So, the path from sensation and perception to representation, and then to the concept, is the path to the most complete reflection in the minds of students of reality in its essential, regular connections and relationships.

The use of a variety of techniques and methods of work in the classroom, the use of the ideas that children have, the use of various visual aids help the teacher form general natural history concepts. An important role in the formation of concepts is played by a certain system in the presentation of the teacher, which is achieved if all parts of the educational process are connected by a leading idea and serve to reveal and confirm it.

In a teacher's systematic story, visibility is of great importance: starting from visual, visual perception, children more easily approach generalization, i.e., the formation of a concept.

Visual aids are used not only to create representations and images of individual specific objects, but also as source material for the formation of a concept.

A conversation based on the observations of children, a watched film, disassembled pictures or filmstrips helps students consciously master the program material. And on the basis of its conscious assimilation in children, correct natural science concepts are formed.

The teacher must take seriously the preparation of conversations that reveal the main features and properties of objects and phenomena. Questions should not be posed that require children only to work with memory and show only mechanical, and not conscious, assimilation of program material. It is necessary to formulate questions in such a way that the answers to them show students' understanding of the given definitions. So, for example, one cannot pose questions: what is the source? What is called the ocean? And so on. You must first invite the child to show the source of the river in the picture, diagram, plan of the area, map, and then ask what is called the source of the river or stream. It is impossible to interrogate students with prompting questions and verbose questions, since they do not reveal the children's understanding of the content of a natural phenomenon, but push them to rote memorization.

Carrying out consistent work on the creation of ideas and concepts, it is necessary to achieve full awareness of the content of concepts, since only such knowledge turns into beliefs. An important condition for organizing a purposeful perception of a natural object by children is the combination of its display with the teacher's explanation. The display can be in nature or during the demonstration of a movie, TV show, looking at a wall picture, during an experiment, at a subject lesson. This method of work provides in the minds of schoolchildren the connection between the word and a specific image of a natural phenomenon or object.

In addition, the teacher should seek from students the ability to show natural phenomena or objects in paintings, collections and herbaria and talk about them, dwelling on the characteristic features of this phenomenon.


The teaching and upbringing process is an integral system that allows in a complex to realize the main goals of primary natural science education. Any system consists of interconnected parts, in the methodology they include forms of learning.

According to Cheredov I.M., ma is a special design of the learning process, the nature of this design is determined by the content of the learning process, methods,
techniques, means, activities of students.
This content is the basis for the development of the learning process.

At the same time, according to I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkina,
organizational forms themselves affect a particular course
learning, causing the possibility of manifestation
individual pace of learning, they affect the overall
the course and result of the educational process, contributing to its success.
From the organizational forms used in the school in many respects
principles, methods and means of training depend.

A clear definition of the concepts "form of organization of training
cheniya", "organizational form of training", "forms of organizational
nization of educational work "as pedagogical categories so far
does not exist as well as their generally accepted scientific class
sifications. Some authors consider, for example, excursion
this one as a kind of lesson, and others - as an independent
new organizational form of education. To reasonably
group organizational forms of learning, build
their classification, it is necessary first of all to understand what
should be considered a form of education, highlight the essential
features of this concept.

According to E.V. Grigoriev's form of education can be defined as a way of organizing
tion of educational and cognitive activity of students, corresponding to the conditions of its implementation and content.

Forms of organization of educational work in the "Fundamentals of didactic
ki” edited by B.P. Esipov quite fully defines
are determined by the composition of the students, the place and time of classes,
the sequence of activities of students and
their guidance by the teacher.

In modern didactics, the basis for classification
forms of education are the number and composition of students,
place of study, duration of study.

If we take the above characteristics as a basis, then
the following forms of organization of study can be distinguished
science in elementary school:

· lesson;

· excursion;

· extracurricular work;

· homework;

· extracurricular work.

The main form of organization of learning is the lesson.
However, the study of natural science cannot be limited
just a lesson. Remaining the main form of organization
learning, the lesson should interact with excursions,
extracurricular work, which is carried out
children's physical activity in the study of natural objects
and processes in natural conditions. Consolidation and complete
improvement of acquired knowledge, development of practical
skills pass during homework,
which are necessarily associated with all forms of educational
work. To broaden the horizons of younger students,
beat subject knowledge, develop research skills
and skills called for extracurricular activities.

The relationship between the forms of organization of educational work in natural sciences
knowledge can be traced to the study of seasonal changes
in nature.

At the beginning of the season, there is an introductory tour where
Students learn how the position of the sun has changed.
measure the temperature of air, water, soil, observe
changes in plant and animal life. Then prov-
lessons are being taught on the study of seasonal changes in the inanimate and
wildlife, on which information is used, semi-
learned by students on excursions. Out of class by students
weather and phenological phenomena are monitored
mi in the life of plants and animals, houses are filled with "Dnev-
nicknames of observations”. The results of this extracurricular and homework
works are also used in the classroom during the formation
ideas about seasonal changes in the nature of this
terrain. In the school naturalistic circle, students
They set up experiments and conduct more complex phenological
sky observations that expand and deepen knowledge
software material.

Thus, all organizational forms of learning are
test knowledge are closely related.

Lesson is the main form of organization of educational work on
natural science

The lesson is the main form of organization of educational work on
natural science, in which training sessions are held
teacher with a group of permanent students, one
age and level of training during a certain
nogo time.

The class-lesson system was first introduced into the school
Ya.A. Comenius. In Russia, it was already used by M.V. Lomonosov, who introduced lessons not only in the Academic
gymnasium, but also at Moscow University and the cadet cor-

The history of the development of methods of natural science shows that
that the ways of interconnection of lessons, excursions and extracurricular
observations were first outlined by A.Ya. Gerd. He's up-
You have developed a methodology for conducting subject lessons
in primary school. At the beginning of the twentieth century, L.S. Sevruk published
forged exemplary methodological recommendations for conducting
lessons of the elementary course of natural science.

V.V. Polovtsov
advised teachers to take into account
age characteristics of children and always remember that the class is
“a collective unit that has its own individual
ness, its features and signs.

In the first post-revolutionary years, the passion for self-
the activity of students during the "research" and "excursion"
Zion" teaching methods led to the fact that the lesson became
considered a relic of the old, feudal school.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the school of 1932 returned the lesson
the status of the main form of educational work.

At present, teachers have begun to devote quite
serious attention to the conditions for improving efficiency
lesson, the development of non-traditional forms of its conduct.

Issues of improving the modern lesson
are viewed in the works of Yu.K. Babansky, N.M. Verzilina, V.V. Davydova, I.Ya. Lerner, M.M. Potashnik, D.B. Elco-
nina and others

M.N. Skatkin believed that a lesson is a pedagogical
work, and therefore it must be distinguished by its integrity,
internal interconnectedness of parts, a single logic
development activities of teachers and students.

Main requirements for a modern lesson:

1. The general didactic focus of the lesson.

Often the teacher underestimates special thinking
cognitive task of the lesson. At the same time, staging
educational task dictating the formulation of didactic,
developmental and educational goals helps to choose
rational structure and methods of conducting the lesson. Sometimes
cognitive task is formulated jointly with students
missions who want to solve a problem situation, create
given by the teacher in class. This methodological approach affects
on the motivational sphere of children, prompting them to action.

2. Sufficient material equipment.

Both too little and too much visual aids are harmful.
on the lesson. Their incompetent application hinders the development
child's personality. It is important for the teacher to rationally, reasonably
and it is advisable to use teaching aids in the lesson.

3. Concentration of attention on the main, essential, on
mastering the basic concepts of the lesson, the leading educational
ideas for teaching material.

Sometimes in the classroom there is an overload of the educational
material with additional information, specific
facts. The teacher unreasonably seeks to move away from the content
reading the textbook. At the same time, the essence of the lesson is lost behind the details.
It is necessary to highlight the main ideas during the explanation.
voice, supporting signs on the board. It is recommended to drink
put on the board the topic and what children should know and be able to
the end of the lesson.

4. Systematic, consistent, continuity
and logical completeness of training operations.

The teacher must clearly follow the lesson plan, but at the same time
the same time to be ready to quickly rebuild its course when
changing situation. Striving at all costs to fulfill
the planned plan, regardless of the circumstances that arose in the lesson, often leads to formalism in teaching.
A good teacher always has spare methodological
lesson options.

5. Mandatory combination of frontal, group and in-
individual forms of educational work in the classroom.

The teacher should strive to organize educational work
Yes, as a collective activity of children. On various
stages of the lesson, tasks should be given not only to the whole class,
but also for individual students, couples or small groups.
Such tasks can be general or differentiated.
nym depending on the learning abilities of students and
content of educational material. Collective activity
develops the communicative qualities of the individual, strengthens
interdependence of children in the classroom.

6. Optimal psychological mode in the lesson.

To do this, the teacher must support cognitive
interest of children, use methods of activating educational
activities. In the modern school, at the heart of building
lessons lies in the educational cooperation of the teacher and students,
in which communication takes place on the basis of a combination of high
some exactingness with respect for the individual. You can't under-
evaluate hygienic and aesthetic conditions in the classroom

7. Saving and rational use of time for

The teacher must correctly determine the type of lesson and you
take its rational structure. Competent consumption of time
menu at various stages of the lesson allows you to conduct it
at an optimal pace for a particular class.

8. Restoration of business balance in case of its violation

In class. team from the very first lesson should
develop disciplinary traditions that help
teacher to establish a business environment in the classroom.

9. Continuous control and self-control; consolidation
and improving student knowledge.

Any type of educational work in the lesson must be completed
primary reinforcement that helps the teacher control
to improve the assimilation of new knowledge and skills by schoolchildren. In
fixing time, the teacher can give tasks for self-
checks and mutual checks of children.

10. Intersubject and intrasubject communications of the studied
th in the lesson of the material.

The teacher must remember that any lesson is part of
;:, topic, section and therefore should be their logical unit
tsey. It is important to know what system of scientific concepts gives
program and build new concepts into this system, for
create associative links with the concepts obtained
in classes in other subjects. At the same time every lesson
should give at least a small, but holistic knowledge.

In order to develop a system consisting of interrelated lessons, it is necessary to use successive and promising
active connections, to know the place of each lesson in the topic, its connection with others. Without such a system, a natural science course cannot
be logical and purposeful.

An attempt to classify lessons by breaking them into several
to simple types, K.D. Ushinsky.
He argued that only an intelligent system emerging from
the very essence of objects, gives lasting power over our
knowledge. Ushinsky singled out mixed lessons, where
the knowledge gained earlier is repeated, studied and consolidated
weaving new material; oral, written and practical lessons
tic exercises,
the purpose of which is to repeat
knowledge, development of skills and abilities; knowledge assessment lessons,
held at the end of a specific training period.

V.V. Polovtsov wrote in his textbook "Fundamentals of the General
methods of natural science”, that the course should be based
a certain system, the connections in which should be natural
venous, causal, and not purely external, artificial.

The question of the system was also raised in the book by B.E. Raikov "General
methodology of natural science. The author noted that the goal and plan of any lesson can be correctly outlined only if
if we have a clear understanding of the structure of the whole program and clearly
we see the place of the lesson we are developing in a series of previous
who follow him and who follow him.

The question of the competent construction of lessons will be correctly resolved
only if their typology is sufficiently thought out.
The types of lessons depend on their didactic purpose, content and
places in the structure of the study of the topic. Each topic of the program is pre-
is a system of logically connected lessons.

There are various approaches to the classification of lessons.
Lessons are classified according to didactic
goals (I.T. Ogorodnikov), content and methods of conducting
(M.I. Makhmutov), ​​teaching methods (I.N. Borisov), the main stages of the educational process (S.V. Ivanov).

The didactic goal is the most important structural
element of the lesson, so the classification is based on this
feature is closest to the real education
body process. For example, N.M. Verzilin and V.M. Korsun-
Skye allocate introductory lessons, lessons revealing content
And final or generalizing.

I.T. Ogorodnikov identifies the following types of lessons: from-
cheniya new knowledge; consolidation, exercises and practical
ski works, laboratory, repetitive and generalizing,

O.V. Kazakova rightly objects to the separation
lesson "learning new knowledge." The author notes that, in essence, at all levels
kah, with the exception of the control, report-
new knowledge and at all or almost all lessons
and fixing them .. A synthetic lesson in its own way
essence is a synonym for mixed or combined
different type of lesson.

Most methodologists in elementary school distinguish
the following types of science lessons:

§ introductory;

§ subject;

§ combined;

§ generalizing.

Each type of lesson has a specific structure, which
paradise depends on its goals, the content of the educational material,
methods of conducting and is determined by the sequence
interrelated stages of the lesson.

introductory lessons are held at the beginning of the study of the course, section or large topic. For small topics, the teacher gives an introduction at the beginning of the first lesson.

The main didactic goals of introductory lessons

1. Set the level of preparation of students for perception
new knowledge, to systematize existing knowledge.

2. To form a general idea of ​​the content of educational
material to be studied by children at the end
blowing lessons.

3. Introduce students to the features of construction and
methods of studying a new topic (section, course) in the textbook.

4. Arouse children's interest in a new topic (section, course). By-
pose a few new problems and leave them open.

Introductory lessons may have the following approximate structure

1) class organization;

2) setting learning objectives;

3) familiarization with the goals, content, structure of
cases (topics) in the textbook;

4) actualization of existing knowledge;

5) formation of new ideas and concepts;

6) practicing methods of working with a textbook;

7) homework;

8) the result of the lesson.

An example of an introductory lesson on the topic "What is
nature "(program of natural science grade 3 A.A. Ple-


1. Form a general idea of ​​nature and its meaning
cheniya for the person. Achieve mastery of knowledge about objects
inanimate and animate nature and the differences between living and non-living.

2. To develop the ability to work with a textbook of natural history, to make a model of the relationship between nature and man. -

3. Conduct environmental education of primary school
nicknames based on the formation of ideas about natural

Equipment: various bodies of inanimate and living nature,
cards for compiling the model "The value of nature for

During the classes

1. Setting learning objectives.
In the lesson, children should learn what relates to nature,
how living things differ from non-living things. Learn to establish relationships within nature and between man and nature.
To solve these problems, the teacher invites the children to
read the textbook "Natural Studies" and learn how to work
with him.

2. Familiarization with the textbook, with tasks and content
the first section.

Children look at the cover of the textbook, read the appeal
the author to the third grader. Trying to explain the expression
"Nature and people are one whole", met in circulation.
The title page introduces the sections of the book.

On the half-title, children read the name of the first section, its
tasks, content, determine the topic of today's lesson.

Most methodologists in elementary school distinguish the following types of science lessons:

1) introductory;

2) subject;

3) combined;

4) generalizing.

Each type of lesson has a certain structure, which depends on its goals, the content of the educational material, methods of conducting and is determined by the sequence interconnection these stages of the lesson.

Introductory lessons are held at the beginning of the course, section or large topic. For small topics, the teacher gives an introduction at the beginning of the first lesson. The main didactic goals of such lessons are as follows:

1. To establish the level of preparation of students for the perception of new knowledge, to systematize existing knowledge.

2. To form a general idea of ​​the content of the educational material to be studied by children in subsequent lessons.

3. To acquaint students with the features of construction and methods of studying a new topic (section, course) in the textbook.

4. Arouse children's interest in a new topic (section, course). Put a few new problems and leave them open.

Introductory lessons can have the following approximate structure:

1) class organization;

2) setting learning objectives;

3) familiarization with the goals, content, structure of the section (topic) in the textbook;

4) actualization of existing knowledge;

5) formation of new ideas and concepts;

6) practicing methods of working with a textbook;

7) homework;

8) the result of the lesson.

Subject lessons involve the work of students with objects of nature or educational devices. There is always practical work in these lessons. The allocation of this type of lesson is due to the specifics of the content of the initial natural science course.

Objectives of the subject lesson:

1. To achieve the assimilation of new knowledge through the direct work of students with objects of nature.

2. Develop practical skills in conducting simple natural science research.

This type of lesson requires serious advance preparation. The teacher must select handouts in advance. If required, then lay experiments (for example, when studying the development of a plant from a seed). You should do the frontal experiments yourself first in order to track how much time is spent on them.

Subject lessons have the following approximate structure:

1) class organization;

2) the message of the topic and the setting of educational tasks;

3) updating of basic knowledge;

4) carrying out practical work;

5) fixing;

6) homework;

7) the result of the lesson.

Combined lessons are the most common in teaching practice. These are lessons of this type, in which new material is studied and consolidated, continuity with previously studied is established. They combine several didactic purposes of equal importance:

1. Repeat and systematize the previously studied math

2. To achieve the assimilation of new ideas and concepts.

3. Develop practical skills.

4. Consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills.

In such a lesson, combinations of structural elements of various types of lessons can be used.

Generalizing lessons are held at the end of the study of a large topic or section.

Objectives of the general lesson:

1. Generalize and systematize the knowledge of children.

2. Work out the acquired skills and abilities.

3. Learn to apply knowledge and skills in new situations.

4. Set the level of assimilation of program material and mastery of practical skills,

The traditional structure of such a lesson is as follows:

1) class organization;

2) generalization and systematization of knowledge on the studied topic;

3) development of skills and abilities in the process of independent work;

4) the use of ZUNs in a new learning situation;

5) summarizing conversation;

6) the result of the lesson.

Generalizing lessons are often held in an unconventional form. These are competition lessons (“What, where, when”, “KVN”, etc.), travel lessons (“Journey through the natural areas of Russia”, “Geological expeditions around the native land”, etc.), business games (“Environmental Conference”, “If I were the head of the enterprise”, etc.). They are recommended to organize group or individual independent work of students.

21. Excursion in natural history. Methodological requirements for the preparation and conduct of natural-science excursions.

Excursions in natural science are a form of organizing educational activities that allow you to make observations and study natural processes in natural conditions.

Guidelines for conducting excursions were first given by A.Ya. Gerd. In the article “On Natural History Excursions”, he wrote: “Excursions should serve as a supplement to the lessons ... should show the mutual relations of the kingdoms of nature. The plant world, for example, is greatly influenced by the soil and the geographical conditions of the area ... On any excursion, the indispensable duty of the teacher is to develop a warm aesthetic feeling for nature. The teacher draws the children's attention to various landscapes and leads them to analyze the impressions aroused by the area. Analyzing the difficulties of organizing excursions, A.Ya. Gerd highlights the main one - the lack of information about the surrounding nature of the teachers themselves. A flaw that is present in today's school as well. Excursions became a compulsory form of education in 1901. D.N. Kaigorodov. Methodological requirements for conducting excursions were formulated by B.E. Raikov and M.N. Rimsky-Korsakov in the book "Zoological Excursions". Here are the main ones:

1. The tour must be prepared in advance.

2. During the excursion, the teacher should only talk about what he can show and not turn it into an open-air lecture. Any verbosity that is not accompanied by the study of objects should be avoided.

3. The studied object should be, if possible, not only in the hands of the teacher, but also in each participant of the excursion.

4. The teacher is obliged to ensure the activity of the excursion participants. Students must complete a number of independent tasks, and not passively follow the leader and listen to his explanations.

5. The material of the excursion should be fixed in the memory of students by its subsequent study. Otherwise, the tour remains incomplete.

Tour structure:

1. Preliminary preparation of the teacher:

Setting goals and objectives of the tour;

Route selection and visit;

Selection of objects for observations and research;

Development of tasks for the work of training teams;

Definition of reporting form;

Drawing up a summary of the excursion;

Pre-training of students.

2. Conducting an excursion:

a) introductory part (before leaving school):

Setting goals and objectives of the excursion for students;

Distribution of training equipment and assignments to teams;

Instructing students - discussion of the rules of behavior in nature;

b) the main part (at the place of the excursion):

introductory conversation;

Independent work of teams;

Field work report;

General conversation. Summarizing;

c) final part (in class):

Processing of the collected material;

Recording in a notebook (“Diary of Observations”) the results of observations;

Consolidation of the material of the excursion. Excursion preparations start about a week in advance

before it's done..

The teacher determines the theme, goals and visits the place for the excursion, where he selects natural objects for observation and research.

The specifics of science lessons

For many primary school teachers, the most difficult of all subjects is natural history (or natural science, which is the same thing) - both in terms of preparing for the lesson and conducting it. The reasons can be very different, but most often you have to deal with an underestimation of the specifics of this subject and the inability to design a lesson, building its logic.

How is natural science different from other subjects?

First of all, it is the only subject that is truly integrated in its essence, since it studies the world as a whole. In order to reveal its content to the children, to find the most effective, productive and at the same time the shortest path to the goal of learning, the teacher himself must have deep knowledge of natural science, understand the fundamental laws of nature, and be able to find their manifestations in the world around him.

Another, no less important feature is the experimental and theoretical research methods specific to scientific natural science: observation, experiment, generalization, development of hypotheses with their subsequent testing in practice, creation of theories. School science, including elementary science, must necessarily reflect the scientific methods of research, because otherwise the essence of science (the objectivity of the subject of research) is emasculated. To implement this requirement, the teacher must have knowledge and experience in organizing scientific research in the field of natural sciences. Skatkin M.N. Extracurricular work in natural science in elementary school. - M., 1953.

Primary natural science has great potential for the comprehensive development of the child, it organically corresponds to the child's psyche, since it satisfies the child's research instinct, allows during the lesson to repeatedly change the forms of children's activity, using both visual-figurative and visual-effective, and logical thinking, avoiding while both physiological and intellectual overload.

Elementary natural science, like no other subject, allows you to actively use the child's life experience in the educational process, as well as organize exciting extracurricular work.

In each lesson on this subject, each child should discover something new for himself. If we rank novelty according to the complexity of assimilation and importance for the intellectual development of children, then we get the following series (as complexity and significance increase): new facts - new patterns - a new level of understanding, theoretical generalizations Methodological recommendations for work in the preparatory class (work with children age six). M., 1981..

When developing natural history lessons, it is necessary to strive to comply with the following rules:

1. Children in the lesson should observe the objects, phenomena and processes being studied.

2. Children in the lesson should think hard.

3. Children should, if possible, make generalizations themselves.

4. At each lesson, children should receive new knowledge for them, i.e. each lesson should have an element of novelty.

5. The knowledge gained in the lesson should awaken the child's thought, stimulating interest in the subject, new questions, and creative thinking.

To achieve this, the teacher first of all needs to isolate the main idea of ​​the lesson (sometimes, rarely, there are several of them), and to realize his educational task. It is the main idea that should be the focus of the teacher both in preparing the lesson and in the lesson itself. Without this, it is impossible to build a lesson logically and correctly. Then, in accordance with the main idea of ​​the lesson, the teacher should: - think over the course of the lesson; - to select the necessary and sufficient factual material; - use natural objects, diagrams, models, tables and other forms of visibility and short notes that facilitate generalization; - direct the child's thoughts to the correct conclusion, conduct a discussion from the point of view necessary for this; - having made a generalization, find new facts that obey the established pattern, and explain them.

To illustrate what has been said, we will use the “universal” theme, with which practically all natural history programs begin. It must be emphasized that this is an introductory, very first lesson in natural history, and already on it the distinctive qualities of this school subject should be clearly manifested. Yagodovsky K.P. Questions of the general methodology of natural sciences. 2nd ed., supplement. M., 1954.

The subject and structure of natural science. The concept of natural science.

1. Organizational moment

2. A person's desire for knowledge of the world around him is expressed in various forms, methods and directions of research activities. Each of the main parts of the objective world—nature, society, and man—is studied by its own separate sciences.

3 . Mankind lives and develops in conditions of continuous exchange of matter, energy and information with the environment, in the process of which a person learns the world around him. The forms of this knowledge are science and art. Each of these forms of cognition has its own characteristics, methods of perception of reality and expression, tasks, history.

4. In the late 1960s the country was embraced by a discussion that went down in history under the name "physics and lyrics". It was an attempt to solve a problem that affected the whole world.
The discussion was promoted by the collection of articles “Two Cultures” by the English writer, a physicist by education C. Snow, in which he outlined his views on the relationship between natural science and humanitarian cultures in modern society (1971).
Few things have been arguing for so long as about the relationship of art to science, which flared up as early as the 18th century. Academician M.A. Leontovich said on this occasion: “Many scientists have disregard for literature and art. I think that most often it is explained simply by the fact that most people have enough energy to work in one area, and in order to justify their ignorance of other areas, they pass it off as a neglect of them. The same is often the case with people of art in relation to science.

5. Science- the sphere of human activity, the task of which is the development and theoretical systematization of a person's objective knowledge about reality.The totality of scientific knowledge about nature is formed by natural science. Etymologically, the word "natural science" comes from a combination of two words: "nature", which means nature, and "knowledge", i.e. knowledge about nature.

In modern use, the term "natural science" in its most general form denotes the totality of the sciences of nature, which have various natural phenomena and processes as the subject of their research, as well as the laws of their evolution. In addition, natural science is an independent science of nature as a whole and, as such, allows us to study any object of the world around us more deeply than any of the natural sciences alone can do. Therefore, natural science, along with the sciences of society and thinking, is the most important part of human knowledge. It includes both the activity of obtaining knowledge and its results, i.e. a system of scientific knowledge about natural processes and phenomena.

Discussion of the statement:

"Science never solves problems without raising three dozen new ones."

6. The role of natural science in human life can hardly be overestimated. It is the basis of all types of life support - physiological, technical, energy. In addition, natural science serves as the theoretical basis for industry and agriculture, all technologies, and various types of production. Thus, it is the most important element of the culture of mankind, one of the essential indicators of the level of civilization.

The noted characteristics of natural science allow us to conclude that it is a subsystem of science and, as such, is associated with all elements of culture - religion, philosophy, ethics, etc. On the other hand, natural science is an independent field of knowledge with its own structure, subject and methods.

The concept of "natural science" appeared in modern times in Western Europe and began to denote the totality of the sciences of nature. The roots of this idea go back to Ancient Greece, during the time of Aristotle, who was the first to systematize the knowledge about nature then available in his Physics.

The subject of natural science

Being an independent science, natural science has its own subject of study, different from the subject of special (private) natural sciences. The specificity of natural science is that it investigates the same natural phenomena from the positions of several sciences at once, revealing the most general patterns and trends. This is the only way to present Nature as a single integral system, to reveal the foundations on which the whole variety of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is built. The result of such research is the formulation of the basic laws that connect the micro-, macro- and mega-worlds, the Earth and the Cosmos, physical and chemical phenomena with life and mind in the Universe.

The school studies separate natural sciences - physics, chemistry, biology, geography, astronomy. This serves as the first step in the cognition of Nature, without which it is impossible to proceed to the realization of it as a single integrity, to the search for deeper connections between physical, chemical and biological phenomena. This is the main goal of this course. With its help, we must more deeply and accurately know the individual physical, chemical and biological phenomena that occupy an important place in the natural-scientific picture of the world; as well as to reveal the hidden connections that create the organic unity of these phenomena, which is impossible within the framework of special natural sciences.

7.Structure of natural science

We have already talked about the structure of science, which is a complex branched system of knowledge. Natural science is no less complex system, all parts of which are in a relationship of hierarchical subordination. This means that the system of natural sciences can be represented as a kind of ladder, each step of which is the foundation for the science that follows it, and, in turn, is based on the data of the previous science.

The basis, the foundation of all natural sciences, is undoubtedly physics, the subject of which are bodies, their movements, transformations and forms of manifestation at various levels. Today it is impossible to engage in any natural science without knowing physics.

The next step is chemistry, studying chemical elements, their properties, transformations and compounds. The fact that it is based on physics is proved very easily. To do this, it is enough to recall school lessons in chemistry, which talked about the structure of chemical elements and their electron shells. This is an example of the use of physical knowledge in chemistry. In chemistry, inorganic and organic chemistry, chemistry of materials and other sections are distinguished.

In turn, chemistry underlies biology- the science of the living, studying the cell and everything derived from it. Biological knowledge is based on knowledge about matter, chemical elements. Among the biological sciences, one should single out botany (the subject is the plant kingdom), zoology (the subject is the animal world). Anatomy, physiology and embryology study the structure, functions and development of the body. Cytology studies the living cell, histology studies the properties of tissues, paleontology studies the fossil remains of life, and genetics studies the problems of heredity and variability.

Earth sciencesare the next element of the structure of natural science. This group includes geology, geography, ecology, etc. All of them consider the structure and development of our planet, which is a complex combination of physical, chemical and biological phenomena and processes.

Completes this grandiose pyramid of knowledge about Nature cosmology, studying the universe as a whole. Part of this knowledge is astronomy and cosmogony, which investigate the structure and origin of planets, stars, galaxies, etc. At this level there is a new return to physics. This allows us to talk about the cyclical, closed nature of natural science, which obviously reflects one of the most important properties of Nature itself.

The structure of natural science is not limited to the sciences mentioned above. The fact is that in science there are complex processes of differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge. The differentiation of science is the singling out within any science of narrower, particular areas of research, turning them into independent sciences. So, within physics, solid-state physics and plasma physics stood out.

The integration of science is the emergence of new sciences at the junctions of old ones, the process of combining scientific knowledge. Examples of such sciences are: physical chemistry, chemical physics, biophysics, biochemistry, geochemistry, biogeochemistry, astrobiology, etc.

Thus, the pyramid of natural sciences that we have built becomes much more complicated, including a large number of additional and intermediate elements.

It should also be noted that the system of natural science is by no means unshakable, not only do new sciences constantly appear in it, but their role also changes, and the leader in natural science periodically changes. Yes, with 17th century until the middle of XX in. such a leader, no doubt, was physics. But now this science has almost completely mastered its field of reality, and most physicists are engaged in research that is of an applied nature (the same applies to chemistry). Today, biological research is booming (especially in the frontier areas - biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology).

8.History of natural science

Being an integral part of science and culture, natural science has the same long and complex history. Natural science cannot be understood without tracing the history of its development as a whole. According to historians of science, the development of natural science passed through three stages and at the end XX in. entered the fourth. These stages are ancient Greek natural philosophy, medieval natural science, classical natural science of modern and modern times, and modern natural science. 20th century

The development of natural science is subject to this periodization. At the first stage, there was an accumulation of applied information about the nature and methods of using its forces and bodies. This so-called natural philosophical stage development of science, characterized by direct contemplation of nature as an undivided whole. At the same time, there is a true coverage of the general picture of nature while neglecting particulars, which is typical of Greek natural philosophy.

Later, a theoretical understanding of the causes, methods and characteristics of changes in nature is added to the process of accumulating knowledge, and the first concepts of a rational explanation of changes in nature appear. The so-called analytical stage in the development of science, when there is an analysis of nature, the selection and study of individual things and phenomena, the search for individual causes and effects. This approach is typical for the initial stage of the development of any science, and in terms of the historical development of science - for the late Middle Ages and the New Age. At this time, methods and theories are combined into natural science as an integral science of nature, a series of scientific revolutions take place, each time radically changing the practice of social development.

The result of the development of science is synthetic stage, when scientists recreate a holistic picture of the world on the basis of already known details.

9. The beginning of science Ancient Greek natural philosophy

The very first knowledge of man about nature was formed in ancient times. Already primitive people in the struggle with nature, getting food for themselves and defending themselves from wild animals, gradually accumulated knowledge about nature, its phenomena and the properties of the material things around them. However, the knowledge of primitive people was not scientific, since it was neither systematized nor united by any theory. Generated by man's material activities and livelihood, this knowledge took the form of practical experience.

Ancient science appeared in the form of scientific programs (paradigms). They defined the goal of scientific knowledge - the study of the process of transformation of the initial Chaos into the Cosmos - a reasonably organized and structured world through the search for a cosmic (order-forming) principle. It is no coincidence that the first major representatives of natural philosophy - Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Diogenes, in their statements were guided by the idea of ​​the unity of being, the origin of things from some natural principle (water, air, fire), as well as the universal animation of matter.

Also, scientific programs used the idea of ​​the unity of the micro- and macrocosmos, the similarity of the world and man to justify the possibility of knowing the world. Claiming that similar known by similarity, the ancient Greeks believed that the only tool of knowledge could be the human mind, rejecting the experiment as a method of knowing the world. Thus, the rationalist position was clearly formulated, which later became dominant in European culture.

Ancient Greek philosophers, without resorting to systematic research and experiment, on the basis of mainly their own observations, tried to cover and explain the entire surrounding reality with a single glance. The natural-scientific ideas that arose at that time were of an extremely broad philosophical nature and existed as natural philosophy (philosophy of nature), which was distinguished by a direct contemplation of the surrounding world as a whole and speculative conclusions from this contemplation.

10. The first scientific program of antiquity was mathematical program introduced by Pythagoras and later developed by Plato. At its basis, as well as at the basis of other ancient programs, lay the idea that the world (Cosmos) is an ordered expression of a number of initial entities. Pythagoras found these entities in numbers and presented them as the fundamental principle of the world. Thus, in a mathematical program, the world is based on the quantitative relations of reality. This approach made it possible to see their quantitative unity behind the world of various qualitatively different objects. The most striking embodiment of the mathematical program was the geometry of Euclid, whose famous book "Elements" appeared around 300 BC. In addition, the Pythagoreans first put forward the idea of ​​a spherical shape of the Earth.

11. Natural science received further development in ancient atomistics Democritus - the doctrine of the discrete structure of matter, according to which the whole world consists of emptiness and atoms that differ from each other, which are in perpetual motion and interaction. These ideas constituted the second scientific program of antiquity, the atomistic program of Leucippus-Democritus. Within the framework of the atomistic program, several very important assumptions were made. Among them is the idea of ​​emptiness, which underlies the concept of infinite space. This is how the idea of ​​Democritus is born, although not supported by other thinkers, that the world as a whole is an infinite void with many independent closed worlds-spheres. These worlds were formed as a result of a vortex circular collision of atoms. In these vortices, large and heavy atoms accumulated in the center, while small and light atoms were forced out to the outskirts. From the first came the earth, from the second - the sky. In every closed world, the earth is in the center, and the stars are in the outskirts. The number of worlds is infinite, many of them can be inhabited. These worlds arise and perish. When some are in their prime, others are just being born or are already dying.

A contemporary of Democritus Empedocles, who was the first to express the idea of ​​the indestructibility and indestructibility of matter, explained the reason

eclipses of the Sun, guessed that light travels at a high speed, which we are not able to notice. He tried to explain the origin of animals. In his opinion, separate organs of animals first appeared, which, in the process of random combinations, began to give rise to various living creatures. Associations of organs that did not correspond to each other inevitably perished, and only those in which the united organs happened to be mutually suitable survived.

12. Ancient Greek natural philosophy received its highest development in the teachings of Aristotle, who united and systematized all the knowledge of the world around him contemporary. It became the basis of the third , the continuum program of ancient science. The main treatises that make up Aristotle's teachings on nature are "Physics", "On the Sky", "Meteorology", "On the Origin of Animals", etc. In these treatises, the most important scientific problems were posed and considered, which later became the basis for the emergence of individual sciences. Aristotle proved the eternity of motion, but did not recognize the possibility of self-movement of matter. Everything that moves is set in motion by other bodies. The primary source of movement in the world is the prime mover — God. Like the model of the Cosmos, these ideas, thanks to the indisputable authority of Aristotle, became so rooted in the minds of European thinkers that they were refuted only in modern times after the discovery by G. Galileo of the idea of ​​inertia.

Aristotle's concept of physical interaction is closely related to his concept of motion. Therefore, interaction is understood by him as the action of the mover on the moveable, i.e. unilateral action of one body on another. This directly contradicts the well-known today Newton's third law, which states that the action is always equal to the reaction.

Aristotle's cosmology was geocentric in nature, as it was based on the idea that at the center of the world is our planet Earth, which has a spherical shape and is surrounded by water, air and fire, behind which are spheres of large celestial bodies revolving around the Earth along with other small luminaries.

The indisputable achievement of Aristotle was the creation of formal logic, set out in his treatise "Organon" and put science on a solid foundation of logically based thinking using the conceptual and categorical apparatus. He also owns the approval of the order of scientific research, which includes the study of the history of the issue, the formulation of the problem, the introduction of arguments "for" and "against", as well as the rationale for the decision. After his work, scientific knowledge finally separated from metaphysics (philosophy), and there was also a differentiation of scientific knowledge itself. Mathematics, physics, geography, fundamentals of biology and medical science stood out in it.

13. Concluding the story about ancient science, it is impossible not to say about the work of other outstanding scientists of this time. Astronomy was actively developing, which needed to bring the observed movement of the planets into line (they move along very complex trajectories, making oscillatory, loop-like movements) with their supposed movement in circular orbits, as required by the geocentric model of the world. The solution to this problem was the system of epicycles and deferents of the Alexandrian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy ( I-II centuries AD). To save the geocentric model of the world, he suggested that around the motionless Earth there is a circle with a center displaced relative to the center of the Earth. Along this circle, which is called the deferent, moves the center of a smaller circle, which is called the epicycle.

14. It is impossible not to say about another ancient scientist who laid the foundations of mathematical physics. This is Archimedes, who lived in III in. BC. His works on physics and mechanics were an exception to the general rules of ancient science, since he used his knowledge to build various machines and mechanisms. Nevertheless, the main thing for him, as for other ancient scientists, was science itself. And mechanics for him becomes an important means of solving mathematical problems. Although for Archimedes technology was only a game of the scientific mind, the result of science going beyond its limits (the same attitude towards technology and machines as toys was characteristic of all Hellenistic science), his work played a fundamental role in the emergence of such sections of physics as statics and hydrostatics. . In statics, Archimedes introduced into science the concept of the center of gravity of bodies, formulated the law of the lever. In hydrostatics, he discovered the law that bears his name: a buoyant force acts on a body immersed in a liquid, equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.

As can be seen from the above and far from complete list of ideas and trends in natural philosophy, at this stage the foundations of many modern theories and branches of natural science were laid. At the same time, no less important is the formation of a style of scientific thinking during this period, including the desire for innovation, criticism, the desire for orderliness and a skeptical attitude towards generally accepted truths, the search for universals that give a rational understanding of the world around.


Explanatory note

The study of the discipline “Methods of teaching junior schoolchildren the subject “World around” requires students to master the skills of conducting lessons, excursions, extracurricular and homework to study the world around them. This is carried out during the period of pedagogical practice.

The purpose of pedagogical practice: the formation of special competence of bachelors of pedagogy to apply knowledge of the theoretical foundations and technologies of primary natural science education in their professional activities.

In the process of pedagogical practice, students form the following professional competencies:

· able to implement the curriculum of basic and elective courses in various educational institutions (PC-1);

ready to apply modern methods and technologies, including information technologies, to ensure the quality of the educational process at a specific educational level of a particular educational institution (PC-2);

· is able to use the possibilities of the educational environment, including information, to ensure the quality of the educational process (PC-4);

· able to organize cooperation between students and pupils (PC-6);

During the period of pedagogical practice, future teachers should learn:

· carry out the selection of the content of the material on the topics of the program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO;

choose and develop a structural form of conducting classes, organize pedagogical cooperation in the classroom;

competently use the methods and teaching methods of teaching, helping children to consciously assimilate natural science ideas and concepts, the formation of practical skills;

Use ICT to conduct classes on the "World Around";

· to carry out ecological education of junior schoolchildren;

Must master:

· skills of working with programs, textbooks and teaching aids on the subject "World around";

· skills in drawing up calendar and thematic plans in accordance with the content of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and curricula in the subject;

the skills of compiling notes, the technological map of the lesson and conducting classes on the "World Around" in elementary school;

the skills of conducting lessons and excursions on the subject "World around"

· the skills of organizing extracurricular forms of natural science activities of younger students;

This manual gives recommendations to students on the organization of the educational process using various forms, methods and means teaching junior schoolchildren the subject "The world around us". Examples of lessons, excursions and extracurricular activities, criteria for evaluating the educational achievements of students are given.

Forms of organizing the education of junior schoolchildren in the subject "World around"

The following forms of organization of education in primary school can be distinguished: lesson; excursion; extracurricular work; homework; extracurricular work. Currently, the Federal State Educational Standard requires the organization project activities schoolchildren.

Methodological requirements for the preparation and conduct of a lesson on the subject "World around"

Lesson- the main form of organization of educational work in natural science, in which training sessions are conducted by a teacher with a group of students of a constant composition, of the same age and level of training for a certain time.

Main requirements to the modern lesson:

1. General didactic focus lesson. Often the teacher underestimates the special thinking of the purpose of the lesson. At the same time, setting a learning task that dictates the formulation of the goals (planned results) of the lesson helps to choose a rational structure and methods for conducting the lesson. In the modern lesson, the cognitive task is formulated together with students who want to solve the problem situation created by the teacher in the lesson. This methodological technique affects the motivational sphere of children, prompting them to action.

2. Sufficient material equipment. Both the lack and the excess of visual aids in the lesson are harmful. Their incompetent use hinders the development of the child's personality. It is important for the teacher to rationally, reasonably and expediently use teaching aids in the lesson.

3. Focus on the essentials, essential, on the assimilation of the basic concepts of the lesson, the leading educational ideas of the educational material. Sometimes in the lesson there is an overload of educational material with additional information, specific facts. The teacher unreasonably seeks to move away from the content of the textbook. At the same time, the essence of the lesson is lost behind the details. It is necessary during the explanation to highlight the main thoughts in voice, supporting signs on the board. It is recommended to write the topic and tasks (or plan) of the lesson on the board.

4. Systematicity, consistency, continuity and logical completeness of training operations. The teacher, following the idea of ​​the lesson, must be ready to quickly rebuild its course when the situation changes. The desire to fulfill the planned plan at any cost, regardless of the circumstances that arose in the lesson, often leads to formalism in teaching. A good teacher always has spare methodological options for teaching a lesson.

5. Mandatory combination of frontal, group and individual forms of organization of educational work on the lesson. The teacher should strive to organize educational work as a collective activity of children. At various stages of the lesson, tasks should be given not only to the whole class, but also to individual students, pairs or small groups. Such tasks can be general or differentiated depending on the learning abilities of students and the content of the educational material. Collective activity develops the communicative qualities of the individual, enhances the interdependence of children in the classroom.

6. Optimal psychological regime on the lesson . To do this, it is necessary to maintain the cognitive interest of children, to use methods of enhancing educational activities. In a modern school, the construction of lessons is based on the educational cooperation between the teacher and students, in which communication takes place on the basis of a combination of high demands and respect for the individual. The hygienic and aesthetic conditions in the classroom should not be underestimated.

7. Saving and rational use of time on the lesson. The teacher should correctly determine the type of lesson and choose its rational structure. Proper use of time at various stages of the lesson allows you to conduct it at an optimal pace for a particular class.

8. Restoration of business balance in case of its violation. In the class team from the very first lesson, disciplinary traditions should be formed that help the teacher to establish a business environment in the lesson.

9. Continuous control and self-control; consolidation and improvement of students' knowledge. Any type of educational work in the lesson should end with primary consolidation, which helps the teacher to control the assimilation of new knowledge and skills by students. During consolidation, the teacher can give tasks for self-examination and mutual examination of children.

10. Intersubject and intrasubject communications material studied in class. Any lesson is part of a topic, section, and therefore should be their logical unit. It is important to know what system of scientific concepts the program gives, and to build new concepts into this system, to form associative links with concepts learned in lessons in other subjects. At the same time, each lesson should give at least a small but holistic knowledge.

In order to develop a system consisting of interrelated lessons, it is necessary to use successive and promising connections, to know the place of each lesson in the topic, its connection with others. Without such a system, the course "The World Around" cannot be logical and purposeful.

Most methodologists in elementary school distinguish the following types of lessons:

1) introductory; 2) subject; 3) combined; 4) generalizing.

Each type of lesson has a certain structure, which depends on its goals, the content of the educational material, methods of conducting, and is determined by the sequence of interrelated stages of the lesson.

introductory lessons are held at the beginning of the course, section or large topic. For small topics, the teacher gives an introduction at the beginning of the first lesson.

The main didactic goals of such lessons are as follows:

1. To establish the level of preparation of students for the perception of new knowledge, to systematize existing knowledge.

2. To form a general idea of ​​the content of the educational material to be studied by children in subsequent lessons.

3. To acquaint students with the features of construction and methods of studying a new topic (section, course) in the textbook.

4. Arouse children's interest in a new topic (section, course). Put a few new problems and leave them open.

Introductory lessons can have the following approximate structure:

1) class organization;

2) setting learning objectives;

3) familiarization with the goals, content, structure of the section (topic) in the textbook;

4) actualization of existing knowledge;

5) formation of new ideas and concepts;

6) practicing methods of working with a textbook;

7) homework;

8) the result of the lesson.

An example of an introductory lesson on the topic "What is nature" (the program "The World Around" grade 3, 1 hour A.A. Pleshakov), see Appendix 2.1

Subject Lessons involve the work of students with objects of nature or educational devices. There is always practical work in these lessons. The allocation of this type of lesson is due to the specifics of the content of the initial natural science course.

Objectives of the subject lesson:

1. To achieve the assimilation of new knowledge through the direct work of students with objects of nature.

2. Develop practical skills in conducting simple natural science research.

This type of lesson requires serious advance preparation. The teacher must select handouts in advance. If required, then lay experiments (for example, when studying the development of a plant from a seed). You should do the frontal experiments yourself first in order to track how much time is spent on them.

Subject lessons have the following approximate structure:

1) class organization;

2) definition of the topic and setting learning objectives;

3) updating of basic knowledge;

4) carrying out practical work;

5) fixing;

6) homework;

7) the result of the lesson.

An example of a subject lesson on the topic: “What are the soils” (A.A. Pleshakov’s program, fourth grade), see Appendix 2.2

Combined Lessons the most common in teaching practice. These are lessons of this type, in which new material is studied and consolidated, continuity with previously studied is established. They combine several didactic purposes of equal importance:

1. Repeat and systematize previously studied material.

2. To achieve the assimilation of new ideas and concepts.

3. Develop practical skills.

4. Consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills.

In such a lesson, combinations of structural elements of various types of lessons can be used.

An example of a combined lesson on the topic: "A reservoir - a natural community" (A.A. Pleshakov's program, fourth grade), see Appendix 2.3

General lessons are held at the end of the study of a large topic or section.

Objectives of the general lesson:

1. Generalize and systematize the knowledge of children.

2. Work out the acquired skills and abilities.

3. Learn to apply knowledge and skills in new situations.

4. Set the level of mastering the program material and mastering practical skills.

The traditional structure of such a lesson is as follows:

1) class organization;

2) generalization and systematization of knowledge on the studied topic;

3) development of skills and abilities in the process of independent work;

4) the use of knowledge and skills in a new learning situation;

5) summarizing conversation;

6) the result of the lesson.

Generalizing lessons are often held in an unconventional form. These are competition lessons (“What, where, when”, “KVN”, etc.), travel lessons (“Journey through the natural areas of Russia”, “Geological expeditions around the native land”, etc.), business games (“Environmental Conference”, “If I were the head of the enterprise”, etc.). They are recommended to organize group or individual independent work of students. When organizing lessons of the latter type, the teacher must remember that in order to generalize the material, it is necessary to highlight the main thing in it; characterize the leading concepts; compare them with each other; establish causal relationships; find common patterns; formulate conclusions.

An example of a generalizing lesson on the topic "Minerals of your region" (A.A. Pleshakov's program, fourth grade) see Appendix 2.4

The characterization of science lessons will be incomplete if we do not dwell in more detail on the features of their structure in various educational systems.
