- (b. February 2, 1939, Kyiv), Russian photographer, journalist, laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2001, for a series of artistic photographs "Group Portrait Against the Background of the Century"). Graduated from the Kiev Institute of Physical Education (1961), Faculty of Journalism ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

ROST Yuri Mikhailovich- (b. February 2, 1939, Kiev), Russian photographer, journalist, writer, laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2001, for a series of artistic photographs "Group Portrait Against the Background of the Century"). Graduated from the Kiev Institute of Physical Education (1961), faculty ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

Growth, Yuri Mikhailovich- Photographer, journalist, writer; was born in 1939 in Kyiv; graduated from the Kiev Institute of Physical Education, Leningrad State University; 1967 1979 special correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper; since 1979 columnist and ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Yuri Mikhailovich Kovtun- Yuri Kovtun General information Full name Yuri Mikhailovich Kovtun ... Wikipedia

Luzhkov, Yuri Mikhailovich- Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov ... Wikipedia

Romensky, Yuri Mikhailovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Romensky. Yuri Romensky ... Wikipedia

Borzakovsky, Yuri Mikhailovich- Yuri Borzakovsky ... Wikipedia

Bakalov, Yuri Mikhailovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Bakalov. Yuri Bakalov ... Wikipedia

Pankiv, Yuri Mikhailovich- Yuri Pankiv ... Wikipedia

Basalik, Yuri Mikhailovich- Yuri Basalik General information ... Wikipedia


  • Ragtime (2016 edition) Buy for 1980 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Ragtime, Yury Mikhailovich Rost. Yuri Rost - a famous photographer, journalist, writer - with amazing, truly unique skill, captured in his stories, memoirs, essays an entire era - from the 60s of the past ... Buy for 1844 rubles
  • Sakharov. "Kefir needs to be heated": A love story told by Elena Bonner to Yuri Rost, Rost Yuri Mikhailovich. The book about the life and love of two outstanding people was formed from the conversations of Elena Bonner and Yuri Rost. For a month, day after day, Elena Georgievna, with the utmost frankness and without cuts, recalls ...

An exhibition of works by Yuri Rost "Living Classics" has opened in the "Dom Nashchokin" gallery. The unique author's project brought together the photo stories of the lives of six famous contemporaries: directors Otar Ioseliani and Georgy Danelia, animator Yuri Norshtein, poet Andrei Bitov, artists Ilya Kabakov and Natalia Nesterova.

The exhibition features 300 portraits: 50 for each hero. Historically valuable material is the best way to understand the inner essence of each of these great people.

According to Yury Rost himself, "tough, heavy" documentary photographs tell everything about the life, creative path and personality of the exhibition's heroes.

Yuri Rost is a well-known journalist, publicist, writer, actor, photographer. It was he who created the genre of newspaper stories and parables with a bright philosophical sound.

Yuri Rost worked as a special correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, photojournalist and columnist for the Literaturnaya Gazeta weekly, collaborated with Moskovskie Novosti and Obshchaya Gazeta. His program "Yuri Rost's Stable" was very popular.

Currently, Yuri is a columnist and photojournalist for Novaya Gazeta.

The exhibition will run until the end of February at the Nashchokin's House gallery (Mayakovskaya metro station, Vorotnikovsky pereulok, 12).

Yuri Rost "On foot with Ilya Kabakov on Chistye Prudy".

Moscow House of Photography Institute of Contemporary Art Sretensky Boulevard, 6/1, entrance 1 "A", attic
Walking with Ilya Kabakov along Chistye Prudy. Photo by Yuri Rost

It happened in the mid-80s on a warm June day. Ilya Kabakov, together with Yuri Rost, went from Rost's house on Chistye Prudy to Kabakov's workshop on Sretensky Boulevard. Along the way, Kabakov told Rost the history of the buildings they passed. “The journey was filled with sadness,” says Kabakov. The history of Chistoprudny Boulevard, the history of Telegraph Lane consists of events and plots from the life of Kabakov's friends and colleagues, instructive facts about the emergence, flourishing, fading and decline of numerous Soviet institutions that the protagonists of this story met along the way. The Tea shop, the building of VKHUTEMAS - everything becomes for Kabakov an occasion for a lengthy narrative.

But, of course, this was not a simple walk, it was not at all an ordinary, nostalgic journey through memorable places. Everything that Kabakov touches, everything he does, his every gesture, his every statement is an artistic project. He always sees himself as a spectator of his own works. And even a short trip around Moscow is a work of art, the completion of another "communal space", another total installation. And in a walk, "these stops, these minutes, where attention is focused on the contemplation of the whole, are the most valuable, better to say, priceless."

The moment at which Kabakov and Rost walked along the Boulevard Ring was, as is now clear, the end of the "Soviet" period in Kabakov's biography. In a few months he will leave for the West and become the most famous Russian artist of the second half of the 20th century.
I. Backstein

Yuri Rost - Russian photographer, journalist

Art historians and just historians will study his work with incomprehension and magnificent admiration. More precisely, from his works they will study this time and all times; the timid and great thought of a small man and a huge master, who is getting out (as if) from the cloaca of Soviet images, of which he himself consists, which he uses and laughs at.
And I am also grateful to him for the honesty in his work, for the fact that he explained a lot to me in my photographs and texts, and for the sentimental journey through Chistye Prudy from my balcony to his studio, during which I photographed Ilyusha Kabakov and recorded his comment on a tape recorder.
I invite you to see, read and listen to the materials of this fermentation with conversations at a small exhibition - in the workshop of Ilya Kabakov.
Y. Rost

Kabakov - always himself. Inside him lies a life into which everyone and everything is admitted, but the inner, carefully calibrated sieve leaves only what is necessary for his creative work.
Having risen to the top of world fame, he, I am sure, remained exactly the same as he was: a poor man, benevolent and indifferent to fame.

Journalist, photographer, TV presenter and writer Yuri Mikhailovich Rost (02/01/1939) needs no introduction. His works are watched, listened to, read with pleasure, and as a professional he is respected for his pronounced individuality. Information about the personal life of Yuri Rost is stingy and fragmentary. It is only known that the wife of Yuri Rost is his beloved woman.

Family and children of Yuri Rost

As a child, Yuri Mikhailovich's father tried to take up his upbringing, for this he rented a piano. The windows of Yuri's apartment overlooked the courtyard, where the friends of the future writer played football, moreover, with his own ball, presented to his father, as a leading football reporter, by the players of Kyiv Dynamo. A beautiful leather ball was presented especially for him, for Yuri.

The children played with a green leather ball at the time when Yura himself was playing the piano. “But the instrument I used most often was to hide my diaries in it, so when the piano was turned in, everyone knew about it. The lessons of my parents did me good, but I still sometimes repeat their mistakes.

Fortunately, my son Andrei has a great sense of humor, as does his son and my grandson. It should be noted that neither I nor my son are spoiled by parental attention. Andryusha grew up to be an independent, thinking, very likeable person. I wanted him to become a journalist. The son graduated from the faculty of journalism, wrote well, but journalism did not particularly excite him. So he went about his business.

Now Andrei has two children with exotic names, the granddaughter was named Nika. We don't see each other very often, but when we do, I start reading books with them. Nika is already an adult, she is fond of almost everything: she draws, dances, plays music. She is very beautiful. The grandson is still small and has a different, more complex character. When he grows up a little, we will torment him with our upbringing, if, of course, we have enough strength.

Biography of journalist Yuri Rost

“I was born in Kyiv in an acting family,” says Yuri Rost. His father was a well-known artist in his time, who, despite the reservation, 06/27/1941 went to the front. After a serious injury, he returned home disabled, but continued to work, led football reports. “I went to football with my father since childhood. He was my teacher of life, although he himself did not even suspect it.

After the war, my mother helped my father in everything, in addition, she raised me as much as possible: she made sure that I looked decent and did not narrow my trousers too much, since that was the time of dudes. In Kyiv, I was actively involved in sports, thanks to which I graduated from the Institute of Physical Education and became a coach. Then he moved to St. Petersburg and entered the university at the Faculty of Journalism.

In 1994, he became the TV presenter of the Yuri Rost Stable program, for which he was awarded many professional awards. And the following year he received the State Prize of the Russian Federation for the book "Group portrait against the backdrop of the century." In 2001 he was awarded the Triumph honorary prize, and in 2004 he was awarded the Golden Pen of Russia prize by the Union of Journalists of Russia for the book The People As Yuri Rost Saw and Described Them.

In the bibliography of Yuri Rost there are 7 books with photographs, which were the result of his 46 years of work. In addition, he starred in 8 films, and since 2015 he has been the author and host of the Ragtime, or Torn Time program on the Kultura TV channel. Photos of the journalist are posted on his website.

In 2005, Yuri Rost was awarded a government prize. Today he describes his creative biography in just a few words: “I am a columnist in Literaturnaya Gazeta, in Moscow News, in addition, I often write to Obshchaya Gazeta, and I am preparing books that I want to publish.”
