In this collection of interesting and incredible facts, we have collected for you the most interesting, unexpected, informative and funny facts from around the world.

Morocco- the only country in the world where, due to lack of grass, goats climb trees and graze there in whole herds, feasting on the fruits of argan, a tree from whose nuts a fragrant place is made.

We may change jobs, spouses, or religions, but until we change inside, we will attract the same people and the same circumstances.

April 11, 1909. About a hundred people cast lots to equally share the 12 acres of purchased sand dunes. Then it becomes Tel Aviv.

In this photo, a rally of Hitler's supporters, which was in 1937.

Rally of Hitler's supporters - 1937

No rally in the history of mankind gathered such a number of people. After 8 years (in the 45th) they will say that they never supported the ideas of Hitler.

Saint Petersburg
The only European capital that has never, in any period of history, been captured by the enemy.

For the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Walt Disney was awarded a special award in 1937. "Oscar"- one large figurine and seven small ones.

In 1975, Academician Sakharov received the Nobel Peace Prize.
That is, the man who invented the hydrogen bomb received the Peace Prize named after the man who invented dynamite... Peace to the world.

The executioner bird impales mice on the thorns of the bush, thus making provisions for a rainy day.

The English Mastiff is the largest dog in existence today. ancient English Great Dane breed, the largest Great Dane in Europe and the largest of mastiffs.

The smallest private library in the world is owned by Hungarian Jozsef Tari and consists of more than 4,500 items.

If a person under the influence of hypnosis is informed that a cigarette is touched to his hand, the brain will send impulses and burn marks will appear on the hand on its own.

Helicopter flights are banned over Antarctica as short-necked penguins try to look at them and fall down like dominoes.

A box with the blood of poets, 1965-1968.
In 1965 Eleonora Antin (conceptual artist) started collecting blood samples and in 3 years she collected samples of 100 poets.
Jean Cocteau inspired her to do this with his film “The Blood of a Poet” in 1935.
Among the poets who donated their blood were such personalities as Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Jerome Rothenberg and others. This box is now in the Tate Gallery (American Foundation). Hence the question. For what?

Monument to a woman's handbag, Italy
The sculpture was first presented in Italy at the exhibition “Thoughts. Space. Dialogue between nature and imagination”, Piedmont in the province of Cuneo, in 2013. Women's handbag is a very important piece of clothing. Psychologists say that a handbag can determine the character, hobbies and much more about its owner.

King's chair keeper
It was the most coveted and honorary position at the court of monarchs. The duties of this courtier included nothing more than wiping the royal buttocks after fulfilling natural needs. Oddly enough, but the keepers had great power at court, and the expression "licking the ass" began to mean: "moving up the career ladder."

Until the 20th century, the position of Groom of the King's Close Stool was highly valued at the British court. He was a courtier, responsible for assisting the monarch in the implementation of natural needs. Given the fact that the body of the king was considered almost sacred, only representatives of noble blood could touch it. It is worth noting that the lords and earls became the Keepers of the royal chair very willingly, despite the fact that they literally had to wipe the king's ass.

Under King George III, his courtier, John Stewart, Earl of Bute, performed his duties in the dressing room so well that he rose to the rank of Prime Minister of England.

In the long history of mankind there are many such events that did not fit into any ideas, and therefore people remembered for a long time. Many people know the Guinness Book of Records, which records a wide variety of human achievements, but even it was impossible to collect the most incredible facts in the world.

1. About our planet

  • Every schoolchild knows that the highest peak in the world is Chomolungma or Everest. But there is a mountain on the planet that is much higher. This is the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea, which rises above the ocean level by only 4205 meters, but from its base on the ocean floor it perched 10203 meters.
  • Between Russian Chukotka and American Alaska are the Diomede Islands, which are also divided between these countries. They are located only 4 km from each other, and along the line separating them, there is also a date dividing line. Therefore, the time difference between them is 24 hours.
  • The purest water can be found in Finland, but the most dangerous is in Italian Sicily, where 2 sources of rather strong sulfuric acid beat in a volcanic lake. But in Azerbaijan there is a source of "combustible water" - it is worth bringing a lit match to it, as the "water" flares up with a blue flame.
  • In fact, there are so many diamonds on the planet that each of its inhabitants would get a full cup of this form of carbon.

2. About the plant world

In civilized countries, laws apply equally to all citizens, regardless of their status. And the effect of these laws spread ...

  • The plant cardiocrinum is so strange and rare that it is almost never described. It blooms once in a lifetime with large flowers, which take all the strength of the plant. As a result, the plant immediately dies.
  • Bamboo can grow up to 75 centimeters per day.
  • The tallest tree in the world today is the evergreen sequoia, which, like its relatives, has its own name Hyperion. For 700 or 800 years, it managed to grow up to 115.6 meters and continues to grow. Scientists deliberately concealed the exact location of the record holder in order to protect him from crowds of tourists.

3. About people

  • A person who finds himself in an unfamiliar environment in most cases will turn right. This property of the psyche is successfully used by marketers.
  • Macedonian crime reporter and journalist Vlado Taneschi was also a serial killer who often described his own crimes. But in the end, he slipped when he published information that until that moment could not be known to anyone except the killer.
  • Australian truck driver Bill Morgan is a real lucky man, and not only because he survived a 14-minute clinical death after a heart attack. Shortly thereafter, he won a large sum in the lottery. The TV people decided to shoot a story about him and asked him on camera to erase the protective layer from the instant lottery ticket. And guess what - he won $250,000 again!
  • 40% of people did not live to see their first birthday.
  • The culture of the Australian aborigines is no younger than the ice age, so they remember the location and names of the mountains, which have been hidden under the waters of Bass Strait for 8,000 years.

4. About food

  • The owners of American vineyards during the Prohibition period adapted to concentrate grape juice to a semi-solid state - the so-called "wine bars". They warned customers not to leave the resulting liquid in the closet for three weeks after adding water to them, otherwise it would turn into forbidden wine. The hint was obvious.
  • The IOC has banned caffeine, so if an athlete drinks too much coffee or tea before the start, he will be disqualified.
  • In Thailand, the most expensive coffee in the world is made, the beans of which have passed through the digestive system of elephants. A kilogram of the Black Tusk drink is valued at $1,100, and a cup of tea will cost a daredevil who wants to try a rare delicacy $50.
  • When buying bottled water, you should not rely too much on it, since 40% of it is from the tap.

5. About countries

  • In 1781, among the articles of the American Confederation, an entry appeared that if Canada suddenly wanted to become part of the United States, it would be immediately accepted.
  • The annual maintenance of a prisoner in a British prison costs the treasury £45,000. Isn't it easier to send him to study at Eton, which costs 1.5 times cheaper?
  • Arabs write texts from right to left, but the numbers are written in the opposite direction. Therefore, when reading Arabic texts abounding in numerical data, one has to drive one's eyes here and there.
  • After the division of Korea into two countries, more than 23,000 Koreans fled from north to south, and only 2 people fled in the opposite direction.

6. About the animal world

  • For the sake of sex, male Australian marsupial mice go to martyrdom - they are ready to mate for 14 hours without a break, completely giving all their energy and dying of exhaustion. Biologists have called this behavior "suicidal mating."
  • Have you ever seen baby pigeons? Certainly not, but all because they do not leave their nests for the first month, and after that they are already indistinguishable from adults.
  • In female plant aphids, already fertilized new females are born.
  • Beavers have transparent eyelids, so they can easily swim underwater with their eyes closed.
  • Rats are known to be very intelligent animals, moreover, they are the only animals besides humans that can laugh.

7. About astronauts

Few people know where death awaits them, except for those sentenced to death, and this is certainly a blessing for themselves. Sometimes a tragedy leads to death ...

  • In weightlessness, the astronauts' spine straightens out, as a result of which, immediately after landing, they are several centimeters taller than themselves before takeoff.
  • A person stops snoring in weightlessness, because weightlessness removes the load that presses down on his airways. We snore because the soft tissues of the throat and tongue sink in during sleep, especially when lying on our backs. During breathing, sunken body parts emit unpleasant snoring. Astronauts can only be envied, at least during sleep!

8. About diseases

  • At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, on the 21st anniversary, it was fashionable to remove all the teeth of the birthday man and insert artificial ones.
  • The inhabitants of the Kazakh village of Kalachi have a strange sleeping sickness - from time to time they plunge into a deep sleep, in which they stay up to 6 days. Recently, this disease has been associated with exposure to abandoned uranium mines.
  • Having made an official visit to Australia in 1875, the king of Fiji became infected with measles, which he brought home, because of which he lost a quarter of his population.
  • At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, they tried to treat cough with heroin.

9. About society

  • On average, American children see 200,000 murders on TV by the age of 18.
  • Homeless people in Japan and Hong Kong have learned to use the round-the-clock mode of McDonald's and live in these catering establishments, for which they are nicknamed "Mcrefugees".
  • British galleries and museums receive 7 times more visitors per year than Premier League football matches.
  • If vampires existed and drank the blood of one person every day, then in 13 days the entire population of the planet would turn into vampires.
  • The name of the most cruel Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar has become known to the whole world. But he was also a loving father - his daughter recalled that when they had to hide from the police and freeze at night, Escobar, in order to warm his daughter, made a fire from banknotes. A night of such "heating" cost him more than 2 million dollars.

10. About sports

By the very nature of their activities, smugglers must have a rich imagination and ingenuity, which are clearly not aimed at good deeds. With co...

  • Objects resembling primitive bowling pins were found in an Egyptian tomb - does it mean that in the country of the pharaohs they played bowling 5200 years ago?
  • In 1958, Jay Foster, who was only 8 years old, became the winner of the Jamaican Table Tennis Championship.
  • One Detroit newspaper was able to determine that 68% of professional hockey players lost at least one of their teeth during their career.
  • The 1920 Olympic Games in Sweden made history by producing the world's oldest Olympic champion, 72-year-old shooter Oscar Swan.
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A selection of interesting facts from different areas that will be very interesting and informative for many of us.

In 1988, Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to star in the sequel to Commando. The script was reworked for a new protagonist and called "Die Hard". Thus began the rise of the career of Bruce Willis.

The world population has almost stopped growing. The female fertility rate is currently 2.36. And for simple reproduction of the population, a female fertility rate of 2.33 is required.

As a young man, George Clooney lived with a lazy roommate who had a cat. Once he had to wash the cat litter box for four days in a row. On the fifth day, Clooney got tired of it and he shit in the tray himself. The neighbor was afraid that the cat was suffering from constipation and dragged the animal to the veterinarian.

In 1600, after a volcanic eruption in Peru, about two million people died ... in Russia. The fact is that the accumulation of ash in the Earth's atmosphere caused the "Little Ice Age", which caused a terrible crop failure, and then the "Great Famine" that occurred during the reign of Boris Godunov.

France is the only European country capable of self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs.

If you see a cloud from an atomic explosion, stretch your hand towards it and bend your thumb so that it obscures the "mushroom". If the cloud is larger than a finger, then you are in the radiation zone and you need to urgently evacuate.

In the American city of Anthem (Arizona) there is a monument that operates only once a year, on Veterans Day - November 11th. On this day, the sun's rays fall on the monument at such an angle that they pass through all the rings in five concrete structures, symbolizing the five branches of the US military, and illuminate the mosaic in the form of the "Great Seal".

One person tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), but survived. He later admitted that this "flight" completely turned his whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife upside down. “I suddenly realized that there is absolutely nothing in my life that could not be corrected. Except for one thing - this very jump, which I just decided on.

The first visitor to Disneyland was a college student named Dave McPherson. But at that time, he did not have time to ride on any of the rides, as he was in a hurry to go to class. But later he had a chance to more than catch up - he was given a lifetime pass to all Disneylands on the planet.

Japan imports rice from the US - but only to meet World Trade Organization requirements. The Japanese almost never eat this rice. Most of it is sent to North Korea as humanitarian aid, the rest is fed to pigs or rots in warehouses.

The ancestors of the first whales were medium-sized land-dwelling mammals.

Before Hitler arrived in Paris during World War II, the French cut all the cables of the Eiffel Tower. If the Fuhrer wanted to look at the city from above, he would have to climb the stairs to the top, which he did not do. Therefore, the Parisians are proud to say that although Hitler captured France, the Eiffel Tower was too tough for him.

In 2006, Claudia Mejia, a resident of the American city of Orlando, went to give birth in a local hospital. When she woke up after giving birth, it turned out that she had neither arms nor legs. To all attempts to find out why all the limbs were amputated to the woman, the hospital replies that, they say, they cannot voice the reason, because, in this way, the rights of other patients will be violated. Allegedly, she contracted some kind of disease already in the hospital from other patients, and the hospital has no right to disclose this information. As a result, Claudia was never able to find out why she was left without arms and legs.

In Vilnius (Lithuania) there is a small district of Uzupis, which declared itself an independent republic. This republic has its own flag, its own currency, a president, a cabinet of ministers and even an army of 11 people

Once the Indian Maharaja Jai ​​Singh visited the pavilion of the Rolls-Royce company in London. One of the workers, not understanding who was in front of him, allowed himself a caustic remark that, they say, "our product is clearly beyond your means." Singh bought ten cars, brought them to India and ordered them to be used to transport garbage.

In 1998, during the Australian Open, sisters Serena and Venus Williams recklessly declared that they could easily beat any man ranked below 200 in the ranking of tennis players. The challenge was answered by the German tennis player Carsten Braasch - the 203rd racket of the world. He came to the match, refueling with beer and not really straining, beat Serena first, and then Venus with a score of 6:1 and 6:2, respectively.

Due to confusion over similar names, representatives of the Slovak and Slovenian embassies have to meet regularly (once a month) to exchange mail delivered by mistake.

The very first version of Cinderella was written in China.

No one knows the name of the inventor of the fire hydrant, because the patent for this invention burned down during a fire.

The inventor of Vaseline, Robert Chesbrough, ate a spoonful of his invention a day and assured that he felt tremendous benefits for his body from this. He lived to the age of 96.

The daughters of President John F. Kennedy donated a puppy from the first dog in space. The gift was made in order to improve relations between Kennedy and Khrushchev. This puppy managed to bite the entire Kennedy family.

Pink does not exist. What we see is a big scientific mystery. This color is a combination of red and purple - two opposite spectrums of the rainbow, and such a mixture in nature is impossible. In fact, certain wavelengths, when reflected, are converted in our brain to pink.

Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito and Freud all lived in Vienna (Austria) at the same time in 1913.

While the person is eating the pineapple, the pineapple is eating the person in return. This is the only plant that contains bromelain, an enzyme that effectively breaks down protein. And since the human body is made of protein, the pineapple tries to “digest” it. This is what explains the sores on the tongue of those who overdo it with eating these fruits.

During the 9/11 rescue operation, the dogs were so rarely able to locate survivors that they were under extreme stress as they felt guilty and unable to cope. Therefore, the rescuers had to regularly hide in the ruins themselves in order to enable the dogs to find them and, thereby, maintain their “fighting spirit”.

Billionaire and cocaine smuggler Sal Magluta won the American National Speedboat Race three times and appeared frequently on television, although he was a wanted man. Nobody noticed anything for 6 years.

The chemical name of titin consists of 189819 characters. It will take at least three hours to pronounce it in full.

It turns out that eggs are even better kept dirty because they have a protective layer that can be washed off with water. In many countries, eggs are washed before they are sold to give them a more "tradeable" appearance, and thereby open the pores in the shell through which harmful bacteria can enter during storage.

16% of Lithuanians are immune against HIV.

There is a legend that the Orson Welles radio show "The War of the Worlds", which aired on the CBS station on October 30, 1938, was taken at face value, as a result of which more than a million inhabitants of the northeastern United States allegedly believed in the attack of the Martians and panicked. Entire families were said to have barricaded themselves with weapons in the basements of their homes, or hastily packed their belongings to leave the country. In fact, the effect was not so strong, it was just that the competitors of the CBS station were trying to compromise it as a news source.

In China, there is an organization called the Mistress Association, which brings together women who live off married wealthy men. On their website, these women not only share their impressions and experiences, but also help each other collect dirt on their patrons in case they decide to “cut off funding”.

In 2004, humanity produced more transistors than grains of rice, and by 2010, 125,000 transistors could already be bought for the price of a grain of rice. Electronic device with 16 GB memory contains more transistors than neurons in the human head

Biotech company Pembient has learned how to 3D print "rhinoceros horns" that are genetically identical to natural ones. The company plans to sell this product to the Chinese market at a price 8 times cheaper than real horns, hoping to defeat poaching in this way.

In 2009, an expert on anti-kidnapping in Mexico was abducted in Mexico just after finishing a lecture titled "How not to get abducted in Mexico".

Abstract algebraic principles are usually only taught in college. Meanwhile, mathematicians have proven that even a five-year-old kid, that is, almost any member of society, is quite capable of comprehending them.

75% of the world's food comes from just 12 plant species and 5 animal species.

Nervous movements like tapping your fingers on a table or tapping your feet can burn up to 350 calories a day. It is easy to see that such habits are characteristic mainly of slender people.

One day, a 2.5-year-old girl named Michelle Funk fell into a river and was submerged for 66 minutes. When the rescuers lifted her to the surface, the baby had no pulse or breathing. After more than 3 hours, her blood suddenly warmed up. When the temperature reached 25 degrees Celsius, the girl came back to life and lives to this day.

They make an attentive observer think about this, be surprised at the diversity of life, or laugh properly.

But in the bustle of everyday troubles, we sometimes do not notice these things. Do you want to expand your horizons?

We are offering to you interesting facts from life which will definitely cheer you up and teach you to look at the world around you in a new way.

  1. According to statistics, chronic alcoholics live 15 years longer than people who work without vacation. Rest, more, gentlemen, but do not abuse alcohol!
  2. 25% of our compatriots think about sex while stuck in a traffic jam. Oddly enough, only 6% think about work.
  3. Blue-eyed people are less likely to suffer from visual impairment than brown-eyed and gray-eyed people.
  4. Brown-eyed people are more adapted to everyday difficulties.
  5. An interesting fact of life: the more often a man makes love, the lower his risk of a heart attack. Consider this a guide to action! Unfortunately, this does not apply to women.
  6. In the morning we are about 1 centimeter taller. During the day, the joints are compressed, which makes us a little lower in the evening.
  7. No person in the world can sneeze with their eyes open. Want to check it out? Please! Just don't do it while driving. According to statistics, 2% of all accidents occur due to the fact that the driver sneezed and lost his vigilance for a couple of seconds.
  8. Women speak 13,000 more words per day than men. All men will agree with this fact, but women may be outraged!
  9. Interestingly, in a cold bedroom, nightmares are more common.
  10. Swearing can dull the pain for a while. Probably, Russian builders feel it on an intuitive level!
  11. The more you overeat, the worse your hearing gets.
  12. Cats' taste buds are not sensitive to sweets. By the way, read in a separate article.
  13. Men's are tougher and thicker than women's. However, there are twice as many hairs on a woman's head!
  14. If a woman periodically listens to an audio recording of a baby crying, her breasts can increase by 2 centimeters in a week.
  15. There is a small pocket that men's designers came up with in order to hide a condom there. In fact, it is designed for hours. Recommended reading.
  16. The best cleaner for kettles, bathtubs, toilets and ovens is regular Coca-Cola!
  17. Unpainted Coca-Cola is green.
  18. Flavored cigarettes contain urea.
  19. The timbre of the voice of women who work in a male team is much lower than that of ladies who work side by side with other women.
  20. Regular sex relieves headaches. Interestingly, not all women use this fact in their lives. But men can take it into service as an argument!
  21. It is more convenient for left-handers to chew food with the left side of the jaws.
  22. You can stop yawning by touching your tongue with your finger.
  23. When talking to a person we like, our pupils involuntarily dilate.
  24. When a lot is a herd. Many horses are called a herd. A large group - a flock. But when there are a lot of frogs - this is ... an army! At least that's what zoologists call them.
  25. A 4-5 year old child asks about 400 questions a day.
  26. Fear of Friday the 13th is considered a disease and is successfully cured by psychotherapists.
  27. A clear fact from life: the average person eats 35 tons of food in a lifetime.
  28. able to breathe through the anus.
  29. OK (okay) is the most frequently used word in most languages ​​of the world.
  30. 95% of emails sent by email are spam.
  31. A champagne cork can jump up to a height of 12 meters.
  32. Interestingly, in the entire history of the Earth, there were no two identical snowflakes. However, like people. Even twins have slight differences.
  33. For 2 years, a couple is able to give birth to more than a million cubs. For comparison, a domestic cat gives birth to no more than 100 kittens in a lifetime.
  34. The first president, George Washington, in his spare time loved to admire the lush cannabis bushes that grew in his garden.
  35. Do not microwave grapes or they will explode!
  36. The cow is not able to go down the stairs.
  37. Incredible, but true: the largest eyes on Earth belong to a giant (colossal) squid. They are about the size of a soccer ball.
  38. Humpback whales scream louder than all animals on Earth. The cry of these mammals is louder than the roar of an airplane and is heard in the open ocean for more than 500 kilometers.
  39. Believe it or not, a caterpillar has more than a human.
  40. People in white swimsuits and swimming trunks are more likely to become victims of sharks on beaches.
  41. The nostrils are the organ of smell, but not of breathing. Sharks breathe with gills.
  42. Babies have more bones than adults.
  43. The lighter the beard, the faster it grows.
  44. An interesting fact from life: the smartest woman (according to the results of the IQ test) was ... a housewife.
  45. Over 1,000 people die each year from lightning strikes.
  46. Initially, cologne was used to treat the plague.
  47. sleep 22 hours a day. Eh!..
  48. Domestic injuries and heart attacks peak on Monday.
  49. Every day, 13 new varieties of children's toys appear in the world.
  50. The most common tree in the world is the Siberian larch.
  51. And this fact is terrible, despite the fact that it is about life. Some sharks eat their siblings while still in the womb. Truly, the fittest survive!
  52. Contrary to popular belief, anteaters do not eat ants. Their main food is
  53. In the late 19th century, cocaine was used to treat insomnia and the common cold.
  54. If you chew gum while peeling onions, it is impossible to cry.
  55. Ticks can go 10 years without food.
  56. Until the end of the 19th century, it was possible to buy vodka in Russia only in a 12-liter bucket. People knew the measure once! By the way, we recommend reading where we have put together a very interesting selection.
  57. There are more color blind people among men than among women.
  58. This fact from life may surprise you. The fact is that some men are terribly afraid of virgins. Psychologists call this phenomenon parthenophobia.
  59. The hibernation period in snails can last 3 years.
  60. Vinegar can dissolve pearls.
  61. 99% of the living things that ever lived on Earth are now extinct.
  62. Every day on Earth, 3 people undergo a sex change operation.
  63. Well, friends, we hope that you liked the interesting facts from life. Of course, we do not call them either the most important or the most interesting. It’s just that such collections help keep the brain in good shape and exercise memory.

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For sure the most incredible facts shock you. After all, it is not every day that you have to hear what we are going to tell you right now. Of course, there are many more than in this article. But it is impossible to describe everything, but some of them will certainly make your leisure time enjoyable.

So here are the facts for you.

Surely you are well aware that since ancient times there have been legends that there are vampires on earth who want to drink your blood? So today, for suspicious people who believe in this, special sets are sold for hunting vampires. Yes, yes, there is everything you need to protect and counterattack the evil bloodsuckers!

An Englishman named Albert Marcantonio got into the Guinness Book of Records because he managed to grow the world's largest zucchini. Its length was 165 centimeters.

By the way, the most stolen book on the planet is the Guinness Book of Records. This fact will also be included in this book.

It is believed that the most trained dogs in the world are police dogs. They are capable of incredible endurance. We have collected everything in a separate article.

Animal gecko is a camouflage champion. No one knows how to hide from the eyes of a predator as cleverly as this species.

Flat-tailed Madagascar gecko

Did you know that the distance between and is only 4 km? And this is not a joke at all! Between the Russian island of Ratmanov and the American island of Krusenstern is really only 4 km distance. So, on occasion, you can safely show off the knowledge of this incredible fact among your friends. It is also interesting that the difference in Greenwich Mean Time between these islands is exactly 21 hours!

Surely you have not heard anything about such an amazing plant as cardiocrinum, which translates as "Heart-shaped lily". It seems incredible, but this miracle of nature blooms only once in a lifetime. Moreover, all the forces of the plant go to this business, and immediately after flowering it dies.

Scientists have long noticed that a person, in any incomprehensible terrain, is more inclined to go to the right than to the left. This feature is successfully used by all marketers in the world. When you come to any hypermarket, pay attention to how the stands are located in it.

The world's largest production car is the Ford F650. Its weight is 12 tons, and the cost is relatively low: only 70-80 thousand dollars.

This fact may seem unbelievable to you, but it is absolutely true: more than half of the world's population uses rice as their staple food.

The most expensive tea in the world is Dahongpao - "Big Red Robe". It's a rocky Chinese tea. It can only be bought at an auction, and the cost can reach 70 thousand dollars per 100 grams.

is the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. It's no secret that it is one of the richest cities in the world. It is no coincidence that there are more than a hundred public transport stops equipped with air conditioning for a comfortable waiting for transport.

By the way, it is also located in Dubai. Its height is 828 meters.

This incredible fact will seem unpleasant for music lovers, which include the author of this article. The fact is that one hour of listening to music in headphones contributes to an increase in the number of earphones by 700 times. Yes, sir, it would be better if I didn’t know this, because I still can’t refuse headphones!

Nature never ceases to amaze us with its "tricks". So, for example, the heart is in the head. Poor thing!

In 1898-1910. cough medicine was made from ... heroin.

As you know, they are one of the smartest animals in the world. They are also the only members of the animal kingdom capable of laughing. This is truly an incredible fact.

Among young people, buckwheat is rarely respected. However, it differs from many cereals in its unique properties and the presence of a huge amount of useful substances. It’s time to write a separate article about it, but now we’ll just say that it is buckwheat that can cleanse the stomach of chewing gum. Keep in mind!

It seems incredible, but bamboo can grow up to 3 meters in height in just 24 hours.

It differs in that it has black beaches. And all because of the black gravel and black boulders. There are only a few such beaches on the planet.

It is considered an evergreen specimen. This unique tree grows in the USA and has its own name - Hyperion. The height of this giant is 115.61 meters, and the age is 700-800 years. Its exact location is not disclosed so that the flow of tourists does not disrupt the ecosystem that has developed there.

Pablo Escobar

This fact is so incredible that you might think it's not true. However, before you is a completely reliable fact. The fact is that one of the most famous drug lords of the 20th century was the Colombian Pablo Escobar. His daughter said that once, when they were hiding from the police, they had to spend the night in the open. Since she was cold, her dad made a fire.

But there was no firewood anywhere, so he burned about $2 million overnight. Despite the extreme cruelty and many bloody murders that lay on his conscience, he loved his family very much.

He owns the quote: "In this life I can find a replacement for any thing, but I will never find a replacement for my wife and children." At the time of 1989, his fortune was estimated at $ 3 billion.

Well, on this we will end. Of course, these are not all the most incredible facts. But we hope you enjoyed reading them.

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