Good afternoon! Right now I propose to stop and look at your life from the outside! Do the same problems happen to you, the same mistakes are repeated, the same people meet, or perhaps you hear the same thoughts from your surroundings?

Whatever it is, but if something does not suit you in some area of ​​life, then you have some patterns and programs of behavior that lead to the same results! And this is not the world, but we radiate again and again that which attracts certain circumstances to us!

How to get out of the vicious circle?

We must start with ourselves, nothing exists separately from us, and it is not the external that influences our life, but the internal that forms our reality and cause-and-effect relationships.

Today I recorded an exercise for you - "How to get out of the vicious circle?" Rewrite your history by changing old patterns to new ones to let go of what is holding you back from moving forward!

Remember with this:

  • About 100% full responsibility! It is important to stop being a victim in order to change something in your life, no matter what you choose.
  • Determine what problem is most often repeated in your life, in any area - health, love, relationships. work, finances, etc.
  • Remember and write down on paper your thoughts, beliefs, when did it all start and what preceded it?

For example, a problem in the personal sphere!

How often do you repeat to yourself that all men are "theirs", "I'm not lucky in love", or how often your girlfriends talk about betrayal and other accompanying unpleasant pictures in relation to the other sex. Look at the relationship between the parents, perhaps there is an unpleasant situation or resentment there?

It is these patterns that are not visible to the naked eye that determine your choice of a certain type of men who behave exactly as you expect!

For example, in the field of finance!

How often do you repeat to yourself that you are not worthy of this, this is not for me, take a closer look at your beliefs and surroundings. Perhaps you will find there the belief that money is the root of all problems, or maybe your concentration on debt is so strong and regular that there simply is no room for abundance!

Determine when it started, at what point? These may be programs that were passed down from parents, perhaps it is a feeling of greed that interferes with prosperity, envy, the belief that the Universe is limited in its resources, etc.

Choose any area of ​​your life that needs improvement

  • Then, for each question, do the exercise - "How to get out of the vicious circle?". Do it until you feel relieved that there is room in you to accept new, happy, positive programs that will lead you to the desired results!
  • Write a new scenario for yourself, new emotions, new beliefs, find like-minded people and act!

The most important thing with all this is desire! The desire to change, grow, become the creator of your new reality!

That's all for today, below is an exercise, I wish you a sea of ​​all-consuming love, acceptance and happy emotions in your life!

Be sure to leave your comments on how you completed the exercise, what you found in yourself, did you manage to let go to the end, did you feel a sense of relief?

"Labyrinth" - a way out of the vicious circle in life

Have you ever thought that the world around you froze and every day is similar to the previous one.

Nothing new happens in life, and all the problems you try to solve remain unresolved.

Psychics call such a vital moment dead center.

The term "dead center" was introduced in 1870 by the German psychotherapist Klaus Vopel, based on the work of his fellow countryman, the famous German physicist Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity.

According to this theory, time has certain physical parameters and develops in a spiral with respect to man and the world. Almost at the same time with the emergence of the theory of relativity, another physicist - the Dutchman Heinrich Laurens tried to prove mathematically that the speed of time directly depends on the number of events that occur in a person's life. If space is filled with events, the spiral of time develops moderately and gradually unwinds.

At the moment when a person ceases to act, the spiral closes and the person falls into a vicious circle when time passes and space does not change. The longer a person is in such a circle, the more difficult it is for him to move to a new turn of the spiral. And even when he begins to act again, he cannot leave the circle. This is the so-called dead center.

At such a moment, both the functions of consciousness and the functions of the subconscious stop and become unbalanced. And there is absolutely no synchronization between the conscious and the subconscious. That is, with the mind, a person wants changes, but subconsciously remains standing still.

There is an ancient Taoist way out of the vicious circle.

Its essence is that initially a person should be frightened, and at the moment of this fright, a person should not show aggression. It is necessary to direct and synchronize the vectors of consciousness in which a person is located with the vector of his subconscious. When these two vectors are synchronized, success will come to a person very quickly.

Taoism is an ancient Chinese religious doctrine that originated in the 5th century BC and became the basis of the culture and philosophy of the East. People who sought to comprehend all the secrets of Taoism went to special educational schools, the peculiarities of which were the presence of a complex and intricate labyrinth in the courtyard of the school.

The followers of Taoism believed that by learning to find a way out of the labyrinth, a person can overcome any internal obstacles and rise above his own consciousness. Perhaps the maze will help you get out of the vicious circle.

Method "Labyrinth" - get rid of problems, change life

Finding a labyrinth in a metropolis is not so easy. It must be a confusing, rather scary room. Some abandoned unfinished building will come up, so that the corridors break off in the most unexpected places, and the rooms look like one another like two drops of water.

You need an assistant who will blindfold you and lead you to the center of the maze. There is no time limit when exiting the labyrinth.

You can also go through the labyrinth of fate in an apartment in order to get your life off the ground without being in danger, if you are convinced that you are in a vicious circle where you live a monotonous life, where your life and career are frozen in place. Almost 40% of people in such cases change jobs, and 60% remain hopeless.

A labyrinth will help turn life from a circle into a spiral, but not necessarily a real one. The situation in which a person finds himself is in his head. And you need to pull it out from there in the form of a labyrinth and find a way out in it.

To do this, psychologists offer draw a maze and be sure to use your left hand. Psychologists say that drawing with the left hand, we activate our right hemisphere of the brain. This is an emotional center that contains subconscious meaningless information about our problems and difficulties.

The labyrinth should start from the left edge of the sheet or board and end at the right. The left side is for the past and the right side for the future. Now the drawn labyrinth must be transferred to the real world with the help of improvised materials. You can do this with candles, books or other items.

The main thing is to arrange the objects exactly so that they reproduce the shape of your inner labyrinth. After that, you need to walk on it, slowly and with thoughts about the situation.

Remember how you felt in your body as you walked through the maze. This method is called process-oriented psychology.

In 1987, its founder, psychotherapist Arnold Mindell, published the results of the implementation of the method among patients. According to them, almost 70% of people who have experienced this technique have lost their problems and in fact 100% confirmed that they had positive changes in their lives.

All of you have heard (or experienced personally) about such a phenomenon as psychological infertility - when everyone is healthy and there are no problems, but the years go by and nothing changes. The reasons for this are exactly the same as for many other situations in your life - you are fixated on the wrong behavior and in order to solve the problem you need to understand how to get out of the vicious circle. Esotericists call this "reducing the importance." You cannot get married because you want to be there too much. Sit in poverty - because you go crazy from it. You can’t wait for decisive action from your partner - as this has become the goal of your life. You fall ill with a serious illness - because you were too afraid of it.

Dear readers! I have real sclerosis - I just can’t remember the scientific term and its author, I hope that there are specialists among you who will ease my suffering and give me some advice. This term is similar to the concepts of "scenario" and "counter-scenario" proposed by Eric Berne and Claude Steiner. So here is a psychotherapist not very well known to the general public (not Freud, not Jung and not Szondi), working with his clients who are in a state of cyclic behavior, suggested the following way to resolve the situation - set yourself up to present the worst case scenario, look your fear in the eye, and then wish for a bad ending more than anything. For example, the patient is very afraid of lonely old age. He is invited to imagine it in every detail, to describe the details of life and life. Further, through leading questions, the specialist finds out what are the pros and cons of this situation, and the client draws a complete picture in his mind. The bottom line is that most people are afraid of the unknown, not the problem itself. He also likes to exaggerate and plunge his life into fear. Having learned how it can be, we:

- we are slowly getting rid of a fair share of our worries

- reduce the importance and thanks to this we get out of the vicious circle

- we gain inner peace, which plays a crucial role for success in all endeavors

I already wrote - the more you worry, wring your hands, cry and go crazy because nothing comes out, the longer you hit the wall. Only when you look your fear in the eye, say to yourself “yes, most likely I won’t have what I want so much,” and then you smile and wave your hand, only then will you notice the exit from the maze. But it must be sincere - without playing for the public and acute suffering. You cannot give birth to a child in perfect health - all handkerchiefs are in the trash! And go to play with the children of your friends, walk with them, give gifts and rejoice in success. You have all heard the stories of miraculous conception 100500 times, shortly after the parents reconcile, calm down and begin to build their lives, taking into account the fact that they will remain childless. As soon as a woman says: I’ve had enough of unsuccessful relationships, I’ll focus on my career - the same man is quickly found (tested on myself - works)). The pursuit of money, a career and a desperate desire to get out of debt and poverty will end in despair and failure until you calm down and say yes, okay. Remember how Zeland in “Reality Transurfing” - as soon as you begin to desire something too much, some “pendulums” immediately swing the situation in the opposite direction in order to maintain balance. Therefore, in order to achieve what you want, you need to deceive the pendulums and show that this is not so important to you. I mentioned that all popular esotericists, coaches and authors of mega-popular trainings are not completely the authors of their theories - all this is borrowed from other sources.

There is also such a term - "dead point". It was introduced by the psychotherapist Klaus Fopel, based on ... Einstein's theory of relativity, according to which time has certain physical parameters and develops in a spiral relative to man and relative to the world. In parallel, the Dutch physicist Heinrich Laurens tried to mathematically explain the feeling of the transience of time depending on the saturation of life. The more life is full of events, the more measured it moves. The fewer events or a person is “stuck in a situation” in general, the faster time flies. And the longer a person is in this state, the more difficult it is to find a way out. This is called "dead point". The same goes for older single women who have lost all joy in life and spend their time day and night in tears, prayers and soul-searching. We can say with a probability of 99.99% that nothing will change in her life. Her desperate desire drives her deeper into a corner. She behaves with men in such a way that these men inevitably leave. Because it is already programmed for such behavior. And the more she tries to do something, the worse it gets.

With a long stay in this state, one cannot do without the help of a specialist - a person does not know other options for how to behave. But for some, you can first try to solve the problem yourself. Here are some ways:

1. Take a long rest. For six months - a year, during which you completely forget about your situation and do only your favorite things. Even if you are 35+. Tell yourself - I will think about it at 36, and now I am "on vacation" from my problems and thoughts. During this time, your obsession will noticeably decrease.

2. Try to learn to live in the moment - I talk about this in detail in two of my articles.

3. A method called "Labyrinth". It can be implemented in 2 ways. The first is to go through the labyrinth in the truest sense of the word. You find a quest or independently organize the space in the form of a labyrinth. A friend blindfolds you, and your task is to find a way out. The second option is to draw a maze. You need to do this on a piece of paper with your left hand, starting from the left edge. In this way, you connect the right hemisphere of the brain, which contains information about our difficulties and problems that we are unconsciously aware of. Drawing a labyrinth from left to right - we move from the past to the future. Such exercises will help you get out of the psychological maze if the situation is not completely neglected.

4. Identify your triggers (moments that activate your past experiences) so that you encounter them as little as possible. For example, if you are used to finding men only on dating sites and all your relationships have developed according to one sad pattern, change the environment of communication. And analyze the behavior - not how you should have behaved, but how you should NOT.

I think many are familiar with the feeling of meaningless running around the circle of the circus arena, when you are already tired of this passion, but you can’t escape, because any attempts to get out of the circle return you back ... to the circle. Vicious circles are different: your whole life can be enclosed in it; a circle could form in one of the spheres of this life, for example, in money; or maybe you see a vicious circle in a particular situation, for example, negotiations that have reached an impasse. The situation, of course, is unpleasant, but you can always solve it in your favor. This is what I propose to talk about today - how to get out of the vicious circle.

Step one - remove the importance

As long as you are emotionally involved in a situation that has created a vicious circle, your thinking will follow the beaten paths that suggest despair, anger, and others that are by no means the best advisers. If you want to find a way out of the circle, remove the importance of the situation. This can be done, for example, by stepping back: perform or simply imagine yourself as a third person for whom the outcome of the situation is not vital. Describe the facts that make up your problem in the form of a problem, and then take a piece of paper and look at it as a task for developing your abilities or just a problem that you would be interested in solving.

As soon as you feel that you are starting to become emotionally involved again, put the task aside, walk around the room, breathe. Moving away from the vicious circle, you can see the already existing exits (doors, windows, holes in the wall) from it - those that you previously obscured emotions.

Step Two - Use Creative Thinking

Every person is accustomed to thinking in one, two, five, ten ways. Given that every life task has hundreds or thousands of solutions, this is very little, you must agree. In order to "teach" your mind to see non-standard ways out of the vicious circle, you need. I advise you to try to solve your situation - if you work well with it, you will get not only a new look at the current circumstances, but also new ways to get out of them to another level.

It is also very useful to look at your problem not on a plane, as you are used to, but in volume, that is, in three-dimensional space. Draw three axes, label each of them as one of the three components of your situation. For example, it is not possible to move from employees to entrepreneurs, here the components will be the idea, investments and yourself.

Try to "finish" the cube, finding different solutions that would satisfy you in all three planes. For clarity, place the most successful solutions in the center of the cube, and less - below or above.

Step three - don't be afraid of feedback

Very often, in order to get out of the vicious circle, it is enough to hear from another person. Don't be afraid to seek advice from experts in the field where your problem is, as well as from those around you. Personally, on my own behalf, I would advise you to describe your situation to a little-known person - he is impartial, not involved in a relationship with you, and also communicates in a completely different environment (after all, it has long been known that people who spend a lot of time together begin to think alike or the same) . The opinion of such a person can be absolutely fresh, having cast a clear glance at your situation, he is able to issue a solution for one or two times, which for some reason you did not even think about.

Step Four - Process and Release

I sometimes resort to the following technique: divide a sheet of paper into two parts. In the left column, write all the ways out of the vicious circle that you have already tried and that have not justified themselves. Now in the right column you, whether you want it or not, you can, you must write at least the same number of new solutions, and it is better if there are 1.5-2 times more of them. Don't think you can't do this - the brainstorming technique works with absolutely everyone. The main advantage is that when writing solutions in the right column, you are not limited by any ceilings and walls: write down any options there, even seemingly implausible ones. When you finish writing, put the paper aside and do not return to it or to your problem in your thoughts for several days.

Then read both columns, and, with a 99% probability, you will see there a ready-made and very real solution to get out of the vicious circle. Finally, I suggest you watch a short video:

How to break the vicious circle.

The presence in a person's life of recurring events of the same type is determined by the habit of responding to these events according to the same scenario..

Reacting according to the usual pattern is a movement in the direction given by the event itself, this is its continuation, this is the creation in a series, in sequence, in a necklace of identical events of the same type, single-scenario events - exactly the same. A habitual response is a movement along a well-trodden path, it is a movement with closed eyes, holding on to a thread that is aimed at collecting and attracting similar events, i.e. events carrying the same charge, the same color, the same emotions and moods.

Like a stream of a river, gaining speed and strength with each new

a stream that flows into it, so a series of events captures in its

hugs and carries into the unknown, until he throws it on the rocks, breaking hope,

faith and love.

Passion, ignorance and illusions are properties inherent in the world of matter

The ocean of samsara, captivating travelers, rages along the surface of the earth.

You can break the vicious circle by consciously changing your

reactions to the event. From the flow of events, from a series of situations of the same type

as well as from the river, you need to go out to the shore, perpendicular to the flow.

In terms of getting out of the ocean of illusions, this is It

implies non-standard, inadequate, unusual

response aimed at stopping, shutting down and

reorientation of the energy flow that feeds events.

There are recurring events result of the response With my dead-end scheme "as you, so I." Believing that in this way justice is restored, the one who thinks so is even more drawn into a series of situations that seem unfair, snapping the lock of a necklace from such events on himself. This closes the circle, which can become one of the circles of hell. The level of the game - who has a stronger forehead. For dubious victories - bonuses in the form of additional lives and opportunities to continue to check your forehead for hardness. There is no way out in this labyrinth, except by straightening the proud title of Man inside yourself, laying down a ladder of broken spears and broken foreheads in order to finally reach the sky.

In the life of every person there is such a set, such a necklace of recurring events. Through all the pearls, the emotional basis, the reason for repetitions, runs like a red thread.. You can single out a group of events, the basis of which is fear, resentment, hatred .... You need to remember as many events as possible, united by one basis, and pull out the thread, i.e. to react once again outside the box, contrary to expectations, violating the rules of the game. Previously, having mentally rehearsed on the events that have already passed, weaken the thread of psychological dependence and significance. But the highest emotional discharge can be obtained by acting in the present.

The purity of the products that nourish the body greatly affects our perception and sensitivity to the truth of what is happening. The energy of artificial additives clouds the mind, dulls sensitivity and innate straight-knowledge of the truth. The aggravation of sensitivity to the purity of incoming information is facilitated by the consumption of clean, undistorted, chemically and, accordingly, energetically, products. Eco-friendly healthy products they will cleanse the body of toxins, set it in a clean healthy way and help perceive information as it is, clearly distinguishing its hidden key points.

Magic point of power of events

The magic point of power, the point of entry and exit into the vicious circle of recurring events, is in the events themselves., in all moments that initiate the manifestation of any emotions, relationships, self-determinations, positionings...

Most of the time, a person is in the experiences of the past or the supposed future - invented and, as a rule, exaggerated. An overestimation without alternative pushes for the manifestation of feelings familiar to a person, chasing the same wave of emotions in a circle.

Selfless exaggeration of importance, proving rightness, subjective truth - is going from event to event, making it possible to multiply oneself and repeat many times, to the limit, to exhaustion. But, after a short respite, everything will be repeated from the beginning, with even greater strength, depth and development.

But, everything in the world is multidimensional, multi-level and multi-layered, including events and every point of emotional experience. It is the event, as a certain mass, a conglomeration of different opinions, points of view and intentions, that is a pass to a different reality., different from the one that captured attention and carried away into its game with its own rules.

In the scenarios of life games there is always a provocation and an explosion of emotions. The same pattern is repeated with predictable accuracy. But worth it stop, realize the moment of retraction, change the quality of the sent wave, how the circuit breaks, provocateur disappears. The new quality of the energy impulse leads to another level, to another world, where another game rules and there are other rules that can be accepted, rejected, ignored, adjusted or changed by setting your own. However, for these actions it is necessary to remain not drawn into the game, to remain outside the game, in the status of an outside observer, to be conscious, awake, so as not to miss the moment of emotional retraction into the funnel of experiences, evidence, disputes ....

When meeting a person, event, problem or something else that carries a charge of what you would not like to be involved in - the principle is the same - raise your emotions to another level, change the frequency, quality of energy-information radiation. Because such vibrations are charged with a higher quality awareness, they will be stronger and bring the whole precedent to their level, or they will introduce an imbalance in the contact connection and disconnect them. In the same time, it is important to analyze the reasons for the appearance in your life of these events, try to find the causes and realize them. Qualitative awareness of karmic causes will exclude the occurrence of similar situations in the future. And the creation of positive impressions will lay the seeds of well-being in the subconscious.

The same events will repeat in your life as long as your reaction to them remains the same as always.. It may seem to you the only correct one, but this does not mean that it is. Everything is determined by experience, upbringing, knowledge that fell into the field of your vision ... But, how many people - so many opinions, and everyone is sure that he is right and is ready to argue his opinion as the only correct one. For each situation, people's reactions will be different and everyone will be "the only true one."

The point of power is in your thoughts, your head - the point of entry and exit. It is the involvement and the habit of thinking in the plane of matter, copying someone else's scenario, that prevents you from seeing this. Copying someone else's script is still the same departure from oneself, from a point of power, a departure from one's own world to parallel and alien worlds, where everything is alien and, therefore, everything is wrong, and where you can’t find peace.

The manifestation of life at a given moment of time and place - here and now, surpasses in strength all states of deviations from this point. Spraying, spreading to the side reduce the concentration of force, dull its brightness and clarity. Instead of a spark of the light of reason, a blot is obtained.

Leaving oneself, not accepting the present is the transformation of one's lucky star, one's stellar destiny into an amorphous loose "neither here nor there." Non-acceptance of the present is a rejection of oneself, of one's nature and purpose to be a co-creator of the universe, it is a lie to oneself, it is the transfer of control of one's life into the wrong hands and walking in circles in a fog, in a dream of consciousness.

Only a clear, distinct feeling, a sense of reality at every moment of its manifestation - there is a concentration of strength and will, a chance for awareness and change, a point that sets the vector of movement past-present-future, the intersection of the lines of fate and opportunities ..

At the point of entry and exit, as at any crossroads of paths and roads, the wind of emotions blows most strongly., swooping in with a flurry of indignation and indignation knocks down, circles in the plane of the familiar sector of the reality of being. It seems that the world is collapsing, leaving no hope for a successful outcome and you want to plunge into the dream of unrealizable dreams, forget yourself behind the construction of castles in the air.

But you need to find the courage to catch the wave, accept the present moment, open up, feel the point "here and now", draw a vertical line and climb it to the level of strength. thoughts, the forces of aspirations, to rise above emotions, get out from under their oppression and direct their strength into the channel of intention, let their powerful flow from its source, drawing the line of fate.

These key moments seem critical and dangerous, they feel huge potential and unprecedented power.. Their wave covers people and takes them to the ocean of life. Afraid of grandiosity and greatness, a person becomes small and helpless, swaying on the waves of everyday turmoil, like an embryo in the amniotic fluid of the world's faceless house; seeing only their outward appearance, fearing him, not daring to look into his heart, open the veil of his secrets and touch his fiery power.

Any task contains the potential of its solution. Any point - the concentration of difficulties is ready to explode with festive fireworks, just do not allow yourself to be smeared on the plane of fantasy: the past snatched by memory - the near-present - the unreal future; gather all of yourself in the present, boldly look at the play of shadows, interrupt their crazy masquerade.

Related articles:,, and,,,.

Looped events

By definition - looped events, I mean events that affect themselves, and possibly themselves, and generate from their climax. Those. the final or, any other point of the event has a direct impact on its initial and on all its intermediate points. It often happens that it is the result, the result, that initiates the successive changes that have occurred in life. It doesn't matter that it is on our timeline in the so-called. the future. Having parallels on the spiral of time, it has its roots, its similarities, both in the past and in the future. In fact, all events are looped, and affect themselves.

Example 1: a father curses his children before his death because they treated him badly, but the children treated him badly only because the father cursed them at the end of his life. (an example from the book "Eniology", which can be bought here or read for free on the website "Enio");

Example 2: a guy meets a girl, they are cool together, their acquaintance is delayed, but inexplicable sadness casts a shadow on their relationship. As a result, everything goes somehow wrong in their relationship, leading to their completion. Love dies painfully. But, on the other hand, this very gap casts a shadow over the entire chain, the sequence of events in their history, transferring to the streamer leading to the gap.

And such a scenario of relations has a habit of repeating itself, bringing each time to the same line, putting before the same fact, the task in different variations. Therefore, in order to correct any recurring situation, it is necessary to correct, work out, transform that final climax around which, for the sake of which events are formed.

Perhaps the situation was born from a similar one and was the result of a karmic return, which, in turn, also did not appear out of nowhere ... so where, after all, did it begin ....? Perhaps, I suppose, there were, and are in our world, the so-called initiators, provocateurs of destructive behaviors and karmic shifts.(About the technical side of the issue in the articles mental magic, How to give away bad karma There is no Karma, There is no sin). But, since you didn't ask them about it, it means you don't have to take it, you can give back all these destructive programs and demand that you return your potential and your field of events. (based on Enio data).

Here are some steps to follow to transform causes:

1. Recall all similar situations and ask for forgiveness from all their participants, even if you can’t remember, it won’t be superfluous:

For the fact that you may have been their cause or their victim;

For the fact that someone has suffered from your thoughts, words and deeds;

For allowing yourself to suffer from someone else's thoughts, words and deeds;

For the fact that you condemned those, or sympathized with those who were in a similar situation (and it doesn’t matter if they were real people or fictional characters);

And, also, forgive (ie.let go).

In doing this, it is important to remember that between the word "Forgive" and "Farewell" is an equals sign. There is no need to look for excuses, to try to understand - it is enough to let go. After all, as long as you keep any load with you, it is yours, respectively, but as you release it, it will become easier for you, and it will return to where it came from in accordance with its kinship.

You may not be able to remember right away. you may deny that you were an accessory to such scenarios. The events of the past can be hidden deep in the memory, maybe they were in a past life, or they can be planned in the future ... after all, any "tickling nerves" event always repeats itself, if it is not sorted out properly, kindly, without claims to oneself and to the world . Many do not remember what happened yesterday, - fleeting condemnation, ridicule, sympathy - and karma is overstretched, and is already taking root to germinate and put you in a similar position, but on the other hand ...

2. Strictly and clearly declare the inviolability of one's will and mind, to demand all those involved to withdraw their programs and return your potential to you;

3 . Find this situation in your field of events, annihilate it with awareness of the causes, fill it with light;

4 . Visualize the point corresponding to the event in your mind, imagination and keep it under the scope of your inner gaze, until it loses its value, strength. It is not for nothing that there are expressions - "to incinerate with a look", "you will wipe a hole on me" ... It is not as easy as it seems to do this ... This gray, black ... dot, like a cunning animal will dodge, distract attention, slip away out of sight, hiding in doubts and confusing thoughts ... But with perseverance, the result will be impressive.

(More methods for working out difficult situations in the article Decisions).

The influence of thoughts, words, decisions, actions on the entire field of events as a whole, or on any event in particular, is analogous to adding spices to the pot with the brew of fate. No matter where you add salt or sweeten - in the past or in the future, the taste spreads in all directions. It is necessary to catch and work out the decisive moment, and not look after, for someone who has acquired the wrong taste, throwing people, loved ones, offended or blaming. There is always an opportunity to mentally return to the past in order to work out, to realize the decisive moment. Under the influence of awareness, everything changes, the streamer of the development of events changes, all its key points change, reality changes.... and that's it, you can still fix it, it can still turn out differently...
