read the prayer "Our Father", and then - the conspiracy.
If the conspiracy must be read on water, then take about half a glass or a glass of water (the volume of water does not matter) and drink it in small sips for 5 minutes.
Read the conspiracy with attention, sincere interest, with a desire to help yourself or the patient. I advise you to do this without ridicule and not to do it for the sake of curiosity.
The plot can be repeated to enhance the action 3, 5, 7, 9 times. There are conspiracies that must be pronounced 40 times.
Please note that the main condition for reading a conspiracy to cure diseases, alcoholism, etc. is the waning moon (the first decade is especially important). If you worked with the conspiracy on the last day of the waning moon, then nothing may work out or the result will be insignificant.
There are conspiracies that should help women. They must be read on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), if the conspiracy is to help a man, then select men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).
You can not read conspiracies on Sunday, on the main religious holidays and fasting.
If you have the opportunity, then read the conspiracies in front of the old icon, as it contains a very large energy (the icon of the forty saints is especially recommended).


Crying at childbirth

Slander the water and spray the baby with it while crying.
Holy cradle! The Mother of God rocked Christ, did not know the child's concern. He slept, rested, did not cry, did not suffer, did not scream. So my child would not cry, suffer, roll, scream neither in the clear sun, nor in the white moon, nor at dawn, nor at evening sunset. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.


Prepare goat or cow milk for the first feed. Bringing the baby to your chest, speak quietly:
Lord bless! Like a cow and a goat have milk, so that I, the servant of God (name), have milk in my breasts.


Talk about breast milk.
As the mother of the Theotokos nursed the Son of God, so you will suckle, grow and glorify the Lord.


Before breastfeeding the baby, the mother should repeat three times:
Lord, have mercy, strengthen the body and spirit (name), cover with your shroud, with the wings of an angel, fence in and protect from any misfortune. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Much depends on the first swaddling: health, luck and even the fate of the child. When you yourself begin to swaddle your baby for the first time, say softly three times:
I take it by the handles so that they can take it and do it. I take the legs so that they can walk and run. I take by the head, so that the mind and reason were. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When bathing for the first time, say quietly:
Endure cold, endure hunger, endure every need. Guardian angel, strengthen yourself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
On the third bath:
Clean water - on the shoulder, health. Bass and beauty - in the body.
At the seventh bathing:
The Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, the Mother of God, washed and poured her son and left some water for you (name).
At the twelfth bathing:
From the sky - water, from the earth - God's dew. From the servant of God (name) - any burden.


Wait for the baby to fall asleep and shoot a stream of milk from the breast to the legs with the words:
Child, are you sleeping? - I’m sleeping. - Have you forgotten the white light? - Forgot. - Just forget your mother's chest! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So as not to cry more often MEASURES

Place the baby on the right breast and whisper gently into the right ear:
You are my dawn Marya and you are my dawn Daria, come and look at my baby. He did not spend the night, he did not close his mouth. Give him sleep, peace in broad daylight, early in the morning, late in the evening, all the days of the Lord's week.
Don't cry on Monday, don't scream on Tuesday, don't suffer on Wednesday, don't yell on Thursday, be silent on Friday, don't squeak on Saturday, be at peace on Sunday. Lord help, Lord bless. Which word I forgot, which one dropped to the ground, each get up in its place. Key, lock, tongue.
Before going to bed, wipe the baby with charmed water.
Water conspiracy:
Silent dawn Marya, gentle dawn Daria, wipe the baby, remove insomnia from him, pacify him cry. Roll a dream on him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.
Before going to bed, wipe the baby with charmed water. Water conspiracy:
Homones, commotions, tears, sighs. Do not go to my child, do not dawn on the evening dawns. Walk to the black cat, to the wooden spinning wheel, to the dry aspen stick. Torment them, wake them up, but do not go to my child forever and ever. Key, lock, tongue.
It is believed that the midwives and midday women are to blame for this.
Dip the coal from the blower into the water collected at dawn, and read the conspiracy over the water (the child's mother should read), holding the water at the left breast. Then spray your baby in the morning, afternoon, and dawn.
Midday midday, half-worn half-woman, day, night, half-awake, do not grovel, do not swear over the servant of God (name), the baptized child. And peal, dictate over the black soot, over the cross-country. Amen.
The eldest in the family must make a slander on the water in which the baby will be bathed.
Collect, water, tears from the baptized baby (name). Revushki-plaques, go to the water, the water - to the ground, the earth will take tears, the baby's roar will stop, so that the age does not happen, does not burp. Amen.
Wash the crying baby, wipe him with the hem with the words:
Morning dawn, evening dawn, give sleep and rest for day and night (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At dawn, take the child in your arms and go out with him to the street. Cross yourself three times and read the plot three times, looking at the rising sun.
Dawn Marya, dawn Daria, dawn Marianna, take a cry from the baby of the day, noon, hour, half an hour, carry the cry into the dark forests, beyond the steep mountains.
Then bow three times to the dawn and return to the house.
If you have stove heating, then, entering the house, bow also to the stove with the words:
Mother stove, you - to stand, and angelic darling - to health. Forever and ever. Amen.
Place the baby in the crib.


In order for the child to sleep well, the mother, rocking him, must hold the child to her left breast and chant the words of the conspiracy.
Baiushki bye! Preserve you and have mercy on you, your angel, your preserver. From every eye, from every blaz, from all sorrows, from all misfortunes, from scrap-scrap, from blood-blood, from evil-man, from adversary.
During breastfeeding, the mother should whisper:
Sleep, baby, in the corner is a branch from a dry tree, from a sick stump. I will send restlessness from you to the branch, baby. That branch will suffer, and my baby will rest. Amen.
Sleepy dormouse, put the child to sleep, envelop you in a doze in a sleepy mansion, turn your eyes, and I will whisper three times: “Sleepy, sprinkled, sleepy sleepyhead. In order for the child to sleep, the soul of the baptized rested. Amen".
Read before going to bed.
Evening dawn of Maremyan, I ask you: save the slave (name) from the girl from the noon, from the midnight, from the hour, from half an hour, from a minute, from half a minute, from a second of insomnia-restlessness. Evening dawn of Maremyan, sleep and calm down on the baby (name). Forever and ever. Amen.
Slander three times while looking at the setting sun.
You, insomnia, don't be buzzing, don't wake up my baby. If you want to fornicate, go to the bird-owl, the nightingale-nightingale, or to the drunken head. Walk with them, play games. I chase you away, the baby's sleep is not a vice.


Boil the milk without removing it from the stove, let it cool. Pour into two cups, one for the baby and the other for the puppy. Read the plot three times for each cup. Then water and wash with milk intended for a baby, and take milk intended for a puppy to any puppy.
Holy are the deeds and thoughts, the ambassadors of God and the righteous, stand up for the baby, the servant of God (name), so that he does not suffer and weep neither day nor night, nor morning, nor evening. I take off the puppy and give it to the puppy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


After sunset, when the child falls asleep, read the plot while standing at the head of the bed.
A heavenly candle, lit by the saints, in the church my baby will be baptized. Not for the coffin of the children, mother gave birth, mother gave blood from the blood. I will face the altar and ask Christ: tame the ailment in human blood, hear my words, save my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Church of the Lord, in the name of all saints, angels and archangels, I scold the servant of God (name of the child) for health and life. Amen.


Make circular movements clockwise around the navel, saying: Water princess, red maiden, you lived at home for a century, I met you, and you meet this disease in the baby's right soul (name). Take your good, and give the right soul of the baby your health. The pain will go away after a few minutes.

HERNIA (umbilical)

Make a wormwood compress: pour 1 tablespoon of bitter wormwood with 1 glass of cold water, boil for 15 minutes under a lid, then remove from heat and strain. Apply a medicated compress (every day from a freshly prepared decoction) to your child at night for a week.
You need to speak a hernia on the growing moon for three days in a row, and the 4th time - on a full moon. The ceremony is performed by two, for example, mother and grandmother.
First one reads "Our Father" and then says:
Help, Lord, come to the aid of a baby (name), born, prayerful, baptized. The young month will rise - the hernia will disappear in the baby (name).
The second should then ask:
Grandma, grandma, what are you chewing on?
The first one answers:
Gnaw gnaw (then lightly bite [Do not understand the word "bite" literally, just put a clean handkerchief or a piece of linen on the sore spot and bite it slightly.] Sore spot).
The second says:
Gnaw, gnaw without shortness of breath, so that there is no eructation.
And he asks:
Grandma, grandma, what are you chewing on?
The first responds and the dialogue is repeated again. Do this three times.

Whisper a spell on the holy water and give the baby a few sips of water to drink.
Jesus is the baby with mother Mary, and the health of the slave (name) is with him. Amen.


Wipe your gums and mouth with a swab dipped in a solution of baking soda or borax (1 teaspoon to 1 cup of boiled warm water).
Give your child a crust of brown bread to crush it between the gums.
You can put a necklace made of real amber around your child's neck, which greatly helps teething.
There is a popular belief: if a child's upper teeth were cut first, he will be painful and unhappy in life. To save the baby from this, in the evening, after sunset, say the following words to milk (preferably female):
I dissuade you from dashing trouble, from vain death, from the tooth of the upper servant of God (name). I call on the Savior and the Baptist to be helpers. Take rock away from the slave (name). From this hour and from this minute and throughout the century. Amen.


If the child has all the teeth, but salivation continues, put a new handkerchief under the pillow for the child in the evening. From morning until bedtime, wipe your child's saliva with this handkerchief. When the baby falls asleep, slander the handkerchief and hang it in the wind. Repeat the ceremony for three days in a row, and then wash the scarf.
The servant of God (name) gave it, the wind took it and gave it to someone. And to whom - only God knows. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Wipe off the child's saliva and throw the handkerchief into the corner of someone else's house with the words:
Obotri, mother Catherine, lips, teeth of the servant of God (name), so that the slobber gets off him, go to a forest pig, an evil dog, a field slug, an evil sage. Amen.


Whisper three times in each ear to your child before bed:
Isaph, you, Isaph, do not put the servant of God baby (name) in the ears. I will stab with knives, axes, sharp staves, claws and nails from birth to wedding, to the end.


Put the child on his back, draw crosses on the heels with your finger and say:
I will take off with a cross, with a king's finger that which is not from God, from Satan's threshold. An angry dog ​​howl, but a healthy child. Amen.
Read the slander while bathing the child:
Madam cramp, go for a walk in a wide field, in pure expanse. Let the baby sleep, not get sick and not suffer. Take the convulsions, take them clean into the field. Amen.


Read the conspiracy while putting the child to bed.
Screamer, grandfather tramp, take the screamer under the wing of the capon. Put him to sleep, give him peace. Amen.
Enter the chicken coop in the evening with the baby in your arms and say:
Pockmarked chickens, gray chickens, black chickens, take your cries from the baptized, amazed prayer servant of God baby (name), give our sleep.
Chickens, chickens, take yourself insomnia, and give my baby, God's servant (name), sleep and calm for the whole long night.
Stand with the child in your arms on the lid covering the cellar and speak three times, spitting over your left shoulder after each time:
The kochet is gray, the kochet is motley, the kochet is red, take the cry of the servant of God (name).
Put the child in the hem of your dress, walk with him at dawn under the chicken nest and read the hex three times. Do the same at dawn.
Dawn Daria, dawn Marya, dawn Katerina, dawn Maremyan, dawn Crix, take your cry. Shout, shout, go to the okyan-sea. On the sea on okiyane, on the island on Buyan, people do not go, birds do not fly. The cry will subside, sleep will be forgotten. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Put the baby in the hem of the dress, go out into the street at dawn and in the evening, each time repeating the words of the conspiracy three times in a row.
Dawn-lightning, red maiden, your child is crying - wants to eat, my child is crying - wants to sleep. Take away from him a sleep-free night lamp, give us a sleep-calmness.
Putting on the top dress backwards, the mother takes the child in her arms or by the hand (if the baby walks well) and leads to the field, where, turning to the evening dawn, she repeats the plot three times, stepping back a step after each reading and spitting over her left shoulder.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Zarya-zarynitsa, red girl, take rats and crybies, day and noon, night and midnight, hours, half hours, minutes and half minutes from the servant of God (name) baptized, prayed. Then, after bowing three times to the dawn, the mother says:
Zarya-zarynitsa, red maiden, your child is crying, he wants to drink and eat, and my child is crying - wants to sleep. Take your sleeplessness, give us your dream to this day, to this hour, according to my slander. As I was able to demolish and breed my child, so I can dissuade rats and crybabies. Amen. Amen. Amen.
At dawn in the morning and evening with a child in your arms, walk down the street and, addressing the dawn, say three times:
Dawn-lightning, take insomnia, restlessness, and give us sleep-calm.


The night owl or night owl is the popular name for a childhood disease, which is characterized by insomnia, the soles of the feet become shiny, and the child constantly touches his feet. In the old days, it was believed that this disease was caused by mythical creatures - moths that tickle the soles of children.
Connect the child's legs and, with a matchstick, draw a cross on the legs, speaking:
Arida and Makrida, Arida and Makarida, calm down and persuade the servant of God (name) to wear a wearer and a midwife, so that it will not be and not touch it forever, forever and ever, and from now on and finish. Be my words strong and conspicuous, and with those words of mine, the key and the lock. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Rub the soles of the child's feet against the ceiling in the bath with the words:
As this mother with ceilings sleeps and is silent, never screams, does not roar, so my child would be asleep and silent, never shouted, never roared. Amen.
Take the child in your arms, touch the mother three times with his legs, each time spitting over his left shoulder and uttering a slander.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Polunoshnitsa Anna Ivanovna, do not go at night, the slave of God's baby (name) will not be! Here's your job: play with a pestle and a mortar during the day, and play with a mother at night. Forever and ever. Amen.


Speak to the water, in which you then bathe the baby:
Christ was baptized in water and water, through that the water became good. Blessings are water, remove from the slave (name) that which torments, than the child toils. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read at the head of the child for the first time, when he is forgotten in sleep. The second - at dawn, until the child woke up, the third time - during the daytime sleep.
Pudding, I articulate you from a violent head, from fair hair, from a zealous heart, from veins, from veins, from bones, from joints. Servant of God sinless (name) on a holy bright day, come to the aid of Saint Mikola, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, the Most Pure Mother of God, Saints Cosmas and Damian, Jesus Christ himself. Pudding, I am sending you to mosses, to swamps, to rotten logs, to white stones, to rakitovy bush. Amen.
Sprinkle the child with water that you slander.
Just as a mother is not afraid of her baby, a cat is not a kitten, a horse is a foal, a drop is water from an okiyan, the earth is sand from Buyan Island, so the sinless servant of God (name) will not be afraid of anything. Amen. Amen. Amen.


If a pregnant woman is afraid of something, the child may inherit that fear. And then he will experience vague fears, be in tension. These children are more likely to get sick than their peers.
Take a handful of soil from under three trees: oak, maple and aspen. Place the child facing east, and put the earth on the cloth in front of him. Give a candle in your hand, light it and read:
The psalm is sung, the prayer is read, the Lord is praised, the candle is lit. Fire will ignite with fire, fear is not afraid of fear, water will not choke on water, fear from a slave (name) will be pumped out. As long as people have this land, the fear of a slave (name) will not eat. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now mix the earth and spread it under the trees from which it was taken.


Ask your child to raise their arms up and extend their palms. Take the knife by the blade and, starting with the child's right hand, touch (carefully!) Each nail with the blade, saying:
The aspen stands, the violent wind is rustling. Aspen breaks, the servant of God (name) does not toil with nails. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Rub the tips of your fingers with bitter wormwood, saying:
As wormwood is bitter and disgusting, so it is bitter and disgusting for the servant of God (name) to take fingers in his mouth.
On a full moon, slander the water and wash your child's hands with this water.
Not hard, not breathing, not gnawing, not pecking, not walking in the morning, not for sweating during the day, not for sunset gnawing, not with grief, not with joy. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.


Read the conspiracy on water in front of the icon of John the Baptist 9 days in a row three times a day. Then sprinkle the child and his bed with charmed water for three days in a row.
The Holy Savior John the Baptist stood on the threshold, wrote the scrolls, blessed the water. He approached the servant of God (name), washed the servant of God (name) with that water, removed his fear.
At dawn, go to the spring, dip a coin into the water, cross yourself and cross the spring with the words:
Heaven is father, earth is mother, water is holy. Bless yourself to take not for the sake of cunning, nor for the sake of wisdom, but for the sake of God's great mercy to the servant of God (name).
Speak water (see above), pour it into a glass, put the child on the threshold of the first doors from the street. Cross the child with a lit candle (saved from Easter) and say three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then, holding a glass of water over the child's head, baptize over the glass with a burning candle, repeating the prayer "Our Father" three times. After reading the prayer, the child must blow strongly on the candle in order to extinguish the fire at once. Collect the wax from the water and burn it (preferably in the stove), and pour the water over your left shoulder with the words:
It has come in the wind - go in the wind; from an evil person it has come - to go to an evil person.


Slander the water and wash your child with it at three in the morning and three in the evening.
In the afternoon, where is the red sun, where there is a window in the kingdom of God, I look with my child as a slave (name). I look not enough, I look not enough, I am baptized, I am not baptized. I ask Jesus Christ, our Savior, our deliverer: "Deliver the servant of God (name) from night fears, from all commotions, from fear in the night, give your shield and swords, give him peace of mind, save and defend him." In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Heavenly Father has everything: the morning and evening ray, the rising and setting sun, the night month, clear stars, violent winds, fast rivers, soft lands. Do not be afraid, servant of God (name), the gift of the Lord: blissful darkness, starry sky neither in the house, nor from the window, nor on the street. The Lord is with you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


At this moment, throw your wedding dress on the child and, as it were, sit on the child (be careful!). Sitting over the child, repeat three times:
With what place I gave birth to you, such a place I departed for you.
If the wedding dress is no longer there, then sketch out any clean dress.
Sprinkle the child with the spoken water, collected during Holy Week.
A child's body, an angelic soul, innocent before the Savior, innocent in suffering. Cleanse and grow strong. Amen.


(painful seizure accompanied by seizures and loss of consciousness)
Read three times before Tuesday dawn.
Grandmother Varvarushka, I ask you: remove from the baby the servant of God (name) the head darling, the inside daddy, the pushy darling, quivering darling; and all 12 relatives, and all 12 Khudims, and all 12 windy breakers, remove from the white body, from clear eyes, from the white face, from the lung, from the liver, from the zealous heart and from all the red blood, from all the insides. Amen.
Give the child a drink and wash it with water, to which to tell a story:
I gnaw, I gnaw a lot on the servant of God (name) 12 relatives (list all the relatives). As the dead from the grave does not toss and turn, so would the servant of God (name) these 12 relatives never toss and turn, forever and ever, from now on until forever.
Prepare a decoction of plakun-grass: pour 10 tablespoons of chopped herbs and roots with 2 liters of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, then leave for 4 hours. Strain, read the plot over the broth and add to the baby's bathtub.
Plakun, plakun, you cried a long time and a lot, but you cried a little. Don't roll your tears across the open field, don't spread your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of evil demons, old Kiev witches. And they won't let you submit - drown them in tears, and they'll run away from your disgrace - lock them in the pits of the underworld! Be my words with you strong and firm. Century of centuries!
The old gentleman, the old lady get tired, climbing the mountains. So let the servant of God (name) get tired of the ailment that torments him, torments, worries, pulls. Amen.
For a full-term baby. Read the conspiracy over the water and spray it on the child, you can give a few sips of water to drink.
In the middle of the White Sea stands a copper pillar from earth to sky, from east to west; and in that copper pillar a copper copper was laid for pain and ailments. I send the servant of God (name) to that copper pillar that is on the sea, on the okiyan, and command him with his commandment word to sacrifice the native to that copper pillar. And he would have been from that commandment (name) safe and sound and delivered from his relative to this hour, throughout his life.
For a premature baby. For a baby born on an odd day, speak on even days, and vice versa. The child must be baptized. While reading the conspiracy, the baby should sleep. Read the plot while standing at the head of the bed. There should be no one in the room, there should be no dogs in the whole apartment. After scolding your darling, send notes to the three churches for the child's health. Do not tell anyone about what you have done.
My child, child, I gave birth to you, I brought you into the world, nursed you, gave milk to drink. You are holy faces, gold salaries, you will strengthen my child so that he does not cry, does not suffer, does not know bitter grief. Virgin Mary, Most Holy Theotokos, embrace my child with a holy hand, become his way of the cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Conspiracy on a piece of bread, let the child take a bite, and throw the rest to the dog.
The mother gave birth to you, not the bitch, the Lord ordered the child to suck on the breast, chew bread, and not bite people. For Caesar - Caesar's, for a dog - for a dog, for a child - for a child. Amen. Amen. Amen.


At the first suspicion of the child's illness, talk about water for washing or drinking.
You are field grass, you are dry straw, the wind dried you, ruffled you, shook you in all four directions. Go, all the sickness, all the pain, on dry straw, on the grass of the field, to the four brothers-winds. Let them shake you, let them shake you, and let my child go. Most Holy Lady Theotokos, pray for my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


Read over the sleeping child after sunset every day, and so on until he recovers.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the mother of the cheese-earth is not afraid of either a knock or a break, so the little baby would not be afraid of pinches, or aches, or worries, or a matinee, or a supper, or from the Magi, or from a sorceress, or from a sorcerer, or from a witch, neither from a bigamy, nor from a triune, nor from a two-toothed, nor from a three-toothed, nor from a gray, nor from a blue, nor from a bloody one, nor from an old man, nor from a sick person, nor from a small one. Be my words strong, molding, durable, memorable, stronger than a strong stone, sharper than a saber and hotter than a hot fire. And which teacher taught me and which words he didn’t teach, all be locked with a key, the key is in the sea, the lock is in heaven. Forever amen.

Peeling wounds

When brewing herbs for daily bathing of the baby, read the words of the conspiracy three times, then bathe the baby. On the third day, the baby's skin will become cleaner, but do not stop reading the hex until complete recovery.
Mother of God, I pray you to stand up for my baby. Bless and heal the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.
Drive through the sore spots with three birch sticks (dry and without leaves): first, each in turn, then with all three. After that, wave your chopsticks towards the lit burners on the gas stove (or towards the fire in the stove) and say 7 times in a row:
Go on, dry toad, go on, wet toad.
Do the ritual for 3 nights in a row. Then, throw the birch sticks away from your home. Repeat next month as needed.


"Color" is popularly called a small red rash on a baby's body.
Slander the holy water and wipe the baby with it three times a day. The rash usually clears up in 3 days.
As the candle in the church melts, so do you, illness, melt. As the dawn comes and goes to heaven, so you, sickness, leave the servant of God (name). Amen.


When putting the baby to sleep in the evening, put small cereals (preferably millet) in a red bag, shake the child over the head and read the hex:
Rash, rash, childish rash, roll down, fall off the servant of God (name). Amen.
Do the ritual for 3 evenings in a row, and then pour the cereal onto the road.


I will become blessed, I will cross myself out of the doors into the open field. Three rivers run across the clear field: the first is Varvareya, the second is Nastaseya, and the third is Paraskovya. These rivers are washed by peanuts, roots, white stones, steep banks, yellow sands. So they would wash red krasushina, gold scrofulous at the servant of God (name). Red rubella, rolling down, falling off his bones, from his muzzle, from a white body, from hot blood, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not ache either day or night, not an hour, not half an hour, not a minute, not half a minute. Forever and ever. Amen.
Rub vegetable oil (any) into the child's body and read the conspiracy:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will dissuade, the servant of God (name), from the servant of God (name). Red beauty, black rough, do not burn, do not sting my white body, red meat, get out of all the bones, from the veins, from the brains, from the joints and the whole zealous heart. So that this never happened.
Dawn-lightning, red maiden, come to my aid. Help me, Lord, from the servant of God (name) scrofula to pronounce scrofula, gossip, change-of-mind, negotiation, midnight, violent riot, yellow yellow, blue blue, red beauty and crumbly. Zolotukha-krasukha, go from a slave (name), from a violent head, from clear eyes into clear fields, into the blue seas, on the Rosstan, turns, into deep swamps. Like the daughters of Herod they tortured everyone with deceits, but the elders did not listen to them and beat them, saying: “Oh, you are, twelve maidens! Be all you shivers, waterworms, studennitsy relaxed and live in a swamp-student, and do not go to the world to people, do not shiver human bones, do not torment the body. " And all the twelve virgins galloped to the student marsh, shivering, relaxed watercreepers. I speak a slave (name) from a visit to a fever who is called fever. Amen.
Read the spell on sore spots (ears, eyes) after sunset on Tuesday.
So that the eyes look, the ears do not hurt the slave (name): they rolled back, fell off to foreign shores, into dirty water, into damp weather. Scrofula - an evil old woman - leave the slave behind (name). Amen.
Read the slander for the young month.
As a young priest stands still a month, so the servant of God (name) would have scrofula, half-gilt would appear from three-nine brains, from a violent head, from black eyebrows, from clear eyes, from braids, from eyelashes, from buttocks, from soft lips, from white teeth, so that there is no lump, phlegm of the eyelids from half a century, from now until the century. Amen.
The spell is read 12 times in a row.
12 ailment, 12 scrofula, get out of the baby. It is not I who reprimand, it is not I who persuade, Saint Nicholas the saint himself drives him out of his ear, out of his eyes! Where there are empty wells without water, there you can get lost from the baby. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Read three times at evening and morning dawn.
On the sea on an okiyan, on an island on Buyan, there is a stone of forty fathoms, and on this stone a girl sits, blowing scrofula: scrofula, redness, you won't be here, you won't live here, you won't break your bones, you won't fester.
If the baby was born during a fast, use vegetable oil, and if a meat-eater, use butter. Read the slander three times over the oil and then rub the sore spot with it.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), will dissuade me from the servant of God (name). Red beauty, white white, black black, do not burn, do not burn his white body, red meat! Get out from all bones, from veins, from brains, from joints and from all zealous heart. So that this never happened!
I apply it to the charcoal cross from the hut. Formed from pine sulfur, coal from fiery heat. The cross of oaks was chopped. That cross did not hurt, the ear and temple did not itch, it didn’t hiss, it didn’t twirl. So the servant of God (name) would not hurt, not itch, poke, ache neither in the legs, nor in the hands, nor in the day, nor in the night, nor for a new, nor for a young month, nor in the morning dawn, neither for the evening, nor for the blocking of the month. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Put a bundle of straw into the oven, set it on fire and read in a whisper into the open door of the oven, looking at the fire. The stove is brick, the fire is from straw, and the disease is from the servant of God (name). Go ashes, scrofula, through the blower, through the chimney to smoke. Go to the field, to the straw heap, there is your place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If the baby was born during a fast, use vegetable oil, and if a meat-eater, use butter. Read the hex three times over the oil and then rub it on the sore spot (auricle, behind the ear). Do this until complete recovery.
On the sea on okiyane, on the island on Buyan there is a Taratyn oak. 12 ailments, 12 scrofula flocked to that oak tree. You, ailments, scrofula sisters, scatter over the stumps, over the decks, over the rotten swamps from the servant of God (name). Amen.
Read the slander in the evening on water with salt (1 tablespoon of salt in 1 glass of water) three times.
You cannot be here, you cannot live here. You will be through swamps, through rotten decks, behind dark forests, behind steep mountains, behind yellow sands. You will be there, you will live there. Amen.
Now slightly moisten the child's ears with charmed water, and pour the rest into the street.


Look at the light beyond the river (it can be a fire, light in the windows) and read the slander three times.
Fire, fire, take your fire from the born, baptized, prayer baby servant of God (name). The toad swims on the river, takes the toad from the baby servant of God (name) with you. Calm down, Most Holy Theotokos, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


While stroking the child with your right hand on the back from head to legs, say:
The pig is prickly stubble, the hair is sore, and my child is in peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Drawing counterclockwise with a knife, speak a slander at sunset.
The horse stamped, clapped its withers. The horse ran, took it from the withers. And skin, and body, and my conspiracy. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Bite off the woolen thread with your teeth from the ball, tie seven knots, repeat with each tying:
(I) - body, flesh; (II) - tears, blood; (III) - morning; (IV) - day; (V) - night; (VI) - trouble, stop; (Vii) go away!
Tie the knotted thread over the aspen knot.
Take two hairs: one from a long beard, the other from the head of the child's mother. Measure the size of the spot with them, then tie the hair, saying:
Just as these two hairs will no longer grow to the beard and to the head, so the spots on the servant of God (name) will no longer grow. My tongue is the key, my word is the lock, and for my business is God's amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


On the third day of the new moon, spell the water and drink it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening).
Mother water, you wash the banks, break the bushes, break the sands. You have power wherever you are. In the spring the snow melts - your power increases. So that the hollow space of the slave (name) grows and there is no sick. My word is as strong as a burr tenacious. As this slander, I will punish my business. Let it be as I commanded. Slave (name), do not suffer for hollow work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Immediately after the child falls, read the slander 9 times in a row and do this for 3 days.
The first time, the best hour, Holy Most Pure One, come on, help. I ask you and say: at (name) on the left, on the right barrel, on the ribs, on the joints, on the veins, do not hit the knuckles, on the left, right barrel and the veins do not break. Blood with blood, vein with vein. The blood diverges, and the veins come in. Where the wind does not blow and the sun sets, let the blow disappear from the left, right barrel, from the ribs, from the joints, from the veins. Remember, God, the soul of the mother - the pointer, God grant, the mother of the health that she indicated. Amen.

Do it on Thursday. Tie the baby's belly with rawhide thread, tie the thread at the navel. Take a raw egg, gently slide it over your belly, read three times:
Do not swell, do not crush, do not grow belly. Sulfur is white from the belly to the wolf, to the rawhide thread, to the raw egg, to the empty nest. Get off the baby by my order, the Lord's command. Amen.
Cut the thread, wrap it around the egg and bury it. Do this for 3 nights in a row. If necessary, repeat the ceremony next month and also on Thursday.


When your baby wakes up in the morning, read with a firm grip on your chest.
Just as a white birch stood in an open field, did not know either the lessons or the visitor, so you, the baby servant of God (name), do not know the lessons or the visitor, and be healthy and long-lived. Ugh! Holy Spirit! Amen.


On a clear full moon night, take your child outside. Look around: there should be no people or animals nearby. Lay your thing on the ground, put your child on it and say:
Look at the moon: there the angels live, they cherish your soul. There Christ is standing, looking at you, child, say hello to him.
After repeating these words three times, take a mirror in your hands and direct it so that the child sees the reflection of the moon. Let him look through the mirror at the moon, and at this time you read the conspiracy again, adding at the end the following words: Christ loves you. You will be silent, he will forget you.
Take the child into the house and put him to bed. Caress him and say in a motherly way: “God loves you very much, but you are silent. He will be offended at me because of you. " If everything is done correctly, then usually in the morning the child begins to speak.


Plot on a green branch of a tree (preferably a birch) and put it under the child's bed for 7 days.
For the sake of your son Christ, merciful God, protect the slave (name) from violence and evil. Amen. Amen. Amen.



Go out into the open, stand up against the wind and shout:
As the church on holidays is never empty, so the slave (name) will not be empty. Amen.
Kneel before the fire in the stove, look at it through the stove door, and say seven times:
As you, stone, blow out the smoke from yourself, so that I, too, through the meat gates let the baby out into the light of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the first day of the new moon (it is necessary to coincide with Thursday), looking at a young month, read:
Oh my God! How you gave people the sun and the moon, pure stars and light clouds, so that I, God's servant (name), would bear and give birth to a child. As you, a month, were born in heaven today, so my womb would be born as a child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Conspiracy for newlyweds or childless spouses. Read before and after intercourse.
A horse has foals, a cow has calves, a sheep has lambs, and I have children. As the month grows, let it be a seed from a seed, there will be a baby for me. Lord bless.
Cut 12 rods and every day for 4 days in a row, taking 3 rods in your right hand, hit them on any fence, saying:
I beat you for sterility. Help to eliminate infertility! Give fruit to the garden, and give birth to children to the slave (name). As I say, it will be so.
Burn twigs from 7 brooms from different houses in the oven for the full moon. Read to the Reverend Roman Wonderworker:
Marveling at your exploits, Reverend Roman, I pray: hear us calling thee. In a small cell, shutting yourself up until your death, there you stayed, eating poorly and without fire, wearing a hair shirt, wearing heavy chains. Having been honored with the divine grace, you have healed many people of ill-health, Saint Romana, and by your prayer you have resolved many wives from sterility. Therefore, we pray to you: listen with reverence and zeal to those who are barren to you and to the barren wives praying to you; pray the Lord God, so that with His all-powerful power He will permit their sterility and give them children, because our God is good and loving man, who looks upon us from above and fulfills our petitions. Amen.
Mother of God, intercessor of all women, have mercy on me, forgive me all my sins. Please, Mother of God, send me a child, have pity on my lonely soul. Make it so that I give birth, and I will always remember Your mercy and raise the child in faith in our Lord. Mother of God! Send me your grace and make it so that I conceive, and convey my child, and give birth to him in agony to strengthen Thy will. Amen.
Stand in front of the mirror so that the month that has just been born is reflected in it. Read the plot while looking in the mirror for a month. Repeat it on every new moon until you become pregnant.
A young month, dear groom, dear place, I am your bride. As you were born today, so that I, God's servant (name), give birth to a child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Speak water, and then drink water with your husband before intercourse.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure heavenly blood, the Lord's power is wonderful. His word is to work, and my slander is to a new body. Help, Lord, the baptized slaves, begotten by mother and father, to have a child nine months later. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Tie a knot on a rope for 40 days in a row. Each time, before tying the knot, read the hex, then spit it three times, tie the knot, call out the name of the person you want to help, and spit it again three times.
I'm getting myself an assistant. The arms get fat, the body is vigorous, the legs knock, the child is conceived. As the month-month grows, arrives, so also the fetus of the slave (name) conceives. In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen. Amen. Amen. Mother God, the Most Holy Theotokos, I call for help, I remove all sorrows and pains.
Find a dry female tree, bury a rag with blood from your period under its roots, saying:
What blood is wounded, that blood is destroyed. As this tree is without fruit and seed, so I am without a burden.
If this does not help, then after three years you can repeat it.
Read the slander, then wipe yourself off with sheep's blood.
Sovereign Almighty, and with him his Mother Queen of Heaven, help, bless the seed of my servant. A sheep has lambs, a mare has foals, a cow has calves, a cat has kittens, but give me, Mother of God, a child. Key and lock to my words. Amen. Amen. Amen.
For a barren man. Prepare tincture (g):
rue 75 g
dill 25 g
pour the mixture of herbs (preferably freshly picked) with 0.5 liters of dry white wine. Insist in a warm, dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day one hour before meals. Before each reception of the tincture, read the conspiracy.
Lord God bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. As the Lord God firmly established and strengthened the heavens, the earth, and the water, and the stars, and the damp mother earth, and as on that damp earth there is no sickness, no blood wound, no stinging, no aches, no swelling; just as the Lord did, he firmly established and strengthened my sinews, and my bones, and my white body, so do I, the servant of God

Several years ago, fate brought me together with an amazing person, one of those, thanks to whom the saying “the Russian land is rich in talents” was formed. My unusual acquaintance, for a number of reasons, including out of his inherent modesty, persuasively asked not to publish his name in this book. Therefore, we will call him Alexei Dmitrievich. We met by chance, I read his article on Slavic writing in a small samizdat magazine. An email address was also indicated next to the author's name. I wrote to discuss some questions of interest to me. A lively correspondence ensued, and then we almost simultaneously had a desire to communicate in person.

And here the first surprise awaited me. From the correspondence, I knew that Aleksey Dmitrievich had long stepped over the sixty-year mark, and was preparing to see an elderly man when we met. But what was my amazement when a youthful, energetic man came out to meet me - you wouldn't give more than forty by sight, fit, strong. My first thought was: "This is it, the miracle of plastic surgery!" But looking closer, I realized that I was mistaken: Alexey Dmitrievich looked completely natural.

We got to talking - first we talked about the problems of interest to us, and then smoothly moved on to questions about the personal. And then I was convinced once again: nature generously rewarded Alexei Dmitrievich with everything one could dream of: intelligence, wisdom, youth, attractiveness, great charm, a desire to do something, try, not stand still, as if life had just begun and ahead still, at least a hundred, or even two hundred years to implement all plans. I was convinced that Alexey Dmitrievich succeeded in all spheres of life. I can say with confidence that I have never met the second such person. As a rule, if we are successful, then in one thing. But my new acquaintance was a respected scientist, at the same time he had his own small but profitable business, and besides, he had a talent for painting - he drew good watercolors. If you add to this a huge house outside the city, a beautiful wife and four nice smart kids, the picture is simply fantastic. And yet, after rereading these lines, I already doubt whether I have missed something else in my list.

Did I envy him? Not! And maybe this circumstance surprised me the most. A person is made so that he does not really love and welcomes those who have bypassed him on the path of life. But Alexey Dmitrievich inspired completely different feelings - respect, admiration and, to be honest, keen curiosity. Therefore, I could not resist and once started a conversation with Aleksey Dmitrievich about how he manages to get everything his heart desires, and at the same time avoid envy and enemy intrigues. "Not otherwise, as you have a gift from above!" - I exclaimed sincerely.

“When I need something, I just ask it out loud,” he replied.

I thought that this answer is just a motto, an aphorism: "Ask, and it will be given to you."

But everything turned out to be simpler and at the same time more complicated. Alexey Dmitrievich really only uttered his request out loud, and spent not twenty or thirty ordinary words on it, but only one, but a special one.

The secret of Slavic writing

We used to think that writing came to Russia along with Christianity, when the first alphabet was created - the Glagolitic alphabet. But some researchers (including my new acquaintance) believe that the situation was different. In their opinion, this alphabet was not created from scratch: it was based not only on the Greek alphabet, close to the compiler of the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril, but also the ancient Slavic runic script, which was used before the adoption of Christianity. In other words, hundreds of years before the appearance of Cyril in Russia, special Slavic runes already existed, which the Russians actively used.

However, not all members of the tribe owned these runes, but only a select few. And not at all because it was difficult to learn the runes. According to an ancient legend, the runes were sent down to people to help the Higher Powers. Each rune is a repository of power: once you draw it or say it, and the power will break free, begin to fulfill your desires, protect you, or help foresee the future.

If it seems to you that these are only the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then let us remember not a mystical book, but a school physics textbook. There it is written in black and white that sound is a wave. Each sound has its own strength, each sound produces certain vibrations of space. Unfortunately, a person does not see, does not feel these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are telephone and radio based on the wave nature of sound!

Now let's get back to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of the sound, but they did not need this information, because they observed the result. They uttered a special sound (and, moreover, they contemplated the desired written image), and were convinced with their own eyes that this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all those benefits that you ask for.

Alexey Dmitrievich told me that in his youth he was carried away by the question of the origin of writing and found evidence that the Slavic runes are the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet. And these are not just badges. Cyril, who was called Constantine the Philosopher in the world, received such a nickname for a reason. He penetrated deeply into the essence of the runes, and thanks to him, not only the most important elements of their design have come down to us, but also the sound - the very necessary vibration that can change everything around. Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. We still remember some of these names: az, beeches, lead, verb, good ... Listen! Even this short phrase already carries a huge creative charge. Try to say it several times: you will feel a surge of vitality!

I will not cite here the evidence that Aleksey Dmitrievich supplied me with, telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I would not like to overload you with special scientific knowledge, interesting only to historians of the language. I have a different task: to give you a lifesaver, a method that will help you live with dignity, happiness, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is useless here, the main thing is that you grasp the essence. And secondly, my friend urged me not to disclose all the data received. His research has not yet been completed; careful processing is required in order for everything that has been said to turn into a coherent, well-founded theory. I am sure that the work of Aleksey Dmitrievich will still cause a stir in scientific circles! And in no way want to deprive him of the well-deserved fame and fame.

We are interested in finding and learning to use the very ancient sounds of the Slavic runes that our ancestors-sorcerers used.

Those who passed on the secret of the runes to Cyril set certain goals for themselves: they wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers, reformers who wanted to give the country a more modern, Western look would eradicate this magic. Indeed, together with Christianity, persecutors of ancient culture came to Russia, bonfires blazed in which the Slavic deities perished, and Christianity took their place. But the power given to our people remained in writing, in that without which no nation, no state can live. Writing has proven to be the most reliable store of knowledge.

The alphabet that Cyril created has been used for many centuries (unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, which existed until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet has always remained unchanged - the ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic aimed at ensuring that Russia flourished, so that its inhabitants were healthy and hardy, which they demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.

Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it, repeating the words that denote letters many times. And these words worked! Not all Russians were literate, so life was not easy for an ordinary person. But our land was quite strong enough for those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, generals, rulers, merchants. Unfortunately, when the era of ubiquitous literacy came, the alphabet changed. Instead of the ancient ones, bringing healing and fulfillment of desires "az", "beeches", "vedi" came "a", "be", "ve", which can only convey certain sounds in writing. By the way, the old way of teaching literacy has always involved memorizing the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental. For example, let's take at least the name of the letter "d" - it was called "good." And the letter "p" continued to bear the ancient name "peace". It is clear that the repeated repetition of such words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!

Why the word becomes a healer

Fate wanted Alexey Dmitrievich to share with me the knowledge that I am passing on to you. I am grateful to him for the trust shown, especially since, according to Aleksey Dmitrievich, he transferred this knowledge into my hands not at random and not by chance. Alexey Dmitrievich knew that I was interested in various ancient practices of gaining strength and power, I write articles and books on this topic. I immediately took Aleksey Dmitrievich's ideas very seriously, so he entrusted me with his greatest value. This is not a figurative expression, not a beautiful turn of speech. The knowledge of the secret hidden in the ancient alphabet is just as valuable, if not much more precious, than gold or a platinum bank card. After all, it was precisely this knowledge, according to Aleksey Dmitrievich, that brought him success in all his endeavors, gave him extraordinary energy, youth and health: after he began to practice the "ancient Slavic magic" inherent in the alphabet, his affairs went uphill.

Now you have a unique opportunity to test the magical power of ancient runes in practice. Repeat the path of success, follow the same path as Alexey Dmitrievich, and make sure that this method works. This is what this book was written for.

Here's a quick tutorial on working with the vibrations that helped our ancestors. But before that, a little more history.

The instructions that you will find in this book did not appear overnight, they are the fruit of long and careful research and development by Alexei Dmitrievich. The fact is that, unfortunately, almost no ancient instructions have come down to us that would indicate exactly how to work with runes. Apparently, these instructions were passed down from generation to generation only orally, as was often the case with secret sacred knowledge, with the treasures of the nation. The creation of the alphabet dates back to those distant times when writing was just in its infancy, and thousands of years separate us from Cyril, who is also Konstantin the Philosopher. But true knowledge tends to leave traces in a variety of sources and in one way or another still get to a person.

Alexey Dmitrievich was looking for information on the ancient alphabet for a very long time, on its application. We can say that he collected this information bit by bit, like an archaeologist gluing together a once beautiful vessel from tiny scattered fragments. And in one of the documents that fell into the hands of Alexei Dmitrievich, curious glossaries were discovered, that is, notes or notes written in the margins of a manuscript book, most likely by a hermit monk. In ancient times, this was often done: a monk, rewriting sacred texts, often added something from himself, making small notes, digressions in the margins of the book. These records are sometimes of greater value than the book itself, because they allow you to get some new, secret knowledge. So it was in this case. The document found by Aleksey Dmitrievich was not very ancient: at most a hundred and fifty years. It was a list from an ancient text about the power of words (meaning the prayers and words of the holy fathers of the church). But in the margins were the monk's own reasoning about the power lurking "in the initial letters." There was also a link to an ancient manuscript from which the monk drew information. It can be assumed that this document was in the hands of a monk for some time, and then disappeared: it disappeared without a trace, like many written sources of that time.

According to the hermit's notes, in order to obtain the key to extraordinary possibilities, one had to tune the mind in a special way. To do this, you need to draw a letter, or have its outline in front of your eyes, and pronounce the word behind the letter aloud the specified number of times. With the help of literal words, you can change yourself (insistence, abilities, skills), remake the world around you (fulfill desires) or influence your health. By the way, it is precisely because of the last point that Aleksey Dmitrievich calls the words - healers.

Of course, there was no direct indication in the document as to exactly how the word healer works. Let's not forget that a monk wrote it - a believer. He pondered whether the initial letter could be the concentration of divine power or not. But in his reflections, Aleksey Dmitrievich found clues that helped him understand when the power of words-healers begins to act. Then, through trial and error, he was able to deduce more or less clear instructions that you will find in this book.

How does this magic work? The mechanism here is as follows: we pronounce the word - a sound (external) vibration arises, we contemplate the mark - another vibration, only this time in our consciousness. The ritual helps to superimpose one vibration on another, which leads to a "restructuring of the environment." This is how the potential inherent in the word-healer is embodied - a desire is fulfilled, we ourselves are changing, the world is changing, the healing resources that are inherent in vibrations and in our body begin to work.

Each word-healer is endowed with its own special vibration and, therefore, gives its specific, clearly defined result. It can be slightly changed with the help of a ritual, directing the action of the word-healer to yourself, your health or outside. The one who owns these vibrations gains the ability to control the world around him and his own destiny. My friend Alexey Dmitrievich is a direct proof of this. He said that, having received the necessary impetus, he experimented with words-healers for more than one year. Everything he now owns came from these exercises.

What You Can Do With Healing Words

Of course, not all the possibilities of words-healers are open yet. Aleksey Dmitrievich believes that someday he will find a vibration formula that can radically change the world, for example, improve the ecology, transform one substance into another, look into the future, etc. But the results so far are important to you and me. After all, with their help you can already do a lot.

Firstly, words-healers allow you to change something in yourself: develop abilities, talents, change your mood, get rid of fear, get any skill, for example, speak beautifully, make quick decisions or think logically.

Secondly, you can change something around you. Your job, your career, your personal relationships, your well-being are all amenable to adjustment.

And finally, the words-healers change the mode of functioning of the organs of our body. Unfortunately, this area of ​​their application has so far been studied less than the others, and although Aleksey Dmitrievich deduced certain patterns of the healing effect of words, they are not absolute. In any case, those who do not want to wait for the results of future research can give it a try. You will not be the first on this road! Alexey Dmitrievich tested the effect of the words-healers on himself, and then initiated several trusted people into their secret, who willingly agreed to try these words in practice. The results exceeded all expectations! It turned out that in the field of health improvement, words-healers improve the mood and state of mind in patients, help overcome fears associated with certain diseases, relieve loss of energy and even accelerate, stimulate the usual treatment prescribed by the doctor. So know: in any case, there will be no harm from the use of words-healers. Yes, they have not yet been studied enough to completely replace drugs! Therefore, they need to be applied only in parallel with the treatment that your doctor prescribed.

Healing words in this book

So, this book is a practical part of Aleksey Dmitrievich's research. On its pages, based on the explanations of Aleksey Dmitrievich, I will tell you about each word-doctor: about the meaning, meaning of each word, about the effect that it can have on you and your life. Also, tunes-rituals developed by the author based on the found sources for each word will be given.

But before you plunge into the world of Slavic runes, which, I am sure, will change your life, I would like to make a small warning.

Everything that is described on these pages has not yet received official confirmation. This knowledge should still be checked and supplemented. Unfortunately, discoveries are not made in five minutes. And even the most ingenious idea leads decades of research.

Yet this book exists. And it is intended for those who do not want to wait years to be convinced of the truth of knowledge. The book is for those who are looking for their luck, who are ready to discover everything new and unusual. The author of the theory himself, Aleksey Dmitrievich, is such a person. And for me the best argument “for” is his life, the results he has achieved. If you also have a desire to change something around you, this knowledge will certainly benefit you.

How to get help from words-healers
38 words-healers

Healing words can act in three ways:

Change a person.

Change circumstances around you.

Influence health.

We have 38 words of medicine in our hands. Each is responsible for its own area - protection, strength, talent, etc. Naturally, in each direction, the word does its own special work. For example, if it is responsible for the acquisition of knowledge, it helps to tune in to learning, extracts the necessary information from the outside and transfers it to you, and is also able to improve immunity, that is, it opens up reserves in the body to fight ailments.

Do not be alarmed, only at first glance everything is complicated. In this book, you will find a special guide that will very quickly point you to the word you need.

Study the table

Your guide is a table in which you will find the names of all the words-healers, their images, as well as the healing effect.

First, you need to decide what you want to change - yourself, the world around you, your well-being. In the required column, you will read the description of the work of the word healer. Find the one that most fully and closely reflects your situation - and here is the magic wand in your hands.

Of course, human life is so diverse that it is impossible to describe all the situations that can be influenced with the help of words-healers. But this does not mean that the influence of the word is limited only to the sphere that is named in the table. The possibilities of each word-doctor are much wider. I myself was convinced of this, using the words-healers, because sometimes, along with a fulfilled desire, I receive some kind of pleasant and unexpected addition. For example, I wanted to earn money for a trip to an exotic country, and on this trip I unexpectedly met an important person who changed my life. Remember, the possibilities of words-healers have not been fully explored! And words may well bring you surprises!

If you are serious about the task at hand, analyze what you need, you can find the right word. In this choice, do not forget that the word is so strong that it itself can choose you. Say the word out loud. Feel its vibration. Is it pleasant to you, evokes positive emotions, warmth in your soul, burst of energy? So, the word is yours, it means that you have found exactly the word that you need now more than others! The longer you work with the book, the easier it will be for you to find the words you want.

Having found the right word, proceed to the description of the ritual.

The need for ritual

The ritual has three parts.

First, the contemplation of the image of the word healer. Remember that contemplation creates the necessary vibration in your consciousness, that is, it prepares the ground for changes within you.

Secondly, you need to create vibration outside - say the word the specified number of times. This will need to be done at the time indicated in the ritual.

And thirdly, you need to create a mindset in your consciousness that will connect the two vibrations and start the process of change.

Every action of the ritual is necessary. If you skip at least some part of the ritual, you will not be able to get the result. .

Why does a word need to be repeated a certain number of times

For each word-healer has its own number of repetitions. This number has also been established experimentally and tested in practice. It is difficult to explain unambiguously why one word needs to be repeated seven times and the other eleven times. But there is a hypothesis from the field of the ancient science of numerology, which mankind has been successfully using for millennia.

The fact is that there is also a certain strength in numbers. It is not for nothing that we consider three as a divine number, seven as happy, and thirteen, on the contrary, bad. The power of number helps to release the energy of the healing word. Words act in different ways, they have excellent powers. And their assistants should also be different. Therefore, the number of repetitions changes.

Two repetitions - are needed to achieve diplomacy, acquire the ability to communicate, negotiate. Two deuces (22) intensify vibration.

Evgeny Tikhonov Words-healers. 22 ancient witchcraft words that will give you what you want. A book to help you

How I Learned About Healing Words

Several years ago, fate brought me together with an amazing person, one of those, thanks to whom the saying “the Russian land is rich in talents” was formed. My unusual acquaintance, for a number of reasons, including out of his inherent modesty, persuasively asked not to publish his name in this book. Therefore, we will call him Alexei Dmitrievich. We met by chance, I read his article on Slavic writing in a small samizdat magazine. An email address was also indicated next to the author's name. I wrote to discuss some questions of interest to me. A lively correspondence ensued, and then we almost simultaneously had a desire to communicate in person.
And here the first surprise awaited me. From the correspondence, I knew that Aleksey Dmitrievich had long stepped over the sixty-year mark, and was preparing to see an elderly man when we met. But what was my amazement when a youthful, energetic man came out to meet me - you wouldn't give more than forty by sight, fit, strong. My first thought was: "This is it, the miracle of plastic surgery!" But looking closer, I realized that I was mistaken: Alexey Dmitrievich looked completely natural.
We got to talking - first we talked about the problems of interest to us, and then smoothly moved on to questions about the personal. And then I was convinced once again: nature generously rewarded Alexei Dmitrievich with everything one could dream of: intelligence, wisdom, youth, attractiveness, great charm, a desire to do something, try, not stand still, as if life had just begun and ahead still, at least a hundred, or even two hundred years to implement all plans. I was convinced that Alexey Dmitrievich succeeded in all spheres of life. I can say with confidence that I have never met the second such person. As a rule, if we are successful, then in one thing. But my new acquaintance was a respected scientist, at the same time he had his own small but profitable business, and besides, he had a talent for painting - he drew good watercolors. If you add to this a huge house outside the city, a beautiful wife and four nice smart kids, the picture is simply fantastic. And yet, after rereading these lines, I already doubt whether I have missed something else in my list.
Did I envy him? Not! And maybe this circumstance surprised me the most. A person is made so that he does not really love and welcomes those who have bypassed him on the path of life. But Alexey Dmitrievich inspired completely different feelings - respect, admiration and, to be honest, keen curiosity. Therefore, I could not resist and once started a conversation with Aleksey Dmitrievich about how he manages to get everything his heart desires, and at the same time avoid envy and enemy intrigues. "Not otherwise, as you have a gift from above!" - I exclaimed sincerely.
“When I need something, I just ask it out loud,” he replied.
I thought that this answer is just a motto, an aphorism: "Ask, and it will be given to you." But everything turned out to be simpler and at the same time more complicated. Alexey Dmitrievich really only uttered his request out loud, and spent not twenty or thirty ordinary words on it, but only one, but a special one.

The secret of Slavic writing

We used to think that writing came to Russia along with Christianity, when the first alphabet was created - the Glagolitic alphabet. But some researchers (including my new acquaintance) believe that the situation was different. In their opinion, this alphabet was not created from scratch: it was based not only on the Greek alphabet, close to the compiler of the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril, but also the ancient Slavic runic script, which was used before the adoption of Christianity. In other words, hundreds of years before the appearance of Cyril in Russia, special Slavic runes already existed, which the Russians actively used.
However, not all members of the tribe owned these runes, but only a select few. And not at all because it was difficult to learn the runes. According to an ancient legend, the runes were sent down to people to help the Higher Powers. Each rune is a repository of power: once you draw it or say it, and the power will break free, begin to fulfill your desires, protect you, or help foresee the future.
If it seems to you that these are only the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then let us remember not a mystical book, but a school physics textbook. There it is written in black and white that sound is a wave. Each sound has its own strength, each sound produces certain vibrations of space. Unfortunately, a person does not see, does not feel these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are telephone and radio based on the wave nature of sound!
Now let's get back to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of the sound, but they did not need this information, because they observed the result. They uttered a special sound (and, moreover, they contemplated the desired written image), and were convinced with their own eyes that this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all those benefits that you ask for.

Alexey Dmitrievich told me that in his youth he was carried away by the question of the origin of writing and found evidence that the Slavic runes are the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet. And these are not just badges. Cyril, who was called Constantine the Philosopher in the world, received such a nickname for a reason. He penetrated deeply into the essence of the runes, and thanks to him, not only the most important elements of their design have come down to us, but also the sound - the very necessary vibration that can change everything around. Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. We still remember some of these names: az, beeches, lead, verb, good ... Listen! Even this short phrase already carries a huge creative charge. Try to say it several times: you will feel a surge of vitality!
I will not cite here the evidence that Aleksey Dmitrievich supplied me with, telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I would not like to overload you with special scientific knowledge, interesting only to historians of the language. I have a different task: to give you a lifesaver, a method that will help you live with dignity, happiness, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is useless here, the main thing is that you grasp the essence. And secondly, my friend urged me not to disclose all the data received. His research has not yet been completed; careful processing is required in order for everything that has been said to turn into a coherent, well-founded theory. I am sure that the work of Aleksey Dmitrievich will still cause a stir in scientific circles! And in no way want to deprive him of the well-deserved fame and fame.
We are interested in finding and learning to use the very ancient sounds of the Slavic runes that our ancestors-sorcerers used.
Those who passed on the secret of the runes to Cyril set certain goals for themselves: they wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers, reformers who wanted to give the country a more modern, Western look would eradicate this magic. Indeed, together with Christianity, persecutors of ancient culture came to Russia, bonfires blazed in which the Slavic deities perished, and Christianity took their place. But the power given to our people remained in writing, in that without which no nation, no state can live. Writing has proven to be the most reliable store of knowledge.
The alphabet that Cyril created has been used for many centuries (unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, which existed until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet has always remained unchanged - the ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic aimed at ensuring that Russia flourished, so that its inhabitants were healthy and hardy, which they demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.
Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it, repeating the words that denote letters many times. And these words worked! Not all Russians were literate, so life was not easy for an ordinary person. But our land was quite strong enough for those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, generals, rulers, merchants. Unfortunately, when the era of ubiquitous literacy came, the alphabet changed. Instead of the ancient ones, bringing healing and fulfillment of desires "az", "beeches", "vedi" came "a", "be", "ve", which can only convey certain sounds in writing. By the way, the old way of teaching literacy has always involved memorizing the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental. For example, let's take at least the name of the letter "d" - it was called "good." And the letter "p" continued to bear the ancient name "peace". It is clear that the repeated repetition of such words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!

Words are healers. 22 ancient witchcraft words that will give you what you want. A book to help you Tikhonov Evgeniy

Shta: unplanned luck

Shta: unplanned luck

This healer word will help you:

In a risky venture

In a bluff, an adventure

Apply it:

When you need to get something in excess

When unexpected luck, winnings, unplanned income are required

The best time to perform a ritual with this word-healer is in the morning, when you are already full of energy.

Contemplation Look closely at the drawing for 3 minutes.

Repetition Repeat the word healer 9 times.


Lie on your back on a soft surface, place your hands loosely along your body, palms facing you.

Consider the situation in which you need help.

Go for a walk in the spring forest in your mind. Feel your merger with the awakening nature, the hidden seething of its powerful energy is transmitted to you.

You are strong and successful. You succeed in everything, you always get what you need. Focus on feeling completely satisfied with life.

Suddenly something sparkles near the road - bend over and pick up a gem of amazing beauty. Now you have everything and more. Your sense of success is doubled. It fills you to the brim and pours out into the world with a powerful wave of gratitude.

Take a deep breath. Hold your breath for 10 seconds. Exhale slowly.

Say clearly: "Shta is an unexpected gift."

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Hieroglyph "Luck" Chinese hieroglyph meaning "luck" (Fig. 94). Figure 94. Hieroglyph "Luck" The symbol attracts positive energy and good luck. It is good to place it in the quarry zone (northern sector of the house) or carry it with you in the form of an amulet or tattoo.

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Good luck accompanies you in everything! Hello my dear readers, we are together again. And today I want to better introduce you to Lady Luck. Have you ever met people who are lucky all the time? Everything is always good with them, and it gets even better! Even if it happens

From the author's book

Good luck is at your fingertips! Hello, my dears, I recently thought how great it would be if I could put a little bit of luck in my purse (along with a purse and a cosmetic bag). You are in a hurry to get to work: oh, the bus you need left right under your nose! What to do?

Evgeny Tikhonov

Words are healers. 22 ancient witchcraft words that will give you what you want. A book to help you

How I Learned About Healing Words

Several years ago, fate brought me together with an amazing person, one of those, thanks to whom the saying “the Russian land is rich in talents” was formed. My unusual acquaintance, for a number of reasons, including out of his inherent modesty, persuasively asked not to publish his name in this book. Therefore, we will call him Alexei Dmitrievich. We met by chance, I read his article on Slavic writing in a small samizdat magazine. An email address was also indicated next to the author's name. I wrote to discuss some questions of interest to me. A lively correspondence ensued, and then we almost simultaneously had a desire to communicate in person.

And here the first surprise awaited me. From the correspondence, I knew that Aleksey Dmitrievich had long stepped over the sixty-year mark, and was preparing to see an elderly man when we met. But what was my amazement when a youthful, energetic man came out to meet me - you wouldn't give more than forty by sight, fit, strong. My first thought was: "This is it, the miracle of plastic surgery!" But looking closer, I realized that I was mistaken: Alexey Dmitrievich looked completely natural.

We got to talking - first we talked about the problems of interest to us, and then smoothly moved on to questions about the personal. And then I was convinced once again: nature generously rewarded Alexei Dmitrievich with everything one could dream of: intelligence, wisdom, youth, attractiveness, great charm, a desire to do something, try, not stand still, as if life had just begun and ahead still, at least a hundred, or even two hundred years to implement all plans. I was convinced that Alexey Dmitrievich succeeded in all spheres of life. I can say with confidence that I have never met the second such person. As a rule, if we are successful, then in one thing. But my new acquaintance was a respected scientist, at the same time he had his own small but profitable business, and besides, he had a talent for painting - he drew good watercolors. If you add to this a huge house outside the city, a beautiful wife and four nice smart kids, the picture is simply fantastic. And yet, after rereading these lines, I already doubt whether I have missed something else in my list.

Did I envy him? Not! And maybe this circumstance surprised me the most. A person is made so that he does not really love and welcomes those who have bypassed him on the path of life. But Alexey Dmitrievich inspired completely different feelings - respect, admiration and, to be honest, keen curiosity. Therefore, I could not resist and once started a conversation with Aleksey Dmitrievich about how he manages to get everything his heart desires, and at the same time avoid envy and enemy intrigues. "Not otherwise, as you have a gift from above!" - I exclaimed sincerely.

When I need something, I just ask it out loud, ”he replied.

I thought that this answer is just a motto, an aphorism: "Ask, and it will be given to you." But everything turned out to be simpler and at the same time more complicated. Alexey Dmitrievich really only uttered his request out loud, and spent not twenty or thirty ordinary words on it, but only one, but a special one.

The secret of Slavic writing

We used to think that writing came to Russia along with Christianity, when the first alphabet was created - the Glagolitic alphabet. But some researchers (including my new acquaintance) believe that the situation was different. In their opinion, this alphabet was not created from scratch: it was based not only on the Greek alphabet, close to the compiler of the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril, but also the ancient Slavic runic script, which was used before the adoption of Christianity. In other words, hundreds of years before the appearance of Cyril in Russia, special Slavic runes already existed, which the Russians actively used.

However, not all members of the tribe owned these runes, but only a select few. And not at all because it was difficult to learn the runes. According to an ancient legend, the runes were sent down to people to help the Higher Powers. Each rune is a repository of power: once you draw it or say it, and the power will break free, begin to fulfill your desires, protect you, or help foresee the future.

If it seems to you that these are only the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then let us remember not a mystical book, but a school physics textbook. There it is written in black and white that sound is a wave. Each sound has its own strength, each sound produces certain vibrations of space. Unfortunately, a person does not see, does not feel these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are telephone and radio based on the wave nature of sound!

Now let's get back to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of the sound, but they did not need this information, because they observed the result. They uttered a special sound (and, moreover, they contemplated the desired written image), and were convinced with their own eyes that this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all those benefits that you ask for.

Alexey Dmitrievich told me that in his youth he was carried away by the question of the origin of writing and found evidence that the Slavic runes are the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet. And these are not just badges. Cyril, who was called Constantine the Philosopher in the world, received such a nickname for a reason. He penetrated deeply into the essence of the runes, and thanks to him, not only the most important elements of their design have come down to us, but also the sound - the very necessary vibration that can change everything around. Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. We still remember some of these names: az, beeches, lead, verb, good ... Listen! Even this short phrase already carries a huge creative charge. Try to say it several times: you will feel a surge of vitality!

I will not cite here the evidence that Aleksey Dmitrievich supplied me with, telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I would not like to overload you with special scientific knowledge, interesting only to historians of the language. I have a different task: to give you a lifesaver, a method that will help you live with dignity, happiness, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is useless here, the main thing is that you grasp the essence. And secondly, my friend urged me not to disclose all the data received. His research has not yet been completed; careful processing is required in order for everything that has been said to turn into a coherent, well-founded theory. I am sure that the work of Aleksey Dmitrievich will still cause a stir in scientific circles! And in no way want to deprive him of the well-deserved fame and fame.

We are interested in finding and learning to use the very ancient sounds of the Slavic runes that our ancestors-sorcerers used.

Those who passed on the secret of the runes to Cyril set certain goals for themselves: they wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers, reformers who wanted to give the country a more modern, Western look would eradicate this magic. Indeed, together with Christianity, persecutors of ancient culture came to Russia, bonfires blazed in which the Slavic deities perished, and Christianity took their place. But the power given to our people remained in writing, in that without which no nation, no state can live. Writing has proven to be the most reliable store of knowledge.

The alphabet that Cyril created has been used for many centuries (unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, which existed until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet has always remained unchanged - the ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic aimed at ensuring that Russia flourished, so that its inhabitants were healthy and hardy, which they demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.

Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it, repeating the words that denote letters many times. And these words worked! Not all Russians were literate, so life was not easy for an ordinary person. But our land was quite strong enough for those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, generals, rulers, merchants. Unfortunately, when the era of ubiquitous literacy came, the alphabet changed. Instead of the ancient ones, bringing healing and fulfillment of desires "az", "beeches", "vedi" came "a", "be", "ve", which can only convey certain sounds in writing. By the way, the old way of teaching literacy has always involved memorizing the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental. For example, let's take at least the name of the letter "d" - it was called "good." And the letter "p" continued to bear the ancient name "peace". It is clear that the repeated repetition of such words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!
